Namibia Self-Drive Guide

Page 1

Self-Drive Guide


Travel Africa Informed

contents Preparing for your Trip General Information

18 19 20 20 21 21 22 23 24 24 25 26 27 27 28 29 29 29 30 31 32 32 32 32 33

safety and precaution

35 35 36 36 36 37

Climate Best time to visit Money Language People Conservation Fauna and flora Useful contact numbers Food and drink Road conditions The rules Advice Driving on gravel roads Driving in thick sand Driving over rough terrain Driving in mud Fuel Camping etiquette Camp in designated areas Honour bookings Fires Waste management The toilet Fairy circles in Namibia?

Rule number one Beware of group travel Carry with you Travelling remote areas Personal safety



Insurance Driving through long, dry grass Wild animals Taking photographs

37 37 38 39

Trip planning

40 40 40 41 41 41 41 41 41 42 42 43


45 47 47 48 49 51 52

Decide what you want How flexible is your itinerary? Do you want to travel in a group or on your own? What are your personal capabilities? What type of accommodation do you want? How safe are your destinations? What problems can you expect? Do you have time for all this? Can you pay for all of this? Planning Trip planning checklist Navigation using a GPS Which GPS? Before you go On the road Navigation using a paper map Be an eco-traveller

Preparing your vehicle for overland travel

Choosing your vehicle Preparing your motorbike Extra fittings to your bike Tools and spares Camping equipment

54 55 55 55 57 57 11

contents Preparing for your Trip continue....Personal items Water and hydration backpack Preparing your sedan or SUV Preparing your vehicle for travel into remote areas Basics More than the basics Buying additional equipment Packing your vehicle Camping checklist

57 57 57 58 58 60 61 69 70


72 72 73 74

Border post red tape

75 77 78 78 79 79 81

Two-way radio Cell phone Satellite phone

Documents required Customs A special note on meat, fruit and vegetables Visas Border posts International airports

Veterinary fences and foot-and-mouth disease

What is foot-and-mouth disease? Import restrictions Veterinary fences

Health Burns Malaria


82 84 85 85 87 88 88


Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Traveller’s diarrhoea Rabies Cholera Typhoid Yellow fever Tick-bite fever Bilharzia Scorpions Snakes Sleeping sickness Heat exhaustion or heat stroke Medical insurance First aid kit

Pitfalls to renting a 4x4 with camping equipment Insurance Extra charges Table of rental companies

90 90 91 92 92 93 93 94 94 95 97 97 98 98 99 100 101 101 552

Add more flavour to your holiday

Tables of tour operators

104 556

Don’t go without



contents Regions BOESMANLAND

106 108


112 114 118 122 126 130 134 142 146


174 178 182 188


194 196 200 208


212 214 226 234 242


Aranos Dordabis Gochas Kalkrand Maltahรถhe Mariental Rehoboth Windhoek

Khorixas Twyfelfontein Uis

Karibib Omaruru Usakos

Etosha National Park Area Kamanjab Outjo Tsumeb




248 250 254


262 266 270 274 278 282 286 292


298 300 306 310


316 320 324 328 332 338 344 350 354 362

Buitepos Gobabis

Epupa Falls Opuwo Otjinhungwa Palmwag Puros Ruacana Sesfontein

Divundu Khaudum Game Reserve Rundu Aus Betta Gamsberg Helmeringhausen L端deritz Namib-Naukluft National Park Namibrand Nature Reserve Sesriem Solitaire


contents Regions continue....North Namibia Grootfontein Hochfeld Okahandja Otavi Otjiwarongo

370 372 378 382 390 394


404 406 410 414

Skeleton Coast

418 420 428 432 436 452

South Namibia

460 464 468 472 476 480 486 490 496 500 504 508 512

Ondangwa Oshakati Oshikango

Henties Bay Langstrand Skeleton Coast National Park Swakopmund Walvis Bay Ai-Ais Aroab Aussenkehr Bethanie GrĂźnau Karasburg Keetmanshoop KoĂŤs Mata Mata Noordoewer Seeheim Warmbad




516 518 522

Zambezi (Caprivi)

Impalila Island Katima Mulilo Kongola Mamili (Nkasa Lupala) National Park Mudumu National Park

528 530 534 540 544 548



Oranjemund Rosh Pinah


GENERAL INFORMATION Glossary We have used certain words in this guide that are lingua franca in Africa but might be unfamiliar to Europeans:

Boma: an outdoor, enclosed entertainment area. Braai: barbeque (frying meat on an open fire). Long drop: a pit toilet.

Lapa: an enclosure where people get together and normally eat together. It is usually thatched with open sides. Mokoro: a type of canoe made by digging out a tree trunk. Rondavel: round house with a thatched roof. Namibia is a beautiful unspoilt country of extremes. This scarcely populated country (2,1 million people) with its vast open spaces and clear, starry skies is the ideal place for beginners who want to discover the beauty and richness of the African continent. Located in South-West Africa, Namibia is a gem for those in search of wilderness. It has a great number of national parks, game reserves and conservation areas where a big variation in landscape, vegetation and animals can be seen. You do not need to stick to these protected areas to experience the beauty of the country. Namibia is the ideal self-drive country. It has a good infrastructure and the people are friendly and welcoming. (Curt Sagell) 18

Namibia is essentially a desert land with wide horizons crying out for exploration. Because Namibia has so much to offer, you can keep your itinerary flexible and just enjoy your road trip!

Windhoek is the capital of Namibia. It is the social, economic and cultural centre of the country and incidentally more or less in the middle of the country. It is a modern city, well worth a visit.

It has an excellent road network that enables you to reach the varied sights and attractions that are spread all over the country. In remote areas you can drive for days without seeing people, and in some places the awe inspiring beauty of the surreal landscapes will simply give you goose-flesh. Namibia offers comfortable accommodation, varying from basic camp-


During winter (May to September) the temperatures in the interior range from 18°C to 25°C during the day. Below freezing temperatures and ground frosts are common at night. During summer (October to April) the average interior temperatures range from 20°C to 34°C during the day, but temperatures of above

Dooie Vlei near Sossusvlei has a stark beauty. (Hannes Thirion)

sites to well-equipped and comfortable camps, backpackers, tented camps, guest houses and lodges to the most luxurious hotels. However, if you venture into remote areas, you need to be a self-sufficient camper.

40°C are often recorded in the extreme north and south of the country. Namibia is a summer rainfall area during which time floods are common. At the coast the temperature varies 19

Honour bookings Some camps may be very remote and un-manned, but still require bookings. There is nothing as bad as arriving at your booked campsite to find a squatter occupying it. Fires Most of these campsites will have a designated fire pit or place where previous campers made fire. Try to stick to one place otherwise the camp will be littered with leftover coals. Bring your own firewood or preferably charcoal. Never collect wood around the camp; it is simply not sustainable. Before you go to bed, make sure your fire is put out completely. A wind during the night could cause the fire to spread. Waste management These camps are in the wilderness and may be visited by officials only once a month. Under no circumstances should you leave your garbage even if bins are provided. Take along strong plastic bags or containers in order to carry your garbage out with you. Leave absolutely nothing behind; do NOT bury your garbage! Also, do not throw the leftover food or bones into the veld, thinking that you are doing the local animal population a favour. They become dependent on these rations and will over time become a nuisance to campers. Rather burn leftovers in your campfire. The toilet These bush camps will most probably


have a designated long drop and although these are not always the nicest of places to visit, it is in everyone’s interest that you do so. The breakdown of organic matter in these toilets is a natural process which should not be interfered with by adding chemicals like antiseptics, disinfectant or anything else, to reduce bad odours. Designated campsites probably experience quite a bit of traffic; hence if no toilet facility is provided, go into the bush and bury your business. Paper should ideally be burned instead of buried, but be careful not to start a veld fire. It is quite difficult to burn wet toilet paper, therefore it is best to put it in a bag that you can either burn in your campfire or store with the rest of your garbage. If you are big party, consider managing your bush etiquette as follows: 1. Dig a small ditch approximately 150 mm wide (small spade width), 200 mm deep and 5 to 20 m long (depending on the number of people and duration of stay) at an approp riate place. 2. Agree with all campers that this is the ONLY place that will be used to relief yourselves. 3. Start to use it from one side. After using it each member closes the part he/she has used. A toilet chair (toilet seat with legs) can also be used. Cover the whole ditch with sand before your party leaves and within a short time even the toilet paper will have decomposed.

Fairy circles in Kaokoland. (Lindy Lourens)

Fairy circles in Namibia?

When you travel Namibia, you might notice inexplicable bald patches in the landscape. These circles can be seen all over Namibia, but more often in western Kaokoland. They are 2 m to 10 m wide and on the edges of these circles grass grows rampantly while on the inside the circles are barren. Tourists have often wondered if these were caused by radio acitivity, meteorites, UFO’s or maybe even fairies. The indigenous San and Himba people believed that these circles may have been caused by dragons that stayed underground, evil spirits or gods. For the past 30 years scientist have also been researching this phenomena. In March 2012 a team of researchers from the University of Pretoria announced that, after intensive

research, they believe that these so-called fairy circles are actually caused by earth gas bubbles which could possibly indicate oil reserves. The research was led by Professor Gretel van Rooyen, a botanist from the University of Pretoria. She discounted the first scientific theory (that these circles were caused by radio activity) by testing the soil. Another theory – that the soil is poisoned by the Damara Euphorbia (Euphorbia damarana), also known as the Damaramelkbos plant – was discounted because they found that certain desert plants like annual rye grass (Lolium multiflorum) indeed flourishes under Damara Euphorbias. A third theory - that Hodotermes mossambicus termites carry the plant material from the circles to their nests - was discounted by dig-


ging trenches of 2 m deep inside and around the circles. No significant termite activity was found. Professor Van Rooyen did two more experiments and realised that the soil inside the circles must be toxic and that the source of the toxins must be deep below the surface. The university’s Department of Chemistry did various tests and found that the circles are caused by bubbles of gas underneath the earth that rise to the surface. The gas first moves through cracks and sink holes before it reaches the sandy soil at the top. Because of the homogeneous density of the soil, the gas that filters through small cracks, holes and the earth crust are distributed coniform. It breaks through the soil surface in an almost perfect circle. The earth gas takes the much needed oxygen from the soil and at the same time changes the chemistry of the soil. However, in April 2013 prof. Norbert Juergens, a German biologist from the University of Hamburg, claimed that sand termites (Psammotermes allocerus) are responsible for the fairy rings. According to his research they make the rings as part of their complicated water storage system. The termites kill the grass by eating the roots and that way the water stays in the ground for years.


According to him the reason why no one figured it out before is that the termites mostly move about at night and don’t build big, noticeable nests. At the same time Mr Walter Tschinkel, a biologist from the Florida State University, said that he was not convinced by either theories because he himself could not find termites or anything toxic in the soil samples that he took. At the same time a botanist from the University of Cape Town, Mr Michael Cramer, was researching his theory that the fairy circles are natural growth patterns caused by competition for scarce resources. It is clear that these fairy circles will keep the romantics guessing and the scientists researching for quite some time! (Sources: Beeld (7 March 2012) and Republikein (3 April 2013))

General safety and precaution An unfortunate incident can really spoil your long-awaited holiday; therefore you need to consider a few general points on safety and precaution.

Rule number one

Rule number one for travelling anywhere in Africa is to be as well informed as possible. Before your trip, read up as much as possible about the areas which you will be visiting. There are various overland forums on the internet where you can ask experienced travellers just about anything you need to know. You would also be wise to make sure that you have a good basic understanding of your vehicle and the equipment which you will be using on your trip. If you’re planning a trip into remote areas, it’s a good idea to do a bush Horse carts are a general mode of transport in Namibia. Be on the lookout for them when driving. (Karin Theron)


6 24 19 : 4/0

58 /0:



:20 .5/0 8 2 :2




Hartseer Jägerhofberg (1656m)

2 2.4



/ 0:31

67 /0

/0 :






Groot Paresis/Heuningberg (1667m)

D24 0 16.1/0 7 :16

16. 6/0 :10


30 9 / 0: 28. D250 5


0: .0/

Klein Paresis (1887m)




D 43.2 5 51 D2 Pinnacles (1744m)



22 .0/ 0:1

Etanenoberg (1726m)

1:2 0



Mt Ondurakarume (1772m)


Okapauraberg (1634m)


(By Francois Visagie)

Otjipaweberg (1711m)

16 .7/ 0: 17

Langberg Kaalkop (1783m) for different reasons. (1702m)

15 .

Hartebeeskop (1752m)


Omborokoberg (1885m)


D2334 41.0/0 :43

.2/0:25 24

0 /0 your People travel Whatever reason, it is important :15 (1753m) (1721m) to /0:41 .2 put some thought into an upcoming trip before the time. DRemember, success 39 2483 loves preparation.

Decide what you want 24.1/0 :15

Mt Otjihaena How flexibleHartebeesrant is your itinerary? Hills (2108m)

37 23

Okanyandekop (1743m)

:18 17.4/0

Trip Planning Kalkfeld

/0: 10

D233 30.1/ 8 0:3 1

3/0 :2 8





18 .5

Mt Klein Etjo (1727m)



u ar uth

Om So




: 10



2 /0: .2

Om Some people enjoy planning and travelling to a 3well defined itinerary. They 9/0 Omaha 9 32.8/0: 1 . 1 : 34 might 0 might not feel equipped to deal with circumstances, or they .0/ unforeseen Renosterkop 1 not have enough time available18to accommodate delays. Others might find a u 9 r 10. 0


Eisenberg (1689m)

Alte RĂśmerberg (1773m)

52 D 2 4 93 .4 /0: 54

24 /0: .1 30

8 D 2 0:45 1 44 .




D2 3



Crocodile Farm


: 1 7 . 1 /0


0:13 .8/ 21

6/0 31.

0: 7/ . 8


45 .4 /0







.5/ 0




3 2.

fixed itinerary suffocating. Decide before the time how structured or how flexible you want your itinerary to be. Do you want to travel in a group

1 9 .0/0: or on your own? 46

D2440 2/0:4 5

If you have never ventured into Africa, it would be wise to join a group of friends who are experienced overlanders, or even a guided tour for your first trip. If thereafter you feel comfortable enough to try it on your own, start with ‘easy’ routes and places. Travelling in a group can be very enjoyable and helpful, but it can at the same time really spoil your trip if you do not know the people.

zondjaheberg (1865m) What are your personal capabilities?

3 /0:1 19.0 Be realistic about things like whether


Hohenfels (1821m)

you are comfortable with camping, pitching a tent, cooking in the veld and off road driving.

172/01:4 3



17.2/0: 09

What type of accommodation do you want? You might be a rough-and–tough bush camper or prefer camping with amenities. If you’re not a camper, you can overnight in self–catering chalets or choose to splash out on luxury accommodation. Some people prefer a mix of accommodation options. If Sukses you camp, just remember that you need to take along the same equipment, whether you camp for one night or for two weeks. Your type of overnight accommodation will have a direct influence on

deciding where you’ll need to aim for each night; it will also determine how much time you will need to settle in after arriving at your destination and how long it will take you to get going again. How safe are your destinations? Whether you will be venturing into unfamiliar or familiar territory, it may still pose risks that your party members might not be accustomed to; also check if your vehicle is suited to the kind of terrain. In your planning you must pay attention to the safety of your party and their vehicles. Consider that you may have to recover or repair vehicles. Cultures differ and it will be worth your while to find out more about the people living in the areas that you want to visit. Find out about things like how to approach someone politely for advice and how to obtain permission to camp on communal land. What problems can you expect? If there will be any police or veterinary check points on the way or you will be crossing international borders, you should know what paperwork you need and what items you are allowed to take through and what not. Allow extra time in your itinerary for border crossings and check points. Do you have time for all this? Be realistic about the time you have available for your trip. You might not


Preparing your vehicle for overland travel (By Francois Visagie, Johann Groenewald and Bessie Brand)

When you embark on an overland trip, it is important to realise that you are actually undertaking a vehicle dependent trip. This means that the selection and preparation of your vehicle is critical. For overland travel you need to make sure that your vehicle is safe and capable of traversing the kind of terrain you plan to cover and carrying all the supplies you need to take along. It also needs to be equipped for camping if you plan on camping. Experienced riders believe that a motorbike is the best way to tour Namibia. (Wouter Brand)


Choosing your vehicle

You can tour Namibia in a sedan vehicle if you feel comfortable driving your car on a gravel road. Most of the roads in Namibia are good gravel roads, but a vehicle with a high ground clearance and larger wheels will travel far better than a normal sedan or even a small 4WD like a SUV. The comfort of bigger wheels on gravel roads makes a pick-up or a 4WD the preferred choice of vehicle. The standard tyres on 4WD vehicles are also better suited to gravel roads. You can go far with a 2x4 when it is dry. However, in the rainy season, it would be advisable to use a 4WD.

roads than a four wheeled vehicle does. You can even take your bike over a river on two mokoros tied together if a ferry has broken down! Also you don’t need to plan for weeks and make lists of all the things that you need to take with, because you simply don’t have space. However, you need to be an experienced biker before you venture into Africa on your iron horse. Remember that motorbikes are not allowed in the national parks of Namibia. In spite of this Namibia is an exciting motorbike destination and offer many other nice places where motorbikes are welcome. The public roads offer enjoyable driving.

With your sedan you should stick to Namibia’s B and C routes and make sure you don’t travel any remote D routes unless you are absolutely certain that it is in good condition. Before you leave, speak to the lodge/ camp owners to get the latest update on road conditions.

Preparing your motorbike

Obviously a capable 4WD is the best vehicle for touring the gravel roads and parks of Namibia. If you venture into remote areas, you must have a 4WD.

To prepare for a biking expedition, you would prepare more or less like you would for a multi-day hiking trip. Go and look what hikers use for camping, cooking and clothing when not on the bike. You need to drastically cut down on the weight of your equipment.

You cannot travel Kaokoland, Damaraland, the Skeleton Coast and Khaudum Game Reserve without a 4WD. Keen bikers believe an off-road bike is the best way to travel. A motorbike is economical and flexible because it gives you access to more

If you travel by bike, all you really need is money and your documents. The rest are luxuries.The less weight you carry, the better your motorcycle will handle and the less chance you have of falling and damaging yourself and your bike.

Extra fittings to your bike Fuel tank You should seriously consider fitting a long range fuel tank. If you have a


Preparing your vehicle for travel into remote areas

If you plan on venturing into remote areas, preparing your vehicle is of the utmost importance. You have to make sure that you and your fellow travellers travel safely and that you will be able to survive the ordeal if you do get into trouble. Basics You will have to be a self-sufficient and preferably experienced camper. If you have never done an overland trip before, we recommend that you consider renting camping equipment and try it out closer to home first. That is the best way to figure out if you and your travel companions really like camping and what you need and what you don’t need. Camping equipment is expensive, and one

can easily be lured into buying a lot of unnecessary paraphernalia that will cost you dearly, not only money wise, but also in terms of space and weight. Make sure you can use all your equipment. Don’t take off with stuff you’ve never used. When the day of reckoning arrives, you don’t want to find out it doesn’t work for you, or is defective or missing some essential part.

