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Capital Project: Recreation Center Community Room AV Upgrades
This project will upgrade the Recreation Center’s community rooms with conference and meeting technology to include a projector, speakers and a Smart TV.
The community rooms at the Recreation Center are highly utilized facilities for multiple activities including parties, meetings and childcare. Each room has only a drop-down presentation screen, requiring users to provide a laptop, speakers and projector in order to conduct meetings or presentations. The package upgrade supports both rooms individually or as a single unit to facilitate modern event needs.
Project Budget
Funding Sources
Recreation Fund Revenue
Impact On Operating Costs
Installing modern, user friendly presentation and meeting equipment will provide opportunities for increased rental revenue.
Impact On Other Departments
Town Strategic Goals Achieved
Foster Community Creativity and Engagement
As the Town of Parker continues to grow, HOAs, community groups and small businesses may utilize the upgraded meeting facilities to conduct necessary gatherings.
Promote a Safe and Healthy Community
The community rooms are the primary facility for Life Safety courses for both the community and Town staff. Upgraded audio visual equipment will provide useful and practical experience for instructors and participants.