Congratulations, CRHS Class of 2010!
Serving Durham, Middlefield and Rockfall
Volume 17, Issue 10
Durham officials catch up on what’s happening around town By Trish Dynia Special to the Town Times
Durham’s semi-annual joint board and commission meeting attracted approximately 30 citizens, including all three members of the Board of Selectmen and numerous representatives from the town’s boards, commissions and municipal departments. Board of Selectmen First Selectman Laura Francis thanked all those present for their dedicated service to the town and continued with a lengthy report on various activities. Among those was receipt of FEMA funds for residents who may have sustained damage to basements or equipment due to flooding in March. Residents can begin the process of filing their claims by calling the FEMA hotline at 1-800-621FEMA. The town itself will use some of the funds for flood-related repairs to White’s Farm and Indian Lane, as well as Higganum, Bear Rock and Haddam Quarter roads. The town has also received state funds which will be used to repave Maiden
and Johnson lanes, and a block grant for energy conservation projects, including the installation of solar panels at District 13 schools. Francis also reported that 14 residents attended an employment workshop sponsored by the Work Force Alliance Board of New Haven, and last week eight Durham residents completed equipment training through Cable Access TV Productions in Clinton. At this time, there are several shows in production which may air on the cable community access channel as early as September. In other local news, Frances reported that the Board of Selectmen has been working with DEP and Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) to alleviate pollution and flooding problems at White’s Farm, and facilities management is well underway and has given the Board of Finance a 20-year plan. In order to meet federal and state safety guidelines on street signage, new street signs containing the town seal have been erected at side streets along Main Street, and
Go Far, Go Fast
new signs without the seal are being erected in other areas of town. In addition, the Durham Public Safety Committee is coordinating efforts to ensure that all buildings in Durham are clearly marked with street addresses as required by town ordinance. Residents will have the option of purchasing special numbers from the committee, proceeds of which will go to support the Fire Explorers and Durham Animal Response Team (DART). Also Durham and Middlefield are forming a joint committee to make recommendations about the DMIAAB (transfer station) agreement, which expires in 2011. On Saturday, May 11, 400 free rain barrels were distributed on a first-come, firstserved basis over two-and-ahalf hours as part of a plan to settle DEP fines against DMIAAB. The second stage will involve a pest management program for both towns. Finally, Francis noted that the Board of Selectmen is working with the Secretary of State’s office to compile a list See Durham, page 18
Claudia O’Connell pins a racing number on daughter Nora at the Go Far, Go Fast race last Sunday, June 13, at the Durham Fairgrounds. Organized by Jen Schulten, with the support of the Coginchaug Valley Education Foundation and the Local Wellness Council, the first-ever event attracted over 300 runners up to sixth grade and lots of volunteers. More on page 14.
Friday, June 18, 2010
They’ve got the whole world in their hands...
Erik and Ethan Bendl and their dog Nice trek eastward along Route 66 with their eye-catching Earth ball.
Eastward ho! In the name of diabetes awareness By Chuck Corley Special to the Town Times Morning commuters this past Friday may have asked themselves, “Who is that man walking along the road? And why is he carrying a giant globe with him?” The “who” is Erik Bendl, along with his son, Ethan, and their dog, Nice (an aficionado of chicken and girls). The “why” of it is in an effort to raise diabetes awareness, an issue that hits close to home for the Bendls. Although
In this issue ... Calendar ........................4 Durham Briefs ...18-19, 25 Honor Grads ........7, 20-21 Libraries ......................28 Middlefield Briefs ...15-17 Obituary.......................22 Sports ......................29-31 Sports Awards.........26-27 Spotlight ......................23
Bendl himself doesn’t have diabetes – his walks keep him “fit and fluffy,” as he puts it – it has afflicted a number of his family members. Bendl’s mother, Kentucky state representative Gerta Bendl, died at the age of 54. “She was a too busy taking care of everyone else to take care of herself,” said Bendl. One of Bendl’s goals in promoting diabetes awareness is to encourage people to take care of themselves, as in staying healthy, so a diabetic “can be there for their grandkids.” The Louisville, Kentucky native’s journey began in Washington, DC, with the eventual goal of reaching Maine in mind. It hasn’t been the quickest journey, having started on April 22, but it isn’t his first, either. Bendl’s adventures around the United States with his globe go back
See Trek, page 5