NOVEMBER 16, 2010 6:30 P.M.
Agenda Additions
Agenda Approval
Confirmation of Minutes (a)
Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of November 2, 2010
Business Arising from the November 2, 2010 Council Minutes
Citizens Forum
Delegations (a)
Administration (a)
Memo re: Library & Stettler Subdivision & Development Appeal Board Appointments
Request for Decision re: 1082604 AB Ltd. Subdivision 2010-03
Wilfort Development Agreement
Memo re: AHS Community Health Centre
44- 46
Bank Reconciliation as of October 31, 2010
Accounts Payable in the amount of $656,853.65
47 48-56
Council (a)
Meeting Reports
Minutes (a)
Heartland Beautification Committee Meeting of November 4, 2010
Stettler Regional Board of Trade & Community Development Meeting of October 12, 2010
Public Hearing 3
(a) 10.
Bylaws (a)
2001-10 re: West Stettler Hwy 12 South Area Structure Plan Request for Decision
2002-10 re: Land Use Bylaw Amendment UR to R2 Request for Decision
2004-10 re: Land Use Bylaw Amendment R1 to R2 Request for Decision
Correspondence (a)
Canadian Red Cross Open House for Elected Officials
Brownlee re: Emerging Trends in Municipal Law 2011
Battle River Watershed Alliance
Stettler District Agricultural Society
Alberta Medical Association re: Seniors’ Falls Prevention Month
Alberta Communities Pension Plan
Items Added
In-Camera Session
Mayor Dick Richards Councillors D. Bachman, M. Fischer, P. Simons & S. Wildeboer. Councillor L. Thorogood via teleconference. CAO R. Stoutenberg Assistant CAO G. Switenky Press (2)
Councillors A. Campbell
Call to Order:
Mayor D. Richards called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
1/2. Agenda Additions/Approval: Motion 10:11:01
Moved by Councillor Bachman to approve the agenda as presented with the following additions and/or deletions: Delete - 6(a) River Engineering Report & Recommendations MOTION CARRIED Unanimous
Confirmation of Minutes: (a) Motion 10:11:02
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held October 5, 2010 Moved by Councillor Fischer that the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held on October 5, 2010 be approved as presented. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous
Business Arising from the October 5, 2010 Meeting Minutes CAO R. Stoutenberg explained the scope of the previous work completed on the Red Willow Creek in 2007 (Corrected Information from the Memo) which cost approximately $266,000. It was noted that there is a provincial grant application pending for this work.
(c) Motion 10:11:03
Minutes of the Committee Meeting of October 12, 2010 Moved by Councillor Wildeboer that the Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on October 12, 2010 be approved as presented. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous
Business Arising from the October 12, 2010 Committee Meeting Minutes None
(e) Motion 10:11:04
Minutes of the Organizational Meeting of October 27, 2010 Moved by Councillor Wildeboer that the Minutes of the Organizational Meeting held on October 27, 2010 be approved as presented. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous
Business Arising from the October 27, 2010 Organizational Meeting Minutes None
Citizen’s Forum:
No one was present at the Citizen’s Forum CAO R. Stoutenberg explained the public’s access to be heard at a Council Meeting for the benefit of new Members of Council. Brief discussion ensued respecting the process.
7:15 P.M. Keith Ryder re: Board of Trade 2011 Budget Mayor Richards with the mutual consent of Council removed this item from the agenda at the request of Keith Ryder, Executive Director of the Stettler Regional Board of Trade. K. Ryder, with regrets electronically (during the meeting) informed the Mayor that he was unable to attend.
8:00 P.M. Presentation to Former Councillors Redford Peeples & Dave Dennis This item was dealt with later in the meeting.
River Engineering Report & Recommendations This item was deleted from the agenda.
Request to Set a Meeting Date with Recently Annexed Property Owners Councillor, L. Thorogood joined teleconference phone at 6:40 p.m.
CAO, R. Stoutenberg advised that a public information meeting is scheduled for Monday, November 15, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. to discuss a variety of general items with recently annexed property owners. (c)
Memo re: TD Bank Signing Authority CAO, R. Stoutenberg advised that further to the results of the October 18, 2010 Municipal Election, the Town’s authorized signing authorities for the TD Bank accounts will need to be updated.
Motion 10:11:05
Moved by Councillor Wildeboer that the Town of Stettler Council appoints Mayor D. Richards, Councillors D. Bachman, A. Campbell, L. Thorogood, M. Fischer, S. Wildeboer, P. Simons, Chief Administrative Officer R. Stoutenberg and Assistant CAO G. Switenky as Signing Officers and that one Elected Official sign together with one Non-Elected Administrator on all cheques. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous (d)
Village of Alix – Ribbon Cutting Ceremony CAO, R. Stoutenberg explained that a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony will be held on Tuesday, November 9th at 10:30 am to celebrate the new Main Street in the Village of Alix. It was noted that Mayor Richards and Councillor Fischer will attend to regionally support their initiative.
CAO Report Mayor Richards requested that Administration look into mail-in voting options, and Councillor Thorogood suggested that additional advanced voting opportunities also be considered for the next general election in 2013.
Motion 10:11:06
Moved by Councillor Bachman that the Town of Stettler Council accept the CAO Report as presented. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous (f)
Motion 10:11:07
Statement of Revenue & Expenses as of September 30, 2010 Moved by Councillor Fischer that the Town of Stettler Council accept the Statement of Revenue & Expenses as of September 30, 2010 as presented. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous
(g) Motion 10:11:08
Statement of Capital Activity as of September 30, 2010 Moved by Councillor Thorogood that the Town of Stettler Council accept the Statement of Capital Activity as of September 30, 2010 as presented. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous
(h) Motion 10:11:09
Bank Reconciliation as of September 30, 2010 Moved by Councillor Simons that the Town of Stettler Council accept the Bank Reconciliation as of September 30, 2010 as presented. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous
Accounts Payable in the amount of $879,363.23
Motion 10:11:10
Moved by Councillor Bachman that Accounts Payable in the amounts of $128,804.42, $40,866.01, $496,172.75 & $213,520.05 for the period ending October 29, 2010 for a total amount of $879,363.23 having been paid, be accepted as presented. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous
Mayor and Councillors outlined highlights of meetings they attended. (a)
Mayor Richards - Oct 25 - Oct 27 - Oct 28 - Nov 1
- Photo with Stettler Transit Mix at Sports Park. - Swearing In Ceremony at Town Office/Organizational Meeting. - Council Orientation Session. - Lunch with CAO Stoutenberg, Deputy Mayor Fischer, Reeve Nixon, Deputy Reeve Gendre and CAO Fox.
Councillor Bachman -
Oct 15 Oct 18 Oct 27 Oct 28
- Nov 1 (c)
Municipal Planning Commission Meeting. FCSS Meeting. Organizational Meeting. Orientation Meeting/Tour of Town Facilities. Met with Doctors re: emergency room concern. - FCSS Budget Meeting.
Councillor Campbell - No meetings to report – absent from meeting.
Councillor Fischer - Oct 21 - Oct 27 - Oct 28 - Nov 1
- Nov 2 (e)
- Board of Trade Business & Citizenship Awards. - Swearing In Ceremony at Town Office/Organizational Meeting. - Council Orientation Session. - Stettler Waste Management Meeting. - Lunch with CAO Stoutenberg, Mayor Richards, Reeve Nixon, Deputy Reeve Gendre and CAO Fox. - CAEP Workshop in Didsbury.
Councillor Simons -
Oct 21 Oct 27 Oct 28 Nov 1
Board of Trade Business & Citizenship Awards. Organizational Meeting. Orientation Meeting/Tour of Town Facilities. Ambulance Association Organizational Meeting.
Councillor Thorogood -
Oct 15 Oct 19 Oct 21 Oct 27 Oct 28
- Oct 28 Minutes:
Motion 10:11:11
Municipal Planning Commission Meeting. Challenge Day at the High School. Board of Trade Business Awards. Organizational Meeting. Orientation Meeting/Tour of Town Facilities. Medical Staff Meeting at the Hospital
Councillor Wildeboer - Oct 27
- Swearing In Ceremony Office/Organizational Meeting. - Council Orientation Session.
Trail of the Buffalo Meeting of October 27, 2010 Moved by Councillor Wildeboer that the Minutes, item 8(a) be accepted for information. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous
9. 10.
Public Hearing:
None Councillor L. Thorogood exited the teleconference at approximately 7:25 p.m.
Information on Water Allocation
Parkland Regional Library
Returning Officer Notice
Media Release re: New Service for Tourism Businesses in Southeast Alberta
Member Notices re: Being Elected to Public Office ‌Now What?
CAEP Regional Transportation Strategy Guide and Toolbox Final
Empowering Citizens Through E-Government
The Rise of E-Democracy
East Central Alberta Heritage Society Heritage Happenings
Provincial Fundraising Functions and Provincial Political Contributions
PH Elevator Newsletter Moved by Councillor Simons that correspondence items 11(a) to 11(k) inclusive be accepted for information. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous
Items Added:
Motion 10:11:12
13. 5.
In-Camera Session:
There was no In-Camera Session at this meeting.
8:00 P.M. Presentation to Former Councillors Redford Peeples & Dave Dennis Mayor Richards welcomed former Councillors Redford Peeples & Dave Dennis to the meeting. Mayor Richards formally acknowledged and presented retiring Councillors R. Peeples & D. Dennis with small gifts of appreciation for their years of service to the Town of Stettler. Redford Peeples Councillor 1986 - 1989 Mayor 1992 - 1995 Councillor 1998 - 2001 Councillor 2001 - 2004 Councillor 2004 - 2007 Councillor 2007 - 2010 Dave Dennis Councillor 2007 - 2010 It was noted that non-elected Councillor Dave Garbutt was unable to attend this meeting and therefore will receive a small gift of appreciation from Mayor Richards privately. Dave Garbutt Councillor 2007 - 2010
Adjournment: Motion 10:11:13
Moved by Councillor Campbell that this regular meeting of the Town of Stettler Council be adjourned. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous at 7:40 p.m.
___________________________________ Mayor
____________________________________ Assistant CAO
Stettler Town Council
Rob Stoutenberg CAO
November 9, 2010
Stettler Library Board Appointment Stettler Subdivision & Development Appeal Board Appointment
Gail Peterson has expressed an interest to sit as a member at large on the Stettler Library Board. The terms are three years and a member can sit up to 3 consecutive 3 year terms. Her representation on previous boards has proved to be very valuable. The Library Board would welcome her participation. Dave Dennis would also like to sit as a member at large on the Stettler Subdivision & Development Appeal Board. With Dave’s knowledge of development he would be an asset to this board. This is a one-year term and will expire in October 2011. Recommendation: That the Town of Stettler Council approve the appointments of Gail Peterson to the Stettler Public Library Board and Dave Dennis to the Subdivision & Development Appeal Board.
Request For Decision Subdivision Application #2010-03 Issue: Application: To Create One (0.81 acre) Public Use Lot (for future residential development) Applicant: 1082604 Alberta Ltd. Legal: Lot 1, Block 1, Plan 0821076 Municipal: 4501-57 Street Recommendation: That the subdivision application #2010-03 from 1082604 Alberta Ltd. to create one parcel as shown on the Tentative Plan of Subdivision has been evaluated in terms of Section 654 of the Municipal Government Act and Section 7 of the Subdivision and Development Regulations and having considered adjacent landowner(s) submissions, referral agency comments, the Town of Stettler’s statutory planning documents, and other related municipal planning documents. 1. That the application is consistent with Section 7 of the Subdivision and Development Regulations; 2. The application is consistent with the policies of the Municipal Development Plan; 3. The application is consistent with the Land Use Bylaw1976-08; Further it is staff recommendation that Council approve this application subject to the following conditions: 1. That 1 lot be created in accordance with the Subdivision Plan submitted; 2. That the Subdivision to be effected by a Plan of Survey, pursuant to Section 657 of the Municipal Government Act; 3. That the subdivision access will be from 57 street; 4. That the Applicant will be required to service the property with municipal water and sewer upon development; 5. That Municipal Reserves be deferred to the balance of the parcel; 6. That the Town of Stettler will require minimum 6 meter easement of Environmental Reserves along Red Willow Creek and/or utility easements with regards to servicing the parcel; 7. All outstanding Property Taxes to be paid to the Town of Stettler as per Section 654 (1) (d) of the Municipal Government Act; 8. That the parcel is re-zoned to R2: General Residential; 9. That upon future development the applicant will direct storm water through lot grading to 57 street; 10. Furthermore, that part of the lot is located within the flood limit and will require flood prevention measures upon future development. IMPLICATIONS OF RECOMMENDATION General: The Applicant is proposing to create one large lot (0.81 acre) on lands located at the southwest corner of 4501-57 Street, essentially creating two titles from a property that is physically severed by Red Willow Creek. The intention is to rezone the newly created parcel from P: Public Use district to R2: General Residential to accommodate future residential development. 12
BACKGROUND Key Issues: 1. Town and County Memorandum of Understanding – All parcels are one acre or less, which is compliant with the Memorandum of Understanding. 2. Future Land Use – The Applicant has submitted a Rezoning application for the newly created lot to be R2 (General Residential) Legislation and Policy: Administration has assessed this proposal against the Municipal Government Act, Municipal Development, Inter-Municipal Development Plan, and Land Use Bylaw. Administration has met with the Developer and discussed re-zoning and future uses for the proposed parcel. 1. The Municipal Development Plan (Section 2) and Inter-Municipal Development Plan (Section 5) identify that environmentally sensitive lands and Red Willow Creek in particular should be protected and environmental reserves be dedicated at time of subdivision for such. The proposed development is within the 1:100 year flood plain identified by Alberta Environment. In addition storm water will be managed for this development by directing water to the 57 Street storm systems to reduce flooding and flows into Red Willow Creek. The Town of Stettler will require flood prevention measures upon future development. 2. Land Use Bylaw – The lands are currently zoned Public Use with the Intention to re-zone to general Residential following the subdivision approval Technical Review: External Agencies and Adjacent Land Owners Alta Gas – No Objection There were no other concerns or comments received from external agencies and adjacent landowners. Technical Considerations Topography – Indicated as flat – future elevations will be determined by flood risk Soil Characteristics – Not provided, no geotechnical report provided Storm-water Collection and Disposal –lot drainage would be directed from lot grading to 57 Street. Potential for Flooding – According to flood plain information a portion of the proposed parcel is within the flood plain and would require flood protection measures for development. Accessibility to Road – 57th Street. Water supply, sewage and solid waste disposal – Municipal services Alternatives: That council defeats the application citing reasons. Authors: Leann Graham & Dave Dittrick, Planning & Development Services
NOTES: -Distances shown are in metres. -Area dealt with is bounded thus
and contains ±O.328 HA. (±O.81 AC.)
S.W. 1/4 Sec. 5-39-19-4
SCALE = 1: 2000 14
21,7895-49th Avenue Red Deer, Alberta
Phone: 342-2611
File: S-090-10 tent
Rob Stoutenberg
Leann Graham & Dave Dittrick, Planning & Development Services
November 12, 2010
Steven Vaughn Wilfort - Development Agreement West Stettler Highway 12
Upon subdivision approval with conditions(s) from Town Council on October 5, 2010, a Draft Development Agreement was prepared regarding Steven Vaughn Wilfort’s proposed West Hwy 12 – Highway Commercial Development. This Draft Development Agreement is for the 6.22 acre parcel only; this subdivision requires a Development Agreement because of the municipal infrastructure that is involved in servicing the new property. All future phases and subdivision conditions will be addressed through new development agreements that pertain directly to each phase. The Draft Development Agreement is a comprehensive document, most notably covering the following items: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Construction/Compliance/Acceptance of Municipal Improvements Insurance/Indemnity/Security Maintenance and Warranty of Municipal Improvements Oversizing and Servicing Costs Offsite Levies Utility Easements and Other Instruments Defect or Default by the Developer
The Draft Development Agreement will be forwarded in its entirety to the Developer and/or consultant. A minimum of two (2) weeks should be allowed for final preparation, and signing of the document. Construction will not be allowed until a notice to proceed has been issued by the Town. Recommendation(s): 1. That Town of Stettler Council approves the Draft Development Agreement with Steven Vaughn Wilfort’s for the first phase of the West Hwy 12 – Highway Commercial Development.
The Town of Stettler
Steven Vaughn Wilfort
, A.D. 2010.
BETWEEN THE TOWN OF STETTLER A municipal corporation under the laws of the Province of Alberta (hereinafter referred to as the “Municipality”) OF THE FIRST PART - and STEVEN VAUGHN WILFORT P.O. Box 1582; Stettler; Alberta; T0C 2L1 (hereinafter referred to as the “Developer”) OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS: A. B. C.
D. E.
The Developer is the registered owner of those lands situated in the Town as described in Schedule “A” attached to this Agreement. The Developer proposes to subdivide the lands (hereinafter referred to as “the Development Area” as shown on the Plan attached as Schedule “B” to this Agreement. The Municipality and the Developer are agreeable to the Developer completing the Municipal Improvements required throughout and adjacent to the Development Area, in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, with the Developer, solely, bearing the costs of the Municipal Improvements. The Municipality and the Developer have agreed to enter into this Agreement to ensure adequate and timely provision of required services within and adjacent to the Development Area. Upon satisfactory completion of the construction and installation of the Municipal Improvements and the Final Acceptance of them by the Municipality, the Municipal Improvements which are on or under Public Property shall become property of the Municipality. The Municipality and the Developer have agreed that the said construction and installation of the Municipal Improvements and all matters and things incidental thereto and all other matters or things relating to the development of the Development Area, shall be subjects to the terms, conditions and covenants hereinafter set forth.
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the mutual terms by the Municipality to the Developer and of the promises and mutual covenants, undertakings and agreements herein contained, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby irrevocably acknowledged by the parties hereto, the parties agree as follows: ARTICLE I 1.
The following words and phrases shall have the following meanings: “Act” means the Municipal Government Act, R.S.A. 2000 c.M-26, as amended and any successor or parallel legislation; 1.1
“Commencement of Construction” or “Commence Construction” shall mean the date that the Developer commences or causes to be commenced construction of any improvement which the Developer may undertake or has undertaken to construct or causes to be constructed pursuant to the Subdivision Approval provided that any work relating to the preparation or clearance of any site, including any removal of any cables, buildings, structures, pipes, ducts, lines and tangible improvements, whether located, in whole or in part, above, upon or below ground, or the removal of any debris from such site, or the placing of any machinery or equipment on such site shall not be considered Commencement of Construction.
1.3 1.4
1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9
"Construction Completion Certificate” shall mean a Certificate issued by the Municipality, certifying the completion of the Municipal Improvements, or a portion thereof, once the Municiapl Improvements have been constructed and installed by the Developer to the satisfaction of the Municipality in accordance with this Agreement. “Contractor” is the person, firm, or corporation retained by the Developer to construct the Municipal Improvements in accordance with the approved Construction Specifications and Drawings. “Final Acceptance Certificates" means documents provided to the Municipality by the Developer, duly certified under professional seal by the Consulting Engineer, wherein the Consulting Engineer certifies that the Public Utility Work was completed and installed in accordance with the Engineering Plans and the specifications and standards approved therein. (The Final Acceptance Certificates are reviewed and eventually accepted by the Municipality upon the final acceptance of the work or the portions thereof as set out in Article 12). “Municipal Improvements” shall mean any utility infrastructure required to service the Development Area, including: 1.5.1 Water and sanitary sewer lateral mains; 1.5.2 Water and sanitary service connections; and 1.5.3 Shallow utilities including electrical distribution, natural gas and telephone. “Public Property” shall include all properties within and adjacent to the Development Area to be owned or administered by the Municipality, including roadways. “Subdivision Plan” means the plan for the subdivision approved by the Approving Authority. "Municipal Representative" means the Municipality's official with the title of Municipal Representative appointed by the Council. "Municipal Engineer" means the municipal engineer appointed by Council and duly authorized by the municipality to fulfill the position of the Municipal Engineer.
