LNG 360° - Latin America & Caribbean Forum

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LNG 360 Forum 0

Latin America & Caribbean


Commercial and Strategic Developments to Capitalize on LNG Partnerships and Projects in the Americas


Peter Hansen


Silver Sponsor

Indar Maharaj

President The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited, Trinidad and Tobago

Dr. Mitchell Baer

Director, Office of Oil and Gas Analysis US Department of Energy, USA



Luis Miguel Fernandez Zaher President, Termobarranquilla SA, Colombia




Dear Colleague, With natural gas being the cleanest, most efficient fuel being utilized today, countries including Brazil, Colombia, Peru and Chile are now actively implementing heavy increases in its use within their energy matrix. Neighboring regions are in close pursuit, catapulting Latin America into position as one of the world’s fastest growing LNG markets. Securing long term supplies to meet the increasing demand for natural gas has become a top priority for both Latin American countries and their Caribbean counterparts. Both marketplaces are now striving to encourage the installation of new energy sources based on natural gas and to ensure availability and sustainability of energy to meet domestic demand in the long term. In light of these evolving industry developments, the LNG 360° Forum: Latin America & Caribbean will bring together buyers and suppliers to network, do business, and learn from each other on how the market is changing. Global industry leaders will also be sharing their insights and experiences of promoting LNG projects within the Caribbean islands – A region with vast potential for investment opportunities and commercial return. Join the pre-forum Focus Day, and gain an insight into overcoming the challenges of supplying small scale LNG in the Caribbean.

Our Unparalleled Faculty of Speakers at a Glance: Manuel Colcombet

Winton Gibbs

Bill Cooper

Dr. Luis A. Pacheco

Vahid Sadeghpour

Dr. Mitchell Baer

Ted Williams

Daniel H. Bustos

Todd Peterson

Peter Hansen

Senior Vice President Strategy and Portfolio Management GDF Suez Latin America, Argentina

President Center for LNG, USA

Commercial Vice President Cutuco Energy Central America, El Salvador

Director, Codes & Standards American Gas Association, USA

Advisor LNG Projects Itochu Group, USA

General Manager Barbados National Oil Company Ltd, Barbados

Senior Vice President, Planning & AIT, Pacific Rubiales Energy, Colombia

Director, Office of Oil and Gas Analysis U.S Department of Energy, USA

Vice President, Downstream Development Excelerate Energy, USA


We look forward to greeting you in Houston January 2013. Yours Sincerely,

As well as:

Monica Ansary, Conference Director

Topics to be Discussed Include: }} Assessing the feasibility of Latin America and the Caribbean as viable markets for suppliers in the Atlantic and Pacific Basin }} Uncovering regulatory developments for the future of LNG export in the North American marketplace and its impact on Latin America }} Forecasting price expectations for gas in the medium and long term to determine future supply and demand on a global scale }} Disclosing today’s proposed strategies to promote LNG projects in the Caribbean whilst meeting government approval }} Gaining insight to the current LNG projects in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Jamaica, Panama, US and more!

Rudolf Araneda, CEO, GasAtacama, Chile Luis Miguel Fernandez Zaher, President, Termobarranquilla SA, Colombia Freddy Obando, Commercial Director, AES Dominicana, Dominican Republic Guy Broggi, Senior Advisor, LNG Division, TOTAL Gas and Power, France Silvia De Marucci, Leader, Liquid Bulk Segment, Panama Canal Authority, Panama Reg Gibbons, Business Development Manager, GDF Suez Central America, Panama Indar Maharaj, President, The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited, Trinidad and Tobago Selcrest Husbands, Director of Operations, Powergen Trinidad and Tobago, Trinidad and Tobago Earl Jason Carribon, Energy Risk Professional, Global Association of Risk Professionals, Trinidad and Tobago Gabriel Gonzalez Laguna, Director LNG Trading and Origination, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, UK* Albert Marc Passy, Leader, North American Market Analysis Marketing, Processing & Renewables, Statoil North America, Inc, USA Ernie Megginson, Former LNG Project Manager, Ministry of Science, Technology, Energy & Mining, President, Megginson & Associates, Inc. USA John Hatley, Americas Vice President Ship Power, Wärtsilä North America, Inc, USA Sampo Suvisaari, General Manager, Power Plants, Central America and the Caribbean, Wärtsilä North America, Inc, USA Asish Mohanty, Senior Analyst, Global LNG Research, Wood Mackenzie, USA

