Rev. James j. Markey S.j. 6
Dedication Rev. James J. Markey, S.j. Associate Professor of Religion Director of Student Publications Loyola University of Los Angeles
Fr. James Markey was born on Ocrober 3, 1917, in San Francisco, California. He attended St. Ignatius high school in San Francisco, after which he entered the Society of Jesus ac Los Gatos in Northern California. Following his term at the noviciace, he accended Santa Clara University, Gonzaga University and Alma College. He began teaching at Sc. Ignatius High School m 19 41, and Santa Clara University m 1949, where he caught religion. Father Markey was ordained on June 16, 194 7 in San Francisco. He said his first Mass in St. Emydius Church in 1947, and received his final vows on August 15, 1950, at Santa Clara. Fr. Markey came co Loyola in 195 4. Along with his teaching duties, he is also in charge of all scudenc publications, including the Loyola student paper the LOY OLAN, and the LAIR ANNUAL. These are che faces of Father Markey; but really he is much more than a collection of factual data. Father Ma rkey is a wonderfully warm individual who is vitally interested in what young people do and what they stand for. His encouragement and interest in the students far surpasses any verbal description. H is present teaching assignment is with Chapman College. He is sailing che Seven Seas on a large ship which is a floating classroom. We, at Loyola wish him Good Luck and God's speed and hope, that he wi ll return
Loyola soon.
It is usually said that throughout the academic year the teacher has his day, and the graduate never really has his day till commencement. But June 5th is really faculty day too. For it is only then that the culm ination of four years of effort will tell its story. \Whether not only the student, but also the facult)', have done their work cannot really be told until that day. It is the success of the student that mirrors the final success of the teacher. We the staff of the 1967 LAIR are proud to salute the graduates and faculty of Loyola University.
Jacques Robert Allewaert
AccoNnling Young Republicans 1 Econ. Soc. IV Bus. Societ)• III, IV
Brother Michael V. Abeelen
Luis fernando Aragon
Civil E11gineering
Econ. Soc. Ed. Soc.
RSA J. liJ Tutorial Program TIT Amigos Anonymous ITT Civil Eng. Society I-IV
Robert M. Alworth
Psychology Phi Sigma Kappa II-IV Loyolan II English Society II Soc. Society II, III IFC III Psy. Society IV
Stephen T. Balogh
Charles J. Banasky
Phi Sigma Kappa II-IV Queen's Chairman IV Econ. Society I-IV
Bio. Society I-IV Knights of Columbus II-IV Young Democrat<; I-II Language Studies Abroad Rich M. Arias
Joseph A. Arnett
Pep Club Chairman II OLA I Alpha Delta Gamma II-IV Exec. Comm ittee II Crimson Circle III, IV En,glish Society I-IV Econ. Society I-IV
Bio. Society I, II Psy. Society III, IV Del Rey Players I-IV President III Men's Chorus I-IV
Steven E. Bansbach
Biology Bio Society III-IV Cultural Committee Ill Watts T utorial II .Mary"s !lour Comm. III-IV O .L.A. III-IV
James E. Bathker
Alan Edward 13eingessner
Ci 11il Engineer
Young Republicans I-IV Econ. Society I-IV R.O.T.C. I-II
A.S.C.E. I-IV Publications Chairman路s IV
J. Thomas
Bell en
Economics Freshman Crew Varsity Crew II-IV Econ. Society I-IV R.O.T.C. I-IV Phi Sigma Kappa II-IV Letterman's Club III-IV
Peter Boland /1 istory
William Binns
Psychology Eng lish Society IV Psy. Society III-IV Young Democrats IV Henry A. Berber
Anthony R. Bertero
Young Democrats IV KXLU IV
Del Rey Players II-IV Fine Arts Circle III
Amigos Anonymous I-III Scope D irector III T utorial Program Chairman IIIII C rimson Circle III-IV Cultural Comm. TI-lii Loyolan II-III O.L.A. II-III
James W. Brochu
Loyola Sports Editor II-III Editor in Chief IV T ask Force Comm. III Student Comm. Football IV Lair Annual Sports Writer IIIV
Gerald W. Boyd
Psy. Society I-IV Soc. Society IV Dean's List I-IV W atts Tutorial I-III
Arnold Air Society I-II Drill Team II-III I list. Society III Honors I-IV Soc. Society I-TV President III Crimson Circle IU-IV President IV Al pha Sigma III -TV President IV A.S.L.U. Leg. IV
Charles Brown I.E.E.E. III-IV Sec. IV Knights of Columbus Engineering Council IV
Mark A. Calde English
Del Rey Players I-IV English Society II-III
Ronald R. Cammorata Englirb
English Society Tntramurals I-IV Fresh Basketball Homecoming IT-TV
Joseph f. Carolan
BiologJ' Biology Society II- IV lntramurals II-IV
Freshman Basketball Athletic Comm. IV R.S.A. I-IV Student Court Econ. Society Pre-legal Society I -IV lntr.unurals I-IV
Hist. Society IV
D aniel E. Cashen
Englisb Phi Sigma Kappa Crimson Ci rcle III-IV Loyolan I-IV News Editor 11 Managing Editor III-IV Cheer'leader English Society III -IV Recruitment Intramurals I- TV Spring Sing II
francisco X. Cazares
P.rycbology Donald f . Castro
f.ngli.rb Alpha D elta Gamma IT -TV English Sociel)' l -TV Varsity Tennis JT CTA TIT ASLU Secretary JJl
Phi Kappa Theta Psy. Society Soc. Society English Society Intrarnura ls I-IV Young Republicans l
Paul A. Chena rd
Biolog) Victor B. Chavez
AccoHnlin g
Thomas P. Carson
W alls Tutorial II Bio. Society l-TV OLA TIT, TV llo rnecorning Committee Secretary IT
Joseph l\fatthew Chi r(O f.ronomir.r
Young Democrat~ Econ . Societr English Socictr Business Society Vincent E. Clay General Bwi/l(:.l.f
Tau Kappa Epsilon Vice-President Ill Econ. Society II-IV Business Society Varsit}' Volleyball IV Phillip C. Clark
James P. Comer(oro
Mens Chorus I路 ITT ROTC I-IV
Kni,ghts of Columbus Psrchology Society Youn,g Democrah I fistorr Society
James P. Conway P.rycbolog)
Rome! DeJa Cruz H i1/0r)
R. G regory Cunn ingh.1m
John F. Cussigh
'" abanical Eng.
enior Class Sec-Tre.ts. Business 1\lp.r. A Iph a Delta G:unnu TJ . IV Pre.:路 Lcga I Society II
R.O.T.C. I-III Rifle Team I Drill Team T, IT S.A.E. III, IV Sail ing Club IV
Charles B. Davis
Stanley G. DeGruccio
E11glisb Student W orkcrs I- I II English Society II-IV Knights of Columbus Spring Sing Homecoming Committee R.O.T.C. III-IV Bill Davis James R. Davis
Phi Sigma Kappa Belles Chairman IV Executive Counci l IV English Society
Phi Kappa Theta Watts Tutorial O.L.A. Group Leader Math Society Secretary
Bro. Francis DeKort C.f.M.N.
Anthony R. Dellazoppa
Victor Derson
Pep Club V.P.
Automotive Eng. Soc. Cultural Committee Psychology Society English Society
Paul E. Deyden
E11glish Lettermens Club lii-IV I?rosh Basketball Sanctuary Society Alpha Delta Gamma Varsity Basketball II-IV
Pasquale Anthony Di Massa
John Nicholas Donlou
Biology Society I-IV Tutorial Project III
Pi Gamma Mu Young Republicans I-IV Treasurer of YR's III
Paul Dooley
D on Doyle
GciiCrttl 811si11css
811sincss Phi Sigma Kappa III-IV
Richard Driskill
Robert E. Durr
E11glisb President of Phi Sigma Kappa Phi Sigma Kappa II-IV Varsity Volleyball IV Homecoming Committee II-III Homecoming Queens Chairman III ASLU II Loyolan Staff III, IV
Joseph P. Faherty
Economics E~onomics Society I-IV Vtce President of Economics Soc. Eng lish Society III, IV Advanced A fROTC III IV Pep Club I, II â&#x20AC;˘
Gregory Allen felando
Everett F. Fields
Polilical Science
Philatelic Society I-IV History Society
Crimson Circle V.P. International Relations Club III, IV Pre-Legal Society III Mutual Ticket Director III, IV Executive Committee III, IV
James E. French
Richard L. Friedman
KXLU I, II, III, IV Prog. Dir. III Music Director III Traffic II English Society IV
Arnold Air Society Il , III, IV Exec. IV Advanced AFROTC III, IV Pi Gamma Mu m,-.rv
David Glenn Fritzlen
Richard Fuentes
Polilical Science
Indiana Un iversity I, II ADS Fraternity Treas. II Athletic Coordinator II Phi Sigma Kappa III, IV Religious Chm. IV ASLU Publicity Director IV ASLU Intercollegiate Publicity IV
Biology Society I-IV English Socity III
Bob Garretson Political Science Wheland Hall Advisor III, I' RSA Judge III Men's Chorus III Knights of Columbus IV
William John Garnett III
Pete Gavin Rsa I ASLU l egislature I-IV ADG frat ernity II-IV English Society II-IV Tutorial Project II, Ill John Leo Gibbons
Dinlog) Alpha Sigma 1 u- VP Crimson Circle Biology Society Sanctuary Society Youn~ Republicans Service Scholarship Pro~ram
Mike Gavin
Alpha Delta Gamma II-IV Society Cnmson Circle IV Loyola Tutorial Project III, TV Student Court Chief Justice
Bi ? lo~y
Jerome Robert Gebhardt
Steven J. Giacomi
Drill Team OLA II-TV Business Administration Club Economics Society
TKE TIT-TV Economics Society TJJ. I\." TKE treasurer III-TV
William R. Goodwin lfi.rtory
Alpha Delta Gamma TT-TV Freshman Basketba ll History Society Homecoming Judicial Committee Pep Club T-TII
JefFrey Curtis Goodman
Biology Biolo_gy Society Phi Sigma Kappa II-IV Honors II
Gregory S. Good
Biolog) Student Body Vice President ASLU III Biolo,g>â&#x20AC;˘ Society I-IV Phi Sigma Kappa TI-TV
Anthony V. Goorchenko
Sociology Engineering Council I OLA I, II Sociology Society II-IV English Society II -IV Alpha Delta Gamma II-IV Pep Club II Patrick Joseph Gouch
Hislory Pep Club II Phi Sigma Kappa II, IV Homecoming III, IV Publicity Committee II
Eugene V. Goord1enko
English ADG II-IV W atts Tutorial project Eng lish Society III-IV Biology Society I
Patrick E. Greene
Michael C. Gutierrez
Englisb Men's Chorus II-III Knights of Columbus II-IV Charles f . Griffin
Mecbtmical E11gineering Advisor II-IV Society of Automotive Engineers Secretary of Eng ineeri ng Coun cil IV
James H. H ammervold
Malhematics Math Society I-IV Homecoming II, III ROTC I-IV Physics Society II, III
Thomas M. Harwood
Duncan V. Harding, Jr.
EconomicJ Economics Society Bus. Administration Club
J. Heithaus III
Gregory J. Hayes
Rugby III-IV Crimson Circle III-IV Dorm Advisor II-IV Biology Society I-IV Sophomore Class President Initiation Chairman Biology Teaching Assistant Del Rey Players O.L.A . I-IV
Pep Club Cheerleader I路 II Alpha Delta Gamma II-IV Loyolan IV International Relations Club Lair Annual Photography Editor
John i\f. Herbelin_g
Chemirtry American Chem ical Sociel}' of Loyola U.
Fred L. Henning
Biology Biology Society I Knights of Columbus B.P.O.E. III-IV
Gerald M. Hernandez
i\lechttnicttl Eng. Honors Program II-IV Crew T eam II-lii AI ph a Delta Gamma Secretary IV I.F.C. II-III Student Legislature S.A.E. III-IV Loyolan IV
John Dennis Hokoyama
Bro. Gerald Hoogendijk, C.F.l\LN.
English Student Worker I-IV English Society II-IV Knights of Col~1mbus Homecoming Committee Dorm Advisor III-IV
George Huang
l!ngli.rb C.A .
Venice Tutorial O.L.A. En_glish Society Del Rer Players Boarderline R.S.A. officer
Phi Sigma Kappa II-IV English Society II, IV Biologr Societ)' I-IV
Michael Bruce Kane
Hirtory Redmond P. Johnston
Robert V. Johnston
Ronald II. Kahle
Politicrrl Science
Elertricrt! Engin.
History Society English Society O.L.A.
Supreme Court Justice
Varsity Baseball I-IV All Conference III, IV Pep Club President Leltermens Club III, IV President IV Phi Sigma Kappa II-IV I.E.E.E. ITI, IV
Arnold Air Society
Peter T . Kirchen
Edward R. Kenney
Jim Kistler
C cncral
Robert T. Krup Mathematics
Rugby II-IV Co-captain Delta Sigma Phi II-IV Advisor II-IV B.O.T.F.M. I-IV Marine Corps
Varsity Baseball I-IV Sanctuary Society I, II ADG Fraternity (Social Chairman) III-IV Math Society ITI-TV R.S.A. Student Court HI R.S.A. I-III
Nestor N. Kusnierz Biology Biology Society I-IV Rugby I
David Aureal Laforest Economicr Pi Gamma Mu Vice President Economics Society I-IV President IV Januarr Graduate Honor Rol l TT-III
David La Barre Biology Biology Society
Orland WI. La Page
Thomas C. Lehr English Society I-IV C.C.D. I, II Knights of Columbus II-IV Biolog}' Society III, IV
Stephen Andrew Lovejo}'
Philosof'h)' Homecomi ng comm ittee Lair I-IV Editor IV Loyolan II-IV
Ed Locker, Jr.
