Volume 20, Number 43
Serving Durham, Middlefield and Rockfall
Friday, Februar y 7, 2014
Local interest in Olympics mixed By Diana Carr
Special to Town Times
Visitors tour Star Light Gardens in Durham, a USDA-certified organic farm and member of the Community Support Agriculture linking farmers directly with “shareholders” in the local community for fresh produce, organic awareness and educational opportunities.
The 22nd Winter Olympics are re a dy to commence. The 2014 games are scheduled, from Feb. 6 to Feb. 23, to take place in Sochi, Russia and also in the resort town of Krasnaya Polyana. In total there will be 98 events in 15 winter sports
areas. Sochi was selected as the host city in July 2007 and will be the first Olympics in the Russian Fe d e rat i o n s i n ce t h e breakup of the U.S.S.R. Events will be held in two main areas. An Olympic Park was constructed in the Imeretinsky Valley on the coast of the Black Sea, with an Olympic stadium and indoor venues located within walking distance. Snow events will be held at Krasnaya Polyana. See Olympics / Page 26
| (Photo by Keith Hagarty)
Organic movement has strong foothold locally By Keith Hagarty
people are drawn to buy organic foods, specifically organic produce: significantly Whether scanning the pro- fewer pesticide residues, duce section of the grocery banned or severely restricted store or strolling her local food additives and envifarmer’s market on a warm ronmental concerns, with summer morning, Daniela organic farms designed to reCarpenter knows exactly duce pollution, conserve wawhat she wants, or at least ter and enhance soil quality. “There’s something to what she definitely wants to be said for a little peace of avoid. “For the last five years or mind,” Carpenter added. so, it’s just been very import- “Not to mention helping supant for me to rethink what port the local producers, and exactly I’m putting in my of course who doesn’t want body or giving to my family, something which just tastes especially when it comes to better anyway?” A report by The United fresh fruits and vegetables,” Carpenter said. “I’m willing S t a t e s D e p a r t m e n t o f to pay a little more if I know Agriculture states that conI’m not ingesting pesticides sumer demand for organor any other harmful toxins.” ically produced goods has Ca rpenter isn’t a lone. shown double digit growth According to research by the for more than a decade. As co-owner of Star Light Mayo Clinic, there are generally three primary reasons Gardens USDA-certified orSpecial to Town Times
ganic farm in Durham, David Zemelsky has had a front row seat to the organic movement’s rising tide of popularity over the last 15 years. “Organic food has become more and more popular as people become aware of the importance of eating food produced without the use of harmful insecticides, petroleum based fertilizers and land steward practices that harm the health of our soil rather than help build a healthy ecosystem in the soil that encourages healthy plants and a healthier planet,” said Zemelsky, who, with his brother Ty, has co-owned and managed the family farm since 1999. “There is a lot of research out there that concluded that organically grown food is See Organic / Page 6
Generous disposition brings 103-year-old many rewards By Diana Carr
Special to Town Times
Edith Fowler Trischman has seen a lot of birthdays come and go —103 of them, to be exact. Her latest one was Jan. 11. Phyllis Congdon, of Middletown, credits her mother’s longevity to a life lived well, an agreeable disposition, no smoking, no drinking, no staying out all night, and healthy eating. “Everything was homemade, nothing was in packages, and we ate lots of vegetables from the garden,” she said. After having spent most of her life in Middlefield, Tr i s c h m a n m ove d to Wadsworth Glen Health
Edith (Fowler) Trischman, of Middlefield. | (Submitted by Wadsworth Glen)
Care and Rehabilitation Center, in Middletown, last July. She had three siblings, was married for 61 years, brought two children into See 103 / Page 3