The Toy Book - August 2021

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IN THIS ISSUE Volume 37, No. 4 — Published by Adventure Media and Events LLC

DEPARTMENTS 8 | From the Editor 10 | ASTRA’s Insights 11 | Toy Association Update 12 | Industry Update

95 | Pop Quiz

22 | Talkin’ Toys: Alex Global Products 24 | Marketing Memo

96 | Backstory: Tangle Creations

92 | Outside the Box

98 | Flashback

94 | Toy Association Perspectives

Group Publisher Jackie Breyer Editor-in-Chief Maddie Michalik Deputy Editor James Zahn Senior Editors Jackie Cucco Ali Mierzejewski Marissa Silva Associate Editor Madeleine Buckley Editorial Assistants Hannah Sacks Nicole Savas

14 | The Cost of Shipping Fun Inflation increases as global supply chain issues stack up. 16 | The ABCs of NFTs How Toy and Entertainment Companies Can Benefit from Creating Non-Fungible Tokens 20 | Welcome to the Squishmallows Squad! Population: Squishmillion These chonky, squishy plush are about to hit a major milestone. 26 | Chatting with the Industry Q&A Retailers and manufacturers discuss the ever-evolving specialty toy industry. 82 | No Screen Is Too Big, No Pup Is Too Small The PAW Patrol squad heads out on its biggest adventure yet!



From left to right: National Geographic Crystal Garden Kit from Blue Marble, Mixaroo from Educational Insights, Elmo Tonie figure from Tonies, and Carnival Set Plus from Magformers

86 | Show Me the Goods A Sneak Peek of Brand-new Products Featuring the Hottest in Kids’ Entertainment

Executive Director of Sales & Marketing James Devin Sales Executive Stephanie Infantino

2021 Specialty Toy Launches

Account Executive Erica Hernandez-Wieczorek

Whether you’re walking the floor of the Minneapolis Convention Center or flipping through these pages digitally, take a look at what’s coming to specialty toy stores this year. Spin Master’s PAW Patrol: The Movie lineup features more than 30 toys, including the Basic Plush Assortment. Learn more on page 84.

Art Director Joe Ibraham Production Director Bill Reese

90 | Forging Licensing Partnerships Tips to Help Manage Relationships Between Agents, Licensors, and Licensees


Editorial Interns Ria Malatesta Sydney Reynolds

Controller/Office Manager Lori Rubin


President Laurie Schacht

On the cover: Squishmallows collection from Kellytoy, a subsidiary of Jazwares LLC The Toy Book Volume 37, No. 4 THE TOY BOOK (ISSN-0885-3991) is published bi-monthly by Adventure Media and Events LLC. Editorial and advertising offices are located at 307 Seventh Ave., Room 501, New York, NY 10001, Phone (212) 575-4510. Periodicals Postage paid at New York and additional mailing offices. Copyright © 2021 Adventure Media and Events LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the publisher. Printed in USA. Subscription rates: $48 one year, foreign $200. The Toy Book is a trademark of Adventure Media and Events LLC. Registered in the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office. Postmaster: Send address changes to: Toy Book, c/o Adventure Media and Events LLC., 307 Seventh Ave., Room 501, New York, NY 10001 or e-mail Opinions and comments expressed in this publication by editors, contributing writers, or solicited or unsolicited documents are not necessarily those of the management of The Toy Book.

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Member, International Toy Magazine Association

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REUNITED AND IT FEELS SO GOOD by MADDIE MICHALIK, editor-in-chief I DON’T KNOW ABOUT YOU, BUT THIS was the first time since 2019 that I packed up a suitcase, drove to the airport, and hopped on a plane. While it does feel a bit surreal to get back into the trade show circuit, I couldn’t be more excited to see everyone in person again and frolic around a show floor to play with all of your new products. Minneapolis, the toy industry is ready for you! And I’m not the only one who was anticipating the return of ASTRA’s Marketplace & Academy. The Toy Book received a record amount of product submissions for our annual specialty toy coverage, proving that manufacturers really want to share their latest and greatest with independent retailers. As we head into the second half of the year, be sure to check out our specialty toy showcase (starting on page 36), featuring broad coverage of some of the great, new products on display at Marketplace & Academy. But, the fun doesn’t stop there! The Toy Book is dedicated to our toy community, so we have an extended version of our showcase available in our digital issue. Make sure to scan the QR code on page 80 for this bonus digital content (read as: more toys!) One of the most popular toy lines of the year is undoubtedly Squishmallows, and independent stores across the U.S. are having trouble keeping them in stock. Since launching just a few years ago, the brand is on the cusp of having sold 100 million units! Read our cover story about the popularity of these irresistible plush from Senior Editor Jackie Cucco on page 20. As Deputy Editor James Zahn notes on page 14, it feels like the industry is presented with a new challenge each year — and this time, it’s all about the supply chain. I spoke with seasoned specialty toy retailers and manufacturers in our annual Chatting with the Industry Q&A on page 26, and there is a consensus that every player in the industry is feeling the effects of the rising costs of shipping and materials. You’re going to want to read

these valuable perspectives from the pros on topics including how the specialty toy industry is evolving, trends and holiday predictions, and new business strategies as we continue recovering from the ongoing pandemic. If you read our June issue, you may remember that we covered a resurgence of retro collectibles brought on by the pandemic. One of the biggest trends we’re seeing complementary to that is the digital collectible boom, and if you are anything like me, you may have scratched your head and thought, “WTF is an NFT?” Associate Editor Madeleine Buckley breaks it all down on page 16.

We have so much more inside this magazine! I sincerely hope you enjoy this issue of the Toy Book. Send over your thoughts and feedback with an email or tweet at us @ToyBook. Our team can’t wait to walk through the show floor and play with all of the new toys you see on these pages. See you at Marketplace & Academy! » Maddie Michalik is the editor-inchief of the Toy Book and senior editor of the Toy Insider and the Pop Insider. She reports on new products and toy industry trends and has been featured on broadcast TV segments in the U.S. and Canada. Reach her at

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by SUE WARFIELD, president, American Specialty Toy Retailing Association LOOKING BACK, WE NEVER COULD have imagined what we would all face in 2020 and well into 2021. And yet, we made it, and things are definitely turning a corner toward a more personal and interactive world. How did we make it through? For many of us in the toy industry, staffs were cut, budgets were revised, and plans were changed. These measures, along with the support of our colleagues through listening, sharing ideas, and working alongside one another have helped us all get back on track toward future success and growth. ASTRA is here to further meaningful connections between toy industry professionals and offer new resources through membership. As we move into our first live Marketplace & Academy since June 2019 and work to “play it forward,” we see an amazing fourth quarter ahead. The future looks bright with stores open to allow in-person shopping again while also continuing to amplify online shopping or utilize curbside pick-up and local delivery options. Just as many retailers have reinvented themselves, ASTRA is doing the same — and there’s no better time than now to join our ranks. So, what are the benefits of ASTRA membership?

ers, and attendance at industry shows. All of our members note this as one of the greatest benefits of ASTRA Membership. It’s really meaningful to have colleagues who understand your issues and can help with suggestions. You also share what has worked for you and encourage new and long-term members who are looking to try new methods, products, or systems.

• Foster Connections: ASTRA members can make great connections through our online communities, regional get-togeth-

• Reach Across the Aisle: Whether you are a toy inventor or a sales rep, there’s always something to learn from people in different roles in the toy business. Direct and honest communication between all of our member types helps to build stronger relationships for everyone’s benefit and success. There’s no “I” in ASTRA!

“Last year may have been tough, but it forced us all to take a closer look at what is most important — both in our business and personal lives.”

• Learning Opportunities: ASTRA has educational offerings that are continuously updated for the “new normal.” The only thing that is constant in the world is change, and we recognize the need to continually stay up-to-date with the most innovative ideas, methods, technology, and trends. • Local Engagement: At ASTRA, we believe in meeting our members where they are. This year and next year, ASTRA is committed to getting out in the field to see what our members’ needs and realities are. Our membership includes retailers, manufacturers, sales reps, affiliates, and inventors, and we will be taking time with each of these groups in person. This first-hand insight will help us tailor our offerings to meet everyone’s specific needs.

• Experienced Insight: What is old often becomes new again as toy industry cycles continue. We help our members look back on past experiences and trends to take the best of the past and meld it with the future.


Things have never looked more exciting for ASTRA and our members. Last year may have been tough, but it forced us all to take a closer look at what is most important — both in our business and personal lives. We see it, we hear it, and we are taking it all in to make ASTRA the most relevant, resourceful, and engaging organization for those who join. Play it forward with ASTRA! » Sue Warfield, president of the American Specialty Toy Retailing Association (ASTRA), has more than 30 years of experience working in the toy industry, including owning a retail store, being a sales representative, and working alongside her husband at a manufacturing business.

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TACKLING GLOBAL ISSUES IMPACTING THE INDUSTRY The Toy Association forms an international committee.

by KRISTIN MORENCY GOLDMAN, senior communications specialist, The Toy Association THE TOY ASSOCIATION RECENTLY expanded its ability to tackle global regulations, threats, and opportunities on behalf of toy and play companies in key markets worldwide by forming a new International Committee. An initial group of Toy Association member companies of all sizes has joined the committee and embraced its goal of ensuring that the Association’s external affairs team maintains the necessary responsiveness and resources to address legislative and regulatory issues, as well as market access initiatives, in dozens of countries. The committee’s work does not compromise The Toy Association’s existing, extensive, and primary responsibilities to members at the U.S. federal, state, local, and broader North American levels, where legislative and regulatory activity is at an all-time high. “Protecting and advancing the business rights of our member companies is one of the most vital reasons for the existence of The Toy Association,” says Steve Pasierb, president and CEO of The Toy Association. “As sales growth and opportunities for toy and play companies have burgeoned around the globe, our advocacy, training, and market access work has taken us to more than 40 nations. Whether it be in Brazil, India, Vietnam, Indonesia, or elsewhere, barriers to market entry, tariffs, or needless regulatory obstacles exist that require direct intervention. Such efforts — including in-person lobbying, drafting documents, and hiring outside counsel to assist our efforts — require significant and growing expenditures of both time and resources. The International Committee provides us with the necessary support to continually act with great agility to seize opportunities, assure product safety, level access to markets, and push back on threats.” During the Committee’s inaugural meeting this spring, The Toy Associa-

tion’s external affairs staff provided an overview of issues in Brazil, India, the European Union, the UK, France, and Saudi Arabia, including information on the development and enforcement of toy requirements and ordinances in those countries. Ed Desmond, executive vice president of external affairs, also provided an overview of the committee’s priorities for this year and discussed budgeting to fund those proposed priorities. He outlined the core committee functions and discussed potential collaborations with outside organizations to help advance the committee’s work. “The International Committee is the only opportunity for Toy Association members to become involved in overseeing the external affairs department’s advocacy on international issues,” DesSource: Upsplash mond says. “We are hopeful that even more members will decide to join us, so able at that their voices can be heard on critical Toy Association members seeking topics impacting their companies in coun- direct participation and oversight in the tries and regions around the world.” International Committee may contact Toy companies are also reminded Desmond (edesmond@toyassociation. to take advantage of The Toy Associaorg). Participation in the committee tion’s Safety Education Program, which and access to its support services and provides participants with a detailed expertise is open to any Toy Association overview of the key state, federal, and inmember company. Dues are based upon ternational safety requirements impacting the company’s sales outside North Amertheir businesses. ica; these funds are reserved to ensure “These highly informative sessions the committee and external affairs team are a terrific complement to the Intermaintain necessary responsiveness and national Committee’s work, covering resources to address the range of global everything from testing and certification issues impacting the toy community. » to how to navigate compliance-related As The Toy Association’s senior barriers between markets,” Desmond communications specialist, Krisadds. “It is critical that everyone in the tin Morency Goldman leads the toy community is knowledgeable regarddevelopment of content for its ing these requirements so that they can print and online communications. remain compliant, even as regulations Her articles on toy trends, toy safety, and industry news can be and standards change.” found in trade and consumer publications around The Safety Education Program is free the world. She holds a master’s degree in media, for all Toy Association members (accessiculture, and communications from NYU. ble to nonmembers for a fee). It is | AUGUST 2021 | THE TOY BOOK   11

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Recycled LEGO bricks Source: The LEGO Group

The LEGO Group unveiled a new LEGO brick made entirely out of recycled plastic. This new prototype is the first brick made out of PET plastic from discarded bottles and the first to meet the company’s strict quality and safety standards. The company is currently employing a team of 150 people to find sustainable solutions for LEGO products and is committed to investing $400 million over three years to accelerate its sustainability goals. It will take some time, however, before consumers find recycled LEGOs in boxes worldwide. The product still requires further tests to ensure its PET formulation. This next phase is expected to take a year before the company can launch a pilot production. »


MGA Entertainment and digital collectibles company VeVe revealed plans for a series of collectible NFTs inspired by the L.O.L. Surprise! brand. The L.O.L. Surprise! dolls will be rendered as 3D models that users can animate and interact with enhanced features. (Editor’s note: Learn more about NFTs on page 16.) »

in 18 award categories, including a new “Grown-Up Toy of the Year” category. Finalists will be selected by a committee comprised of play experts, journalists, academics, retailers, and other toy experts and will be revealed in November. One winner in each category, along with the consumer-chosen People’s Choice Award and the overall Toy of the Year Award, will be presented during the TOTY Ceremony at the New York Marriott Marquis on Feb. 18, 2022. »



In February, the Toy of the Year (TOTY) Award Ceremony will back alongside Toy Fair New York 2022. The Toy Association is taking a new direction with the Toy of the Year Awards this year, repositioning it as a Toy Foundation event to better reflect the true purpose of the program. The Toy Foundation has opened up nominations for products in the toy, game, and licensing categories through Aug. 31. Toy companies, inventors, and other industry representatives may submit their products and properties for nomination


The American Specialty Toy Retailing Association (ASTRA) is looking ahead to the holiday selling season with its 2021 Best Toys for Kids list. This year’s winners were selected from a field of 52 nominees that ASTRA members submitted and voted on across 10 categories. The winners were revealed in a virtual presentation ahead of ASTRA’s annual Marketplace & Academy.

The Australian manufacturer of Shopkins and Heroes of Goo Jit Zu is setting up a major expansion in Canada. Beginning this fall, Moose Toys will move forward with a hybrid distribution model, under which it will directly distribute a variety of its products to retailers, including Bluey toys and the new Akedo — Ultimate Gaming Warriors. Current distribution partners, such as Red Planet and Imports Dragon, will continue to distribute other Moose Toys products in the region. » Source: Moose Toys

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INDUSTRY UPDATE The 2021 Best Toys for Kids Winners are Zig & Go Music (Djeco) for Build & Play, Soapstone Carving Kit — Bear (Studiostone Creative) for Arts & Crafts, Story Time Chess (Story Time Chess) for Games, Hide Inside Putty — Flower Finds (Crazy Aaron’s) for Fidget Toys, Dimpl Stack (Fat Brain Toys) for Infant/ Toddler, Rainbow Wobble Board — Regular Size (Bunny Hopkins) for Outdoor & Active, Toniebox Starter Set (Tonies) for Preschool, Galaxy Cape (Great Pretenders) for Pretend, SmartGames IQ Circuit (Smart Toys and Games) for Puzzles, and Gravity Bugs (Thames & Kosmos) for Science & Discovery. »


Following on-trend features — from messaging apps to instant print cameras — VTech’s fall toy collection upgrades previous models in the line while introducing new products to its kid-friendly electronic ecosystem. This year’s offerings include the KidiZoom Smartwatch DX3, the KidiZoom

PrintCam, and the KidiBuzz 3, all designed for kids ages 4 and up. The Smartwatch DX3 features two cameras, messaging between watches, and other upgrades; the PrintCam produces instant black-and-white photo printouts; and the KidiBuzz 3 is a smart device with parental controls for a new KidiCom Chat app, a camera, learning games, and more. »

be available at all major retailers starting on Oct. 1. »


PlayMonster partnered with ITV Studios for a Schitt’s Creek-inspired version of its popular party game THINGS… (previously known as The Game of Things). Players are given a topic in each round of the game, and everyone writes down something that fits within that topic. Then, players attempt to guess who wrote which answer. In this version, however, every single prompt has a Schitt’s Creek twist, inspired by the popular comedy series. THINGS… Schitt’s Creek Edition is available now, exclusively at Target. It will

Source: PlayMonster


The Toy Book


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Inflation increases as global supply chain issues stack up. by JAMES ZAHN, deputy editor ANOTHER YEAR, ANOTHER CRISIS. In what feels like a Groundhog Day scenario that repeats year after year, the U.S. toy industry is facing unique business challenges for the fourth year in a row. Following a trilogy of, yes, unprecedented events — including the closure of Toys “R” Us (2018), the on again/off again threat of tariffs amid the U.S.-China trade war (2019), and a global pandemic (2020) — this year’s chapter of the saga includes inflation and ripples throughout the global manufacturing and supply chain. When it comes to the supply chain, shipping has been an issue since manufacturing restarted following the first wave of COVID-19-related closures last summer. The mad dash to get factories running again was immediately met by bottlenecks in several areas, including the availability of containers, trucks, trains, ships, and dock space at the ports. When paired with insatiable consumer demand for new products — the U.S. toy industry sales spiked 27% in the first four months of this year, according to The NPD Group — the result has been a mess. “It is the worst I have seen in 42 years,” says Isaac Larian, founder and CEO of MGA Entertainment. “First, there were issues with the ports in Los Angeles and Long Beach. Now, it’s the Yantian port in China.” The port in the Yantian District handles outbound freight in the city of Shenzhen, Guangdong, China — a major manufacturing hub for the global toy industry. A hiccup there creates a global ripple effect. “We have more than 500 containers sitting there and it’s a peak season,”

Larian says. “The cost of transportation is going through the roof, and that’s if you can find a container and a vessel. A 20-foot container to Spain is now $13,000 with $40,000 of goods in it.”

“It is the worst I have seen in 42 years. ... The cost of transportation is going through the roof, and that’s if you can find a container and a vessel.” — Isaac Larian, MGA Entertainment

This summer, the Toy Book surveyed readers to gauge the direct impact of supply chain issues on their businesses. An overwhelming majority of respondents (92.3%) reported that late or missing shipments have impacted their organizations this year; 38.5% said they have spent more than double on shipping this year; and 30.8% reported that freight costs have tripled. Additionally, 7.7% of respondents said they have had shipments lost at sea. Most respondents have no idea when the situation might get better. “We aren’t expecting anything to look even remotely normal until after Chinese New Year 2022,” says Erin Gagne, logistics coordinator, Grand Prix International (GPI) Inc., a company that assists toy and game makers with everything from product development and sourcing to playtesting and freight management.

“We are hoping to see some clearing of at least the ports, and maybe also the rail yards, by the end of this year.” Supply is not expected to catch up with demand until 2022, according to Richard Gottlieb of Global Toy Experts. “The current COVID-19-related problems at the port of Shantiang (operating at 30% capacity) have heavily impacted China’s toy shipments as it services both Hong Kong and Shenzhen,” he says. In June, the National Retail Federation (NRF) revised its annual retail sales forecast to reflect potential growth of 10.5-13.5% this year. According to the NRF Global Port Tracker, April was the busiest month on record for ports in the U.S. With no government plan to clear the slate, the NRF delivered a letter to the White House on June 14 requesting a meeting with President Joe Biden and members of his administration to address the situation. “The congestion issues have not only added days and weeks to our supply chains, but have also led to inventory shortages impacting our ability to serve our customers,’’ said NRF President and CEO Matthew Shay in a statement. According to the NRF, more than 97% of U.S. retailers are facing product shortages in the months ahead. For the toy industry, that means the holiday season is in question. “We are looking at it one day at a time,” Larian says, cautioning impact in both pricing and availability during the fourth quarter. “For sure prices will be up and there will be big shortages of hot toys like L.O.L. Surprise!, Rainbow High, and Little Tikes.”

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Containers being transported aboard the Houston Express cargo ship | Source: Pexels

INFLATION, MATERIALS, AND LABOR While shipping grabbed most of the headlines, inflation has been close behind. The cost of goods has been rising at a brisk pace, and respondents to the Toy Book’s summer survey indicated big concerns over the increased materials cost of plastic/resins, packaging, metal, wood, and electronic components, specifically integrated circuit (IC) chips. “Our biggest concerns as it relates to getting products manufactured are twofold: material supply and manufacturing capacity,” says GPI President Mike Fisher. “On the materials supply side, demand is very high, which is pushing costs up and extending the time required for getting materials to manufacturers. As far as manufacturing capacity is concerned, many factories are very booked up and their production lead times are getting longer. What typically takes 45 days to produce is now taking 60-75 days.” According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) — a gauge of the average price of consumer goods in urban areas — rose 4.2% between April 2020 and April 2021. That number mirrors inflation estimates of around 5%, but some insiders, including Larian, feel that the Federal Reserve is holding back. “The Fed is full of it when they say inflation is ‘transitory,’” he says. “The average cost of toys and sporting goods is up 23% and isn’t going down anytime soon. Add to that lack of labor, capacity, and other factors, and you have a disaster.

Inflation will be 9-10% by Q4 or sooner.” While the concept of reshoring some production to the U.S. became a tantalizing prospect for some companies following the 2019 trade war, domestic toy production hasn’t been a huge help in facing the current challenges. “We haven’t seen any increases for domestic sourcing,” Fisher says. “Costs are extremely high and worker shortages aren’t really helping domestic suppliers produce faster than overseas factories. “ Ultimately, 69.2% of respondents to the Toy Book’s survey said that all of these increased costs have been passed on to retailers. On a call with investors in April, Hasbro CFO Deborah Thomas stated that the company was planning to offset costs by increasing prices in the second half of the year, and those increases have become a reality. Select action figures produced under the Star Wars, Marvel, Power Rangers, and G.I. Joe brands have increased from $19.99 to $22.99, on average. Of course, the toy industry has an uncanny knack for posting surprising results in the face of challenges. No one expected the industry to boom amid a pandemic, but it did. Likewise, few would have expected those numbers to be sustainable into the new year, but they have been.

The key factor is that parents and gift-givers have had ample product available on shelves to buy. “I think the major companies will figure out a way to get their products to market,” Gottlieb says. “There is a great deal of auctioning going on for who will pay the most for a container, and the public companies have the deepest pockets. I think smaller companies will feel the brunt of it as, in some cases, containers loaded for one company are unloaded to pack an order for another company willing to pay more for the container.” And what happens in the event that Q4 does present shoppers with miles of empty aisles? Larian has an idea. “My prediction is that the industry as a whole will decline 5-7% in 2021,” he says. “People will simply take their money and go on trips, take vacations, and visit restaurants instead of buying ‘things.’ Not just toys.” » James Zahn, best-known as The Rock Father, is the deputy editor of the Toy Book and a senior editor of the Toy Insider and the Pop Insider. Frequently called upon for expert commentary on the toy industry, he has been featured in The New York Times, Forbes, and MarketWatch, and has appeared on Yahoo! Finance, NBC, ABC, FOX, CNN, GCTN, WGN, and more. Connect with him on LinkedIn or follow him on Twitter or Instagram @therockfather.

Freight containers of await shipping | Source: Pexels | AUGUST 2021 | THE TOY BOOK   15

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How Toy and Entertainment Companies Can Benefit from Creating Non-Fungible Tokens by MADELEINE BUCKLEY, associate editor THIS YEAR, IT SEEMS LIKE WE CAN’T go more than one day without seeing the letters “NFT” pop up in at least one headline. Seemingly overnight, everyone — from movie studios and comic book artists to food brands and, yes, toy companies — was offering non-fungible tokens (NFTs) for consumers to purchase or bid on. While the technology behind blockchain and cryptocurrency may seem daunting, the basic concept of an NFT is fairly simple to explain. The value of any collectible item comes from verifiable scarcity and, as we have started to live in an increasingly digital world, there hasn’t been a way to provide that for digital items such as art prints or 3D renders. NFTs are able to solve this problem, says Jules Urbach, CEO of OTOY, a cloud graphics company that is currently curating the work of legendary comic book artist Alex Ross into an NFT archive. “Amidst this explosion of digital content, there have been few ways to monetize or own digital content, which has limited its potential,” Urbach says. “NFTs are revolutionary because they provide the first way to own and monetize digital content, and this is profoundly empowering for creators and fans.” Basically, a process called minting gives an NFT its own unique, trackable metadata, so we are able to prove singular ownership of our virtual items.

cards; augmented-reality (AR) recreations of popular, pop-culture collectibles; and art prints — are the most common for those in the toy, collectibles, and entertainment industries. For example, the company VeVe works with various IP holders to create and sell officially licensed digital collectibles that consumers can curate within the platform and display using AR. VeVe has licensed offerings from DC Comics, Ghosbusters, Cryptozoic’s Cryptkins, and more. COO and Co-Founder Dan Crothers’ personal favorite is the DeLorean Time Machine from Back to the Future, which collectors can place in their garage or driveway in 1:1 scale. Dr. Seuss Enterprises adopted NFT plans early. The company announced its partnership with Dapper Labs to create a series of digital collectibles last July, long before NFTs were enough of a hot topic to inspire an entire Licensing International speaker series or a very catchy rap on Saturday Night Live. Set to launch later this year, these NFTs will include classic characters, such as The Cat in the Hat, The Lorax, and Horton, as digital art. Dr. Seuss Enterprises President Susan

Brandt first heard about NFTs a few years ago when she read an article about Dapper Labs’ Crypto Kitties, a video game featuring collectible cats that are NFTs. “The article focused on how blockchain was changing the art world because the source could always be authenticated,” she says. “I was fascinated and knew right then that I wanted to bring Dr. Seuss, our art, and our characters, into this new world.” NFTs also offer distinct potential for toy companies and the IP they hold. As previously stated, collectibles company Cryptozoic has licensed its original Cryptkins collectibles line, offering limited digital recreations of its mythical statues. Funko is also planning to recreate popular physical collectibles as NFTs. In early April, the company acquired a majority stake in TokenWave (developer of the NFT app TokenHead) and revealed plans to offer its first 3D-rendered Pop! figure NFTs this summer. Bianca Calingo, senior manager of franchise and new business development at Funko, says the company will also explore the potential to link in-person experiences and purchases with digital collectibles, as some Funko

A DIGITAL SHELF OF COLLECTIBLES NFTs can take many forms, but digital collectibles — such as virtual trading The Lorax NFT concept art | Source: Dapper Labs

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Hot Wheels NFT Garage | Source: Mattel

NFTs will correspond with physical Pop! Vinyl figures. “By linking the rarest NFTs to an exclusive, physical Pop! that fans otherwise wouldn’t be able to purchase, it adds a thrilling chase element to NFTs that only Funko can offer,” she says. Mattel also launched its first set of NFTs in June. Dubbed “Hot Wheels NFT Garage,” the collection offered minted NFTs of three classic Hot Wheels die-cast cars — The Twin Mill, Deora II, and Bone Shaker — rendered in their original designs. Mattel hosted the auction for these three NFTs on its Mattel Creations platform, which Mattel President and COO Richard Dickson says was a natural fit. “Evolving physical product to digital art through NFTs was an obvious next step for Mattel Creations,” Dickson says. “Mattel Creations is the perfect platform for us to present limited-edition collector products that speak to our incredible fan base as well as attract new fans to our vast portfolio of pop culture brands. Toys as art, and art inspired by toys.” Last month, VeVe also announced its first collection for a younger audience: NFTs featuring characters from MGA Entertainment (MGAE)’s L.O.L. Surprise! doll line. This is the start of a larger collaboration between MGAE and VeVe, which will produce interactive, AR digital collectibles designed for parents and kids to enjoy together. RETURN ON INVESTMENT The list of NFT examples could go on for pages, but one major question may linger for those contemplating creating NFTs for their brand: Why? Generally, the process of creating an NFT is similar to that of any other licensed product, as the licensor and the NFT manufacturer draw up a smart contract outlining the terms and conditions for the partnership, with some new terminology for the medium including phrases such as “interplanetary filing system” and “paying miners gas money,” Brandt notes. The major difference, however, comes in the secondary market. In fact, many of the major NFT platforms have some sort of marketplace built in, where fans can buy and sell from each other. As with any limited collectible, be it physical or digital, some collectors will pay more for something that is hard to find, or a cer-

tain NFT that they may have missed when it first dropped. Ben Arnon, co-founder of Curio, a company that offers licensed NFTs, believes that the majority of value in NFTs will come from this secondary market, not only because reselling is a big part of collecting and gives fans a chance to make money, but also because NFT resales bring more value to licensing partners. This is one of the most significant differences between traditional collectibles and NFTs. If a fan purchases a limited-edition Marvel action figure, for example, Marvel will get some money from that transaction. But if that fan sells the action figure on eBay for twice the money, neither Marvel or the action figure manufacturer will benefit from the resale. With NFTs and their smart contracts, which have the terms of the agreement written into lines of code, the owner of the IP that inspired that NFT and/or the artist who created it can continue to profit with each resale.

