The Action Plan, what’s next. Putting the Plan into Action The Master Plan’s primary intent is to promote and protect the health, safety, welfare, economy, and image of Manchester. City officials will keep in mind this long-term vision for the future of Manchester. They should use the Plan as a critical resource when considering new policies, planning, and programming new infrastructure, evaluating new development applications, and coordinating with outside agencies. From time to time, a development application may bring into conflict one or more of the recommendations presented in the Master Plan, and City leaders will need to balance competing interests and make decisions that, to the best of their abilities, bring about intended outcomes. Ultimately, the Plan’s relevance will be measured by its use in everyday decision making.
Plan Manchester 2021
The document’s recommendations provide guidelines, targets, and priorities for shaping future growth and development in the community. They can generally be categorized into one of four types: plans (or studies), projects, policies, and initiatives. Some are easily accomplished in the near-term while others will likely be more feasible later. A subset of the plans, projects, policies, and initiatives identified in the document have been selected as near-term action items. They have been incorporated into the Implementation Matrix, a separate stand-alone document and effective tool to initiate implementation efforts.