RESERVE YOUR PLACE NOW! To register, call Swapneel Shah on +44 (0)20 3 615 2873 or email swapneelshah@dmgevents.com


Giving You the Tools to Achieve Your Business Goals

Thank You to Our Advisory Board A special acknowledgment goes to our Advisory Board – each esteemed member has individually taken the time out to help develop content for the program, has enabled us to reach out to our supporting partners, and has helped ensure that as many of the key players in the industry were informed and invited to this event as possible. We would like to thank them for all their efforts and we hope that all of you have the opportunity to meet with them and offer your thoughts as we continue to grow and develop the program in years to come:

}} Gain an insight into the current developments for promoting LNG projects in Latin America and the Caribbean

}} Dr. Mitchell Baer, Director, Office of Oil and Gas Analysis, U.S Department of Energy, US

}} Meet face-to-face with the top buyers and suppliers in the marketplace

}} Howard Rogers, Director, Natural Gas Research Programme, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, UK

}} Have your questions answered in our interactive debates and discussions

}} Ernie Megginson, Former LNG Project Manager, Ministry of Science, Technology, Energy & Mining, President, Megginson & Associates, Inc. USA

}} Guy Broggi, Senior Advisor, LNG Division, TOTAL Gas and Power, France

}} Build relationships, network and forge partnerships with countryspecific stakeholders

}} Rafael Gonzalez, Development Manager, GNL Chile S.A, Chile }} David Small, Former Director, Policy & International Relations, Ministry of Energy and Energy Affairs Trinidad and Tobago, Trinidad and Tobago

}} Identify the prime opportunities to drive the growth of your business

}} Freddy Obando, Commercial Director, AES Dominicana, Dominican Republic

Who Should Attend? This Forum is designed for: CEOs, COOs, Managing Directors, VPs, Heads, Directors, General Managers of: • • • • • • • • •

Global Gas/ Natural Gas LNG Operation Origination Contract Marketing Business Development Commercial Project Finance

• Shipping • Strategy • Project Management/ Development • Supply • Technology • Trading • Upstream/Downstream Development

Type of companies you can expect to meet onsite: • • • • • • • • • •

LNG Producers IOCs Utilities Terminal Operators Shipping Companies Gas Distribution Companies Gas Traders Shale Gas Producers Mining Companies Government Bodies

• State and Federal Regulators • Financial Institutions • EPC Companies • Equipment Manufacturers • Technology Providers • Consultants • Lawyers • Industry Associations

Sponsorship & Exhibition Opportunities This Forum offers you the chance to gain exposure to participants before, during, and after the program. Achieve your business aims via a bespoke sponsorship package, which provide unique opportunities to: }} Demonstrate how you can help participants to grow their business

}} Meet face-to-face with senior executives with purchasing and decision making responsibility

}} Showcase your products and services

}} Activate business leads and start the process of building long-term relationships

Contact Damian Howard today for more information on +44 (0)203 615 2899 or email damianhoward@dmgevents.com MEDIA PARTNERS:



09:00 Registration and Coffee

10:40 Keynote Address

09:30 Chairperson’s Welcome and Opening Remarks

Bill Cooper, President, Center for LNG, USA

Creating Market Rules that Promote Investment in LNG Projects

}} How strong is the current regulatory framework for importing LNG?

09:40 Industry Panel Discussion

}} How willing are the smaller power generators to convert their plants to gas combustion?

}} What are the current implications for the future of LNG import?

