Foundation Highlights Autumn 2015
The Foundation is the charitable arm of Town and Country Housing Group and works towards making a positive difference to individual, family and community life.
It was established in January 2007 and has a team of six officers and freelance staff. The team focuses on identifying and responding to social needs. Many projects and initiatives are incubated by the Foundation which has already created a legacy of sustainable projects across Kent.
“To make a positive difference to
Learning skills, employment and enterprise
individual, family and community life by
creating places where people prosper
Social Regeneration
Improving employability, progression from welfare benefits into paid employment and progression from low paid to economic security for individuals and families.
Working with communities and partners over the long term to transform local areas into vibrant neighbourhoods where residents are proud to live.
Health and Wellbeing
Major Projects
Reducing social isolation and promoting inclusivity, particularly amongst the older population, vunerable residents and wider community; building resiliance and new solutions to long standing social issues.
Customer Services Week 2015 Customer Services Week took place in the first week of October. Each day was themed and included money matters, online services & information and a clean up day in East Kent. This culminated on Saturday 10 October when a fun day in Southborough was held for residents on the theme of ‘Christmas on a budget’. This event was organised by one of our Customer Experience groups. Many local residents dropped in to learn how to create low cost decorations, cards, gifts and shabby chic furniture. Several local employers also attended to discuss potential work opportunities. Throughout the day, staff were on hand to offer guidance and advice and to engage with customers on a less formal level.
Michaela Saunders Technical Assistant - Damp & Mould
Informal Customer Engagement
Sara Hutchinson Community Investment Manager - East Kent
PACE PACE sports attended a Pop Up event at Old Park Community Centre, Dover in August to showcase the activities they are providing for young people in the local area for the next 12 months.
Pop Ups
These included sports coaching and mentoring. Those attending were also given information on Town and Country services and training courses. This provision was delivered by a ÂŁ5,000 grant from Kent Community Foundation which was match funded by Town and Country Foundation.
MPETITIO CO N Delivering Town & Country Pop Up events across the county, see for details.
Festival of Eid Tunbridge Wells Muslim Women’s Forum held their annual Festival of Eid party in August at the Camden Centre, Tunbridge Wells. Open to all women and children, the event brought the community together to celebrate and learn about Islamic culture. This event was attended by 127 community members. The Foundation has supported the group since 2013.
Foundation Showcase In October 2015,Town and Country Foundation launched a new art exhibition in the gallery at Trinity Arts Centre to showcase art produced by local peer to peer support groups. Those involved included Mindwell, Tunbridge Wells Muslim Women’s Forum and Compaid. All groups were led by Jane Churchill, a local artist who also curated the exhibition. The launch event was attended by over 70 people including corporate supporters and friends of the Town and Country Foundation.
Love Where You Live Awards 2015 The annual awards ceremony, organised by TWBC, took place in October at the Assembly Halls, Tunbridge Wells, to recognise the contribution of volunteers, groups, charities and businesses to the local community. Town and Country are the main sponsors of this event. The charity of the year award winner was DAVSS. Friends of Hilbert and Grosvenor Park we voted Best Community Group.
Learning, Skills, Employment and Enterprise Young Start Up Talent 2015 The final of Young Start-Up Talent 2015 for West Kent took place in July at the Trinity Arts Centre, Tunbridge Wells. The winner was 24 year old Dean Day, founder of independent games studio ‘Greenlight Games’. Dean walked away with a prize fund worth £50,000 of business products and services. Dean’s vision is to support students, graduates and other independent games studios. Likewise, the final of Young Start-Up Talent 2015 for East Kent took place in September. The winner was Sabrina Pearson, founder of Illuminame Ltd, who also walked away with an equivalent prize fund. The product designed was personalised table lights.
Work In Progress (West & East) Work In Progress pre-employment training continues to deliver outstanding outcomes, in both West & East Kent. To date, four have secured employment, 80% have gone on to further training and 50% have gone on to volunteer. We also piloted a course focused for recipients of employment support allowance. In one specific case, a resident was referred due to depression from being out of work for over 2 years. Counselling 1st referred him to Access All Areas (AAA). Through this scheme he rebuilt his confidence and considered new areas of work. Following weeks of attending AAA, he began doing a basic Microsoft course which enabled him to complete his CV. They supported him in applying for jobs and assisted with mock interviews. He has now secured a full time role as a manager of a DIY store in East Grinstead.
Access All Areas ICT training was delivered for the first time over the summer months.
The days were split into morning & afternoon sessions, at St Philips Church, Sherwood and St Stephens Court (sheltered housing), Tunbridge Wells. Attendance at the morning sessions averaged over 20, while the afternoon sessions averaged over 6. Attendees used the facilities to either learn new or improve existing skills.
Tunbridge Wells Job Fair The Town and Country Foundation attended the Tunbridge Wells Jobs, Careers & Training Fair in September. The stall promoted our free training opportunities including Access All Areas ICT training and Work in Progress pre-employment course. The event was attended by almost 500 people who had the chance to speak with 67 employers, voluntary bodies or those offering training. The numbers that secured employment on the day was five, however six months after last year’s event, over 30 people secured work. So watch this space....