"[NFTs] provide the first way to own and monetize digital content, and this is profoundly empowering for creators and fans." - Jules Urbach, OTOY “I believe that the NFT space will look similar to the music publishing model, where a music publisher or a songwriter amasses hundreds, and then thousands, of copyrights of songs,” Arnon says. “I think major IP owners will have hundreds, and then thousands, of NFTs in the marketplace, generating that same persistent royalty stream in perpetuity.” This is a significant draw for toy com-

panies, entertainment brands, artists, and manufacturers, potentially creating a new revenue stream. THE FUTURE OF NFTs That business potential is why Arnon believes NFTs are here to stay, noting that he has seen major studios and entertainment brands forming specific NFT teams throughout the first half of this year. However, the future of NFTs may seem less than certain; by April, headlines reported declining NFT sales numbers, even as major brands continue to announce new NFT plans and partnerships almost daily. Yet, most of the individuals and companies investing in NFTs insist that these new digital collectibles are not going anywhere, especially as their many potential uses become more mainstream. “We do believe that the hype of NFTs has created somewhat of a gold rush mentality for some,” OTOY’s Urbach says. “However, digital collectibles with true value in the hearts of collectors will last the test of time.” Arnon also says the NFT market is changing so rapidly that it’s hard to make any definitive predictions or assumptions, but instead, he encourages brands to explore the space. “We sort of have some assumptions about whether or not certain genres work better or certain genders are more likely to consume. I would throw all that out the window,” he says. “It’s so nascent, I think it’s just time to learn from various different brands experimenting and innovating.” Ultimately, it’s unlikely that NFTs will continue to fetch six-figure payouts and make headlines every single day. Instead, NFTs may become another ingrained element of our industry, providing toy and entertainment brands a new way to engage with collectors and fans and adding a digital dimension to their product offerings. »

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These chonky, squishy plush toys are about to hit a major milestone. by JACKIE CUCCO, senior editor HI, I’M JACK, AND I’LL BE YOUR Squishmallows tour guide today. I’m the strong and silent type, but I’m always here when you need me. I’m not afraid to speak up for myself or for my friends. I can be a little feisty, but I love to cuddle. I love giving back and think we Jack the 500th Squishmallow should always lend Source: Kellytoy/Jazwares a helping hand. There once was a time when it may have been considered dorky to have stuffed animals on your bed, but over the past few years, Squishmallows have dialed up the cool factor. The collectible characters have stirred up a frenzy among plush collectors that hasn’t been seen since Ty’s Beanie Babies hit it big in the ‘90s. Created by Kellytoy in 2017, Squishmallows launched with just eight characters available at Walgreens. In the span of only four years, there are now more than 1,000 characters in the Squishmallows squad, and they’re the poofiest, chonkiest, squishiest plush characters around. To date, more than 86 million Squishmallows have been sold through specialty and major retailers across the U.S. Jazwares acquired Kellytoy last year and the companies expect to surpass the 100 millionth milestone in the next few months. Squishmallows are made from soft and squishy spandex “EF” and polyester stuffing that makes each character as puffy as a marshmallow, so they are just 20   THE TOY BOOK | AUGUST 2021 |

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as huggable as they are cute. That cloudlike squishiness is also a simple way to relieve stress and anxiety, making Squishmallows great for kids and adults on the spectrum or with sensory processing issues. The characters come in a variety of sizes ranging from 2-24 inches — and there’s even a 52-inch Cameron the Calico cat who makes appearances at trade shows and events. Most Squishmallows come with their names and personality-filled bios detailed on their hangtags, adding to the collectibility factor. “We had always hoped to create a brand that would have broad appeal and be enjoyed by everyone, but typically it takes years to develop multigenerational appeal and I don’t think anyone could have predicted how quickly and passionately Squishmallows would be embraced by fans of all ages,” says Jazwares Vice President of Global Brand Gerhard Runken, whose favorite Squishmallow is Cameron, followed by Leonard the lion as a close second. There is a steady flow of new Squishmallows that launch throughout the year, including licensed characters, retailer exclusives, and seasonal releases for which fans go wild. The most popular size is the 16-inch Squishmallows, and some of the most wished-for characters include Jack from the Select Series (that’s me!), the axolotls, Star Wars, Hello Kitty, and anything Halloween. There are also variations on the original Squishmallows design, such

as reversible Flip-A-Mallows, flat Stackables, Squish-Doos with their wacky hair, and Hug Mees, the first upright-standing Squishmallows with arms and legs. A SOCIAL MEDIA SENSATION The easiest way to gauge the success of Squishmallows is to take a look at social media. The brand has more than 670,000 followers on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter combined; more than 80 Facebook groups created by fans; and more than 2 billion TikTok video views on Squishmallows-related hashtags. Part of the fun for collectors is growing their Squishmallows squad by hunting down hard-to-find characters and sharing their hauls online using the hashtags #squishmallowhunting, #squishmallowcheck, or #squishmallowsquad. “Collectibility was always something that was part of the plan,” Runken says. “Because of the popularity of the brand, we’re now seeing characters that were not intended to be limited editions are selling out, causing a chase with even everyday Squishmallows.” Squishmallows had a huge increase in organic TikTok videos over the past year, and spring, summer, and fall orders increased three times the amount they were for the same period last year. “Leading up to and during the pandemic, Squishmallows were becoming a true social media phenomenon,” says Kellytoy’s Co-President Jonathan Kelly, whose favorite Squishmallow is Hans the hedgehog. “We’re seeing influencers like Charli D’Amelio, the most-followed person Hello Kitty Pineapple Squishmallow Source: Kellytoy/Jazwares

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on TikTok in the world, and Lady Gaga organically posting photos on their social channels showing off their Squishmallows lineups and garnering millions of likes.” THE STORY OF A SQUISH Kellytoy Marketing Manager Elisa Vazquez created the #squishmallowsquad community behind the brand and also wears the important hat of biography creator for the imaginative characters. “I had no idea when first creating names and bios that they would become so important or meaningful, and now when I hear someone mention their favorite bio or the ones that relate to them the most, it makes my day,” Vazquez says. “The inspiration comes from fan feedback, designs, locations, and general life experience, as well as colleagues, friends, and family. Also, tequila.” The names come first and the bios follow. “There is so much power in a name,” Vazquez says. “Because I was the kid with a hard name who could never find it on a pencil Davina the Octopus or a keychain, Source: Kellytoy/Jazwares I wanted to make sure that other people could find a Squish with their name on it.” Cameron the cat was the very first Squishmallow. Vazquez took one look at the design and instantly gave him a name and a life story. He loves to jump in and out of boxes, build forts with his friends Hoot and Wendy, and use his skateboard to get around town. Paulita the tabby cat was inspired by one of Vazquez’s sisters; Doug the dog was originally a fan drawing that was turned into a reality as the first fan-created Squishmallow; and Maggie the stingray was created for a fan who was proposing to his girlfriend (She said yes!). “Even though they are a plush toy, I want them to be meaningful,” Vazquez says. “Through the silliness and cuteness, I want them to inspire, I want them to educate, and I want them to make people feel seen, heard, and acknowledged.”


GIVING LIFE TO SPECIALTY STORES Squishmallows got the ball rolling in specialty stores before the plush toys became available on Amazon and the Squishmallows website last year. Specialty stores work with Kellytoy to design retailer-exclusive Squishmallows that drum up extra attention from fans, such as Hank the hippo and Denise the mermaid for Walgreens, Archie the axolotl for Kroger, and Joy the sugar glider for Learning Express. As the Squishmallows brand grows and becomes more in-demand, that relationship with specialty retailers remains more important than ever. “What’s great about Squishmallows is that specialty and independent retailers have a unique opportunity to tap into the craze and really connect with the devoted Squishmallows hunters to offer a more personalized experience,” Kelly says. “We always suggest that the shops think of Squishmallows fans as a community, not a consumer.” “Learning Express stores routinely field multiple calls daily with customers inquiring as to which Squishmallows are in-stock,” says Learning Express Vice President of Merchandising Lisa Visco. “One owner reported that when a new shipment comes in, collectors get the word out to their ‘community’ before the store can even post it on their own social media. The frenzy is real!” Squishmallows have been an important product for Learning Express since 2018, with sales increasing each year. Visco says that consumer demand began to explode this past January and credits that to the brand’s visibility on TikTok. She says it’s more difficult for specialty stores to get inventory now than it was even six months ago as demand grows. “Every retailer is now aware of how strong the Squishmallows brand has become, so everyone wants access to goods,” she says. Rick Derr, owner of the Learning Express in Lake Zurich, Illinois, limits his store’s Squishmallows supply to in-store shoppers only. “We try hard to keep our supply of Squishmallows local for our core customer as collectors from all over try to purchase and resell them,” he says. “While that is the way a hot toy works, we just feel that our kids and locals deserve the best chance at the hottest and greatest selection. We love having kids join us in exploring and experiencing the joy of

Cam and Fifi in the Squishville Fifi’s Cottage Townhouse | Source: Jazwares

finding the right Squishmallow they have been dreaming about.” A GROWING FAMILY The world of Squishmallows continues to grow — or, in this case, perhaps shrink is a better word. Earlier this year, Jazwares launched its first line extension for the Squishmallows brand: Squishville by Original Squishmallows, a range of 2-inch plush characters and plush playsets, vehicles, and accessories that fans can use to create a tiny Squishville environment. Everything is soft and squishy, from the cars and airplanes to the furniture and backdrops. “We wanted to expand the Squishmallows universe by extending play patterns that encourage creativity and imagination in a world where Squishmallows live, discover, play, and squish,” Runken says. There are plans to release more than 150 of the tiny Squishville characters by the end of this year. Jazwares recently partnered with Moonbug Entertainment for Squishville, an animated YouTube series featuring 2-minute episodes. Additionally, the Squishmallows brand includes face masks, headphones, and plush backpacks. Plush toys may come and go, but there’s always a way to squeeze in more fun with Squishmallows. » Jackie Cucco is a senior editor at Adventure Media & Events. She covers toy trends and news for the Toy Book, the Toy Insider, and the Pop Insider. You can visit her on Instagram @saucyjac and say hello to her pet bunny Peepers @thebigpeep. | AUGUST 2021 | THE TOY BOOK   21

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The Toy Book chats with Ross Hyman, director of product development and marketing at Alex Global Products, about the company’s legacy, evolution, and future plans. Toy Book: Alex Global Products emerged during a tumultuous year. What are the key differences between the former Alex Brands and the new Alex Global Products? Ross Hyman: Following Alex Brands’ bankruptcy in 2020, Out There First acquired Alex’s iconic brand assets and formed a new company, Alex Global Products (AGP). The similarities between the old and new company are the brands and products. There is no connection to the previous ownership or its management. From a strategic and operational perspective, a major difference is our focus on rebuilding and innovating, rather than acquiring for growth. We have tremendous respect for the business that Nurit and Rick Amdur built when they founded Alex Toys 35 years ago. They created classic, timeless products and earned the trust of generations of consumers and retailers. Our plan is to introduce into the marketplace a new and improved Alex that is built upon that foundation of trust. TB: With families rediscovering the joy of play, many retro and legacy brands are returning to the forefront. How is this movement affecting the AGP product mix? RH: We are fortunate to have a worldclass portfolio of classic brands and

products that includes Ideal, Poof, Scientific Explorer, Backyard Safari, and Zoob, as well as Alex, Alex Bath, Alex Craft, and Alex Spa. Within the Ideal brand, Booby Trap is a great example of how our product mix is being affected. The most indemand version of that item right now is the 1960s style, Booby Trap Classic, which has a wooden playing surface and a metal tension bar. As we look to build assortments and brand statements, the trend of natural materials and retro packaging becomes a focal point in both our product development and merchandising efforts. And, while we are always focused on trends, our primary goal is always to make every product best-in-class and a great value for consumers. Quality and value endure when trends end. TB: Without a traditional Toy Fair season this year, how is AGP connecting with buyers and consumers? RH: Like most businesses that have survived the pandemic economy, we’ve adapted to life without trade shows. Videoconferencing has become our primary means of communication with retailers and vendors. Securing virtual meetings can be challenging at times, but our leadership team is made up of industry veterans for whom relationships have been key to their success. There’s no magic formula. It’s just doing it one call at a time. AGP brands have good brand recognition, therefore, we don’t need to educate consumers about who we are, but we will be focusing heavily on educating consumers about our new and classic products, especially in the digital space. TB: What are some of the biggest trends that are

driving sales and development for AGP this year? RH: The trends driving our development are the things that are already in our DNA: art, crafts, games, preschool, and STEAM. It may sound rather simplistic, but we are building on past successes. If we have a category with a strong sales history, we will be maximizing its potential. We will do that with design, innovation, and consistently providing quality and value for the consumer. TB: What are some of the biggest challenges that are facing AGP today, and how is the company positioned to tackle them? RH: One of the biggest challenges — not just for us, but the entire industry — is increasing costs for materials, labor, and shipping. To address this, we are laser-focused on developing factory partnerships, consolidating resources, and keeping cost increases to a minimum. Another challenge we have faced is the need for employees to work remotely. Product development, design, and merchandising require some amount of physical interaction with the product. It’s difficult to assess color, scale, texture, user experience, and more when the product isn’t in front of you. So, we’ve had to reinvent how a traditional toy company would operate. Because we are essentially a startup, we have been able to structure a remote work process from day one. We now have product and packaging hand-offs that occur inside and outside the office as needed. Line reviews and critiques are done primarily by video. Shared project milestones and calendars are exclusively digital. It’s not perfect, but the more we do it, the more efficient we become. The added benefit of this new workflow is that we have created an agile organization with low overhead that is well positioned for the shift to an increasingly digital marketplace. »

Source: Alex Global Products

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Create real and digital brand value for kids in the metaverse. by TIFFANY TASKER, director of business development for North America, SuperAwesome REMEMBER VSCO GIRLS? IF YOU don’t know any kids under 16, you might have missed the viral trend that started in 2019 and carried through to the end of last summer. The VSCO Girl subculture was one of the most dominant youth trends that emerged from the uptick of TikTok usage among Gen Z and Gen Alpha. While you may not have known them by name, you likely noticed the sudden increase in kids carrying Hydro Flasks, bringing back scrunchies, and wearing Vans. This summer will feature the Coconut Girl takeover, an aesthetic leaning into the glowing beach vibes of the Y2K fashion resurgence. Viral trends like this one are as much about their participants looking and feeling like part of the pack as they are about the actual items, values, or characteristics of the product. During this year’s “Fun Kid Summer” (read more about this trend in the Toy Book’s June issue), we predict that kids’ perceived need to assimilate and be like their friends will be stronger than ever. Conversely, kids will also feel a strong desire for uniqueness and self-expression in digital environments. These contrasting attitudes provide a fascinating space in which brands and marketers can play. SuperAwesome partners with brands to create immersive online environments

that feature collectible versions of toys, brand-led quests and experiences, and enhanced digital play. We can create rare, digital versions of toys that enhance virtual play patterns and experiences by offering the same rush and excitement of collecting and unboxing in person. Online, non-NFTs hold real value, especially if they augment kids’ online avatars or play experiences. (Editor’s note: Turn to page 16 to learn more about NFTs.) Luxury fashion brand Gucci serves as the best example of this practice to-date. A digital Roblox version of the Gucci Dionysus bag spent two days in the digital marketplace of the Roblox Gucci world. Originally priced at 475 Robux (about $5.50), the limited-edition handbag later resold for 350,000 Robux (around $4,115) — more than the retail price of the physical version. A few factors influenced this hefty price tag: rarity, hype, novelty, and kids’ desire to carefully curate the way they represent themselves online. The Gucci example is a lesson in what’s possible with the convergence of online and real-life, a combination that always relates back to digital self-expression. But this need for online individuality extends beyond luxury fashion. In our branded Spirit Untamed integration of the popular Horse Valley game in Roblox, once players complete the in-game challenges, they win Spirit as a permanent addition to their stables. Spirit becomes a collectible that players can both interact with and show to friends because they’ll be able to keep him even after the branded campaign concludes. Finding and facilitating integraSpirit Untamed in Roblox’s Horse Valley | Source: DreamWorks/SuperAwesome tion into the most-

aligned games on Roblox is a low-barrier, effective entry into the metaverse for your brand. Beyond the metaverse, there are other ways to tap into viral trends with brand marketing. For example, you can replicate viral play patterns within custom, built-for-you formats that enhance and emulate the trends surrounding your brand. Consider the movement to “collect squads,” a huge trend spearheaded by plush toy brands like Squishmallows. For collectors, positioning the items in their home is as crucial an aspect of the experience as the specific pieces of the collection itself. And, they have to collect them all to complete the “squad.” In digital campaigns, you can create personalized, rich-media experiences in which kids can design their dream room and then add in their squads of toys (featuring your brand, of course). Their creations can be downloaded or sent to friends and parents, who can then create their own dream squads to be continuously reshared. This inviting, try-beforeyou-buy technique in digital formats generates additional insights into your target audience, and it increases dwell time and next-level engagement with which traditional advertising formats can’t compete. For the latest on kids trends and insights into the kids digital space, check out the SuperAwesome blog at » As director of business development for North America, Tiffany Tasker leads strategic planning for customers of SuperAwesome, the company that powers kids’ internet. Its kid tech platform is used by hundreds of companies to ensure that their digital engagement with kids is safe, private, and compliant with laws such as COPPA, GDPR-K, CCPA, and more. The company is at the forefront of the kid tech space, defining standards for the kids’ digital media ecosystem.

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The Toy Book spoke with independent retailers and manufacturers about the latest trends, industry happenings, and how business strategies are evolving in the specialty toy market.

How did your company make up for the lack of trade shows in the first half of the year?






Carson: Without the traditional toy show cycle, it seems that stores simply listened to their point of sale and let their instincts drive their purchasing decisions this year. The timing of purchasing has been vastly different, but the overall volume has stayed consistently brisk. Kershaw: When ASTRA announced it canceled its June 2020 trade show, we knew we needed to prepare ourselves to stay connected to our important specialty partners in lieu of in-person meetings. We pivoted by shipping a pallet of product to my home, where I set up a makeshift showroom with more than 100 samples of our new and top-sellers to create a YouTube video library. While creating these videos, it prompted the idea to add another layer of support to create a live campaign, which I called the “Ding Dong Campaign” — ring my doorbell and I will let you in my home and “walk you through” the booth. We started marketing the campaign at the end of April and it took place in June. During the campaign, we met with more than 70 retailers, which exceeded our expectations! On top of this, we also participated in a handful of digital shows hosted by industry partners and various membership groups, which proved to be valuable in the unprecedented times of last year. Newsome: We were already working digitally with many of our reps and suppliers, but we missed the discovery and excitement of Toy Fair New York. We mostly did our best to keep in touch with reps; they have been integral to keeping our store shelves stocked!


Perl: Many manufacturers have made themselves available through Zoom and virtual toy shows. They have also really helped by providing digital assets for

my store website and social media. As a small business owner, my ability to leave the store and travel around for toy shows is limited — I usually go to one a year at most. So, virtual shows have given me a much greater opportunity to participate and find a lot of new brands for my store. Vigneault: We really relied on our sales reps to guide us in the beginning. We did not have catalogs and had to open more than 100 vendor accounts in a short period of time. Without these reps, we would have struggled. Woldenberg: We value events like the annual Toy Fair New York to nurture relationships and build partnerships. We are hopeful that we’ll meet with our valued partners in the second half of the year, but our teams have done well in adapting to the circumstances. The lack of trade shows has allowed us to explore new ways to promote and demonstrate our products. Not only have Learning Resources, Educational Insights, and hand2mind worked hard to stay connected with our customers through Zoom and other networking platforms, but through the help of our partners, we’ve also set up virtual showcases with national and local media, influencers, industry analysts, and more to build excitement for our new product lines. Zawitz: We relied heavily on virtual meetings and frequent newsletter communications with buyers and customers. Our goal has always been to remain top of mind. Are you experiencing any disruptions to the supply chain this year with delays, shipping rate increases, or container shortage issues? How are you resolving those problems? Carson: If this were a multiple choice quiz, I would definitely have to choose D: All of the above! The supply chain is-

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sues happening this year are complex, so we’re breaking it down and solving each piece independently. Kershaw: Yes. I am sure it does not come as a surprise that we are faced with similar challenges that many other manufacturers are experiencing. The global pandemic has created a domino effect of what we are seeing today with container shortages. Despite the challenges, I could not be prouder to work under the leadership of Peter Handstein, owner/founder of Hape, as he ensured that each market was prepared to take inventory early on with the anticipation that there could be disruptions to global supply chains. Kilpin: Absolutely, I think it’s fair to say that anyone in the business of manufacturing or distribution is up against roadblocks that are challenging all of us at the moment. As it has been for the last 18 months, the key is to keep a tight focus on operations and work in really close contact with our retail partners so we can all win together at the end of the day. Newsome: Not only is there extra demand, the supply chain of available product has been throttled! We are doing our best to get stock in now, but are also looking ahead to the holidays. Don’t expect the shortages to go away anytime soon. Perl: Yes, absolutely. The solution has been getting the best communication possible from toy manufacturers about what they have on hand, and when shipments are expected. Some have been generous enough to offer “one last chance” to buy at the old prices before price increases go into effect. I have also had to get more creative about trying new products and even new manufacturers, and accepting that some toys just won’t be available. Vigneault: Yes, we are. We are adding vendors that have similar products to keep the disruption to a minimum. I think the biggest obstacle is letting customers know we can get an item, but we cannot really estimate a time frame. Planning orders months in advance has become our new focus to ensure in stocks for the fourth quarter. Zawitz: We, like so many of our colleagues in the toy industry, have been

affected by this year’s shipping crisis. Luckily, our 40 years’ experience coupled with key connections in logistics have helped us stay ahead of the curve as best as possible. What new business strategies brought on due to the COVID-19 pandemic do you think will stick? Kershaw: While we have all had to get creative dealing with the obstacles of 2020, Hape has been able to prepare, adapt, and initiate new strategies to meet the needs of our partners in 2021 and beyond. Not only have we found new ways to reach our customers, but we are also excited about the new marketing strategies and initiatives we’ve rolled out. In an effort to increase brand awareness and drive purchase intent through high-impact media campaigns, we have partnered with Freeman Public Relations and Blue Plate Media to work with us on a multifaceted marketing approach to support sell-through at retail. Throughout 2021, you will find Hape items promoted on social and digital platforms, new media outlets, and influencers’ outlets to engage parents, grandparents, and gift-givers nationwide. As the pandemic wanes, our growth into the digital marketing realm will continue to bear fruit and will be a critical component of our future strategies. Newsome: Our biggest concern was making sure all of our customers felt safe. We implemented extra cleaning before and after store hours, as well as requesting all customers to place handled merchandise in store baskets for cleaning before being returned to the sales floor. Explaining all the new guidelines was a lot of work, but keeping our staff and customers safe was our first priority. In the end, everyone needs to be aware that the pandemic is not over. We are keeping the extra cleaning procedures in place, and we are definitely ready to increase store restrictions if necessary. Overall, customers want to feel safe, especially when shopping with family and friends. Perl: It was a great boost for our website — people were ordering for curbside pickup, shipping, and local delivery. At this point we have stopped offering delivery, but I think curbside pickup will continue because it’s so convenient.







