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Volume 20, Number 46

Serving Durham, Middlefield and Rockfall

Friday, Februar y 28, 2014

Exchange Club is there for the community By Diana Carr

Special to Town Times

Brenda Eddy displays the badges earned by the Durham/Middlefield Exchange Club for their civic service. | (Diana Carr/Town Times)

Few people may know that when they are batting a ball around the tennis courts at Allyn Brook Park, in Durham, or their children are swinging from the playground equipment, or playing “Four Square” under the pavilion, that it is due in large part to funds raised by the Durham/ Middlefield Exchange Club. “We have 50 members from Durham and Middlefield,” said club President Brenda Eddy. “The Exchange Club is a national civic organization, and we’re a branch of it in Connecticut.” The purpose of Exchange Clubs is to raise money for civic and charitable causes on the local, state, and national levels, with an emphasis on Americanism, the prevention of child abuse (the national project),

the promotion of youth development, and responding to the needs of the community. Badges are given by the National Exchange Club for work in these categories. Some of the Durham/Middlefield Exchange Club’s local projects are: handing out flags before the Memorial Day parade; giving the Proudly We Hail award to people who meet the criteria of properly flying their flag; the annual giving of the Book of Golden Deeds award to someone who gives a lot back to the community; honoring firefighters and police in both towns (who have gone above and beyond the call of duty) with the Salute to Connecticut’s Finest and Connecticut’s Bravest awards; the Adopt-A-Road project, which involves picking up litter off our streets; giving the ACE award to a high school senior who has surmounted extraordinary challenges,

whether they be emotional, physical, or circumstantial; sponsorship of the Child Abuse Prevention Centers in Rockville and Stamford; and raising money for scholarships, fuel assistance, the Giving Trees in the town halls, the food banks, the District 13 music and athletic departments, and the Boy Scouts (Troop 27). There are four major fundraisers a year: a spaghetti dinner in March at Coginchaug Regional High School (this year March 9); an Easter flower sale on Easter weekend, in front of Strong School; the Washington 10K race on Memorial Day (the money comes from the runners’ fees); and the French Fries booth at the Durham Fair. “Almost 90 percent of the money we raise from these events goes to the two towns,” Eddy said, “with the rest going toward the national goal of the See Exchange / Page 2

District 13 sees school Helmet mandate contributes to closing options long wait times at Powder Ridge By Mark Dionne Town Times

At Coginchaug Regional High School on Feb. 19, well over 100 community members from Durham and Middlefield heard a presentation on declining enrollment followed by multiple options for school reconfiguration. As they have in past workshops, representatives from the architectural and education planning firm Drummey Rosane Anderson, Inc. presented what they characterized as two extremes — doing nothing on one end and re-building all the schools on the other —and then focused on options in the middle of that range. The three main options presented had one thing in

common. They each made space to close an elementary school by changing Strong Middle School from a 7-8 grade school to a 6-8 grade school. The option called “C1” closed Korn Elementary School and changed Lyman Elementary School and Brewster Elementary School to K-3 schools and changed Memorial Middle School from a 5-6 to a 4-5 school. The option called “C3” (“C2” was never presented) closed Lyman and Korn and created two K-5 elementary schools at Brewster and Memorial. Jim Barrett of DRA characterized this plan as “not practical” because it would require building almost the equivalent of a new See School / Page 2

By Molly Callahan Special to Town Times

(This is the first installment of a series on Powder Ridge ski area that will run in Town Times over the next several weeks. The recently re-opened facility has attracted attention across the state and the region as it brings new winter recreation opportunities to the area.) A typically busy day on the slopes was even more hectic at Powder Ridge Mountain Park and Resort because of its recent reopening and helmet requirement. The park reopened at the Charlie Herman, 9, of Essex, adjusts his helmet next to end of November for the mother, Jessie, while in the busy equipment rental area first time since 2007 with a of Powder Ridge in Middlefield on Monday. Helmets are mandatory at the newly restored ski area. | (Dave Zajac/ See Helmets / Page 15

Special to The Citizen)

A2 Friday, February 28, 2014

Town Times |


prevention of child abuse.” Meetings are on the second and fourth Thursday of each month, at 7 p.m. at the Elks Club in Middletown. “We try to have interesting speakers that talk about things related to our mission,” Eddy said. “We welcome new members. The meetings are dinner meetings, and your first meal is on us. “I’ve learned a lot about the other members. We’re all passionate about the group, and

we have a great time together, with the common goal of giving back to the community.” Wally Douglass, a longtime member agreed. “The money from our functions goes to kids who are in need-they are our main concern- and to senior citizens and to the community itself. It’s an honor to be a member of this group,” he said. Fo r m o r e i n f o r m a tion about the Durham / Middlefield Exchange Club, contact Brenda Eddy at (860)349-0410.

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suit their student.” When asked about the programs at the middle school level, DRA’s education planner Paul Moore said Strong was the “least flexible” building for programs, although “there is enough capacity to do it.” For the sample enrollment numbers, DRA used 2016 as a reference point both for when lower enrollment might impact the schools and the earliest significant changes could occur. Potential costs and savings, including busing, were not part of the presentation. DRA presented a matrix that scored different options on multiple considerations, including cost factors, on a 1-5 scale. Options were rated with total scores. Several speakers during the question and answer period reacted negatively to the matrix. The considerations were not weighted, each being worth a maximum of five points regardless of the importance of each particular consideration.

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Tickets may be purchased at the door OR from Durham Pharmacy, Brenda’s Main St. Feed or call 860-349-0410

P O S T M A S T E R: Send address changes to Record-Journal, P.O. Box 915, Meriden CT 06450

Proceeds from this event benefit CRHS Athletics & Music Depts and the Prevention of Child Abuse.


