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8.15 Projecting Signs

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8.16 Roof Signs

8.16 Roof Signs


8.15.1 The maximum sign area of a projecting sign shall be at the discretion of the Development Authority.

8.15.2 A projecting sign shall conform with the following requirements for projection from the wall to which it is attached as shown in Figure 8.15:

a) Minimum projection of 0.3m (1.0ft) from the face of wall; and

b) Maximum projection of 1.0m (3.3ft) above the top of the vertical face of the wall.

1.0m Max


S I G N 0.3m Min

Figure 8.15: Projecting Sign Projection Requirements

8.15.3 Projecting signs shall conform with the following standards:

a) Shall have a minimum clearance of 3.0m (9.8ft) above ground;

b) Shall be no closer than 0.6m (2.0ft) from a curb or edge of a public roadway; and

c) Shall not be more than one (1) projecting sign for each business.

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