When preparing your vehicle for a trip, the first and utmost important point is to make sure that the manufacturer’s services are up to date. If your overland vehicle is kept in storage, you will have to make sure that it is used and serviced regularly. Ensure that the tyres are of good quality, in good condition and prefer-

Preparing your vehicle well is of the utmost importance. (Johann Groenewald)


ably not older than six years, even if they still have enough tread. Take at least one, but preferably two, good spare tyres and a puncture repair kit. Invest in a good quality kit (not the plastic ones) and make sure you know how to use it. Take your tyre compressor and pressure gauge along so that you can adjust tyre pressure as needed.

ages, healthy engine operation, etc. If you don’t have the time, ask your favourite mechanic to do it. If you have any aftermarket products or equipment fitted to your vehicle, make sure it is in line with your vehicle’s specifications. Pay particular attention to electrical equipment that could interfere with the vehicle’s safety systems. Also test drive your vehicle to see if you’re happy with any non-electrical and non-mechanical equipment fitted to your vehicle, like roof racks. Make sure everything is fitted securely. Always take cable ties to refasten things that rattled loose. Take duct tape and a basic tool kit as well as a few basic spares like a fan belt and filters. Also take spares for parts that are possibly prone to failure on your vehicle model. Take at least one spare of all the fuses on your vehicle, even for the cigarette lighter plug that you use for your GPS, mobile phone, etc. Always have a fire extinguisher in your vehicle and make sure that it is full and in working condition.

A puncture repair kit, tyre compressor and pressure gauge are essential tools on your trip. (Karin Theron)

Thoroughly check your vehicle’s mechanicals just before the trip. This is especially important if you haven’t used your vehicle much since the previous service. This is a good time for the proverbial “bumper-to-bumper” check of suspension and transmission components, steering link-

Prepare your vehicle for specific conditions that you know you will be facing. If you intend driving through long grass, take along a seed screen to protect your radiator from being blocked. Try to use a net that is long enough to cover the radiator at the bottom as well, as most of the seeds are sucked up from below. Don’t leave it on your vehicle all the time as


border post crossings between Namibia and neighouring countries Epupa Ruacana Falls 08:00 – 19:00 H ! Ruacana Otjinhungwa Ruacana H ! Okangwati

V! # V H#


Serra Cafema

H !

H ! V #

# V

Ondangwa H! ! H



Divundu H ! Khaudum Game Reserve H Mohembo ! 06:00 – 18:00 Mohembo Tsumkwe

V #



H !


H !

H !

Henties Bay


H !

H !

Usakos Karibib


H H! !

H !

H !

H ! H Langstrand ! !Walvis H Bay

" /

H !

07:00 – 24:00 Mamuno

H !

H !


H !


H !

Namib-Naukluft Sesriem H Namibrand National Park ! H Private Maltahöhe ! NReserve

H !


H !

H !

H !

H Trans Kalahari (Buitepos) ! V #

H !




H !



250 Km

Witvlei Gobabis



Atlantic Ocean

Dobe 07:30 – 16:30 Dobe

HOtjiwarongo ! H !


H !

V #

H !


H !


H Grootfontein ! H ! H !


Kamanjab Terrace H ! Palmwag Bay H H Torra ! ! Bay Khorixas H ! Twyfelfontein ! H



H !

Etosha National Park




Katwitwi 07:00 – 18:00 Katwitwi


H !

H !

Santa Clara 07:00 – 18:00 Oshikango


H !

Calueque 07:00 – 18:00 Omahenene


H !


H !


H !


Wenela 06:00 – 17:00 Sesheke

ZZ A AM MB B II A A Katima Mulilo

A AN NG GO O LL A A Kongola

H !

Mudumu Game H Reserve !

V #

Mamili National H Park !

B BO O TT S SW WA AN NA A Ngoma Bridge 07:00 – 18:00 Ngoma Bridge


V # H !


H !

Impalila Island 07:30 – 17:00 Kasane

H !

H !

Impalila Island

H V! V # #



Oranjemund 06:00 – 22:00 Alexander Bay

Rosh Pinah


H ! V #



H !


H !

H !

H# ! V


H !


H !


H# ! V

Sendelingsdrift 08:00 – 16:30 Sendelingsdrift

H !


H ! V #

V #

Grünau H Karasburg !

H !

V #


H !

Noordoewer Open 24 hours Vioolsdrif

V #

Mata Mata 08:00 – 16:30 Mata Mata Klein Menasse 08:00 – 16:30 Rietfontein

Ariamsvlei Open 24 hours Nakop

Velloorsdrift 08:00 – 16:30 Onseepkans



Documents required When you travel by car, make sure that you have the following documents at hand: • A valid passport. • Original vehicle registration papers (a certified copy is acceptable). People whose vehicles are still being financed by the bank, will not have the original vehicle registration papers. They would therefore use the vehicle licence papers (where the renewal disk is cut out annually) or a copy of the vehicle registration papers. Have them signed by a Commis sioner of Oaths. • If you are not the registered owner of the vehicle that you are driving (e.g. it is still being financed by the bank or you are driving a friend’s vehicle), you must have a letter from the financial institution or friend giving you authorization to take the vehicle across the border. This letter must stipulate dates that you are allowed to take the vehicle out of the country and be signed by a Commissioner of Oaths. • If you are not the registered owner of the vehicle, you must have an affi- davit from the police, giving you authorization from the owner/ finan cial institution to take the vehicle abroad. • A Carnet de Passage en Douane (CPD) is the international customs document which covers the temporary admission of a motor vehicle and is compulsory only for vehicles coming from a country

outside the Southern African Common Customs Area (Botswana, Lesotho, South Africa, Swaziland and Namibia). A Police Clearance Certificate is not required if you are on holiday with your own vehicle, but if you enter with a work permit, you must have one. Keep all your official documents together in a plastic envelope. Print your vehicle details (like VIN, engine and licence number as well as make) in large letter type and put that together with your registration paper, back to front in the envelope so that it is readable through the envelope. If you have a trailer, put its detail to be visible if you turn the envelope around. Whenever you are asked for your vehicle or trailer details, you just hold your handy envelope against the window for the official to read.

The basic procedure for crossing a Namibian border by land is as follows: 1. When you arrive at the border, write down your odometer read ing as it is required by the Namibia Roads Agency. 2. The driver and all passengers must present themselves to immigration first to get their passports stamped. Always check that your passport has been stamped accor ding to the correct dates of your stay and have it amended immedi- ately if necessary. 3. Each child and adult in your group will be required to fill in an Arrival/ Departure form, so take a pen with you. 77

Veterinary fences and foot-and-mouth disease In Southern Africa the control of foot-and-mouth disease is aided by restricting the movement of animals through veterinary fences, as well as through banning the import of raw meat and animal products like unpasteurised milk and cheese of cloven hoofed animals. Import restrictions and veterinary fences are actually two forms of the same thing – animal disease control. The only difference is that import restrictions apply to international border posts between countries and veterinary fences apply to disease control within a particular affected country. Basically the same rules apply for both measures. The aim of state veterinarians when putting up veterinary fences in the 1960s was to protect cattle against foot-and-mouth disease infections from buffalo. However, in the past 50 years, the number of diseases which potentially affect cattle and which now have to be considered as veterinary control problems has increased. The current veterinary fences are thus about more than just controlling foot-and-mouth disease. Foot-and-mouth disease affects cloven-hoofed animals. (Karin Theron)


The North of namibia is considered foot-and-mouthdisease infected area Epupa Falls

H !! H

Serra Cafema


H !


Okangwati Area

H !

H !

H !


H !




H !

Usakos Karibib


H H! !

H !



" /

250 Km

H !

H !

H !

H !



H !

Namib-Naukluft Sesriem H Namibrand National Park ! H Private MaltahĂśhe ! NReserve

H !


H !


H !


H !


Gamsberg Solitaire


Witvlei Gobabis


! H H Langstrand ! HWalvis !

H !

HOtjiwarongo ! H !

H !

H !




H !

Henties Bay

H Grootfontein ! H !

H !

H !


H !

H !

H !


Kamanjab Terrace H ! Palmwag Bay H ! Torra H ! Bay Khorixas H ! Twyfelfontein ! H

Divundu Khaudum Game Reserve


H !

H !

Atlantic Ocean

H !

Etosha National Park


H !


Ondangwa H! ! H




H !


H !

H !


H !


H !



H !


H !



H !

H !


H !

H !


H !



H !

H !

Infected Area Rosh Pinah

Veterinary Cordon Fence

H !


H !

GrĂźnau H Karasburg !


H !

H !



H !


H !

H !



Jackal can carry Rabies. Be suspicious if they look tame. (Karin Theron)

Rabies No animal bite should be ignored! Since the disease is invariably fatal once symptoms appear, post-exposure treatment is based on the principle of inducing immunity before the virus gains access to the nervous system. Victims must get treatment without delay. Prevention: Overland travellers should consider preexposure immunisation (three injections within one month) as there are many domestic dogs roaming around Namibia. Wild animals like bats, jackals, foxes, skunks, mongooses, meerkats and monkeys can also carry rabies. Be very suspicious if these animals behave as if they are tame. 92

Symptoms: Rabies is a fatal disease contracted by virus-laden saliva after a bite from a rabid animal. The disease progresses to paresis or paralysis. Spasms of muscles on attempts to swallow will lead to a fear of water (hydrophobia). Delirium and convulsions follow. After two to ten days, death results (often due to respiratory paralysis).

Cholera The mode of transmission is primarily through ingestion of water contaminated with faeces or vomit of infected people or, to a lesser extent, faeces of carriers. It is often associated with flooding, poor water supplies and/or poor sanitation.

Prevention: Cholera can be prevented by an oral vaccine dissolved in water. Its effectiveness is from six months to two years. You can avoid cholera by only drinking bottled water, especially in areas where you are not 100% sure of the water source. Symptoms: Cholera is caused by bacteria and will usually cause profuse watery stools and vomiting. Rapid dehydration may follow which may lead to the patient’s death within a few hours.


This is a systemic bacterial disease, contracted when food or water contaminated with faeces or urine of an infected person or carrier is ingested. Prevention: Inoculation with a typhoid injection is advised if you are travelling to remote areas where you are not 100% sure of the water source and are not able to take enough bottled water. The inoculation provides immunity for three years. Symptoms: It may cause fever, headache and constipation (more common than diarrhoea). Intestinal haemorrhage or perforation may occur in untreated cases, which can lead to the death of the infected person.

Yellow fever

You do not need a yellow fever cer-

tificate for Namibia. However, if you cross over to Zambia or Angola, you will need one. Yellow fever is endemic in the tropics of Africa and America and is a much bigger problem in Africa than in America. It is a virus transmitted by a mosquito which flourishes in human habitations, especially under slum conditions. It is prevalent in the large urban informal settlements in tropical Africa. Prevention: A single inoculation provides excellent immunity in over 95% of recipients, providing long-lasting immunity that will probably last a lifetime. International travel regulations, however, demand that boosters be administered every 10 years. The risk of infection can be minimised by taking general measures to prevent or reduce mosquito bites, as one would do for malaria. Keep your inoculation certificate in your passport.

Symptoms: The time between being infected with yellow fever and the start of symptoms is usually three to six days. This is known as the incubation period. The symptoms of yellow fever usually appear in two stages. The initial symptoms (the acute first stage) can include a high temperature, headache, shivers, nausea and vomiting, aching muscles, backache and loss


of appetite. Symptoms usually improve after three or four days. After the initial symptoms of yellow fever, about 15% of people go on to develop more severe symptoms. The symptoms of the toxic second phase can include a recurrent high temperature, abdominal pain, vomiting, a yellow tinge to the skin and whites of the eyes that is caused by liver damage, kidney failure, bleeding from the mouth, nose, eyes or stomach; you can also have blood in your vomit or stools. Half of the people who have the second toxic phase of symptoms, die within 10 to 14 days. The other half recover with no major organ damage and are immune from the disease for life. Overall, this means that around seven or eight people out of every 100 who develop yellow fever, will die from it.

Tick-bite fever


clothing for ticks at the end of each day, especially if you are camping in or walking through bush. Prompt removal of ticks can prevent some infections. Symptoms: Tick-bite fever is characterised by a primary sore (often having a blackish centre), swollen lymph nodes and, in most cases, intermittent fever lasting 10 to 14 days. The incubation period for this disease is about seven days. There is a sudden onset with significant malaise, deep muscle pain, severe headache and conjunctivitis. A rash, appearing on the hands and feet on about the third day, soon includes the palms and soles and spreads rapidly to most of the body. Bleeding underneath the skin is common. Blood tests may frequently be negative in the early stages – the diagnosis may therefore be missed if tests are not repeated! The rash on the palms and soles is also a hot clue.

Tick-bite fever is transmitted by a hard tick. It has been shown that at all stages of development, the common dog tick (larva, nymph and adult) is infective, and there is hereditary transmission of the disease to succeeding generations through the tick eggs. (This is believed to continue indefinitely).


Prevention: No vaccine is presently licenced for public use. This disease requires specific antibiotics for treatment. You should inspect yourself and your

Prevention: The only prevention is to avoid swimming in contaminated lakes and rivers. If you are not 100% sure that a lake or river is bilharzia free, rather

This is a blood fluke infection with adult male and female worms living over a life-span of many years in certain veins of the infected person. The infection is acquired from contact with water containing free-swimming larval forms which have developed inside snails.

abstain from swimming. (You should in any case be very cautious of crocodiles and hippos!) Symptoms: Severe liver complications and bladder cancer may result with chronic infections. If you suspect that you might have been in contact with contaminated water, go for a Bilharzia test at a pathologist when you return home.


The majority of scorpions are harmless to humans, although their sting is extremely painful and will require painkilling treatment. However, Parabuthus Villosus, one of the deadliest scorpions in the world, can be found in the entire western region of Namibia. You should be very careful in the Namib Desert, Fish River Canyon, Epupa Falls, Brandberg, Spitzkoppe, Swakopmund and Walvis Bay. Some have even been found in the Windhoek area. Scorpions prefer rocky areas and mostly come out at night, apparently more so when the wind blows. Prevention: Campers are advised to always wear closed shoes after dusk. Outdoor lights attract insects and thus the scorpions that feed on insects. Yellow outdoor lighting is less attractive to insects and is recommended in areas where scorpions are prevalent.

It is always a good idea to check for scorpion holes during daytime so that you know before nightfall if there might be any around. A scorpion hole is easy to recognise. The burrow entrances are usually situated in open ground and look like oval shaped smallish holes. A compound in the exoskeleton of scorpions refracts ultraviolet light in the visible spectrum and causes them to fluoresce or glow. The fluorescence is thought to serve as an ultraviolet sensitivity mechanism, perhaps allowing the scorpion to avoid damaging light levels. Because the exoskeleton glows in UV light, it is very easy to find scorpions at night using a torch with UV LEDs. If you use a UV torch and walk around your campsite at night, you have an excellent chance of finding scorpions. Depending on the UV output of the torch you will be able to find scorpions from a distance of one to ten meters. The scorpions will have a greenish glow and will be easy to spot against the dark background of the ground. The scorpions do not seem to suffer any ill effect of the UV light and do not react to the UV light at all. (Reference:

Symptoms: Moderate to more serious poisoning through scorpion sting causes malaise, sweating, heart palpitations, rise in blood pressure, salivation, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. Hyper acute (typically allergic) reactions include blurring of consciousness, unconsciousness, convulsions, fall in blood pressure, shock and even death. 95



The mountains in the Twyfelfontein area are extraordinary. (Johann Groenewald)


is a harsh, semi-desert area east of the Skeleton Coast and south of Koakoland. It offers travellers beautiful rock formations and geological and cultural sites, as well as some of the most famous Namibian landmarks: Brandberg and Twyfelfontein. Sunset on the western face of Mount Brandberg is an unforgettable experience. Brandberg is also well-known for the ‘White Lady’ Bushmen painting, discovered in 1918, and wonderful wilderness hiking opportunities.




5/ C3 M8

C4 0/

8 C3









! C39 /M6 9


Petrified Forest





Desolation Valley



Twyfelfontein World Heritage Site


76 76



D3 71 2


/M6 4


0 93 D1


White Lady

! Uis




6 D23 0

Mount Brandberg Nature Reserve




D2 34 2


0 23 3 30 D2

C3 5/

C3 5 /M


Rhino Camp

Burnt Mountain Organ Pipes

Doros Crater

D2 30 3











Omaruru Game Park

4 C3

Henties Bay





C32 /M

16 D37


19 27






Messum Crater

C3 5/

4 /D C3

Gai-Ais Fountain

Vingerklip (Fallen)

C3 5 /M

^^ ^



^ Skeleton Coast National Park

C39 /M


With at least 2 500 individual open-air rock engravings, Twyfelfontein is one of the largest and most important concentrations of rock art in Africa. No wonder Twyfelfontein was proclaimed as Namibia’s first World Heritage Site in 2007. Close to Twyfelfontein you can visit the Organ Pipes, Burnt Mountain (not the same as Brandberg), the Petrified Forest and Vingerklip (also known as Mukurob or Finger of God) which collapsed in 1988. The mountains in the Twyfelfontein area are extraordinary. The Mowani Mountains are also called the Red Mountains because of their beautiful colour. Himba and Herero women in traditional wear sell stones and crafts on the road between Twyfelfontein and Uis.


Other attractions Damaraland has to offer, are the Messum Crater where one of the oldest plant species (Welwitschia mirabilis) flourishes, and the Doros Crater. If you camp close to the Huab or Aba-Huab Rivers, chances are good that you will encounter desert elephant or black rhino. The desert elephants are not as used to humans as the elephants in Etosha and they don’t like being disturbed. They have a comfort zone of at least 500 m. As the dry riverbeds belong to them, you are advised to rather stay out of there. An elephant encounter requires patience more than skill, because these lords of the desert may take a long time to make way – and sometimes they don’t! Be very cautious, because elephants have killed people in the riverbeds of Namibia.

Be careful when driving in Damaraland in the rainy season. Because of seasonal flooding, the roads can be very confusing. Many vehicles had to be rescued from rivers like the Aba-Huab, so always inquire about road conditions during the rainy season.

spent at community camps stays in the communities.

Damaraland is mainly communal land that is divided into Conservancies. The Conservancies are managed by the local communities who own the land rights and are responsible for the wild game. Money

If you want to enjoy the 4WD opportunities that this vast and remote region has to offer, do one of the popular ecotrails like the Upper-Huab Trail or the Ruspoort Trail.

Brandberg is a remarkable landmark in Damaraland. (Johann Groenewald)



Please stay on existing tracks or roads when driving on the pebble desert plains in Damaraland. New roads are the worst example of ‘vehicle track pollution’, as a new track will be visible for the next 600 years! That is the time required for the desert winds to wipe out these tracks.

Unfortunately some visitors see the area as a 4x4 playground where anything goes. As this attitude can cause resentment, we urge you to respect the people and, what is in effect, their backyard. When you drive past a village, keep your speed down so as not to cover them in your dust and give them a polite wave. Remember to dispose of your own litter in a proper way and respect the local people and their cultures.


