Upper School Student Voices Program
In alignment with our commitment to social justice and equity, Tower Hill will offer intentional programming for students to complete throughout their four years in Upper School. This program is designed to give students historical, social, and cultural perspectives in the following areas: ● African American History ● Systems of Oppression ● Expression of Identity Students will have the opportunity to learn, dialogue, question, and listen. These courses will increase student understanding, connection, healing, and commitment to building an engaged and diverse community. This is a graduation requirement for all students.
During the first three weeks of each semester, students may drop or add courses. Schedule changes will typically not be made after the drop/add period unless they are initiated by the School for unique reasons. Moving between levels of a course (i.e., from an honors section to a college preparatory section) may happen outside of the drop/add period with the approval of the Head of Upper School. Students wishing to drop or add a course pick up a drop/add form from the Director of Scheduling and return the form after appropriate signatures have been obtained. Official registration occurs through the Director of Scheduling, and a completed drop/add form is necessary to receive credit for a course. Any junior or senior dropping or adding a course must receive approval from the Director of College Counseling and the Head of Upper School.
Report Cards
Report cards note a numerical mark for each course and are sent at the end of each quarter. A narrative comment for each course is given on the first and third quarter report cards. A narrative from the student’s advisor is given on the second and fourth quarter report cards. Only the final, yearlong grade is noted on the student’s official transcript.
Grading Scale, Associated Grade Point Averages, and Academic Distinction Letter Grade Equivalents and Grade Point Averages for Standard Courses Tower Hill uses numerical grading on a 100-point scale for report cards and transcript marks. Only major courses are calculated into the GPA. Major courses are two-credit semester courses and four-credit year-long courses, including English, History, Language, Math, Science, and Advanced Studio Art.
Numeric Grades Letter Grades 100-97 A+ 96-93 A 92-90 A89-87 B+ 86-83 B 82-80 B79-77 C+
76-73 C 72-70 C69-67 D+ 66-63 D 62-60 DBelow 60 F