Volume 20, Number 20
Serving Durham, Middlefield and Rockfall
Friday, October 9, 2015
Moore elected to school board By Mark Dionne
Fulton retired from the BOE to move out of Durham and closer to family. Fulton served as chair The first item on the agenda of of the BOE’s Utilization ComDurham’s Annual Town Meeting on mittee. Well-respected among Oct. 5, and the piece that brought his colleagues, Fulton was often nearly 200 residents to the Cogin- called upon to clarify issues of chaug auditorium, was an election declining enrollment and school to replace retiring Board of Educa- reconfiguration. Moore’s term will run through tion member Bob Fulton. Bob Moore, nominated by the June, 2017. Ona McLaughlin nominated Democratic Party, won the seat over Nancy Cuomo, nominated by the Moore, mentioning his family conRepublican Party, by a paper ballot nections to District 13 schools and professional qualifications. Moore’s vote of 111 to 65. Town Times
Nominated for election to the Board of Education, Bob Moore speaks about his background at Durham’s Annual Town Meeting. | Mark Dionne / Town Times
three children went through D13 schools, where six of his 10 grandchildren currently attend. McLaughlin said, “Bob Moore is a listener. He is a quiet man, a thinker, and not a person to grandstand. He will take into consideration all aspects of any question that comes before the Board of Education.” Lisa Biesak nominated Nancy Cuomo, and praised her optimism, financial skills, volunteer spirit, and work ethic. Biesak cited Cuomo’s See Moore / Page 2
Johnson is running for First Selectman By Mark Dionne Town Times
The new roof above Brewster’s gym is being built with a slant, but not solar panels.
| Mark Dionne / Town Times
Brewster school roof raises questions By Mark Dionne
the community. While rejecting the initial school budget proposal at the May 5 referThe construction of a new roof on endum, voters gave a split decision Brewster Elementary School, which to two questions concerning replacappears to be designed to accommo- ing Brewster’s aging and leaking roof. Board of Education Chair Kerrie date solar panels voted down at referendum, has raised questions within Flanagan told the Town Times that Town Times
the current renovation does not add solar panels to the roof but looks different because the new roof will be slanted. Roof projects receiving state reimbursements, like the Brewster roof, See Roof / Page 22
Middlefield voters will select from three candidates for First Selectman in the upcoming election as Bob Johnson is also on the ballot as a petitioning candidate. Johnson told the Town Times that he decided to run for First Selectman because of the timing. “I’ve been involved dating back over 25 years ... and I’ve always had the desire to run for First Selectman.” Now eligible for retirement from his job as a union electrician, Johnson said it was “time to step up to the plate and run for the position.” Johnson has served on the Planning and Zoning Committee for eight years and is currently the Chairman. He also currently serves on the See Johnson / Page 26