Michael C. Lohnes
Phi Kappa Theta III, IV Pep Club III History Societ}' III, IV
Biology Phi Kappa Theta Tl-IV Social Chai rman II Trustee IV Biology Societ}' I-IV All Star III O.L.A. II Rugb}' I
Floren Vic Lumo, C.M. F.
Philosopby S.P.O.F. I Speech Club I Debate Club I Mission Academia TT-IV
Lawrence G. Luke
Ernest Machado Electric(// Engineeril1g Knights of Columbus III, IV Chancellor Pep Club I-III I.E.E.E. II-IV
Laurence E. Maeder
Michael Maloney
A.S.L.U. President Attorney General C rimson C ircle O.L.A. Watts-Venice Tutorial Amigos Anonymous Executive Committee Alpha Sigma Nu R.S.A. J.f.K. Memorial Library fund Young Democrats Pep Club Loyolan Boarderline
Young Democrats II , III Tutorial III History Society III, IV
Stephen R. Matson
Michael J. Matthews
Gener(l/ Bminess
News Director KXLU III Boarderline Sen ior Editor III, IV Loyolan IV
Delta Sigma Pi
Patrick M. McAdam
Timothy P. McAllister
G olf Team I, ITT, IV Publicity IV Pre-Legal Society I R.S.A. Legislature II
Biology Biology Society I-IV Pep Club II-III
Robert A. McBride Michael McCullough
Thomas J. McGarry, Jr.
John McGinnis
Mat bema/ic s
C.C.D. I, 11 O.L.A. li S.C.T.A. President JTI, IV Asst. Student Act. Coordinator III English Socicl)' III, IV
Alpha Delta Gamma II-IV O.L.A. IV Pep Club I, II Advanced R.O.T.C. III, IV English Society I Tutorial Project III
Jim McG inty
Thomas M. Meichtry
Ci r1il E11gi11eeri11g
English Society Rugby
A.S.C.E. I-IV Program Chairman IV Pep Club I, II Crew I
John Miller
Resident Advisor
Pi Gamma Mu III
1l1omas R.
Miller, Jr.
History Society III, IV President III Pi Gamma Mu Treasurer IV International Relations Club IV
Biology Biology Society IIl , IV Knights of Columbus III, IV
John F. Mounier
J. Thomas Murphy Prycbolo,~y
Crew I Cu ltural Committee I, II. IV Psychology Society ITT, IV
Kenneth E. Mousseau
Roger Mouton
Dennis R. Naylon
Pep Club I, IT Phi Kappa Theta IT-TV Business Society IV
Economics Society IT-IV Business Society IV English Society III, IV R.S.A. I-III Television & Film Lab I-IV
Norman L. Neiger
Michael C. Neri
Electrical Engineering Phi Kappa Theta TI-IV
J. Newman,
O.L.A. l3iology Club English Society C. C. D.
English Young Hepublican 1-, II Bowling T K. of C. ITT , IV A.O.M. Omnipotent Owl TT-TV KXLU TIT, IV R.S.A . Spring Sing TI Tutorial TT . Cards I-IV
Philo.rophy Knights of Columbus ITT, TV Membershi p Chairman TV
James P. Newton
Mat bema/ic.r Phi Ka ppa Theta Mathematics Society President Tutorial Pro,gram O.L.A.
Otuokere Paddy U. Njaka
General Bminess I.E.E.E. I-III Engineering Council II-III K. of C. II-IV President foreign Student Organization II-IV International Student Organization III-IV Model U.N.O. III-IV Business Students' Club IV-V
Michael E. O'Keefe
T errance S. O 'Donnell
John O'Dowd
K. of C. TII-IV
Engl ish Society El Playano Loyolan
Del Rey Players III, IV Sociology Society III, IV International Relations Club III, IV
Paul A. Ordronneau
Robert D. Ordway, Jr.
Biology Society II-IV Vice President IV O.L.A. IV
Phi Kappa Theta II-IV President IV AFROTC I-IV Pep Club I Sociology Society II-IV Bowling League I-II O.L.A. I, II
Stephen H. Osborn
Political Science
Men's Chorus I-IV President IV K. of C. I-IV D el Rey Players III, IV
Pre-Legal Society President IV High School Recruitment English Society Alpha Delta Gamma II-IV President IV N ational Delegate III Junior Class V.P. I.F.C. III-IV Student Leg islature III-IV
Kenneth Wayne Petersen
Mal hemalirs Varsity Basketball All-League Hon. Mention Letterman's Club V.P. T.K.E. Secretary Varsity Volleyball
David R. Plotner Lair Annual IV
Donald Raymond Peterson
Richard Mario Pizzorno
Biology Society I-IV Sagittarian Archery Club V.P. II Arnold Air Society II O.L.A. rv
Psychology Society I-IV KXLU-FM I-IV Watts Tutorial III, IV
Robert W. Pol i fka
General Business Del Rey Players Economics Society R.S.A. Officer
John G. Portz
John C. Powers
English Society
Pep Club II Alpha Delta Gamma II-IV Biology Society I-IV
Gonzalo Querejazu
Mecbaniral Engineering Foreign Students II-Ili Soccer C lub II-JII S.A .E. IV
Michael D. Ragbourn
Matbenlf/tics Math Society I-IV Soccer T eam li-IV Letterman IV
John Thomas Quigley
Neil R. Quinn Jr.
Phi Theta Kappa II-IV Physics Society II-IV I lomecoming Society II-IV Homecoming II-IV Pep Club II,III
Biology Society III, IV Rugby Club III , TV Letterman's Club III, IV
Elertri((l/ Engineering Alpha Delta Gamma II-V
James B. Raycraft
Po/itirnl Srie11re Pep Clul; l, 11 Co-Chairman II Alpha Delta Gamma II-IV Rush Chairman Ill Pledgemaster TV ASLU Special Events Chairman II Executive Committee II Crimson Circle III , IV AfROTC TTI, IV English Society I-IV Pre-Legal Society III
James A. Reardon, Jr.
Terry A . Ritter
Genertt! B11sines.r
Engineering Citâ&#x20AC;˘il
Alpha Delta Gamma Economics Society ASLU Publications LO)'Oia Busin ess Club
A.S.C.E. I-IV Secretary JIT Vice President IV Mary's H ou r Cornrn. II, III
John Michael Russell
Psycbology Psychology Society
frank D. Sabatasso
Political Science Young Republicans I-IV Rugby III-IV Lettermens Club lii-lV Alpha Delta Gamma Mid1ael I. Ross
Robert E. Ryan
Trustee, Phi Kappa Theta Advanced R.O.'f.C. Chemistry Society Mathematics Society Homecoming Commillce Carnival Chairman Del Rey Players Mens Chorus
General B11sines.r Young Republicans
Dennis Lee Salvaryn
Englisb Del Rey Pla>â&#x20AC;˘crs T-IV Mens Chorus I-IV O.L.A. I-II English Society l-11
Thomas R. Schenck
Economics Phi Sigma Kappa H-IV Lair Annual III Loyolan JJI Homecoming III-IV Joseph W. Schrader
Terrance M. Sargent
Alpha Delta Gamma II-IV English Society Irving Schmalz award
Alpha Delta Gamma II-IV National Delegate IV Loyolan I-IV Assistant Sports Ed. News Editor III Managing Editor IV English Society TI-IV Homecoming Committee Assistant Publicit}' chairman I1I Chairman IV Inter Fraternity Co. O.T.R. IV
Ross V. Scimeca
Philosopby English Society II-IV
Robert D. Shadduck
Biology R.O.T.C. I-IV Honor roll I, III Amigos Anonymous II, III Biology Society I-IV
Robert G. Shortridge
Cbemistry Chemistry Society R.O.T.C. III, IV Alpha Sigma Nu lii, IV
Richard W. Scott
Hi.rtory Alpha Delta Gamma II-IV History Society III-IV Education Soc. III-IV President International Relations Club IV Teaching Assistant IV
Donald M. Smith
Mrtlbemalics Math Society V.P.
Robert A. Sowins
Biology Biology Society I-IV Honors I. Cultural Committee II
David M. Sine
Edward Paul Smith
Delta Sigma Phi II- IV Biology Society I, II Psychology Society
English Society II-IV S.C.T.A. III, IV
Larry Stewart Alpha Delta Gamma TT-IV Rugby III-IV Lettermans Club TV Young Repuhlicahs J Business Society IV
Steve Spolidoro
Thomas C. Stakem
Tau Kappa Epsilon II-IV Secretary I I President IV l.F.C. II-IV A.S.L.U. Legislature III
Tau Kappa Epsilon TT-IV Business Soc. Jl-IV Rush Committee III-IV
Michael V. Stratton
Thomas Edward Stringer
Baseball I-IV Lettermans Club II-IV Biology Soc. I-IV Crimson Circle Sanctuary Soc.
s.A.E. m:rv A.T.P. II-IV Arnold Air Society I-TT T.V. Crew ITI
William Sulentor
B11.ri11e.r.r Delta Sigma Phi II-IV Pledgemaster IV Rush Committee III Young Republicans I-IV V.P. III, IV Golf Team T-IV
Michael H. Sweet
Gary N. Taylor
T3iology Biology Society I-IV Knights of Columbus Young Democrats Language studies abroad
Anthony Y. T eramoto
Biology Biology Soc. I-IV English Soc. Ill
Michael Truskal
William G. T oby
Supreme Court Justice Alpha Sigma Nu Young Republicans V.P. Loyolan El Playano English Soc. International Relations Finance Committee
Baseball I-IV Sanctuary Society Alpha D elta Gamma III-IV Biology Soc. I-II Geography Soc. IV R.S.A. I-IV
Rich ard Leo Thomas
Gerard F. Tintle
Philatelic Soc. I-IV Chemistry Soc. I-IV President IV
Student W orkers I-IV
Arthur F. Van dec Linden
M(t/bem(t/ic.r Math Soc. I-IV Hiroshi Ueha, C. F.M.
Ronald F. Turner
Histor)' History Soc. IV Loyolan I, II, IV El Playano IV English Society I, II, IV llonors Program I, II, IV Studies Abroad III Tau Kappa Epsilon II, IV Pep Club I, II
Timothy ). W eaver
Oepn is Welch
Glee Club I R.O.T.C.
Phi Sigma Kappa II-IV English Soc. II, III El Playano asst. Ed itor TTI, TV Alpha Si[.:ma Nu III-TV Oaseball I, II
Nathan H . Wells
Peter M. \'<lesely
Physics Soc. II-IV I.E.E.E. IV
S.A. E. I English Soc. I-ITT Arnold Air Soc. II-IV Commander IV S.A.M.E. II R.O.T.C. I- IV
Robert G. Whitcher
James J. \X1 illiams
Joseph J. Wilson
Robert Wittouck
Elcrlrictt! T:ngin.
R.S.A. I-II Arnold Air Soc. I-II R.O.T.C. I-IV
Sanctuary Soc. I-IV Young Republicans I-TV Honors I
Debate Team Phi Kappa Theta English Societr Young Oernotrats Pre-Legal Soc.
Knights of Columbus Pep Club I-lTT I.E.E.E. IT -TV
Thomas C. Wolfington
John-S. Wolter
Cit1i/ Engineering
Ci1'il Engineering
Engineering Soc. I-IV A.S.C.E. I-IV Alpha Sigma Nu IV S.A.M.E. I, II
Engineering Soc. I A.S.C.E. I-IV Alpha Delta Gamma R.O.T.C.
Robert J. Womack
Paul B. Woolford
Crew I- IV Alpha Delta Gamma路 II-IV Economics Soc. II-IV Letermans Club III, IV
James M. Jertso n
R. Michael Ziegler
John W. Zodrow, C.M.F.
Joseph J . Zvonkovich
Po!iticfl! Science
Physics Soc. IT-TV President IV Bowling League II
Arnold Air Soc. IV History Soc. III R.O.T.C. I-IV
Chairman of Student Committee on football Resumption Senior Class Pres. Chairman of J.f.K. Library Exhibit and fund Chairman of A.S.L.U. Cultural Committee Alpha Sigma Nu A.S.L.U. Legislature Forest Lawn writing award R.O.T.C. Gold Medal Junior of the Year
Steve Bucknam
D ave Armstrong
Paul Prengaman
Michael W . Smith
The brothers of Alpha D elta Gamma.
Alpha Delta Gamma Fraternity Active In Campus Life ADG battled the Phi Sigs for the intramural football championship.
The fraternity joined witl1 singers from Mt. St. Mary"s for their sweepstakes entry in the Fall Festival of Music.
The beginnin,ll of the ADG life.
O'Connell scores-but Chris is unimpressed.
The trophy shelves.
