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Overall magazine readership has been increasing over the past decade, with a temporary dip during the pandemic. According to the World Economic Forum, readers worldwide enjoy the feel of turning pages in their hands. In addition, it was noted that time spent reading print can be just as important, or even more so, than the total number of readers accessing a publication in print or digital. So, print is alive, well, and making an impact!
» 71% of readers in the United States and 82% in the U.K. prefer reading magazines in print, rather than digitally.
(YouGov survey)
» Digital readership has overtaken print for many newspapers, but subscriptions overall increased last year in large, medium, and small markets.
(Poynter Institute for Media Studies)
» Book sales saw a spike in recent years, with publishers selling nearly 60 million more print books in 2020 compared to the previous year. Sales remained 12% above 2019 levels in 2021. (World Economic Forum)
» About two-thirds of adults aged 18 to 34 love the touch and feel of printed magazines. (World Economic Forum)
» Magazines provide about 68,000 jobs directly and support another 200,000, according to the Magazine Media Factbook.
» There are more than 7,000 magazines in the United States, reaching 220 million readers.