Establishing the Importance of Gas as the Future Energy Source for the Caribbean

}} Determining the challenges investors may encounter with regards to government support }} Gauging the need for energy diversification in the Caribbean •• How strong is the current demand for LNG? }} Evaluating the viability of replacing oil with gas •• What are the opportunities and risks of conversion? }} Developing small scale LNG projects in the Caribbean: what are the capabilities of the market? •• Analyzing the feasibility of investing in small scale LNG projects •• Defining the minimum requirements investors need to fund a project •• Identifying the key challenges for sourcing supply to smaller markets }} Assessing which countries are the front contenders for sourcing gas to the Caribbean •• How dependent are these projects on export supplied by the US market? }} How can these smaller markets compete with the bigger demand loads of Asia and Europe? •• What measures do they need to take to gain creditworthiness? }} What are some new and viable approaches for break bulk supply? •• Will these solutions be economical enough for project go-ahead? }} An update on the current projects which are moving forward •• When are they forecasted to go online? }} Is the Caribbean market targeted to be the next LNG hotspot?

}} Highlighting today’s proposed strategies to meet government approval in terms of: •• Implementing realistic financial models for the Caribbean market •• Infrastructure development •• Sustainability of projects }} Can one of the larger islands be used as an effective exporter to its smaller counterparts? •• Is there sufficient supply to go around? •• Which of the Caribbean islands are currently expanding their terminals? }} Are the smaller islands generating enough demand needed to justify projects going ahead? •• What steps need to be taken to ensure intra-regional cooperation? •• Can islands in the region align their objectives and implement a united policy framework to establish energy security? Indar Maharaj, President, The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited, Trinidad and Tobago


Networking Break

Sponsored Session Gaining a Deeper Understanding of Power Generation for the Caribbean 11:50

PANELLISTS: Todd Peterson, Advisor LNG Projects, Itochu Group, USA

}} Exploring the transition from heavy fuel oil to LNG

Selcrest Husbands, Director of Operations, Powergen Trinidad and Tobago, Trinidad and Tobago

}} Uncovering the new LNG import terminals in the region

Winton Gibbs, General Manager, Barbados National Oil Company Ltd, Barbados Tony Teo, Director, Business Development, DNV North America Maritime, USA

}} Examining the hub and spoke distribution concept Sampo Suvisaari, General Manager, Power Plants, Central America and the Caribbean, Wärtsilä North America, Inc, USA

RESERVE YOUR PLACE NOW! To register, call Swapneel Shah on +44 (0)20 3 615 2873 or email swapneelshah@dmgevents.com


12.20 Sponsored Session


15:50 Island Focus: Dominican Republic

Developing Solutions for the Small Scale Supply of LNG

}} Overview of Potential market }} Customer requirements }} Technical solutions •• Small scale LNG carrier •• Shallow draft LNG carrier for river trade •• Small scale storage & ideas for bunkering Mr David Colson, Commercial Vice-President, GTT, France 15:20

Networking Break

Networking Break

Case Study Exploring a Different Approach for Promoting LNG and Ensuring Domestic Growth in the Caribbean

}} Uncovering the energy matrix within the Dominican Republic - Where does LNG fit in? }} Developing a market from scratch by diversifying the energy matrix }} Gaining insight to the AES Dominicana LNG terminal •• Storage capacity •• Gas pipeline

14:20 Island Focus: Jamaica Case Study

Developments for Jamaica’s FSRU Project – A New Approach to Meeting Energy Demands }} Exploring the commercial rationale behind the decision to move forward on a natural gas vehicle: •• What steps were taken to receive the government green light? •• Gaining traction in the international market with lower credit ratings •• Creating a request for proposals based on commercial principles and market prices }} Reviewing the project status to date •• Bid selection •• Meeting power generation demands and transport needs •• Supplying energy to the smaller islands }} Has Jamaica solved the Caribbean’s energy demands? •• Are FSRUs the solution for sustaining their energy market?