For definition of words used in this Agreement, which are not included in this Article 1, reference shall be made to the Act, and for words, which are not therein defined, reference shall be made to the Oxford Reference Dictionary. ARTICLE 2 2.
In the event that the Developer Commences Construction of the Improvements, the Developer shall construct the Municipal Improvements in a good and workmanlike manner, in accordance with the Development Area as shown in Schedule “B”. ARTICLE 3
Subject to the terms of this Agreement, it is understood and agreed between the Municipality and the Developer that the Developer shall be entitled to construct the Municipal Improvements in accordance with the Plans once such Plans have been approved by the Municipality.
The Developer shall not Commence Construction or commence installation of the Municipal Improvements, or any portion, until such time as the Municipality has issued written approval of the Plans. ARTICLE 4
The Developer shall Commence Construction of the Municipal Improvements within twelve (12) months of endorsement of this Development Agreement and shall complete the construction and installation of the Municipal Improvements, at the Developer’s own cost and expense, witin twenty four (24) months of endorsement of this Development Agreement.
At all times during the construction and installation of the Municipal Improvements and during all work by the Developer or its agents related thereto: 4.2.1
The Municipality shall have free and immediate access to all records of or available to the Developer relating to the performance of the work, including, but without limiting the generality of the foregoing, all design, inspection, material testing and “as constructed” records.
The Municipality may: (a)
(b) (c) (d) (e)
(f) (g)
exercise such inspection of the performance of work as the Municipality may deem necessary and advisable to ensure to the Municipality the full and proper compliance by the Developer with the Developer’s undertakings to the Municipality, and to ensure the proper performance of the work; reject any design, material or work which is not in accordance with the approved plans or accepted engineering and construction practices; order that any unsatisfactory work be re-executed at the Developer’s cost; order the re-execution of any unsatisfactory design and the replacement of any unsatisfactory material, at the Developer’s cost; order the Developer within a reasonable time to bring on the job and use additional labour, machinery and equipment, at the Developer’s cost, as the Municipality deems necessary to the proper performance of the work; order that the performance of the work or part thereof be stopped until the said orders can be obeyed; and order the testing of any materials to be incorporated in the work and the testing of any Municipal Improvements;
and the Developer at its own cost and expense shall comply with the said orders and requirements of the Municipality. ARTICLE 5 5.
The Developer shall, at all times during the construction and installation of the Municipal Improvements comply fully with all terms, conditions, provisions, covenants and details as may be set out in the Plans, as approved by the Municipality, and such terms and conditions as may otherwise be required pursuant to this Agreement or be agreed upon in writing between the Municipality and the Developer.
The provisions of this Agreement shall be additional to and not in substitution for any law, whether Federal, Provincial or Municipal, prescribing requirements relating to construction standards and the granting of development, building and occupancy permits. ARTICLE 6
For purposes of this Section, the Municipality and the Developer agree that no Municipal Improvement shall be considered complete unless and until: (a) the Municipal Improvement has been fully constructed and installed in accordance with the approved Plans; (b) the Municipal Improvement has been constructed and installed in accordance with accepted engineering and constructed practices; (c) all testing has been completed and the results approved by the Municipality; (d) all easements, utility rights-of-way and restrictive covenants have been registered in a form acceptable to the Municipality; and
(e) all Public Properties which have been disturbed or damaged have been fully restored by the Developer. 6.2
The Developer shall submit to the Municipal Engineer four (4) copies of the Construction Completion Certificate for the Municipal Improvements with suitable, in the opinion of the Municipal Engineer, plans attached showing the Public Utility Work duly signed and sealed by the Developer's Consulting Engineer. Where applicable the Developer shall attach to the C.C.C. a separate certificate duly signed and sealed, by a registered Professional Engineer of Alberta who is licensed to practice in the Province of Alberta, certifying that all the backfilling operations and all surface improvements carried out by the Contractor in connection with the Public Utility Work have been carried out in accordance with the construction requirements as specified in The City of Red Deer Standard Specifications for Waterworks and Sewer Construction.
If applicable, the Developer shall notify the Municipality prior to performing watermain hydrostatic pressure test. The test must follow the City of Red Deer "Standard Specifications for Watermain Construction" requirements and must be witnessed by Municipal Engineer or other designated representative. The watermain and water services must be properly flushed and disinfected. The Developer must supply the Municipality with the satisfactory bacteria test results from an authorized public health authority.
Further, the Developer shall submit a video inspection and report of the installed Sanitary Sewer mains and also of the existing main to which the new pipe was connected, at the discretion of the Municipal Engineer. ARTICLE 7
The Developer shall indemnify and save harmless the Municipality from any and all losses, costs, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, claims and demands resulting from anything done or omitted to be done by the Developer in pursuance of this Agreement.
The Developer covenants and agrees that it shall carry comprehensive liability insurance in minimum amounts as provided by this Agreement, which insurance shall name the Municipality is an additional insured (as its interest may appear, including with respect to any and all operations by the Developer or its contractors upon or affecting property owned by, or under the care, control and management of, the Municipality); shall provide that a default on the part of the Developer shall not be an event of default as against the Municipality; and shall require that the Municipality receive Thirty (30) days notice of change or cancellation. The minimum insurance coverage required by the Developer shall be: Statutory Worker’s Compensation – as required by law; Public liability and property damage – Bodily Injury – each person $2,000,000; each accident $4,000,000; Property damage (aggregate) each accident $500,000; Automobile public liability and third party property damage – owned and non-owned vehicles, Bodily injury – each person $2,000,000; each accident $4,000,000; Property damage, each accident $500,000.
In order to ensure to the Municipality full compliance by the Developer with the terms, covenants and conditions of this Agreement, the Developer hereby covenants and agrees that it shall deliver and deposit with the Municipality, security in the form hereinafter prescribed and that the following provisions shall apply to determining the amount of the security and the time or times at which the security shall be deposited with the Municipality: (a) the security shall be deposited by the Developer with the Municipality upon the earlier of: (i) submission for registration of a Plan of Subdivision for the Development Area and prior to the sale of any lots covered by a Plan of Subdivision; or (ii) prior to Commencement of Construction;
(b) the security in respect of the Subdivision Plan and Development Area, shall be an amount equal to One Hundred (100%) percent of the estimated costs of constructing and installing all of the Municipal Improvements and shall be set out Schedule “F� of this Agreement; 7.4
It is understood and agreed by the Developer that the Developer shall, during the currency of this Agreement (including the Warranty Period for the Municipal Improvements prescribed by this Agreement), maintain in full force and effect all security and liability insurance prescribed herein.
The security referred to above shall consist of a mortgage charge and/or encumbrance in the form of a separate encumbrance agreement acceptable to the Municipality and in the form provided by Schedule G of this Agreement) registered against the title(s) to the Plan 0426987 Block 1 Lot 2A.
The amount of security and insurance to be provided by the Developer to the Municipality may, in the sole and absolute discretion of the Municipality, be reduced on application by the Developer upon the Developer having received a Construction Completion Certificate or Final Acceptance Certificate for the Municipal Improvements, or any of them, so completed; PROVIDED THAT, after the issuance of any Construction Completion Certificates and prior to the issuance of Final Acceptance Certificates for all of the Municipal Improvements, the security maintained by the Municipality shall not be less than: (a) Fifteen (15%) percent of the estimated costs of the Municipal Improvements which were the subject of the Construction Completion Certificate; and (b) One Hundred (100%) percent of the estimated costs of constructing and installing all of the Municipal Improvements yet to be completed, being all those portions of the Municipal Improvements for which no Construction Completion Certificate has been issued.
In the event that the Municipality is of the opinion that: (a) a default by the Developer has not been rectified by the Developer in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. (b) a default by the Developer has been rectified by the Municipality in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and the Developer has failed to pay the costs and expenses of such rectification within thirty (30) days after receipt from the Municipality of an account therefore; (c) emergency repair work has been done to Municipal Improvements by the Municipality in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and the Developer fails to pay the costs and expenses of such repair work within thirty (30) days after receipt from the Municipality of an account therefore; (d) the Developer by any act or omission is in default of any term, condition or covenant of this Agreement; or (e) the security to be provided by the Developer to the Municipality pursuant to this Agreement is due to expire within a period of sixty (60) days and the Developer has not deposited with the Municipality a renewal or replacement of such security in terms and form acceptable to the Municipality's solicitors; the Municipality may invoke the provisions of this Section, and make demands as payee and beneficiary under the security provided by the Developer to the Municipality pursuant to the requirements of this Agreement.
In the event that the Municipality has negotiated, called upon, or otherwise received proceeds from, the security to be deposited by the Developer for any reason contemplated within this Agreement, then the Municipality shall be entitled to hold and apply any such funds as a security deposit in lieu of the original security.
In the event that the Municipality has negotiated or called upon the security to be deposited by the Developer with the Municipality, the Municipality may, at its option and discretion, use any funds thereby obtained in any manner the Municipality deems fit to discharge the obligations of the Developer pursuant to this Agreement.
Subject to Sections 8.2 and 8.5 herein, the Developer shall maintain the Municipal Improvements for a minimum period of two (2) years from the date of issuance of the Construction Completion Certificate.
After the issuance of the Construction Completion Certificate by the Municipality, the Developer shall be responsible for any and all repairs and replacements of the Municipal Improvements which may, in the Municipal Engineer's sole opinion, become necessary from any cause whatever except as noted in Clause 8.5, until the issuance of the Final Acceptance Certificate for the Municipal Improvements by the Municipality.
If during the maintenance periods, any defects in the opinion of the Municipal Engineer become apparent in the Municipal Improvements done under the terms of this Agreement and the Municipal Engineer requires repairs or replacements to be made, the Developer shall, within a reasonable time after notice given by the Municipality, cause such repairs or replacements to be made. Should the Developer fail to make such repairs or replacements for any reason whatsoever, or if in the sole opinion of the Municipal Engineer, any emergency arises, the Municipality may make the repair or replacements at the expense of the Developer and the Developer hereby agrees to reimburse the Municipality for such costs, failing which the Municipality shall be entitled to deduct such costs from the monies deposited with the Municipality, or call on the security provided to the Municipality.
The Developer agrees that maintenance is a continuous operation which must be carried out until the date of issuance of the Final Acceptance Certificate for the Municipal Improvements, and that the Developer shall not be relieved from liability of any kind until all repairs or replacements identified by the Municipal Engineer, in his final inspection reports, have been made. ARTICLE 9
The Developer, in constructing the Municipal Improvements as contemplated herein, shall bear the costs of oversizing and extending Municipal Improvements designed and installed to accommodate future developments on land adjacent to the Development Area and other benefiting areas, and shall design, construct and install the Municipal Improvements so that such future developments can utilize or benefit from such oversizing or extensions. The Municipality’s requirements for oversizing shall be evidenced within the additional provisions contained within Schedule “D� attached to this Agreement.
The costs of the oversizing contemplated in Section 9.1 shall be shared costs and the Municipality and the Developer acknowledges that the Developer shall be entitled to recover such shared costs in accordance with this Agreement. The method of calculating the proportionate shares of such shared costs shall be determined solely by the Municipality in accordance with good engineering and construction practices, in accordance with the provisions of any relevant bylaws of the Municipality, in accordance with any agreements which the Municipality has entered into, or may enter into, with contractors, other developers or other persons in respect to the construction of such Municipal Improvements, and where deemed appropriate by the Municipality taking into account the expended useful life span of the oversized/shared Municipal Improvements.
The Municipality shall not be responsible for payment of any portion of the shared costs, except as may be specifically provided elsewhere in this Agreement, or except in respect to lands owned or acquired by the Municipality, but the Municipality shall use reasonable efforts to give such assistance to the Developer as it can legally give in the recovery of shared costs by making it a term of any Development Agreement between the Municipality and owners of any future benefiting developments that such owners pay their proportionate share of such shared costs to the Developer and by requiring payment of the same by such
owners as a condition of the use of the Municipal Improvements or as a condition of the approval of any development or subdivision applications. 9.4
The Developer shall, so soon as reasonably possible and in any event prior to the issuance of the Final Acceptance Certificates, provide the Municipality with the details of the costs of oversizing or extension of the Municipal Improvements that accommodate future development on land adjacent to the Development Area and in other benefiting areas for approval by the Municipality, and upon the Municipality approving the said details, the same shall govern for the purpose of determining the amount of shared costs to be paid by such benefiting owners pursuant to Section 9.2.
The Municipality agrees that in the event any land adjacent to the Development Area, and other benefiting areas which may benefit from the Municipal Improvements oversized or extended by the Developer, is intended to be developed and the Municipality is advised of any such development, the Municipality will endeavour to notify the Developer in writing of the intended development. The Developer agrees that upon notice of such intended development being sent by the Municipality, the Developer shall notify the Municipality in writing of any claims it has in writing under this Agreement for recovery of shared costs with detailed calculations setting out the amount claimed by the Developer. Until such notice has been delivered by the Developer to the Municipality, the Municipality shall not be required to request from the owners of adjacent lands the payment to the Developer of the shared costs attributable to the lands intended to be developed. Upon receipt of any such notice from the Developer to the Municipality, the Municipality will take the steps contemplated by this Agreement to facilitate the recovery by the Developer of the applicable shared costs.
The Municipality agrees that in calculating any shared costs payable to the Developer, the Municipality shall include interest, calculated from the date of Construction Completion of all of the Municipal Improvements, compounded annually, at the Prime Rate plus Two (2%) percent; PROVIDED, that interest shall cease to accrue Five (5) years from the date of the issuance of Construction Completion Certificates for all of the Municipal Improvements.
For purposes of calculating interest payable under Section 9.6, the Prime Rate established on the first business day of a particular month shall be utilized and shall be deemed to be the Prime Rate for that entire month.
In the event that there is a dispute between the Developer and the developer/owner of the adjacent lands considered to benefit from the oversized Municipal Improvements as to the amount of benefit or the amount determined to its proportionate share of the costs of constructing and installing the oversized Municipal Improvements, the Municipality, at its option, may require that the dispute be arbitrated between the Developer and the benefiting developer/owner of the adjacent lands. The Municipality shall have the option to, but shall not be obligated to, participate as a party or otherwise in such arbitration. In either event, the Municipality agrees to endeavour to assist in the recovery of the amount, if any, of the shared costs as determined by the arbitrator.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary within this Agreement, the Developer shall only be entitled to recover any payment of shared costs within Ten (10) years from the date of this Agreement and the Developer shall make no demands against the Municipality or any other developer for payment thereafter. In addition and in that regard, the Parties acknowledge and agree that there exists the potential for significant passage of time between the development of the Development Area and the development of other properties, as well as the corresponding potential for change in development and servicing needs in the near and long term (including, without restriction, alternative servicing based upon proper planning and servicing principles, some oversized Municipal Improvements becoming obsolete or require replacement or renewal prior to payment of all potential proportionate shares by other developers). For these and other reasons (including, without restriction, the simple lack of further and other development in general), there shall always exist the potential for adjacent or other lands never becoming benefited by some or all oversized Municipal Improvements. Consequently, and notwithstanding the foregoing and anything to the contrary contained within this Agreement, the Municipality cannot and will not guarantee eventual recovery of proportionate shares of oversizing costs.
ARTICLE 10 10.
Off-site levies in the amount of $5,000 per gross acre pursuant to the approved subdivision plan identified as per Schedule “B” shall be paid to the municipality in two installments. The first installment to be paid upon agreement execution; the second installment to be paid prior to the end of the maintenance period identified pursuant to Article 8. ARTICLE 11
The Plans, as approved by the Municipality as per schedule “B”, shall designate road allowances, public utility lots, easements or rights-of-way of widths adequate to the needs of the Municipality and utility companies, for the construction and installation of Municipal Improvements and services, natural gas, power, and telephone service to and through the Development Area, and for storm drainage systems, and shall be of a width and in such locations as required by the Municipality.
The road allowances, public utility lots, easements and utility rights-of-way shall be granted and registered to the Municipality (without further compensation payable to the Developer), upon the earlier of submission for registration of a Plan of Subdivision for the Development Area and prior to the sale of any lots covered by a Plan of Subdivision, and Commencement of Construction of the Municipal Improvements. The Developer shall within one (1) month of registration of the Plan of Subdivision, and prior to the sale of any lots within the Development Area, provide to the Municipality proof of the registration of all road allowances, public utility lots, easements and utility rights-of-way required by the Municipality.
The Developer agrees that the road allowances, easements and utility rights-of-way shall be in a form acceptable to the Municipality and shall be a first charge (excepting other easements and utility rights-of-way) and that the Developer shall obtain and register postponements of all liens, charges and encumbrances in favour of the easements.
Such road allowances, easements or utility rights-of-way shall provide that the Municipality shall have the right either: (a) to assign all or any parts of the rights thereby granted to operators of the respective utilities; or (b) to grant permits or licenses to install, repair and replace gas, power and telephone lines, and all drainage systems.
The Developer covenants that it shall register or cause to be registered against the Development Area or other lands controlled by the Developer, in a form acceptable to the Municipality, restrictive covenants and other instruments which are required by any subdivision approval for the Development Area or otherwise required under the terms of this Agreement. ARTICLE 12
Following completion of the warranty period, the Developer shall submit to the Municipal Engineer four (4) copies of the Final Acceptance Certificate for the Improvements and Local Improvements with suitable, in the opinion of the Municipal Engineer, plans attached showing the Improvements and Local Improvements duly signed and sealed by the Developer’s Consulting Engineer.
Within sixty (60) days of the receipt by the Municipality of a request for a Final Acceptance Certificate, the Municipality shall undertake an inspection of the Municipal Improvements and the Municipality shall within the said sixty (60) days advise the Developer in writing of any deficiencies in relation to the Municipal Improvements (i.e. any deficiencies referred to by the Developer and any additional deficiencies)
In the event that there are any deficiencies in relation to a particular Municipal Improvement the Municipality may refuse to issue the Final Acceptance Certificate of the Municipal Improvements and require the Developer to repair or replace the whole or any portion of any such Municipal Improvements; PROVIDED, that upon completion of the repairs or replacement required to correct any such deficiencies, the Developer may request that a further inspection and issuance of a Final Acceptance Certificate.
