TRADA Timber Industry Yearbook 2013

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I nno vations in timber c onstru c tion

Head line timber issues for 2013

A to Z of TRADA members and Buyers ’ guide

Wh o ’s w ho in timber , listin g usefu l addresses & websites


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T imber Industry Yearbook 2 013

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I nno vations in timber c onstru c tion

Head line timber issues for 2013

A to Z of TRADA members and Buyers ’ guide

Wh o ’s w ho in timber , listin g usefu l addresses & websites


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Published in 2013 by: TRADA Technology Ltd Chiltern House, Stocking Lane Hughenden Valley, High Wycombe Buckinghamshire HP14 4ND t +44 (0)1494 569600 e w



07 Foreword Charles Hopping 09

TRADA: the leading authority on wood




Stepping up to the mark


Thirst for knowledge Elizabeth Turner


It’s time to get social Paul Wilkinson


Innovate to insulate Robin Lancashire and Lewis Taylor


Using wood for solar shading Patrick Hislop and Philip O’Leary


Sculpting the future Rupert Scott


Timber frame puts fabric first Andrew Carpenter


Are all roof battens the same? Phil O’Leary


Keep your key people Jim Roach


Preserving confidence in treated wood Stephen Young

59 From waste to resource Miles Brown 65

Rising and going Kevin Underwood

Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the advice given, the company cannot accept liability for loss or damage arising from the information supplied.

71 Fire-resisting doorsets: a builder’s guide 77

Passive fire protection demands maintenance Peter Barker

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owners.


Time called on ‘vacuous’ sustainability claims David Venables


What do builders really want? Tony Traynor


New teeth for CE marking of construction products David Payne


Eurocode 5 and CE Marking Keerthi Ranasinghe


Timber steps up to Green Deal with cladding for solid masonry dwellings Lewis Taylor

© TRADA Technology Ltd 2013 The publisher gratefully acknowledges the support of the firms whose advertisements appear in this publication. Whilst every care has been taken in compiling this publication, the publisher cannot accept responsibility for any inaccuracies, or for the products or services advertised.

Production by: Open Box M&C Regent Court, 68 Caroline Street Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham B3 1UG

121 From tiny acorns Cheshire Oaks has grown Alasdair McGregor 127 Home-grown cross-laminated timber – pipe dream or realistic proposition? Peter Wilson 131

Decking: a builder’s guide

t +44 (0)121 200 7820 e w


Be sure the wood is fit for purpose Peter Kaczmar



All photographs and drawings © TRADA Technology Ltd, except as noted otherwise in captions.

142 Links: useful addresses and websites

ISBN: 978-1-900510-93-6


Alphabetical list of TRADA members

Cover image: Outdoor pool and changing pavilion at The Hurlingham Club, Fulham, London. Architect and photo: David Morley Architects.


Buyers’ Guide index


Buyers’ Guide


Advertisers’ Index


TRADA membership – marketing benefits

149 How to use this directory

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What a year! Forget the rain (if you can!) forget the economic gloom (go on, try!) forget all the other little niggles that really shouldn’t concern you. Remember the Olympics and the Paralympics? Over a month of solid success, not just for the athletes but also for the organisers, the designers and those who built a stunning Olympic venue from an East London wasteland. What a shame the sustainable Olympics featured so little wood. All the timber industry’s efforts to ensure an iconic timber structure on the Olympic park resulted in just two apparent timber structures – the Velodrome and McDonald’s – and although both had timber on the outside neither relied on it for the structure. Of course there was a lot of excellent timber on display but one can’t help feeling that somewhere we could have done more with our opportunity. So what went wrong? Listening to feedback it was all about information and the fear factor. British designers and contractors aren’t generally used to working with wood, they were not confident about managing the risks they saw, so they stayed with the tried and tested – and for a major international event who can blame them? Disappointing as that may be it gives us a very clear idea of what we have to do if we want wood to be more used and better used in construction. The problem wasn’t about people not wanting to use wood in theory; it was about giving them the tools to use it in practice. Lack of familiarity meant that, when the chips were down, wood could not compete. It began in university courses where wood featured much less than competing materials and continued in a work environment where those materials were used by default and allied to a supply chain not really developed to supply the needs of today’s demanding end user. If that situation is to change then TRADA must be a key component in that change. I’m very lucky to be Chairman of TRADA right now. I’m following Mike Cook, our first ever non-timber-trade Chairman. I’m coming into an organisation that’s innovating with things like Timber Expo. An organisation that’s sowing seeds for the future via its work in universities. An organisation that reflects its changed membership focus by giving full voting rights to all its members.



So what are we doing and why do those things excite me? • We’ve defined our role as being to gather, review and make available top quality information and hard data which will increase the use of wood. • We’re focusing more on the needs of the actual specifiers and users of wood – the people who know what they need rather than those who may think they know what others need. • We’ve changed our management structure to help us focus less on the nuts and bolts of running the organisation and more on what our members want us to deliver. • We’re providing a forum at Timber Expo where professionals and producers can meet and share ideas and information face to face. • We’ve appointed someone whose sole role is to go into our universities and give them good quality material, to make sure today’s students are well equipped to work with wood in their professional careers. • We’re working hard to provide more and more hard data, not just about timber’s technical performance but also about all the life-cycle issues that are becoming more important. • Of course we continue to provide an excellent website and telephone service so our members (and their customers) get the information to enable them to use wood and to use it well. There are some things we don’t do. We’re not here to do major advertising and promotion – there are plenty of others doing that. Nor are we here to lobby government, again we leave that to others. What we have done is to sign up to the Timber Industry Accord where there are other organisations who do just those things, and are only too delighted to leave us to get on with what you pay us to do – and what we think we’re good at – that is to continue to provide top quality independent information to help people use wood in the best possible way!

Charles Hopping Chairman TRADA

Charles Hopping is also Chairman of Hoppings Softwood Products plc

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The TRADA bookshop operates via the website and by telephone, selling a wide range of publications from TRADA Technology, BSI, BRE and commercial publishers. Many publications are available at a discounted price for TRADA members, and the knowledgeable bookshop staff are available during working hours to answer customer queries. Members are granted permission to use the TRADA member logo on their stationery and marketing materials, allowing them to benefit from their association with the well-respected TRADA brand. And only TRADA members appear in the online Suppliers Directory (reaching 31,000 visitors per month) and in the Alphabetical Listing and Buyers’ Guide at the back of this yearbook.

The Timber Research and Development Association (TRADA) continues to be an internationally recognised centre of excellence for the specification and use of timber and wood products. It is a not-for-profit, membership-based organisation and its name is synonymous with independence and authority. TRADA’s strength lies in its diverse membership, encompassing companies and individuals from around the world and across the entire wood supply chain, from producers, merchants and manufacturers, to architects, engineers and end users. Bridging the supply and user ends of the market enables TRADA to deliver a dynamic programme of research, information and events through its sole service provider, TRADA Technology Ltd. This programme is put together to meet the needs of members, promote the specification and use of timber in construction and develop the market for timber and timber products. The TRADA website is now well established as an invaluable source of technical information about the use of timber and wood products in building. The site contains most of TRADA’s technical information stretching back over the last 75 years, including full text of publications and many products that are exclusive to members, such as free engineering design software and detail drawings plus full case studies and briefings on the latest developments in regulations and codes affecting the building industry. The case studies area on the website is aimed specifically at architects and designed to inspire and enthuse with drawings and photographs. This is supplemented by a new section encapsulating good examples of timber solutions to address specific design and detailing problems that can occur in everyday practice. A quarterly magazine is posted to all members and includes details of all new and updated information sheets, briefings and case studies. These mailings also include details of upcoming training courses, seminars and events, many of which are offered at a discounted rate for members. TRADA operates an advisory helpline, providing direct access to expertise and guidance on specific issues from simple information on timber choices to complex questions about design detailing.

TRADA membership is available to anyone with an interest in timber, both in the UK and internationally, and all membership subscription revenues are applied to TRADA’s unrivalled research and information programme. Membership is divided into three categories: Timber Industry / Corporate membership is open to companies involved in the production, trade or manufacture of timber or wood-based products. It also includes suppliers of products used in conjunction with timber, such as treatments, finishes and fittings. Specifier / Professional membership is open to organisations or individuals who design, specify and/or use timber and to industry associations, local authorities and other controlling bodies. Academic access is an online service operated only through the TRADA website. Teaching staff and students registered on a recognised course at a University, College or Further Education establishment can access information for free for the duration of their course. Course lecturers are also eligible to join under this category.

For more information or to join TRADA please contact: t +44 (0)1494 569603 e w

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BM TRADA Group Formed by the executive management of TRADA in 1994 as TTL Chiltern Ltd, the business is now known as the BM TRADA Group and offers testing, inspection, certification and compliance services. The group, whose headquarters is located 30 miles north west of London, employs over 350 people in 28 countries and ranks amongst the top 2% of businesses in the UK when measured by turnover. It trades in more than 70 countries.



The company also publishes a wide range of specialist books and guidance documents on every aspect of timber, available through the TRADA Bookshop, which offers an extensive range of complementary titles from external publishers. TRADA members enjoy a generous discount on all publications. TRADA Technology provides the research and information services for TRADA on behalf of its members, developing new market opportunities for timber and helping to safeguard existing ones. Contact TRADA Technology Stocking Lane, Hughenden Valley, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP14 4ND. t +44 (0)8455 205514 f +44 (0)1494 565487 e w


Contact BM TRADA Group Stocking Lane, Hughenden Valley High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP14 4ND t +44 (0) 1494 569750 f +44 (0) 1494 565487 e w

BM TRADA Certification Ltd is a major UKAS accredited international certification body, with a leading reputation in chain of custody and management systems certification. Our industry expertise and the standard of our services have helped us deliver more than 14,000 certificates to businesses in 70 countries around the world.

T R A DA Te ch nolo gy Ltd

Chain of Custody: • FSC® • PEFC • FSC & PEFC Project Certification • BM TRADA Forest Products • RSPO (Sustainable Palm Oil) • UTZ Certified Cocoa and Coffee

TRADA Technology is a world renowned independent research, consultancy, testing and information provider for the construction industry. The company’s clients span the entire construction supply chain, including government and local authorities, architects, designers, specifiers, engineers, contractors and builders, both in the UK and overseas. Projects in more than 50 overseas countries have ranged from forestry and primary processing, to the use of timber in construction. Technical expertise is at the heart of TRADA Technology’s business. It provides UKAS-accredited structural and small-scale testing for construction products, as well as product testing and development, materials/product evaluation and design guidance, third-party certification and support. Through its structural investigations team it offers a staged inspection and evaluation service comprising initial survey, advanced evaluation, design development and on-site supervision. TRADA Technology’s building performance team is an acknowledged expert in timber frame construction, offering on-site consultancy and assessment on the design and build quality of timber frame buildings.

We offer certification to a variety of supply chain, chain of custody, management systems, product and personnel schemes.

Management Systems: • Quality – ISO 9001 • Environmental – ISO 14001 • Energy – ISO 50001 • Occupational Health & Safety – OHSAS 18001 • Information Security – ISO 27001 • Food Safety – ISO 22000

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Q-Mark Product: • Visual & machine strength grading • Fire door manufacture • High performance timber windows • Enhanced security doors & windows • Enhanced lifetime performance for doors • Engineered wood products • Timber engineering hardware • Scaffold boards • Timber balustrades • Wood based panels • Wood flooring • Trussed rafter • Timber tiling batten • Timber frame • Engineered floor systems • Building systems • Building insulation products Q-Mark Personnel: • Fire Door Registered Installer Scheme • Fire Door Maintenance Scheme • Window and Doorset Survey and Installation Scheme CE Marking Competent persons Training: • A comprehensive range of training programmes to reflect the business areas covered by our certification schemes. Contact BM TRADA Certification Ltd Chiltern House, Stocking Lane, Hughenden Valley High Wycombe, Bucks, HP14 4ND t +44 (0)1494 569700 e w

C h iltern I nternationa l Fire and C hi ltern Dynami c s With more than 30 years’ experience, Chiltern International Fire (CIF) is one of Europe’s leading authorities on fire, providing a range of services to clients around the world. Services include fire resistance and reaction to fire testing to British, European and international standards, as well as consultancy, certification, research and training. In addition, CIF can undertake assessment of fire performance and provide guidance on upgrading, with particular expertise in heritage buildings and the health sector.



All major tests are accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS). The company also offers a first class facility for Positive Pressure Ventilation (PPV), Breathing Apparatus (BA), Compartment Fire Behaviour training and outdoor exercises and drills for fire services personnel. Chiltern Dynamics is renowned for its expertise in doors and windows, providing testing, assessment and certification services to prove the performance of buildings and their components against a wide range of criteria including security, durability, weathertightness and acoustic performance. All major tests are UKAS-accredited. Chiltern Dynamics’ Energy Services Department is a member of ATTMA (Air Tightness Testing & Measurement Association) and offers UKAS-accredited air tightness and sound insulation testing together with environmental noise surveys, thermographic inspection of buildings, thermal analysis of building products, and BFRC accredited thermal simulation for windows and doors. Contact Chiltern International Fire and Chiltern Dynamics Stocking Lane, Hughenden Valley, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP14 4ND t +44 (0)1494 569800 f +44 (0)1494 564895 e w

F IRA Internationa l Ltd The Furniture Industry Research Association (FIRA) was first established over 60 years ago by the furniture industry. FIRA International continues to provide a wide range of expert services that are dedicated to the global furniture supply chain, as well as safeguarding the industry through managing the Association’s membership activity. Research and development programmes feed into British, European and International Standards for performance and testing with FIRA International experts representing the UK on a number of Standards committees. This enables its furniture testing laboratory to provide the best service when testing components, materials and finished product to ascertain performance safety and durability. International recognition gives the FIRA testing certificate acceptance worldwide. FIRA also can assist in the development of commercial testing laboratories and have a proven track record of staff training, equipment development and supply within a number of countries. FIRA Gold Certification for products and installation services is seen as a key accreditation by contract and public sector markets to ensure a safe and durable product or a consistent high-quality installation service.