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getting the public vaccinated, wearing masks, and other safety measures. I am an ASTRA member and that has been a great resource this year — connecting with other toys store owners who share so freely what is working and not working for them. Vigneault: The mayor and local congressman were at our grand opening, as well as the local Chamber of Commerce. Since we are fairly new, it was really on us to make the connections with our community. We sponsor multiple events with the mayor’s office and a little league team. We joined ASTRA and through the member directory, and we made contacts with many of our vendors.

Alphabet Soup, Ithaca, New York

Vigneault: Since we opened two stores during the pandemic, we had the opportunity to design them with restrictions in mind. We immediately had our items online for customer pickup. We later added shipping. We were also the first store in our area to sell children’s masks, which drew tremendous traffic after the reopening in June 2020. I feel like curbside pickup will stick. Some customers are in a rush, and we want to make their transaction efficient for them. Woldenberg: Our family of educational toy and hands-on curriculum companies — Learning Resources, Educational Insights, and hand2mind — stopped all product and marketing work very early in the pandemic to develop and publish thousands of online worksheets and other free resources to help families and teachers facing the looming school closure crisis. We continue to see strong interest in this type of content, and all three brands have continued to grow and optimize their libraries of content. I believe this content will help us serve consumers and schools long into the future as a complement to our educational toys and curriculum. Easily accessible at our brands’ websites, parents and teachers can find a host of family-friendly resources for free, including lessons, DIY projects, printable activities, videos, and more, to help keep kids learning and engaged through meaningful play whether they are at home or in the classroom. Zawitz: During the COVID-19 pandemic, we fell back on our tried-and-true business strategies we’ve had to deploy

during the tough times in our 40 years of Tangling. First and foremost, we cut costs and did everything we could to retain our employees. Secondly, we were resourceful and nimble in our product thinking. We, by a strange set of coincidences (if you believe in coincidences), got involved in procuring and selling hand soap to Walgreens. It wasn’t easy; every phase had its challenges. But as we all know, necessity is the mother of invention. Lastly, sell, sell, sell! We never gave up and innovated new ways to sell to new markets using new communication methods. Never forget your ABCs: Always Be Creative! In what ways did you feel supported by your community, government, or toy industry groups at the height of the pandemic? Newsome: There was so much more support than we expected, especially considering how quickly the pandemic escalated. We have been overwhelmed by the community support, and just knowing that government support is available to those that need it has been a huge relief. As a small business, knowing that there is support for other small businesses in the community is important — we want the community around us to be here next year! Perl: My community has always had a very strong value for shopping local and supporting small businesses, and that has come out even stronger during the pandemic. The government help through the Payment Protection Plan (PPP) program was very beneficial, plus a focus on

Zawitz: We felt supported in numerous ways by the government, The Toy Association, ASTRA, and the toy industry as a whole. Tangle Inc. received PPP funding, which came at the perfect time. A record-breaking amount of consumers turned to online retail and e-commerce. Has your direct-to-consumer distribution strategy changed as a result, and if so, how? Kershaw: A business strategy that was implemented during the pandemic that is here to stay is curbside pickup. Retailers across all channels are offering this service, which pushed up our omnichannel strategy. As a manufacturer, we need to create a seamless experience from online to offline. It is an exciting time to be part of marketing with the different channel strategies and tools to get in front of consumers that allow us to increase brand awareness and drive purchase intent. Woldenberg: We’ve long supported online retail and were fortunate to be able to provide learning products to families during the stay-at-home order. There is no turning back from the growth of the online market and we will continue to meet our consumers wherever they shop for hands-on educational toys. Zawitz: Our direct-to-consumer channels have seen exponential growth since last holiday season. The stay-at-home orders across the country resulted in such remarkable growth of our online sales channels that we’ve added new partners and members of our staff to manage them.

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More consumers have been relying on curbside pickup, same-day delivery, and online shopping more than ever before. How has this affected the way you do business? Carson: What I think is really interesting is how all of these, plus shopping in store, look so much different from 12 months ago. All of these methods of shopping are important, but make no mistake, it will be the consumer that drives the way they wish to shop. Newsome: Las Vegas has been a very different city during these times. was retooled and ready during the shutdown, but we found that customers were really ready to come in and shop in person as long as guidelines were being followed. Much of our online sales are from customers who experienced our store and want to relive their visit with a special delivery! Vigneault: We are now shipping toys across the country. We did not expect [to do] that so early in our journey, but it is exciting. How have your toy sales online compared to in-store sales? Carson: Online sales continue to be strong, but we’ve been especially surprised by the strength of in-store purchasing at both our store locations. It’s a great sign of the resilience of brick-and-mortar retail and the desire of consumers to get back out and enjoy experiential retail. Newsome: Both are growing, but we choose not to focus on online sales when our stores are so busy! Perl: Online sales are just a small part of our sales. Most people have preferred to shop in the store whenever they can. Vigneault: Online sales are less than 5%, but we expect Q4 to be much stronger. How have your digital and marketing strategies shifted based on the change in consumer shopping habits? Carson: Our strategies continue to shift to more complex, multifunnel customer acquisition. Consumers have more buying options than ever, so we need to continue adapting our approach to meet

Fat Brain Toys’ Dimpl Pops Deluxe

them where they are, and just as importantly, when they’re ready. Newsome: We have been increasing our customer conversations in the past year — using our time with them to learn more about their online shopping habits so we can serve them even if they don’t live in Las Vegas! Perl: I have shifted away from traditional print media for advertising, and into more digital forms. Social media is the best for free marketing — Instagram, in particular. Vigneault: We ran TV commercials on the local channels. We started this in November and our sales grew astronomically. As a result, all the channels did a news story on our opening and then again on Small Business Saturday. We stay active on social media and have been allowed to post on local forums. We also placed banner ads on local news apps and our click-through rate was twice the national average. Games, puzzles, activities, and active toys were the top categories of 2020. Are you seeing this trend continuing this year? Carson: Partially. While puzzles have cooled somewhat for us, games, imaginative play, and early learning toys have been very strong categories for Fat Brain in 2021.

Kershaw: Yes! We have seen a resurgence for classic family play patterns and Quadrilla, our wooden marble run, has been the natural go-to for this trend. We are also seeing learning toys and sustainability as top trends carrying over from 2020. [Interest in] our eco-friendly outdoor line, made from bamboo and plant-based plastics, has increased dramatically. We already see that this will continue to be a growing category for us in the future. Kilpin: We are fortunate that the strength demonstrated in 2020 in PlayMonster’s core categories continues into this year, giving us a good positive indicator that we will continue to see an extended lift. Consumers continue to prioritize play and quality time spent together in the home, and we don’t see that changing overall. That said, the uncharacteristic nature of 2020 requires us to look at both 2019 and 2020 to benchmark accurate forecasts, and the good news is that we’re significantly up. That is partly due to consumer demand and partly the strength of the development and expansion of our portfolio. That favorable position led us to our newly completed acquisition of Ann Williams Group, as well as new and exciting introductions across all our lines, and will continue to drive further growth in the future.

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Newsome: Las Vegas is an entirely different market. Some trends come here early, but they can also move on quickly! Games and puzzles are a classic category at Kappa Toys, but the fidget toy trend is the biggest wave at the moment. Even stressed-out adults are looking for something to hold onto!

skills like counting, sorting, addition, subtraction, and telling time are in demand. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, parents are again focusing on the basics to keep their kids on track and moving forward. Social-emotional learning and sensory toys are other important trends we’re seeing in 2021.

Perl: Games have slowed a bit while puzzles and crafts are still going strong. Outdoor toys are doing even better, especially as the weather is getting nicer. Baby dolls were also an unexpectedly strong trend for 2020 and that is continuing as well.

Zawitz: Most definitely. The demand for our NightBall brand of light-up LED sports balls and games has skyrocketed since the start of the pandemic with families looking for ways to get active and have fun together at home. With so much time on their hands, consumers sought out toys and games that allowed them to create new physical play patterns like shooting hoops or playing catch outside after dark.

Vigneault: Science and arts and crafts have been strong throughout 2021. Games and puzzles sales are steady. We are seeing growth in newborn and preschool toys now that birthdays and baby showers are back. Woldenberg: We’ve continued to see interest in preschool games and activities into 2021. Parents are more involved in their children’s education than ever before and continue to seek out ways to incorporate learning into their children’s lives. Along with this, we see strong interest in our free content downloads which keep kids busy and engaged at home. These materials turn the summer slide into the summer surge! We’re also seeing new trends emerge. Products that help teach math PlayNow!, Westfield, Massachusetts

What categories are performing well for your company? How are you keeping up with retailer orders for your products? Kershaw: Music, food, railway, and learning toys are top-performing categories. Bath and outdoor continue to garner attention, including through our PR and marketing efforts, and we see these categories quickly! Through excellent communication and forecasting, we are bringing in as much inventory as we can to support the growth we are projecting. Of course, with the container shortages, it puts us in a position where we must prioritize what we bring in. However, we plan to stock up on our top performers so we can have

healthy inventory levels of those items throughout the year and into 2022. Woldenberg: The companies have seen strong interest in Pre-K-focused items, particularly in areas of science and math. Brainteasers and hands-on play products teaching STEM concepts like engineering and construction have also been popular for families while at home. Social emotional learning has also been a growing category of interest for us, as parents and teachers look to help kids better understand and express their emotions after a tough year of isolation. Zawitz: The fidget and outdoor categories are performing very well for us this year. We believe in full transparency with our retailers, providing them with as much accurate information and ETAs as possible so they can make the most informed decisions as they plan for the remainder of the year and especially for the holiday season. What are some of your top-performing toys this year? Carson: Our entire Dimpl line has been off the charts, but other baby and toddler toys like InnyBin, SpinAgain, and WhirlySquigz have all been selling exceptionally well in 2021. Kershaw: We have a handful of great items on our Trend Alert Watch List. A few new for 2021 top-performing toys include the DJ Spin & Mix Studio, as it is not only a cool, trendy toy, but it also offers so much play value and is a great introduction to music for little ones: It lights up, offers more than 40 sounds, and kids can change the tempo and scratch the “vinyl” like a real DJ! Be on the lookout for our new Musical Whale Fountain, which we are calling the “Bellagio of Bath Toys.” We love this because it can be used as transitional play from outdoor (kiddie pools) to indoor (bath play). This bath toy lights up, plays melodies, and has a fountain to splash in. Lastly, our Rocket Ball Air Stacker is out of this world! Toddlers ages 2 and up can stack the tubes together in numerical order to build a 3-foot rocket ship. Once the pieces are stacked, toddlers can place the ball into the base and turn on the fan to watch the ball launch to the top. When they place the lid on top of the rocket, the ball will sink down. | AUGUST 2021 | THE TOY BOOK   31

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Newsome: Our favorite kawaii brands have been so popular, including tokidoki, Rilakkuma, and Sanrio — and they’re not just popular with kids. There are so many adults looking for some cute companions right now. Perl: Fidget toys like the Pop It!, Thinking Putty, and Nee-Doh have been a huge trend. Magna-Tiles are still on top, as are Two Bros Bows and Stomp Rocket. Plush and dress-up clothes were both way down in 2020, and are coming back strong in 2021. Vigneault: Fidget toys are huge as we are chasing 10 different vendors now and receive orders weekly. Plush and classics like Barbie and Hot Wheels continue to sell out consistently. Woldenberg: Educational Insights’ GeoSafari Jr. Talking Microscope continues to be a top-seller for us in 2021. The Sneaky Snacky Squirrel Game celebrates its 10th birthday this year and is still a leader for us. Additionally, the original Kanoodle was introduced in 2006, celebrating 15 years of 3D puzzling this year, and remains an all-time kid favorite! On the Learning Resources side, classic best-sellers like our Mathlink Cubes and Time Activity Set continue to be popular as parents seek out engaging ways to support learning outside the classroom. New items like Big Feelings Pineapple and Spike the Fine Motor Musical Whale Fountain by Hape International

Tangle Pets by Tangle Creations

Hedgehog Fidget Friend have been in high demand thanks to the explosion in popularity of toys that help kids express and manage their emotions and build fine motor strength. Mindfulness and social-emotional learning tools have also been popular for hand2mind as the company expands its range of educational toys and activity kits that entertain and educate. Examples like the Mindful Maze Set and Colormix Sensory Tubes led the way this year. The company has also introduced exciting STEM activities like Coding Charms and World of Gemstones Dig Kit.

of interest and demand for Tangle in 2021. The art toy and fidget categories are here to stay; Tangle is both in one! Our NightBall brand of light-up sports balls continues to sell and grow, especially via e-commerce. Tangle Therapy, our FDA-approved, anti-stress medical device, is performing as well as everyday items at major drugstore chains across the country.

Zawitz: Tangle sales have exploded with the fidget toy craze. The driving force behind the popularity of the Tangle brand is its collectibility. Tangles are truly unique art toys and effective learning tools. Our top performer continues to be our gift that keeps on giving: Tangle. The fidget craze, which is back again from 2017, has brought us a fresh wave

Kershaw: Yes, we have a YouTube channel that breaks out our catalog so retailers can watch on their time. We also created the Ding Dong Campaign. This is a live-video campaign in which retailers can virtually meet with me at my at-home showroom to go through the line and address any needs specific to them. Due to the success of the campaign, we held a second Ding Dong Campaign in October that was just as successful as the first we held in June. We plan to continue to host an annual Ding Dong Campaign moving into 2022!

Do you have any virtual showrooms or setups in place to show off new product over videoconferencing? If so, what do they look like?

Woldenberg: We try to stay in constant contact with our specialty retail dealers as well our other business partners. This year, we focused on setting up a virtual showroom through Toy Fair Everywhere to communicate with our dealers and customers. Learning Resources and Educational Insights will also be participating in Sweet Suite @ Home (Editor’s note: Adventure Media & Events, parent company of the Toy Book, hosts Sweet Suite.) virtually for the second year in a row, unveiling two new STEM/coding products for preschoolers and older kids: Coding Critters MagiCoders and Artie Max. Zawitz: We have a beautiful gallery and office space right off the San Francisco 32   THE TOY BOOK | AUGUST 2021 |

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will arrive, so I can keep my shelves full is the most useful.

Educational Insights’ Artie Max Source: Educational Insights

Vigneault: We have been extremely lucky in receiving minimal damaged goods. As far as displaying, I love PDQs. The ability to move product and remerchandise is much easier with them. How do you plan on preparing for the holiday season? Perl: I am ordering as much as I can as early as I can, to try to avoid the shortages and rising prices. I am especially trying to stock up on our perennial best-sellers. Vigneault: We are ordering a supply of our 50 top-selling items, as well as placing orders now with an October-November delivery date. What, if any, special activations or promotions are you offering to consumers?

Bay. Our showroom is set up to host all kinds of virtual meetings for both domestic and international buyers. Our showroom offers the best and brightest toys Tangle has to offer. We are constantly innovating — adding new products, new colorways, and new play patterns for kids and adults of all ages. What precautions have you put in place as people are starting to shop in person again? Carson: We’re still following CDC best practices, but mostly trying to accommodate the wants of individual customers. For instance, while we’re still limiting product demos, we’re happy to open up a toy or game upon request. Perl: We are following the guidelines for local schools — as another place where kids gather indoors — so we are continuing to ask all customers to mask up while they shop. And we have a 10-person limit in the store to keep it from getting too crowded. Although New York state has lifted restrictions for retail, we continue to be cautious and many of our customers appreciate our work to create a safe shopping experience. Vigneault: We are making sure our cleanliness is always as important as during the

restrictions. Vaccination rates are high in our area and some customers still wear masks. We no longer have limits, and this keeps people from waiting in the hot sun this summer unlike when they had to wait outside in the cold in December. What suggestions would you give to manufacturers to make it as easy as possible for you to merchandise their products in your store?

Newsome: Our loyalty program was launched in August 2020 to focus on giving discounts and rewards to our best shoppers. It has been an amazing way to reward our fans. Perl: I have printed out coupons for the store website with a fun little scratch-off to get your coupon. I am handing these out in the store to any customer who mentions they are visiting the area (especially grandparents).

Newsome: Talk to us! We deal directly with the customers, and we can help you avoid expensive mistakes. From product to packaging, we can give you free feedback that can help you succeed. Don’t be upset when we point out problems if you aren’t ready to improve. Perl: Good packaging is always No. 1. Boxes that clearly show the features of the product, and boxes that are stable and stand up well on a shelf (no tippy boxes, please!). Offering free displays with a certain amount of product is always nice. But again, with shortages being such a challenge this year — clear communication about what is in stock and when shipments

PlayMonster’s Koosh Sharp Shot

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Vigneault: We have a loyalty program called PLAYNOW! Perks that allow customers to earn points and redeem them for cash discounts. Some customers bank points for Christmas, while others will make an additional purchase if they know they are close to a reward. We offer a 10% off sale on our anniversary and on days like Small Business Saturday.

Kappa Toys, Las Vegas, Nevada

What are you looking forward to for the rest of the year? Carson: I am looking forward to an extremely dynamic marketplace. Supply chain challenges will be ever present, so companies will need to be extremely agile as they navigate another unique year. Kershaw: I am looking forward to going back to in-person meetings and trade shows. We have done a great job as an industry to pivot and stay connected remotely. It will be exciting to find a balance between the benefits of communicating remotely and in-person meetings. However, we can never fully replace the benefits of face-to-face interactions in which we receive such tremendous feedback from our retailer partners! Kilpin: We have a lot happening and a lot to look forward to here at PlayMonster. Koosh is a big, exciting launch for us that has just hit the market, and the team is delivering tremendous innovation with the Spirograph Animator, bringing a classic favorite to life in a really cool way. As we integrate the acquisition of Ann Williams Group, we’re excited about that and the depth of quality, creative play that it adds to our activities portfolio. We’ve got great new SKUs coming forward with top licenses in our games division with THINGS... Schitt’s Creek Edition and our new 5 Second Rule Disney version; Drone Home continues to be a big winner; and we’re proud to bring forward even more sets and great builds in the Snap Ships line. I would also say that we’re moving into one of the strongest previews this fall that the company has ever presented. New partnerships, new brands, new categories — watch this space. There is much to come and much to look forward to. Newsome: We are looking forward to an amazing holiday season! We know it will be unpredictable, but we are excited to be bringing fun to more customers than ever!

Perl: I am looking forward to a fun summer. I think with the approach of flu season in the fall, things may change again and I don’t know what may happen with school. So for now, I’m not looking beyond summer. Vigneault: I am looking forward to ASTRA and new offerings for the back half of the year. Building up inventory levels to overcome supply disruption is our focus. Woldenberg: Like many people, I’m looking forward to a return to a sense of normalcy in 2021. Our family of companies can’t wait to celebrate the back-toschool season this fall. We are excited to head back to the classroom safely with teachers, families, and children, and to catch up for all that lost learning time at schools across the country. We also have exciting product releases to look forward to this summer and fall. Learning Resources continues to expand its range of coding products for preschoolers. Coding Critters MagiCoders arrives this summer, expanding its screen-free coding line with an imaginative new playset that teaches coding like

magic. Educational Insights will introduce the all-new Artie Max, the next generation of the award-winning Artie 3000 The Coding Robot, this summer. Artie Max is a programmable drawing robot that combines real coding and creativity in hands-on STEAM experiences. Young fans of the smash hit children’s TV series Numberblocks can also look forward to the U.S. launch of Numberblocks MathLink Cubes Activity Sets by hand2mind. hand2mind recently partnered with the hugely popular British TV series — seen on Netflix and YouTube in the U.S. — to introduce these hands-on math toys to extend learning with the show’s characters into playroom at the home. Zawitz: We are looking forward to record sales for the rest of 2021. The second wave of this fidget craze is global, and Tangle — as the original art toy/fidget — is leading the way. Most importantly, we are looking forward to the end of COVID19 and all the disruptions the pandemic has caused humanity on a global scale. America is open again and it feels good. We are looking forward to better days in 2021 and beyond! » | AUGUST 2021 | THE TOY BOOK   35

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SPECIALTY TOY LAUNCHES FLYBAR Pogo Trick Boards | Ages: 6+ | MSRP: $29.99 | Available: Now Kids can bounce and perform tricks with this updated version of the classic Pogo Trick Board. Kids or parents will use the included pump to inflate the Pogo Ball before inserting it into the board. The Trick Boards are available in new color styles this year, including doughnut, pizza, and unicorn, each with a nonslip foot deck with grip tape for added stability for kids or adults up to 160 lbs. Swurfer Coconut My First Toddler Swing | Ages: 6 MOS+ | MSRP: $29.99 | Available: Now Babies and toddlers can swing safely in this ergonomically designed swing that cradles little ones while a three-point safety harness keeps them snug. Parents can hang the swing inside or outside. The swing is available in several colors, including pink, blue, yellow, purple, and white. Waddle Hip Hoppers | Ages: 5+ | MSRP: $29.99 | Available: Now Kids and adults up to 250 lbs can bounce, hop, or lounge with Waddle Hip Hoppers inflatable characters. They are available in bull, dino, or unicorn (in pink or purple) styles, each with a nylon slip cover and an easy-grip handle. Waddle Hip Hoppers can stand on their own and can be used for play or seating.

EPOCH EVERLASTING PLAY Calico Critters Red Roof Grand Mansion Gift Set Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $169.99 | Available: Fall This gift set combines the Calico Critters Red Roof Country Home and Red Roof Cozy Cottage playsets into one larger set. It features six rooms and accessories, including kitchen and dining room furniture, a single bed, a desk, a piano, and a seven-seater van. Kids can configure the mansion in various layouts by opening it 90 degrees, 180 degrees, or keeping it closed. The set also includes the Hopscotch Rabbit Family with figures of Heidi (Mother), Harlin (Father), and Bell Hopscotch Rabbit.

AIRFORT AirFort | Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $59.95 | Available: Now AirFort introduces new styles to its line of play forts, which measure 77 inches wide and 50 inches tall and inflate in less than 30 seconds. Each version features a viewing window and a fan divider to ensure safe play. The UFO AirFort features green ship lights printed around the fort and a steel-base design throughout while the Tiki Hut has a triangular straw-hut roof and rotating tiki head designs. The Farmer’s Barn features a windowed barn hut design and red wood frames.

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KELLYTOY Squishmallows Halloween Assortment | Ages: 0+ MSRP: $6.99-69.99 | Available: Now The Squishmallows squad expands with a new collection of updated seasonal favorites for Halloween. The ultra-soft plush bats, ghosts, vampires, mummies, jack-o-lanterns, witches, and other spooky creatures come in 5-, 8-, 12-, 16-, 20-, and 24-inch sizes. Squishmallows Foodmallows Assortment | Ages: 0+ MSRP: $7.99-79.99 | Available: Now One of the newest Squishmallows squads is inspired by popular food items. New characters, including Carmelita the s’more, Bernardo the burrito, Carl the cheeseburger, and Floyd the french fry, are available in sizes ranging from 5-24 inches. Each ultra-soft plush character includes a hangtag containing its name and backstory.

HAPE Rocket Ball Air Stacker | Ages: 2+ | MSRP: $29.99 Available: Now Toddlers can stack pieces to build a 3-foot rocket, then place the included ball into the base and turn on the fan to launch balls through the tubes. When toddlers place the lid on top of the rocket, the ball will sink down. The stacking tubes are designed with bright colors, numbers, and animal faces. Quadrilla Super Spirals | Ages: 4+ | MSRP: $149.99 Available: Now Kids can build a marble run and watch the marbles roll down the tracks, spin through the colorful spiral twists, and play a tune down the xylophone rail. If a marble falls off the tracks, builders will need to figure out where the break in the track is and retest it until the marble flows from start to finish. This set includes 77 pieces, 50 marbles, and wooden blocks.

ASMODEE USA Mille Bornes | Ages: 7+ | MSRP: $14.99 | Available: Now Mille Bornes is a classic card game of cross-country racing. Kids play speed cards to race around the track, but have to watch out for accidents and hazards laid out by other players. Ticket to Ride: First Journey | Ages: 6+ | MSRP: $34.99 | Available: Now Ticket to Ride: First Journey introduces younger kids to the classic game of cross-country travel. Kids collect train cards, claim routes on the map, and try to connect cities shown on their tickets to achieve victory. The game is over when kids collect six tickets and claim the Golden Ticket as their prize. Rory’s Story Cubes | Ages: 6+ | MSRP: $12.99 | Available: Now Kids explore a world of their own creation and spark their imaginations with Rory’s Story Cubes. By rolling the dice, kids are provided with characters, items, and locations to craft their own unique stories. The game comes in a magnetic box that kids can carry on the go. | AUGUST 2021 | THE TOY BOOK   37

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SPECIALTY TOY LAUNCHES FUN IN MOTION Explorer Series Shashibo Designs Ages: 8+ | MSRP: $25 | Available: Now The Shashibo magnetic cube puzzle toy is available in three new styles: the Earth, moon, and undersea. Users can manipulate the shape-shifting toy into 70 different designs, or expand these puzzles made up of 36 magnets each to discover various images of the sea, the moon, or the Earth.


TANGLE CREATIONS Tangle Jr. Wild | Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $6.00 Available: Now The Tangle Jr. Wild is an assortment of Tangle fidget toys. They are smooth, soothing, and come in various colors. Each Tangle toy is malleable and meant to help anyone who is seeking a satisfying sensory experience.

LEGO Super Mario Luigi Starter Course | Ages: 6+ | MSRP: $59.99 | Available: Now This 280-piece set features a LEGO Luigi figure that gives instant expressive responses on its LCD screen and through a speaker. Players will earn digital coins for helping LEGO Luigi complete spinning seesaw and flying challenges, interacting with Pink Yoshi, and defeating Boom Boom and a Bone Goomba. The brown bricks in the tower biome trigger reactions from LEGO Luigi, and kids can earn extra rewards from the question mark block. LEGO Vidiyo Party Llama Beatbox | Ages: 7+ | MSRP: $19.99 | Available: Now Kids can download the free LEGO Vidiyo app to create music videos. They can scan the music mini-figure to reveal the llama’s stage persona, then scan the BeatBits to unlock special effects, challenges, and more. Users can style the BeatBox with the LEGO pieces, including palm tree, roller skate, or maracas clouds designs, or they can create their own look. When the music videos are complete, creators can share them with others in the kid-safe social feed. Once kids are done playing, they can fold up the BeatBox to store the BeatBits and mini-figure inside.

