Happy New Year to all!
Volume 17, Issue 38
Serving Durham, Middlefield and Rockfall
In the frozen grip of winter ...
Friday, December 31, 2010
Learning the true meaning of giving during this holiday season
Above, the Durham skating pond is deserted after the snow; below, a lone skater in a Santa hat takes to the ice at the Lucy Strickland Skating Pond in Middlefield.
The blizzard of 2010 had only minor effects locally despite the howling wind and blowing snow on Sunday and Monday. Durham’s First Selectman Laura Francis said, “There were very few power outages and very few fire calls. All Departments handled it very well and were very well prepared.” Cleaning up and widening the roads and taking care of the skating pond and cemeteries where the road crews major concerns. “They were called in on Sunday at about 1 p.m. and went home around 5 p.m. on Monday,” Francis stated. Middlefield First Selectman Jon Brayshaw said, “There were no reported accidents, but would like to remind residents that many roads in town like Routes 147, 157, and 66 are state roads and are not handled by the town.” Brayshaw went on to say. “ I am glad that it’s is over for now, but I am sure the kids loved it immensely, being that it was during the school vacation. It was cute to see the little kids out with their snow suits on.” Cheri Kelly
Serving at an “Out-of-the Cold” luncheon at the Salvation Army Soup Kitchen, these ‘future Rotarians’ understand the true meaning of giving during the holiday season. Pictured from left are: Graham Gates, of Xavier High School in Middletown; Jake Sapia of Strong Middle School, Durham; Rotarian Dr. Michele Imossi of Kensington; Angela Barbagallo of Thomas Edison Middle School in Meriden; Rotarians Victor and Elizabeth Fumiatti of Bristol; India Gates of Mercy High School in Middletown; Luke Wininger of Griswold Middle School in Berlin; and Casandra Sapia of John Lyman Elementary School in Middlefield. This photo gave us an opportunity to introduce also the many examples of “food art” — from phtographs to paintings to ceramics to poetry and stories — that we received for this year’s annual Creative Arts editions. The section starts on page 12 of this issue. Next week we will feature our non-food artists and writers. Enjoy and stay warm! Submitted photo
In this issue ... Calendar Creative Arts Libraries Obituaries Photos Town Briefs
4 12-23 6 11 24 10
Our wish for you in 2011 — A happy New Year! Grant that I May bring no tear to any eye When this New Year in time shall end Let it be said I've played the friend, Have lived and loved and labored here, And made of it a happy year. Edgar Guest