Photo: Karin Theron






used to be the capital of Damaraland prior to Namibia’s independence. The town is in close proximity of tourist attractions like the Petrified Forest, Organ Pipes and the Burnt Mountain. Twyfelfontein is a world heritage site with its large gallery of open-air rock engravings. Traveller Description: Khorixas is not a touristy town, but you will be able to stock-up and find basic facilities. There are several good lodges, game farms and camping facilities around Khorixas. Travel INFO: Phone the hospital if you need to see a doctor. Private doctors only come in from Otjiwarongo on Mondays and Thursdays. Travel TIP: If you like hiking, you must experience the Brandberg hiking trail and visit the famous ‘White Lady’ Bushmen painting. 178

! C40 m Ka




r ve Ri


D3248 D2671

Bambatsi Guest Farm


Bambatsi Guest Farm Damara Mopane Lodge



r Huab Rive

Huab Lodge



iGowati Lodge iGowati Lodge Khorixas Rest Camp D2666

Ugab Terrace Lodge Ugab Terrace Lodge Vingerklip Lodge D3236/M66


Huab Communal Conservancy



u So

iv tR


Audi Communal Conservancy D2744




Khorixas ! D2351


r Rive


Doro!nawas Area2 Communal Conservancy

Town Info:

a Ug

D2743 C35/M76

Hospital: +264(0)67 335 100 Doctor: +264(0)67 335 100

Khoro Goreb Communal Conservancy 0




r ive bR


+264(0)67 331 003



Main Road D2667 Minor Road Minor Gravel Road Off-Road/Jeep Track C35/M80 Hiking/Walking Trail Minor River Mountain Conservancy

KHORIXAS 1 Bambatsi Guest Farm

2 Bambatsi Guest Farm

Guest Farm NAD 880.00 pp (2013)

Farm Camp NAD 100.00 to 120.00 pp (2012)



62km or 41min ENE of Khorixas

62km or 40min ENE of Khorixas

Tel: +264(0)67 313 897, Cell: +264(0)81 245 8803, Fax: +264(0)88 615 627,

Tel: +264(0)67 313 897, Cell: +264(0)81 245 8803, Fax: +264(0)88 615 627,

Accommodation is provided in comfortable bungalows with en-suite bathrooms. View the wildlife from the main veranda or enjoy a drink at the bar.

Camping facilities are provided in two different camps on the guest farm. Biro Camp can accommodate only one group and Camp Gik can accommodate two groups.

Languages: English, German, Afrikaans

Languages: English, German, Afrikaans









3 Damara Mopane Lodge

4 Huab Lodge

Lodge w255824 NAD 920.00 to 1150.00 pp (2014)

Lodge w139462 NAD 1574.00 to 2173.00 pp (2014)

26km or 18min ENE of Khorixas

86km or 01h34min NNW of Khorixas

Tel: +264(0)61 230 066, Fax: +264(0)67 687186

Tel: +264(0)67 312 070, Cell: +264(0)81 627 6768, Fax: +264(0)88 628 432,

The three star lodge offers accommodation in double rooms with air conditioning. Excellent meals are prepared from their own vegetable garden.

Situated on a private nature reserve, this lodge and spa offers luxury accommodation. Guests can enjoy the beautiful landscape, antelope, zebra, warthog, baboons and elephant as well as over 200 bird species. Activities include sun downer drives.





5 iGowati Lodge

6 iGowati Lodge

Lodge w137501 NAD 440.00 to 1000.00 pp (2013)

Lodge Camp NAD 80.00 to 100.00 pp (2013)

King Justus Garoeb Ave, Khorixas

King Justus Garoeb Avenue, Khorixas

Tel: +264(0)67 331 592, Cell: +264(0)81 450 8790, Fax: +264(0)67 331 594,

Tel: +264(0)67 331 592, Fax: +264(0)67 331 594

iGowati Lodge offers 30 comfortable en-suite rooms each with fans, television and coffee/tea making facilities. The restaurant serves a la carte and buffet style menus. Guests can enjoy traditional dances and learn about the Damara culture.

The lodge offers camping facilities. Campsites, with shared ablutions and a wash-up area, are set out on green grass under trees. One private site with its own facilities is available. Campers may use the lodge facilities.



180 Activities: 180



FC @


Languages: English, Afrikaans A VIS

Facilities: Activities:



Khorixas Rest Camp Lodge Camp NAD 100.00 pp (2013/2014)

7 w138532

3km or 5min NW of Khorixas Tel: +264(0)61 285 7200, Fax: +264(0)61 224 900

Khorixas Rest Camp has campsites and caravan sites as well as accommodation in bungalows available. There is also a restaurant and curio shop.


Facilities: Activities:

Photo: Namibia Wildlife Resorts

Ugab Terrace Lodge 8

Ugab Terrace Lodge 9

Lodge w207675 NAD 835.00 to 1400.00 pp/pu (2013)

Lodge Camp NAD 50.00 to 150.00 pp (2012)

66km or 48min E of Khorixas

70km or 1h12min E of Khorixas

Tel: +264(0)64 461 677, Cell: +264(0)81 140 0179, Fax: +264(0)88 63 6170,

Tel: +264(0)64 461 677, Cell: +264(0)81 140 0179, Fax: +264(0)88 63 6170,

The lodge is situated on a plateau which allows panoramic views. There are 16 en-suite bungalows with a private veranda each. Facilities include a bar.

The lodge has five campsites where you can park your RV or construct your own camp. The campsites are situated against the incline at the foot of the hill overlooking the Ugab Terrace and Valley.

Languages: English, German, Afrikaans


Languages: English, German, Afrikaans A VIS




Facilities: Activities:



Vingerklip Lodge 10 Lodge w138041 NAD 1095.00 to 1800.00 pp/pu (2014) 72km or 54min E of Khorixas Tel: +264(0)61 255 344, Fax: +264(0)88 623 642,

Accommodation is provided in double and family rooms as well as a suite. Eagle’s Nest Restaurant is situated on top of the plateau. There are two swimming pools and a Jacuzzi. Activities include sun downer drives and cultural trips. Languages: English Facilities: Activities:



Photo: Karin Theron 181


Languages: English


Spitzkoppe is one of Namibia’s most recognisable landmarks. (Karin Theron)

The Erongo region lends its name from the Erongo Mountains where beautiful gemstones are found. These gemstones are sold informally along the roads. Spitzkoppe (meaning sharp hill) is one of Namibia’s most recognisable landmarks and indeed its most famous mountain and an outstanding camping spot. Although it is not the highest mountain in Namibia, it is popular for rock climbing. Even though it has a sharp peak from afar, Spitzkoppe in fact consists of a series of rounded granite mountains. Although Twyfelfontein in Damaraland is a world heritage site because of its rock art, you will also find paintings and engravings in the Erongo region throughout the Erongo Mountains and Spitzkoppe. 194


! ! C22 D2612



C3 5/

C3 3



C3 5/

Mt Brandberg Nature Reserve

Uis C36/M6 4

Kristallkeller Winery Erongo Singing Rocks

^ D1 93 7

Karibib ! Usakos







Mount Erongo



Omaruru Game Park




C3 3



Spitzkoppe Nature Reserve

D24 14

6 /M C3

D23 1 6

6 /M7

Philipp's Cave


Erindi Private Game Reserve


Omaruru ! D2315



Dorob National Park

Tsaobis Leopard and Nature Park C28



8 C2


! C14/M36

Namib-Naukluft National Park

Attractions in the vicinity are Philipp’s Cave (known for its rock art and archaeological findings) and the Erongo Singing Rocks. Erongo is a farming area with lots of game farms offering accommodation. The B2 highway between Windhoek and Swakopmund traverses this region and offers easy access to its attractions. Omaruru is a beautiful and tourist friend-







C2 6



ly town where you can visit one of Namibia’s few wineries, Kristallkeller Winery. Though small in size, the town is well worth a visit for people interested in arts and culture. The Erindi Private Game Reserve is also in this region and here you will find from the smallest insects to the largest land mammals and a multitude of rare and endangered species. 195





Photo: Karin Theron


is situated halfway between Windhoek and Swakopmund on the B2 (Trans-Kalahari Highway). Karibib is known for its marble quarries and a gold mine. Originally Karibib was a waterhole known to the Herero under the name Otjandjomboimwe. When business opportunities aroused from the railway construction work between Swakopmund and Windhoek, a merchant bought the waterhole and surrounding land from the Herero headman in 1895. 1 June 1900 marks the day of the official foundation of Karibib at the occasion of the first train arriving from Swakopmund. Today Karibib is still connected to the TransNamib railway network. Traveller Description: The beautiful Erongo Mountains dominate the skyline of Karibib. There are a number of tourist attractions in the vicinity, like Spitzkoppe, Philipp’s Cave (known for its rock art and archaeological findings) and the Erongo Singing Rocks. The town itself is not really a touristy town, but rather a stop for replenishing stocks and refuelling. Travel INFO: The contact number for the town clinic is 264(0)64 550 073. There is an Agra Retail and OK Bazaars. 196

r Police: +264(0)64 550 008 ive ha n R K Doctor: +264(0)64 550 050 Tow-in: +264(0)81 129 7490 Tourist Info: +264(0)64 550 700

Off-Road/Jeep Track Minor Gravel Road


Minor Road Main Road


Town Info:


Highway River

95 D1



Nature Reserve





C32/M 7


an jo s

i ver eR

D1 95 2

2 99 D1

95 D1 3

ve r



use ma


Mt Otjipatera

Albrechtshohe Guest Farm Etusis Lodge Guestfarm Okondura-Nord Kaliombo Safari Lodge Kaliombo Safari Lodge

D19 6


Kansimba Game Lodge


Tsaobis Leopard and Nature Park 0

k op Rive


Khan River Lodge Klippenberg Guesthouse Okomitundu Guest Farm Tsaobis Nature Park Rest Camp


10 Km

7 D19


Tsaobis Nature Park Rest Camp

Travel TIP: The Henckert Tourist Centre in the main street is worth a visit. They weave beautiful karakul rugs and wall hangings and sell an excellent selection of curios and Namibian made jewellery. There is a Police control point just outside Karibib on the C33 to Omaruru. 197

ERONGO • Karibib




KARIBIB 1 Albrechtshohe Guest Farm

2 Etusis Lodge

Guest Farm NAD 650.00 pp (2013/2014)

Lodge w142653 NAD 664.00 to 1134.00 pp/pu (2014)


27km or 20min E of Karibib

35km or 40min SSW of Karibib

Tel: +264(0)62 503 363, Cell: +264(0)81 128 3363, Fax: +264(0)62 503 363,

Tel: +264(0)64 550 826, Fax: +264(0)88 643 131,

This guest farm offers modern accommodation, delicious game meals and warm hospitality. Languages: English, German

Etusis Lodge is an oasis nestled in savannah and mountainous bush veld. Guests can choose between comfortable bungalows and luxury tents or they can rough it at the campsites. A 4WD is recommended during the rainy season. Languages: English, German









3 Guestfarm Okondura-Nord

4 Kaliombo Safari Lodge

Guest Farm EURO 65.00 to 650.00 pp (2014)

Lodge w142660 NAD 375.00 to 630.00 pp (2013)


70km or 57min ESE of Karibib

51km or 42min E of Karibib

Tel: +264(0)62 503 983, Cell: +264(0)81 128 5039, Fax: +264(0)88 625 636,

Tel: +264(0)64 404 561, Cell: +264(0)81 129 4561, Fax: +264(0)64 404 923,

Okondura-Nord is situated on a farm with beautiful mountains and hills as well as open savannah. They have six double rooms with en-suite bathrooms and verandas available. There are lots of wildlife and farm animals to see.

The lodge offers accommodation in safari tents, each with en-suite bathroom and a private patio with spectacular views over the surrounding plains and animals. Choose between self-catering, bed and breakfast or full board accommodation.

Languages: English, German, Afrikaans Facilities:








5 Kaliombo Safari Lodge

6 Kansimba Game Lodge

Lodge Camp NAD 100.00 pp (2013)

Game/Safari Lodge NAD 750.00 to 1500.00 pp (2012)



51km or 42min E of Karibib

54km or 48min ESE of Karibib

Tel: +264(0)64 404 561, Cell: +264(0)81 129 4561, Fax: +264(0)64 404 923,

Tel: +264(0)62 503 966, Cell: +27(0)81 687 5782, Fax: +264(0)62 503 967,

The camp is situated on a dry riverbed and has one campsite available for maximum 10 people. There is a shower and one toilet as well as a place to wash dishes.

Kansimba Game Lodge offers breath taking scenery and an abundance of wildlife. Each guest room has a balcony leading onto the garden and the luxury suites have balconies overlooking the river and waterhole. Pre-booking is required.



Activities: 198





FC @


7 Khan River Lodge

8 Klippenberg Guesthouse

Lodge w138464 NAD 770.00 to 880.00 pp (2013)

Guest House NAD 480.00 to 680.00 pp (2013)

70km or 01h01min ENE of Karibib

1km or 2min SSE of Karibib

Tel: +264(0)62 503 883, Cell: +264(0)81 386 7077, Fax: +264(0)62 682 333,

Tel: +264(0)64 550 693, Cell: +264(0)81 129 0064, Fax: +264(0)64 550 693

Khan River Lodge offers accommodation in comfortable rustic chalets with en-suite bathrooms. The campsites have clean ablution facilities with hot showers. Activities include bird watching, hunting safaris and campfires at night. Languages: English, Afrikaans

The lodge is situated close to Klippenberg Mountain, hence the name. It has tennis courts and a small golf course.





9 Okomitundu Guest Farm

10 Tsaobis Nature Park Rest Camp

Guest Farm NAD 580.00 to 1120.00 pp (2014)

Self-catering w138679 NAD 200.00 to 350.00 pu (2013)


85km or 01h01min ESE of Karibib

64km or 01h13min SSW of Karibib

Tel: +264(0)62 503 901, Cell: +264(0)81 128 1964, Fax: +264(0)62 503 902,

Tel: +264(0)64 684 060, Cell: +264(0)81 444 9911

The Guest Farm with magnificent old farm house offers accommodation in eight bungalows with double rooms, balconies and bathrooms. There are many activities to enjoy which include sun downer drives, bird watching, stargazing and archery.

Tsaobis Nature Park Rest Camp is the ideal setting for geological trips and one-day-excursions. They provide accommodation in eight bungalows. Activities include sun downer drives and 4x4 trails.



FC @




Languages: English, German, Afrikaans




ERONGO • Karibib



11 Tsaobis Nature Park Rest Camp Camping w141116 NAD 80.00 to 100.00 pp/pu (2013) 64km or 01h13min SSW of Karibib Tel: +264(0)64 684 060, Cell: +264(0)81 444 9911, Fax: +264(0)64550954,

The camp is situated within the Tsaobis Nature Park which is home to the Tsaobis Baboon Research Project. The spacious campsite has lovely shady trees and an open air shower. Languages: English, German, Afrikaans A VIS

Facilities: Activities:


Photo: Karin Theron 199


There is an abundance of wildlife at the Okaukuejo waterhole. (Johann Groenewald)

Etosha is one of Namibia’s finest national parks and offers spectacular game viewing. The park has a few watering holes – some natural and some fed by boreholes – which is where most of the game is concentrated. Visitors can expect to see elephant, lion, giraffe, rhino and a variety of antelope. Thousands of years ago the Kunene River would have fed the Etosha Pan as a lake, but today the pan will only hold water after heavy rains. Then, for a short while, it will play host to flamingos, pelicans and wading birds. The rainy season generally offers better birding opportunities with some 340 bird species, about a third of which are migratory. The park is serviced by a good gravel road with camping facilities and lodges in 212


ANGOLA Oshikango


C4 6





C35 /M76

C41 1 1 /M C4








Lake Oponono

Lake Oponono Wetlands

Onguma Private Game Reserve



Etosha Pans

Etosha Restricted Area

Lake Otjikoto B1


Etosha National Park

^ ^





Lake Guinas

Kamanjab Rock Engravings

Grootfontein !




5 /M C3

C4 0/






! C39/M69


M6 3





Ongawa Private Game Reserve C40


Okaholo Pan

C3 8

! 3 C3

B1 C22


and around the park. When it was proclaimed in 1907, the park was one of the largest reserves in the world, but it has since shrunk in size to an area that now consists mainly of the Etosha Pan which is 130 km long and 50 km wide. There are numerous luxury accommodation places just outside Etosha which offer their own game drives and beautiful scenery. Some of these are in the Onguma Private Game Reserve east of

2 C4



! Twyfelfontein

Waterberg Plateau National Park

C2 2/

M1 15

Etosha near Namutoni Gate and some in the Ongawa Private Game Reserve south of Etosha near Andersson Gate. Other highlights of this region are two natural sinkhole lakes, Lake Otjikoto and Lake Guinas, near Tsumeb. Both are popular among experienced divers. Those in search of Bushmen rock engravings can visit the site near Kamanjab.


Etosha National Park AREA


Photo: Johann Groenewald

The Etosha National Park

is without a doubt Namibia’s most famous and popular national park, partly because it is malaria free. The park has an abundance of game and about 340 bird species have been counted. Game viewing is easy in the park as most animals come to drink at one of the few watering holes. It is only after heavy rains that the Etosha Pan fills up and becomes a water source to wading birds and other animals. This is also the time when the bulbs flower.

Travel TIP: Because of veterinary fence restrictions you are allowed to take raw meat of cloven hooved animals and unpasteurised milk into Etosha if you travel from the south. However, you are not allowed to take meat from Etosha past the vet fence control point if you travel south. 214

Traveller Description: The western part of Etosha and Galton Gate is only open to operators with special permits. Self-drive visitors either use Namutoni Gate in the east or Andersson Gate in the south. The park is serviced by a good gravel road which you can drive in a normal sedan vehicle. However, you are advised to use a 4WD or pick-up vehicle during the rainy season. The main camps (Okaukuejo, Namutoni and Halali) offer a good variety of accommodation while Onkoshi and Dolomite are exclusive camps.

Photo: Johann Groenewald


etosha • etosha NP area

Travel INFO: All three main camps (Okaukuejo, Namutoni and Halali) have fuel stations, restaurants and shops with basic food supplies. Okaukuejo has laundry facilities and a basic clinic. Namutoni Camp has the best shade but most people regard the waterhole at Okaukuejo as sensational, especially at night when not only elephant, herds of rhino and prides of lion come down to drink but also smaller nocturnal animals which are not usually seen.

ETOSHA National Park Area Okasnanakana Pan

le er Ri v



Legend !


Olyapeke Pan


Waterhole/ Fountain Etosha Gates Highway kum Main Road Minor Road er Minor Gravel Road Off-Road/Jeep Track River Deep River Valley Pan Conservancy Private Game Reserve National Park a Ri v

Natukanaoka Pan

Etosha Pan

Etosha National Park



8 C3

! Okondeka



Charitsaub !



! !




