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Capital Project: Replacement of Fieldhouse Rooftop Units (4)
This project will replace the four remaining roof top units (RTUs) which provide air conditioning to the Fieldhouse.
Five RTUs were installed in 2007. Each serves a different zone within the Fieldhouse. The RTUs are reaching the end of their expected service life, and planned replacement is a best practice before they fail. Planned replacement allows time for the most cost-effective solution to be found and prevents service disruptions from failure of an old unit
Project Budget
Funding Sources
Recreation Fund Revenue
Impact On Operating Costs
Decreased non-routine maintenance costs
Impact On Other Departments
Town Strategic Goals Achieved
Support an Active Community
The activities that are programmed in the FIeldhouse support an active community year-round by providing an indoor location in all weather.
Enhance Economic Vitality
These spaces are scheduled for open play and scheduled rental periods. This is a revenue source for the Parks and Recreation Department, which helps offset the operational cost for this facility. Meeting this need in the community also supports the economic vitality of the Department
Promote a Safe and Healthy Community
Having indoor space that focuses on sports and physical activity helps promote a safe and healthy community. It promotes healthy activity for large range of users of all ages and abilities.