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KHWP also delivered a forest school over the summer holidays, targeted at young people residing on Showfields and Ramslye. Wellbeing measures improved across the group, and many developed new skills around natural arts & crafts, cookery and simple construction..
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The Broadwater Urban Garden Giving Scheme (BUGGS) project continues to make a positive impact at Showfields with the building and completion of another raised bed planter in the community square. Feedback has been consistently excellent on the project, and momentum around volunteer interest and involvement is progressing.
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During quarter two, 280 adults and children participated in events and activities with Kent High Weald Partnership (KHWP) in the Sherwood and Showfields areas of Tunbridge Wells. Although relatively few practical tasks were undertaken at the lake and woods, the Sherwood shed and forest time programmes were increasingly busy and well attended. The lake and woods form an essential component of these activities. Their good management ensures the natural environment is used to its full potential, thereby delivering therapeutic benefits to some of the most vulnerable residents in Sherwood, many of whom have complex needs and dependencies.
Kent High Weal
ld Partnership
Ashby’s Point
Following resident co Ashby’s Point, Tonbr to include edible and has proved to be a h since continued to m enjoyed harvesting th we plan to establish residents and seek d from local businesse year.
Old Park Hill
The Kent Wildlife Trust were Lottery Fund which will suppo Park Hill. In October, three po be based at the Old Park Com an Administrator, a Project M Officer. The project will provid employment.
The Community Centre will b community engagement with wider Dover community.
Ponies will arrive on site from returning the area back to its the wider community will be a get involved in the care of the
onsultation, the communal garden at ridge was refreshed in Spring 2015 d sensory planting. This initiative huge success as residents have maintain the growing areas and have he fruits and vegetables. In 2016, a gardening club at the request of donations of seedlings and plants es to build on the achievements of this
successful in their bid to the Big ort a three year project based at Old osts were advertised, all of which will mmunity Centre. Amongst these are Manager and a Community Education de training and skills to support
be used as a base for further h Town and Country residents and the
m November to begin grazing, thereby s original chalk land. Residents and able to enjoy the nature reserve and e animals.
Showfields Sports Hall & Multi Use Games Area The sports hall is now leased by Number One Community Trust. It has been decorated and refurbished by a range of volunteers including the Prince’s Trust and is open and available for hire by the local community. In addition, the mutli-use games area was officially opened in July.
Rusthall Community Hub Rusthall Parish Council (RPC) continues to redevelop and progress the conversion of the local fire station into a community resource. The building will consist of small meeting rooms and will also provide a base for RPC. The Foundation have assisted the parish with their business plan and tender process. The hub will open to the public in January 2016 and will be utilised for community training.
health & wellbeing Domestic Abuse Volunteer Support Services (DAVSS) In quarter two, 160 adults including 10 men were either referred or self referred to DAVSS for advice and/or intervention services. A total of 270 children were also involved. DAVSS secured £19,820 in external funding which equates to a total of £55,000 since April 2015. During 2016, they also plan to produce a series of animated films about domestic abuse, using the complimentary services of a high profile actor to produce the voice over. When complete, the film may be used during pre-film screening at Trinity Arts Centre. A recent quote from a service user is as follows:
“Your kindness, efficiency and support has been so important and words aren’t enough to express how much I have valued them. DAVSS has been there for me at a moment when I needed it so badly. I will cherish all the memories of your help until the end of my life. My children are much better now and we all seem to be able to move forward, even if it is difficult at times.”
In quarter two, Nourish received 401 referrals which resulted in the delivery of 307 family and 94 individual emergency food bags. The dragon boat festival took place in September at Bewl Water. Two boats raised funds for Nourish totalling over ÂŁ5,000. Nourish has recently received a grant for over ÂŁ4,000 from the Big Lottery Fund. The funding will be used to meet volunteer expenses, purchase new ICT and facilitate their expansion into the Tonbridge area.
Nourish Community Food Bank
Counselling 1st Counselling 1st continues to provide counselling services for TCHG residents in Sherwood. In quarter two, 18 residents received services. In one specific case, a resident was referred due to difficulties with substance misuse. This resulted in job loss, debt, relationships and family breakdowns and self neglect. Following engagement in the counselling process, the resident was accepted onto a training course, secured full time employment, was referred for debt advice. renewed contact with family
CONNECT The latest Connect project called Dementia Friendly Homes comes from a successful funding bid to Kent County Council. The monies will enable the provision of small home modifications, including better signage, lighting and definition of areas, through the use of colour and specially designed equipment. The objective of the pilot project is to deliver improvements to isolated individuals, as identified by Town and Country and our partners. Dementia friendly home design can reduce the pressures and stress on families, neighbours, housing staff and care providers. The Dementia Friendly Kent Awards & Exhibition will be held next month. Town and Country Foundation has been nominated for an award for its joint work with Age UK.
Dates for your diary Kent Housing Group Tenants Conference on 19 November Nourish Fundraising Night @ Woods restaurant on 21 November Old Park Christmas Pop Up on 12 December Sheltered Housing Christmas Pop Up on 15 December Sherwood Christmas Pop Up on 21 December