T imber Industry Yearbook 2 013

FIRA’s expertise is available on a consultancy basis for business process improvement, ergonomics and sustainability services including compliance support, sustainable design and manufacturing, sustainable procurement and the accreditation scheme the Furniture Industry Sustainability Programe (FISP). FISP supports best practice in all aspects of sustainable business. Companies may join as associate or full members. Associate members have two years to meet a number of set criteria to become full members. FISP is now a common accreditation scheme cited in a range of tenders to ensure that companies are committed to working towards best practice with regards to environmental initiatives. FIRA Service Technicians provide a highly efficient, after-sales service for furniture retailers, manufacturers and importers, to quickly resolve customer complaints as effectively as possible within reasonable cost constraints. FIRA’s business process improvement consultancy works with furniture manufacturers to assist in the generation of sustainable process improvements that will not only improve competitiveness but will also enhance customer satisfaction. FIRA supports manufacturing and other improvement initiatives within individual companies and also implements projects that will provide industry wide benefits by promoting the common approach methodology for process improvements throughout the furniture industry. Contact FIRA International Ltd Maxwell Road, Stevenage, Hertfordshire SG1 2EW t +44 (0)1438 777700 f +44 (0)1438 777800 e w



The Furniture O mbudsman Officially recognised by the European Commission, The Furniture Ombudsman (TFO) is the independent standards body for furniture and home improvement industries. It aims to raise standards within the furniture industry through providing a comprehensive Code of Practice for its members. Members of TFO offer an extra reassurance to their customers and demonstrate their commitment to providing a quality service. The Furniture Ombudsman membership package allows members to take advantage of a wide range of services, including customer service training, a legal helpline and an alternative dispute resolution service, whereby disputes between consumers and retailers can be resolved through conciliation or adjudication. TFO members are also supported by a range of marketing tools to help promote their membership status to consumers. TFO also provides independent inspection services for both non-member organisations and consumers to aid resolving disputes and complaints. The Furniture Ombudsman provides essential training courses to retailers and manufacturers in the furniture and home improvement industries to help them understand their legal obligations, manage customer relationships and invest in the development of their staff. Contact The Furniture Ombudsman t +44 (0)845 653 2064 f +44 (0)845 653 2065 e w

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Timber Expo


Stepping up to the mark TRADA Membership and Marketing Manager Rupert Scott sees Timber Expo 2012 deliver on its promise to be bigger and better Timber Expo 2012 at the Ricoh Arena, Coventry

‘Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.’ So wrote Henry Ford; he could have been talking about this year’s Timber Expo, a tour de force of collaboration between TRADA Technology and Radar Communications, and the thousands of industry professionals, including architects, engineers, contractors and local authorities, who all helped make the show an unprecedented success. TRADA Technology has never been an organisation to rest on its laurels. We planned longer, thought harder and executed better the plans for Timber Expo 2012 – and the feedback from attendees is evidence that this year’s show was a significant improvement on 2011. It was certainly a successful exhibition for TRADA, which played a significant role in organising the show’s most successful elements. Timber Expo 2012 saw an expanded exhibition space, an increased number of visitors, an expert set of Timber Talks seminars plus an impressive list of exhibitors, all coming together to promote timber as one of the most exciting and sustainable construction materials on the marketplace. For everyone that exhibited and attended Timber Expo, one thing was obvious – the 2012 event delivered on its promise to be the only place in the UK for anyone interested in the timber sector. It was also given a new flavour, with the addition of ProTimber 2012 – the timber industry summit – that kicked off proceedings the day before the main halls opened for business. ProTimber 2012 saw timber industry leaders meet to take part in the first of a regular annual gathering to discuss the opportunities ahead for the timber sector. Under the headline banner of ‘one vision one voice’ the afternoon saw serious and informed debate centred on the presentation of two pieces of commissioned research from consultancy Lychgate. The two studies, separated by panel and audience discussion, included the specification and perceptions of timber and an up-to-date review of the steel and concrete sectors. It then addressed how the timber sector can respond, target markets for growth and reinforce its position within the construction market.

Meanwhile, the expanded size and scope of Timber Expo was hailed as an outstanding success by exhibitors and visitors alike and the buzz of the two days was a serious step change from 2011. One of the biggest changes from 2011 was replacing the paid-for In Touch with Timber conference with free seminars. The ‘sold out’ sign might have been metaphorical, but the seminar programme organised by TRADA was a resounding success, with many of the sessions reduced to ‘standing room only’. The Timber Talks seminar programme brought together some of timber’s leading system designers, architects, contractors, merchants, product providers, suppliers and thought leaders to discuss pressing industry issues and hot topics from across the timber world at home and abroad. Delivered across three bespoke theatres, each designed and created especially for Timber Expo by UKSIPS, Frame Wise and Deeside Timberframe with James Jones & Sons, speakers provided a glimpse into the future role and development of timber from forest floor to end-user. One of the most popular seminars was hosted by Ramboll Computational Design’s Harri Lewis, who discussed how the ‘Giraffe’ pavilion, which formed TRADA’s stand, was created and the technology used to develop the form into an easily constructed yet dramatic structure. The quality of the visitors was also excellent – no comments about ‘tyre kickers’ or time wasters, which means everyone visiting the show was serious about the reasons for being there. Of course we always want more visitors. The only way to do this is to keep delivering fresh content, innovation, more products, new ideas and industry information. This is the challenge TRADA has set itself for 2013. We’re already planning on making the show bigger and better again. But, like Henry Ford, we know that working together is the most efficient way to success. We will continue to work with trade institutions, professional bodies and you, our members, to deliver a show to remember in 2013. • For the latest details on Timber Expo 2013 or to pre-register to attend, please visit

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Thirst for knowledge Elizabeth Turner visits universities across the length and breadth of the UK, from Scotland to the south coast and Lincolnshire to North Wales and into Northern Ireland, delivering timber lectures to students and understanding the timber research being carried out in these institutions With the construction sector focusing on sustainable solutions to building due to the increasing examination of the world’s resources, timber clearly has a role to play in providing some of these solutions. The TRADA University Engagement Programme is becoming increasingly popular with university schools of architecture, engineering and construction that are seeking our knowledge and resources.

T imber Frame


university design and engineering competitions. These are a great way of inspiring and engaging students as well as focusing on learning about timber and how to design with it. Over the last 25 years TRADA and the North East Timber Trade Association (NETTA) have worked with universities in the north-east of England on a timber engineering/design competition. Christopher Mettem and (in later years) Andy Pitman have judged the competition and this year I will be helping with judging the 2013 competition which is taking place at Northumbria University. Students at Northumbria will be designing a library building in the centre of Newcastle using timber. At their annual dinner, NETTA will award a cash prize to the students who produce the best three designs. More recently, the Dan Kemp Memorial Pavilion, run with sponsorship from Timbmet, has produced a great show of students’ ideas on timber design and two outstanding pieces of work by the winning students, Christian Spendier (2011) and Stephanie Lewis (2012). In 2013, design Unit B will deliver a new pavilion. This year the competition will explore design using timber and examine how architecture students are educated.

Term time has been very busy, with many visits to universities where students are asking searching questions about timber. One of the commonly asked for topics is the sustainability credentials of timber.

As well as forming larger parts of an undergraduate course, these competitions also lend themselves to short pieces of work such as that done recently by Newcastle University architecture students for next year’s British Science Festival.

These visits are vital to the success of the project but are only a part of the University Engagement Programme. Another successful aspect of TRADA’s ongoing work with universities is the support we give to

It is not just architecture students who are competitive though. As part of a module on timber and masonry structures, students at Coventry University worked on a timber engineering project to design, build and

The 2012 winning student, Stephanie Lewis with Simon Fineman Chairman of Timbmet

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test a glulam beam. This was very successful and students produced some excellent work. The winners were delighted to have won a prize sponsored by TRADA. So it is easy to see that lecturers like competitions as a way of enriching their courses and students strive to win, producing excellent and interesting work. Based on this evidence and with timber being increasingly seen as the sustainable option for construction, TRADA is working on the development of a National Student Timber Design Competition. This is planned to coincide with TRADA’s 80th Anniversary in 2014. Andrew Abbott, TRADA’s Chief Executive, is keen for the competition to explore the science of timber and design, and to provide a piece of excellent design that showcases what can be achieved with this important material. We are developing the details of the competition and we hope to provide a challenge to schools of engineering and architecture within the remit of this exciting project. We will use the knowledge gleaned from a year of university visits and work with the TRADA Board to develop the National Student Timber Design Competition. Of course the teaching of undergraduates and postgraduates is only one part of what takes place at university. The other activity, vital both to each university and to the UK as a whole, is research and TRADA is keen to find out about timber research being carried out. Using the combined minds of university staff to explore new ideas and develop existing ones, everyone from students to industry will benefit. Undergraduate students from both architecture and engineering disciplines are researching topics such as timber bridges and cross-laminated timber for their final year dissertations, with post graduates also examining a wide range of topics. In the UK, the University of Bath, Bangor University and Edinburgh Napier University are regarded as the premier timber research universities, although others also do important work on timber. The 2011 winning entry built full scale at EcoBuild also displaying the models submitted by the other students as their entries

The 2012 winning design built full scale at EcoBuild

They all have different but complimentary research strands and often work collaboratively on research grant applications, some of which TRADA has been delighted to support. Particular topics under investigation are innovative all-wood connections and the home-grown timber resource and what can be manufactured and built with it. Students from Bath have examined the Douglas fir stocks in the South West. Edinburgh Napier is at the forefront of research in Scotland, working on the Strategic Integrated Research in Timber, looking at Sitka spruce and the Wood Products Innovation Gateway. The Wood Pig project aims to find at least 20 new, commercially viable uses for Scottish grown timber by engaging with Scottish SME’s to find ideas for new timber products, and then apply R&D to develop these ideas into commercial production. Recent success has been achieved with crosslaminated timber and the project is currently looking at the regulatory issues around bringing such a product to market. Overall, the TRADA University Engagement Programme is proving to be successful both at reaching universities and inspiring students to see timber as the material of first choice. TRADA hopes to use this success to facilitate and forge industry/university links and, by the introduction of a National Student Competition, to challenge students and excite the industry.

Elizabeth Turner University Liaison Manager. TRADA

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It’s time to get social Engage in online conversations, says Paul Wilkinson Social media is about people having conversations online, and such exchanges are the lifeblood of business. Through conversations we ask questions, get feedback, learn about colleagues, collaborate on projects, share news and ideas, gain information, share knowledge, recommend (and get recommended), make new contacts…. If people are taking these conversations online, organisations which block interaction or don’t participate could be missing out.

T imber Frame


you in the pub. Social media platforms are completely outside the direct control of your company, so your people need to engage in and influence that online conversation – and know the reputation risks that can arise from loose talk online. You should build on existing guidelines regarding client confidentiality, copyright and appropriate use of email and other corporate IT, and provide training and guidance on responsible use of social media tools. Social media can create communities around your people, places, products, services and events, helping people in your business engage with and influence existing and potential customers, suppliers, employees, media contacts, local residents, conference delegates, and so on. However, organisations also need to be responsive. Social media happens in real-time – so you must be vigilant, agile and able to respond quickly, particularly if someone identifies a problem: unanswered criticism or complaints can leave an indelible negative ‘footprint’ on the web. No wonder that Twitter has become a powerful tool for customer service in many organisations. To hit the ground running, training in business use of social media can be invaluable; a workshop helped TRADA people, for example, identify how to use Twitter and @TRADA_ now has nearly 2,000 followers. Such training can also help identify time-saving ways to re-use content: a blog post, for example, can automatically be shared via Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn – immediately extending the potential audience for that new content.

Graphic created at

Clearly some architecture, engineering and construction businesses either regard social media with suspicion (‘social’ may imply non-work) or are just puzzled about its use. But, with Twitter hashtags and Facebook updates quoted by broadcasters, bloggers courted by political parties, and FTSE-listed companies recruiting via LinkedIn, social media is definitely part of mainstream communications. Forward-thinking businesses are adding social tools and techniques to their communications mix. Broadband and mobile web access is almost everywhere, social media technologies have made the web more interactive, and barriers between companies and end-users have diminished. User-generated content can be published to the web in seconds – by anyone, anywhere, anytime – individuals can send a Tweet, write a blog post, update on Facebook or LinkedIn, upload a video to YouTube or a photograph to Flickr, check-in on FourSquare, or edit a Wikipedia page. And these tools (unlike some corporate websites) are also mobile-friendly. Trying to stop people talking online about your company, its projects, employees, services or products is like trying to stop them talking about

Looking further at the upside, creative use of social media to augment traditional communications can also yield positive benefits for a business, generating sales leads, increasing brand awareness, differentiating it from competitors and driving traffic to its website. Walltie manufacturer Helifix, for example, used a blog to increase its website visibility by 45% and boosted search traffic by 40%. Google Analytics is a powerful tool to measure sources of traffic, and Facebook, LinkedIn and various Twitter tools also provide statistics showing the real-time impacts of online activities. So, forget it’s social; it’s media. And, as we did with email and the web, we just need to use these new media effectively.

Paul Wilkinson Construction PR and marketing consultant, trainer, and social media advocate. Visit

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T imber Frame


Innovate to insulate Robin Lancashire and Lewis Taylor review four newer forms of timber construction, consider their applications and their energy efficiencies As thermal performance requirements have become harder and more expensive to achieve, all sectors of the construction industry need to consider building a thicker external envelope to provide space for insulation. This need is only going to increase as the industry moves toward the ‘zero-carbon’ target in 2016. For timber frame construction, merely increasing the depth of solid timber studs and fitting more insulation between them is becoming insufficient to meet the increasing requirements for thermal and energy performance. To keep up to date with current thermal performance regulations, the details in Timber Frame Construction 5th Edition have introduced an insulated service zone on the inside of the wall to help improve airtightness and allow space for more insulation to be installed. Depending on the insulation materials used, U-values below 0.15 W/m2K can be achieved. Timber frame construction predominantly deals with what could be considered ‘traditional’ timber frame construction – the panelised form of construction using solid timber wall studs and rails with woodbased sheathing boards. This method has been embraced by the UK construction industry as a standard form of timber frame construction over the last 50 years. Although enthusiasts have designed a variety of low-energy timber frame buildings over recent decades, the techniques used have remained on the periphery of the construction industry, with mainstream timber frame evolving slowly to keep pace with national building regulation changes. Driven by the need to reduce CO2 emissions, the European Union has started to set ever-tighter requirements on the energy performance of buildings, leading to ‘zero-carbon’ buildings by 2016. TRADA’s new book Innovative timber construction expands on information provided on alternative forms of timber construction mentioned in Timber frame construction. Four of the most common types of alternative timber walls and roofs are explored. These are

Structural insulated panel

structural insulated panels (SIPs), cross-laminated timber, engineered stud and twin stud. More industry changes will be needed to meet 2016 regulations. In order to achieve further reductions in U-values and achieve buildings with minimal energy requirements, timber frame designers and architects are beginning to explore some of these alternative types of timber frame construction, which have been on the periphery for many years but are now becoming better appreciated for their high levels of thermal performance.

