ISSUE 15 • FEBRUARY - APRIL 2012 KDN: PP16192/06/2012(030375)
My life as an Expat Educator Eco-friendly: No sew tote bag and useful origami Getting Healthy: Tips and recipe Tales of Old Ipoh: Maniam the Milo Man
SET LUNCH PROMOTION 1 February - 31 March 2012 11:30 a.m. - 2:30p.m. Set A
Soup of the Day Smoked Duck Angel Hair Thermidor (Sauteed Angel Hair Pasta in Thermidor style, topped with sliced smoked duck breast)
Dessert of the Day RM22.90 nett
Set B
Soup of the Day Oven-baked Ocean Trout
Set C
Soup of the Day Claypot Lou Shu Fun
(Oven – baked Salmon fillet with Dill Cream Sauce, served with Dauphinoise Potatoes, baked tomato and broccoli)
(Lou Shu Fun with sliced chicken, prawn, fish cake, sliced Chinese mushroom, Chinese cabbage and egg with thick gravy in claypot)
Dessert of the Day
Dessert of the Day
RM28.90 nett
RM13.90 nett
Smoked Duck Angel Hair Thermidor
Oven-baked ocean trout Claypot Lou Shu Fun
February - April 2012
Main Feature My Life as an Expat Educator
Meru Valley Resort
Learning Disabilities in Children Kensington Eco Homes News and Happenings Tips and Recipe
Advisor Editorial Board
: :
Graphic Designer Publisher
: :
Dato’ Lim Si Boon Shu Wern Sze, Yeun Yin Fong, Jess Chong, Lenore Liew Lee Tiam Poh Media Masters Publishing Sdn. Bhd. No. 1, Jalan Lasam, 30450 Ipoh, Perak Tel: 05-242 1333 Fax: 05-243 7736 / / Konway Industries Sdn Bhd Plot 78, Lebuhraya Kampong Jaya, 11900 Bayan Baru, Pulau Pinang Tel: 04-6447507
Ipoh •Penang •Setia Eco Park •Miri •Setia Eco Gardens Ipoh Valley of Dreams (IVOD) is the corporate lifestyle magazine of the Kinta Properties Holdings, Meru Valley Resort and the Tenby Schools Group published quarterly. The aims of the publication are to update our readers on the activities of the Group, as well as to celebrate the quality of life in Ipoh through featuring beautiful homes and interesting personalities both in our community and within the Group. The views and opinions expressed or implied in IVOD are those of the authors or contributors and do not necessarily reflect those of IVOD, its directors or editorial staffs. Unsolicited transparencies and articles are sent at owner’s risk and the Publishers accepts no liability for loss or damage. Copyright © 2011 by Media Masters Publishing Sdn. Bhd. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
by Wern Sze
For Denise Sinclair, who is currently Tenby Schools’ Development and Improvement Manager, life as an expat educator has been anything but mundane. Having traversed across four continents and lived in six countries in the course of her career, she has learnt that when life throws you lemons, forget the lemonade. Add it to tequila and salt and you’ve got yourself a renewed positive zest for life. As I enter the Sinclairs’ cozy and well furnished condominium unit at Meru Valley Resort in Ipoh, I am blissfully unaware that I would be regaled for the next hour with a story as adventurous and gripping as that of Denise’s journey as an expat educator. Describing her teaching career as ‘unusual’ from the start, Denise began by teaching woodwork in design and technology, which was and still is, a very much male-dominated teaching role. This she continued with success for six years before leaving for Rome, Italy in 1992 to head the Design department in an International School there. She was promoted after two years to deputy head of secondary where she remained for the next four years. “Rome is a beautiful country to live in with fantastic architecture and history. We spent six years there as a young 4 IVOD
Denise and Stephen Sinclair at their Meru Valley home. couple and it was great. The traffic, however, is horrendous!” Denise laughs and nods at her husband and high school sweetheart, Stephen. A factory manager and company director from Manchester, Stephen’s life has been equally exciting as he has had to wear many different hats at each teaching post Denise has taken up. In Rome, Stephen was asked by the school’s principal if he could drive the school bus. “I thought to myself, ‘why not?’ and soon found myself battling Itallian traffic with much passion for the next six years of my life!” Stephen, who is also a certified diving instructor and an avid outdoor person, also helped start the first British Scout Troup in Rome, and led them on many trips and excursions. At the end of their stint in Rome, the Sinclairs purchased a 10m sailing boat which they still own today. “Our Valia
Stephen on board Valia, their yatch, in Sardinia.
is docked in Sardinia, and has become our little escape and second home. It is always nice to go home to her,” says Denise.