•• Distribution }} What is their commercial model and how has this increased gas consumption by 30%? }} Promoting the switch from other fuels to LNG for: •• Power production •• Industrial use •• Transportation fuel }} What are the limitations of supplying an island? }} Maximizing potential for the Dominican Republic - What are their plans for expansion? Freddy Obando, Commercial Director, AES Dominicana, Dominican Republic

16:20 Caribbean Industry Panel Q&A The floor will be opened to interact with an unparalleled assembly of high-profile speakers, who will be available to expand on the key issues that have been uncovered during the day and answer questions.

}} What is in their pipeline for the coming months? Ernie Megginson, Former LNG Project Manager, Ministry of Science, Technology, Energy & Mining, President, Megginson & Associates, Inc. USA

14:50 Sponsored Session

Identifying Strategic Marine Opportunities for LNG in the Caribbean }} Gaining an understanding of the major marine market drivers }} Examining leading gas fuel technology

PANELLISTS: Indar Maharaj, President, The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited, Trinidad and Tobago Todd Peterson, Advisor LNG Projects, Itochu Group, USA Dr. Harri Kytomaa, Corporate Vice President and Principal Engineer, Exponent, USA


Chairperson’s Closing Remarks



Sponsored by:

}} Early market adopter vessels }} Marine development: how soon, how fast, and key market signals John Hatley, Americas Vice President Ship Power, Wärtsilä North America, Inc, USA



08:30 Registration and Coffee 09:00 Chairperson’s Welcome and Opening Remarks

Bill Cooper, President, Center for LNG, USA

}} Uncovering Latin America as an early adopter of flexible regasification solutions

09:10 Industry Panel Showcase

Forecasting the Viability and Future Potential of LNG in the Americas

11:10 Country Focus: USA Case Study The Americas’ LNG Market as an Energy Network and the Role of Floating Regasification

}} Reviewing the significant role that LNG played across the major Latin American countries in 2010 •• Evaluating the nuances and how these have presently evolved •• What are the conditions for a further accelerated growth of the Latin American natural gas market? }} Assessing the developments of the current LNG market in Latin America •• Which countries are the most buoyant in terms of new LNG projects? }} Examining the prospects for new regasification terminals in Latin America •• What are the chances of integration between the terminals which are currently being built? }} Where do individual countries see their programs going in the medium to long term with respect to siting facilities and initializing their projects? •• Findings for programs which are currently evolving }} Gauging the appeal of Latin America and the Caribbean as viable markets for suppliers in the Atlantic and Pacific Basin •• Which suppliers will be increasing their capacity to export to these markets? }} Other than regulatory barriers, what are the main obstacles for importing from the US, and how can these be resolved? }} How can these new markets enhance their position to better compete with the energy demands of bigger importers? •• Which key countries are they competing with in terms of supply and how does this affect price expectation?

}} Exploring a plan to market: providing a project schedule adjusted to the reality of the region }} Examining the role of floating regasification as a market integrator: challenges and opportunities }} Assessing Gulf of Mexico LNG exports: is this the last piece of true energy integration for the Americas? Daniel H. Bustos, Vice President, Downstream Development, Excelerate Energy, USA


Sponsored Session Topic tbc

12:20 Country Focus: Colombia Case Study

Uncovering the Viability of LNG as the Future Energy Source for Colombia

}} Assessing LNG as a key component in Colombia’s energy matrix •• The current outlook for importing gas in Colombia •• The status of the power systems }} What are the regulatory developments which will facilitate this? Luis Miguel Fernandez Zaher, President, Termobarranquilla SA, Colombia 13:00

Networking Lunch

PANELLISTS: Guy Broggi, Senior Advisor, LNG Division, TOTAL Gas and Power, France Luis Miguel Fernandez Zaher, President, Termobarranquilla SA, Colombia Asish Mohanty, Senior Analyst, Global LNG Research, Wood Mackenzie, USA Manuel Colcombet, Senior Vice President Strategy and Portfolio Management, GDF Suez Latin America, Argentina Gabriel Gonzalez Laguna, Director LNG Trading and Origination, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, UK* Dr. Harri Kytomaa, Corporate Vice President and Principal Engineer, Exponent, USA