SIP s A structural insulated panel (SIP) consists of a layer of oriented strand board (OSB) bonded onto each side of an insulating foam core. A strong, structural bond between the three layers is essential to the loadbearing ability of the SIP. The resultant sandwich of OSB and foam can be used as a structural loadbearing element. A SIP is a composite engineered product, with each building being individually designed and engineered. SIP structures can offer good thermal and airtightness performance with minimal thermal bridging due to the continuous nature of the insulation core within the panel. SIPs are commonly used for external wall and roof structures. Currently, loadbearing SIP structures are generally limited to four storeys in height for structural reasons. As SIP structures become larger or more complex, additional elements of structure may be required to support the imposed loads; however, these elements of structure will reduce the thermal performance benefits of the SIP.

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Cross-laminated timber

Engineered stud wall

E n g ineered stud An engineered stud is a simple way to allow a large depth of insulation to be installed between the loadbearing timber studs used for timber frame wall panels. Engineered I-joists have been in use for many years and the earliest forms of engineered studs were simply these I-joists used vertically. Now a number of different types of engineered stud are available, using either I-joist or metal web joist designs. These studs are available in depths up to 500mm, so they can incorporate as much insulation as is required to achieve the target U-value. Engineered studs can be used as direct replacement for solid timber studs and rails, but provide the user with more space to install insulation and reduce thermal bridging. They can be clad in masonry or lightweight cladding systems. As well as their use as studs, engineered floor joists can be used in the construction of flat and pitched roofs.

Cross - laminated timber Elsewhere in Europe, solid wood panels have been used in construction for some time. Previously made by stacking and gluing or mechanically fixing full-width sections together, nowadays the thickness of the panel tends to be made up of a number of narrow widths of timber laid together with each layer at right angles to the previous layer. This is known as cross-laminated timber construction and is typical of the solid wood panels now being imported into the UK.

Wall, floor and roof elements can be pre-cut in the factory to any dimension and shape, including openings for doors, windows, stairs, service channels and ducts. The structures offer excellent thermal, acoustic and fire performance to satisfy ever-tougher national building regulations. Crosslaminated timber buildings have a very low carbon footprint because carbon absorbed during the trees’ growth is locked away inside the wood used to make the panels. Wood is easy to machine and the material itself is a good insulator. There is no current British or European standard for crosslaminated timber, but a standard is currently under development. These large solid panels form walls, roofs, floors, and even lift shafts and stairs. The building envelope can be easily clad with other materials such as timber, brick, mineral render or composite panels. Crosslaminated timber is now being considered where masonry, concrete and steel have historically been the usual forms of construction. Although cross-laminated timber has a promising future in multi-storey construction, it is likely that low-rise non-residential buildings will be its main application. The qualities of exposed cross-laminated timber is most appreciated where an internal exposed timber surface offers an aesthetic or acoustic benefit, such as exhibition spaces, schools, places of worship, sports halls, theatres or dwellings. The benefits of cross-laminated timber’s off-site manufacture and speed of construction mean it is more likely to be used on large schemes, rather than small one-off projects.

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T win stud wa lls

Looking ahead

A twin stud wall is a simple, easy method of getting a lot of insulation into a wall with relatively inexpensive materials. It is simply two timber frame stud walls in parallel, separated by a cavity, but only one of these carries the vertical load of the building. Depending on the structural design and order of work proposed on site, this can be either the inner or the outer wall. The cavity width and the depth of both wall studs can be varied to provide sufficient timber for structural performance and space for insulation. This simple method uses many materials and techniques familiar to those who build standard timber frame buildings.

In addition to the many ways that standard timber frame construction can be adapted with differing insulation materials and locations, there are many alternative ways to construct timber frame buildings. Whatever system, or variation of system, is used, it is important to always follow the advice regarding designing for durability. Interstitial condensation risk calculations should always be conducted for any external wall, floor or roof design to ensure that no risk is present.

In timber frame construction, the twin stud method has been used for many years in party walls for acoustic separation. In some parts of the world, it has also been used in external walls; and with requirements for improved thermal performance, it is now being used in the UK too. The additional stud and cavity used in this external wall construction adds to the overall wall thickness. If a cavity and masonry cladding are added, the overall wall thickness can be considerable. Its application is therefore more likely to be with a cladding such as timber or render on board, to keep walls as slender as possible. On sites where wall thickness is not so important, brick cladding may be an equal consideration.

Lewis Taylor Timber Frame Consultant TRADA Technology Robin Lancashire Head of Building Performance TRADA Technology

Twin leaf wall

SUPPORTING S E R V I C E S TRADA Technology’s related publications include: • Innovative timber construction • Timber frame construction, 5th edition • Low-energy timber frame buildings Available from t: +44 (0)1494 569602

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USING Wood for solar shading Patrick Hislop and Philip O’Leary review the principles for designing solar shading and how to make the best use of wood With ever increasing concern about saving energy, areas of glazing are becoming bigger, both to obtain the maximum advantage from daylight and to benefit from passive solar gain in the winter. UK building regulations recognise the need to balance the advantage of additional daylight from large windows against the risk of internal overheating and glare, and consequently buildings may now require solar protection. Many forms of sun screening are now becoming an accepted feature in the visual appearance of buildings, but their primary role will always be to moderate the effect of the sun’s rays on the internal environment of the building. Fixed steel-reinforced iroko louvres at Corsica House, France. Photo: Nigel Young/Foster + Partners

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These issues are dealt with in a new TRADA publication External solar shading with wood – a design guide for architects that looks at external screening devices, comparing nine types now in use. It is limited to those screening systems that are wholly or partially wood based but does include metal support systems and metal hardware necessary for operating louvres.

Why sol ar shadin g? In the hotter parts of the world there are many traditional ways of eliminating or reducing the effects of the sun, which is generally regarded as ‘hostile’ in these areas. On the other hand, in more temperate climates, the sun has usually been regarded as beneficial, with buildings generally planned to gain the maximum advantage of sunshine. However, in these areas the increased popularity of large windows, or even totally glazed walls, has frequently resulted in internal overheating and excessive glare. This is generally only mitigated by the use of some form of internal blind, often added as a remedial measure against glare, or air conditioning to reduce unwanted internal heat. Meeting these requirements is now part of the Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP) calculations. BS 8206-2 Lighting for buildings also recommends the use of shading devices to prevent overheating and glare. Because the sun’s rays are beneficial in the winter, any form of sun screening should be designed to allow sufficient penetration, while still preventing excessive glare from low-angle sun. For example, the shadow pattern projected by spaced louvres or fins in low-angle sun may be acceptable generally, but may not reduce the level of glare sufficiently for computer screens or other internal activities. Horizontally louvred canopy

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External solar shading with wood – a design guide for architects details nine modern types of sun screening. It describes their efficiency in controlling unwanted solar gain, while accepting that solar gain is welcome in the winter months for reducing the heating load. The difficulty is in benefiting from this solar gain, while avoiding the risk of overheating or excessive glare. Examples include: • projecting canopy ‘brise-soleils’ that are often the most effective solution on south-facing elevations • vertical fins for east and west elevations. Others are louvres, fins, shutters and screens.

Horizontal louvres on freestanding vertical supports. Photo: Par Louvres

The nine examples demonstrate how important it is to consider all aspects when choosing the most effective method of sun screening for the particular building.

Another factor that can influence the design of any shading device is the need to maximise the use of daylight, by deflecting it deep into the interior of a building. The scale, complexity and cost of any solar screening, will depend on the type of building, hours and mode of occupation, the level of control of any operation or adjustment provided, and the level of maintenance required. For instance, combining solar screening with deciduous planting may be feasible for small residential buildings but not for multi-storey office buildings, whereas remotely controlled adjustable louvres may be acceptable for large offices but not economic for small residential buildings. Internal shading devices such as Venetian or roller blinds, solar films on glass, or shading devices incorporated between glass panes in insulated glass units, will allow in energy from the sun, while limiting excessive glare. However, in summer conditions this internal heat gain can be undesirable, particularly as the levels of thermal insulation in the building fabric are continually improved, increasing the risk of unwanted heat being trapped within the building.

Philip O’Leary Section Leader - Timber Investigations TRADA Technology Patrick Hislop RIBA

W hy use wood? Wood has been traditionally used for many forms of solar shading in the past. And because of its versatility, ease of working and easy maintenance, wood has an important role in the design of modern shading devices. However, the prime reason for using wood for solar screening is usually its attractive appearance, whether left to bleach naturally or finished in any colour. Wood is also very versatile, with a wide range of species available for different applications. Given correct detailing and specification, wood can be both robust and durable, both factors important for any screening devices exposed to external weather and possible mechanical damage.

SUPPORTING S E R V I C E S TRADA Technology’s related publication: • External solar shading with wood a design guide for architects Available from t: +44 (0)1494 569602

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Sculpting the future Rupert Scott appeals to the industry to show what is possible in timber Breathtaking, eye-catching, a triumph of timber engineering: these were all words used to describe the ‘Giraffe’ pavilion that formed the TRADA stand at the 2012 Timber Expo.

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We wanted to fire the imagination and show what is possible in timber. To create a structure for our own stand that was both exciting in form and function. Few would argue that this hasn’t been delivered – in spades! The starting point for the structural engineers, John Harding and Harri Lewis of the Ramboll Computational Design team, was a freestanding gridshell form with steeply sloped sides (to avoid visitors hitting their heads) and large arched openings for access. The central section of the gridshell descends in to a funnel, like a spider’s web, to provide complex curvatures that allow the legs to be more vertical within the 4m height constraint. But, whereas the foyer gridshell was made of small timber members, the team started to consider a more complex challenge; would it be possible to create the freeform shape as a shell rather than a grid?

Several months in the planning, the exhibition stand is a collaboration between TRADA and design engineers Ramboll UK.

For cost and demountability, we needed discrete flat planes of timber. We chose plywood as most economical material and one which could be cut, using digital fabrication techniques, into bespoke panels at a relatively low cost.

The sculpted gridshell design, which spreads like a tree from its heart, was inspired by a much smaller, timber gridshell sculpture in the foyer of Ramboll UK’s London office. I was visiting their office and wondered could Ramboll design something equally clever and eye-catching for the TRADA stand at Timber Expo?

For the original sculpture, all members were laser cut from 6mm WBP exterior plywood, but for TRADA’s ‘Giraffe’ we decided to use marine plywood to ensure that the structure will perform equally well out of doors.

It was a demanding brief: TRADA’s sculpted stand had to be economical to produce, minimise waste in manufacture, be simple to construct and be demountable for rebuilding easily at another location. All photos:

The key problem was how to connect adjacent timber panels. The connection had to transfer shear and in-plane forces between panels. It had to adapt to different angles, be cheap and easy to source and be quick and easy to install without requiring complicated cuts in the panel.

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Having optimised the form for self-weight and gravity, they went on to investigate the effect of accidental horizontal loads from impacts from conference attendees. “We were looking at ways in which to tweak the geometry and make it more resistant to these loads,” explained design engineer Harri Lewis of Ramboll. These included folding the structure in the style of origami to effectively give it more depth. Another option was edge panels that curve along each arch boundary. These were designed to significantly improve the buckling resistance while also providing a neat border capable of supporting a strip of LED lights. “We also looked at different fabrication techniques and the differences between three- and five-axis computer numerical control (CNC) machines. The connection between the plywood panels was critical and we always had to keep in mind how any solution we designed would be fabricated,” said Lewis. While the plywood panels were treated for fire resistance, Ramboll produced a series of mock-ups for visual interrogation and structural testing so that the look and possible warping as a result of the process could be judged. The timber structure consists of 302 pieces that were three-axis CNC cut from 28 standard birch ply sheets provided by James Latham, while Lonza Wood Protection provided a proven fire retardant protection through its DRICON impregnation treatment. A software package established the best way to fit the panel shapes onto the sheets with minimal waste. Each panel was predrilled with up to 20 paired bolt holes and chased with shallow recesses to take the hinge plates. To maintain a clear, uncluttered appearance externally, the hinge plates were fixed on the inside faces of the panels. With some lateral thinking by the team, they realised that this ideal connection already existed – a door hinge! Triangular panels, spaced apart and connected by hinges, offered a workable solution. But the team wanted to push their ideas beyond triangulation – partly because a triangular structure is relatively inefficient, as the surface tends to fold along the continuous edges, but also because of the difficulty of creating a successful junction at nodes where the points of six triangles would meet in space. The team created their own software to implement a re-meshing algorithm that optimised panels on the surface so that they could be cut from flat sheet material. Panels on a positive Gaussian curve (around the upper parts of the structure) are generally hexagon shaped, panels on a zero Gaussian curve (the lower parts of the legs) are rectangular and panels on a negative Gaussian curve (in the funnel) are ‘bow-tie’ shaped. The design work progressed smoothly, with Ramboll’s engineers carrying out several important tests, checking the connections and joints of the sculpture and ensuring that it fitted together smoothly.

The end result was a resounding success. We plan to show the sculpture at the Surface Design Show, Islington, as well as use it for TRADA’s Ecobuild 2013 stand.