BITOGENIUS Pixicade | Ages: 6+ | MSRP: $19.99 Available: Now With Pixicade, kids can create their own video games by drawing a picture on any flat, white surface and snapping a picture of it in the Pixicade app. In seconds, the picture turns into a playable video game. Gamers can then play and share video games in the Pixicade Arcade, and improve and change finished games with power ups. Each kit contains two QR codes to create and play 1,600 games on up to two devices; three activity books covering 50 game design concepts, 30 instructional activities, and more than 100 example games; five special markers that represent different actions and avatars; and an avatar sticker sheet.

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SPECIALTY TOY LAUNCHES HUNTER PRODUCTS Call Me Chloe | Ages: 5+ | MSRP: $39.99 | Available: Now This doll comes with her own phone and a second phone for kids, modeled after a smartphone and featuring nine interactive buttons. When kids call Chloe with their phone, she will raise her phone to her ear to answer. Chloe’s lips also move while she speaks. Ballerina Dreamer | Ages: 5+ | MSRP: $29.99 Available: September Press down on this doll’s tiara to see her pirouette, spin on both toes, kick forward and backward, and more. She can also shuffle her feet and perform a pirouette. As she dances, kids can press her stomach to hear music and see her tutu light up. Huddle | Ages: 2+ | MSRP: $199 | Available: September Huddle comes with flat and triangle-shaped pillows for different building possibilities. Kids can create forts, caves, reading stations, and other structures using the soft cushions.

THE LEARNING JOURNEY Lift & Learn Continents & Oceans | Ages: 3-6 | MSRP: $14.99 | Available: Now This 22-piece puzzle is made for little travelers or kids who are learning about geography for the first time. The chunky pieces help kids develop motor and problem-solving skills. The box features printed pictures to help guide younger kids who may struggle. Techno Gears Marble Mania ­­— Extreme Glo | Ages: 6+ | MSRP: $62.99 | Available: Now This construction kit comes with more than 200 pieces for kids to build a race track for marbles. The set includes gears, power lifters, channels, 3-D connectors and structures, LED lights, and more for kids to create a glowing, flashing, and twinkling track that is 2 feet high. All it needs to run is 10 LR44 batteries (included in kit) and two AA batteries (not included). Pull Along Stacking Turtle | Ages: 6 MOS+ | MSRP: $21.99 Available: Now Babies and toddlers can explore sorting and sequencing with this kit featuring five different rings in various shapes, sizes, colors, and textures. Kids can slowly place the rings on top of the empty shell to complete its shell or improve their motor skills by taking the turtle on a walk using the attached, small leash.

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SPECIALTY TOY LAUNCHES FUNKO Pop! Movies: Halloween — 10-inch Michael M (BD) | Ages: 12+ MSRP: $29.99 | Available: Fall Funko is launching a Michael Myers Funko Pop! that was revealed as part of Funkoween: Halfway to Hallow’s Eve event. The figure encourages kids to never forget “the night HE came home” and drops just in time for the release of Halloween Kills in theaters this October. Pop! Vinyl: MOTU — Snake-Man-At-Arms | Ages: 12+ | MSRP: $19.99 | Available: Now Kids can expand their Funko Pop! collection of Eternia’s greatest heroes and villains with this Pop!-stylized figure of Snake Man-At-Arms based on the classic Masters of the Universe toy line. Disney Wreck-It Ralph Vanellope Cosplay Mini Backpack | Ages: 12+ | MSRP: $75 | Available: Now Vanellope von Schweetz is a princess racing to reclaim her throne before she’s erased from her game, Sugar Rush. Kids can embody Vanellope’s quick wit and endless energy with the Loungefly Wreck-It Ralph Vanellope Cosplay Mini Backpack. This backpack can be a cosplay accessory or an everyday bag for kids to carry all their necessities and their sweet treats. Disney Wreck-It Ralph Vanellope Collector Box Spinning Enamel Pin | Ages: 12+ | MSRP: $25.00 | Available: Now Vanellope is back at the wheel and ready to restore her crown with Loungefly’s Disney Wreck-It Ralph Vanellope Pin. Each 3-inch tall enamel pin displays Vanellope seated in her candy car and features rotating wheel details with silver-colored hardware. Vanellope even has a signature Loungefly/Funko crown pattern debossed into the back of her pin that indicates this limited-edition, 1,000-count collection.



Not It! | Ages: 6+ | MSRP: $15.99 Available: Now In Not It!, 3-6 players quickly compete to spot the card that doesn’t match. The race is on when three dice are rolled onto the table. Players then have to find a card in their hand that does not match any attributes revealed on the dice. When a card is found, they can slam it on the table and yell, “not it!” The first player to get rid of all of their cards wins, but there are penalties along the way that add to the challenge.

Hoppy & Poppie PinkCheeks Gift Box | Ages: 0+ | MSRP: $74.99 Available: Now Grasshoppers Hoppy & Poppie PinkCheeks and their Bug Island friends are the focus of a new product range designed to teach early emotional intelligence and how to manage being happy, sad, scared, excited, angry, calm, and more. This Gift Box includes the Not SO Scary board book, the What We Feel board book, Hoppy and Poppie plush toys, emotion wristbands, and The Flying Patoo character blanket.

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SPECIALTY TOY LAUNCHES ULTRA PRO ENTERTAINMENT Costume Party Detective (Playroom) Ages: 8+ | MSRP: $20 | Available: Now In this game, players help the detective find out the true identities of partygoers without revealing the detective’s identity. Players roll the die to move from room to room or to reveal and eliminate another player in the same room. The last player whose character is still standing at the party wins the game. Speedy Doc | Ages: 8+ | MSRP: $25 Available: Now Speedy Doc proposes a topic, and players take turns naming something that matches the topic. After giving their answer, players press Doc’s head to move on to the next player. However, Speedy Doc can be unpredictable and change the rules at any time. Players who cannot come up with an answer or who is supposed to go next when Speedy Doc ends the round gets a zero. The player with the fewest zeros wins the game.

U.S. TOY CO. Whacky Racket | Ages: 5+ | MSRP: $19.99 Available: Now This set includes two oversized rackets and two light-up boingy balls for kids to engage in active play. The rackets feature elastic netting to provide springy action.

The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth | Ages: 8+ MSRP: $15 | Available: Now In this card game, players fight alongside the heroes from J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings to defeat the forces of Sauron in The Battle for Middle-earth. Players create Fellowships using Companion Cards and send them into battle, but they must also be aware of counterattacks from the Enemies of Mordor. The player who defeats the most dangerous enemies and collects the most victory points wins the game.

WATERLINE TOYS Skim to the Pin Ages: 5+ | MSRP: $49.99 | Available: Now This game incorporates Waterline Toys’ SkimBe outdoor toys and “The Pin,” a vinyl, inflatable, pin-shaped target. The SkimBe is a throwable disc that players can slide across water, snow, ice, wet grass, or carpeted and wooden floors. The goal of the game is to hit down the inflatable pin using the SkimBe. This winter, Waterline Toys will also release sky blue and lime green SkimBes.

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SPECIALTY TOY LAUNCHES CEPIA Cats vs. Pickles Mystery Packs | Ages: 4+ | MSRP: $4.99 Available: Fall Every Cats vs. Pickles Mystery Pack reveals a super-soft, bean-filled “squidget” collectible cat or pickle. There are more than 200 Cats vs. Pickles bean characters to collect, including new characters like Ramen Cat and Leaf Pickleson. Cats vs. Pickles Kitty City Condos | Ages: 4+ | MSRP: $12.99-39.99 Available: Fall Each Cats vs. Pickles Kitty City Condo set comes with an exclusive Cats vs. Pickles bean-filled plush and playset where they live. Kids can collect all three sets to connect and construct their own Cats vs. Pickles world, complete with the Taco Hut, Pickle Shack Drive In, and Kitty Cakes Bakery. Cats vs. Pickles Jumbos | Ages: 4+ | MSRP: $14.99 | Available: Now Cats vs. Pickles Jumbos are the same super-soft Cats vs. Pickles plushies, only bigger and weighted with beans. Kids can collect all six fan-favorite, 8.5-inch characters to squish.

TONIES Peppa Pig Figure | Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $14.99 | Available: Now The TonieBox plays audio when kids place their favorite character on top of it. Then, Peppa will tell listeners different stories like “Miss Rabbit’s Day Off,” “George’s Balloon,” and more. Elmo Figure | Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $14.99 | Available: Sept. 16 Elmo’s Tonies character features 15 different songs. His tracklist is a mix of iconic Sesame Street tunes and educational music, such as “The ABCs” and “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.” To hear Elmo, kids must place the small character figure on top of the Toniebox. PAW Patrol: Chase Figure | Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $14.99 | Available: Oct. 28 When placed on the TonieBox, kids can hear the story of their favorite PAW Patrol pups. The Chase figure is wearing a police officer uniform, and a narrator talks about his adventures. The tracklist includes two stories: a rescue mission for a stolen crown and a quest to save a missing dinosaur egg.

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SUPER IMPULSE Wacky Packages Minis Series 2 | Ages: 8+ | MSRP: $5.99-24.99 Available: Now This miniature collectible brand is based on the classic stickers from trading card company Topps. The second series features new toys and stickers shamelessly spoofing beloved household brands. There are 82 new minis and stickers to collect, now with three levels of rarity. The series is available as individual blind boxes and 10-, 15-, 20-, or 25-piece sets. World’s Smallest Micro Figures | Ages: 8+ | MSRP: $5.99 | Available: Now Super Impulse’s micro-figure collection features highly detailed figures from some of the most famous pop culture icons. Measuring up to 1.25 inches tall, each micro-figure includes a mini-collector case for display and storage. Garbage Pail Kids, Hello Kitty, Bob Ross, and Richard Simmons figures are new to the collection. Micro Toy Box | Ages: 8+ | MSRP: $6.99 | Available: Now This line of miniature collectibles features the most iconic toys of all time in a tiny size, including classic brands such as Transformers, Rubik’s, My Little Pony, Monopoly, NERF, Barbie, Hot Wheels, and more. There are 50 mini-collectibles in series one, including rare and scarce finds. Each blind box cup includes five mini-toys; the clear top reveals one toy and four are hidden inside. Once opened, the cup transforms into a clear, reusable toy box for kids to display.

HAND2MIND MathLink Cubes Numberblocks 1-10 Activity Set | Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $24.99 Available: Now Based on the BBC series Numberblocks, this activity set helps toddlers count from 1-10 with colorful, stackable character blocks. The set includes 30 activities, 100 MathLink Cubes Numberblocks, stickers, faceplates, 11 Numberlings, character cards, 15 double-sided activity cards, and an activity guide. Mindful Maze Set | Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $19.99 | Available: Now This set includes three double-sided, 7-by-7-inch boards with indented finger paths cut out into graphic shapes, such as stars and rainbows. Preschoolers follow the path with prompts for inhaling, exhaling, and pausing to guide them through a breathing exercise from start to finish. Guided breathing exercises include rainbow, square, star, and laddered breaths and more. ColorMix Sensory Tubes | Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $28.99 | Available: Now Kids can shake and mix colors with the three ColorMix tubes in this set. Once they’re shaken, the colors in the tube separate back into their original state. The tubes are sealed with square-end caps so that kids can shake the tube both vertically and horizontally. | AUGUST 2021 | THE TOY BOOK   47

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SPECIALTY TOY LAUNCHES HOG WILD Wing Ball | Ages: 8+ | MSRP: $14.99 | Available: Now Wing Ball is a soft, foam, tubular throwing toy that can reach speeds up to 88 mph. The annular wing construction allows air to pass through its tube-shaped body, helping to lift it upward when kids throw it to achieve fast speeds and far distances. Tapes | Ages: 8+ | MSRP: $19.99 | Available: September In this game, players must guess the size of objects in the room using unconventional units of measurement, such as “How tall in gummy bears is that lamp?” or “How wide is the coffee table in chicken eggs?” The player who comes closest to guessing the actual size is the winner. Handy Grabs Nibblerz | Ages: 4+ | MSRP: $19.99 Available: September This new version of Handy Grabs is a classic grabber tool that is designed to look like a human mouth. Kids can try lifting, moving, or pushing items using the mouthshaped grabber.

FABER-CASTELL USA How to Rainbow, Watercolor Pencils | Ages: 6+ MSRP: $8.99 | Available: Now This set includes a 4-by-6-inch, spiral-bound watercolor pad, five watercolor pencils, a fine-tip brush, a pencil sharpener, and illustrated instructions that introduce little artists to basic watercolor techniques. Color By Number Puzzle | Ages: 6+ | MSRP: $15 Available: Now The Color By Number Puzzle line will expand with two new themes: camping and jungle animals. Kids can use the included washable markers to color in the puzzles, revealing hidden glow-inthe-dark shapes. The puzzles’ illustrations are part of a partnership collaboration with book illustrator and surface pattern designer Allison Cole.

STEIFF Soft Cuddly Friends Disney Tigger, Dumbo, and Baloo Ages: 0+ | MSRP: $35.95 each | Available: Now Steiff expands its Soft Cuddly Friends line with a selection of Disney characters. Each plush character is 12 inches tall and features bean bags in their arms. Tigger, Dumbo, and Baloo are all made with soft plush and feature character-specific design details.

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SPECIALTY TOY LAUNCHES LEARNING RESOURCES Coding Critters MagiCoders | Ages: 4+ MSRP: $49.99 | Available: Now Coding Critters MagiCoders Skye the Unicorn and Blazer the Dragon join the series of Coding Critters interactive pets that teach STEM skills through screen-free storybook coding adventures. The playset and spell book encourage imaginative play with an array of activities for kids to decode. With no phone, tablet, or computer needed, kids code “spells” to make MagiCoders move with two modes of play. Beaker Creatures Skull Mountain Volcano | Ages: 5+ | MSRP: $19.99 Available: Fall The Beaker Creatures Skull Mountain Volcano introduces kids to science and chemistry concepts with a working lab set. Kids can explore bubbling reactions by placing the Reactor Pod in the mountain’s top, pouring in water, and then watching the island’s fizzing fun. Skull Mountain includes an experiment guide filled with real-world science experiments and an exclusive, color-changing Beaker Creature. It is compatible with all Beaker Creatures Reactor Pods and lab sets. Noodle Knockout Fine Motor Game | Ages: 4+ | MSRP: $19.99 | Available: Fall Noodle Knockout is a game in which kids can build three skills in one: fine motor, counting, and sorting. Players will grab the chopstick-style tongs, spin the spinner, and test their fine-motor skills as they sort stretchy noodles and colorful veggies to match the cards. This game encourages independent play, but also includes a guide with multiple gameplay options for two or more players. The zero-waste box serves as both a gameboard and easy storage.

WREBBIT 3D Titanic Wrebbit 3D Jigsaw Puzzle | Ages: 14+ | MSRP: $24.95 | Available: Now History lovers can recreate the Titanic in puzzle form. Once completed, the 3D puzzle is a small model of the famous, sunken passenger liner that is able to stand on its own. The entire puzzle is 440 pieces. Notre Dame de Paris Wrebbit 3D Jigsaw Puzzle | Ages: 14+ | MSRP: $39.95 Available: Now Wrebbit 3D has created a special puzzle to commemorate the Notre Dame Cathedral that caught on fire in 2019. Puzzlers can recreate the world-renowned monument as a puzzle that is able to stand upright once completed. The finished replica is made up of 830 pieces. Harry Potter Hogwarts Clock Tower Wrebbit 3D Jigsaw Puzzle Ages: 14+ | MSRP: $34.96 | Available: Now The Wrebbit 3D Hogwarts puzzle expands with the new Clock Tower addition. When combined with the Hogwarts Great Hall and Astronomy puzzles, these three sets recreate a 2,145-piece, realistic, completed Hogwarts Castle model.

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MADAME ALEXANDER DOLL CO. Adoption Day Baby | Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $39.95 Available: September This soft, fabric doll features eyes that close to sleep. Kids can choose from three skin tones and three gender options — boy, girl, or gender neutral. Adoption Day Baby includes a rocking cradle that converts to a changing table, an adoption certificate, a hospital wristband, and more. Soft Gray Umbrella Stroller and On The Go Essentials | Ages: 2+ | MSRP: $19.95 Available: September The Soft Gray Umbrella Stroller and Soft Gray On The Go Essentials engage kids’ imagination through doll play both at home and on the go. The Soft Gray Umbrella Stroller is a classic stroller that features a removable, washable gray fabric seat and folds for storage. The Soft Gray On the Go Essentials (pictured) includes everything kids need to feed and change their baby doll, packed away into a soft, gray diaper bag. Peekaboos | Ages: 0+ MSRP: $24.95 | Available: Now Peekaboos are soft baby dolls that feature a plush outfit with a peek-a-boo hood of either a llama, unicat, or sloth. These 12-inch dolls come in three skin tones and help kids develop motor skills.

CYBELE’S GAMES Candy Collections! | Ages: 5+| MSRP: $24.99 Available: Now In Candy Collections!, 2-6 players roll the dice and face off in a race to move their tokens around the board enough times to collect 20 or more points by adding up the numbers on the Candy cards they accumulate in their hands. Depending on where a player lands, cards can be collected, traded, stolen, or placed in the candy jar until someone wins them. In the hunt for Mystery cards and Super cards, players want to avoid the green Veggie card, which will make them lose points.

MINDWARE Gingerbread Friends Scratch and Sniff Puzzle | Ages: 5+ MSRP: $14.95 | Available: Now This 84-piece puzzle features seven scratch-andsniff, scented pieces with holiday-themed aromas, such as gingerbread, peppermint, and frosted cookie. When completed, this puzzle will make up a winter wonderland filled with candy cane and snowmen that can be reused every year. Snowman Floor Puzzle | Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $13.95 Available: Now This puzzle brings outdoor fun into kids’ homes. Instead of bundling up and heading into the freezing weather, kids can build a 3-foot-tall snowman on the floor. This kit comes with foil accents such as holly and animal friends.

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SPECIALTY TOY LAUNCHES FLYCATCHER smART STIX Engineer Kit | Ages: 8+ | MSRP: $29.99 Available: Now Kids can engineer projects using bendable, aluminum rods and smART connectors. After they choose a blueprint from the free smART STIX app, they use the included smART Workbench to measure and cut the exact size and number of aluminum rods that they need. They can then bend them into shapes and connect them to build the design. Kids can build three different creations right out of the box, and additional rods and connectors are sold separately. smART sketcher 2.0 | Ages: 5+ | MSRP: $59.99 | Available: Now The smART sketcher 2.0 is a version of the original smART sketcher projector that features improved hardware, new content, more durable content cartridges, a sturdier base, and built-in cartridge storage. Kids can engage in more than 60 age- and grade-appropriate activities right out of the box. Kids take a photo, project it onto the paper using the projector, and then can trace the outline. Additional content cartridges — including spelling activities, cursive writing, language lessons, and themed drawings — and artists’ tools are sold separately.

HEXBUG Wasp | Ages: 8+ | MSRP: $19.99 | Available: Fall HEXBUG will expand its line of robotic creatures with the Wasp, which features a translucent body to make its interior mechanics visible. Kids can control the bug-shaped bot with the included infrared remote control to make it move across any hard surface with a realistic crawling motion. ShiftShot | Ages: 18+ | MSRP: $29.99 | Available: Fall In this motorized, reverse tug-of-war, ping pong cup game, players try to out-shoot their opponents. Every successful shot moves the robot closer to the opponent’s goal line. The first player to reach their opponent’s shot line — or the one who is closest after 2 minutes — wins. The game features multiple modes, lights, sounds, and more.

HEY BUDDY HEY PAL The Gift Box Ornament Decorator | Ages: 4+ MSRP: $29.99 | Available: Fall Place one of the three included ornaments on this gift-box-shaped decorator that will hold and spin the ornament. Kids can use the eight included markers to decorate the ornaments with stripes, lines, and other designs, then hang them on a Christmas tree. The decorator features a storage drawer, and there are refill kits sold separately.

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SPECIALTY TOY LAUNCHES ISCREAM Care Bears Accessories Collection | Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $4-130 Available: Fall This licensed collection includes sleeping bags, plush onesies, apparel, tablet pillows, bags, stationery, and more. Each product features Care Bear characters either individually or in a repeating pattern style, as seen on the tablet pillow and lounge pillow (pictured). Interactive Plush Collection | Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $38 each | Available: Now This food-inspired collection features plush snacks with interactive elements, such as removable pieces and scents. Styles include Lunch Break (pictured), Go Fish, Trevor Toaster, Waffle Time, Graham the S’more, Cookie Time, and more. Each plush food features an embroidered face. Furry Wireless Headphones | Ages: 12+ | MSRP: $38 | Available: Fall These furry headphones come in a variety of tie-dye colors and are compatible with most Bluetooth devices. The headphones have a one-hour charge time and a 2-3-hour playing time, and a charging cable is included.

VIBUGO Stack The Scoops | Ages: 5+ | MSRP: $25 Available: Now In this ice-cream-themed card game, players collect points by matching sets of base cards, ice cream scoop cards, and topping cards. The player with the most points at the end wins. The game comes in a portable storage box and helps teach math skills through color-matching, addition, and simple multiplication.

YWOW BRANDS Supersized Heinz Puzzles | Ages: 6+ | MSRP: $12.99 | Available: Now These 1,000-piece jigsaw puzzles include a collection of images featuring or inspired by Heinz ketchup. When completed, the puzzles measure 20 by 27 inches. Mini Puzzles Pringles Series 2 | Ages: 6+ | MSRP: $3.99 | Available: 2022 These 50-piece puzzles come in packaging inspired by Pringles tubes. There are five styles to collect, each featuring a different Pringles flavor. Zen Garden | Ages: 6+ | MSRP: $4.99 | Available: Now Each of these 100-piece puzzles is scented for a relaxing puzzle experience. There are five styles to choose from, each with a different nature scene and scent.

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BLUE MARBLE National Geographic Explorer Series Rock Tumbler | Ages: 8+ MSRP: $49.99-59.99 | Available: Now Kids can use this kit to change rocks into gemstones, start a rock collection, and create jewelry. The kit includes half a pound of rocks and features a leak-proof tumbling barrel and a four-stage grit polishing system. There are five jewelry settings to choose from. National Geographic Crystal Garden | Ages: 8+ MSRP: $9.99-12.99 | Available: Now With this set, kids can color trees and sprinkle a solution on them to make crystals form on the trees. The kit features a cherry tree and an evergreen tree, five washable markers, two tree bases, a crystal growing solution, and a geode specimen. The only additional item kids need to start the growing process is water. Once the crystals fall off, kids can reuse the tree bases. National Geographic Dino Egg Dig Kit | Ages: 8+ MSRP: $9.99-12.99 Available: Now This Dino Egg Dig Kit includes two dinosaur egg dig bricks for kids to excavate using the included dig tool, a magnifying glass, and a brush to find the dinosaur action figures inside. The kit also includes a dinosaur learning guide.

FAT BRAIN TOYS GibGab | Ages: 8+ | MSRP: $24.95 Available: Now In this speedy, category-matching game, players compete against each other on a light-up gameboard. Players must say a word that matches the category on their card and press the button on their side. When pressed, a light on the board will move toward the other player’s side. Whoever’s light reaches the other end of the board first is the winner. Players can set the lights to move either two seconds per light, one and a half seconds per light, or one second per light. Dimpl Pops | Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $14.95 | Available: Now This rectangular frame features 18 Dimpl bubbles in two different sizes. Toddlers can push these rainbow-colored, silicone bubbles in and out for a satisyfing popping experience. Dimpl Pops Deluxe | Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $24.95 Available: Now This square-shaped frame features 26 Dimpl bubbles in three different sizes. Toddlers can push these rainbow-colored, silicone bubbles in and out for a range of popping sounds. | AUGUST 2021 | THE TOY BOOK   57

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SPECIALTY TOY LAUNCHES WAMAN BOOKS PUBLISHING Rambee Boo’s Lake Vacation! | Ages: 2-7 | MSRP: $9.99 Available: Now This book tells the story of Rambee Boo’s weekend adventure to the lake with his crew. Kids will read about Rambee losing Sock and follow his journey to get it back before time runs out. Rambee . . . BOO! Halloween | Ages: 2-7 | MSRP: $9.99 | Available: Now This book follows the spooky adventures of Rambee Boo during Halloween. When he realizes he doesn’t have a costume, his friends Rock and Sock rush to help him get an outfit ready for the big night. Rambee Boo & The Christmas Sock! | Ages: 2-7 | MSRP: $9.99 | Available: September When decorating the house for Christmas, Rambee Boo loses his favorite sock. Kids will join the dog and his family for their holiday festivities as he searches for his friend.

EDUCATIONAL INSIGHTS Design & Drill Bolt Buddies First Responders | Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $21.99-39.99 | Available: Now Educational Insights debuts Design & Drill Bolt Buddies playsets inspired by first responders. Preschoolers can learn the basics of construction and engineering while building essential fine motor skills. Kids can use the kid-friendly power drill to snap the pieces together, then race into endless pretend-play fun with a firetruck, police motorcycle, or rescue helicopter. The packaging transforms into a reusable playset, featuring color-in graphics that sparks kids’ creativity and teaching kids the importance of sustainability and new ways to play each time the box folds over. Mixaroo | Ages: 2+ | $24.99 | Available: Now Developed by teachers and backed by pediatric experts, Mixaroo’s design encourages kids to be expressive through imaginative play, mixing and matching the 11 easy-stick pieces to make their Mixaroo unique again and again. Parents can use the activity guide with included story starters to encourage little ones’ vocabulary and fine motor skills. PaperCraft Fashion Parade | Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $9.99 | Available: Now This kit is a new twist on the old-school paper dolls trend. Kids can color in their own paper dolls and design fashions for them to wear. These large, easy-to-color dolls and outfit stickers are repositionable for frustration-free design and display on walls, windows, and more. The kit includes 24 paper dolls and 160 outfits and accessories contained in a travel-ready book with 24 pages of more than 200 color-in stickers.

