Tower Hill Bulletin - Fall 2018

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Tower Hill Bulletin Fall 2018

Learning from Nature Tower Hill Expands Environmental Initiatives Program Alumni Lead in Environmental Stewardship Outdoor Experiential Classroom to Enhance Student Learning Upper Schoolers Trek Outdoors during Tower Term PLUS

THS Launches 100th Year $1 Million Bequest from the Sutton Family 2017-2018 Annual Report

Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018


GETTING THEIR FEET WET Kindergarten students learned about the ecosystem of the marsh at a field trip to the Ashland Nature Center in May. 2

Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018



FALL 2018


38 44





14 Future of the Forest: Nick Brokaw ‘66

53 $1 Million Bequest Creates the Sutton Fund

8 Going Green with Environmental Initiatives

16 Natural History: Halsey Spruance ‘81

18 Jayme Murray Gittings ‘92 and Stephanie Bernasconi ‘09 20 Longwood Gardens: Sam Greenberg ‘10 22 Hiller Honey

24 Fourth-Graders Explore Art-Nature Connections

52 Timon and Nowland Join Board

54 Basketball Legend Sarah Cashman Gersky ‘79 56 Spring Athletic Highlights

58 Faculty Focus: Tim Weymouth, Science Department Chair 103 From the Archives: Alum in Antarctica

26 Reggio-Inspired Preschool Incorporates Natural Elements


30 Middle School Monitors Health of Brandywine

3 What’s Online

34 Environmental Electives in Upper School

6 Centennial Updates

37 Literature of the Sea

51 Moving Up Day

40 Tower Term Focus: Post-Apocalyptic Survival

64 2017-2018 Donor Honor Roll

28 Outdoor Classroom in Honor of Cpl. Stephen Ballard

2 From the Head of School

32 Snowtubing Trip Combines Math and Science

4 Around School

36 Sun Art with Cyanotype Prints

44 Graduation 2018

38 Tower Term Offers Experiential Classes

59 THS in Photos

42 Students Use Observatory to Photograph Night Skies

96 Homecoming and Reunion 2018

On the Cover

100 Class Notes

98 Alumni Events

Science teacher Mary Hobbs Taylor ‘09 shows Samuel Maroney ‘24 water quality monitoring equipment used during Stream Watch. Photo by Kirk Smith

Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018


Tower Hill BULLETIN COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Teresa Messmore Director of Communications and Marketing Amy Reynolds Communications Specialist Kirk Smith Marketing Specialist ADVANCEMENT OFFICE Kristin Mumford Director of Advancement and Enrollment Management Kate Bailey Director of Alumni Relations and Stewardship Julie Goldston Advancement Operations Manager Heather Weymouth Lowry ‘97 Director of the Annual Fund and Major Gifts Officer Linda Palmer Administrative Assistant CONTRIBUTERS Nick Brokaw ‘66 Chuck Durante ‘69 Bella Mulford ‘21 Reece Ratliff ‘21 Andrew Scibilia, Faculty Theresa Shorey, Faculty PHOTOGRAPHY Kate Bailey John Bartlett Steve Boyden Teresa Messmore Amy Reynolds Kirk Smith LAYOUT Amy Reynolds The Tower Hill Bulletin magazine is published twice annually to share how alumni, faculty, staff and students embody the school’s motto Multa Bene Facta, Many Things Done Well. Send Class Notes to with a high-resolution photo.

TOWER HILL SCHOOL 2813 W. 17th Street Wilmington, DE 19806 302-575-0550 | HEAD OF SCHOOL Elizabeth C. Speers 2018-2019 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Michelle Shepherd, Chair Ellen Kullman ‘74, Vice Chair Marna Whittington, Ph.D., Treasurer Jon Abramczyk, Secretary Ted Ashford III Kimberly Wright Cassidy, Ph.D. Anthony Cucuzzella, M.D. ‘82 Régis de Ramel Benjamin du Pont ‘82 Charles Elson Jack Flynn, M.D. ‘81 W. Whitfield Gardner ‘81 Laird Hayward ‘02 Eric Johnson, M.D. Henry Mellon David Nowland ‘85 Isabella Speakman Timon ‘92 Carmen Wallace ‘93 Gina Ward Vance Wilson Earl Ball, Ed.D., Emeritus Tower Hill School welcomes students of any race, religion, color or nationality. The school does not 2 Tower Hill Bulletin discriminate in its administrative policies or in the Fall 2018 administration of its program.

From the HEAD OF SCHOOL Dear Tower Hill families and friends, For those of us fortunate enough to know a person who has turned 100 years old, there is certainly mystery and majesty in this century milestone. We are naturally curious about the secrets of staying healthy and living a long life. My great grandmother, who lived to be 102, began each day by taking 10 deep breaths outdoors. As we usher in Tower Hill’s 100th year, it seems fitting that this issue of the Bulletin be dedicated to all the ways Tower Hill students, teachers and alumni are learning about and committed to preserving the environment and our planet. Richard Louv, author of Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder, contends that “there is no better way to preserve one’s health than to spend spare time in the garden, either digging, setting out or weeding. Time in nature is not leisure time; it’s an essential investment in our children’s health.” As we care for our school, our environment and our planet, we become healthier human beings. At Tower Hill we are committed to ensuring that our students gain the dexterity to know when to put their technological devices down to enjoy face-to-face conversation and to appreciate nature. As Tower Hill continues to provide an innovative yet timeless educational experience, we are establishing a visible and high-level commitment to environmental stewardship—an area front and center within our Strategic Plan and one that is prime for interdisciplinary learning. For example, physics teacher Tom Hoch is researching strategies for costsaving upgrades to the school’s energy sources. Director of Environmental Initiatives Penny Rodrick-Williams and Middle School Environmental Coordinator Luisa Sawyer are fostering greater student involvement in conservation and awareness efforts, demonstrating how small changes add up to big differences. Teachers throughout the school are incorporating courses, projects and lessons that align rigorous academics with an appreciation of nature. Tower Hill’s curricular repertoire over the past century certainly includes traditions that connect to the natural world, from the beloved eighth-grade Cape Henlopen trip to Stream Watch water quality monitoring. A few alumni might even remember “the Cabin,” built in the woods by students in 1924 near what is now Barley Mill Plaza and used in the past by every grade for cookouts and hands-on learning experiences—a tribute indeed to Tower Hill’s deep roots of integrating learning through nature. As we celebrate the upcoming ribbon cutting of our new Lower School Outdoor Classroom, complete with mud kitchen and described within these pages, Tower Hill is ensuring that “passion is lifted from the earth itself by the muddy hands of the young and it travels along grass-stained sleeves to the heart,” as Richard Louv says. As we usher in a second century of Tower Hill traditions, it is the passion and generosity of so many of you—our students, teachers, staff, alumni, parents, friends and trustees— who ensure this school’s amazing legacy of academic excellence at the highest level. Our newest alumni, the members of the Class of 2018, are off to an impressive array of top colleges around the country, from Harvard to University of Virginia, Dartmouth and Stanford—to name but a few. Be sure to mark your calendars for our Centennial Celebration on Sept. 20-22, 2019! With sincere appreciation,

Elizabeth C. Speers Head of School thsde

What’s ONLINE towerhillschool thsde

MIDDLE SCHOOL FAIR 32 likes Middle Schoolers hosted their annual fair for the Lower School in May to fundraise for FFAS.

FIELD DAY 2018 726 impressions, 5 likes The White team put up a good fight, but in the end the Greens won 149-126.

IVY LEAGUE TO THE BIG TEN 141 likes Tower Hill seniors have been accepted to a variety of great schools around the country. Congratulations to all of our seniors!

GIRLS ON THE RUN 642 impressions, 4 likes Tower Hill’s Girls on the Run team culminated a successful season at a 5K race held at the University of Delaware!

COMMUNITY SERVICE 48 likes Students demonstrated community support by planting pinwheel gardens for Child Abuse Prevention Month.

HOME AND SCHOOL 745 impressions, 5 likes The Home and School Association hosted a Teacher and Staff Appreciation Day luncheon in May.


EVENING OF THE ARTS 1,073 FACEBOOK VIEWS The hallways of Tower Hill were transformed into a huge art gallery displaying the work from all three divisions.

MIND AND MUSCLE CONTROL 501 FACEBOOK VIEWS Middle Schoolers participated in a humanto-human interface experiment, which allows brain signals from one person to stimulate the muscles of another.

CO2 DERBY 472 INSTAGRAM VIEWS Middle Schoolers raced their CO2 cars before Field Day in May.

Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018


Around SCHOOL Global Initiatives


Tower Hill's Chess Nuts team placed first at the 2018 Elementary National Chess Championship in Nashville in May in the K-6 u1000 section. Over 2,300 students from 43 states competed in the championship. Tad Coleman ‘27, Stokes Mellon ‘25, Braden Hehir ‘27, Finn Hehir ‘27, Richie Angiullo ‘25 and Daniel Fink ‘25 composed the winning team. Ahana Mitra ‘26 and Coale Crouch ‘24 played in the K-6 u1400 section, Mitra placing 11th and Crouch earning a medal. Tower Hill is the first team from Delaware to win first place at Nationals two years in a row. Congratulations!

The Lower School hosted its first World Fair on May 16. Throughout the school year, students and teachers participated in a variety of activities as part of the Lower School Passport Program. During the fair, Lower School students visited displays designed by each grade level (K-4th) in the 1919 Auditorium, and the day culminated in a Lower School Assembly with presenting their learning in creative and interesting ways.

Social Justice The Upper School Global Social Justice Symposium on April 25 featured keynote speaker and humanitarian Jordan Hattar (pictured at right), who shared his story of working with Syrian refugees. During the symposium, students and teachers from Tower Hill, Tatnall, Sanford and Episcopal Academy joined in sharing different perspectives through their personal narratives. Alumni Justin Hicks ‘09 and Matt Twyman ‘88 helped facilitate some of the discussions among students. The annual event is a collaboration between the Global Initiatives, Social Justice and Service Learning programs.

Jordan Hattar

Samantha Silvers ‘18 and Alex Bak ‘18


Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018

Justin Hicks ‘09 and Matt Twyman ‘88

The Arts Student-musicians performed at the Music in the Parks Festival Competition at Busch Gardens in May, and all groups earned Excellent ratings. Congratulations! Concert Choir, 1st place Women’s Chorus, 1st place Vocal Ensemble, 1st place String Orchestra, 1st place Jazz Band, 1st place Concert Band, 1st place and overall top band Will Zong ‘20, Best Student Accompanist David Goodman ‘18, Best Vocal Soloist


As part of Week of the Young Child in April, preschool teachers visited Sabot at Stony Point, a Reggioinspired school in Virginia. Learn more about the Reggio-Emilia approach to early childhood education—which incorporates an emphasis on the learning environment, process vs. product, developmentally appropriate practice and the importance of a community of learners—on page 26.

Service Tower Hill’s Jefferson Awards LEAD360 project was selected as the Mayor of Wilmington’s #1 project for the 2017-2018 school year. Students participated in four main community service events including hosting a “Day of Service” for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, hosting a “Breakfast Club” to assist those at the Ronald McDonald House and visiting residents at The Country House Retirement Community. The students generated over 100 hours of community service and have helped 500 people through their efforts.


Many Tower Hill alumni and parents shared their professional experiences with Upper School students on May 18 for Career Day. Students had the opportunity to explore careers in law, engineering, entrepreneurship, fine arts, medicine, marketing, science and more at the annual event. Pictured above is Mona Yezdani Gillen, M.D., ‘01 demonstrating a medical device.

Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018



SAVE THE DATE FOR TOWER HILL’S CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION WEEKEND: SEPT. 20-22, 2019 The Centennial Steering Committee, led by Mary Hobbs Taylor ‘09, is preparing many unique activities to commemorate Tower Hill’s 100th anniversary in 2019. This two-year celebration begins in the 2018-2019 school year—the 100th year of the school’s operation—and culminates on Centennial Weekend, Sept. 20-22, 2019. Save the date, and join us in these opportunities!

CALL FOR TOWER HILL MEMORABILIA The Centennial Committee is planning a Tower Hill history exhibit near the front entrance of the school. Please donate any Tower Hill memorabilia (almost anything other than yearbooks) to Ellis Wasson, Archivist, Tower Hill School, 2813 W. 17th Street, Wilmington, DE 19806. Thank you!


Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018

COMMEMORATIVE BOOK: 100 YEARS OF TEACHING EXCELLENCE AT TOWER HILL SCHOOL From the school’s earliest years, Tower Hill recruited outstanding teachers who were deeply committed to their students and their profession. Ask any Tower Hill alum for a favorite school memory, and more often than not it will involve a teacher who made a lasting impact. In honor of Tower Hill’s legacy of exceptional teaching, the publication of 100 Years of Teaching Excellence at Tower Hill School is scheduled for Centennial Weekend. Written and edited by former History Chair Ellis Wasson, Ph.D. and former history teacher and head of school Harry Baetjer, this collection will feature profiles of notable former Tower Hill teachers, nominated by alumni, faculty and staff. Copies of the book will be distributed to registered attendees of the Centennial Celebration. To nominate a former teacher as a candidate for consideration in the book, please visit

Tower Hill School

CENTENNIAL Sept. 20-22, 2019

CENTENNIAL CONVOCATION AND EVENING GALA Two highlights of Tower Hill’s Centennial Celebration weekend will be the Centennial Convocation and a festive evening gala on Saturday, Sept. 21, 2019. The Convocation program will include a keynote speaker, dignitaries, a Centennial medal, wonderful music and reflections through the decades. At the gala, walk down memory lane with alumni, teachers past and present, former and current parents and old friends at this once-in-a-lifetime event for the Tower Hill community. Gala co-chairs Linda Boyden and Isabella Speakman Timon ‘92 are overseeing the transformation of the St. Amour Garden and Carpenter Field House into an elegant gathering space for cocktails, dinner and dancing, right where the Tower Hill story began. This “Event of the Century” will be an unforgettable evening that no Hiller will want to miss. Be sure to save the date! 21 and over. Gala tickets will be available for purchase at this spring. ATHLETIC HALL OF FAME Nominations are now being accepted for the Tower Hill School Athletic Hall of Fame, which will recognize extraordinary Hiller athletes through the decades. The nomination form can be found at

EXHIBITION: ARTISTS AND AUTHORS The Tower Hill community is brimming with artistic and literary creativity—painters, authors, poets, photographers, illustrators, ceramicists— that will be celebrated at a Centennial Artists and Authors exhibit in the autumn of 2019. THS alumni, parents and faculty (past or present) will display their work in a show that includes book signings and virtual exhibits during Centennial Weekend. If you are interested in participating in this opportunity, please contact Judy Setting at with your name, Tower Hill affiliation, email address, website/link and exhibition items for show. IN THE WORKS Stay tuned for more information about these and other special Centennial activities that are in the works: • Collaborative Art Project • Centennial Speaker Series • Centennial Merchandise in the School Store

Visit for more updates and tag your THS memories on social media with #towerhill100 Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018


The blue granite and plants in Brandywine Creek State Park provide the backdrop for many Tower Hill environmental science outings.


Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018



TOWER HILL has always had green pride, and now students, faculty and administrators are taking that green spirit to the next level. In more ways than one, Tower Hill is going green. Upper School science teacher Penny RodrickWilliams is leading the charge, taking on the role of director of environmental initiatives with the main role of being “head cheerleader” for green programs schoolwide. She coordinates projects between the divisions, such as recycling efforts, Earth Day activities and paper use reduction throughout the whole school, to give a few examples. “Going green is something we’re hoping to integrate into everything we do so that it becomes habit and not just, ‘This week we’re going to focus on recycling, and this week we’re going to focus on not wasting food,” RodrickWilliams said. “We’re hoping it more becomes just what we do and not just a one-time event.” Throughout the past year, Tower Hill has been making environmentally friendly changes to

its buildings, replacing fluorescent bulbs with more efficient LED bulbs and adding sensors for lights in places that aren’t used all the time, such as bathrooms and locker rooms. Some habits and behaviors may seem small, but over time they can add up. “A lot of people have started sending things out electronically instead of making copies,” she said. “So I think it’s all those little things that add up to big things in the long run. Permission slips that go out online instead of sending something home printed. Recycling. Reducing. The sophomore class officers are working on an alternative to the paper cups in the lunch room for snacks and coffee. It’s these little things that add up to be big things.” Environmental science lessons, in all divisions, can also be incorporated into the classroom. Fourth-grader Ellie Heifetz ‘26, for example, was inspired to start a Lower School recycling challenge in May after reading a TIME for Kids article in class. For two weeks, students were challenged to recycle aluminum cans, plastic bottles, scrap

Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018


paper and cardboard, and the grade that recycled the most items won a pizza party. “Teachers may think, ‘Oh, well, I don’t teach environmental science.’ But just by doing that lesson—just by reading that book—they are,” Rodrick-Williams said. Lower School science teacher Nancy Tate incorporates ecology and the environment into her classroom regularly. “We have conversations about how there are choices that we can make that will help our planet, and if you have millions of people doing it, it’s going to make a difference,” Tate said. “We talk a lot about turning off the lights, and what it’s like to have class in here with only one set of lights on. We talk about saving energy, and saving animals and plants that could go extinct.”

As part of Tower Hill’s efforts to become certified as a “Green School,” Rodrick-Williams held a contest for students to design an Eco-Code that describes the school’s commitment to being environmentally friendly. Fourth-grader Subhi Yadav ‘26 won the contest by writing an acrostic poem that said ENVIRONMENT. Much like the honor code, the EcoCode was printed on a banner that all students, faculty and staff signed.

One of Rodrick-Williams’ main goals for the first year of the Environmental Initiatives program was to get recycling bins in every classroom and to teach faculty and students how to use them correctly.


“I’d love for it to just become second nature so people don’t hesitate at all to put things in the right bin,” Rodrick-Williams said. “I’d like to see us cut down on our waste in general. It takes time and it takes patience, and I think it’s easy to get discouraged because it takes a lot to get people to change their habits. Having a lot of these things just become habit is one of our main goals.” Tower Hill’s Strategic Plan includes a goal to “establish a visible and high-level commitment to environmental stewardship,” falling under a broader focus on preparing students to become active contributors to their communities and the world. “Various environmental clubs, lessons and field trips have been part of the Tower Hill experience for decades, but a more coordinated approach will help students see the collective impact over their time here,” Head of School Bessie Speers said. “Today’s young people are fascinated by the technology and cost-benefit savings of electric cars, solar panels and hydroelectric power, and we as a school can nurture that curiosity in educationally meaningful ways.” One of Rodrick-Williams’ goals for environmental initiatives is to earn certifications through several national programs. Tower Hill is already well on its way to earning the first of three levels in


the Eco-Schools program, a national program sponsored by the National Wildlife Federation. In the future, Rodrick-Williams would like to apply to be a certified Green Ribbon School, a national program supported by the U.S. Department of Education. Both certifications involve assessing the school’s environmental and sustainability efforts and education and working on reducing the overall environmental impact.

Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018

Though Tower Hill has celebrated Earth Day in years past, this year all three divisions participated in new and exciting ways to build visibility to the school’s Environmental Initiatives. The Lower School continued its tradition of taking a nature walk through Rockford Park and by the blue rocks by the Brandywine Creek. Also in Rockford Park, the Middle and Upper Schools participated in a BioBlitz with Delaware State Parks, with the goal of identifying as many species as possible in a short amount of time. The Middle and Upper Schools also participated in an Earth Hour, a World Wildlife Fund program that encourages everyone to turn their lights off for one hour. “Teachers participated in different ways,” RodrickWilliams said. “My son’s a band student, and in his class that day they played music that they didn’t need to look at the sheet music for, so they practiced scales and stuff like that because they didn’t have to read the music. Other classes had discussions with the lights out; some went outside. So there are lots of different ways that students and teachers participated.” While to some one hour may not seem like much, physics teacher Tom Hoch and a few of his students

Director of Environmental Initiatives Penny Rodrick-Williams, left, with students during Environmental Science class.

figured out exactly how much energy was saved in his classroom alone during that one hour— 4.8 kWh of energy, or 17 million Joules. How much is that exactly? According to Hoch, for humans to produce that amount of energy, the entire school (about 800 people) would have to do about 200 squats each. And that’s to produce the energy used by just one classroom in one hour! Hoch is helping Tower Hill as Environmental Strategist, researching partnerships specifically related to energy conservation. The Student Government Association Environmental Board in the Upper School also hosted a $2 jeans day and donated the money to the Delaware Nature Society and the Delaware chapter of the Audubon Society.

STUDENT AND FACULTY INVOLVEMENT Leading up to Earth Day, the SGA Environmental Board, led by Jake Spruance ‘19, created a video about Earth Day with tips on what people can do to

save energy, save water and increase biodiversity. At the end of the 2017-2018 school year, Spruance and the rest of the Environmental Board conducted an energy audit by asking faculty and staff to fill out a survey about how much energy they use in their classrooms and offices. The idea was that Tower Hill would get a rating on how it performed, with the goal of reducing energy and then repeating the audit at the end of the 2018-2019 school year. “More than anything else, the goal is to raise awareness for things in our community,” Spruance said. “One of the biggest things is unplugging outlets when they’re not in use because the electricity is still on standby.” This year, Rodrick-Williams also organized the Green Team, a group of faculty and staff from all divisions and different departments that meets about once a month to see what can be done throughout the whole school to further green initiatives and make sure activities are reaching each division.

Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018


Middle School students participate in a BioBlitz in

12Rockford Tower Hill Park on Bulletin Earth Day.

Fall 2018

A GREEN TRADITION While there’s always work to be done, in many ways, Tower Hill has already been going green. In addition to the Lower School’s annual Earth Day walk, each year the Tower Tots learn about sea turtles and host a bake sale to sponsor a sea turtle nest in North Carolina through the Ocean Isle Beach Sea Turtle Protection Organization. The Home and School Association also hosts the clothing sale, so instead of an item being thrown out, it’s resold and kept out of a landfill. In February, Rodrick-Williams attended a Delaware Association of Environmental Educators conference, and in talking to other educators learned that many schools are challenged with the amount of waste they produce in their cafeterias. “So many of them don’t have a dining facility like we do,” Rodrick-Williams said. “So they’re dealing with disposable trays, disposable silverware—just the sheer amount of waste that they generate is their biggest struggle. And we have reusable plates, silverware and trays. So something as simple as having our Dining Room is already a great thing.” For Rodrick-Williams, getting students to make the connection that their everyday actions can make a big impact is one of the first steps toward going green as an entire school. “It’s easy to hear about deforestation or the ice caps melting and be like, ‘Oh yeah, whatever, that’s a long way away or there’s nothing I can do about that,’ but something as simple as turning the lights off or recycling can have an impact,” she said. “It’s the little things that we do that have a much greater impact than we may recognize.” Scientific data and research indicates that society is currently at a tipping point, and that if populations don’t make changes as a whole, the damage taking place could be irreparable. Teachers know that much of that responsibility lies within today’s students. “Our kids need to be part of the solution,” Tate said. “I always like to say, ‘I’m confident that one of you in this room is going to be a scientist, and you’re going to work on this problem.’ I like to paint that picture of them being a part of the solution.”

TURNING OFF THE LIGHTS Tom Hoch and his Upper School physics students calculated how much energy was saved in their classroom during Earth Hour on April 20. Here is what they calculated: 36 T12 Fluorescent tube lights in the room at 43 watts each (including ballast factor) for one hour = 1.55 kWh 22 T12 Fluorescent tube lights in the hallway (they turned the lights out in the hallway as well) at 43 watts each (including ballast factor) for one hour = 0.946 kWh 1 SMART Board (2.5 Watts) for one hour = .0025 kWh 1 projector (320 Watts) for one hour = .32 kWh 4 100 Watt incandescent lights for one hour = 0.4kWh 8 computers (200 Watts each) for one hour = 1.6 kWh for a total of 4.8 kWh of energy (17 million Joules) Thus, it would take about five (18 ft^2 each) solar panels (250 Watts each) being in the sun for about four hours to produce the energy to run one classroom for one hour. Tower Hill gets this energy from mainly non-renewable sources like coal and oil, which take tens of millions of years to be produced by the sun and earth. Could humans produce this energy, say, by doing squats? Yes. If the whole school (800 people, 50-kg each) did 200 squats each (up and down by 0.2 meters), they could create the energy to run one classroom for one hour.

WE LOVE TREES! Tower Hill Bulletin magazine is printed on Forest Stewardship Council-approved paper, meaning these pages are made from responsibly sourced forests and/or recycled material. FSC’s motto is Forests for All Forever, and to learn more about the organization visit


Watch a student-created video about environmentally friendly tips at Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018


A big-leaf mahogany tree. Photo courtesy of Forest & Kim Starr.



I GOT INTERESTED in trees when I was a teenager at Tower Hill. That interest led to a career studying tropical forests and my job as professor of environmental science at the University of Puerto Rico. The beautiful forms and great diversity of tropical forest trees, and the ecological processes that sustain that diversity, are fascinating. And it’s an adventure to work in places like Panama, Belize, the Philippines and Puerto Rico. Trees and travel inspire me, but ongoing deforestation depresses me and, more importantly, increases poverty, climate change and species extinction. So I’ve joined with my spouse, Sheila Ward, currently a Fulbright Fellow, to help manage tropical forests for both conservation and income. In Quintana Roo, Mexico, Sheila helps with


Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018

management of community-owned forests, to harvest valuable timber, like mahogany, while protecting the forest and maintaining timber income for the future. In Belize, we help with management of the 250,000-acre Rio Bravo Conservation and Management Area (RBCMA), operated by Programme for Belize, a local organization. We take the long view in Belize. In 1991 I set up four 2.4-acre plots in which we identified the species and measured the diameter of all trees greater than four inches in diameter. We recently re-censused these trees. We found stability and change: stability, in that many original trees were still present but grew little; and change, in that other trees had died and been replaced by new

ALUMNI Nick Brokaw ‘66 measures a big-leaf mahogany tree in a forest in Belize.

trees, and some trees grew fast. These results tell us how tree harvesting may affect the presence and growth of different tree species and how to manage the forest for long-term timber harvesting income, while maintaining the diversity of species.

regrowth some species found good conditions for survival on ruins; the descendants of trees in ancient gardens may still dominate in some places; tree species diversity may be low in the anciently deforested areas.

And we take an even longer view. About 1,100 years ago the ancient Maya thrived in what is now the RBCMA, building temples, courtyards, terraces and other structures. They evidently deforested much of the area for farming, but it’s likely they also kept gardens with useful tree species and possibly whole orchards of useful trees. From 800 to 900 A.D., the Maya abruptly and mysteriously declined. A diverse forest grew back, covering temples and fields, maybe expanding from Maya gardens and orchards. What part did tree cultivation play in ancient Maya success? What part did deforestation play in their demise? How has Maya history affected the modern forest? Answers to these questions may help us better manage today’s forest.

There are strong associations of some species with large ruins, such as temples. We are still working on establishing subtler correspondences between ancient land use and modern trees, although some people think the whole forest strongly reflects ancient tree cultivation. One thing we suggest is that ancient deforestation and subsequent regrowth of a diverse forest do not allay concern about modern deforestation. Modern deforestation produces vast, treeless landscapes, where regrowth of a diverse forest is uncertain; ancient deforestation likely produced a tight mosaic of forested and non-forested patches that provided diverse products and facilitated regrowth after the Maya decline. More analysis could also suggest, for example, that hypothesized ancient orchards and other past practices sustained the Maya and are models for present management and future conservation. The future of the forest may lie in its past.

So Sheila and I are working with archaeologists. They map the ruins of ancient Maya features, with ground surveys and aerial remote sensing. We map tree species on the ground, to see how their modern spatial distributions correspond to the mapped ruins and apparent ancient land uses. For example, it may be evident today that during forest

Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018




WHEN HALSEY SPRUANCE ‘81 was 12 years old, his grandfather took him on his first trip to Africa. They stayed in tented camps at several national parks throughout Kenya, and he’ll never forget standing on the edge of the Great Rift Valley. It was “mind-blowing” to see from one side to the other, he said, looking down at the migration of the wildebeests, zebras and giraffes in the center. “I just couldn’t believe what I was seeing,” Spruance said. “That was one of the first times that opened my eyes to the fact that there was so much more of the world to see than just in 19807.” In fact, it was those trips with his grandfather, not just to Africa but also to Alaska, Central America, Egypt and Europe, that instilled a love for exploration and continually learning things,


Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018

ultimately leading him to a career in environmental conservation and education. After college, Spruance worked at National Geographic for 10 years in the records library, as a photo editor for Nat Geo Traveler magazine and in marketing and communications. From there, he moved back to the Brandywine Valley and worked as the director of public relations at the Brandywine Conservancy and Museum of Art for 10 years. Now in his 11th year as the executive director of the Delaware Museum of Natural History in Wilmington, Spruance oversees the museum’s collections, education programs and scientific research. “The Delaware Museum of Natural History, since it opened in 1972, has been a wonderful resource

The museum, which is known for its extensive collections of seashells, birds and bird eggs, is beginning to move away from the lecture-type presentation of programs that most museums of natural history are known for. Instead, Spruance said the museum is moving toward programs that are more open-ended and inspire both kids and adults to think for themselves on how to understand a certain aspect of nature or science. “The model of traditional museums of natural history is changing,” Spruance said. “What we’ve done in the past and what we’re really good at is telling you all that we know about the natural world. Natural history museums are fantastic at that. What they’re not so fantastic at, and what we’re moving toward, is to say, ‘How does it affect me, why should I care and how can I take it forward?’”

“I definitely think of humankind as a part of nature,” Spruance said. “With the issues that are confronting us today, whether it is for climate change or habitat loss, and increasing urbanization, the need to know about our natural environments is all the more important.”


for this city and this community to have,” Spruance said.

But for Spruance, the best part of his job is seeing those little moments of wonder and excitement in children at the museum. “It’s an absolutely dynamic and interesting place to come to work every day,” he said. “The things that are going on here are mind-blowing, and it can be as simple as watching a child walk over a coral reef, eyes agape, to seeing that stunning ‘aha’ moment when they discover why eggs are oval and not round. And there are millions of examples like that that happen here constantly.”

The programs at the museum have changed dramatically in the past few years, bringing in a much more interdisciplinary approach to education than in the past. Spruance first experienced that kind of interdisciplinary approach through a liberal arts education at Tower Hill, where he attended from PreK through 9th Grade before going to boarding school. “I’m a big proponent for that liberal arts education, and we did have the opportunity to do just about everything at Tower Hill,” said Spruance, whose two sons, William Spruance ‘14 and James Spruance ‘17, are also alumni. “The attention I got to all the different arts, Multa Bene Facta, was so important. I was not specialized in any one thing. I didn’t specialize in one sport; I didn’t specialize in one study. So that idea of getting that liberal arts education is where I am now. And I’m applying that in my day-to-day activities here at the museum.” At the museum, there are more art displays taking place than ever before, and the conservation programs are more frequent than in years past. In fact, this past summer, the museum hosted a “straw-less” summer, during which they taught people about how harmful plastic straws can be to wildlife.

Halsey Spruance '81 (right) with his grandfather and sister in Kenya in the mid-1970s.

Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018



Brandywine Red Clay (BRC) Alliance’s mission is to promote the restoration, conservation and enjoyment of natural resources of the Brandywine and Red Clay Watershed through education, scientific activities, environmental stewardship and advocacy. The BRC holds many connections to Tower Hill. Jayme Murray Gittings ‘92 is the director of development and marketing. Stephanie Bernasconi ‘09 is the education coordinator. Andrew Homsey ‘83, Brent du Pont ‘10 and Kai Lassen P ‘07, ‘09 are on the board. Many parents of campers are also Tower Hill alums. But, most importantly, the work of the Brandywine Red Clay Alliance directly affects Tower Hill, as the BRC works in part to protect the rivers and streams that run through Northern Delaware, including the Brandywine River. Gittings and Bernasconi shared the following reflections on their educations, careers and the impact they’re making on kids and the planet.


Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018


Jayme Murray Gittings ‘92

Stephanie Bernasconi ‘09

Why is learning from nature important? The things that I learn about myself and about my community while in nature is just humbling, because it reminds me of how small I am in this massive creation, and how important it is that I don’t destroy it—that I leave it better than I found it. And I find that a little easier to get my head around when I’m outside.

Why is learning from nature important? You can’t learn about nature if you’re not in it. Nature is so important. It surrounds us, and it affects everything we do. It affects governments and schools, and it’s what drives me to be a better nature enthusiast and citizen. I do reduce my plastic, and I want to teach other people to do that as well and teach them why it needs to happen. Learning through nature and learning outside the classroom instills values that hopefully the students and campers can take with them for the rest of their lives. If you want to keep nature the way it is, then you have to learn what it is and why it’s important.

What do you enjoy about your job? I like that the mission is two-fold. I like that it has to do with the here and now with the kids and what they’re doing every day. But at the same time, there’s also this balance of what’s going to happen in the future. There are so many energies that happen all year round that aren’t going to pay off for potentially decades, but they’re still valuable. The organization is able to balance those two priorities, and you need them both. What was your experience like at Tower Hill? My experience was wonderful. It was a place that introduced me to community service. The community service requirement was the first time that I had ever done any sort of volunteering, and it was my first introduction to the world being bigger than my little enclave. My mom always taught me that you’re not an island, and that it’s very important to go out and realize with compassion what’s going on in the world. So I was first introduced to how to do that at Tower Hill, and then I just kind of built on it and then I found myself in a career of giving back through nonprofit work.

What interested you in a career in environmental education? When I was growing up here, my mom sent me to every summer camp under the sun, and I always tended to go to the camps that were outside. What we have at the BRC is important, and things like climate change and ocean acidification—they start here in our watershed. I want to do that little part I can to help kids see the bigger picture. Were there any experiences at Tower Hill that you think shaped your outlook and career? The Ecology Club in Middle School with Mrs. Lamborn, and Mrs. V-G (Vayo Greenbaum) took me under her wing in 8th Grade and taught me how awesome science could be. Getting outside and doing water-quality testing with them, or the field trip to Cape Henlopen—all of my seminal moments didn’t happen in a classroom. They were physically outside.

Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018


“Doing things with your hands—actively pursuing science and art—is important. You can learn a lot from a textbook, but to go down and see different systems interacting is so beneficial.”


Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018




Sam Greenberg ‘10 is a horticulturist at Longwood Gardens, where he works with outdoor displays. He received a Bachelor of Science from Virginia Tech in 2014 and interned at Winterthur and the Hahn Horticulture Garden at Virginia Tech. After graduating, he worked at Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello in Charlottesville, Virginia, before starting at Longwood Gardens in spring 2018. What was your experience like at Tower Hill? I was a lifer at Tower Hill. My dad went there. I graduated in 2010, and I have two younger brothers who also went there. My family has been heavily involved with Tower Hill, my mother through the Camp Fair as well as all the sporting events working in the snack shop for football games. My dad was on the board for a couple years. I just absolutely loved it at Tower Hill, having all the opportunities to do so many great things. There were so many choices—freedom for English classes, freedom for science electives. Tower Hill did a great job preparing me for college, and I’m extremely thankful for that. And I have a lot of fond memories. Why did you decide to pursue a career in horticulture? I grew up with it. I grew up going to Longwood, Hagley and Winterthur. My mother was on the board for Preservation Delaware, and I remember volunteering right down the road at Gibraltar, so I just fell into it. In college, I switched my major twice, and the only thing that stayed constant was taking horticulture classes, so when I switched it for the final time, I decided to pursue a horticulture minor. I volunteered at the student garden at Virginia Tech and volunteered so much that they offered me a part-time job, so I worked there about 30 hours a week. Then after I graduated it turned into an internship for six months. Then I interned at Winterthur for eight months, and through Winterthur I made connections and was able to get a job at Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello down in Charlottesville. I was down in Charlottesville for two years, and then that led me here. In your own words, what exactly is a horticulturist? A horticulturist is a cross between an artist and a scientist. It takes an eye to know what will look good together and what works. And it takes the knowledge to understand that it might look good, but if it doesn’t live for a season, it doesn’t mean anything. Sometimes you have to be a detective with figuring out why a plant isn’t doing well, performing a soil test or scouting for insects. Knowing the growth habit of the plant, knowing its nutritional needs... And it’s just a field where everything is constantly changing. The breeders are amazing. They can create plants with whatever

pattern you want, whatever color you want. It’s just incredible, so there’s always something new to learn. What’s the best part of your job? It’s two-fold. Creating the memories is definitely one, just the satisfaction of that. Then just in horticulture in general it’s the instant gratification that you get from the job that you do. Switching out a design for the new season, taking something that looks like it’s limping along and really bringing it to life so it looks spectacular. And it’s not just the giant projects. It’s as simple as putting mulch down on a bed or weeding or taking something that looks like a jungle and turning it into something clean and crisp and pristine. It’s nice being able to actually see your work be done. It’s not just numbers on a spreadsheet. Why did you want to work at Longwood Gardens? I absolutely love the area. I loved growing up in Wilmington. I think it has such a great heritage with being so close to Philadelphia, the garden capital of America. There are over 30 gardens within 30 miles of Philadelphia, so as far as horticulture goes, it’s one of the top places that you can be. I’ve always wanted to work at Longwood. I always wanted to create beautiful garden spaces for people. I have such fond memories here that if I can help facilitate memories for other people, it’s such a rewarding feeling. People come here with their grandparents, they bring newborn babies here, they take engagement and wedding photos here, so it’s really nice to be a part of that, to be a part of so many memories. How did you benefit from experiential learning at Tower Hill? It helped me realize that doing things with your hands—actively pursuing science and art—is important. You can learn a lot from a textbook, but to go down and see different systems interacting is so beneficial. Just having that experience is really important. It’s like with the other science subjects, you learn about it in a textbook and then you do it. There’s no sense in just learning about a chemical experiment; you go to the fume hood and you do it. I think the best way to learn is by doing.

Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018




FOR MANY YEARS, students at Tower Hill have grown their own flowers and vegetables. Now, they’ll have bees. With the addition of Tower Hill’s first beehive this past April, Science Department Chair Tim Weymouth hopes the school will start looking at itself as its own horticultural and agricultural microcosm. “The idea is to use our whole campus as a classroom rather than being indoors and just popping outside— really using the outdoors as an extension of our work that we do at Tower Hill School,” Weymouth said. The bees, which were donated by Chris Donoho ‘87, P ‘16, ‘20, currently reside in a foundation that Director of Facilities John Tchinnis built by the St. Amour Garden and are being cared for by Rev. Tom Speers, P ‘19. “It would be fascinating to introduce a handful of kids to bees,” said Speers, who has taken an interest in bees as a hobby. “I’m excited at the prospect that there are some students as well as teachers in the community who are excited to learn—as I am learning right now, too—about how bees contribute to our wider community, the structure of their home, how they live together and how incredibly industrious they are.”