SUPPORTING S E R V I C E S TRADA has a case study on the Giraffe pavilion Visit

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Timber frame puts fabric first Andrew Carpenter explains why the timber frame industry has never been better placed to take market share from other methods of construction Driving sustainable construction is not easy, particularly when large quarters of the construction industry are locked into out-dated, wasteful processes which do nothing for carbon reduction both during construction and in service. But a much greater challenge exists. It’s vital that we design buildings that are not only efficient to build, but are also built to high quality specifications that perform in the way they were intended to – without compromise. Without question the build quality and sustainable performance of a building has to be paramount, but there are many other challenges that we must overcome if timber frame is to continue seeing growth over the coming years. Since I joined the UKTFA two years ago we have instigated a great number of new initiatives that are game-changing for this sector. And while we accept that we have a long way to go in capturing market share in the UK housing industry, we are doing that. We are working with a great many more house builders, developers, architects and contractors that are reaping the benefits of building high level code homes, and even Passivhaus standard accommodation. We are also demonstrating quality and cost control that other methods of construction can’t deliver consistently. Housing and Flatted Development 3. Photo: ScotFrame

First Rented Passivhaus. Photo: ScotFrame

2012 has been another year of change and 2013 is likely to be as turbulent. At the time of writing this we learn about the ‘perfect storm’ of the housing crisis – a plentiful supply of low price homes, yet no money available for young people who desperately need to get on the housing ladder. When the Government announced it would pump significant budget into getting first time buyers out of rental and into their own homes we responded with a robust argument based around the need for a FabricFirst approach.

Built-in not added -on If we are going to see a significant number of new homes being delivered into the market then we need to make sure that they are built to a standard that delivers optimum levels of thermal performance. In simple terms there is very little point adding on renewable technologies The Gallery at Rustat Road, Cambridge. Photo: Pinewood Structures

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Goodricke College Campus at York University. Photo: Prestoplan & Shepherd Construction

to homes to produce more fuel – we need to concentrate on making sure that the fuel we use is not wasted through leaky, badly performing buildings. It’s a similar ethos to Passivhaus and it’s certainly no coincidence that Passivhaus standard houses in the UK are generally built in timber frame. Leadon Bank Care Home, Ledbury - Taylor Lane & EG Carter. Photo: Taylor Lane

This all might seem like fantastic news for the timber frame industry and we might have all the facts and the answers to all the difficult questions. But the biggest challenge we must overcome, particularly in the current economic climate, is convincing the contractors that timber frame is a mainstream cost effective solution. We all know the saying – if you always do what you always did, you’ll always get, what you always got – and in the sense of the built environment it couldn’t be more true. There’s a reason why we have millions of inefficient buildings across the UK and why, unless we make some sweeping changes to future buildings, this will still be the case in years to come and future governments will be asking what went wrong? We must now consider how timber works in real world situations; the financial benefits of choosing timber frame and how easy it is to work with if we are to truly understand why timber is not just the future of the construction industry, but the here and now. Highfield at Tring - Framewise. Photo: Framewise

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Cost certainty is something which timber frame delivers ‘as standard’. This important factor is often overlooked when selecting a build method - which can prove costly to even the best construction companies - by either pricing themselves out of the tender process with unnecessary contingencies or receiving a nasty shock at the end of the project, when they have priced a project in the belief that they are able to procure labour and materials for less than they can. All UKTFA timber frame manufacturing members provide a fixed-cost quotation, there is no wriggle room, no mission creep, and no over or under engineering; we deliver exactly what we price for. As we emerge from recession and Britain gets building, cost and programme certainty will be a critical factor that will contribute to the success of the construction economy.

Scunthorpe Sports Academy - Prestoplan & B&K Structures. Photo: Prestoplan

If we could draw a line in the sand and redesign the construction industry in the UK we would. We would start with the end point of achieving a sustainable future and identify the means by which to deliver that. Based on fact and ever decreasing natural resources we would take the very best the UK industry has to offer and build homes and public buildings that make the greatest visual impact but the least impact on our resources – in essence, it would require the construction industry to undo its thinking and redefine a brave new timber future.

Andrew Carpenter Chief Executive UK Timber Frame Association

Timber frame housing. Photo: Roe Group

National Emergency Foundation at Milton Keynes. Photo: Avebury Projects Ltd

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Are all roof battens t he same? Phil O’Leary makes the case for using ‘BS 5534’ roof battens Roofing battens are fundamental to a roof structure and are used in a load bearing capacity. They are designed to carry the load of slated and tiled roofs as well as imposed loads caused by wind and snow. In addition, they may be required to provide a reasonably secure foothold for roofers while slated and tiled roofs are being covered. Although there are no legal requirements for the use of roofing battens, BS 5534:2003+A1:2010 Code of practice for slating and tiling (including shingles) is the standard that sets out specific requirements for roofing battens and includes requirements for grading, species, preservative treatment and marking.

D oes batten size matter ? The actual batten thickness (the smaller dimension) should not be less than that given in the following table, nor more than 3mm oversize. The actual batten width should be within ±3mm of the basic size. Minimum timber batten sizes (roofing and vertical work) Application Slates (double-lap) Natural: sized or random Fibre-cement or concrete Clay and concrete tiles Double-lap Single-lap

Basic minimum size of batten Up to 450mm span (mm) Up to 600mm span (mm) 50 x 25 38 x 25

50 x 25 50 x 25

38 x 25 38 x 25

38 x 25 50 x 25

Battens for spans greater than those given here, or for other loading conditions, should be designed in accordance with Annex E of BS 5534. For natural slating, they should not be less than 50mm x 25mm, irrespective of strength and stiffness calculation.

S hou ld I use ‘BS 5534’ battens ? Recently, timber roof battens have been supplied as being one of the following types: • BS 5534 battens – these are fully graded to meet the requirements of BS 5534.

• ‘Graded’ battens – usually partially graded to BS 5534 – the exception being that they are not graded for knots and wane. This needs to be done on site by the roofer. • Standard/ungraded battens – may be smaller than those permitted in BS 5534 or have other strength-reducing characteristics. Battens that do not fully comply with BS 5534 (supplied as ‘graded’ and ‘standard’ battens) require further on-site grading by competent and preferably trained individuals. Companies and individuals using battens that are not fully graded need to understand the degree of grading that has been undertaken by the producer/supplier and what responsibilities and liabilities are being taken by using non-‘BS 5534’ battens.

How durabl e are battens? Most timber battens are supplied treated with a wood preservative to achieve a 60-year design life in a use class 2 situation in accordance with BS 8417:2011 Preservation of Wood Code of Practice. While best practice in the timber trade requires that cut ends of treated timber be always treated with a brush-on preservative, this is not often carried out on cut roofing battens. However, cut ends of battens that are in contact with mortar should be treated with a liberal brush-applied coating of preservative.

Do factory-graded BS 5534 battens c ost more? The answer is yes. However, using either ungraded or partially graded battens may result in: • more time spent on site to grade battens • requirement for a competent or trained grader • a wastage that can be often be as high as 40% • having to mark every batten to comply with some contracts • extra costs to dispose of waste • responsibilities and liabilities of grading being passed to roofer • the risk of using non-compliant battens being passed to the roofer • accidents. Therefore, the real cost differential between factory-graded BS 5534 battens and ungraded battens is significantly less than it would appear on face value.

SUPPORTING S E R V I C E S TRADA Technology offers consultancy and training in grading of timber battens. • Choose & Use Roof Battens Visit

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T imber Industry Yearbook 2 013

Keep your key people Jim Roach sees an increasingly buoyant market and a looming skills shortage In 2012 we saw a lot of movement within the industry, if not significant growth. There was more activity than any other in our nine-year experience in recruitment.

Innovation It has been businesses that are developing new and innovative products and solutions, or pushing out into new markets, that have been most active. Some need new skills, though more are seeking additional skills due to growth gained from innovation. Very noticeably, businesses with recruitment needs have tended to recruit more than just one. For example, we’ve repeatedly seen companies taking on further sales staff, followed by designers and commercial managers.

Skil l s sh ortage I’ve been talking about skills shortages for years and cautioned anyone who would listen at the beginning of the recession to hang on to all the skills and talent you can – sell off the company cars first! Now most would agree that the industry is looking forward and thinking in terms of development at least, and then on towards growth. Those that kept their key people will be well placed to reap rewards. Those that are looking for new talent are likely to have to go to greater lengths in future. Additionally new skills will be needed to compete, such as Lean Manufacturing and Building Information Modelling (BIM). When growth really starts and there is an increased demand for staff, the short supply will be more acute than one may expect. Many laid off throughout the recession have moved on to other industries – often on better pay. They’ve turned their backs and are unlikely to want to return. The construction industry as a whole is short of skills – too many recent recessions and parents telling children not to follow their path.

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Once we see further signs of growth from the housing sector that has been held back so much and the commercial markets that take confidence from this (the tail wagging the dog perhaps, but so often this is the case) we will have very real skills shortages.

T rainin g and de ve l opment During any downturn, many organisations simply switch off or radically reduce learning and development budgets. In my opinion, the very opposite is necessary during tougher economic conditions. If times are challenging staff need to have their skills improved and enhanced to become more expert in their chosen specialism. For the timber industry to do well it needs motivated people with the latest and best skills and training. It needs to reap the benefit of current knowledge and attract new skills from other sectors to deal with changing demands. TRADA, UKTFA, the Universities and the many further training providers need to be supported in their training provision and career development activities to ensure the industry can grow and develop to best effect.

Retention – keepin g your talent We know that employees are more likely to leave a company if they feel they are undervalued and do not receive developmental coaching and training. It is often the best who go – they are more confident of finding something and get snapped up. Keep your key people close and onside. In a competitive market holding on to key people is important. To grow successfully it is critical.

Jim Roach Fellow of the Institute of Recruitment Professions (FIRP) Managing Director ARV Solutions. Visit

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Preserving confidenc e in treated wood In his first-year review of the WPA Benchmark, Stephen Young reveals that the scheme is no fig leaf for treater or preservative supplier shortcomings In autumn 2011, the Wood Protection Association (WPA) announced a quality scheme to the UK timber treatment industry – the WPA Benchmark of quality. The scheme was designed with one aim in mind - to restore customer confidence in the performance of treated wood products, in particular, those destined for ground contact end-uses such as fencing. High on the priority list of the scheme steering committee was the need for WPA Benchmark to have the credibility and relevance to be a long-term solution to treated wood quality. The scheme gets right to the heart of the matter by providing third-party verification that an individual component has been treated correctly, in line with the WPA Wood Preservation Manual, to achieve British Standard specifications. It is a year since the first treaters joined the scheme and the WPA Benchmark steering committee has now approved a marketing plan to promote the scheme and Benchmark Certificated products to buyers. The number of treaters with products certificated under this scheme continues to grow. Products of assessed quality are typically made from pine, Douglas fir or larch, but posts made from incised spruce have recently achieved certification. This is a landmark development. We believe that the use of techniques to achieve the appropriate penetration and retention of preservative in species regarded as resistant to treatment, such as whitewood, will open up significant opportunities for treaters.

Only wood products that have their treatment verified by the WPA qualify for the WPA Benchmark of quality and fitness for purpose

WPA Benchmark sets a new standard for treated wood quality by auditing the safe relationship of an individual treatment plant to ensure the preservative penetration and retention meets the end use service life requirements. Photo: Lonza Wood Protection

Ex pert third-party assessment The WPA Benchmark is no fig leaf for treater or preservative supplier shortcomings; it is an in-depth, expert third-party assessment of the treatment plant, process and analytical justification that the correct level of treatment is being achieved. This was highlighted during a recent meeting of the Scheme Steering Committee when the treatment experts that carry out Benchmark assessments gave their report. It highlighted that inadequate calibration of plant controls, particularly the essential vacuum and pressure controls, required corrective action in 78% of all plants assessed. In 60% of plants there was insufficient evidence that the treatment ‘safe relationship’ applicable to a specific product had been sufficiently well established. Establishing the safe relationship is unique to an individual plant and essential to ensuring that the correct level of protection is given for the end-use. In these cases, the preservative supplier had to carry out additional analysis work for acceptance by the WPA assessment team.

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WPA Benchmark quality assured fencing rounds awaiting despatch. Photo: Burt Boulton & Haywood

In 60% of inspections, assessors registered concerns about solution concentration controls and checking procedures. Assessors also reported that in 50% of all inspections, certain key publications about treatment standards and quality were not available to plant operators or managers, for example, BS8417 Code of Practice for Wood Preservation and WPA quality guidance note 2 for treatment plants. The latter is considered a mandatory controlled document where a firm’s management systems are certificated under ISO9001. In concluding their report, the assessors told the WPA that they had been impressed by the commitment of plant operatives to meeting the requirements set by the WPA Benchmark scheme. Post assessment feedback from treaters signed up to WPA Benchmark is very encouraging. All say assessment by an independent expert has helped refine treatment operations and effectiveness. The experience of treaters to date is clear endorsement of Benchmark’s credibility and relevance to customer needs. The wider adoption and promotion of the scheme is seen as a real opportunity to restore buyer confidence. The WPA believes that quality assurance is the way ahead for the timber treatment industry in the UK. WPA Benchmark is open to all. We call on all treaters who have their customers’ best interests at heart to join the scheme. Visit the Association’s web site for a full list of the WPA Benchmark quality assured products and their sources.

Stephen Young Director Wood Protection Association

SUPPORTING S E R V I C E S Visit for these related publications: • WPA Manual: Industrial wood preservation specification and practice - 2nd edition, Wood Protection Association, 2012 • Wood Information Sheet 2/3-16: Preservative treatment for timber: a guide to specification, TRADA Technology, 2012

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T imber Industry Yearbook 2 013

From waste to resource

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WRAP’s data suggests that construction and demolition generate about half the total wood waste. Therefore, processes that minimise waste generation during construction and recover wood during demolition are immensely important. Statistics published by The Wood Recyclers’ Association indicate that the UK recycled just over 2.8 million tonnes of wood in 2011 of which, including exports, 62% was used to produce chipboard, animal bedding, surfacing materials and horticultural products, and 38% was exploited as biomass which can substitute fossil fuels for heat and electricity generation.

