Volume 20, Number 30
Serving Durham, Middlefield and Rockfall
Friday, December 18, 2015
Durham groundwater ordinance passes By Mark Dionne
at a special Town Meeting on Monday, Dec. 14. The ordinance is part of the A long-discussed ground- plan to deal with polluted wawater ordinance forbidding ter discovered over three dethe pumping of groundwater cades ago underneath central within a zone of 110 proper- Durham. The ordinance is linked to ties in central Durham passed Town Times
the Environmental Protection Agency’s plan to extend a water main from Middletown down Main Street in Durham. Initial funding for that project has been released by the EPA and the state of Connecticut. Durham First Selectman
Laura Francis encouraged passage of the ordinance. “We think we’ve addressed all the concerns people may have. We’ve put in some changes to reflect that and I urge support of the ordinance because this is the next step to bring in
clean water to the residents of the town of Durham.” According to the ordinance, when that public drinking water reaches what is called the “Groundwater Management See Ordinance / Page 28
Superintendent Award winners, Teacher of the Year recognized By Mark Dionne Town Times
Gwynneth Palo Mack, a fifth grade student at Memorial School, has been cast as Clara in “The Nutcracker,” scheduled to be performed Friday, Dec. 18 and Sunday, Dec. 19, at the Shubert Theater in New Haven. Gwynneth’s sisters will also perform — Hazel, as a soldier, and Peyton, as a polichenelle. For more information and tickets, visit www.shubert.com.
At the Dec. 9 Board of Education meeting two Coginchaug Regional High School students, Jordan Olivieri and Cameron “Cam” Powers, and one teacher, Noelle Durkin, were honored for their dedication to the school and outside communities. In introducing the students to the BOE, Superintendent of Schools Kathryn Veronesi said, “I believe that we have two individuals who are just really good people and they are role models for adults and students alike.” Veronesi applauded the way Olivieri and Powers treat people both locally and around the world. Olivieri is a three-sport athlete, participating in cross country and both indoor and outdoor track. She will serve as the captain of the outdoor track team in the spring. Olivieri is an accomplished student who has participated in the National Honor Society, the French Honor Society, the 4-H Club, and the Fire Explorers. With her 4-H Club, Olivieri works to raise animal awareness and participates in llama
The Board of Education recognized the Superintendent Award winners on Dec. 9. Pictured, from left: BOE Chair Kerrie Flanagan, CRHS seniors Cam Powers and Jordan Olivieri, and Superindent of Schools Kathryn Veronesi. Powers attended the meeting in the middle of basketball practice. | Photos by Mark Dionne / Town Times
The Board of Education recognized Noelle Durkin as the Teacher of the Year. Pictured, from left: Korn Elementary School Principal Deb Stone, BOE Chair Kerrie Flanagan, See Awards/ Page 2 Durkin, and Superintendent of Schools Kathryn Veronesi.