Volume 20, Number 5
Serving Durham, Middlefield and Rockfall
Friday, June 19, 2015
CRHS students Nathaniel Weir, left, and Tyler McDonald were named the salutatorian and valedictorian of the Class of 2015 and will address their class at the June 23 graduation ceremony. | Mark Dionne / Town Times
McDonald, Weir at the head of the class By Mark Dionne Town Times
When they were called into Coginchaug Regional High School principal Brian Falcone’s office in May and informed that they had earned the positions of valedictorian and salutatorian, Tyler McDonald and Nathaniel Weir
decided to have some fun. McDonald, valedictorian of the Class of 2015, said, “The first person I called was my mother and I told her that I was getting expelled. She sort of bought it for a few seconds.” Weir, the class salutatoSee Students / Page 27
CHRS student reps say goodbyes at BOE By Mark Dionne Town Times
At the regular Board of Education meeting on June 10, several goodbyes were exchanged, starting with Coginchaug Regional High School student representatives Naomi Rinaldo and Jeremy Cannon. Throughout the 2014-2015
BOE meetings, Rinaldo and Cannon gave updates to the board about CRHS student activities. The updates were wide-ranging and upbeat, covering social, academic, athletics and extracurricular activities. The students were particularly knowledgeable about See Goodbyes / Page 7
A team of volunteers around Lake Beseck on June 13. From left: Mary Ann Mocci, Jim Irish, Aleta Cromack and Diana Jakiela. | Mark Dionne / Town Times
Volunteers spend day working at Lake Beseck By Mark Dionne
area storm drains. Using stencils, volunteers spray painted a design readSome 40 volunteers gath- ing “No Dumping/Drains to ered in Middlefield’s Lake Lake Beseck” and the mesBeseck neighborhood on the sage “Only rain down the morning of June 13 to work drain” on storm drains. According to Amy Poon three projects. Organized by the Lake turnicki, president of the Beseck Environment Com- LBA and chair of the Envimittee (formerly the Lake ronment Committee, many Beseck Ad Hoc Commit- people are unaware that the tee), the Lake Beseck As- storm drains connect disociation, the Troop 33 Boy rectly to the lake. Debris and Scouts, and Middlefield waste washed into the drain Parks and Recreation, the goes untreated into the lake. Poturnicki said that alvolunteers replaced centralized mailboxes, repaired the though intentional dumping snack shack, and painted en- does occur, the drain project vironmental reminders on “is more about awareness of
Town Times
what is running off after it rains.” Even organic matter sent down the drains, such as grass clippings and leaves, will increase the biomass of the lake and lead to more weeds in the water. In addition to reminding people not to dump pollutants, Poturnicki hopes the project will also remind people to wash cars on grass or gravel, clean up leaves and grass, and pick up after pets. “It’s about how we can protect the water,” Poturnicki said. See Volunteers / Page 3