Halali Airstrip Moringa






Okaukuejo Pan ! Airstrip







! Aus

! Gemsbokvlakte !

Ongava Airstrip




Ombika !

! Anderson Gate

Ongawa Private Game Reserve

D269 5


79 D27

D2 77


25 Km

Nuamses Goas 2 Goas 1 !! !



Andoni Pan


Beisebvlakte Pan



Oshivelo Airstrip

Ubareb Pan

( !


Stinkwater !

etosha • etosha NP area

Onguma Private Game Reserve D3001

21 Etosha Aoba (Private)




D30 0

Tsumcor !



Groot Okevi Airstrip Fisher's Pan !


Klein Okevi




Chudop !


! !


Namutoni Gate !


Klein Namutoni Okerfontein !


Mokuti Lodge Airstrip

Mushara Lodge Airstrip




! !


D3 00

! !



Namutoni Rest Camp Okaukuejo Rest Camp Okaukuejo Rest Camp Ongava Lodge Ongava Tented Camp Onguma Bush Camp Onguma Bush Camp Onguma Etosha Aoba Lodge Onguma Tented Camp Onguma The Fort Onkoshi Rest Camp Sachsenheim Guest Farm Taleni Etosha Village

4 D30


D3 03 1

6 86 D2

Andersson's Camp Eldorado B&B Eldorado B&B Emanya@Etosha Game Lodge Etosha Safari Camp Etosha Safari Camp Etosha Safari Lodge Mushara Bush Camp Halali Rest Camp Halali Rest Camp Mokuti Lodge Aikab Pan Mushara Lodge Mushara Outpost Namutoni Camp


ETOSHA National Park Area Andersson’s Camp


Lodge w208956 NAD 1790.00 to 4687.00 pp (2014) 6km or 09min WWS of Anderson Gate (Etosha) Tel: +264(0)61 274 500, Fax: +264(0)61 239 455

Andersson’s Camp is situated in the Ongava Private GR which is adjacent to the Etosha NP. They offer accommodation in tented units on raised decks with en-suite bathrooms. The camp has an eco-sensitive design and a waterhole to view wildlife. Facilities:





Photo: Wilderness Safaris

Eldorado B&B


Bed and Breakfast NAD 400.00 to 500.00 pp (2014)


10km or 10min S of Anderson Gate (Etosha) Cell: +264(0)81 302 2290

Located on the doorstep of the world renowned Etosha National Park, this owner-run accommodation offers true hospitality. They offer full board accommodation. Languages: English, Afrikaans Facilities:


FC @


Photo: Eldorado B&B

Eldorado B&B


Lodge Camp NAD 100.00 pp (2014)


10km or 10min S of Anderson Gate (Etosha) Cell: +264(0)81 302 2290

The camping area at Eldorado B&B is grassed. They do sell meat. This is the ideal location for day trips into Etosha. Languages: English, Afrikaans

Facilities: Activities: 218


FC Photo: Eldorado B&B

Emanya@Etosha Game Lodge


Lodge w239883 NAD 1165.00 to 2236.00 pp (2013) 22km or 20min E of Namutoni Gate (Etosha) Tel: +264(0)61 222 954, Fax: +264(0)61 260 458

Languages: English, Afrikaans Facilities:




Photo: David Rogers

5 Etosha Safari Camp

Etosha Safari Camp 6

Self-catering w254370 NAD 775.00 to 970.00 pu (2013)

Tour Operator Camp NAD 150.00 pu (2013/2014)

9km or 7min SSW of Anderson Gate (Etosha)

9km or 7min SSW of Anderson Gate (Etosha)

Tel: +264(0)61 230 066, Cell: +264(0)81 129 2424, Fax: +264(0)67 333 455, www.gondwana-collection. com

Tel: +264(0)61 230 066, Cell: +264(0)81 129 2424, Fax: +264(0)67 333 455, www.gondwana-collection. com

Accommodation is available in 50 twin-bedded chalets which are fully equipped. They also offer good camping facilities. Birding is great at Etosha Safari Camp.

Etosha Safari Camp has fully equipped campsites available. Popular activities include bird watching and hiking. A 4WD is recommended during the rainy season.

Languages: English

Languages: English












Etosha Safari Lodge 7

8 Mushara Bush Camp

Lodge w219518 NAD 985.00 to 1325.00 pu (2014)

Tented Camp NAD 1300.00 to 2200.00 pu (2014)

12km or 14min SSW of Anderson Gate (Etosha)

10km or 09min SEE of Namutoni Gate (Etosha)

Tel: +264(0)61 230 066, Cell: +264(0)81 129 2424, Fax: +264(0)61 251 863,

Tel: +264(0)67 229 121, Fax: +264(0)61 304 290

Etosha Safari Lodge offers accommodation in comfortable bungalows, each with own veranda. They are all fully serviced and equipped. Facilities include a bar where guests can quench their thirst.

Mushara Bush Camp offers accommodation for 32 guests and eight children in custom made tent structures. The bush camp offers a down-to-earth bush experience. The main house is thatched and meals are served on the veranda. Languages: English

Languages: English Facilities: Activities:




etosha • etosha NP area

Emanya@Etosha offers 20 luxury air-conditioned en-suite rooms, laundry services on request, a stylish bar, African cuisine with grill and buffet and a rejuvenating foot spa. A variety of wildlife can be viewed at the waterhole.



Activities: 219


Epupa Falls is quite spectacular after good rains. (Johann Groenewald)

Kaokoland lies in the extreme north-western corner of Namibia. It is bordered in the north by the Kunene River and in the west by the Atlantic Ocean and the Skeleton Coast National Park. Kaokoland is a beautiful, remote and wild area with landscapes that range between sweeping plains, rugged mountains and dry riverbeds seamed with lush riparian bush. It deserves your respect, so be an eco-traveller and do not cause track pollution; stay on the beaten tracks or roads and do not disturb any plants, especially the Welwitschia. 262

Epupa Falls D3 70 0


Ruacana Falls Marienfluss



/ 43 D 0 37

7 16 D3

D3 61 6

C4 3/

D3 70


C35 /M76

Van Zyl’s Pass



Orupembe !

1 /M C4

1 22

C41 /M1 00

09 D37


C43 /D

D37 08



NAMIBIA: KAOKOLAND Ongongo Hot Springs


Sesfontein !

^ Hobatere Concession C43/D3706

Fort Sesfontein

D2 69 5






! D2 30 2






Palmwag Area

2 30 D2

Terrace Bay

Etosha Restricted Area



C35 /M

D37 07

37 0 4

D37 0 7

D3 7 07

D3 70 5

D3 7 07



! Ruacana


^ ^ ^

^ 1 70 D3




Skeleton Coast National Park





k ao k o l an d

Epupa Falls



263 !

Life is simple, almost uncomfortable; therefore the traveller has to prepare properly for a harsh but nevertheless beautiful and rewarding experience. You definitely need a 4WD to tour Kaokoland and you would be wise not to take a trailer. A satellite phone is a must when you travel Kaokoland on your own. The roads are dusty sand or gravel roads, often no more than simple tracks, which can easily become flooded depending on the season or a nearby rainstorm. Otjitheka Trail is a popular eco-trail and 4x4 enthusiasts and a few brave motorcyclists find Van Zyl’s Pass a challenge they cannot resist. Van Zyl’s Pass can only be travelled from east to west (downhill) although the brave and crazy do it the other way as well. The road is very bad and you can only traverse it with a 4WD or an off-road type motorbike which is not bigger than 650cc. You need outstanding riding skills The Himbas stay in simple round huts. (Johann Groenewald)


on rock and sand to be able to ride Van Zyl’s Pass. A trip down Van Zyl’s Pass usually starts off early morning from Ruacana, Opuwo, Epupa Falls or lodging somewhere along the Kunene River. Plan to stay over at the Van Zyl’s Pass Community camp. The road from Etengwa to Otjitanda is as bad as the road down van Zyl’s Pass. So, when you reach Otjitanda and you are still comfortable with your driving or riding skills, you can continue to Van Zyl’s Pass. If not, take the road south from Otjitanda leading to Orupembe.

Like in Damaraland, you have to be aware of desert elephant, especially in the dry riverbeds. Chances are good that you might also encounter rhino, lion and leopard. Kaokoland is mainly communal land that is divided into Conservancies. The Conservancies are managed by the local communities, who own the land rights

There is a community campsite in Van Zyl’s Pass. (Johann Groenewald)

The area is sparsely inhabited and here you will find the semi-nomadic Himba who are cattle herders and live in simple round huts. Respect them and their culture. They have a number of holy places spread throughout Kaokoland and you need to ensure that you do not camp on or near them. These holy places are indicated on Tracks4Africa’s GPS maps. Beware of cattle stampedes if you camp near Himba villages. The cattle have adapted to feeding as far as 35 km away from water and only return to drink every second or third day. The return to water normally happens at nightfall or later. Over the last 5 km they can smell the water which make them very excited and can cause a stampede.

Koakoland has a lot to offer in terms of natural beauty. The life-giving Kunene River has many waterfalls and rapids of which the most spectacular are the Ruacana Falls and Epupa Falls. The Marienfluss is a wide and long valley covered in soft waving grass for most of the year, set between high, stark mountain ranges. There are some beautiful fairy circles in the Marienfluss. You can enter the Marienfluss in the south via the nerve-wracking Van Zyl’s Pass, or the track passing Rooidrom. Rooidrom is a red, 45 gallon Caltex drum that was put there many years ago by farmer Ben van Zyl as a way of storing petrol for when he would pass there again and need it. Its purpose, however, changed to that of being a road marker (it is at a split in the road) and this is how it got its name. Rooidrom became a well-known landmark in Kaokoland and fellow travellers regularly paint it. It later also became a memorial for Jan Joubert who was a pioneer in marking the 4x4 trails of Namibia and was killed on one of his excursions into Kaokoland. 265

k ao k o l an d

and are responsible for the wild game. Money spent at community camps stays in the communities. Remember to take your own litter with you when you leave, as they live in a very natural way and do not have techniques for disposing of your rubbish.

Epupa Falls

Photo: Johann Groenewald

The Epupa Falls is in Angola known as the Monte Negro Falls. The

falls are created by the Kunene River which forms the border between Angola and Namibia. The Kunene River is 0.5 km wide and creates a series of waterfalls ranging from 1.5 m to 37 m in drop. The name ‘Epupa’ is a Herero word meaning foam, named after the foam that is created by the falling water. Traveller Description: It is recommended that you travel from Opuwo to the falls with a 4WD vehicle. Even though the falls are difficult to reach it is still a major tourist attraction in Namibia. What makes it so special is the unspoilt environment, covered with Fig trees, Baobabs and Makalani palms. The falls are framed with walls made of coloured rock. Travel INFO: Polka 24hr tow-in is based in Okahandja and services this area. Cell: +264(0)81 129 7490.


Epupa Camp Epupa Camp Epupa Falls Lodge Epupa Falls Lodge & Campsite

kaokoland • Epupa Falls

Kapika Waterfall Lodge Omarunga Lodge Omarunga Lodge

Kunene River Epupa Shop



! (

Epupa Falls

River Hiking/Walking Trail Off-Road/Jeep Track City Street Main Road



300 Meters

Major River D3700


Travel TIP: There are two possible routes from Epupa Falls to Ruacana Falls. The inland route via Okangwati is about 160km along good dirt roads and takes a morning. The 4x4 route next to the river is very scenic but takes one to two days, depending on the height of the river. Don’t tow a trailer or do this trip in a lone vehicle. During the rainy season (December to March) the route can be a technical challenge. 267

EPUPA FALLS 1 Epupa Camp

2 Epupa Camp

Tented Camp NAD 1260.00 pp (2013)

Lodge Camp NAD 120.00 pp (2013/2014)



1km or 3min ENE of Epupa Falls

1km or 3min ENE of Epupa Falls

Tel: +264(0)61 232 740, Cell: +264(0)81 366 4003, Fax: +264(0)61 249 876,

Tel: +264(0)61 232 740, Cell: +264(0)81 366 4003, Fax: +264(0)61 249 876,

Epupa Camp offers accommodation in nine en-suite safari tents with private balconies. The lodge has a dining room and a lounge that overlook the Kunene River. Activities available include river rafting and boat trips.

Epupa Camp works with and supports the local community. The camp has an ecological policy, recycling and removing all solid waste from the area. Activities include river rafting, boat trips and visits to a Himba village.

Languages: English, Afrikaans

Languages: English, Afrikaans


Facilities: Activities:





Epupa Falls Lodge





Lodge w255827 NAD 1100.00 pp (2013) Directly at Epupa falls Tel: +264(0)65 695 108, Cell: +264(0)81 149 2840, Fax: +27(0)88 617 368,

Epupa Falls Lodge not only has a beautiful deck overlooking the falls, but also offers accommodation in five chalets. Involved with the Himba community, they offer a unique cultural experience. Languages: English, German, Afrikaans Facilities: Activities:


Photo:Koos Verwey

Epupa Falls Lodge & Campsite Lodge Camp NAD 100.00 pp (2013)

4 w142431

Directly at Epupa falls Tel: +264(0)65 695 108, Cell: +264(0)81 149 2840, Fax: +27(0)88 617 368,

Epupa Falls Lodge & Campsite is the oldest campsite in the area with seven shaded campsites. Their deck includes a fully operational kitchen and bar. Electricity is available for small appliances. Enjoy rafting and hiking to Himba villages. Facilities: Activities: 268


Photo: Richard Randall

6 Omarunga Lodge

Lodge w216437 NAD 1170.00 to 1760.00 pu (2013)

Lodge w227910 NAD 1108.00 to 1958.00 pp (2013)

1km or 2min E of Epupa Falls

In Epupa Falls town

Tel: +264(0)65 685 111, Cell: +264(0)81 470 9312, Fax: +264(0)65 685 110,

Tel: +264(0)64 403 096, Cell: +264(0)81 252 9426, Fax: +264(0)64 402 097,

Kapika Waterfall Lodge offers accommodation in ten chalets with solar electricity and mosquito nets. The chalets are set on a terrace overlooking the Kunene River. Facilities include a lapa and a bar. Pre-booking is required.

Omarunga Lodge offers accommodation in 13 en-suite thatched chalets. Guests can relax at the bar and stroll over to view Epupa Falls.

kaokoland • Epupa Falls

5 Kapika Waterfall Lodge

Languages: English

Languages: English, German Facilities:








7 Omarunga Lodge Lodge Camp NAD 100.00 pp (2013)


In Epupa Falls town Tel: +264(0)64 403 096, Cell: +264(0)81 252 9426, Fax: +264(0)64 402 097,

Omarunga Lodge has campsites available and campers are welcome to eat at the restaurant and drink at the bar. Nine campsites are available, each with its own braai pit and water tap. Ablutions are comfortable and clean. Languages: English A VIS

Facilities: Activities:



Photo: Johann Groenewald 269



Petrified dunes in the Namib-Naukluft National Park. (BjĂśrn Rehder)

The Namib-Naukluft National Park covers most of the NamibNaukluft region that stretches from the Swakop River in the north to the Aus/LĂźderitz road (B4) in the south. The park is said to be the largest in Africa and the fourth largest in the world, and it includes sections of the still restricted Diamond Area. 316


70 M


M4 7

36 C19 /M D8 54



36 7 /D C2

9 C1

6 82

Namibrand Nature Reserve




Neuras Winery




1/ C2


C21 /M

5 /M C1



9 /M C1


Naukluft Mountain Zebra Park

C27 07 /D4

Koichab Depression





Duwisib Castle





Quiver Tree Forest



Helmeringhausen Tirasberg Conservancy

^ L端deritz






Garub Pan (Feral Horses)




Kolmanskop (Ghost Town)






Adolf L端deritz Memorial Felsenkirche (Church on the rocks) Haus Goerke (Museum) L端deritz Museum Woermann Haus (Museum)

Diaz Point Cross Lighthouse


C1 4 /M



C2 5/



Saddle Hill (Ghost Town)




Namib-Naukluft National Park



4/ C1



Gamsberg Nature Reserve


! ^

C2 3/


9 M4

Kuiseb Canyon

Sesriem Canyon





6/ C2



C2 9 /M

B1 9 /M4

Tinkas Flats












^ ^^




Rock Sculpture Trail

C2 8



Walvis Bay !



3/ C2



Dorob National Park

Moon Landscape

! Okahandja


Sunset Viewpoint

4 C3

Henties Bay













The red sand dunes at Sossusvlei are of the highest in the world. (Hannes Thirion)

Adjacent to the already huge NamibNaukluft National Park is the Naukluft Mountain Zebra Park. Other popular conservation areas in the region are Gamsberg and Namibrand Nature Reserves. Both offer excellent photographic opportunities. The word Namib means ‘open space’ and that is mainly what the traveller will find in this breathtakingly beautiful landscape. The Namib Desert, with its towering orange sand dunes, is one of the world’s oldest deserts. The burnt orange colour of the sand developed over millions of years as iron in the sand is oxidised, like rusting metal. The Namib Desert is the first natural site in Namibia to be inscribed on the World Heritage List. This honour was bestowed in 2013. According to UNESCO the Na318

mib is composed of two dune systems, an ancient semi-consolidated one overlain by a younger active one. The desert dunes are formed by the transportation of materials thousands of kilometres from the hinterland by river, ocean current and wind. It features gravel plains, coastal flats, rocky hills, inselbergs within the sand sea, a coastal lagoon and ephemeral rivers. Fog is the primary source of water, accounting for a unique environment in which endemic invertebrates, reptiles and mammals adapt to an ever-changing variety of microhabitats and ecological niches. Lüderitz, in the south, is the main town of the region and also a tourist hub. It is a beautiful and historical town from where guided 4WD desert trails and extreme hiking trails start. Close to Lüderitz is Kolmanskop, the ghost town with a

rich diamond mining history. Kolmanskop is a fascinating open air museum and popular tourist stop because it is located outside the restricted diamond area, unlike other former mining settlements like Elizabeth Bay and Pomona that also became ghost towns.

The biggest tourist attraction within the region is without a doubt Sossusvlei. Although the name is used to describe the area, it in fact only refers to the dry salt pan stretched out amongst the undulating red sand dunes. The Sossusvlei dunes are regarded as some of the highest in the world.

The nearby Deadvlei Valley is of great photographic significance with the skeletons of Acacia trees dotting a dry white pan. Another notable natural formation in the area is the Sesriem Canyon. The ghost town of Kolmanskop is a popular attraction. (Hannes Thiron)



As you travel east from L端deritz towards Aus, you will find one of the few populations of desert-dwelling feral horses in the world. There is a special lookout point at Garub Pan where you can view these beautiful wild horses of the Namib.

The gates to Sossusvlei only open at sunrise and close at sunset. There is a 2x4 parking area just before the vlei; beyond this area a 4x4 vehicle is a necessity. Visitors can either walk from there to the pan or make use of the 4x4 shuttle service to and from the sites. It is best to visit Sossusvlei early in the morning when the red color of the sand is very strong and bright, and the light and shadows offer breathtaking views. Otherwise, visit in the late afternoon when the sun does not bake down relentlessly on the desert sands.


