Crusades Intro

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The Crusading Movement and the Latin East, 1095-1204

An introduction to the content and demands of the course.

Key skills for this course • Making connections between different elements of the subject. • Drawing together knowledge, understanding, and skills of diverse issues. • Understanding continuity, development and change. • Developing a broad overview of what has been studied.

Major Themes • Religious belief – by Catholic crusaders, Orthodox Byzantines and Muslims. • Political & military factors – Alliances, power, gaining support and legacy. • Individual motivations – personal interests, alliances, rivalries, faith and military standing. • Social and economic factors – Living conditions, changing attitudes, views on life and death.

Glossary Terms • Crusades • Rome • Constantinople • Byzantine Empire • Greek Orthodox • Holy Roman Empire • Mohammed

• Islam • Caliph • Sunni • Shi’ite • Abbasids • Fatamids • Seljuk Turks

Starter • In pairs, discuss and make a list of the key beliefs of Christians and Muslims. • Include; – Main tenants. – Key figures. – Areas of origin. – Holy cities. – Where you think each was most prominent in the 11th century.

Christianity & Islam • Teachings from Jesus, the son of God. • Jesus a born in Bethlehem who preached throughout Jerusalem. • Significant throughout the Western world (Europe.

• The word of Allah (God), through his prophet Mohammed. • Holy sites of Mecca, Medina & Jerusalem, where Mohammed preached. • Significant throughout the Middle East and some parts of Europe.

Identity • How do we identify ourselves nowadays? • Note down three ways that you as an individual identify yourself.

Life in the Christian World • In 1095, most people did not view themselves in terms of race or nationalism, instead having religious identity. • Christian society was split by the Latin Roman Catholic church in the West, and the Greek Orthodox church in the Byzantine East.

The ‘Great Schism’ • Although initially the Eastern Greek Orthodox and Western Christians shared the same faith, the two traditions began to divide after the seventh Ecumenical Council in 787 CE and is commonly believed to have finally split over the conflict with Rome in the so called Great Schism in 1054. • In particular this happened over the papal claim to supreme authority and the doctrine of the Holy Spirit.

The Byzantine Empire • In many historian’s view, the Byzantine Empire stood as the final part of the Roman Empire. • Its capital was Constantinople (modern day Istanbul), and was a very wealthy Empire predominantly made up of Greek Christians.

What was society like in 1095? • In pairs, read the information about your side and create a diagram to show the major factors (e.g Economic, Religious) that could have contributed to the First Crusade. • Around each of these factors write down specific notes for each and make links to other issues.

What was society like in 1095? • In your table groups, share your work and discuss the common themes and differences. • Create a table or annotate your diagram in a different colour to show these similarities/differences.

Discuss • How could a crusade solve these issues (especially in the West)? • Would it fix all the problems? • Who would it appeal to and why?

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