Procurement Strategy

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2016 - 2020





Homes people choose

Pride Passion Respect Innovation Teamwork

Deliver quality homes, build communities & improve lives


In delivering our vision, we expect to achieve a number of key outcomes:


Provide a choice of good quality homes and services. Deliver excellent services tailored to the needs of individual residents, with additional support for those who need it. Support the development of vibrant, sustainable communities. Continue to provide new homes, working within financial constraints.

corporate objectives From the Corporate Strategy 2016-2020

The key corporate objectives we are seeking to contribute towards in this strategy are: • Achieve sustainable growth from the delivery of new homes and new forms of home ownership • Be an excellent landlord, deliver efficient, excellent core services and listen to the views of our residents • Maintain financial strength and resilience • Deliver efficiency through value for money through innovation in all we do to maximise financial capacity for reinvestment in services and new homes. • Continue to provide social value throughout the business

Pride in everything we do Passion for excellent customer services Respect for everyone Innovation for improvement and value for money Teamwork for results

Over the term covered by the strategy, we will have an increased focus on identifying real term efficiencies. We will, however, continue to keep residents at the heart of our business, and will


ensure that we maintain high levels of quality and

am pleased to introduce Town & Country’s new

performance, and where possible, engage our

Procurement Strategy. In April we published

customers to ensure that any changes to service

our new Corporate Strategy; this document

provision are based on a balanced decision making

sets out how we will bring our procurement


approach in line with the strategy to work towards Town & Country’s corporate objectives.

As a social landlord we recognise that our contracts provide a number of opportunities for additional

Our sector is faced with a challenging landscape

‘social value’ benefits to be provided to our

over the next five years. In particular the need for

communities. We will continue to work towards

efficient management of our finances is paramount.

these ambitions with our suppliers, with a particular

With our contractors and other suppliers making up

focus on supporting those residents in our homes

a significant part of our organisation’s expenditure,

that are the most vulnerable.

and providing an integral part of our service delivery model, strong procurement and contract management will play an important role in achieving

Bob Heapy

our strategic objectives.

Chief Executive


outlook Our sector is entering a challenging period. We are faced with falling expenditure on public services, In recent years, Town & Country has reinvigorated

welfare reforms, constraints on social rents and

its approach to procurement. In 2013 we created a

increased pressure generally on public services.

specialist procurement function within the business to

In response, our Corporate Strategy sets out a

improve processes and embed specialist knowledge.

number of key objectives which are relevant to

Within that time, the business has significantly

procurement – in particular to retain the Group’s

improved its approach towards the procurement of

continued viability through financial resilience,

contracts and services; resulting in improved value, a

innovation and efficiency.

greater focus on outcomes and quality. Town & Country is committed to introducing a Town & Country has a strong approach to managing

procurement approach that will allow us to deliver

procurement. This approach gives us certainty when

annual ‘real term’ efficiency savings. In doing

managing the risks associated with procurement,

so we recognise the potential impact that such

and consistency in our approach to value for money.

savings and the associated changes could have on

In recent years, the efficiencies that can be delivered

service delivery; we will continue to seek a balance

by strong procurement have been increasingly

between the need for efficiencies and our other core

highlighted, with our procurement contributing

objectives – including keeping residents at the heart

towards the delivery of £1.2m of efficiency savings in

of our business and supporting the most vulnerable

2014-15 and £1.03m in 2015-16.

in our homes.

Therefore, our aims for procurement over the

We are also aware of the key risks associated with

next five years are to:

our sector and the markets from which we buy our

• Have a greater focus on cost efficiency and

key services. Throughout, we are committed to

transformation, both leading into, and during,

ensuring that our procurement:

the procurement process.

• Contributes towards our objectives relating to

• As a minimum, we will seek to maintain the cost of our contracts at their current level (no inflation). • We recognise that compromises will need to be made in order to achieve the required level of

customer satisfaction. • Supports our Asset Management and Growth Strategies. • Protects our residents, staff and the public

cost efficiency. Service levels and specifications

from any risks associated with contractors;

may need to be redesigned or reduced.

particularly in relation to Health & Safety.

• Where this applies, we will consult with customers and other key stakeholders and make a balanced decision. We will take into

• Takes a proportionate approach to managing the risk of contractor insolvency. • Allows the business to maintain high corporate

account the potential efficiencies along with the

and ethical standards and comply with our

potential dis-benefits associated with making

statutory obligations.

those changes.

quality services. We will focus on identifying

regulation & legislation

savings in an intelligent way and we will cut out

Procurement by ‘public bodies’ includes registered

unnecessary costs, maintaining those areas

providers such as Town & Country. We are obliged

which are most important to our customers.

to comply with the guidance set out in the Public

• We will continue to focus on delivering high

• We will update our Procurement Policy to

Contracts Regulations (PCR) 2015 for any contracts

formalise our approach to delivering social

valued above certain threshold amounts. We also

value through procurement; maximising value

have duties which apply to any procurement in

opportunities and building upon the excellent

excess of £25,000. We recognise our commitments

progress that we have already made.

under the PCR and will continue to ensure that our policies and procedures are compliant.

