Volume 17, Issue 27
Serving Durham, Middlefield and Rockfall
Candidates speak out at local political forum By Cheri Kelley Town Times “Get to know the people you are serving, and remember that bills are not one size fits all,” said Durham’s First Selectman Laura Francis at a political forum at the Middlefield Community Center on Wednesday, Oct. 13. Though this was a statement geared toward candidates running for state legislature, the forum was a chance for residents to get to know the candidates themselves. Those running for office in Senate District 13 (which includes Middlefield), Senate District 12 (which includes Durham) and the House of Representatives 100th District (which includes Durham and Middlefield) briefly talked about what they feel are the biggest issues in Connecticut. The room was not packed but there was a fair amount of people in attendance, considering the scheduling of the forum was when most people were headed to work — 8 a.m. Each candidate had five minutes to talk before opening up to questions. Lisa Davenport (R), the challenger for State Senate District 12, spoke about reining in unfunded mandates, checking egos at the door and finding solutions to the problems. “As a business owner, I understand how difficult it is to run a business right now,” she said. “We
In this issue ... Calendar ...........................4 Durham Briefs ...............16 Middlefield Briefs ..........15 Obits...............................24 Sports .........................25-27 Election question.......11-13
need to free up credit for small businesses. Connecticut is the 49th worst state to do business in.” She stated that Pratt and Whitney reported that they could operate business for 40 to 100 percent less in comparable areas. She closed by saying, “I have never been in politics before. I am a small business owner, mom and wife that couldn’t take it anymore.” Ed Meyer (D), the State Senate incumbent for District 12, stated that there are two main issues in Connecticut today. The first is the deficit and down sizing our state government, and the second is the job situation. Meyer said, the size of the government needs to be brought down with the consolidation of agencies, elimination of certain agencies and duplicate agencies. He stated that he wants to be a “job rainmaker,” bringing in new companies to Connecticut. He gave the example of an Italian company that makes gym equipment that may come to Connecticut, bringing business and jobs. Meyer closed saying, “The reason I am seeking reelection is the fun of this kind of challenge.” Tom Gaffey (D), the State Senate incumbent for District 13, talked about maintaining a business in Connecticut. He said, “The biggest cost businesses face in this state is that of energy; Green technology would employ thousands of people.” He spoke about the bill being vetoed by Governor Rell and that he believes green energy is a positive initiative for the future. He continued, “Businesses seeking a permit to start a project from the DeSee Forum, page 7
Friday, October 15, 2010
Flying high over Durham
Floating in the sunrise, this hot air balloon welcomed Columbus Day bright and early Monday morning, Oct. 11. It landed in the Durham Fire Company parking lot. Photos submitted by Rob DeSimone
Light up Middlefield with pumpkins By Cheri Kelley Town Times Calling all pumpkin carvers big and small. Pick out the best pumpkins — round and fat or tall and nubby, the choice is all yours. Sharpen those carving tools, and get going whittling faces and scenes into these fabulous autumnal fruits. The Middlefield Lion’s Club is putting on their first annual “Let’s Light Up Middlfield with Pumpkins” event located behind the Middlefield Community Center on Oct. 30 from 2 to 7 p.m. Festive Jack-o-lanterns will be glowing on the hillside as children and adults alike frolic about in some of the coolest and creepiest costumes imaginable. Sounds
like a spook-tacular time! The idea for this pumpkin luminary event was inspired by a similar event in Keene, New Hampshire. The town started small in 1991 and now has thousands of carved and lit pumpkins displayed. Hopefully it can become a new fall tradition for Middlefield. The event is basically an an unofficial competition to get as many pumpkins lit up as possible. Surely Middlefield has more pumpkins than Keene! The Lion’s Club would love to build this event year after year. Mary Roberts, a coordinator for the event, says, “It is a community give-back event, and I would love to see everybody dressed up and participating.” Roberts continues,
“This year there will probably not be a profit, but if there is it will go to all the activities that the Lion’s Club is involved with.” There will be a pumpkin pie contest judged by local dignitaries. Home bakers are welcome to participate as the perfect, most delicious pumpkin pie will claim the blue ribbon for it’s crafty creator. Let the warm smells of cinnamon and nutmeg fill the air in Middlefield. Local vendors, including artists and crafters, will be displaying and selling their goods. No Halloween event would be complete without a costume contest. Prizes will be given out for the most original and scariest cos-
See Pumpkins, page 17