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SPECIALTY TOY LAUNCHES TOYSMITH Hi There | Ages: 12+ | MSRP: $7-11 | Available: Now Hi There is a new collection of gifts that are color-coded into distinct physical and emotional experiences, such as laughing, playing, or relaxing. When kids are choosing which gift to give, they can search by color or emotion to find the perfect present. STEAM Powered Kids Earth Science Kit | Ages: 10+ | MSRP: $29.99 Available: September Toysmith will introduce the Deluxe Earth Science Kit, the newest addition to the STEAM Powered Kids series by 4M. Explore the world of Earth science with this comprehensive kit that includes popular projects, such as volcano making, crystal mining, and crystal science. This set encourages at-home learning and includes fun facts related to each activity. 4M Little Crafts | Ages: 8+ | MSRP: $7.99 | Available: Now 4M Little Crafts by Toysmith is an assortment of six accessible, hands-on, creative, and artistic activities that come in compact, all-in-one kits. Creative young crafters can get their hands dirty with projects like painting, knitting, and origami projects.

QUBS TOYS Cody Block | Ages: 3-8 | MSRP: $199 | Available: Now The Cody Block is a screen-free, wooden toy for kids who can start learning about programming without any digital technology needed. Kids are challenged to make a track for Cody to lead him back to his house by using the included building blocks. Each block gives a different directional command such as turn left, U-turn, reverse, and more. When placed in various situations, this creates many ways Cody can safely arrive. Cody will always listen to the instructions and changes direction every time it comes nears a block. This kit includes building blocks, a magnetic-driven car, and a storybook filled with different tips and tricks for building the wooden city.

BARRY & JASON GAMES AND ENTERTAINMENT Game Night in a Can 5th Anniversary Edition Ages: 7+ | MSRP: $21.99 | Available: Fall This anniversary edition of Barry & Jason’s breakout game includes new mini-games; an updated design; gold, silver, and bronze medals; and more. Three to 30 players will complete challenges in this party game, including competitively flying airplanes, performing ghost stories about the room they’re in, creating the World’s Worst Book Cover, and more. There are 35 mini-games to play in total.

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SPECIALTY TOY LAUNCHES GOLDEN MONKEY GAMES Unicorns Friend or Foe | Ages: 13+ | MSRP: $24.95 | Available: Now In Unicorns Friend or Foe, 2-4 players face off to collect sets of cards that help to accomplish a task. The game is available in two editions — Friend or Foe — aiming to capturing two audiences: those who despise unicorns and those who adore them. Players can arm fierce characters with weapons to hunt unicorns, or they may deliver gifts to the mythical creatures to prove their admiration.

NEVER WRONG TOYS Laser Pegs MicroSparks Collection | Ages: 8+ | MSRP: $5.99 each Available: Now

TWW WHOLESALE Wobbel Deck and Pillow for the Original Wobbel Board (Wobbel) | Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $42-89 | Available: Now These soft accessories for the Original Wobbel balance board convert the board into a spot where kids can read, relax, or nap. The deck and pillow are sold separately, and both feature a velvety fabric and a foam core. Lubu Town Maxi Building Set (Lubulona) | Ages: 3+ MSRP: $67 | Available: Now

This collectible series of light-up mini-builds come in blind bags, each containing a surprise model, such as a vehicle or an animal, for kids to create. Each MicroSparks collection bag has a varying number of brick pieces and LED lights. Batteries are included with each set. Laser Pegs Multi-Models Collection | Ages: 8+ | MSRP: $29.99 each Available: Fall Each light-up, multimodel set contains 300-500 pieces, along with glowing colored bricks. Sets include the Laser Pegs Multi-Models 4-in-1 Red Racer Set, the Laser Pegs Multi-Models 5-in-1 Mech Attack Set, and the Laser Pegs Multi-Models 5-in-1 Tiger Set.

Designed in four seasonal-themed color tones, each of these Maxi Building Sets comes with four stackable houses with ladders, two wooden toy cars, wooden figures, and two roofs. Kids can combine the elements to create and customize their own buildings and cities. Abel Wooden Blocks Starter Set (Abel) | Ages: 3+ MSRP: $69 | Available: Now The wooden Abel blocks are now available in a smaller, 12-piece starter set. Younger kids can use the blocks to build towers, create balance games, and more. The set is compatible with other Abel block sets and comes in a wooden storage box.

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SPECIALTY TOY LAUNCHES WINNING MOVES GAMES Words Over Easy | Ages: 8+ | MSRP: $14.95 Available: Now In this word game, players must pop the letter eggs into the egg sorter to see which letters they can use to spell words. The letter eggs that fall into the green side are good, while the letter eggs that land in the red side are rotten. Players must come up with words using all of the face-up letters from the good eggs and none of the letters from the rotten eggs. The set includes a plastic egg sorter with red and green trays, six plastic letter eggs, a deck of 27 category cards, and a minute sand timer. Trashed | Ages: 8+ | MSRP: $6.95 Available: Now Trashed was inspired by the card game Garbage. Players must get their cards lined up in the right order, from 1-10, while trying to avoid the terrible trashed card. Wild cards allow for big turns, while stop cards will stop players in their tracks. The game includes a custom deck of 56 cards and a plastic trash can card holder.

BOOGIE BOARD Sketch Pals Bugs | Ages: 5+ | MSRP: $19.99 Available: Now Boogie Board’s Sketch Pals line features collectible characters that kids can clip to a bag for doodling on the go. The newest addition to this line are bugs, including Juno the Beetle, Dart the Bee, and Ivy the Ladybug. Each character features an attached stylus and a button on its nose that clears the screen of doodles. Jot Kids Lil’ Pros Collection | Ages: 5+ | MSRP: $29.99 Available: Fall This collection of reusable writing tablets is meant to inspire kids to reach their future goals, with designs inspired by different careers. Kids can write, draw, or doodle on the tablets, then push a button to clear it. The tablets feature a hard-shell cover and an attached stylus. Scribble ‘n Play with New Carrying Case | Ages: 3+ MSRP: $34.99 | Available: Now This reusable art board comes with four texture-drawing tools that feature 16 textured tips and edges for drawing colorful designs. When kids are done creating, they can erase the board by pushing a button. The five-piece kit also comes with a storage case.

The Mermaid’s Jewels: String Together a Treasure from the Sea | Ages: 5+ MSRP: $16.95 | Available: Now In this game, players roll the die and collect pearls from the pearl-sorting treasure chest in order to string them together to make a necklace. The game includes a plastic treasure chest, four necklace strings with safety clasps, a custom die, and 200 plastic beads in different colors.

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SPECIALTY TOY LAUNCHES MAGFORMERS Carnival Plus 48pc Set | Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $79.99 | Available: Now This set is an upgrade to the Magformers Carnival set. The new addition has improved fairground ride accessories and new figures with swappable helmet toppers. The Carnival Plus set features a sturdy crosshatch base that kids can attach to the included figures, hexagon clip-on panels that spin vertically and horizontally, as well as separate clip-on ride leg supports that kids can add to make fairground rides fun and easy. Cube House Frog Set | Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $24.99 | Available: Now This 20-piece magnetic set introduces kids to magnetic construction. Kids can construct the set to make a variety of different mini-houses using the included magnetic pieces. It comes with a chair, a picture frame, and slides for kids to decorate. The Cube House Frog Set also features a figurine of a kid in a frog onesie whose hat can be swapped for a seal version. Cube House Penguin Set | Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $24.99 | Available: Now Kids can construct this 20-piece set to make a variety of different mini-houses. This role-play set comes with a tricycle and table to decorate the house, and includes a figurine of a kid in a penguin onesie whose hat that can be swapped for a bear version.

ADVENTERRA GAMES Eating in Season | Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $14.99 | Available: September Kids will learn about healthy eating in this new concentration game that explores why healthy food is good for people and the planet. Players match pairs of fruits or veggies that contain information about which season is best for eating each food. The game is sustainably made and contains 32 cards and a guide for kids and parents. My Eco House | Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $16.99 | Available: September Kids can explore sustainable living with this puzzle set that teaches which actions are not good for the environment. The set includes four puzzles — each with three large pieces — along with 12 geometric inserts that kids can mix and match to discover ways to go green at home. My Eco School | Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $16.99 | Available: September This puzzle set teaches kids how to go green at school. After building all four levels of the school with three large pieces, kids can mix and match the 12 included geometric inserts to explore actions and habits at school that can be done in an eco-friendly way.

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SPECIALTY TOY LAUNCHES PLAYTIME FUN 20-inch Love & Learn Doll Assortment | Ages: 2+ | MSRP: $19.99 | Available: Now This assortment of dress-up rag dolls include colorful outfits designed with closures to help toddlers dress them with buttons, ties, zippers, snaps, and fastens. 24-inch Love & Hug Rag Doll with 12-inch Sister Doll | Ages: 2+ | MSRP: $19.99 Available: Now This set includes a 24-inch plush doll and a smaller, 12-inch sister doll. Toddlers can snuggle them or role-play with them. 36-inch Love & Hug Ballerina Rag Doll | Ages: 2+ | MSRP: $29.99 | Available: Now This soft, plush ballerina rag doll features a pink tulle skirt and matching satin wrap ballet slippers. Toddlers can slide their foot into the strap under the doll’s feet to make her dance.

COG TOY CO. Octacog Balance Toy and Game | Ages: 7+ MSRP: $39.99 | Available: Now

This STEM construction toy and game teaches kids about the physics of balance. Kids insert balance rods into the angled holes of the Octacog core, then weights are added to balance the rods at various locations to create different designs. As a game, players can start with a balanced setup from a design inspiration card, then take turns strategically adding or moving a piece one notch closer to the Octacog core. If the Octacog stays balanced, the next player goes, but if it falls, it’s game over.

BUNNY HOPKINS Wobble Board | Ages: 1+ | MSRP: $59-159 Available: Now The Bunny Hopkins Wobble board is a teetering, wooden balance board that kids can use during imaginative play. The board comes in regular and starter sizes, with the smaller being more of a fit for toddlers, and each version comes in six different colors. The newest release is the rainbow board and diversity board, celebrating both pride and inclusivity.

Octacog Expansion Pack | Ages: 7+ MSRP: $14.99 | Available: Now This expansion pack allows for more balanced design potential. It includes added core connection rods, balance rods of different sizes, and another Octacog core.

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SPECIALTY TOY LAUNCHES GOOD BANANA Fill ’n Chill Cheeseburger Toy Storage Bag | Ages: 3+ MSRP: $29.99 | Available: Now Measuring 21 inches in diameter, this Cheeseburger Fill ’n Chill is a two-in-one storage bag. Kids can fill the bag with their toys and plushes, and once full, it becomes a cushy chair. The bag comes with a built-in handle for easy mobility and a cartoon-like cheeseburger design. Kid’s Rainbow Yoga Mat | Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $34.99 Available: Now This 65-by-35-inch yoga mat is lightweight and durable for kids to practice stretches, mindfulness activities, and more. The mat is shaped like a rainbow in a die-cut design with a smiling cloud. Kid’s Frosted Donut Weighted Blanket | Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $59.99 | Available: Now The Frosted Donut Weighted Blanket weighs 5 pounds and measures 57 inches in diameter. The doughtnut-shaped blanket’s weight comes from nontoxic microbeads that conform to the wearer’s body. The blanket also features grid stitching to prevent the filling from bunching over time, and to evenly distribute the blanket’s weight. Coral fleece adds fluff and softness.

CREATIVITY FOR KIDS Magical Swirl Kaleidoscope | Ages: 6+ | MSRP: $15.99 | Available: Now Kids can learn about light refraction and optics while constructing a Kaleidoscope. The kit features two interchangeable swirl tubes that kids can fill with glycerin swirl gel, then add in a variety of colorful confetti accents. It also includes glow-in-the-dark stickers for decoration. Big Gem Diamond Painting Light | Ages: 6+ | MSRP: $21.99 | Available: Now

Kids can create light-up diamond painting masterpieces with this gluefree set. They peel off the clear cover to reveal the design’s adhesive, then place the colorful, transparent gems into place. With the two included shadow disks, they can cast radiating light patterns onto the ceiling. Quick Knit Headband with Lion Brand Yarn | Ages: 9+ | MSRP: $21.99 Available: Now This kit includes everything kids need to create more than five fashionable headbands, including colorful yarn, a knitting hook, a needle, a loom, and accessories. Kids can quick-knit their own headbands and ear warmers, then finish them off with fashion accents, such as a handmade tag, pompoms, buttons, and bows.

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FUNKO GAMES Dr. Seuss Stack with the Cat Game | Ages: 4+ | MSRP: $19.99 | Available: Now Players take turns drawing a card and choosing a plaything to stack on the Cat in the Hat. The Cat is standing on a wobbly base, which means kids have to be careful where they place the objects to keep him balanced. Kids can play this game competitively or cooperatively with 2-4 players. Disney You Can Fly! Game | Ages: 4+ | MSRP: $16.99 Available: Now Players create a course to play inside or outside using the included cloud markers and choose to play as one of four Disney character flyers — Dumbo, Buzz Lightyear, Pegasus, or Tinker Bell. Players take turns trying to land their flyers as close to the markers as possible to earn points. The included challenge tiles instruct players to throw with their eyes closed, throw between their legs, and more. Disney Princess See the Story Game | Ages: 4+ | MSRP: $19.99 | Available: Now Turn the spinning wishing well bucket on this game to reveal picture coins featuring 60 animals, sidekicks, and objects from the Disney Princess movies. Players race to toss their tokens into the well and point out two pictures from the same Disney Princess story. If they are correct, players collect a coin for their Disney Princess board. Collect four coins in a row to win the game. | AUGUST 2021 | THE TOY BOOK   71

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SPECIALTY TOY LAUNCHES TREND ENTERTAINMENT Gone Fish’n | Ages: 6+ | MSRP: $9.99 | Available: Now In this card game, kids must collect the most fish points to win by flipping one of the 63 hexagon-shaped cards and finding prize fish worth a lot of points. Each game offers a different way to play. Jungle Pals | Ages: 4+ | MSRP: $9.99 | Available: Now The cards in this game feature double-sided decks for two ways to play. The blue side of the deck is a monkey in the middle game in which players search for three of the same card and a monkey card to win. The white side of the deck is for animal match in which players try to connect cards with those in the center, and match all of the cards to win. These word-free cards are ideal for young kids and nonreaders. The 63 cards are three-sided and fit together to make new patterns every game. Pizza Time | Ages: 4+ | MSRP: $9.99 | Available: Now This 63-card game offers four menu options at varying levels of difficulty. Each triangle slice card is a piece of the pie that players must gather and arrange into a pizza. Finished pizzas must match the menu and have tasty topping cards, while those with yuck topping cards lose. Players who finish the most pizzas win the game.

ELENCO Dizzy, 6-in-1 Gyroscope | Ages: 8+ | MSRP: $29.99 | Available: Fall Kids can build Dizzy and transform it into six different builds: stilts, a rover, a swinging robot, a tower spinner, a scooter, and a roller coaster rider. When kids pull the ripcord, Dizzy will move. Kids will learn STEM concepts and the basics of gyroscopes, balance, and more as they build and rebuild Dizzy. Smartivity: Pinball Machine | Ages: 8+ | MSRP: $49.99 | Available: Fall This kit contains all the parts needed for kids to build a functional pinball machine while learning about levers, momentum, and energy transfer. The building process is mess-free, using rubber bands instead of glue. All Smartivity products are sustainable, recyclable, and use re-engineered, laser-cut wood. Snap Circuits: Discover Coding | Ages: 8+ | MSRP: $84.99 | Available: Now Kids can learn the basics of graphical coding by building projects and controlling them using a smartphone or tablet via the Snap Circuits Coding app. Advanced coders can move up to BLOCKLY coding to program their own patterns of lights, sounds, and moving parts.

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THAMES & KOSMOS Incredible Inflatable Aero Dancer | Ages: 8+ | MSRP: $19.95 | Available: Now This motorized device uses a blower motor and a fabric tube to move around in the air. Kids can assemble the model and learn about its inner mechanisms, including its fan, electric circuit, batteries, motors, and switches. Kids will also be able to conduct four additional experiments that demonstrate principles in aerodynamics, such as making a ball float on a stream of air or launching balls into the air with an air cannon. An eight-panel, full-color manual guide helps kids build the model with step-by-step, illustrated instructions. Roller Coaster Engineering | Ages: 6+ | MSRP: $49.95 | Available: Now Kids can learn about the physics of force, motion, and energy by building and experimenting with roller coaster models. This product’s modular building system helps kids assemble different models and conduct new physics experiments. Kids can piece together frame structures and attach the flexible tracks to create various roller-coaster designs. Creatto Collection | Ages: 8+ | MSRP: $9.95-29.95 | Available: Now Thames & Kosmos expands its Creatto series of light-up, 3D puzzle kits, which contain flexible pieces that kids can use to create various 3D builds, then illuminate the builds using the included LED lights. New kits include Northern Lights Polar Bear & Winter Pals, Luminous Lion & Serengeti Sidekicks (pictured), Glowing Panda & Monochrome Crew, Shining Sweetheart & Lovable Stuff, and Soaring Dragon & Flying Friends. | AUGUST 2021 | THE TOY BOOK   73

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SPECIALTY TOY LAUNCHES SCHLEICH Sunny Day Mobile Market | Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $34.99 | Available: Now Kids can role-play at a farm stand with this new addition to the Schleich Farm World collection. The set includes figures of farmer Laura, her son Ben, a horse, food items, and other accessories. Volcano Expedition Base Camp | Ages: 4+ | MSRP: $129.99 Available: Sept. 1 This set from the Schleich Dinosaurs World collection includes a Researcher Yuki figure, dinosaur figures, and a volcano. Kids can press a button to activate dinosaur sounds, glowing lava, smoke, and eruption functions with vibration effects.

TWINKLE TOY Blopens Glitter Super Activity Workshop (John Adams) | Ages: 6+ | MSRP: $29.99 Available: Now Blopens are markers that kids can blow into and see their design appear on paper. With the Glitter Super Activity Workshop, kids can decorate their creations using a special glitter stencil that reveals a sparkling effect when removed.

ART’S IDEAS Jenga Ocean | Ages: 6+ | MSRP: $49.95 | Available: Now Jenga Ocean is an eco-friendly version of Jenga that is made entirely from recycled fishing nets and features threatened marine animal designs on each block. The game includes special “Save the Sea Animals” rules that teaches kids about the dangerous impact of discarded fishing nets.

Pixelo Metallic (John Adams) | Ages: 6+ MSRP: $24.99 | Available: Now

Pixelo is an electronic pen that kids can use to color vibrant designs of fairies, castles, mermaids, and unicorns that are printed on special black paper. Kids insert one of the included metallic effect markers and use the pen to create rapid dotted effects in color. The effect reveals the drawing little by little with the pixel dot effect.

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PAPER HOUSE PRODUCTIONS Wonder Woman 1,000-Piece Puzzle | Ages: 10+ | MSRP: $22 Available: Now This 1,000-piece puzzle features Wonder Woman through the ages, showcasing Diana’s evolution through the Golden, Silver, Bronze, and Modern comic book eras with comic book covers, logos, and costumes from each period. When completed, the puzzle measures 29.5 by 20 inches. Harry Potter Kids Planner Set | Ages: 6+ | MSRP: $20 Available: Now This combination planner and memory book comes with three sticker sheets, sticky notes, a roll of washi tape, and more, all decorated with characters and imagery from the Wizarding World franchise. The 12-month, undated planner features weekly and monthly spreads and encourages journaling with various prompts. Dinosaur Fun! Go Fish Card Game (Playhouse) | Ages: 4+ | MSRP: $10 | Available: Now In this dinosaur-themed version of the classic card game, players collect matching pairs of 13 different dinosaurs. The cards feature the names and phonetic pronunciation of each dinosaur, along with an illustration. The game also comes with four dinosaur-footprint cardholders and a volcano gameboard. | AUGUST 2021 | THE TOY BOOK   75

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SPECIALTY TOY LAUNCHES BREYER Breyer Mane Beauty Stardust Styling Head Ages: 4+ | MSRP: $24.99 Available: Now Breyer’s newest Mane Beauty styling head is a pink horse with soft, blonde hair that kids can braid and brush. It also comes with more than 50 hair accessories, including a comb, barrettes, ribbons, hair extensions, and more. Kids can complete the horse’s fairytale-inspired look with reusable gems. 2021 Freedom Series Horse of the Year | Ages: 4+ | MSRP: $24.99 | Available: Now Hope the Horse is Breyer’s 2021 Freedom Series Horse of the Year. Her black coat is decorated with rainbow colors that make up the word “Hope” and additional hidden shapes. For each Hope figure sold, Breyer will donate $1 to the Covenant House, a charity working to eliminate homelessness across the country.

KROEGER K’NEX Classic (Basic Fun!) | Ages: 7+ | MSRP: $14.99-49.99 | Available: Now This line of K’NEX Classic building sets will be sold exclusively by specialty retailers. Kids can create elaborate buildings or transforming creatures using the proprietary K’NEX system of rods and connectors while building hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills, problem-solving ability, spatial awareness, and imaginative play patterns. Products include the 300-piece Building Fun Tub, the 325-piece Motorized Creations, the 350-piece City Builder, the 500-piece Wings & Wheels, and the 700-piece Mega Models set. Escape Room the Game Puzzle Adventures (Identity Games) | Ages: 16+ MSRP: $19.99 | Available: Now In this blend between an escape room and a jigsaw puzzle, players explore a mysterious mansion while discovering its secrets piece by piece. The set includes one big puzzle (the house) with five smaller puzzles (rooms). Solving riddles earns more puzzle pieces and unlocks rooms. A second title in this series will be released in October. Nightmare Horror Adventures (Identity Games) | Ages: 16+ | MSRP: $19.99 | Available: Now In this cooperative game, 4-5 players work together to explore the spooky secrets of Crafton Mansion. Players take on the role of kids investigating the mysterious deaths of their parents inside the old mansion and have to unmask the true killer or be doomed to never leave.

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GEOMAGWORLD Mechanics Gravity Range Ages: 7+ | MSRP: $30-65 Available: Now Geomagworld is introducing a rebrand of its Mechanics Gravity range. The newly redesigned line is now made with a high degree of recycled plastics and features new graphics and packaging. Kids construct magnetic marble racetracks that teach them about the principle laws of physics. As the marbles speed through motors, elevators, 360 loops, and more. The line includes the Mechanics Gravity Racetrack, the Mechanics Gravity Loops & Turns, the Mechanics Gravity Vertical Motor, and the Mechanics Gravity Elevator. All products in the Mechanics Gravity range are compatible with each other, making it easy for kids to expand their marble track as much as they want.

SQUISHABLE Comfort Food Happy Birthday Cake | Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $46 Available: Fall Squishable’s 15-inch plush confection is covered in fuzzy fluff and embellished with sprinkles. The birthday cake is topped with a plush candle and adorned with a smiling face. Strawberry Cow | Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $46 | Available: Fall This 15-inch pink, plush cow features a strawberry collar with a jingle bell inside and a tail adorned with a tuft of dark pink hair. Peppermint Mocha | Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $46 Available: Fall This 15-inch plush Peppermint Mocha is cuddly and fuzzy and features a candy cane and mint leaves atop a festive, red-and-green cup. | AUGUST 2021 | THE TOY BOOK   77

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SPECIALTY TOY LAUNCHES SPIN MASTER Toothpick Bear (GUND) | Ages: 1+ | MSRP: $15 | Available: Now This plush bear is made with soft material and features a thin body and thin limbs. The bear is available in a variety of styles and textures, including confetti, stripes, and a dark-blue ripple. Legacy Classics Collection (Cardinal) | Ages: 8+ | MSRP: $24.99-79.99 Available: Fall This curated collection of classic games includes deluxe versions of dominoes, mancala, backgammon, chess and checkers, mahjong, cribbage, and Chinese checkers. The games are designed to also serve as home decor, featuring decorative finishes and high-end materials. Snakesss (Big Potato) | Ages: 12+ | MSRP: $20 | Available: Now In this social deduction trivia game, players are assigned as either a human, the Mongoose of Truth, or a snake. A player reads out a multiple-choice question, then everyone closes their eyes. Only snakes take a peek at the answer, and then everyone gets 2 minutes to discuss what the right answer is. The snakes can try to fool other players into guessing incorrectly, while the Mongoose of Truth can prove they are being honest. Snakes get a point for every incorrect answer, while the other players get a point for every correct answer.

OJO Atomic Force Chemistry Game | Ages: 6+ | MSRP: $24.99 | Available: Now This board game teaches kids fundamental STEM and chemistry concepts. Each player gets an avatar and rolls die to cross the board from start to finish. Along the way, players collect proton, neutron, and electron chips while solving different challenges to build simple elements and compounds. Atomic Force comes with a data sheet, a periodic table, three atomic characters, die, and atom boards. Robot Workshop Robotics Game | Ages: 5+ | MSRP: $20 | Available: Now Kids can utilize more than 160 different design combinations in this board game to build their own Mars Rover-inspired robots. The game helps kids develop STEM skills in robotics engineering by learning how to create robots that perform various tasks. Each player takes a Robot Core tile, rolls the dice to move across the board, and completes different missions by choosing the right components for the requested robot. If their robot is built correctly, they can progress through the board, and the first player to reach the finish card and complete the mission wins. Story Creations Storytelling Game | Ages: 5+ | MSRP: $14.99 | Available: Now Kids can use this board game to practice STEM and communication skills through storytelling activities. Story Creations comes with an island-hopping board, instructions, cue cards off of which players can base stories, a sand timer, a spinning wheel for embellishing the story, and counters to mark the journey. When a player tells a story within the time limit and includes all of the words on the card, they can collect tokens. The player with the most tokens wins.

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TOP SECRET TOYS Dissect-It Super Lab | Ages: 6+ | MSRP: $19.99 | Available: Fall Top Secret Toys will expand on its original Dissect-It Frog Lab with a deluxe, 22-piece set that kids can use to simulate traditional dissection with a proprietary, carvable, eco-friendly, gelatin material. This version features a frog model with a full set of bones, organs, veins, and arteries; an expanded dissection table; two refill mixes; four dissection tools; and a 16-page dissection and learning guide. GigaPets Pixie | Ages: 5+ | MSRP: $14.99 | Available: Now Kids can feed, bathe, and play games with pixies in this new addition to the GigaPets line. In addition to the typical GigaPets features, the Pixie version includes four games and the ability for players to cast spells to earn materials that they can craft into potions. The pixies can evolve into eight different versions based on the decisions players make while caring for them. HoverTech Drone Battle Deluxe | Ages: 8+ | MSRP: $34.99 Available: Fall Each HoverTech Drone Battle Delxue set includes a self-flying, four-rotor drone target; two blasters with sights; 12 foam darts; and a USB charger. The HoverTech Drone can lift off of any surface and automatically hover 15 inches below the ceiling of the room until players strike the drone with a foam dart. | AUGUST 2021 | THE TOY BOOK   79

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The fun doesn’t stop here! Scan the QR code to the left to view the expanded version of the Toy Book’s specialty showcase.

