Volume 18, Issue 15
Serving Durham, Middlefield and Rockfall
Friday, July 22, 2011
Ordinances head to town meeting; Powder Ridge closing looms
Magic in Durham ...
By Cheri Kelley Town Times A brief public hearing was held in Middlefield on Tuesday, July 19 to review three ordinances, which will be voted on during a town meeting that will be held on Tuesday, Aug. 16. The first ordinance discussed was about the regulation of illicit discharges and connections to the town’s storm drainage system; in layman’s terms, that means don’t throw used oil, a bit of extra fertilizer, etc. into a storm drain anywhere in town or into something that connects with a Photo by Mark Dionne
Harry Potter-style at the Durham Library: above, two Hermiones (Bridget Fehon and Jessica Stanwood) enjoy a snack with Dumbledore (Hannah Amirault) at a costume party celebrating the release of the movie, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows Part 2, the last of the popular series. Story and more photos on page 13.
Durham’s Democratic Town Committee unveiled its slate of candidates for the upcoming November elections at their July 19 meeting, with Roger Kleeman and Dr. Steve Levy set to run for the positions of First Selectman and Selectman. While neither were able to attend the meeting, committee member Laurie Stevens noted they had
In this issue
Submitted by Julie Annecchino
See Powder Ridge, page 12
Roger Kleeman to take on Laura Francis in Durham First Selectman’s race By Chuck Corley Special to the Town Times
At the sewing machine: above, Carlie, left, and Kate Annecchino looking over some of the fanciful material they will use to sew pillowcases to brighten the lives of children in the hospital. See page 18 for more about the ConnKerr Cancer program.
sewer system along Route 66 or around Lake Beseck. The second item was an ordinance that would establish a citation hearing procedure having to do with citations for violations of the town’s ordinances, including the first ordinance discussed. Lastly there was discussion about the proposed addendum to the town’s existing ordinance that regulates the use of sanitary sewers within the town, which would entail the need to pretreat fats, oils and grease be-
Calendar............................4 Durham Briefs................10 Honor Rolls................ 22-24 Libraries..................13 & 19 Middlefield Briefs...........11 Obituaries....................... 18 Scouts..........................20-21 Sports..........................26-27 Summer Memories.........15
other obligations that night and that “They’re the kind of committed people that if they’ve made a commitment, they’ll stick with it.” She also detailed Kleeman’s qualifications for the candidacy, explaining that Kleeman has spent 25 years in service to Durham on various boards and committees, as well as negotiated multimillion dollar contracts during his professional career. As for Levy, he’s a former chief of the fire company and the town’s first Director of Emergency Management. As for the party’s Planning and Zoning candidates, the committee nominated Gene Riotte, Dave Foley, Frederic Searle and James McLaughlin. McLaughlin is a former First Selectman and current member of the Board of Se-
See Kleeman, page 10