Event Sponsored by the Durham/Middlefield Exchange Club

CRHS musical groups will provide continuous entertainment.


that’s really the most important and most challenging aspect of what the board is dealing with here,” Flanagan said of the dual programs. “As much as I respect [DRA’s] expertise, they cannot solve that problem for us.” Unlike previous presentations, the accompanying slides contained no references to the logistics of Integrated Day or Contemporary programs or Lyman’s status as a Higher Order Thinking school. Barrett referred to the programs in discussing the early childhood centers of the C4 options, assuming the program choice would occur after kindergarten. Referring to the conclusions of an earlier study, Barrett said, “It may be beneficial for parents to have the opportunity to have their students in the system before making that decision as to which program would best

Exchange From Page 1

20% OFF

Residents line up to ask questions about proposed school reconfiguration plans during a meeting Feb. 19 at Coginchaug Regional High School. | (Mark Dione/Town Times)


school at Brewster. The last plan, “C4” was presented two different ways. C4 again housed 6-8 at Strong. It created two elementary schools with grades 1-5 at Brewster and Memorial. C4 dedicated a building to early childhood education with kindergarten and pre-K grades. In C4, that early childhood school was Korn, with Lyman closing. In “C4.1,” it was the reverse — Korn closed and Lyman converted to an early childhood school. The DRA representatives did not address District 13’s dual Contemporary and Integrated Day programs. The subject of program choice dominated the discussions at the previous two community workshops and came up again during the question and answer period. During her introduction and in later remarks, Board of Education Chair Kerrie Flanagan separated the role of DRA from the role of the BOE. DRA, Flanagan said, would address how the community can use the buildings, not how the community educates its students. “What we have seen thus far is that physical space needed to accommodate the Integrated Day program and the Contemporary program is the same,” Flanagan said. “The board recognizes

planned, partially because of community questions. Veronesi said that she has heard the “tremendous concern and fear” of losing program choice. Moving forward with the reconfiguration, Veronesi said, “We start by talking. I need to hear from you.” 72343R

Also, the data behind the numbers was not provided. Barrett characterized the matrix as a tool for discussion rather than a recommendation. Superintendent of Schools Kathryn Veronesi gave closing remarks to the presentation which ran longer than

From Page 1

Town Times |

Friday, February 28, 2014

Nutmeg at Night turns five Durham doc picked to lead veterinary program By Mark Dionne Town Times

AARP Foundation Tax-Aide offers free tax preparation assistance to middle-and low-income taxpayers, through April 15. Special attention is given to those 60 and older. Services are provided by trained and IRS-certified volunteers in libraries, senior centers and community centers throughout the state. Appointments are required. For more information, to schedule an appointment and a list of required documents, call 1-888-AARP-NOW (1888-227-7669) or www. Additional information for Connecticut taxpayers is available at or call 2-1-1.

MIDDLETOWN – Steven A. Levy, VMD, has joined Middlesex Com mun ity College as program coordinator of the new veterinary technology program. This program officially launched last semester under Levy’s leadership. The associate degree program is offered in collaboration with PieperOlson Veterinary Hospital, Middletown, Levy, a Durham resident, is a researcher, educator and specialist in canine Lyme borreliosis. He has 37 years of veterinary experience including work as a clinical



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veterinarian, a practitioner of shelter and humane society medicine, and as a Connecticut State Police K-9 Unit veterinarian. L ev y holds nu merous professional memberships and has received industry awards recognizing his contributions to the veterinary community. Levy received a bachelor’s degree in natural sciences from Bard College, and a doctorate of veterinary medicine from the University of Pennsylvania, School of Veterinary Medicine. He has completed additional studies in laboratory animal medicine and in medical acarology. for our menu

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Press release

USDA Choice Bone-In Ribeye Steaks................ $5.99 lb. USDA Choice Beef Cutlets ............................... $5.99 lb. 5lbs or more .............................................. $4.49 lb. USDA Choice Ground Sirloin ........................... $4.99 lb. 5lbs or more .............................................. $3.99 lb. Waybest Bone-In Chicken Breast 5lbs or more .. $1.29 lb. Waybest Thin Sliced Chicken Cutlets 10lbs or more ............................................ $1.99 lb. Pork Cutlets 3lbs or more ................................ $2.99 lb. Veal Stew ....................................................... $5.99 lb. Chicken Sausage ............................................. $2.99 lb.

DELI SPECIALS Land O Lakes America Cheese ......................... $3.69 lb. Boars Head Lacey Swiss Cheese ...................... $5.69 lb. Honey Ham .................................................... $4.69 lb. Boars Head Low Sodium Ham ......................... $6.99 lb. Dry COPPA (capicola) ..................................... $8.99 lb. Critterio Sopresata .......................................... $8.49 lb. Mother Goose Liverwurst ................................. $4.49 lb. Boars Head Chipotle Chicken Breast ................ $6.49 lb.

When readers and their families gather for Nutmeg at Night on March 13, it will mark the fifth year local librarians have organized the quiz competition to celebrate and encourage reading. Teams of up to four will compete by collectively answering questions about books that were nominated for Connecticut’s Nutmeg Book Award. Teams from grades 4, 5, and 6 will compete from 6 to 7 p.m. Students in grades 7 and up, parents,

teachers, and library patrons will compete at 7:30 p.m. According to Memorial Middle School librarian Anne Doyle, “Teachers and adults started participating last year. They were really excited and we are hoping the momentum catches on. This year we have two teams of teachers and at least one team of parents participating in the teen portion of the evening.” Nutmeg at Night is free for both participants and spectators. The event is organized by librarians from See Nutmeg / Page 10