Networking Break

RESERVE YOUR PLACE NOW! To register, call Swapneel Shah on +44 (0)20 3 615 2873 or email swapneelshah@dmgevents.com


14:30 Country Focus: Colombia - Keynote

Case Study Update on the Launch of the First FLNG Project in South America

}} Update for the Pacific Rubiales joint venture }} Exploring the significance of this particular project: •• As a small scale liquefaction and vessels program •• Making the most of gas resources available in the region •• Proximity and access to the smaller markets •• Opportunities to expand their customer base }} What are the initial commercial and technical challenges that have been encountered in building the first FLNG in South America? }} What are their proposed plans for supply to the Caribbean? Dr. Luis A. Pacheco, Senior Vice President, Planning & AIT, Pacific Rubiales Energy, Colombia

16:00 Overcoming the Strategic, Economic and Risk-Based Challenges for the Development of Mid-Scale LNG in the Caribbean }} Determining the sustainability of the market •• How competitive is the Caribbean in relation to established markets such as the UK and Asia? }} Incentivizing the upstream supply of LNG to the Caribbean market •• What are the economic benefits of conversion from oil dependent to gas dependent economies? }} Evaluating pricing on the matrix •• What are the implications for the PSC fiscal regime in supplying the Caribbean markets? •• What are the adjustments that may have to be made? }} Comparing the price that the Caribbean market can afford to shoulder with the economics of midstream and upstream projects Earl Jason Carribon, Energy Risk Professional, Global Association of Risk Professionals, Trinidad and Tobago

15:00 Analyzing the Energy Landscape in Latin

America and the Caribbean

}} Exploring today’s market structures •• Examining the size of current LNG projects, the investments required and the big players involved •• Gaining a deeper insight to the extreme importance of logistics }} How many investment-grade companies or creditworthy countries can commit to 20 year contracts? •• Who are some of the key Latin American and Caribbean players? }} Examining LNG as a major source of energy in Latin America and the Caribbean islands •• How can this be strengthened by partnering with North American exporters? Todd Peterson, Advisor LNG Projects, Itochu Group, USA


Country Focus: Chile Case Study Integrating Renewable Energies and LNG to Generate Power in Northern Chile

Rudolf Araneda, CEO, GasAtacama, Chile

17:00 Global Industry Panel Q&A The floor will be opened to interact with an unparalleled assembly of high-profile speakers, who will be available to expand on the key issues that have been uncovered during the day and answer questions.

PANELLISTS: Daniel H. Bustos, Vice President, Downstream Development, Excelerate Energy, USA Todd Peterson, Advisor LNG Projects, Itochu Group, USA


Networking Break

Guy Broggi, Senior Advisor, LNG Division, TOTAL Gas and Power, France 17:30

Chairperson’s Closing Remarks


End of Day One

Networking Opportunities To ensure that you maximize your time out of the office, we have structured the Forum to enable you plenty of time to network. Through project updates and panel sessions, delegates will have the opportunity to interact directly with the key players involved in LNG. To find out more how your organisation can place its brand in front of key decision makers by sponsoring a coffee break or hosting a luncheon, call