Miles Brown analyses the numbers that show a more than tenfold increase in wood recycling since the mid 1990s

The statistics available therefore suggest that 65%–70% of wood waste is currently being recycled, demonstrating that much progress has been made since the mid 1990s when the recycling rate was less than 4%.

The UK has been recycling an ever-increasing proportion of wood waste and moving towards a situation where much recycled wood is considered to be a resource rather than a waste product.

There is a strong body of anecdotal evidence to suggest that much wood waste is disposed of via informal routes, through such applications as small scale biomass or domestic fuel, so it is likely that less than one million tonnes of wood enters UK landfill each year. This is a fraction of the eight million tonnes estimated by TRADA in 2008 when recycling levels were lower and wood waste arisings were thought to be much higher. Despite volumes of wood waste declining in response to the current economic downturn, it is likely that some earlier studies overestimated wood waste levels, even though these would have been at a time when the economy was more buoyant.

This is the finding from TRADA’s latest Wood Information Sheet (WIS) Recovering and minimising wood waste which outlines the progress the wood recycling sector has made in diverting timber from landfill – and finding added value uses for recycled wood, such as biomass fuels. Determining the quantity of wood waste generated in the UK has proved difficult to assess over the years and surveys have given wide ranging estimates. In its 2011 report Realising the value of recovered wood, the Waste Resources & Action Programme (WRAP) estimated that the UK generates a little over four million tonnes of wood waste each year. This figure is also broadly supported by an independent report from Tolvik Consulting (2011), which was launched shortly afterwards. Wood briquettes for use in a biomass boiler

The WIS reveals that the waste hierarchy, which ranks prevention as the ideal and disposal as the least desired outcome, is now embodied in the Waste (England and Wales) Regulations and governs how all those involved with waste must behave. The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) has recently completed a consultation exercise on introducing a ban or restrictions on wood waste being sent to landfill, so it is likely that the future will see an increasing emphasis on directing wood from landfill. The quality of the wood waste is important in some recycling applications. Segregation of wood and non-wood, and of low- and highquality wood may prove cost effective provided that sufficient highervalue wood can be recovered. Prices tend to reflect the lowest quality of material in the load. So if good quality wood waste is mixed with lower quality material (such as chipboard, MDF and treated wood waste), it will not be considered suitable for the high value markets to which the better quality material is suited, and so disposal costs will be disproportionately high. The main market for wood waste in the UK is for the manufacture of chipboard, which has traditionally used more than one million tonnes per year. There are also much smaller markets for materials such as animal bedding, surfacing materials and horticultural mulch.

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The emerging market for biomass is expected to grow rapidly during the next few years. The wood waste stream can meet only a small proportion of this, but high demand will mean that wood waste will become increasingly sought after as a fuel for heat and electricity generation. The wood recycling sector has grown dramatically over the last decade. The WIS concludes that the sector is looking forward to the time when an ever increasing proportion of the wood waste stream is recycled and no UK-produced wood waste enters landfill. An increasingly mature recycling industry operates within a regulatory framework whereby much of the material it handles is considered to be a resource rather than a waste. However, after a number of years of steady growth, the wood recycling sector is suddenly facing a turbulent time, which is likely to have at least a short-term impact on recycling output. In September 2012 the Sonae factory at Knowlsley, which produced chipboard from recycled wood, closed after various fires and incidents on site. These had led to increasing opposition to the plant, both political and from local residents, which reportedly resulted in delays in gaining planning permission to reconstruct the factory. Sonae used 400,000 tonnes of recycled wood per year which represents nearly 15% of the UK wood recycling sector’s output for 2011.

Various levels of the waste hierarchy (EU Waste Framework Directive)

There are also concerns that the rapidly growing export market may stall, much of which supplied biomass plant during recent cold winters. But last winter was less cold and the European biomass power stations have been better stocked. There are also concerns for the longer term that changes to the levels of government support for the biomass sector will promote biomass and fossil fuel co-firing plants, which will favour the use of virgin rather than recycled biomass. However, there are various biomass power stations in the pipeline that will accept recycled wood, which it is hoped that over the next two years will address the current shortfall in demand.

Estimate of UK wood waste arisings generated by different sectors (WRAP, 2011)

Miles Brown Research Officer TRADA Technology

SUPPORTING S E R V I C E S Visit for this related publication: • Wood Information Sheet 2/3-59: Recovering and minimising wood waste, TRADA Technology, 2012

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T imber Frame


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Rising and going Kevin Underwood summarises the features of good stair design A timber staircase is an opportunity to show off design flair and innovation, but the desire to create a centre-piece for the home should not surmount consideration given to the safety of the stair. Stairs present a risk of injury through slips, trips and falls and while a home owner may believe that this type of accident would not happen to them the statistics belie this view. In their report Can the home ever be safe? the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) states that every year there are over 300,000 visits to Accident and Emergency following falls on the stairs. Photo: Westgate Joinery

Photo: Yoxall Joinery

Most serious falls occur when in descent a person falls backwards and slips down the stairs, injuring themselves on the nosings of the steps (they pass) or when they hit the floor or other objects at the bottom of the flight. Occasionally, more serious injuries occur when the user falls forward rather than backwards. In ascent, the injuries tend to be less severe as the fall is most usually forward onto the steps above; but again, should the user fall the other way (backwards rather than forwards) much more serious injuries can occur. Carpets can reduce the severity of an injury while hard, sharp edges are likely to cause more serious injuries. Accidents can be reduced by attending to those characteristics of a staircase that affect a user’s ability to use the stair safely. The geometry of the stair, the rise, the going and the position and shape of the treads can affect the ability of the user to safely place their feet and avoid tripping or slipping on the stair. But if a user does begin to fall, a suitable handrail can allow them to steady themselves and at all times adequate guarding can prevent users falling to the side of the stairs.

U nder -step and over -step Many accidents are caused by an under-step or over-step in both ascent and descent. In ascent, an under-step is where the foot is not placed fully on the next step up and an over-step is when the toes catch the riser of the next step up or catch under the nosing. In descent, an over-

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Photo: E A Higginson & Co

step is where the foot lands beyond the tread of the stair and an understep is where the heel catches the nosing or riser of the step above.

Consistent rise and g oing A key cause of under-stepping or over-stepping is when there is inconsistency in the rise and going of a stair. When a person starts to ascend or descend a stair they subconsciously determine the appropriate movements they need to make with their legs and feet based on the first one or two steps they take. This process, known as ‘proprioceptive feedback’, makes the user vulnerable to variations in the rise and going of a stair as they expect to step up or down by the same amount throughout the flight. Variations between steps are unexpected and can lead to the user tripping or slipping. It is, therefore, important to allow only small variations between steps of around 1% of the design dimensions. When a user places their foot on a step the best support is provided when they can place most, if not all, of their foot on the tread. But when the going falls below 250mm this is not always possible and, in order to get adequate support, users begin to turn their feet to the side at each step. 95% of domestic stairs fall into this range, and walking with turned feet has become the expected method of walking on a stair. However, the risk of slipping on nosings is increased when the amount of the foot that overhangs the tread increases; so the user that doesn’t turn their feet is in danger of slipping.

Open rise Where stairs are designed to have an open rise the treads should overlap and there should never be horizontal gaps between treads when the stair is viewed on plan. In order to protect children who may use the stair the vertical gaps between treads should be small enough to prevent a 100mm diameter sphere from passing through.

Winders Fewer than expected accidents occur on stairs with winders (stairs change direction without a landing), even though winders are often used in narrow, steeper stairs when space is at a premium. It is possible that users take less care when walking on straight flights and are more cautious on winder flights. Well-designed winders providing an adequate going on the walking line and at least 50mm of tread at the newel can be safe to use. However, winders that cannot provide adequate support at each step can lead to users dropping over 600mm after a slight slip near the newel.

Handrai l s Users of stairs quite often don’t use the handrails provided and may feel they are unnecessary. Where there is adequate going for the user to place their foot comfortably and the rise is not too high, users tend to feel confident and do not use the handrail to steady themselves or to

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Sur fac e finish The surface finish or covering to a tread can affect the likelihood of slipping and worn coverings can cause a trip. Where the going of the stair is 300mm users tend not to be affected too much by the slipperiness of the surface but on stairs with treads less than 300mm consideration should be given to a measure of slip resistance at the nosing. This is where first contact is made in descent and a slip resistant surface can help turn a potential slip into a slight loss of balance which can be corrected by gripping the handrail. The characteristics described above are just representative of the issues affecting the safe use of stairs. There is a wealth of research into how people use and perceive stairs and into what makes stairs both safe and unsafe to use. So while the statistics show that there are a lot of injuries attributed to trips, slips and falls on stairs in the home, stairs should not be considered as inherently unsafe, as the risks associated with stairs can be mitigated through good design.

Kevin Underwood Technical Manager of the BWF Stair Scheme British Woodworking Federation

Photo: Westgate Joinery

pull themselves up the stair. However, handrails are an essential safety item. When a loss of balance occurs users are able to catch hold of a suitable handrail and stabilise themselves within a fraction of a second. It is, therefore, essential that the handrail is positioned so that the hand can reach it quickly and, as a fall can occur on any part of the stair, the handrail needs to be within easy reach throughout the whole flight.

Guarding To adequately protect users from falling from the side of the stair any fall of more than 600mm should be protected by guarding. This should be strong enough not to give way when weight is applied to it and it should be tall enough to stop people falling over the top of it in normal use. To protect children who may use the stairs, any gaps in the guarding should be small enough to prevent a 100mm diameter sphere from passing through.

REFERENCES Can the home ever be safe? The Royal Society for the Preventions of Accidents, at homesafety/Info/can-the-home-ever-be-safe.pdf Information report BD 2518: Review of health and safety risk drivers, Department for Communities and Local Government at www.communities. reviewhealthsafety.pdf

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FIRE-RESISTING DOORSETS: A BUILDER’S GU IDE Fire-resisting doorsets, as distinct from single ‘fire door’ leaves, are precisely designed and engineered component sets required to perform three main functions: • to protect escape routes from the effects of fire (including smoke) so occupants can leave safely (includes lofts and conversions) • to protect the contents and/or structure of the building by limiting the fire spread (an insurance requirement) • to permit fire fighting. A doorset package includes: • the door leaf • the door frame • hardware • intumescent seals and smoke seals. Each component plays a critical role in the doorset’s fire resistance. Unauthorised changes in specification may impair the performance of the whole doorset. Any changes from the tested specification should only be made with the approval of an appropriate expert authority, such as a UKAS-accredited testing laboratory. Testing, assessment and certification building regulations specify the requirements for doorsets to protect occupants for a minimum time in different locations in the building, expressed in minutes, either 20, 30 or 60. Manufacturers must have each design evaluated by a UKASaccredited laboratory against a British Standard test. The assessment allows them to form a specification, available from suppliers, which installers must follow. The British Standards are BS 476-22:1987, or the newer European standard BS EN 1634-1:2008. Certification schemes, like BM TRADA’s Q-Mark Fire Door Scheme and the BWF-CERTIFIRE Fire Door and Doorset Scheme, ensure manufacturers’ systems meet the requirements and all doorsets covered by the certificate are fit for purpose. Certified doors leave the factory with clear identification, like a permanent plug in the door edge or a label. They are therefore recognizable as compliant, quality products and will assist with building control approval and any future fire risk assessments of the building. It is therefore recommended that certified doorsets are specified for building projects and an increasing number of companies and organizations are writing certification schemes in to their building specifications.


Fire doors Doorsets: the best way of buying and fitting a fire door. The door is supplied hung in its frame complete with all essential hardware and seals. Door kits: similar to doorsets, where the door and frame are sold factory prepared and ready for hanging, complete with the compatible components. Door leaves: unfinished, veneered or painted, these must be matched with the correct size frame and compatible components. Door blanks: oversized, unfinished leaves trimmed to size, lipped and veneered. When converted to a doorset, these must demonstrate evidence of performance. Their specification must match the approval, including manufacturing and all components.

E ssentia l h ardware These items vary according to the doorset design, but include: • hinges and latches for single-acting doorsets • door closers where required • floor springs and pivots for double-acting doorsets. Check that all hardware has test evidence to show its fitness for purpose. Fit non-essential hardware to the door face, leaving its structure intact. Fit all hardware according to manufacturer’s specifications, using intumescent gaskets and seals as necessary.

I ntumes cent sea l s These expand with heat, providing a fire stop, smoke seal and thermal insulation and are available as strips, papers, mastics and paints. Their expansion properties vary, so the type, size and installation must remain exactly as tested for the end use application. Seals are fitted to the sides and top edge of the leaf, or in grooves in the frame, to seal the gap between leaf and frame in a fire. Rigid or flexible systems are available for glazed openings. Intumescent paper or mastic gaskets are often necessary between hardware and timber door components. Ensure correct size and material seals are fitted in the correct locations as indicated by the fire door manufacturer.

Smoke seals Smoke is the biggest cause of death in fires. Consider smoke seals for additional safety, even where not required by Building Regulations. They can be: • brushes built into the casing of the intumescent seal • flexible fins built into the casing of the intumescent seal • compression seals fitted into the frame rebate • automatic drop down seals either face fixed or rebated into the bottom of the leaf, located at the threshold.

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• the gap between the frame and wall opening is sealed to prevent fire and smoke passing behind the frame (architrave may need to be removed in order to check the sealing to structural opening) Use rock fibre insulation (not glass wool), mortar or an approved intumescent mastic, depending on the gap size. For double acting or higher performance doors, seek the manufacturer’s advice as they are likely to have specific requirements to meet for fire resistance. MDF frames may be suitable for FD30 applications.

Doorstop size There is no longer a need for 25mm stops to meet fire resistance requirements. Typically a 12mm minimum depth of stop is now specified. I nsta l l ation

Ali gnin g doors The door leaf should be square in the frame with an even gap of 2mm– 4mm around the sides and top edge. The threshold gap at the bottom edge should be in accordance with the manufacturer’s specification. Smoke sealing requirements for the doorset may also dictate the necessary gap under the door (3mm in the absence of a threshold seal).