Initially the local Phi Sigma Beta, the present Alpha Delta Gamrna attached itself to the national Catholic fraternit)' in 1952. At that time it was designated as the Lambda chapter; it is now Loyola's oldest natior1al ( raternity. The Alpha Delts are active participants in all phases of campus life. The fraternity participated this year in the Watts rehabilitation , intramurals, the fa ll festival of Music, their annual Christmas toy drive, and the March of Lions, and sponsored the St. Vitus Dance in f ebruary. Individual members are active in students government, student publications, and all varsity sports. The fraternity believes learning through experience to be as much a part of school as academic learning. Thus past members have brought about the appearance of crew, rugby, and the Loyola Belles on campus. College for ADG men is the formation of lasting friendships ... and the sharing of enjoyable times. (Too rude to mention.)
First to lend a consolin,r:; hand.
f ly the friendly skies ..
Members of Delta Sigma
The traditional post-meeting song and cheer.
Officers of Delta Sigma Phi, 1966-67.
Delta Sigma Phi was known as Sigma Phi Zeta until 1958, when they were chartered in the international fraternity as the Delta Mu chapter. Engineered leadership is the motto for nearly a hundred D elta Sig chapters in the United States and Can:tda. There were approximately fifty brothers in Loyola's chapter in the past year. Each was encouraged to be a leader in the fraternal organ ization, to attain responsible positions in the student body, and to achieve in all extra-curricular activities. Numbered among the Delta Sigs were the ASLU secretary and special events chairman; the Junior Class vice-president and secrearty-treasurer; the Co-ordinator of T.J. '66; the captain of the Rugby T eam; and seven members of the Crimson C ircle. T he fratern ity also boasts standout athletes in basketball, rugby, crew, tennis, and golf .
A farewell to Father D ennis.
Summer means house improvements.
Brothers and in front of
"Engineered Leadership" Motivates Delta Sigs
Phi Fraternity.
The Delta Sigs sponsor several notable events each year. In August they gathered at the house fo r a farewell di nner 111 honor of fr. George Dennis, who had served as moderator for eight years. fr. Dennis spent the year in Washington D .C., serving as an ed itor for a Cathol ic theological encyclopedia. In September came the Co-Ed Day. It was sponsored by the ( raternity, as was that evening's mixer featur ing the Drifters. Greenwich V illage was the theme for the pledge-active party held in October. November saw a co-exchange with Phi Sigma Kappa. In January the Delta Sigs joined with their brothers at UCLA in holding the annual Carnation Ball at the S:lnta Inez Inn. Spring witnessed the fraternity's participation in the Alumni Dinner and the Parents' Banguet, as well as the IFC-sponsored March of the Lions.
Rick Del Bonta and his toys for
Brother Shai'P (in middle) thought it was a pot party.
friends house.
Typical people at a typical party.
Quartet with screaming onlooker at Luau.
Phi Kap Foil Freakout.
Phi Kappa Theta Phi Kaps Again Win Fall Festival Sweepstakes Phi Kappa Theta with sacrifice.
"Sure I'm 21 ... "
Founded at Rhode Island's Brown U niversity in 1889, Phi Kappa T heta has gradually increased in power to make it the largest national Catholic fraternity in the United States. Today it is the result of a merger of T heta Kappa Phi with Phi Kappa in 1959; the loca l Ph i D elta Chi became an active chapter in 1956. The brotherhood was found for the development of its members on all levels of achievement, and provides ample opportunity for social, scolastic, ath letic, and spiritual growth. It is also civically involved : it is an auxiliary of St. John of God hospital - a charitable hospital in Los Angeles. Phi Kappa Theta is a social fratern ity, and each semester has abundant parties: the gamut ranges from beach parties, Roman parties, exch:tnges, and pre-p:trties to the year-end fo,nnal dinner-dance commemorating the fouriding of the fraternity. The brothers are enrolled in every Loyola college, with a \vide spread of majors; the average G.P.A. is well above the student body. Ath letically, they made a strong showing on the intramural g ridiron, and took second place in volleybal l. God 路is important to the ideals of the fraternity, and Ph i Kaps are active spiritually. Monthly mass and communion is held in a body, as well as First Friday cornmunion and a closed retreat. Th is year the high point for the Phi Kaps came with the wi nning of the Fall festival sweepstakes trophy and the party that followed . 1l1 is trophy has been a perennial resident of the Ph i Kap house since the installation of the Spring Sing, and is the symbol of ~h e achievements and perfection that the Phi Kappa Theta fraternity has accomplished and strives for.
Haug blocks in the Phi Sig playoffs.
Arizona Fats constructs the facade of "Buddy, O h Buddy", l~st year's President Trophy winner; Haug stlpervises.
Phi Kaps throw a party.
Phi Sigma Kappa
The brothers of Phi
Phi Sigma Kappa has always been recognized as a leading woup of men on campus. They have acquired that image by slrel'sing the importance of participation in school :tdivities. The fraternity has active!)' supported undertakings ranging from Homecoming to intramurals to T.J. '66.
Kappa (with Fr. Kil p in the shadows).
In lhc year 1966-67, the Phi Sigs were especial!)' proud of their clean sweep in the fall Intramural program. Their teams wor. first places in both upper and lower division football and volle)â&#x20AC;˘ball. In so doing, they broke their own school record of three overall championships.
The fraternity counted two football championships among its sweep.
Phi Sigs Swee p Fall lntramurals
Since thei r installation in 1959, the Phi Sigs have numbered among them two student body presidents, six other student body officers, three yearbook editors, six ne\vspaper editors, forty-nine student legishtors, two Homecom ing chairmen, and 109 varsity athletes. The fraternity has produced se\路en intramural footba ll championships, five consecutive track titles, three Homecoming Sweepstakes a\vards, and one Spring Sing Sweepstakes trophy. f all pledge master Bill Davis explained the fraternity's philosophy this way to potential pledges: "If you are simply looking for some good times and a fraternity pin - don't bother pledging us. Phi Sigs demand much more than that of each other. We wai1t those students who will be recognized as being active and responsible not only in our fraternity but the University's program as well. Once you get away from the University's activities, the administration starts guestion ing the value of fraternities on their campus. W e feel it a duty to strengthen our image in the eyes of our fellow students. The well-rounded man is what we are looki ng for ."
Las Vegas Party above; Hell's Angels' Party below.
The Fall 1966 pledge class.
----Little Sisters assisted during the Fall rush.
Spring President M ike McCullough.
Fall President Terry Driskill.
Always natty and wel l-dressed, the men of Tau Kappa Epsilon are famous on ca mpus for maintai ning a dign ified cool.
Tau Kappa Epsilon Tekes do dress up-sometimes.
A TKE stag rush.
Tekes Take League
Tekes relax at a frea k-out.
T au Kappa Epsilon is the largest national fratern ity in the Un ited States. It was rated eighth in quality and first in total strength this past year. The Theta Al pha chapter at Loyola was formed in 1960 when the old illustrious Aristonians were welcomed into the T EK E fold. The brothers are noted for their individualism. They do not sacrifice it, even though they are continuously conscious of their fraternalism . TEKES have maintained hig h standards in scholarshi p, athletics, and service; and although they have gradually gained in strength , they retain the fra tern ity's d i~ti nct personality. The TEKE-sponsored St. Pat's D ance is a social highl ight of every year. In the fall the football team won its league; the volley路 ball and basketball teams also did very well. TEKE members are on the varsity basketball team as well as the rugby team, and promise to figu re heavily in future Loyola football squads.
''It was a g irl !"
N oontime gathering in the Lair, with lots of good milk.
Amigos Anonymous
Burros make good friends, too.
Amigos Assert Primacy of Love In Search of Dan Worden, clutching his harmonica, plans the Amigos路
With a hum of activity and fund-raising drives, Loyola students once again went south of the border in Summer 1967 as Amigos Anonymous. Each summer, from June to August, the Los Angeles chapter of the national organization travels to Mexico; in Summer 1966, 55 Amigos (11 were from Loyola) went there and were later joined by Loyola's Fr. Paul Hilsdale, Southern California faculty coordinator. 1l1e students came from Loyola, EJ Camino, Immaculate Heart, UCLA, Cal. State, and L.A. State. For them, the summer was a time of growth in understanding and love love for a Mexican family that has eleven chi ldren and finds no problem in accepting a twelfth for the summer. As the constitution of the Conference on Inter-American Student Projects reads, "Our role is to assert the primacy of love in all man路 s 路 relationships." CTASP is the national organization to which Amigos belong.
Summer of 1966 saw I 5 Amigos in Zacapu, a third-year project; in cooperation with the Sisters of Social Service and with the Papal Volunteers, they did medical and social work. Zamora hosted 14 Ami~os in work which included discussions in Spanish with Mexican students on topics like prejudice in the U.S. T.tngancinraro, a pueblo of 4,000 people, also had 14 Amigos for the summer. T an huato was a first-year project having 11 Amigos who were busy teaching classes. Tim McMahon, the area chairman fo r Southern Califorl'l ia and a Loyola student, was o n the road throughout the summer coordinating the four different projects.
Understanding entfance in Tanga ncicuaro路s talent show.
The fastest mule in tow n: Bord Johnson, jocker. wins a bottle of tequila in the local 路路horse race."
Admiration for a people grows as you work with them. It is not unusua l for a fami ly to walk five miles 1n searcn of f1rewood for the day路s cookjng.
Amigos Foste r Involvement with the Community Wondering eyes, questioning eyes, hopeful eyes- the eyes of the children follow you wherever you go.
Arnigos Anonymous, whether building a bridge across a stream, building a dispensary, or teaching classes, is a chance for participants to express a "Thank You路路 for all that they have received. Amigos Anonymous is a student-run o rganization that tries to foster the spirit of community involvement. A success? Only time will tell its effect. Yet, as you leave M exico and sec the sorrow of your Mexican friends and then their smiles as you promise to write, you can't help but feel that it is indeed.
Orientation in Mexico City: a govern ment doctor from the health program gives his professional advice to the group.
Communal spirituality is a vital part of the summer: Mike Maloney, reaching for :1 host, joins representatives of the 800 Amigos in Mexico at the Leadership Conference.
Music, a constant companion of the summer. was the common language of the summer: Tim McMahon, on his new Paracho guitar, with Fr. Wally Inglis of Los Angeles.
Summer is also a time for dialogue with Mexican leaders: social worker Sister Jaqueline ( second from rt.) lends her resources to the group.
Loyola Debate Squad
The Loyola Debate Squad, wit h some of their many awa rds.
Mr. Schell plans post-tournament crap game.
Sheridan and LoCicero back from a raid on Government Offices in Washington- whi le attendi ng Georgetow n Tourney.
The Loyola D ebate Squad, under the guidance of Assistant Professor of Speech George A. Schell, amassed more senior divsion first Place aw:trds than any other university of the West Coast. V ince McGraw and Jeff Bachmann were one of four West Coast teams to qualify路 for the National Debate Tournament. This year's national championships were held in Chicago. In addition, Loyola was one of a handful of schools in the nation to qualify two teams for the Debate Tournament of Champions at Michi,gan State University. The teams of McGraw and Bachmann and Ted Mathews and Jim Stiles earned bids to the national tournament.
Top Honors for first yea r debate rs : A rmstrong & So ph Cashel won place awards in several tourne)'S. A lexander and Costa and Cu rran and Hofman won h ighest ho nors in Novice Champio nshi p.
Debaters Lead All West Coast Universities in First Place Awards McGraw and Bachmann garnered awards in ni ne major tou rnaments throughout the country. Mathews and Stiles captured awa rds in eight major tourneys. For the th ird consecutive year, Loyolans (Stiles and Mathews) were champ ions of the Pacific Soutlnvest Collegiate forensic Association, which includes 路 most of the major col leges and universities on the W est Coast. T en awards were collected at the Pacific Southwest fall Championship i.nclud ing a Sweepstakes trophy, fi rst in Debate (McGraw and Bachmann), two fou rth places in Debate (Sherida n-Lo C icero and Stiles-Mathews) . Stiles and Eric H anse n were doub le w inne rs in in d ividual speak ing contests; Mathews a11d Ba rry Martinson also collected awards. Amo ng the tournaments attended were D artmouth College Tourney, LoyolaUSC, Georgetown Invitational, A ir force Academy National tou rname nt, Baylor, and Heart of America at Kansas U ni ve rsity.
W inners of the UCSB Tourn e)' d isplay their trophies (i ncluding sweepstakes ) .
Vince McGraw of McGraw and Bachm ann.
Del Rey Players Theatre Spectrum 1966-67
Joe Arnctt (President 1965-66) of the Players receives the Outsta nding Organization award from Dean of Students Rolfs.
Drama Group Wins Outs tanding Organization Award
The Del Rey Players existed in previous years primarily as an acting group. In September of 1965 it was reconstructed, and its emph asis '.vas shi fted from actor to audience. Rather than being geared solely to the student-actor, the organization began to concern itself with developing intelligent studentaudiences. The "Theatre Spectrum Offerings" a re to路 day orientated towards molding present students into future audiences. The D el Rey Players seck to produce shows and interest a ll members in all phases of theatrical ac-
t1v1ty. A ct in~, they feel, is only a part of the theatre, and ther do not concentrate on that facet. All aspects in the production of theatre receive egual attention, ranging f rom box office to set construction to house management. Since the change in format, the organizataion has grown rapid ly from a fo rmer 20 members to the present membersh ip of 135. A un igue aspect of the g roup is its active membership reguirement: each member must contribute a specified amount of volunteer time to remain in the P layers.