The couple spent the next ten years of their life back in the UK at a state boarding school with Denise heading the Design department for two years, then later promoted to senior teacher in charge of curriculum. As for Stephen, he assumed the Head position for the Junior Boarding House for Boys, and became instant surrogate dad to more than two hundred boys aged 11-15 years old over the course of ten years. “Many of them still email me today, seeking advice or guidance,” says Stephen, who explains that many of these kids were overseas students who literally spent 24/7 at the premises, hence the special bond. During the couple’s tenure there, the school progressed from a failing school to an outstanding school, finally achieving Top 3 in the UK in 2008.
Foray into the Middle East
In 2008, the couple moved to Jordan, Amman with Denise accepting the Deputy Head position at the International Academy owned by Queen Rania. Describing their time there as ‘simply lovely’, their next two years were spent rubbing shoulders with the who’s who in society, and enjoying weekend visits to places of interest around the area. Little did they realise then that the political climate in the Middle East would soon turn for the worse, and that they would find themselves in the thick of chaos. Denise was headhunted in 2010 by GEMS, a group of International Schools with its headquarters in Dubai. “As soon as I joined them, I was offered the Head of Secondary post at GEMS International School of Tripoli in
The Sinclairs camping out in the Sahara Desert while in Libya.
Libya,” ventures Denise. Enamored by the Roman architecture and beautiful sites in Libya, their initial months in Tripoli were wonderful, with Denise finding her niche and rhythm in leading a school made up of 50% locals and 50% expats. They were only there for six months when the whole Gadaffi incident blew up around them. “It was strange how everything just escalated. There was no evidence of any unrest initially. About a week before February 23rd, which was the day we left, there was some protest but life went back to normal.” Stephen, a diving enthusiast, recalls speaking with a local dive centre at a
Stephen, a diving enthusiast, seen doing what he loves here.
beachside bar just a few days before the incident, discussing a possible business alliance with diving classes and trips. “Imagine, we were only talking on Thursday about organising diving programmes, and on Saturday night, the whole place erupts with riots and gunfire.” The day after the riots, which was Sunday and a school day, fifteen of their school buses carrying school children, were shot at while on the way to school. “At that point, I decided we had to close down the school indefinitely and proceeded to send every child home safely,” says Denise. In the next two days, while Denise busied herself securing important school documents, communicating via satelite with various embassies, and writing referral letters for the Libyan students to be placed in other schools in regional countries, Stephen plied the war zone streets in search for whatever food sufficient for 25 teachers and their families still holed up at the school. “Our school was bombed on Tuesday, and we decided then that it was too dangerous for all of us to remain in Tripoli. By that time, every expat family had already made their respective plans of escape and as soon as everyone had left the school, Stephen and I fled towards the airport carrying only my laptop and some important personal documents,” IVOD 5
Denise and her husband and high school sweetheart, Stephen
confides Denise. “We literally left everything we had behind in Tripoli.” This included their car, Libyan bank account, furniture, personal belongings, clothes, and for Denise, her lifetime collection of Jimmy Choo shoes, which she still mourns to this day. I ask them if they would ever return in the future to retrieve their things and they reply with profound wisdom, “We lost everything we had collected in our lifetime in one day, but we have come to accept the fact that life is not worth making a trip just to retrieve things.”
Starting All Over in Ipoh
The couple began contemplating their next move while in Dubai after fleeing Libya, and was recommended by a teacher friend who had worked in Kuala Lumpur to contact Robert Lloyd, Director of Education at Tenby Schools Malaysia. After a few interviews, a deal was sealed and the Sinclairs arrived in Malaysia with all that they owned in two new suitcases. Denise assumed her new position as School Development and Improvement Manager for the Tenby Schools group in May 2011. “Being in Malaysia is like starting all over again for us,” confesses Denise. “You begin to appreciate life in a more surreal way, and it has been a life-changing experience for us simply 6 IVOD
going through what we’ve lost, starting from scratch again, replacing necessities and forgoing others.” Settling in Ipoh, according to the couple, could not have been a better experience to date. Giving credit to a
We lost everything we had collected in our lifetime in one day, but we have come to accept the fact that life is not worth making a trip just to retrieve things. great bunch of people at the Tenby Schools’ headquarters in Ipoh, they have been impressed by how easy it has been to settle in to the School and community. “We feel very blessed. Tenby Schools is a very exciting place to be at at this point in my life, and I am happy to be a part of this growing group of schools,” says Denise. She has also been impressed with the schools’ ethos and observes that unlike other international schools she has worked with, Tenby Schools genuinely care for the students and is not in the business just to make a profit.
