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McDonald’s in the community

Still lovin’ it Michael Bodman carries on the family legacy of service with a smile at area McDonald’s

By Lorie Beardsley Contributing writer


At times in life the path seems to wind back to the place where it all began. at was the case for Michael Bodman, now a second-generation owner-operator with McDonald’s. Several decades ago, a man named Bill Sigmund worked for Kra . During his time with the company, Sigmund met Ray Kroc. When they met, Kroc could not a ord to purchase an entire railroad car of cheese. e solution that would allow Kroc to get his cheese was that Kroc would pay each day for the amount of cheese he had used the day before. If the name Raymond Kroc sounds familiar, it is because he purchased the McDonald’s corporation in 1961, served as the CEO for several years, and expanded the corporation throughout the world. A er meeting Kroc, Sigmund and his wife, Vi, became interested in owning a McDonald’s franchise themselves, but with Sigmund being committed to his role at Kra , his request was denied. Upon committing fully to McDonald’s, Sigmund got his restaurant. Having been inspired by meeting Kroc, Rusty Bodman, an associate of Bill and Vi, eventually became an owner-operator with McDonald’s. While in college pursuing an accounting degree, Michael Bodman, Rusty’s son, worked in his father’s restaurants, but Michael had no intention of joining his father’s business venture. A er graduating, taking a job with Ernst and Young, and working long, late hours, Michael decided that he was not interested in investing another ten years struggling to become a partner. Upon telling his father that he was interested in the family business, Michael’s father welcomed him and gave him a job, as an hourly employee. Michael’s decision to become an owneroperator was only the rst small step in the lengthy process. Franchisees must prove to the corporation that they are committed to the business by meeting several requirements to the satisfaction of the corporation. Persevering through the process has led Michael to the place where he is now, currently owner-operator of three McDonald’s locations: two in Adrian and one in Hudson. e Adrian McDonald’s located at US-223 serves more customers than any other freestanding McDonald’s restaurant in the state. “Most restaurants get three visits per capita in a given time period from local residents. We (Adrian) average over 7 visits per capita for the same time period from local residents. at tells us we must be doing something right to get that many customers coming back,” Bodman said. Michael ascribes that restaurant’s success to both the location and to the people. “I have lots of long-term employees, long-term managers as well,” Michael said. Several managers have retired from his restaurants, and some of his sta ’s children have started their careers there. e relationship that he has with his sta is something that Michael values greatly. “One of the best things is when people who used to work for us come back, and we nd out they did great things, and they say part of (their success) is because of the things they learned while working for McDonald’s,” Michael said. ough Rusty has retired, and Michael has since bought out all of his interests, Rusty remains active in the restaurants, running orders and interacting with people. “He never used to like talking to customers, but now you can’t stop him.” Michael foresees his future following much that same path.

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