Damian Howard on +44 (0)203 615 2899 or email damianhoward@dmgevents.com



08:30 Registration and Coffee

10:20 An In-Depth Review of Shale Gas and its

09:00 Chairperson’s Welcome and Opening Remarks

Bill Cooper, President, Center for LNG, USA

09:10 Industry Panel Discussion

Debating the Future of Supply and Demand for Gas on a Global Scale

}} Assessing the current gas price differential between the US and international markets }} Where do shale reserves stand now with decreasing US gas prices? •• Will the price remain too low to justify continued extraction? }} What are the realistic price expectations for the near to medium term? •• What impact will granting licenses to export LNG from the US and Canada, as well as potential medium and long-term market entrants have on sustaining future gas prices? }} Exploring the expectations for energy demand in Japan •• What are the current developments for a progressive nuclear restart? •• How may continued demand of LNG stunt the future growth of the Japanese domestic market? }} How much demand is there likely to be in both Asia Pacific and Europe in the long run? •• To what extent will this impact other importers, specifically from Latin America? }} Can long term LNG contracts be offset by oil parity pricing anytime soon? •• How will this affect pricing for the rest of the industry? -- European hub prices -- Asian spot prices }} What is the better investment approach to buying gas in today’s fluctuating marketplace? •• Locking in oil index contracts •• Purchasing on the spot market with the hopes of an eventual price decrease }} Will North American exporters offer newer markets lower prices if growing economies increase their demand for natural gas? }} What are the potential contributions to Caribbean supply from US exports and re-exports? Albert Marc Passy, Leader, North American Market Analysis Marketing, Processing & Renewables, Statoil North America, Inc, USA Ted Williams, Director, Codes & Standards, American Gas Association, USA Daniel H. Bustos, Vice President, Downstream Development, Excelerate Energy, USA

Role in the Global Marketplace

}} Uncovering the current developments for the Global Shale Gas Initiative •• Gaining a better understanding of the EIA International Gas study }} Evaluating the impact the Global Shale Gas Initiative has had on distribution of shale within domestic and international markets }} Determining the added benefits this initiative has provided all involved countries in terms of transferring technology and sharing information }} What is in store for both domestic energy and natural gas supply in relation to demand and price considerations? }} How will these predictions affect LNG export in the long run? •• Specific examples for shale gas cooperation between the US and other countries }} What are the key influencing factors that are impinging on today’s markets for furthering shale gas? Dr. Mitchell Baer, Director, Office of Oil and Gas Analysis, US Department of Energy, USA


Networking Break


USA Keynote Address Defining the Future of LNG Export in the North American Marketplace

}} Exploring current updates to the energy legislation from the perspective of an exporter }} What is the probability for LNG export to both free trade and non-free trade countries within the current US administration? }} Examining how much LNG export capacity US regulators will sanction without causing political backlash •• To what extent is putting a cap on exports the answer to managing the continuing controversy? }} Developments for the DOE’s studies on how LNG export can potentially affect the US economy •• Do these conclusions support the opportunity for further export licenses in the near future? }} Understanding the regulatory process in consideration of: •• Public interest •• Safety and security of the facility and the surrounding environs }} Striking a balance between the main decision factors: •• National security •• Energy security •• Economic impact •• Environmental protection

RESERVE YOUR PLACE NOW! To register, call Swapneel Shah on +44 (0)20 3 615 2873 or email swapneelshah@dmgevents.com

FORUM DAY TWO: THURSDAY 17 JANUARY 2013 }} What is the status for pending applications? }} Uncovering new developments for the Oregon LNG project and its potential role in the supply chain to South America Peter Hansen, CEO, Oregon LNG, USA


Progress on the Panama Canal Expansion and its Impact on the LNG Market

}} Reviewing the developments for the Panama Canal expansion •• Which phase of construction is the project currently at?

Networking Lunch

13:40 Country Focus: El Salvador

15:20 Project Update: Panama Canal

Implementing a Successful LNG Project in Central America - Strategies and Lessons Learned from Cutuco

}} Where does LNG stand with regards to Central America’s overall energy mix? }} Uncovering the LNG landscape in Central America •• What are the benefits of exporting LNG from El Salvador? •• What are the key challenges that have been faced and overcome? }} Gaining insight into Cutuco’s success in terms of: •• Business model •• Technical capabilities

•• What are the forecasted developments for the near future? }} Sharing the vision for the Post Panamax •• How will the new build structure and required beam sizes facilitate shipment of cargoes and decrease time and transport costs? }} An overview of the new docking facilities •• What does the operation of wider locks mean in relation to fitting requirements? •• What are the new safety regulations that vessels may be looking at? }} What is the likely impact that the Panama Canal expansion will have for LNG shipping and trade on a global scale? Silvia De Marucci, Leader, Liquid Bulk Segment, Panama Canal Authority, Panama

