Vol. 30, No. 3
Smart Tech Toys
ids watch the progression of new tablets, smartphones, and other gadgets on TV, in their homes, and in the world around them and become fascinated with these products. See page 14 for an overview of new smart tech toys made just for kids.
May/June 2014
ASTRA’s Marketplace
page S18
he latest trend in tech, robots are fun and interactive toys for kids with tons of educational aspects and innovative features. Find out how robots are dominating the tech toy space on page S4.
Licensing Expo 2014 page 100
page 25
Chatting with the Industry
page S10
The Real Deal with Minimum Advertised Pricing Policies (MAPP)
page S72
Clockwise from top left: Train with Rail Car Construction Set, from Eitech; Rex, from Gund; Ninjabot, from Areaware; Creativity Cans, from Creativity for Kids; Dreams to Go Groovy Globe, from Cloud b