Free money advice service for residents Who are you going to call? SV_A4 12PG NEWSLETTER_JULY 2011.indd 1
Greggs Wood Road redevelopment – come and talk to us 14/7/11 20:52:16
A partnership to improve lives Sherwood Vision was established as a partnership of local agencies and residents to improve the lives of people on the estate. With the input of residents, many of whom have taken part in our consultation events, Sherwood Vision has now grown into its next stage – the Sherwood Plan. The different themes – Homes, Health, Environment, Community and Business, Employment and Training – remain, but through ongoing consultation with residents, we can now get down to making concrete plans in each area. This newsletter gives you an update on what’s been happening or been planned on each of the themes and what’s going on around the estate, as well as our plans for the redevelopment of Greggs Wood.
Volunteers needed! We need local people to help us make Sherwood a better place to live. There are many opportunities. Right now we need people to help us run the Sherwood Plan website. Training and practical support will be provided, including paid-for broadband access and computer equipment if needed. Give us a call and have a chat – no obligation involved!
How to get involved
Town & Country Foundation launches new financial service for residents Town & Country Foundation is working in partnership with the Money Advice Support Team (MAST) to provide a valuable advice and support service for residents who are struggling to cope with money worries. If your finances are getting on top of you, MAST can help you:
3 to maximise what you do with your money, making it go further
3 to prevent debt and the associated problems created by debt
3 to find solutions to your money problems 3 to budget appropriately
3 to make positive choices when choosing bank or building society accounts
3 to work in partnership with other agencies to ensure you live a life free from financial worry or stress
3 to access relevant specialist help and advice
3 to understand financial ‘jargon’ and explain the ‘small print’ and ‘terms and conditions’
To get involved or tell us your views or news contact:
Brendan McGowan – Regeneration 01892 523464
David Comerford – Housing Management 0845 873 1321 YOUR SHERWOOD is brought to you by the Sherwood Plan partners: Town & Country, Tunbridge Wells Borough Council, Kent County Council; the agencies leading on key themes – K College, High Weald Partnership, and the Primary Care Trust and the Team Sherwood resident representatives who we thank for their time and enthusiasm.
For more information or for advice speak to a member of the MAST team 01892 501747
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Wiltshire Way residents have their say
Join in the Spirit of Kindness
Residents of Wiltshire Way were invited to give their views to Town and Country recently on how they think their area should be improved.
Spirit of Kindness is a big-hearted project celebrating all the good things we do for each other in Sherwood and is aimed at increasing neighbourliness and reducing loneliness. So come along, take part and have fun at one of 34 FREE events being organised in the community and be inspired to do good things.
They looked at a series of photos suggesting a number of ways in which their part of the estate could be made better. These included recycling bins, alley gates, a football and games area and artwork. The consultation aimed to find out what residents would like before establishing what would or would not be possible. Residents who couldn’t make the consultation can still make their views known. A copy of the comments received at the event has been sent to every household and residents have been asked to add their views to those already expressed. Make your views known...Send your views to the Neighbourhood Engagement Team. TCHG, Monson House, Monson Way, Tunbridge Wells TN1 1LQ
A different approach to learning Last term Sherwood Primary School added a new challenge to its curriculum, with funding from the Sherwood Plan. The Challenger Troop programme aims to improve the attitude and approach to learning of young people who may reject the traditional school curriculum by motivating and challenging them. Based on teamwork and mental and physical challenges, the programme was a huge success at the school, where Head Teacher Keith Marden said: ‘This is a fantastic programme which really helps them learn teamwork and leadership skills and to appreciate the value of self-discipline, which translates into improved standards and behaviour in the classroom.’
A free leaflet giving details of all 34 events will be available from TN2 and other places in Sherwood. If you’d like to run an event… Contact Dawn Grant 01892 501702
Events JUL
Summer holiday activities start at TN2 Centre 25 July - 30 August No less than 14 events – a full timetable of activities throughout the summer to keep the kids occupied and entertained. See posters on the wall in TN2 Centre for full details, or ask Edna.