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Sandy Lipman and Terry Slavin work on the set of Ten Lillie Indiam. Terry had starring roles in several of the year's productions.
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The cast of Ser~,ant of Two Masters, presented by USF at Loyola as the second offering in the Theatre Spectrum 1966-67.
The year was an extremely active one, as five shows were produced and staged. Agatha Christie's Te11 Lillie ! nditm.f was th<. first production, and was followed b)â&#x20AC;˘ the University of San Francisco's Sen¡tml of Tll'o Maslen. The Del Rey Players, in turn, journeyed north to USF to present 'f't!ll Lillie fndiam in November. The cxchant:e was the first of its kind in the area of college theatre, and it proved both educational and rewarding. Following this was A Man For /Ill Seasom, authored by Robert Bolt and presented by the P layers in early December.
Advisor Capbcrn and President Sweeney were instrumental m the Players' success. c~
A Man For All Seasons
Jackie Manfredi is questioned by Torn Cararnagno, William Schaeffer, and Bill Binette.
1l1e Christmas part}' was s<1ueezed in before Christmas vacation, on De<cmher 7 in the President's at Loyola; it was attended by eighty mem-
Coffee break at intermission during tlw hi,~:hlr successful December.
bers and their d.ttes. Followin.g the Christmas break, the D el Rey Plarers produced Bom Y esterdtty, by K aufman and I !art.
Mike Rushing (I.) and Nigel McLaughlin.
Born Yesterday
The tough Terry Slavin starred with Suzie Taylor in Bom Y eJierday.
George Peterson listens to G reg H a}'CS; Ingrid Burkhard looks on.
The Players sponsored a coffee hour fo r the Men's Chorus, Mount Singers, and audience after the Christmas Concert. Several hundred turned out to enjoy the concert and refreshments afterwards. In A pril the fi nal show of the 1l1catre Spectrum was presented- Pboto Finisb by Peter Ustinov. The second ann ual Awards Dinner was held in M ay, and was attended by members, facu lty and administration, and notables of the film and theatre world.
From left to right arc James Ferri er, T erry Slavin, and Suzie Tay lor.
Photo Finish
Sam tal ks with Sams: (l.路r. ) Steve GorC)', l\f:tx Bradley, Bill Schaeffer, and Mike R'Ushing.
At the first meeting of the year, Fr. Rolfs (Dean of Students) presented Joseph Arnett (President of the Players in 1965-66) with the Outstanding Organ ization Award. It was the first year the award was won by the Del Rey Players in their first year under t heir new structure. The Dean cited the organization (or its effectiveness in developing inter-org:1nizational campus spirit. Officers (or the past year were \Xfilliam Sweeney ( President); Tom Caramagno (Vice President) ; Charles Diaz (Secretary) ; and Harold Hauck (Treasu rer). Mr. A. Martial Capbern was facu lty advisor.
Elizabeth Snowbeck and Jim Finley had roles in Pboto
Jeanette Foster and Mike Rushing.
Editor Pusey ranged far rnd wide in pursuit of
El Playano talent.
This year El Playano celebrated its eighteenth birthday. The magazine was founded in 1949 as a vehicle for creative expression in the Loyola community. Advisor~ ed i tors~ and staff worked in close coope ration throughout the yea r~ wishing not only to publish the best~ but to find and encourage new talent. The rec ognized names as well as previously unpublished authors have h e lped to fill the issues for ~66-"'67. Each Spring El Playano presents the winners from its division in Loyola"s Annual Writing Awards contest. This enables everyone who writes for the magazine to find out where they stand critically~ and adds the incentive of negotiable recognition. The 1966-67 editor was John Pusey; Assistant Editors were D e nnis Welch~ John Jackson~ Peter Szondy ~ and AI Huerta~ S. J. Staff members were Bob Dolan~ S. J.~ Ron Turner~ Barry Martinson~ S. J.~ and Mike Truskol. Dr. Carot hers advised.
Asst. Editor D olan d emonstrates levitation ; Mod erator Carothers demonstrates moderation.
El Playano presents The Staff.
El Playano Kicked out of their plush office by statushungry yearbook staffers, the editors held all planning, layout, and bull sessions in the equally plush Lair.
~ l
El Playauo is treated with hushed, almost solemn reverence by its editors, amply evidenced by AI Huerta's careful distribution. 61
Knights of Columbus The Kni,ghts of Columbus, Loyola University Council No. 2991, unite the ideals of Loyola with the activties of a fraternal organization. The members h;we a dual obligation to live up to their responsibilities both as students of Loyola and as representatives of the Knights. They recognized that obligation this year by working for local orphana,l.(es, sponsoring community events, and demonstrating enthusiastic support for campus sports and social events.
The officers: Grand Knight Jim Feuling and Deputy Grand Knight T . J. Mueller.
Members of the K of C, with moderator Father Gordon.
The Knig hts made two trips to Casa De Cuna Catolica, a small Mexican orphanage lo<.ated just south of Tijuana. Their gifts of friendship and love proved to be as important to the lonely children as the food and clothing. The October excursion introduced the Knights and g irls (rom Catholic women's college's to the children of the orphanage. The ex路 periences they had with the children on both it and the second trip in March gave a new insight to the old promise, "Give, and it shall be given unto you."
On the beach with the Knights of Columbus.
The trip in October included a picnic on the beach for tJ1c older children, two nuns, and the sponsori ng Knights with their friends.
T he key to the Knights' acl•v•t•es is diversity. Most of the brothers were involved in several campus activities; yet they found time to enter a "crash-programmed" p lay in the homecoming skit night, to sponsor an intracampus track meet that same week, and to set up several essay contests for local grammar schools throughout the rea r. The council also held a number of date parties and exchanges, and the members spent a memorable day showing a _group of crippled children around the new zoo. The peak of the year, ho,vcvcr, was the semester break snow trip to California's Green Valley. Ncarlr twenty couples ·took advantage of the \veekcnd to escape the pressures of the semester, and enjoyed icc skating, skiing, and tobogganni ng in the two feel of snow. More importa nt, though , was the symbol of the entire year wh ich resu lted from the trip the memory of how th ree days of involved commun ity living in a some,vhat remote and ve ry inspiring land can bind f riendships and lead to a deeper unders tand ing of those around us.
Ever vigilant.
In the snow at Green V alley. "They didn ·t get me a date 1"
Loyola Radio
Radiomen Compete with Commercial FM Stations
fM transmittin_g antenna atop Ma lone Student Center.
Traffic Director Ri chard f esinrn eyer rewinds tape; behind hi rn is annou ncer Ri chard friedma n at the microphone.
News D irector J im Brun kala prepares anot her newscast from the U PI wire.
KXLU, the voice of Loyola University, is the first noncommercia l FM station in the Southb nd to broadcast in stereo. 0 1)erating at a frequency of 89. 1 megacycles, the station provides the Los Angeles fM listener with the best available quality of stereo programmi ng Monday through f riday from 6 P.M. to 12 P.M. Licensed as non -commerical, KXLU is able to present the finest in music and the arts without commercial interruption . The programm ing is composed primari ly of classical music, intermingled with late evening programs of modern and traditional jazz, musical comedies, and folk music. Besides its musica l format, the stat ion also broadcasts the Lions路 basketball games live from Memoria l Gymnasium. KXLU exists primarily to serve the listeni ng audience of Los Angeles to project an image of Loyola U niversity, and to trai n students in the essentia ls of radio broadcasting. Tt was founded in 1956 as an fM station, and is operated entirely by the students who produce, direct, and announce the station's programs. The work is difficult, but satisfying. Don Page, author of Radio Beat in the Lo.r An~:ele.r Tillle.r. says that "KXLU, programmed with admirable taste, should be classified as a leadi ng proving ground for future radio ta lent." A recent survey of the readers of Fi\1 & Fine Art.r Guide which lists KXLU's programs in detail, indicates that many fM listeners consider KXLU on a competitive level with commercial fM stations.
KXLU is fortun:tte to be able to devote an equally large portion of its operation to the tastes of an all-student audience. Through the use of campus limited AM tra nsmitters, KXLUAM broadcasts to the resident students at 840 on the dial with a format of popular music from 6 P.M. to mid nigh t, Monday through Thursday. The most popular feature of the AM broadcasting is the "request line" where students may call the station to request their particular favorites and enter contests. KXLU is one of the few college stations operating two entirely separate rad io facilities . The station also has an active news department, provid ing news six times nightly on AM. T hese reports include world and national news th rough teletype service from UPI, as well as campus news gathered by an alert staff of reporters. KXLU news has gained a reputation in the past two years as the most immediate source of campus news.
The Venice High School Band performed musical jingles for station breaks.
KXLU sportscasters interview AI Schanhaar at the conclusion of one of the ten basketball ga mes broadcast over KXLU-FM.
Station Adds New Equipment
KXLU-AM D.]. Newman with newsman Erps (back).
This year KXLU purchased add itional eguipment for both AM and fM. This eguipment, induring a new hi-fidelity stereo tape recorder and two turntables, h as enabled the station to maintain its high-quality, professional sound. In addition to its regular schedule, KXLU broadcast several special programs. These included a live stereo presentation of the Mediterranea n Arts Choral, a presentation of the Men's Cho rus Ch ristmas Concert, and several taped prog rams featu ring musical performances from the L.A. Catholic Colleges. KXLU-AM aired two soirees, an assembly of on-campus talent, and a series of episodes from the T ales of the Lone Ranger. The sports division broadcast two Lion games from the L.A. Sports Arena to the many students who otherwise would have missed them. While the station is largely a team operation, the largest part of the burden fa lls on the directors, responsible for the station's day-to-day operation. Richard Kallenberger was the station manager, Ken Taft the business manager. Directors included Philip Marceau ( fM Program), Richard Mulhardt (fM Production), Wally Newman (AM Productioin) , Nicholas Yelaca (FM Music), Greg Lefevre (AM Music), Jim. Brunkala (News ), and Joseph Dunham Ashby (Sports). KXLU is a member of the California Broadcasters Association.
New equipment included two modern turntables, and a Scully stereo tape recorder.
M ike Matt hews in the FM Control Room during his trad itional jazz program, "Collector's Items."
In a rare burst of forma li ty, O.L. A. members gather togeth er as a g ro up.
O.L.A., the Organization of the Lay Apostolate, was originally founded on the Loyola campus to provide interested students the opportunit)' to gain a fuller understanding of their faith and their individual Christian identity. Since that time, O.L.A. has wown both in membership and in purpose. During the past year. there were six cell groups meetings once a week to discuss relevant questions and to probe the deeper meanings o( experience. Each group had two eel I leaders and one faculty moderator. This year girls (rom the various Catholic women's colleges were added both as cell leaders and as members. Thus O.L.A . was one of th e few organizations on campus that encouraged coed participation.
Sensitivity Training Replaces Discussion Format; Coed Participation Introduced 68
T.J . .,66 Unites Campus
In Food Drive T he past year also witnessed a change in d irection in the week ly g roup process. Rat her than concentrating on a discussion group formal, the members found themselves entering into the area of sensitivity training; it proved to be both meaningful and profitable to the groups. The lack of rigid structure in the organization contributes lo this development and most of the members felt that some form of sensitivity training and experience was an improvement over the former group discussion lechnigue. During Ch ristmas vacation, O.L.i\. cell leaders and路 members sponsored a food and cloth ing drive for orphans in Tijuana; it d rew active support from other campus organizations. Tf the past year is any indication, O.L.i\. should continue to grow not only in membership but in new directions significant to the aims and objectives of Vatican II.
Not quite everyone p~rticip~tcd in T.J. '66, prefcrrin~t in ste~d to sa mple the gourmet delights of the Terrace Room.
Rick D el Bonta, left, was chairman of T.J. '66.
Biological Society Monthly Meetings, Guest Speakers Spur Interest
The Biolog ical Society (moderator Pitts, president Plotner at left).
The Biolog ical Society is an organization devoted to the promotion of the study of the life sciences by active participation in the solution of the problems in biology. Month ly meetings were held, :~t which time a speaker discusses some fi eld of biology. One of the larger g roups on campus, this club is open to all pre-med and other students majoring in biology or related sciences. This year the membership numbered 12 5; Officers were Dave Plotner (President), Paul Ordronneau (V.P.) , and Ed Shaheen ( Secretary-Treasurer). Dr. T. D. Pitts of the Biology D epartment was moderator.
National Brotherhood of Honor Students
The members of Alpha Sigma Nu, wit11 moderator Trame.