“Kids need to know from an early age how important bees are,” Tate said. “I think it shows kids more than anything else that if their teachers and the people who lead the school are saying these honeybees are so important that we’re going to have our own hives, then—wow these must be important. The honeybees are a wonderful way to really help our kids think globally, think about the importance of pollination and to not be afraid.” One of Weymouth’s goals as Science Department Chair is to make learning more experiential and to use the entire campus as a classroom. The addition of the bees helps him do that. “Getting outside and learning outside, using not just your classroom but the hallways and the school as your greater classroom, that makes it experiential,” he said. “You remember what you do, what you make, where you’ve been. It’s harder to remember a certain page from a textbook. It’s hard to remember a certain equation. You have to experience it to make meaning.”

Weymouth said he hopes beekeeping can be a Tower Term course in the spring of 2019, and possibly an Upper School club after that. “The great thing about this is experiential learning is nothing new,” Weymouth said. “Since the dawn of humankind, we’ve been out learning in nature and from each other. But the concept here is, some of our students don’t really know where some of their products come from—be it dairy products, agricultural products and even honey—so this gives a better idea about that aspect.” Lower School science teacher Nancy Tate is also excited to bring the bees into the Lower School science curriculum. Tate teaches the animal kingdom in 1st Grade, and bees are the insect she focuses on because of the importance of pollination.


Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018

Lower School science teacher Nancy Tate samples honey straight from the hive with Tom Speers, at right.


Watch a video about the new beehive at


Special care is taken for the proper introduction of the queen bee into Tower Hill’s new hive.

Jarl Mork, a consultant from the Pennsylvania State Beekeepers Association, instructs faculty and visitors on proper beehive maintenance.

New bees were installed in the spring.

Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018




AS LILY LEUNG ‘26 made her way down the River Trail at the Brandywine River Museum, she made a quick sketch of a flower she spotted along the way. Her tour guide then stopped for a moment to ask the students in the group which colors they saw reflected in the water. Blue, green, brown—she jotted that down, too. Inside the museum, the students then looked at paintings by N.C. Wyeth, Paul Weber, George Weymouth and others who also used the natural Brandywine Valley landscape for inspiration in their own artwork. When Leung got back to school, she and the rest of the fourth-graders looked at their inspiration sketches—notes they took from both the River


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Trail and from inside the museum—and created their own masterpieces that were displayed at the museum last summer. Leung was inspired by a painting of a brown bird in a pink tree and decided to base her finished piece of art off of that. “I’m excited to see my painting at the museum,” Leung said before the opening of the students’ art exhibition. “And the trip was fun because I liked drawing the scenery and seeing different paintings from different artists. Going inside and outside was nice because we saw almost everything.” The art and nature field trip in early May, which was organized by Lower School art teacher Jane Chesson and Lower School science teacher Nancy Tate, gave the fourth-grade students the


opportunity to investigate aspects of landscape art, animal and plant life, habitat and watershed both inside and outside of the museum. “The most exciting thing for me was being able to take a step back and watch the kids really be artists,” Chesson said. “So many of them knew exactly what they wanted to go back to and draw from or paint from, and they were so excited and so focused. They looked like artists on a research trip, and that was really neat to be able to see them have that opportunity and be very independent.” But the trip wasn’t just an opportunity for students to relate to artists and then work on their own art skills. Students also had the opportunity to learn about the nature present in the Brandywine Valley, and to learn how art and science are often interconnected. “STEM is really my thing, but I understand STEAM,” Tate said, acknowledging the addition of art to the shorthand for science-technologyengineering-math. “The people who are passionate about the arts look at a STEM project and go, ‘Well, wait a minute, there’s a lot of art in there.’ In class I’ll ask something like, ‘Does Mrs. Chesson ever

talk about patterns in art?’ It helps the kids to make these connections to see that they’re not learning one topic as a standalone, that it is connected to other disciplines, like art.” For both Chesson and Tate, learning outside of the classroom—especially outdoors—is crucial. “When you’re out in nature, it’s a complete sensory experience,” Chesson said. “You’re hearing sounds, you’re smelling the smells of nature, you’re able to touch things. You’re able to have all of your senses activated by what you’re experiencing.” Head of Lower School Susan Miller said one of the many benefits of taking students outdoors is that learning becomes spontaneous and student-centered. “It’s experiences like these that help us appreciate the beauty that surrounds us, pay greater attention to details—whether in a blossom, a rock or a painting—and develop a greater sense of gratitude,” Miller said. “Our teachers are always looking for and creating opportunities like these that allow our students to remain curious, to wonder, to ponder and to think.”

Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018




their knowledge and experiences, be it through art, IF YOU FOLLOW the pulse of early childhood music, drama, writing, etc. education, you have heard the term “Reggio” quite a lot. It’s a term that refers to a preschool and primary This year, the Tower Tot and PreKindergarten faculty educational philosophy that focuses on child-centered, participated in several professional development experiential learning. The philosophy grew out of opportunities in an effort to learn more about a the experience of a town in Reggio Emilia, Italy, post Reggio-inspired classroom. We visited ReggioWorld War II, where a community came together to inspired schools in rebuild a war-torn city and agreed “The environment in a Reggio-inspired Pennsylvania, New that constructing schools were York and Virginia paramount to the city’s future. classroom is considered the ‘third and, in true Reggio The schools would emphasize teacher.’ Ideally, it is a classroom filled form, developed progressive and cooperative early with natural light, open spaces and relationships with childhood education, and the authentic, natural materials and tools fellow professionals Reggio Philosophy took shape. that encourage real-life interactions and around the country, which helped to inform The Reggio approach is based promote investigation.” our journey toward on principles that value the child embracing this approach. Crucial to the success of as a communicator and a social collaborator who this philosophy is the environment, or the classroom is capable of constructing his or her own learning in which children live out these daily explorations. In while working alongside classmates. Additionally, it fact, the environment in a Reggio-inspired classroom identifies the teacher as an observer and researcher is considered the “third teacher.” Ideally, it is a who provides his or her students with opportunities classroom filled with natural light, open spaces and for exploration in order to realize that learning. Its authentic, natural materials and tools that encourage aim is to honor the “hundred languages of children,” real-life interactions and promote investigation. or the variety of ways in which children represent


Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018


One of the first things we did was evaluate our current classroom space to identify ways to promote greater curiosity and meaningful learning for Tower Hill’s youngest students. Our initial actions included minimizing the amount of plastic in the room, creating a home-like coziness with natural light, plants and mirrors, and arranging spaces to invite collaboration among students. And then we invested in “loose parts,” or materials, that urge creativity, stimulate imagination and allow for flexible creations rather than prescribed end products. These items include feathers, sea shells, cork, nuts and bolts, pebbles, beans, leaves, sticks, bark, flowers—the possibilities are endless. Using natural materials in and out of the classroom offers students a variety of educational benefits. The process of simply handling different resources stimulates a child’s tactile senses, providing texture and weight to fine motor activities which, in turn, helps to strengthen hand and finger coordination. Materials can be used with no formal agenda or set out with an intention to pattern, count, sort, weigh or tell a fantastic story. As children are more exposed to these types of materials and have time to study them, they will naturally ask questions and the learning begins. The goal is always to promote discovery and inquiry, to increase observational acuity and to create a connection to the natural world. As newlyweds to this philosophy, we are still learning and growing, along with our students. The Reggio approach demands that we follow the lead of our

children, rely less on rigid lesson plans and remain flexible to the variety of routes their learning may lead us, and document and listen with conviction to the hundred languages they share. Including the use of natural learning materials, coupled with bringing the outdoors into our classrooms, puts our students on a more engaging, authentic educational journey.

Theresa Shorey works with a child in a prekindergarten classroom with plentiful natural light.

Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018



EXPERIENTIAL OUTDOOR CLASSROOM TO HONOR MEMORY OF CPL. STEPHEN J. BALLARD Corporal Stephen J. Ballard’s heart was as big as his smile. Prekindergartners knew it when he visited their classroom in the fall of 2016, gathering around him in a circle to listen and learn about his career as a Delaware State Trooper. Their conversation was part of a classroom unit on Super Heroes in the Community, and indeed, that is how Cpl. Ballard is remembered today. Tragically lost in the line of duty on April 26, 2017, Ballard was husband to Tower Hill parent Louise Cummings and stepfather to Abigail Lewis ‘30. His warm, giving nature touched all those who knew him, young and old. Cummings is honoring her late husband’s legacy through a generous gift supporting a new Lower School outdoor classroom. Deeply committed to Abigail’s education, Ballard shared an appreciation for learning and the outdoors. The outdoor experiential classroom will transform the empty lawn off the Tower Road entrance, next to the Stabler Building, into a dynamic learning center for Tower Tots through Grade 4. Young children learn through tactile, interactive experiences, and the outdoor space complements the Reggio approach adopted in Tower Hill’s preschool as well as the subjects of science, reading, art, music and drama throughout the entire Lower School. “We’re taking all of those special subject areas and giving them an expanded platform where kids can have hands-on experiences in a natural environment,” Head of Lower School Susan Miller said. Construction began last summer and is scheduled for completion this fall. —Teresa Messmore

The late Corporal Stephen J. Ballard at Tower Hill with his stepdaughter, Abigail, and her prekindergarten classmates during a school visit in October 2016. 28 Tower Hill Bulletin Fall 2018


Draft renderings courtesy of

Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018





Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018

It’s the fourth time the fifth-graders have gone out to the Brandywine this year as part of Stream Watch, though it’s Peters’ first time looking for macroinvertebrates. Stream Watch has been done by the Delaware Nature Society since 1995, and fifth-graders at Tower Hill have been participating since 2001. Each class goes down to the Brandywine four times a year, and the students separate into four groups—a plant and animal group, macroinvertebrates group, water chemistry group and visual survey group—and switch their areas of study each time they go out to the river. “Depending on the season, you’ll see different kinds of plants and animals,” Peters said. “I like looking at all the plants and animals because they’re very interesting because you don’t get to see them every day where I live.” The data the students collect is sent to the Delaware Nature Society and is used to inform pollution control strategies and identify long-term trends while also educating local communities about pollution issues. “It’s a hands-on experience,” said Luisa Sawyer, a fifthgrade science teacher who studied wildlife conservation in college. “We did the exact same data collecting in my high-level college classes, so they’re acquiring skills that are used by wildlife professionals. They get the exposure of actually doing something outside and really seeing the transformation of the stream throughout the school year. They get to really assess, ‘Well, it did snow and it did bring more water, which made it a little muddier.’ It’s cool to see the transformation of something, even though we don’t test it day-to-day.”

Both Taylor and Sawyer prepare their students for Stream Watch in the class period before, so students know exactly what their jobs will be. Sawyer said the nervousness right before they leave—and seeing the kids get hyper-focused—is her favorite part.


DOWN AT the Brandywine River with the rest of her fifth-grade science class, Kyleigh Peters ‘25 grabs a rock from the stream and carefully swipes the bottom to find macroinvertebrates. So far, her group has found two worms, a larva and a beetle, which they’re inspecting closely.

“That really intense focus is really exciting to see,” Sawyer said. “They are very serious about the work they’re doing, and I really enjoy how excited they get when they flip over a rock and find a salamander. They’re a little scared to touch it at first, but then they realize it’s OK to touch things and examine things. The seriousness and seeing that you can do a job and have fun with it is a factor I like a lot.” For Taylor, the benefits of learning outside of the classroom are immeasurable. “When we go down there, the Brandywine River is our classroom, so the learning is happening out there on site,” she said. “And it’s just so convenient that we’re so close to the Brandywine that we can take advantage of our environment around us.” For students, the benefits of going down to the river are a bit more obvious. As Richard Gessner ‘25 said, his favorite part of Stream Watch is “just being outdoors— not being stuck in a classroom all day.”

Opposite: A Middle School student tests the water chemistry of the Brandywine; Right: A student takes a water sample; Below: Middle School science teacher Luisa Sawyer assists students at Stream Watch.

Participating in Stream Watch also helps students make the connection that their everyday actions can have an effect on the stream. “I think it’s cool to just know what’s going on in the area around them,” fifth-grade science teacher Mary Hobbs Taylor ‘09 said. “Sometimes kids say, ‘Oh, [the Brandywine] is right by my house,’ and then I can talk about what happens if their dad puts fertilizer on the lawn and it runs down into the Brandywine, so it makes it very real for them.”

Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018



ON A CHILLY, breezy morning in March, sixthgraders arrived at school excited to learn—but not in their usual Middle School classrooms. They boarded a bus to explore Newton’s Laws of Motion on a vast, white snowtubing hill. “We were looking for a fun experience for the kids, where they would be able to take some of the concepts that we learn in math and science and be able to apply them to the real world,” said Paul Mulvena, a math teacher in Tower Hill’s Middle School. Mulvena and fellow faculty members partnered with Roundtop Mountain Resort in Lewisberry, Pennsylvania, for a daylong excursion filled with experiments that align with Tower Hill’s curriculum. The aim was to deepen students’ understanding of energy, mass, velocity and acceleration by testing concepts presented in the classroom using the scientific method. Teams of students stationed themselves at 50-meter intervals along the tubing hill, using stopwatches to record the times of classmates gliding down the mountain. The data was then used to calculate speed (distance divided by time) and acceleration (final velocity minus original velocity, divided by time). Students also made predictions about the results of single tubers versus groups of two, three and four. “It’s pretty cool to test out our experiments on the slopes,” Tate Peddrick ‘24 said. “It’s a lot more


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interactive and fun than being in the classroom learning about it.” After the field trip, students made additional calculations in math class by incorporating their weight, the mass of the tubes and the elevation at the top and bottom of the run. In science class, they plotted the data on graphs and made comparisons. “We’re lucky enough to bring together math and science, math being the language we’re speaking, but science being the application of the mathematics,” Science Department Chair Tim Weymouth said. “We’re able to record live data and see its relevance for different masses of groups coming down the hill while having lots of fun.” The trip illustrates how Tower Hill integrates a handson approach into students’ learning, undergirded by an initiative in the school’s Strategic Plan to “implement exciting and relevant experiential learning programs for students to use their skills in real-world scenarios.” Research shows that students are more engaged and creative when learning this way, as well as more likely to take intellectual risks. A recent University of Chicago study, for example, demonstrated that students who physically experience scientific concepts score better on science tests. Not to mention, field trips are fun. The snowtubing trip allowed for ample free time, and the students couldn’t help but squeal and smile as they sped and spun down the hill while enjoying the winter scenery.


They were able to check out how snow is made, taking a close look at one of the resort’s huge snowmaking machines. The trip brought physical activity and fresh air to the day, while students also bonded as a class with their peers and teachers. Signature field trips—Cape Henlopen, Sandy Hill, Washington, D.C.—are a Tower Hill tradition, and teachers are finding more opportunities to broaden students’ horizons. A new 6th Grade field trip to New York City to research significant financial sites is but another example. “I love new field trips,” said reading teacher Kathryn Reese, who teaches a section of sixth-graders and accompanied students on the snowtubing trip. “It’s cool to explore new options out there, and I love being with the kids.” Beyond the educational aspect, they get a chance to just be kids and cross social barriers, Reese added, noting the students playing cards, singing and ignoring social media while on the bus. “They learn more than the academics,” she said.

Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018


Students in the Environment and Sustainability class participate in an simulation 34oil spill Tower Hill lab. Bulletin Fall 2018


WHEN SOPHIE SANCHEZ ‘18 found out it would take eight planets to sustain her way of living, she was shocked. She and the rest of her Environment and Sustainability class took a carbon footprint quiz at the beginning of the semester to see how many planets it would take to sustain their living if everyone on the planet had their same habits—how big their houses are, how far they drive every day and how often they eat meat, to give a few examples. On average, 4.7 planets would be needed to sustain the living of average U.S. citizens. For students in the Environment and Sustainability class, that average jumps to 6.25. “The amount of worlds I would use was eight, which is horrible,” Sanchez said. “It’s appalling to hear that—that the world cannot sustain your living. And if everyone’s doing that, it’s a bad way to live, you realize. And it’s something I never would have been as mindful about without taking the class.” Now in its ninth year, the Environment and Sustainability class focuses on the resources we use, what impacts we are having on those resources, and what we can do to conserve them. “I think students look at things in ways they haven’t before. Their eyes are opened to some of the science behind things that they’ve always known,” said Director of Environmental Initiatives and science teacher Penny Rodrick-Williams, who teaches the class. “They all know to use something reusable instead of the singleuse plastic bottles, but they seem to really have their eyes opened when you show them a video about the garbage patches in the oceans where there is six times more plastic than plankton.” Overall, it’s a very hands-on class. Twice throughout the semester-long course—which shifts to a yearlong course beginning in the 2018-2019 school year—students went down to the Brandywine Creek to study the water chemistry and macroinvertebrates. Students also simulated an oil spill to look at the decision-making that goes into trying to clean up an environmental catastrophe. While the main goal was to clean up as much oil as possible, students quickly

figured out that oil spills can be cleaned up quickly, inexpensively or efficiently—but not all three.



“You can clean it up quickly, you can clean it up completely or you can clean it up inexpensively, but you can’t do all three at the same time,” RodrickWilliams said. “So they’re also trying to balance how they make decisions, and they realize how difficult it is to make some of these environmental decisions.” Next year, Rodrick-Williams will also be teaching a semester-long marine biology course, which will tie in lessons from a wide variety of science subjects, including chemistry, earth science, physics and biology. In the class, students will learn about the chemical and physical properties of oceans, the ecological interactions between marine species, the evolution and diversity of marine life and critical conservation issues. Through both classes, Rodrick-Williams hopes students can make connections to the land and water right here in Delaware. For Gwendolyn Mellon ‘21, relating what she learned in class to her everyday life was easy. “You can relate to everything you’re learning,” she said. “It’s more relatable than learning equations or learning about bacteria. Instead it’s saying this is what you’re doing to the environment and this is how you can stop it. It just kind of gets you thinking.” Science Department Chair Tim Weymouth said both the Environment and Sustainability and Marine Biology classes can teach students how to be environmental stewards. “It’s important to know how we can effect positive change,” he said. “I hope the outcome of these courses is to not only have citizen scientists, but to have people who take action to improve our world—to really take the reins, even as young people in their teenage years, and drive things forward.”


Watch a video about the oil spill lab at

Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018




LAST SPRING, art teacher Abby Patterson took her fifth-graders outside to create cyanotype prints using a photographic printing process that produces a cyan-blue print, more commonly referred to as “sun art.” The cyanotype paper is kept in an envelope so it won’t be exposed to light. When the kids get out in the sun, they remove the paper from the envelope and quickly place objects on top of the paper, blocking the sun, for about seven to 10 minutes. Afterward, the students bring the paper back inside and splash it with water to take the chemicals off. They are then left with a print of what was not exposed to the sun. The process uses two chemicals: ferric ammonium citrate and potassium ferricyanide.

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Tower Hill Bulletin Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018 Fall 2018

“There’s a big element of surprise for the kids when they go out,” Patterson said. “It’s hard for them to envision what it’s going to look like, so it’s exciting for them to come in, wash it off and then see what they created. And it’s neat because a lot of times the objects will cast a shadow, so the shadow is a little bit more faint, but it gives another layer to the print.” The project helps the students look at art in a different way, and it helps them make the connection between art and science, Patterson said. “It’s just a different way of thinking,” she said. “Your hand is in it, but you’re sort of taking your hand out of it because you’re arranging objects and so there’s that element of surprise with the shadows. It’s fun to see what you can get by using the sun, which is pretty cool.”




IN WALDEN Henry David Thoreau called his famous experiment of living in the Massachusetts woods a chance to learn what nature “had to teach.” He recounts planting beans, measuring the dimensions of a frozen pond, talking whimsically with woodchucks and listening to the rain while standing in his doorway. What the woods were for Thoreau, the sea has been for the sailor, the explorer, the pilgrim. Hemingway understood this when writing The Old Man and the Sea, the story of a Cuban fisherman named Santiago who spends three days trying to catch a marlin that is larger than his boat. The short novel is a kind of confessional, of the fisherman’s suffering, and the strength of his faith in the divine and in himself, of the beauty and terror of the natural world, of the smallness and enormity of the human. Reading, we can’t help but think of ourselves in that boat, wrestling with our own desires. It is in our exploration of the sea as a landscape that we explore the nature of existence, the self, identity and truths of the human condition. In Hemingway’s mind, paradoxes abound. The sea destroys, and it creates. It evokes fear and disdain, but at the same time, love, humility, courage. But Hemingway was not exploring uncharted waters. Hundreds of years before we read about Santiago, the Greek poet Homer saw the sea as the place in which we discovered our best and worst selves. The Odyssey is one of the oldest tales of the marine, spoken as poetry throughout the Mediterranean before it was ever written down; you could call it Homer’s love song to the sea. If some stories of the sea explore the individual’s place in the natural world, others explore personal relationships and ethical questions. Odysseus is the hero of Homer’s epic poem, but his actions are not always virtuous; he is a cunning warrior, a magnanimous host, a grateful visitor, a

lover of his country and fellow man; but he is also vain and hedonistic. Is Odysseus a good father? A good husband? A good leader? Is he just, or more often needlessly violent and vindictive? And what about his wife, Penelope, who never takes another lover or doubts Odysseus’s return? Is her fidelity noble, or foolish? Consider also the bravery of Calypso, the sea nymph holding Odysseus hostage for years on the island of Ogygia, who berates the gods for their hypocrisy, knowing that they could smite her at any moment. Or Telemachus’s unwavering love for a father he knows only through rumor. Sometimes we readers pity Odysseus because he reminds us of ourselves, or someone dear to us. Or we curse him as much as the gods do.

“Reading, we can’t help but think of ourselves in that boat, wrestling with our own desires. It is in our exploration of the sea as a landscape that we explore the nature of existence, the self, identity, and truths of the human condition.” Writers of the sea like Hemingway and Homer have given us characters that live forever in our culture. We see them everywhere. Who is Portia in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar if not an Elizabethan Penelope? Homer’s epic even parallels a film as modern as Moana. Books read in my Literature of the Sea course also provide many unanswered questions to real problems of identity. It seems then these stories ebb and flow in the hearts and minds of readers, and each new story written or old story rewritten is just another pull of the tide, until the stories are as everlasting as the sea itself, which Melville says at the end of Moby Dick “[rolls] on as it rolled five thousand years ago.”

Tower Hill Bulletin Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018 Fall 2018

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The students in the Meta Tower Term, Reece Ratliff ‘21, Bella Mulford ‘21 and Shazi Jadali ‘21, worked as reporters in the Communications Office to cover Tower Term. Over the course of five days, the students wrote articles, took photos, created videos and built a website. TOWER TERM, a week-long mini-term at the end of the school year, is a chance for students to really look deeper beyond the classroom, apply life skills and be a Hiller that does things well, according to Assistant Head of School Art Hall. Tower Term, which offers courses such as Build Your Own Escape Room, International Food, Grillin’ and Smokin’, Forensics, Boat Building, Backpacking in Shenandoah National Park and more, allows students to dive deeper into a topic of interest and apply skills learned throughout the academic school year. “In class you learn a lot of stuff, but this is like taking things you may have learned in other aspects and applying it to making an escape room, so it’s definitely applying what you’ve learned,” Bennett Fort ‘19 said. For example, students in Forensics applied math concepts learned this year in order to solve a murder case, while students in Escape Room and Makerspace


Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018

Workshop applied concepts learned in their science classes to build an escape room. One of the main focuses of Tower Term was teamwork. Students of the Escape Room and Makerspace Workshop Tower Terms worked together to produce one escape room with many challenging puzzles. Students of the Makerspace Tower Term had the opportunity to travel to NextFab in downtown Wilmington, where they were able to work with 3D printers, laser cutters that engrave wood pieces and innovative 2D printers. The Escape Room Tower Term came up with the design and the Makerspace Tower Term created it. Tower Term’s five-day term also teaches students life skills that will stay with them forever. “I hope we all take away the importance of going out of our comfort zone and what a gift it is to be able to try new things and explore different things and learn


that it’s OK to fail and to pick yourself up by your bootstraps, and if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again,” said Head of Upper School Megan Cover. Cover, Math Department Chair Noreen Jordan and a group of 11 young women experienced this first hand in Shenandoah National Park in Virginia in the Girls off the Grid Tower Term, during which the girls unplugged for a few days while learning both camping strategies and teamwork.

Grillin’ and Smokin’ to learning about oceans and woodworking in Boat Building. The Meta Tower Term taught students a variety of life skills including website building, photography and writing articles. “I think the benefit behind Tower Term is that what we’re doing is allowing the students to open their minds to a new concept,” Hall said. “I think what each student does is they look beyond what they may have brought to a particular Tower Term session.”

Students in the International Food Tower Term learned about different cultures through food. They took a field trip to Philadelphia where they ate and immersed themselves in different cultures, specifically in Chinatown. “I hope to learn a lot more about different types of food and I hope to expand my cultural palate,” Annie Abramczyk ‘18 said at the beginning of Tower Term. Cover said that Tower Term is a time for all students to come together and work on skills that aren’t necessarily learned in the classroom. “It helps us learn to collaborate, to be creative, to problem solve, to plan and to adapt, so this is a way for us all, teachers included, to experience things hand in hand,” Cover said.


Watch a video about Tower Term created by Shazi Jadali ‘21 at

Students from all Tower Terms learned new skills—from learning how to properly grill meat in

Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018



THE YEAR IS 2018, and a group of Tower Hill students has woken up after the recent zombie apocalypse. The students, with only their instincts and basic survival skills, must learn to survive in the face of this challenge. Post-Apocalyptic Survival Skills is just one of the many courses covered in Tower Term, a new learning initiative that allows students to focus on one specific topic from a wide range of interests, from international food to forensics. “As a part of our strategic planning process, we looked at the curriculum of some of the best schools in the country,” Chief Innovation and Information Officer Anthony Pisapia said. “We saw a pattern that there was this set amount of time for a differentiated type of curriculum, and we got excited to try it here. The premise is that your future is going to look a little bit different


Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018

when it comes to skill acquisition. When you’re in your careers and in your life, you’re going to be tasked with learning a skill quickly and in a condensed amount of time. It’s not a typical structure in school, but it gives students a different opportunity to prepare for the future.” A few of the courses focus on nature and the relationship between humans and the environment we live in. Two separate courses, Backpacking in Shenandoah and Girls off the Grid, take students into the wilderness for a few days, and Post-Apocalyptic Survival Skills, or P.A.S.S., teaches students the skills necessary to survive without all of the amenities of everyday life. “We wanted to create a program where we could put a whole bunch of different topics into it, and even if they were disparate, it would be fun to tie

“I feel like we’ve grown up in an age where [everything we do] is related to electronics and technology,” Ariel Zhang ‘18 said. “It’s just nice to see where we’ve come from and how much we’ve improved, and how we can hold onto those roots to improve our future.”


them all together,” faculty advisor John Bartlett said. “And then you add the post-apocalyptic element, just because it’s fun for teenagers to get into. It’s kind of a mix of Boy Scout skills and just general skills that would be relevant—everything from generating power to preserving foods and hunting, farming and fishing.” On the first day of P.A.S.S., students learned to tie a variety of different knots and performed a simulation in which they spun a wheel to determine which group they would be a part of. After being selected, they had to compete with other groups on the skills they had learned. “I learned that teamwork and communication are very important in a post-apocalyptic situation,” Richie Pierce ‘20 said. “Leadership and a good understanding of basic survival techniques also come in handy in different challenges. I discovered that assigning certain people to different tasks where they may have an advantage over the other teams was a very good tactic and one we put to use many times.” After the simulation, students took a nature hike down to the Brandywine Creek. Students were given the task of identifying four different types of plants, including jewelweed, poison ivy, grapevine and sassafrass. After finding the plants, students learned about the uses and characteristics of each one. The next day, P.A.S.S. took a field trip to Coverdale Farm, where they learned about different methods of farming and food storage. By examining colonial farming tools and techniques, students generated ideas on how to produce and keep food without electricity and modern farming technology. The group explored different farm buildings, where they had the opportunity to shell corn, interact with dairy and meat cows, and see how people generated fresh water and kept it safe to drink. They also learned about a technique called rotational agriculture, in which animals are rotated through different plots of land to ensure the consistent health of each of the animals, as well as the pastures they graze on.

Students in the P.A.S.S. Tower Term visited Coverdale Farm to learn about farming and food storage.

The experience at the farm taught students the importance of looking to the past to plan for the future, a theme that is relevant not only to surviving the apocalypse, but to the success of the school.

Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018



TAKING A GOOD PHOTO has gotten easier and easier thanks to the ever-increasing quality of phone cameras. Still, capturing a great shot of a celestial object in the night sky remains a challenging feat.

“These two pictures demonstrate the potential of this observatory,” Li said. “And although they are far from perfect, I am hoping that next year we can do a lot more.”

Stars, planets and nebulas are faint and unfathomingly far away. Clouds and light pollution hinder views. Not to mention, the earth moves as cameras take very long exposures, resulting in blurry images.

Li is a talented scenic photographer with experience using a home telescope as a boy in China. The international student, who started at Tower Hill in 2015, emerged as a natural leader for the club, delving into the technical difficulties of researching, calibrating and using various lenses, filters and other equipment.

Tower Hill students are learning this and more in the Upper School’s Astrophotography Club, utilizing the Wuerstle Family Telescope in the DeSantis Family Observatory. The images on these pages of the moon and the Orion Nebula are two of the first examples of their work, taken by James Li ‘19 with assistance from Hudson Pepper ‘18, Joseph Pinto ‘19 and Noah Wang ‘20.


Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018

A major obstacle this year was figuring out how to track an object in synchrony with the telescope. Taking astronomical photographs requires a long exposure because the light visible is very, very weak. Some of the galaxies the students endeavor to photograph are hundreds of millions of light years

LEARNING FROM NATURE “These two pictures demonstrate the potential of this observatory. And although they are far from perfect, I hope that next year we can do a lot more.” —James Li ‘19

away, so the light reaching the telescope is miniscule. But waiting for hours on end for the exposure means the earth is also spinning. So club members figured out how to sync the equipment properly and then take many, many pictures to layer on top of each other. Thousands of pictures. “You take one picture and you say, ‘I can’t hardly see anything,’” said science teacher Tom Hoch, the club’s faculty advisor along with photography and art teacher John Bartlett. “But when you take a thousand pictures and you layer them on top of each other, then it becomes very clear.” The undertaking requires patience, painstaking attention to detail, willingness to wait for hours at school late at night—and the ability to convince faculty members to open the facility when weather and astronomical conditions are just right. The club is not for everyone.

“It’s a small group of kids, but they’re into it,” Hoch said. “I think that this is something where now that we have the equipment, next year it might be much more popular.” For Li, the club is as much about science and technology as it is about leadership. He readily admits that he is not a fan of group work—and the distractions and disagreements that can come with it. But coordinating club logistics, collaborating with peers on a shared interest, taking ownership of problem-solving, and finally, seeing results, has been worth it. “By just organizing and leading this club, I realize that it is not easy,” Li said. “It’s hard work, but I think the efforts may pay off—not right now because I have not gotten pictures that I am 100 percent satisfied with—but in the future.”

Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018


CLASS of 2018


This is the day to celebrate the future of this class, and what a bright future it is. We will go off to every corner of the globe and study everything from cutting-edge science to hidden meanings of ancient texts. I can confidently say that our class will not only go into a wide range of careers, but will also become the leaders and drivers of their fields. —Rory Britt ‘18, Student Government Association President


Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018

Our passionate teachers have tirelessly worked with us both in and out of school, molding us into proper learners, observers and innovators. The answer to why we came to Tower Hill or what we like most about this school is unanimously our teachers. —Hita Kambhamettu, Class of 2018 Elected Speaker

I am convinced that your class will be positively affected by our word for the year, courage. And I hope that somewhere deep within your individual and collective fiber as a class you have come to learn that courage is closely related to humility, and it is within this very intersection of courage and humility that we are better equipped to understand each other. —Bessie Speers, Head of School Opposite from top: Student Government Association President Rory Britt delivers his Graduation address; class-elected speaker Rajeswari Hita Kambhamettu gives a humor-filled speech, which included a Tower Hill version of “Uptown Funk”; Matt Sharrar accepts his diploma from Head of School Bessie Speers and Board Chair Michelle Shepherd, joined by his mother, faculty member Julie Sharrar; new graduate Bryson Boyd celebrates after the ceremony; Above from top: Kennedy Medley, Laura Taschner, Madison Pierce and Safiya Miller pose for a photo before Graduation; Head of Upper School Megan Cover congratulates Tower Hill’s newest alumni; Celia Habgood and her family pose for a photo; Jasmine Minhas poses with family after Graduation.


Watch the 2018 Graduation at

Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018


MATRICULATION ANNE ABRAMCZYK New York University ALEXANDER ADSETT Franklin & Marshall College RENEE ALBRECHT Tufts University ZARA ALI University of Virginia BO ANDERSON Washington University in St. Louis ELENA ATTIX University of South Carolina RICHARD ATTIX University of South Carolina ALEXANDRIA BAK Muhlenberg College RANDOLPH BARTON Ohio Wesleyan University WILLIAM BORDA Grinnell College BRYSON BOYD The University of Arizona RORY BRITT Wake Forest University TAYLOR BURRIS High Point University ABIGAIL CARPENTER University of Tennessee, Knoxville MARK CORDELL Wake Forest University WILLIAM CORROON University of South Carolina

DAVID GOODMAN Dartmouth College

ALEX JENKINS Marquette University

JAANVI MEHTA University of Delaware


DENIS GRANDE McDaniel College

MALCOLM JOHNSON Brown University

JOHN MEKUS Boston College

DANIEL DOUGHERTY Villanova University

CECILIA HABGOOD Rhode Island School of Design

RAJESWARI KAMBHAMETTU Carnegie Mellon University

BRIAN MILLER University of British Columbia

CAROLINE ELSON Harvard University

KATHLEEN HARRIS Vanderbilt University

BENJAMIN KATZ University of Colorado at Boulder

SAFIYA MILLER Brown University

ADAM FISHER Elizabethtown College


SARAH LUNGER University of Vermont

JASMINE MINHAS Bucknell University

LAUREN FORMANSKI Brandeis University

AIDAN HICKEY University of Delaware

MICHAEL MALIK San Diego State University

LING MOU University of California, Santa Cruz

LUKE FRIETZE Johns Hopkins University

NATALIE HOBBS Amherst College


MICHAEL MULFORD University of Delaware

LEO GARONSKI Loyola University Maryland

KAMERON INGUITO University of Delaware

KENNEDY MEDLEY University of Delaware

PATRICK MULLEN Syracuse University


Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018

CLASS of 2018

PHILIP NICKEL Stetson University

SYLVESTER SCHORN High Point University

JACK OKONIEWSKI University of Delaware

JUSTIN SHARPE Pennsylvania State University

JASH PATEL Lehigh University

MATTHEW SHARRAR York College of Pennsylvania

HUDSON PEPPER Pennsylvania State University

ISABELLE SHEGOG The George Washington University

MADISON PIERCE West Chester University


ISABELLE PILSON Stanford University

ALLISON L. SMITH University of Delaware

LANDON REESE Wofford College

ALLISON P. SMITH Columbia University

SOPHIE SANCHEZ Villanova University

JULIA SMITH Davidson College

SHIFENG SONG The George Washington University TAYLOR STENZ The University of Alabama

ARIEL ZHANG Bryn Mawr College BOATANG ZU University of California, Santa Barbara

CASSI SULLIVAN Georgetown University LAURA TASCHNER Ball State University XINYU TENG University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign ALEXANDRA THOMSON Pennsylvania State University MELODY YOUNG Temple University

Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018


CLASS of 2018

LEGACIES David Goodman ‘18 with his mother Lisa Goodman ‘81.

Left: Sophie Sanchez ‘18 with her mother Kelle Doherty Sanchez ‘89 and aunt Brooke Doherty Thaler ‘92 Right: Cameron Cucuzzella ‘18 with her father, trustee Tony Cucuzzella ‘82

Abby Carpenter ‘18 with her grandmother Stephanie Conklin Carpenter ‘58, grandfather Ruly Carpenter ‘58, father Bobby Carpenter ‘81 and brother Morgan Carpenter ‘16


Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018

Rand Barton ‘18 with his father Ran Barton ‘89 and his grandfather Randy Barton ‘59

Natalie Hobbs ‘18 with her brother David Hobbs ‘14, sister Mary Hobbs Taylor ‘09 and father George Hobbs ‘75.

Left: Annie Abramczyk ‘18 with her mother Jennifer Sinex Abramczyk ‘86, sister Raley Abramczyk ‘15 and aunt Sarah Sinex Greene ‘88 Right: Sarah Lunger ‘18 with her father William Lunger ‘87 and grandfather David Lunger ‘62

Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018





Seniors inducted at the end of their junior year: Cameron Cucuzzella Caroline Elson David Goodman Rajeswari Hita Kambhamettu Jaanvi Mehta Isabelle Pilson Allison P. Smith Cassi Sullivan

Katherine Ann Darnell Multa Bene Facta Award William J. Carveth Music Award Heidi Chu Mark Cordell Haon Award in Art Certificate of Honor — Ariel Zhang Renee Albrecht The Tower Hill School Community Service Award Samantha Silvers Jasmine Minhas Certificate of Honor — Celia Habgood Cassi Sullivan David E. Scherer Dramatics Award Tower Hill School Athletics Awards Alexandria Bak Bo Anderson Matthew Sharrar Isabelle Pilson Hugh Atkins Award in English Spiller Achievement Award Cameron Cucuzzella Leo Garonski Madison Pierce Algard Mathematics Award Isabelle Pilson Trustees’ Award for Academic Excellence Certificate of Honor — Bo Anderson, Isabelle Pilson Allison P. Smith, Cameron Cucuzzella

Seniors inducted at Graduation: Zara Ali Elena Attix Natalie Hobbs Malcolm Johnson Hudson Pepper Julia Smith Cum Laude Induction - Juniors inducted at the Awards Ceremony: Heidi Chu Brooke Livingston Joseph Pinto

James Li Simi Olurin Jake Spruance

Global Certificate Scholars Ariel Zhang Jaanvi Mehta Julia Smith Renee Albrecht Zara Ali Rajeswari Hita Kambhamettu Jasmine Minhas Lauren Formanski Rory Britt

National Merit Commended Students Mark Cordell Caroline Elson David Goodman Rajeswari Hita Kambhamettu Jaanvi Mehta Isabelle Pilson Justin Sharpe Allison P. Smith Cassi Sullivan These students placed among the top 5 percent of more than 1.5 million who entered the 2018 National Merit Scholarship Program competition. U.S. Presidential Scholar Candidates Rand Barton David Goodman Isabelle Pilson Selected by the White House Commission on Presidential Scholars, these students are among the 4,000 candidates selected from the 3.3 million students graduating from U.S. high schools this year. 50

Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018

Crichton Science Award Claire McEntee Certificate of Honor — Hudson Pepper, Isabelle Pilson

Frank C. Ashby Language Award Jaanvi Mehta Lauren Formanski

Trustees’ Award for Service Cameron Cucuzzella

P. Edward Hughes History Award Rory Britt

Alison Arsht Leadership Award Rory Britt

2018 Cum Laude Inductees

PARENT RECOGNITION The following parents were recognized for having accumulated 20 or more “student years” at Tower Hill School. Their last Tower Hill student graduated with the Class of 2018. Mrs. Jennifer Sinex Abramczyk ‘86 and Mr. Jon E. Abramczyk - 28 years Mr. and Mrs. Randall M. Attix - 42 years Ms. Lisa B. Goodman ‘81 and Ms. Drewry N. Fennell - 34 years Mr. George D. Hobbs II ‘75 and Mrs. Anne M. Hobbs - 42 years Dr. and Mrs. Eric T. Johnson - 27 years Mrs. Vicki B. Katz - 26 years Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Nickel - 27 years Jim and Carol Pepper - 27 years Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Pilson - 32 years


CLASS of 2020 2022

Tower Hill recognized the eighth-grade class at the annual Moving Up Day ceremony. Family, friends, faculty and fellow students gathered to hear advisers share insights about each student’s accomplishments and contributions to the class. In addition to the three awards presented, Head of Middle School Paul Capodanno noted the many talents of the 8th Grade as a class. Congratulations to the Class of 2022!