Our Procurement Strategy is based around four key themes: Cost efficiency - Continuous improvement - Customers - Social value

6 Themes & objectives The procurement Strategy has been organised around four themes. These themes, their objectives and measures relating to each one are:



cost efficiency

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Reduce the cost of our contracts through procurement. As a minimum, seek to keep the costs of contracts level with existing contracts.

measures & targets 1. Deliver the Group’s Annual Procurement Plan, which sets out our efficiency targets Target: as a minimum, no cost increase in cash terms. 2. All preferred suppliers / supplier lists are to be reviewed annually by Head of Service and any suppliers used for more than five years to be subject to a full procurement exercise. Target: all relevant suppliers identified to be re-procured. 3. Support the expansion of the Construction Management model to deliver all sites of less than 10 homes subject to tender. Target: 5% saving on design & build cost. 4. Continue to develop relationships with partners and investigate opportunities for collaboration (included in annual Procurement Plan)




continuous improvement

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Over the life of key contracts, further reduce costs or improve the outturns delivered.

measures & targets 1. Develop and facilitate an annual benefits realisation review for key contracts Target: plan agreed annually by EMT. 2. Conduct an annual rolling review of contracts to identify potential efficiencies and monitor costs on an ongoing basis. Target: Annual report to Executive Management Team (EMT) setting out potential Value for money (VFM) opportunities from key contracts. All contracts to be reviewed by the end of the strategy term. 3. Develop a ‘Sourcing & Market Engagement’ plan to identify potential supply chain efficiencies and better understand contractor opportunities. Target: sign-off by EMT and then annual delivery. 4. Review the potential for Purchase to Pay systems and other innovation to generate efficiencies. Target: report to EMT setting out further recommendations.





ctive e j b

Ensure that procurement activity contributes towards Town & Country objective of being an excellent landlord.

measures & targets 1. Develop an approach to resident engagement for key procurement activities. Target: residents to be consulted for all major procurement projects. 2. Specifications for all major procurement projects to be reviewed by Head of Service and Procurement considering lessons learned and potential service improvements. Target:100% of specifications for major procurements reviewed. 3. All customer facing suppliers to have signed up to Town & Country Code of Conduct. Target: all major suppliers by end 2016-17, all suppliers by 2017-18.



ctive e j b

Maximise the potential social value outturns from procurement activity.



social value

ctive e j b

Ensure that procurement activity contributes towards Town & Country’s objective of supporting our most vulnerable residents.

measures & targets 1. Update the Procurement Policy & associated procedures to formalise the Group’s approach to delivering social value through procurement. Target: sign-off updated Procurement Policy & Procurement Social Value Plan by March 2017. 2. Conduct an annual review of supplier payments and report on performance. Target: all undisputed payments to be made within 30 days. 3. Improve engagement with suppliers that are either local (within Kent) and / or of an SME* nature. Include local SME’s in tenders where appropriate. Target: year 1 benchmark report and thereafter target set by EMT. *SME Small and medium-sized enterprises


Practical Procurement As part of our new approach to procurement, we have developed our ‘Practical Procurement’ approach. The aim of this is to make our procurement objectives clear and accessible to staff at all levels within our organisation. The aim of the principles are to focus staff on cost efficiency, quality and embedding procurement excellence within the business. These principles are broken into the three main elements of procurement. 1. tendering 2. contract management 3. day-to-day purchasing

11 operational priorities In addition to our core objectives for procurement, there are a number of underlying areas which need to be continually monitored and maintained to ensure that we manage our procurement effectively. Whilst these are ‘business as usual’ tasks, they form the foundation of our procurement activity, underpin all of our processes and ensure that we do not allow unnecessary risks to be introduced into the business.

In order to do this we will maintain a register of operational priorities. The ‘top ten’ areas that we will monitor are:

1. Value for money

All contracts must deliver the required levels of efficiency and value for money.

2. Public Contracts Regulations

We will seek to prevent or deal appropriately with challenges under the PCR 2015 to prevent delays, legal issues and/or costs. We will comply with our obligations under the Bribery Act, Modern Slavery Act and other relevant legislation.

3. Contracts

Sound contracts must be in place for major suppliers which offer sufficient protection against issues.

4. Customer satisfaction

All suppliers should contribute positively towards improved satisfaction levels.

5. Health & safety

Suppliers must protect the safety of our customers, staff and the public; this includes safeguarding and compliance with statutory requirements.

6. Finances

We will monitor our spend against tendered prices. We maintain an awareness of, and mitigate against, the risk of supplier insolvency.

7. Performance

Suppliers must perform to the required standards. Standards are to be clearly set out from the outset.

8. Internal compliance

We will manage compliance with internal policies through training and communication. We will further develop and embed our practical procurement approach.

9. Reputation

We will not enter into contracts with suppliers that are guilty of illegal or inappropriate behaviour such as bribery, collusion, tax evasion, modern slavery, etc.

10. Equality & diversity

We expect suppliers to be compliant with their obligations and to make suitable adjustments when delivering the service to our customers.






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