In 191 5 Alpha Sigma Nu was founded at Marquette University, and began expanding nation-wide in 1921. At present it has t\venty-five chapters in Jesuit colleges and universities across the United States; plans are being considered for its international expansion . Its present membership is in excess of 6,000. Loyola's chapter was- established by the late Rev. Hugh Duce. Among its more distinguished members are Dr. Rudolf M:ossbauer, Nobel Prize winner in p hysics; George Stevens, motion picture producer; Willia路m D . Pereira, renowned architect; and numerous professional and academic men throughout the country. Alpha Sigma Nu was founded to honor those students who have distinguished themselves in Srholarship, Loyalty, and Servire. The qualification of scholarship means a notably above-average and proven competence in higher studies, as well as breadth and profundity in the intellectual life generally The qualification of loyalty means an appreciation of and a commitment to Jesuit ideals of higher education . The
quali fication of service means concern for the \veil-being of others proven by deeds. This regu i rement can be met in a variety of ways, formal as well as informal. M embers are chosen annually from the up per 15o/r of the Junior and Senior classes who have maintained a minimum overall 3.00 Grade Point Average. From this 15 % the local chapter recommends the names of 8 % of each class to the Deans, who in tu rn select 4 % of each class for membership. The President of the University, in addition, may appoint three outstanding students, d istinguished particularly for loyalty and service. Membership is d rawn from the three undergraduate colleges of the University, from the School of Law, and from the Graduate Division. In addition, some alumn i as \veil as one honora ry member arc chosen . The annual initiation takes p lace relatively early in the second term and is one of the most distinguished academic events of the year.
Crimson Circle The Crimson Circle, throughout its multi-decade existence, has always stood for those qualities which characterize the ideal Catholic man, the Loyola man. The Circle, which is the University's honor and service organization, is actively lnveÂťlved in constructive programs which benefit not on ly the individual members but the University as a whole. Membership in the Circle is open to any fulltime undergraduate of upper class standing who meets the qualifications of the Circle. Election of members is by general student body
The Circle was as active this year as in the past, and it co-operated more than ever with the Loyola Belles . Along wi th the lectu res, dances, concerts, election s, etc. wh ich the Circle works for the ASLU, it also assisted the Un iversity Administration by hosting various events - University Day and the series of Loyola Days being among them .
vote. The Circle membership numbered 32 this year, and represented all aspects of student life. Student of-ficers, student workers, honor students, athletes, fraternity men, residents and day hops were all found in the ranks. The yea r's officers were Jerry Boyd, President; Ev Fields, Vice-President; and M ike Kane, Secretary-Treasurer. The moderator was Dean of Students Fr. Rolfs; remaining a close friend of the C ircle was former moderator Fr. Alfred Kilp.
The most important event sponsored by the C ircle is the annual Red Cross Blood Drive. This . year's drive was held in late November, and was very successful. Loyola exceeded its quota set by the Red Cross, and the efforts of the Circle, the Belles, and Chairman Ev Fields was instrumental.
Honor- Service Group"'s Blood Drive Exceeds Quota 72
English Society
Dr. Carothers with friends.
Society Unites Campus In Quest of Barbecues and Movies
The Loyoh English Society was founded in 1962, and has grown to a 1967 membership of 125. T he club has one of the largest volunta ry dues-payi ng memberships on campus; it cuts across college ljnes, embracing members with all majors from all departments. The Society's goal is an ambitious one: to provide intellectual, 路 cultural, and social activit ies for its members and indeed, the whole campus. President frank Dantona, Secretary-Treasurer frank McCann, Publicity Chairman Jerry Callaway, and moderator Dr. Francis Carothers plan ned the year's curricu lum. Events included noon lectures, studentfaculty coffee hours, Fall and Spring barbecues (memorable events in the lives of most Society members), and a tour of the Huntington Library (co-sponsored by the H istory. Society). In March the Society procured discount tickets for Columbia's A Man For All Se(IJOJlS. March also saw a presentation of NBC's biograph ical production, "Hemingway.'' FaNikner's Mis.rissippi. produced by the University of Mississippi, was screened in A pril; and the group took a field trip to the Los Angeles Art Museum.
T he Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers is the largest professional engineering society in the world, serving as the veh icle for the communication of ideas among electrical and electronic eng ineers and those in allied professions. It offers to its members an unegualled opportunity for professional development. The national organ ization , through the publication of period icals, handbooks, and standards, keeps members aware of recent developments in the theory and practice of electrical engineering . Through special group activities, the members are kept up to date in their specialty, be it electronics, controls, m icrowaves, radio, power, or any of the thi rty other groups. T he na tional organ ization also sponsors meetings and semi nars throughout the year, held all over the country. On the local level, all members are invited to attend the regular Los Angeles area meetings, as well as the social and
techn ical activ ities of the Student Branch . Student members receive the IEEE Stlfclent Jolfmal , and are entitled to reduced rates on group membership and the associated group p ub!ications. The Student Branch at Loyola is small ( 15 mem bers) , but active. In the past year it has sponsored movies, field trips, lectmes, and meetings, both on its own and in cooperation with the other eng ineering societies and the engineering council. The IEEE also sponsored three student-faculty barbecues complete with sports, refreshments, and an opportunity to meet the professors on a social level. The officers of the IEEE Student Branch for 1966-1 967 were Charles Brown (Chairman), fra nk Ryan (Vice-Chairman) , Ernest Machado (Secretary), and David Schneider (Treasurer) . Mr. John Page is the faculty moderator.
Loyola's Student Braoch of the IEEE.
Student Branch Offers Professional Contact 74
Loyola Tutorial Project Increasing Social Awareness Reflected in Project"s Growth
The staff of the Loyola Tutorial Project do more than tutor. T hey are g iven a relatively free hand, and rely on discretion in in troducing their tutees to the larger world outside Negro ghettos. The project's purpose is not to teach as much as it is to instill incentive into the youngsters. T he student spends one hour a week with his charge: he can fi ngerpaint with him, h ave him read aloud, assist him with math, coach h im on the athletic field-the activities are as varied as the tutee' s needs and the tutor's imagination. T he Loyola Project has elementary schools under its wing in Watts and Ocean Park. Many children there are unaware of their potential ; many already feel that they have no opportunities whatsoever. Some of the child ren are bilingual and hence unskilled in English, and many classrooms are overcrowded . Individual help in such situations is rare. The project seeks to convince the ch ild that motivation is his best weapon against his environment. Eighty students, six percent of Loyola's student body, participated in the Project this year. It has enjoyed encouraging grow th in the past two years, and has become an officially recogn ized organization. Unless community involvement and social awareness are but a fad of this generation, the growth will undoubtedly continue.
Loyola U niversity Business Association
New Organization Seeks To Orientate Students
Loyola University's Business Association was cre:1ted this year to provide a means of contact with the business world to stimulate student interest in this world. In this endeavo r L.U.B.A. seeks to achieve a number of goals wh ich enrich the students' awareness of h is relationsh ip with the business commun ity. These goals include: ( 1) to identify Loyola with and make it a part of the business community; (2) to make the process of business education a vital and living experience by combining the p ractical and the actual with the academic; (3) to provide the basis for a program of continuing post-graduation educa-
lion; ( 4) to provide a vehicle by which Loyo la University may participate in and contribute to the community o f which it is a part; ()) to provide the means for better communication between students and facu lty. L.U.B.A. hopes to accompli sh these goals by adopting a number of varied prog rams. T hese include the use of speakers from the business commun ity, fie ld trips, indust rial and commerical films, socials, beer busts, and "firesides"-all to orientate the student to the world which h e will face in his career.
' Meh' s
f I'( .
Chorus .J
The members of the Chorus. with moderator Fr. Richard Trame.
The 1966-67 year marks the twenty-first year of the Loyola University Men's Chorus. The present chorus was founded by William H ollenbeck ('38), and was a mixed cho rus for a number of years. During this time it was connected with the Loyola Band, and in co-operation with the Del Rey Players staged several successful musica ls. During the early fifties, female participation in the chorus was dropped, and the g roup became the Loyola University G lee Club. for many years the Glee Club performed throughout the city and in adjoining cities. Eight years ago the Glee Club began sponsoring the Spring Sing (now the Fall Festival). The revenues from this popular musical competition enable the Chorus to undertake the ann ual Spring Tour, traditionally a series of concerts in the Bay area . In the fa ll of 1964, Mr. Pau l Salamunovich took over the direction of the Glee Club, and shortly afterwards .the
group voted to change its name to the LO)'Oia University's Men's Chorus. Since Mr. Salamunovich was also the director of choral music at Mount St. Mary's, it became possible to form the Mount Sjngers, a small group of 16 to 20 women and 10 to 12 men. In the Spring of 1966 the Men's Chorus took the MOlJnt women with them on tour, enabling both g roups to offer concerts and resu lting in g reat variety. The Men's Chorus practices twice a week. Tuition g rantsin-aid are offered to approximately one third of the singers. The Chorus was under the management of Vance Schweitzer. Officers were Ste\'e Osborn ( President). George Peterson (Secretary), Terry Slavin (Treasurer). and Bob Kubelka ( Property Mana~er). Fr. Richard Trame, S.J., is advisor to the Men's Chorus. Since 1963, he has handled many of the arrangements for it, includ ing the Spring T our.
Pre-Legal Society
The Pre-Legal Society is one of the oldest and most distinguished organizations on the Loyola campus. Its members benefit from its objective of providing the student interested in law with valuable information and opportunities in the pursuit of his career. In 1966-67, moderator Mr. Stanley Chan and President Philip Woodard met this objective by lining up several activities pertinent to Law School, including lecture-discussions with noted lawyers, professors of law, and law students. The Society obtained literature for its members. Highlighting this academ ic year were the d iscussions from UCLA (under the d irection of Profes-
sor Woodard) and the discussion from Loyola (under the d irection of Fr. Vachon) . The traditional field tri p to the Los Angeles County Court House and the city jail was again a success, and climaxed the year's academ ic activities. The Society also had a social aspect th is year, headed by Vice-President Jim Raycraft and Secretary Ron Albano. A student-professor cocktail party was held at the moderator's house and included all the members and associated professors, guest lawyers, and honorable judges who had attended the Society's functions. The gathering of so diverse and disting uished guests marked a new dimens路ion in its format.
Academic and Social Functions Orientate Future Lawyers 78
Psychology Society
Moderator Fr. Culo Weber beams in agreement as Prize Pupil Conway demolishes Freudian doctrines.
The Psycho logy Society was founded in 1958 to provide psychology majors the opportunity to investigate professional aspects of the field. Throughout its existence the Society has given members access to grad school information, sponsored lectures and films, and arranged field trips to study psychologists at work. In the past year, the fare consisted primarily of films and lectures. Short movies were presented throughout the year in the "films at Noon" series. The lectures were numerous and diverse, and included: Dr. Werner Mendel, who lectured to a capacity crowd in Strub on existen-
tial psychiatry; Dr. Everett Shostrom, on group psychotherapy; Dr. Paul Sainte-Colombe, an internationally famous graphologist who spoke on grapho-therapy; Mr. Anthony Alcocer, discussing Cal State"s Vocation Rehabilitation Program; and Dr. John friedman of the A.P.A., who lectured to the student body. In February, a seminar on graduate schools was held; and in April the Society sponsored a field trip to the Metropolitan State Hospital in Norwalk. Robert Alworth was President, and singlehandedly arranged the year's activities. The psychedelic fr. Carlo Weber was moderator.
First Year As Voluntary
Top physical cond itioning is essential to Air Force life, and all cadets must
The Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps program was begun in 1947 to obtain the best mili tary leadership possible. With the advent of Sputnik in 1957, the aerospace field rapidly expanded into a hig hly challenging and diversified area. To meet the challenges, ROTC produces officers dedicated to their country, men who can think constructively and creatively. To handle the diversity, the Air force
Fahcrt)â&#x20AC;˘ instructing his Aight on proper military bearing.
seeks not on ly the traditional pilots and navigators, but also college g raduates with deg rees in science, engineering, and the liberal arts. The concept of the officer has changed in the past th irty years, reflecting the demands of the new technology. More than ever, the Air Force requ ires that its men be able to communicate in telligently and effectively.
Proves Successful
"I think I'm going to be sick.''
Pass 5BX tests.
Loyola's Detachment #40 AFROTC became voluntary in 1966-67, the twentieth ann iversary of the national ROTC program. The change proved beneficial to both cadets and staff. Cadets were enrolled because they were genu inely motivated; the staff was able to guide and evaluate corps members much more effectively. At year's end the corps consisted of 152 cadets, making it the largest vo lu ntary pro g ram in Californ ia.
Mr. Shortridge has the mea nest Right in the group.
The voluntary program makes the cadets try harder. Freshmen here improve their dance step.
Loyola AFROTC senior officers.
Two - Year Program Added In 1967 Cadets enrolled in the POC Pilot category take part in a fli ght instruction program. After completing 36Y2 hours of Aight instruction (at Air Force expense), participants gualify for a private pilofs license. Loyola's detachment was founded in 1948 as a
(our-year program. It has since commissioned over 600 second lieutenants. In 1967 it added the twoyear program. Currently, about one-fi.fth of the advanced cadets receive scho l arships; in 1968, AFROTC scholarships will be available to sophomores and in 1969, to fres hmen.
Loyola AFROTC junior officers.
Strategy discussions are held under the most stri ngent of security measures.
Cadet Colonels Whitcher and Kane.
The AFROTC program at Loyola is built basi<:ally on t\vO courses, each of which is t\vo academ ic years in length . The General Military Cou rse is taken in the freshman and sophomore years, and obligates in no way. The Professional Officer Course (POC) is taken
in the last two years, in one of four catego ries : Pi lot, Navigator, Science-Mathematics-Engineering, or Humanities. The Air Force provides a] I regu ired un i路 forms, egu ipm ent, and te x tboo k s . Each cadet receives $40 (tax free) per month during the POC, \vith scholarship recipients receiving $50.
