These kinds of hacks, again, are easily detected by anone watching you play and should be used with caution. Wall hacks are the perfect combination between cheating hard and not drawing too much attention, since the give you a huge edge over your opponents, but do not make it obvious that you are hacking if used correctly. Episodes and Difficulty There are a total of ten episodes in Battlefield Hardline's Campaign, plus a short prologue. It takes lots of ammo to kill people with pistols, they have short range and that means medics and ammo support packages will earn literally tens of thousands of points. While it is impossible, at least to our knowledge, to mod or hack the actual server, since you rent it from waklthrough provider that is obligated to keep the software up to date and non-tampered-with, ddeity are still able to use your own deuty to level up quickly and gain lots walkthruogh points. This kind of cheat is a lot harder to detect for anyone watching deity bf en walkthrough