Volume 20, Number 12
Serving Durham, Middlefield and Rockfall
Friday, August 14, 2015
Korn closing still moving forward By Mark Dionne Town Times
District 13 officials, and, particularly, the Board of Education’s subcommittee called the Utilization Committee, continue to study the possibilities and methods surrounding closing Korn Elementary School after the 2015-2016 school year. Part of those plans involve public engagement. At the Utilization Committee’s Aug. 6 meeting, committee members discussed public outreach, which will soon include a completed Frequently Asked Ques-
tions document and a community forum to be held in early October. At the end of the last school year, the Utilization Committee released what it called an “Interim Report,” partially to narrow the focus from the different responses to declining enrollment to a single approach and also to engage the public. The Utilization Committee, chaired by BOE member Bob Fulton and made up of BOE members Merrill Adams, Norm Hicks and BOE chair Kerrie Flanagan, See Closing / Page 6
The Durham Public Library celebrated the completion of its 10,000 reading hour challenge with a party on the town green. Young readers, from left: Alex Nick, Molly Kulas and Ellie Nick get into the superhero spirit. See more photos on Page 7. | Mark Dionne / Town Times
Democrats found candidates, but not ‘Incredible’ summer reading for First Selectman milestone celebrated By Mark Dionne
tion ... it’s hard to get people to run.” The nominating commitThe lack of a candidate at tee approached two candithe top of the slate of can- dates that Levy said “would didates from the Durham have been good” for First Democrats will let Laura Selectman but those candiFrancis return to the of- dates were recently retired f ice of First Selectman and not ready to take on a full time job. unopposed. “We really worked hard According to the Democratic Town Commit- but it wasn’t the year,” said tee Chair, Dede Levy, the Levy. “I don’t want to run nominating committee ap- just anybody. It doesn’t proached several poten- work ... You have to run tial candidates but could somebody who is really not convince one to step willing to get out there and work.” forward. Middlefield First Select“It is not for want of trying,” Levy said in an in- man Jon Brayshaw has reterview. “We’d like to put someone up for every posiSee Democrats / Page 2 Town Times
By Mark Dionne Town Times
The Durham Public Library held a celebration on the Durham Town Green Saturday, Aug. 8 to mark the end of its summer reading program and the successful completion to the 10,000 hour reading challenge. Library patrons were challenged to read for a total of 10,000 hours between June 29 and Aug. 8, using an on-line system to log hours and raffle tickets as incentives. By the end of the challenge, 1,508 participants logged Members of the Kulas family (standing) react to questions thrown their way during the magic show. See Milestone / Page 7
| Mark Dionne / Town Times