Some“Green” Think

Reasons And we don’t just mean recycling! Meteorological Spring begins March to Like 1st, followed by the Vernal Equinox on February the 20th – the calendar date we’re all

waiting for when the new season offiYes,arrives. it’s a cold and dreary month, but there’s that nice cially In between we celebrate warm holiday right in the middle (Valentine’s Day, guys, and that greenest of holidays: St. Patrick’s you’re welcome for the reminder). But first, the Super Bowl! Day on Monday, March 17th. Warm up Once again we are the Center of the Football Universe, with tender Angus Corned Beef, Guinness conveniently located halfway between rival stadiums. ESPN Brats, Steak & Guinness Pie, Bangers & WANTS YOU at TOT this Thursday evening (starting at 5 Mash Tullamore Scallop Sunday Shepherd’sTailgate Pie. TheParty holidayPM)!orThen join Dew-laced us for a Super goes into extra innings at Time Out – come back on the 18th details at the website! between 5 and 7 for a Guinness glass engraved with your name or February is also the perfect month to go out for lunch. personal message, free with the purchase of a pint of Guinness! How do Angus Beef Boneless Short Ribs sound? Served with March reignspotatoes. in our sports-themed lounge; if that savory jus Madness and mashed Or your own “personal doesn’t thrill you ourvary.) handsomely appointed diningoutroom offers pizza”? (Flavors Our kitchen dishes fresh coda more Fresh seafood specials, crust, fine Angus steaks and threeserene ways:escape. roasted with a Parmesan panko-coated burgers, savory pastas, meal-sized salads andEngland-style irresistible appetizers and deep fried, or in a luscious New stew. Thenathere are themenu) basics: yummy burgers, wraps, (plus kid-friendly ensure that all palates Panini, will be pleased. Reubens, salads, soups cocktails and irresistible An extensivemeal-sized beer list, great wineslovely and specialty complete an ice-cold brew or a generously aappetizers. great diningHave experience. So give yourself a green lightportioned for a fun glassout of wine at deserve it!! night – afterwhile this you’re long winter, Oh - one other thing to like about February: it’s over fast!! ♦ Open Mondays from 4PM; ❖ Open Mondays from 4 pm; Tuesday through Tuesday throughSunday Sundayfrom 11AM from 11 am ♦ Wheelchair accessible Wheelchair ♦❖Hi-Def TVsaccessible with satellite feed in theTVs lounge ❖ Hi-Def with satellite ♦ Reservations welcome feed in the lounge ♦ Visit the web site for menus ❖ Reservations welcome and specials ❖ Visit the web site for menus and specials


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A4 Friday, February 28, 2014

Town Times |

Perk On Main explores roots of its coffee By Mark Dionne

coffee served at her cafes Perk on Main of Durham and Perk on Church of Guilford. Equal Exchange, Hughes’ Many coffee drinkers do not think too much about coffee importer took her, their coffee. If it’s hot and has and five other cafe owners, on the trip to explore the orcaffeine, good enough. Katie Hughes recently took igins of their coffee and see a trip to Chiapas, Mexico, the up close the impact of Equal country’s southern-most tip, Exchange’s policies. “I love coffee,” said Hughes, to examine both the literal and figurative roots of the who jumped at “the chance to Town Times

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which roughly translates as some of the Equal Exchange “We consider all of it.” funds to open a small school, Comon Yaj Noptic had used monitor the health of the coffee trees, train medical screeners for cervical cancer, which is more common in coffee regions, and as micro-loans so farming families could start small businesses. The mother of the family Hughes stayed with used one of those micro-loans to run a small store out of her home’s pantry. While the visit was a new Your sweet spot for fresh, local products. experience for Hughes, it was also new for the village. The children had “never had a forGuida’s Milk eigner visit their village. They (all varieties) are so cute they were just enamored with my blonde hair Gallon - $3.99 and were touching it. They’d 1/2 Gallon - $2.49 never seen anything quite like Quart - $1.79 it,” she said. When they found out that Lyman’s Own Eco-Apples Perk on Main made crepes, villagers collected the ingreGolden Delicious – $1.29/lb dients so Hughes could make some. For the batch of crepes, McIntosh, Crispin, Fuji, the hosts set out to collect Granny Smith and more – $1.79/lb flour, a rarity in the region — “Apparently all the flour they had in the village,” she said. Cooking for the village with the last of their flour produced her first work nightmare. However, she said, “The crepes actually turned out pretty good.” Hughes sampled coffees, toured quality control facil 2EEDS 'AP 2OAD -IDDLElELD #4 s ities and tried a new way of brewing — “slow coffee.” A Prices do not include applicable Sales Tax. We reserve the right to limit quantities and are technique that might show not responsible for typographical errors. Please visit for updates. up at Perk on Main. Expires February 25, 2014. 71186R

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Katie Hughes, owner of Perk on Main in Durham, recently visited the Chiapas region of Mexico. This coffee growing region produces the beans for the house blend served at Perk on Main. Hughes lived with the farmers, learned about the organic farming methods, and even tried her hand at picking coffee. | (Submitted.)

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go with Equal Exchange and become more intimate with it and really understand how it starts and how it gets in to your cup.” The Chiapas region was a five and a half hour trip from Mexico City, mostly on dirt roads, and brought Hughes to an area of the world far different from suburban Connecticut. She saw impoverished areas and the effects of limited opportunities. Equal Exchange deals in Fair Trade coffee and tries to improve the lives of the coffee farmers. The company charges 30 cents more per pound than the market standard and then gives that money to farmers’ co-operatives where the money is used “to better the life of the farmer,” Hughes said. The group visited a co-op called Comon Yaj Noptic,

Open Daily, Mon-Fri 9 – 6, Sat-Sun 8 – 6

See Coffee / Page 6

Town Times |

Friday, February 28, 2014



Lyman Orchard’s 42nd annual Winterfest was held Feb. 22 and 23. The weekend included a visit by the Siberian Husky Club, dog sled rides, snow tubing, ice carving demonstrations, and plenty more. | (Brett Bogdan/Special to Town Times)


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A6 Friday, February 28, 2014

Town Times |

Coffee From Page 4

There was also a surprising experience that came about while drinking coffee in the coffee growing region. “I don’t even need coffee anymore and it is because they drink the worst coffee. They send all the good coffee out,” Hughes said. The farmers also drink it “cowboy coffee” style, produced by boiling, a method not likely to show up in American cafes. One of the more moving moments for Hughes occurred during an outdoor conversation with a group of farmers within sight of

the Sierra Madre mountains. One of the cafe owners asked what difference the farmers had seen since switching to organic methods. “I don’t speak any Spanish, but I could understand what they were saying because they were [motioning] ‘The birds and the butterflies are so plentiful.’” Organic methods produced benefits in water quality and in soil retention. Farmers also told Hughes, “You hear life in the environment.” Hughes spent a day picking with the farmers picking beans from coffee trees. “I wasn’t very good at it,” she said.

