Publisher’s Note
Found on Page 4
Glad Hearts
10. Crisis Nursery-Healing Hearts
12. Freezin’ for a Reason
14. Baskets of Blessings
16. Community Living Celebrating 40 Years
Dynamic Duo
18. Rick & Mary Leach
Home Sweet Home
23. Ask the Expert
24. Heidi’s Hints What’s Under Foot?
27. The Flower Petaler
30. Resolution Reset
32. Head to Toe
37. Spring into Gear
47. Molly & Mike Guithes
51. Folly Island Shrimp & Grits
55. The Changing Workplace
57. Featured Financial Planners
64. Business Profile Fast
72. CAPS
75. Emma Jackson
Society Pages
Begin on Page 92
Cover Image
Cover Layout Design: Jeanne Strickland
On the Cover: St. Charles CAPS Student Associates; Brandon Siebert (OF), Levi Virden (SCW),
Tommy-lee Neville (SCW), Taylor Payne (OF), Tyler Barteau (SCH),
Cheryl Graber (CAPS Instructor), Payton Dill (OF), Blake McFarlane (OF)
Photography: Michael Schlueter