Testing Protocols Summer at Tower Hill is happy to offer on-site testing in partnership with the State of Delaware (see next page for details). The test will be administered on the Monday of each week of camp by trained medical personnel and results will be uploaded to the Magnus Health System by camp staff. If a child tests positive while at camp, parents will be called for dismissal and the child will be isolated while they wait for pick up. The positive individual should be PCR tested immediately (information will be provided to parents on where to get tested). If the PCR confirms the positive, the child will be isolated x10 days in accordance with DPH guidance. If the PCR result is negative, the child is welcome to return to camp. If you do not consent to your child being tested while on-site at camp, you will need to have your camper PCR tested on the Friday before the camp week starts and the result must be uploaded to the Magnus Health Portal by Sunday evening at 6pm. If the result is not uploaded by this time, please do not bring your child to camp on Monday. If your child tests positive for COVID-19, is exposed to a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, or is displaying symptoms of COVID-19, reach out to the school nurse (aherbein@towerhill.org) immediately for guidance and to discuss the return plan for your camper.