Photo: Johann Groenewald






is a tranquil desert town situated 125 km east of L端deritz on the B4 that runs between L端deritz and Keetmanshoop. The village was formerly the site of a prisoner-of-war camp established by the South African army in 1915 to house German inmates captured during the First World War.

Traveller Description: The village is small but has all the basic necessities you might need as well as good accommodation. Here you can soak up the peace and quiet of the Namib Desert and the magnificence of the Aus Mountains. The climate is usually hot and arid but snow has been recorded in winter. The biggest attraction of the area is without a doubt the feral horses that can be sighted at the nearby Garub Pan.



Aus Accommodation

Bahnhof Hotel Aus

Klein Aus Vista Camping

Klein-Aus Vista Lodge

Legend River Hiking/Walking Trail Minor Gravel Road


Off-Road/Jeep Track


City Street Main Street Highway Town



Town Info: Police:

550 Meters

+264(0)63 258 005


+264(0)81 298 1495


NA M I B -N A U K L U F T • A u s

Aus Accommodation

AUS 1 Aus Accommodation

2 Aus Accommodation

Self-catering w140300 NAD 150.00 to 350.00 pp (2013)

Camping w255815 NAD 65.00 pp (2013)

St Theresia, Aus

St Theresia, Aus

Tel: +264(0)63 258 029, Cell: +264(0)81 298 1495, Fax: +264(0)88 612 614

Tel: +264(0)63 258 029, Cell: +264(0)81 298 1495, Fax: +264(0)88 612 614

Accommodation available in Aus, with double and single rooms on a self-catering basis. A bar and braai facilities are available. Parking is safe and secure.

Aus Accommodation has a camping area with braai facilities available. There is a bar as well. Languages: English, Afrikaans

Languages: English, Afrikaans FC





Facilities: A VIS




3 Bahnhof Hotel Aus

4 Klein Aus Vista Camping

Hotel w142179 NAD 605.00 to 710.00 pp (2012)

Camping w142204 NAD 90.00 pu (2012)

20 L端deritz St, Aus

5km or 6min WNW of Aus

Tel: +264(0)63 258 091, Cell: +264(0)81 235 6737, Fax: +264(0)63 258 092,

Tel: +264(0)63 258 116, Fax: +264(0)63 258 021

This historic hotel combines traditional comfort with excellent service and a la carte cuisine. They offer accommodation in 21 double rooms as well as a 4-bed family room, all en-suite. They also have a wheelchair-friendly room.

Klein Aus Vista offers a spotless camping area with clean ablutions with flush toilets. Hiking and sunset drives can be enjoyed.



FC @


Lodge w137552 NAD 600.00 to 870.00 pp (2012) 4km or 3min NW of Aus Tel: +264(0)63 258 116, Fax: +264(0)63 258 021

Klein Aus Vista has breath taking views of the Namib Desert plains. The lodge offers a choice of unique accommodation at separate locations. This is the ideal base from where to explore the south and view the Aus feral horses. Languages: English, Afrikaans

Activities: 322

Facilities: Activities:

5 Klein-Aus Vista Lodge


Languages: English, Afrikaans





NA M I B -N A U K L U F T • A u s

Photo: Johann Groenewald 323


Cape Cross marks the spot where the first European set foot on the coast of south-western Africa. (Johann Groenewald)

The Skeleton Coast is an extremely wild, remote and desolate stretch of land where the Namib Desert and the Atlantic Ocean meet. The Skeleton Coast most probably derives its name from the combination of whale and seal skeletons, as well as the numerous shipwrecks along the coastline. The region consists mainly of the Skeleton Coast and Dorob National Parks, and the main towns of the region are Swakopmund and Walvis Bay. Both towns are tourist friendly and offer a lot in terms of attractions. Henties Bay is a prime holiday town, as is Langstrand which is situated about halfway between Swakopmund and Walvis Bay. This coastline is very popular amongst anglers and keen fishermen literally flock to places like Terrace Bay, Torra Bay, Mile 108, Mile 72 and Jakkalsputz. Because many people used this area as a 4x4 playground in the past and caused severe track pollution, strict regulations on off-road driving are now enforced. You need a permit to 418

37 06

Dorob National Park



3 C3








Karibib Okahandja

! !


1 /M C3


! Langstrand ! ^ ^ !

! B1


Guano Platform Stone Monument




Elephant Tracks (Solidified in mud) Shepmansdorp Memorial



86 21

Namib-Naukluft National Park




^ ^

Welwitschia Planes 4WD Trail Moon Landscape

C2 6/


Walvis Bay

30 /


!^ ^

Henties Bay




Salt Pans






^ ^^

Sandwich Harbour


Dead Sea Swimhole (Soutgat)

4 C3

Walvis Bay Wetland Oyster Farm Kisha Gibus Ancient Settlement Topnaars 4WD Trail Dune 7 Nataniel Maxuli Monument Old Plum Railway Line Ruin of Old Quarantine Station Pelican Point Pelican Point Lighthouse





C2 4/



9/ C3


! Otavi




! Sesriem

drive on most of the roads, and some areas can only be entered if you are accompanied by an accredited guide. The Cape Cross Seal Reserve just north of Henties Bay is home to a large colony of Cape fur seals. It is of historic interest as it marks the spot where the first European, the Portuguese navigator Diogo C達o, set foot on the coast of south-western Africa in 1486. Very close to the reserve is a pool which is very high in salt and minerals. Because one can float on the water, this is referred to as the Dead Sea Swimhole. There are no facilities and you are recommended to take water with you to


rinse the salt from you after your swim. You also need to take shoes in which you can swim because the pool is situated between very sharp rocks that can cut your feet. Although very controlled for conservation reasons, the inland of the Skeleton Coast also offers a lot of recreational opportunities. Dune 7 near Walvis Bay is a popular spot for off-road dune and quad bike driving. On some of the off-road trails, you will be able to view the magnificent Weltwitschia plants from close-by and on the Welwitschia Plains 4WD Trail near Swakopmund you will pass through an almost surreal moon landscape.



302 /D2

Adventure Park African Leather Lighthouse Martin Luther Steam Locomotive Museum National Marine Aquarium Old Jetty Old State Railway Station Omeg Haus Otavi-Bahnhof (Snake Park) Town Hall Woermann Haus Alte Kaserne Crystal Gallery


C39/M126 ! Khorixas !

Torra Bay


Super Tube Amusement Park Sunset Viewpoint

C4 0 /M





Terrace Bay !




Cape Cross (Diogo C達o 1485) Cape Cross Seal Reserve

Etosha National Park




Etosha Pans

Etosha Restricted Area


Mile 108

11 0



2 30 D2


C45 /M


1 /M C4 Okaholo Pan



C43 /D

D3 70 7




1 22


37 04 C43 /D







M6 3

Opuwo Skeleton Coast National Park






C3 5 /M

03 37







! Falls




C19 /M


Henties Bay



ATM Photo: Karin Theron

Henties Bay was named after major Hendrik “Hentie” Stefanus van der Merwe who ‘discovered’ the place in 1929 when looking for water while on a hunting expedition. He later returned and built a wooden hut in the riverbed. The place became known as Henties Bay and developed into a holiday hideout, mainly because of the abundance of fish at this spot. Traveller Description: Henties Bay is a beautiful and popular tourist town, predominantly for anglers and 4x4 enthusiasts. Although the municipal area of Henties Bay is excluded from the recently proclaimed Dorob National Park, you should take note of restricted roads outside the town. The town is a gateway to adventures like 4x4 routes and quad biking in the adjacent Namib Desert, but you need to book these through tour operators. From Henties Bay you can visit the Cape Cross seal colony to the north or Swakopmund to the south. Travel TIP: The abandoned salt mine south-east of Henties Bay is worth a visit. It is situated on the Old Salt Mine 4 x 4 Trail within the Dorob National Park. The man-made salt pans and old implements are still clearly visible. Take care when driving around the pans as they are porous and your vehicle will get stuck. A heap of whalebones and an old boiler indicate that whales were once processed here. Interesting natural phenomena in the area are quartz crystals, triangular shaped stones and granite boulders. Henties Bay is often misty and windy, so remember to take a wind shield when you go camping. 420

C3 4

Standard Bank & ATM SPAR


FNB Bank and ATM

8 91 D1

Bank Windhoek ATM

Willaine Centre Total Convenience Store

Die Viskas

Eagle Shopping Centre

Atlantic Ocean



500 m

Buck's Camping Lodge Buck's Camping Lodge De Duine Hotel Desert Rose Holiday Flats Die Oord Holiday Accommodation Eagle Holiday Flats

Legend Main Road

Els Hoekie Accommodation

Main Street

Fishermans' Guest House

City Street

Gamsberg Accommodation

Minor Road

Haus Estnic B&B Huis Klipdrift Namib Shore Guest House

Off-Road/Jeep Track Town

Travel INFO: There is a clinic in town and the contact number is +264(0)64 500 020. There is a laundry service at the Spar centre and the Spar has a butchery and a bakery. 421

ZAMBEZI (caprivi)

The Kongola area has lush vegetation and abundance of wildlife. (Peter Levey)

The name of the Caprivi Strip was changed in 2013 to Zambezi. This region stretches out like an arm between Angola, Zambia and Botswana, touching Zimbabwe at the confluence of the Chobe and Zambezi Rivers. It is a tropical region hosting an array of wildlife and bird species and is ideal for fishing. This region is characterised by an abundance of water, wetlands, large floodplains and thick Mopani woodland. Bwabwata, Mamili (Nkasa Lupala) and Muduma National Parks and the Kwando Conservancy are the major conservation areas in the Zambezi region. They are well worth a visit and, with over 600 bird species, a real paradise for bird watchers. Game is plentiful and hippos and crocodiles laze around on the riverbanks. 528

Z AMBE Z I ( C a p r i v i )

hango me erve



ANGOLA Kwando Core Area

Susuwe Triangle

Mayuni Conservancy

Kwando Conservancy

! Kongola


Impalila Conservancy

D35 08 B8

! ^ Impalila

D3 50 7


Katima Mulilo


Island Kasika Conservancy

Popa Falls

Mashi Conservancy Bwabwata National Park

9 /M C4

5 12

Salambala Conservancy

Mudumu National Park

Mamili (Nkasa Lupala) National Park Wuparo Conservancy


There are countless fishing camps and lodges along the Zambezi, Kwando and Linyanti Rivers, offering a variety of activities. These rivers define Namibia’s borders with Botswana, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Angola. The Zambezi region is also a gateway to the Okavango Delta and national parks

such as Chobe and Moremi in Botswana, and the famous Victoria Falls which straddles Zambia and Zimbabwe. Katima Mulilo is the main town in this region and offers essential services to tourists. 529

Impalila Island

Photo: Ichingo Chobe Lodge

Impalila Island is an 11 000 hectare patch of land bounded by the

Chobe River, Zambezi River and the Kasai Chanel. The island has about 800 inhabitants staying in 22 villages. The island, which is a conservancy, is very secluded and has limited facilities. Although Impalila Island is on Namibian territory, Kasane is the nearest town and therefore the logistic management of the lodges on the island is run from Kasane.

Traveller Description: There are only two lodges on the island itself. Ichingo Chobe River Lodge is on the Chobe side and Impalila Island Lodge on the Zambezi side. Guests have to leave their vehicles in safe parking at the Botswana Immigration Office in Kasane and are fetched by boat. The boat trip takes about 15 minutes and guests have to clear Namibia Immigration on the island. The border post and crossing to Impalila Island is for people only, no vehicles are allowed. There are only a few vehicles on the island. Game viewing is done by boat along the Chobe River and you can fish in the Chobe and Zambezi Rivers as well as in the Kasai Chanel.



# V

Border Post National Boder Highway Main Road City Street Minor Road Off-Road/Jeep Track Riverboat Trail River Delta Conservancy National Park Forestry Reserve

Impalila Island Border Control

# V

Kasika Conservancy

SPAR Barclays Kasane Border Control

# V

Kasane Hospital



! Kasane


Kasika !

NAMIBIA BOTSWANA Chobe Flood Plains Chobe Savanna Lodge

Kasane Forest Reserve

Ichingo Chobe River Lodge Ichobezi Safari Boats Impalila Island Lodge Zovu Elephant Lodge





Nogatsaa Tchinga

Travel TIP: Fishing and birding are excellent on the island. 531

Z AMBE Z I ( C a p r i v i ) • I m p a l i l a I s l a n d

Impalila Conservancy

Camping & Lodging per Region Boesmanland Camping

Djokhoe Campsite p110 Makuri Campsite p110 Tsumkwe Country Lodge p110


Tsumkwe Country Lodge p110

Central Namibia Camping

Airport Hunting and Guest Farm p152 Arebbusch Rest Camp p153 Arhnem Cave & Lodge p120 Augeixas Camp p153 Auob Lodge p124 Bagatelle Kalahari Ranch p137 Bastion Farmyard B&B p138 Big 5 Mini Lodge p155 Cardboardbox Backpackers p155 Chameleon Backpackers Lodge p156 Düsternbrook Safari Guest Farm p157 Elisenheim Guest Farm p157 Harmonie Farm p158 Hudup Campsite p132 Kalahari Anib Lodge p138 Lake Oanob Resort p144 Lapa Lange Game Lodge p139 Melrose Guest Farm p163 Monteiro Camping p164 Ondekaremba Africa Farm p165 Pappot Campsites p132 Prospect Guest Farm p166 Red Dune Camp p124 Scheidthof Guest Farm p121 Shalom Centre p168 Sun Karros Lifestyle Safaris p168 Trans Kalahari Inn p170 Umti Lodge p170 p170 Wildmoor Nature Camp p124


Aces Guest House p152 African Kwela Guest House p152 Airport Hunting and Guest Farm p152 Airport Lodge p152 Aloe Travel Lodge p152 Anandi Guest House p137 AnJo Villa Guest House p153

Aranos Hotel p116 Arebbusch Travel Lodge p153 Arhnem Cave & Lodge p120 Auas City Hotel p153 Auas Game Lodge p153 Auob Lodge p124 A-Z Guest House p154 Backpacker Unite p154 Bagatelle Kalahari Ranch p137 Bastion Farmyard B&B p137 Baumgartner Apartments p154 Bella-Mia Holiday Apartments p154 Belvedere Boutique Hotel p154 Big 5 Mini Lodge p154 Bitterwasser Lodge p128 Cardboardbox Backpackers p155 Casa Blanca Boutique Hotel p155 Casa Onganga B&B p155 Cassa Picollo Apartments p155 Cela Hotel Pension p156 Chameleon Backpackers Lodge p156 Daan Viljoen Chalets p156 Daniel’s Guest House p156 Düsternbrook Safari Guest Farm p156 Eden Chalets p157 Elisenheim Guest Farm p157 Eningu Clayhouse Lodge p120 Etambi Guest House p157 Etango Ranch p157 Euro Novelties Accommodation p158 Felsenblick B&B p158 Gocheganas Lodge p158 Gondwana Kalahari Farmhouse p137 Guest House Gecko p158 Haus Bodensee p158 Haus Sonneneck p159 Heimat Guest Farm p120 Heja Game Lodge p159 Hochland Nest Lodge p159 Hohewarte Guest Farm p159 Hotel Furstenhof p159 Hotel Heinitzburg p159 Hotel Pension Alexander p160 Hotel Pension Christoph p160 Hotel Pension Eros p160 Hotel Pension Handke p160 Hotel Pension Moni p160 Hotel Pension Onganga p160

Puccini Guest House p167 Red Dune Camp p124 Rivendell Guest House p167 River Chalets p140 River Crossing Lodge p167 Roof of Africa Hotel p167 Safari Court Hotel p167 Scheidthof Guest Farm p121 Schwalbenheim p167 Stampriet Historical Guest House p140 Sun Karros Lifestyle Safaris p168 Swiss Chalets p168 Tamboti Guest House p168 Teufelskrallen Tented Lodge p128 The Elegant Guest House p168 The Fig Tree Guest House p169 The Guest House p169 Thuringer Hof Hotel p169 Tourmaline Guest House p169 Trans Kalahari Inn p169 Umti Lodge p170 Vee’s Accommodation p170 Veronica (Aru Game Lodges) p128 Vertigo Boutique Hotel p171 Villa Moringa Guest House p171 Villa Verdi Guest House p171 Vondelhof Guest House p171 Windhoek Country Club p171 Windhoek Game Camp p171 Windhoek Lodge p172 Windhoek Mountain Lodge p172 Winnie Guest House p172

Damaraland Camping

Aabadi Mountain Camp Lodge p184 Aba-Huab Rest Camp p184 Bambatsi Guest Farm p180 Brandberg Rest Camp p191 Brandberg White Lady Lodge p191 Granietkop Community Rest camp p185 iGowati Lodge p180 Khorixas Rest Camp p181 Mowani Mountain Camp p186 The White Lady B&B p192 Ugab Save the Rhino Trust Camp p193 Ugab Terrace Lodge p181


Hotel Pension Palmquell p161 Hotel Pension Steiner p161 Hotel Pension Uhland p161 Hotel Safari p161 Hotel Thule p161 Immanuel Wilderness Lodge p161 Intu Africa Kalahari Private GR p128 Jordani B&B p162 Kalahari Anib Lodge p138 Kalahari Red Dunes Lodge p128 Kalahari Sands Hotel p162 Kalakwa (Aru Game Lodges) p120 Kamelruhe Guest House p124 Kamma-Kastag B&B p162 Kashima B&B p162 Kiripotib Guest Farm p121 Klein Windhoek Guest House p162 Koha Guest House p138 Kubata Lodge p162 Kutako Guest House & Backpackers p163 La Vida Inn p138 Lake Oanob Resort p144 Lapa Lange Game Lodge p139 Londiningi Guest House p163 Loufie’s Guest House p163 Maison Ambre Guest House p163 Maltahöhe Hotel p132 Mariental Hotel p139 Melrose Guest Farm p163 Melrose Mission Lodge p164 Monteiro p164 Mountain View Apartments p164 N/a’an ku sê Lodge p164 Namseb Lodge p132 Oa Hera Namib Backpackers p132 Okambara Elephant Lodge p121 Okapuka Ranch p165 Okarusuvo Guest House p165 Okatore Lodge p165 Olive Grove Guesthouse p165 Ondekaremba Africa Farm p165 Onjala Lodge p166 Oppiekoppie p139 Panorama Rock Lodge p121 Penduka Accommodation p166 Pension Cori p166 Pension New Nouveau p166 Pension Shumba B&B p166

Camping & Lodging per Region Lodging

Aabadi Mountain Camp Lodge p184 Bambatsi Guest Farm p180 Brandberg Rest Camp p191 Brandberg White Lady Lodge p191 Camp Kipwe p184 Damara Mopane Lodge p180 Damaraland Camp p185 Doro Nawas Camp p185 Huab Lodge p180 iGowati Lodge p180 Mowani Mountain Camp p185 Petras Guest House p192 The White Lady B&B p192 Twyfelfontein Country Lodge p186 Ugab Terrace Lodge p181 Vingerklip Lodge p181 Xaragu Camp p186