The Sinclairs concede that Ipoh lifestyle has been endearing. “We were actually advised by our KL friends not to be based in Ipoh as it is too quiet. However, after living here now for nine months, we can say with full certainty that it has been a pleasant and wonderful experience. We love it here and feel completely at home,” says Denise. “I like to tell my friends that Ipoh is small enough to care and big enough to function,” adds Stephen, who is mostly the one out and about in town, seeing to household needs. “The local Chinese culture is also new to us and we are catching up on how everything works around here!” The couple is impressed by the sheer number of good places to eat in Ipoh and particularly enjoy the local fried kuey teow, satay, freshwater prawns and seafood. The couple enjoys playing golf at Meru Valley and visiting local places of interest during the weekends. “We’ve made some good friends here and look forward to getting to know more people.” The IVOD team wishes Denise and Stephen many happy years in Ipoh and looks forward to an invitation to sip lemon tequila with them on a quiet weekend soon.
There are three cosmic factors in Chinese Metaphysics, namely heaven, earth and man luck. Feng Shui deals with Earth Luck and people who practice Feng Shui believe that it governs 33% of our destiny. Earth Luck refers to the factors represented by our living, natural environment such as the places in which we live and work in. In Feng Shui, these factors are believed to play a significant role in shaping our destiny by increasing wellbeing and bringing harmony to our lives. Below is a summary of the Feng Shui outlook for 2012, extracted from Feng Shui expert, Joey Yap’s website. For more information, visit Dragon (1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)
Snake (1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001)
Horse (1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002)
Be alert for wealth opportunites you can capitalize on if you act quickly. Romance is definitely sizzling for singles.
Focus on self-improvement this year so that you'll be ready to seize future opportunities when it comes.
Goat (1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003)
Monkey (1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004)
Rooster (1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005)
Good fortune will come to you this year and expect to find many opportunities for wealth cropping up.
Be productive in achieving your goals. Remember to be mindful of others and don't take things for granted.
You're lucky. Any obstructions you come across this year can be resolved with the right effort and assistance.
Dog (1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006)
Pig (1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007)
Rat (1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008)
A tought year ahead, but do your best to avoid being distracted from your objectives. Stay positive.
Expect good fortune in career if you approach it with the right strategy. Romance will blossom this year.
Be bold and take the lead to bring your career to the next level this year. Love-wise, this is an ideal year to make your move.
Ox (1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)
Tiger (1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010)
You may bump into a few roadblocks, but worry not, as there will be people to lend you a hand to overcome it.
Consider your future and the action needed to pursue your goals. It is an ideal year to expand your horizons.
Rabbit (1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)
It's your year, but you better tone things down a bit by taking a focused approach on all major aspects of your life.
Be patient in getting what you want in life. Expect opportunities to generate extra income this year.
by Yin Fong While it is quite common for a child to struggle with his schoolwork from time to time, any consistent challenges that he faces might indicate a learning disability. If parents face the problem and tackle it early on, the child can overcome the challenges he faces, and will thrive with the right support and training from his parents and teachers. Learning disability is not a problem with intelligence or motivation – the child is not lazy nor dumb; just wired differently. They see, hear and understand things differently and an early
diagnosis will help to bridge the difference effectively. The key to helping the child is early identification if a learning disability is suspected. Parents or teachers should not delay in finding the right support for the child, starting with a proper diagnosis, which includes testing, interviews and observations by trained specialists. Here is a summary of the common types of learning disabilities in children:
Common Types of Learning Disabilities Learning Disability Dyslexia Dyscalculia
Challenge Difficulty reading Difficulty with maths
Difficulty with writing
Dyspraxia (Sensory Integration Disorder) Dysphasia / Aphasia
Difficulty with motor skills Difficulty with language
Auditory Processing Disorder Visual Processing Disorder ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) Autism
Difficulty hearing differences between sound Difficulty interpreting visual information Not considered a learning disability, but certainly disrupts learning Stem from pervasive development disorder; difficulty in mastering
As long as the adults around the child diagnosed with any learning disability is patient and dedicated to the steps to help and support him in practical ways, the child will learn good emotional habits that set the stage for success throughout life. The key is to focus on the child’s growth as a
Description Problem reading, writing, spelling, speaking Problems doing math problems, understanding time, using money Problems with handwriting, spelling, organizing ideas Problems with hand-eye coordination, balance, manual dexterity Problems understanding spoken language, poor reading comprehension Problems with reading, comprehension, language Problem with reading, math, maps, charts, symbols, pictures Problems sitting still, staying focused, following instructions, staying organized, and completing homework Have trouble communicating, reading body language, learning basic skills, making friends, and making eye contact person, and not just on academic achievements. If you suspect your child to have a learning disability, highlight your concerns with your peadiatrician first. He or she will be able to refer you to a local specialist in this area if required.
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Useful Origami: Trash Box
1 Fold the paper in half.
Repeat steps 3 - 4.