Greggs Wood Road redevelopment exhibition 12 noon – 4pm TN2 Centre Come and see what the redevelopment of Greggs Wood Road will mean for Sherwood, and tell us what you think. See Homes page for more information.
Doorstep Green Celebration of Diversity fun event 12 noon – 5pm Doorstep Green Join us at the Doorstep Green for our ‘Celebration of Diversity’ event with International Costume themed fancy dress party and competition: £100 voucher 1st prize £50 voucher 2nd prize £25 voucher 3rd prize FREE admission FREE food, music & entertainment, including DJ competition
Contact Brendan McGowan 01892 523464
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Homes Improving Sherwood New homes at Greggs Wood Road The redevelopment of part of Sherwood at Greggs Wood Road supports the wider regeneration already underway on the estate. We aim to revitalise the estate for its residents and the wider neighbourhood. As well as providing high-quality new homes for affordable rent, shared ownership and sale, the redevelopment of Greggs Wood Road will provide green spaces and access to the woods and lake, as well as employment and training opportunities for local people.
We want to work with residents and other local groups on the plans and now is your chance to get involved and have your say. The architects working on the project have taken what we know so far and come up with some early ideas about what could be possible. We now need to talk to you to make sure we get the design right. We know that consulting with residents and other groups with a real interest in the future of Sherwood will result in the best possible redevelopment. This Summer will be a busy one as we consult with you on the plans. We really want to hear from you.
As part of the Sherwood Plan, we aim to: • Demolish the flats and build new, energy efficient homes • Build a range of homes, from flats to four bed properties to rent, for shared ownership and to buy • Provide purpose-built accommodation for older residents • Consult with you on the design of the new flats and houses, streets and open spaces
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Homes How you can get involved ¢ Exhibition There will be an exhibition at TN2 from 12 noon to 4pm on Saturday 30 July. Come along and see what the redevelopment of Greggs Wood Road will mean for Sherwood. You can talk to us about: • The new buildings, roads, green spaces and play areas • How people can get to, and use, the woods and the lake We will make sure that the information from the exhibition is available for those who can’t make it along on the day. If you are unable to join us, please contact Brendan McGowan on 01892 523464, email, or you can log on to the Town & Country website at for more information. We would like your comments on all of these – and any other issues that are important to you. ¢ Children and young people We will be running a special consultation event for children and young people at Sherwood on 2nd August to make sure they have their say in the redevelopment on the areas that are important to them. ¢ Join a resident focus group There will also be resident focus groups which will meet to talk through the plans in more detail. Please let us know if you would like to be part of one of these by contacting Brendan McGowan on 01892 523464 or by email to brendan.mcgowan@, or by signing up at the exhibition.
COME AND TALK TO US ABOUT THE PLANS Saturday 30 July at TN2 12 noon to 4pm FREE RAFFLE: win an iPod Nano or high street shopping vouchers
All welcome Listening to residents Staff from Town & Country, as well the architects, will be available at the exhibition. Once we have heard from as many residents and people in the wider community as possible, we will use what you have told us to develop the plans to the next stage. Of course there are limits to what we can do in the redevelopment. We have to follow planning guidelines and make sure the scheme can be paid for, as well as meeting high standards of design and build quality. We will explain these so that you can understand how we have to work. Where we can’t make changes, we will tell you why. We will hold another event later in August to show the new plans to you and tell you what we have done in response to your comments.
¢ On the web We will put the plans as they develop and other useful information on to the Town & Country website at Or you can visit Team Sherwood on Facebook for up to date information.