1 1. The Class of 2022 smiles for a group photo before the Moving Up Day ceremonies 2. William Zakielarz received the Tower Hill Humanitarian Award, given to the eighth-grader who, in the opinion of her or his classmates, has been the best friend to all 3. Jalyn Miller and Abigail Pierce received the Cecile M. Buckles Award, given to the Middle School students who best exemplify enthusiasm, effort, cooperation and energetic involvement 4. Marissa Washburn received the Alumni Association Achievement Award from Alumni Council member Monty Hayman ‘87 for demonstrating particular growth in citizenship and scholarship






5. Zev Wilison and Ananya Kakkilaya try to keep their composure as science teacher Timothy Weymouth raps his advisee recognition speeches 6. Maxwell Felix smiles proudly as he walks up to the stage on Moving Up Day

Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018




Isabella Speakman Timon ‘92

Isabella Speakman Timon ‘92 is a trustee of Brooks School in North Andover, Massachusetts, a co-educational secondary day and boarding school. She was until recently a director of the Speakman Company, a plumbing manufacturing business based in Wilmington, Delaware. She is the president of the Curran Foundation, which aims to positively impact the lives of children and young adults in the Delaware Valley. Previously Timon worked for Lavinia Lemon Interiors in Washington, D.C., before starting her own design business in the Philadelphia area. She also worked for six years on various political campaigns and lobbying projects before returning to school for her master’s degree in interior design from the Corcoran School of the Arts & Design in Washington, D.C. She began her career in New York City’s publishing and marketing industry after graduating from Trinity College with a B.A. in history in 1996. Timon currently resides in Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania, with her husband, Philip, two children and four step-children, four of whom attend Tower Hill currently: Peter Timon ‘20, Catherine Timon ‘21, Isabella Johnson ‘24 and Jasper Johnson ‘26.

David Nowland ‘85 is the head of media for Latin America for Kimberly-Clark, a global Fortune 500 company that manufactures personal care products. Nowland worked at The Coca-Cola Company from 1999 to 2013, promoted through various advertising and media planning roles culminating in integrated marketing communications director for the South Latin Business Unit. He served as international media manager at McCann Erickson from 1995 to 1999. Nowland graduated from William & Mary in 1989 with a degree in economics and earned an M.B.A. from IESE Business School – University of Navarra in 1995. He lives in Atlanta with his wife, Cathleen. Nowland’s family had numerous ties to Tower Hill: His late sister, Blair, graduated in 1984; his late brother, Philip C. Nowland, graduated in 1982 and worked in the Middle School from 19922001; his late father, Philip J. Nowland, graduated in 1948; and his grandfather, Paul J. Nowland, was a Tower Hill trustee from 1936-1970. David Nowland ‘85

WITH GRATITUDE UPON THEIR RETIREMENT FROM THE BOARD Board Treasurer William Daiger finished his term on Tower Hill’s board of trustees in June, having been appointed in 2006. Daiger was invaluable to the board, serving as treasurer and guiding the school’s investments and finances in prudent and insightful ways. “Bill Daiger was an amazing partner and mentor to me as head of school, and I will always appreciate his many hours of time, his calm and caring intellect, and his love for our school,” Head of School Bessie Speers said. Prior to retirement, Daiger spent 45 years in the financial services industry, where he was the president and CEO of Maryland National Bank, the vice chair and director of MNC Financial Corp, and chairman and CEO of MBNA Europe. He is the grandfather of Loring Weaver Knott ‘08 and Logan Weaver Read ‘10. William Daiger

David Roselle, Ph.D. concluded his service on Tower Hill’s board last spring, having brought expertise from higher education and the nonprofit sector to the school’s leadership for 12 years. He sat on the Compensation and Benefits Committee and the Strategic Planning Committee. “Dr. Roselle was a superb trustee, always available for a call and spending countless hours in many a committee meeting,” Head of School Bessie Speers said. “I will always remember his wit and wisdom.” Roselle recently retired as the director of Winterthur Museum, Garden and Library, and he previously served as the ninth President of the University of Kentucky and the 25th President of the University of Delaware. He is the grandfather of Trevor Koenig ‘19 and John Koenig ‘21. 52

Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018

David Roselle, Ph.D.


Colonel Charles “Charlie” S. Sutton ‘31 passed away shortly after New Year’s on Jan. 1, 1997, at the age of 83. After his passing, Charlie’s wife, Edna M. Sutton, wanted to honor his wish and bequested $1 million to Tower Hill to establish the Charles S. Sutton ‘31 Memorial Scholarship Fund, providing academic scholarships for students otherwise unable to attend the school. After Mrs. Sutton passed away on Oct. 11, 2016, the school received this exceptional gift. The Sutton Fund is especially significant given Tower Hill’s impact on Col. Sutton, who came to Tower Hill in 1921 on a financial scholarship. After graduating in 1931, he attended Massachusetts Institute of Technology, earning both his bachelor’s and master’s degrees. He joined the Mathematics Department at The Citadel (Charleston, South Carolina) in 1940, leaving 1944-1946 for a brief sabbatical at the University of Delaware as a research assistant in chemical engineering, and retired in 1978 from The Citadel becoming professor emeritus until his passing. He was also a member of the American Mathematical Society for 59 years. According to Mr. and Mrs. Sutton’s niece, Nancy White, Charlie was raised by his mother in Wilmington. He was a brilliant man and could have pursued any number of careers, but he chose to be a math professor and share his knowledge and change the lives of the students he taught. “They were very private individuals and I am not surprised that they did not notify Tower Hill of their intentions prior to their passing. It says so much about the impact the school had on his life and he was forever grateful for the generous financial assistance that enabled him to attend Tower Hill,” White said. “Their legacy will live on through their generous commitment to Tower Hill and the access to a great Tower Hill education that they have granted to many.” We are so grateful to Mr. and Mrs. Sutton for their foresight and extraordinary generosity to Tower Hill. Their gift will have a significant and ongoing impact on the School and countless families and students.



Charles S. Sutton '31

To learn more about becoming a member of the Forever Green Society by including Tower Hill in your estate plans, contact the Advancement Office at 302-657-8353. It is a wonderful way to establish a legacy that will impact the lives of Tower Hill’s students and faculty in perpetuity.

Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018



Left: Sarah Cashman Gersky ‘79; Right: Sarah Cashman Gersky ‘79 pictured with her Tower Hill teammates Wiz Montaigne Applegate ‘79, Ann Barlow Ashley ‘79 and Lisa Ashley ‘79.


Sarah Cashman Gersky ‘79, one of the most accomplished athletes in Tower Hill and Colgate history, was inducted into the Delaware Sports Hall of Fame in May, four months after she was named to the Delaware Basketball Hall of Fame. Gersky led Tower Hill to the state basketball championship game in 1979, the year that the boys’ team also had its greatest tournament success, reaching the quarterfinals. She was first-team allstate, the second leading vote-getter in the poll and averaged 20.2 points, leading the Hillers to their third consecutive Independent Conference title. Throughout the championship game, the Hillers stayed close to favored St. Elizabeth, led by Penny Welsh, a future major-college star who was inducted with her friend and former rival at the May banquet. Also a mainstay of Tower Hill’s powerful field hockey and lacrosse teams, Gersky would have likely been named to those sports’ all-state teams had they then been selected, and earned 11 varsity letters over her Upper School career.


Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018

Colgate’s leading basketball scorer for three of her four years, averaging 16.5 over her career, she was the first Raider woman to surpass 1,000, graduated as the university’s leading scorer with 1,666 points and set eight other Colgate basketball records. Co-captain her junior and senior years, Gerksy finished second in Player of the Year voting in the Upstate New York Women’s Basketball Conference. She twice led Colgate to the Division II lacrosse Final Four, and set a school record for most goals in a season. In field hockey, she paced the Raiders to second- and fifth-place Division II finishes in her two varsity seasons. She started varsity on all three sports as a freshman. She was inducted into the Hall of Honor in 1994 at Colgate, which retired her basketball number 24.

The following are Sarah Cashman Gersky’s remarks from the Delaware Sports Hall of Fame banquet: I’d like to thank the Board of Governors for this honor of being inducted into the Delaware Sports Hall of Fame. I am truly humbled. I am not sure where my passion for sports came from, but it started early. I was the kid that loved gym, recess and any opportunity to run around and compete. My love of competition is why I played three sports all through high school and in college. I may have mellowed a bit over the years, but I still have that competitive spirit. So where do I begin and how do I thank all the people who have helped me along the way? There is a saying that says, “It takes a village.” Well in my case, it certainly did. I would like to start by thanking my parents. Mom would sit quietly through all my games never making a sound, but I always knew she was there. Dad came to as many games as he could and at dinner he would go around the table and ask each of us, my two brothers and sister: Who did you play today? Did your team win? It was never about us as individuals. This attitude at home is probably why I never thought much about myself and always about my team. Miss Betty Richardson, affectionately known as Miss Rich, who is already in the Delaware Sports Hall of Fame, and Miss Patty Marshall have known me since I was about 6 years old. They literally watched me grow up. From gym class in elementary school, to sports in Middle School, to teams in high school, they instilled in me the mental toughness and physical skills necessary to compete at THS and then on at Colgate. I can still hear Miss Rich calling out “LADIES, you are never going to get any better if you don’t practice hard every day.” There were no “stars” or preferential treatment for anyone. I remember this one time I was in 5th or 6th Grade and I forgot my field hockey stick that day and I just assumed Miss Rich would let me borrow one. Well, let me tell you the answer was not only, NO, I could not borrow one, but I had to stay in the locker room and clean field hockey balls all during practice. I was so mad. I could not believe it. How could she make me miss practice to clean hockey balls? It was a lesson I learned early—no one is too important and be a responsible teammate or you will pay a price. I guarantee you I never forgot that lesson.

athletes. We spent countless hours practicing, playing and winning together. We enjoyed a lot of success and the bonds we made and the memories we share last a lifetime. So thank you. Arriving at Colgate, I was thrilled I was allowed to continue playing three sports. I wasn’t ready to give any one of them up and was blessed that I was able to play field hockey on a team that came in 2nd and 5th at nationals, on a lacrosse team that came in 4th at nationals and on a basketball team that also made it to post-season play.



When I look back on all that I was able to accomplish at Colgate, it is with great satisfaction and a sense of pride. So to my college coaches who challenged me, the athletic trainers who patched me up and my college teammates who made me better—thank you. It was an honor and privilege to represent Colgate. Lastly, as athletes, we have all had to make choices and I stand here today because of the commitment I made to these choices. My commitment to listen to my coaches, my commitment to hear my parents’ lessons on integrity, respect, humility and character, my commitment to be a good teammate and friend to everyone I played with and my commitment to be a fierce, but fair competitor to my opponents. I know I am a better person because of all my athletic endeavors and believe all the lessons I learned in the gym and on the fields have influenced me as an adult, a parent and a wife. Through all of it—the highs, the lows, the laughs, the aches and pains (and there were plenty of those)—I have been blessed to have incredibly supportive parents, great coaches and awesome teammates who made my athletic career very rewarding. As I stated earlier, it takes a village. Delaware will always be home to me, so thank you to the Hall of Fame Board of Governors for considering me worthy of being inducted. It is truly an honor and an accomplishment I am incredibly proud of. Thank you.

In high school, Miss Marsh had to know she had a pretty special group of kids on her basketball team. I give her a lot of credit because as we improved she solicited the help of Mr. Daub. He spent countless hours on the court with us and helped me develop my first step and driving to the basket. Miss Marsh had us occasionally practice against the boys too. This was very forward thinking at the time, and it helped us tremendously. I also need to recognize all of my high school teammates. THS is a small school, so most of us were multi-sport

Sarah Cashman Gersky ‘79 pictured with her Tower Hill teammates in the 1979 yearbook.

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Fall 2018



SPRING SPORTS HIGHLIGHTS GIRLS’ SOCCER COMPETES IN STATE CHAMPIONSHIP The girls’ soccer team was the state runner-up after their efforts against Delaware Military Academy fell short in a 1-0 double overtime defeat in the DIAA Championship on Friday, June 1. Congratulations to the girls on a fantastic 15-1 season!

GIRLS’ LACROSSE CLINCHES CONFERENCE CHAMPIONSHIP The varsity girls’ lacrosse team was the Independent Conference champion for the 13th year in a row. The girls defeated Dover High School in the first round of the DIAA state tournament, but unfortunately lost to Ursuline in the second round. Congratulations to the team on a great 10-5 season!

TRACK TEAM COMPETES IN DIAA CHAMPIONSHIP The boys’ and girls’ track and field teams competed in the DIAA Track & Field Championships on May 21 and 22. The girls’ 4x8 team (Jalyn Miller ‘22, Caroline Kirtley ‘22, Anne Abramcyzk ‘18 and Anna Reynolds ‘19) placed 6th, the girls’ 4x4 team (Jalyn Miller ‘22, Bella Mulford ‘21, Anne Abramcyzk ‘18 and Anna Reynolds ‘19) placed 9th, Hudson Pepper ‘18 placed 4th in the 3200m and 8th in the 800m, and Bryson Boyd ‘18 placed 9th in the long jump.


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Fall 2018


GOLF TEAM WINS THIRD CONSECUTIVE STATE CHAMPIONSHIP It’s a three-peat! Tower Hill’s golf team won its third consecutive DIAA State Championship held at Odessa National Golf Club in May. Rylie Heflin ‘21 and Jennifer Cleary ‘20 both placed in the top 10 as individuals. BOYS’ TENNIS CONFERENCE CHAMPS The boys’ tennis team was the conference champion. Robby Ward ‘19 competed in the state tournament, playing the 1st singles position.

GIRLS’ TENNIS GOES TO STATES Alex Thomson ‘18 and Selina Chen ‘21 finished 2nd in 2nd doubles at the DIAA State Tennis Championship.

BOYS’ LACROSSE The boys’ lacrosse season was highlighted by wins over Sanford and St. Mark’s. Will Togo ‘20 was voted firstteam all-conference defense, and Will Corroon ‘18 was voted to second-team allconference.

BO ANDERSON ‘18 TO PLAY COLLEGE BASEBALL The future is exciting for Tower Hill’s young baseball team. The team wishes Bo Anderson ‘18, the team’s only senior, the best of luck as he continues his baseball career at Washington University in St. Louis next year. Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018




IF IT CAN'T BE LEARNED in a way that’s fun, it might not be worth learning. At least according to Tim Weymouth, Middle School Science teacher and Science Department Chair. “There are always going to be some basic definitions and things to learn, but there should also always be excitement in what we’re doing together,” he said. Weymouth has been teaching Middle School science at Tower Hill for the past five years, and the 2017-2018 school year was his first year as Science Department Chair. He was pre-med in college but, at the recommendation of his own high school teachers, decided to teach once he graduated. He taught science for a number of years before working as a school administrator, which he did for six years. “Through that I realized I really wanted to get back in the classroom,” he said. “There’s so much joy and fulfillment being there in the front lines of the kids in the classroom. I enjoy aspects of school leadership, which I can now do as department chair.” As Science Department Chair, Weymouth has been working to add more science electives, particularly in the Upper School, adding courses in robotics, marine biology, computer programming, organic chemistry and an expanded human anatomy course. He also tries to make the science courses as experiential as possible. “I really like the aspect that is sort of a cliché of medical school. So if they’re going to do a surgery, they watch one, do one and then teach one,” Weymouth said. “So I think that’s a really interesting way to look at science skills and practices—you watch how it’s done, you do it yourself and then you should also have the opportunity to teach others.” 58

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Weymouth currently teaches sixth- and eighthgrade science. Though Middle School often presents unique challenges, it’s the age group he most enjoys. “Middle School is the age where you have the balance of youthful enthusiasm with some ability of higher advanced abstract thinking—it’s right in the middle,” he said. “It’s also an age group that I vividly remember myself at that age and know the kind of structure that works well, and it’s an environment I can work in easily.” Weymouth thinks of himself as a lifelong learner and likes to try new things in his classroom every year. “I love the constructive play of coming up with new demonstrations and experiments, trying things out before the kids do, making sure they’re not dangerous,” he said, laughing. “And also seeing how much fun they are.” Recently in his classroom, students made a gummy bear wave machine, which proves that waves, not particles, transfer energy. Weymouth had never made one of the machines before, so he was able to use the “innovation time” in his schedule to play around with it and make it work. Weymouth said the enjoyment in being an educator comes from exposing students to new ways of thinking and, of course, making learning fun—not just for the students, but also for himself. “I’ve had a few other jobs throughout my career, but teaching is the only job that I get ready for work in the morning and I can’t wait to go,” he said.




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1. Flashlight Fridays, when students read with the lights off and glowsticks on, were a hit this year in the Lower School Library. 2. Middle School students participate in an animal brain dissection. 3. A second-grader shares his project with a preschooler at the annual State Fair. 4. Faculty member Tom Hoch helps a student fine-tune a physics experiment. 5. The Tower Hill Math League A team competed in the invitational state meet in Dover in April. Members of the team included Peter Zhong ‘19, Noah Wang ‘20, Anna Paisley Gray ‘20, Brooke Livingston ‘19 and Olivia Lin ‘19. Zhong earned a trophy for 3rd place in the region. 6. Sixth-graders share research about different countries with their kindergarten buddies in the 1919 Auditorium. 7. Prekindergarten teacher Emily Zachary assists a student testing her egg-drop design. Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018


GRANDPARENTS’ AND FRIENDS’ DAY—APRIL 13 Grandparents are such a gift, and it was wonderful to have more than 500 grandparents and friends on campus this year at Grandparents' and Friends' Day.


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3 1., 2. and 5. Grandparents and friends visit classrooms. 3. A Tower Hill tradition since the 1970s, the 2nd Grade performs “tinikling”—a dance from the Philippines that teaches teamwork and coordination. 4. The Lower School puts on a show in the theater featuring original songs and dances by music teacher Sara Bush. 6. and 7. Upper Schoolers and their grandparents pose for photos between classes.

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On May 4 Tower Hill celebrated the third annual Tower Day, a spring surprise for students. The entire school gathered in Rockford Park for a bit of Tower Hill history, a green-versus-white all-school relay and an ice cream treat.








7 1. A Lower Schooler cheers on his team during the all-school relay. 2. An Upper Schooler races to the finish line 3. and 4. Students enjoy an ice cream treat. 5. Lower School students rush to high-five Tower Hill’s white tiger mascot during the festivities. 6. Head of School Bessie Speers and students begin Tower Day with a little Tower Hill history. 7. Lower Schoolers cheer on their teammates during the all-school relay.

5 Tower Hill Bulletin

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the ARTS 1





1. A Middle School student created an abstract face drawing in art class. 2. Upper School band students perform at the spring concert. 3. Middle schoolers perform Fractured Fairy Tales—original renditions of classic fairy tales. 4. An Upper Schooler creates pottery in a self-referential Evening of the Arts installation in April. 5. PreK students performed their play The Very Hungry Caterpillar.


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6. Upper School artwork. 7. Reece Ratliff ‘21 and Emma Bidic ‘19 perform in the spring musical, Little Shop of Horrors. 8. Skye Wu ‘19 performs with the Jazz Band at Evening of the Arts. 9. Kindergarteners designed and created their own costumes and backdrops for their Wild Rumpus, which was inspired by Maurice Sendak’s Where the Wild Things Are. 10. Lower Schoolers perform at their spring concert.

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Fall 2018



Donor Honor Roll

On behalf of the students, families, faculty and staff at Tower Hill School, thank you. Your generous gifts make a difference in the lives of our students.


Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018

With much GRATITUDE... Dear Tower Hill friends and supporters, It is with sincere appreciation and heartfelt gratitude that I write to thank each of you for your commitment to and support of Tower Hill School. Because of your generosity, we have exceeded our fundraising goals and have achieved the largest Annual Fund amount in the school’s history, which ensures that we can maximize support of our students and faculty and deliver exceptional programs in academics, athletics and the arts. As we enter our 100th year, this tremendous support gives us strong momentum toward our Centennial celebration and into our next 100 years! The 2017-2018 Donor Roll comprises dedicated alumni, trustees, current parents, former parents, grandparents, faculty, staff and friends who believe in the value of a Tower Hill education. I greatly appreciate the leadership of our trustees, whose strong support led the way to exceeding our Annual Fund goal and inspiring others to invest in Tower Hill. I would also like to extend my sincere gratitude to all of our dedicated volunteers—the Advancement Committee, Annual Fund parent captains, alumni class agents, the Alumni Council, Home & School and Green & White—for their dedication and efforts on behalf of the Advancement Office at Tower Hill. We are so grateful for your time, enthusiasm and effort! A special thanks goes to our Chair of the Advancement Committee, Régis de Ramel, for his support and leadership this year. It is an exciting time in Tower Hill’s history, and we are so fortunate to have your support as we reach our 100th year! We thank you for your generosity and for helping to continue the tradition of excellence of this extraordinary school. With sincere gratitude,

Kristin B. Mumford Director of Advancement and Enrollment Management

Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018




100% Tower Hill students who will benefit from your gift to the Annual Fund

Total raised for the Annual Fund—most $ raised in THS history


With your support of the Annual Fund, you help every student, every day, throughout the year. In the 2017-2018 school year, 100% of the Board of Trustees contributed to the Annual Fund, as well as 77% of faculty and staff, 56% of parents and 22% of alumni.


With your help and support, Tower Hill's Annual Fund raised a record $959,611, well surpassing the goal of $900,000. During the 2017-18 fiscal year, 1,351 donors made gifts to the school to support an outstanding education for our students.


New donors who gave to the Annual Fund 66

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Faculty and staff who will benefit from the Annual Fund this year

219 Former parents gave to the Annual Fund

All funds including the Annual Fund and other donations July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018 Multa Bene Facta Circle $25,000+ Anonymous Dr. G. Mark Bussard ‘90 CSP Family Foundation Wilhelmina Laird Craven ‘34* Charitable Lead Annuity Trust Ms. Louise E. Cummings-Lewis The Curran Foundation David F. du Pont ‘52* Trust Mr. Régis A. de Ramel Mr. Benjamin F. du Pont ‘82 & Mrs. Laura Lemole du Pont Dr. John M. Flynn ‘81 & Mrs. Mary Flynn Mr. Pierre duP. Hayward ‘66 & Mrs. Martina Combs Hayward Mrs. Ellen Jamison Kullman ‘74 & Mr. Michael E. Kullman Mr. & Mrs. Henry C. S. Mellon Dr. & Mrs. Nisheeth R. Patel Mr. & Mrs. David M. Shepherd Mr. & Mrs. John P. Sheppard Stratus Foundation Mrs. Edna M. Sutton* Trust The Edward E. Ford Foundation Tower Hill School Home & School Association Mr. Randolph W. Urmston ‘62 Founders’ Circle $15,000 - $24,999 Mr. Thomas C.T. Brokaw ‘64 & Mrs. Margaretta Bredin Brokaw ‘66 Mr. W. Whitfield Gardner ‘81 & Mrs. Cynthia H. Gardner Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Hynansky Michael & Ericka Hynansky Family Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Eric T. Johnson Kookaburra Foundation Mrs. Stephanie du P. Bredin Speakman ‘64 Starrett Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Whittington Jr. Whittington Seven Oaks Foundation Tower Hill Fellow $10,000 - $14,999 Anonymous (2) Advanced Materials Technology Inc. Mrs. Carroll Morgan Carpenter ‘59 Dr. Anthony R. Cucuzzella ‘82 & Mrs. Lucinda Cole Cucuzzella Mr. & Mrs. William H. Daiger Jr. Mrs. Elizabeth Prince de Ramel Mr. Christopher R. Donoho III ‘87 & Mrs. Erica Reedy Donoho Ambassador & Mrs. Edward E. Elson Ms. Elizabeth A. Garrigues ‘45* Mr. Laird R. Hayward ‘02 Mrs. Nancy L. Hayward ‘60 Mr. Samuel I. duP. Hyland ‘89 &

Mrs. Danielle Peterson Hyland Judy & Joseph Setting Tower Hill School Alumni Council Mrs. Isabella Speakman Timon ‘92 & Mr. Philip C. Timon Mr. Rodman Ward III ‘83 & Mrs. Gina Farabaugh Ward Trustees’ Circle $5,000 - $9,999 Mrs. Jennifer Sinex Abramczyk ‘86 & Mr. Jon E. Abramczyk Mr. & Mrs. Theodore H. Ashford III Aware Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Andrew M. Barrett Mrs. Joan Ross Bolling ‘47 Dr. & Mrs. Drew A. Brady Dr. Anthony L. Cucuzzella Delaware Orthopaedic Specialists P.A. Dr. & Mrs. Gregory W. DeMeo Robert & Suzanne DeSantis Mr. E. Bradford du Pont Jr. ‘82 Heather Richards Evans ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Habgood Drs. Robert & Rachel Heinle Mr. Michael A. Jenkins ‘80 & Mrs. Ann Kallfelz Jenkins ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Langlois The Lemole Family Charitable Trust Ms. Elizabeth H. Richardson Mr. Frederick B. Rose ‘66 Mr. Anthony J. Salva ‘94 & Mrs. Mandy J. Salva Dr. Christopher J. Saunders ‘80 & Mrs. Alice M. Saunders Mr. Thomas M. Schorn Mr. & Mrs. David W. Spartin The Rev. & Mrs. Thomas G. Speers III Dr. John D. Statler ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Steiner Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Svindland Mr. & Mrs. John B. Swayne III Mrs. Susan Wood Waesco ‘90 & Mr. Kevin M. Waesco Mrs. Susan Hill Ward ‘54 & Mr. Rodman Ward Jr. The Windfall Foundation St. Amour Society $2,500 - $4,999 Mr. Ashley R. Altschuler ‘90 & Mrs. Shoshana M. Altschuler Mr. Richard Bender & Ms. Alison Frost Mrs. Georgina Miller Bissell ‘38 Mr. & Mrs. Lewis S. Black Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Steve Boyden Mr. Eric J. Brinsfield & Dr. Martha Lynn Brinsfield Mr. John Buonocore Jr. Mr. Todd Buonocore ‘87 &

Dr. Allison D. Kolody Buonocore Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Caffrey Mr. R.R.M. Carpenter III ‘58 & Mrs. Stephanie Conklin Carpenter ‘58 Mrs. Nickie Julian Currie ‘90 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph DeSantis Dr. Michael A. Dignazio & Dr. Allison B. Evans Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Elson Dr. & Mrs. David J. Gaz Mrs. Patricia Hompe Gibson Mrs. Joan Fairman Gummey ‘61 & Mr. Charles F. Gummey Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Verne C. Harnish Mrs. Margaret Thouron Harrell ‘60 & Mr. Paul H. Harrell Jr. The Hompe Foundation Mrs. B. Holliday Hoopes Hudimac ‘73 Mr. & Mrs. Donald N. Isken Mr. & Mrs. M. Roy Jackson Mr. C. Ronald Maroney ‘59 & Mrs. Eleanor Silliman Maroney Dr. & Mrs. Benjamin W. Messmore Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Pettinaro Ms. Tucker T. Pierson ‘93 & Mr. Travis J. Elliott Mr. & Mrs. J. Mathieu Plumb Mr. & Mrs. Andrew C. Rose Dr. & Mrs. David P. Roselle Mr. & Mrs. Rodger D. Smith II Mr. & Mrs. David A. Soleye Mr. & Mrs. Clay C. Thomson Mr. Edward J. Tucker & Mrs. Gaozhen Hang Ms. Anne A. Verplanck ‘76 Mr. Carmen M. Wallace ‘93 1919 Society $1,919 - $2,499 Mr. Roger W. Arrington ‘66 & Mrs. Anne Hobbs Arrington ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Jay C. Astle Dr. & Mrs. Sung Ho Bae Dr. William W. Beck Jr. ‘57 Mr. & Mrs. William Black Mrs. Barbara Bours Brady ‘66 Dr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Conaty III Ms. Phoebe Craven ‘66 Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Crowley Jr. The Hon. Pierre S. du Pont IV ‘52 & Mrs. Elise du Pont GBH Foundation Trust Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Gessner Jr. Mr. Adam Gould & Ms. Nicholle R. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. E. Thomas Harvey III Harvey Hanna & Associates Inc. Mr. Scott T. Hattersley Mr. LaMontz M. Hayman ‘87 & Ms. Renee Sumter-Hayman Johnson Family Foundation Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Johnson

Mrs. Ann Lunger Jones ‘58 Ms. Cynthia Mendolia Keiser ‘66 Mrs. Jane du Pont Kidd ‘57 & Mr. Barron U. Kidd Mr. Jay Russell Lewis ‘01 Mrs. Julia Johnson Lindquist ‘58 Mr. Whitney M. Maroney ‘87 & Mrs. Katharine Fisher Maroney Mr. Dilip & Mrs. Anar Modi Ms. Aleni M. Pappas ‘96 Mr. & Mrs. Craig C. Scott Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Siegfried Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gordon F. Stone Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Vanderslice Mrs. Marilyn Morrow Woodhouse ‘49



Head of School’s Circle $1,000 - $1,918 Dr. Armin Afsar-Keshmiri ‘90 Mr. Steve Afsar-Keshmiri ‘89 Mr. & Mrs. John G. Aird Dr. & Mrs. Robert G. Altschuler Mr. Randolph Barton Jr. ‘59 & Mrs. Margaret Barton Mr. & Mrs. Perry S. Beberman Dr. & Mrs. Sean M. Bidic Mr. Robert M. Bird III ‘62 Mrs. Joan Stroud Blaine ‘66 Mr. & Mrs. Luke H. Borda Sr. Mrs. Anne M. Brinsfield Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Britt Nicholas V. L. Brokaw Ph.D. ‘66 Mr. Lalor Burdick ‘58 Mr. Thaddeus K. Bythewood Jr. Mr. Naxin Cai & Ms. Xiaoming Ma Mr. Robert R. Carpenter IV ‘81 Dr. Kimberly Wright Cassidy Mr. & Mrs. John C. Chaffin Mr. Jian J. Chen & Ms. Hongxia K. Gao Mrs. Susan Edison Church ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Conaty IV Mr. & Mrs. Mark B. Cordell Steve & Michelle Coulter Mr. & Mrs. Edward Cover Mr. & Mrs. Stephen B. Craft Mr. George H. Cross III ‘56 Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Crouch CulinArt Managed Dining Services Mr. Stephen F. Darnell Ms. Laura de Ramel Mr. & Mrs. Derrick M. Deadwyler Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel DeFranceschi Mr. & Mrs. Henry E. I. du Pont II Mr. Irénée du Pont Jr. ‘38 & Mrs. Barbara du Pont Mr. Thère du Pont II ‘84 & Ms. Darla Pomeroy Mr. John S. Edinger Jr. ‘78 & Mrs. Laurie Edinger Mr. Marcelo E. Fasano &

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Fall 2018


Mrs. Maria Julieta Casanova Mrs. Beverly Wild Finch ‘59 Dr. David M. Fink & Dr. Maria E. Soler Mr. Michael J. Flynn ‘91 & Mrs. Melissa W. Flynn ‘91 Dr. & Mrs. Churchill C. Franklin Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Franta Mrs. Amanda Walker Friz ‘92 & Mr. Robert W. Friz Mrs. Karen Abrams Graham ‘76 & Mr. Homer E. Graham III Mr. Jim Guo & Mrs. Christy Yang Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Guzzardi Mr. Thomas J. Hanna ‘91 & Dr. Lynne A. Hanna Mrs. Penelope Harris Mrs. Beverly S. Hattersley Mr. & Mrs. Arthur P. Helmick Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Hewes IV Mrs. Deanna P. Hynansky Dr. Mehdi Jadali & Dr. Bahareh Assadi Mr. Douglas R. Jamieson ‘73 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Janssen Jr. Ms. Paula S. Janssen ‘91 Mr. Norman K. Jellinghaus ‘57 Mr. Ellis W. Jones ‘66


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Fall 2018

Mr. Richard R. Joyce ‘61 Dr. & Mrs. Ali Kalamchi Mrs. Leslie M. Kelly, Mrs. Jordan Hollender O‘Regan ‘98 & Ms. Brooke A. Kelly ‘11 Mr. Karl D. Klauck Mr. Daniel H. Krapf ‘66 Mrs. Leslie Harvey Lemonick ‘75 Ms. Anne Taylor Lincoln ‘66 Mrs. Sheila Cavanagh Marshall ‘63 Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Martelli Mrs. Antonia Bredin Massie ‘73 Mrs. Gale Pierson McNish ‘61 & Mr. Douglas McNish Mr. John L. Mekus Esq. & Ms. Mona E. Warwar Mr. & Mrs. Jay R. Miller Ms. Susan Miller Mr. James W. Morris ‘73 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Mumford Mr. Wheeler K. Neff ‘66 Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Nestor Mr. Henry E. Nickle ‘76 & Mrs. Anne Nickle Mr. David T. Nowland ‘85 Dr. Mehmet C. Oz ‘78 & Mrs. Lisa Jane Lemole Oz Mr. Munish Pahwa &

Dr. Anjala Pahwa Mr. Anthony R. Pisapia & Dr. Allison M. Pisapia Mr. Madhusudhan Pudipeddi & Ms. Sujata Swaminathan Mr. & Mrs. Srinivas M. Raju Ms. Elizabeth Dougherty Raskob ‘66 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew R. Remming Mr. Charles F. Richards Jr. ‘55 & Mrs. Pamela Richards Mr. John E. Riegel Jr. ‘90 & Mrs. Amanda Golding Riegel ‘94 Mrs. Jane Savage Riley ‘74 Mr. Bruce B. Roberts ‘66 Mr. & Mrs. Blake K. Rohrbacher Mrs. Beth Carney Salter ‘82 & Mr. Dennis M. Salter Dr. Jonathan H. Salvin & Dr. Karen J. Lefrak Mr. & Mrs. Todd C. Schiltz Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Schlerf Mr. Jacob F. Schutt ‘90 Dr. Suken A. Shah & Ms. Sheela P. Dattani The Hon. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Simpler Mr. & Mrs. John F. Sobieski Dr. Andrew D. Sparks ‘91 &

Mrs. Laura Q. Permut Sparks ‘93 Mrs. Rosemary Stack Mr. Matthew T. Twyman III ‘88 & Mrs. Carmen Morris Twyman Mrs. Andrea Trippitelli Valentine ‘89 & Mr. John Valentine Dr. David T. Vanson & Dr. Ann Kim Dr. & Mrs. Anthony W. Villare Mr. & Mrs. William L. Wallace Mr. George B. Ward III ‘66 Ms. Katherine S. Ward ‘62 Mr. Charles Warner III ‘49 Ms. Kathryn R. Warner Mr. & Mrs. Willard L. Webster Wilcox Landscaping Mr. Z. Vance Wilson Mrs. Jane K. Wood Mr. Juncai Yang & Mrs. Cairong Wang * Deceased

Tower Hill is fortunate to receive gifts to endowed funds each year, which are vital to keeping the budget in balance and maintaining the quality and breadth of the school’s programs. Tower Hill is most appreciative to the generous donors who have established these funds and to those who continue to contribute to them. Please note that gifts to endowed funds cannot be credited to the Annual Fund or other capital programs and are restricted for the purposes noted. Those who have contributed to these funds between July 1, 2017, and June 30, 2018, are listed below.


Income from Tower Hill’s unrestricted endowment fund is used each year to help support operating expenses.


Income from Tower Hill’s unrestricted financial aid fund is used each year to help support students in need of financial assistance. Mrs. Susan Wood Waesco ‘90 & Mr. Kevin M. Waesco


Charles H. Arrington III Faculty Chair in Science Established and endowed in 1989 with a grant from the Regenstein Foundation in memory of Charles H. Arrington III ‘63 for Science Department faculty salaries. Faculty Salary Fund Established and endowed in 1987 with a grant from the Longwood Foundation.

Mr. Robert R. Carpenter IV ‘81 Mr. Robert F. Gardner ‘84 Mrs. Joan Fairman Gummey ‘61 & Mr. Charles F. Gummey Jr. Ms. Brooke N. D. Hayman ‘15 Ms. Courtney A. T. Hayman ‘14 Mr. LaMontz M. Hayman ‘87 & Ms. Renee Sumter-Hayman Mr. R. Maurice Holden ‘85 & Ms. Wooja Chung Holden Dr. & Mrs. Eric T. Johnson Dr. Pamela L. Sharpe Mr. & Mrs. David A. Soleye Ms. Tracey D. Twyman ‘85 Mr. Matthew T. Twyman III ‘88 & Mrs. Carmen Morris Twyman Mr. Carmen M. Wallace ‘93 Mr. & Mrs. William L. Wallace David C. Altrock Memorial Fund Established in 2000 with a bequest from Joan Roberts Altrock, this endowed fund was given in memory of her husband, David C. Altrock ‘42. Each year, income from the fund is used to award financial aid to students attending Tower Hill School. Alumni Association Financial Assistance Fund Established in 1996 by the Alumni Association with proceeds from Tower Hill’s golf outing. Annual income supports one or more financial aid awards for students enrolled in grades Prekindergarten through Grade 12. Mrs. Alison Collins McKenna ‘57 Mr. Randolph W. Urmston ‘62 Tower Hill School Alumni Council

Timothy B. Golding Faculty Chair in English Established and endowed in 2005 by the Trustees in honor of Timothy B. Golding, Tower Hill Headmaster from 1986-2005.

The William W. & Mary Y. Beck Memorial Fund This endowment was established in 2005 by William W. Beck. Jr. ‘57, Laurence H. Beck ‘58 and Sally Beck Baker ‘62 in honor of their parents, William and Mary Beck. The proceeds of this fund are used to award, annually, need-based financial aid to one or more Tower Hill students enrolled in Prekindergarten through Grade 12.

