Volume 20, Number 27
Serving Durham, Middlefield and Rockfall
Friday, November 27, 2015
School safety concerns discussed
New BOS convenes By Mark Dionne Town Times
more tranquil and safe if they know a trooper is there.” Brayshaw was First Selectman when the board decided to use a first and second shift trooper. Kendrick will be the second shift trooper. Kendrick has been a Connecticut state trooper for three years and worked as a police officer for three years for Middletown, Rhode Is-
The newly elected Middlefield Board of Selectmen held its first meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 17. New First Selectman Ed Bailey ran the meeting, essentially changing seats with now-Selectman and former First Selectman Jon Brayshaw. Taryn Ruffino sat on the BOS, voting and making motions, for the first time. Ruffino, who co-chairs Middlefield’s Sesquicentennial Committee with Park and Recreation director Chris Hurlbert, gave an update about the celebration’s planning. Middlefield’s Tree Lighting this year, to be held Saturday, Dec. 6, will have a connection to the celebration of the town’s 150th anniversary. In addition to the story-time, caroling, and visit from Santa, the Tree Lighting will have a craft fair at the Middlefield Community Center to benefit the Sesquicentennial. There will also be memorabilia for sale with the Sesquicentennial logo. The town will hold a Winterfest on Jan. 23 and a Gala
See Trooper / Page A2
See Selectmen / Page A3
By Mark Dionne Town Times
Safety concerns, mostly regarding student field trips, were addressed at the Board of Education’s regular meeting on Nov. 18 at Brewster Elementary School. In the wake of the terrorist attacks in Paris, the Coginchaug Regional High School senior’s field trip to Washington, D.C. was postponed due to fears of additional violence centered around prominent Western cities. The CRHS senior class traditionally takes a November trip to Washington, which includes visits to the popular and historic sites of the city. According to Superintendent of Schools Kathryn Veronesi, administrators are looking to reschedule the trip, for March potentially. The BOE briefly discussed the senior trip and also approved two overnight ski trips to New Hampshire and Vermont for high school students. As the
Middlefield’s two troopers pictured with the then-Board of Selectmen, from left: Dave Burgess, Ed Bailey, Trooper Eric Kelly, Trooper Timothy Kendrick and Jon Brayshaw. | Photo by Amy Poturnicki
2nd trooper starts in Middlefield By Mark Dionne Town Times
Connecticut State Trooper Timothy Kendrick started as Middlefield’s second resident state trooper in the beginning of November, giving the town what First Selectman Ed Bailey calls “basically continuous coverage morning to evening.” Until April 2015, the town had one trooper and See Safety / Page A2 town-employed constables,
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but the Board of Selectman decided that the state supervision and coverage was superior with an additional state trooper. Unlike a constable, when a state trooper is sick, on vacation, or in training, they are replaced by another trooper out of Troop F. While noting that Middlefield is “not crime-ridden,” Selectman Jon Brayshaw said that, “Security is important to people. People’s lives are
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