A PLAN FOR MANCHESTER Our City, Our Future Manchester is the largest and most dynamic city in Northern New England. It has more than 112,000 residents, about 6,600 commercial establishments, over 300 restaurants (TripAdvisor, 2020), cultural amenities, like museums and sporting events, and easy access to nature. Since Manchester’s last Master Plan was adopted in 2009, the City has attracted more businesses and people than anywhere else in the region. Now, the citizens of Manchester have once again come together to plan for the City’s future. We hope to build on our past successes and attract an adventurous, driven, and innovative population. Our vision for Manchester is to lead Northern New England in innovation and entrepreneurship while maintaining high standards of amenities, livability, culture, education, and environmental stewardship.
City of Manchester Vision Statement
“ T O B E A F I R S T- C L A S S CITY TO LIVE, WORK, AND V I S I T, B U I LT U P O N O U R R I C H H I S T O R Y O F C U LT U R E , E D U C AT I O N , E N V I R O N M E N T, A N D C O M M E R C E .” Introduction