Tjp mini session webinar

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MINI NEWBORN SESSIONS a quick how to… with Tracy Joy

WHAT IS A NEWBORN MINI? Give your clients what they want, and give yourself the earnings you deserve.

What IS a Newborn Mini Session, and how do I sell & promote them? The idea behind a mini session is for YOU to not miss a client due to cost, and for your client to have an opportunity to get YOUR work, at a fraction of the price. It’s hard to turn away a client due to price, so this is a great option, that lets you BOOK and make a happy client! Some important thoughts: 2. VALUE YOURSELF AND YOUR WORK 3. Never give more images or set ups, than they pay for 4. Do not get guilted into doing more images/scenes for the same price 5. Have the client select the scene they want BEFORE they arrive to session, (via a client guide/pdf) 6. Have an add’l scene selected and set up for client to see, then offer it for an add’l price. 7. Create an extra charge for add’l scenes or images, and stick to it! A good thought is each extra mini scene is 1/3 of the regular mini price… aka if they buy ALL of the mini scenes, its MORE than a full session. 8. If baby is good, and you have the time & enjoyment, offer to do an add’l scene, which they can select to purchase AFTER via gallery. HOWEVER MAKE SURE THEY KNOW THIS IS EXTRA, NOT INCLUDED, THEY CAN PURCHASE LATER IF DESIRED. 9. An easy add on is Parent posing. I like to say $25 per image, or $100 for the full additional mini set up for parent/family posing.

HOW TO OFFER A NEWBORN MINI SESSION…. AND STILL GET PAID. I offer 5 mini session set ups. The client gets to pick one (1) of those set ups for the price & time of the mini session. My pricing, for example: 
 Full session is $595 & Mini session is $325
 $100 per each add’l mini scene added. ie: if they purchase all scenes via mini, ala carte, it would be $725! So if they want more than 3 mini set ups, the full is a great and easy up sell.

What do I include in my selections for a MINI NEWBORN SESSION‌

Sessions last approx 30 minutes, and they receive 8 digital images - NO MORE. Choices for Mini Scenes: 1. Flokati rug: wrapped laying down & potato sac 2. Blanket/Beanbag: naked and with 4 poses 3. Props: buckets, baskets, crates, posing pod 4. Parent(s) and/or siblings. 5. Composites. I take a few images of baby in studio, then composite later on in photoshop to wreaths and suck.

Do not mix scenes! Stick to your pricing guide, and your rules. If a client wants to get their 8 included images, from 5 different set ups‌ NO GO. Simply explain that the point of a mini is to save time for you, and money for them. The set up of each add’l scene is time, which does cost the additional up charge. Just be kind, & firm.

YOU ARE THE BOSS… REMEMBER THAT. Many times, and we are all guilty of this, a client will try to work more into their package then what they purchased. They may come to your mini session, and ask if they can do an add’l set up or mini scene? YES, of course… but stick to your upcharge. If they are against the upcharge or scoff at it, DO THE EXTRA MINI, but make sure it an add’l charge in the gallery if they desire it. An easy explanation is: “I will add these to your gallery, and if you wish to purchase, you are more than welcome”. If you are confident in your work, you can make this sale via your gallery. Your time is money, and you are WORTH your work. Do not do a free session or extra mini because you feel guilty, or bullied by a client. Respect yourself, and you will soar.

SELL YOURSELF‌ PROFESSIONALLY. To make the best of a potential client, and to be a true professional, have a product catalog and price guide that your clients can see before their sessions. Layout the information, show them the difference between a full and mini session. Showcase images of your different sessions and styles. Pricing is posted and all questions are answered within your guide

Pricing is key. Mini session is roughly half of my full session price‌. why?

WHEN MY CLIENT REALIZES EVERYTHING THEY ARE GETTING FOR A FULL SESSION, COMPARED TO A MINI SESSION… IT’S A GREAT UPSELL. To help my clients who want a full session, but cannot afford the payment, I offer a split payment. 1/2 due at time of session, and the rest is due at time of gallery release.

If they truly can not afford a full session, & want to proceed with the mini…


You still have a chance to make more profit… and having a successful sesh.

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Set up the session as a mini ..then offer the mini “upgrades”. This way, the client may add on at a lower cost than a full session & you make more $$$ & they get more images.. and it is still less work (with great profit) than a full session…



I AM A PEOPLE PLEASER… I see a lot of us creatives are also insane people pleasers, which is why I believe many of us are easily taken advantage of. We feel badly, we want to make others happy with our gift of photography and simply LOVE BABIES! However, at the end of the day… you need to make a profit, and we need to make this industry thrive, as a team of creative colleagues! Mini sessions are a great option for clients and if played well, can be a great upgradable product for us professional photographers, who are looking to actually earn a paycheck (and not work for free!). By offering mini sessions, we: 1. Get a client that would otherwise not be able to afford us. That client may just as well turn into a well profit in the future also. 2. You get “baby time”… and a paycheck that is earned and decent. 3. You don't have to give away your sanity to please others.You can do it all! Please your clients, and not feel guilt for jilting yourself at the end of the day.

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