Volume 20, Number 25
Serving Durham, Middlefield and Rockfall
Friday, November 13, 2015
Lorrie Martin brought props, including jellyfish, bearskin, and a stuffed owl, to her talk on outdoor education at CVEF’s Talk of the Towns. | Mark Dionne / Town Times
Talk of the Towns draws a crowd Mark Dionne Town Times
The second Talk of the Towns event, like the first, drew a large crowd to Middlefield’s Indian Springs Golf Course for a set of four talks by local figures. The speakers each had 10 minutes to detail their area of expertise for the crowd of about 100. Put on my the Coginchaug Valley Education Foundation, the Oct. 6 event covered topics like parallel universes,
All sizes and ages (and even one furry “person”) were represented at the annual ecumenical CROP Walk held at Peckham Park in Middlefield on Oct. 25. Walkers raised $2,766 to fight hunger around the world through Church World Service and locally through the congregations represented. Organizers included Judy Hurlbert at Notre Dame, Judy Moeckel at Epiphany, Jackie Clarke at Third Congregational, Sue VanDerzee at Middlefield Federated and Jan Wenzel, walk treasurer, at United Churches. The organizers are still collecting for the cause. Three quarters of the money raised goes to fund Church World Service hunger-fighting programs around the world and one quarter returns to our communities to support hunger-fighting efforts locally. The annual event takes place in the last Sunday of October.
techniques for disembarking from Chinese trains, and turkey droppings. Connie Brown introduced the first speaker by saying, “Mary-Jane Rubenstein is a rock star.” More specifically, Rubenstein is Chair of the Religion Department at Wesleyan University and author of “Worlds Without End,” a By Mark Dionne book about the history and Town Times philosophy of the multiverse. Using visuals from both The Nov. 3 election that the Hubble Telescope and put Ed Bailey in Middlefield’s First Selectman’s office was See Talk / Page 2 the result of a three-way race.
| Submitted photo
Candidates weigh in on election According to official results, Republican nominee Bailey finished with 635 votes, while Democratic nominee Peter Neidhardt garnered 555 votes and independent challenger Robert Johnson finished with
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311, making Bailey’s margin of victory 80 votes. Said Bailey after the election, “We are thankful and appreciative of the support we See Election / Page 12
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