MCHEZO The Happiest Kid in the World | Ages: 14+ | MSRP: $19.99 Available: Now This 1,000-piece jigsaw puzzle is part of Mchezo’s Gamosis line, and features a dreamlike childhood bedroom filled with late ‘90s and early 2000s pop culture artifacts. Rachid Lotf is the artist behind this puzzle. Loops Within Loops | Ages: 14+ | MSRP: $19.99 | Available: Now Created by Jason Haynes, this abstract, 1,000-piece jigsaw puzzle features thick pieces and a ribbon-cut design. This puzzle measures 28 by 20 inches when completed. Gradient Moon | Ages: 14+ | MSRP: $24.99 | Available: Now This circular, 1,000-piece jigsaw puzzle is from the Mchezo Select line. It features a prismatic moon rendered from a high-resolution photograph.

PLAYMOBIL Dino Rise T-Rex: Battle of the Giants | Ages: 5-12 | MSRP: $69.99 | Available: Now Kids can play as either the dinosaur or robot this epic battle playset. Ian, the Playmobil figure, rides and controls the dinosaur. He is able to trade laser shots with the robots, while the dino catapults barrels and whips its tail at the enemy. The kit comes with everything to stage a fight, including interchangeable hairstyles, armor, cannons, and more. Back to the Future Marty’s Pick-Up Truck | Ages: 5+ MSRP: $49.99 Available: Now Marty is ready to go back to the future with this replica of his pick-up truck, based on the second film from the cult-classic trilogy. The car has space for two Playmobil characters to fit inside and includes figures of Marty McFly, his girlfriend Jennifer Parker, and his bully Biff Tannen, as well as a collector postcard for fans. Kids can open the hood and tailgate of this interactive truck. 1.2.3. Aqua Splish Splash Water Park | Ages: 18 MOS+ | MSRP: $64.99 | Available: Now This water toy helps toddlers develop important development skills. This Stage 3 “Little Expert” kit promotes cognitive, fine motor, and language skills through water play. Kids can turn the crank to help water flow through the lazy river, allowing animals and floating rafts to travel. If they get tired, the center pool is all about lounging. This set includes an adult figure, two child figures, a baby octopus, fish, and more.

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Source: ViacomCBS/Spin Master

NO SCREEN IS TOO BIG, NO PUP IS TOO SMALL The PAW Patrol squad has its biggest adventure yet! by ALI MIERZEJEWSKI, senior editor PAW PATROL IS — TRULY — ON A roll. This year, your favorite public service pups are turning 8 and expanding the wide, wide world of Adventure Bay to a brand-new frontier: the big screen. PAW Patrol: The Movie will be available in theaters and on Paramount+ on Aug. 20. When their nemesis Humdinger becomes the mayor of Adventure City and starts wreaking havoc, Ryder and the canine crew kick into high gear with help from a new ally, Liberty. Members from the original series’ cast are featured in the film, along with special appearances from Kim Kardashian West (as Delores), Randall

Park (as Butch), Dax Shepard (as Ruben), and Tyler Perry (as Gus), among others. For a brand that has been around for a long time — the series itself has eight seasons, with tons of additional specials included — it continues to grow, change, and become even more of a preschool phenomenon. But with a huge emphasis on themes such as problem-solving, self-esteem, inclusivity, community service, and teamwork, it’s no wonder that these pups have become a staple in any household with preschoolers. “PAW Patrol’s universal themes of teamwork, community service, and rescue

paired with recognizable characters and — of course — puppies, resonate with preschoolers all around the world,” says Jennifer Dodge, president of Spin Master Entertainment. “Staying true to this foundation, the series content remains fresh with the introduction of new themes, new characters, and the ability to tell stories in new formats as we have done with our 42-minute specials and now, the first feature film. Each season, we bring fresh, new themes that appeal to preschoolers from giving the pups superpowers to taking them into the world of dinosaurs.” As you may have guessed from the

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UNO JUNIOR PAW PATROL | MATTEL Players race to get rid of all their cards by matching them to the card shown on top of the deck, either by color, number, or (especially handy for younger players) character. Three levels of play help to keep pace with kids’ development. Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $4.99 Available: Fall

MARSHALL’S CITY FIRE RESCUE MEGA BLOKS This building set comes with poseable Marshall and Zuma figures and 33 mini-building blocks, including special pieces. Little builders can build Marshall’s fire truck, equipped with a launcher, lights, and a moveable ladder, as well as Zuma’s hovercraft and a house fire for the pups to fight. Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $19.99 Available: Fall

release date’s timing, PAW Patrol: The Movie was created almost entirely during stay-at-home orders put in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic. “While preproduction was already underway for a few months, production and animation kicked off in March 2020,” Dodge says. “Our team and studio partners jumped into action to adapt to remote work, shipping edit suites into homes and mics and sound equipment to the voice cast. Everything was delivered virtually, which is a testament to the incredible teams behind the film.” Behind eight seasons of TV, major 42-minute specials, and a feature film is a licensing program that brings the on-screen world of PAW Patrol: The Movie Ultimate City Tower Adventure Bay right into homes Source: Spin Master around the world. framework to help bring originality The hero item in Spin Master’s to their offerings through new and line for PAW Patrol: The Movie is the exciting products that tie back to the Ultimate City Tower. This tower is the season’s adventures.” biggest PAW Patrol tower the company The PAW Patrol brand has always has ever made, standing at 36 inches tall. been heavily screen-to-shelf, meaning This vehicle-compatible toy features a what consumers see on shelves matches transforming ramp, a vehicle launcher, a what they’re seeing in the entertainment command center, a suit-up station, unicontent. Often times, the product design form storage, pup cubbies, a helipad, a pup elevator, a vehicle elevator, a garage, and content teams work together to plan out what’s coming up — a new vehicle lights and sounds, and more. There’s tons of imaginative play packed into this tower that’s central to the show’s plot will be central to the new SKUs lining the retail so PAW Patrol fans can go on their own shelves as well. adventures. Like the rest of Spin Master’s “We know that kids have an emoline for the movie, this tower is available tional connection to these characters, at mass retailers now. and they want products they can bring In addition to a huge variety of toy home to play out their own paw-some offerings from Spin Master, the brand adventures,” Kaufman says. “The synergy also features home goods, apparel, car between the content and licensing teams seats, luggage, shoes, bedding — and helps ensure we are creating a holistic that’s just to name a few. The Paw Patrol universe for preschoolers and their famibrand’s licensees produce pup-themed lies for a richer experience.” products ranging from apparel and home And that experience teaches kids decor to books and more to immerse kids lessons like teamwork and public service in the world of Adventure Bay. that they can take with them as they “Our creative team works alongside grow up. The crew teaches kids that no Spin Master to engage audiences by matter how old they are, they can help coupling the core show with new content others (“No job is too big, no pup is themes, storylines, and characters,” says too small!”). Yes, the pups are cute and Pam Kaufman, president of global conadorable, but they’re also helping to sumer products at ViacomCBS. “The new guide little ones to be better citizens of themes not only keep the content fresh, the world. » but also provide our licensees with a

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This truck features two modes of transformation and lights and sounds. It has a tall ladder, a rescue slide, a net, and a water cannon with projectiles. It comes with a Marshall pup figure. Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $54.99 Available: Now

These vehicles come with a rescue tool reveal that is unique to each pup and features their job in the movie. There are six pup-and-vehicle combos to collect. Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $12.99 Available: Now


CHASE’S TRANSFORMING CITY CRUISER Fans will recognize this vehicle straight from the movie. This two-in-one cruiser features an armor-up transformation, a vehicle launcher, disc projectiles, lights and sounds, and a Chase pup figure. Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $41.99 | Available Now

PAW PATROL: THE MOVIE LEARNING WATCHES VTECH Time flies when your kid is on a roll. These watches are available in three styles: Chase, Marshall, and Liberty. The voice of Ryder guides kids through games and activities that help them learn basic math skills, number sequences, matching, memory, and hand/ eye coordination. Pick from 10 PAW Patrol digital clock face designs and three alarm tones, then use the stopwatch to time events with friends. Kids can also explore four learning games with the PAW Patrol pups. Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $17.99 each | Available: Now

This storytelling and action playset features iconic city locations from the feature film. It includes an exclusive True Metal die-cast vehicle and more than five different action outcomes. Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $41.99 Available: Now

PAW PATROL: THE MOVIE PLAY & SAY PUPPETS WOWWEE These interactive plush pups react with sounds and expressions when kids move their mouths, including catchphrases from the movie, pup sounds, a sniff or a sneeze, and more surprises. Collect all four available characters: Chase, Marshall, Skye, and Liberty (pictured). Ages: 2+ MSRP: $19.99 each Available: Now | AUGUST 2021 | THE TOY BOOK   85

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WOWWEE Dive into Baby Shark’s watery world with the Baby Shark’s Big Show! Shark House Playset with Lights & Sounds! Based on the new Nick Jr. animated series, this playset includes more than 25 pieces so kids can pretend to swim from room to room on swimming swings or ride down the slide; turn on Baby Shark’s karaoke machine to sing along to the Baby Shark’s Big Show! theme song; and have a dance party with the light-up disco ball. Plus, the removable chimney becomes a whistle. This playset comes with glow-in-the-dark stickers, closes for easy storage, and encourages imaginative play. Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $29.99 | Available: Now

BRIO All aboard the BRIO Mickey Mouse Deluxe Set! Kids can build the tracks into the shape of Mickey’s head and then send Mickey, Minnie, Daisy, and Donald on a fun train ride. The set features 33 pieces, including the BRIO Mickey Mouse Record & Play Station, the BRIO Mickey Mouse Battery Train, four character figures, 23 wooden tracks, and more. Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $179.99 | Available: Fall

HORIZON GROUP USA With Hello Kitty Chalk Alive, kids can create sidewalk chalk art that jumps off the pavement through an augmented reality (AR) experience. The kit includes 12 colorful chalks, a mess-free chalk holder, and four 10-inch character stencils that kids can use to color the Sanrio character right onto the sidewalk. Kids can scan their chalk art into the free Chalk Alive mobile app to watch their drawings come alive in 4D as an AR version of Hello Kitty jumps around and dances. Users can blow heart-shaped bubbles and watch them burst with confetti, dance with unicorn kitties, and capture star-filled balloons with the app, which is compatible with Android and iPhone devices. Ages: 5+ | MSRP: $9.97 | Available: Now

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HASBRO It’s snack time! The Star Wars Galactic Snackin’ Grogu animatronic toy will react when kids place any of the accessories in his hand. When they put an accessory in his mouth, he’ll make eating sounds that let kids know if he thinks it’s yummy or yucky. When Grogu wants to be held, he’ll reach up with both arms, and he can also perform a two-handed Force move, inspired by the second season of The Mandalorian. Ages: 4+ | MSRP: $79.99 | Available: Fall

BBC Snuggle up and get comfy with Bluey and Bingo in the new Bluey Toddler 2-Piece Cotton Pajama set from American Marketing Enterprises. These toddler pajamas are perfect for a sleepover with pals, and are available in sizes 2T-5T. MSRP: $7.88 Available: Now

TONIES Tonies adds new Disney characters to its line of interactive, storytelling figures. The Mickey Mouse Tonie figure shares a new adventure about a robbery on the Overland Express. In this whodunnit mystery, travelers are after Goofy’s valuable set of comic books — unless Mickey and Goofy can get to them first. With the Minnie Mouse Tonie, kids can hear Minnie sing classic kids’ songs like “Muffin Man” and “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” with her friends. They can also hear a story about Minnie and her friends playing dress up. Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $14.99 each Available: September



Oh, the places you’ll go in these new kicks! The Skechers x Dr. Seuss: Marley Jr. — Great Sights sneakers are colorful, whimsical, high-top kicks for kids’ next adventure. Part of the Skechers x Dr. Seuss Oh, the Places You’ll Go! Collection, these sneakers are available in kids’ (11-4) and toddler (5-10) sizes. MSRP: $50 (kids); $48 (toddlers) | Available: Now

What does Blue want for her snack? Find out with the Blue’s Clues & You! CookingUp-Clues Play Kitchen. Parents can place the paw print stickers on items in the play kitchen; then when the item is discovered, kids can draw it in the Handy Dandy Notebook. Kids will also discover Blue’s household friends throughout the four-sided playset, which features a sink, a fridge, a snack table, a stove, and an oven. Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $99.99 | Available: Now | AUGUST 2021 | THE TOY BOOK   87

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VTECH With Blue’s Clues & You! Storytime with Blue, kids can sit down with the plush Blue and use the nonremovable Handy Dandy Notebook to choose from three of Blue’s favorite stories with a fun twist, each narrated by Josh: GoldiBlue and the Three Bears, Little Red Riding Magenta, or Three Little Pigs. Each eightpage book features a variety of characters from the Nick Jr. series, including Magenta, Mailbox, Mr. Salt and Mrs. Pepper, Shovel and Pail, and Sidetable Drawer. The buttons on Blue’s paws trigger music, reading comprehension questions, or a game of Blue’s Clues, which kids can play to discover what story Blue wants to read next. Ages: 2+ | MSRP: $34.99 | Available: Now

CHRONICLE BOOKS Sithmas time is here! In the book Vader Family Sithmas, Vader is doing his best to raise his rebellious kids Luke and Leia, while running the galactic Empire and navigating holiday cheer — including the Imperial gift exchange, Force-wielding snowball fights, gingerbread Death Stars, sledding with Han Solo, and more. MSRP: $14.95 | Available: Oct. 10

SPIN MASTER You got your letter to Hogwarts and your brand-new wand — now, it’s time for the perfect pet! The Enchanting Hedwig Interactive Plush features realistic features, movements, and sounds. She moves her beak, flaps her wings, and turns her head 270 degrees. Hedwig also features intuitive ruffle detection, meaning she can distinguish the direction of petting — and if kids are doing it the wrong way. Hedwig also responds to the tone of your voice: Speak lovingly, and she’ll respond with happy coos. The interactive plush comes with a Hogwarts envelope she can hold in her beak. Ages: 5+ | MSRP: $39.99 Available: Now

ISCREAM Sharing is caring! Iscream has a full line of Care Bears accessories hitting stores this fall, including kid-sized Care Bears onesies. These plush onesies prove kindness never goes out of style, whether you vibe with Cheer Bear, Bedtime Bear, or Share Bear. The full line also includes sleeping bags, blankets, luggage, tablet pillows, and more. MSRP: $73 | Available: Fall

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MOOSE TOYS They’re all Tooned up for a rematch. Space Jam: A New Legacy Super Shoot and Dunk LeBron James features a high-flying action figure that really jumps, dunks, and hangs-on-the-rim, and is specially designed with large hands that can palm the basketball. Load the LeBron James figure on the launcher and help him hit a three-pointer or send him soaring for his signature slam dunk and rim hang. Moose’s Space Jam: A New Legacy line also features Ballers Action Figures, sold separately. Ages: 5+ | MSRP: $19.99 | Availabile: Now


PLAYMONSTER Can you name three Disney dog characters under the pressure of a 5-second countdown? PlayMonster’s 5 Second Rule Disney Edition is a fast-paced, Disney-themed family trivia game in which players have to try to name three items listed on the card in under five seconds — and risk silly answers slipping out! Ages: 6+ | MSRP: $24.99 | Available: Now

The Winnie the Pooh Sleeved Bib is the real hero when it comes to mealtime, saving outfits from unavoidable messes. With a handy crumb catcher/catch-all pocket for containing spills, this sleeved bib is generously sized and made from Bumkins lightweight, waterproof, easy-wipe, stain-and-odor-resistant fabric. Parents can adjust the fit with a back-tie closure and elasticized cuffs. It’s wipeable and machine washable for easy cleaning. This sleeved bib is part of a larger Winnie the Pooh line featuring bibs, Chewtensils, and a Silicone Grip Dish. Ages: 6-24 MOS. | MSRP: $13.95 | Available: September

ADK EMOTIONS NY Launch into a high-speed, head-to-head battle in the official Beyblade Burst Speedstorm Motor Strike Beystadium from Hasbro — the first motorized Beystadium in the Beyblade Burst line. At the center of the battle arena is the inescapable spinning Motor Vortex, an energy zone designed to redirect the battle and give tops the ultimate energy boost. Ages: 8+ | MSRP: $59.99 Available: Now | AUGUST 2021 | THE TOY BOOK   89

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by C. WOODROW BROWNE, managing partner, BG&VR BUSINESS RELATIONSHIPS ARE OFTEN compared to marriages: Some work, some don’t. Some relationships go on for years before they stumble, while others seem to be eternal. In either case, these relationships take work — real roll-upyour-sleeves work — to make them successful for all parties involved. The team at BG&VR has more than 100 years of experience in licensing and has seen more than its fair share of the good, the bad, and the ugly. I’ve seen licensing relationships that have lasted half a century, and those that have blown up before the merchandise licensing agreement was countersigned. Here are some of the reasons licensing relationships work — or don’t — with actual examples that may prove useful for managing your business “marriage.” COMMUNICATION In every type of relationship, communication is always at the top of the list of ways to improve. One agency professional told me that he knows he is in trouble when the communication slows down or stops. Another told me that when he is in a frequent “texting” relationship with a client, he knows he is on solid ground. However you do it, solid communication is critical. You need to ensure that your objectives stay aligned, and that problems are identified quickly and solved without finger pointing or blame. Even today, there are folks who prefer an old-fashioned phone call to a text or a Zoom meeting. Learn how your partner likes to communicate and then adapt.

It’s an easy concession and will go a long way to keeping small problems small and allow everyone to feel comfortable. MANAGED EXPECTATIONS Have you ever tried to sell a home and had a real estate agent come in and tell you that your house is spectacular and they can get top dollar and sell it quickly, only to be sitting on an overpriced listing six months later with minimal showings? Sometimes, an agent will say things to book the gig that you as an IP owner (or licensee) know is not realistic. Often, the opposite happens — the IP owner overestimates the value and ease with which their property can be sold. The most successful relationships begin with aligned expectations, timelines, and goals: a common understanding of the market reality. Some of these conversations are hard. No one likes to hear that their “house” is in disrepair and needs a lot of work to make it sellable. However, a realistic appraisal of the situation going in creates an honest foundation for the program moving forward. Too often, relationships fail when a year or two into the project the disparity between projections and actual numbers are irreconcilable. Licensing is about selling the future (It’s going to be huge!”), and it lives in a world of hope and hype. You may succeed in over-promising one time, but partners, especially retail buyers, have long memories. It will be difficult to get placement the next time, no matter how genuine your efforts may be. Reality can

be humbling. If, in the beginning — or even in the pitch phase — you cannot get to a common ground on mutual expectations, both parties might want to think twice before moving forward. COMPLACENCY Many relationships last a long time and the parties can get too comfortable as projects seem to go on autopilot. A licensee I know lost a successful program after three renewals because they got too complacent, and on the fourth renewal they simply sent a letter outlining the same terms with no sizzle or innovation. A competitor was wooing the agency with new product and exciting ideas, and it came as a shock to the incumbent that his license was not being renewed. A lesson in that is to take nothing for granted. It is not a bad idea to schedule a review every year in which both parties can ask what they can do better in a nonconfrontational manner. Small problems can be solved before they become big ones if both parties realign their common goals. Complacency is not a one-way street — it needs to be the responsibility of all parties to innovate, communicate, and change to maintain success in a fastpaced business. GREED We are in business to make money. No one argues that. During the course of a successful relationship, new management, a new account executive, or the corporate culture will often disregard

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INDUSTRY MARKETPLACE category stature and success in lieu of a shiny, new penny they can grab. You’ve seen it countless times when a new player comes in and promises the world, offers huge dollars, and wins the business only to fail because their distribution is weak, their infrastructure cannot support the program, or they have other problems “under the hood.” Licensees can be too greedy as well. I know of a company who could not say no to a buyer who wanted an item that wasn’t a part of the deal. The company made it anyway, and when the product hit the market, the licensee not only lost a successful program, but the agent also walked out of the room and said “[The company] will never get another license from us.” An $8 million program went up in smoke because of a $1.25 wholesale item. Greed indeed. THE ABILITY TO SAY “NO” Both parties need to feel comfortable enough in the relationship to be able to say “no” when necessary. It is difficult to do in a relationship that is unbalanced, big versus small, or in a new situation in which parties are learning to work together. My friend Jim Davis — the creator of Garfield — was always an astute businessman. In the early ‘80s, I managed Thermos’ school lunch kit program and Garfield was one of our big winners. Davis sent us a piece of artwork for the new kit that was unusable. It fell on me to call “Mr. Davis” and tell him. I took two days to work up the courage to call Muncie, Indiana, and relay the bad news. I did not know what to expect; I had my art director sitting in my office for moral support and dialed. Mr. Davis —“call me Jim,” he started with — reacted without attitude. He asked what we needed and when, and then offered to FedEx the art for the next day if necessary to make our schedule. He was gracious and professional. His only interest was doing what was best for our program. I had other relationships in which I knew I could not say no. Most were not as successful as the lasagna-loving cat from Muncie.

You’ve got your d now protec and any toys games or that you’re bring

You’ve got your ducks in a row, now protect them… GRANT PATENT SERVIC and any toys, hobbies, games or crafts Searching Preparation Litigation L that you’re PATENT, bringingTRADEMARK, to market. and COPYRIGHT A

For a licensed patent attorney registered to practic U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, conta



Searching Preparation Litigation Licensing Tel: 301-603-9071 or 301-346-871 Web: www.g PATENT, E-mail: TRADEMARK, and COPYRIGHT APPLICATIONS For a licensed patent attorney registered to practice before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, contact: Jonathan Grant GRANT PATENT SERVICES Tel: 301-603-9071 or 301-346-8714 E-mail: Web:

KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE My first “licensing boss” taught me that this is a small community and to not burn any bridges. I’ve often wished I did a better job there, for sure. He also told me, “Get help when you need help. Realize that other people have expertise that you may not have, and even paying for expertise is most often well worth it.” Most of all, licensing is a relationship business. Your contacts are the personal gateway to the vast companies behind their logos. Keep in mind that you are always selling the next deal, but how you perform on the current deal may affect how companies work together for decades to come. » C. Woodrow Browne (Woody) is a managing partner of Browne, Gordon, and Van Raalte (BG&VR), a consulting company that provides analysis, strategic planning, and go-to-market solutions for new and established manufacturers, licensors, agencies, and licensees to help position their brands and products for success. Visit BGVRLLC. com for more information or reach Woody directly via email: | AUGUST 2021 | THE TOY BOOK   91

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Outer space-themed toys are shining bright this year. by TED MININNI, president and creative director, Design Force HUMANITY HAS ALWAYS BEEN fascinated with outer space. By nature, we are compelled to explore and discover, pushing the limits of science and technology in the process. A fascination with space exploration is driven by our need to know more about our place in the universe, and it typically originates for most of us during childhood. With all of the activity currently taking place in the international space industry, kids with an interest in space exploration will have so much wonderful information to satisfy their curiosity and hunger for knowledge. Last year marked the U.S.’ resurrection of human spaceflight with SpaceX; three different exploratory missions to Mars by the U.S., China, and the United Arab Emirates; and the recovery of moon samples by China and Ryugu asteroid samples by Japan. All are notable and

extraordinary accomplishments despite the disadvantages and obstacles posed by the global coronavirus pandemic. This year has already added to these milestones with the successful landing of NASA’s Perseverance Rover on the surface of Mars on Feb. 18. The excitement associated with this mission isn’t unwarranted by any means, as it may lead to the first discovery of evidence of ancient microbial life on another world. And, with its onboard helicopter, it marks the first time anyone has ever sent a non-rover, non-lander vehicle to the red planet. Not surprisingly, recent initiatives in space exploration have not gone unnoticed by the toy industry. Many toy and game manufacturers are capitalizing on the fascination triggered by the current NASA and SpaceX missions. From educational science kits that incorporate STEM learning to replicas of the spacecraft from the aforementioned missions, there are plenty of fun, space-themed products for kids — and their parents — to get excited about. The key to making an emotional connection with aspiring young astronauts is to bring the drama of space exploration to visuals on packaging. Luki Lab’s Source: Educational Insights GUJO Adventure Mission Mars

Source: Buffalo Games

Rocket — a 245-piece, build-and-play rocket ship playset designed by an aerospace engineer — does just that with its package design. Kids can build a 2.5-foot-tall rocket with four levels, including a flight deck and an engine room. The set includes plastic connectors, tools, accessories, and two astronaut figures with four interchangeable facial expressions. All of this excitement is captured on the front panel of the package, which shows the completed rocket in orbital flight with Mars in the background. You can clearly see all four levels of the rocket ship, as well as GUJO peering through the window during its fly-by. An inset shows the rocket playset standing upright with a proud kid sitting next to it to show scale. The “STEM-Authenticated” logo

