Upper School Handbook 2021-2022

Page 22

Academic Probation

A student may be placed on academic probation for poor academic performance or for unsatisfactory effort. A student will remain on academic probation for one semester. After that time, a review by the advisor, teachers, Class Dean, Dean of Students, the Head of Upper School, and/or Head of School will determine whether the student should continue at Tower Hill In some cases, a student on academic probation will be restricted from participating in nonacademic activities to ensure dedication of time and energy to improving academic status.


No homework, papers, projects, or assessments of any kind can be given the day following a Blackout. Blackouts occur at the discretion of the Dean of Students and Head of Upper School. A forum that is scheduled in the evening automatically results in a Blackout for students, as do religious holidays and long breaks from school; long weekends do not automatically result in a Blackout. Blackouts are indicated on the school calendar.

Academic Technology The use of technology at Tower Hill is designed to support the educational program of our students and enhance the learning experience. Students are expected to use technology resources: 1. appropriately, to support their educational program or appropriate recreational use as determined by faculty and staff. Students should always be able to justify their use of technology by explaining how their actions are appropriate; and 2. responsibly, respecting the rights of other users, protecting the integrity of the resources, following all licensing agreements, and applying the principles of the Honor Code and proper behavior to all activities. Access to Tower Hill’s technology resources is a privilege, not a right, and may be revoked or limited for violations of this policy. It is the sole and exclusive right of the School to provide or deny such access. Students who act in a manner that is inconsistent with Tower Hill’s standards and expectations may be denied access and/or subject to discipline. Any technology use that becomes problematic because it is inappropriate in its content, disruptive to others, or negatively impacts a student’s academic performance will not be permitted and may be subject to disciplinary action.

Application of the Tower Hill Technology Policy

This policy applies to students (1) in their use of the Tower Hill “Network,” Network-related devices and activity; (2) in their use of their own personal technology devices at School or on the Network, and (3) in their personal technology, social media, and communication systems use.


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