9 Do the same with the reverse side.
Fold in half to the right.
Make a sharp crease.
Open the upper flap and flatten. Make a sharp crease.
Fold the right top flap to the left.
7 Fold the left top flap to the right. 8
Make a crease on the button. Unfold.
the upper 11 Fold flaps down.
Turn upside down. Fold the upper flaps inside.
Shape into a box.
Double Celebration! Kinta Properties hosted a Chinese New Year Celebration @ Parklane Residences, Bandar Baru Sri Klebang recently in conjunction with the launch of their new detached show home, the Kensington. The celebration started with a dragon dance performance by the Choy Ley Fatt Dance Group and the God of Prosperity was seen walking around greeting visitors and blessing them with prosperous words for the coming year.
New Kensington Showhome @ Parklane Residences 2-storey detached eco homes Land size : 60’ x 100’ Built-up area : 3,245 sq. ft. Special features • Solar water heater and booster pump to bathrooms • Rain water harvesting system to recycle rain water use for cleaning and gardening • Solar reflective paint, which deflects heat, keeping the walls cooler and reduces the heat in the interior house. • Roof sisalation below roof tiles to further reduce heat • Inverter air-conditioning conduit which reduces electricity consumption • Security alarm system • Anti-termite treatment to ground
Children’s Birthday Party Package*
RM20 + 6% govt tax per pax FREE party packs for booking of 30 pax and above* For enquiries, please call 05-293 1328 or 05-293 1333 * Minimum booking of 20 pax and above. Terms and conditions apply.
The Centro
Owned by Kinta EcoCity Sdn Bhd (58562-M) • Managed by Meru Valley Resort Berhad (137970-D) Jalan Sri Klebang 2, Bandar Baru Sri Klebang, 31200 Ipoh Perak Email:
Welcome New Members! Individual Membership • • • • • • • •
Tan Loon Tow Atsushi Yamamoto Lye Kok Hoo Noriyuki Fujimura Goh Lu Teng Melissa Putt Yoke Mun Rajasegaran A/L Shunmugam Jasvinder Josen
Residential Membership • • • • •
Honorary Membership
Tan Guat Poi Law Seek Feung Andrew Lim Han Leng Omar B Mohammad Alwi Basil Tan Joo Huat
• Nor Sham Bt Rahman • Ibrahim B Ahmad
Term Membership • Kazumasa Iwase
New Staff Members
We are pleased to welcome four new staff members who joined the Meru Valley team recently. Kohkilavani D/O Rajendran F&B Coordinator Joined Aug 2011 Chloe Tan Poh Eng Assistant Marketing & Events Coordinator Joined Dec 2011 Poon Ngah Khiun Property Maintenance Administrator Joined Dec 2011 Ms Jillian Kathleen Gallyot Assistant Admin. & HR Manager Joined Dec 2011
L-R: Kohkilavani, Chloe Tan, Poon Ngah Khiun and Jillian
Events Calendar March
Monthly Medal
Monthly Medal
Sun, 8:00am RM30.00 Stableford
Sun, 8:00am RM30.00 Strokeplay
Monthly Medal
Sun, 8:00am RM30.00 Strokeplay
Sand Art Competition Sun, 10:00am
Easter Art Day
Sun, 10:00am
Ladies Personal Grooming Clinic
Cake Decorating for Mother’s Day
Sun, 10:00am
Monthly Medal Results December 2011 - Stableford 18 Holes Category LADIES Winner 1st Runner Up A MEDAL Winner 1st Runner Up 2nd Runner Up B Medal Winner 1st Runner Up 2nd Runner Up C Medal Winner 1st Runner Up 2nd Runner Up
Ranee Sungpilai Tan Bee Sze
33 21
44 38
Tan Chee Kean Low Cher Chiang Teh Chew Choong
3 6 9
41 40 38
Lee Woen Long 15 38 Muhammad Hafiz Hasmin 17 36 OCB Mohamad Amran Marzuki 18 36 Philip Ngu Mohamad Isa bin Yatim Lee Sheng