In the event that any inspection contemplated in Sections 12.2 or 12.3 reveals that there are no deficiencies in relation to the Municipal Improvements, the Municipality shall issue in writing its Final Acceptance Certificate for the Municipal Improvements. ARTICLE 13
Upon failure, neglect or refusal of the Developer to comply with any notice of defect or default, given in writing to the Developer by the Municipal Engineer, within thirty (30) days of the delivery of the said notice to the Developer, the Municipality shall have the right to take all or any of the following actions: (a) (b) (c) (d)
to remedy or cause to be remedied the defect or default; to terminate this Agreement upon fifteen (15) days notice in writing to the Developer; to complete the Work or cause the Work to be completed; to recover the costs of any actions taken by the Municipality pursuant to 13.1(a), 13.1(b) or 13.1(c) above, and any other monies owing to the Municipality by the Developer, under this Agreement, from the Developer by drawing upon the security or by any or all other methods of recovery, or any one of them, deemed advisable or expedient by the Municipality including but not limited to, any methods of recovery available to the Municipality pursuant to the Municipal Government Act, R.S.A. 2000 c.M-26, as amended from time to time. ARTICLE 14
Any notice, communication or request to be given to either party shall be in writing by registered mail, postage prepaid, or by personal delivery or facsimile addressed to such party at the address as either party may from time to time advise the other in writing. ARTICLE 15
Either party may waive any breach by the other of any provision or provisions contained in this Agreement of any default by the other in the observance or performance of any covenant or condition required to be observed or performed by the other under the terms of this Agreement, provided that no such waiver shall be binding upon such part unless given in writing, nor shall any waiver extend or be taken to affect any subsequent breach or default or to affect the right to the waiving party.
ARTICLE 16 16.
The headings contained herein form no part of this Agreement and shall be deemed to have been inserted for convenience only.
This Agreement shall be binding upon the ensure to the benefit of the respective parties and their successors, successors-in-title and assigns.
If any part of this Agreement is held by a Court of competent jurisdiction to be void or unenforceable then only that part shall be void and unenforceable and the remainder of this Agreement shall remain valid and enforceable.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have set their hands and seals this A.D. 2010
th day of
Per:___________________________________________ Mayor
Per:___________________________________________ Chief Administrative Officer
_________________________________________ Witness
Per: ________________________________________ STEVEN VAUGHN WILFORT
Schedule “A” -
Legal Description of the Lands
Schedule “B” -
The Development Area
Schedule “C” -
Municipal Improvements
Schedule “D” -
Additional Provisions
Schedule “E” -
Oversize Costs, Levies and Fees
Schedule “F” -
Schedule “G” -
Form of Encumbrance Agreement
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SCHEDULE "C" MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS Subject to confirmation from the Municipality with respect to either the current existence of any of the following satisfactory to the Municipality, or confirmation that the Municipality has assumed responsibility to initially construct and install them, Municipal Improvements shall mean and include the following to be constructed in and adjacent to the Development Area. (a)
all sanitary sewer systems including, but in no manner limited to, holding tanks, service lines, manholes, mains and appurtenances and service connections;
all storm water drainage systems, including, but in no manner limited to, storm sewers, storm sewer connections, provisions for weeping tile flow where a high water table or other subsurface conditions cause continuous flow in the weeping tile, storm retention ponds, catch basins, catch basin leads, manholes and associated works, all as and where required by the Municipality;
all water distribution systems, wells, pumps, lines and service connections, including, but in no manner limited to, all fittings, valves, and hydrants and looping as required by the Municipality, in order to safeguard and ensure the continuous and safe supply of water in the Development Area;
the restoration of all Public Properties to the Municipality's satisfaction which are disturbed or damaged in the course of the Developer's work;
the relocation, to the Municipality's satisfaction, of all existing utilities and Municipal Improvements as required by the Municipality as a result of the installation and construction of other utilities and Municipal Improvements pursuant to this Agreement;
shallow utilities including electricity, natural gas, and telephone. Such utilities to be provided in a location and a standard to be approved by the appropriate utility company and the Municipality.
SCHEDULE "D" ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS In addition to the terms, covenants and conditions contained within this Agreement, the Developer shall be responsible, at its sole cost, for the satisfaction of the following additional conditions: 1.
Security – Further to Section 8.5 of the Development Agreement, the Developer may provide the Municipality security in the form of an encumbrance agreement registered as a first financial charge against the title to Plan 0426987 Block 1 Lot 2A. The form of encumbrance agreement acceptable to the Municipality shall be the form of agreement attached hereto as Schedule “G” of this Agreement. In the event that the lands comprising Plan 0426987 Block 1 Lot 2A is not sufficient security to cover the full amount of the cost estimate of the Municipal Improvements and any outstanding work under the Development Agreement, the Developer shall remain responsible for one hundred percent of the cost of installing and constructing the Municipal Improvements in and for the Development Area and that the Municipality may, at any time and its sole discretion, require the Developer to provide additional security to cover such full costs.
Municipal Improvements – Further to Schedule C of this Agreement regarding Municipal Improvements, the Developer shall be responsible for the construction and installation of all Municipal Improvements, including but not limited to, water mains, sanitary sewer mains, and storm water mains, expanded and connected from existing servicing located to the south of the proposed subdivision, in accordance with the approved Plans, the Design Standards and to the satisfaction of the Municipality.
Utility Right of Way – Further to Section 12 of this Agreement, the Municipality and the Developer acknowledge and agree that the water lines, sanitary sewer lines and storm sewer lines to be installed and constructed pursuant to this Agreement will cross over the Lands and the Development Area not being subdivided into lots or road allowances, and as such, will require a utility right of way over such Lands, granted in the name of the Municipality. In that regard, the Developer shall obtain and register, at the Developer’s sole expense, all necessary utility rights-of-way and easements granted in the name of the Municipality.
Oversizing – The Developer shall be required to “oversize” the water and sanitary lines to 300 mm diameter lines. The additional expense estimated to be paid by the Developer and potentially recoverable through “endeavours to assist” from adjacent landowners is $12,850.00.
Offsite Levy – Further to Section 16.1 and 16.2 of the Agreement, the Developer shall pay an off-site levy, pursuant to Bylaw No. 1972-08 of the Municipality, as calculated on Schedule “E”, and, in the event that collection of the off-site levy is not possible for any reason whatsoever, the amounts payable shall constitute contributions to servicing as contemplated under either Section 650 or 655 of the Municipal Government Act.
Utility Easements and Servicing – The Developer shall be required to obtain utility easements to provide future utility easements through the Subdivision Plan and Development area, as well as through Plan 0426987 Block 1 Lot 2A, to provide utilities to both Plan 0426987 Block 1 Lot 2A (Wilfort) and Plan 0426987 Block 1 Lot 2B (CH4).
Developer Contributions and/or Off-site Levies. The Developer shall pay the following as servicing contributions and/or Off-site Levies, pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement and Sections 650 or 655 of the MGA: $5,000 per gross acre x 6.22 acre area = $31,100.00
Payment. The Developer shall pay the amounts described in this Schedule as and when required within Section 10 of this Agreement.
For purposes of calculating the security required to be deposited by the Developer pursuant to Section 21, and subject to the provisions below, the cost estimates for the construction and installation of the Municipal Improvements are as follows: Underground Improvements Water Distribution System Sanitary Sewer System Lot Servicing Miscellaneous
$ 173,500.00 $ 183,700.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 61,120.00
Municipal Improvements Subtotal
$ 422,320.00
Engineering at 10%
Estimate Total (excluding GST)
$ 464,552.00
Estimate Total (including GST)
$ 487,779.60
Total Value of Security Required
$ 487,779.60
The Parties hereby represent, warrant, covenant and agree that all of the costs for the construction and installation of the Municipal Improvements for the Development Area, as set out above, are estimates, and as such shall in no way limit or restrict the Developer’s responsibility under this Agreement, nor in any way whatsoever establish or otherwise suggest a maximum amount of the Developer’s obligations under this Agreement.
Where estimates are not available as at the date of this Agreement, the Developer shall provide such estimates as contemplated within Article 7, and the amount of the security shall be established by the Municipality at that time.
In the event that any of the actual or tendered costs for the construction and installation of the Municipal Improvements for the Development Area are higher or lower than as estimated above, the security to be provided by the Developer shall be adjusted in accordance with Article 7 so as to be based upon those actual or tendered costs.
THE TOWN OF STETTLER a municipal corporation, (hereinafter referred to as "the Grantee") OF THE FIRST PART - and -
STEVEN VAUGHN WILFORT a body corporate duly authorized to carry on business in the Province of Alberta, (hereinafter referred to as "the Grantor") OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS: A.
Pursuant to the terms of the Development Agreement, the Grantor is obligated to provide security to the Grantee in the amount of the Security in the form as may be approved by the Grantee and it solicitors.
The Grantor has agreed to provide security under the Development Agreement in the amount of the Indebtedness for the purposes of securing the Developer’s obligations, which is now due and payable.
The Grantor has requested that the Grantee accept alternative security in the form of a financial charge against the Lands for the security currently required by the Development Agreement.
The Grantee has required that the Grantee grant this Encumbrance to secure to the Grantee the repayment of the Indebtedness, as well as the performance of the Grantor's obligations pursuant to the Development Agreement.
NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the Grantee’s agreement to accept this Encumbrance as alternative security under the Development Agreement, as well as the sum of One ($1.00) Dollar, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Grantor and the Grantee agree as follows: ARTICLE 1 1.1
Definitions In this Encumbrance the following expressions shall have the meanings hereinafter set forth unless there is something inconsistent in the subject matter or context thereof: (a)
"Development Agreement" means that certain Development Agreement dated the ___ , 2010, as amended from time to time, between the Grantor and day of __________ the Grantee respecting the subdivision and development of the Lands;
"Encumbrance" means this Agreement, as amended, modified or supplemented from time to time;
"Event of Default" means the occurrence of any one or more of the following events: (i)
the Grantor's defaulting in the observance or performance of any of the terms or conditions of this Encumbrance, the Development Agreement and any security or agreement additional or collateral thereto, 35
an order being made or an effective resolution being passed for the winding up of the Grantor or a petition being filed for the winding up of the Grantor,
the Grantor becoming insolvent or the filing or presenting of a petition in bankruptcy against the Grantor,
the appointment of a receiver or a receiver-manager of the Grantor or any of its assets either privately or by court appointment,
any proceeding with respect to the Grantor which is commenced under the Companies Creditors Arrangement Act or any successor legislation;
the Grantor making a proposal under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act or any successor legislation;
any execution, sequestration or other process of any Court becoming enforceable against the Grantor or a distress or analogous process being levied upon the property of the Grantor or any part thereof which is not satisfied or discharged, as the case maybe, within 15 days from the date upon which the Grantor receives written notice of the same from the Grantee, and
any other event which, pursuant to the terms of this Encumbrance constitutes, or is deemed to constitute, an Event of Default;
"Grantee" means the Town of Stettler;
"Grantor" means Steven Vaughn Wilfort;
"Indebtedness" means the Security, together with any amounts which may become owing pursuant to this Encumbrance;
"Lands" means the lands and premises described in Schedule "A" attached hereto;
"Permitted Encumbrances" means the registrations described in Schedule "A" attached hereto; (i)
"Security" means the security amount due and payable by the Grantor to the Grantee pursuant to the Development Agreement to a maximum of $487,779.60;
"Term" means the term of this Encumbrance, as described within Section 2.3 of this Encumbrance.
Schedules Incorporated The contents of the Schedules attached hereto are hereby confirmed and the same are incorporated into and shall form a part of this Encumbrance. ARTICLE 2
Grant The Grantor being or being entitled to become the registered owner of an estate in fee simple of the Lands (subject only to the Permitted Encumbrances) does hereby charge and encumber for the benefit of the Grantee all of the Grantor's right, title, estate and interest in the Lands for the purpose of securing unto the Grantee payment in full of the Indebtedness as and when they become due.
Security For greater certainty, it is hereby acknowledged and agreed that the charge upon the Lands created by this Encumbrance shall constitute an encumbrance over all of the Lands to the full extent of the Indebtedness. The Grantor represents, warrants, covenants and agrees that the Security is due and payable by the Grantor to the Grantee pursuant to the Development Agreement upon registration of the subdivision plan creating title to the Lands.
Term This Encumbrance shall remain in existence and in full force and effect until the earlier of: (a)
payment in full of the Indebtedness; or
the performance and satisfaction of the Grantor's obligations under the Development Agreement for which the Security and this Encumbrance are being provided as security;
upon which this Encumbrance shall be discharged from the titles to the Lands by the Grantee. 2.4
Release The Grantee may, in its sole discretion, release the Lands or portions thereof from this Encumbrance and partially discharge this Encumbrance from the title(s) to those portions to be released, provided always that the Grantee is satisfied with the progress of the Grantor's performance under the Development Agreement and the security remaining after such release and partial discharge. ARTICLE 3
Grantor Responsible for Costs The Grantor covenants and agrees with the Grantee that it shall be responsible for all costs and expenses incurred by the Grantee with respect to the preparation, execution, registration, administration, and enforcement of this Encumbrance including without restriction the following:
legal costs and disbursements on a solicitor and his own client full indemnity basis; and
all costs and disbursements relating to the preparation, delivery and registration of any partial discharges of this Encumbrance.
Warranty The Grantor represents and warrants to and in favour of the Grantee that: (a)
the Grantor has, or will have upon registration of this Encumbrance, a good, valid and marketable title to the Lands subject only to the Permitted Encumbrances;
the Grantor has the legal capacity and legal authority to grant and enter into this Encumbrance;
on default, the Grantee shall have quiet possession of the Lands, free from all encumbrances (except the Permitted Encumbrances);
the Grantor will execute such further assurances with respect to the Lands as may be required by the Grantee; and
the Grantor has done no act to encumber the Lands in priority to this Encumbrance (except the Permitted Encumbrances).
Occurrence of an Event of Default In addition to any other rights or remedies provided for within the Development Agreement, upon the occurrence of an Event of Default, the Grantee:
may, at its option, and at the Grantor's expense and when and to such extent as the Grantee deems advisable, subject to the terms of the Development Agreement, observe and perform or cause to be observed and performed any covenant, agreement, proviso or stipulation contained herein or contained in the Development Agreement;
may send or employ an Inspector or Agent to inspect and report upon the value, state and condition of the Lands and a Solicitor to examine and report upon the title to the same, all at the expense of the Grantor;
may enter into possession of the Lands, either by itself or its agent, and whether in or out of possession collect the rents and profits thereof, and make any demise or lease of the Lands or any part thereof for such terms, periods, and at such rent as the Grantee shall think proper;
may take such proceedings to realize upon the Grantee's security created by this Encumbrance as the Grantee is in law or in equity entitled to take, including without restriction, judicial sale of the Lands and the Grantee shall be entitled to exercise all of the powers and remedies given to an Encumbrance by the Land Titles Act of Alberta and to the grantee of a charge upon land;
it shall be lawful for, and the Grantor does hereby grant full power, right and license to, the Grantee to enter, seize and distrain upon the Lands or any part thereof, and by distress warrant to recover by way of rent reserved as in the case of demise of the premises as much of the Indebtedness as shall from time to time be or remain in arrears and unpaid, together with all costs, charges and expenses attending such levy or distress, as in like cases of distress for rent;
may, with or without Court approval, appoint any person or persons whether an officer or employee of the Grantee, to be a Receiver or a Receiver-Manager (hereinafter called the Receiver) of the Lands and may remove any Receiver so appointed and appoint a replacement;
the whole of the Indebtedness shall, at the option of the Grantee, become due and payable;
the Grantee may exercise each of the foregoing powers without notice to the Grantor; and
the exercise or the attempted exercise of one or more of the Grantee's rights or remedies hereunder shall not affect, delay or prejudice any other rights or remedies nor operate as a waiver thereof, and any or all of the said rights or remedies may be exercised concurrently or successively.
Not a Mortgagee in Possession Nothing contained herein and nothing which may be done by the Grantee or by a Receiver shall render the Grantee a mortgagee in possession or responsible as such.
Judgment The taking of a judgment with respect to any covenant, term or condition contained herein shall not operate as a merger thereof and the Grantee shall be entitled to interest upon any money judgment at the rate hereinbefore set forth which interest shall be due and payable until such time as the judgment has been fully paid and satisfied.
All Remedies Available Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default, the Grantee may enforce any or all of the remedies available to it, it being intended that no remedy contained herein or contained in the Development Agreement shall be exclusive of any other remedy available to the Grantee but rather each such remedy shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to every other remedy available to the Grantee now or hereafter existing by law, by statute or in equity.
No Waiver No consent or waiver express or implied by the Grantee to or of any breach or default by the Grantor in the performance or observance of any of the Grantor's obligations hereunder or under this Encumbrance shall be deemed or construed to be a consent or waiver to or of any other breach or default in the performance or observance of any other obligations of the Grantor hereunder or under this Encumbrance. A failure on the part of the Grantee to complain of any act or to take any specific action or to declare the Grantor to be in default, irrespective of how long such failure continues, shall not constitute a waiver by the Grantee of its rights and powers hereunder.
Release of Security If the Grantee at any time agrees to release or discharge its security as against any portion of the Lands, then such releasing or discharge shall not affect the validity and enforceability of this Encumbrance as against the balance of the Lands remaining. ARTICLE 4
Further Assurances The Grantor hereby covenants and agrees with the Grantee to take such other and additional steps and to execute and deliver such further and additional deeds, documents, assurances and conveyances as may be reasonably required by the Grantee's solicitors to properly encumber and charge all of the Grantor's right, title, estate and interest in the Lands to the extent intended herein.
Unenforceable Terms If any term, covenant or condition of this Encumbrance or the application thereof to any circumstances shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable to any extent, then the remainder of this Encumbrance or application of such term, covenant or condition to any circumstance other than that to which it was held to be invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected thereby and each remaining term, covenant and condition of this Encumbrance shall be valid and shall be enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law.
Context Wherever the singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter is used throughout this Encumbrance, the same shall be construed as meaning the singular, plural, masculine, feminine, neuter, body politic or body corporate where the fact or context so requires.
Enurement This Encumbrance shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns.
Jurisdiction This Encumbrance shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the Province of Alberta and the Courts of the Province of Alberta shall have exclusive jurisdiction with respect to the interpretation and enforcement of this Encumbrance.
Headings The division of this Encumbrance into Articles and Sections and the headings of any Sections are for convenience of reference only and shall not affect the construction or interpretation of this Encumbrance.
Notices Any notice to be given by either party hereto to the other pursuant to this Encumbrance shall be in writing served in the same manner as set forth in this Encumbrance to: (a)
the Grantor at: STEVEN VAUGHN WILFORT Box 1582 Stettler, Alberta T0C 2L0 Phone: (403) 742-7725
the Grantee at: TOWN OF STETTLER Box 280 Stettler, Alberta T0C 2L0 Phone: (403) 742-8305 Fax: (403) 742-1404 Attention: Chief Administrative Officer
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Grantor has executed this Encumbrance this ___ day of ______________, 2010.
_________________________________ WITNESS
___________________________________ STEVEN VAUGHN WILFORT
Permitted Encumbrances
Registration Numbers
982 225 407 032 437 140 042 001 639
Caveat Re Right of Way Agreement Utility Right of Wayt Restrictive Covenant
together with new registrations required by the Grantee as part of the Development Agreement between the parties.
) ) ) ) )
I, ___________________ of the __________ of _________________, in the Province of Alberta, MAKE OATH AND SAY:
1. I was personally present and did see STEVEN VAUGHN WILFORT, named in the annexed instrument, who is personally known to me to be the persons named therein, duly sign and execute the same for the purposes named therein. 2. That the same was executed at the Town of Stettler, in the Province of Alberta, and that I am the subscribing witness thereto. 3. That I know the said STEVEN VAUGHN WILFORT and he is, in my belief, of the full age of eighteen years.