For more information... Contact Brendan McGowan. 01892 523464
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Employment Get on in work and life
– with help from Foundation’s learning, skills and employment programme Last year more than 150 people gained National Vocational Qualifications and over 30 secured employment with the help of our learning, skills and employment programmes. Now we are keen to hear from even more residents who would like help to improve their skills or to get back to work – or both. Opportunities to improve your skills A wide range of opportunities are available for you to improve your skills and qualifications through the Foundation and our partner organisations. For example, free courses are available in Food Safety NVQ Level 1 & 2 for those of you interested in the catering profession. First Aid, fully accredited, is also available.
Next Step We are working in partnership with Next Step, a national careers service for adults, to provide free, impartial advice on how to move forward in learning, training, or work. They can help you: • develop your CV • improve your interview skills • look for a job • review and improve your skills • find training courses • find out about funding for courses They can also help you make the right choices. Next Step is based at our offices in Monson Way every other Thursday afternoon. Call them on 0800 1954 700 to book an appointment.
Considering a career in Social Care? Sherwood’s students can be proud of their success
Find out more… Get in touch with Dawn Grant for advice on the opportunities that are available locally to you or your family members. 01892 501702
Coming soon to our offices! FREE seminar on exploring employment opportunities in social care. Find out more… Contact Dawn Grant 01892 501702
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Community Block Champions
Calling all gardeners without a garden!
There’s a loyal army of residents on the Sherwood estate who are busily working behind the scenes to ensure that your blocks and streets are safe and well maintained.
Sherwood Primary School is offering a fantastic opportunity for any keen gardeners on the estate who don’t have a garden to dig an allotment of their own. The school is making their allotments available to the public on a first come first served basis, so greenfingered residents will need to be quick. It’s a great opportunity to grow your own fruit and veg, and you can keep all that you grow.
Our growing army of Block and Street Champions is a huge asset to TCHG as this invaluable group of people acts as the eyes and ears of our residents. Block Champions are there to report problems to the Neighbourhood Housing Manager or to the relevant organisation such as Kent Highways or the Council. They are given training and support to carry out the role and to report maintenance issues and request repairs to their blocks or outside areas.
The school will ensure that the allotments can be accessed out of school hours, so you can dig, sow and grow whenever you like.
‘ I get great support from Block and Street Champions’ says David Comerford, the neighbourhood Housing Manager for Sherwood. ‘Their support means that I can get repairs carried out quickly and I have established contacts on the estate if I need to ask somebody about an issue in a particular area.’ Block Champions are volunteers and the role is unpaid. They are not expected to get involved with personal resident issues such as antisocial behaviour reporting, for example.
Get digging… If you don’t have a garden but you fancy a dig at Sherwood Primary School, give the school office a call as soon as possible. 01892 520562 Keith Marden
T&C’s Block and Street Champions
Get involved... If you would like to be a Block Champion and there isn’t already one for your area, please get in touch with David Comerford. 0845 873 1321
Get involved... We’re looking for ideas from you as to what you want to see happening in your community, so please let us have your thoughts. Drop your ideas in to TN2, St Philips, TCHG’s offices or Gateway. 01892 523464
0845 873 1321
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a fun way to change your life Change 4 Life is a nationwide NHS campaign to help people eat better, move more, and live longer – and it’s coming to the TN2 Centre. The Change 4 Life Healthy Passport Club is an online club designed to encourage everyone to improve their health and to help members get active and eat a healthier diet. But it’s not just online. People are encouraged to get together locally to form their own clubs where they can enjoy a wide variety of local events designed to encourage activity as well as mutual support to enable them to change their lives. Town and Country are doing their bit to help residents get fitter by setting up a local Healthy Passport Club at the TN2 Centre.
to help you set your goals and keep track of your progress on your quest to eat well and move more. The club will support and encourage you throughout your journey, which starts by joining at the TN2 Centre or online at
Find out more... If you’re interested, find out how you can get involved on their website.
