FIRST NATION’S HEALTH AND SOCIAL SUPPORT FACILITY PRESERVING AUSTRALIA’S OLDEST SURVIVNG CULTURE FOR GENERATIONS TAIHS Revitalisation Project Townsville Aboriginal and Islander Health Service (TAIHS) provides accessible, integrated health and social support services to Aboriginal and Islander people so that they can live healthier, stronger and longer lives, preserving Australia’s oldest surviving culture for future generations. Currently, the Townsville University Hospital Emergency Department is under unnecessary pressure due to presentations of acute conditions from First Nations people who do not have anywhere to go for care. The new facility from TAIHS will provide a dedicated facility for a range of health care needs, in one location. The facility will: Provide more individuals, families and community access to GPs.
About TAIHS TAIHS currently provides outreach to Charters Towers, Hinchinbrook and the Burdekin via their satellite clinics. T he clinic services (health, dental and maternal and child health services) on average 140 patients per day at the Garbutt Clinic. More than 600 families are supported per year. More than 300 children are placed by the Foster and Kinship Service. More than 80 vulnerable people are supported through the Youth and Adult Accommodation Service. T he Youth Justice Service supports more than 500 young people per year through its integrated bail support, youth mental health and lighthouse service. TAIHS has a workforce of 185 with 70% of its workforce First Nations.
Provide expecting mothers access to maternal and child health services as well as sexual health services. Reduce presentations at the Townsville University Hospital Emergency Department particularly for acute conditions. Provide transport to and from the clinic from other TAIHS facilities throughout Townsville. Provide community based programs which help to reduce recidivism through a holistic approach to case coordination with families and vulnerable people.
STATUS: T he project has received all development approvals from the Townsville City Council. T he Facility will be developed on existing land owned by TAIHS. A rchitectural drawings and plans have been completed for the Facility.
WHAT WE NEED $6.5 million from State or Federal Government to support the construction of the new Garbutt Facility.
State Funding
Federal Funding
State and/or Federal
Funding N/A