SWORN before me at ____________ in the Province of Alberta, ______________, 2010.
__________________________________ A Commissioner for Oaths in and for the Province of Alberta
) ) ) ) ) )
_______________________________________ [NAME OF WITNESS TO AGREEMENT]
I, STEVEN VAUGHN WILFORT, of Town of Stettler, in the Province of Alberta, MAKE OATH AND SAY: 1.
I am the owner named in the within instrument.
I am not married; Or Neither myself nor my spouse have resided on the within mentioned land at any time since our marriage.
SWORN BEFORE me at_________________, in the Province of Alberta, this ____ day of _____________ , 2010.
) ) ) )
_______________________________ STEVEN VAUGHN WILFORT
_____________________________ A Commissioner for Oaths in and for the Province of Alberta
Rob Stoutenberg
Leann Graham
November 12, 2010
AHS Community Health Centre – AE Kennedy Building Update
The AE Kennedy Building owned by the Town of Stettler is currently the location for the Alberta Health Services Stettler Community Health Centre. Alberta Health Services has recently brought up some issues regarding upgrades and repairs to this aging facility. Below is a breakdown of the work that has been completed to date in 2010 along with the costs and budget comparison: Building Insurance:
$ 1,498.00
*Emergency Exit Stairs Replacement:
Heating, Ventilating & Air Conditioning. (HVAC):
$ 3,093.23
Roof Repairs & Ceiling Tile Replacements due to Roof Leaks:
$ 3,149.76
Awning Replacement:
$ 1,909.73
Plumbing Repairs:
Flooring Replacement in clinic rooms:
$ 2,196.25
Door Repair:
Town of Stettler Employee Wages:
$ 1,830.51
2010 Budget:
613.85 230.00
*Due to the unanticipated but required works to the Emergency Exit Stairs, the Town of Stettler has a negative balance in the Health Unit Budget Accounts. The lease requires that the Town of Stettler maintain the structural improvements and that Alberta Health Services maintain the lease hold improvements except reasonable wear and tear.
Between the Town of Stettler and Alberta Health Services the following is a summary of the works identified as priorities with estimated costs at the Community Health Centre for 2011 or subsequent years: **Flooring Replacement (attached letter) $2.25/sq ft estimated @ 4000 sq ft
$ 9,000.00
*Roof Repair/Replacement (Cooper Roofing Estimate)
*Sidewalk Replacement immediate need $160.62/sq m @ 30 sq m
$ 4,818.60
*Sidewalk Replacement future $160.62/sq m @ 40 sq m
$ 6,424.80
*Exterior Painting Student Works Painting Estimate
$ 4,785.00
**HVAC Air Duct Cleaning Estimated based on building sq ft
$ 6,000.00
**Replacement of Approx 35 +/- Ceiling Tiles from Roof Leaks Estimated by cost of ceiling tiles
**Replacement of Approx 5 +/- Light Ballasts Estimated by time & cost per ballast
*Actual project estimate from professionals **Estimated based on current rates and the AE Kennedy Building Based on the existing lease and subsequent amendments that were agreed to in April of 2008, the lease rates were set at $9.25/sq ft. As well, Council`s direction in 2008 stated that following the 2010 lease period, negotiations and approvals will be required between both parties. Recommendation: The Town of Stettler initiate a meeting with Alberta Health Services to develop a maintenance priority list and discuss the Lease Rates for 2011-2013 and/or cost sharing of priority upgrades.
Stettler Community Health Services Box 550,5911-50 Avenue Stettler, AB TOe 2LO
Alberta Health Services
Phone: 403-742-4461 Fax: 403-742-1353
November 1, 2010 Town Council Members 4840 50 Street Stettler, Alberta TOC2LO Dear Members of Stettler Town Council, As you know, Stettler Community Health Services is presently located in the building at 5911 50 Avenue, which is a building owned and operated by the town and leased by Alberta Health Services. As an organization responsible for providing health services and health promotion to Albertans, we are accountable for meeting certain infection control standards. We are audited and recommendations are made regarding how these standards can be met, and we are then held accountable for meeting these recommendations. One of the standards is concerning the proper cleaning and disinfecting of areas where client care is provided. In an effort to better meet the needs of our community, we established a Horne Care ambulatory clinic several years ago, and many of our clients receive our service within the building. Many of these clients have comprorriised immune systems and are subject to illness. It has been brought to my attention by Infection Prevention and Control that the flooring in the building holds the potential for harboring organisms that contribute to disease and it is recommended that carpeting be removed for this reason. Regular cleaning with recommended products is also a part of this recommendation. We have been able to meet the cleaning requirements within the actual clinic as the carpet in this area has been removed and replaced by linoleum, which has been excellent for us and our clients. However, we are not meeting this standard in the rest of the building, due to the difficulty in cleaning carpeting to meet infection control requirements. For your awareness, there have been other community facilities and buildings that have recently removed their flooring to meet infection control standards, so this is not just a local issue. I would like to ask that you consider the removal of the carpet, at least in our client care areas, in consideration of the concerns I have cited. I would be happy to discuss this further with any council member or department responsible. Thank you for your consideration of my concerns and I would appreciate any follow up that could be provided.
~~~~~ ~
Seniors Health Area Manager, Central Zone East Alberta Health Services 403 7408100
... J
Net Balance at End of Previous Month
ADD: General Receipts Interest Earned Investments Matured SUBTOTAL
1,015,393.28 6,452.48 6,902,163.40
LESS: General Disbursements Payroll Investments Debenture Payments Returned Cheques Bank Charges SUBTOTAL
1,121,304.64 178,425.58 7,600.38 783.50 1,308,114.10 $
Balance at End of Month - Bank ADD: Outstanding Deposits LESS: Outstanding Cheques
5,787,614.83 39,258.12 232,823.65
INVESTMENTS: $U.S. Money Market Account
20,725.38 20,725.38
_________________________________ MAYOR
______________________________________ ASSISTANT CAO
System: 11/4/2010 3:38:32 PM User Date: 11/4/2010 Ranges: Vendor ID Vendor Name Cheque Date
From: First First First
Town Of Stettler CHEQUE DISTRIBUTION REPORT Payables Management To: Last Last Last
From: Chequebook ID GENERAL Cheque Number 56446
Page: 1 User ID: Veronica To: GENERAL 56491
Sorted By: Cheque Number Distribution Types Included:All Vendor Name Cheque Number Cheque Date Cheque Amount ====================================================================================================================== A.A.M.D.C. 56446 11/5/2010 $2,856.00 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Swivel Snow Wheel 301300 $2,856.00 ====================================================================================================================== AMSC 2010 56447 11/5/2010 $4,278.75 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Council - Convention Reg Fees 1009-AUMA 2010 $656.25 Council - Covention Reg Fee 1010-AUMA 2010 $997.50 Council Convention Reg Fee 1011-AUMA 2010 $656.25 Council Convention Reg Fee 1012-AUMA 2010 $656.25 Council Convention Reg Fee 1013-AUMA 2010 $656.25 Council Convention Reg Fees 1014-AUMA 2010 $656.25 ====================================================================================================================== AMSC Insurance Services Ltd. 56448 11/5/2010 $2,838.00 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pool Facility Insurance 21598 $5,625.00 ====================================================================================================================== Backside Plumbing & Heating Lt 56449 11/5/2010 $769.60 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Health Unit Boiler Repair 802574 $161.70 Health Unit Boiler Repair 802575 $607.90 ====================================================================================================================== Burmac Mechanical 2000 56450 11/5/2010 $63.00 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Water Plant Boiler Repair Part 63941 $63.00 ====================================================================================================================== C.U.P.E. 56451 11/5/2010 $367.50 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------PP22 11032010 $367.50 ====================================================================================================================== Campbell, Al 56452 11/5/2010 $87.50 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Council - Travel & Subsistence 10152010 $87.50 ====================================================================================================================== Canada Municipal Jobs Inc. 56453 11/5/2010 $131.25 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------P & L Advertising 283 $131.25 ====================================================================================================================== Chapman Riebeek 56454 11/5/2010 $906.01 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount 48 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Town Of Stettler CHEQUE DISTRIBUTION REPORT Payables Management
Page: 2 User ID: Veronica
Vendor Name Cheque Number Cheque Date Cheque Amount ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Legal Services September 2010 10182010 $906.01 ====================================================================================================================== Designer Frames Ltd. 56455 11/5/2010 $394.86 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Achievement Awards 289 $394.86 ====================================================================================================================== Digestco Ltd. 56456 11/5/2010 $2,116.43 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sewer - Lagoon - Chemicals 21437 $2,116.43 ====================================================================================================================== Dodd, Sonia 56457 11/5/2010 $116.06 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pool Travel & Subsistence 10292010 $116.06 ====================================================================================================================== East Country Delivery 56458 11/5/2010 $162.75 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Freight 2685 $162.75 ====================================================================================================================== Fischer, Malcolm 56459 11/5/2010 $185.00 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Council - Travel & Subsistence 11022010 $185.00 ====================================================================================================================== Hach Sales & Service Ltd. 56460 11/5/2010 $696.99 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Supplies & Freight 107729 $696.99 ====================================================================================================================== Howitt Construction Ltd. 56461 11/5/2010 $60,004.19 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sewer Lagoon - Storage Cells PPC#1 $60,004.19 ====================================================================================================================== J. Branco & Sons Concrete Serv 56462 11/5/2010 $124,914.22 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sidewalk Replacement 1347 $124,914.22 ====================================================================================================================== J.R. HydroVac Services Ltd. 56463 11/5/2010 $299.25 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Supply Water Truck for WTP 2028 $299.25 ====================================================================================================================== Kaizen Lab 56464 11/5/2010 $723.03 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------WP Chemical Testing L126855 $93.45 WP Chemical Testing L127032 $629.58 ====================================================================================================================== Lamoureux, Rene 56465 11/5/2010 $151.28 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount 49 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
System: 11/4/2010 3:38:32 PM User Date: 11/4/2010
Town Of Stettler CHEQUE DISTRIBUTION REPORT Payables Management
Page: 3 User ID: Veronica
Vendor Name Cheque Number Cheque Date Cheque Amount ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Reimbursement 10262010 $151.28 ====================================================================================================================== Neopost Canada Ltd. 56466 11/5/2010 $704.97 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Postage Meter Rental Contract 1785554 $704.97 ====================================================================================================================== NSC Minerals 56467 11/5/2010 $7,535.34 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fine Road Salt 135791 $3,748.63 Fine Road Salt 136010 $3,786.71 ====================================================================================================================== Pass the Pepper (2010) 56468 11/5/2010 $226.57 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Council Luncheon 00000142 $117.50 Luncheon 00000136 $109.07 ====================================================================================================================== Penner, Lee 56469 11/5/2010 $1,406.60 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Travel & Subsistence 10302010 $1,406.60 ====================================================================================================================== Purolator Courier Ltd. 56470 11/5/2010 $35.28 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Freight 410128359 $35.28 ====================================================================================================================== QM Contracting 56471 11/5/2010 $1,312.50 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Meter Reader 114066 $1,312.50 ====================================================================================================================== Rainbow Photo Lab 56472 11/5/2010 $97.34 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Public Relations - Promotion 14863 $97.34 ====================================================================================================================== Receiver General for Canada 56473 11/5/2010 $25,859.53 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tax Deductions PP22 11032010 $25,859.53 ====================================================================================================================== Receiver General for Canada 56474 11/5/2010 $228.28 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------PP22 10032010 $228.28 ====================================================================================================================== Receiver General for Canada 56475 11/5/2010 $146,734.24 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Policing Contract 90743641 $146,734.24
System: 11/4/2010 3:38:32 PM User Date: 11/4/2010
Town Of Stettler CHEQUE DISTRIBUTION REPORT Payables Management
Page: 4 User ID: Veronica
Vendor Name Cheque Number Cheque Date Cheque Amount ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------====================================================================================================================== Richards, Dick 56476 11/5/2010 $85.29 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Council - Travel & Subsistence 11022010 $85.29 ====================================================================================================================== Rollingson, Pat 56477 11/5/2010 $462.47 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Water Plant Training 10202010 $462.47 ====================================================================================================================== Sears 56478 11/5/2010 $127.56 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------P&L - Coffee Pot 06092010 $127.56 ====================================================================================================================== Shaw Direct 56479 11/5/2010 $64.66 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Joint Office Cable TV 10242010 $64.66 ====================================================================================================================== Shrum, April 56480 11/5/2010 $44.29 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Clothing Allowance 11022010 $44.29 ====================================================================================================================== Smith, Wayne 56481 11/5/2010 $47.74 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Reimbursement 10252010 $47.74 ====================================================================================================================== Stettler & District Handibus 56482 11/5/2010 $85.62 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bus Garage - Utilities 114 $85.62 ====================================================================================================================== Stettler Regional Board of Tra 56483 11/5/2010 $30,000.00 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Grant 11042010 $30,000.00 ====================================================================================================================== Tagish Engineering Ltd. 56484 11/5/2010 $17,033.06 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------50 ave - 46 to 49 St Road Cons 8791 $6,996.78 NE Subdiv Grading Plan 8787 $59.54 50A Ave Watermain & Improv 8790 $2,742.58 51 Ave, 57 - 61 St. Design 8792 $6,820.25 Recreation Park - Storm Main 8789 $413.91 ====================================================================================================================== Telus Mobility Inc. 56485 11/5/2010 $777.45 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Telus Mobility 10212010 $777.45 51
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Town Of Stettler CHEQUE DISTRIBUTION REPORT Payables Management
Page: 5 User ID: Veronica
Vendor Name Cheque Number Cheque Date Cheque Amount ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------====================================================================================================================== The Pepsi Bottling Group 56486 11/5/2010 $283.75 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Community Hall Pop 69944110 $283.75 ====================================================================================================================== Town of Stettler - Petty Cash 56487 11/5/2010 $109.18 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Petty Cash 11012010 $109.18 ====================================================================================================================== Treasure House Imports Ltd. 56488 11/5/2010 $292.95 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Town of Stettler Lapel Pins 00180633 $292.95 ====================================================================================================================== Wittwer, John 56489 11/5/2010 $611.21 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Reimbursement 11022010 $611.21 ====================================================================================================================== Yellow Pages Group 56490 11/5/2010 $39.38 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Directory Advertising 10-4011013 $39.38 ====================================================================================================================== ZAP Municipal Consulting Inc. 56491 11/5/2010 $5,040.00 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Contracted Development Officer 2010-060 $2,835.00 Contract Development Officer 2010-065 $2,205.00 --------------------$441,306.93 =====================
Total Cheques
System: 11/10/2010 3:19:46 PM User Date: 11/10/2010 Ranges: Vendor ID Vendor Name Cheque Date
From: First First First
Town Of Stettler CHEQUE DISTRIBUTION REPORT Payables Management To: Last Last Last
From: Chequebook ID GENERAL Cheque Number 56492
Page: 1 User ID: Veronica To: GENERAL 56525
Sorted By: Cheque Number Distribution Types Included:All Vendor Name Cheque Number Cheque Date Cheque Amount ====================================================================================================================== A.A.M.D. & C. 56492 11/12/201 $3,733.45 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Diesel PF-2033-20279 $3,733.45 ====================================================================================================================== Alberta One-Call Corporation 56493 11/12/201 $144.90 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Alberta One Call 82706 $144.90 ====================================================================================================================== Alberta Prairie Steam Tours 56494 11/12/201 $525.00 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------2011 Schedule Advertising 13 $525.00 ====================================================================================================================== Careyon Signs & Graphics Ltd. 56495 11/12/201 $99.75 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bantam A Provincial Banner 15999 $99.75 ====================================================================================================================== Castor Home Hardware 56496 11/12/201 $52.50 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Castor Admin Flower Arrangemen 549826 $52.50 ====================================================================================================================== Dean's Machine Inc. 56497 11/12/201 $137.81 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Drill U Joint 30212 $39.37 Repair Hydrant 30145 $98.44 ====================================================================================================================== Direct Energy 56498 11/12/201 $253.66 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Old Office Power Bill 10272010 $70.07 Old Old Power Bill 10272010A $183.59 ====================================================================================================================== Electro Tel 56499 11/12/201 $501.04 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Change Jack & Add analog port 54145 $501.04 ====================================================================================================================== Federation of Canadian Municip 56500 11/12/201 $993.50 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Membership 14826 $993.50 53
System: 11/10/2010 3:19:46 PM User Date: 11/10/2010
Town Of Stettler CHEQUE DISTRIBUTION REPORT Payables Management
Page: 2 User ID: Veronica
Vendor Name Cheque Number Cheque Date Cheque Amount ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------====================================================================================================================== Fountain Tire Stettler Ltd. 56501 11/12/201 $535.88 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rear & Balance Tires Unit #75 0731003251 $535.88 ====================================================================================================================== GT Hydraulic & Bearing 56502 11/12/201 $533.46 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Repair Engine #6 999-008340 $45.81 Repair Parts 000-197076 $487.65 ====================================================================================================================== Heartland Auto Supply 56503 11/12/201 $297.86 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Shop Supplies & Tools 35846 $278.41 Shop Supplies & Parts 37961 $19.45 ====================================================================================================================== Hi Way 9 Express Ltd. 56504 11/12/201 $137.44 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Freight 10553576 $69.80 Freight 3950949 $67.64 ====================================================================================================================== Howitt Construction Ltd. 56505 11/12/201 $189,845.31 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sewer Lagoon - Storage Cells PPC#2 $189,845.31 ====================================================================================================================== Industrial Machine Inc. 56506 11/12/201 $46.20 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Repair Parts Unit #38 16093 $46.20 ====================================================================================================================== Kaizen Lab 56507 11/12/201 $450.45 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sewer Lagoon - Sampling L126940 $450.45 ====================================================================================================================== Mountainview Systems Ltd. 56508 11/12/201 $1,023.75 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pin Finder & Case SI12092 $1,023.75 ====================================================================================================================== Municipal Risk Services Limite 56509 11/12/201 $166.88 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sidewalks Workshop 107247 $166.88 ====================================================================================================================== Odor Tech International 56510 11/12/201 $105.99 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hall Supplies 11673 $105.99
System: 11/10/2010 3:19:46 PM User Date: 11/10/2010
Town Of Stettler CHEQUE DISTRIBUTION REPORT Payables Management
Page: 3 User ID: Veronica
Vendor Name Cheque Number Cheque Date Cheque Amount ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------====================================================================================================================== Panda Flowers 56511 11/12/201 $47.25 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sympathy Bouquet 50988 $47.25 ====================================================================================================================== Pfeiffer House of Music 56512 11/12/201 $509.24 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Video Camera 1-079920 $472.49 Microphone 1-079966 $36.75 ====================================================================================================================== Poirier, Michele 56513 11/12/201 $1,018.37 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Training 11042010 $1,018.37 ====================================================================================================================== Purolator Courier Ltd. 56514 11/12/201 $43.80 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Freight 410201566 $43.80 ====================================================================================================================== Rogers 56515 11/12/201 $94.54 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Telephone 607501110A $94.54 ====================================================================================================================== Rollies Vac Systems (1991) 56516 11/12/201 $273.00 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Landfill Pumpout 10827 $273.00 ====================================================================================================================== Schwartz Home Building Centre 56517 11/12/201 $20.93 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Caulking 389368 $20.93 ====================================================================================================================== Shirley McClellan Regional Wat 56518 11/12/201 $4,762.45 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Water Trsf Stn Gas & Power 212 $4,762.45 ====================================================================================================================== Stettler Dodge Ltd. 56519 11/12/201 $378.49 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Alternator Unit# 73 89898 $316.12 Alternator Unit #73 89899 $358.12 ====================================================================================================================== Telus Communications 56520 11/12/201 $3,675.57 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Telephone 10232010 $3,675.57 ====================================================================================================================== The Royal Canadian Legion #59 56521 11/12/201 $40.00 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount 55 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Town Of Stettler CHEQUE DISTRIBUTION REPORT Payables Management
Page: 4 User ID: Veronica
Vendor Name Cheque Number Cheque Date Cheque Amount ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------National Poppy Campaign 952332 $40.00 ====================================================================================================================== United Farmers of Alberta 56522 11/12/201 $62.90 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------50 Pc Lath 3042-95993 $62.90 ====================================================================================================================== Westvac Industrial Ltd. 56523 11/12/201 $3,453.03 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Repair Parts Unit #6 9793 $3,453.03 ====================================================================================================================== Wm E Hay Building Construction 56524 11/12/201 $150.00 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Build a Notice Board 257003 $150.00 ====================================================================================================================== Woody's Automotive Ltd. 56525 11/12/201 $1,432.32 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Shop Supplies 347250 $108.99 Shop Supplies 347992 $32.11 Repair Parts Unit #2 348385 $16.74 Repair Parts Unit #7 346936 $121.31 Repair Parts Unit #75 348065 $149.28 Repair Parts Unit #75 348096 $26.58 Repair Parts Unit# 75 348118 $249.87 Supplies 347963 $664.49 Supplies 348057 $62.95 --------------------$215,546.72 =====================
Total Cheques
MINUTES OF THE HEARTLAND BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE MEETING November 4, 2010 Present: Chairperson Rob Spencer, Councillor Steve Wildeboer, Councillor Peter Simons, Director of Parks & Leisure Services Lee Penner, Secretary Dara Green, Sue Anne Hennessey, Sherry Larter, GertieThieme and Will Brown Call to Order: Chairperson Rob Spencer called the meeting to order at 12:04 p.m.. 1.