19 42 19 39 OCB 22 39
February 2012 - Stableford 18 Holes
Category LADIES Winner A MEDAL Winner 1st Runner Up 2nd Runner Up B Medal Winner 1st Runner Up 2nd Runner Up C Medal Winner 1st Runner Up 2nd Runner Up
January 2012 - Strokeplay 18 Holes Category LADIES Winner A MEDAL Winner 1st Runner Up 2nd Runner Up B Medal Winner 1st Runner Up 2nd Runner Up C Medal Winner 1st Runner Up 2nd Runner Up
Selina Liew
Teh Chew Choong Hashim Naian Wong Mun Leong
8 9 12
70 72 74
Abdul Halim bin Abdullah 14 72 OCB Mohd Yusri bin Iskundrally 14 72 Mohamad Isa bin Yatim 18 75 Elango Shaharuddin Ibrahim Law Sem Shen, Sam
19 69 OCB 22 69 24 72
Gold / Silver / Bronze Medal 2012 Strokeplay 18 Holes
Ranee Sungpillai
Teh Chew Choong Michael Lee Chong Loy Hin
7 38 OCB 9 38 OCB 10 38
Ahmad bin Ahmad Samri 16 43 Lawrence Tan 16 37 OCB Mohamad Isa 18 37 Chong Voon Khor 24 37 Sarbani bin Arjang Ahmad 23 35 Tan Loon Tow 24 34 OCB
Category LADIES GOLD Winner 1st Runner Up MENS GOLD Winner 1st Runner Up 2nd Runner Up MENS SILVER Winner 1st Runner Up 2nd Runner Up MENS BRONZE Winner 1st Runner Up
Yap Kok Hwa Liang Gek Hong
17th November 2011 10th January 2012
6 26
Selina Liew Kyoko Shibata
15 71 OCB 25 71
Teh Chew Choong Mohd Yusri Philip Ngu
8 69 14 70 OCB 19 70
Winson Chin Ng Tong Chin Peter Ngai
16 15 15
68 71 74
Mohd Zailani Hj Mad Diah
6 17
75 77
Hall of Fame
December 2011 Winners Ranee Sungpilai, Lee Woen Long, Tan Chee Kean, Philip Ngu
January 2012 Winners Selina Liew, Elango a/l Muniandy, Teh Chew Choong
February 2012 Winners Ranee Sungpilai
Gold / Silver / Bronze Medal 2012 Mohd Zailani, Selina Liew, Winson Chin, Teh Chew Choong
Maybank Investment Bank Friendly Golf Tournament 10 Dec 2011
Charity Bazaar
Christmas Carols
17 Dec 2011
23 Dec 2011
New Year Eve Party “Shanghai Night” 31 Dec 2011
Ashley’s Birthday Party
Tiga Ikan Golf Tournament 2012
15 Jan 2012
12 Jan 2012
CNY Dragon Making Workshop 15 Jan 2012
Golf Persahabatan Maju Perak Holdings Berhad 15 Jan 2012
MVGCC Lion Dance Performance 25 Jan 2012
2012 AFFILIATED OUTLETS Present your Meru Valley member’s card at these participating outlets to enjoy the discounts and special offers! Terms and conditions apply. FOOD AND BEVERAGE AKAMOMIJI JAPANESE RESTAURANT SDN BHD (NEW) 36 & 38 Medan Ipoh 1E Medan Ipoh Bistari 31400 Ipoh Perak Tel: 05-548 6368 10% off on Menu Items Not applicable on Public Holidays & Promotion items as well as air flown items and beverages
CITRUS WINE & DINE No 38-46 Laluan Ipoh Perdana 31400 Ipoh Tel: 05-545 1010 5% off on Menu Items Not applicable on eve of Public Holidays, Public Holidays, Valentine’s Day and Set Lunch
GOLD VISION 9, Persiaran Greenhill, 30450 Ipoh 53, Jalan Yang Kalsom, 30250 Ipoh. 18, Lorong Taman 13, Taman Pertama, 30100 Ipoh. Tel: 05-526 4388 10% off on 8 Inch Birthday Cake & Above Not applicable during promotional period.
KIZUNA JAPANESE RESTAURANT No 8-10, Jalan Medan Ipoh 1B, Medan Ipoh Bestari, 31400 Ipoh, Perak. Tel: 05-542 8800 10% off on All Food Items Not applicable on Public Holidays & Promotion items.
By Appointment only
No 28, Lebuh Medan Ipoh, Bandar Baru Medan Ipoh, 31400 Ipoh. Tel: 05-545 4608 / 05-255 6608 10% off on Menu Items
RESTAURANT MOVEN PEAK 21, Persiaran Greentown 4, Pusat Perdagangan Greentown, 30450 Ipoh. Tel: 05-241 2218 10% off on Menu Items Not applicable on eve of Public Holidays, Public Holidays, Valentine’s Day.