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At right, the Chiapas region of Mexico where beans for the house blend served at Perk on Main are grown and harvested. | (Submitted)

She finished with about a half a pound. Farmers average about 100 pounds of coffee picked a day and then have to carry the harvest back to the village. In the village where Hughes stayed, that meant an hour and a half walk. Those coffee beans eventually make their way north to become the “Mind, Body, & Soul” house blend at Perk on Main. The impact of buying that coffee makes its way south in the form of better education, responsible farming practices, and a higher quality of life for traditionally impoverished farmers.

Tree pruning workshop Coginchaug Area Transition has rescheduled its fruit tree pruning workshop for Saturday, March 1, at 9:30 a.m., at Allan’s Tree Service, 220 Jackson Hill Road, Middlefield. The free workshop will focus on pruning and growing fruit trees. Dress for the weather; bring pruning tools (if possible) and gloves. For more information, call (860) 539-1466.

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Town Times |

Friday, February 28, 2014


School News Scholarship Ball

Morris, Richard Murphy, Joseph Prifitera, Nicholas The Coginchaug Regional Cumello, John-Rudy Fronc, High School Scholarship David Pakech, Justin Saks, Committee has scheduled the Ryan Child, Trevor Morris, 43rd annual Scholarship Ball Ryan Vynalik of Durham; dinner dance for Saturday, Patrick Booth, Christopher March 29, 7 p.m. to midnight, Carta, Jack Levine, Michael at Zandri’s Inn, Wallingford. Scherer, Nicholas Pitruzzello Ticket price includes dinner of Middlef ield; Trevor buffet, open bar and silent Dell’Oso of Rockfall. auction. DJ by Jock in the Box Entertainment. All proceeds Dean’s list benefit the CRHS General Eastern Connecticut Scholarship Fund, which State University - Caitlynn gives a scholarship to all se- Chabot, Michael Sbona, Leah niors who apply. For more in- Slawinowski of Durham; formation, contact Melynda Michael Lisitano, James Granger at (860) 347-5061 or Malcolm of Middlefield. Melyndagranger@comcast. net.

Dr. William Boylin, Ph.D. Substance Abuse • Teenagers Grief & Loss

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See School / Page 16

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The following students were named to the second term honor roll at Xavier High School. High honors - Connor Marszalek, Scott Marks, William Egan of Durham;John Yuszaqq, Patrick Hocking of Middlefield. Honors - Joseph Braun, Ryan DeVille, Sean Doyle, James Rosborough, Kevin Tobias, Lawrence Bourland, Patrick McCann, Timothy

CHET Dream Big!


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Xavier High School

Institute, Massachusetts - Dream Big! Competition, Jeffrey Ducki of Middlefield. aimed to get kindergarten through fifth grade students Scholastic thinking about their educaachievements tion, is accepting entries. The competition features Sa m a n t h a Ho u l e o f Durham has been named to two entry categories based the fall honor roll at Miss on grade level. Students in kindergarten through grade 3 Porter’s School. may submit an original draw-

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Coginchaug High School Scholarship Fund is accepting applications. Any graduating senior who will attend a two or four-year college, university or trade school is eligible. For more information and criteria, visit Deadline is March 28. (Applicants with last names A through M, deadline is 8:50 a.m.; applicants with last names N through Z, deadline is 12:35 p.m.) No late applications will be accepted. The Executive Board of the Middlesex Hospital Vocal Chords is accepting applications for its annual scholarships to students pursuing a career in nursing or music. The $1,000 scholarships will be presented at the spring concert at Portland High School, Saturday, May 17. Applications are available at guidance offices or a www. Deadline is Monday, March 31. For more information, call (860) 277-3913.



Rochester Institute of Technology, New York Andrew Gucwa of Durham; Stevie Thompson of Rockfall. Southern Connecticut State University - Benjamin Anteck, Paul Benjunas, Kaitlynn Chabot, Nicole Debaise, Katelyn Hill, Carley St. Armand of Durham; Laura Fa r n swo r t h , M a c ke n z i e H u rl b e r t , E r i c a Jo n e s , Brian Mocci of Middlefield; Samantha Carle of Rockfall. Wake Forest University, North Carolina - Matthew Gueble, Jacob Teitelbaum of Durham. Worcester Polytechnic

A8 Friday, February 28, 2014

Town Times |

Opinion Commentary

Diagnosis: Movies

Oscar’s best picture nominees — the envelope, please By Tanya Feke M.D. Special to Town Times

At this stage in the game, the 86th annual Academy Awards have become a predictable acting race with Cate Blanchett, Matthew McConaughey, and Jared Leto as locks for Best Actress, Actor, and Supporting Actor respectively. Even “12 Years a Slave” has all but secured Nyong’o as Best Supporting Actress after her SAG Award win — though the ever charming Jennifer Lawrence could possibly snea k in and swoop it up at the last minute. The real action is in the movies themselves. While movies whose directors have been nominated are seen as more likely to take the top prize (see asterisks), my picks break a bit from that tradition. 9) Nebraska* — The everyman story of Nebraska brings father and son together as they journey to Lincoln, Nebraska to claim a sweepstakes prize that

doesn’t exist. Shot in black and white, the film captures what it means to appreciate the things you have when others try to wrestle them away from you. 8) Philomena — The true story of a woman trying to reunite with the son taken away from her 50 years ago, Philomena comes to life with the outstanding acting of Judi Dench and Steve Coogan. Tragic and heartfelt, the story uncovers a truth that Philomena may not want to hear. 7) The Wolf of Wall Street* — “Greed is good” has resurrected its mantra amid a sea of profanity in Martin Scorsese’s latest though not greatest film. Wolf follows the rise and fall of real life stockbroker Jordan Belfort as he plunders the pockets of the little man and lives a grandiose life without remorse. 6) Dallas Buyers Club — When Ron Woodroof is diagnosed with HIV in 1986, he crosses the border into Mexico and learns about al-