The Cadet Group Staff: (1-r) Zvonkovich, Burchell, Ordway, Raycraft, Whitcher, DeGr uccio, Johnston, French, and Be lien.
Spring Dining- In Honors Guests
The Dining-In introduces cadets to the forma l military banquet.
In April the Arnold Air Society co-hosted the traditional Spring Dining-In, a forma l function of the military for hundreds of years. Guests for this occasion included the Very Reverend Charles Casassa, S.J ., the Reverend Alfred Kilp, S.J., and First Lieutenants Jon Addison and L es I i e Mazzarella. Lieutenants Addison and Mazzarella had recently returned from Thailand, where they were members of F-4 crews in the air w:tr in Vietnam.
Cadets Whitcher and Hammervold pOSe with Lieutenants Addison and Mazzarella.
Major Sedivec talks informally with some cadets.
Guests :md hosts gather: from left to right, Fr. Kilp. Lt. Mazzarella. Lt.Col. Thompson, Dr. Aloia, Fr. Casassa, Lt. Addison, Major Sedivec, Major Ross, and Capt. Geron.
The corps activities were numerous and diverse in the past yc:tr. All members joined \vith the Un iversity community in attendance at the Military Mass in November. The first semester's Dining-In was held in October; the clcg:tnt Acrosp:tcc formal took place in December. On February 5th , 1967, seven cadets were commissioned . In April the co rps attended the second semester's Din ing-In. During the second semeste r , the d rill team attended meets in Anaheim and Tempe, Arizona. T he annual awards ce remony was held in May. fin ally, in the year's hig hpoint, twenty-one officers were awarded thei r commissions in June.
FIP Each potential pilot enrolled in the Flight Instruction Prog ram receive up to 36Y1 fl ig ht hours at an FAA approved fly ing school located near the campus. This includes 20 hours of dual flyin g iMtruction and t6 Y2 hours of solo time. Aircraft with I 00-200 horsepower engi ne ratings arc used . The progr:tm also includes g round sc h ool instruction taught by Air force pi lots. This g round school consists of instruction in weather, navi.~ation , and civil air regulations. FJP shows the Air Force that its prospective pilot is psychologically capable of flying and docs not get chronically ai rsick. The program allows the Air Force to decide if a man is trainable as a pilot. At left, a cadet makes his pre-fl ig ht check. He then calls the tower. Occasionally cadets will fly over Loyola, where the cadet detachment is shown assembled. The inevitable landing comes next; after the first. solo Rig ht, the new pilot customarily receives a dol la r from his instructor.
Arnold Air Society Professionalism and Service Mark AFROTC Honorarv . Squadron
The Societ}' attended the Dining-Ins en masse.
Th e D ining- In's pre-party cocktail hour was enjoyed by the Squadron.
Strotz ta lked w ith the A rea I staiT at Commande r's Call.
Advisor and advisor: Squad advisor Capt. Geron chats with Squad chaplain Col Kilp.
The Ira C. Eaker Squadron of the Arnold Air Society is part of a network of professional, honora ry service organ izations working for the betterment of AfROTC programs. The national organization was founded in 1947, and Loyala's squadron dates back to that year. The Society is organized alo11g general military lines. Peter W esely was the first semester Commander; unde r his command the m embers served as tour g uides on University Day, an.d raised the flag during all Lion home basketball games. In December, the Society co-s ponsored and hosted the Military Ball at Space Systems Division O fficer's Club. Under Commander Bruce Strotz the second semester, tl)e AAS hosted the Area I Commander's Call and organ ized a Books for Vietnam drive. The
Squadron also sponsored a candidate for Loyola Homecoming Queen, and took possession of. new offices in the newly remodeled Detachment Headquarters. Highlighting the social activities were stag get-togethers, a date party, and a car rallye. Two Dining-Ins were held during the year, one per semester; and the Society was fully represented at them . Arnold A ir Society representatives attended two con cia ves in 1966-67, on each the area and national level. The Area Conclaves was held in O ctober in Phoenix, and the National in April at Miami- the latter being the yea r's }1ighlig ht. Other activities, both athletic and social, contribute to the f uture officer's ability ro lead both in and out of uniform .
Delegates from Loyola's AAS squadron listen to proceedings at the Commander's Call.
The Mi litary Ball, co路sponsored by the Society, reflects its social aspect.
The Early Morning Singers with their beautiful renditions were strong favorites for the prize As always the Marymount Singers lent their the evening a success
Fall Festival Loyola University's Fall Festival is now a well established entertainment feature. Sponsored over eight years now by the Men's Chorus, it was first begun as Spring Sing and is now an almost universal songfest event in America's colleges and Universities. This year's Fall Festival was outstanding for the general quality of the talent, presenting the four judges, Robert Hunter, Rosemary Rainer, Fr. Peter Nugent, and Brad Thomas, with many difficult choices. As so often in the past, Phi Kappa Theta and Mt. St. Mary's won the sweepstakes trophy with their polished rendition of Tammy and Song of Galilee. Second Prize went to the newly arrived Jesuit Student Choral Singers, while third prize was awarded to the men of Claretville as winners for the second consecutive year. In the novelty division, Gid Tannee and the Ski llet Lickers under Dean Molner's able d irection, placed first with their jug band. Al l in all festival goers acclaimed this one of the best in Loyola history. Alpha Delta Gamma combined both talent and pretty faces
The third prize w inning Claretville Singers display their unison
beauty as well as their voice to make
of Music
l11e Jesui t Madngalelli Singers gave fin.: informal renditions
The varied talent of the
The Grand prize Sweepstakes trophy being accepted by Mike Ross for Phi Kappa Theta
Dave Ketchum proved to be one of the best M.C.'s in many years
The Wayfarers with their beautiful melodies and renditions were a grace to the even i11gs entertainment
The debaters with Vince McGraw represented a
judges was aptly displayed
Vance Schweitzer presenting Dave Ketchum with his recognition award for outstandinj! sen路ice
The Phi Kap's and Mount Singers combined talent with beauty
Sid Tanner and his Skillet Lickers presented a lighter side of the entertainment with their jut! band fine example of harmony
If you look the other way it really isn't supposed to hurt . . . . . so much
"You mean if I give blood the
With the war in Viet Nam raging every day more fiercely one item has become very scarce and very demanded-blood and plasma. This necessity of the human life line is at its peak usage in these tenuous days of war and human suffer ing in Asia. For many of us sitting here at home safe and sound with their 2-S it seems a rather remote thing, and. nevertheless it exists, as real and horrible as possible. The Red Cross has valiantly given of its time and effort to see that the soldiers and civilians of this needless struggle not be denied their right to life and adequate medical care and supplies. We the students of Loyola University are proud to have contributed to this cause.
"I thought we could get more than 4 bottles out of thal last one"
The nurse makes a preliminary sample to identify the blood type
whole thing might fan out"
Don't be afraid we usually don't lose more than 90(''r
"And then she came at me with this big needle and that was all I remember."
The patient's temperature must be just right
Belles 19 1l1c first annual !3cllcs Football oamc held on the Loyola campus h was a success Car beyond cxpccta. tion . The game saw a lot of very
Football 67 fine footbal l played, despite pregame opin ions that the ,game would be nothing more than a great fa rcical comedy.
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Residents in Review
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STUDENT WORKERS T he Loyola Student Workers have long been an unrecognized force on our campus. In regard to their fine and outstanding contributions to Loyola University, it is our pleasure to offer a tribute to the Student Workers of Loyola. W e hope the pictures will be sufficient to speak for themselves.
The Student Worker Program For over eight years the Student Worker Program has been umque, both within Loyola and in the American colleges. The University of San Francisco is the only other institution which has a group operating under the same plan. The Student Workers are a group of twenty-four students, earning their college education through service to the University. One of the group might be seen almost anytime and anyplace on the Del Rey campus, for their duties are many and varied. They may range from delivering mail to lifeguarding the swimming pool ; operating the switchboard to driving a truck; mixing cement to waxing corridors. The Workers are a self-governing body, operating entirely through student officers and dealing directly vvith the University departments. Their faculty moderator, Fr. Hilary R. \Xlerts, S.J., advises them when they seek his counsel. The officers are, however, left completely in charge of organization and discipline. Michael Mitchell, shown here at his desk, is the president and coordinator of the program. Vice-president Michael Murphy is shown discussing plans with the Superintendent of Maintenance, Mr. Von Bargen, regarding a future project. The Student Workers are not only a work organization, but a fraternal group as well. They hold their own parties and outings, and participate as a group in various student activities and intramural sports. Workers were active this year in all the sports, in the Homecoming festivities, and in such student projects as the Crimson Circle's Blood Drive and the "Total Joy '66" drive during Christmas for the orphans of Mexico. The men are grateful for the chance afforded them to obtain an education at Loyola. Many of them would not have been able to attend the University, had they not been offered the chance to join the program. They contribute the the University in vital service what they ga in in technical knowledge and human experience.
Funny, you loo k just like David Brinkley.
Dryden: There's no rea so n to debate when there's a R- U- L-E invo lved .
Dryden: Listen boys ... I like you all, but we have got to get a couple of things straight.
Smith: Did you hear the one about .....
Executive Comm itt ee meets to discuss the current problems th at face the A.S.L.U.
R. S.A. e nterta in ment com mittee arranges all.
This is Loyola's "Cacophonous Group" assembled to hit the strings of oblivion for the student body.
The Fubar Five attempt a presentation.
Is this a sample of the average forthcoming co路ed?
Are you serious?
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l;.I I.
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t .. ~
\ \ '
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I :U1 t~ i i:!j ~ I•Iil it•l•] tl The Loyo la University Lions hope to take up where they left off last sea son, at which time they conc luded a string of five West Coast Ath letic Conference victories out of seven starts, two of them over long-time rivals Santa Clara and the University of San Franc isco. A strong returning nucleus wil l greet Johnny Arndt, one that could give the Loyolans a better seasonal over-all than last year's 11 -15 record.
eight juniors comprised of Rick Adelman (6' 1" ) , last year 's second leading scorer, who also doubled as the Lion sparkp lug; Jim Halbur (6'5 " ), who solved the Lions' center problems toward the end of the season; Dick Zembal (6'21/ 2") , a great rebounder and voted the Most Improved Player on the squad; AI Schanhaar (6'21/2 "), who teamed with Adelman at the guard spots last season; Dick Sebek (6' 5" ) , whose sophomore year was interrupted by a broken finger; Rick Ragsdale (5'10 "), a speedy guard who logged considerable playing time; Tom Boyle (6'1 " ) , a fine outside shooter; and Pau l Deyden (6'8" ) , who did not see too much action last season.
The Lions, however, face perhaps their toughest schedule in school history. Loyola plays three teams that took part in the NCAA play-offs last year, Utah (West Coast regional champion); Colorado State, and, of course, defending WCAC titlist, Un iversity of Pacific. Arndt's ju niordominated tea m also meets three foes of considerable strength last year: USF, New Mexico, and Utah State. The Crim son and Gray play a pair of games with fast -breaking Arizona State (Tempe) , as well as North Carolina State, a surprisi ng runnerup in the rugged Atlantic Coast Conference. Leading the returnees are sen ior Ken Petersen (6' 4 V2 "), a fine defensive player and strong rebounder; and
The most promising member of last year's frosh squad to join the varsity ranks is Jack Curran (6'4"). High lighting the year for Joh n Arndt's junior-run squad will be a swing through New Mexico, Utah , and Arizona , along with a pair of attractive doubleheaders with USC aga in st North Carolina State and Arizona State in the Los Angeles Sports Arena.
LOYOLA UNIVERSITY 1966-67 VARSITY <St a r1drng, l eft to ro g h t) : H u b Drage r . t ra 1ncr : Jo hn C . Arn dt. H ea d Co ac h : D1c k Zembal . AI Scha nhaar . Ke r1 Pe te r sen . Jrm H al b u r . D1c k Sebe k. Jac k Cu rra n . Gene Z ec h . Paul D c yd cn . Ch a r les Saxton . Jerry G r o t e. ASSI Stan t Coa ch . ( K ucel ~r1 g. le ft to rogh t): EddiE! N ewl 1n , Ge ne L epore. R1ck R ag s· da le, R1c k Adelma n and Tom Bo y le.
LOYOLA .UNIVERSITY BASKETBALL ROSTER, 1966-67 No. Name 14 ....... .... . ..... ' Adelman, Rick . . . ........ 32 Boyle. Tom . ........... . 53 Con li n. John . . ....... . ... . . . . . 31 Cu rran. Jac k .... .. . . .......... 54 Deyden , Paul 44 Halbur. Jim . . . . . . . ..... . .. . .. 10 . . . . . . .. .... Lepore. Gene 30 . . . .... . .. .. .. . ... . . .. . N ewlin. Edd ie 52 Pet ersen. Ken . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . ................ . .. . 12 Ragsda le. Ri c k ................. . . . .. . 41 Schanl1aar, AI . . . . .. . ...... . .. . . . 22 Sebek. Dick . ... . ..... .. . .. 42 Saxton. Charles .. .... .. .. .. 50 Zech. Gene 40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .. Zemba I. Dick
Pos. G G G F
c C·F G G F G G F
c F F
20 19 19 19 21 19 19 21 21 21 21 20 19 18 20
6' 1" 6'1 " 6'1 1/2 " 6'4 " 6'8 " 6'5" 5'111/2" 5'10" 6'4 1/ 2" 5'10 " 6'2 1/2" 6'5" 6'8" 6'4 1/2" 6'2 1/2"
175 170 168 200 218 198 170 165 205 170 175 203 199 205 197
1 yr. 1 yr. Fr. Fr. 1 yr. 1 yr. Fr. JC 2 yrs. 1 yr. 1 yr. 1 yr. Fr. Fr. 1 yr.