SHAYO DE VIN No 58, Persiaran Greentown 1, Greentown Business Centre, 30450 Ipoh. Tel: 05-242 8833 10% to 20% off on Wines 10% off on Cigars and Champagnes
YISHENSU No 19-21, Jalan Medan Ipoh 6, Metro Ipoh Baru, 31400 Ipoh. Tel: 05-546 6013 10% off on Ala Carte Food only
BEAUTY & WELLNESS ABOUT FACES 25A & 27A, Persiaran Greentown 4, Greentown Business Centre, 30450 Ipoh Tel: 05-243 5323 10% (Weekends) and 30% (Weekdays) off on Facial Treatment Body Treatment / Aroma Spa
(All Ipoh Branch) No 49, Jalan Perajurit, Taman Ipoh Timur, 31400 Ipoh Tel: 05-547 4531 25% off on Any Services by Act Director Free 1 Set Schwarzkopf Professional Bonacure Range Product While Purchase RM 300 and above Free 1 Set Schwarzkopf Professional Osis Styling Product While Purchase RM 200 and above By appointments only
JA CARE BEAUTY HOUSE No 10A, Persiaran Greenhill, 30450 Ipoh. Tel: 05-241 2313 No 5, Jalan Seri Ampang, Taman Ipoh Jaya, 31350 Ipoh. Tel: 05-312 4649 10% off with Treatment of RM 100 and above
Bandar Baru Medan Ipoh, 31400 Ipoh. Tel: 05-542 1988 10% off on Curtain, Carpet, Vinyl Wallpaper and Partition 20% off on Any Item on a Second Visit
20% off on The First Course Fees for Genius Brain System , Cambridge ICT Starters, IOMATHS, 3D Easy Art, Heinemann Password English and Close Up
No 94-98, Lintasan Perajurit 17C, Taman Perindustrian Ipoh, Ipoh Garden East, 31400 Ipoh, Perak.
No 82, Jalan Tasek Timur, Taman Tasek Indra, 31400 Ipoh. Tel: 05-548 1388 / 05-548 2833 Up to 15% off on Curtains, Carpets, Wallpaper & Blinds
HOOVER LIGHTING CENTER No 67-71, Jalan Yau Tet Shin, 30300 Ipoh. Tel: 05-254 8786 / 05-254 8787 50% off on List Priced of Lightings & Fittings 20% off on Nett Priced of Lightings & Fittings Free gift with purchased of RM 500 & above Not applicable with cash and carry items
TEMP’S HAIR STUDIO No 56, Jalan Leong Sin Nam, 30300 Ipoh Tel: 05- 253 7175 10% off on Single Hairdo RM 180 and above By appointment only
DECORATION AMORI HOME DÉCOR SDN BHD A-G-4, Intan Business Centre 1, Leboh Medan Ipoh,
SNS KEMBARU UTAMA SDN BHD Lot 11855, Jalan Tun Abdul Razak, 30100 Ipoh, Perak. Tel: 05-548 1248 / 05-529 3989 Free on Towing for Any Accident Claims RM 50 (Special Rate) on Breakdown Services 10% off on Collision Repair ServiceS, Vehicle Spray Painting Services 5% off on Tires Maintenance Services, Wheels Alignment & Balancing Services, Air-Cond Maintenance Services
OTHERS AVENUE COMPUTER CENTRE 19A, Medan Lagenda 1, Medan Lapangan Lagenda 31350 Ipoh. Tel: 05-311 2077
StarKids Learning Hub 11B-1, Jalan Wira Jaya, Taman Ipoh Jaya Timur 1, 31350 Ipoh.
No 42, Jalan Lee Kwee Foh, Canning Garden, 31400 Ipoh Tel: 05- 545 8288 10% off on Film & Batteries (Kodak), Developing & Processing, Kodak Photo Frame, Album Lifetime Warranty for All Photos (Royal Paper) Printed Not applicable for promotional items
SEVEN OPTICAL ENTERPRISE 19, Persiaran Greentown 4, Pusat Perdagangan Greentown, 30450 Ipoh. Tel: 05-249 1270 Up to 70% off on Selected Spectacles and Frames
SYARIKAT ALAT-ALAT MUZIK WENG LEE 44A, Jalan Kamaruddin Isa, Fair Park, 31400 Ipoh, Perak Tel: 05-548 1668 10% off on Grand & Upright Pianos, Violins, Guitars, Music Books & Accessories Not applicable on promotional & best buy items
TECK SENG HIN ELECTRIC CO. SDN BHD No 3, Hala Pasar Baru, 30300 Ipoh. Tel: 05-254 7136 10% off on Auto Gate System, Alarm System 5% off on Water Pressure Booster Pump & Solar Pollo Hot Water System
THE FLOWER PLACE No 10, Lebuh Medan Ipoh, Bandar Baru Medan Ipoh, 31400 Ipoh. Tel: 05-547 8588 10% off on fresh flowers with purchases of RM100 and above, Artificial Flowers
YAT SUM REFLEXOLOGY No 7, Medan Ipoh 1A, Medan Ipoh Bistari, 31400 Ipoh. Tel: 05-545 7000 10% off on Any Massage
Happy Tanjung Rambutan by Wern Sze
“What the hell are you doing in Tanjung Rambutan?!” was the interrogative comment I received when I ‘checked in’ at Hospital Bahagia Tanjung Rambutan on my Facebook page recently. Together with four other roving IVOD team members, we were there on our assignment to ‘revisit’ this renowned Malaysian town that has long endured an unsavoury reputation.