Erongo Camping

Ameib Gästehaus p210 Camp Elephant p203 Erongo Plateau Camp p203 Guest Farm Dinosaur’s Tracks p204 Kaliombo Safari Lodge p198 Mount Etjo Safari Lodge p205 Namib Oasis Rest Camp p210 Onduruquea Game Lodge p206 River-Guesthouse p207 Spitzkoppe Rest Camp p211 Tsaobis Nature Park Rest Camp p199


Ai Aiba Rock Painting Lodge p203 Albrechtshohe Guest Farm p198 Ameib Gästehaus p210 Bahnhof Hotel Usakos p210 Camp Elephant p203 Eileen Guest Farm p203 Erongo Lodge p203 Erongo Wilderness Lodge p204 Etendero Guest Farm p204 Etusis Lodge p198 Evas Guest House p204 Guest Farm Dinosaur’s Tracks p204 Guestfarm Okondura-Nord p198 Hohenstein Lodge p210 Hotel Central p204

Immenhof Guest Farm p205 Kaliombo Safari Lodge p198 Kansimba Game Lodge p198 Khan River Lodge p199 Klippenberg Guesthouse p199 Mount Etjo Safari Lodge p205 Namib Guestfarm Onduruquea p205 Okomitundu Guest Farm p199 Okosongoro Guest Farm p205 Old Traders Lodge p205 Omaha Guest Farm p206 Omaruru Game Lodge p206 Omaruru Guest House p206 Omaruru Rest Camp p206 Ondombo Hunting and Guest Farm p206 Otjikoko Game Ranch p207 River-Guesthouse p207 Schoenfeld Guest Farm p207 Spitzkoppe Rest Camp p210 Tsaobis Nature Park Rest Camp p199

Etosha Camping

!Uris Safari Lodge p247 Alpec Bushcamp p229 Buschberg Guest Farm p237 Buschfeld Park Lodge p237 Duncan’s Campsite p229 Eldorado B&B p218 Etosha Safari Camp p219 Etotongwe Lodge p238 Gelukspoort Guest Farm p238 Halali Rest Camp p220 Hobatere Campsite p230 Kamanjab Rest Camp p230 Kupferquelle Resort p245 Mamselle Nature Camp p239 Namutoni Camp p221 Okaukuejo Rest Camp p222 Ombinda Country Lodge p239 Onguma Bush Camp p223 Oppi Koppi Rest Camp p231 Otjitjekwa Campsite p231 Otjitotongwe Lodge p232 Porcupine Camp p232 Rustig Toko Lodge p232 Sâsa Safari Camp p239 Sophienhof Lodge p240

Tandala Ridge p233 Toshari Lodge p240 Treesleeper Camp p246


Gobabis Camping

Die Dam/Trans Kalahari End Resort p257 East Gate Rest Camp p252 Goba-Goba Lodge p258 Harnas Wildlife p258 Kalahari Bush Breaks Camp p252 Xain Quaz Rest Camp p260


Annaliese’s Place B&B p257 Die Dam/Trans Kalahari End Resort p257 East Gate Rest Camp p252 Erni’s Bistro B&B p257 Gobabis Guest House p257 Goba-Goba Lodge p257 Harnas Guest Farm p258 Kalahari Bush Breaks Lodge p252 Kalahari Gateway p258 Kuzikus Lodge p259 Nossob Safari Lodging p259 Onze Rust Guest House p259 Sandune Lodge p259 West Nest Lodge p259 Zelda Game Guest Farm p252

Kaokoland Camping

ABBA Guest House p272 Camp Aussicht p294 Camp Syncro p276 Epupa Camp p268 Epupa Falls Guest House p272 Epupa Falls Lodge & Campsite p268 Figtree Community Campsite p294 Hippo Pools Community Camp p288 Hoada Campsite p280


!Uris Safari Lodge p246 Alpec Bushcamp p229 Andersson’s Camp p218 Buschberg Guest Farm p237 Buschfeld Park Lodge p237 Dolomite Camp p229 Eagle Tented Lodge p237 Eldorado B&B p218 Emanya@Etosha Game Lodge p219 Epacha Game Lodge p237 Etosha Safari Camp p219 Etosha Safari Lodge p219 Etotongwe Lodge p238 Gelbingen Lodge p229 Gelukspoort Guest Farm p238 Halali Rest Camp p220 Kai-Oms Backpackers’ Lodge p238 Kamanjab Rest Camp p230 Kupferquelle Resort p245 Makalani Hotel p245 Mamselle Nature Camp p238 Martins Africa Accommodation p245 Minen Hotel p245 Mokuti Lodge p220 Mousebird Backpackers p245 Mushara Bush Camp p219 Mushara Lodge p221 Mushara Outpost p221 Namutoni Rest Camp p221 Oasis Garni Guest House p230 Okaukuejo Rest Camp p222 Ombinda Country Lodge p239 Ongava Lodge p222 Ongava Tented Camp p222 Onguma Bush Camp p223 Onguma Etosha Aoba Lodge p223 Onguma Tented Camp p224 Onguma The Fort p224 Onjowewe Lodge p230 Onkoshi Rest Camp p224 Oppi Koppi Rest Camp p231 Oppiklippe Self-catering p239 Otjitambi Guest Farm p230 Otjitotongwe Lodge p231

Porcupine Camp p232 Rustig Toko Lodge p232 Sachsenheim Guest Farm p225 Sophienhof Lodge p239 Taleni Etosha Village p225 Tandala Ridge p232 Toshari Lodge p240 Travel North Namibia Guest House p246 Treesleeper Camp p246 Tualuka Safari Lodge p233 Vreugde Guest Farm p240

Camping & Lodging per Region Kanamub Mountain Camp p295 Khowarib Community Rest Camp p294 Khowarib Lodge p295 Kunene Islands Campsite p288 Kunene River Lodge p289 Marble Community Campsite p276 Okapupa Camp p289 Okarohombo Campsites p277 Omarunga Lodge p269 Omeva Oviure Community Camp p295 Omunjandi Restcamp p288 Ongongo Community camp p296 Opuwo Country Hotel p273 Oreness Bar Campsites p273 Palmwag Lodge p281 Palmwater Camp p281 Puros Ngatutanga Camp p284 Red Rocks Community Camp p296 Ruacana Eha Lodge p290 Ruacana Sunset Lodge p290 Swartbooisdrift River Camp p290 Van Zyl’s Pass Community Camp p277


ABBA Guest House p272 Camp Aussicht p294 Desert Rhino Camp p280 Epupa Camp p268 Epupa Falls Lodge p268 Etambura Camp p276 Etendeka Mountain Camp p280 Fort Sesfontein Lodge p294 Grootberg Lodge p280 Kapika Waterfall Lodge p269 Khowarib Lodge p295 Kunene River Lodge p288 Mopane Camp p272 Ohakane Lodge p272 Okahirongo Elephant Lodge p284 Okahirongo River Camp p276 Omarunga Lodge p269 Opuwo Country Hotel p272 Outapi Mini Lodge p289 Outapi Town Hotel p289 Palmwag Lodge p281 Puros Bush Lodge p284 Ruacana Eha Lodge p290 Ruacana Sunset Lodge p290

Kavango Camping

Kaisosi River Lodge p313 Khaudum Camp p308 Mahangu Safari Lodge p302 Mobola Lodge p302 Ndhovu Lodge p303 Ngandu Safari Lodge p314 Ngepi Camp p303 Ngoabaca Community Camp p303 N’Kwazi Lodge p314 Nunda Safaris & Lodge p304 Popa Falls Rest Camp p304 RiverDance Lodge p305 Samsitu Riverside Camp p314 Sarasungu River Lodge p315 Shametu River Lodge p305 Sikereti Camp p308 Taranga Safari Lodge p315


Camp Hogo p313 Divava Okavango Lodge & Spa p302 Divundu Guest House p302 Hakusembe River Lodge p313 Kaisosi River Lodge p313 Kavango River Lodge p313 Mahangu Safari Lodge p302 Mobola Lodge p302 Ndhovu Safari Lodge p303 Ngandu Safari Lodge p313 Ngepi Camp p303 N’Kwazi Lodge p314 Nunda Safaris & Lodge p304 Omashare Hotel p314 Rainbow River Lodge p304 RiverDance Lodge p304 Sarasungu River Lodge p314 Shametu River Lodge p305 Shamvura Camp p305 Tambuti Lodge p315 Taranga Safari Lodge p315

Namib-Naukluft Camping

A Little Sossus Lodge p356 Ababis Guest Farm p364 Agama River Camp p364 Aruvlei Campsite p346

Spreetshoogte Campsite p369 Sterreprag Campsite p336 Tinkas Campsite p348 Tiras Guest Farm p337 Tsauchab River Camp p360 Tsondab Valley Scenic Reserve p369 Vogelfederberg Campsite p348 Weener Farm p331 Wereldend Rest Camp p327 Wüstenquell Private Nature Reserve p348


4 Seasons Self-Catering p341 A Little Sossus Lodge p356 Ababis Guest Farm p364 Agama River Camp p364 Aus Accommodation p322 Bahnhof Hotel Aus p322 Barby Guest Farm p334 Barchan Dune Retreat p364 Bayview Hotel p341 Betesda Lodge p356 Betta Rest Camp p326 Boereverenigingsaal Accommodation p357 BuellsPort Guest Farm p364 Camp Gecko p365 Capricorn Rest Camp p365 Corona Guest Farm p330 Dabis Guest Farm p334 Desert Camp p357 Diaz Point Self-catering p341 Drifters Desert Lodge p326 Duwisib Guest Farm p326 Fest Inn Fels Farm Lodge p334 Garies Lodge p366 Goanikontes Oasis Rest Camp p346 Gondwana Namib Desert Lodge p366 Gunsbewys Guest House p335 Hakos Guest Farm p330 Hammerstein Lodge p357 Hansa Haus Guest House p341 Haus Sandrose p341 Helmeringhausen Hotel p335 Hoodia Desert Lodge p357 Island Cottage p342 Kanaan Guest Farm p335 Kapps Hotel p342 Klein-Aus Vista Lodge p322 Kratzplatz B & B p342 Kulala Desert Lodge p358


Aubures Camping p334 Aus Accommodation p322 Barby Guest Farm p334 Betesda Lodge p356 Betta Rest Camp p326 Blutkuppe Campsite p346 BuellsPort Guest Farm p365 BuellsPort Old Police Station Camp p365 Camp 707 (Kanaan Farm) p334 Camp Gecko p365 Capricorn Rest Camp p365 Diaz Point Camping p341 Duwisib Guest Farm p326 Duwisib Rest Camp p326 Ganab Campsite p346 Garies Rest Camp p366 Goanikontes Oasis Rest Camp p347 Gondwana Namib Desert Lodge p366 Groot Tinkas Campsite p346 Gunsbewys Camping p335 Hakos Guest Farm p330 Hammerstein Lodge p357 Hauchabfontein Camping p357 Helmeringhausen Hotel p335 Homeb Camp p347 Klein Aus Vista Camping p322 Klipdam Camp p330 Kries se Rus Campsite p347 Little Hunter’s Rest Camp p335 Lovedale Farm Holidays p336 Lü deritz Backpackers Lodge p342 Mirabib Campsite p347 Namib Naukluft Lodge p367 Namib Naukluft Rest Camp p367 Namib Valley of a Thousand Hills Lodge p367 Namibgrens Guest Farm p367 NamibRand Family Hideout p352 Niedersachsen Guest Farm p330 Oerwald Camp p358 Ranch Koiimasis p336 Rock Arch Campsites 1 & 2 p347 Rooiklip Guest Farm p331 Rooisand Campsite p331 Rostock Ritz Desert Lodge p368 Sesriem Rest Camp p359 Shark Island Rest Camp p343 Solitaire Country Lodge p368 Solitaire Guest Farm p369 Sossus Oasis Campsite p359

Camping & Lodging per Region Le Mirage Desert Lodge p358 Little Kulala Lodge p358 Lovedale Farm Holidays p336 Lüderitz Backpackers Lodge p342 Lüderitz Nest Hotel p342 Moon Mountain Lodge p366 Namib Naukluft Lodge p367 Namib Valley of a Thousand Hills Lodge p367 Namibgrens Guest Farm p366 NamibRand Family Hideout p352 NamTib Desert lodge p336 Neuras: N/a’an ku sê Wine & Wildlife p358 Niedersachsen Guest Farm p330 Obelix Village Guesthouse p343 Rooiklip Guest Farm p331 Rooisand Lodge p331 Rostock Ritz Desert Lodge p368 Sea-View Zum Sperrgebiet Protea Hotel p343 Sinclair Guest Farm p336 Soft Adventure Camp p368 Solitaire Country Lodge p368 Solitaire Guest Farm p368 Sossus Dune Lodge p359 Sossusvlei Desert Lodge p359 Sossusvlei Lodge p359 The Desert Homestead p360 Tiras Guest Farm p337 Tolou’s Lodge p327 Tsauchab Chalets p360 Tsondab Valley Scenic Reserve p369 Weissenfels Guest Farm p331 Weltevrede Guest Farm p369 Wolwedans Dune Camp p352 Wolwedans Dunes Lodge p352 Wolwedans Private Camp p352 Zebra River Lodge p360 Zur Waterkant B&B p343

North Namibia Camping

Acacia Park Rest Camp p397 Frans Indongo Lodge p398 Hamakari Camping p398 Hochfeld Guest House p380 Khorab Safari Lodge p392 King’s Highway Rest Camp p386

Maori Campsite p375 Mururani Camp p376 Okonjima Lodge p399 Omatako Valley Rest Camp p376 Omatozu Safaris p387 Ombo Rest Camp p388 Ombonde Campsite p388 Omega Rest Camp p376 Otjiterazu Hunting & Guest Farm p389 Otjiwa Safari Lodge p399 Ouhave Country Home p400 Pondoki Rest Camp p377 Roy’s Rest Camp p377 Waterberg Andersson Camp p400 Waterberg Plateau Campsite p401 Waterberg Plateau Restcamp p401 Weaver’s Rock Guest Farm p403 Wewelsburg Camping & Safari p389 Zum Potjie Rest Camp p393


1000 Olives Guest House p385 Acacia Park SC Chalets p397 Aloegrove Safari Lodge p397 Auberge Omulonga B&B p385 Buschhotel p385 Bush Pillow Guest House p397 C’est Si Bon Hotel p397 Dornhuegel Guest Farm p375 Elegant Farmstead p385 Frans Indongo Lodge p397 Gabus Game Ranch p392 Ghaub Guest Farm p375 Greenhill Chalets p375 Haasenhoff Guest Farm p385 Hadassa Guest House B&B p398 Hamakari Guest Farm p398 Heiser’s Olivenhain B&B p380 Hochfeld Guest House p380 Hochfeld Hotel p380 Kalkfontein Guest Farm p375 Kambaku Safari Lodge p392 Kamrav Guest Farm p375 Katjapia Guest Farm p385 Khaya Guest House p386 Khorab Safari Lodge p392 King’s Highway Rest Camp p386 Leopard Lodge p386 Lodge Inn p392 Meteor Travel Inn p376

Ovamboland Camping

Fantasia Guest House p408 Nakambale Community Camp p408 Omauni Community Camp p416


Bahay Susan B&B p413 Etuna Guest House p413 Fantasia Guest House p408 Oshakati Country Lodge p413

Oshakati Guest House p413 Oshakati Youth Hostel p413 Oshandira Lodge p413 Oshikango Country Lodge p417 Piscas Accommodation p417 Protea Hotel Ondangwa p409 Town Lodge Ondangwa p409

Skeleton Coast Camping

Alte Brucke Holiday Resort p440 Buck’s Camping Lodge p423 Cape Cross Lodge p423 Fishermans Inn p424 Jakkalsputz Rest Camp p425 Lagoon Chalets & Caravan Park p456 Limited Overnight and Camp p434 Long Beach Leisure Park p430 Mile 108 Rest Camp p425 Mile 4 Caravan Park p446 Mile 72 Rest Camp p425 Sophia Dale Base Camp p448 St Nowhere Spa p427 Tiger Reef Campsite p450 Torra Bay Resort p434


Alte Brucke Holiday Resort p440 Amanpuri Lodge p440 An der Mole Apartment p440 Anandi Ocean View Swakopmund p440 Ana’s Inn p455 Atlantic Hotel p455 Atlantic Villa Boutique Guest House p440 Atlantik Sicht Apartment p441 Avocet Cottages p441 Beach Lodge p441 Brigadoon Guest Cottages p441 Buck’s Camping Lodge p423 Bundu n See Hotel p441 Buschtrommel Accommodation p455 Cape Cross Lodge p423 Casa Mia Hotel p455 Central Guest House p442 Chala-kigi Self Catering p442 Cornerstone Guesthouse p442 De Duine Hotel p423 Desert Rose Holiday Flats p423 Desert Sky Backpackers p442 Die Oord Holiday Accommodation p424


Midgard Country Estate p386 Moringa Safaris p387 Okahandja Country Hotel p387 Okamapu Guest Farm p380 Okaputa Guest Farm p398 Okatjuru Safari Lodge p380 Okonjima Lodge p398 Omatozu Safaris p387 Ombeameiata Guest Farm p381 Ombo Rest camp p387 Ombujomatemba B&B p399 Omega Rest Camp p376 Oropoko Lodge p388 Otavi Gardens Hotel p392 Otjibamba Lodge p399 Otjiruze Guest Farm p388 Otjiterazu Hunting & Guest Farm p388 Otjiwa Safari Lodge p399 Ouhave Country Home p399 Out of Africa Guest House p400 Out of Africa Town Lodge p400 O’Vita Hunting Lodge p389 Palmenecke Guest House p393 Peace Garden Lodge p376 Roy’s Rest Camp p377 Seidarap Guest House p377 Sylvanette Guest House p389 The Rock Lodge p389 The Stone House Lodge p377 Villa Nina Guest House p389 Wabi Lodge p400 Waterberg Guest Farm p400 Waterberg Plateau Lodge p401 Waterberg Plateau NP p401 Waterberg Wilderness Lodge p402 Weaver’s Rock Guest Farm p402 Yakandonga Lodge p403 Zum Potjie Rest Camp p393

