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Tracy Fly Melvin
LIFE IS SHORT...ENJOY EVERYDAY TO THE FULLEST!!! I am happily married. I am raising my granddaughter and Nana to my youngest daughter's Two Precious Boys . I am beginning homeschooling again. I am gardening, refurbishing our home, trying to start a small farm, trying to live healthier, and whatever else comes up each day. Needless to say, I am very busy. I try to help others, try to be there for my family, and friends. We recently inherited my family home/farm. Its in need of a lot of work on house and property but maybe we are HOME finally!!! ALL this while battling multiple health issues to include: rhuematoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, nueropathy, etc. (All while my dear Husband works very hard out of town about 95% of the time, so I feel like I'm doing it on my own ALOT!) I have recently discovered Young Living Essential Oils and I can't even begin to tell you what an impact they have had on my health! I've been ditching one prescription bottle at a time and feeling better for it. We don't have the be