William L. Kitchel II Faculty Chair Established and endowed in 1979 by the Trustees in memory of William L. Kitchel II ‘47, Tower Hill Trustee from 1971-1978.

Mrs. Sally Beck Baker ‘62 Dr. Laurence H. Beck ‘58 Dr. William W. Beck Jr. ‘57

Mrs. Alice Kitchel Fulweiler ‘72 & Mr. Peter C. Fulweiler Mr. William L. Kitchel III ‘77 & Mrs. Elizabeth M. Kitchel Mr. & Mrs. H. Murray Sawyer Jr.

John Buonocore III Memorial Financial Aid Award This endowment was established in 2004 in memory of John Buonocore III ‘83, with gifts from family and classmates. Income supports one or more financial aid awards for students enrolled in Grades 9 through 12 who demonstrate athletic ability.

James W. Williams Faculty Salary Fund Established and endowed in 2005 in memory of James W. Williams, Tower Hill faculty from 1934-1952, by Mrs. James W. Williams, Carol C. Williams ‘55, Patrick L.M. Williams ‘58 and Ruth W. Cornelison ‘61. Income is to be used to support salaries of Tower Hill School faculty.


African-American Scholar Endowment Fund Established in 2016 with gifts to Tower Hill School by alumni, parents and grandparents in support of the outstanding opportunity that Tower Hill provides to students. Income will provide financial assistance for one or more African-American students entering Tower Hill in Grades 7 through 12 who demonstrate academic excellence and ambition with an aptitude in athletics and the arts. Mr. & Mrs. Brian L. Adderley Sr. Mr. & Mrs. James L. Allen Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Drew A. Brady Mr. R.R.M. Carpenter III ‘58 & Mrs. Stephanie Conklin Carpenter ‘58



Mr. John Buonocore Jr. Mr. Todd Buonocore ‘87 & Dr. Allison D. Kolody Buonocore Mr. Paul Foldi ‘83 Dr. Alexander L. Kirifides ‘83 & Dr. Kathy Zinas Kirifides Mr. Whitney M. Maroney ‘87 & Mrs. Katharine Fisher Maroney Class of ‘57 Financial Aid Fund Established by the Tower Hill Class of ‘57 in celebration of their 50year Tower Hill Reunion in 2007. Income to be awarded, annually and in perpetuity to a Tower Hill student (or students) "as a sign of our gratitude for the fine education, the friendships and other deep gifts we received at Tower Hill School near the start of our life’s journey." Ruth J. Davis Financial Aid Fund This award was established in 1996 in memory of Ruth Jo Davis ‘75, with an initial gift from her husband, Robert J. Schmitt. Income is used to award financial aid to a female student in the Upper School who has demonstrated proficiency in mathematics and/or the sciences.

Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018


NAMED AND ENDOWED FUNDS cont. Mrs. Margaret Savage Brownell ‘75 Ms. Lisa D. Daudon ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey T. Schoenberger Megan & Ryan Schoenberger Mr. & Mrs. Martin L. Werde Mr. William Werde & Ms. Heather C. Moore Arthur F. DiSabatino Financial Aid Fund This endowment was established in 2002 in memory of Arthur F. DiSabatino, father of David ‘83, Steven ‘85 and Timothy ‘93. Income is used to award financial aid to a student (or students) enrolled in Prekindergarten through Grade 12 who demonstrate high moral character and genuine compassion toward his or her peers. Harry E. DiSabatino Financial Aid Fund Established in 1976 by Mr. and Mrs. Clarence E. DiSabatino Jr., this endowed fund is in memory of their son, Harry ‘73. An award is made each year to the boy or girl in the Middle or Upper School whose all-around qualities of enthusiasm, energy, concern for others and athletic interest and ability would reflect Harry’s qualities. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Boxler Ms. Jane C. Carson Mr. & Mrs. Taddeo A. Di Taddeo Dr. & Mrs. Mario P. DiSabatino Mr. Lawrence Knotts ‘73 Mr. Richard B. Marvin ‘74 Ms. Shirley Nardo Mr. Bernard A. Pinkett Mr. Robin Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Seeds Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Smigielski Mr. Erik Swensson Sundew Painting North Inc./ Nardo Family UXL Enabling Your Effectiveness Diversity Financial Aid Fund This endowment was established in 2002 with an initial gift from Margaret Aspril Boyer ‘33, to promote ethnic diversity among students. Annual income supports one or more financial aid awards for students enrolled in Prekindergarten through Grade 4. Mr. Justin M. Hicks ‘09 Flynn Family Scholarship Fund The fund, established and endowed in 2014, was inspired by the sacrifices made by Frances and Jimmy Flynn, both Delaware school teachers, to give their children (Jack THS ‘81, Jim WFS ‘82, Terry THS ‘85, Tracey SMHS ‘86, Dan THS ‘89, Michael THS ‘91) extraordinary educations. The goal of the Flynn Family Scholarship Fund is to pay forward on their vision: That a Tower Hill education should be in reach for those willing to make it a priority. The fund will assist with tuition for students entering or continuing in the Upper School at Tower Hill who have demonstrated academic excellence and ambition, with promise in athletics, music or the arts. Mr. James E. Flynn Dr. John M. Flynn ‘81 & Mrs. Mary Flynn Mr. Daniel B. Flynn ‘89 & Mrs. Amy Flynn Mr. Michael J. Flynn ‘91 & Mrs. Melissa W. Flynn ‘91 Mr. Michael F. Gummey ‘90 Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph R. Wagner Elizabeth A. Garrigues ‘45 Financial Aid Fund Established in 2006 and endowed in 2013 by Elizabeth Garrigues ‘45, annual income supports one or more financial aid awards for students enrolled in the Lower School.


Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018

Elizabeth A. Garrigues Financial Aid Fund at the Delaware Community Foundation Hyde Family Scholarship Fund Established in 1990 with an initial gift from Mrs. George A. Hyde, this endowed fund honors all members of the Hyde family who attended Tower Hill School. Annual income supports one or more financial aid awards for students enrolled in Grades 7 through 12. The Chip MacKelcan ‘67 Scholarship Established and endowed in 2011 with a gift to Tower Hill School to honor alumnus Chip MacKelcan for his years of dedication and service as an independent school educational leader. Mr. Charles J. Durante ‘69 & Mrs. Janice F. Durante Grace Houck Margraf Scholarship Fund Established in 2018 by Mark Bussard ‘90 and his family in honor of Mark’s grandmother Grace Houck Margraf. This fund celebrates Grace’s love for family and friends by providing qualified students with limited means the opportunity to benefit from a Tower Hill education. Income from this fund will be awarded each year to a student who shares Grace’s warmth, kindness, sense of humor and love for the outdoors. Dr. G. Mark Bussard ‘90 John E. Newlin Jr. and Barbara C. Newlin Endowed Fund Established and endowed in 2008 with an initial gift from John E. Newlin Jr. and Barbara C. Newlin. Annual income is used for financial aid awards. John C. Pierson Jr. ‘59 Scholarship Fund Established by John C. Pierson III ‘87, Corbin Pierson Woods ‘89 and Tucker T. Pierson ‘93, in memory of their father John C. Pierson Jr. ‘59, Tower Hill School alumnus, teacher, coach and parent from 1968-2009. The merit-based scholarships are awarded to newly admitted 9th grade students for their demonstrated commitment to excellence, community involvement and service, and physical fitness. Mr. Todd Buonocore ‘87 & Dr. Allison D. Kolody Buonocore Mrs. Sarah Smith Chapman ‘90 Elliqua Fund of The Oregon Community Foundation Mr. Michael F. Gummey ‘90 Mr. Whitney M. Maroney ‘87 & Mrs. Katharine Fisher Maroney Mrs. Gale Pierson McNish ‘61 & Mr. Douglas McNish Mr. John C. Pierson III ‘87 & Mrs. Heather R.B. Pierson Ms. Tucker T. Pierson ‘93 & Mr. Travis J. Elliott Mrs. Corbin T.B. Pierson Woods ‘89 William R. Smith Endowed Fund for Financial Assistance Established and endowed in 2009 to honor one of its Faculty Fund to Aid Students (FFAS) founding members, William R. Smith. This endowment provides a continual reminder to our community of the commitment to Tower Hill School—its values and ideals—that Bill Smith and other faculty members, past and present, maintain. Mr. John S. Edinger Jr. ‘78 & Mrs. Laurie Edinger Ms. Janet M. Plyler & Mr. Frank LaChance Spiller Financial Aid Fund Gifts to Tower Hill School in memory of Paul and Judy Spiller and their sons Harvey & David, were used to establish this endowed fund in 1989. Each year, an award is made to a Lower School boy or girl deemed especially noteworthy as a school citizen and student.

Mr. Robert M. Bird III ‘62 Mr. Wilson J.C. Braun III ‘01 Mr. Theodore J. Brown Mr. Ronald S. Felix ‘62 Mr. Francis J. Forrest Mr. Edward J. Freel Mr. John Still Mr. James E. Szymanski Mr. R. Bruce White Jr. Charles S. Sutton ‘31 Memorial Scholarship Fund Established and endowed in 2017 with a gift from the Edna M. Sutton Trust. Income will be awarded annually for need-based academic scholarships to one or more Tower Hill students enrolled in Prekindergarten through Grade 12. Edna M. Sutton Trust* William L. Wild Financial Aid Fund The William L. Wild Financial Aid Award was established and endowed in 1991 with gifts to Tower Hill School in memory of Bill Wild, long-time member of the faculty from 1937-1975. An award is made annually to a student enrolled, or who wishes to enroll, at Tower Hill who has demonstrated academic ability. Mrs. Beverly Wild Finch ‘59


Mr. & Mrs. John F. Holloway Mr. Michael A. Jenkins ‘80 & Mrs. Ann Kallfelz Jenkins ‘80 Mr. Gregory S. Kaufmann ‘96 Ms. Carolyn B. Law ‘86 Lt. Col. John C. Lemay ‘93 Mr. & Mrs. James L. Martel Mrs. Anjali Rao Martin ‘91 Dr. Nicholas H. Matlin Mrs. Megan C. McCrery Mr. R. Rhett Mitchell ‘91 Mr. John T. Mongan Jr. ‘04 Dr. Daniel K. Moon ‘96 Mrs. Janelle Wright Okorie ‘96 Mr. & Mrs. John E. Osborn Ms. Janet M. Plyler & Mr. Frank LaChance Mr. & Mrs. James M. Prober Ms. Elizabeth H. Richardson Mrs. Natalie Heiman Roisman ‘92 Mr. Michael D. Sachs ‘86 & Mrs. Robin P. Sachs Mr. Robert M. Silliman Jr. ‘96 & Mrs. Kelly S. Silliman Mr. & Mrs. John B. Swayne III Mrs. Lindsay Wise Tonderys ‘96 Mrs. Susan Wood Waesco ‘90 & Mr. Kevin M. Waesco Ms. Kathryn R. Warner Dr. Katharine Lopez Weymouth ‘94 & Mr. Timothy B. Weymouth Mr. Michael T. Wilson ‘03 Mrs. Jane K. Wood Mr. Norris P. Wright Jr. ‘92


James W. Straub Financial Aid Fund Established and endowed in 2005 with gifts to Tower Hill School in memory of alumnus James W. Straub ‘62 and Tower Hill faculty from 1989-2005. Income will be awarded, annually, by members of the Faculty Fund to Aid Students (FFAS) to a male athlete in the Upper School.


Algard Fund Established and endowed by the Class of ‘59 in memory of Harry E. Algard, Tower Hill faculty member from 1942-1958, for the Algard Mathematics Award. Arsht Fund Established and endowed in 1981 by Mr. & Mrs. S. Samuel Arsht in memory of their daughter Alison Arsht ‘61 for the Arsht Leadership Award. Mrs. Catherine Brown-Butler ‘82 Baetjer Fund for Faculty Development Established and endowed in 2017 to honor Harry Baetjer for his 47 years of service to Tower Hill. The fund supports faculty through professional development and stipended summer opportunities. Anonymous (2) Mr. Michael W. Ashley ‘83 Mr. Patrick B. Baetjer ‘99 Ms. Katherine Bailey Mr. Robert L. Dewey ‘71 Mrs. Linda Lagarde Drapeau ‘78 Mr. John S. Edinger Jr. ‘78 & Mrs. Laurie Edinger Heather Richards Evans ‘80 Ms. Donna Gleason Mrs. Julie R. Goldston Mrs. Karen Abrams Graham ‘76 & Mr. Homer E. Graham III Mrs. Joan Fairman Gummey ‘61 & Mr. Charles F. Gummey Jr. Ms. Aileen D. Heiman ‘00 Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Hewes IV

Thank you to former Home and School Association President Lois Miller (left) for her time and efforts during the 2017-2018 school year. Megan Greenberg (right) will lead the association during the 2018-2019 school year.

Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018


NAMED AND ENDOWED FUNDS cont. Buckles Fund Established and endowed in 1986 in memory of Cecile M. Buckles, Tower Hill faculty member from 1926-1965, for the program of instruction of English language and composition and the Buckles Award. Mrs. Lee Howard Vosters ‘69 Carolyn Ackart Bussard ‘39 Faculty Fund Established in 2018 by Mark Bussard ‘90 and his family in honor of Mark’s grandmother Carolyn Ackart Bussard ‘39. Selfless, generous and altruistic, Carolyn loved Tower Hill. She rarely missed an opportunity to cheer on one of Tower Hill’s athletic teams or to participate in the school’s Tree Trim. Income from the fund will provide funding for teachers and coaches to pursue graduate studies and/or participate in professional development opportunities. Dr. G. Mark Bussard ‘90 Bythewood Fund Established and endowed in 2000 in memory of Barbara H. Bythewood, Tower Hill faculty member from 1988-1999, for the reading program. Mr. Thaddeus K. Bythewood Jr. Cartmell Fund Established and endowed in 2000 in memory of Terry Cartmell, mother of Katie ‘02 and Jamie ‘04, for the Spanish language program. Class of ‘56 Library Fund The fund has been established by Tower Hill’s Class of ‘56 in celebration of their 50th reunion in 2006. Support from it, provided annually and in perpetuity, will enable the Lower School library to buy books and audio/visual supplies. The fund is given "in gratitude for Tower Hill’s nurturing us all to read for both learning and pleasure." Mr. Monty Montague ‘55 & Mrs. Barb Moore Montague ‘56 Class of ‘66 ‘Of Wilmington and the World’ Fund Established and endowed by Tower Hill’-s Class of ‘66 for their 50th reunion as a way to recognize and honor a Tower Hill student in the Upper School who has demonstrated through superior academic work and extracurricular pursuits, that he or she is an engaged citizen of the world, with a strong interest in and commitment to the world outside of Tower Hill. Anonymous Mr. Roger W. Arrington ‘66 Mrs. Joan Stroud Blaine ‘66 Mrs. Barbara Bours Brady ‘66 Nicholas V. L. Brokaw Ph.D. ‘66 Ms. Phoebe Craven ‘66 Mr. Edward H. Hawfield ‘66 Mr. Pierre duP. Hayward ‘66 Mr. Mark K. Hedley ‘66 Deborah L. Jones Ph.D. ‘66 Mr. Ellis W. Jones ‘66 Mr. Thomas N. Jones III ‘66 Ms. Cynthia Mendolia Keiser ‘66 Mr. Daniel H. Krapf ‘66 Ms. Anne Taylor Lincoln ‘66 Mr. Steven McClelland ‘66


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Fall 2018

Mrs. Mary Lunger McKay ‘66 Mrs. Sharon Church McNabb ‘66 Ms. Alice H. Morse II ‘66 Mr. Wheeler K. Neff ‘66 Ms. Anne S. Oldach ‘66 Ms. Elizabeth Dougherty Raskob ‘66 Mr. Bruce B. Roberts ‘66 Mr. Frederick B. Rose ‘66 Mr. H. Rodney Scott ‘66 Dr. Ginger Smith ‘66 Mr. George B. Ward III ‘66 Ms. Katherine S. Ward ‘62 Mr. Edward E. Weisbrod ‘66 Ehret Fund Established and endowed in 1982 in memory of Lisa O. Ehret ‘72, for an annual art scholarship and the Ehret Art Award. English Department Faculty Development This fund was established and endowed in 2004 by a Tower Hill family whose child was inspired by Corinne C. Bailey, Tower Hill faculty member from 1979-2004, in honor of her retirement. Annual income is used to provide professional opportunities for English Department faculty. Haon Fund Established and endowed in 1991 by Anne Haon Cook ‘47 and Harry J. Haon III ‘52 in memory of their father Harry J. Haon Jr., Tower Hill Trustee from 1943-1955, for the Haon Art Award. Home & School Faculty Development Fund Established and endowed in 2004 by the Tower Hill Home & School Association. Annual income is used to provide professional opportunities for faculty. Hughes Fund Established and endowed in 1992 in honor of P. Edward Hughes, Tower Hill faculty member from 1958-1992, by his children for the Hughes History Award. Gretchen Hupfel Art Fund Established and endowed in 2004 in memory of Gretchen Hupfel ‘82, by family, classmates and friends. Annual income is used for the acquisition of art for Tower Hill School’s permanent collection and to support lectures held in conjunction with art purchases. Jennings Fund Established and endowed in 1990 in memory of Lorie S. Jennings, mother of Elizabeth ‘97 and Pam ‘01, for Lower School activities and programs. Library Book Endowment Fund Established in 2003, the fund offers an opportunity to honor or remember a special person or group. For the acquisition of new books in an area specified by the donors. Rosenthal Modern Language Fund Established and endowed in 2003 by Ruth Ganister and Tony Rosenthal in recognition of the Tower Hill education received by their son, David J. Rosenthal ‘03. For the acquisition of materials, other than textbooks, to aid in the teaching of modern languages. Mr. Anton H. Rosenthal & Ms. Ruth E. Ganister

Tower Hill Forum Established and endowed in 1998 by the Rappolt family to honor Gabrielle ‘93, Sarah ‘96 and Bill ‘99 and in recognition of the dedication, scholarship and professionalism of the Tower Hill faculty. Annual income is used to bring experts and scholars to Tower Hill to speak to students about themes related to history, citizenship and international affairs.


The Walter S. & Beverley W. Rowland Historic Preservation Award Endowed Fund Awards a 7th grader who writes the best essay on the subject: Why historic preservation is important to me and my community. The winning student receives a prize certificate and a gift certificate for the purchase of books. He or she also reads the essay at the Middle School Awards Assembly. An additional amount is donated to the Middle School History Department that may be used either to fund a visiting lecturer or to increase the library holdings in the history field. The award was established in 2000, with the endowed fund instituted in 2006.

Income from named and endowed funds is generated annually and in perpetuity. Income is restricted to the purposes specified. Additional contributions to such funds are welcomed at any time, and you can give online at

CLASS OF 1966 ESTABLISHES “OF WILMINGTON AND THE WORLD” ENDOWMENT FUND In October 2016, the Class of 1966 gathered on Tower Hill’s campus for their 50th Reunion. A small group of class members met with Head of School Bessie Speers to begin discussions about a class gift that might reflect their appreciation to Tower Hill for their many educational opportunities in and out of the classroom. The discussion resulted in the creation of the “Of Wilmington and the World” Fund to honor Tower Hill’s commitment to developing global scholars in a growing international community by offering students international experiences in both social and intellectual settings. The Class of 1966 Gift Committee set out to solicit their classmates for over $25,000, the minimum amount required to endow a fund so that it lives on in perpetuity. After months of hard work, and with the generosity from an anonymous donor, the class was able to raise almost $57,000, doubling their initial goal. As George Ward ‘66 said, “This is a remarkable testament to our class, our vision and

our dedication to our cherished friends who we grew up with during our years at Tower Hill.” The collective gift is given in honor of members of the Class of 1966 who were deceased at the time the award was established. The “Of Wilmington and the World” Award will recognize and honor a Tower Hill student in the Upper School who has demonstrated through superior academic work, extracurricular pursuits and a wellwritten essay, that he or she is an engaged citizen of the world, with a strong interest in and commitment to the world outside of Tower Hill. We thank the Class of 1966 Gift Committee chairs Frederick Rose ‘66, Ginger Smith ‘66 and George Ward ‘66 for their unwavering support and congratulate the Class of 1966 for a very successful campaign. Thank you for your continued generosity in support of Tower Hill’s programs, the talented students and dedicated faculty.

Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018


ANNUAL FUND DONORS JULY 1, 2017–JUNE 30, 2018 Denotes consecutive years of giving to the Tower Hill School Annual Fund ♦♦♦ 20 or more consecutive years ♦♦ 10-19 consecutive years ♦ 5-9 consecutive years Multa Bene Facta Circle $25,000+ Anonymous Mr. Régis A. de Ramel ♦ Mrs. Ellen Jamison Kullman ‘74 & Mr. Michael E. Kullman ♦♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. Henry C. S. Mellon ♦ Mr. & Mrs. David M. Shepherd ♦♦ Founders’ Circle $15,000 - $24,999 Mr. Thomas C.T. Brokaw ‘64 & Mrs. Margaretta Bredin Brokaw ‘66 Mr. Benjamin F. du Pont ‘82 & Mrs. Laura Lemole du Pont ♦♦ Mr. W. Whitfield Gardner ‘81 & Mrs. Cynthia H. Gardner ♦♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Hynansky ♦ Mrs. Stephanie du P. Bredin Speakman ‘64 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Whittington Jr. Tower Hill Fellow $10,000 - $14,999 Mrs. Carroll Morgan Carpenter ‘59 Dr. Anthony R. Cucuzzella ‘82 & Mrs. Lucinda Cole Cucuzzella ♦♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. William H. Daiger Jr. ♦♦ Mrs. Elizabeth Prince de Ramel Mr. Christopher R. Donoho III ‘87 & Mrs. Erica Reedy Donoho ♦ Ambassador & Mrs. Edward E. Elson Dr. John M. Flynn ‘81 & Mrs. Mary Flynn ♦♦♦ Mr. Laird R. Hayward ‘02 Mrs. Nancy L. Hayward ‘60 ♦♦♦ Mr. Samuel I. duP. Hyland ‘89 & Mrs. Danielle Peterson Hyland ♦ Dr. & Mrs. Eric T. Johnson ♦♦ Mrs. Isabella Speakman Timon ‘92 & Mr. Philip C. Timon ♦♦ Mr. Rodman Ward III ‘83 & Mrs. Gina Farabaugh Ward ♦♦ Trustees’ Circle $5,000 - $9,999 Mrs. Jennifer Sinex Abramczyk ‘86 & Mr. Jon E. Abramczyk ♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. Theodore H. Ashford III Dr. & Mrs. Andrew M. Barrett ♦♦ Mrs. Joan Ross Bolling ‘47 ♦♦♦ Dr. G. Mark Bussard ‘90 ♦♦♦ Dr. Anthony L. Cucuzzella ♦


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Fall 2018

Dr. & Mrs. Gregory W. DeMeo Robert & Suzanne DeSantis ♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Habgood Mr. Anthony J. Salva ‘94 & Mrs. Mandy J. Salva ♦ Dr. Christopher J. Saunders ‘80 & Mrs. Alice M. Saunders ♦♦ Mr. Thomas M. Schorn ♦ Mr. & Mrs. David W. Spartin ♦ The Rev. & Mrs. Thomas G. Speers III Dr. John D. Statler ‘86 ♦♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Steiner Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Svindland Tower Hill School Alumni Council ♦ Tower Hill School Home & School Association ♦♦ Mrs. Susan Hill Ward ‘54 & Mr. Rodman Ward Jr. St. Amour Society $2,500 - $4,999 Mr. Ashley R. Altschuler ‘90 & Mrs. Shoshana M. Altschuler ♦ Mr. Richard Bender & Ms. Alison Frost ♦♦ Mrs. Georgina Miller Bissell ‘38 ♦♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. Lewis S. Black Jr. ♦♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. Steve Boyden ♦♦♦ Dr. & Mrs. Drew A. Brady ♦ Mr. Eric J. Brinsfield & Dr. Martha Lynn Brinsfield ♦ Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Caffrey Mr. R.R.M. Carpenter III ‘58 & Mrs. Stephanie Conklin Carpenter ‘58 ♦♦♦ Mrs. Nickie Julian Currie ‘90 ♦ Mr. & Mrs. Joseph DeSantis ♦ Dr. Michael A. Dignazio & Dr. Allison B. Evans ♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Elson ♦♦ Heather Richards Evans ‘80 ♦♦♦ Dr. & Mrs. David J. Gaz Mrs. Patricia Hompe Gibson ♦♦ Mrs. Joan Fairman Gummey ‘61 & Mr. Charles F. Gummey Jr. ♦♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. Verne C. Harnish Mrs. Margaret Thouron Harrell ‘60 & Mr. Paul H. Harrell Jr. ♦ Mrs. B. Holliday Hoopes Hudimac ‘73 Mr. & Mrs. Donald N. Isken ♦ Mr. & Mrs. M. Roy Jackson ♦♦♦ Mr. Michael A. Jenkins ‘80 & Mrs. Ann Kallfelz Jenkins ‘80 ♦ Mr. C. Ronald Maroney ‘59 & Mrs. Eleanor Silliman Maroney Dr. & Mrs. Benjamin W. Messmore Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Pettinaro ♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. J. Mathieu Plumb Mr. & Mrs. Andrew C. Rose ♦♦ Dr. & Mrs. David P. Roselle ♦♦ Judy & Joseph Setting ♦ Mr. & Mrs. Rodger D. Smith II ♦♦

Mr. Edward J. Tucker & Mrs. Gaozhen Hang Ms. Anne A. Verplanck ‘76 ♦♦♦ Mr. Carmen M. Wallace ‘93 1919 Society $1,919 - $2,499 Dr. Armin Afsar-Keshmiri ‘90 Mr. Steve Afsar-Keshmiri ‘89 Mr. & Mrs. Jay C. Astle Dr. & Mrs. Sung Ho Bae ♦ Mr. & Mrs. William Black Dr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Conaty III ♦ Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Crowley Jr. ♦ Mrs. Elizabeth Sproesser Fiechter ‘98 & Mr. Samuel C. Fiechter ‘94 Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Gessner Jr. ♦♦ Mr. Adam Gould & Ms. Nicholle R. Taylor ♦ Mr. & Mrs. E. Thomas Harvey III ♦♦♦ Mr. Scott T. Hattersley ♦ Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Johnson ♦ Mrs. Ann Lunger Jones ‘58 ♦ Mrs. Jane du Pont Kidd ‘57 & Mr. Barron U. Kidd ♦♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Langlois ♦ Mr. Jay Russell Lewis ‘01 ♦♦ Mrs. Julia Johnson Lindquist ‘58 ♦ Mr. Dilip & Mrs. Anar Modi Ms. Aleni M. Pappas ‘96 ♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. Craig C. Scott Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John P. Sheppard Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Siegfried Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David A. Soleye Mr. & Mrs. Gordon F. Stone Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Vanderslice ♦ Mrs. Marilyn Morrow Woodhouse ‘49 ♦♦♦ Head of School’s Circle $1,000 - $1,918 Mr. & Mrs. John G. Aird ♦ Dr. & Mrs. Robert G. Altschuler ♦♦ Mr. Randolph Barton Jr. ‘59 & Mrs. Margaret Barton ♦♦♦ Dr. William W. Beck Jr. ‘57 ♦♦♦ Dr. & Mrs. Sean M. Bidic Mr. Robert M. Bird III ‘62 ♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. Luke H. Borda Sr. ♦ Mrs. Anne M. Brinsfield ♦ Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Britt ♦ Mr. John Buonocore Jr. Mr. Lalor Burdick ‘58 ♦ Mr. Naxin Cai & Ms. Xiaoming Ma Dr. Kimberly Wright Cassidy Mr. & Mrs. John C. Chaffin Mr. Jian J. Chen & Ms. Hongxia K. Gao Mrs. Susan Edison Church ‘86 ♦ Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Conaty IV ♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. Mark B. Cordell ♦ Steve & Michelle Coulter ♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. Edward Cover ♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. Stephen B. Craft Mr. George H. Cross III ‘56 ♦ Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Crouch

Ms. Louise E. Cummings-Lewis Ms. Laura de Ramel ♦ Mr. & Mrs. Derrick M. Deadwyler Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel DeFranceschi Mr. & Mrs. Henry E. I. du Pont II Mr. Irénée du Pont Jr. ‘38 & Mrs. Barbara du Pont The Hon. Pierre S. du Pont IV ‘52 & Mrs. Elise du Pont ♦♦♦ Mr. Thère du Pont II ‘84 & Ms. Darla Pomeroy ♦ Mr. John S. Edinger Jr. ‘78 & Mrs. Laurie Edinger ♦♦♦ Mr. Marcelo E. Fasano & Mrs. Maria Julieta Casanova Mrs. Beverly Wild Finch ‘59 Dr. David M. Fink & Dr. Maria E. Soler Mr. Michael J. Flynn ‘91 & Mrs. Melissa W. Flynn ‘91 ♦♦♦ Dr. & Mrs. Churchill C. Franklin ♦ Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Franta Mrs. Amanda Walker Friz ‘92 & Mr. Robert W. Friz ♦ Mr. Jim Guo & Mrs. Christy Yang Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Guzzardi Mr. Thomas J. Hanna ‘91 & Dr. Lynne A. Hanna ♦♦ Mrs. Penelope Harris ♦ Mrs. Beverly S. Hattersley ♦♦ Mr. Pierre duP. Hayward ‘66 & Mrs. Martina Combs Hayward ♦♦♦ Drs. Robert & Rachel Heinle Mr. & Mrs. Arthur P. Helmick ♦♦♦ Mrs. Deanna P. Hynansky ♦ Dr. Mehdi Jadali & Dr. Bahareh Assadi Mr. Douglas R. Jamieson ‘73 ♦ Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Janssen Jr. ♦♦♦ Ms. Paula S. Janssen ‘91 ♦♦ Mr. Norman K. Jellinghaus ‘57 Mr. Richard R. Joyce ‘61 ♦♦♦ Dr. & Mrs. Ali Kalamchi Mrs. Leslie M. Kelly, Mrs. Jordan Hollender O’Regan ‘98 & Ms. Brooke A. Kelly ‘11 Mrs. Leslie Harvey Lemonick ‘75 ♦♦♦ Mrs. Sheila Cavanagh Marshall ‘63 ♦♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Martelli Mrs. Antonia Bredin Massie ‘73 Mr. John L. Mekus Esq. & Ms. Mona E. Warwar ♦ Mr. & Mrs. Jay R. Miller Ms. Susan Miller Mr. James W. Morris ‘73 ♦♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. Mark Mumford Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Nestor Mr. Henry E. Nickle ‘76 & Mrs. Anne Nickle ♦♦♦ Mr. David T. Nowland ‘85 ♦ Dr. Mehmet C. Oz ‘78 & Mrs. Lisa Jane Lemole Oz Mr. Munish Pahwa & Dr. Anjala Pahwa Ms. Tucker T. Pierson ‘93 & Mr. Travis J. Elliott ♦


Mr. Anthony R. Pisapia & Dr. Allison M. Pisapia Mr. Madhusudhan Pudipeddi & Ms. Sujata Swaminathan Mr. & Mrs. Srinivas M. Raju ♦ Mr. & Mrs. Andrew R. Remming Mr. Charles F. Richards Jr. ‘55 & Mrs. Pamela Richards Mr. John E. Riegel Jr. ‘90 & Mrs. Amanda Golding Riegel ‘94 ♦♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. Blake K. Rohrbacher Mrs. Beth Carney Salter ‘82 & Mr. Dennis M. Salter ♦♦♦ Dr. Jonathan H. Salvin & Dr. Karen J. Lefrak Mr. & Mrs. Todd C. Schiltz ♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Schlerf ♦♦ Mr. Jacob F. Schutt ‘90 Dr. Suken A. Shah & Ms. Sheela P. Dattani ♦ The Hon. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Simpler Mr. & Mrs. John F. Sobieski ♦ Dr. Andrew D. Sparks ‘91 & Mrs. Laura Q. Permut Sparks ‘93 ♦ Mrs. Rosemary Stack ♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. Clay C. Thomson Mrs. Andrea Trippitelli Valentine ‘89 & Mr. John Valentine Dr. David T. Vanson & Dr. Ann Kim ♦ Dr. & Mrs. Anthony W. Villare Mr. Charles Warner III ‘49 ♦ Ms. Kathryn R. Warner ♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. Willard L. Webster Mr. Z. Vance Wilson Mr. Juncai Yang & Mrs. Cairong Wang Benefactors’ Circle $500 - $999 Mr. Kurt M. Anstreicher ‘74 ♦♦♦ Dr. & Mrs. Earl J. Ball III ♦ Mr. Karl N. Beinkampen ‘83 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bickhart ♦ Mrs. Diane H. Blaski Dr. & Mrs. Leif-Erik Bohman Mr. & Mrs. Gary Booth Dr. & Mrs. Howard Borin Mr. Chadd E. Boulden ‘97 Mr. Brooks J. Bowen ‘67 ♦ Mr. & Mrs. Brett C. Brandau Mr.* & Mrs.* Ronald A. Brown ♦♦ Mr. Todd Buonocore ‘87 & Dr. Allison D. Kolody Buonocore ♦

Mr. & Mrs. William M. Burris III Mrs. Elizabeth Henry Caldwell ‘58 Ms. Ellen Cannon ‘72 ♦♦ Mrs. Sarah Phillips Carter ‘97 Mr. W. Timothy Cashman III ‘79 ♦♦ The Hon. Michael N. Castle ‘57 & Mrs. Jane D. Castle ♦♦♦ Ms. Joanna Cline & Mr. Laurence Z. Shiekman ♦ Mr. Robert W. Crowe Jr. ‘90 Dr. Robert C. Director ‘67 & Mrs. Deborah Director ♦♦♦ Mr. Stanley M. Diver ‘74 & Mrs. Martha Allin Diver ♦ Mr. Richard A. Dobbs ‘60 & Mrs. Yolande Brown Dobbs ‘62 ♦♦ Mrs. Alice Warner Donaghy ‘58 ♦ Mr. Willis H. du Pont ‘54 ♦♦ Mr. Michael F. Duggan ‘77 Mr. Brian S. Dulick ‘81 ♦♦ Mr. Charles J. Durante ‘69 & Mrs. Janice F. Durante ♦♦♦ Dr. & Mrs. John R. S. Fisher ♦ Mr. Andrew Y. Fong ‘99 Mrs. Lisa Harrington Foote ‘72 & Mr. George B. Foote Jr. ♦♦♦ Ms. Mary W. Foulk ‘87 ♦ Mr. Millard G. Gamble IV ‘61 ♦ Dr. John Gavenonis & Dr. Sara C. Gavenonis Mrs. Caroline Glaeseman ♦♦ Mrs. Michele du Pont Goss ‘59 ♦♦♦ Mrs. Karen Abrams Graham ‘76 & Mr. Homer E. Graham III ♦♦♦ Mr. Marc L. Greenberg ‘81 & Mrs. Nancy Ann Greenberg ♦♦♦ Mrs. Mary Grover Hagan ‘81 & Mr. David B. Hagan Mrs. Katherine Carol Hughes Halpern ‘75 & Mr. John D. Halpern ♦♦ Mrs. E. Thomas Harvey Jr. Mrs. Judith Carpenter Herdeg ‘57 & Mr. John A. Herdeg ♦♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Hewes IV ♦♦♦ Dr. Charles L. Hobbs ‘65 & Mrs. Sandra K. Hobbs Mr. & Mrs. David P. Hogan Mr. & Mrs. James L. Holzman ♦♦♦ Mr. Joseph C. Hoopes Jr. ‘61 & Mrs. Lesley Bissell Hoopes ‘64 ♦♦♦ Mr. Scott L. Hunter ‘72 ♦♦♦ Mrs. Ellet Kidd Jones ♦ Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Keller ♦♦

Mr. Levent Kesen & Mrs. Sebnem Kesen ♦ Mr. Lawrance Spiller Kimmel ‘97 ♦ Mr. Karl D. Klauck ♦♦ Mrs. Loring Weaver Knott ‘08 Mr. & Mrs. Trevor M. Koenig Sr. ♦ Dr. Kris A. Kowal & Dr. Wen Liu Mr. Robert J. Krapf ‘69 & Mrs. Jean A. Krapf ♦♦♦ Ms. Margaret O. Kullman ‘08 Mr. Philip D. Laird III ‘65 Mrs. Cynthia Lewis LaMothe ‘58 ♦♦ Mrs. Nancy Keith LeFevre ‘53 Mrs. Alice Flaherty Long ‘65 & Mr. John R. Long ♦♦♦ Mrs. Diana Wardenburg Maxmin ‘55 ♦♦ Mr. Thomas F. McCoy ‘62 ♦♦♦ Mr. Albert J. McCrery IV ‘00 & Mrs. Megan C. McCrery ♦ Mrs. Jean Cucuzzella McCuskey ‘89 & Mr. Andrew W. McCuskey ♦ Mr. & Mrs. David J. Miller Mr. Charles R. Monet ‘67 & Ms. Diane L. Rohman ♦♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. John T. Mongan Sr. ♦ Dr. Anil Nabha ‘93 Dr. & Mrs. Michael B. Peters Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Pilson Ms. Christine Kane Plant ‘69 ♦♦ Mrs. Carol Raiber Powell ‘76 Mr. & Mrs. Tushar Raval ♦ Mr. Thomas B. Rice & Mrs. Cynthia M. Mahaffey-Rice ♦ Mr. Edward I. Richards ‘90 Mr. Peter E. Rothschild ‘92 ♦♦♦ Dr. Jeff Rutledge & Dr. Jane C. Rutledge Mrs. Margaretta Tobias Sacco ‘98 ♦ Dr. Catherine R. Salva ‘90 & Mr. Marcus D. Heifetz Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Saunders ♦ Mr. Thomas L. Savage ‘78 ♦♦♦ Mr. H. Rodney Scott ‘66 & Mrs. Andrea Martz Scott ♦♦ Mr. Owen N. Sellar ‘59 ♦ Ms. H. Donnan Sharp ‘56 Dr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Shickley ♦ Mr. Henry H. Silliman Jr. ‘52 & Mrs. Marion T. Silliman Mrs. Alice Woodcock Smith ‘59 Mr. Andrew A. Smith Sr. ‘59 & Mrs. Sarah C. Smith ♦♦♦ Dr. Jorge M. Soares & Dr. Elizabeth B. Bayley Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey F. Somers Mr. W. Halsey Spruance ‘56 & Mrs. Gretchen Vosters Spruance ♦♦♦ Mr. Richard Stetson II ‘81 ♦ Dr. Ernest F. Tark III ‘73 ♦♦♦ Mr. Rodman B. Teeple Jr. ♦ Mrs. Cynthia du Pont Tobias ‘68 & Mr. Terrence A. Tobias ♦ Ms. Julie Topkis Nason ♦♦ Mr. Major N. Travers III ‘62 Mr. Matthew T. Twyman III ‘88 &