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on the lunar surface of the moon for the PACKAGING OUR FASCINATION WITH first time. The strategy game is inspired

lets parents know that this playset will provide educational value in addition to exciting space adventure play. Educational Insights leveraged the popularity of space exploration from a completely different angle with its Circuit Explorer line of 3D, circuit-building sets. Kids can learn the fundamentals of circuitry by following the symbols and connecting circuits on their own. The Circuit Explorer Rover set includes everything kids need to build a communication station with a rotating radar dish; a power station with a rover charger; and a powered space rover and a free-wheeling space rover, both equipped with working headlights. It also includes astronaut and robot figures and stickers that kids can use to customize the builds. What’s great about the Circuit Explorer packaging is how the front panel visual takes kids directly onto the surface of another planet, while portraying the fantasy of exploring an alien world. On the Circuit Explorer Rover packaging, the planet-surface point of view shows two different rovers rapidly converging toward the viewer with the other circuitry-based builds behind them and a starry space background beyond the horizon. The Circuit Explorer logo and the clean, black-and-red-orange background give this product line’s package design an upscale, techy appeal. Who said that all the space exploration fun is just for young kids? Let’s not forget that during the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission, Buffalo Games created Apollo, a game for NASA enthusiasts both young and old that celebrates the point in our history when the U.S. successfully landed astronauts

by real NASA and Gemini missions, and the package design is nothing less than spectacular. We’re presented with a beautifully illustrated scene from the lunar surface in a limited palette of black, white, and orange. We find ourselves face-to-face with an astronaut, as the lunar module looms in the background. Reflected in the glass of the astronaut’s helmet is his mission partner standing in the distance with the Earth rising above him. The large Apollo logo with the tagline “A Game Inspired by NASA Moon Missions” complements the dramatic visual, triggering nostalgic cues that bring us back to a time when our nation responded to President Kennedy’s challenge of landing the first humans on the moon. Hot Wheels Mars Perseverance Rover | Source: Mattel Another way to leverage our fascination with space exploration is to develop replica of the Mars Perseverance Rover a timely retailer promotion around it. is still worth noting. As to be expected, Back in October of last year, Hasbro the Hot Wheels flame logo over its blue Gaming celebrated World Space Week background dominates the design, but with the launch of space-themed reinterthe highly detailed rendering of the rover pretations of three of its classic games. is powerful enough to draw the interest The Target-exclusive “Space Capsule” of space exploration fans of all ages. The collection features Monopoly Space, BatPerseverance replica model, which is aptleship Outer Space, and Trouble: On the proximately 3 inches long and part of the Moon. Each game was revamped with Hot Wheels space-themed mini-collecspace-related storytelling, while the famil- tion, was developed with the intention of iar core strategies remained the same. reaching retail in time for kids and adult The packaging for the collection works collectors to have it in their hands as they perfectly within a common design syswatched the rover’s successful landing tem, with the cover for each dramatizing in Jezero Crater a few short-yet-unnervthe space-themed gameplay in a playful, ing minutes after its dramatic entry into fantasy-based illustration. The lower left Mars’ atmosphere. corner of each box shows a photo of One thing of which I’m absolutely certhe assembled game within a planet-like tain: With all of the space exploration accircle and the overall background of each tivity happening in 2021 and beyond, the game’s package toy industry will continue to play its role in design features fueling the imaginations of today’s young the same space space enthusiasts for years to come. » illustration in Ted Mininni is president and tones of blue to creative director of Design Force, one of the leading design consultie the entire line tancies in the toy and entertaintogether visually. ment industries. Through the Although disciplines of package design and most of its elelicensing program design, Design ments fall in line Force establishes strong emotional connections with that of all with consumers, creating powerful visual brand 1:64-scale Hot experiences that engage, excite, entertain, inspire, and influence their decision to buy. Mininni can be Wheels vehicle reached at (856) 810-2277 or via email at tmininni@ packaging, the Visit for packaging for more information. Source: Luki Lab the die-cast


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Outdoor toys and games are more important than ever as the world emerges from COVID-19. by KRISTIN MORENCY GOLDMAN, senior communications specialist, The Toy Association LIFE DURING THE COVID-19 ERA AND remote learning has reminded us why taking time out for physical play — particularly outdoors — is paramount in giving young bodies, eyes, and brains a much-needed break from sitting in front of a screen. According to Tyler Kearns, program coordinator at The Clayton School District’s Kid Zone Before/After School Program in Clayton, Missouri, virtual learning has taken a toll on all of us, which is why carving out time to get up, move, and play throughout the day is so crucial. It’s particularly important that breaks are part of the routine as the back-to-school season looms. “Think about your workday,” writes Kearns in an expert advice article for The Genius of Play. “How many times do you get up to stretch, walk to the break area, or move about your workspace — our kids need that, too, now more than ever!” Aside from giving kids a break from remote learning, playing outside also improves kids’ health and develops crucial skills, whether they are climbing trees, playing a game of catch, digging for worms, or simply enjoying the sights and sounds of nature. “Research culled by The Genius of Play has shown that physically active kids tend to be leaner and healthier, while an inactive childhood can lead to a sedentary lifestyle in adulthood,” says Anna Yudina, senior director of marketing initiatives at The Toy Association, which runs The Genius of Play. “Physical play allows kids to develop their gross and fine motor skills — for example, hanging from monkey bars helps kids develop the necessary hand muscles needed to grip a pencil.” By the time they reach kindergarten, kids need to know how to sit properly in a 94   THE TOY BOOK | AUGUST 2021 |

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chair for extended periods of time in order nature or get up and move, outdoor toys to color, draw, or write. To do that, they enable kids to engage in unstructured need to have good core muscle strength. play, giving them a chance to develop “Activities like running, jumping, skills they will carry into adulthood. rolling, climbing, skipping, galloping, Some new toys that encourage outand leaping build strength, balance, and door play include the 4Fun ChangeUp coordination,” Yudina adds. portable game console from B4 AdvenOne of the top toy and play trends tures; The Jenga Giant Sport Hardwood identified by The Toy Association this Game from Art’s Ideas that can be year is “Rediscovering Play,” which stacked to more than 4 feet tall in play; includes outdoor toys and games for all the Mobo First 14-inch Bike from ASA ages. According to The NPD Group, last Products/Mobo Cruiser; the transforming, year’s toy sales reflect the growing trend, three-wheeled Go-UP Deluxe Scooter with categories such as sports toys and from Globber; Maxx Bubbles Spinning summer seasonal toys showing strong Bubble Streamers from Sunny Days Engains of 31% and 24%, respectively. tertainment; and Good Banana’s Splashy “We know 2020 was historic, and so Sprinklers splash pool. many families relied on toys and play to The Toy Association also encourages bring joy and comfort into their homes,” manufacturers and retailers to share its says Adrienne Appell, senior vice top five tips for safe play outdoors with president of marketing communications parents and other shoppers. The safety Planning to spend more time playing at home this summer? at The Toy Association. “Families tips are detailed below, with additional Check out these important tips from transformed their backyards into their information available at » own mini-playgrounds and aquatic parks, using Supervise Play Toy Shopping Online? Have a pool or swing set? These everything from ride-ons Only buy from reputable sellers. activities require extra vigilance. and inflatable pools to swing sets and chalk in order to keep their kids entertained amid stay-at-home orders. Even as daily life returns to normal for most families, we expect parents and children Store Your Toys Keep toys away from pools, alike to continue turning Ride Safely driveways, and streets with traffic Age Matters so they don’t lure children into Make sure the whole family to play as a diversion dangerous situations. Always follow a toy’s age label is wearing helmets and other and safety information. protective gear. and stress reliever, having experienced Check the age label first-hand how beneficial play can be, and incorporating play into their daily schedules.” Whether encouraging kids to explore

Safe Play Starts at Home this Summer

For more trusted advice about keeping kids safe while they play all year long, visit

7/13/21 2:59 PM

WHILE WE BELIEVE THAT EVERY TOY IS SPECIAL, there is no doubt that some toys feel more “at home” in specialty stores. Now that you’ve flipped through the Toy Book’s annual specialty toy issue, grab your pencils and see how many of these extra-special(ty) facts you know!


Hint: This is one of its puzzles!





Source: PC Mag



Hint: Wooden puzzles like this one are educational and fun!





C. THE SANTA CLAUSE Answers: 1. Madame Alexander Doll Co. 2. Lincoln Logs 3. Melissa & Doug 4. C. Ravensburger 5. A. Big 6. Hape 7. B. Sphero 8. FLUXX | AUGUST 2021 | THE TOY BOOK   95

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by JAMES ZAHN, deputy editor FIVE YEARS AGO, FIDGET TOYS HIT the mainstream as the rapid rise of spinners fueled demand for alternate ways to keep kids — and adults — focused and engaged. While the fidget spinner fad was short-lived, the 2017 boom brought attention to other versions of hands-on sensory toys that have increased in popularity in the years since “fidget” became its own toy category. Among the flash-in-the-pan trinkets, one hot item wasn’t necessarily new at all, but it had been evolving for decades as yet another product that became a toy by accident. Like Silly Putty and Play-Doh before it, Tangle Creations began as something completely different: In this case, art. As a young man coming of age in the psychedelic ‘60s, Pittsburgh-born Richard X Zawitz studied Asian art and philosophy, eventually traversing Asia and developing interests in metaphysics, alchemy, and magic. Upon graduating from the University of Hawaii in 1970, he says that an energy form “crystalized” in his mind. “That energy form was spirals, waves,

Richard X Zawitz at the 1984 Whole Earth Expo in San Francisco | Source: Tangle Creations

curves, and circles,” Zawitz says. “I further discovered that the energy form had two universes in common. The natural world, from galaxies to quantum particles, and the human world, including art dating back to the earliest cave paintings through Van Gogh’s sunflowers and contemporary art, both contain shapes of spirals, waves, curves, and circles.” Zawitz says that the epiphany came when he merged the two universes together to find infinity and what he dubbed the Tangle — a portmanteau of “tangent angle” — a series of 90-degree curves that can contain its energy in an elegant, infinite manner as it is twisted, turned, shaped, and sculpted. After setting up a studio in Waltham, Massachusetts, in 1975, Zawitz created a wooden sculpture that eventually inspired a smaller version. Guests were drawn to it, and the idea struck to create a commercial version in plastic that would give people the opportunity to have a piece of customizable art to call their own. In 1981, Zawitz headed to Hong Kong in an effort to establish manufacturing for Tangle. Later, he hit the trade show circuit with prototypes in hand to sell his creation. “Three or four gift shows after I started, the customers at my booth couldn’t stop playing with Tangle,” Zawitz recalls. “I thought I had a reposeable, kinetic sculpture, but they couldn’t keep their hands off of it.” “Tangle is so much more sophisticated than a ‘one-trick’ fidget toy,” says The Toy Guy Chris Byrne, an industry expert. “The different configurations that players can twist it into and the various surprises that it offers make it fascinating.” The first major retailers to embrace the potential of Tangle were high-end names, such as Bloomingdale’s and UK

Museum Chrome: The Infinite Sculpture Source: Tangle Creations

staples including Hamleys and Harrods. Two initial offerings — the Museum Tangle and the Original Tangle — attracted buyers with striking chrome features that emulated Zawitz’s metal sculptures. “Tangle provides the illusion of being different and changing as it’s manipulated, which makes it fun to play with for a longer time,” Byrne says. “Depending on the size, it can engage the whole hand or just the fingers, and it’s meditative to watch it change into shapes and a size that is surprising and delightful.” In 1983, TOMY licensed Tangle as the “Infinite Structural Puzzle” and sold it for two years in Japan. ”...AND THEY SAID IT COULDN’T HAPPEN TWICE!” The popularity of Tangle caught the attention of a future Toy Industry Hall of Famer leading a company behind another “accidental” toy. “We did a distribution deal with Slinky through James Industries and the amazing Betty James,” Zawitz says. In 1989, James Industries introduced the now-iconic Tangle Jr. A full-page ad in the Toy Book depicted a Slinky next to a Tangle Jr. with the headline “...And They

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Tangle ads through the ages | Source: Tangle Creations

Said It Couldn’t Happen Twice!” When Tangle Jr. was presented to retail buyers at the famed Toy Center at 200 Fifth Avenue in New York City, Kmart ordered 500,000 pieces. “Up until that point, everyone considered Tangle to be a gift item, but once we sold those units, Tangle was officially considered a toy,” Zawtiz says. The deal with Kmart attracted Toys “R” Us, and other toymakers were paying attention. After the licensing deal with Slinky ended, Mattel stepped in with an offer to expand Tangle into new categories and even more retailers. TANGLING WITH CONSTRUCTION In 1995, Mattel developed Tangle into a construction brand called the Nickelodeon Tangle Snap & Swivel Building System. Sets including Creatures & Things, Walkers & Things, and Wigglers & Things came in box sets and plastic containers that looked similar to shampoo bottles. The promotional ramp-up in 1996 included $7 million in TV advertising and a deal with McDonald’s that put Nickelodeon Tangle Build-a-Zoids in 40 million Happy Meals. The line failed to perform at retail and was off the market in a matter of months. NEW MILLENNIUM, NEW BUSINESS In between licensing and distribution deals, Zawitz regrouped and took Tangle out on its own with a mission to provoke thought and promote creativity for everyone. By 2003, a chance encounter between Zawitz and a Walmart buyer led to a secured position for Tangles at the checkout lanes for three and a half years and sales of 9 million units. “Unless someone can prove me

wrong, I believe Tangle is the only toy that’s been simultaneously sold at both Walmart checkouts and the Museum of Modern Art Design Store,” Zawitz says with a laugh. At the same time, Tangle Creations was expanding into new categories and launched a new brand: NightBall. Additionally, parents, educators, and therapists began embracing the original Tangle for its ability to help kids focus and learn, and to help adults find wellness. Tangle Therapy was launched and granted an FDA “Medical Device Establishment Registration” for use in alleviating minor stress, helping to improve muscle performance, and other uses. Meanwhile, Tangle BrainTools supports kinesthetic learning with products featuring unique textures and colors to help kids focus. A book, Learning with Tangle BrainTools, includes a forward by Roland Rotz, Ph.D, an ADHD specialist and longtime advocate of Tangle. In 2017, the fidget craze was in full swing and ZURU came calling. The disruptive toymaker was looking for entry into the fast-growing category and found it with Tangle Creations. “Our licensing deal with ZURU was a great partnership and I’d like to think that we both benefited,” Zawtiz says. “ZURU recognized Tangle as the founder and originator of fidget toys. They really understood what we had.” As part of the deal, ZURU repackaged the Original Tangle and released additional varieties in new styles, such as Classic, Crazy, Crush, Wild, and the collectible Tangle Pets. “We worked closely with Richard on how to repurpose his original vision and create a new version of Tangle, which is

set to enthrall a new generation,” said ZURU Co-CEO Nick Mowbray in a statement at the time. The two-year deal wrapped at the end of 2019 with another explosion of interest looming just on the horizon. TIKTOKING INTO THE FUTURE As the world changed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a second fidget boom kicked off in 2020. With kids seeking outlets for peace and creativity, Tangle found yet another new audience thanks to TikTok. While Tangle Creations has an official account on the platform, it was Tangle fans who have thrust the brand into uncharted territory with videos featuring Tangle-related hashtags amounting to billions of views. There are Tangle collections and Tangle challenges, and some Learning Express stores regularly share videos to show off new shipments of Tangle products. “Tangle Creations is a familyowned-and-operated company,” Zawitz says. “The love, care, passion, and compassion that it takes to run a business like ours with the experiences and the ups and downs that happen in our industry — you have to be caring and loving.” As Tangle looks ahead to its next act, Zawitz hints at big plans, including an animation deal and a global Geohunt, a NightBall wearable, and, of course, more Tangle styles in new colors and textures. And that short-lived construction line that Mattel launched? It’s being primed for a Tangle reboot. “Not one person I met back in 1981 thought that there was a chance that a plastic sculpture would succeed,” Zawitz says. “We started the fidget craze and we’re not going to stop.” » | AUGUST 2021 | THE TOY BOOK   97

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The third installment of the Pokémon movie franchise is on the way to both VHS and DVD. In Pokémon 3: The Movie, Ash and Pikachu face their greatest Pokémon challenge when they encounter the mystifying and elusive Unown, which possess the power to bring human thoughts and dreams to reality. Extras in the DVD version include the making of the “To Know the Unknown” music track performed by female pop group Innosense and a sneak peak at the Japanese trailer for the fourth film. It will also include little-known Unown facts, a Johto Pokérap, a commentary from the filmmakers, and the original theatrical trailer.


Tivola Publishing has been granted worldwide licensing rights to develop and publish educational discovery games based on the Peanuts comic strip, through United Media. “Tivola’s first Peanuts CD-ROM will combine Peanuts humor with the suspense of a discovery game and will debut at Toy Fair 2002,” says Carlo Volker, Tivola founding partner. “A crucial element of our Peanuts concept is the integration of educational elements into the distinctive humor of the Peanuts world. They’re meant to be fun for the whole family and will offer a game for every age group.”

Science kits foster the learning process because many of us retain information if we touch, make, or build them, according to Craig Marioka, vice president of OWI. The Bubble Gum Lab from Crafthouse, in partnership with the Discovery Channel, makes learning even sweeter.

A new range of SpongeBob SquarePants-licensed furniture from Kidz Kraze is coming this fall. The inflatable furniture captures the iconic look of everyone’s favorite nautical sponge.


In conjunction with the release of the first film of the Lord of the Rings trilogy by New Line Cinema, Toy Biz is introducing a lineup of action figures and accessories. The first and second Lord of the Rings Action Figures assortments consist of 10 6-inch, poseable figures depicting the characters of the movie.




Jakks Pacific and THQ introduced a new addition to their line of World Wrestling Federation video games: WWF Betrayal. This game, which will be available for Game Boy Color, is a brand extension that carries out a particular storyline. Players can choose between four wrestlers: The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Triple H, and the Undertaker. The objective is to save the kidnapped Stephanie McMahon. The wrestler who saves her will be reinstated as the World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Champion by Vince McMahon.




The newest properties in Toy Island’s stable are Franklin, Clifford, and Hello Kitty. The Clifford-licensed, 6-foot, three-ring, inflatable pool features small packaging and big patterns.


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EDUCATING AMY Little Bee Mini Quiet Book Ages: 1+ | MSRP: $48 Available: Now This sewn cloth book teaches babies skills like numeracy and problem solving. The front page has a finger puppet bee that aids storytime tales. Interactive elements include a blue ice cream stacking activity, a sock-matching page, and a magnetic fishing rod to pick up different colors of fish. Little Safari Cognitive Skills Quiet Book | Ages: 1+ MSRP: $98 | Available: Now

ESTES ROCKETS ANTAR | Ages: 10+ | MSRP: $29.99 | Available: Now The ANTAR is a new Designer Signature Series Estes rocket based on the designs of G. Harry Stine, the “Father of Model Rocketry” and founder of the National Association of Rocketry. This Estes Designer Signature Series kit is a faithful reproduction crafted by Estes designers from many sketches Stine created as well as the actual original model. Although the original model was not created as a flying model rocket, thanks to its functional design, this reproduction is able to gain 450 feet of altitude and is capable of sustained flight. DER Big Red Max | Ages: 10+ | MSRP: $49.99 | Available: Now The DER Big Red Max is a super-sized and super-powerful version of the classic DER Red Max. More than 1 foot taller than the original model, the 3-inch diameter DER Big Red Max delivers launch after launch with long, slow lift-offs that the original Red Max is famous for. After hitting a peak altitude of 1,100 feet, it sails back to earth under a one-of-a-kind skull and crossbones parachute.

This book is handmade from felt fabric, and contains sensory, literacy, numeracy, problem-solving, and basic math activities for babies to engage with. Interactive elements include threading a lion’s mane, buttoning clouds, and matching animals with food. Little Mechanic Creative Play Quiet Book | Ages: 1+ MSRP: $98 Available: Now This felt book teaches babies sensory and motor skills with interactive elements such as zippers and buttons. Babies can play with cotton tools including a wrench, spanner, hammer, pliers, drill, and more. Different pages feature machines with zippers and pullable steam funnels to demonstrate spatial awareness, or cranes with velcro magnets that can be used to put puzzle bricks in correct spots. A bonus motorcycle doll is included.

AstroCam | Ages: 10+ | MSRP: $49.99 | Available: Now The AstroCam rocket includes an on-board flight system with a high-definition digital video camera and a specially engineered nosecone to safely house the camera during flight, so that kids can record every launch from the point of view of the rocket, capturing the terrain below as it recedes into the distance. Once the flight is over, kids can detach the digital camera and plug it into a USB port to download the video and audio onto a computer. THE TOY BOOK | AUGUST 2021 |

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BRIGHT STRIPES iHeartArt Color Harmony Art Journal | Ages: 6+ | MSRP: $19.99 Available: September This journal is a fold-up binder with elastic closure, and comes with oil pastels, markers, stencils, colored and drawing papers, and an art guide. Kids can make an affirmation rainbow, create and name their own colors, and more. This set also comes with five activity pages that were developed in collaboration with Art Feeds. Dream Jars – Hot Air Balloon | Ages: 8+ | MSRP: $39.99 Available: September Kids can fold and build a 10-inch, hot air balloon model complete with accessories such as pet passengers, a translucent rainbow, and flying birds. This set comes with puffy stickers, gems, and crafty elements that allow kids to personalize the balloon. A cloud fluff with a string of LED lights is included. Swirly World Pens Blind Box PDQ | Ages: 6+ | MSRP: $8.99 Available: Now Kids can personalize their own light-up liquid wand pen with different metallic colors, plastic bubbles, colored microbeads, accessories, and a surprise Pen Pal mini-figure all inside the pen barrel. Kids can fill the barrel with various mineral oils and accessories, tighten the pen, and watch the Pen Pals swim up and down the barrel.

REGAL GAMES Scorzo | Ages: 8+ | MSRP: $9.99 | Available: Now This card game is a twist on the game Rummy. Designed for 2-6 players, Scorzo brings a different strategy for each round and each hand. The Goodge Rules | Ages: 8+ | MSRP: $9.99 | Available: Now This version of Spades incorporates both strategy and luck. In every round, each player bids based on how many points they expect to earn. “The Goodge” — the highest bidder — then determines the rules for that round. Spoons and a Spork | Ages: 8+ | MSRP: $9.99 | Available: Now In this card game, players collect four of a kind and race to scoop up the spoons. However, in this version, they have to watch out for the spork. This game of fast reflexes is designed for 3-8 players. | AUGUST 2021 | THE TOY BOOK

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SPECIALTY TOY LAUNCHES PUNKINFUTZ Emoji Patches by PunkinFutz and Sesame Street | Ages: 3+ MSRP: $24.99 | Available: Sept. 1 Kids can identify emotions, shapes, and colors with five character patches based on Sesame Street characters. The patches are backed with a Velcro hook for easy use with Punkinfutz’s PunkinHug Compression Vests, Every Wheel Carry bags, or anywhere there is a Velcro loop. The collection features Elmo, Big Bird, Cookie Monster, Abby Cadabby, and Oscar the Grouch. Every Wheel Carry Bag with Collectible Character Patch by PunkinFutz and Sesame Street | Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $34.99 | Available: Sept. 1 Kids can use this weather-resistant, reflective bag to carry belongings on a scooter, a bicycle, a wheelchair, or a walker. The bag is designed for flexible placement on motorized or manual wheelchairs and includes a collectible Sesame Street patch featuring Cookie Monster, Oscar the Grouch, or Count von Count. Sensory Set by PunkinFutz and Sesame Street | Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $49.99 | Available: Sept. 1 This Sesame Street-themed set includes a sensory carry bag, a marble maze, a pompom fidget, three emoji patches, and a PunkinPassport activity book to keep kids entertained on the go.

TEXAS TOY DISTRIBUTION Stegosaurus Plush Dinosaur | Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $19.95 Available: Now This 15-inch plush stegosaurus is part of Texas Toy Distribution’s sizable line of dinosaur plushies. It features a red and orange color scheme with black accents. NASA International Space Station 24-pc Wood Jigsaw Puzzle Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $12.95 | Available: Now This 24-piece, NASA-licensed jigsaw puzzle is easy to assemble and comes with an educational description on the back. Drop ‘n Hop Old Time Poppers | Ages: 6+ | MSRP: $4.95 Available: Now Kids can invert the popper, drop it, and watch it jump up to six feet high. These poppers are available in four different colors: yellow, red, blue, and green.


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ORANGE ONIONS Grocery Store Checkout Counter | Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $69.99 Available: Now This checkout counter set includes a variety of grocery-related items, such as the Eimmie Mart shopping bag, cash register, Eimmie Mart money, an open/closed sign, and various canned goods including fruit, cake mix, milk, flour, and more. This set is compatible with 18-inch dolls. Pawley and Poppy’s Storybook Adventure | Ages: 3+ MSRP: $29.99 | Available: Now This set includes a 14-inch, embroidered plush and storybook available in two styles: Poppy the Kindness Unicorn and Pawley the Be Kind Bear. Each plush comes with two matching bags — one attached to the plush, and one for kids — which appear in the storybook. Sharewood Forest Friends | Ages: 2+ | MSRP: $24.99 | Available: Now Forest Friends are a collection of 18-inch animal and doll plushies: Aria, Brie, Fiona, Piper, Sofie, Eimmie, Allie, and Kaylie. Each rag doll features an embroidered nose, mouth, and eyes. The clothing is both detailed and removable, allowing for outfit changes with other dolls.

CRESTAR Funny Mat Reusable Coloring Mat | Ages: 3+ MSRP: $7.99 | Available: Now Kids can get creative with Funny Mat, a washable, reusable, and recyclable table cover that comes pre-printed with designs for craft products. Kids can color or draw on the mat with water-based, felt-tip markers, or use it as a protective surface for painting, compound play, and more. More than 30 designs are available. Funny Mat Travel Set | Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $19.99 Available: Now Kids can create on the go with this reusable coloring activity kit that comes in the form of a spiral notebook. Each set comes with six sheets of pre-printed designs that kids can color with washable, water-based markers. The colors wash off with a wet towel or under running water so the notebook can be colored over and over again. My Funny T-Shirt Set | Ages: 4+ | MSRP: $17.99 | Available: Now Each My Funny T-Shirt Set comes with a pre-printed white T-shirt from a selection of different designs, including Dinosaurs, Cats, Mermaids, Cars, and Deep Sea. Kids can color the shirt using the six included washable markers. The colors can be washed off so kids can color it again. The set includes a cardboard backing and comes in a translucent pouch with a handle. | AUGUST 2021 | THE TOY BOOK

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SPECIALTY TOY LAUNCHES BRIO Battery-Operated Steaming Train | Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $39.99 Available: Now This battery-operated toy train gives off a realistic steam effect as it chugs along the tracks. The safeto-touch effect uses water to create a cool vapor that comes out of the chimney. The train works with all BRIO and compatible wooden railways. Smart Tech Sound Deluxe Set | Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $349.99 | Available: Now This 91-piece deluxe railway set features newfor-2021 accessories, including the BRIO Smart Tech Sound Train Service Station and Tunnel Station. Kids can enjoy endless imaginative train play accented by sound, motion, lights, and “record and play” functions powered by BRIO Smart Tech.