Pl anin g doors Manufacturers generally allow light planing (2mm–3mm) of the edges to fit the door to the frame. Remove intumescent seals before planing; then replace. Increase depth of the seal groove if necessary.

T rimmin g doors Some fire door leaves permit limited trimming during installation. Only trim within the allowance stated. A bespoke doorset, possibly manufactured from a door blank, will be required for a nonstandard size. Fire doorset in a hotel

G l azing Wired glass is no longer the sole option for FD30 and FD60 doorsets; many systems and glass types are available. Ensure that the glazing system is installed strictly within the overall specification and manufacturer’s instructions.

WA R N I NG ! DO NOT cut glazed apertures, or openings, yourself as this will invalidate the fire certificate. This must be performed by an authorised company.

D oor frames Full doorsets are preferable, but existing door frames may be retained providing the specification of the frame matches that for the door being fitted. This is acceptable for FD30 doorsets as long as: • the type, quantity and location of any intumescent material is identical to that tested and approved • the frame is at least 32mm-thick softwood (minimum) • the existing frame is at least as dense as the frame specified in the door’s assessment documents, eg 450kg/m3

Rebated l eav es Double leaf doorsets with rebated meeting edges must have supporting test evidence as door leaves with rebates only have to distort half their thickness before they effectively separate and allow the fire through. Double doorsets with rebated leaf edges are often fitted with selectors and fore-end conversion units. If selectors become inoperative, and leaves close out of sequence, the integrity of the doorset is lost. Rebated leaf edges don’t contribute to smoke control.

Apertures f or glass and transfer gril les A fire-resisting doorset is an engineered safety device. Any alterations, such as adding glazing apertures, should only be carried out by an approved manufacturer or installer. Do not carry out this work on site as unauthorised alterations to fire door components usually invalidate the certification.

Maintenan ce As with any safety devide, a fire-resisting doorset and all its components should be checked and maintained on a regular basis (in fact Article 17

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of the Regulatory Reform Fire Safety Order 2005 requires that fire safety equipment and devices are maintained in an efficient state, in efficient working order and in good repair). Any replacement components should match what was originally fitted and be fit for purpose. If the door has to be replaced, it must comply with the appropriate Building Regulations.

Per forman c e spe ci fication Fire-resisting doorsets are primarily specified according to their performance in terms of fire resistance and/or smoke control. Both British and European test methods are acceptable for UK regulatory.


Most common fire-resistance specifications

The dangers of buying and installing non-certified doors and doorsets and/or the wrong components are obvious. Failure of the door or doorset is likely to occur, putting people and property at risk and resulting in possible prosecution for the installer.

Performance requirement Performance rating for doors Performance rating for doors tested to BS 476-22:1987 tested to BS EN 1634-1:2008

R e gu l atory req uirements and ad vice For England and Wales, these are contained in the Building Regulations Approved Document B. Volume 1 describes the requirements for domestic houses and Volume 2 addresses other types of buildings. Where a building is erected or extended, or has undergone a material change of use, and the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order applies to that building or extension, Regulation 38 of the Building Regulations requires that a package of fire safety information - ‘as built’ information which records the fire safety design of the building or extension - must be assembled and given to the person responsible for the premises. The fire safety information provided should include all fire safety design measures in appropriate detail and with sufficient accuracy to assist the responsible person to operate and maintain the building in reasonable safety. Third party certified doorsets with appropriate identifying plugs and labels provide the builder with simplest method of supplying this information to the end user.

20 mins’ fire resistance



20 mins’ fire resistance with smoke control



30 mins’ fire resistance



30 mins’ fire resistance with smoke control



Although FD20 doors are referred to in the Building Regulations, it is preferable to use FD30 doors for their added protection. Different building types, insurance or other requirements may require doorsets of 60, 90 or even 120 minutes’ performance. Doorsets in specific environments may have additional performance requirements, eg for robustness or acoustic insulation.

SUPPORTING S E R V I C E S This article is an extract from the Choose & Use series of concise information sheets for builders’ merchants to distribute to their customers. TRADA, Wood for Good and Swedish Wood have joined forces to produce these sheets that are exclusively available to members of TRADA and Wood for Good. Visit to download Choose & Use sheets.

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Doors / Fire D oors


Passiv e fire protection demands maintenan ce Peter Barker outlines how passive fire protection works and highlights the need for maintenance by skilled personnel Maintenance of buildings is essential to ensure the longevity of a building and to provide a pleasant and safe environment for people to live and work in. Depending on the size and type of the building and building use, maintenance activities could be carried out by one person, such as a caretaker, or a dedicated estates department. Occasionally a specialist may undertake maintenance of a particular installation and this may be tied in as part of an ongoing contract. A leading edge of a fire door that suffered impact damage and has a suitable repair

Maintenance of specialist equipment by specialist personnel makes sense, whether the equipment has been installed to facilitate the building’s operations or for life safety. It is a proactive approach for providing a reasonable level of confidence that the system will work when required to and is a sustainable approach to building and building asset management. Unfortunately, passive fire protection is typically not seen as a specialist system because it is incorporated within the structure and fabric of the building. It is generally assumed by the building owner/ occupier that the building will continue to provide the necessary protection from fire long after the building has been signed off by the appropriate authority. These assumptions lead to three main problems. Firstly, the maintenance of passive fire protection normally falls into general building maintenance duties. Secondly, any subsequent installations that require breaching of fire compartment lines are not normally considered as affecting the fire resistance performance of the building. Thirdly, any supporting test evidence for the various passive fire protection systems installed within the building, and used by the approving authority for signing the building off as compliant, is not passed to the eventual building owner. Passive fire protection is incorporated within the built environment to provide the following functions, listed under B3 of Part B of the England and Wales Building Regulations 2000: 1. stability to a building such that in the event of a fire it will remain stable for a reasonable period (to facilitate means of escape) 2. resistance to the spread of fire between buildings (to protect occupants in an adjacent building) 3. sub-division of a building in order to limit the size of a compartment fire (to facilitate means of escape) 4. resistance to the unseen spread of fire and smoke within concealed spaces within the building (to facilitate means of escape). Part B of the Building Regulations, is primarily concerned with the health and safety of people in and around buildings. However, another key role that passive fire protection plays is protection of the building and the assets and businesses within. In fact passive fire protection measures required by insurers often exceed those required as a minimum in the guidance to the Building Regulations (Approved Document B).

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Elements of building construction required to provide passive fire protection performance must have their performance tested under standardised test conditions against the relevant British or European test standard. The test standards are designed to investigate the fire performance of the different elements of building construction against fully developed fire conditions and it is this performance that is deemed to satisfy the necessary requirements of the building regulations. Certain elements of construction, such as a masonry wall or timber structure, which remain untouched throughout the lifetime of the structure, will continue to provide a level of fire resistance performance similar to when they were first constructed. Other elements of construction are highly unlikely to remain untouched because they are subjected to daily use and wear and tear or because they are in a position that will necessitate new services to pass through. It is therefore important to have a suitable system of maintenance and repair of passive fire protection carried out by personnel with the necessary skills and experience to avoid the fire performance of the building degrading over time. This has been recognised by the Regulatory Reform Fire Safety Order (RRFSO) under Article 17. The majority of estates and maintenance personnel do have the necessary ability and skills to carry out essential maintenance on the majority of passive fire protection systems. But without the appropriate knowledge of the systems, some techniques being applied may be ineffective and some may even make matters worse. An example could be the replacement of a glazing seal with an intumescent designed for use as a perimeter seal with a door leaf. A seemingly innocuous detail but, due to the high pressure forming capabilities of most door edge seals, this situation could actually force the glazing beads off in a fire leading to premature integrity failure, potentially compromising the means of escape. The requests placed on maintenance personnel are often more onerous than just maintaining items in a suitable state of repair as they are often requested to maintain against the current British test standards and usually they will be asked to do this in the absence of any supporting documentation. Maintaining an element of fire resisting construction against a known specification is made considerably easier because the approved tested systems and details can be applied. Without this information further reliance is placed on the maintenance personnel to identify what is present and what is likely to be a suitable repair or replacement. The absence of documented supporting test evidence for fire resisting construction has been recognised and incorporated within the Building Regulations in the form of Regulation 38 (formerly 16B). This regulation, contained within appendix G of Approved Document B, calls for information on the fire safety provisions and systems incorporated within a new building, or one that has undergone a significant alteration, to be documented and handed over to the building owner on completion.

A damaged lockset has been removed, which has reduced the fire resistance of the door even though the door could be capable of providing the required level of performance

Having access to such supporting test evidence for the passive fire protection measures makes it possible to maintain against a known specification. It would also be possible to identify whether the item in question has been altered since it was first installed. Ultimately it will be the responsible person (as stated in the RRFSO) that will need to demonstrate due diligence when it comes to implementing a suitable programme of maintenance and repair; reliance on individuals who may not have the necessary expertise is likely to have pitfalls. All maintenance personnel should have the necessary skills to carry out the work to a good standard and experience in the field is therefore essential. An appropriate level of specialist training is also required to carry out any repair or maintenance work to a satisfactory level. This is particularly important in the field of fire resistance, especially when considering the number of different systems and products available, the importance of correct detailing and installation and the fundamental role they play in terms of life safety in the event of evacuating a building during a fire. Demonstrating competence could, therefore, be a case of time served plus a suitable training course. There are a number of training courses available and effort should be made to investigate the content of a course to understand whether it provides the necessary breadth and depth to support the particular person(s) maintenance operation. Third party certification schemes also provide a means of demonstrating competence and are generally considered as offering the highest possible level of confidence in the workmanship and certainly demonstrates due diligence on behalf of the responsible person.

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Doors / Fire D oors


There are a number of stages to work through before becoming a registered fire door maintainer. The first is to take the Chiltern International Fire ‘Fire Doors Explained’ course, followed by the BM TRADA ‘Registered installers’ course and examination. It is not a requirement of the scheme for the maintainer to become third party certified for installation but they must have had the necessary training and passed the exam to proceed. The final stage is for the maintainer to sit the BM TRADA ‘Maintenance personnel’ course, which is also followed by an examination. The maintainer will also be audited against the work they have carried out to check that the techniques have been applied correctly and the paperwork supporting the maintenance programme is correctly filled out to provide the responsible person with the necessary information. In the future, it is hoped that by employing third party certified personnel for carrying out maintenance duties, passive fire protection systems will have a longer service life, the costs for repair and replacement will be reduced and, most importantly, the systems will be able to provide the necessary fire resistance should they ever need to do so.

Peter Barker Senior Consultant Chiltern International Fire

This glass and glazing system has been installed incorrectly with the fire rated gasket below the top of the glazing bead

BM TRADA has developed such a third party scheme for fire resisting doors, an item of building construction that is subject to a great deal of wear and tear with a real need for suitable repair and maintenance techniques. Fundamental to the scheme is maintaining the fire doors against a confirmed fire rating, whether confidence in the performance of the door is against test evidence or against a third party opinion provided by a fire risk assessor or other suitably qualified expert. The scheme also provides the maintenance personnel with tools for identifying doors that are unlikely to have fire resistance, which have either been introduced since the building was signed off or are now in a position that would require fire rated performance due to a change in use of the building. It is hoped that such doors would be picked up on the fire risk assessment but this approach provides an additional level of diligence that is intended to prevent a non-rated door being maintained as fire door with proven performance.

SUPPORTING S E R V I C E S Visit for a comprehensive range of fire-related courses including these: • Fire doors explained • Registered installers • Maintenance personnel.

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Doors / Fire D oors


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Materia ls


Time called on ‘vacuous’ sustainability cl aims David Venables outlines the American Hardwood Export Council’s approach to Environmental Product Declarations Sustainability has become one of the great buzzwords of the new millennium. The word has become so universal that in 2009 a report on contemporary newspeak by the Centre for Policy Studies claimed it had become ‘heavily used and abused’ and branded it ‘potentially dangerous and vacuous’. The problem is not so much in the word itself, but in the fact that sustainability is so often poorly understood and rarely applied with rigour. Policy-makers and practitioners have also often lacked the tools necessary

to put genuine sustainability into practice. However, in recent years, great strides have been made in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), the scientific analysis of the full environmental impact of products and materials from cradle to grave to give a fair and rounded assessment. Nevertheless, LCA has limitations and there is still scope for further refinement. LCA involves collection and evaluation of quantitative data on all the inputs and outputs of material, energy and waste flows associated with a product over its entire life cycle so that the environmental impacts can be determined. The LCA process has become increasingly refined and standardised in recent years and is now subject to the ISO14040 series of international standards. A major output of LCA is the preparation of Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs), an important tool for communication of product-specific LCA data to specifiers and end-users.

American red oak at Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Sciences, USA. Architect: Hopkins. Photo: Morley von Sternberg

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American tulipwood in the ‘Sclera’ Pavilion for the London Design Festival 2008. Designer: David Adjaye. Photo: Johnny Boylan

EPDs are designed to allow fair comparison of the environmental performance of products through provision of structured, science based, and verified information. EPDs provide information along the product’s entire supply chain, are designed to be neutral with no valuebased judgements, and are required to be verified for accuracy by an independent third party. EPDs can be prepared by industry associations for generic products (for example ‘American white oak lumber’) or by companies for specific product lines. EPDs for construction products are usually modular: an EPD for American white oak lumber needs to combine with an EPD for glass and other components to produce an EPD for a window unit. Many European countries have developed national EPD programmes. These include the UK together with France, Germany, the Netherlands, and Scandinavian countries. The best known scheme in the UK is that developed by the Building Research Establishment (BRE) which since the mid-1990s has gathered information from UK manufacturing industry and amassed it into an environmental profiles database. This database is a major component of the BRE’s Green Guide to Building Specification which is used in the government’s Code for Sustainable Homes and in the BRE’s environmental rating system for buildings called BREEAM. To provide comparability and consistency, EPDs for specific product groups are prepared in line with Product Category Rules (PCR). EPDs

are published by a Programme Operator such as BRE Global, EPD Norge or IBU in Germany using a PCR. At present there is variation in the PCRs used for construction products by national EPD programmes. This means they use different environmental indicators and lay out LCA data in a different way. However the process of harmonising EPDs is proceeding rapidly as EU Member States prepare to implement the legally binding Construction Products Regulation (CPR) which, from July 2013, will replace the existing Construction Products Directive. The CPR aims to remove barriers to internal trade in construction products by establishing harmonised standards for performance, both technical and environmental. The CPR states that, when available, EPDs should be used to meet standards for environmental performance for construction products. In February this year, the EU Technical Committee CEN/TC 350 which develops standards for sustainable construction, published EN15804 providing core rules for construction product EPDs. A project launched by the American Hardwood Export Council (AHEC) is a good illustration of the LCA and EPD process in the wood products sector. AHEC’s project had two main objectives: first to ensure full conformance to ISO 14040 to ensure the credibility of the data; and second to make the LCA data available in a form that it is useful to decision-makers in material specification and product design.