Additions/Agenda Approval Moved by Chairperson Rob Spencer to approve the agenda as presented. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous
Confirmation of the October 7, 2010 HBC Meeting Minutes Moved by Chairperson Rob Spencer that the Minutes of the October 7, 2010 Heartland Beautification Committee Meeting be approved. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous
2010 Projects (a)
Councillor Peter Simons questioned about how much each banner cost. Chairperson Rob Spencer replied that he couldn’t recall the individual price but that the total of 30 banners was priced under $5000.00. He also commented that the banners are made from a fade resistant material and should be resilient enough to last years. (b) Community Gardens Chairperson Rob Spencer stated that the garden has now been plowed and expanded. Sherry Larter questioned if the fence would also be expanded with the garden. Chairperson Rob Spencer replied that it would be expanded eventually to fit the corners of the newly plowed area as well as have the walkways expanded so there is more room. He mentioned that the Community Garden Committee is planning to have a 1100 sq ft raised bed approximately 8ft long, 3 ft wide and 2 ft high. If built by the high school, the cost is estimated at $300.00 per garden bed. Sherry Larter asked if it would be feasible to pay that price if we’re only charging $10 - $20 to rent a lot per year. Chairperson Rob Spencer stated that for now it 57
was just in the planning stages. Chairperson Rob Spencer mentioned that the raised beds would be slightly higher than a chair, making it still simple to sit on the edge and work in the garden bed. Sherry Larter commented that with a raised garden bed, it would be very difficult to keep moisture in the soil. Councillor Peter Simons stated that by putting old water hose under the soil and punching holes in the hose, would enable a person to water the plants from the bottom up, which would decrease the amount of evaporation from the surface. Chairperson Rob Spencer mentioned that there was still planning to be done before anything is decided permanently, but that the main focus would be to keep the beds from filling with water. Chairperson Rob Spencer stated that next year they would need volunteers to help water the garden and that he’s already had a few offers. (b)
Communities in Bloom
Chairperson Rob Spencer stated that overall the comments made about the Town of Stettler were quite positive. The only area that was negative was with business involvement. Sue-Anne Hennessey commented that the Industrial area was also had negative comments about keeping lots tidy and being involved with the Town. Chairperson Rob Spencer said the Town did quite well in the Environment area, in regards to tidiness. As for the heritage section, it didn’t really move much, and doesn’t expect it to move much ever. Another negative comment was the floral displays throughout Town. Sherry Larter questioned why that was when there are hanging baskets all throughout downtown. Director of Parks & Leisure Services Lee Penner replied that when the judges were on the tour in July, they weren’t really taken around to all the areas with floral displays rather taken to all the parks with mulch, trees, shrubs and natural landscape areas instead. This might have led the judges to believe that there were no floral displays at all. Chairperson Rob Spencer mentioned that there was so much to cover on the tour that there wasn’t enough time to show it all. Chairperson Rob Spencer stated that the judges mentioned the Town should apply for the landscape award, which was successfully awarded as well as a special mention for Natural Landscaping. Sue-Anne Hennessey mentioned that the judges also said that the entrance signs into Stettler should be updated. Director of Parks & Leisure Services Lee Penner replied that it was already sent to Council for discussion. Chairperson Rob Spencer stated that overall The Town of Stettler scored above 80 in every category, which is a great accomplishment.
(d) Median at Junction of Hwy 12 & 56 Director of Parks & Leisure Services Lee Penner stated he has not yet done a follow up. (e) Increase Awareness of Committee and Projects - Encouraging Youth Volunteers Chairperson Rob Spencer met with the Middle School Council and had a meeting with them and talked about what the Beautification Committee does and explained how we would like to see them collecting ideas and giving information to others. Chairperson Rob Spencer was very impressed with all the ideas and projects the students suggested, such as working on some of the projects as part of their curriculum. Sherry Larter explained that this was a good group to target as they are more aware of their community before they enter High School. Chairperson Rob Spencer mentioned that the High School students still needed to be more aware of what the committee actually does for the Town. 4.
Statement of Revenues & Expenses The Statement of Revenues and Expenses was presented. Moved by Chairperson Rob Spencer that the Statement of Revenues and Expenses be approved as presented. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous
Business Arising Streetscape Director of Parks & Leisure Services Lee Penner came up with a design for the hanging public parking signs. He decided to go with a black metal frame instead of the original wood post so that they last longer. The signs will have the same brick work as main street and the locates have already been done for pounding the posts in the ground. Director of Parks & Leisure Services Lee Penner mentioned that he contacted a company about the recycling bins for Main Street but has yet to hear back from them. If he hears from the company he’ll let everyone know.
Additions 2011 Goals & Projects Chairperson Rob Spencer wanted to assign committee members to specific projects so that everyone can focus on a project. The following was determined: Increase awareness of committee and projects / Recruit additional committee members – Whole Committee Improve median at junction of highways 12 & 56 – Will Brown & Steve Wildeboer Participate in trade show – Whole Committee Purchase more banners for downtown area and main highway thoroughfares – Whole Committee Increase involvement and participation of youth in beautification activities and projects – Rob Spencer & Peter Simons Spring plant exchange – Whole Committee Yard/Garden/Container gardening contests – Rob Spencer & Peter Simons Continue to expand Community Gardens and CG-related activities – Rob Spencer Investigate potential for home composting bins and education on home composting – Rob Spencer & Peter Simons Park / Playground Improvement Initiative – identify and recommend – Lee Penner, Sue Anne Hennessey, Will Brown & Sherry Larter Investigate off-season / winter beautification opportunities – Whole Committee Contribute to the improvement of downtown area through streetscape beautification – Sherry Larter & Sue Anne Hennessey
Next Meeting: February 3, 2011
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned on a motion by Chairperson Rob Spencer at 12:56 p.m..
MINUTES OF THE STETTLER REGIONAL BOARD OF TRADE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT HELD October 12, 2010 AT THE STETTLER REGIONAL BUSINESS & TOURISM CENTRE Present: Vice President Wayne Tebbe, Executive Director Keith Ryder, Recording Secretary Gwenda Gravely, Stacey Benjamin, Theresa Tempest, Don Lynn, Edna Stuart, Henry Johnson, Dave Hagen, Darrin Bosomworth, Wayne Garrison (Big Valley), Town of Stettler Representative Leona Thorogood, and Town of Stettler CAO Rob Stoutenberg
Call to Order: Vice President Wayne Tebbe called the meeting to order at 12:15pm 1. Addition/ Deletions to Agenda 2. Approval of Agenda MOTION Moved by Don Lynn the agenda be approved as presented. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous 3. Review Minutes of September 13th, 2010 Meeting MOTION Moved by Henry Johnson that the Minutes of the September 13th, 2010 meeting be approved as presented. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous 4. Financial 4.1 Statement of Revenue and Expense as of September 30, 2010 4.2 Bank Reconciliation: September 30, 2010 4.3 Cheque Register: 1923 – 1945 Keith presented the financials and gave the bank reconciliation as at September 30, 2010. MOTION Moved by Darrin Bosomworth that the Financials as above for the Stettler Regional Board of Trade & Community Development Meeting be approved as presented. Dave Hagen 2nd the motion. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous 5. New Business 5.1 Business & Citizenship Awards Gwenda reported that all the advertising is in place, all the recipients of awards have been notified, and details are moving along. 5.1.1 Tickets Available Gwenda reported that the tickets are printed and now available at the Board of Trade Office. 5.1.2 Volunteers for Setup/Take Down – Help is needed Wednesday to set up tables for the Awards evening, Darin Bosomworth, Wayne Tebbe, and Keith Ryder volunteered to help Gwenda & Stacey.
5.2 2011 Operating Budget – Keith gave a report on the budget prepared for the 2011 and requested Boards approval to present to Council. MOTION Moved by Dave Hagen that the Operating Budget reviewed for information and be approved as presented and be presented to Town Council for their approval.
MOTION CARRIED Unanimous 6. Reports & Updates: 6.1 Executive Director – Keith Ryder Reported on the following: Attended a session on Alberta Business Conditions and Forecast sponsored in part by Alberta Venture and provided the following report:
ALBERTA BUSINESSES FORECAST CAUTIOUSLY OPTIMISTIC FOR 2011 According to studies, forecasts and an in depth survey conducted by Alberta Venture Magazine there is cause for cautious optimism that small and medium sized enterprises will have the opportunity to show increased strength and growth over the next 12 months. In a recent business survey conducted by Alberta Venture the following positive results came to the top: • • • • •
87% of all businesses surveyed expect their profits to rise in 2011 79% expect to increase their number of employees over the next 12 months, however, the procurement and retention of skilled labor is still seen as a definite concern 76% of businesses surveyed believe that their operational costs will remain stable in 2011 94% of these businesses state that Alberta is an attractive place to do business with 90% agreeing that the opportunity to maximize profits is strong. 89% state that the current Alberta Economic Climate is very inviting for businesses to invest capital.
Small and medium sized enterprises agree that the most recent slow times have illustrated the following: • • • • • • • • •
Slow downs do have some positive effects on experience, gives businesses a chance to review costs, re jig and buckle down for the future Don’t take business for granted Don’t leave it to others to solve our business problems Successful businesses must continue to be competitive and build in sustainability to their business plans. We have learnt that there is a definite value in being prepared for the unexpected Looking forward to an improved economic times but realize they must be prepared if positive changes do not occur. Trust your business instincts; don’t let media or other outside factors influence your business decisions. Diversification and innovation is key, be nimble! Financial and lending organizations must loosen up and show a stronger confidence and support to small and medium enterprises. The energy sector appears to be well funded, however, the many other business categories, even those supporting the energy sector have difficulty in obtaining capital funding under current financial institutional conditions.
On a larger scale the Province and large businesses must show leadership in: • • • •
Have a BIG vision for where we are going as a Province Developing stronger downstream and value added opportunities for our resources Look at innovative ways to keep Grads working within the Province As we are an export driven economy a focus must be kept on all markets 62
The current impact of the Canadian $ does not favor Alberta exporting businesses and 80% of Alberta Venture’s survey respondents feel that the $ will remain stable over the next 12 month period
Environment • •
83% of businesses surveyed show concern that the International perception Alberta’s environmental stewardship has been damaged and must be repaired. The Alberta Government must take this perception seriously and make necessary corrections where required and showcase the success and positive environmental issues. With Edmonton’s bid to host World Expo 2017 would be a great opportunity to showcase to the world the TRUE state of Alberta’s Environment. This bid process deserves the support of Central Alberta Communities as the spin offs would benefit all of Alberta.
I have supplied all municipalities in Central Alberta with draft letters to provide support for the City of Edmonton’s bid to host Expo 2017. 6.2 Town of Stettler – Leona Thorogood Reported.
Welcome to Melissa Robbins as Director of Operations for the Town of Stettler. Set Council Rates – Mayor - $20,000.00, Councilors - $13,333.00. Thank you to Q14, Stettler Independent, and Stettler Board of Trade for the Candidates Forum for the upcoming election. Fire Services are being reviewed (agreements) will be early on agendas for new councils. Administration directed to work with AHS re: Hospital Parking along the street. Pathway Plans accepted by council, hospital connectivity reviewed once 88 bed facility determined. Wilfort Subdivision water fine deferred because of new info. On water main line. Kinsmen Playground on hold will be looking for more funding. Joint Election Services at Clearview. Town supports regional Library. Residential permits up as of Sept. 2010.
6.3 County of Stettler – Shawna Benson Reported. The county is working on completing road projects before the snow. The county has launched a new website. The water project at Byemoor/Endiang is moving forward. Water Project – Stettler to Gadsby on hold and a tank has been set up there for now The recreational funding deadline is Oct. 31, 2010. The tax deadline for County Tax payers is October 29, 2010. 7. Additions to Agenda: None 8. Correspondence/Workshops As circulated 9. Next Meeting Date – November 9, 2010
10. Adjournment MOTION Moved by Don Lynn that the meeting be adjourned at 1:15pm MOTION CARRIED Unanimous
Request For Decision
Agenda Item: Bylaw 2001-10 West Stettler Highway 12 South ASP Issue: Application: To adopt the West Stettler Highway 12 South Area Structure Plan Applicant: Town of Stettler (in cooperation with landowner Steve Wilfort) Legal: Pt. SE 1-39-20-W4 Municipal: ¼ Section west of 70th Street and between Highway 12 and 44 Avenue Recommendation: That Council gives First Reading to Bylaw 2001-10. IMPLICATIONS OF RECOMMENDATION General: Administration is recommending that Council approve an Area Structure Plan for the SE 1-39-20-W4. Following 1st Reading of the Bylaw, Administration will circulate the Area Structure Plan to Alberta Transportation for their approval prior to further processing of the Bylaw by Administration. Once this Area Structure Plan is approved, Council can approve subdivision applications without seeking further consent from Alberta Transportation (provided that they are in accordance with the approved area structure plan). BACKGROUND Key Issues:
1. The lands have been recently annexed to the Town of Stettler. 2. Alberta Transportation requires that an Area Structure Plan be prepared and approved by the Minister 3. 4. 5.
prior to further lots being created on this quarter section. The Town and the landowner have been working cooperatively to undertake an Area Structure Plan that will be acceptable to the landowner, Town and Alberta Transportation. The land use policies contained within the Area Structure Plan are in accordance with the Stettler Intermunicipal Development Plan. Highway access has been identified as a key issue. Alberta Transportation favours highway accesses with an intersection spacing of one mile. The department will not consider an additional highway access on the western boundary of the quarter section until such time as the 70th Street/Highway 12 intersection “fails’. For the purposes of getting Alberta Transportation approval of the Area Structure Plan (which will allow additional lots to be created), no additional highway access is planned. Stormwater has also been identified as a key issue. The Area Structure Plan identifies land in the south portion of the ¼ section to be used as a public utility lot for stormwater management. This provides an opportunity to develop an extension to the West Stettler Park, through the creation of another pond.
7. The lands on the northern portion of the Plan Area will be utilized for commercial/industrial purposes in accordance with the Highway Commercial and Industrial Districts of the Town’s Land Use Bylaw. 8. The lands on the southern portion of the Plan Area will be utilized for “estate” residential purposes in accordance with the R4 Land Use District of the Town’s Land Use Bylaw.
9. The lands will be developed in phases. Phase 1a was the creation of a six acre site to accommodate an immediate project. Phase 1b will create approximately six more parcels (to be created by the spring of 64
2011). Future phases will take place at a later date, and will be dependent upon a number of factors, including the creation of a storm pond which would enable residential parcels to be created taking advantage of this feature. 10. The creation of storm pond may involve a partnership between the landowner, Town and Alberta Environment. The creation of the storm pond may alter the alignment of properties and roads contained within the southern portion of the Area Structure Plan. Legislation and Policy: Administration has assessed this application against the provisions outlined in the Town of Stettler Municipal Development Plan and the Stettler Inter-municipal Development Plan, where the goals of the said documents have been maintained, other than the key issues mentioned above. Technical Review:
The Draft Area Structure Plan has been referred to Alberta Transportation, County of Stettler No. 6, and utility companies for their comment. The Draft Area Structure Plan is attached. Following 1st Reading, Administration will be circulating the document for approval by the Minister of Transportation. The Area Structure Plan comprises that the 163.39 acres of land to be developed into the following: o 26.28 acres of existing mixed business; o 40.77 acres of future mixed business; o 25.29 acres of residential; o 29.97 acres of open space (reserves and public utility lots); o 16.56 acres of agricultural (remnant Wilfort residence); and o 24.52 acres of roads. Land Use Policy Highlights o All commercial and industrial development will be developed in accordance with the Commercial and Industrial Design Guidelines, and in accordance with either the Highway Commercial or Industrial Districts of the Land Use Bylaw. The minimum parcel size will be 0.4 hectares. o All residential development will be in accordance with the R4 Residential Small Holdings District of the Land Use Bylaw. The maximum parcel size for residential lots will be 0.4 hectares. o The remnant residence on the agriculturally zoned property will be designated as Urban Reserve within the Land Use Bylaw. Transportation Policy Highlights o The plan area shall be accessed via roads accessing either 70th Street or 44th Avenue. o All industrial/commercial roads should be developed within a 30 metre right-of-way to a paved standard utilizing a rural cross section. o All residential roads shall be developed within an 18 metre right-of-way to a paved standard utilizing a rural cross section. Utilities Policy Highlights o A stormwater management facility will be ultimately constructed in the southeast portion of the quarter section. o All lots will be serviced by municipal water and sewer systems, which will be designed for additional connections to both the west and north of the quarter section. Alternatives: That Council defeats the application citing reasons. Authors: Leann Graham & Dave Dittrick, Planning & Development Services
BYLAW 2001-10 A BYLAW OF THE TOWN OF STETTLER, IN THE PROVINCE OF ALBERTA, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ADOPTING THE WEST STETTLER HIGHWAY 12 SOUTH AREA STRUCTURE PLAN FOR THE SE ¼ 139-20-W4 WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Government Act, Statutes of Alberta, 2000, Chapter M-26.1 and amendments thereto. WHEREAS Section 633 of the Municipal Government Act provides that a municipal Council, may, for the purpose of providing a framework for subsequent subdivision and development of an area of land, adopt an Area Structure Plan; and WHEREAS the Council of the Town of Stettler deems it desirable to adopt this Area Structure Plan; and NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Town of Stettler, in the Province of Alberta, duly assembled, hereby enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw shall be cited as the “West Stettler Highway 12 South Area Structure Plan”. 2. The document attached hereto including all text and maps and forming part of this Bylaw, is hereby adopted as the “West Stettler Highway 12 South Area Structure Plan”. 3. This Bylaw shall come into force and effect upon the third and final reading thereof. READ a first time this 16th day of November, A.D. 2010. Advertise: READ a second time this
, 2010.
day of
READ a third time and finally passed this
, 2010. day of
, 2010.