Mrs. Carmen Morris Twyman ♦♦ Mr. Randolph W. Urmston ‘62 ♦ Mr. Philip L. Verplanck ‘77 Mrs. Mary Griffenberg von der Luft ‘79 & Mr. Christopher A. von der Luft ♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Welshmer ♦ Mrs. Tracy Anne Graham Wenzinger ‘86 ♦ Mr. P. Gerald White ‘52 ♦ Mr. David N. Williams ‘53 & Mrs. Elisabeth E. Williams Mr. John L. Williams ‘94 ♦♦ Mr. H. Alex Wise ‘64 & Mrs. Wendy Ward Wise ‘68 ♦♦ Mrs. Jane K. Wood ♦♦ Mr. James H. Worth ‘51 ♦ Mr. Bruce B. Yelton ‘67 ♦♦♦


By the Numbers


Forever Green Circle $100 - $499 Mr. Henry H. Abernathy Jr. ‘62 & Mrs. Pamela Mendolia Abernathy ‘62 Mr. & Mrs. Oorial C. Abraham Mrs. Fleming McCoy Ackermann ‘90 Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Aitken Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Akin ♦ Dr. & Mrs. Aristides C. Alevizatos ♦ Mr. & Mrs. Frederick H. Altergott ♦ Mr. Michael A. Alvarez ‘06 Mr. William C. Amos ‘67 & Mrs. Josephine Eccel ♦♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. Todd P. Anderson ♦♦ Mrs. Margaretta Stabler Andrews ‘75 ♦ Mrs. Elizabeth Montaigne Applegate ‘79 & Mr. Robert R. Applegate ♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Armstrong Mrs. Tracey Dulick Armstrong ‘85 ♦♦♦ Mr. Christopher J. Arntzen ‘88 ♦ Ms. Lauren Arrington ‘05 Mr. Roger W. Arrington ‘66 & Mrs. Anne Hobbs Arrington ‘67 ♦ Dr. Zahid Aslam & Dr. Maryam Awan Mrs. Jane Richards Atkinson ‘57 Mr. & Mrs. Randall M. Attix ♦♦ Dr. Anthony Bahinski & Mrs. Patricia A. DeFeo Mrs. Sally Beck Baker ‘62 ♦♦♦ Mrs. Judith Cain Ballard ‘57 Mrs. Ann Kaiser Ballinger ‘86 Mr. Robert A. Bank ‘78 ♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. William B. Barlow ♦ Mr. & Mrs. Glenn P. Barnhill The Hon. & Mrs. J. Albert Barsamian Mrs. Ronald L. Barsema ♦ Mr. Joseph M. Barsky III ‘67 ♦♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. David R. Batman ♦♦ Ms. Louisa Bayard ‘02 Mr. Richard H. Bayard ‘67 & Mrs. Josephine M. Bayard ♦♦ Mr. Edward A. Beacom IV ‘67 ♦ Dr. Laurence H. Beck ‘58 ♦♦♦

Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018


Mr. & Mrs. Robert V. Behr ♦ Mr. & Mrs. Hamid Belkadi Ms. Alletta Bredin Bell ‘69 ♦ Mrs. Margaret Moyer Bennett ‘57 ♦♦♦ Mrs. Roberta Gerstell Bennett Dr. Erica Edell Bernfeld ‘92 ♦♦ Ms. Erica J. Bickhart ‘08 ♦ Mr. Lewis S. Black III ‘95 ♦♦ Mrs. Ann Elliott Blanchard ‘60 Ms. Dianne Metzger Blane ‘62 ♦ Mr. David C. Blickenstaff ‘86 ♦ Rebecca R. Blickenstaff Mr. Ronald Bohenek & Ms. Andrea Nolan Mr. Martin W. Bond ‘74 & Mrs. Mary W. Fuller Bond ‘76 Mrs. Florence Hopkins Borda ♦ Mr. & Mrs. Josh Boughner Mr. & Mrs. Keith A. Boulden ♦ Mr. Rory N. Boulden ‘99 ♦ Mrs. Lydia Richards Boyer ‘49 & Mr. David C. Boyer ♦♦ Mrs. Alison Kimball Bradford ‘44* ♦♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. John A. Brandau Mrs. Emily Ernst Branscome ‘51 ♦ Ms. Kate A. Brennan Dr. William W. Bristowe Ms. Melissa L. Brock ‘89 Nicholas V. L. Brokaw Ph.D. ‘66 Mrs. Heather Hering Brown ‘78 ♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. Jared Brown Mr. Kenneth Brown & Ms. Kerry King-Brown Dr. Timothy J. Brown & Dr. Laura H. Brown Mrs. Catherine Brown-Butler ‘82 Mrs. Margaret Savage Brownell ‘75 ♦♦♦ Lt. Col. Eric J. Brumskill USAF (Ret.) ‘83 ♦♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Bush Dr. Gordon A. Bussard ‘61 & Mrs. Patricia Margraf Bussard ♦ Mr. Christopher W. Byrne ‘74 ♦♦♦ Mr. Andrew A. Cadot ‘63 & Mrs. Lindsey Cadot ♦♦♦ Mr. David J. Cain Jr. ‘64 & Mrs. Katrin H. Cain Mr. & Mrs. Martin D. Caldwell Mrs. Carolyn Denning Calvin ‘45 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Capodanno ♦♦ Ms. Patricia Carlozzi Lt. Col. Michal Carlson USMC ‘89 Mr. Jeffrey A. Carney ‘94 Mrs. Anne-Louise Baker Carroll ‘47 ♦♦ Mr. W. Timothy Cashman II ♦ Ms. Anne Casscells ‘76 ♦♦ Dr. Christopher D. Casscells ‘71 & Mrs. Susan Warren Casscells ♦♦♦ Mr. Christopher W. Casscells ‘02 Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Cercena ♦ Mr. Christopher C. Chabalko ‘95 Dr. Wu Chen & Mrs. Tina Zhao Mr. & Mrs. Matthew B. Chesman ♦ Ms. Jane Chesson Mr. Jimmy C. Chong ‘96 ♦ Dr. Cantwell Clark V ‘73 ♦♦ Dr. Caroline Shields Clifford ‘83 ♦♦


Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018

Mr. Andrew T. Cloud ‘99 ♦ Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Cloud ♦♦♦ Mrs. Debbie Coates ♦♦ Mr. Barrett J. Cobb ‘69 Edward Cohen Ph.D. ‘78 ♦♦ Michael Cohen Ph.D. ‘76 ♦ Dr. Arthur W. Colbourn ♦♦♦ Mrs. Courtney Collier-Beyer ‘82 & Dr. Bradley D. Beyer Mr. Peter Conn ‘91 ♦♦ Ms. L. Dyann Connor ♦ Dr. & Mrs. Michael Considine The Hon. & Mrs. Richard R. Cooch Sr. ♦♦♦ Mr. Barry N. Cornwall ‘63 & Mrs. Deborah Handloff Cornwall ‘64 ♦ Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Corroon II ♦ Mrs. Heather Forte Corts ‘93 Mrs. William A. Cover ♦ Mrs. Linda S. Cox Mr. & Mrs. Richard Coyle Mr. & Mrs. Robert Coyne Mr. & Mrs. Scott Craig Mr. Christopher M. Cresswell ‘97 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Crivelli Mrs. Ruth M. Cromwell Dr. Amy Cuddy & Mr. Brian Cuddy Mrs. Lucianne C. Cuddy ♦ Dr. Dave R. Cundiff ‘70 ♦♦ Dr. Edward L. Cussler Jr. ‘57 ♦♦ Mrs. Gay Ramsdell Daniels ‘52 ♦ Mr. John R. Davis ‘75 Mrs. Tenley I. de Ramel Mr. Warren H. Dean ‘75 ♦♦ Mrs. Andrea I. Debold ♦♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. DeMuth Mr. Mark P. DeSimone ‘85 Mr. Robert L. Dewey ‘71 ♦ Mrs. Doris Harvey Dickerson ‘47 ♦♦♦ Mrs. Grier Tumas Dienstag ‘07 ♦♦ Mr. Matthew D. Dinneen ‘02 Mr. Corbin R. Director ‘03 ♦ Dr. Elisabeth J. Diver ‘01 Mrs. Meghan Donlon ♦ Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Dougherty Mr. James A. Draper IV ‘76 Mr. Lammot du Pont III ‘50 ♦♦ Mrs. Katharine McCoy Dubow ‘00 ♦ Dr. Laurence J. Durante ‘71 ♦♦♦ Ms. Lauren A. C. Easton ‘01 ♦ Ms. Jane Edell ‘96 ♦♦♦ Mr. Rodman W. Edmiston III ‘86 Ms. Barbara A. Edmonds ‘13 Dr. Gary A. Emmett ‘68 ♦♦♦ Mrs. Dawna H. Eriksen Dr. Emmanuel J. Esaka & Dr. Agnes F. Esaka Mrs. Martha Yerkes Eustis ‘57 Mr. Craig F. Everhart ‘70 ♦♦ The Hon. & Mrs. Joseph J. Farnan Jr. Mr. Ronald S. Felix ‘62 ♦♦ Mrs. Elizabeth Hoopes Field ‘63 ♦♦♦ Mrs. Elizabeth Noseworthy Fitzsimmons ‘91 Mr. C. Barr Flinn ‘79 &

Mrs. Grier B. Flinn Dr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Formanski Ms. Stephanie Wallen-Fort & Mr. Christopher Fort ♦ Mr. & Mrs. Walter Fort Ms. Kathryn F. Fortunato ‘02 Dr. Blair Wardenburg Fosburgh ‘82 Ms. Eleanor Oldach Francis ‘64 ♦♦ Ms. Elise Bayard Franklin ‘97 Ms. Kathryn Franklin ♦ Mrs. Janay Freebery & Mr. Robert Bruce Hannah Dr. & Mrs. John W. Freebery Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Fritsky Mrs. Alice Kitchel Fulweiler ‘72 & Mr. Peter C. Fulweiler ♦♦♦ Ms. Mary Candler Fulweiler ‘02 Dr. Eugene R. Gaddis ‘65 ♦ Mr. Scott H. Gakenheimer ‘82 ♦♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Gallagher ♦ Mrs. Gloria H. Gamble* ♦ Mr. & Mrs. T. Patrick Gamble ♦♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. Alexander K. Garnick Mr. & Mrs. Leo M. Garonski ♦ Mr. Carl S. Gates III ‘98 Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Gates ♦ Mr. Roderick C. Gay ‘73 ♦ Mr. David S. Gee ‘72 ♦ Dr. Abdelghani Ghazli & Ms. Imane Chichane Mrs. Meredith Keller Giacco ‘99 ♦♦ Mr. John M. Gibson ‘38 ♦♦ Mrs. Tucker Ranken Giddens ‘67 & Mr. Howard R. Giddens Jr. Dr. Mona Yezdani Gillen ‘01 & Mr. Peter W. Gillen Mr. John Amory Glaccum ‘92 & Mrs. Whitney Wagamon Glaccum ‘92 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy B. Golding ♦♦♦ Mrs. Julie R. Goldston ♦ Mr. & Mrs. Camilo J. Gopez Mr. Timothy W. Gordon ‘82 & Mrs. Kathleen Cole Gordon Mrs. Victoria Maxmin Gravuer ‘86 & Mr. Raymond G. Gravuer ♦♦♦ Dr. Bradley S. Gray ‘80 & Mrs. Christina Gray ♦ Dr. Heather Kestner Green ‘94 Mr. & Mrs. Matthew M. Greenberg ♦ Mr. Thompson T. Greenlaw Mr. Augustus C. Griffin ‘78 Mr. Ryan C. Gunther ‘97 Dr. James N. Haine Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Hall Ms. Michelle S. Hampton The Hon. & Mrs. Wayne R. Hanby ♦ Mr. Edward A. Harrington ‘72 & Mrs. Ashley Riegel Harrington ‘78 Mrs. Sarah Schutt Harrison ‘55 Mr. Shameem Hasan & Dr. Fawzia K. Hasan ♦ Mr. LaMontz M. Hayman ‘87 & Ms. Renee Sumter-Hayman ♦ Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery A. Hayter

Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Heflin III Ms. Meghann L. Helmick ‘00 ♦ Mr. Peter Hentschel ‘61 Dr. Stephen L. Hershey ‘59 & Mrs. Betsy Hershey ♦ Mr. M. Pierce Hewes ‘07 ♦ Mr. William L. Hewes Jr. ‘40 ♦♦♦ Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Hickok Jr. ♦♦ Mrs. Kristin C. Hodgson Mr. Mark A. Hodgson Mrs. Sharon S. Hodgson Mr. & Mrs. Kerry T. Hoopes Mr. Edmond P. DeV. Horsey ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Houston ♦♦ Dr. Kenneth L. Howe ‘82 Mr. D. Stephen Hyde ‘59 & Mrs. Sally Hyde ♦♦♦ Prof. John M. Hyde ‘48 ♦♦♦ Drs. Galicano & Tinagene Inguito Ms. Greta Hale Ito ‘94 Mrs. Alma B. Jackson ♦♦ Mr. David M. Jaquette ‘97 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Jeanson Ms. Elizabeth A. Jenkins ‘79 ♦ Dr. D. Randolph Johnson ‘60 ♦ Mr. & Mrs. John F. Johnston Mr. Alexis C. Jolly ‘01 ♦♦ Mr. Ellis W. Jones ‘66 ♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. Paul Jones Jr. ♦ Dr. Robert C.W. Jones Jr. ‘63 ♦♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. Jason Jowers Dr. Jeesang Jung & Mrs. Hyeyoung Kim Mrs. Nina D. Kaharl Mr. William D. Kahn & Ms. Jane A. Irving ♦♦♦ Mr. Adam Kalamchi ‘01 Mr. John E. Kaliski ‘74 Mr. Stephanos Karakasidis ‘96 ♦♦ Ms. Tiffany A. Kator Mr. Gregory S. Kaufmann ‘96 Dr. Jonathan R. Kaufmann ‘98 Mrs. Sarah Bugbee Keidel ‘88 ♦ Dr. John D. Kelly IV ‘75 ♦ Mr. Michael P. Kelly ‘75 & Mrs. Deanna H. Kelly ♦♦♦ Ms. Diane L. Kemker ♦♦ Mr. Robert T. Kennedy ‘61 ♦ Mrs. Hae S. Kim & Mr. Han B. Kim Mr. & Mrs. Robert King ♦♦ Dr. Richard E. Kinsinger ‘59 ♦♦♦ Dr. Alexander L. Kirifides ‘83 & Dr. Kathy Zinas Kirifides Dr. & Mrs. Lazarus M. Kirifides Mr. E. Scott Kirkpatrick ‘59 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Kirtley ♦ Mr. Roger D. & Mrs. Alexandra A. Kirtley ♦ Mr. Frederick E. Klutey Jr. ‘53 ♦ LTC Robert E. Knotts USA (Ret.) ‘74 Mr. Shane N. Kramer ‘92 Dr. Daniel R. Kreshtool ‘75 & Mrs. Susan E. Martin Kreshtool ♦♦ Mr. Jeffrey A. Kreshtool ‘73 ♦♦ Mrs. Katherine Chinn Kristol ‘59 & Mr. Daniel M. Kristol ♦♦

Dr. Xiao Liu & Dr. Yi Cheng Mr. John A. Lockwood ‘60 ♦♦ Mr. William H. Lockwood Jr. ‘57 ♦ Mrs. Kathleen Joyce Lofstedt ‘63 Mrs. Martha Townsend Longacre ‘58 Mr. & Mrs. Stephan A. Lopes Mr. Thomas M. Lopez ‘61 ♦ Dr. John P. Lorand ‘54 ♦♦♦ Mrs. Marian Brown Lorenz ‘53 ♦ Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Love ♦♦ Mrs. Heather Weymouth Lowry ‘97 & Mr. Matthew M. Lowry ♦♦♦ Ms. Betty Keith Luke ‘50 ♦ Mr. Anthony W. Lunger ‘89 & Mrs. Jennifer Barsema Lunger ♦♦ Mr. H. David Lunger ‘62 & Mrs. Gerrie A. Lunger Mr. William H. Lunger ‘87 & Mrs. Kathryn B. Lunger Mr. Knut H. Lykke ‘57 ♦♦♦ Ms. Tamela Lynch Ms. Lynn Holland Lyon ‘78 Mr. Barton L. Mackey Jr. ‘78 & Mrs. Jennifer M. Mackey Mr. & Mrs. Timothy MacNamara Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Malatesta Dr. Arun Malhotra & Dr. Reema Malhotra Mr. William H. Marmion Jr. ‘60 ♦ Mr. Whitney M. Maroney ‘87 & Mrs. Katharine Fisher Maroney

Mr. Ralph D. Marshall II & Dr. Stefanie Marshall Ms. Mary Jane Martin Mr. Jonathan H. Marvel ‘65 Mrs. Katie Cavanagh Maslow ‘61 ♦♦ Mrs. Elizabeth Baker Mathews ‘44 ♦♦♦ Mr. Richard H. May ‘53 ♦♦♦ Mrs. Sandra Jellinghaus McClellan ‘53 ♦♦♦ Mrs. Ruth McCorkle Mr. Robert C. McCoy ‘54 & Mrs. Elizabeth McCoy ♦ Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. McCrery III Mr. & Mrs. Frank B. McEntee Ms. Judith F. McGeorge ‘73 Mr. Sean P. McGuinness ‘72 ♦ Mr. & Mrs. Matthew B. McGuire Mrs. Mary Lunger McKay ‘66 ♦ Mrs. Alison Collins McKenna ‘57 ♦♦♦ Mr. Sean M. McKenna ‘78 ♦♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. William B. McMillan ♦ Mr. William B. McMillan Jr. ‘83 Mrs. Gale Pierson McNish ‘61 & Mr. Douglas McNish ♦♦♦ Dr. Robert Miao & Dr. Jenny Zhang Mrs. Andrea Kaliski Miller ‘71 Mrs. Jennifer Jewett Misra ‘98 Ms. Martha R. Mitchell ♦♦♦ Mr. R. Rhett Mitchell ‘91 ♦ Mr. Timothy D. Mohr ‘76

Ms. Elizabeth J. Mongan ‘06 Ms. Alexandra Vest Morris ♦ Mr. Paul F. Morris ‘86 ♦♦ Mr. John B. Morton III ‘85 ♦ Drs. George & Alexia Moutsatsos Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Mullen Dr. William F. Mullis ‘60 & Mrs. Linde Lowdon Mullis ‘60 ♦♦♦ Mrs. Jennifer Mulvaney-Zuck Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mumford Ms. Anita Nabha ‘97 Dr. & Mrs. Jason E. Nace Mr. William E. Neff Jr. ‘65 ♦♦ Mrs. Kim Smith Nelkin ‘72 ♦♦ The Hon. David A. Nichols ‘58 ♦♦ Ms. Elizabeth A. Nickle ‘02 Mrs. Robin Fulwiler Nohe ‘77 ♦♦ Ms. Barbara Noseworthy ♦ Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Novak ♦ Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Okoniewski III ♦ Mrs. Janelle Wright Okorie ‘96 Ms. Lisa A. Olson ‘76 ♦ Mrs. Ashley Lickle O’Neil ‘78 ♦♦ Mr. Misael Gonzalez & Ms. Megan O’Neill ♦ Mr. Daniel N. Oren USN ‘99 ♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. Donald G. Oren ♦♦♦ Mrs. Elizabeth A. Orsetti ♦ Mrs. Judith O. Orth ♦ Mr. Eric Osbun ‘78 Mr. Charles A. Page ‘93 ♦♦♦


Dr. Lakota K. Kruse ‘81 ♦ Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Kurtz Mr. & Mrs. Seth Kushkin Mr. Douglas H. Lagarde ‘80 ♦♦ Miss Tillie Page Laird ‘63 ♦♦ Mr. Gerald Lamborn ♦ Mr. William O. LaMotte III ‘61 Ms. June Laperriere Mr. David C. Larned Jr. ‘95 ♦♦ Mr. David L. Larson ‘74 Ms. Lindsey Cairns Lawrence ‘55 Mrs. Richard C. Layton ♦♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. James Leahy Mr. John Leahy & Dr. Laura G. Leahy Dr. Kristin Morrison Lefebvre ‘94 & Dr. Brian G. Lefebvre Ms. Phyllis Lefrak Lt. Col. John C. Lemay ‘93 Ms. Xiaotao Li & Mr. Zhaohui Jin Dr. & Mrs. George P. Liarakos ♦♦♦ Mr. Daniel C. Lickle ‘49 & Mrs. Nancy Kitchell Lickle ‘53 Mr. Garrison du Pont Lickle ‘72 ♦♦♦ Mrs. Irene du Pont Light ‘63 & Mr. J. Thomas Light ♦♦ Mr. Edmond L. Lincoln ‘67 ♦ Dr. Mary A. Lincoln ‘68 Mrs. Sandra Loving Linder ‘58 ♦♦♦ Mr. Justin R. Litterelle ‘99 Dr. & Mrs. Tak C. Liu

On April 19, 2018, Alumni Council President Ashley Altschuler ‘90 and Shana Altschuler hosted a donor reception at their home. Clockwise from top left: Christy Yang, Regina Chaffin, Amy Bickhart, Maria Borrero and Julieta Casanova; Betsy McCoy and Tom Speers; Gordon Stone and Milan Patel

Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018


Mrs. Frances Heckert Pane ‘57 ♦ Mrs. Susan Bissell Parker ‘60 ♦ Mrs. Jennifer Bayard Particelli ‘02 Mr. & Mrs. Amruthbhai Patel Mr. William T. Pease ‘69 ♦♦♦ Mr. R. Paul Peddrick ‘84 & Mrs. Monica R. Peddrick ♦♦ Mr. Edmund R. Pennock ‘67 & Mrs. Carole Cates Pennock ‘67 ♦ Jim & Carol Pepper ♦♦♦ Dr. & Mrs. Michael B. Peters Jr. ♦ Mrs. Madalyn Schultz Petit & Mr. George D. Petit ♦♦♦ Dr. Raymond W. Petrunich & Mrs. Judith R. Ventura Mr. Marshall E. Phillips ‘89 Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Pierce ♦

Mr. John C. Pierson III ‘87 & Mrs. Heather R.B. Pierson ♦♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. Ralph G. Pinto Mr. Andrew A. Pogach ‘97 Mr. & Mrs. Sunil Prashar ♦ Dr. Lee Moffett Preininger ‘98 & Mr. Jeffrey R. Preininger Mrs. Elizabeth Johnston Preston ‘44 ♦♦♦ Mrs. Mary Hughes Preyer ‘42 ♦ Mrs. Caroline Gee Prezzano ‘97 ♦♦♦ Mr. William L. Prickett ‘81 ♦♦♦ Mr. Richard L. Probstein ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. Spencer J. Qualls ♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. Frederic J. Racapé Dr. Louis K. Rafetto ♦♦ Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence Rasero Jr. ♦♦

Mrs. Lindy Savage Recht ‘71 ♦♦♦ Mr. John C. Reese ‘56 & Mrs. Pamela Reese Mr. Robert S. Richards ‘52 ♦♦♦ Mrs. Carolyn Lewis Richmond ‘58 ♦♦ Mrs. Jane Savage Riley ‘74 ♦ Ms. Kate Rindy Ms. Jessica Ritchie Dr. Shawniqua Williams Roberson ‘90 Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Robinson ♦♦ Mr. William V. Robinson ‘16 Mrs. Natalie Heiman Roisman ‘92 Mr. Thomas D. Roosevelt ‘74 Mrs. Deborah Komins Ross ‘89 ♦ Mr. Donald P. Ross III ‘73 Mr. & Mrs. Angelo J. Rossi Jr. ♦

Mrs. Jennifer Weinman Rossini ‘95 Mr. Jeffrey L. Rothschild ‘89 ♦♦♦ Mr. Walter S. Rowland Sr. ‘57 & Mrs. Beverley Wellford Rowland ‘56 ♦ Mr. David F. B. Ruppe ‘76 Ms. H. Cheryl Rusten ‘73 ♦♦♦ Mr. Matthew R. Rygler ‘97 Mr. & Mrs. Randal F. Sackovich ♦♦ Mr. Bradford Saffer ‘82 Mr. Wendell A. Sammons Jr. ‘00 Mrs. Kelle Doherty Sanchez ‘89 & Mr. Christopher G. Sanchez ♦ Mr. David G. Santiago ‘86 ♦ Mr. & Mrs. Roland Sarko Drs. David & Marcia Saunders Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey A. Sawyer Jr. ♦

Rod Ward ‘83 and Gina Ward hosted a reception for Tower Hill leadership supporters. Clockwise from top left: Rod Ward, Gina Ward, Bessie Speers and Régis A. de Ramel; John and Michele Sobieski; Charles Elson, Michelle Shepherd and Randy Barton ‘59; Dana Nestor, A.J. McCrery ‘00, Megan McCrery and Mike Nestor.


Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018

Mr. Ronaldo I. Tello & Ms. Maria N. Tello Bernabe Mr. John B. Tepe Jr. ‘65 & Mrs. Emily E. S. Tepe ♦ Dr. Susan B. Thayer ‘59 ♦ Mr. Douglas A. Thomas ‘79 ♦ Mrs. Gillian T. Timon ♦ Dr. Glenn E. Tisdale ‘41 & Mrs. Patricia Tisdale ♦♦♦ Ms. Kazuko Togo ♦ Mrs. Lindsay Wise Tonderys ‘96 & Mr. Josh M. Tonderys ♦♦ Mrs. Monica L. Townsend Mr. & Mrs. Jason E. Toy Mrs. Gail Rothrock Trozzo ‘60 Mr. Donald P. Truesdell Jr. & Mrs. Jill M. Angstadt-Truesdell ♦ The Rev. Richard L. Ullman ‘57 Dr. Thomas H. Valk ‘65 ♦♦ Mrs. Patricia Reese Vanderwarker ‘62 & Mr. Richard D. Vanderwarker Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Sandeep Vasudevan Dr. Anthony W. Vattilana ‘89 & Mrs. Patricia Conomon Vattilana Mrs. Eva L. Verplanck ♦♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Vest ♦ Ms. Lindsay D. von der Luft ‘13 ♦ Mr. Tyler A. von der Luft ‘11 ♦ Ms. Jennie Waesco Mrs. Susan Wood Waesco ‘90 & Mr. Kevin M. Waesco ♦♦♦ Mrs. Ann Beh Wagner ‘78 The Rev. Donald B. Wahlig ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. David T. Walker Sr. Ms. Moira E. Walker ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. William L. Wallace ♦ Mrs. Joan Underwood Walls ‘45 ♦♦♦ Dr. Michael Wang Mr. & Mrs. Yushan Wang Mr. H. Eric Wanner ‘59 ♦♦♦ Mr. David B. Warren ‘55 ♦ Mrs. Carla A. Wasniewski Mr. Kurt O. Wassén ‘47 ♦ Dr. Ellis A. Wasson Dr. P. Eugene Watson ‘54 ♦♦♦ Mr. Robert S. Watson ‘81 & Mrs. Christine H. Watson Ms. Logan L. Weaver ‘10 ♦ Mrs. Doreen A. Weiler ♦ Mr. Gregory J. Weinig ‘89 ♦ Mr. Daniel P. Weinstein ‘92 ♦♦♦ Dr. Daniel L. Weintraub ‘76 ♦♦♦ Mr. Edward E. Weisbrod ‘66 & Dr. Betsy De Marino Weisbrod Mrs. Paul A. Weldin ♦♦♦ Mr. Bede W. Wellford ‘72 ♦ Mr. Peter S. Wells ‘56 & Mrs. Patricia T. Wells ♦♦ Drs. Joseph T. & Valerie A. West Mr. Charles M. Weymouth ‘56 Mr. Edward C. White ‘49 ♦♦♦ Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. White ♦ Mrs. Roberta Bussard Whiting ‘65 & Mr. William B. Whiting ♦♦♦ Mr. James J. Wild ‘57 ♦♦♦ Mr. Donald E. Williams ‘69

Mr. Joseph D.C. Wilson III ‘64 & Mrs. Sarah W. Wilson ♦♦ Dr. Tarra Boulden Winchell ‘01 ♦ Mrs. Barbara Johnston Woodhouse ‘47 ♦♦♦ Ms. Bianca Wright Ms. Madelyn Baetz Yelton ‘71 ♦♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Zakielarz IV ♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. Zachary A. Zehner ♦ Mr. & Mrs. Richard Zhang Mr. Xin Zhou & Ms. Leah Yang Mrs. Elise du Pont Zoller ‘76 Mr. Wenan Zong & Ms. Lisa Tian Mrs. Louisa Jackson Zungailia ‘81 & Mr. Thomas J. Zungailia Loyal Hillers’ Circle Up to $99 Anonymous ♦ Mr. John D. Abbott ‘87 Ms. Ann K. Abernathy ‘68 Ms. Anne E. Abramczyk ‘18 Mr. Alexander Adsett ‘18 Mrs. Evelyn E. Aird Mr. & Mrs. Christopher F. Aitken ♦♦ Ms. Renee P. Albrecht ‘18 Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Albrecht Jr. Ms. Zara Ali ‘18 Mrs. Susan Reed Allabashi ‘87 & Mr. Timothy V. Allabashi ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. James L. Allen Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Allen Dr. Robert C. Allen & Dr. Ann E. Tiao AmazonSmile Foundation Mr. James H. Anderson & Ms. Kim Chirayil Mrs. Lucinda Anderson ♦ Mr. Todd B. Anderson ‘18 Anna Biggs Designs Mr. Patrick B. Ashley ‘10 Mr. Patrick M. Ashley ‘76 & Mrs. Ann Barlow Ashley ‘79 ♦♦♦ Ms. Ariane E. Attix ‘15 Ms. Elena B. Attix ‘18 Mr. Richard C. Attix ‘18 Mr. & Mrs. J. Scott Bailer Ms. Katherine Bailey Ms. Alexandria Bak ‘18 Ms. M. Allison Barlow ‘82 Mrs. Elizabeth Bynum Barr ‘83 Ms. Lisa H. Barsky ‘70 & Mr. William Blauvelt ♦♦♦ Mr. John W. Bartlett & Ms. Abby N. Patterson ♦ Mr. Randolph Barton III ‘89 & Mrs. Louise A. Barton ♦ Mr. Randolph Barton IV ‘18 Mrs. Sandra Low Beale ‘59 Ms. Lane Freeman Becken ‘70 Mr. R. Hugh F. Bender ‘03 ♦ Ms. Laura Fulton Bennett ‘72 ♦♦ The Rev. James G. Birney III ‘68 Mrs. Eva Cambre Bisso ‘91 Ms. Amanda Blackstone ♦ Ms. Kirstin Bohn ‘97 Mr. Luke H. Borda Jr. ‘15

Mr. William H. Borda ‘18 Mr. Bryson Boyd ‘18 Mr. Blaine M. Boyden ‘20 Mr. Preston A. Boyden ‘10 ♦ Mr. Reed M. Boyden ‘13 ♦ Mr. Spencer T. Boyden ‘13 ♦ Dr. Walter W. Brayman ‘58 ♦ Mrs. Marion Brinsfield ♦ Mr. Duncan C. Britt ‘16 Mr. Rory M. Britt ‘18 Ms. E. Talley Brown ‘81 ♦♦♦ Dr. Elizabeth Brown Mrs. Florence M. Brown ♦♦ Mr. Nathan Bryant Ms. Taylor C. Burris ‘18 Mr. Troy Oglesby & Mrs. Lisa Y. Burton-Oglesby ♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. Patrick F. Bush Dr. Ann Benedict Butler ‘63 ♦♦♦ Ms. Caroline Campbell ‘07 Mr. Andrew J. Carmine ‘96 Ms. Abigail B. Carpenter ‘18 Ms. Laura E. Carpenter ‘11 Dr. & Mrs. Charles G. Case Sr. ♦♦ Mr. Charles G. Case Jr. ‘97 & Mrs. Theresa Collins Case ‘97 Dr. & Mrs. John J. Chabalko ♦♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Checkel ♦♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. M. Blake Cleary Mr. Matthew B. Cleary ‘16 Mr. Ryan Cleary ‘15 Mr. H. Ronald Cohen Mrs. Annie Collier Mrs. Theresa F. Collurafici Ms. Louise T. Conaty ‘17 Mrs. Joan McDowell Connolly ‘55 ♦♦♦ Mrs. Anne Haon Cook ‘47 Mr. Mark B. Cordell Jr. ‘18 Ms. Anna E. Correa Mr. James William Corroon ‘18 Ms. Kasa Lowndes Cotugno ‘61 ♦♦ Ms. Cameron G. Cucuzzella ‘18 Ms. Mary Jane Conner Culbertson ‘63 ♦♦ Mr. Jerry Dais Mrs. Phoebe Brokaw Davidson ‘97 & Mr. Charles B. Davidson Mr. & Mrs. Derrick M. Deadwyler Mr. Evan A. DeDominicis ‘09 Mr. Frederick L. Dewey III ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Dewson Mr. & Mrs. Donald N. Dietrich ♦♦♦ Ms. Kali A. DiGate ‘11 Mr. Colby Dill Jr. ‘37 ♦♦ Mr. Steven R. Director ‘70 ♦♦ Ms. Donna K. Donoho Mr. Daniel C. Dougherty ‘18 Mr. Ford B. Draper Jr. ‘60 ♦ Ms. Julia C. Durante ‘07 Mrs. Albert W. Durante ♦ Ms. Maura Duxbury Mr. John S. Edinger III ‘11 ♦ Ms. Lindsey A. Edinger ‘09 ♦♦ Mr. Jim L. Ehret ‘75 ♦♦♦ Ms. Caroline K. Elson ‘18 Mr. Eric R. Epstein ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Erhardt Jr. ♦

Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018


Mr. & Mrs. H. Murray Sawyer Jr. Mrs. Judith Eastburn Sawyer ‘55 ♦♦ Ms. Luisa Sawyer Mr. & Mrs. Stephan G. Schlobach Mrs. Allegra Hamman Schmidt ‘73 ♦♦ Mr. Edward L. Schroeder ‘59 ♦♦ Mr. H. Konrad Schuermann ‘59 ♦ Ms. Carolyn M. Schultz ‘00 Mr. M. Ryan Schultz ‘97 & Mrs. Lauren A. Golt ‘03 Mr. Charles P. Schutt Jr. ‘61 ♦♦♦ Mr. H. Wesley Schwandt ‘86 & Mrs. Michelle A. Schwandt ♦ Mr. & Mrs. William M. Scott III Ms. Mary Beth Searles ‘87 ♦♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. James W. Semple Dr. Robert J. Sepelyak ♦♦ Mr. John W. Shackleton Jr. ‘63 ♦♦ The Rev. Alfred R. Shands III ‘46 ♦ Dr. Pamela L. Sharpe Mr. & Mrs. Chester E. Sharrar ♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. Chester E. Sharrar II ♦♦♦ Mrs. Joyce Pierson Shepherd ‘57 ♦♦♦ Mr. Alden K. Sherman ‘73 Ms. Jill M. Shotzberger ‘00 Ms. Nadine Sielecki Mr. Robert M. Silliman Jr. ‘96 & Mrs. Kelly S. Silliman ♦ Mr. & Mrs. James A. Sinex III ♦ Mrs. Peyton Bird Sise ‘63 Dr. Andrew A. Smith III ‘87 ♦ Ms. Elizabeth K. Smith Mrs. Melva Carveth Smith ‘72 & Mr. Jack Smith ♦♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. Rodger D. Smith ♦♦ Judge Thomas P. Smith ‘60 Wade H. B. Smith Ph.D. ‘62 ♦♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. Warren Smith III Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Smolko Mr. Merwin A. Soash ‘58 ♦♦♦ Dr. William Sommers & Ms. Kathryn E. Lee ♦♦♦ Mrs. Alexis Altschuler Spikes ‘87 Mr. Jacob V. Spruance ‘93 & Mrs. Hillary deLeeuw Spruance ‘92 ♦♦♦ Ms. Samantha M. Spruance Mr. W. L. Stabler III ‘71 ♦ Mrs. Katherine M. Stack ♦ Mr. Stanley R. Stager III ‘58 ♦♦♦ Mr. Mark Stenz & Mrs. Mary Jean Wilson-Stenz Mr. Hunt Stockwell ‘58 ♦ Mrs. Isabel G. Strasser ♦ Dr. & Mrs. Jon Strasser Mr. & Mrs. James Strickland Mr. & Mrs. James D. Stroud Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Stroud Mr. & Mrs. John L. Sullivan ♦ Mrs. Patricia Godfrey Swigart ‘71 ♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Taschner Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Taschner Mr. Andrew P. Taylor ‘76 & Mrs. Robin L. Taylor Mrs. Elizabeth Hutchison Taylor ‘73 Mr. John E.T. Taylor ‘76 & Mrs. Susan T. Taylor ♦


Mr. & Mrs. James Erhardt Mrs. Dorothy A. Faller Mrs. E. Brooke Bryan Farkas ‘55 ♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Farnan III Ms. Karen D. Farquhar ‘65 ♦♦♦ Ms. Margaret Goebel Fields ‘63 ♦ Mrs. Gina Bahr Finn ‘81 ♦♦ Mr. Adam C. Fisher ‘18 Dr. Karyn C. Fisher Mr. Nicholas A. Fisher ‘16 Mr. Malcolm M. Fleming ‘61 ♦ Mrs. Tara M. Fletcher ♦♦ Mrs. Mikell Evans Flothe ‘56 Mr. Paul Foldi ‘83 Ms. Lauren K. Formanski ‘18 Ms. Susan B. H. Foster ‘79 Rev. Katherine Franta & Mr. Fedher Torres Ms. Christina E. Freibott ‘12 Mrs. Martha Freibott Mr. Luke R. Frietze ‘18 Ms. Elizabeth M. Gaddis ‘70 ♦ Mr. Michael C. Gallagher ‘17 Ms. Kathlyn R. Gamble ‘07 Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. Ganc ♦ Mr. & Mrs. Paul Gano ♦♦ Ms. Eliza A. Gardner ‘14 Mr. Leo J. Garonski ‘18 Mr. John P. Gaz Mrs. Anne Dobbs Genova ‘86 Mr. Christopher Getman ‘59 ♦♦♦ Dr. Carol McGrew Getty ‘56 Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Gillerlain Mrs. Carolyn Thelander Gittelson ‘47 Ms. Donna Gleason ♦ Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Glowatz Ms. Sharon Gooding-Reynolds ♦ Mr. David D. L. Goodman ‘18 Mrs. Sarah W. Goodman Mr. & Mrs. William J. Gore Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Gouge ♦ Mrs. Caroline Stetson Goulding ‘87 Mr. Denny R. Grande ‘18 Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Grande Mr. & Mrs. Brien Graveline Dr. H. Wendell Gray Jr. ‘57 Mr. J. David Gray & Dr. Eugenia M.G. Gray Mrs. Layton Skelly Griffin ‘95 ♦ Ms. Mary Cameron Griffin ‘71 Dr. & Mrs. David S. Grubbs ♦♦♦ Mr. David S. Grubbs Jr. ‘15 Ms. Elizabeth Grubbs ‘11 Mr. Phillip B. Gudaitis ‘69 Mrs. Elizabeth Levy Gula ‘88 ♦♦♦ Ms. Cecilia B. Habgood ‘18 Ms. Lee Rumsey Haga ‘65 ♦ Mr. David E. Handley ‘82 Mrs. Nancy B. Harvey Hanna ♦ Mr. John B. Hannum Jr. Esq. ‘61 ♦ Ms. Bonnie L. Harper Mr. Brandon R. Harper ‘07 Ms. Kathleen J. Harris ‘18 Dr. Richard T. Hart ‘71 ♦♦ Mr. Jake T. Hattersley ‘18 Mr. Edward H. Hawfield ‘66 ♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. John C. Hawkins ♦♦


Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018

Ms. Mary B. Hawkins ‘99 ♦♦ Mrs. Justine Neff Hawley ‘63 ♦♦♦ Ms. Meg R. Haydon ‘76 ♦♦♦ Ms. Brooke N. D. Hayman ‘15 Ms. Courtney A. T. Hayman ‘14 Ms. Victoria Healy Mr. Francis Henkel ♦ Mr. G. Clark Hering IV ‘81 Ms. Leslie B. Hewes ‘03 Mr. Aidan T. Hickey ‘18 Mr. Justin M. Hicks ‘09 Mr. George D. Hobbs II ‘75 & Mrs. Anne M. Hobbs ♦♦♦ Ms. Natalie W. Hobbs ‘18 Mr. Thomas Hoch ♦ Dr. & Mrs. Moses Hochman ♦ Dr. Richard A. Holmes ‘90 ♦♦♦ Mr. Matthieu M. Hoopes ‘59 ♦ Mrs. Barbara A. Hoover ♦ Mr. Konnor M. Houff ‘12 Mr. Miles F. Huffaker ‘82 ♦♦ Mr. John A. Hughes ‘78 & Mrs. Kelly Hughes ♦♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. C. Wayne Hurd Mr. Michael W. Hyde ‘87 ♦♦♦ Mr. Edmond M. Ianni & Mrs. Ann Marie Johnson Ianni ♦ Mr. Kameron M. L. Inguito ‘18 Mrs. John E.D. Irving Ms. Ashley L. Isken ‘08 ♦ Mr. Alex H. Jenkins ‘18 Ms. Elizabeth H. Jennings ‘97 Mr. Alan T. Jewett & Dr. Marilyn K. Lynam ♦ Ms. Sydney Robertson Jimenez ‘60 Mr. Malcolm C. Johnson ‘18 Mr. Leigh Johnstone ‘59 & Mrs. Catharine Wheelock Johnstone ‘59 Mr. Aidan D. Jones ‘63 ♦♦ Deborah L. Jones Ph.D. ‘66 ♦♦♦ Mrs. Phyllis Coerver Jones ‘57 Mr. Thomas N. Jones III ‘66 ♦♦♦ Mr. John D. Jornlin ‘76 & Mrs. Janet S. Jornlin Dr. Lalitha Kambhamettu Ms. Rajeswari H. Kambhamettu ‘18 Mr. & Mrs. John F. Kane ♦♦♦ Dr. Maria Karas ‘98 Mrs. Lowell Dinneen Kastner ‘00 ♦ Mr. Benjamin J. Katz ‘18 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew W. Keim Mrs. Nicole M. Keith Mrs. Megan Callahan Kelty ‘98 Ms. Kalee G. Kennedy ‘15 Mrs. Kathryn Smolko Kiec ‘95 Dr. Jennifer Cloud King ‘94 Mrs. Kelly Hocutt Kirkbride ‘04 Dr. Kathryn Sepelyak Kirsch ‘05 Mr. Robert L. Kline III ‘77 Mr. James H. Kramer ‘62 & Mrs. Judith Kramer ♦ Mrs. Tracy S. Kramer ♦ Ms. Sarah L. Kreshtool ‘08 ♦ Mr. David H. LaMotte ‘72 Mrs. Blakely Ashley Larrabee ‘06 Mr. W. Thompson Lawrence ‘55 ♦♦

Ms. Ida A. Leader Mr. Edmund A. LeFevre Jr. ‘82 ♦ Mrs. Paige P. LeGrand Mr. & Mrs. Jerome R. Lewis ♦ Mr. Raymond D. Lewis ‘04 Ms. Nicole D. Liarakos ‘86 Mr. Joseph P. Coleman & Mrs. Lista Lincoln ♦ Mr. Robert W. Lockerman ‘59 ♦♦♦ Mr. Ian M. Lonsdale ‘07 & Mrs. Jenni Connors Lonsdale Mrs. Margaret P. Lounsbury ‘37 ♦♦ Mrs. Robert S. Lovett ♦♦♦ Ms. Evelyn deHaven Lovett ‘84 ♦♦♦ Mr. Kenneth D. Lucas Mr. Khaalid D. Lucas ‘10 Ms. Sarah E. Lunger ‘18 Ms. A. Rosalind Lynam ‘04 Ms. Meghan E. Lyons ‘09 ♦♦ Mr. Donald G. MacKelcan ‘69 Ms. Emily M. Mackey ‘09 ♦ Ms. Rowena Macleod ♦ Ms. Lynn A. Mahaffy ‘79 ♦♦♦ Mr. John S. Malik & Ms. Diane Batoff Mr. Michael J. Malik ‘18 Dr. Brett A. Margolin & Mrs. Joelle E. Polesky Margolin Ms. Rachel T. Marlowe Ms. Gwendolyn Marrs ‘93 & Mr. James T. Gillies ♦♦ Mrs. Ann Traumann Marsden ‘84 Mrs. Anjali Rao Martin ‘91 ♦ Mr. & Mrs. D. Patrick Martin ♦♦ Mr. William C. Martin ‘01 Ms. Zerrin Martin Mr. Steven T. Martinenza ‘01 Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Martinez ♦♦ Dr. Nicholas H. Matlin Mrs. Gail Morris Mazzei ‘74 ♦♦♦ Dr. Kristin McCann ‘98 Mrs. Ashlee Marie Lukoff McCullough ‘97 Mrs. Marna Whittington McDermott ‘95 Mrs. Elizabeth Merritt Cooch McDonnell ‘09 Mrs. Amy Boyer McElroy ‘74 Ms. Claire McEntee ‘18 Mr. Jim McKay ‘71 Mrs. Julia Ann Patterson McKay ‘39 ♦♦♦ Mrs. Elisabeth Webster McLane ‘97 Mrs. Maureen Morgan McLaughlin ‘94 ♦ Mr. Andrew K. Mearns III ‘73 Ms. Kennedy A. Medley ‘18 Ms. Jaanvi A. Mehta ‘18 Mr. John E. Mekus ‘18 Mr. Aaron C. Miller ‘98 Mr. Brian J. Miller ‘18 Mrs. Riley Phillips Miller ‘78 ♦ Ms. Safiya C. Miller ‘18 Ms. Nancy Miller-Baiz ♦ Mr. & Mrs. Neil S. Millman ♦ Mr. Paul R. Milus Jr. ‘59 ♦ Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Mineo

Ms. Jasmine K. Minhas ‘18 Ms. Ellen P. Minor ‘78 ♦♦♦ Ms. Hollister L. Mitchell ‘85 ♦ Ms. Jane S. Mitchell ‘17 Dr. Morna Ikeda Moher ‘96 Mr. & Mrs. Eric J. Monzo Mr. Ric Hoffman & Ms. Natalie Moravek ♦ Mr. Owen Morris III Mrs. Owen Morris Jr. Ms. Alice H. Morse II ‘66 ♦ Mr. Ling "James" Mou ‘18 Ms. Deborah M. Moyer ♦ Mr. Matthew D. Moyer ‘05 ♦♦ Mr. Michael D. Mulford ‘18 Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Mulford Mr. Patrick T. Mullen ‘18 Mr. Paul Mulvena ♦ Mrs. Nancy R. Murvine & Mr. Todd R. Murvine ♦♦♦ Drs. Ananth & Sunanda Nabha ♦ Mr. Robert E. Naylor III ‘82 ♦♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. John E. Newlin III ♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. Douglas L. Nickel ♦♦ Mr. Philip L. Nickel ‘18 Mr. Scott C. Nickle ‘07 ♦ Mr. Ripley F. Nielsen ‘10 Mr. Charles B. Nutting ‘06 ♦ Ms. Lucy E. Nutting ‘10 Ms. Kathryn O’Brien Ms. Linda M. Ogden ♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Ogden Ms. Nicole Synclaire Oglesby ‘12 ♦ Mr. Francis J. Okoniewski IV ‘18 Mr. Robert A. Oldach ‘72 Mr. John H. Orr ‘70 ♦♦♦ Mrs. Francesca W. Pabon Mrs. Linda Palmer ♦ Mrs. Stacy P. Palmer ♦ Mr. Roland C. Pamm ‘74 ♦♦♦ Mr. Jash M. Patel ‘18 Mrs. Renis Siner Paton ‘51 & Mr. William K. Paton ♦ Mrs. Amy Porter Peoples ‘51 ♦ Mr. Hudson A. Pepper ‘18 Mr. James D. Pettit ‘81 & Mrs. Stacie M. Pettit ♦♦ Mrs. Deborah Stewart Phillips ‘74 ♦♦♦ Ms. Madison A. Pierce ‘18 Ms. Isabelle L. Pilson ‘18 Mrs. Beverly Bachtle Pinzon ‘78 Mrs. Heather Johnson Pitamber ‘01 Ms. Christie R. Pletz ‘11 Ms. Sarah W. Poston ‘83 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Potter ♦♦ Mr. Daniel Pratt Mrs. Dolores A. Pulliam The Rev. Margaret Kay Pumphrey ‘63 ♦♦ Mr. Charles E. Quimby ‘17 Mr. Harrison F. Quimby ‘17 Ms. Marion Grover Radin ‘80 ♦♦ Mrs. Nicole E. Rafferty Mrs. Nancy Ritter Raftery ‘50 ♦♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. Barton Reese Ms. Landon L. Reese ‘18 Mr. Robert P. Reese III ‘08 ♦ Ms. Amy Reynolds

Mrs. Kathryn D. Jackson Spruance ♦♦ The Rev. E. Kyle St. Claire Jr. ‘64 Ms. Marjorie Bradford Stanford ‘70 ♦♦♦ Mr. Michael H. Steinberger & Ms. Kathleen Brennan ♦♦ Dr. John R. Steinfeld ‘60 ♦♦♦ Dr. & Mrs. Michael A. Stemniski ♦ Ms. Taylor Stenz ‘18 Mr. & Mrs. George A. Stetson II ♦♦♦ Mr. Matthew F. Stetson ‘83 Mrs. Helen Gunn Ruppe Stevenson ‘73 ♦♦♦ Mrs. Caroline Hurst Stockton ‘96 Dr. Curt D. Storlazzi ‘91 & Ms. Isobel A. Spence ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. R. Stephen Strachan Mr. John B. Stratton ‘05 Mrs. Barbara Dawson Streuli ‘60 ♦ Ms. Deborah Stuebing ♦ Ms. Cassi R. Sullivan ‘18 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick M. Sullivan Mr. Tom M. Swartz ‘68 Mrs. Alice Spruance Talbot ‘62 ♦ Ms. Laura M. Taschner ‘18 Mrs. Nancy L. Tate Mr. Bryan F. R. Taylor ‘10 Mrs. Mary Hobbs Taylor ‘09 ♦ Mr. Matthew M. Taylor ‘12 Mr. & Mrs. P. Randolph Taylor Ms. Xinyu "Cinderella" Teng ‘18 Mrs. Debra Cohen Tevlin ‘81 The Kula Foundation Mr. Christopher Theim Ms. Alexandra D. Thomson ‘18 Ms. Margaret C. Thomson ‘71 ♦♦♦ Mr. D. McCarty Thornton IV ‘65 ♦♦ Mr. David Toomer Ms. Devin M. Tracy ‘11 Mrs. Tessa V. P. Taylor Trask ‘06 Ms. Mahi Trivellas ‘07 ♦ Ms. Myra Trivellas ‘07 ♦ Mr. Robert T. Turner ‘77 Mrs. Margaret Cist Ughetta ‘78 ♦♦♦ Mr. William R. Ushler ♦♦ Mrs. E. Pearce Van Leeuwen ‘43 ♦♦♦ Ms. Caitlin F. Van Sickle ‘08 Mr. Bruce C. Vernon ‘63 Mr. Daniel M. Villalon ‘99 & Ms. Katherine R. Long ‘98 Ms. Andrea H. Villare Mr. & Mrs. Bruce M. Vrana ♦♦ Ms. Laura E. Vrana ‘07 ♦ Mrs. Joan Wachstein Mrs. Mary Abbigail Keller Wagner ‘93 ♦♦ Mr. Wayne Walters ♦♦ Mrs. Patricia Attix Wanner ‘59 ♦ Mr. Benjamin R. Watson ‘14 Mr. Nathaniel A. Webster ‘94 Ms. Kimberly A. West ‘02 ♦♦ Mr. Andrew M. Weymouth ‘98 Mrs. Carolyn T. Weymouth ♦ Dr. Katharine Lopez Weymouth ‘94 & Mr. Timothy B. Weymouth ♦♦♦ Dr. Krishna White & Mr. Daniel White


Ms. Rebeckah Drake Richardson ‘65 Mr. Charles R. Rickards Jr. ‘82 ♦♦♦ Dr. & Mrs. Charles R. Rickards ♦♦♦ Mr. Douglas C. Roberts ‘71 ♦ Mr. William S. Robertson III ‘58 Mr. Mark W. Bristowe & Mrs. Julie A. Roca-Bristowe Ms. Maria I. Rocca ‘11 Ms. Penny Rodrick-Williams & Dr. Chris Williams Ms. Rhonda L. Rombach Mrs. Jill L. Roop Mr. Joseph Rubini ‘78 Mrs. Meriwether Hagerty Rumrill ‘55 ♦♦ Mr. Spencer B. Rumsey ‘71 & Dr. Jane L. Gudaitis ‘72 Mr. Stuart S. Rumsey ‘76 ♦♦♦ Mrs. Virginia Scott Rutter ‘70 ♦ Mr. & Mrs. Marvin R. Sachs ♦♦ Mrs. Pembry Keller Saez ‘96 ♦♦ Dr. Angela M. Saldarriaga & Dr. Evert W. Tjin-A-Tsoi Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Salvin Ms. Sophie R. Sanchez ‘18 Mr. Christopher Sanna Ms. Cynthia Sardo Ms. Alexis A. Saunders ‘10 Mr. D. Curtis Saunders ‘06 ♦ Mr. Michael M. Sawyer ‘75 Ms. Carol W. Sawyer-Porter ‘72 ♦♦♦ Ms. Cheryl Saxton ♦♦ Ms. Deva J. Scheel ♦ Mr. Sylvester Schorn ‘18 Mr. Andrew R. Scibilia ♦ Ms. Tasha A. Seago-Ramaly ‘85 ♦♦♦ Mrs. Melissa Bennett Sebel ‘96 Dr. Bruce W. Shackleton ‘65 Mr. Justin T. Sharpe ‘18 Mr. Matthew C. Sharrar ‘18 Ms. Isabelle T. Shegog ‘18 Ms. Raisa Shulkov ‘06 ♦ Mr. Eduardo Silva Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan D. Silvers Ms. Samantha B. Silvers ‘18 Mr. Ryan H. Simonton ‘15 Ms. Allison L. Smith ‘18 Ms. Allison P. Smith ‘18 Mrs. Amy Morgan Smith ‘07 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew W. Smith ♦♦ Ms. Julia C. Smith ‘18 Mrs. Karen Smith ♦ Mrs. Louise Schoonover Smith ‘59 ♦♦♦ Ms. Lucy B. Smith ‘63 ♦ Dr. Ginger Smith ‘66 ♦ Mr. Geoffrey R. Snelling Jr. ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. John A. Snyder ♦♦♦ Ms. Kathleen A. Snyder ‘12 Ms. Mary Elizabeth Snyder ‘07 Mr. Sean P. Snyder ‘08 ♦ Mr. Andrew A. L. Sommers ‘11 ♦ Ms. Kathryn A. Sommers ‘09 ♦ Mr. Shifeng "Leon" Song ‘18 Ms. Camille M. Spagnolo Ms. Georgeanna M. Spagnolo Mrs. Susan S. Speers Mr. D. Corbit Spruance ‘97 &

Mr. R. Bruce White ‘51 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy M. Wilbraham Mrs. Judith Herdeg Wilson ‘80 Mr. Carl G. Wismer Jr. ♦♦♦ Mr. & Mrs. Gerhard R. Wittreich ♦♦ Mr. William T. Wood III ‘86 ♦ Mrs. Corbin T.B. Pierson Woods ‘89 ♦♦ Ms. Elizabeth N. Wuerstle ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Jack Wuerstle Ms. Melody Young ‘18 Mr. & Mrs. Gary S. Yovanovich Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Zakielarz ♦ Ms. Ariel K. Zhang ‘18 Dr. Jie Zhu & Dr. Weiping Wang Ms. Stiliani Zinas Ms. Erin L. Zoranski ‘99 ♦ Mr. Baotang "Tommy" Zu ‘18 * Deceased

Top: John Lopez ‘57, Pat Wells and Hon. Mike Castle ‘57 Bottom: Anne Hobbs and Karen Randolph

Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018


By the Numbers


Alumni 22%

Tower Hill thanks alumni who made contributions between July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2018. Percentage and dollar contributions are shown for the Annual Fund and also for All Funds, which includes the Annual Fund and all other donations. Class of 1931 Charles S. Sutton* Class of 1934 Wilhelmina Laird Craven* Class of 1937 Annual Fund: 100%/ $55 All Funds: 100%/ $55 Class Agent: Margaret Porch Lounsbury Colby Dill, Jr. Margaret Porch Lounsbury Class of 1938 Annual Fund: 60%/ $3,600 All Funds: 60%/ $3,600 Georgina Miller Bissell Irénée du Pont Jr. John M. Gibson Class of 1939 Julia Ann Patterson McKay Class of 1940 William L. Hewes Jr. Class of 1941 Glenn E. Tisdale Class of 1942 Mary Hughes Preyer Class of 1943 E. Pearce Van Leeuwen Class of 1944 Annual Fund: 50%/ $350 All Funds: 50%/ $350 Alison Kimball Bradford* Elizabeth Baker Mathews Elizabeth Johnston Preston Class of 1945 Annual Fund: 29%/ $250


Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018

All Funds: 43%/ $14,578 Carolyn Denning Calvin Elizabeth A. Garrigues* Joan Underwood Walls Class of 1946 Alfred R. Shands III Class of 1947 Annual Fund: 70%/ $5,450 All Funds: 70%/ $5,450 Joan Ross Bolling Anne-Louise Baker Carroll Anne Haon Cook Doris Harvey Dickerson Carolyn Thelander Gittelson Kurt O. Wassén Barbara Johnston Woodhouse Class of 1948 John M. Hyde Class of 1949 Annual Fund: 50%/ $3,699 All Funds: 50%/ $3,699 Lydia Richards Boyer Daniel C. Lickle Charles Warner III Edward C. White Marilyn Morrow Woodhouse Class of 1950 Annual Fund: 21%/ $400 All Funds: 21%/ $400 Lammot du Pont III Betty Keith Luke Nancy Ritter Raftery Class of 1951 Annual Fund: 45%/ $860 All Funds: 45%/ $860 Emily Ernst Branscome Renis Siner Paton Amy Porter Peoples R. Bruce White James H. Worth Class of 1952 Annual Fund: 25%/ $3,644 All Funds: 25%/ $3,644 Gay Ramsdell Daniels David F. du Pont* Pierre S. du Pont IV Robert S. Richards

Henry H. Silliman Jr. P. Gerald White Class of 1953 Annual Fund: 26%/ $1,749 All Funds: 26%/ $1,749 Frederick E. Klutey Jr. Nancy Keith LeFevre Nancy Kitchell Lickle Marian Brown Lorenz Richard H. May Sandra Jellinghaus McClellan David N. Williams Class of 1954 Annual Fund: 24%/ $6,350 All Funds: 24%/ $6,350 Willis H. du Pont John P. Lorand Robert C. McCoy Susan Hill Ward P. Eugene Watson Class of 1955 Annual Fund: 37%/ $2,650 All Funds: 41%/ $2,765 Joan McDowell Connolly E. Brooke Bryan Farkas Sarah Schutt Harrison Lindsey Cairns Lawrence W. Thompson Lawrence Diana Wardenburg Maxmin Horace H. Montague Charles F. Richards Jr. Meriwether Hagerty Rumrill Judith Eastburn Sawyer David B. Warren Class of 1956 Annual Fund: 29%/ $3,088 All Funds: 32%/ $3,163 Class Agent: Charles M. Weymouth George H. Cross III Mikell Evans Flothe Carol McGrew Getty Barbara Moore Montague John C. Reese Beverley Wellford Rowland H. Donnan Sharp W. Halsey Spruance Peter S. Wells Charles M. Weymouth Class of 1957 Annual Fund: 59%/ $7,275 All Funds: 62%/ $8,725 Class Agents: William W. Beck Jr. Margaret Moyer Bennett Jane Richards Atkinson Judith Cain Ballard William W. Beck Jr. Margaret Moyer Bennett Michael N. Castle Edward L. Cussler Jr. Martha Yerkes Eustis

H. Wendell Gray Jr. Judith Carpenter Herdeg Norman K. Jellinghaus Phyllis Coerver Jones Jane du Pont Kidd William H. Lockwood Jr. John H. Lopez Knut H. Lykke Alison Collins McKenna Frances Heckert Pane Walter S. Rowland Sr. Joyce Pierson Shepherd Richard L. Ullman James J. Wild Class of 1958 Annual Fund: 43%/ $11,148 All Funds: 43%/ $12,748 Class Agent: Laurence H. Beck Laurence H. Beck Walter W. Brayman Lalor Burdick Elizabeth Henry Caldwell R.R.M. Carpenter III Stephanie Conklin Carpenter Alice Warner Donaghy Ann Lunger Jones Cynthia Lewis LaMothe Sandra Loving Linder Julia Johnson Lindquist Martha Townsend Longacre David A. Nichols Carolyn Lewis Richmond William S. Robertson III Merwin A. Soash Stanley R. Stager III Hunt Stockwell Class of 1959 Annual Fund: 54%/ $21,143 All Funds: 54%/ $31,143 Class Agent: Andrew A. Smith Sr. Randolph Barton Jr. Sandra Low Beale Carroll Morgan Carpenter Beverly Wild Finch Christopher Getman Michele du Pont Goss Stephen L. Hershey Matthieu M. Hoopes D. Stephen Hyde Leigh Johnstone Catharine Wheelock Johnstone Richard E. Kinsinger E. Scott Kirkpatrick Katherine Chinn Kristol Robert W. Lockerman C. Ronald Maroney Paul R. Milus Jr. Edward L. Schroeder H. Konrad Schuermann Owen N. Sellar Andrew A. Smith Sr. Louise Schoonover Smith Alice Woodcock Smith

Class of 1960 Annual Fund: 35%/ $17,235 All Funds: 35%/ $17,235 Ann Elliott Blanchard Richard A. Dobbs Ford B. Draper Jr. Margaret Thouron Harrell Nancy L. Hayward Sydney Robertson Jimenez D. Randolph Johnson John A. Lockwood William H. Marmion Jr. William F. Mullis Linde Lowdon Mullis Susan Bissell Parker Thomas P. Smith John R. Steinfeld Barbara Dawson Streuli Gail Rothrock Trozzo Class of 1961 Annual Fund: 27%/ $5,670 All Funds: 27%/ $6,970 Gordon A. Bussard Kasa Lowndes Cotugno Malcolm M. Fleming

Millard G. Gamble IV Joan Fairman Gummey John B. Hannum Jr. Peter Hentschel Joseph C. Hoopes Jr. Richard R. Joyce Robert T. Kennedy William O. LaMotte III Thomas M. Lopez Katie Cavanagh Maslow Gale Pierson McNish Charles P. Schutt Jr. Class of 1962 Annual Fund: 33%/ $3,545 All Funds: 36%/ $30,439 Henry H. Abernathy Jr. Pamela Mendolia Abernathy Sally Beck Baker Robert M. Bird III Dianne Metzger Blane Yolande Brown Dobbs Ronald S. Felix James H. Kramer H. David Lunger Thomas F. McCoy Wade H. B. Smith Alice Spruance Talbot Major N. Travers III Randolph W. Urmston

Patricia Reese Vanderwarker Katherine S. Ward Class of 1963 Annual Fund: 37%/ $3,346 All Funds: 37%/ $3,346 Ann Benedict Butler Andrew A. Cadot Barry N. Cornwall Mary Jane Conner Culbertson Elizabeth Hoopes Field Margaret Goebel Fields Anne Stroud Hannum Justine Neff Hawley Aidan D. Jones Robert C.W. Jones Jr. Tillie Page Laird Irene du Pont Light Kathleen Joyce Lofstedt Sheila Cavanagh Marshall Margaret Kay Pumphrey John W. Shackleton Jr. Peyton Bird Sise Lucy B. Smith Bruce C. Vernon Class of 1964 Annual Fund: 30%/ $23,619 All Funds: 30%/ $23,619 Thomas C.T. Brokaw

David J. Cain Jr. Deborah Handloff Cornwall Eleanor Oldach Francis Lesley Bissell Hoopes Stephanie Bredin Speakman E. Kyle St. Claire Jr. Joseph D.C. Wilson III H. Alex Wise


Dr. Susan B. Thayer H. Eric Wanner Patricia Attix Wanner

Class of 1965 Annual Fund: 30%/ $3,050 All Funds: 30%/ $3,050 Karen D. Farquhar Eugene R. Gaddis Lee Rumsey Haga Charles L. Hobbs Philip D. Laird III Alice Flaherty Long Jonathan H. Marvel William E. Neff Jr. Rebeckah Drake Richardson Bruce W. Shackleton John B. Tepe Jr. D. McCarty Thornton IV Thomas H. Valk Roberta Bussard Whiting Class of 1966 Annual Fund: 26%/ $10,165 All Funds: 54%/ $147,619

Left: Jay Pierson ‘87 and Joyce Pierson Shepherd ‘57 at Homecoming 2017. On April 19, 2018, Alumni Council President Ashley Altschuler ‘90 and Shana Altschuler hosted a donor reception at their home. Top right: Monty Hayman ‘87, Megan Cover, Kristin Mumford and Alice Saunders; Bottom right: Micki Altschuler, Jane Castle, Hon. Mike Castle ‘57, Ashley Altschuler ‘90, Bessie Speers, Tom Speers, Shana Altschuler and Bob Altschuler. Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018


Anonymous Roger W. Arrington Joan Stroud Blaine Barbara Bours Brady Nicholas V. L. Brokaw Margaretta Bredin Brokaw Phoebe Craven Edward H. Hawfield Pierre duP. Hayward Mark K. Hedley Deborah L. Jones Ellis W. Jones Thomas N. Jones III Cynthia Mendolia Keiser Daniel H. Krapf Anne Taylor Lincoln Steven McClelland Mary Lunger McKay Sharon Church McNabb Alice H. Morse II Wheeler K. Neff Elizabeth Dougherty Raskob Bruce B. Roberts Frederick B. Rose H. Rodney Scott Ginger Smith George B. Ward III Edward E. Weisbrod Class of 1967 Annual Fund: 25%/ $3,882 All Funds: 25%/ $5,632 William C. Amos Anne Hobbs Arrington Joseph M. Barsky III Richard H. Bayard Edward A. Beacom IV Brooks J. Bowen Robert C. Director Tucker Ranken Giddens Karl D. Klauck Edmond L. Lincoln Charles R. Monet Carole Cates Pennock Edmund R. Pennock Bruce B. Yelton Class of 1968 Annual Fund: 16%/ $1,287 All Funds: 16%/ $1,287 Class Agent: Wendy Ward Wise Ann K. Abernathy James G. Birney III Gary A. Emmett Mary A. Lincoln Tom M. Swartz Cynthia du Pont Tobias Wendy Ward Wise Class of 1969 Annual Fund: 17%/ $2,340 All Funds: 19%/ $2,803 Class Agent: Charles J. Durante Alletta Bredin Bell Barrett J. Cobb


Tower Hill Bulletin

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Charles J. Durante Phillip B. Gudaitis Robert J. Krapf Donald G. MacKelcan William T. Pease Christine Kane Plant Lee Howard Vosters Donald E. Williams Class of 1970 Annual Fund: 16%/ $725 All Funds: 16%/ $725 Lisa H. Barsky Lane Freeman Becken Dave R. Cundiff Steven R. Director Craig F. Everhart Elizabeth M. Gaddis John H. Orr Virginia Scott Rutter Gigi Bradford Stanford Class of 1971 Annual Fund: 30%/ $1,605 All Funds: 30%/ $1,655 Class Agent: Laurence J. Durante Christopher D. Casscells Robert L. Dewey Laurence J. Durante Mary Cameron Griffin Richard T. Hart Jim McKay Andrea Miller Lindy Savage Recht Douglas C. Roberts Spencer B. Rumsey W. L. Stabler III Patricia Godfrey Swigart Margaret C. Thomson Madelyn Baetz Yelton Class of 1972 Annual Fund: 35%/ $3,515 All Funds: 35%/ $3,915 Class Agent: Scott L. Hunter Laura Fulton Bennett Ellen Cannon Lisa Harrington Foote Alice Kitchel Fulweiler David S. Gee Jane L. Gudaitis Edward A. Harrington Scott L. Hunter David H. LaMotte Garrison du Pont Lickle Sean P. McGuinness Kim Smith Nelkin Robert A. Oldach Carol W. Sawyer-Porter Melva Carveth Smith Bede W. Wellford Class of 1973 Annual Fund: 25%/ $8,836 All Funds: 27%/ $9,336

Cantwell Clark V Roderick C. Gay B. Holliday Hoopes Hudimac Douglas R. Jamieson Lawrence Knotts Jeffrey A. Kreshtool Antonia Bredin Massie Judith F. McGeorge Andrew K. Mearns III James W. Morris Donald P. Ross III H. Cheryl Rusten Allegra Hamman Schmidt Alden K. Sherman Helen Gunn Ruppe Stevenson Ernest F. Tark III Elizabeth Hutchison Taylor Class of 1974 Annual Fund: 28%/ $37,325 All Funds: 30%/ $38,600 Kurt M. Anstreicher Martin W. Bond Christopher W. Byrne Frederick L. Dewey III Stanley M. Diver Edmond P. DeV. Horsey John E. Kaliski Robert E. Knotts Ellen Jamison Kullman David L. Larson Richard B. Marvin Gail Morris Mazzei Amy Boyer McElroy Roland C. Pamm Deborah Stewart Phillips Jane Savage Riley Thomas D. Roosevelt Class of 1975 Annual Fund: 22%/ $3,050 All Funds: 24%/ $3,540 Class Agent: Jim L. Ehret Margaretta Stabler Andrews Margaret Savage Brownell Lisa D. Daudon John R. Davis Warren H. Dean Jim L. Ehret Katherine Carol Hughes Halpern George D. Hobbs II John D. Kelly IV Michael P. Kelly Daniel R. Kreshtool Leslie Harvey Lemonick Michael M. Sawyer Class of 1976 Annual Fund: 40%/ $7,777 All Funds: 40%/ $8,777 Patrick M. Ashley Mary Fuller Bond Anne Casscells Michael Cohen James A. Draper IV Sarah Wood Goodman

Karen Abrams Graham Marion Reeves Haydon John D. Jornlin Timothy D. Mohr Henry E. Nickle Lisa A. Olson Carol Raiber Powell Stuart S. Rumsey David F. B. Ruppe Andrew P. Taylor John E.T. Taylor Anne A. Verplanck Daniel L. Weintraub Elise du Pont Zoller Class of 1977 Annual Fund: 10%/ $1,554 All Funds: 12%/ $2,054 Michael F. Duggan William L. Kitchel III Robert L. Kline III Robin Fulwiler Nohe Robert T. Turner Philip L. Verplanck Class of 1978 Annual Fund: 39%/ $4,349 All Funds: 41%/ $4,669 Class Agent: Ellen P. Minor Robert A. Bank Heather Hering Brown Edward Cohen Linda Lagarde Drapeau John S. Edinger Jr. Augustus C. Griffin Ashley Riegel Harrington John A. Hughes Lynn Holland Lyon Barton L. Mackey Jr. Sean M. McKenna Riley Phillips Miller Ellen P. Minor Ashley Lickle O'Neil Eric Osbun Mehmet C. Oz Beverly Bachtle Pinzon Joseph Rubini Thomas L. Savage Margaret Cist Ughetta Ann Beh Wagner Class of 1979 Annual Fund: 19%/ $1,820 All Funds: 19%/ $2,040 Class Agent: Victoria Yelton Manlove Elizabeth Montaigne Applegate Ann Barlow Ashley W. Timothy Cashman III C. Barr Flinn Susan Hering Foster Elizabeth A. Jenkins Lynn A. Mahaffy Douglas A. Thomas Mary Griffenberg von der Luft

Class of 1981 Annual Fund: 31%/ $28,005 All Funds: 33%/ $79,405 Class Agent: Marc L. Greenberg E. Talley Brown Robert R.M. Carpenter IV Brian S. Dulick Gina Bahr Finn John M. Flynn W. Whitfield Gardner Marc L. Greenberg Mary Grover Hagan G. Clark Hering IV Lakota K. Kruse James D. Pettit William L. Prickett Geoffrey R. Snelling Jr. Richard Stetson II Debra Cohen Tevlin Donald B. Wahlig Robert S. Watson Louisa Jackson Zungailia Class of 1982 Annual Fund: 27%/ $30,147 All Funds: 29%/ $137,747 Class Agents: Robert E. Naylor III Charles R. Rickards Jr. M. Allison Barlow Catherine Brown-Butler Courtney Collier-Beyer Anthony R. Cucuzzella Benjamin F. du Pont E. Bradford du Pont Jr. Eric R. Epstein Blair Wardenburg Fosburgh Scott H. Gakenheimer Timothy W. Gordon David E. Handley Kenneth L. Howe Miles F. Huffaker Edmund A. LeFevre Jr. Robert E. Naylor III Charles R. Rickards Jr. Bradford Saffer Beth Carney Salter Class of 1983 Annual Fund: 17%/ $11,430 All Funds: 19%/ $11,955 Michael W. Ashley

Elizabeth Bynum Barr Karl N. Beinkampen Eric J. Brumskill Caroline Shields Clifford Paul Foldi Alexander L. Kirifides William B. McMillan Jr. Sarah W. Poston Matthew F. Stetson Rodman Ward III Class of 1984 Annual Fund: 8%/ $1,234 All Funds: 10%/ $1,324 Thère du Pont II Robert F. Gardner Evelyn deHaven Lovett Ann Traumann Marsden R. Paul Peddrick Class of 1985 Annual Fund: 13%/ $1,495 All Funds: 18%/ $2,545 Class Agent: Cydney Louth Gilbertson Timothy V. Allabashi Tracey Dulick Armstrong Mark P. DeSimone M. Lynne du Pont R. Maurice Holden Hollister L. Mitchell John B. Morton III David T. Nowland Tasha A. Seago-Ramaly Tracey D. Twyman Class of 1986 Annual Fund: 29%/ $13,435 All Funds: 33%/ $13,995 Class Agent: Tracy Graham Wenzinger Jennifer Sinex Abramczyk Ann Kaiser Ballinger David C. Blickenstaff Susan Edison Church Rodman W. Edmiston III Anne Dobbs Genova Victoria Maxmin Gravuer Carolyn B. Law Nicole D. Liarakos Paul F. Morris Michael D. Sachs David G. Santiago H. Wesley Schwandt John D. Statler Tracy Graham Wenzinger William T. Wood III Class of 1987 Annual Fund: 31%/ $13,265 All Funds: 31%/ $18,555 Class Agents: Michael W. Hyde Mary Beth Searles Jeanne Dora Woodbury John D. Abbott Susan Reed Allabashi

Todd Buonocore Christopher R. Donoho III Mary W. Foulk Caroline Stetson Goulding LaMontz M. Hayman Michael W. Hyde William H. Lunger Whitney M. Maroney John C. Pierson III Richard L. Probstein Mary Beth Searles Andrew A. Smith III Alexis Altschuler Spikes Class of 1988 Annual Fund: 8%/ $985 All Funds: 8%/ $1,495 Class Agent: Sarah Bugbee Keidel Christopher J. Arntzen Elizabeth Levy Gula Sarah Bugbee Keidel Matthew T. Twyman III Class of 1989 Annual Fund: 25%/ $17,460 All Funds: 27%/ $17,750 Class Agent: Corbin T.B. Pierson Woods Steve Afsar-Keshmiri Randolph Barton III Melissa L. Brock Michal Carlson

Daniel B. Flynn Samuel I. duP. Hyland Anthony W. Lunger Jean Cucuzzella McCuskey Marshall E. Phillips Deborah Komins Ross Jeffrey L. Rothschild Kelle Doherty Sanchez Andrea Trippitelli Valentine Anthony W. Vattilana Gregory J. Weinig Corbin T.B. Pierson Woods


Class of 1980 Annual Fund: 18%/ $12,735 All Funds: 20%/ $21,255 Heather Richards Evans Bradley S. Gray Michael Jenkins Ann Kallfelz Jenkins Douglas H. Lagarde Marion Grover Radin Christopher J. Saunders Anne W. Scott Moira E. Walker Judith Herdeg Wilson

Class of 1990 Annual Fund: 27%/ $16,199 All Funds: 31%/ $176,533 Class Agent: Fleming McCoy Ackermann Fleming McCoy Ackermann Armin Afsar-Keshmiri Ashley R. Altschuler G. Mark Bussard Sarah Smith Chapman Robert W. Crowe Jr. Nickie Julian Currie Michael F. Gummey Richard A. Holmes Edward I. Richards John E. Riegel Jr. Shawniqua Williams Roberson Catherine R. Salva Jacob F. Schutt Susan Wood Waesco

Alumni Annual Fund Special Recognition Race to Reunion 2 and 7

Classes ending in 2 and 7 celebrated reunion years in 20172018. Race to Reunion challenges reunion classes to increase their giving to the Annual Fund in honor of their reunion. Reunion Year Participation Amount 80th 1937 100% $55 75th 1942 33% $100 70th 1947 70% $5,450 65th 1952 25% $3,644 60th 1957 59% $7,275 55th 1962 33% $3,545 50th 1967 25% $3,882 45th 1972 35% $3,515 40th 1977 10% $1,554 35th 1982 27% $30,147 30th 1987 31% $13,265 25th 1992 23% $15,288 20th 1997 37% $3,850 15th 2002 17% $11,340 10th 2007 24% $555 5th 2012 8% $135

