Volume 20, Number 16
Serving Durham, Middlefield and Rockfall
Friday, September 11, 2015
Szewczyk Bank robbery sends schools into lockdown and Raney in Sept. 16 primary By Mark Dionne Town Times
By Mark Dionne Town Times
A rare local primary will take place on Wednesday, Sept. 16 in Durham to determine whether John Szewczyk or Rob Raney will take the Republican spot as a Selectman candidate and a guaranteed seat on Durham’s Board of Selectmen. See Primary / Page 4
Middlefield Dems choose candidates By Mark Dionne Town Times
The Middlefield Democrats have announced their candidates for the municipal election on Tuesday, Nov. 3 and will run Peter Neidhardt for First Selectman and Taryn See Democrats / Page 5
Liberty Bank, which has been the target of robberies in the past, was robbed in the afternoon of Thursday, Sept. 3. | Mark Dionne / Town Times
State police released this surveillance picture of the suspect in a bank robbery at Durham’s Liberty Bank on Thursday, Sept. 3.
Dr. Jon Ernstoff Dr. Jon Ernstoff of Connecticut GI of Connecticut GIDr. Jon Ernstoff and Dr. Gregory of Connecticut GI and Dr. Gregory and Dr. Gregory Kernisan of Kernisan of Kernisan of Hartford Hartford Hartford Anesthesiology Anesthesiology Anesthesiology with Caroline with Caroline with Caroline Hebert, RN, Hebert, RN, RN, Nurse Manager Hebert, NurseNurse Manager Manager
The Liberty Bank branch at 357 Main St. in Durham was robbed on the afternoon of Thursday, Sept. 3, sending local schools into lockdown status. The robbery was reported shortly before 2 p.m. and nearby schools have dismissal times shortly after that. Some Strong school students were outside to board their buses when they were called back into the building for the lockdown. According to messages from school administrators, the lockdown lasted for about 10 minutes and delayed buses from Main Street’s Strong Middle School and Coginchaug Regional High School. All six schools were in lockdown, with no one allowed in or out of the buildings for the duration. Lockdown safety drills began in earnest at the schools after the Sandy Hook murders. According to state police, “The suspect was described as a white male, early to mid-30s, approximately 6’0”, thin, athletic type build, with some facial hair. The suspect was wearing a blue and white baseball style cap with a ‘Co-
ors Light’ logo affixed to the front. The suspect was also wearing a blue striped long sleeve style dress shirt, light colored cargo style shorts and athletic sneakers. The suspect fled on foot and got into a green older model sedan.” The Connecticut Bankers Reward Association has offered a reward up to $1,000 for information leading to an arrest in the case. State police have asked anyone with information to contact Troop F in Westbrook at 860-399-2100. “Again,” was a frequent response to the news of the bank robbery among Durham and Middlefield residents. Main Street banks have been targets in the past. On Friday, Jan. 23, 2015 a man armed with a gun robbed the same branch. On Tuesday, April 16, 2013 an armed man robbed Durham’s TD Bank, which was located nearby on Main Street but has since closed. In November and December of 2012, those two branches were robbed within six days of each other. In December of 2009, the TD Bank was robbed, again by a robber displaying a gun, bringing the total to at least six robberies in six years.
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