Assistant CAO
Town of Stettler
WEST STETTLER – HIGHWAY 12 SOUTH Area Structure Plan Prepared by
Town of Stettler
November 2010
Table of Contents 1.0
Introduction ................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Purpose ............................................................................................... 1 1.2 Regional Context ................................................................................. 1 1.3 Policy Context ..................................................................................... 2 1.4 Process ............................................................................................... 2
Existing Conditions..................................................................................... 4 2.1 Natural Features .................................................................................. 4 2.2 Current Land Use ................................................................................ 4 2.3 Existing Zoning .................................................................................... 6 2.4 Transportation Features ...................................................................... 7 2.5 Utilities ................................................................................................. 7 2.6 Relevant Plans and Polices ................................................................. 9 2.7 Implications on Future Land Use ......................................................... 9
Future Land Use ........................................................................................ 11 3.1 Area Structure Plan Objectives ......................................................... 11 3.2 Land Use Concept ............................................................................. 12 3.3 Transportation System ...................................................................... 14 3.4 Utility Systems ................................................................................... 16
4 Area Structure Plan Policies .......................................................................... 18 4.1 Land Use Policies .............................................................................. 18 4.2 Transportation Policies ...................................................................... 19 4.3 Utilities Policies ................................................................................. 19 4.4 Plan Administration and Implementation ........................................... 19
List of Figures Page
Figure 1 – Municipal Context for Area of Interest .............................................. 3 Figure 2 – Current Natural Features and Land Use............................................ 5 Figure 3 – Existing Transportation and Utilities …………………………………..8 Figure 4 – Proposed Land Use........................................................................... 14 Figure 5 – Proposed Phasing ............................................................................. 15 Figure 6 – Phase 1a Utility System………………........…….…17
1.0 Introduction 1.1
This Area Structure Plan provides a framework for the long-term subdivision and development of the lands referred to as the West Stettler – Highway 12 South Area Structure Plan within the SE 1-39-20-W4. The Plan Area is located within lands recently annexed by the Town of Stettler. The site’s proximity to Highway 12 and the West Stettler Park System gives it considerable potential for short term mixed business and long term estate residential expansion. Recent interest for highway commercial and industrial land in the Stettler area suggests that these industries are the highest and best use of for the lands adjacent to Highway 12. A primary purpose of this Area Structure Plan is to determine an appropriate location and policies for such uses, along with future estate residential uses, within the Plan Area.
1.2 Regional Context The West Stettler – Highway 12 South Area Structure Plan in the regional context is shown on Figure 1. Specifically, the Plan Area is contained within a quarter section of land bounded by Highway 12 to the north, 70 Street to the east, and 44 Avenue to the south. The Plan Area contains approximately 66.2 ha (163.4 acres). The land uses in proximity to the West Stettler – Highway 12 South Plan Area include the following: -
North of the Plan Area are utilized for residential (small holding) and agricultural purposes; East of the Plan Area are utilized for commercial, residential (small holding) and recreational purposes; South of the Plan Area are utilized for agriculture (within the County), country residential (within the County) and recreational (within the Town) purposes; and West of the Plan Area are utilized for agricultural, residential (farmstead) and resource extraction (natural gas wells).
1.3 Policy Context The West Stettler – Highway 12 South Area Structure Plan meets the requirements of Section 633 of the Municipal Government Act and, as such, describes, at a broad level of planning, the proposed sequence of development, land uses, overall density and infrastructure requirements within the plan area. The West Stettler – Highway 12 South Plan Area has been recently annexed to the Town of Stettler. The subdivision design (land use, transportation and servicing) of the Plan Area meets the requirements and policies of the Town. It is the intent of the owner to develop, subdivide and sell lands adjacent to Highway 12. As the property is adjacent to a highway, it is the intent of the owner to create an area structure plan satisfactory to both the Town of Stettler and the Minister of Transportation.
1.4 Process The Plan preparation process began by gathering, reviewing and analyzing all relevant information pertaining to future development options within, and around, the plan area. This Plan is being initially circulated to the County of Stettler No. 6, Alberta Transportation, Alberta Environment, Atco Electric, Altagas Utilities, Shaw Communications and Telus Communications for comment. Input obtained through this part of the consultation process will be considered when making final revisions to the Plan prior to bringing forward an adopting bylaw to Town Council.
2 Existing Conditions The West Stettler – Highway 12 South Area Structure Plan is contained with the 66.2 hectare (163.40 acre) site legally described as the SE 1-39-20-W4. The Plan Area itself utilizes lands available for mixed business uses, as well as identifying lands in the southern portion for open space and residential purposes. This section summarizes the existing conditions of this area which are significant for identifying an optimal future land use concept, and for formulating appropriate Area Structure Plan policies.
2.1 Natural Features The topography of the subject quarter drains to the south and east. Much of the lands on the quarter section have been previously cleared for agricultural purposes; however five parcels have been created through previous subdivisions. There are a few tree stands located throughout the property, and a large low lying area dominates the landscape near the residential site on the remnant portion of the quarter section. Current natural features and land use are shown on Figure 2 and include: -
There is a residential site located in the south plan area. The low lying lands east of the residential site may be incorporated into a stormwater management system and may form another long term component of the Town of Stettler open space system.
2.2 Current Land Use There are four properties utilized for industrial purposes and one property utilized for residential purposes. The remnant portion of the quarter section is utilized for residential and agricultural purposes. Table 1 - Current Land Use Land Description SE 1-39-20-W4 Plan 0325629 Block 1 Lot 1 Plan 0426987 Block 1 Lot 2A Plan 0426987 Block 1 Lot 2B Plan 0525572 Block 1 Lot 3 Plan 0525572 Block 1 Lot 4
Land Use Residence and Agriculture Farm Supply/Bulk Fuel Distribution Store Equipment Storage Oilfield Equipment Manufacturer Residence Oilfield Equipment Manufacturer
• o
The six (6) parcels of land are owned by five (5) different owners. The owner of the remnant quarter section, Steve Wilfort, also owns a lot within the previously subdivided lands. Two additional non-titled properties are owned by the government, and are utilized for road rights-of-way. Table 2 – Ownership Land Description SE 1-39-20-W4 Plan 0325629 Block 1 Lot 1 Plan 0325629 Plan 0426987 Block 1 Lot 2A Plan 0426987 Block 1 Lot 2B Plan 0525572 Block 1 Lot 3 Plan 0525572 Block 1 Lot 4 Plan 3557PX
Owner Steven Wilfort United Farmers of Alberta Cooperative Ltd. Town of Stettler - Service Road Steven Wilfort 809662 AB Ltd; Doug Roberts; Richard/Kathleen Angus Terry Syson and Betty Muhlbach 946351 Alberta Ltd. Gov’t of Alberta - Highway 12 Right of Way
2.3 Existing Zoning The land use districts applicable to the plan area were zoned under the County of Stettler No. 6 Land Use Bylaw and included Agricultural zoning for the 127.81 acre remnant quarter section, and Highway Commercial zoning for all other properties. These properties will be re-designated within the Town of Stettler’s Land Use Bylaw to Highway Commercial, while the Agricultural zoned property will be zoned Urban Reserve. Table 3 - Current Zoning and Area Land Description Zoning SE 1-39-20-W4 Agricultural Plan 0325629 Block 1 Lot 1 Highway Commercial Plan 0325629 Service Road Plan 0426987 Block 1 Lot 2A Highway Commercial Plan 0426987 Block 1 Lot 2B Highway Commercial Plan 0525572 Block 1 Lot 3 Highway Commercial Plan 0525572 Block 1 Lot 4 Highway Commercial Plan 3557PX Highway Right-of-way All Properties
Area 127.81 13.32 3.19 2.52 3.41 2.26 4.77 6.11 163.39
2.4 Transportation Features Figure 3a illustrates the major features of the Plan Area’s existing transportation system. The system is comprised of Highway 12 (50 Avenue) and 50 Avenue South; 70 Street; 44 Avenue; and an access right-of-way. These features are described as follows: -
Highway 12 bounds the Plan Area to the north. This two lane paved roadway serves as a major provincial highway. It contains acceleration/deceleration lanes, along with traffic lights, at the 70 Street intersection. 50 Avenue South serves as an access to properties which front onto Highway 12. This two lane paved roadway serves as a local road. 70 Street serves as a collector road for the Town of Stettler. This two lane paved roadway serves as a local road. It contains curbs adjacent to developed properties, and contains open ditches adjacent to the undeveloped property (remnant portion of the quarter section). 44 Avenue serves as a collector road for the Town of Stettler. This roadway is paved from 70 Street to Range Road 201, and graveled thereafter to the west.
2.5 Utilities 2.5.1 Water and Sanitary Sewage Figure 3b illustrates the major features of the Plan Area’s existing utility system. The UFA property (Plan 0325629 Block 1 Lot 1) is served via a 300 mm water main adjacent to 50 Avenue South. There is also a 200 mm water service located on 70 Street south of the UFA property. A 250 mm sanitary service is also located on 70 Street south of the UFA property. 2.5.2 Storm Water Management Storm water within the plan area currently drains via overland flow to either the ditch adjacent to Highway 12 or to the slough located on the eastern portion of the lands adjacent to 70 Street. Storm water management facilities, therefore, should be located to take advantage of this man-made drainage feature. 2.5.3 Major Utility Facilities Power connection for the development will be through Atco Electric. Natural gas services will be available via Altagas Utilities Ltd. Telecommunications will be available via Telus Communications and Shaw Communications.
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2.6 Relevant Plans and Polices 2.6.1 Subdivision and Development Regulation Section 14(e) of the Alberta Subdivision and Development Regulation states that a subdivision authority shall not approve an application for subdivision if the land that is subject to the application is within 0.8 kilometres of the centre line of a highway right of way where the posted speed is 80 kilometres per hour or greater unless the land is contained within an area structure plan satisfactory to the Minister of Transportation and the proposed use of the lands is permitted under that plan. 2.6.2 Inter-municipal Development Plan The identified land uses within the Plan Area conform to the “Composite Vision” identified within the Town and County of Stettler Inter-municipal Development Plan. 2.6.3 Municipal Development Plan The proposed land uses complement the land uses of adjacent lands contained within the Town’s current Municipal Development Plan. 2.6.4 Town of Stettler Growth Study The identified land uses within the Plan Area conform to the land uses identified by the Town of Stettler within its Growth Study which has been approved by Town Council. 2.6.5 Town and County of Stettler Commercial and Industrial Design Guidelines All commercial and industrial development projects located within the Plan Area must comply with the Design Guidelines adopted by the Town and County.
Implications on Future Land Use
Significant implications in regard to opportunities and constraints to future land use and development in the Plan Area result from the area’s existing conditions, relevant plans and polices, and the public input obtained through the communications process. The most significant implications are as follows: 2.7.1 Natural Features Implications -
The lands are highly visible from Highway 12. This means that the highway frontage lands are more valuable for highway commercial and business
industrial uses, but also creates the challenge to ensure that development is visually attractive. The low lying lands contained within the plan area will be utilized for future stormwater management and may also be incorporated into the Town’s open space system. 2.7.2 Existing Land Use and Zoning Implications
The proposed land use pattern provides a basis for providing commercial and business industrial uses to the plan area. The current residences on the quarter section may not be compatible with the proposed future commercial and business industrial land use pattern. 2.7.3 Natural Resource Implications
No significant development constraints result from the existing natural resources and related features which are contained within the West Stettler – Highway 12 South Plan Area. There is no gas or oil wells within the Plan Area. 2.7.4 Transportation Implications
Highway 12 provides visibility for commercial development purposes on the north side of the Plan Area. There are two proposed subdivision accesses off of 70 Street. This development will ultimately be serviced with paved roadways built to industrial and residential standards. The roadways will be built within 30 metre (for commercial/industrial) and 18 metre (for residential) rights-of-way. 2.7.5 Utilities Implications
The West Stettler – Highway 12 South Plan Area will be serviced via underground and overhead utilities. 2.7.6 Fire Protection
Fire Protection for the West Stettler – Highway 12 South Plan Area will be provided by the Stettler Regional Fire Department. 2.7.7 Implications of Relevant Plans and Policies
The Town’s Municipal Development Plan and Land Use Bylaw are the two planning tools which will be utilized for making decisions on rezoning applications as well as subdivision and development approvals.
3 Future Land Use The Future Land Use Concept proposed for the West Stettler – Highway 12 South Area Structure Plan is shown on Figure 4. The Plan recognizes the implications summarized in Section 2.7. As a result, the Plan reflects the findings of the review of all relevant background information. Specifically, the concept responds to the following critical factors: -
Town of Stettler and County of Stettler’s existing statutory plans, with particular emphasis on the Inter-municipal Development Plan; Existing conditions such as natural features, current land uses, utility right-ofways, parcel boundaries, and subdivision and development proposals, which result both in opportunities and constraints for future land use; Existing and proposed transportation features; The recognition that water and sanitary service will be provided through the existing Town of Stettler distribution system.
The foregoing factors are reflected in the Plan objectives.
Area Structure Plan Objectives
The Future Land Use Concept reflects the following key objectives of the West Stettler – Highway 12 South Area Structure Plan: -
To provide the opportunity to fully realize the development potential of the Plan Area. To protect the integrity of Highway 12, 70 Street and 44 Avenue affected by the West Stettler – Highway 12 South Area Structure Plan, to the satisfaction of Alberta Infrastructure and Transportation, County of Stettler and Town of Stettler, while still recognizing the opportunities these features provide for development purposes. To protect significant environmental features in their natural state, to the extent possible. To utilize significant environmental features for landscaping and storm water management. To minimize future land use conflicts by promoting a compatible land use pattern, and by applying effective screening and buffer techniques, or an appropriate combination thereof. To recognize the physical capacity of the plan area to sustain development based on the understanding that water and sanitary sewer services will be provided via the Town’s distribution system.
To promote commercial, business industrial and residential uses which meet the policy criteria of the Municipal Development Plan in terms of the types of such uses which are best suited to the Town, while recognizing that certain uses are better suited to the highly visible portions of the plan area than others. To encourage the development and application of design, landscaping and signage guidelines to enhance the visual qualities of industrial/commercial development. To provide a flexible lot layout which can be modified during build-out to suit the clients needs.
3.2 Land Use Concept All future subdivision and development within the plan area shall conform to the land use concept illustrated in Figure 4 and the phasing concept illustrated in Figure 5. The land use concept is based on current and anticipated market trends, the objectives of this plan, as well as relevant principles contained in the Town’s Municipal Development Plan and Land Use Bylaw. The following table illustrates the land use statistics for the plan area. The plan area is dominated by mixed business, residential, agricultural and open space purposes. Table 4 – Land Use Statistics Land Use Category Mixed Business - Existing Mixed Business - Future Residential Open Space (PUL, ER, MR) Agricultural Roads Total
Area (acres) 26.28 40.77 25.29 29.97 16.56 24.52 163.39
% of Area 16.1 25.0 15.5 18.3 10.1 15.0 100.0
Four primary land use categories are proposed by the concept shown on Figure 4. This use is described below in the context of the overall concept. 3.2.1 -
Mixed Business The northern portion of the Plan Area provides an ideal mixed business node. The node is in a high visibility location adjacent to Highway 12, and will serve as an extension of the commercial strip that has developed adjacent to the highway within the Town of Stettler. The Highway Commercial and Industrial District’s within the Town of Stettler Land Use Bylaw provide a number of uses which will complement the Plan Area. Alberta Transportation has indicated that the Department supports the
use of a front service road which accesses onto 70 Street. The Department’s preference is to have an intersection spacing of one (1) mile on Highway 12, therefore it is the department’s preference that an alternate access to the subdivision be also off of 70 Street. The department will only consider allowing/requiring an additional highway access at the northwest corner of the Plan Area only if the 70 Street intersection fails in providing a safe access onto the highway. Factors considered in designating the lands for mixed business uses include: compatibility with the Stettler Inter-municipal Development Plan and Town of Stettler Municipal Development Plan; and the shared use of transportation infrastructure encouraging compatible development on neighboring land areas. All commercial and industrial development shall be required to meet the Town and County of Stettler Commercial and Industrial Design Guidelines. It is recognized that special recognition is given to the interface between the commercial/industrial lands and the residential lands, so that potential land use conflicts can be mitigated.
The Plan Area accommodates large lot “estate” style residences in the form of small holdings which are one (1) acre or less in size. These residences will be located in proximity of a future stormwater management pond/park feature to be constructed within the southeastern portion of the Plan Area. Factors considered in designating the lands for residential uses include: compatibility with the Municipal Development Plan; and the desire of the current landowner to accommodate compatible development surrounding his existing residence and to take advantage of the existing and proposed open space infrastructure near/within the Plan Area.
3.2.3 -
Open Space The existing low lying area located within the southeastern portion of the Plan Area will accommodate one (1) large open space feature, which will serve multiple purposes including public utility (stormwater management), and municipal reserve (park development).
3.2.4 Agricultural -
The Plan Area accommodates the agriculturally zoned property being maintained within the southwestern portion of the Plan Area.
Figure 4: Proposed Land Use Areas shown in acres Hwy_12 (SOAve.)
Vvllfort Site
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Open Space (PU L)
Figure 5: Phasing
1 1l
Areas shown in acres
HWy路 12 (50 Ave.)
Wlfort Site
CH4 Site
Syson Site
weatherford Site
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Already Developed
Phaw 1,1.
Phase 16 Future Phases
Transportation System
To service the West Stettler â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Highway 12 South Area Structure Plan, three roads accessing 70 Street and one road accessing 44 Avenue has been proposed. In order to develop Phase 1a and Phase 1b of the Plan Area, it is proposed that the 50 Avenue South service road adjacent to Highway 12 is extended to the western portion of the Plan Area, and a new street be developed south extended to a future east-west avenue accessing 70 Street. The Phase 1a and 1b transportation concept is shown in Figure 6.
Utility Systems
Future development in the plan area will rely on municipal water and sanitary system for service. The minimum lot size proposed for the commercial and business industrial lands is 0.4 hectares (1.0 acres), while the maximum lot size proposed for the residential lands is 0.4 hectares (1.0 acres). The Phase 1a and 1b utility concept is shown in Figure 7.
Figure 6â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Phase 1a Utility System
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4 Area Structure Plan Policies The policies listed below are to be applied at the time of new subdivision and development. All existing statutory plans and policies, particularly those polices contained in the Municipal Development Plan and Land Use Bylaw, also must be applied.
