Volume 19, Number 42
Serving Durham, Middlefield and Rockfall
Friday, Februar y 27, 2015
Fire destroys factory building By Jeff Gebeau
Special to Town Times
A fire gutted a building addition at the Perma Treat Corp. on Airline Road in Durham Tuesday afternoon. No one was injured in the blaze. About 3:15 p.m., employees were trying to use a torch to defrost a frozen pipe and ignited a pile of sawdust in the process, Durham Fire Chief Robert Chadd said. After employees unsuccessfully tried to put out the flames with fire extinguishers, they called the fire department, he said.
Chadd said the fire was under control by about 5 p.m., although firefighters battled lingering pockets of flames into the evening. Durham units were joined by fire companies from Wallingford, North Haven, Middlefield, Middletown and Killingsworth. Cromwell firefighters covered the Durham station while the other departments responded to the fire. The fire was contained to the destroyed building. Perma Treat will be able to continue to conduct operations in other parts of the Firefighters spray down a portion of the Perma Treat company on Airline Road in Durham on Tuesday afternoon. | Jeff Gebeau / For Town Times plant, Chadd said.
Powder Ridge reborn By Dave Mongillo Special to Town Times
Although he claimed it was a coincidence, author and Boston College graduate Mike Lupica pulled two New England Patriot fans, including Cadence Hurlbert (pictured with Lupica), from the audience for the final questions of his Feb. 20 talk. | Mark Dionne / Town Times
Author Mike Lupica visits Memorial By Mark Dionne Town Times
Best-selling author and ESPN commentator Mike Lupica visited Memorial Middle School in Middlefield on Feb. 20, telling an enthusiastic audience of fifth and sixth graders about the life of an author, sports fan, and parent. Lupica is the author of numerous books, many of them novels for young audiences, and also a frequent presence on ESPN, particularly the Sunday morning show, “The Sports Reporters.” See Author / Page 6
“We want Powder Ridge Mountain Resort to be a family fun, outdoor winter adventure destination for our patrons,” General Manager Sean Hayes said some three years ago when asked about the future of the venerable – but long-closed – ski area. Fast-forward to February 2015, and the job is done. Pow- The Hayes brothers. from left, Sean and Ed, at Powder der Ridge is back. Ridge. | Dave Mongillo / For Town Times “Almost everything here has been repaired, rebuilt or replaced,” Hayes said. “This Help The Town Times continue free home delivery is a new resort built on the or have not recently filled out the To all Residents and Businesses: foundations of the long dead form at our website – please either ski hill. HELP us continue to deliver The go to towntimes.com to fill out the “When we, Brownstone ExTown Times to your home or busi- form (it only takes a few minutes), ploration & Discovery Park, ness for FREE. Postal regulations fill out the enclosed mail back card started this project we enviask us to secure “requester informa- or call (203) 634-3933 to have a sioned creating a safe, famition” from all readers to show that card sent to your home for you to ly-oriented, winter experience the publication is desired in at least fill out and mail back. We hope you close to our potential custom50 percent of the homes to which it enjoy reading Durham. Middlefield, ers. There were some bumps is mailed. If you have not mailed in Middletown & Rockfall. FREE along the way, but we are conyour card from prior publications – weekly paper, The Town Times. See Powder / Page 4