STRATEGY 2016 - 2020
Homes people choose
Pride Passion Respect Innovation Teamwork
Deliver quality homes, build communities & improve lives
In delivering our vision, we expect to achieve a number of key outcomes: Provide a choice of good quality homes and services. Deliver excellent services tailored to the needs of individual residents, with additional support for those who need it. Support the development of vibrant, sustainable communities. Continue to provide new homes, working within financial constraints.
corporate objectives From the Corporate Strategy 2016-2020
The key corporate objectives we are seeking to contribute towards in this strategy are: • Achieve sustainable growth from the delivery of new homes and new forms of home ownership • Ensure we at least maintain the total number of social rented stock • Maintain financial strength and resilience • Deliver efficiency through value for money through innovation in all we do to maximise financial capacity for reinvestment in services and new homes.
In the way we communicate we aim to be:
communication strategy
Relevant...delivering our information with a targeted and planned approach. Considered...evaluating and re-evaluating what, how and why. Proactive...developing new
ideas to meet the changing needs of the business.
We have been on a journey to transform our customers’ experience, however recent changes in our operating environment have presented a number of challenges to the business, including the 1% rent reduction and continued welfare reforms. A strong communications strategy will help us respond positively to these challenges. We will
The Communications Strategy sits alongside the
evaluate every decision on ‘what, how and why’ we
Corporate Strategy to support the objectives of
are communicating with our customers. No longer
the business. In particular, the Strategy will help us:
do we produce something just because ‘this is the
• Deliver efficiency and value for money through
way we always do it’. Every piece of information is
innovation • Achieve sustainable growth from the delivery of new homes and new forms of home ownership
considered, rewritten and redesigned to produce engaging, informative and cost effect materials. We will re-evaluate to make continued improvements.
• Be an excellent landlord, deliver efficient, excellent core services and listen to the views of
As we continue moving to a self-service model our
our residents.
customers will see more digital and online services being implemented across the business. We need
The Communications Strategy covers both
to be mindful that a number of our customers will
internal and external communications as both are
still need traditional methods of communication so
essential for the delivery of excellent, cost effective
customer segmentation will become an important
services. We will continue to consider the individual
part of the shift towards digital communication.
communication needs of all of our stakeholders, including customers, prospective customers,
The Communications Strategy has been structured
staff, Board, local authorities, the Homes and
around our five corporate themes, which are:
Communities Agency, contractors and funders.
viability, growth, customers, leadership and support.
4 Themes & objectives
Improve value for money by using the most cost effective ‘methods for communicating with customers and encouraging customers to access services online and through social media.
Targets & actions • Increase the number of email addresses held to 5,000 by March 2018 (currently at 3,700) and 8,000 by March 2020 in order to increase our electronic communication with customers. • Increase the number of customers registered on My Home Online to 3,000 (currently 1,800) by March 2018 and 5,000 by March 2020 as well as increasing regular usage by those registered. • Create campaigns across the organisation to promote services and facilities such as direct debits using social media, web pages, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and monitor the success of the campaigns. • Focus budgets on creating engaging and informative infographics, videos, email campaigns, websites and apps as we decrease the amount of paper and print produced. • Continue to review Spotlight customer magazine as a printed and digital magazine. Continue to work with the Spotlight Panel to implement changes and to monitor the engagement of the new digital magazine. • Work with other housing associations to share resources such as creating content and best practices.
Use online methods and other media to promote a range of homes including shared ownership and homes for outright sale in order to meet housing needs and achieve sustainable growth
Targets & actions • Establish ‘Love Living Homes’ as a reputable brand to attract new customers to buy, rent and invest through Public Relations (PR), advertising and social media. Create marketing collateral for the brand and protect / promote the brand image internally and externally. • Create a marketing plan for capturing leads to generate new business and grow the leasehold and private rented management functions to deliver services to other providers. • Redesign the lovelivinghomes.co.uk website to incorporate a new revenue stream for management services. • Create a ‘sales funnel’ for the business with marketing tools such as Pay Per Click (PPC), SEO, online and offline advertising and editorial.
“We will continue to work with our residents to ensure our homes and services are of high quality and continue to meet the needs of our customers�
Bob Heapy, Chief Executive Corporate Strategy 2016-2020
7 customers
e j b o ctiv e
Be an excellent landlord by providing a range of convenient, user-friendly ways for customers to contact us and access services, with a focus on using new technology
Targets & actions • Utilise technology to ensure our customers have the opportunity to interact with us in the most appropriate and effective way. Use customer segmentation to ensure targeted and appropriate information is sent to our customers. • Review the main TCHG website, revamp the content and introduce a more attractive look and feel in order to encourage greater customer usage. • Promote and create information for self service by developing information online such as the tenant and repairs handbooks and mutual exchange information using video and infographics. • Gather customer insight information for example by holding a communications workshop to understand the needs of customers. • By March 2018 consider alternative customer self-service packages with a view to replacing My Home Online and mobile app with a system that links seamlessly with Touchpoint. • Improve the way in which key messages such as paying rent by direct debit are communicated and promoted. • Update the way in which performance information is presented to customers, the Board, staff and other stakeholders. • Review our approach to equality and diversity in all materials designed for staff and customers in order to ensure that resources are used effectively.
Equip staff with the skills and knowledge they need to communicate and interact with customers using a range of methods including through digital media
Review and improve the way we promote Town & Country as an employer of choice to attract and retain the best talent.
Targets & actions • Promote our achievements, best practice and innovation through multi-media channels. • Modernise our brand across Town & Country, Foundation and Love Living Homes. • Encourage staff to promote good work by entering awards, particularly focussing on innovation and technology. • Continue to develop the use of Smart Alec, for example by using blogs to capture knowledge and awareness of staff work and projects and encouraging online collaboration. Use Smart Alec analytics to identify the most effective communications methods. • Develop new ways to engage with staff through fundraising, awards, volunteering and sports activities. • Develop new skills in digital communication and marketing within the organisation.
e j b o ctiv
Provide information to help those who are most vulnerable to access appropriate support and services, including helping customers to understand the impact of welfare reforms.
Support customers to access online services and to communicate using digital media.
Targets & actions • Support the Foundation and the business in providing communication material to promote learning, skills and employment, health and wellbeing and financial inclusion. • Develop a digital inclusion plan which aims to ensure customers have the necessary tools, skills and motivation to use online services, including our customer self-service facilities. • Produce regular communications around Welfare Reform (including Money Matters), budgeting, learning and employment. • Create a new website and fundraising brand identity for the Foundation to allow external funds to be raised for community projects. The website development is to be done in-house to keep costs down. • Explore social media and digital such as PPC and Facebook to promote projects, courses and events.
Monitoring this Strategy A detailed action plan with timescales will accompany this Strategy and will be monitored by the Head of PR and Marketing, with sixmonthly progress reports going to the Executive Management Team.
Monson House Monson Way Tunbridge Wells Kent TN1 1LQ 01892 501480 www.tchg.org.uk