Many people like the idea of being fit and can see the benefits, but find it hard to get started. By joining the Healthy Club, either through the website or at their local venue, people can connect with others to receive the encouragement and support they need on each small step they take towards a healthier, happier lifestyle. You’ll be able to get that at the TN2 Centre. But Healthy Passport Club isn’t about changing your life through dull diets and sweaty strenuous activities – it’s about doing things in a fun way so it’s enjoyable. From fun days for the kids to organised dog walks, food festivals to sponsored fun runs, and allotment competitions to swimming galas, it’s about getting out and about more and doing things. Passport to a healthier life By joining the Healthy Passport Club you’ll take a look at your current lifestyle, set destination goals and measure each small step of success on your journey to become healthier. Your personal goal is your ‘destination’, and your Passport is a tool
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Greggs Wood and Lake – safeguarding their future Several months ago we commissioned Kent High Weald Partnership to draft recommendations for managing the Woods and Lake, following their acquisition by TCHG. As yet, the report is incomplete as it needs to specifically include further reports on the ecology of the Woods and recommendations for repairing the Dam. The Board has, however, already agreed to that part of the recommendations that will ultimately involve forming a Charitable Trust to oversee the care and development of the Woods and Lake. To lay the foundation for the Trust, we are forming a Shadow Group comprising suitably qualified and representative people and groups who will begin the steps necessary to form the Charitable Trust. We anticipate the process will take approximately five years to complete, by which time the Charitable Trust will have gained a track record of governance, administration and fundraising, and will finally be gifted ownership of the Woods and Lake by TCHG. The primary aim of the Trust will be to manage the woods effectively and sustainably and to make them accessible to all local residents. Get involved... If you feel you have the knowledge and motivation to contribute as a member of the Shadow Group please write to Brendan McGowan. TCHG, Monson House, Monson Way, Tunbridge Wells TN1 1LQ
TCHG caretakers – taking care of more TCHG still has caretakers but their roles have changed to cover a much larger area than before. Their responsibilities now include: • checking and changing light bulbs • litter picking in communal areas • clearing chutes • cleaning and tidying bin areas • carrying out minor repairs – from mending fences to replacing locks. The caretakers are... Geoff Lavender and Andy Patterson.
Who are you going to call? Although many of the houses on the Sherwood Estate are owned and managed by Town and Country Housing Group (TCHG), a large number are privately owned or rented and some are managed by other organisations. The same goes for the open spaces – some are managed by TCHG, some by the Council and some by Kent Highways. If there is a problem in any of these areas it can be hard to know who to call to sort it out. That’s why we’ve put together the tear-off list overleaf showing you who to call if a problem arises, but if you’re still not sure TWBC or TCHG will be happy to point you in the right direction.
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ISSUE/PROLEM Anti-social behaviour : Dog fouling Stray dogs Aggressive behaviour Unacceptable behaviour Noise levels Vandalism Graffiti
TCHG 01892 873 1321 ( Please inform us too Please inform us too Please inform us too ( Please inform us too
Bonfires causing a nuisance
Please inform us too Please inform us too
Caretaking issues
( Please inform us too
Fire hazards
Garden Maintenance concerns such as rubbish left in gardens
Hedges, trees & grass cutting Poor maintenance such as over-hanging trees and hedges left in a dangerous condition Needles/sharps
( ( ( ( ( (
( (
Please inform us too
Pavements in an uneven and dangerous state
Play areas To be kept in a good safe state of repair and free of rubbish
( ( ( ( (
Tear this page off along the tear line and keep the numbers handy
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Tear along this perforated line
Roads/Footpaths Gritting Potholes Repairs Street lights
Kent Police 01622 690690
Cleaning Communal area problems
Fly tipping
Kent Highways 0845 824 7800
Cars Abandoned Please provide details of the car – colour, make, model, registration number, whether it has a tax disc, and length of time it has been parked. Badly parked Causing a nuisance
TWBC 01892 526121
Tear along this perforated line
Town and Country Housing Group (TCHG) – 0845 873 1321 Tunbridge Wells Borough Council (TWBC) – 01892 526121 Kent Highways – 0845 8247 800 Kent Police – 01622 690690
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