Handicraft galore at the Kinta Alliance for the Mentally Ill (FAM) centre.
or decades, Malaysians both young and old have associated Tanjung Rambutan with its resident mental hospital, Hospital Bahagia. I remember as a child growing up in Ipoh, jesting with one another saying things like, “Crazy girl! You must come from Tanjung Rambutan!” whenever we wanted to tease anyone for acting silly. Hospital Bahagia was built in 1911 by the British and is the oldest and largest mental health institution in the country, occupying 544 acres of land next to the train station in the heart of Tanjung Rambutan. The British had reportedly found Tanjung Rambutan to 18 IVOD
be the ideal site for a mental hospital due to the beauty of the hills and peaceful surroundings, and also the proximity of the train station, allowing patients to be transported discreetly to the hospital from all parts of Malaysia and Singapore. Originally named the Federal Lunatic Asylum, and later Central Mental Hospital before changing its name to Hospital Bahagia Ulu Kinta in the 70s, it was the country’s first psychiatric facility, housing up to 5,000 patients at one time back in the 40s. Today, it has 2,600 beds and is a sprawling, impressive set up, consisting of modern facilities and patient rehabilitation activities such as
agriculture and rearing animals and fish. The hospital also has a strong alliance with the Kinta Alliance for the Mentally Ill (KAMI), a Perak-based support group for families of mentally ill patients. KAMI provides family support and conducts activities such as handicraft work, outings and holistic therapy for patients and family members. The centre, which is also located in Tanjung Rambutan, has a hostel for female patients in rehabilitation. To find out more about KAMI and its activities, you can call 05-5488403 or email
Town with Character
The present-day Tanjung Rambutan has undergone a complete makeover. It is no longer a shanty town filled with single-storey wooden houses with zinc roofs. It still has the small town charm to it, but as we drive leisurely through it, signs of new housing development and modern shophouses are very much evident. As softies for towns with character, we find ourselves in the older section of Tanjung Rambutan, at the morning roadside market where the town’s wet market is located. Peppered with hawkers selling local produce such as petai, paku pakis, and other eatables like home made keropok lekor, there are also those peddling an assortment of second hand goods and old trinkets from the trunks of their vehicles.
Malaysia and Singapore, but to regional countries as well. If you love horses and would like to arrange a visit to the farm, call the office to make a appointment at 05-5332144/5.
A Pleasant Waterfall
A perfect way to end the day’s visit is to soothe your aching limbs at the Tanjung Rambutan waterfalls. A short hike from the carpark through a neatly cleared path brings you to the waterfall and serene green forest. The sound of the rushing waters together with the various calls of the wild bring you in
tune with nature, making it hard to believe that a place like this exists only 10km outside of Ipoh. To get to the waterfalls, turn right at the traffic lights on Jalan Tambun – Tanjung Rambutan, just before arriving at Tanjung Rambutan town. It is located near the Police Field Force’s North Brigade Base at the end of the road. We left Tanjung Rambutan with a sense of quiet contentment. Jokes aside, my next trip back here should hopefully be soon as it felt good for my mental wellbeing.
Like most small towns, the residents seem friendly and the prices of essentials and food are pretty decent. The five of us had an assortment of wanton noodles, curry mee and some yeong tau foo at a coffee shop near the market, and the bill came to only RM15.50 inclusive of drinks!
The National Stud Farm
Many people outside Perak may not know it, but the National Stud Farm is also located here in Tanjung Rambutan. With about 120 acres of pastureland, the National Stud Farm is like a countryside scene from Europe with its vast and undulating landscape filled with flowers, trees and an occasional lake that spring into view. Established in 1969, the farm has some of the best equine facilities for thoroughbreds in the tropics. Today, it supplies racehorses not only to
Clockwise from top: Wanton Mee at a local coffee shop, waterfalls, National Stud Farm, horse grazing at the Stud Farm.
Tempting Tuna Tuna offers a fast, convenient and easy way to satisfy your protein requirements. With over 20 grams of high quality protein in a 6 oz can, and a healthy serving of omega-3 fatty acids, tuna is the ultimate on-the-go-food for many in the health conscious circles.