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American cherry panelling and American hard maple flooring in the Navarra General Archive, Spain. Architect: Rafael Moneo. Photo: AHEC

American ash in the Añana Salt Valley Visitors’ Centre, Spain. Architect: Landa-Ochandiano Architects. Photo: AHEC

Technically, the AHEC project involves a ‘cradle to grave plus transport’ assessment of USA hardwoods delivered into export markets. The project covers the full range of USA hardwood species and involves collection of the data required to prepare EPDs for both lumber and veneer in any USA export market. AHEC commissioned PE International (PE), an independent company with global reach, to undertake the work and invited an international team of experts to join a Critical Review Panel.

The Critical Review Panel signed off on the Background Report and ‘i-report’ in March 2012 confirming its full conformance to ISO14040. As such, all the data it contains can now be used for preparation of EPDs in line with national programmes in any major export market.

PE spent 12 months gathering and compiling life cycle inventory data for the all processes required to grow, harvest, transport, convert and deliver USA hardwoods to major export markets. Data was collected directly from AHEC member companies and supplemented by analysis of USA forest resource data and existing life cycle inventory data from PE’s own proprietary and a range of public databases. All this data was managed and analysed by PE using their proprietary Gabi software. Preliminary output consisted of a comprehensive Background Report to be assessed by the Critical Review Panel. The report contains analysis of USA hardwood lumber’s environmental profile including numerical data on Global Warming Potential (GWP – better known as carbon footprint), Acidification Potential (AP), Eutrophication Potential (EP), Photochemical Ozone Creation Potential (POCP), and Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP). It also includes qualitative assessment of USA hardwood’s impact on toxicity, biodiversity, land use and land use change, and water resources. It identifies processes along the supply chain (forestry, sawing, kilning, transport) which are most important in determining each of these impacts. A challenge for AHEC was how to produce a single ISO-conformant Background Report covering environmental impacts across a wide range of hardwoods delivered into any one of over 50 export markets worldwide. PE solved this problem by supplementing the report with an on-line ‘i-report’ which allows a wide variety of environmental profiles to be dynamically generated by altering key variables including species, lumber thickness, processing parameters (such as kiln efficiency and energy sources), transport distances and modes (truck, ship, rail).

There is an important need now for other material suppliers – both wood and non-wood to prepare EPDs and create a critical mass of standardised LCA data. This will allow manufacturers and fabricators to quickly and efficiently prepare EPDs for the products they deliver to construction sites. Introduction of the CPR is likely to give this process considerable impetus across the European construction sector. Sunrise in Owen Park in Madison, Wisconsin. Photo: J. Martin, JMAR Foto Werks

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Left: Folded Chair was one of the 12 projects created for Out of the Woods. The asymmetric chair, which is made with American ash and walnut, unfolds in a surprising yet elegant manner. Designer: Norie Matsumoto. Photo: Petr Krejci. Below: The life cycle assessment for Folded Chair shows low energy consumption and minimal waste having used square sections of timber.

There is also a need to integrate the EPD data into modelling systems which allow contractors, designers and their clients to dynamically assess environmental impacts alongside other key design criteria (such as cost) early on in the design process. Efforts are now being made to develop software linking 3D Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Building Information Models (BIM) directly to LCA data for construction materials. For example the IMPACT tool is being developed by a UK consortium funded by the UK Technology Strategy Board. Meanwhile AHEC is working alongside PE and the UK contemporary furniture company, Benchmark, to develop a modelling system for the furniture sector which is of particular strategic importance for USA hardwoods. The furniture ‘i-report’ system combines the environmental life cycle data gathered on USA hardwoods with equivalent data for other materials and components (such as glues, screws and stains) used in furniture manufacturing derived from PE’s databases. To test the system, and as a preliminary demonstration of its power, a dozen Royal College of Art students were recently set the task of designing a seat with ‘sustainability’ established as a key design requirement at the very start. Then they manufactured a prototype at the Benchmark facility recording precisely the amount of material and energy used and fed this data into the model. The result was a comprehensive environmental profile of each seat measuring environmental effects across a range of impact categories. All the prototypes, together with the environmental profiles, were put on display in a major exhibition, ‘Out of the Woods’ at the Victoria and Albert Museum during the London Design Festival in September 2012. A technical publication and iPad App about the project are available on AHEC’s website The exhibition was a vivid demonstration of how, through recent developments in LCA and EPDs, it will soon be possible for furniture designs to be amended to produce genuine sustainability gains before going into mass production. The days of ‘vacuous’ sustainability claims may soon be over.

David Venables European Director, American Hardwood Export Council (AHEC)

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T imber Industry Yearbook 2 013

What do builders really want? Tony Traynor follows the trend towards online information, smartphones and ‘apps’ There has been a lot of talk over recent years about levels of competence in the small builder sector, particularly with the scarcity of apprenticeships. This is a concern for the timber industry, whose reputation is literally in the hands of builders and builders’ merchants, who see a lack of understanding or confidence in using timber as a barrier to sales. In 2010, Swedish Wood conducted an in-store research survey of over 300 builders, carpenters, joiners and landscapers, in major merchants, to find out whether there was as much of a problem as they suspected and what could be done to improve levels of competence and confidence. The research found that builders tended to own their own business (66%) while carpenters and joiners were more likely to be employed or sub-contracted. It also found that builders – the group most likely to be responsible for managing staff – have the fewest qualifications; only 44% had NVQ levels 1, 2 and 3 or City & Guilds, compared with 82% of carpenters and 76% of joiners.

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The research suggested that, as builders were generally busy, they relied on the timber industry and its suppliers to keep them up to date with product changes and best practice through their merchant. When pressed for how they would like to receive other helpful information, they preferred simple leaflets with guidance easily digestible in key fact formats. It is of course likely that builders will make increasing use of electronic formats as they become more dependent on their computers and smartphones. Builders commented they wanted to be able to view key fact information on a wide range of non-technical timber topics and issues (they knew they could use websites such as TRADA for in-depth information). Topics ranged from concise information about treatment Use Classes, to how to choose and fix the correct products for timber cladding, strength grading classes of timber in construction projects, and issues surrounding fitting wooden flooring in conjunction with under floor heating. Over half of builders used the internet for business, mainly for price and product information, unlike carpenters or joiners, who were unlikely to make use of it for business at all. This suggested that, approached correctly, the internet could be a useful way to provide information to builders that would, in turn, be passed on to their teams. The research concluded that there was a need for information, particularly for basic facts aimed at builders, and that a simple ‘timber facts’ leaflet that could be developed in electronic formats, would be the place to start. At this point the initial initiative moved forward in partnership with Jewson and Buildbase and industry partners, Wood for Good, TRADA, the Timber Decking and Cladding Association and the Wood Window Alliance. It was agreed that the priorities would be to enhance staff training and provide simple key fact information to the merchants’ customers through leaflets and an online portal.

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The results can be seen in the Jewson ‘Pocket Guide to Timber’ (to be followed by a Buildbase guide), the Wood Campus Pocket Guide to Timber, Wood Campus, (the new timber industry information and learning portal), the Wood Campus App and TRADA’s Wood Species App. Wood Campus is a resource that has a wider audience than just builders; for example, it includes an updated version of the Wood for Good RIBA-accredited CPD online learning courses. A lot of work has gone into making it a relevant and approachable resource for builders and builders’ merchant staff. In addition to an updated and extended range of TRADA’s Choose and Use builders’ factsheets, it offers short ‘fast track’ CPD modules, a series of even shorter ‘90-second knowhows’, and trade and product information. From the builder’s point of view, perhaps the most relevant development is the Wood Campus Smartphone App. This is completely free, acting as ‘the expert in your pocket’. Designed to complement Wood Campus as mobile support to professional builders whose business is wood, the app gives fingertip access to information, including Trade Tips and links through to the major distributors and product suppliers, as well as Campus features, such as 90-second know-hows, videos and TRADA’s Choose and Use sheets.

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WoodCampus • • • • • •

RIBA-accredited CPD modules Fast-track CPD modules 90-second Know-How videos Choose & Use TRADA builders’ factsheets Sponsored content Management tracking for CPD learning

Wood Campus APP (available for iPhone and Android formats) • • • • • • • • • •

Aftercare and Treatment Cladding Decking Fire Doors Flooring How to Calculate Quantities Profiles Sheet Materials Span tables Wood Windows

Tony Traynor UK Projects Manager Swedish Wood

The app, available in iPhone and Android versions is growing all the time. Current topics include: Cladding, Decking, Fire Doors, Flooring, Sheet Materials and Wood Windows, How to Calculate Quantities, Span tables, Profiles, Aftercare and Treatment. TRADA offers a complementary app, the Wood Species Guide, available in iPhone and Android versions.

SUPPORTING S E R V I C E S Wood Campus: For your FREE iPhone download, visit For your FREE Android download, visit TRADA: For your FREE iPhone and Android download, visit

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New teeth for CE marking of construction products David Payne explains how the new Construction Products Regulation transforms the landscape for selling construction products From July 2013, CE marking of construction products will be compulsory in the UK for many construction products. The new Construction Products Regulation (CPR) will affect a huge range of construction products in the UK, from screws through to panel products and even complete three-dimensional buildings. This is a significant change. It means that manufacturers, importers or distributors of many construction products are going to have a legal obligation. Similarly, specifiers or architects, indeed anyone with an interest in regulations, will also need to be aware of their obligations to choose the right products.

W hat is it? Essentially, the Construction Products Regulation is an improved version of the Construction Products Directive (CPD). It requires that construction products should be fit for purpose and therefore safe. If the products comply, then a company can apply a CE mark. The CPR places certain legal responsibilities on manufacturers, distributors and importers of construction products. Being a regulation, it is more powerful than a directive; as a regulation it goes straight into law in each member state, with no need for national implementation legislation.

CE marked plywood

relating to manufacturers, distributors and importers come into force on 1st July 2013. In addition, building regulations and associated guidance in the UK will be updated in 2013, presumably to reflect the changes required by the CPR.

What changes have there been ?

T imesca l es

In terms of the performance considerations that need to be considered for CE marking, what were called the ‘six essential requirements’ for consideration under the CPD have become the ‘seven basic works requirements’. These are: • mechanical resistance and stability • safety in case of fire • hygiene, health and the environment • safety and accessibility in use • protection against noise • energy economy and heat retention • sustainable use of natural resources (this is a new requirement).

The CPR was published in the official journal of the European Union in April 2011. Those aspects relating to notified bodies, and the way in which they operate, came into force 20 days later. The full measures

These seven measures determine how a company would declare whether a product was fit for purpose and, ultimately, safe in the construction.

The CPR aims to improve and revitalise the Construction Products Directive, which has been in existence in the UK since 1991. It’s designed to: • improve the transparency of existing measures • improve the credibility of the directive • reduce the financial burden on small manufacturers • clarify obligations to apply the mark • improve enforcement.

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New names f or old terms The Attestation of Conformity (AoC) concept remains, but is now called the Assessment and Verification of Constancy of Performance (AVCP) and has been simplified slightly as level 2 has been dropped.

What needs doin g to permit CE marking? The technical specification will give each product an AVCP (Assessment and Verification of Constancy of Performance) level. In simple terms this level is basically the ‘who does what’ to allow CE marking.

CE Marking for glulam

CE Marking for OSB wall sheathing

In broad terms the technical specification will spell out the requirements for: • initial type testing (ITT) • factory production control (FPC) • an on-going test program.

The original CPD took the approach that manufacturers of construction products typically sold direct to the end user. This is not the case – in fact, frequently there is a whole chain of importers and distributors between the manufacturer and the end user.

Once the requirements are met, then certification may be required and the manufacturer can apply the CE mark and make a legal declaration of performance.

Instead, the CPR takes more of a ‘chain of custody’ approach. The importers and distributors have almost as much responsibility for ensuring the products they trade in comply, as the manufacturers. Essentially, this means that a company cannot knowingly trade in a product that should have a CE mark but doesn’t have one.

The concept of AVCP levels is due to the huge range of products governed by the CPR. In terms of harmonised standards, there are at the time of this article 423 standards that sit under the CPR. Not all products need to be treated in the same way, and this table is effectively a measure of ‘hazard’.

A company must keep the ‘declaration of performance’ on record and make it available to the competent authority, if required. Similarly, importers and distributors must reassure themselves that the manufacturer has met their obligations, even extending as far as working with the enforcing authorities.

The six levels AVCP (formerly AoC) of the CPD have been reduced to five – 1+, 1, 2+, 3, 4. Counter-intuitively, 4 is the lowest or least onerous level, and +1 is the highest. An example of a level 4 product would be wood flooring where, if that product failed during construction, it would be unlikely to cause a fatality. A product such as concrete would be rated 1+, where if it failed, such as on a motorway bridge, it could potentially be extremely hazardous. This table defines the conformity tasks and who takes responsibility for what, particularly the tasks for the notified body.

How do you gain a C E mark ? There are different routes to gaining a CE mark. The first option would be to follow a harmonised European standard. Where there are no harmonised standards then there is the European Technical Approval route to CE marking, which is essentially a ‘bespoke standard’ for the individual product or system for each individual manufacturer. Under the CPR the European Technical Approval becomes a European Technical Assessment. These assessments will be drafted in accordance with a guideline called a European Assessment Document. This is the plan for how bodies like BM TRADA Certification carry out these assessments. Organisations conducting such assessments are called Technical Assessment Bodies (TABs).