The 86th annual Oscars airs March 2 on ABC. ternative treatments that could extend his life and that of scores of others. The story follows his embittered battle with the FDA to do the right thing. Powerfully delivered and affecting. 5) Captain Phillips — The mounting tension is tangible when American cargo ship MV Maersk Alabama is hijacked by Somali pirates in the fact- based Phillips story. Self control evolves into terror in the face of uncertain death. If I’ve said it once, I’ll say it again: Tom Hanks was robbed of that best actor nomination.

Government Meetings Durham

P.O. Box 265, Middlefield, CT 06455 News Advertising Fax Marketplace

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Town Times is published every Friday by the Record-Journal Publishing Co. and delivered to all homes and businesses in Durham, Middlefield and Rockfall. Executive Vice President and Assistant Publisher – Liz White Senior Vice President of Operations and Major Accounts – Michael F. Killian Senior Vice President and Editor – Ralph Tomaselli News Editor – Olivia L. Lawrence Assistant News Editor – Nick Carroll Reporter – Mark Dionne Advertising Director – Kimberley E. Boath Advertising Sales – Joy Boone Office Assistant, Press Releases – Marsha Pomponio

(Unless otherwise indicated, all meetings are held in the Durham Library. Check the town website at for updates.) Monday, March 3 Fire Department Trustees, Durham Volunteer Fire Department, 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 4 Town Green Design Committee, Durham Library, 5 p.m. Clean Energy & Sustainability Task Force, Durham Library, 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 5 Planning & Zoning, Library, 7:30 p.m. Board of Education, Strong School, 7:30 p.m.


(Unless otherwise indicated, all meetings are held in the Community Center.) Monday, March 3 Board of Selectman, 7 p.m. Thursday, March 6 Park & Recreation, 6:30 p.m. Economic Development, 7 p.m.

4) 12 Years A Slave* — A free man is kidnapped and sold into slavery in Director Steve McQueen’s film version of America’s shameful past. The star-studded drama stands as a disturbing reminder, if a bit heavy handed, of the cruelty that failed to see all men as equals. The acting ensemble portrays the range of morality with exquisite depth. 3) Her — Say what you will but Her is one of the year’s best films. Brilliantly stylized by writer and director Spike Jonze, Her tells the tale of a man who falls in love with his computer’s operating system, showing that emotions and not physicality are needed to sustain a meaningful connection. 2) Gravity* — Alfonso Cuaron directs this f ilm about a medical engineer and an astronaut caught in a tragic accident that destroys

their space shuttle. Survival is only possible when instinct sets in and the breadth of their humanity guides at least one of them to safety. Gravity is thematically and visually breathtaking with enough adrenaline to fuel a shuttle pod. 1) American Hustle* — The Inception of deceit – a con within a con within a con. How deep it goes you will only know once you watch the captivating finale. For sheer entertainment value alone, Hustle cannot be beat. The scripting is quick backed by stellar acting and costuming that knocks your socks off. Dr. Tanya Feke is a family physician and guest columnist for the Record-Journal and Town Times. Check out more movie reviews at , Facebook page (Diagnosis Life), or Twitter (@tanyafeke).

Library Briefs Levi E. Coe Library

Preschool Storytime (3 ½ to 5 years). Tuesdays at 10:15 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Drop in. Bedtime Storytime (ages 2 to 5 years). Mondays at 6:30 p.m. Drop in. Story Magic (Grades K to 2). Saturdays at 10:30 a.m. Drop in. Nutmeg at Night G a m e s h o w. T h u r s d a y, March 13, grades 4 to 6 p.m., 6 to 7 p.m. Grades 7 and up, 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Form a team to answer questions about this years Nutmeg books. Durham Public Lunch Bunch Book Discussion (grades 4 to 6). Library Saturday, March 15, 12:30 Programs for Kids: Bouncing Babies (birth to p.m. Bring lunch; dessert 17 months). Mondays at 11 provided. “Dead End” by Jack Gantos. Registration a.m. Drop in. Mother Goose Storytime required. Programs for adults (18 to 30 months). Mondays B ook L overs Ci rcle at 10:15 a.m. Drop in. Time for Tots (2 ½ to 3 ½ Wednesday, March 5, 7:30 years). Wednesdays at 10:15 p.m. “Fun Home” by Alison Bechdel. All are welcome. a.m. Drop in. Library hours are: Monday through Thursday 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Saturdays 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.; closed Fridays. Museum pass The Levi E. Coe library now offers a pass to the New Haven Museum. Program Wednesday, March 12 Book Talk at the Middlefield Senior Ceter, 1 p.m. Discuss “Blessings” by Anna Quindlen.

Town Times |

Friday, February 28, 2014

Committee has scheduled the 43rd annual Scholarship Ball dinner dance for Saturday, March 29, 7 p.m. to midnight, at Zandri’s Inn, Wallingford. Ticket price includes dinner buffet, open bar and silent auction. DJ by Jock in the Box Entertainment. All proceeds benefit the CRHS General Scholarship Fund, which gives a scholarship to all seniors who apply. For more information, contact Melynda Granger at (860) 347-5061 or

The Dudley Farm Winter Farmers’ Market is scheduled for Saturday, March 1, 9 a.m. to noon, at the Munger Barn. The market features baked goods, eggs, handmade art and crafts, honey and maple syrup, jams and jellies, naturally raised meat, and pickles. The winter market is scheduled for the first Saturday of each month, through May. Dudley Farm is located at 2351 Durham Road, North Guilford. For more information, call (860) 349-3916 or visit www.