Class Jr. Jr. So ph . So ph. Jr. Jr. So ph. Sop h . Sr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Sop h. Sop h. Jr.
Hometown South Gate Inglewood Santa Monica Northridge Costa Mesa Burbank West Pittsto n. Pa . Bakersfield Cu lver City Alhambra Los Angeles Riverside. Ill. Hollywood Santa Ana Downey
10 12 14 22
Lepore Ragsda le Adelman Sebek
30 31 32 40
Newlin Curran Boyle Zem ba I
41 42 44
Schanhaar Saxton H albur Zech
52 53 54
Petersen Co nlin Deyd en
Numerals will be the same for both home and road games. Home uniforms will be wh ite; red un iforms will be used on road.
LOYOLA UNIVERS I TY FINAL FASKETBALL STATISTICS FOR 1966 - 67: Wo n 1 6 , Lost 10 PLAYER G FGM-FTA Rick Adelman 25 151-349 Dick Sebek 26 120-311 Ken Petersen 21 96-250 Dick Zemba! 26 83-186 Rick Ragsdale 21 76 - 154 Paul Deyden 22 72-188 Al Schanhaar 26 34-101 Jim Halbur 18 21- 49 Tom Boyle 16 7- 23 Jack Curran 11 8- 20 Gene Zec h 3 2- 3 Ed New l in 6 1- 2 Gene Lepore 5 13 John Conlin 2 0- 1 Charles Saxton 7 0- 4 Team Rebounds
PCT . .432 .385 .385 . 446 .493 . 382 .336 .428 .304 .400 . 66 7 .500 . 333 .000 . 000
FTM-FTA 171-214 1 04-136 67-110 77-110 65- 71 40 - 67 39- 50 12- 1 7 1 3- 16 5- 8 0- 0 2- 2 1- 1 2- 2 0- 4
PCT. .797 . 764 . 609 .700 .9 16 . 596 .780 . 705 . 8 12 . 625 .000 1 000 1000 1000
REB . 124 234 1 33 153 31 152 93 32 6
6 132
9 1
1 2 0
AVG. 4.9 9. 0 6. 3 5.8 1.4 6.9 3. 5 1.7 0.3 0. 8 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.0 0.8 5.1
PF-D 58-1 62 - 2 45 - 1 32-0 48 - 1 66-3 58-0 30 -0 8- 0 9-0 4- 0 1-0 1-0 1-0 1 -0
473 348 259 243 208 184 107 54 27 21 4 4 3 2 0
AVG . 18. 9 1 3.4 12.3 9.3 9.9 8.3 4.1 3. 0 1.7 1.9 1.3 0.6 0.6 1 .0
74.8 Loyola Totals 26 674-1643 . 416 598 - 805 .743 1109 42 . 6 429 - 8 1946 Opponent Totals 765-1779 . 430 341-52 5 .647 1265 48 . 6 613-22 1871 71.9 26 SEASON'S SCORES LU 89 Occ idental 59 *LU 97 San Jose State 79 LU 59 New Mexico 67 77 *LU 62 u. o f Pa cific 112 *LU 70 St. Mary ' s 65 LU 66 Utah State LU 59 Utah 69 * LU 84 Santa Cl ara 78 53 *LU 54 U. of San F rancisco 59 LU 60 North Carolina State 48 *LU 90 Pepperdine 82 LU 70 Arizona State u. 73 *LU 70 U. of Pacific 89 LU 82 Colorado State u. +LU 86 San J ose State 70 *LU 75 St. Mary' s 77 81 *LU 64 U. of San Fra ncisco 63 +LU 68 U. of San Francisco +LU 89 u. c . Santa Barbara 72 *LU 79 Santa Clara 70 76 *LU 87 U.C. Santa Ba r bara 72 *LU 94 Pepperdine 74 *LU 82 San Jose State 65 LU 66 U. of San Diego 78 (+Indicates WCAC Christmas Tournament ) LU 70 Arizona State 67 (*Indicates WCAC Conference Game) *LU 74 u.c. Santa Barbara
Total Points
CURRENT SEASON SINGLE GAME :HIGHS Rick Adelman vs. U. of San Franc i sco 3/3/67 33
Field Goals Scored
Rick Adelman vs. U. of San Franc i sco ( 3/3/67) 1 2 (1 2-17
Free Throws Scored
Dick Sebek vs . Colorado State U. (1 2/23/66 ) 1 5 ( 15 -18) Rick Ragsdale vs. San Jose State (1 /28/6 7) 1 5 ( 15 -1 5 )
F ree Throws Attempted
Dick Sebek vs. Colorado
Rick Adelman vs. Uta h State Rebounds
Dick Se b ek vs. Utah
(1 2/ 23/66 ) 18 ( 15-1 8 ) ( 1 2/9/66 ) 18 (1 4 -1 8 )
(1 2/9/66 )
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Picking up where they left off the year before, the 1966-'67 Loyola Lions finished their first season above the five hundred mark since 1962. The Lions finished 16-10 overall and 10-4 in WCAC play for second place. The Del Rey Men opened the season at home with Occidental and romped to an easy 89-59 victory. A road trip to New Mexico, Utah, and Utah State followed and the Lions came home with a record of 1-3. Though they were already two games below the five hundred mark, Lion hopes were bright as they took the floor at the Los Angeles Sports Arena agai nst North Carolina State. Loyola had been forced to play the first four games of the season without a center. Paul Deyden underwent surgery for a hernia one week before the season opener and back-up man Jim Halbur was suffering from mononucleosis. \X!ith D eyden back in the line up the Lions slipped by N.C. State 60-5 3 and whalloped Arizona State the next night 70-48. The massive Colorado State Rams invaded the Loyola Campus during Christmas week and it looked as though the Lions wou ld again slip below five hundred. The Rams had g iven NCAA Champion UCLA a real scare the night before and figured to have no trouble with Loyola. They were wrong. With Rick Adelman throwing in 17 points and Dick Sebek 19, the Lions pulled off an 82-73 upset. With this under their belts, the Lions headed for San Jose and the WCAC Christmas Tournament. In the opener against San Jose State Ken Petersen and Adelman each chipped in 22 points as Loyola breezed to an 86-70 victory. It looked as if Loyola might re:tch th e championship ~ame, th e fo llowing night, as the Lions took a four point lead over USF into the locker room at halftime. But poor shooting in the second half and only six rebounds to their credit caused the Lions to fa ll to the Dons 81-68. The Lions figured to have a rough battle on their hands with U.C. Santa Barbara.
The Gauchos had come within a whisker of upsetting UOP the night before and presented one of the biggest front lines in the league. It turned out to be Loyola's easiest game of the year. After building a 54-30 halftime lead, the Lions coasted home to an 89-72 victory. The Lions opened league play against Pepperdine and on the strength of Rick Adelman's 15 point first half performance ran away to a 94-7 6 decision. It was to be costly though, as Adelman was injured in the closing minutes of the first half and would be unable to play against University of San Diego the following night. With a good amount of help from the officials, USD was able to upset the Lions in overtime 74-66. During semester break the Lions traveled to T empe, Arizona, for a return engagement with Arizona State. A fair "home job" and the fact that the Lions had not played a game in two weeks were enough to give the Sun Devils revenge to the tune of 78-70. One week later Loyola resumed WCAC play with a hard fought 74-67 victory over U.C. Santa Barbara, on the losers' court. It was the brilliant play of Adelman (23 points, 8 rebonuds, and 8 assists) which led Loyola to victory. Two nights later Rick Ragsdale took the spotlight with 2 5 points as the Lions pounded San Jose State 97-79. Ragsdale poured in fifteen free throws in fifteen attempts to establish a new league record. Friday February 3 saw the battle everyone had been waiting for. Loyola and University of the Pacific were both undefeated (3-0) in conference
play and met in a showdown for first place. The Lions played well but a miserable shooting percentage of 28% wa~ enough to g ive Pacific a 67-62 victory. Adelman again was the high scorer for Loyola with 22 points. But it was Pacific's Kieth Swagerty who did the damage. Swagerty collected 18 points and dominated the board with 27 rebounds. With their spirits down, the Lions barely squeaked by St. Mary's 70-65 the following night. Fighting to stay close to the top, Loyola traveled to the Bay Area to meet Santa Clara and USf. Led by Adelman路s 32 points the Lions slid by the Broncos 84-78. The following night Adelman again paced Lorola but the Lions dropped a close one to USF '>9路5tl. E\'en more, Captain Ken Petersen suffered a dislocated shoulder, which put him out of action for three weeks. This, coupled with the loss of Rick Ragsdale the week before, on a sprained ankle, put the Lions in sad physical condition. South again for a game with Pepperdine, Loyola h~d three men score over twenty points in a 90-82 Vtctory. D ick Zemba! filled in for Petersen with 26 pointes and Sebek and Adelman followed with 21 and 20 respectively. for his performance, Zemba! was named "Player of the W eek" by the Los Angeles Times. The Lions had to go north again and now play Pacific for all the marbles. The Lions had to win to stay in title contention. But again Swagerty was too much and Pacific romped 89-70. Downtrodden and short of man power, the Lions were upset by St. Mary's the following night.
Loyola came h ome for the final four games of the season, knowing that they would probably h ave to win all four, if they were to nail down second place. With Adelman playing at his best, the Lions nipped USF 64-63 in one of the most exciting games ever played in the Loyola Gymnasium. Adelman threw in 33 points, but it almost went for naught as USF h ad three opportunities to score in the final minute, with Loyola leading by only one point. Rick Ragsdale poured in 26 points and tied a WCAC record the next night as the Lions ran over Santa Clara 79-70. Late in the game, Ragsdale made four straight free throws, giving him 34 in succession during league play and tying the record. All eyes were focused on Ragsdale during the following week as the Lion guard had a chance to break the record. Loyola met U.C. Santa Barbara on Friday night and early in the second h alf, Ragsdale got his chance at the record. With almost complete silence covering the gymnasium, Rags stepped to the line and missed it. The record was gone, but the Lions ran away with the ball game 87-72. The season finale involved San Jose State and with Adelman contributing 28 points the Lions sped home 82-65. Though they finished in second place, only two Loyola players were honored on the All-league team. Rick Adelman w:~s chosen to the first team and Ken Petersen was given honorable mention.
-. ...-
Intramural Football Championship
1967 Intramural Football
The 1967 Intramural Football season got off to a successful start. There were close-matched teams in every league and competition was determined from the beginning.
-路 This season once again saw great pia)' between the rival fraternities as in past years. And all wondered who would come out top dog.
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1967 T
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Fusshall 1967
Big league Soccer is the largest spectator sport in the world today. In Europe it is not uncommon for a soccer game to draw crowds of 100,000 weekly. Here in the United States soccer is finally coming into its own. This spring two Major League soccer leagues were established in this country, and are drawing appreciable crowds. It seems as if Loyola soccer is a lready an accepted sport, as attested to by the zeal of its players and the championship teams it has produced.
Head shot
c r e w
U nder the direction of Coach Lind, the Crew team has finally become a respected th reat in southern California. This season it has compiled impressive victories, wh ich included the San Diego Regatta, a high ly prized victory indeed . With its determined team, and new shellhouse Crew will certainly make g reat strides.
Lions Stars
RugbyKing Of The Bone Crushers
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The real
Joy of labor
of rugby stamina
The beginning
Jn April the first prospective player meetings were held, and the turnout was much larger than anticipated. Some students had previous football experience, many didn't, but all were eager to play- for better or worse. With their new equipment, and under coach Brownfield's tutelage, practice began beginning and stayed that way. Practice never lasted more than two hours a day, for the Coach had stated that we were still primarily an academic institution, and stu9y must come before any thought of practice or football itself. This can be further attested to by the fact that it was decided by the students that no footba ll scholarships arc to be awarded at Loyola.
Loyola In May the first Jntrasquad game was held at Westchester High stadium, and in Coach Brownfield's words: "For an inexperienced and largely untra ined group of guys, they performed better than r had anticipated." Football is now finally on its way at Loyola once more, and we think it will stay, but only if we the students stay behind it, not only financially, but also with our school spirit.
In 1967, a twelve year old dream was finally realized for Loyola Universityfootball returned to the campus. A committee, under the chairmanship of Pat Derdenger and James Jertson was formed in 1966 to undertake the problem of instigating and planning a student supported intercollegiate football program . As proposed the program was to be financed and run primarily by the student body as a business corporation. Approval \vas obtained from fr. President and the regents, and the program ground into gear. At a general student body vote, the students voted to tax themselves each semester in order to finance the proposed program. In addition funds were pledged by the Alumni Committee, and various private donors.
