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The players Following the Games and Puzzles category experiencing a surge in sales in 2020, Toy World spoke to a number of suppliers to ask them how sales can be maximised this year and what their advice would be to retailers wanting to hold in-store retail games events and promotions.
Ben Hogg - Marketing manager, Vivid Goliath
Roger Martin -
Undoubtedly, Games & Puzzles has been one of the categories within Toys to see a real boost from the Covid-enforced lockdowns of 2020 and the increased amount of time spent at home by families. I think it’s fair to say that this boost has continued to make its presence felt in 2021, and we are optimistic it will hold out for the autumn/winter period too. Given there are more shoppers in the market, we must make it as simple as possible for them to stay in the market and interact with our games, making our titles not only more discoverable but also ensuring they work harder to lead to a sale once we have that initial interest. There are multiple routes to achieve this online, and to get them in front of the correct audience. Physical stores also have a part to play in helping customers navigate games shelves, whether that be via clever merchandising that sorts the games into categories, or through solid in-store expertise. It’s difficult for retailers hoping to run events in-store around games, especially if that involves actually playing with or touching them. For the last year and a half, we’ve been told to not go near people outside our household, let alone sit a few feet from them and touch the same pieces repeatedly. For the time being, we need to engage with customers in ways that don’t involve being in such close proximity. Over time, I’m sure events will be able to make a gradual return – we are already seeing the start of this, with events such as UK Games Expo taking place - but they are not (and will not) be the same as we’ve previously known them for the foreseeable future. If we can get to a point where evidence suggests they are safe, I still feel there may be a significant mental hurdle for customers to overcome in terms of attendance.
In terms of maximising games and puzzles sales, retailers should play to the strengths of what we can do now - i.e. live experience. The success of this year's UK Games Expo showed that there's an appetite for people to get together and play games. Retailers need to be creative about how they maximise their appetite through their customers' in-store experience. When holding an event in-store, retailers must fundamentally get the basics right: know why you're doing the event, who you're targeting and how you're going to get them engaged. Events are so important, which is why we've made them part of our Retailer Reward Scheme - and we're on hand with our unrivalled team of demonstrators who can be booked to deliver a friendly, knowledgeable and engaging introduction to key products in store.
Karen Clarke - UK brand director, Smart Toys & Games During the lockdown, friends and families have all enjoyed playing Smart’s games and puzzles. Many more have rediscovered their passion for a good night in and the fun you can have by getting everyone around the table at home or playing head-to-head virtually. We believe that word of mouth drives so many games sales, and we see that working well with stores as they have reopened. As we get back to establishing our consumer events programmes and in-store demonstrations, we will support retail with all the tools and displays they need and full use of our training studio in Arundel on how to host an in-store event. Who wouldn’t want an afternoon tea or Pimm’s in Arundel full of fun and games? Business will boom as a result. Creating theatre and a destination for both children and adults to enjoy playing games in-store will definitely encourage growth. Managed by our lovely in-store demonstrator Carolina, our Smart Games display stand in Hamleys is a perfect example of creating the right balance of engagement, fun and learning.
Toy World 18
Hobby & independent channel director, Asmodee