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The 60+ Club has scheduled the following day trips. Thursday, April 10 Newport Playhouse $ Cabaret “My Husbands Wild Desires”. Wednesday, May 28 Frankie Valli and 4 Seasons Tribute at the Aqua Turf. Wednesday, June 11 - Doris Duke Estate walking tour.

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Programs March 5 - Healthy Hearts, 1 p.m. Middlesex Health Care Center is scheduled to discuss healthy hearts at Durham Activity Center, 350 Main St. March 17 - “Stroke Improving Outcomes Through Action”, 1 p.m. at the Durham Activity Center, 350 Main St. The program, presented by Paramedic Brad Fowler, will discuss stroke incidence and impact, who is at greatest risk, causes and types of strokes, prevention, recognize stroke signs and symptoms, importance of early recognition and more. For more information and to reserve a seat, call (860) 349-3153.




Altrusa International of central Connecticut, Inc. has scheduled its annual Gerard F. Melito Senior Citizens’ Poetry Contest. All residents of central Connecticut, 55 and older, are welcome to participate. All poems are published in a booklet, distributed to each participants and local libraries. Requirements state author must be a resident of central Connecticut, 55 or older; participants may submit one poem with a maximum of 25 typed lines; each poem must be original (previously submitted work will be disqualified); all entries must be postmarked by Friday, March 7, emailed to Altrusa. or mailed to Altrusa Senior Citizens’ Poetry Contest, c/o E. Paris, 11 Alexander Drive, Cromwell, CT 06416. For more information, call (860) 635-0892 or email Altrusa.CentralCT@gmail. com.

Tuesday, July 8 - All You Can Eat Lobster at Delaney House. Wednesday, July 23 Na u t i c a l New p o r t I n c Newport Slots, Harbor Cruise. Sunday, Aug. 17 through 23 - Mackinac Island. Thursday, Sept. 4 - Hidden Treasurers of New England. Tuesday, Oct. 14 - Jimmy Sturr at the Log Cabin. For more information, call (860) 346-0724. to 4:30 p.m. For more information, call Dial-A-Ride (MAT) at (860) 347-3313.


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Poetry contest

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Senior Happenings


A10 Friday, February 28, 2014

Town Times |

Nutmeg stuck team. From Page 3 “Originally we wanted to the Durham Public Library find a fun way to encourage and Middlefield’s Levi Coe parents to read books with Library, as well as school li- their children thus the spice brarians. The goal of Nutmeg line help,” Doyle said. Doyle wrote that for parat Night is to encourage both ents, “reading these great stoadults and students to read. During the competition, ries with their children is so audience members can be beneficial. It opens up a great “spice lines” and provide a dialogue and leads to great answer — or a guess — for a discussions. Also it shows a


Up to full steam - 3 BIG ROOMS


For more information, call: T. Kotulski - (203) 265-7527 Presented by CHESHIRE BAND ASSOCIATION Cannot be combined with any other offers or promotions. Exp. 3/31/14.

Durham Cooperative Nursery School The Durham Cooperative Nursery School. 16 Main St., Suite 307, has scheduled an open house for Saturday, March 1, 1 to 3 p.m. The school offers a 3 yearold program for Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8:45 a.m. to noon and a 4 year-old program for Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 9 a.m. to noon. An option for extended day to 2 p.m. is offered. Current, active member registration is scheduled for Tuesday, March 4, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.; alumni registration for Monday, March 10, 6 to 7 p.m. and open public registration for Monday, March 10, 7 to 8 p.m. For more information, call (860) 349-9885 or



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connectedness that you care about reading and you support your child.” There are 10 books in the intermediate category, which will be the focus of the younger group. They range from the whimsical candy mystery of Wendy Mass’ “The Candymakers” to the creepy thriller “Closed for the Season” and the comic summer camp novel “Saving Armpit.” Th e 10 n o m i n e e s i n Nutmeg’s teen category, which will be the focus of the older group, also are wide ranging. They include the first book in the popular Divergent series, a science

fiction novel, “Michael Vey: the Prisoner of Cell 25,” and “Mindblind,” about a 14-yearold with Asperger’s. In recommending books for older readers, Doyle said, “My husband loved “Now Is the Time for Running” by Michael Williams because it really made him think about the freedoms we have here in America.” Other readers have been impressed with the insight into the autism spectrum in “Mindblind.” The book lists and entry forms are available at the town and school libraries. Contestants are required to read at least three of the books to join a team.

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I n n OvAt O r S I n E d u C At IO n

Town Times |

Friday, February 28, 2014


Friday, Feb. 28 Casual bridge - The Durham Activity Center, 350 Main St., schedules casual bridge every Friday at 6:30 p.m. All are welcome. For more information, call Jim Martinelli at (860) 346-6611. Scout fundraiser - A pasta dinner fundraiser for Boy Scout Tommy Pellegrino’s Eagle Scout project is scheduled for Friday, Feb. 28, 5 to 8:30 p.m., at United Churches church hall. Proceeds benefit Pellegrino’s project of installation of electricity to the church outdoor pavilion. For more information, call (203) 2135110 or email 4pellegrinos@

Spring is d right aroun . the corner..

Service, 220 Jackson Hill Road, Middlefield. Dress for the weather, bring tools, if possible, and gloves. For more information, call (860) 539-1466.

REALLY! Central Connecticut Lawn Service GrassRoots Lawn Care

Sunday, March 9 Breakfast - The United Churches of Durham has scheduled a community breakfast for Sunday, March 9, 8:30 a.m. A fee is charged. All proceeds benefit the United Churches of Durham.