Land Use Policies 4.1.1
Mixed Business
1. All future commercial and industrial development within the Plan Area shall be in accordance with the requirements stipulated in the Highway Commercial or Industrial District of the Town’s Land Use Bylaw, and meet the provisions of the Town and County of Stettler Commercial and Industrial Design Guidelines; 2. All developments shall front onto the forced serviced road or roads extending from the forced service road; 3. The minimum parcel size for lots will be 0.4 hectares (1.0 acres); 4. Development shall be restricted to non-polluting operations as per Alberta Environment Standards and Guidelines; 5. Municipal Reserve shall be deferred to be utilized within the southern portion of the Plan Area at the time of subdivision. 4.1.2
1. All future industrial development within the Plan Area shall be in accordance with the requirements stipulated in the Residential Small Holdings District of the Town’s Land Use Bylaw; 2. The maximum parcel size for lots will be 0.4 hectares (1.0 acres); 3. Municipal Reserve shall be provided by land at the time of subdivision. 4.1.3
1. The remnant residence on the agriculturally zoned property will be zoned as Urban Reserve within the Town’s Land Use Bylaw.
Transportation Policies
1. The Plan Area shall be accessed via roads accessing either 70 Street or 44 Avenue in accordance with Figure 6. 2. All roads shall be constructed to Town standards: roads serving commercial and industrial properties will be developed within 30 metre right-of-ways; while roads serving residential properties will be developed within 18 metre right-of-ways. All roads will be serviced via paved structures utilizing a rural cross section. 3. The Developer shall be responsible for the cost of constructing all new roads within the Plan Area.
4.3 1.
2. 3. 4. 5.
Utilities Policies A stormwater management facility will be constructed within the southeast portion of the Plan Area to handle the runoff and control release rates. All subdivisions shall provide stormwater management plans which identify appropriate storm water management techniques to the satisfaction of Alberta Environmental Protection and the Town. On-site storage of stormwater for each mixed business lot may be required to prevent the storm sewer system from being overloaded and excessive runoff in the streets. The Plan Area will be fully serviced by sanitary sewer. This will consist of gravity mains connecting to the sanitary trunk main at 70 Street. The Plan Area will be fully serviced by water. This will consist of a “looped” system via existing municipal stubs located at 70 Street. Shallow utilities (electricity, natural gas, telecommunications) will consist of both underground and overground facilities.
Plan Administration and Implementation
1. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 633(1) of the Municipal Government Act, 1995, this Area Structure Plan shall be adopted by the Town of Stettler as the West Stettler – Highway 12 South Area Structure Plan. All subdivision and development within the Plan Area shall be in accordance with the provisions and policies of this plan. 2. Council may, from time to time, choose to amend this Area Structure Plan. As part of the amendment process, the required public hearing process will ensure that the continued input of the landowners and residents is considered.
Request For Decision Agenda Item: Bylaw 2002-10 Amend Land Use Bylaw (UR to R2) Issue: Application: To redesignate Pt. NW 6-39-19-W4 (+/- 1.83 acres from UR to R2) Applicant: H. Kahl Construction Ltd. Legal: Pt. NW 6-39-19-W4 Municipal: 5202 – 61 Street Recommendation: That Council gives First Reading to Bylaw 2002-10. IMPLICATIONS OF RECOMMENDATION General: The Applicant is proposing to amend a +/- 1.83 acre portion of the NW 6-39-19-W4 to R2, to enable the landowner to subdivide the lands into three properties: the existing residence; the lands west of Redwillow Creek currently being used for industrial purposes; and the lands east of Redwillow Creek to be used for future residential development. BACKGROUND Key Issues:
1. The 94.6 acre property is currently under one title. It currently functions in two separate “parts”. The
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
lands west of Redwillow Creek contain a shop and farmland. These lands fall under the Northwest Area Structure Plan, and are zoned Industrial in the Land Use Bylaw. The lands east of Redwillow Creek contain a residence and farmland. The lands are currently zoned Urban Reserve. The purpose of the Urban Reserve District is to reserve land for future subdivision and development until an overall plan is prepared for and approved by Council. As part of the Municipal Sustainability Plan, Council identified the need to develop lands within the municipality for manufactured home lots. While there is considerable interest in extending the Emmerson Acres subdivision to accommodate future development, the landowner lacks resources/capacity to undertake this initiative. Staff has worked with the landowner to develop an “Outline Plan” for the lands east of Redwillow Creek to accommodate manufactured homes (as well as single detached dwellings/apartment sites). The land use bylaw amendment will create a R2 District for the existing residence. This will enable the property to be subdivided into three portions: the existing residence; the remaining lands east of Redwillow Creek; and the lands west of Redwillow Creek. The existing residence could be “redeveloped” in the future to accommodate an apartment site.
Legislation and Policy: Administration has assessed this application against the provisions outlined in the Town of Stettler Municipal Development Plan where the goals of the said documents have been maintained in compliance with the Land Use Bylaw 1976-08, other than the key issues mentioned above.
Technical Review:
The Draft Outline Plan is attached. Following the Public Hearing concerning this Bylaw application, Administration will be requesting that Council approve the Outline Plan. An Outline Plan differs from an Area Structure Plan in that there is less detail provided, giving future developers some flexibility concerning lot density, road alignment, dedication of reserves, etc. At the time of subdivision, the municipality will require that additional supporting information is prepared. The Outline Plan identifies the 42.71 acres of lands east of the creek being developed into the following: o 4.80 acres of reserves; o 4.82 acre public utility lot with storm pond; o 207 single family dwelling units; o 2 apartment sites to accommodate an additional 100 dwelling units (minimum); o 35 single detached dwelling lots with lanes; o 12 single detached dwelling lots without lanes (alternatively these could be developed into duplex lots); o 18 large single detached dwelling estate lots; and o 42 manufactured home lots. Review of subject lands: o Topography – Indicated as flat. o Soil Characteristics – Not provided, no geotechnical report provided, however a geotechnical investigation will be required prior to the subdivision of the lands into additional residential lots. o Storm-water Collection and Disposal – The draft Outline Plan has identified the need for a stormwater management facility west of the existing residence (north of the town shop). o Potential for Flooding – The draft Outline Plan has identified the need for environmental reserves to be dedicated adjacent to Redwillow Creek. These reserves will be required upon subdivision of the lands into additional residential lots. o Services – Property is currently serviced with both water and sewer; and o Access – Existing access to remain. Public Hearing: o Bylaw 2002-10 will be advertised on November 24 and December 1, and a public hearing will be held on December 7.
Alternatives: That Council defeats the application citing reasons. Authors: Leann Graham & Dave Dittrick, Planning & Development Services
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Additional Info.: - 42.71 acre site - 4.80 acres of MR - 4.82 acre Public Utility Lot wi Storm Pond - 207 single-family dwelling units - 2 apartment sites to accomodate 100 additional dwellings - 35 single detached dwelling lots wi lanes - 12 single detached dwelling lots wlout lanes - 18 large single detached dwelling estate lots - 42 manufactured home lots
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Kahl Outline Plan Air Photo
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Map produced August 2010 Intended for general information onl y The Town of Stettler is not responsible for an y errors or omissions. Datum: NAD 83 Projection: UTM Zone 12
Additional Info.: - 42.71 acre site - 4.80 acres of MR - 4.82 acre Public Utility Lot wi Storm Pond - 207 single-family dwelling units - 2 apartment sites to accomodate 100 additional dwellings - 35 single detached dwelling lots wi lanes - 12 single detached dwelling lots wlout lanes - 18 large single detached dwelling estate lots 42 manufactured home lots
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BYLAW 2002-10 A BYLAW OF THE TOWN OF STETTLER, PROVINCE OF ALBERTA TO AMEND BYLAW NO. 1976-08 OF THE SAID TOWN. WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Government Act, Revised Statutes of Alberta, 2000, Chapter M-26 and amendments thereto. THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF STETTLER IN COUNCIL ASSEMBLED ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That Schedule “A” of Bylaw 1976-08 shall be and is hereby amended as follows: (a)
That Part of NW6-39-19-W4 as shown on Schedule “A” attached, be redesignated from UR “Urban Reserve” to R2 “Residential General”.
2. That this Bylaw shall take force and effect upon the date of final passing thereof. READ a first time this 16th day of November, A.D. 2010. NOTICE OF ADVERTISEMENT published
Public Hearing held
READ a second time this
day of
, A.D. 2010.
READ a third time and finally passed this
day of
Assistant CAO
, A.D. 2010.
Request For Decision Agenda Item: Bylaw 2004-10 Amend Land Use Bylaw (R1 to R2) Issue: Application for Rezoning Legal: Lot 18 & Pt 19 Block 7 Plan 4621KS Civic: 5704 – 47 Avenue Applicant: Barry & Shariane Schultz Proposed rezoning from R1: Residential Low Density to R2: Residential General Recommendation: That Council does not give first reading to bylaw 2004-10 to rezone Lot 18 & Pt 19 Block 7 Plan 4621KS. IMPLICATIONS OF RECOMMENDATION General: The applicant is proposing to rezone the property from Low Density Residential to General Residential. The applicant’s proposal to rezone to R2: General Residential is to allow for the development of a Single Family Dwelling with a Basement Suite for rental purposes. The area adjacent to this property is zoned R1: Low Density Residential. This will provide a mix of housing however it remains a residential development with an accessory use of a basement suite. BACKGROUND Key Issues: • •
“Spot” Zoning is generally discouraged because the integrity of a land use district becomes compromised. By allowing the rezoning of this parcel to R2 General Residential future development on this property could be proposed as discretionary uses under the R2 zoning and potentially be high density development (i.e.: fourplex). This would create a non typical mix of residential uses between high density developments and low density residential. If given first reading, through advertising and a landowner mail out of the land use bylaw amendment, neighboring properties will be notified, enabling them to provide input at the public hearing stage.
Legislation and Policy: Staff has assessed this application against the provisions outlined in the Town of Stettler Municipal Development Plan and Land Use Bylaw. The goals of both documents can be maintained, other than key issues mentioned above. If given first reading, Bylaw 2004-10 will be advertised (and neighboring landowners notified by mail) on November 24, 2010 and December 1, 2010 and a public hearing will be held on December 7, 2010.
Alternatives: That Council gives first reading for Bylaw 2004-10 to rezone Lot 18 & Pt 19, Block 7, Plan 4621KS from R1: Residential Low Density to R2: Residential General. Author: Leann Graham & Dave Dittrick, Planning & Development Services
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BYLAW 2004-10 A BYLAW OF THE TOWN OF STETTLER, PROVINCE OF ALBERTA TO AMEND BYLAW NO. 1976-08 OF THE SAID TOWN. WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Government Act, Revised Statutes of Alberta, 2000, Chapter M-26 and amendments thereto. THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF STETTLER IN COUNCIL ASSEMBLED ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That Schedule “A” of Bylaw 1976-08 shall be and is hereby amended as follows: (a)
That Lot 18 and Part of Lot 19 Block 7 Plan 4621KS as shown on Schedule “A” attached, be re-designated from R1 “Residential Low Density” to R2 “Residential General”.
2. That this Bylaw shall take force and effect upon the date of final passing thereof. READ a first time this
day of
, A.D. 2010.
Public Hearing held
READ a second time this
day of
, A.D. 2010.
READ a third time and finally passed this
day of
, A.D. 2010.
Canadian Red Cross
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Croix-Rouge canadienne
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NOv 0 4 2010
November lp 2010
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Your Worship, Mayor Dick Richards and Honorable Council members,
On behalf of the Canadian Red Cross, I am pleased to invite you to our
Open House for Elected Officials Thursday, December 9th, 2010 From 6 pm to 7 pm At the newly relocated Canadian Red Cross office #105- 5301 43 rd Street, Red Deer
6 pm ...
Coffee, snacks, and facility tour
Welcome and introduction of staff
6:30 pm... Presentation by Provincial Director of the Canadian Red Cross, Mr. Steve Armstrong 6:40 pm... Questions 6:45 pm... Mix and Mingle
RSVP by November 19th to Rob Rolston at 403.346.1241 or by email
Province of Alberta Red Deer Branch #105, 5301 - 43 Street Red Deer, AB T 4N 1C8 Tel: (403) 346.1241100Fax: (403) 342.6373 Supported by your United Way or Red Cross campaign contribution Charitable Registration Number - 119219814RR0001
Canadian Red Cross Croix-Rouge canadienne
From this new location, we will be better able to continue to serve central Alberta with our many programs and services. In addition to international aid, the Canadian Red Cross provides much needed services to the most vulnerable in your community. These programs range from disaster relief and health equipment loans to educational programs on water safety, disaster preparedness, humanitarian issues, bullying, healthy relationships, and abuse prevention. With your support, we can enhance the impact of the Red Cross in your community and continue to help the most vulnerable among your constituents. Come and visit our new office, meet our staff, and learn more about what the Canadian Red Cross is doing in your community and how, together, we can continue to support your most vulnerable. We look forward to meeting you.
Warmest Regards,
ckAcvXCL Rhonda Schwab Branch Manager - Red Deer area Provincial Manager - RespectED and Huma nitarian Issues +Canlad!ntallnl Red! Cmss Socoety - Alberta
Province oil Alberta
Red Deer Branch #105,5301 - 43 Street Red Deer, AB T4N 1G8 Tel: (403) 346.1241 Fax: (403) 342.6373 101
Supported by your United Way or Red Cross campaign contribution
Charitable Registration Number - 119219814RR0001
,,....................................................................•.......... ,, ,,
· ·,•
Thursday, February 3, 2011 Carriage House Inn 9030 Macleod Trail South
Topics 403.253.1101
Council & Administration Beyond the Basics
Effective & Efficient Operations Best Practices
· SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR REGISTRATION DETAILS ·.............................•..••...............•.......•...•...•.......•.... Edmonton ~ ~
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Wireless Internet Projects (Breakout Session)
Thursday, February 10, 2011 ~ The Radisson Hotel : 4440 Gateway Blvd :
How to Complete the "Last Mile" 780.437.6010 :
FOIPP (Breakout Session) All You Need to Know About Protection of Privacy.
Bear Pit Session Your Questions Answered
o • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • It 0-
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Practitioners in the following practice areas will be present throughout the day to answer your questions:
Planning & Development, Construction & Tendering, Expropriations, Environmental, 102 Employment & Labour, Municipal Utilities & Utility Regulation, ERCB, Municipal Corporations
L 'Barristers
Calgary February 3,2011
Edmonton February 10,2011
L dr-
Register by faxing Attention: Vicki Marak Brownlee LLP Suite 2200, 10155 - 102 Street Edmonton, Alberta T5J 408 Phone: (780) 497-4806 Toll Free: 1-800-661-9069 Fax: (780) 424-3254 Or Register via E-mail:
D Yes, I will be attending in:
D Edmonton
D Calgary Registration Fee $100/person (no GST)
(Please include names of all individuals attending)
Name(s) & Position: •
• •
cheque along with your registration form Make cheques payable to Brownlee LLP If sending a fax or e-mail, we will e-mail you an invoice for the total
Your registration fee includes lunch, coffee breaks and a materials booklet to take home.
Address: Phone:
Payment options If mailing, please send a
Fax: Cancellation Courtesy: If you are unable to attend after having registered, please let us know. Otherwise we Will be charged for your lunch.
Registration Deadlines: January 15, 2011 for botll Calgary & Edmonton Seminars 103
r Fall 2010 0 Volume 4, Issue 3
"You are an integral part of nature; your fate is tightly linked with biodiversity, the huge variety of other animals and plants, the places they live and their surrounding environments, all over the world.
2010 International Year of Biodiversity You rely on this diversity of life to provide you with the food, fuel, medicine and other essentials you simply cannot live without. Yet this rich diversity is being lost at a greatly accelerated rate because of human activities. This impoverishes us all and weakens the ability of the living systems, on which we depend, to resist growing threats such as climate change. 2010 is the International Year of Biodiversity, and people aI/ over the world are working to safeguard this irreplaceable natural wealth and reduce biodiversity loss. This is vital for current and future human weI/being. We need to do more. Now is the time to act." - United Nations, Convention on Biological Diversity 1f'lhlus sjplecoaO edlu1tuoll1l of '1f'lhle ClUIlTlTell1lt os d1edloca1tedl 11:0 ull1IclTeasHll1Ig aWalTEmeSS all1ldl IlmowDedlge of 1tlhle d1uvell"soil:y of Ou'ife slUIjpljplortedl wu1l:IhluIl1I tlhle BattDe Ruverr wa1terrslhledl.
Biodiversity and Riparian Areas: Ufe in the Green Zone By Cows and Fish Biodiversity describes the variety of life on Earth. The diversity of biological life (biodiversity) exists at three scales. These range from genes to species to ecosystems. Loss at any point in the scale ripples through the other scales of biodiversity, indicating the interrelated nature of the system. Biodiversity is essential to life. High levels of biodiversity are associated with greater ecosystem stability. The more diverse a system is, the better able it can cope with environmental stressors, such as floods or drought. Biodiversity gives us choices, options and flexibility to help us deal with variability, including long-term habitat changes. When a system is simplified, such as having only one species of plant, it increases the odds that environmental stressors will have a more pronounced impact or that a disease or pest will be able to spread rapidly. As such, animal and plant populations with low genetic diversity are much more susceptible to stress and vulnerable to
'Riparian' describes the land surrounding lakes, rivers, creeks and wetlands, where water strongly influences the immediate ecosystem. Riparian areas support high levels of natural biodiversity. Almost twothirds of Canada's rare and endangered species and 80% of Alberta's wildlife use these areas for all, or part, of their life cycle requirements. A common measurement of biodiversity is the total number of species found in an area. Riparian areas within the Battle River watershed support an abundance of different plant species. Plant inventories of the Battle River and Driedmeat Lake, as part of Cows and Fish riparian health inventory projects (81 sites assessed between 2001 and Photo Credit: Cows and Fish 2009), document no less than 267 different plant species. Five species are trees, 41 are shrubs, 54 are grass or 'grass-like' species and 167 are broad leaved flowering plants
Wetlands and Biodiversity By Tracy Scott, Ducks Unlimited Canada
(forbs). Abundant and commonly occurring trees and shrubs include balsam poplar, Manitoba maple, red-osier dogwood and snowberry. Forty of the 54 grass or 'grass-like' species are native plants and include reed canary grass, Sprengel's sedge and fowl bluegrass. Two introduced 'disturbance-caused' grasses, smooth brome and Kentucky bluegrass, are also very common. Both native and non-native forbs are present, such as wild sarsaparilla, Canada goldemod, Canada thistle and common horsetail.
Often referred to as "nature's kidneys", wetlands are one of the Earth's most productive and beneficial aquatic ecosystems, providing numerous benefits to watersheds, wildlife, communities and economies. The complex physical, chemical and biological interactions that occur within wetlands perform many important ecological functions related to water quality and supply. Wetlands are integral to watershed health, particularly in prairiefed watersheds such as the Battle River Watershed. Wetlands provide local and regional groundwater recharge, surface water storage, flood attenuation, wildlife habitat, recreational opportunities, economic benefits via forage production, tourism, fishing and hunting, carbon sequestration, as well as several water quality benefits including retention of sediments from runoff, absorption of excess nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorous, degradation of pesticides and reduction of water-borne pathogens.
