Learning portfolio in progress 20

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ARCH 20 In-­‐Progress Learning Por4olio

Towers Nicastro-­‐Aikman Tues-­‐Thurs Jerry Lum

Table of Contents Dog Houses………………………………………3 Piazza…………………………………………………………29 Crazy cubes………………………………………9 Import Tracing…………..……………………………...30 Floor Plans……………………………………….12 Paper Airplane folding……………………………....33 RotaLng Stairs………………………………….14 Waterfall steps………..………………………………..35 Follow Me………………………………………..16 Folding Architecture…………………………………..37 Wall and Window…………………………….19 IntersecLon Intro………………………..……21 Wall and Window v.2………………...…….23 Volume with IntersecLon…………………26

Dog House V.1 •  The first experience we had with Sketchup •  Learned the basics: lines, connecLng them to make faces, connecLng faces to form spaces, and removing areas on planes to create openings in spaces. •  Push-­‐Pull tool was introduced to extend faces to create volume. Dog House V.1 front

Dog House V.1 Side

Dog House V.1 Plan

•  Offset tool was introduced to create window sills and door frames evenly spaced from original opening. Challenges-­‐ •  Keeping things proporLonal was difficult while sLll maintaining the ability to explore interior •  Keeping face that push-­‐ pull tool was used on sLll voluminous. Discoveries-­‐ •  Used offset tool then used push-­‐pull tool on the newly created area to create depth.

Dog House V.1

Dog House V.2 •  Using tools learned with first iteraLon to explore the idea of a dog house •  Further explored the use of different textures. Challenges-­‐ •  Unable to hide lines created by intersecLng perpendicular surfaces.

Dog House V.3

Reflec3ons Strengths-­‐ •  Successfully create cube, transformed it into a component, and replicated mulLple Lmes to create this complex array. •  Zoomed into the array, turned my shadows on, and place several human figures for scale to create a dramaLc shot Challenges-­‐ •  I need to learn how to use rapid visualizaLon techniques to hand draw something similar to what I produced in SketchUp Crazy Cubes

Elevation Views

Perspective with Figures Plan Views

Plan View in Perspective

•  Rapid VisualizaLon pracLce •  Using rapid vis is a way to conceptualize ideas in a fast, accurate way

Floor Plans •  The first step to the floor plans were the rapid vis floor Lles •  Walking around the class to observe others was a good way to get inspired to further explore and push the limits of what a floor could be.

•  StarLng in Sketchup with the floor plans •  Making these in Sketchup really emphasized the benefits of using rapid vis to create a plethora of ideas in a small fracLon of the Lme. Challenges-­‐ •  Couldn’t figure out how to use move tool as a copy machine on Mac. So laying all the lines was very Lme consuming.

Stairs •  Learned to use rotate tool and move tool to copy lines, faces, and structures. Challenges-­‐ •  Aligning the stair sets to make sense.

Follow Me •  Follow me is a tool used to greatly reduce the Lme and work the goes into making a 3D structure that curves. Challenges-­‐ •  CreaLng path to follow that is a smooth, kink free path.

•  Figured out how to use follow me tool to create spherical and dome shapes. •  Used follow me to create poles and along door frames

Wall and Window •  Using rapid vis to create mulLple wall plans and elevaLons •  The more plans I drew the more complex they became. •  Tried to abandoned the stereotypical idea of a wall to push the limits of what it could be.

•  The first iteraLon of the wall and window that complimented the work being done in ARCH 101 at the Lme. •  The model below was the first iteraLon designed in 101 and the rendering to the right was to be the updated version. Challenges-­‐ •  It was difficult to get the glass structure on to stay whole acer using push pull

IntersecLon •  IntersecLon is a tool used to fuse to 3D objects together to create one unified structure. •  This can be helpful for creaLng openings in structures that would previously be very difficult to execute. •  For example: the object on the top right was an intersecLon between a sphere and a hexagonal pillar. It would have previously impossible to create circular openings that curved halfway up.

Wall and Window V.2

•  Took an idea from using rapid vis and used the intersecLon tool to cut out windowed areas.

•  Took the idea originally thought up using rapid vis then rendered in Sketchup to create another iteraLon of the “wall of wonder” for ARCH 101

Volumes. Â

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