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Fall 2018


Class of 1991 Annual Fund: 35%/ $4,404 All Funds: 35%/ $5,129 Class Agents: Alisha Wayman Bryson Elizabeth Noseworthy Fitzsimmons Thomas J. Hanna Eva Cambre Bisso Peter Conn Elizabeth Noseworthy Fitzsimmons Michael J. Flynn Melissa Wagner Flynn Thomas J. Hanna Paula S. Janssen Anjali Rao Martin R. Rhett Mitchell Andrew Day Sparks Isobel A. Spence Curt D. Storlazzi Class of 1992 Annual Fund: 23%/ $15,288 All Funds: 26%/ $15,728 Class Agents: Jamisa Murray Gittings Hillary deLeeuw Spruance Erica Edell Bernfeld Amanda Walker Friz John Amory Glaccum Whitney Wagamon Glaccum Shane N. Kramer Natalie Heiman Roisman Peter E. Rothschild Hillary deLeeuw Spruance Isabella Speakman Timon Daniel P. Weinstein Norris P. Wright Jr. Class of 1993 Annual Fund: 24%/ $6,750 All Funds: 31%/ $9,250 Class Agent: Jacob V. Spruance Heather Forte Corts John C. Lemay Gwendolyn Marrs Anil Nabha Charles A. Page C. Dimitri D. Pappas Tucker T. Pierson Mark J. Smolko Jennifer Geddes Smolko Laura Permut Sparks Jacob V. Spruance Mary Abbigail Keller Wagner Carmen M. Wallace Class of 1994 Annual Fund: 24%/ $6,775 All Funds: 24%/ $6,825 Class Agents: K. Cole Flickinger Heather Kestner Green Jeffrey A. Carney Heather Kestner Green


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Fall 2018

Greta Hale Ito Jennifer Cloud King Kristin Morrison Lefebvre Maureen Morgan McLaughlin Amanda Golding Riegel Anthony J. Salva Nathaniel A. Webster Katharine Lopez Weymouth John L. Williams Class of 1995 Annual Fund: 16%/ $919 All Funds: 16%/ $919 Lewis S. Black III Christopher C. Chabalko Layton Skelly Griffin Kathryn Smolko Kiec David C. Larned Jr. Marna Whittington McDermott Jennifer Weinman Rossini Class of 1996 Annual Fund: 26%/ $3,110 All Funds: 28%/ $4,250 Class Agent: Lindsay Wise Tonderys Andrew J. Carmine Jimmy C. Chong Jane Edell Stephanos Karakasidis Gregory S. Kaufmann Morna Ikeda Moher Daniel K. Moon Janelle Wright Okorie Aleni M. Pappas Pembry Keller Saez Melissa Bennett Sebel Robert M. Silliman Jr. Caroline Hurst Stockton Lindsay Wise Tonderys Class of 1997 Annual Fund: 37%/ $3,850 All Funds: 37%/ $3,850 Class Agents: Heather Weymouth Lowry Caroline Gee Prezzano Kirstin Bohn Chadd E. Boulden Sarah Phillips Carter Charles G. Case Jr. Theresa Collins Case Christopher M. Cresswell Phoebe Brokaw Davidson Elise Bayard Franklin Ryan C. Gunther David M. Jaquette Elizabeth H. Jennings Lawrance Spiller Kimmel Heather Weymouth Lowry Ashlee Marie McCullough Elisabeth Webster McLane Anita Nabha Andrew A. Pogach Caroline Gee Prezzano Matthew R. Rygler M. Ryan Schultz D. Corbit Spruance

Class of 1998 Annual Fund: 32%/ $3,459 All Funds: 32%/ $13,599 Class Agent: Andrew W. Weymouth Elizabeth Sproesser Fiechter Carl Spalding Gates III Maria Karas Jonathan R. Kaufmann Megan Callahan Kelty Katherine R. Long Kristin McCann Aaron C. Miller Jennifer Jewett Misra Jordan Hollender O’Regan Lee Moffett Preininger Margaretta Tobias Sacco Andrew M. Weymouth Class of 1999 Annual Fund: 17%/ $1,485 All Funds: 19%/ $1,535 Class Agents: Rory N. Boulden Bethany A. Dick Erin L. Zoranski Patrick B. Baetjer Rory N. Boulden Andrew T. Cloud Andrew Y. Fong Meredith Keller Giacco Mary B. Hawkins Justin R. Litterelle Daniel N. Oren Daniel M. Villalon Erin L. Zoranski Class of 2000 Annual Fund: 13%/ $1,130 All Funds: 15%/ $1,150 Katharine McCoy Dubow Aileen D. Heiman Meghann L. Helmick Lowell Dinneen Kastner Albert J. McCrery IV Wendell A. Sammons Jr. Carolyn M. Schultz Jill M. Shotzberger Class of 2001 Annual Fund: 18%/ $2,945 All Funds: 20%/ $3,020 Class Agent: Tarra Boulden Winchell Wilson J.C. Braun III Elisabeth Diver Lauren A. C. Easton Mona Yezdani Gillen Alexis C. Jolly Adam Kalamchi Jay Russell Lewis William C. Martin Steven T. Martinenza Heather Johnson Pitamber Tarra Boulden Winchell

Class of 2002 Annual Fund: 17%/ $11,340 All Funds: 17%/ $11,340 Louisa Bayard Christopher W. Casscells Matthew D. Dinneen Kathryn F. Fortunato Mary Candler Fulweiler Laird R. Hayward Elizabeth A. Nickle Jennifer Bayard Particelli Kimberly A. West Class of 2003 Annual Fund: 9%/ $305 All Funds: 11%/ $355 R. Hugh F. Bender Corbin R. Director Lauren A. Golt Leslie B. Hewes Michael T. Wilson Class of 2004 Annual Fund: 8%/ $80 All Funds: 10%/ $330 Kelly Hocutt Kirkbride Raymond D. Lewis A. Rosalind Lynam John T. Mongan Jr. Class of 2005 Annual Fund: 8%/ $375 All Funds: 8%/ $375 Lauren Arrington Kathryn Sepelyak Kirsch Matthew D. Moyer John B. Stratton Class of 2006 Annual Fund: 13%/ $743 All Funds: 13%/ $743 Michael A. Alvarez Blakely Ashley Larrabee Elizabeth J. Mongan Charles B. Nutting D. Curtis Saunders Raisa Shulkov Tessa V. P. Taylor Trask Class of 2007 Annual Fund: 24%/ $555 All Funds: 24%/ $555 Class Agents: Stephen J. Chehi Scott C. Nickle Mary Elizabeth Snyder William P. Stratton Caroline Campbell Grier Tumas Dienstag Julia C. Durante Kathlyn Gamble Brandon R. Harper M. Pierce Hewes Ian M. Lonsdale Scott C. Nickle Amy Morgan Smith Mary Elizabeth Snyder

Class of 2008 Annual Fund: 13%/ $1,345 All Funds: 13%/ $1,345 Class Agents: Erica J. Bickhart John W. H. Boarman Erica J. Bickhart Ashley L. Isken Loring Weaver Knott Sarah L. Kreshtool Margaret O. Kullman Robert P. Reese III Sean P. Snyder Caitlin F. Van Sickle Class of 2009 Annual Fund: 16%/ $255 All Funds: 16%/ $325 Class Agents: Evan A. DeDominicis Meghan E. Lyons Evan A. DeDominicis Lindsey A. Edinger Justin M. Hicks Meghan E. Lyons Emily M. Mackey Elizabeth Merritt Cooch McDonnell Kathryn A. Sommers Mary Hobbs Taylor Class of 2010 Annual Fund: 16%/ $255 All Funds: 16%/ $255 Class Agents: Samuel L. Greenberg Logan L. Weaver Patrick B. Ashley Preston A. Boyden Khaalid D. Lucas Ripley F. Nielsen Lucy E. Nutting Alexis A. Saunders Bryan F. R. Taylor Logan L. Weaver Class of 2011 Annual Fund: 19%/ $633 All Funds: 19%/ $673 Class Agents: Kathleen E. Batman John S. Edinger III Gregory A. Pape Devin M. Tracy Laura E. Carpenter Kali A. DiGate John S. Edinger III Elizabeth Grubbs Brooke A. Kelly Christie R. Pletz Maria I. Rocca Andrew A. L. Sommers Devin M. Tracy Tyler A. von der Luft

Class of 2012 Annual Fund: 8%/ $135 All Funds: 8%/ $135 Class Agents: Roxanne C. Cecil John J. Schreppler III Christina E. Freibott Konnor M. Houff Nicole Synclaire Oglesby Kathleen A. Snyder Matthew M. Taylor Class of 2013 Annual Fund: 7%/ $295 All Funds: 7%/ $295 Class Agents: Evan Michael Frazier Evan M. Mitchell Reed M. Boyden Spencer T. Boyden Barbara A. Edmonds Lindsay D. von der Luft Class of 2014 Annual Fund: 7%/ $135 All Funds: 7%/ $635 Class Agents: Eliza A. Gardner Samuel J. Murphy Eliza A. Gardner Courtney A. T. Hayman Benjamin R. Watson Elizabeth N. Wuerstle Class of 2015 Annual Fund: 11%/ $205 All Funds: 11%/ $705 Ariane E. Attix Luke H. Borda Jr. Michael Ryan Cleary David S. Grubbs Jr. Brooke N. D. Hayman Kalee G. Kennedy Ryan H. Simonton

Class of 2018 Annual Fund: 100%/ $1,263 All Funds: 100%/ $1,263 Anne E. Abramczyk Alexander Adsett Renee P. Albrecht Zara Ali Todd Bowman Anderson Elena B. Attix Richard C. Attix Alexandria Bak Randolph Barton IV William H. Borda Bryson Boyd Rory M. Britt Taylor C. Burris Abigail B. Carpenter Mark B. Cordell Jr. James William Corroon Cameron G. Cucuzzella Daniel C. Dougherty Caroline K. Elson Adam C. Fisher Lauren K. Formanski Luke R. Frietze Leo J. Garonski David D. L. Goodman Denis R. Grande Cecilia B. Habgood Kathleen J. Harris Jake T. Hattersley Aidan T. Hickey Natalie W. Hobbs Kameron M. L. Inguito Alex H. Jenkins Malcolm C. Johnson Rajeswari Hita Kambhamettu Benjamin J. Katz Sarah E. Lunger Michael J. Malik Claire McEntee Kennedy A. Medley Jaanvi A. Mehta John E. Mekus

Safiya C. Miller Brian J. Miller Jasmine K. Minhas Ling "James" Mou Michael D. Mulford Patrick T. Mullen Philip L. Nickel Francis J. Okoniewski IV Jash M. Patel Hudson A. Pepper Madison A. Pierce Isabelle L. Pilson Landon L. Reese Sophie R. Sanchez Sylvester Schorn Justin T. Sharpe Matthew C. Sharrar Isabelle T. Shegog Samantha B. Silvers Allison L. Smith Julia C. Smith Allison P. Smith Shifeng "Leon" Song Taylor Stenz Cassi R. Sullivan Laura M. Taschner Xinyu "Cinderella" Teng Alexandra D. Thomson Melody Young Ariel K. Zhang Baotang "Tommy" Zu


Mahi Trivellas Myra Trivellas Laura E. Vrana

* Deceased

Class of 2016 Annual Fund: 7%/ $195 All Funds: 7%/ $195 Duncan C. Britt Matthew B. Cleary Nicholas A. Fisher William V. Robinson Class of 2017 Annual Fund: 7%/ $120 All Funds: 7%/ $120 Class Agent: Matthew D. Rovner Louise T. Conaty Michael C. Gallagher Jane S. Mitchell Charles E. Quimby Harrison F. Quimby L to R: Jaanvi Mehta ‘18, Patrick Mullen ‘18 and Brian Miller ‘18 at the Alumni Council Senior Dinner in May. Every member of the senior class contributed to the 2017-2018 Annual Fund.

Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018


2017-2018 ALUMNI VOLUNTEERS Tower Hill is grateful to our alumni who volunteer their time on behalf of the school.


Jennifer Sinex Abramczyk ‘86 Ashley R. Altschuler ‘90 Rory N. Boulden ‘99 Alisha Wayman Bryson ‘91 Deborah Colbourn ‘92 Anthony R. Cucuzzella ‘82 Christopher R. Donoho III ‘87 Charles J. Durante ‘69 K. Cole Flickinger ‘94 Melissa Wagner Flynn ‘91 Amanda Walker Friz ‘92 Victoria Maxmin Gravuer ‘86 Thomas J. Hanna ‘91 LaMontz M. Hayman ‘87 Kristin Morrison Lefebvre ‘94 Anjali Rao Martin ‘91 Albert J. McCrery IV ‘00 R. Rhett Mitchell ‘91 John C. Pierson III ‘87 H. Wesley Schwandt ‘86


Margaret Porch Lounsbury ‘37 Charles M. Weymouth ‘56 William W. Beck Jr. ‘57 Margaret Moyer Bennett ‘57 Laurence H. Beck ‘58 Andrew A. Smith Sr. ‘59 Wendy Ward Wise ‘68 Charles J. Durante ‘69 Laurence J. Durante ‘71 Scott L. Hunter ‘72 Jim L. Ehret ‘75 Ellen P. Minor ‘78 Victoria Yelton Manlove ‘79 Marc L. Greenberg ‘81 Robert E. Naylor III ‘82 Charles R. Rickards Jr. ‘82 Cydney Louth Gilbertson ‘85 Tracy Graham Wenzinger ‘86 Michael W. Hyde ‘87 Mary Beth Searles ‘87 Jeanne Dora Woodbury ‘87 Sarah Bugbee Keidel ‘88 Corbin T.B. Pierson Woods ‘89 Fleming McCoy Ackermann ‘90 Alisha Wayman Bryson ‘91 Elizabeth Noseworthy Fitzsimmons ‘91 Thomas J. Hanna ‘91 Jamisa Murray Gittings ‘92 Hillary deLeeuw Spruance ‘92 Jacob V. Spruance ‘93 K. Cole Flickinger ‘94 Heather Kestner Green ‘94 Lindsay Wise Tonderys ‘96 Heather Weymouth Lowry ‘97 Caroline Gee Prezzano ‘97 Andrew M. Weymouth ‘98 Rory N. Boulden ‘99 Bethany A. Dick ‘99 Erin L. Zoranski ‘99


Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018

Tarra Boulden Winchell ‘01 Stephen J. Chehi ‘07 Scott C. Nickle ‘07 Mary Elizabeth Snyder ‘07 William P. Stratton ‘07 Erica J. Bickhart ‘08 John W. H. Boarman ‘08 Evan A. DeDominicis ‘09 Meghan E. Lyons ‘09 Samuel L. Greenberg ‘10 Logan L. Weaver ‘10 Kathleen E. Batman ‘11 John S. Edinger III ‘11 Gregory A. Pape ‘11 Devin M. Tracy ‘11 Roxanne C. Cecil ‘12 John J. Schreppler III ‘12 Evan Michael Frazier ‘13 Evan M. Mitchell ‘13 Eliza A. Gardner ‘14 Samuel J. Murphy ‘14 William H. Spruance III ‘14 Matthew D. Rovner ‘17

REUNION VOLUNTEERS/ HOSTS Class of 1957 Judith Carpenter Herdeg C. Victoria Kitchell Alison Collins McKenna Class of 1962 Robert M. Bird III Katherine S. Ward Class of 1967 Robert C. Director Charles F. du Pont P. Coleman du Pont Carole Cates Pennock Bruce B. Yelton Class of 1972 Ellen Cannon Samuel M. Hughes Alfred N. Taylor II Class of 1977 Donna M. Robino Class of 1982 Anthony R. Cucuzzella Class of 1987 Susan Reed Allabashi Christopher R. Donoho III Mary W. Foulk LaMontz M. Hayman Class of 1992 Deborah Colbourn Amanda Walker Friz

Hillary deLeeuw Spruance Isabella Speakman Timon Class of 1997 Robert E. Downing Heather Weymouth Lowry Class of 2002 Christopher W. Casscells Laird R. Hayward Class of 2007 Mary Elizabeth Snyder Class of 2012 David R. Kullman Stephen J. Kullman Faith A. Lyons


Madeleine M. Bayard ‘97 Wilson J.C. Braun III ‘01 Christopher A. Coons ‘81 Benjamin F. du Pont ‘82 Julia C. Durante ‘07 John M. Flynn ‘81 Andrew Y. Fong ‘99 Elizabeth M. Fortunato ‘02 Kathryn F. Fortunato ‘02 W. Whitfield Gardner ‘81 Mona Yezdani Gillen ‘01 Laird R. Hayward ‘02 Morgan L. Hendry IV ‘01 Justin M. Hicks ‘09 Samuel I. duP. Hyland ‘89 Richard R. Joyce ‘61 Joanna G. Kelly ‘10 Michael P. Kelly ‘75 Michael Patrick Kelly Jr. ‘14 Lawrance Spiller Kimmel ‘97 David T. Kluger ‘08 Ellen Jamison Kullman ‘74 Faith A. Lyons ‘12 Lisa A. Olson ‘76 Jennifer Bayard Particelli ‘02 Stephanie Bredin Speakman ‘64 Hunt Stockwell ‘58 Isabella Speakman Timon ‘92 Matthew T. Twyman III ‘88 Carmen M. Wallace ‘93 Rodman Ward III ‘83 Logan L. Weaver ‘10 John L. Williams ‘94 Elise du Pont Zoller ‘76

By the Numbers



Faculty & Staff 77%

All funds including the Annual Fund and all other donations Anonymous Mr. Christopher F. Aitken Mrs. Elizabeth Anderson Mrs. Elizabeth Montaigne Applegate ‘79 Mrs. Marina G. Attix Mrs. Ellen R. Bailer Ms. Katherine Bailey Mr. John W. Bartlett & Ms. Abby N. Patterson Mrs. Amy Bickhart Ms. Amanda Blackstone Mr. Josh Boughner Dr. Elizabeth Brown Ms. Kerry King-Brown Mrs. Florence M. Brown Mr. Nathan Bryant Mrs. Sara Bush Mr. Paul Capodanno Ms. Patricia Carlozzi Ms. Jane Chesson Dr. Caroline Shields Clifford ‘83 Mrs. Theresa F. Collurafici Ms. L. Dyann Connor Mr. James E. Conover Jr. Ms. Anna E. Correa Mrs. Michelle Coulter Mrs. Megan Cover Dr. Amy Cuddy Mr. Jerry Dais Mrs. Meghan Donlon Ms. Maura Duxbury Mrs. Laurie Edinger Mr. James Erhardt Mrs. Dawna H. Eriksen Mrs. Tara Malloy Fletcher Ms. Kathy Franklin Mrs. Ashley Gillerlain Ms. Donna Gleason Mrs. Andrea Glowatz Mrs. Julie R. Goldston Ms. Sharon Gooding-Reynolds Dr. James N. Haine Mr. Art Hall & Mrs. Paula Hall Mrs. Robin Adair Harvey Ms. Victoria Healy Mr. Francis Henkel Mr. Thomas Hoch

Mrs. Jennifer Houston Mr. Andrew W. Keim Mrs. Nicole M. Keith Mr. Seth Kushkin Mr. Gerald Lamborn Ms. Ida Leader Mrs. Lista Lincoln Dr. Xiao "Wendy" Liu Mrs. Heather Weymouth Lowry ‘97 Ms. Rowena Macleod Ms. Rachel T. Marlowe Ms. Mary Jane Martin Ms. Zerrin Martin Mrs. Nancy Martin Mrs. Cherie Martinez Dr. Nicholas H. Matlin Mr. Megan C. McCrery Mrs. Teresa B. Messmore Ms. Susan Miller Ms. Natalie Moravek Mr. Paul Mulvena Mrs. Kristin B. Mumford Ms. Kathryn O’Brien Ms. Linda M. Ogden Ms. Megan O’Neill Mrs. Elizabeth A. Orsetti Mrs. Francesca W. Pabon Mrs. Stacy P. Palmer Mrs. Linda Palmer Mr. Richard B. Pierce Mr. Anthony R. Pisapia Mrs. Ellen Potter Mr. Daniel Pratt Mrs. Nicole E. Rafferty Mrs. Kathryn Reese Ms. Amy Reynolds Ms. Kate Rindy Ms. Jessica Ritchie Mrs. Julie A. Roca-Bristowe Ms. Penny Rodrick-Williams Mrs. Jill L. Roop Mr. Christopher Sanna Ms. Cynthia Sardo Mrs. Andrea Sarko Ms. Luisa Sawyer Ms. Cheryl Saxton Mr. Andrew R. Scibilia Mrs. Julie E. Sharrar Mr. Bob Shaw & Mrs. Caroline Shaw Mrs. Theresa A. Shorey Mr. Eduardo Silva

Mr. Jack Smith Mrs. Karen Smith Mrs. Jean M. Snyder Mrs. Lisa Somers Mr. Gregory Spear Mrs. Elizabeth C. Speers Ms. Samantha M. Spruance Mrs. Christine A. Stroud Ms. Deborah Stuebing Mrs. Nancy L. Tate Mrs. Mary Hobbs Taylor ‘09 Mr. Christopher Theim Mr. David Toomer Mr. Jason E. Toy Mr. Matthew T. Twyman III ‘88

Mr. William R. Ushler Mrs. Patricia Vattilana Mr. Kevin M. Waesco Mr. Wayne Walters Ms. Kathryn R. Warner Dr. Ellis A. Wasson Mr. Timothy B. Weymouth Mr. Carl G. Wismer Jr. Ms. Bianca Wright Mrs. Jill G. Zehner

THS faculty members (top to bottom): Lisa Somers, Paula Hall and Cherie Martinez at Tree Trim; Wiz Montaigne Applegate ‘79, Katie O’Brien, Tim Weymouth and Kathryn Reese at Field Day

Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018



By the Numbers

Parents 56%

Tower Hill thanks the following parents who made contributions between July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2018. Percentage and dollar contributions are shown for the Annual Fund and also for All Funds which includes the Annual Fund and all other donations. Grade 12 Annual Fund: 71%/ $47,836 All Funds: 74%/ $56,769 Grade Captains: Mr. Randall & Mrs. Marina Attix Mrs. Jennifer Sinex Abramczyk ‘86 & Mr. Jon E. Abramczyk Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Albrecht Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Todd P. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Randall M. Attix Mr. Randolph Barton III ‘89 & Mrs. Louise A. Barton Mr. & Mrs. Luke H. Borda Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Britt Mr. & Mrs. William M. Burris III Mr. Robert R. Carpenter IV ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Mark B. Cordell Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Corroon II Dr. Anthony R. Cucuzzella ‘82 & Mrs. Lucinda Cole Cucuzzella Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Dewson Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Dougherty Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Elson Dr. Karyn C. Fisher Dr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Formanski Mr. & Mrs. Leo M. Garonski Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Grande Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Habgood Ms. Michelle S. Hampton Mr. Scott T. Hattersley Mr. George D. Hobbs II ‘75 & Mrs. Anne M. Hobbs Drs. Galicano & Tinagene Inguito Dr. & Mrs. Eric T. Johnson Dr. Lalitha Kambhamettu Mr. William H. Lunger ‘87 & Mrs. Kathryn B. Lunger Mr. John S. Malik & Ms. Diane Batoff Mr. & Mrs. Frank B. McEntee Mr. John L. Mekus Esq. & Ms. Mona E. Warwar Mr. & Mrs. David J. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Mulford


Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Mullen Mr. & Mrs. Douglas L. Nickel Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Okoniewski III Jim & Carol Pepper Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Pierce Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Pilson Mr. & Mrs. Barton Reese Mrs. Kelle Doherty Sanchez ‘89 & Mr. Christopher G. Sanchez Mr. Thomas M. Schorn Dr. Pamela L. Sharpe Mr. & Mrs. Chester E. Sharrar II Mr. & Mrs. Kevin C. Shegog Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan D. Silvers Mr. & Mrs. Rodger D. Smith II Mr. & Mrs. Andrew W. Smith Mr. Mark Stenz & Mrs. Mary Jean Wilson-Stenz Mr. & Mrs. John L. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Taschner Mr. & Mrs. Clay C. Thomson Mr. Juncai Yang & Mrs. Cairong Wang Mr. & Mrs. Richard Zhang Grade 11 Annual Fund: 49%/ $61,143 All Funds: 54%/ $84,577 Grade Captains: Mr. Jacob V. Spruance ‘93 & Mrs. Hillary deLeeuw Spruance ‘92 Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Aitken Dr. & Mrs. Sean M. Bidic Mr. Ronald Bohenek & Ms. Andrea Nolan Mr. Kenneth Brown & Ms. Kerry King-Brown Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Caffrey Dr. & Mrs. Gregory W. DeMeo Robert & Suzanne DeSantis Dr. M. Lynne du Pont ‘85 & Dr. David K. Solacoff Ms. Stephanie Wallen-Fort & Mr. Christopher Fort Mr. & Mrs. Leo M. Garonski Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Gates Ms. Sharon Gooding-Reynolds Mr. Timothy W. Gordon ‘82 & Mrs. Kathleen Cole Gordon Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Grande Mr. John A. Hughes ‘78 & Mrs. Kelly Hughes Mr. & Mrs. Trevor M. Koenig Sr. Dr. Kris A. Kowal & Dr. Wen Liu

Ms. June Laperriere Dr. Brett A. Margolin & Mrs. Joelle E. Polesky Margolin Mr. & Mrs. Neil S. Millman Mr. & Mrs. Gary S. Nitsche Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Pettinaro Mr. & Mrs. Ralph G. Pinto Mr. & Mrs. Srinivas M. Raju Mr. & Mrs. Tushar Raval Mr. & Mrs. Blake K. Rohrbacher Mr. Michael D. Sachs ‘86 & Mrs. Robin P. Sachs Mr. & Mrs. Craig C. Scott Jr. Dr. Suken A. Shah & Ms. Sheela P. Dattani The Rev. & Mrs. Thomas G. Speers III Mrs. Alexis Altschuler Spikes ‘87 Mr. Jacob V. Spruance ‘93 & Mrs. Hillary deLeeuw Spruance ‘92 Mr. & Mrs. Gordon F. Stone Mr. Rodman Ward III ‘83 & Mrs. Gina Farabaugh Ward Mr. & Mrs. Timothy M. Wilbraham Mr. Wenan Zong & Ms. Lisa Tian Grade 10 Annual Fund: 66%/ $52,246 All Funds: 67%/ $103,976 Grade Captain: Mrs. Linda R. Boyden Mr. & Mrs. James L. Allen Jr. Dr. Robert C. Allen & Dr. Ann E. Tiao Mr. & Mrs. J. Scott Bailer Mr. Randolph Barton III ‘89 & Mrs. Louise A. Barton Mr. & Mrs. Perry S. Beberman Mr. & Mrs. Steve Boyden Dr. Timothy J. Brown & Dr. Laura H. Brown Mr. Jian J. Chen & Ms. Hongxia K. Gao Mr. & Mrs. M. Blake Cleary Steve & Michelle Coulter Mr. & Mrs. Edward Cover Mr. & Mrs. Stephen B. Craft Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Crowley Jr. Dr. Amy Cuddy & Mr. Brian Cuddy Mr. Christopher R. Donoho III ‘87 & Mrs. Erica Reedy Donoho Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Dougherty Mr. Benjamin F. du Pont ‘82 & Mrs. Laura Lemole du Pont Mrs. Janay Freebery & Mr. Robert Bruce Hannah Mr. J. David Gray & Dr. Eugenia M.G. Gray Mr. & Mrs. Matthew M. Greenberg Mr. Jim Guo & Mrs. Christy Yang Mr. Mark A. Hodgson Mrs. Kristin C. Hodgson Mrs. Ellet Kidd Jones Dr. Kris A. Kowal & Dr. Wen Liu Mr. William H. Lunger ‘87 & Mrs. Kathryn B. Lunger

Mr. John S. Malik & Ms. Diane Batoff Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Nestor Mr. R. Paul Peddrick ‘84 & Mrs. Monica R. Peddrick Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Pierce Mr. & Mrs. Sunil Prashar Mr. & Mrs. Frederic J. Racapé Mr. & Mrs. Barton Reese Mrs. Kelle Doherty Sanchez ‘89 & Mr. Christopher G. Sanchez Mr. & Mrs. Todd C. Schiltz Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Schlerf Mr. & Mrs. David M. Shepherd Mrs. Rosemary Stack Mrs. Gillian T. Timon Mrs. Isabella Speakman Timon ‘92 & Mr. Philip C. Timon Mrs. Monica L. Townsend Mr. & Mrs. Sandeep Vasudevan Mr. & Mrs. Gerhard R. Wittreich Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Zakielarz IV Mr. & Mrs. Zachary A. Zehner Mr. Xin Zhou & Ms. Leah Yang Dr. Jie Zhu & Dr. Weiping Wang Mrs. Louisa Jackson Zungailia ‘81 & Mr. Thomas J. Zungailia Grade 9 Annual Fund: 55%/ $36,404 All Funds: 59%/ $39,694 Grade Captain: Ms. Belinda DuPree Mr. & Mrs. J. Scott Bailer Ms. Kate A. Brennan Mr. Naxin Cai & Ms. Xiaoming Ma Mr. & Mrs. Martin D. Caldwell Dr. Wu Chen & Mrs. Tina Zhao Mr. & Mrs. Matthew B. Chesman Ms. Joanna Cline & Mr. Laurence Z. Shiekman Dr. & Mrs. Michael Considine Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Corroon II Mr. & Mrs. Peter Crivelli Mr. & Mrs. Derrick M. Deadwyler Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Gregory W. DeMeo Dr. Michael A. Dignazio & Dr. Allison B. Evans Ms. Belinda DuPree Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Elson Dr. Karyn C. Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Verne C. Harnish Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery A. Hayter Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Heflin III Dr. Mehdi Jadali & Dr. Bahareh Assadi Dr. Lalitha Kambhamettu Mr. & Mrs. Trevor M. Koenig Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Langlois Mr. John Leahy & Dr. Laura G. Leahy Mr. & Mrs. Stephan A. Lopes Ms. Tamela Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Timothy MacNamara Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Malatesta Dr. Arun Malhotra & Dr. Reema Malhotra

Mr. Madhusudhan Pudipeddi & Ms. Sujata Swaminathan Mr. & Mrs. Frederic J. Racapé Ms. Penny Rodrick-Williams & Dr. Chris Williams Dr. Christopher J. Saunders ‘80 & Mrs. Alice M. Saunders Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Schlerf Mr. & Mrs. David M. Shepherd Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Simon Mr. Mark J. Smolko ‘93 & Mrs. Jennifer Geddes Smolko ‘93 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Zakielarz IV Mr. & Mrs. Zachary A. Zehner Mrs. Louisa Jackson Zungailia ‘81 & Mr. Thomas Zungailia Grade 7 Annual Fund: 57%/ $22,635 All Funds: 59%/ $28,175 Mr. & Mrs. John G. Aird Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Allen Dr. & Mrs. Sean M. Bidic Mr. Eric J. Brinsfield & Dr. Martha Lynn Brinsfield Mrs. Courtney Collier-Beyer ‘82 & Dr. Bradley D. Beyer Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Conaty IV Mr. & Mrs. Edward Cover Mrs. Amanda Walker Friz ‘92 & Mr. Robert W. Friz Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Gessner Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Brien Graveline Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Habgood Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Heflin III Drs. Robert & Rachel Heinle Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Langlois Ms. Xiaotao Li & Mr. Zhaohui Jin Dr. & Mrs. Tak C. Liu Mr. John S. Malik & Ms. Diane Batoff Mr. Whitney M. Maroney ‘87 & Mrs. Katharine Fisher Maroney Mr. & Mrs. Jay R. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Mineo Drs. George & Alexia Moutsatsos Dr. & Mrs. Jason E. Nace Mr. & Mrs. J. Mathieu Plumb Mr. Michael D. Sachs ‘86 & Mrs. Robin P. Sachs Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Saunders Dr. Suken A. Shah & Ms. Sheela P. Dattani Mr. & Mrs. Rodger D. Smith II Mr. Michael H. Steinberger & Ms. Kathleen Brennan Mr. & Mrs. Gordon F. Stone Dr. & Mrs. Jon Strasser Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Svindland Mrs. Andrea Trippitelli Valentine ‘89 & Mr. John Valentine Dr. David T. Vanson & Dr. Ann Kim Ms. Bianca Wright

Grade 6 Annual Fund: 61%/ $48,067 All Funds: 63%/ $100,741

Mrs. Laura Lemole du Pont Dr. M. Lynne du Pont ‘85 & Dr. David K. Solacoff Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Farnan III Mr. W. Whitfield Gardner ‘81 & Mrs. Cynthia H. Gardner Dr. & Mrs. David J. Gaz Mr. J. David Gray & Dr. Eugenia M.G. Gray Mr. Thomas J. Hanna ‘91 & Dr. Lynne A. Hanna Mrs. Ellet Kidd Jones Mr. Levent Kesen & Mrs. Sebnem Kesen Mr. & Mrs. Seth Kushkin Mr. Whitney M. Maroney ‘87 & Mrs. Katharine Fisher Maroney Drs. George & Alexia Moutsatsos

Dr. Robert C. Allen & Dr. Ann E. Tiao Dr. Zahid Aslam & Dr. Maryam Awan Mr. Randolph Barton III ‘89 & Mrs. Louise A. Barton Dr. & Mrs. Drew A. Brady Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Corroon II Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Crouch Ms. Laura de Ramel Mr. Régis A. de Ramel Dr. Michael A. Dignazio & Dr. Allison B. Evans Mr. Benjamin F. du Pont ‘82 &


Dr. Brett A. Margolin & Mrs. Joelle E. Polesky Margolin Mr. & Mrs. Henry C. S. Mellon Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Mulford Mr. Munish Pahwa & Dr. Anjala Pahwa Dr. Raymond W. Petrunich & Mrs. Judith R. Ventura Mr. & Mrs. Srinivas M. Raju Mr. & Mrs. Blake K. Rohrbacher Dr. Angela M. Saldarriaga & Dr. Evert W. Tjin-A-Tsoi Mr. & Mrs. Stephan G. Schlobach Mr. H. Wesley Schwandt ‘86 & Mrs. Michelle A. Schwandt Mr. & Mrs. Kevin C. Shegog The Hon. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Simpler Dr. Jorge M. Soares & Dr. Elizabeth B. Bayley Mr. Jacob V. Spruance ‘93 & Mrs. Hillary deLeeuw Spruance ‘92 Mrs. Gillian T. Timon Mrs. Isabella Speakman Timon ‘92 & Mr. Philip C. Timon Ms. Andrea H. Villare Mr. & Mrs. Yushan Wang Ms. Elizabeth Yates Grade 8 Annual Fund: 46%/ $59,913 All Funds: 51%/ $81,248 Grade Captain: Mrs. Victoria Maxmin Gravuer ‘86 Anonymous Dr. Zahid Aslam & Dr. Maryam Awan Mr. Kenneth Brown & Ms. Kerry King-Brown Mrs. Courtney Collier-Beyer ‘82 & Dr. Bradley D. Beyer Dr. Anthony R. Cucuzzella ‘82 & Mrs. Lucinda Cole Cucuzzella Dr. Amy Cuddy & Mr. Brian Cuddy Ms. Laura de Ramel Mr. Régis A. de Ramel Mr. & Mrs. Henry E. I. du Pont II Mr. & Mrs. Paul Gano Mrs. Victoria Maxmin Gravuer ‘86 & Mr. Raymond G. Gravuer Mr. J. David Gray & Dr. Eugenia M.G. Gray Ms. Tiffany A. Kator Mr. Roger D. & Mrs. Alexandra A. Kirtley Ms. June Laperriere Dr. & Mrs. Tak C. Liu Dr. Robert Miao & Dr. Jenny Zhang Mr. Ric Hoffman & Ms. Natalie Moravek Dr. & Mrs. Jason E. Nace Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Ogden Mr. Misael Gonzalez & Ms. Megan O‘Neill Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Pierce

PARENT ANNUAL FUND SPECIAL RECOGNITION Highest Participation in 2017-2018 Grade




Grade 12


Tower Tots


Grade 10


Parent Contributions by Grade Grade



Tower Tots









Grade 1



Grade 2



Grade 3



Grade 4



Grade 5



Grade 6



Grade 7



Grade 8



Grade 9



Grade 10



Grade 11



Grade 12



Special thanks to all the Annual Fund Parent Captains who helped to raise funds for Tower Hill School’s Annual Fund.

Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018


Mr. & Mrs. Mark Mumford Mr. Misael Gonzalez & Ms. Megan O‘Neill Mr. R. Paul Peddrick ‘84 & Mrs. Monica R. Peddrick Dr. Raymond W. Petrunich & Mrs. Judith R. Ventura Dr. Catherine R. Salva ‘90 & Mr. Marcus D. Heifetz Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Saunders Mr. & Mrs. Todd C. Schiltz Mr. & Mrs. Stephan G. Schlobach Dr. William Sommers & Ms. Kathryn E. Lee Ms. Georgeanna M. Spagnolo Mrs. Isabella Speakman Timon ‘92 & Mr. Philip C. Timon Mr. & Mrs. Zachary A. Zehner Grade 5 Annual Fund: 53%/ $24,978 All Funds: 56%/ $28,104 Grade Captains: Mr. Anwar & Mrs. Lois Miller Mr. & Mrs. Brian L. Adderley Sr. Mr. Ashley R. Altschuler ‘90 & Mrs. Shoshana M. Altschuler Mr. & Mrs. Matthew B. Chesman Mr. Thère du Pont II ‘84 & Ms. Darla Pomeroy Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Farnan III Dr. David M. Fink & Dr. Maria E. Soler Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. Ganc Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Gessner Jr. Dr. Abdelghani Ghazli & Ms. Imane Chichane Mr. & Mrs. Brien Graveline Mrs. Victoria Maxmin Gravuer ‘86 & Mr. Raymond G. Gravuer Drs. Robert & Rachel Heinle Dr. Mehdi Jadali & Dr. Bahareh Assadi Mr. & Mrs. Andrew W. Keim Mr. Roger D. & Mrs. Alexandra A. Kirtley Mr. & Mrs. Seth Kushkin Dr. Kristin Morrison Lefebvre ‘94 & Dr. Brian G. Lefebvre Mr. Albert J. McCrery IV ‘00 & Mrs. Megan C. McCrery Mr. & Mrs. Henry C. S. Mellon Dr. Robert Miao & Dr. Jenny Zhang Ms. Susan Miller Dr. & Mrs. Jason E. Nace Dr. & Mrs. Michael B. Peters Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Pierce Mr. Anthony R. Pisapia & Dr. Allison M. Pisapia Mr. Thomas B. Rice & Mrs. Cynthia M. Mahaffey-Rice Ms. Penny Rodrick-Williams & Dr. Chris Williams Mr. & Mrs. Roland Sarko Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Simon


Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018

Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Svindland Mr. William R. Ushler Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Vanderslice Grade 4 Annual Fund: 57%/ $16,900 All Funds: 57%/ $31,274 Grade Captains: Mr. R. Paul Peddrick ‘84 & Mrs. Monica R. Peddrick Mr. & Mrs. Christopher F. Aitken Mr. Eric J. Brinsfield & Dr. Martha Lynn Brinsfield Mr. & Mrs. Joseph DeSantis Mr. & Mrs. James Erhardt Mr. Michael J. Flynn ‘91 & Mrs. Melissa W. Flynn ‘91 Mr. Adam Gould & Ms. Nicholle R. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Hall Ms. Tiffany A. Kator Mr. Joseph P. Coleman & Mrs. Lista Lincoln Dr. Brett A. Margolin & Mrs. Joelle E. Polesky Margolin Mrs. Jean Cucuzzella McCuskey ‘89 & Mr. Andrew W. McCuskey Mr. R. Paul Peddrick ‘84 & Mrs. Monica R. Peddrick Mr. & Mrs. J. Mathieu Plumb Mr. & Mrs. Blake K. Rohrbacher Dr. Catherine R. Salva ‘90 & Mr. Marcus D. Heifetz Judy & Joseph Setting Mr. Robert M. Silliman Jr. ‘96 & Mrs. Kelly S. Silliman Mr. & Mrs. David A. Soleye Mrs. Isabella Speakman Timon ‘92 & Mr. Philip C. Timon Mr. Donald P. Truesdell Jr. & Mrs. Jill M. Angstadt-Truesdell Dr. Anthony W. Vattilana ‘89 & Mrs. Patricia Conomon Vattilana Mrs. Susan Wood Waesco ‘90 & Mr. Kevin M. Waesco Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Welshmer Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Zakielarz IV Mr. Xin Zhou & Ms. Leah Yang Grade 3 Annual Fund: 63%/ $19,117 All Funds: 63%/ $21,847 Grade Captains: Mr. Ashley R. Altschuler ‘90 & Mrs. Shoshana M. Altschuler Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Allen Mr. Ashley R. Altschuler ‘90 & Mrs. Shoshana M. Altschuler Dr. Anthony Bahinski & Mrs. Patricia A. DeFeo Dr. & Mrs. Sean M. Bidic Mr. & Mrs. Josh Boughner Mr. & Mrs. Daniel DeFranceschi Mr. & Mrs. James Erhardt Dr. Emmanuel J. Esaka &

Dr. Agnes F. Esaka Mr. Marcelo E. Fasano & Mrs. Maria Julieta Casanova Mr. Timothy W. Gordon ‘82 & Mrs. Kathleen Cole Gordon Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Hall Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Hynansky Dr. Jeesang Jung & Mrs. Hyeyoung Kim Mr. Joseph P. Coleman & Mrs. Lista Lincoln Mr. Anthony W. Lunger ‘89 & Mrs. Jennifer Barsema Lunger Mr. Whitney M. Maroney ‘87 & Mrs. Katharine Fisher Maroney Dr. & Mrs. Benjamin W. Messmore Mr. Owen Morris III Ms. Alexandra Vest Morris Mr. & Mrs. Mark Mumford Mr. Anthony R. Pisapia & Dr. Allison M. Pisapia Mr. Mark W. Bristowe & Mrs. Julie A. Roca-Bristowe Mr. & Mrs. Roland Sarko Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Steiner Dr. & Mrs. Jon Strasser Dr. Katharine Lopez Weymouth ‘94 & Mr. Timothy B. Weymouth Grade 2 Annual Fund: 64%/ $13,772 All Funds: 64%/ $66,268 Grade Captains: Mr. Todd Buonocore ‘87 & Dr. Allison D. Kolody Buonocore Mr. & Mrs. Christopher F. Aitken Mr. Todd Buonocore ‘87 & Dr. Allison D. Kolody Buonocore Mr. & Mrs. John C. Chaffin Mr. & Mrs. Joseph DeSantis Mr. Michael J. Flynn ‘91 & Mrs. Melissa W. Flynn ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Glowatz Mr. Samuel I. duP. Hyland ‘89 & Mrs. Danielle Peterson Hyland Mr. & Mrs. Jason Jowers Dr. Alexander L. Kirifides ‘83 & Dr. Kathy Zinas Kirifides Dr. Xiao Liu & Dr. Yi Cheng Mr. Ralph D. Marshall II & Dr. Stefanie Marshall Mrs. Jennifer Mulvaney-Zuck Mr. Thomas B. Rice & Mrs. Cynthia M. Mahaffey-Rice Mr. & Mrs. John P. Sheppard Mr. & Mrs. Jason E. Toy Mr. Donald P. Truesdell Jr. & Mrs. Jill M. Angstadt-Truesdell Dr. Krishna White & Mr. Daniel White

Grade 1 Annual Fund: 55%/ $15,398 All Funds: 58%/ $26,222 Grade Captains: Mrs. Susan Wood Waesco ‘90 & Mr. Kevin M. Waesco Mr. Ashley R. Altschuler ‘90 & Mrs. Shoshana M. Altschuler Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Conaty IV Mr. Marcelo E. Fasano & Mrs. Maria Julieta Casanova Mrs. Elizabeth Sproesser Fiechter ‘98 & Mr. Samuel C. Fiechter ‘94 Mr. & Mrs. Alexander K. Garnick Dr. John Gavenonis & Dr. Sara C. Gavenonis Mr. & Mrs. Camilo J. Gopez Mr. & Mrs. David P. Hogan Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Hynansky Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Jeanson Ms. Tiffany A. Kator Mr. & Mrs. Andrew W. Keim Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Kurtz Mrs. Jean Cucuzzella McCuskey ‘89 & Mr. Andrew W. McCuskey Dr. & Mrs. Benjamin W. Messmore Mr. & Mrs. Eric J. Monzo Mr. & Mrs. Roland Sarko Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Simon Mr. & Mrs. David A. Soleye Mr. D. Corbit Spruance ‘97 & Mrs. Kathryn D. Jackson Spruance Mr. & Mrs. Patrick M. Sullivan Dr. Anthony W. Vattilana ‘89 & Mrs. Patricia Conomon Vattilana Mrs. Susan Wood Waesco ‘90 & Mr. Kevin M. Waesco

Anonymous Mr. James H. Anderson & Ms. Kim Chirayil Ms. Louisa Bayard ‘02 Dr. & Mrs. Leif-Erik Bohman Mr. & Mrs. Josh Boughner Mr. & Mrs. John C. Chaffin Mr. & Mrs. Scott Craig Ms. Louise E. Cummings-Lewis Mrs. Phoebe Brokaw Davidson ‘97 & Mr. Charles B. Davidson Mr. Régis A. de Ramel Mrs. Tenley I. de Ramel Dr. Emmanuel J. Esaka & Dr. Agnes F. Esaka

Rev. Katherine Franta & Mr. Fedher Torres Mrs. Hae S. Kim & Mr. Han B. Kim Dr. Xiao Liu & Dr. Yi Cheng Mrs. Heather Weymouth Lowry ‘97 & Mr. Matthew M. Lowry Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Martelli Mr. & Mrs. Matthew B. McGuire Dr. & Mrs. Michael B. Peters Jr. Mr. John C. Pierson III ‘87 & Mrs. Heather R.B. Pierson Dr. Lee Moffett Preininger ‘98 & Mr. Jeffrey R. Preininger Dr. Jonathan H. Salvin & Dr. Karen J. Lefrak Mr. & Mrs. Warren Smith III Mr. & Mrs. James D. Stroud Mr. Ronaldo I. Tello & Ms. Maria N. Tello Bernabe

Prekindergarten Annual Fund: 60%/ $11,369 All Funds: 60%/ $16,689 Grade Captains: Mrs. Elizabeth Sproesser Fiechter ‘98 & Mr. Samuel C. Fiechter ‘94 Mr. John W. Bartlett & Ms. Abby N. Patterson Mr. & Mrs. Josh Boughner Mr. & Mrs. Brett C. Brandau Mr. Kenneth Brown & Ms. Kerry King-Brown Mrs. Elizabeth Sproesser Fiechter ‘98 & Mr. Samuel C. Fiechter ‘94 Mr. & Mrs. Alexander K. Garnick Dr. Abdelghani Ghazli & Ms. Imane Chichane Mr. Samuel I. duP. Hyland ‘89 & Mrs. Danielle Peterson Hyland Mr. & Mrs. Jason Jowers

Mr. Ralph D. Marshall II & Dr. Stefanie Marshall Mr. Anthony R. Pisapia & Dr. Allison M. Pisapia Mr. Mark W. Bristowe & Mrs. Julie A. Roca-Bristowe Mr. Robert M. Silliman Jr. ‘96 & Mrs. Kelly S. Silliman Mr. Edward J. Tucker & Mrs. Gaozhen Hang Ms. Bianca Wright


Kindergarten Annual Fund: 81%/ $35,059 All Funds: 81%/ $156,426 Grade Captains: Mrs. Tenley de Ramel Mrs. Heather Weymouth Lowry ‘97

Tower Tots Annual Fund: 67%/ $3,483 All Funds: 67%/ $3,483 Dr. Emmanuel J. Esaka & Dr. Agnes F. Esaka Dr. Mona Yezdani Gillen ‘01 & Mr. Peter W. Gillen Mr. & Mrs. Camilo J. Gopez Mr. & Mrs. David P. Hogan Mrs. Hae S. Kim & Mr. Han B. Kim Mr. & Mrs. Andrew R. Remming Dr. Jeff Rutledge & Dr. Jane C. Rutledge Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Vanderslice

Clockwise from top left: Bella Johnson ‘24 with her grandmother Ann Johnson on Grandparents’ and Friends’ Day in April; Lucy Zungailia, Missy Wagner Flynn ‘91 and Louise Cummings at Camp Fair in February; Heather Weymouth Lowry ‘97, Judy Setting and Joseph Setting; Elena Attix ‘18 and Richard Attix ‘18 with their father Randall Attix, sister Ariane Attix ‘15 and mother Marina Attix at Graduation

Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018


IN HONOR OF Anonymous Ms. Janet M. Plyler and Mr. Frank LaChance

Grayson ‘24 & Skylar ‘28 Donohue Mrs. Linda S. Cox

Harry N. Baetjer III Mr. & Mrs. Frederick H. Altergott Mr. Michael W. Ashley ‘83 Mr. Patrick B. Baetjer ‘99 Ms. Katherine Bailey Mr. Robert L. Dewey ‘71 Mrs. Linda Lagarde Drapeau ‘78 Mr. John S. Edinger Jr. ‘78 & Mrs. Laurie Edinger Heather Richards Evans ‘80 Ms. Donna Gleason Mrs. Julie R. Goldston Mrs. Karen Abrams Graham ‘76 & Mr. Homer E. Graham III Mrs. Joan Fairman Gummey ‘61 & Mr. Charles F. Gummey Jr. Ms. Aileen D. Heiman ‘00 Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Hewes IV Mr. & Mrs. John F. Holloway Mr. Michael A. Jenkins ‘80 & Mrs. Ann Kallfelz Jenkins ‘80 Mr. Gregory S. Kaufmann ‘96 Ms. Carolyn B. Law ‘86 Lt. Col. John C. Lemay ‘93 Mr. & Mrs. James L. Martel Mrs. Anjali Rao Martin ‘91 Dr. Nicholas H. Matlin Mrs. Megan C. McCrery Mr. R. Rhett Mitchell ‘91 Mr. John T. Mongan Jr. ‘04 Dr. Daniel K. Moon ‘96 Mrs. Janelle Wright Okorie ‘96 Mr. & Mrs. John E. Osborn Ms. Janet M. Plyler & Mr. Frank LaChance Mr. & Mrs. James M. Prober Ms. Elizabeth H. Richardson Mrs. Natalie Heiman Roisman ‘92 Mr. Michael D. Sachs ‘86 & Mrs. Robin P. Sachs Mr. Robert M. Silliman Jr. ‘96 & Mrs. Kelly S. Silliman Mr. & Mrs. John B. Swayne III Mrs. Lindsay Wise Tonderys ‘96 Mrs. Susan Wood Waesco ‘90 & Mr. Kevin M. Waesco Ms. Kathryn R. Warner Dr. Katharine Lopez Weymouth 94 & Mr. Timothy B. Weymouth Mr. Michael T. Wilson ‘03 Mrs. Jane K. Wood Mr. Norris P. Wright Jr. ‘92 Chadd ‘97 & Rory ‘99 Boulden Mr. & Mrs. Keith A. Boulden Florence M. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Trevor M. Koenig Sr. Class of 1987 Ms. Mary W. Foulk ‘87


Tower Hill Bulletin

Class of 2001 Mr. Steven T. Martinenza ‘01

Fall 2018

E. Bradford du Pont Jr. ‘82 Mr. Patrick B. Ashley ‘10 Laurie Edinger Drs. George & Alexia Moutsatsos Caroline K. Elson ‘18 Ambassador & Mrs. Edward E. Elson Ashley Gillerlain Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Franta Phoebe Hall Ms. Kate A. Brennan Fran Henkel Mr. Juncai Yang & Mrs. Cairong Wang Thomas G. Hughes Ms. Barbara A. Edmonds ‘13 D. Stephen Hyde ‘59 Mr. Ryan C. Gunther ‘97 Kameron M. L. Inguito ‘18 Drs. Galicano & Tinagene Inguito Genevieve J. Lunger ‘27 Mrs. Ronald L. Barsema Rowena Macleod Ms. Georgeanna M. Spagnolo Mrs. Gillian T. Timon Zerrin Martin Mr. & Mrs. Mark B. Cordell Ms. Kate Rindy John ‘27 & Clare ‘29 Messmore Mr. & Mrs. William Black Delaney P. Osborn ‘09 Mr. & Mrs. John E. Osborn Isabelle ‘18, Nate‘20 & Phin ‘21 Pilson Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Pilson Play More Music Mrs. Melissa B. Sebel ‘96 Elizabeth H. Richardson Mrs. Mary Grover Hagan ‘81 & Mr. David B. Hagan Kate Rindy Mr. Harry N. Baetjer III Ms. Katherine Bailey

Mrs. Julie R. Goldston Mrs. Megan C. McCrery Ms. Kathryn R. Warner Julie A. Roca Bristowe Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Franta Christopher Sanna Mr. & Mrs. Derrick M. Deadwyler Jr. & Family Michelle D. Shepherd Mrs. Carroll Morgan Carpenter ‘59 Andrew A. Smith Sr. ‘59 Mrs. Sarah Smith Chapman ‘90 Jack Smith Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Langlois Dr. Shawniqua Williams Roberson ‘90 Elizabeth C. Speers Mrs. Roberta Gerstell Bennett Mrs. Carroll Morgan Carpenter ‘59 Mrs. Natalie Heiman Roisman ‘92 Samantha Spruance Drs. George & Alexia Moutsatsos Sydney ‘23 & Zoey ‘27 Strasser Mrs. Isabel G. Strasser Deborah Stuebing Mr. & Mrs. Mark Mumford Tower Hill Upper School Faculty, Staff & Coaches The Pepper Family Kevin Waesco Mrs. Jane K. Wood Kathryn R. Warner Ms. Katherine Bailey Mrs. Julie R. Goldston Mr. Henry E. Nickle ‘76 & Mrs. Anne Nickle Martin & Marcy Werde Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey T. Schoenberger Megan & Ryan Schoenberger Tarra Boulden Winchell ‘01 Mr. & Mrs. Keith A. Boulden


Stephen J. Ballard Louise Cummings-Lewis & Abigail Lewis ‘30

William W. & Mary Y. Beck Mrs. Sally Beck Baker ‘62 Dr. Laurence H. Beck ‘58 Dr. William W. Beck Jr. ‘57 Calvin L. Bourgeault Michael Cohen Ph.D. ‘76 Dr. Dave R. Cundiff ‘70 Shirley Griggs Bradley ‘64 Mr. H. Alex Wise ‘64 & Mrs. Wendy Ward Wise ‘68 Robert M. Brown ‘34 Elliqua Fund of The Oregon Community Foundation Ms. Tucker T. Pierson ‘93 & Mr. Travis J. Elliott Cecile M. Buckles Mrs. Lee Howard Vosters ‘69 John Buonocore III ‘83 Mr. John Buonocore Jr. Mr. Todd Buonocore ‘87 & Dr. Allison D. Kolody Buonocore Mr. Paul Foldi ‘83 Dr. Alexander L. Kirifides ‘83 & Dr. Kathy Zinas Kirifides Mr. Whitney M. Maroney ‘87 & Mrs. Katharine Fisher Maroney Barbara H. Bythewood Mr. Thaddeus K. Bythewood Jr. Malcolm Coates Mrs. Gail Rothrock Trozzo ‘60 Katherine A. Darnell ‘84 Mr. Stephen F. Darnell Ruth J. Davis ‘75 Mrs. Margaret Savage Brownell ‘75 Ms. Lisa D. Daudon ‘75 Mrs. Leslie Harvey Lemonick ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey T. Schoenberger Megan & Ryan Schoenberger Mr. & Mrs. Martin L. Werde Mr. William Werde & Ms. Heather C. Moore Dorothy Mae DiSabatino Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Boxler Ms. Jane C. Carson Mr. & Mrs. Taddeo A. Di Taddeo Dr. & Mrs. Mario P. DiSabatino Mr. Lawrence Knotts ‘73 Ms. Shirley Nardo Mr. Bernard A. Pinkett Mr. Robin Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Seeds

Elizabeth T. B. Brown Pierson ‘60 Elliqua Fund of The Oregon Community Foundation Ms. Tucker T. Pierson ‘93 & Mr. Travis J. Elliott

William G. Dorsey ‘42 Mrs. Nina D. Kaharl Ms. Kathryn R. Warner

John C. Pierson Jr. ‘59 Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Bush Mr. Todd Buonocore ‘87 & Dr. Allison D. Kolody Buonocore Mrs. Sarah Smith Chapman ‘90 Elliqua Fund of The Oregon Community Foundation Mr. Michael F. Gummey ‘90 Mr. Whitney M. Maroney ‘87 & Mrs. Katharine Fisher Maroney Mrs. Gale Pierson McNish ‘61 & Mr. Douglas McNish Mr. John C. Pierson III ‘87 & Mrs. Heather R.B. Pierson Ms. Tucker T. Pierson ‘93 & Mr. Travis J. Elliott Dr. Tarra Boulden Winchell ‘01 Mrs. Corbin T.B. Pierson Woods ‘89

Gerald, Sue & Stephen ‘80 Foulk Ms. Mary W. Foulk ‘87 Tylor D. Hicks ‘13 Mr. Justin M. Hicks ‘09 P. Edward Hughes Dr. Shawniqua Williams Roberson ‘90 Thomas P. Johnson Johnson Family Foundation Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Johnson Charles H. Kelly Ms. Brooke A. Kelly ‘11 Mrs. Leslie M. Kelly Mrs. Jordan Hollender O‘Regan ‘98 William L. Kitchel II ‘47 Mrs. Alice Kitchel Fulweiler ‘72 & Mr. Peter C. Fulweiler Mr. William L. Kitchel III ‘77 & Mrs. Elizabeth M. Kitchel Mr. & Mrs. H. Murray Sawyer Jr. Graham N. Lowdon Jr. ‘56 Mrs. Mikell Evans Flothe ‘56 Jane A. MacDougall Mr. Barry N. Cornwall ‘63 & Mrs. Deborah Handloff Cornwall ‘64 Chip MacKelcan ‘67 Mr. Charles J. Durante ‘69 & Mrs. Janice F. Durante William L. May ‘96 Mr. & Mrs. Donald N. Dietrich Charles L. Munson Jr. ‘57 Mrs. Alison Collins McKenna ‘57 Jane Davis Myers ‘42 Ms. Meghan E. Lyons ‘09 Sandra R. Nowland Tisdall, Philip J. ‘48, Philip C. ‘82 & E. Blair ‘84 Nowland Mr. David T. Nowland ‘85 Kenneth Nwannunu ‘06 Mr. Charles B. Nutting ‘06 Jennifer Ward Oppenheimer ‘85 Mr. Henry H. Silliman Jr. ‘52 & Mrs. Marion T. Silliman

Ernest C. Savage Jr. Mr. John D. Abbott ‘87 Hannah E. Shickley ‘05 Ms. Julia C. Durante ‘07 Mr. & Mrs. Denison H. Hatch Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Shickley W. Brooke Stabler Jr. ‘57 Mrs. Alison Collins McKenna ‘57 James W. Straub ‘62 Mr. Robert M. Bird III ‘62 Mr. Wilson J.C. Braun III ‘01 Mr. Theodore J. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Bush Mr. Ronald S. Felix ‘62 Mr. Francis J. Forrest Mr. Edward J. Freel Mr. John Still Mr. & Mrs. R. Stephen Strachan Mr. James E. Szymanski Mr. R. Bruce White Jr. Judson B. Trapnell ‘72 Mr. David H. LaMotte ‘72 Sandy Wang Dr. Michael Wang Bonney Robinson Wasson ‘58 Mrs. Alison Collins McKenna ‘57 Katharine Roth Weston ‘87 Mrs. Susan Reed Allabashi ‘87 & Mr. Timothy V. Allabashi ‘85 Mr. Todd Buonocore ‘87 & Dr. Allison D. Kolody Buonocore Ms. Mary W. Foulk ‘87 Mr. William H. Lunger ‘87 & Mrs. Kathryn B. Lunger Mr. John C. Pierson III ‘87 &

Mrs. Heather R.B. Pierson Mr. Richard L. Probstein ‘87 Ms. Mary Beth Searles ‘87 William L. Wild Mrs. Beverly Wild Finch ‘59 William T. Wood Jr. ‘59 Mrs. Susan Wood Waesco ‘90 & Mr. Kevin M. Waesco Mrs. Jane K. Wood Mr. William T. Wood III ‘86 Howard E. Yule Mrs. Julia Johnson Lindquist ‘58

GIFTS-INKIND Anonymous (5) The Brian L. Adderley Sr. Family Adorn Goods Adventure Aquarium Mr. Ashley R. Altschuler ‘90 & Mrs. Shoshana M. Altschuler Mr. James H. Anderson, Ms. Kim Chirayil & Raina M.H. Anderson ‘30 Mrs. Vilma C. Andrews Mr. & Mrs. Harry N. Baetjer III Mr. Randolph Barton Jr. ‘59 & Mrs. Margaret Barton The Randolph Barton III ‘89 Family BBC Tavern and Grill The Brandon P. Biery Family The Drew A. Brady Family Caffe Gelato City Window Cleaning Inc. Color Me Mine Ms. Louise E. Cummings-Lewis Currie Hair, Skin & Nails Salon Robert & Suzanne DeSantis Family Mr. Lawrence Diehl & Dr. Kristine Diehl Mr. E. Bradford du Pont Jr. ‘82 DuPont Country Club Ellie Boutique Fairfax Hardware Found Antique & Home Furnishings Mr. Fraser M. S. C. Gallagher & Mrs. Amy M. Solomon The David J. Gaz Family Mr. Adam Gould, Ms. Nicholle R. Taylor & Zoë Gould ‘26 Grotto Pizza Mr. & Mrs. Anthony P. Hankins Mr. Tarik Haskins & The Hon. Natalie J. Haskins Healing Works Inc. Hockessin Athletic Club Houppette

Ms. Paula S. Janssen ‘91 Janssen’s Market The Eric T. Johnson Family Mike ‘75, Deanna, Joanna ‘10 & Patrick ‘14 Kelly Kenny Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Trevor M. Koenig Sr. Mr. Allan S. M. Kyle & Ms. Alaina M. Brandon Market Street Bakery & Cafe Mr. George E. Martz Mrs. Megan C. McCrery Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Mineo Moore Brothers Wine Company Nash Omniscaping LLC Ole Tapas Lounge & Restaurant Mr. & Mrs. John E. Osborn Pat’s Pizzeria Peter Kate Philadelphia Rock Gym- Oaks Pizza by Elizabeths Mrs. Kim L. Rollins Rukket Sports Dr. Jonathan H. Salvin & Dr. Karen J. Lefrak The Stephan G. Schlobach Family Sherif Zaki Salon and Spa Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Simon Sky Zone Trampoline Park The Rodger D. Smith II Family The David A. Soleye Family Something’s Unique The Rev. & Mrs. Thomas G. Speers III Mrs. Rosemary Stack & Family The Oasis Family Fun Center The Wine & Spirit Company of Greenville Ms. Juliet Thorburn-McIntosh Tower Hill School Families during Faculty & Staff Appreciation Week 2018 Tower Hill School Green & White Club Tower Hill School Home & School Association UPS Store, Greenville Mr. & Mrs. Philip B. Van Wormer Ms. Marie C. Vayo-Greenbaum Mr. Rodman Ward III ‘83 & Mrs. Gina Farabaugh Ward Wawa Wilmington Blue Rocks Wilmington Country Store Wilmington Dental Associates Mrs. Louisa Jackson Zungailia ‘81

Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018


Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Smigielski Sundew Painting North Inc. / Nardo Family Mr. Erik Swensson UXL Enabling Your Effectiveness


& 0 G 2 N I 9 1 M 8 . O T 1 0 C C 2 O ME N O O I H UN E R


Classes ending in 3 and 8: It’s your reunion year! Mark your calendar­—you won’t want to miss the fun-filled weekend.

Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018



Schoolwide Founders’ Day Celebration • DeGroat Field

Schoolwide Pep Rally • DeGroat Field

5:30–7 p.m.

Alumni Tailgate • Timothy B. Golding Alumni House SATURDAY • OCT. 20

All Day

Art Exhibit • Founders’ Gallery located in the Main Building

9:00 a.m.

Alumni and Family Sports Activities • DeGroat Field

10:30 a.m.–12 p.m. Kids’ Make and Take: Arts, Crafts and More • Main Building 11:00 a.m.

Centennial Kick-Off with Head of School Bessie Speers, current faculty and students • Pierre S. du Pont Theatre

11:45 a.m.

Alumni Association Annual Meeting and Presentation of Alumni Awards • Pierre S. du Pont Theatre Hosted by the Alumni Council; all alumni welcome. Reunion promenade by class.

12 - 3 p.m.

Balloon Creatures and Face Painting • Alumni House Terrace

12:30–2:30 p.m.

Picnic lunch under the Homecoming Tent • Next to the Alumni House

2 p.m.

Student-led school tours • Beginning in 1919 Auditorium

5–7 p.m.

Alumni Reunion Reception at the Hayward House for classes ending in 3 and 8. All classes that previously celebrated 50th reunion are invited. Group class photos will be taken throughout the evening.

Reunions off campus for all classes ending in 3 or 8 are arranged by class representatives. For more information about Homecoming 2018 or your Class Reunion, please contact or 302-657-8353 ATHLETIC EVENTS

Friday • Oct. 19 5:30 p.m. 7 p.m.

Volleyball (JV) vs. Wilmington Christian • Weaver Gym Volleyball (Varsity) vs. Wilmington Christian • Weaver Gym

Saturday • Oct. 20 11 a.m. 11 a.m. 12:15 p.m. 12:30 p.m. 12:30 p.m. 3 p.m.

Cross Country Meet (Boys and Girls) • Rockford Park Field Hockey (Varsity) vs. St. Andrew’s School • Richardson Field Field Hockey (JV) vs. St. Andrew’s • Richardson Field Soccer (Varsity) vs. St. Andrew’s • DeGroat Field Soccer (JV) vs. St. Andrew’s • Nitsche Pitch Football (Varsity) vs. St. Andrew’s • DeGroat Field

Visit for updated schedules and events. Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018











1. On April 26, 2018, Isabella Speakman Timon ‘92 and Philip Timon hosted an alumni gathering at the Racquet Club of Philadelphia. Pictured are Philip Timon and Geoff Bucknum ‘95 2. Chris Britt and Catherine Britt. 3. Matt Twyman ‘88, Francisco Salva ‘88, Lisa Salva and Art Hall. 4. Ellis Wasson, Heather Weymouth Lowry ‘97 and Aleni Pappas ‘96. 5. Pete Fulweiler ‘06, Megan Graham ‘08, Michael Kreshtool ‘10 and Bernadette Fulweiler. 6. On March 7, 2018, Bessie Speers and Tom Speers visited with alumni in Atlanta, Georgia. Pictured are Justin Hicks ‘09, Bessie Speers and David Nowland ‘85. 7. 1st row L to R: Tom Speers, Kory Trott ‘07, John Shackleton ‘63; 2nd row: Justin Hicks ‘09, Bessie Speers, David Nowland ‘85; 3rd row: Elizabeth Jennings ‘97, Jennifer Webster ‘78 and Cici Nowland.


Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018


3 2

4 5



1. On May 14, 2018, the Tower Hill Alumni Council hosted the annual Senior Dinner, celebrating members of the the Class of 2018 as they officially entered the Alumni Association. Pictured are Ariel Zhang ‘18, Lauren Formanski ‘18 and Hita Kambhamettu ‘18. 2. Matthew Sharrar ‘18 and Rory Britt ‘18. 3. Alumni Council members bid farewell to Director of Alumni Programs, Kathy Warner. Front row L to R: Jennifer Sinex Abramczyk ‘86, Deb Colbourn ‘92, Alisha Wayman Bryson ‘91, Kathy Warner, Tony Cucuzzella ‘82, Monty Hayman ‘87; Back row: Kristin Morrison Lefebvre ‘94, Amanda Walker Friz ‘92, Tori Maxmin Gravuer ‘86, Ashley Altschuler '90, Cole Flickinger ‘94. 4. Joanna Kelly ‘10 was the keynote speaker. 5. On May 17, 2018, the Tower Hill Alumni Council hosted a tailgate prior to the THS vs. Archmere boys’ lacrosse game. Pictured are Ryan Simonton ‘15 and his father Jeff Simonton ‘75 showing off a piece of artwork completed by Jeff ’s mother, Daisy Simonton ‘46, during her years at Tower Hill. 6. Michael Ashley ‘83, Kristin Mumford, Debbie Ashley and Heather Weymouth Lowry ‘97.

Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018


Class NOTES ’40s

1947 Kurt Wassen writes, “My wife and I are doing pretty well here in Charleston, South Carolina. We enjoy the warmer weather here in South Carolina. My best to the few of us who are still around!”


1953 Sandy Jellinghaus McClellan writes, “Looking forward to returning to Wilmington and Tower Hill for our 65th Reunion in October 2018!” 1956 Mikell Evans Flothe sends her best wishes to everyone in the class of 1956 and hopes to see them soon!

On May 16, Ellen Cannon received an Alumni Achievement Award from the University of Delaware’s College of Arts and Sciences. She was recognized for her volunteer work on behalf of UD, and for establishing the Ellen Cannon Journalism Internship. As a career journalist, Ellen worked for companies such as Bloomberg and Time, Inc., where she helped launch a variety of publications including Entertainment Weekly and Australia’s version of People magazine. 1979 Sarah Cashman Gersky was inducted into the Delaware Basketball Hall of Fame and the Delaware Sports Museum Hall of Fame. The three-sport athlete at Tower Hill starred in field hockey,

lacrosse and basketball. A member of the basketball all-state first team as a senior in 1979, Cashman led Tower Hill to the state championship game, scoring an average of 20.2 points per game. Some of Sarah’s classmates were in attendance at her Delaware Sports Museum Hall of Fame induction ceremony. Read more on page 54. 1979/1981 The Byrne Family visited campus in May to join in the presentation of the Richard C. Byrne Award at the Middle School Awards Assembly. They also met with Head of School Bessie Speers before they stopped by their former home, the Timothy B. Golding Alumni House!

1959 Scott Kirkpatrick, Leigh Johnstone and Diana Johnstone Lopez enjoyed a Tower Hill moment in Jerusalem, Israel, in June 2018.

’60s 1961/1962 Ron Strickland ‘61 writes, “On June 28, Randy Urmston ‘62 and I joined Mic Fleming ‘61 for lunch at Seattle’s Cafe Campagne. Mic introduced us to the chef, whom he’d first met a quarter century earlier. We were very impressed that Daisley Gordon had risen from line chef to owner. His American dream story was the sort of good news that we three old friends greatly appreciate nowadays.”


1963 Tillie Page Laird completed her 8th visit to India in January and brief annual trip to London in April. She spends the rest of the


1972 Hall Gardner published a new book, World War Trump: The Risks of America’s New Nationalism. More information about the book can be found on his website, The book is available for purchase on Amazon.


Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018



1. L to R: Teddy Byrne, Susan Byrne, Rev. Larry Byrne ‘81, Bessie Speers, Bob Byrne ‘79 and Talley Brown ‘81 2. L to R: Ron Strickland ‘61, Randy Urmston ‘62 and Mic Fleming ‘61 3. L to R: Leigh Johnstone '59, Diana Johnstone Lopez and Scott Kirkpatrick '59

1. Scott Nickle ‘07 and Lexie White ‘09 completed the Coastal Delaware Running Festival Marathon together in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. 2. Joanna Kelly ‘10, pictured with her father Mike Kelly ‘75, was the keynote speaker at the Class of 2018 Alumni Council Senior Dinner.




1984 Thère du Pont II is the new executive chairman of the Wilmington Leadership Alliance. 1985 Laura LeRoy Travis stepped down as the women’s tennis head coach at the University of Delaware after 26 years. Laura was an AllState tennis player at Tower Hill, and she was a four-time East Coast Conference Champion as a singles and doubles player at UD. 1987 Mary Warren Foulk has started a new job as associate director of advancement at Northfield Mount Hermon School in Mount Hermon, Massachusetts. Mary is also currently pursuing an M.F.A. in poetry.


1997 Anita Nabha is working as a public defender in San Francisco and was featured in a June issue of SF Weekly.


2000 Katie McCoy Dubow has been inducted into Greenhouse Product News’ 40 under 40 Class of 2018, recognizing her as a trailblazer in the horticulture

2 industry. Katie is the creative director of Garden Media Group in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania. 2001 Wilson Braun returned to Tower Hill to help with the “WWII in History and Film” Tower Term course for Upper School students. 2007/2009 Scott Nickle ‘07 and Lexie White ‘09 completed the Coastal Delaware Running Festival Marathon together on April 22, 2018, in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. 2008 Ashley Isken got engaged to Zachary Zetlin of Roslyn Heights, New York, in December 2017.


2010 Joanna Kelly, a third-year University of Virginia School of Law student, has been named a Dorot Fellow with the Alliance for Justice, a group that serves as a watchdog for potential areas of concern in the federal judiciary. She was also the keynote speaker at the Class of 2018 Alumni Council Senior Dinner on May 14, 2018. 2015 Andrew Pettit, a junior men’s lacrosse player at Lehigh University, was named to the Watch List for the Tewaaraton Award,

which annually honors the top college lacrosse player in the United States. Pettit was one of eight additions to the list, putting him into consideration for the top award in the sport. Taylor Reese, along with her classmates, started FLIP (First-Generation Low-Income Partnership) at Washington and Lee University to help students who run out of dining points or need something to eat during school breaks. 2016 Abby Manning, a sophomore on the women’s lacrosse team at Wesleyan University, was featured by NESCAC (New England Small College Athletic Conference) in an interview about why she chose Wesleyan and her life as a student-athlete. 2017 Michael Gallagher is playing football at Dickinson College and enjoying his freshman year. He writes, “Tower Hill has prepared me for great things. My freshman year was a breeze. Thank you, Tower Hill teachers!” Morgan Rollins, a biomechanical engineering major at Temple University, recently received a Creative Arts, Research and Scholarship (CARAS) Program grant through Temple to be used for prosthetics research. Influenced by her experiences in athletics, physics, anatomy and engineering, Rollins found a fascination in creating prosthetic limbs during her time at Tower Hill.

Tower Hill Bulletin

Fall 2018


WEDDINGS 1990 Shawniqua Williams married Albert Roberson on Jan. 12, 2018. They are moving to Nashville, Tennessee, where she will take a role as assistant professor of neurology at Vanderbilt University. Al will continue his role as senior consultant at RedHat, Inc. 2007 Brandon R. Harper married Chrissy Flynn on April 6, 2018. 2007/2008 Will Goeller ‘07 married Lindsay Griffith ‘08 on April 21, 2018. 2009 Mary Hobbs married Jesse Taylor on March 24, 2018. Many THS alumni were in attendance, including Mary’s immediate family members, George Hobbs ‘75, Anne Hobbs, David Hobbs ‘14 and Natalie Hobbs ‘18. 2010 Logan Louisa Weaver was married to Tyler Lewis Read on Saturday, June 2, 2018. Their ceremony was held at Christ Church Christiana Hundred in Greenville, Delaware, and the reception was hosted at Foxspring, the home of Pete Hayward ‘66 and Tina Hayward. Of Logan’s seven bridesmaids, four were Tower Hill graduates – her Matron of Honor and sister, Loring Weaver Knott ‘08, and friends since PreK Katie Applegate ‘10, Gaby Dressler ‘10 and Molly Rosen ‘10. Clockwise from top left: Brandon Harper ‘07 and Chrissy Flynn; Logan Louisa Weaver ‘10 and Tyler Lewis Read; Mary Hobbs ‘09 and Jesse Taylor

BIRTHS 1997 Graeme McKenna Gorman was born to Sarah Carter and Jude Gorman in April 2018. Audrey Jaquette (near left) was born to Amy and David Jaquette in November 2017. 1999 Aurelia Elaine Baetjer (far left) was born to Jessica and Patrick Baetjer on June 12, 2018.

CONDOLENCES 1942 Ann Bridgwater Earnhardt on March 29, 2018 1944 Alison Kimball Bradford on July 11, 2018 1955 Charles William “Bill” Tulloch on May 13, 2018 1957 Charles Munson, Jr. on March 13, 2018 1962 David Brearly, Jr. on June 9, 2017

1964 Stina Rosendahl Modeen in December 2017 From Barbara Bours Brady ‘64: Stina was the AFS student who lived with the Bours family for the 1963-1964 school year, as a senior. Stina was from Lohja, Finland, a city near Helsinki. She was truly a distant sister who attended some of our significant family events in Wilmington and Portland, and one with whom we traveled in Europe over the past 50+ years. I visited her in Finland two years ago. 1965 Jack Michel on May 26, 2018

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Fall 2018

FROM THE ARCHIVES Hillers have been learning from nature for decades. Here, Robert B. Flint, Jr., '58 describes his experience in Antarctica researching very low frequency radio noise caused by lightning. Flint went on to make nine more trips to the continent and serves as vice president of the American Polar Society. To read the full article, which first appeared in the February 1964 Tower Hill Alumni Bulletin, visit

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Fall 2018


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CENTENNIAL Sept. 20-22, 2019 Save the date!


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Fall 2018

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