Grilled tuna with cucumber yogurt by T-Poh
2 pieces of tuna fillet (100gms each) For the fish marinade 1 teaspoon of chilli powder 1 teaspoon of coriander powder 1 teaspoon of tumeric powder a dash of ginger powder pinch of salt For cucumber yogurt 150ml of plain yogurt 1 zuchini cucumber (diced) half a chilli (according to preference, finely chopped) coriander (stalk chopped, leaves for garnishing) salt and pepper to taste
Marinade the fish fillet with all the ingredients and set aside for at least half and hour before grilling. Meanwhile, mix the yogurt, cucumber, chilli and coriander into a bowl. Mix well, and add a pinch of salt and pepper. On a grilling pan, coat the pan with a bit of olive oil. Set the stove to medium heat and grill the fish fillet, turning each side every minute for 4-5 minutes.
Eat smaller meals instead of 2-3 big meals per day. Eating small meals frequently kicks up your metabolism.
So you’ve been eating yourself silly over the festive season and Chinese New Year, and wonder if there is anything you can do now to reduce your bulging tummy. Well, look no further! Here’s a quick guide you can follow to help flatten your stomach. Print it out and post it somewhere in your house where you’ll see it. Remember, if you want to get that tummy down, you will need to change the way you eat and exercise more. Maintaining a toned middle means developing good eating habits for life, stop crash dieting, and exercise regularly.
Purchase a Pilates DVD and do exercises at least 2-3 times a week. Pilates tones your entire body and focuses on your mid section.
Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. It helps fill you up so you eat less, and aids in digestion.
Walk/jog for at least 30 minutes, 3 times a week to boost your metabolism. It will help burn that fat.
Limit your sugar. Sugar adds empty calories and promotes weight gain.
Drink skim or low fat milk instead of whole milk.
Add fiber to your diet. Replace bad carbs like white bread, potatoes and white rice with brown rice and whole wheat bread. Increase your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables (especially leafy green ones).
Do not eat within 3 hours of bedtime. If you have to eat something, choose a fruit or vegetables.
Tales of Old Ipoh as told by Ian Anderson
Maniam the Milo Man Maniam rose early, long before the rooster serenaded the hens with its wake-up call, for today, like every other day, he was going to be busy. As his feet touched the earthen floor of his wooden house in Buntong he wondered, as he did every morning, when life would get better for them all.
his trusty Raleigh bicycle. This had been the most expensive purchase of his whole life and he was sure that before too long he would manage to pay off the loan. But times were hard and there never seemed to be enough left to cover everything.
Then he would don his uniform of white cap, shirt trousers and shoes and pedal off into the darkness to his first port of call, Yuk Choy School in New Town. From there he would follow the same route from school to school, calling out “Milo, Milo” as he came close to the gates. He loved to see the happy faces as they rushed towards him clutching one-cent coins in their sticky hands and shouting his name while jostling with each other to get closer to the cans. Of course these were the ones who actually had a few cents pocket money a week, unlike those he never saw, as they had nothing to Ablutions over, he spend. Poor kids he returned to the house, would often think and where his bleary-eyed He loved to see the then his thoughts wife was preparing roti turn to his own happy faces as they would canai and dahl for the children, for whom he family’s breakfast. rushed towards him could barely afford to Gratefully he saw his rice in their clutching one-cent put snow white uniform, stomachs, let alone freshly pressed, with the coins in their sticky allow them the luxury charcoal iron the evening hands and shouting of pocket money. before, and neatly folded on the chair. Shouting to his name while The morning would his children to be quick pass quickly and well jostling with each he sat down and before lunch the cans munched his food, other to get closer to would be empty of hardly tasting it, while that magic potion the the cans. his thoughts turned to youngsters loved so the day’s labour that lay much. Promising the ahead. disappointed young faces, some close to tears, that he would see them This was to be a day like any other. tomorrow, he would pedal away slowly First, fill the massive Milo cans that towards his home. hung on each side of the front wheel of As he stood up, the wooden planks, that served as his bed creaked and his wife muttered to herself as she turned away from him and faced the badly fitting, rough-cut timber walls. Sluicing himself down with water from the stone jar that stood in the corner of the makeshift shed they laughingly called their bathroom. Maniam wrinkled his nose at the stench emanating from the bucket toilet. Obviously the night soil man in his yellow overalls had not yet reached this far flung part of Buntong.
Back in Buntong his wife would help him to fill up the cans with freshly made Milo while he would gobble down some plain rice, before returning to Town for the afternoon school round. How much longer could he keep this up he wondered, for every day seemed more difficult than the last, but with a family to feed he just had to keep going. Deep in thought, he hardly noticed that the children had joined him at the table, but their chatter suddenly pulled him out of his reverie. He smiled, as a new vision entered his head; the end of the day when, as he arrived home, the children would dash out to welcome him, clamouring to tell him about their adventures at school. Oh! How he wished he could spend more time with them. As he finished the last morsel of food, it was only the children in his mind’s eye that gave him the will to rise from the table - and start the long day ahead.
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