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Volume 21, Number 53

Serving Durham, Middlefield and Rockfall

Friday, May 9, 2014

School budget approved, just 960 residents vote By Mark Dionne Town Times

| Photo by Sam Corey.

Farm animal rescue a specialized skill By Sam Corey and Charles Kreutzkamp

ers attended the six hour event which featured interSpecial to Town Times actions with live horses as well as a demonstration of More than 10 people at- rescue techniques on a simutending a training session lated plastic and metal horse put on by the Durham Ani- named “Lucky.” Attendees learned how to mal Response Team learned life-saving techniques to as- fasten a Large Animal Lift, a sist horses in perilous situ- device with a metal spreader ations at the equine rescue bar and many numbered training held at Rivendell straps, some of which cross over each other to allow an Farm May 4. Firefighters, animal con- large animal to be safely lifted trol officers, and horse own- by a tractor or backhoe.

“Have a firm and long lead in case he thrashes,” warned Roger Lauze, adding tension and life to the plastic form of the 600 pound false horse. Lauze, the equine rescue and training coordinator for the Massachusetts Society for Prevention of Animal Cruelty, instructed the session. Lauze frequently warned that the animals being assisted by the large animal lift See Rescue / Page 14

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See Budget / Page 3

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Durham Animal Response Team during equine rescue training May 4 at Rivendell Farm.

Voters in Durham and Middlefield approved the proposed 2014-2015 District 13 school budget on May 6 by a margin of 622 to 338. Both towns approved the proposed budget, with Durham voting 441 to 215 and Middlefield voting 181 to 123 in favor. Board of Education members and Superintendent of Schools Kathryn Veronesi gathered at Korn School in Durham to hear the results. Reacting to the vote, Veronesi said, “I’m thrilled. I went into this feeling confident of the outcome and very proud of the work the administration did.” Even feeling confident, Veronesi said, “On referendum day, you’re holding your breath.” “I’m thrilled,” said BOE Chair Kerrie Flanagan. “It’s a very good budget.” Flanagan said she was grateful to the members of the public who provided feedback, volunteered at the

polls, and voted. The number who voted once again was low. With 622 voting in Durham and 338 in Middlefield, only 960 residents voted on referendum day. Last year, in what was regarded as a low turnout, 1,141 residents voted and passed the school budget at the first referendum. The approved budget represents a net 1.74 percent increase over the current year’s budget. That figure never changed from the original proposal. Starting with a proposed net reduction of 13.2 staff positions, three teachers were added back to the budget in response to a higher than expected kindergarten class and concerns about class sizes. At a district meeting attended by approximately 20 memebers of the public on the eve of the referendum, Flanagan and Veronesi called the budget responsible and also detailed the plans to reinstate two teachers after the vote.

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