Camping & Lodging per Region Dolphin Park p430 Dolphin Tours and Chalets p455 Drifters Swakopmund Lodge p442 Dunedin Guest Lodge p442 Duneside Guest House p443 Eagle Holiday Flats p424 Els Hoekie Accommodation p424 Esplanade Park p455 Fishermans’ Guest House p424 Fishermans Inn p424 Footprints B&B and Self-Catering p443 Gamsberg Accommodation p425 Gruner Kranz Guest House p443 Guest House Indongo p443 Gut Richthofen B&B p443 Hansa Hotel Swakopmund p443 Haus Estnic B&B p425 Haus Garnison p444 Haus Veronika p444 Hotel D’Avignon p444 Hotel Deutsches Haus p444 Hotel Eberwein p444 Hotel Europa Hof p445 Hotel Gruner Kranz p445 Hotel Pension Rapmund p445 Hotel Prinzessin Rupprecht p445 Hotel Zum Kaiser p445 Huis Klipdrift p425 Intermezzo Guest House p445 Kleines Nest B&B p456 Lagoon Chalets & Caravan Park p456 Lagoon Lodge p457 Langholm Hotel p456 Long Beach Lodge p431 Meike’s Guest House p446 Moringa Gardens Apartment p446 Namib Shore Guest House p426 Namibia Coast Self-Catering p457 Namibian Holiday Services p446 Ngandu at Sea B&B p457 Orange House p446 Pelican Bay Hotel p457 Protea Hotel Walvis Bay p457 Rossmund Lodge p446 Royal Benguela Guest House p447 Sam’s Giardino Hotel-Pension p447 Sandcastle Apartments p447 Sandfields Guest House p447

Schweizerhaus Hotel p447 Sea Breeze Guest House p447 Seagull Inn Guest House p458 SeaSide Hotel and Spa p448 Sophia Dale Base Camp p448 St Nowhere Spa p426 Strauss Holiday & Overnight Flats p448 Swakopmund Guest House p448 Swakopmund Hotel p448 Swakopmund Municipal Rest Camp p449 Swakopmund Sands Hotel p449 Terrace Bay Camp p435 The Courtyard Pension p458 The Sea Horse Guest House p449 The Secret Garden Guest House p449 The Stiltz B&B p449 The Timeless Way p449 Villa Wiese Backpacker’s/Lodge p450 Vogelstrand Guest House p451 Wüstenquell Private Nature Reserve p451

South Namibia Camping

Ai-Ais Hot Springs Resort p466 Amanzi River Camp (Abiqua) p506 Canon Roadhouse p467 Felix Unite Provenance Camp p506 Garas Park Rest Camp p493 Goibib Mountain Lodge p482 Grünau Country House p482 Hobas Rest Camp p467 Kalahari Farmstall p502 Keetmanshoop Caravan/Camping p494 Kleinbegin Campsites p488 Koës Hotel p498 Konkiep Lapa Rest Camp p479 Mesosaurus Fossil Bush Camp p494 Namgate Lodging p483 Naute Dam Rest Camp p510 Norotshama River Resort p474 Oas Holiday Farm p488 Quivertree Forest Rest Camp p494 Savanna Campsite p483 Seeheim Hotel p510 Sitzas Campsite p502 The River Rafters p507 Vioolsdrift Lodge p507 White House Guest Farm p484


Sperrgebiet Camping

Namuskluft Rest Camp p525

Sendelingsdrif Rest Camp p525


Amica Guest House p525 Four Seasons Lodge p525 McMillan’s Guest House p525 Op My Stoep Lodge p520 Sendelingsdrif Rest Camp p525 Suzie’s Cabins Accommodation p526 Tom’s Cabin p520

Zambezi (Caprivi) Camping

Camp Kwando p542 Caprivi Houseboat Safari Lodge p537 Island View Lodge p538 Kalambesa Fishing Camp p538 Kalizo Lodge p538 Mazambala Island Lodge p542 Nambwa Community Rest Camp p542 Namushasha River Lodge p543 Namwi Island Lodge p539 Rupara Comm Camp (Wuparo Cons) p546 Salambala Community Camp p539 Zambezi River Lodge p539


Camp Kwando p542 Caprivi Houseboat Safari Lodge p537 Caprivi River Lodge p537 Chobe Savanna Lodge p532 Fish Eagle’s Nest B&B p537 Ichingo Chobe River Lodge p532 Ichobezi Safari Boats p532 Impalila Island Lodge p532 Island View Lodge p537 Kalizo Lodge p538 Lianshulu Lodge p550 Mazambala Island Lodge p542 Mukusi Cabins/camp p538 Namushasha River Lodge p543 Namwi Island Lodge p538 Nkasa Lupala Tented Lodge p546 Protea Hotel Zambezi River p539 Susuwe Island Lodge p543 Zovu Elephant Lodge p532


Ai-Ais Hotsprings Chalets p466 Avondsrus Guest House p488 Bethanie Guest House p478 Bethanie Uitrusters p478 Bird’s Mansions Hotel p493 Birds Nest B&B p493 Canon Lodge p466 Canon Mountain Camp p466 Canon Roadhouse p467 Canon Village p467 Canyon Hotel p493 Central Lodge p493 DuneSong Breathers p498 Felix Unite Provenance Camp p506 Fish River Lodge p467 Florida B&B p482 Goibib Mountain Lodge p482 Grünau Country House p482 Grünau Motors Accommodation p482 Home Sweet Home Self-Catering p493 Hunters Inn Guest House p470 Kalahari Farmstall p502 Kleinbegin Game Lodge p488 Koës Hotel p498 Maritz Country Lodge p494 Mesosaurus Fossil Camp p494 Namgate Lodging p483 Noordoewer Guesthouse p506 Norotshama River Resort p474 Oas Holiday Farm p488 Orange River Lodge p506 Quivertree Forest Rest Camp p494 Sandfontein Reserve p514 Savanna Guest Farm p483 Schutzenhaus Guest House p495 Seeheim Hotel p510 Terra-Rouge Guest Farm p502 The River Rafters p506 Torgos Safari Lodge p503 Vastrap Guest House p483 Vioolsdrift Lodge p507 Warmbad Hot Springs Lodge p514 White House Guest Farm p483

Lodging A - Z !Uris Safari Lodge p246 1000 Olives Guest House p385 4 Seasons Self-Catering p341


A Little Sossus Lodge p356 Aabadi Mountain Camp Lodge p184 Ababis Guest Farm p364 ABBA Guest House p272 Acacia Park SC Chalets p397 Aces Guest House p152 African Kwela Guest House p152 Agama River Camp p364 Ai Aiba Rock Painting Lodge p203 Ai-Ais Hotsprings Chalets p466 Airport Hunting and Guest Farm p152 Airport Lodge p152 Albrechtshohe Guest Farm p198 Aloe Travel Lodge p152 Aloegrove Safari Lodge p397 Alpec Bushcamp p229 Alte Brucke Holiday Resort p440 Amanpuri Lodge p440 Ameib Gästehaus p210 Amica Guest House p525 An der Mole Apartment p440 Anandi Guest House p137 Anandi Ocean View Swakopmund p440 Ana’s Inn p455 Andersson’s Camp p218 AnJo Villa Guest House p153 Annaliese’s Place B&B p257 Aranos Hotel p116 Arebbusch Travel Lodge p153 Arhnem Cave & Lodge p120 Atlantic Hotel p455 Atlantic Villa Boutique Guest House p440 Atlantik Sicht Apartment p441 Auas City Hotel p153 Auas Game Lodge p153 Auberge Omulonga B&B p385 Auob Lodge p124 Aus Accommodation p322 Avocet Cottages p441 Avondsrus Guest House p488 A-Z Guest House p154


Backpacker Unite p154 Bagatelle Kalahari Ranch p137 Bahay Susan B&B p413 Bahnhof Hotel Aus p322 Bahnhof Hotel Usakos p210 Bambatsi Guest Farm p180 Barby Guest Farm p334 Barchan Dune Retreat p364 Bastion Farmyard B&B p137 Baumgartner Apartments p154 Bayview Hotel p341 Beach Lodge p441 Bella-Mia Holiday Apartments p154 Belvedere Boutique Hotel p154 Betesda Lodge p356 Bethanie Guest House p478 Bethanie Uitrusters p478 Betta Rest Camp p326 Big 5 Mini Lodge p154 Bird’s Mansions Hotel p493 Birds Nest B&B p493 Bitterwasser Lodge p128 Boereverenigingsaal Accommodation p357 Brandberg Rest Camp p191 Brandberg White Lady Lodge p191 Brigadoon Guest Cottages p441 Buck’s Camping Lodge p423 BuellsPort Guest Farm p364 Bundu n See Hotel p441 Buschberg Guest Farm p237 Buschfeld Park Lodge p237 Buschhotel p385 Buschtrommel Accommodation p455 Bush Pillow Guest House p397


Camp Aussicht p294 Camp Elephant p203 Camp Gecko p365 Camp Hogo p313 Camp Kipwe p184 Camp Kwando p542 Canon Lodge p466 Canon Mountain Camp p466 Canon Roadhouse p467 Canon Village p467 Canyon Hotel p493

Cape Cross Lodge p423 Capricorn Rest Camp p365 Caprivi Houseboat Safari Lodge p537 Caprivi River Lodge p537 Cardboardbox Backpackers p155 Casa Blanca Boutique Hotel p155 Casa Mia Hotel p455 Casa Onganga B&B p155 Cassa Picollo Apartments p155 Cela Hotel Pension p156 Central Guest House p442 Central Lodge p493 C’est Si Bon Hotel p397 Chala-kigi Self Catering p442 Chameleon Backpackers Lodge p156 Chobe Savanna Lodge p532 Cornerstone Guesthouse p442 Corona Guest Farm p330 Daan Viljoen Chalets p156 Dabis Guest Farm p334 Damara Mopane Lodge p180 Damaraland Camp p185 Daniel’s Guest House p156 De Duine Hotel p423 Desert Camp p357 Desert Rhino Camp p280 Desert Rose Holiday Flats p423 Desert Sky Backpackers p442 Diaz Point Self-catering p341 Die Dam/Trans Kalahari End Resort p257 Die Oord Holiday Accommodation p424 Divava Okavango Lodge & Spa p302 Divundu Guest House p302 Dolomite Camp p229 Dolphin Park p430 Dolphin Tours and Chalets p455 Dornhuegel Guest Farm p375 Doro Nawas Camp p185 Drifters Desert Lodge p326 Drifters Swakopmund Lodge p442 Dunedin Guest Lodge p442 Duneside Guest House p443 DuneSong Breathers p498 Düsternbrook Safari Guest Farm p156 Duwisib Guest Farm p326

Eagle Holiday Flats p424 Eagle Tented Lodge p237 East Gate Rest Camp p252 Eden Chalets p157 Eileen Guest Farm p203 Eldorado B&B p218 Elegant Farmstead p385 Elisenheim Guest Farm p157 Els Hoekie Accommodation p424 Emanya@Etosha Game Lodge p219 Eningu Clayhouse Lodge p120 Epacha Game Lodge p237 Epupa Camp p268 Epupa Falls Lodge p268 Erni’s Bistro B&B p257 Erongo Lodge p203 Erongo Wilderness Lodge p204 Esplanade Park p455 Etambi Guest House p157 Etambura Camp p276 Etango Ranch p157 Etendeka Mountain Camp p280 Etendero Guest Farm p204 Etosha Safari Camp p219 Etosha Safari Lodge p219 Etotongwe Lodge p238 Etuna Guest House p413 Etusis Lodge p198 Euro Novelties Accommodation p158 Evas Guest House p204


Fantasia Guest House p408 Felix Unite Provenance Camp p506 Felsenblick B&B p158 Fest Inn Fels Farm Lodge p334 Fish Eagle’s Nest B&B p537 Fish River Lodge p467 Fishermans’ Guest House p424 Fishermans Inn p424 Florida B&B p482 Footprints B&B and Self-Catering p443 Fort Sesfontein Lodge p294 Four Seasons Lodge p525 Frans Indongo Lodge p397




Lodging A -Z g

Gabus Game Ranch p392 Gamsberg Accommodation p425 Garies Lodge p366 Gelbingen Lodge p229 Gelukspoort Guest Farm p238 Ghaub Guest Farm p375 Goanikontes Oasis Rest Camp p346 Gobabis Guest House p257 Goba-Goba Lodge p257 Gocheganas Lodge p158 Goibib Mountain Lodge p482 Gondwana Kalahari Farmhouse p137 Gondwana Namib Desert Lodge p366 Greenhill Chalets p375 Grootberg Lodge p280 Grünau Country House p482 Grünau Motors Accommodation p482 Gruner Kranz Guest House p443 Guest Farm Dinosaur’s Tracks p204 Guest House Gecko p158 Guest House Indongo p443 Guestfarm Okondura-Nord p198 Gunsbewys Guest House p335 Gut Richthofen B&B p443


Haasenhoff Guest Farm p385 Hadassa Guest House B&B p398 Hakos Guest Farm p330 Hakusembe River Lodge p313 Halali Rest Camp p220 Hamakari Guest Farm p398 Hammerstein Lodge p357 Hansa Haus Guest House p341 Hansa Hotel Swakopmund p443 Harnas Guest Farm p258 Haus Bodensee p158 Haus Estnic B&B p425 Haus Garnison p444 Haus Sandrose p341 Haus Sonneneck p159 Haus Veronika p444 Heimat Guest Farm p120 Heiser’s Olivenhain B&B p380 Heja Game Lodge p159 Helmeringhausen Hotel p335 Hochfeld Guest House p380

Hochfeld Hotel p380 Hochland Nest Lodge p159 Hohenstein Lodge p210 Hohewarte Guest Farm p159 Home Sweet Home Self-Catering p493 Hoodia Desert Lodge p357 Hotel Central p204 Hotel D’Avignon p444 Hotel Deutsches Haus p444 Hotel Eberwein p444 Hotel Europa Hof p445 Hotel Furstenhof p159 Hotel Gruner Kranz p445 Hotel Heinitzburg p159 Hotel Pension Alexander p160 Hotel Pension Christoph p160 Hotel Pension Eros p160 Hotel Pension Handke p160 Hotel Pension Moni p160 Hotel Pension Onganga p160 Hotel Pension Palmquell p161 Hotel Pension Rapmund p445 Hotel Pension Steiner p161 Hotel Pension Uhland p161 Hotel Prinzessin Rupprecht p445 Hotel Safari p161 Hotel Thule p161 Hotel Zum Kaiser p445 Huab Lodge p180 Huis Klipdrift p425 Hunters Inn Guest House p470


Ichingo Chobe River Lodge p532 Ichobezi Safari Boats p532 iGowati Lodge p180 Immanuel Wilderness Lodge p161 Immenhof Guest Farm p205 Impalila Island Lodge p532 Intermezzo Guest House p445 Intu Africa Kalahari Private GR p128 Island Cottage p342 Island View Lodge p537


Jordani B&B p162



La Vida Inn p138

Lagoon Chalets & Caravan Park p456 Lagoon Lodge p457 Lake Oanob Resort p144 Langholm Hotel p456 Lapa Lange Game Lodge p139 Le Mirage Desert Lodge p358 Leopard Lodge p386 Lianshulu Lodge p550 Little Kulala Lodge p358 Lodge Inn p392 Londiningi Guest House p163 Long Beach Lodge p431 Loufie’s Guest House p163 Lovedale Farm Holidays p336 Lüderitz Backpackers Lodge p342 Lüderitz Nest Hotel p342


Mahangu Safari Lodge p302 Maison Ambre Guest House p163 Makalani Hotel p245 Maltahöhe Hotel p132 Mamselle Nature Camp p238 Mariental Hotel p139 Maritz Country Lodge p494 Martins Africa Accommodation p245 Mazambala Island Lodge p542 McMillan’s Guest House p525 Meike’s Guest House p446 Melrose Guest Farm p163 Melrose Mission Lodge p164 Mesosaurus Fossil Camp p494 Meteor Travel Inn p376 Midgard Country Estate p386 Minen Hotel p245 Mobola Lodge p302 Mokuti Lodge p220 Monteiro p164 Moon Mountain Lodge p366 Mopane Camp p272 Moringa Gardens Apartment p446 Moringa Safaris p387 Mount Etjo Safari Lodge p205 Mountain View Apartments p164 Mousebird Backpackers p245 Mowani Mountain Camp p185 Mukusi Cabins/camp p538 Mushara Bush Camp p219


Kai-Oms Backpackers’ Lodge p238 Kaisosi River Lodge p313 Kalahari Anib Lodge p138 Kalahari Bush Breaks Lodge p252 Kalahari Farmstall p502 Kalahari Gateway p258 Kalahari Red Dunes Lodge p128 Kalahari Sands Hotel p162 Kalakwa (Aru Game Lodges) p120 Kaliombo Safari Lodge p198 Kalizo Lodge p538 Kalkfontein Guest Farm p375 Kamanjab Rest Camp p230 Kambaku Safari Lodge p392 Kamelruhe Guest House p124 Kamma-Kastag B&B p162 Kamrav Guest Farm p375 Kanaan Guest Farm p335 Kansimba Game Lodge p198 Kapika Waterfall Lodge p269 Kapps Hotel p342 Kashima B&B p162 Katjapia Guest Farm p385 Kavango River Lodge p313 Khan River Lodge p199 Khaya Guest House p386 Khorab Safari Lodge p392 Khowarib Lodge p295 King’s Highway Rest Camp p386 Kiripotib Guest Farm p121 Klein Windhoek Guest House p162 Klein-Aus Vista Lodge p322 Kleinbegin Game Lodge p488 Kleines Nest B&B p456 Klippenberg Guesthouse p199 Koës Hotel p498 Koha Guest House p138 Kratzplatz B & B p342 Kubata Lodge p162 Kulala Desert Lodge p358 Kunene River Lodge p288 Kupferquelle Resort p245 Kutako Guest House & Backpackers p163 Kuzikus Lodge p259

Lodging A -Z Mushara Lodge p221 Mushara Outpost p221


N/a’an ku sê Lodge p164 Namgate Lodging p483 Namib Guestfarm Onduruquea p205 Namib Naukluft Lodge p367 Namib Shore Guest House p426 Namib Valley of a Thousand Hills Lodge p367 Namibgrens Guest Farm p366 Namibia Coast Self-Catering p457 Namibian Holiday Services p446 NamibRand Family Hideout p352 Namseb Lodge p132 NamTib Desert lodge p336 Namushasha River Lodge p543 Namutoni Rest Camp p221 Namwi Island Lodge p538 Ndhovu Safari Lodge p303 Neuras: N/a’an ku sê Wine & Wildlife p358 Ngandu at Sea B&B p457 Ngandu Safari Lodge p313 Ngepi Camp p303 Niedersachsen Guest Farm p330 Nkasa Lupala Tented Lodge p546 N’Kwazi Lodge p314 Noordoewer Guesthouse p506 Norotshama River Resort p474 Nossob Safari Lodging p259 Nunda Safaris & Lodge p304


Oa Hera Namib Backpackers p132 Oas Holiday Farm p488 Oasis Garni Guest House p230 Obelix Village Guesthouse p343 Ohakane Lodge p272 Okahandja Country Hotel p387 Okahirongo Elephant Lodge p284 Okahirongo River Camp p276 Okamapu Guest Farm p380 Okambara Elephant Lodge p121 Okapuka Ranch p165 Okaputa Guest Farm p398 Okarusuvo Guest House p165 Okatjuru Safari Lodge p380