HABA USA Orchard Maze Magnetic Game | MSRP: $21.99 Available: Now Future orchard farmers can use the magnetic stick to move the balls around, count them, or sort them by color. The brightly colored balls become apples, plums, pears, and cherries on the tree and can be harvested. Soft Doll Freya | MSRP: $29.99 Available: Now At 12-inches tall, this soft doll is designed with a weighted bottom so it can sit on its own without falling. Fashionable Freya has her own unique style. She wears a loose-fitting mustard-colored top with grey leggings, a removable cap, and sewn on shoes. Hammer Time Game | MSRP: $24.99 | Available: Now In this game, players knock shiny stones off the box using the hammer. To complete their tasks, they need to collect the right number and color of gemstones without waking Dragomir the Dragon.


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ZING Air Hunterz Wrist Bow | Ages: 8+ | MSRP: $14.99 | Available: Now Kids can attach this bow to their wrist to launch soft mini-arrows up to 30 feet away by unclipping the arrow from their wrist, looping it through the bungees, grabbing the end of the arrow, and firing. The device features an adjustable strap and a wrist-fitting grip. The mini-arrows feature suction cups that can stick to nearly any flat surface. Each Air Hunterz Wrist Bow package includes a wrist bow (available in green or red), three mini-suction cup arrows, and a wall target on the back of the packaging. Go Go Bird Butterfly | Ages: 8+ | MSRP: $29.99 | Available: Fall The Go Go Bird Butterfly features a lightweight body design that looks like an orange Monarch butterfly. Kids can use the wireless remote control to fly it up to 100 feet in the air and perform aerial tricks. The device includes a six-axis sensor inside that kids can use to achieve a smart take-off by hand. It includes a remote and a rechargeable battery. Marshmallow Blaster – Double Barrel Extreme Blaster | Ages: 8+ | MSRP: $17.97 | Available: Fall Kids can use this single-action, lock-and-load unit to launch real marshmallows up to 40 feet away. The device can launch two large marshmallows at a time when kids pump the handle on the back of the blaster to fill the cylinder chamber with air.

MONOGRAM INTERNATIONAL Boba Fett Bank | Ages: 4+ MSRP: $19.99 Available: September Inspired by the upcoming The Book of Boba Fett series on Disney+, this 8-inch tall PVC Boba Fett bank is designed in the likeness of its denominated Star Wars character. It features a green, red, and yellow color scheme along with a coin slot at the top of Boba Fett’s helmet. Sailor Moon Bank | Ages: 4+ MSRP: $19.99 Available: Now The Sailor Moon Bank is an 8-inch tall, piggy bank rendition of the show’s character, designed with her pigtails and school uniform. The coin slot is concealed on the back of her sailor’s collar and has a removable plastic cork at the bottom. The Mandalorian Series 2 – 3D Foam Bag Clips in Blind Bags Ages: 4+ | MSRP: $6.99 | Available: Now This blind bag assortment features 3D foam characters from season two of Disney’s The Mandalorian. The assortment includes Mandalorian holding The Child, The Child eating octopus soup, Cobb Vanth, Ahsoka Tano, Boba Fett, Moff Gideon, The Child hiding in a vase, Bo Katan, the Razor Crest ship, and an exclusive appearance from a young deep fake Luke Skywalker. Each bag clip character is 2.5 inches tall. | AUGUST 2021 | THE TOY BOOK

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SPECIALTY TOY LAUNCHES HANDSTAND KITCHEN Ultimate Hot Cocoa Bomb Set | Ages: 6+ | MSRP: $29.99 Available: October The Ultimate Hot Cocoa Bomb Set is an 18-piece set that features an exclusive reusable embossed silicone mold to make four cocoa bombs. Handcraft uniquely flavored hot cocoa bombs by placing the cocoa bomb in a mug, pouring steaming milk over the top, and watching it burst open to reveal hidden treats inside. The set includes hot cocoa accessories like a spatula and silicone melting pot with lid to safely make hot cocoa bombs. I <3 Cocoa Bombs Intro Set | Ages: 6+ | MSRP: $24.99 Available: October This four-piece starter set comes with the essential tools kids need to make two perfectly shaped cocoa bombs. The set includes a reusable silicone mold, hot cocoa accessories, and a QR code link to exclusive recipes and videos. Sandwich Cutter Lunch Set | Ages: 6+ | MSRP: $9.99 | Available: September Handstand Kitchen is releasing colorful Sandwich Cutter Lunch Sets that cut sandwiches into fun and creative shapes. The stainless steel cutters come in a variety of styles, including unicorns, cupcakes, dinosaurs, and superheroes.

GOLIATH Unsolved Case Files: Jamie Banks - Cold Case Murder Mystery Game for 1 or More Players | Ages: 14+ | MSRP: $26.99 | Available: Now In this game, players must look for evidence to solve three objectives that will lead them to convict the killer of an 18-year-old high school student. Teenagers can play solo or in a group to dig through newspaper clippings, crime scene photographs, and other clues that will help them find out who the victim was with, which suspect lied, and who the murderer was. The game features online answer keys that players can use to check whether they found the correct evidence to solve each objective. Betcha Can’t Card Game - The Fast-Paced Game Of One-Upping | Ages: 7+ | MSRP: $19.99 | Available: Now In this card game, three or more players can bet on things they think they know, such as naming the most ice cream flavors or theme parks. If another player says “betcha can’t,” the betting player must answer correctly to win the card, but if they can’t, they must go to “Time Out.” The first player to collect five cards gets named the “Better Bettor!”


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E-BLOX Circuit Blox Build Your Own Bubble Making Machine | Ages: 5+ MSRP: $27.50 | Available: Now Kids can learn STEM fundamentals of electronics while they build their own bubble machine with this kit. It comes with all the parts necessary to build a circuit that creates a continuous stream of bubbles and bubble solution. Kids can connect the geared motor, motor and fa, and switch to the circuit to watch the parts work together to create thousands of bubbles per minute.

BLUE ORANGE GAMES Hide ‘N Squeak | Ages: 4+ | MSRP: $14.99 One player must hide Squeaky the mouse and the rest of the players must find her by listening for her laughs and giggles. Once someone finds Squeaky, they can return her to her Cheese Box so she can finish her meal.

RAVENSBURGER GraviTrax PRO Vertical Starter Set | Ages: 8+ | MSRP: $79.99 Available: Now This set includes 153 elements that help kids build their own vertical track systems. Items such as walls, pillars, and balconies can be attached together to form three-dimensional structures. These elements can be integrated with existing GraviTrax sets, allowing kids to create new marble runs. Kid’s Escape Puzzles | Ages: 9+ | MSRP: $18.49-20.99 Available: Now Ravensburger’s Escape Puzzle series is adding kids’ versions. The new 368-piece puzzles feature kid-friendly images and riddles to solve. Themes include “Museum Mysteries,” “Jungle Journey,” and “Amusement Park Plight.” Mickey and Friends Magical Treats | Ages: 8+ | MSRP: $19.99 Available: Now In this matching game, kids help Mickey and his friends arrange their lunch orders. Players must sort out their lunch by matching colors, food, characters, or the number of stars on each card. Mickey and Friends Magical Treats includes four card holders shaped like Mickey’s gloves. | AUGUST 2021 | THE TOY BOOK

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SPECIALTY TOY LAUNCHES GRIDDLY GAMES Just Add Soap Ages: 8+ MSRP: $24.99 Available: Fall The good, clean fun of Just Add Soap is the eighth product in the Griddly Games’ “Just Add” line. Kids learn about the geometry of bubbles, density of liquids, and chemical reactions while they concoct more than 20 different experiments and activities that can be repeated over and over.

SCENTCO OMG Snuggle Me! Bedtime Buddies Scented Plush | Ages: 3+ MSRP: $14.99 These 10-inch tall, sleeping bag-clad, bedtime snuggle companions are gently scented with Birthday Cake, Neapolitan, Blueberry, Watermelon, Pineapple, or Banana. Air Dough Go! | Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $3.99 Air Dough Go! adds moving parts to Scentco’s Air Dough line. Models include Shark, Dragon, Monkey, and Hula Girl. After kids create their model, the dough dries completely within eight hours and becomes lightweight. Air Dough doesn’t stick to carpets or clothing.

THINK FUN My First Math Dice | Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $12.99 | Available: August My First Math Dice helps kids build pre-kindergarten math confidence. By rolling the big chunky dice, kids are rewarded as they collect the colorful Counter Chips onto their towers. As they play the game, kids are introduced to important early math concepts like recognition of numerals, more than/less than, and basic addition. My First Math Dice includes three different games. Block Chain | Ages: 8+ | MSRP: $10.99 Available: Now Block Chain is a unique line of brainteasers that feature three different types of puzzles with three distinct levels of play. Kids can expand the Block Chain cubes and rearrange them to form endless face combinations. Block Chain comes in a variety of themes, such as pirates, unicorns, and robots.


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AMIGO GAMES Clack! Thwack | Ages: 6+ | MSRP: $11 | Available: Now The Clack! line expands with the introduction of Clack! Thwack in which 2-6 players roll dice and look for matching symbols. When they see one, they thwack it with their suction cup thwacker in an effort to claim tiles to score. Magic Mountain | Ages: 6+ | MSRP: $24.99 | Available: Now Players work together to move their heroes down the mountain faster than the witches by rolling balls down a sloped game board with the goal of moving the good guy pieces. They have to plan their attack through cooperative play because the balls might move the bad guys too. Flip-Pix | Ages: 6+ | MSRP: $11.99 | Available: Now Speed and creative vocabulary are key skills needed in FlipPix, a game in which players search for pictures that connect to a letter, and then letters connected to pictures.

UNIVERSITY GAMES Richard Scarry’s Busy Day Game |Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $19.99 | Available: Now In this game, players travel through the world of Richard Scarry to find and collect tokens in their backpacks, then travel back to the city center to win the game. Judge Your Friends |Ages: 18+ | MSRP: $24.99| Available: Now In this adult party game, players take turns as both the defendant and the judge, trying to figure out whether or not the other players are guilty or not guilty of 400 funny scenarios. The game comes with a golden gavel. The Art of Murder | Ages: 18+ | MSRP: $24.99 | Available: Now The newest installment of the company’s Murder Mystery Party: Case Files series, this puzzle-game hybrid challenges players to work independently or as a detective unit to piece together a murder board puzzle and additional evidence puzzles to solve the murder and name the killer. | AUGUST 2021 | THE TOY BOOK

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SPECIALTY TOY LAUNCHES CREATEON Sesame Street Magna-Tiles | Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $39.95-49.95 Available: Now Kids can build structures while learning and exploring with the Monsters of Sesame Street in a new collection of Magna-Tiles construction sets. Three sets are available, including Mr. Hoopers Store, the Sesame Street Garbage Truck, and one inspired by the book, The Monster At The End of This Story. The magnetic pieces click together and feature colorful graphics inspired by the residents and locations of Sesame Street. The Beatles Collection Magna-Tiles Structures Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $134.99 | Available: Now Families can experience the colorful world of The Beatles with this 53-piece Magna-Tiles Structures set inspired by the music of The Fab Four. Kids can learn matching with Beatles song titles or build the Yellow Submarine, Magical Mystery Tour Bus, a phonograph, and more.

RELEVANT PLAY Mad Mattr Bakery Activity Set | Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $17.99| Available: Now Mad Mattr is a soft building compound that can be easily molded and structured. Four colors of Mad Mattr are in this kit to make faux treats and frosting. The bakery activity set has seven molds to create make-believe cookies, cupcakes, donuts, and more. Mad Mattr Ice Cream Activity Set | Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $14.99 | Available: Now Kids can mold ice-cream treats with this Mad Mattr activity set. This kit includes three colors of Mad Mattr that can be easily structured into different shapes. The seven molds and cutting tool in this set will help kids make sugar and waffle cones, round or swirled ice-cream, and popsicles. Mad Mattr Burger Activity Set | Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $12.99 Available: Now This activity set will let kids run their own make-believe burger shop! Mad Mattr can be molded into patties, cheese, tomatoes, and all the fix-ins needed for a dish. Kids can put the three different colors of Mad Mattr into the six hamburger molds to make the perfect faux lunch or a side of fries. Little chefs can save leftovers in the included storage box for hamburgers and fries.


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JURA TOYS Dinosaurs Magneti’book | Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $14.99 | Available: Now The Magneti’book line expands with a dinosaur edition. The portable magnetic books include 40 magnetic pieces and 10 cards, each of which depicts the dinosaur’s Latin name. Kids must put together a picture of the dinosaur displayed on the card using the magnets provided. All magnetic pieces are interchangeable, so kids can build creations of their own. Sweet Cocoon Rainbow Turtle | Ages: 1+ | MSRP: $29.99 Available: Now This wooden turtle is part of the Sweet Cocoon collection. It is painted with a rainbow shell composed of six wooden circle arcs. Kids can stack and switch up the wooden pieces in any order. Lalabloom 21-Piece Gift Set | Ages: 10 mos.+ | MSRP: $29.99 Available: Now The set contains six toys including a rain stick, cube, two silicone links, two spinner wheels, and seven snap-and-twist beads. The latter are large beads that kids can screw, clip, assemble, and lace together in multiple patterns and combinations.

PLAN TOYS Push & Pull Puppy | Ages: 1+ | MSRP: $45 | Available: Now This wooden puppy features flexible functions, such as a tilting face and clickclack sound while moving. The puppy comes with an attached wooden handle that is easily removable. Vlogger Kit | Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $50 | Available: Now Inspired by the video blogging movement, this wooden kit is designed to help kids practice creative communication. The set comes with a camera, ring light made from rubber, clip-on microphone with adaptor, and selfie stick tripod. A bag is included for transportation. Drum Set | Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $250 | Available: Now This 53-by-71-inch wooden drum set comes with a snare and bass drum, pedal, cymbal and pair of rubber drum sticks. Kids can use the set to practice hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. | AUGUST 2021 | THE TOY BOOK

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SPECIALTY TOY LAUNCHES CEACO PUZZLES AND GAMEWRIGHT Chicken Chicken | Ages: 6+ | MSRP: $11.99 | Available: Now Kids should count their chickens before they hatch. Players reveal cards one at a time, keeping a mental tally of the eggs. The first to slap the pile when their total equals five wins — but chickens, foxes, dogs, and more animals can fowl up the count. Hedgehog Roll | Ages: 4+ | MSRP: $17.99 | Available: Now Players roll the fuzzy hedgehog ball across a field of sticky flowers, leaves, and pine cones to collect the items. Kids can play cooperatively to outrun a fox or competitively to see who can get their hedgehog home first. Super Mega Lucky Box | Ages: 8+ | MSRP: $15.99 | Available: Now Players reveal numbers one-by-one to cross off the corresponding boxes on their cards. When players cross off three in a row, they unlock bonuses.

CREATIVE BEGINNING Alphabet and Number Board Chalkboard Base Puzzles | Ages: 2+ MSRP: $24.99 | Available: Now Kids can learn letters and numbers with these eco-friendly, sealed wood puzzles. They can learn to print using chalk by following the tracers on the chalkboard base. Indentations guide young learners so they don’t “go outside of the lines.” The large, thick puzzle pieces reinforce learning and tactile play. Each puzzle is produced in neutral colors. The vowels on the Alphabet Puzzle are white to reinforce their importance.

ROYLCO 2+ Toddler Art Kit | Ages: 2+ | MSRP: $34.99 | Available: Now This art kit features a variety of textures, from soft and rubbery to crinkly and smooth, that kids can explore with their fingers as they learn to assemble shapes into familiar forms. It comes with more than 100 craft materials, including peel-and-stick felt shapes, pompoms, cardstock shapes, paper, and more that kids can use to create pictures. The big, simple, and recognizable shapes, such as teddy bears, cars, and fish, make it easy for kids to get creative.


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EEBOO Around the Clock Puzzle | Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $19 | Available: Now Kids can follow Bear and friends’ daytime and nighttime activities in this 23-inch puzzle. The puzzle’s oversized format features an engaging way to tell time with an analog clock, as well as characters and activities that introduce the concept of the 24-hour day. Ready to Go Sequencing Puzzle: School | Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $15.99 Available: Now This puzzle features interlocking pieces that need to be placed in the correct order. Kids follow logical hints in illustrations in order to complete it. International Women’s Day 100 Piece Round Puzzle | Ages: 5+ MSRP: $21.99 | Available: Now International Women’s Day is celebrated every year on March 8. This puzzle celebrates it year-round with images of notable women from history.

GREEN TOYS RV Camper Set | Ages: 2+ | MSRP: $29.99 | Available: Now The RV Camper Set is a colorful, three-in-one vehicle playset that features a pick-up truck, a camper, and a sport boat with its own trailer. Kids can play with the vehicles individually or link them together. The set includes camping accessories like chairs, a picnic table, and a camping stove. Stack & Sort Train | Ages: 6 MOS+ | MSRP: $34.99 Available: Now The Stack & Sort Train helps kids practice motor skills, color matching, counting, sorting, and categorization. This 12-piece set features a train engine and four numbered, graduated stacking pieces. Kids can match each stacking piece with its corresponding color shape, featuring a design of a puppy, kitten, mouse, or bunny.

THE OP | USAOPOLY Disney Mickey and Friends Food Fight | Ages: 6+ | MSRP: $19.99 | Available: September Inspired by the Mickey Short “No Service,” this game designed for 3-5 players challenges them to toss different dishes and treats from the Snack Shack to clear their tray the fastest. Players simultaneously roll dice and follow what types of food to toss, how many, and in which direction, all while avoiding others’ food. 25 Words or Less | Ages: 10+ | MSRP: $14.99 | Available: Now In this fast-paced party game based on the hit TV game show, two clue-givers bet on how few words they’ll need to have their teammates guess five secret answers, starting at 25. The lowest bidder takes the card and must beat the challenge within their limited clues and time. PicTwist: Bob Ross | Ages 8+ | MSRP: $16.99 | Available: September This game features scenic landscapes from The Joy of Painting scrambled up, appearing upside down, sideways, and out of order. Players test their planning skills with Action Cards to race against other players and reconstruct his works of art. The first to correctly restore their painting wins. | AUGUST 2021 | THE TOY BOOK

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SPECIALTY TOY LAUNCHES SMART TOYS & GAMES SmartGames IQ Digits | Ages: 7+ MSRP: $14.99 | Available: Now In this game, players must place all of the puzzle pieces on the gameboard to make sure that the numbers add up correctly. This unique travel game features 120 challenges that range from easy to expert.

THE MANHATTAN TOY CO. Playground Adventure | Ages: 1+ | MSRP: $116 Available: Now This playground-themed, wooden activity center features quadrants with activities including 20 gliders on seven tracks, an abacus track, five bead runs, a sprint bear riding a dinosaur, and more. It features themed illustrations and offers seated or kneeling play for young kids. Fairytale Peek A Boo Book | Ages: 0+ | MSRP: $20 Available: Now Babies can enjoy a variety of fabric textures with this soft activity book, which features a tethered squeaker bunny that follows along through every page of the story. The activities include a tethered pom-pom, peek-a-boo elements, crinkle fabrics, and ribbons. The book also has a fabric closure and loop so it can attach to a stroller, a bag, or a carrier. Baby Stella Peach with Light Brown Hair | Ages: 1+ MSRP: $37 | Available: Now

SmartGames Grabbit Ages: 4+ | MSRP: $23.99 Available: Now

The newest Baby Stella doll features a light brown tuft of hair, a magnetic pacifier that attaches to the doll’s mouth, embroidered features, and a removable outfit and diaper.

In this memory game designed for 2-4 players, hungry rabbits are jumping around the vegetable garden. As the rabbits look under leaves, different vegetables become visible. Players have to remember which vegetable is planted where, and if they are wrong, animals underground take back the vegetables they’ve collected. The first player to collect all four vegetables wins. SmartGames Diamond Quest Ages: 10+ | MSRP: $19.99 Available: Now Players enter the SmartGames diamond mine and dig up all of the jewels to find the location of the red diamond — the deeper they dig, the more their deduction skills are put to the test. Diamond Quest features 80 challenges, ranging from easy to expert.


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AURORA WORLD Eco Nation | Ages: 0+ | MSRP: $14.99 | Available: Now Eco Nation is a sustainable line of plush animals that are made of 100% recycled materials, including the fabric and fiber fills, the embroidered eyes, the labels, the hang tags, the packaging, and the displays. There are more than 40 different plush animals in the collection.

SD TOYZ SD SPINZ | Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $9.99 | Available: September Each sleek, 1:43-scale SD Spinz race car includes a pull-back motor that powers the vehicle forward. When kids crash the car, the front bumper depresses to launch a spring-loaded helicopter up to 15 feet in the air. SD Spinz are available in red, blue, and yellow and feature over-molding to give each vehicle colorful rubber accents that provide a tactile sensation.

CUDDLE BARN Smuzzies | Ages: 12 MOS+ | MSRP: $9.99 | Available: Now Smuzzies are a line of collectible plush toys that feature squishy animals with large, chubby muzzles and smiles. Smuzzies come in a variety of characters, from magical beings to everyday farm animals. Cuddle Barn is also introducing Halloween and Christmas collections that include Smuzzies that play a song in a larger, 10-inch size.

Tickles & Giggles Milo & Roscoe | Ages: 3+ MSRP: $26.99 | Available: Now Cuddle Barn will introduce Tickles & Giggles Milo & Roscoe, plush animals that sing. Milo the Monkey sings “Five Little Monkeys” and Rosce the Pup sings “BINGO.” When kids tickle Milo and Roscoe’s tummies, the plush toys giggle and play a tickle game.

Enchanted Fanny Packs | Ages: 2+ | MSRP: $19.99 | Available: Now Enchanted Fanny Packs are fanny packs that come with magical plush animals. Each toy features a bright colored adjustable strap that allows kids to wear them across their waits or as a crossbody bag. When kids boop the plush animal’s nose, they can hear them play sweet humming and giggling sounds. Enchanted Fanny Packs come with either Trix Panda, Dazzle Llamacorn, or Glitz Unicorn. | AUGUST 2021 | THE TOY BOOK

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SPECIALTY TOY LAUNCHES PLUS-PLUS BOKS Windmill | Ages: 4+ | MSRP: $24.99 | Available: Now Kids and adults can bring the Plus-Plus building experience into their home or work space with this 220-piece set that includes a wooden platform, a green baseplate, and a wheel. They can build the set into a windmill, a phone holder, a pen-and-note holder, and more. Big Make and Go! Sets | Ages: 4+ | MSRP: $19.99-39.99 | Available: Now The Big range from Plus-Plus expands to include new Big Go! Elements — including wheels — that add motion into the mix. Kids can build a fire truck, a motorcycle, a farm truck, and more. The new Big range also includes three new colors of Big Baseplates. Learn to Build Vehicles Super Set | Ages: 4+ | MSRP: $49.99 | Available: Now This 800-piece building set includes 16 wheels, four chassis baseplates, and instructions to guide kids in building vehicles, such as a jet plane, a beach buggy, a go-cart, and a working dump truck.

STORY TIME CHESS Story Time Chess | Ages: 3+ | MSRP: $49.99 | Available: Now As kids ages 3 and up progress through the interactive stories included in Story Time Chess, they will learn how to play chess. The stories focus on why chess pieces move in their own unique ways and are supported by a cast of characters and activities that ensure that the rules and basics stick.

BANANAGRAMS Countaloupe | Ages: 7+ | MSRP: $9.99 | Available: Now Bananagrams will introduce Countaloupe, a STEM game in which players win by being the first to get rid of all the slices in their deck. Players roll the dice and count their seeds and decide whether or not to roll again. They much be careful not to get a rotten roll of the dice, otherwise their chance for victory will be squashed.


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DIAMOND SELECT TOYS Marvel Comic Minimates Series 81 Dark Phoenix Assortment | Ages: 8+ MSRP: $9.99 Available: November These 2-inch figures are available individually or in two-packs featuring the Cyclops with Lilandra, Phoenix with Gladiator, or the Dark Phoenix with Corsair. Each has 14 points of articulation, interchangeable parts and accessories, and a full-color window box. Muppets Deluxe Action Figures Best of Series 3 Assortment | Ages: 8+ MSRP: $24.99 | Available: November Kids can collect the characters from the Electric Mayhem band individually or in two-packs featuring either Dr. Teeth with Zoot, Floyd with Janice, or Animal and his drum kit. Each figure or figure pair includes a full-color window box.

DEMDACO Hopeful Rainbows Doll Set | Ages: 2+ | MSRP: $43.80 Available: Mid-August Each doll in this three-doll set shows how being different is a good thing with unique characteristics. Heartful Hugs — Fox | Ages: 2+ | MSRP: $43.80 Available: Now

Marvel Comic Gallery VS Vision PVC Diorama Ages: 14+ | MSRP: $49.99 Available: November

The 5-pound weight of this soft stuffed fox helps soothe and calm anxious kids.

This diaroama features a 10.5-inch tall sculpture of Vision on a battlefield base, phasing through a piece of rubble. The statue comes packaged in a full-color window box.

Giving Bear Blankie | Ages: 0+ | MSRP: $23.10 Available: Now This blankie features a Giving sentiment bookmark hang tag on a soft rattle blankie for babies and a corduroy ear.

MUKIKIM SoccerBot | Ages: 6+ | MSRP: $49.99 | Available: Now Kids can face off the two remote-controlled robots as they dribble, drive, pass, and kick the included soccer ball into the goal. The robots also feature light-up functions and can play songs and dance to celebrate goals. The Coding Bot | Ages: 6+ | MSRP: $49.99 | Available: Now This bot helps kids develop STEAM skills through three coding modes: Discovery mode features 32 action cards for puzzle programming, Programming mode features eight colored cards for its adventure map, and Music mode allows players to create their own songs. The bot also comes with a 28-page adventure manual to guide kids through the coding process. Rock and Roll It — Micro Music Collection | Ages: 6+ | MSRP: $19.99 | Available: Now These miniature music clip-ons include flexible silicone pianos and drums in black-and-white or muliticolor editions that imitate their real life counterparts’ sounds. Each clip-on has an integral speaker and backpack clip. | AUGUST 2021 | THE TOY BOOK

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