Thursday, March 13

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Garden club - The Durham Garden Club is scheduled to meet Thursday, March 13, 11:15 a.m., at the Durham Public Library. Nancy is schedSaturday, March 1 Ballek-Mackinnon uled to present “Perennials Open house - The Durham for Ten Months of Bloom.” Cooperative Nursery School, For more information, email Flo at 16 Main St., Suite 307 has scheduled an open house for Saturday, March 1, 1 to 3 Friday, March 14 p.m. For more information, call (860) 349-9885 or email Square dance - The 4C’s durhamcoopnurseryschool@ Square Dance Club has scheduled a dance for Friday, Tree pruning workshop - March 14, 8 to 10 p.m., at Coginchaug Area Transition Brewster School, Durham. has rescheduled its free The caller is Jim DeNigris; fruit tree pruning workshop the cuer is Sue Lucibello. For for Saturday, March 1, more information, call (860) 9:30 a.m., at Allan’s Tree 349-8084 or (860) 828-5978.

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A12 Friday, February 28, 2014

Warren C. Hadley Jr. received the 2014 Senior CLASS Award from Kingswood Oxford School at the recent football awards dinner. The award goes to a senior students who has achievements in four areas of excellence – classroom, community, character and competition. | (Submitted by Gail Hadley)

Grants to support youth ideas Durham Middlefield Youth and Family Services has money available for Durham, Middlefield or Rockfall residents under 21 interested in developing a project/event based on creative expres-

sion. DMYFS has allocated $600 to fund projects based on the ideas. Interested youth must attend a Mini-Grant Workshop, scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 27, from 6:30 to 7:30

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p.m. at DMYFS, 405 Main St. Registration is required by calling (860) 349-0258. Completed applications are due by Tuesday, April 1. The Review Committee will announce the awards by April 29. Project/activity needs to be completed by Sept. 1. For more information, contact Durham Middlefield Youth and Family Services at (860) 349-0258.

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Town Times |

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Town Times |

Friday, February 28, 2014



Girls hoops cap Mixed results for Blue Devils regular season at 14-6 By Alan Pease

D e v i n Ro d r i g u e l e d Coginchaug with 16 points, and was the leading rebounder, with seven. Cam Powers contributed nine points and four assists. Next up, the Devils traveled to the Panthers of Cromwell

By Alan Pease

for a Valentine’s Day match up. Cromwell had no presents for the Devils, however, as they led from the start, coming away with a 62-41 victory. Conor Doyle led



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also had three assists. Caryn The Blue Devil boys basSibiskie scored 14 points and ketball team has had an up led the team in rebounds and down couple of weeks. Going into the final four with seven. Morgan Kuehnle On Feb. 11, they hosted the games of the season, you Rams of Old Saybrook and knew it would be a rough See Girls / Page 14 held on to win, 51-42. See Boys / Page 14 stretch for the Devils. They had to contend with the top Town Times Business Service Directory three teams in the conference -- Cromwell, Morgan and H-K -- as well as Old Saybrook, a JO team just behind the Devils in the conference standings. First up was the Old Saybrook Rams at home on Residential Wiring Specialist Home Improvements LLC Feb. 10. The Rams prevailed Landscape Lighting 51-43. Celebrating Our 29th 27th Year Mo rga n Ku e h n l e l e d Design • Install • Service Roofing • Siding • Windows • Doors • Skylights • Decks • Gutters • Custom Carpentry Coginchaug with 21 points Flooring • Ceilings • Painting • Sheetrock • Kitchens • Baths • Window/Door Screening and shared rebounding honFREE Estimates Reg. #517277 ors with Caryn Sibiskie, with No Obligation 860-349-8771 Fully Insured Lic. & Ins. EI 183930 eight. Kim Romanoff added 10 points for the Devils. Next up was the Cromwell Panthers, on the road, Feb. 14. The local girls hung tough throughout the game, trailing OVER by only one entering the final 30 YEARS OF period. But Cromwell outEXPERIENCE scored the Devils in the final period 11-7 to come away with a 43-38 victory. Adults and children E (860) 916-2457 Fo r t h e D ev i l s , K i m FRE Romanoff had seven assists, EST. and Caryn Sibiskie pulled Route 17, Durham, CT Heated Indoor Arena in six rebounds, with Naomi “Foundation to the Roof and Everything Between”LIC. #541451 Rinaldo adding five boards. Next was the Morgan Huskies, who the Devils Colors of the Wind Artists’ hosted on Feb. 17. Emporium & Consignments Coginchaug got off to an abysmal start, trailing 18-8 FORGET THE MALL, SHOP SMALL! after one period, and never We consign & sell hand crafted goods and gently fully recovered, as Morgan Specializing in Well Repair used furniture, home décor, accessories and more. chalked up a 51-39 victory. Licensed & Insured Items marked down everyday. Unique, one-of-a-kind gifts for all occasions. Kim Romanoff led the Please Note: We do not consign used clothing. Devils with 13 points and 360 Main Street website: five steals. Morgan Kuehnle Cell 860-754-6955 Office 860-788-6216 P1-0286729 Durham, CT 06422 facebook: scored 11 points, and Caryn Durham, CT email: Sibiskie chipped in with 10 860-788-2514 points. Sibiskie shared the rebounding honors with Kate Williams and Naomi 860-349-1918 Rinaldo, who each pulled in CT Lic. #600562 M IDDLEFIELD REMODELING five boards. QUALITY CARPENTRY LICENSED & INSURED The last regular season • ADDITIONS game was at the H-K Cougars Feb. 19. In a see-saw battle • KITCHENS that saw the locals trailing by • BATHS Landscape Design/Installation • Hydroseeding one entering the final period, • D ECKS Patios, Walkways • Retaining Walls J F ERRY INCH Coginchaug prevailed on the Masonry/Stonework • Excavation/Grading • SIDING 860-704-8312 road, 49-46. Drainage Work • Tree/Brush Removal 203-919-2031 • ROOFING Kim Romanoff led the HIC 0629899 Devils with 16 points, and

A14 Friday, February 28, 2014

Town Times |

Thunder basketball comes up short


Eagle Scout project fundraiser

From Page 13

dropped in 12 points, and chipped in four rebounds and two assists. Amy Arcari scored three, and Kate Williams and Naomi Rinaldo each scored two for the Devils. Coginchaug finished the regular season with a 14-6 record, and was 13-5 in the Shoreline Conference, which left it tied for third.