Football In the spring of 1967 the Loyola program found a coach in the person of James Brownfield, who has coached several successful high school C.l.f. track and football teams. He was chosen out of a surprising list of applicants, which far exceeded the number expected by chairman Derdenger. Coach Brownfield immediately proceeded to tie together the remaining loose ends of the program, and under his able direction the program was in high gear. H is first act was to recruit a complete part time coach ing staff which agreed to donate their services for free- another indicat ion of the great fa ith that many people h ave pu~ into our school spirit.
The First Practice in 15 Years Becomes A Dream Made Reality
The homecom ing Queen contest begins as representatives of the various sponsoring organizations interview girls who wish to become prospective candidates. After the candidates have been named Loyola is swarming with them all the way to election day. It is hard to turn a corner without finding a pretty face looking right at you. I guess that's what they call university living.
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The tension becomes greater as the field of semifinalists is narrowed down to the six finalists. When there arc a host of beautiful faces staring down at a man, it's then that he begins to see the strange magnetic power that women can exert.
Homecoming Queen-1967
The night of the Homecoming Dance is supposed to be fun for all. But more often than not the only people who are relaxed are those \vho don't have to worry about bein~ crowned. For the g irls, the only fun begins after she wins or loses.
H omecoming Court : Cathy Allen ; Mary Brittingha m; Queen, Mi chele M addox; Ca rolyn Matson ; Pat Redman ; Leslie Selby
Photogr:tphy Editor: rrc:d ll<:it haus "His photography excel led, but we had our share of trouble get ting him where we wanted him ."
Dave Schneider- who was indispensabe to both photograph)â&#x20AC;˘ and la)'Out s tall's. "You never could tell where o ld Dave would turn up."
The Layout Editor: Chad Slattery confers with Moderator- Father Rude about the upcoming layout on Food Serv1e<~.
LA a n â&#x20AC;˘ n I r u a
"Discipline must always be maintained staff."
"Our office may not be modern -but man is it efficient."
This year's Lair Annual has attempted to present the student with an accurate and memorable record of the school year. We have instigated a first in this year's book, by covering for the first time, the whole school )'Car ri~ht through to g raduation. Our staff this year h as been a dedicated lot. We were fortunate to obtain people who took pride in their work, and saw clea rly that a yearbook should be a record that is not only accurate, but also a personal thing which a student can readily identify with. We have tried to present the school year as we have seen it. It is naturally that no two people will ever seen an event in the same way. Thus it remains up to you- the reader, to interpret for youreslf what the stories, both in print and in picture, mean to you.
order to have a co-ordinated
To have a good yearbook one must have not only good ideas but an effective gu iding hand for carrying out the execution of those ideas. This is the responsibility of the Editor-in-Chief. Steve Lovejoy, th is years' ed itor, proved h imself equal to the task. An Editor-in-Chief must rely on a strong right hand to see that his policies are put into good working order, and that the various tasks involved :n creating a yearbook are organized and channeled to their proper executors. This years Managing Editor, Andre Pack, kept the organisms of the Lair Annual functioning smoothly and effectively.
1966-67 Belles Presents
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It has been often quoted that a student can only be as good as he makes himself to be. But if there was no other clement in the learning process than self-betterment, then there would be no need for teachers-would there? In guiding a student's quest for knowledge, a teacher must doubtlessly ask many times if he is on the road to success, or to failure. What a teacher can give to a student can be no better than that which he himself has learned.
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Thus in reality it is the teacher who is the student. Because (or a teacher the learning never stops. He must always find new and better ways to convey his knowledge, and his understanding to the student. His m ind cannot grow stale and confident in the current knowledge that he has amassed. Like the world which always changes, the teacher must change too. In the last anaf)1Sis it is the success of the student which measures the final success of the teacher. The proportion, like the learn ing process, is relative.
President of Loyola University of Los Angeles
Very Reverend Charles S. Casassa, S.J.
Fr. Harold F. Ryan, S.J. Dean- Graduate Division
Rev. Thomas D. Terry, S. Academic Vice-President
Miss Catherine Emenaker Registrar
Rev. George E. Lucy, S. J. 1 Vice President of University Relations
M ichel E. L'Heureux Director of Admissions John Lin d Di recto r of Resident Students
Mrs. Patricia H awkesworth Director o f P lacement
Leland I. N eff Director of D eferred G ifts
J. 184
Ray Brown Director of Alumni
Rev. T heo. Marshall, S.J. D irector of Libraries
Mrs. Dorothy O 'Malley Head Librarian
Fr. Darrel Finnegan, S.J. Chairman of Education Department
Mrs. Maria Moura Lib rarian
Rev. Clarence W allen Father Superior
.. .
Kenneth Carrei ro Director of Public Information
Gerry Grote Basketball Coach Director of Athletics
Mr. Kiley Director of Development
- .,, Fr. Clement J. Steineider, S.J. Director of Purchasi ng
Studies Lt. Col. Richard L. Thompson Professor of Aerospace Stud ies
Lt. Col. Donald Sheldon Major Edward G. Sedivic Major f-'redick Talyor
Major Edward G. Sedivic Asst. Professor
Captain John D. Geron Asst. Professor
Captain Afred P. Ross Asst. Professor
Sgt. Edwin A. Schli mgen
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Dr. Robert 0. Cleymaet P rofessor and Chairman of Modern Languages Dr. Kazimieras Alminas Associate Professor of German
Dr. Angelo Degennaro Professor of Spanish
Rev. Charles Kavanaugh, S.J. Associate Professor of Latin
Fr. James A. Rude, S.J. Instructor in Latin Junioratc Staff
Fr. O'Neill , S.J.
fr. Daniel J. Charlton
Asst. Prof. of Latin
Associate Professor of Latin
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Mrs. Joseph ine R. Stephens Instructor in Foreign Languages Dr. James D onah ue Associate Professor of French
Dr. Conrad H . Lester Modern Languages
Jose M . Cruz-Salvadores Instructor in French and Spanish
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B Peterson . Murray Asst. Prof.· o f MathematiCS . M Labert Dr. W ilham · f Mathematics Asst. Professor o
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D JosepI1 R · Schwartz· r. Professor of MathematiCS
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Dr. Conrad A. Schwartz Jnstructor in Mathematics
Dr. Berthold Wicker Pro fessor of Math. Ch airman of Mathematics Dept.
Dr. William M. Lambert Asst. Professor o( Mathematics
Dr. Paul Schumann Assoc. Prof. of Education
Dr. Alex D. Aloia Professor of Education Guidance
Dr. Paul De Sena Asst. Professor of Education
Francis L. Christ Associate Professor of Education
Fr. Joseph Fice, S.J. Asst. Professor of Education
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f Dr. W ilbur R. Garret Charles E. Becker Asst. Professor of Accounting
Dean of the CoJiege of Bus iness Paul A. Grosh Asst. Professor of Accounting
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Dr. John C. Haggart Associate Professor of finance
Fr. John Clark, S.J. Professor of Business
Mervin Brown Associate Professor of Accounting
Gary P. Sibeck Asst. Professor of Business
Dr. F. Donald Lews Assoc. Sociolog}'
Fr. Patrick Humphreys Associate Professor of Sociology Chairman
Political Science Dr. Andrew K. Tuttle
Dr. Stanley Chan Political Science Chairman
Dr. Frank Sullivan Professor of English
Dr. Hugh B. Fox Associate Professor of Eng!ish
R. A. Talyor, S.J. Asst. Professor of English
Dr. Daniel T. Mitchell Associate Professor of English
Richard Kocher Instructor in English
Dr. fran cis B. Carothers Professor of English
Dr. Erlandson Assoc. Professor of English Chairman
Fr. C. E. Albertson, S.J. Assoc. Professor of English
Fr. Waler M. Gordon, S.J. Assistant Professor of English
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s Rev. Jecek Przygoda Professor of Economics Chairman
Fr. John F. Kil leen, S.J. Asst. Prof. Economics
Dr. Seid M. Zekavat Asst. Prof. Economics
Dr. Joseph J. Blystone Asst. Professor of Phi losophy Act ing Chairman Rev. Michael D. Krostovich, S.J. Assoc. Professor of Philosophy
Fr. John B. Ferguson
Mr. Pau lK. Steid lrnayer, S.J. Ph ilosoph}â&#x20AC;˘ Instructor
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. . . . . Then there are those who are teachers not of the mind , but of the sou l. The)' p reach a religion which is g rounded, not in God but in the desires of man for absolute power. They are teachers in the true sense. But the teaching of destruction, if not of body- then of spirit, can never gain its place in the heirarchy of the arts. It is not necessary to teach to man what is already inherent in h is aninplistic nature.
Dr Carrol C. Kearley As~istant Prof. of Philosoph)'
Fr. R. H. Taylor, S.J. Assoc. Prof. of Philosophy
Philosophy Fr. Gibson Welch Philosophy Instructor
Fr Norbert Riga li, S.J. Ass. t . Professor of Phi losophy
Fr. Floyd A. Jenkins, S.J. Assoc. Prof. of Biology
Dr. Carl G. Kadner Professor of Biology
The Sciences
Fr. Hanford E. Weckback Asst. Professor of Physics
Fr. James S. Albertson, S.J. Asst. Professor of Physics Chairman
路 Fr. Roland A. Reed, A.J. Professor of Biology
Dr. Thomas Pitts Professor of Biology
Dr. Romeo P. Allard Chairman of Chemistry Professor of Chemistry
Dr. Rong-Shewg Tin Asst. Professor of Physics
Dr. Roderick MacLeod Assoc. Professor of Chemistry
Dean of College of Engineering
Joseph P. Callinan Mech. Eng. Assistant Professor
Dr. Richard C. Kolf
Dr. I Tarland R. Moss Mcch. Eng. Chairman
Dr. Robert L. Ritter Associate Professor of Mech. Eng.
Or. William R. Mullce Professor of In dustrial Engineering John A. Page Asst. Prof. Elec. Eng r.
Dr. Tai-Wu Kao Asst. Professor of Electrical Engr.
Dr. Paul A. Rude Assoc. Professor o{ Elcc. Engr.
Michael E. Mulvihill Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering
Dr. Chin-Kang Shen Asst. Prof. C. E.
D r. Kucn-Puo Chuang Associate Professor of Civil Engr.
Dr. James E. Foxworthy Professor of Civil En gr.
Fr. Al fred J. Kil p, S.J. Ch 路 of the University 路 &' Asst路 a1) 1am Alumni Chap Ia~n
Rev. Arthur Rut Iedge, S.. J , M .A., S.T.B. Theology Asst. Prof. of Philosoph)'
Theology Fr. Bernard F. Cassidy, S.J. Instructor in Theology Assistant Chaplain
Rev. Paul Hilsdale, S.J. Theology
Warren Sherlock Speech, Drama Director of Communication Arts
Mr. Paul Koufman Speech Communication Arts
Communication Arts
Vincent Talbot Chief En,gr. CA Building
Picture Not
Joseph B. Stone Asst. Professor Com. Arts
Mr. Martial Capbern
Fr. Oliver Instructor in Speech Juniorate Staff
George A. Schell Asst. Prof. Speech
Fr. Draper Assistant Professor of History Assistant Dean of Arts and Science
Rev. John Donohue, S.J Assistant Professor of His tory
Fr. Richard Trame, S.J. Associate' Professor of History Head of the Un iversity Cuihiral Comm ittee
Dr. Anthony Turhollow Professor of History Chairman of the History Department
Patrick H. Griffin Instructor of History )
Rev. Richard W. Rolfs, S.J. Dean of Students
fr: Alfred Kil p, S.J . Chaplain
Rev. John D. D ryden, S.J . Asst. Dean of Students
fr. Carlo W eber Psycho logist
On April 4, 1967, President Casassa announced the affiliation of Marymount College in Palos Verdes with Loyola. The entire Marymount student body and faculty will move to the Loyola campus on a permanent basis by September of 1968. The resultant coordinate university will be called LOYOLA-MARYMOUNT, LOS ANGELES: each school will retain its identity as a corporate educational, degree-granting body. Each will share in the use of present and proposed facilities on the Westchester campus-library, laboratories, classrooms, athletic and fi ne arts facilities. A cooperative interchange of faculty and staff is planned, as well as complementary curricula. Where one school has a stronger program, as Loyola in the sciences and humanities and Marymount in the fine arts, students will cross lines rather than duplicate faculties and facilities. T he majority of interchange on the student level will take place in the College of Arts and Sciences. A college management consulting firm and members of the administration and faculty of both schools have considered the feasibility of and planned for the affiliation for about two years. A combined master plan for the next 20 years is being developed. Marymount College will build a residence and classroom complex and performing and visual arts facility on the D el Rey cam pus, the latter two of which it will share with Loyola. Marymount will enjoy the use of the library, science, and communication arts buildings and ocher non-residential facilities. T here will be joint operation on the administration level, as in planning and development and public relations. A Joint Board of Trustees will be formed and operate under the authority of the individual boards of regents of Loyola and Marymount.
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In the final analysis it is only the acco~plishm ent of the individual which stands to be counted-whether to the good, or to the bad , what is wrought, is wroug ht by the hand of man alone.
The task which now lies before man is the accomplishment of his own obj ective, but with a never failing insight into the good of the body of society.
W e are only that ~hich we make ourselves to be-no more-no less.