Okatore Lodge p165 Okaukuejo Rest Camp p222 Okomitundu Guest Farm p199 Okonjima Lodge p398 Okosongoro Guest Farm p205 Old Traders Lodge p205 Olive Grove Guesthouse p165 Omaha Guest Farm p206 Omarunga Lodge p269 Omaruru Game Lodge p206 Omaruru Guest House p206 Omaruru Rest Camp p206 Omashare Hotel p314 Omatozu Safaris p387 Ombeameiata Guest Farm p381 Ombinda Country Lodge p239 Ombo Rest camp p387 Ombujomatemba B&B p399 Omega Rest Camp p376 Ondekaremba Africa Farm p165 Ondombo Hunting and Guest Farm p206 Ongava Lodge p222 Ongava Tented Camp p222 Onguma Bush Camp p223 Onguma Etosha Aoba Lodge p223 Onguma Tented Camp p224 Onguma The Fort p224 Onjala Lodge p166 Onjowewe Lodge p230 Onkoshi Rest Camp p224 Onze Rust Guest House p259 Op My Stoep Lodge p520 Oppi Koppi Rest Camp p231 Oppiekoppie p139 Oppiklippe Self-catering p239 Opuwo Country Hotel p272 Orange House p446 Orange River Lodge p506 Oropoko Lodge p388 Oshakati Country Lodge p413 Oshakati Guest House p413 Oshakati Youth Hostel p413 Oshandira Lodge p413 Oshikango Country Lodge p417 Otavi Gardens Hotel p392 Otjibamba Lodge p399 Otjikoko Game Ranch p207 Otjiruze Guest Farm p388 Otjitambi Guest Farm p230

Otjiterazu Hunting & Guest Farm p388 Otjitotongwe Lodge p231 Otjiwa Safari Lodge p399 Ouhave Country Home p399 Out of Africa Guest House p400 Out of Africa Town Lodge p400 Outapi Mini Lodge p289 Outapi Town Hotel p289 O’Vita Hunting Lodge p389



Quivertree Forest Rest Camp p494


Rainbow River Lodge p304 Red Dune Camp p124 Rivendell Guest House p167 River Chalets p140 River Crossing Lodge p167 RiverDance Lodge p304 River-Guesthouse p207 Roof of Africa Hotel p167 Rooiklip Guest Farm p331 Rooisand Lodge p331 Rossmund Lodge p446 Rostock Ritz Desert Lodge p368 Royal Benguela Guest House p447 Roy’s Rest Camp p377 Ruacana Eha Lodge p290


Sachsenheim Guest Farm p225 Safari Court Hotel p167 Sam’s Giardino Hotel-Pension p447 Sandcastle Apartments p447 Sandfields Guest House p447 Sandfontein Reserve p514 Sandune Lodge p259 Sarasungu River Lodge p314 Savanna Guest Farm p483 Scheidthof Guest Farm p121 Schoenfeld Guest Farm p207 Schutzenhaus Guest House p495 Schwalbenheim p167 Schweizerhaus Hotel p447 Sea Breeze Guest House p447 Seagull Inn Guest House p458 SeaSide Hotel and Spa p448 Sea-View Zum Sperrgebiet Protea Hotel p343 Seeheim Hotel p510 Seidarap Guest House p377 Sendelingsdrif Rest Camp p525 Shametu River Lodge p305 Shamvura Camp p305 Sinclair Guest Farm p336 Soft Adventure Camp p368 Solitaire Country Lodge p368 Solitaire Guest Farm p368 Sophia Dale Base Camp p448 Sophienhof Lodge p239 Sossus Dune Lodge p359 Sossusvlei Desert Lodge p359 Sossusvlei Lodge p359 Spitzkoppe Rest Camp p210 St Nowhere Spa p426 Stampriet Historical Guest House p140 Strauss Holiday & Overnight Flats p448 Sun Karros Lifestyle Safaris p168 Susuwe Island Lodge p543 Suzie’s Cabins Accommodation p526 Swakopmund Guest House p448 Swakopmund Hotel p448 Swakopmund Municipal Rest Camp p449 Swakopmund Sands Hotel p449 Swiss Chalets p168


Palmenecke Guest House p393 Palmwag Lodge p281 Panorama Rock Lodge p121 Peace Garden Lodge p376 Pelican Bay Hotel p457 Penduka Accommodation p166 Pension Cori p166 Pension New Nouveau p166 Pension Shumba B&B p166 Petras Guest House p192 Piscas Accommodation p417 Porcupine Camp p232 Protea Hotel Ondangwa p409 Protea Hotel Walvis Bay p457 Protea Hotel Zambezi River p539 Puccini Guest House p167 Puros Bush Lodge p284

Ruacana Sunset Lodge p290 Rustig Toko Lodge p232

Lodging A -Z Sylvanette Guest House p389


Taleni Etosha Village p225 Tamboti Guest House p168 Tambuti Lodge p315 Tandala Ridge p232 Taranga Safari Lodge p315 Terrace Bay Camp p435 Terra-Rouge Guest Farm p502 Teufelskrallen Tented Lodge p128 The Courtyard Pension p458 The Desert Homestead p360 The Elegant Guest House p168 The Fig Tree Guest House p169 The Guest House p169 The River Rafters p506 The Rock Lodge p389 The Sea Horse Guest House p449 The Secret Garden Guest House p449 The Stiltz B&B p449 The Stone House Lodge p377 The Timeless Way p449 The White Lady B&B p192 Thuringer Hof Hotel p169 Tiras Guest Farm p337 Tolou’s Lodge p327 Tom’s Cabin p520 Torgos Safari Lodge p503 Toshari Lodge p240 Tourmaline Guest House p169 Town Lodge Ondangwa p409 Trans Kalahari Inn p169 Travel North Namibia Guest House p246 Treesleeper Camp p246 Tsaobis Nature Park Rest Camp p199 Tsauchab Chalets p360 Tsondab Valley Scenic Reserve p369 Tsumkwe Country Lodge p110 Tualuka Safari Lodge p233 Twyfelfontein Country Lodge p186


Ugab Terrace Lodge p181 Umti Lodge p170


Vastrap Guest House p483 Vee’s Accommodation p170

Veronica (Aru Game Lodges) p128 Vertigo Boutique Hotel p171 Villa Moringa Guest House p171 Villa Nina Guest House p389 Villa Verdi Guest House p171 Villa Wiese Backpacker’s/Lodge p450 Vingerklip Lodge p181 Vioolsdrift Lodge p507 Vogelstrand Guest House p451 Vondelhof Guest House p171 Vreugde Guest Farm p240


Wabi Lodge p400 Warmbad Hot Springs Lodge p514 Waterberg Guest Farm p400 Waterberg Plateau Lodge p401 Waterberg Plateau NP p401 Waterberg Wilderness Lodge p402 Weaver’s Rock Guest Farm p402 Weissenfels Guest Farm p331 Weltevrede Guest Farm p369 West Nest Lodge p259 White House Guest Farm p483 Windhoek Country Club p171 Windhoek Game Camp p171 Windhoek Lodge p172 Windhoek Mountain Lodge p172 Winnie Guest House p172 Wolwedans Dune Camp p352 Wolwedans Dunes Lodge p352 Wolwedans Private Camp p352 Wüstenquell Private Nature Reserve p451


Xaragu Camp p186


Yakandonga Lodge p403


Zebra River Lodge p360 Zelda Game Guest Farm p252 Zovu Elephant Lodge p532 Zum Potjie Rest Camp p393 Zur Waterkant B&B p343

Camping A - Z !Uris Safari Lodge p247


A Little Sossus Lodge p356 Aabadi Mountain Camp Lodge p184 Ababis Guest Farm p364 Aba-Huab Rest Camp p184 ABBA Guest House p272 Acacia Park Rest Camp p397 Agama River Camp p364 Ai-Ais Hot Springs Resort p466 Airport Hunting and Guest Farm p152 Alpec Bushcamp p229 Alte Brucke Holiday Resort p440 Amanzi River Camp (Abiqua) p506 Ameib Gästehaus p210 Arebbusch Rest Camp p153 Arhnem Cave & Lodge p120 Aruvlei Campsite p346 Aubures Camping p334 Augeixas Camp p153 Auob Lodge p124 Aus Accommodation p322


Bagatelle Kalahari Ranch p137 Bambatsi Guest Farm p180 Barby Guest Farm p334 Bastion Farmyard B&B p138 Betesda Lodge p356 Betta Rest Camp p326 Big 5 Mini Lodge p155 Blutkuppe Campsite p346 Brandberg Rest Camp p191 Brandberg White Lady Lodge p191 Buck’s Camping Lodge p423 BuellsPort Guest Farm p365 BuellsPort Old Police Station Camp p365 Buschberg Guest Farm p237 Buschfeld Park Lodge p237


Camp 707 (Kanaan Farm) p334 Camp Aussicht p294 Camp Elephant p203 Camp Gecko p365 Camp Kwando p542 Camp Syncro p276 Canon Roadhouse p467

Cape Cross Lodge p423 Capricorn Rest Camp p365 Caprivi Houseboat Safari Lodge p537 Cardboardbox Backpackers p155 Chameleon Backpackers Lodge p156


Diaz Point Camping p341 Die Dam/Trans Kalahari End Resort p257 Djokhoe Campsite p110 Duncan’s Campsite p229 D¸sternbrook Safari Guest Farm p157 Duwisib Guest Farm p326 Duwisib Rest Camp p326


East Gate Rest Camp p252 Eldorado B&B p218 Elisenheim Guest Farm p157 Epupa Camp p268 Epupa Falls Guest House p272 Epupa Falls Lodge & Campsite p268 Erongo Plateau Camp p203 Etosha Safari Camp p219 Etotongwe Lodge p238


Fantasia Guest House p408 Felix Unite Provenance Camp p506 Figtree Community Campsite p294 Fishermans Inn p424 Frans Indongo Lodge p398


Ganab Campsite p346 Garas Park Rest Camp p493 Garies Rest Camp p366 Gelukspoort Guest Farm p238 Goanikontes Oasis Rest Camp p347 Goba-Goba Lodge p258 Goibib Mountain Lodge p482 Gondwana Namib Desert Lodge p366 Granietkop Community Rest camp p185 Groot Tinkas Campsite p346 Gr¸nau Country House p482 Guest Farm Dinosaur’s Tracks p204 Gunsbewys Camping p335

Camping A - Z H

Hakos Guest Farm p330 Halali Rest Camp p220 Hamakari Camping p398 Hammerstein Lodge p357 Harmonie Farm p158 Harnas Wildlife p258 Hauchabfontein Camping p357 Helmeringhausen Hotel p335 Hippo Pools Community Camp p288 Hoada Campsite p280 Hobas Rest Camp p467 Hobatere Campsite p230 Hochfeld Guest House p380 Homeb Camp p347 Hudup Campsite p132


iGowati Lodge p180 Island View Lodge p538


Jakkalsputz Rest Camp p425


Kaisosi River Lodge p313 Kalahari Anib Lodge p138 Kalahari Bush Breaks Camp p252 Kalahari Farmstall p502 Kalambesa Fishing Camp p538 Kaliombo Safari Lodge p198 Kalizo Lodge p538 Kamanjab Rest Camp p230 Kanamub Mountain Camp p295 Keetmanshoop Caravan/Camping p494 Khaudum Camp p308 Khorab Safari Lodge p392 Khorixas Rest Camp p181 Khowarib Community Rest Camp p294 Khowarib Lodge p295 King’s Highway Rest Camp p386 Klein Aus Vista Camping p322 Kleinbegin Campsites p488 Klipdam Camp p330 Koës Hotel p498 Konkiep Lapa Rest Camp p479 Kries se Rus Campsite p347

Kunene Islands Campsite p288 Kunene River Lodge p289 Kupferquelle Resort p245


Lagoon Chalets & Caravan Park p456 Lake Oanob Resort p144 Lapa Lange Game Lodge p139 Limited Overnight and Camp p434 Little Hunter’s Rest Camp p335 Long Beach Leisure Park p430 Lovedale Farm Holidays p336 Lüderitz Backpackers Lodge p342


Mahangu Safari Lodge p302 Makuri Campsite p110 Mamselle Nature Camp p239 Maori Campsite p375 Marble Community Campsite p276 Mazambala Island Lodge p542 Melrose Guest Farm p163 Mesosaurus Fossil Bush Camp p494 Mile 108 Rest Camp p425 Mile 4 Caravan Park p446 Mile 72 Rest Camp p425 Mirabib Campsite p347 Mobola Lodge p302 Monteiro Camping p164 Mount Etjo Safari Lodge p205 Mowani Mountain Camp p186 Mururani Camp p376


Nakambale Community Camp p408 Nambwa Community Rest Camp p542 Namgate Lodging p483 Namib Naukluft Lodge p367 Namib Naukluft Rest Camp p367 Namib Oasis Rest Camp p210 Namib Valley of a Thousand Hills Lodge p367 Namibgrens Guest Farm p367 NamibRand Family Hideout p352 Namushasha River Lodge p543 Namuskluft Rest Camp p525 Namutoni Camp p221

Namwi Island Lodge p539 Naute Dam Rest Camp p510 Ndhovu Lodge p303 Ngandu Safari Lodge p314 Ngepi Camp p303 Ngoabaca Community Camp p303 Niedersachsen Guest Farm p330 N’Kwazi Lodge p314 Norotshama River Resort p474 Nunda Safaris & Lodge p304



Palmwag Lodge p281 Palmwater Camp p281 Pappot Campsites p132 Pondoki Rest Camp p377 Popa Falls Rest Camp p304


Quivertree Forest Rest Camp p494


Ranch Koiimasis p336 Red Dune Camp p124 Red Rocks Community Camp p296 RiverDance Lodge p305 River-Guesthouse p207 Rock Arch Campsites 1 & 2 p347 Rooiklip Guest Farm p331 Rooisand Campsite p331 Rostock Ritz Desert Lodge p368 Roy’s Rest Camp p377 Ruacana Eha Lodge p290 Ruacana Sunset Lodge p290 Rupara Comm Camp (Wuparo Cons) p546 Rustig Toko Lodge p232


Salambala Community Camp p539 Samsitu Riverside Camp p314 Sarasungu River Lodge p315 Sâsa Safari Camp p239 Savanna Campsite p483 Scheidthof Guest Farm p121 Seeheim Hotel p510 Sendelingsdrif Rest Camp p525 Sesriem Rest Camp p359 Shalom Centre p168 Shametu River Lodge p305 Shark Island Rest Camp p343 Sikereti Camp p308 Sitzas Campsite p502 Solitaire Country Lodge p368 Solitaire Guest Farm p369 Sophia Dale Base Camp p448 Sophienhof Lodge p240 Sossus Oasis Campsite p359 Spitzkoppe Rest Camp p211 Spreetshoogte Campsite p369


Oas Holiday Farm p488 Oerwald Camp p358 Okapupa Camp p289 Okarohombo Campsites p277 Okaukuejo Rest Camp p222 Okonjima Lodge p399 Omarunga Lodge p269 Omatako Valley Rest Camp p376 Omatozu Safaris p387 Omauni Community Camp p416 Ombinda Country Lodge p239 Ombo Rest Camp p388 Ombonde Campsite p388 Omega Rest Camp p376 Omeva Oviure Community Camp p295 Omunjandi Restcamp p288 Ondekaremba Africa Farm p165 Onduruquea Game Lodge p206 Ongongo Community camp p296 Onguma Bush Camp p223 Oppi Koppi Rest Camp p231 Opuwo Country Hotel p273 Oreness Bar Campsites p273 Otjiterazu Hunting & Guest Farm p389 Otjitjekwa Campsite p231 Otjitotongwe Lodge p232 Otjiwa Safari Lodge p399 Ouhave Country Home p400

Porcupine Camp p232 Prospect Guest Farm p166 Puros Ngatutanga Camp p284

Camping A - Z St Nowhere Spa p427 Sterreprag Campsite p336 Sun Karros Lifestyle Safaris p168 Swartbooisdrift River Camp p290




Tandala Ridge p233 Taranga Safari Lodge p315 The River Rafters p507 The White Lady B&B p192 Tiger Reef Campsite p450 Tinkas Campsite p348 Tiras Guest Farm p337 Torra Bay Resort p434 Toshari Lodge p240 Trans Kalahari Inn p170 Treesleeper Camp p246 Tsaobis Nature Park Rest Camp p199 Tsauchab River Camp p360 Tsondab Valley Scenic Reserve p369 Tsumkwe Country Lodge p110


Ugab Save the Rhino Trust Camp p193 Ugab Terrace Lodge p181 Umti Lodge p170 p170

Van Zyl’s Pass Community Camp p277 Vioolsdrift Lodge p507 Vogelfederberg Campsite p348 Waterberg Andersson Camp p400 Waterberg Plateau Campsite p401 Waterberg Plateau Restcamp p401 Weaver’s Rock Guest Farm p403 Weener Farm p331 Wereldend Rest Camp p327 Wewelsburg Camping & Safari p389 White House Guest Farm p484 Wildmoor Nature Camp p124 Wüstenquell Private Nature Reserve p348


Xain Quaz Rest Camp p260


Zambezi River Lodge p539 Zum Potjie Rest Camp p393

Regions/Cities/Towns/Destinations A - Z A

Ai-Ais, p464 Aranos, p 14 Aroab, p 68 Aus, p320 Aussenkehr, p472

b BOESMANLAND p106 Bethanie, p476 Betta, p324 Buitepos, p250


D DAMARALAND p174 Divundu, p300 Dordabis, p118


Epupa Falls, p266 ERONGO p194 ETOSHA p212 Etosha National Park, p214


Gamsberg, p328 GOBABIS p248

Regions/Cities/Towns/Destinations A - Z Gobabis, p254 Gochas, p122 Grootfontein, p372 Grünau, p480


Helmeringhausen, p332 Henties Bay, p420 Hochfeld, p378

i Impalila Island p530


Kalkrand, p126 Kamanjab, p226 Karasburg, p486 Karibib, p196

Katima Mulilo, p534 KAVANGO p298 Keetmanshoop, p490 Khaudum Game Reserve, p306 Khorixas, p178 Koës, p496 Kongola, p 540


Langstrand, p428 Lüderitz, p338

m Maltahöhe, p130 Mamili (Nkasa Lupala) National Park, p544 Mariental, p134 Mata Mata, p500 Mudumu National Park, p548


Namib-Naukluft National Park, p344 Namibrand Nature Reserve, p350 North Namibia p370 Noordoewer, p504


Okahandja, p382 Omaruru, p200 Ondangwa, p406 Opuwo, p270 Oranjemund, p518

Ovamboland p404 p

Palmwag, p278 Puros, p282


Rehoboth, p142 Rosh Pinah, p522 Ruacana, p286 Rundu, p310


Seeheim, p508 Sesfontein, p 292 Sesriem, p 354

Skeleton Coast p418

Skeleton Coast National Park, p432 Solitaire, p362 South Namibia p460 Sperrgebiet p516 Swakopmund, p436

t Tsumeb, p242 Tsumkwe, p108 Twyfelfontein, p182 U Uis, p188 Usakos, p208 W Walvis Bay, p452 Warmbad, p512 Windhoek, p146

Z Zambezi (Caprivi) p528



Oshakati, p410 Oshikango, p414 Otavi, p390 Otjinhungwa, p274 Otjiwarongo, p394 Outjo, p234

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