A pasta dinner fundraiser for Boy Scout Tommy Pellegrino’s Eagle Scout project is scheduled for tonight, Feb. 28, 5 to 8:30 p.m., at United Churches church hall. Proceeds benefit Pellegrino’s project of installation of electricity to the church outdoor pavilion. For more information, call (203) 213-5110 or email

The Coginchaug Thunder 6th grade boys travel basketball team traveled to Portland for a rematch from an earlier loss this season to wrap up the regular season. The Thunder made a game of it for three quarters, but

Town Times Business Service Directory


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came up short in the fourth, dropping a 37-22 decision. Justin Penney led the Thunder with five points, while Chris Onofrio and Devin Geoghegan added four points apiece, and Derek Grant three. The Thunder’s next action will come in the Branford tournament.

Coginchaug with 12 points, and Cam Powers added 10. Feb. 19, Coginchaug hosted the Huskies of Morgan, and in a high-scoring affair, outlasted the visitors 73-63. Devin Rodrigue was dynamite for the Devils, dropping in 28 points. Conor Doyle added 12 and Cam Powers 11 points for the victors. Coginchaug visited the Rams of Old Saybrook on Feb. 20 and the Rams prevailed 5643, avenging an early season loss. Cam Powers was the only double digit scorer for the Devils, with 14, and also led the team in assists (4). On Feb. 22, Coginchaug traveled to Killingworth to take on the Cougars of H-K. Devin Rodrigue had backto-back buckets in the fourth quarter, the second of which gave Coginchaug the lead for good. In the final minute, Conor Doyle hit both ends of a one-and-one opportunity to ice the game, as the Devils held on for a 44-41 victory. Rodrigue led the Devils with 13 points and 10 rebounds for a double-double. Zach Terrill added nine points, Doyle eight, Cam Powers seven, Alex Markoski five and Jack Granger two. At press time, Coginchaug owned a record of 10-8 and was 9-8 in the Shoreline Conference.

Advertise with us! Please call Joy Boone at 203-317-2313.

Town Times |

Friday, February 28, 2014


Helmets Tim Polaske, 2008 for $2.55 million. left, of The new o w n e r, Brownstone Exploration and Wallingford, Discovery Park of Portland, is handed a bought the property from the helmet by town in 2012 for $700,000. Tom Loring, Brownstone anticipated director of Ski spending more than $3 mil& Snowboard lion to re-open and plans School. | on staying open year-round. (Dave Zajac/ The pond on the mountain Special to Town was doubled from its 4 milTimes) lion gallon capacity to 8 million gallons to create artificial snow.

Town Times Business Service Directory


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new requirement that all skiers and snowboarders must wear helmets, regardless of skill level. In order to accommodate winter sports enthusiasts who don’t already own helmets, the ski park rents helmets. But an influx of people eager to get back out on the mountain meant wait times for rental were upwards of two hours on a recent Monday. Sean Hayes, CEO and one of the owners of Powder Ridge, said since the park had opened, roughly 40 percent of patrons were renting gear of some sort. Typically that’s around 25 percent, Hayes said. “What that tells me is that we have a lot of inexperienced skiers and snowboarders out here, a lot of people either new to the sport, or dusting off their skis after 10 years of not using them,” he said, adding, “Those are exactly the people who should be wearing helmets, and I’m glad they are.” Tom Loring, the park’s ski and snowboarding school director, said Powder Ridge has about 600 helmets available to rent. The park is also selling helmets at a discount for $60. A spokesman for Suburban Sports in Berlin said that helmets there start between $70 and $80, and go up well above that. Loring and Hayes cited at least four incidents already this season when wearing a helmet has prevented injuries for skiers, keeping the cracked equipment as examples. “We had one guy, 6 feet, 4 inches, 250 pounds, who walked in here and said he might have a slight concussion after crashing. He turns around, and the whole back of his helmet is cracked all the way down. That would have been his skull,” Hayes said. While few doubt the safety benefit, the time spent waiting for them created headaches for more than a few would-be skiers. “It seems like they’re just not ready,” said Vlad Shapiro, a Brighton, Mass. resident originally from the Ukraine. “It’s a perfect storm for us today,” Hayes said of the crowding. “The Olympics inspire people to get back out here, it’s a beautiful day

with some fresh snow on the ground, and people have the day off. So, we’re busy.” By comparison, rental wait times at Mount Southington in Plantsville are around 20 minutes, general manager Edward Beckley said. The ski area does not require helmets or provide helmet rentals. The ski area, which opened in 1959, closed in 2007 because of bankruptcy and sale proceedings. The town bought the 246-acre park in


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A16 Friday, February 28, 2014

Town Times |



Entries are judged on creativity, originality, poring that answers the ques- trayal of theme, spelling and tions “What do I want to do grammar. Three $1,000 grand prizes after I go to college?” Fourth and fifth grade students must will be awarded (one winsubmit an essay that responds ner from each grade). Fortyto the question, “How will I eight winners (six per change the world after I go to county) will be awarded a $500 CHET account. Twelve college?” From Page 7

statewide winners representing Connecticut’s Review and Turnaround Schools will be awarded a $500 CHET account. Deadline for entries is March 26. For more information and entry form, visit www.

Alexandra Denhart, a sixth grade student at Memorial School, won the recent school level competition of the National Geographic Geography Bee. As winner, she has a chance at a $50,000 college scholarship. This was the first round in the 26th annual National Geographic Bee, which is scheduled for Washington, D.C. in May. | (Submitted by Carl Bruenn)






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