Riparian areas are also structurally very complex. That is, there are several layers of vegetation - often a low ground cover, 'several different shrub layers and a tree canopy. This structural diversity is one of the aspects of riparian areas that make them attractive to many wildlife species, including birds. Prairie riparian zones have been found to contain up to seven times more bird species than surrounding grassland communities. A 2006 study of breeding birds by Cows and Fish along 3 riparian sites at Ribstone Creek confirmed previous research showing that both diversity and abundance of breeding birds is higher for healthy riparian sites than unhealthy or healthy with problems sites. At Ribstone Creek, 31 types of birds were observed including the claycoloured sparrow, yellow warbler, brown thrasher and Brewer's blackbird.
Wetlands are also one of the planet's greatest sources of biodiversity. We Photo Credit: Sarah Skinner rely on biodiversity to provide us with a number of essential ecological goods and services including food, waste treatment, climate regulation and clean air and water. We also benefit economically from biodiversity fisheries, forestry and wildlife-related recreation are an integral part of our Canadian economy. Despite our dependence on biological resources, human activities are altering natural areas and rapidly decreasing levels of biodiversity. Species extinction is now occurring at least 100 times faster than the historical rate. In Canada, there are currently 487 species at risk, 22 species that are no longer found in the country but still exist elsewhere, and another 13 species that are extinct. Habitat loss and degradation caused by human activity is the principal cause of species endangerment and declining biodiversity in Canada.
Riparian areas not only attract biodiversity, they attract people! Today, a variety of cumulative land uses, such as recreational activities, urban growth, and agriculture may negatively affect riparian areas and the biodiversity they support. Healthy biodiversity is in everyone's best interest as it means stability, productivity and reliability for all Albertans. For further information on riparian areas and biodiversity or to leam how Cows and Fish can work with you and your community to maintain or improve riparian health, contact or visit
Wetlands are home to over 600 species ofplants and animals and are second only to rainforests in the level of biodiversity that they harbor! In Canada, wetlands provide water, food, space and shelter for over 400 species of wildlife, with virtually all wildlife depending on wetlands during at least some periods in their life cycles. Despite aU of these benefits, wetland loss is staggering and ongoing. The scale of wetland loss across Alberta is only partially understood, but is estimated to be significant, with 64 per cent of wetlands lost to date in the White Area, and current annual loss estimated at between 0.3 per cent and 0.5 per cent of remaining wetland area. The scale of wetland loss or
Photo Credit: Cows and Fish y'{wy\(. battieriver"wa eel"shed .ca
impacts in the Green Area is unknown, but has likely increased due to development. (Alberta Water Council - Recommendations for a New Alberta Wetland Policy). Wetland loss, and the resulting loss in function, is relatively high in the Battle River Watershed.
But there are efforts underway to reduce those trends. Wetland conservation and restoration programs have been implemented for many years in the Battle River Watershed by conservation organizations such as Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC). DUC's conservation efforts have protected or restored over 66,000 acres of wetland area to date in the Battle River watershed, as well as over 75,000 acres of perennial upland cover. Both of these features contribute significantly to the health and function of the Battle River watershed and its biodiversity.
Connections within the Prairies: Biodiversity in the Saskatchewan River Delta The Saskatchewan River Delta, which straddles the Saskatchewan-Manito ba border, is the largest inland freshwater delta ill North America. It is a highly productive ecosystem; the
Ducks Unlimited Canada Projects within Battle River Watershed \'em.I.,,,
fertile plain of the delta supports numerous species of
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DUC Projects
Highways/Roads Citles(fowns lakes/Rivers
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water birds, as well as many plant, mammal and fish species. More than 50 plant species and 48 fish species have been identified. In addition, the delta has been
Projects: 401 Upland Acres: 74,306 Wetland Acres: 66,395 Total Spent: $23,967,231
Photo Credit: MikeMurrayBRBC
recognized as a globally significant Canadian Important Bird Area. Water from the Battle River eventually flows into the North Saskatchewan River and then onward to the Saskatchewan River delta. Our actions here have far-reaching implications for water systems and landscapes far beyond our own watershed!
Certainly further loss of wetlands will have a significant and possibly irreversible impact on watershed health and biodiversity. Working with the Battle River Watershed Alliance and its supporting agencies like DUC, we can help reverse these trends and ensure biodiversity and all it means to us is not lost in our watershed.
Information taken from: The partners FOR the Saskatchewan River Basin. 2009. From the
Mountains to the Sea: The State of The Saskatchewan River Basin.
The Saskatchewan River delta. Photo Credit: Mike Murray BRBC
BRWA Annual General Meeting Join us at our AGM on Thursday, November 18 at the Reynolds-Alberta Museum in Wetaskiwin. Watch our website for more information!
Canada is fortunate to be home to more than 1,270,000 square kilometres (127 • million hectares) of wetlands. That's • nearly 25 per cent of all the wetlands c on Earth! We have the responsibility to : care for these important natural resources.
WPAC Summit This year's WPAC summit will be held at Cypress Hills, AB, from October 20-22, 2010.
Spirit of the Watershed Art Show Photography from the PhotoVoice project and artwork from our two plein air workshops will be on display in the Camrose Chuck MacLean Arts Centre during the month a/November. Come and see the spirit ofthe watershed captured through camera lens and paintbrush!
Agriculture George Poruchnek - Landowner Melissa Orr - Agriculture Water Engineer Business/Industry Barb Bosh - BRWA Treasurer, ATCO Power Vacant
Saturday, November 6th: Art Show Meet and Greet. 1:30-3 :3Opm: Meet the artists who created the artwork on display 2:00pm: Hear a presentation on the Battle River watershed and learn about the IBI study done on the Battle River in 2006-07.
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Environment Tracy Scott - Ducks Unlimited Canada Jim Stevens - BRWA Vice Chair, Pigeon Lake Watershed Association First Nations Leonard Standing on the Road - Montana First Nations Wayne Ungstad - Individual Individual Vacant Midge Lambert - Landowner Municipal Government Jeremy Enarson - BRWA Chair, City of Camrose Wayne Richardson - County of Paintearth Hugh Sanders Prov/Fed. Gov't Academia Greg Nelson - Alberta Environment Shane Mascarin - Department of National Defense 107
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STETTLER DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY 4516 - 52 0d Street, Box 257, Stettler, Alberta, TOe 2LO
Email: agsoc1(a) Phone: 403-742-6288, Fax: 403-742-6620
November 7, 2010
Reference: Stettler District Agricultural Society Annual Meeting
The Stettler District Agricultural Society Annual Meeting is scheduled for December 1,2010, at 7:30 p.m. in the Pavilion Room, located at the Stettler Agricultural Society Building, your attendance would be appreciated. Yours truly,
President - Stettler District Agricultural Society
October 25,2010
Re: Seniors' Falls Prevention Month Dear MayorlReeve and Members of Council, We are writing to inform you that the annual seniors' falls prevention awareness program, entitled Finding Balance, is just around the corner -launching on November 2, 2010 across Alberta. At the same time, we also seek your Council's support. by recognizing November as Seniors' Falls Prevention Month. The Alberta Centre for Injury Control & Research (ACICR) and the Alberta Medical Association (AMA), with an advisory committee representing seniors' groups, health zones and health care professions, has developed this multi-year program. The provincial campaign includes television advertisements, which will air on Global TV across Alberta, print advertisements in weekly newspapers, and a variety of printed educational materials such as posters and flyers, in addition to a wide variety of local activities. In 2010, the campaign's third year, the program continues to focus on 'well seniors' living in the community and encourages them to take preventative measures to avoid falls. Other groups of seniors will be targeted in future years. Below are some of the surprising statistics, which prompted the development of this program: • • •
Falls are the most common cause of injury for seniors; 1 in 3 seniors in the community will experience a fall each year, while up to 50% of those in institutions will fall; Annual hospitalization costs resulting from falls are estimated to be $96 million and will reach $228 million by 2031 if left unchecked; these statistics do not include emergency department costs, payments to physicians and physiotherapists; home care or the costs to the patient and families.
If you would like further information on the program or examples of the promotional materials, please do not hesitate to contact ACICR Communications Coordinator, Liza Sunley: (780) 492-9759 or Sincerely,
Kathy Belton Associate Director Alberta Centre for Injury Control & Research
William S. Hnydyk, MD Assistant Executive Director (Professional Affairs) Alberta Medical Association
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What is Finding Balance? Finding Balance is a campaign that aims to educate and empower Albertans to take an active role in preventing falls among older adults. It was created to raise awareness about falls in Alberta, and educate older adults on the actions they can take to stay active and independent.
Are falls that serious? III
Research shows that falls are the leading cause of injury for older adults in Alberta. 1 in 3 older adults in the community will experience a fall each year, while up to 50% of those in institutions will fall.
Tips for handing out Finding Balance materials The following points may be helpful to use when you distribute Finding Balance materials: III
Did you know that every year, 1 in 3 seniors in Alberta will fall?
Anyone can fall, but as you age the risk increases.
Falls often result in a loss of independence.
Falls are not a normal part of aging. You can take steps to prevent falls.
Some of the best ways to reduce your risk of falling are: • Check your medications: Have your doctor or pharmacist review your medications each year. • Keep active: Exercise for strength and balance. • Watch your step wherever you are.
Here is some more information about how you can reduce your risk of falling.
Have you had a fall recently? Tell your doctor or health care provider if you've had a fall.
If you want more information, you can call Health Link Alberta at 1-866-408-LlNK (5465) or visit
More information about Finding Balance If you would like more information about the Finding Balance campaign, contact Liza Sun ley at 780-492-9759 or
.. ••-... .-.••
Findingt,alance ..,
Internet use among seniors The Canadian Internet Use Survey (Statistics Canada, 2007) found that both baby boomers (aged 45-64) and seniors (aged 65 and over) are enthusiastic internet users. Research has shown seniors are using the computer for internet use, staying connected to loved ones using e-mail, and for playing games.
Benefits of using a computer Did you know that seniors receive great benefits from using a computer? Here are some of the benefits they receive according to recent studies: • • • • • •
Fulfilling lifelong learning Gaining independence Enriching of quality of life Increasing feelings of empowerment Reducing of feelings of depression, anxiety, isolation and loneliness Increasing hand dexterity
Referring seniors to the Finding Balance website It is important when speaking with a senior about falls prevention that they are aware that there are many resources available to them on the internet, especially on the Finding Balance website. Tips in promoting internet usage in seniors: •
Let clients know that there is valid health information that can be obtained using the internet. It is important to lead by example and let your clients know that you use the internet to obtain health information, research and articles of interest.
Advise seniors to look for websites that they find easy to use and are designed for seniors (e.g. large font options).
If possible, assist in reducing seniors' fear of technology or computer anxiety by showing them how easy it is to obtain information on the internet.
Direct seniors to as a first step in obtaining health information on the web. The site is designed to be easy to navigate for everyone, including seniors who may have challenges with fine motor skills, vision or inexperience with the internet.
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A Subsidiary of the AUMA
November 8,2010 DearCAO: Re:
Alberta Communities Pension Plan
I am pleased to introduce the Alberta Communities Pension Plan (ACPP). It is a defined contribution pension plan designed for municipally elected officials, and employees of municipalities and municipallyrelated organizations who do not participate in the Local Authorities Pension Plan (LAPP). The ACPP is the result of a working partnership formed with the Federation of Alberta Gas Co-ops Ltd., whose successful 30 year-old plan is the basis of ACPP. AMSC's commitment to provide a growing suite of services to meet the needs of our members led us to develop the ACPP. The ACPP ensures that a retirement savings plan opportunity is available to all municipal employees of municipalities and municipally related organizations throughout Alberta who currently do not participate in LAPP. This is yet another tool to assist municipalities and municipallyrelated organizations in attracting and retaining valued employees. Elected officials may also participate in the ACPP if they are paid a salary. Referto the enclosed Alberta Communities Pension Plan Elected Officials Frequently Asked Questions fact sheet. In addition to the ACPP, AMSC is also offering a Group RRSP and Tax Free Savings Account.
Enclosed in this package is the following documentation: â&#x20AC;˘
Opportunity Chart - Summarizes complete AMSC Retirement Services offerings.
FAQs - Key information for each of those services: ACPP, Group RRSP, Tax Free Savings Account, APEX and MuniSERP.
Background of ACPP e
The Federation of Alberta Gas Coops Ltd. represents 83 rural gas utilities, making the Federation Alberta's second largest gas utility and the world's largest rural gas distribution system. Effective January 1,2009 AMSC started administering the Federation's group health benefits and the Federation Plan ("Registered Pension Plan for Employees of Federation of Alberta Gas Coops Ltd."). The Federation Plan has been in operation since 1977. AMSC recognizes the importance of the Federation Plan to its members. AMSC approached the Federation with a proposal for the AMSC Board of Directors to become its Trustee Board and Plan Administrator.
Alberta MuniCipal Place 300 - 8616 51 Avenue Edmonton, AB T6E 6E6 Toll Free: 310-AUMA (2862) Phone: 780-433-4431 Fax: 780-433-4454 112
The Federation officially approved the proposal this summer and the Superintendent of Pensions of Alberta granted regulatory approval in September. From these developments we now have the ACPP. By leveraging the Federation's track record of success and AMSC's administrative expertise, the ACPP not only offers AUMA members a new choice for retirement savings but also reaches out to Federation members not participating in their original plan, now rebranded as ACPP, as well as utility co-operatives and other municipally related organizations.
Our Director of Retirement Services, Bernie Gold is available upon request to meet with you, your Plan Administrator and/or your Board to answer your questions about the ACPP or AMSC's other Retirement Services offerings. For complete information and assistance please contact Bernie at 780-409-8125 or Yours truly
Elected Officials Frequently Asked Questions 1. What is the Alberta Communities Pension Plan? 2. Who is eligible? 3. How will the pension affect their taxes? 4. What are the contribution rates? 5. How does an elected official participate?
6. Is Plan participation mandatory? 7. Can the elected official exit the plan at any time? 8. How are contributions submitted? 9. Who makes the investment choices? 10. When is the elected official vested?
The ACPP is a defined contribution pension plan in which both employer and elected officials make pre-defined contributions that are based on a percentage of salary. Elected officials who receive a salary. Registered pension plan contributions are tax deductible. The employer matches the employeesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; contributions ranging from 3.0% to 7.0% Elected officials are eligible to participate in the plan when the following conditions are met: a) Municipality is a regular or associate member of the AUMA b) Municipality signs a participation agreement c) Municipality pays elected officials a salary d) Elected officials complete an enrolment form Plan participation is voluntary. Upon enrolment they must stay in the plan until they cease to be an elected official for their municipality or attain the age of 71. Contributions are by payroll deduction. The elected official makes the investment choices from a platform of investment options. It is recommended that the elected official consult with a qualified financial advisor prior to making any investment decisions. The earlier of: a) two or more years of continuous service with the current employer; or, b) two years of membership in the Plan. The municipality may waive the eligibility requirement provided the waiver does not contravene any applicable legislation.
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Employees Frequently Asked Questions 1. What is the Alberta Communities Pension Plan? 2. Who is eligible? 3. How will the pension affect their taxes? 4. What are the contribution rates? 5. How does an employee participate? 6. Is Plan participation mandatory? 7. Can the employee exit the plan at any time? 8. How are contributions submitted? 9. Who makes the investment choices? 10. When is the employee vested?
The ACPP is a defined contribution pension plan in which both employer and employees make pre-defined contributions that are based on a percentage of salary. a. Employees who do not actively participate in LAPP b. Qualifying partâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;time employees Registered pension plan contributions are tax deductible. The employer matches the employeesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; contributions ranging from 3.0% to 7.0% Employees are eligible to participate in the plan when the following conditions are met: a) Employer is a regular or associate member of the AUMA b) Employer signs a participation agreement c) Employee complete an enrolment form Plan participation is voluntary. Upon enrolment, the employee must stay in the plan until termination of employment. Contributions are by payroll deduction. The employee makes the investment choices from a platform of investment options. It is recommended that the employee consult with a qualified financial advisor prior to making any investment decisions. The earlier of: a) two or more years of continuous service with the current employer; or, b) two years of membership in the Plan. The employer may waive the eligibility requirement provided the waiver does not contravene any applicable legislation.
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Group RRSP
Frequently Asked Questions 1. What is a Group RRSP? 2. Who is eligible? 3. What does the employer contribute? 4. What does the employee contribute? 5. Is the employee restricted in making withdrawals? 6. What are the tax implications?
7. Can an employee set up a spousal RRSP? 8. How are the contributions made?
A Group RRSP permits an employee to contribute to an RRSP directly through their employers. The employer has discretion in determining eligibility. The employer has no obligation to contribute. Where the employer elects to contribute, the contribution is generally as a percentage of salary or a fixed dollar amount. The employee contributes a percentage of salary or a fixed dollar amount. The employer has discretion to restrict employee withdrawals up to the level of employer contributions. Employer contributions through a Group RRSP are a taxable benefit to employees. The total of employer and employee contributions is tax deductible to the employee up to the limit of the employeeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s available RRSP room. Yes Contributions are by payroll deduction
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Tax Free Savings Accounts Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is a TFSA? 2. How are the contributions made? 3. Are there any restrictions to withdrawing money from a TFSA? 4. How will withdrawals from a TFSA affect a memberâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s taxes? 5. Can a member contribute the amount they withdrew back into their TFSA? 6. Can a member carry forward any unused contribution room? 7. How does a member track their TFSA room?
The Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA) allows individuals to save up to $5,000 per year, starting January 1, 2009. Contributions are by payroll deduction. No
All monies, including investment earnings withdrawn from a TFSA are taxfree. Yes, an employee can re-establish their contribution room the following January 1.
Yes, unused room can be carried forward to future years indefinitely. The Canada Revenue Agency provides the TFSA contribution room on the memberâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Notice of Assessment.
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Supplementary Pension Plan Frequently Asked Questions
What is the APEX Supplementary Pension Plan?
APEX is a defined benefit pension plan that supplements the Local Authorities Pension Plan (LAPP) to the maximum pension benefit allowable under the CRA.
Who is eligible?
LAPP employers that are also regular or associate members of the AUMA.
How does an employee participate?
Employees are eligible to participate in the plan when the following conditions are met: a) Employer signs an enrolment form with AMSC b) Employee is in a class designated for APEX participation by the employer c) Employee completes an enrollment form
What are the contribution rates?
The employee contributes 2.5% of their salary and the employer contributes 3.0% of the salary to a 2010 maximum of $3,118.05 and $3,741.66 respectively.
How will the pension affect their taxes? Is Plan participation mandatory? Can the employee exit the plan at any time?
Registered pension plan contributions are tax deductible.
How are contributions submitted? When is the employee vested?
Contributions are by payroll deduction
6. 7. 8. 9.
10. Can employees buy previous years of service in APEX?
Plan participation is voluntary. Upon enrolment the employee must stay in the plan until termination of employment or transfer into an ineligible class. The employee is vested after two years of membership in the Plan. No, but employees can establish prior service under MuniSERP.
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Frequently Asked Questions 1.
What is MuniSERP?
MuniSERP is a retirement program that provides benefits in excess of those allowed under registered pension plans (APEX and LAPP).
2. 3.
Who is eligible? Who contributes to MuniSERP?
LAPP employers who also participate in APEX.
How will the benefit affect the employeeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s taxes?
The employee is taxed at the time the benefit is paid.
How does an employee participate?
Employees are eligible to participate in the plan when the following conditions are met: a) Employer signs an enrolment form with AMSC b) Employer designates employee for participation
The employer contributes on an annual basis according to the actuarial report. There are no employee contributions.
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