•• Transportation •• Liquefaction

15:50 Global Industry Panel Q&A

•• Shipping }} Current developments for Cutuco’s project plans for LNG export for the coming 12 months Vahid Sadeghpour, Commercial Vice President, Cutuco Energy Central America, El Salvador

The floor will be opened to interact with an unparalleled assembly of high-profile speakers, who will be available to expand on the key issues that have been uncovered during the day and answer questions.

PANELLISTS: 14:20 Country Focus: Panama

Feasibility Study of a LNG Project for Panama }} Assessing the priorities set in the Panamanian energy policy }} Gaining insight to the promotional law for power generation with natural gas }} Overcoming the key challenges for the development of a LNG supply chain

Silvia De Marucci, Leader, Liquid Bulk Segment, Panama Canal Authority, Panama Peter Hansen, CEO, Oregon LNG, USA Ernie Megginson, Former LNG Project Manager, Ministry of Science, Technology, Energy & Mining, President, Megginson & Associates, Inc. USA Dr. Trey Morrison, Principal Engineer, Exponent, USA


Chairperson’s Closing Remarks


End of Day Two

}} What further steps will be taken in the coming months? Reg Gibbons, Business Development Manager, GDF Suez Central America, Panama


Networking Break

* Speakers provisionally confirmed




15-17 January 2013


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8.1 In the event of the Company becoming insolvent, or going into liquidation, or having an administrator or receiver appointed, or entering into a voluntary arrangement, the contract with it may be terminated at the option of the Organisers and the provisions of clause 6 will apply.


9.1 The Company may not transfer the booking from one named Delegate to another without the prior written consent of the Organisers. The provisions of clause 6 will apply where a Delegate named on a booking form does not attend the Event. The Organisers reserve the right to refuse passage and attendance to the Event to a replacement


10.1 The Company shall not have any claim against the Organisers in respect of any loss or damage consequent upon the failure for whatever reason to hold any part of the Event or of the venue at which the Event is scheduled to take place becoming wholly or partially unavailable for the holding of the Event. If by rearrangement or postponement of the period of the Event, or by substitution of another venue for the holding of the Event, or any other reasonable manner, the Event can take place, the contract between the Organisers and the Company shall remain in force. 10.2 If the Organisers have to alter the content or timing of the Conference Programme or the identity of any speakers, for any reason whatsoever; the organisers are not liable to refund delegate fees or pay for additional costs incurred by delegates attending LNG 360.


11.1 The Organisers are not responsible for the safety of any property of the Company or Delegate, or for its loss, damage or destruction or for any loss or damage sustained by the Company or the Delegate, in each case for anyreason whatsoever. No responsibility can be accepted by the Organisers for any consequences arising from postponement or abandonment of the Event. The Company should take out its own insurance to cover all liabilities and risks as well as non attendance by the delegate for whatever reason.


12.1 The Company and the Delegate must comply with any reasonable instructions given by the venue or any other authority regarding fire precautions.


13.1 Information supplied by the Organisers in relation to any event is accurate to the best of their knowledge and belief, but shall not constitute any warranty or representation by the Organisers and any inaccuracy or mistake in such information or omission from it shall not entitle the Company to cancel its booking. 13.2 Unless stated otherwise, all information and data relating to the Event, which is supplied by the Organisers to the Delegate, is for use by that Delegate only, is the copyright of the Organisers and cannot be passed on to any third party for any purpose.


14.1 The Organisers reserve the right to exclude or remove from the Event any person whose presence, in the opinion of the Organisers, is or is likely to be undesirable or may put the safety and wellbeing of the other delegates or staff at risk.


15.1 The Delegate/Company acknowledges that the Organisers will be entitled to use the Company and Delegate details

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