Table: Assessment and Verification of Constancy of Performance

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E nf orcement It’s fair to say the CPD wasn’t taken very seriously, particularly in the UK; the CPR aims to improve enforcement across the EU. The CPR clarifies the actions to be taken by the ‘enforcing authority’ (EA), which is the Trading Standards Institute for the UK. In cases of noncompliance then the EA shall take steps to prohibit, restrict or withdraw the product in the market.

Need to act now CE Marking for MDF

CE Marking for trussed rafter

Ot her c hang es CPR took on criticism that it was very complicated, particularly for a small manufacturer. The Regulation makes it clear that costly testing should be minimised if possible. This may be achieved by: • ‘deemed to satisfy’ – products of the same type with a long history of use are going to do the job • using data from other manufacturers • using data for components already used within a kit. Compliance is now also easier for micro-enterprises. If a company has less than 10 employees and a turnover equal to, or below €2 million, certain aspects may be simplified as follows: • For AVCP levels of 3 or 4, the manufacturer may use alternative but equivalent forms of type testing. The exact details of this are still to be finalised. • The manufacturer may effectively downgrade their approach from AVCP 3 down to 4. Again, how this will work has yet to be seen.

SUPPORTING S E R V I C E S Visit for these related publications: • Wood Information Sheet 2/3-56: CE marking: implications for timber products, TRADA Technology, 2012 • Factory production control for construction product certification, BM TRADA Group, 2013

There are a number of practical effects that mean acting now to ensure compliance by 1st July 2013. After this date, Without a CE mark, companies whose products are covered by a harmonised standard will not be able to sell their products in Europe. The CPR should have more ‘teeth’ than the CPD as it is clearly a legal requirement. Failure to comply can result in products being removed from the market, and even possible jail sentences for persistent non or false declaration.

David Payne Business Development - Product Certification TRADA Technology

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Struc tures & E uro code 5


T imber Industry Yearbook 2 013

Eurocode 5 and CE Markin g Keerthi Ranasinghe peels back the CE mark to reveal the wealth of information for designers driven by the Construction Products Regulation The Eurocodes are standards that establish common rules across the European Economic Area for structural design using any material. They allow a designer to prove compliance with the requirements of the European Construction Products Regulation and national building regulations. Considerable research from most of the member states has gone into these standards and they are continually supported by a review every five years. National standards bodies are required to help in the review process by collating the information relevant to their jurisdictions. BS EN 1995, more commonly known as Eurocode 5 (EC5), is the standard for structural timber design. It replaces the BS 5268 family of Standards.

E uro code 5 v. BS 5268 Eurocode 5 contains only the essential rules and general formulae for design. It is formula driven and lacks the quick look-up tables of BS 5268-2. Figure 1: Calculations the ‘BS 5368’ way

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Figure 2: Calculations the ‘EC5’ way

Initially, this could be the single biggest drawback for the designers in the UK, who are used to BS 5268-2. Also, EC5 contains very little practical detail and construction advice due to national differences. However, the recently published PD 6693 contains much complementary information for use in the UK.

Limit states The fundamental difference between Eurocode 5 and BS 5268-2 is their approach to design. BS 5268-2 used ‘permissible’ or ‘allowable’ stress design’ whereas EC5 uses ‘limit state design’, bringing timber design in line with other materials such as steel and concrete. Table 1: How the Standards compare

Eurocode 5

BS 5268


Permissible stress design

Calculation approach

Mostly formulaic

Mostly tabulated

Material properties

Not included, characteristic strength/stiffness values are required from elsewhere**

Grade stress/stiffness values for common products are included

Safety factors

Driven by the limit state approach, to be applied at the design stage, transparent

Hidden safety factors built into the given stress/stiffness values


Limits to be agreed with the client, greater control

Relative and absolute values are specified


Incorporated through formulae**, consistent approach for all materials

Generally not required to be calculated


Relies heavily on manufacturer data**

Based on tables given

** Can be reliant on other standards and/or manufacturers Using EC5, the designer generally has to check for two limit states: • ultimate limit states, beyond which parts of the structure may fail • serviceability limit states, beyond which, under normal use, excessive deflection or vibration may compromise the functioning of the structure, its appearance or user comfort. To check ultimate limit states, the designer uses characteristic values of the loads (termed ‘actions’ in EC5) and of the material properties, which are then modified by partial factors to arrive at design values.

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Design values are usually higher for the loads and lower for the material properties than their respective characteristic values.

M aterial s and desig n data EC5 uses ‘characteristic’ properties of materials that differ from the ‘grade stress’ values given in BS 5268-2. Grade stress values were already reduced for long-term load duration and included a safety factor. Characteristic values, on the other hand, are derived from a statistical analysis of laboratory test results and are generally higher than the grade stress values. EC5 does not list any characteristic values, for which the designer should consult other standards or manufacturer’s data. Compulsory factors to take account of safety, load duration and environmental conditions are applied, irrespective of the design situation, to convert the characteristic values to ‘design’ values.


Solid structural timber Glulam Wood based panels, Plywood Wood based panels, Other

EN 338 EN 1194 EN 12369 – 2 EN 12369 – 1

Determinations of characteristic values of mechanical properties to EN 384 Calculation of 5th percentile (characteristic) values from test data to EN 14358

Table 3: Strength of materials – other standards



Conne ctions ‘Connections’ is the longest and the most complex topic covered in EC5. Unlike BS5268, no tables of capacities are presented; the designer is required to solve seemingly complex equations specific to the design situation. The equations require product characteristics such as yield strength of the fastener material, data related to the thread etc for fasteners such as screws. Figure 2 shows typical EC5 calculations. For some of the complex screw types as many as twelve different parameters may be required to solve the equations. Some of these parameters may be obtained by referring to the Harmonized European Standard for dowel type fasteners, EN 14592. However, it is in the manufacturer’s interest to declare their own properties to get the edge over competing products.

Table 2: Other standards


This can be very complicated. For some of the standard products like solid structural timber, you have values from the BSI published standards that can be used. But for other items like panel products, the manufacturer may declare values different from that of the standards. The designer has the option of using either the standard values or the manufacturer declared values. CE marking facilitates this declaration process by regulating what properties to be verified and made available to the designer for the product under consideration.

E mean

E min

BS 5268-2: Table 8, Grade stresses & moduli in N/mm2 C16 5.3 0.67 C24 7.5 0.71

8,800 10,800

5,800 7,200

BS EN 338: Table 1, Characteristic values in N/mm2 C16 16 3.2 C24 24 4.0

8,000 11,000

5,400 7,400

Connection design need not be a drama if: • Parameters 1 – 12 are all declared during the CE marking process. • The parameters are made available in the market where the screws are sold. • Designers use these for calculations to EC5. Figure 3 shows how easy it becomes using TRADA’s timberconnectionsPro. Figure 3: Rapid screw design that takes account of up to 12 parameters

Streng th g radin g Solid timber must be strength graded, either visually or by machine, to comply with the Construction Products Regulation. EC5 cites the relevant standards with which all timbers and panel products must comply and specifies some design factors such as reference dimensions for calculations. Once graded, the characteristic values for design purposes can be obtained from other European standards depending on the strength classes the timbers are assigned to.

Wood- based pane ls Wood-based panels for permanent incorporation within a building must comply with the Construction Products Regulation, achieved by compliance with BS EN 13986. This standard in turn refers to a series of product standards for specifications and requirements for each panel product type.

In summary, Eurocode 5 will not work in the intended way until the manufacturers and importers declare the correct parameters specific to their materials and products. The European Products Regulation and CE marking provide the platform to do this and it is time for the manufacturers to act now, before the impending deadline of July 2013.

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STA K EH OL DERS WORK TO GE THE R TO PUBL IC ISE T HE BENE F I TS O F N E W T I M BER FASTENER STANDARDS From the 1st of July 2013, when the Construction Products Regulation comes into force, it will become mandatory to use CE-marked fasteners for making structural connections in timber construction. The members of the PFA (Power Fastenings Association) are committed to ensuring that the UK market will be supplied with properly marked fasteners in advance of the deadline. The fasteners must meet the requirements of EN1995 Eurocode 5: Design of Timber Structures as evidenced by CE marking in accordance with EN14592: Dowel Type Fasteners for Timber Structures. This new approach moves from treating fasteners as generic and non-critical, to requiring that key performance criteria are determined by independent testing and that defined data is provided to design engineers. TRADA Technology (the technical service provider for TRADA the Timber Research and Development Association), an internationally recognised centre of excellence on the specification and use of timber and wood products, has been actively involved in the evolution of the new design code and product standards and is leading the drive to educate all stakeholders about the important changes inherent in the new code. It is also a Notified Laboratory for testing fasteners to EN 14592. The UK Timber Frame Association (UKTFA), representing the majority of timber frame manufacturers, joins TRADA Technology and the PFA in welcoming Eurocode 5 and harmonised product standards such as EN14592, which strengthen further the timber frame sector’s ability to provide tightly engineered buildings, at the same time as delivering sustainability and economic efficiency. The UKTFA, TRADA Technology and the PFA are committed to working together to promote compliance with the Construction Products Regulation as an integral part of demonstrating how the professional ethos, design rules and construction control of timber frame are more than a match for those governing masonry and steel construction. For further information, contact PFA on 01827 52337 ( TRADA Technology on 01494 569600 ( UKTFA on 01259 272140 (

Keerthi Ranasinghe Principal Structural Engineer TRADA Technology

SUPPORTING S E R V I C E S Save time with TRADA’s timberconnectionsPro EC5 software and a range of EC5 publications Available from t +44(0) 1494 569602



T imber Industry Yearbook 2 013

Claddin g


Timber steps up to Green Deal wit h cladding f or solid masonry dwel lin gs Lewis Taylor outlines TRADA’s solution to insulate the 6 million hard-to-treat dwellings of solid masonry construction. Britain’s housing stock has a relatively poor thermal performance compared to our northern European neighbours. Combining poor thermal performance with an increasing population and the rising unit cost of energy has created the ‘perfect storm’ of spiralling energy bills and carbon emissions. Having radically strengthened the building regulations (for new build) the Government is moving attention to the vast existing housing stock. Given that increased insulation in lofts is a relatively ‘easy’ win, the next target for improvement is external walls. For solid walls (without cavities), the options are to add insulation to either the internal or external faces of walls. Running alongside poor thermal performance is the unattractive appearance of some existing dwellings, especially those in the public and private rental sectors. TRADA’s proposal is an externally applied system that achieves both objectives: • to improve thermal performance • to improve the appearance of external elevations.

Green D ea l Improving energy efficiency is nothing new and there have been many government-sponsored schemes to subsidise improvements. What is different today is that the Government is moving away from subsidies towards encouraging consumers to invest in energy-saving measures. For example, the rationale of the Government’s Green Deal is that consumers will ‘borrow’ the cost of improvements and repay it via a surcharge levied by their energy supplier, while enjoying an overall reduction in their energy bill.

The imperative to save energy is driving a new industry that requires assessors to consider the thermal performance of existing dwelling and select a ‘system’ of improvements that will be economically viable. Assessors will draw on a range of verified systems when deciding on the best solution for a particular situation.

Opportunity to improve appearance and value Solutions that involve adding insulation to the outside offer a further benefit – a chance to improve the appearance of dwellings. This is of particular relevance to housing associations and local authorities who maintain large numbers of social housing landlords, particularly terraced houses. If the existing facade does not need to be retained (for its heritage value) then overcladding becomes an attractive option because it can improve the appearance and value of housing estates that have become ‘run down’ while simultaneously improving energy efficiency.

Sol utions inv olv ing timber The greatest need for thermal improvements in the UK’s housing stock is in dwellings with uninsulated, solid, external walls. In England alone, there are some 6 million dwellings matching this description, approximately a third of the existing housing stock. Of the ‘internal’ and ‘external’ insulation options, the best opportunity to exploit the benefits of timber is in overcladding the uninsulated solid wall dwellings. However, the potential number suitable for this improvement may reduce where local planning demands that existing masonry facades be retained and where buildings are physically unsuitable for overcladding with timber. Naturally, the devil will be in the detail. So TRADA is offering an initial concept to enable designers to develop details that are suitable for particular situations. TRADA will extend and/or amend the details offered as the industry gains experience with this novel form of home improvement. TRADA encourages designers and installers to feedback their observations.



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TRADA’s proposals are available free to members at The details show the proposed construction and include U-values of surfaces, ψ-values of junctions, isotherm and heat flux diagrams.

U pgrade strateg y Having made the ‘easy wins’ in loft insulation, leakage, and replacement windows and doors, the owner of a solid masonry dwelling should: • Consider the opportunity for improving thermal performance and building appearance. • By initial inspection, establish the exact nature of the construction and develop an upgrading strategy. • Use SAP or other modelling tools to establish as-built performance. • Define an upgrading solution, using best practice details to inform and develop the final solutions. • Remember the importance of thermal bridging and condensation risk calculations. • Link the external envelope upgrading to a ventilation strategy in order to deliver a thermally efficient and healthy dwelling. • Consider also the fire resistance and reaction to fire of any overcladding system as well as potential improvements to acoustic performance, aesthetic and property values. • Take account of the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations (CDM) for installation, maintenance and repair. • Define the installation process overview and key watch points. • Ensure the solution deals with all modifications to the existing property, such as window reveal extensions, eaves extension, fixing of rainwater goods, porch or canopy, air bricks, meter boxes and service penetrations. • Devise a process for owners and occupiers to adapt to changes that arise during and after the upgrading. Engage tenant associations and liaison officers in discussions.

Sol utions and material s Internal wall insulation (IWI) solutions This typically involves battening out walls, usually with timber, and fixing insulated thermal board and linings or insulation backed plasterboard. Advantages of internal solutions: • Suitable for void (vacant) properties on account of potential disruption. • Effective against thermal bridging. • Can be accomplished with relatively low skilled labour. Disadvantages of internal solutions: • Room sizes are reduced. • Installation is highly intrusive for the people living in the property. • Relocation of occupiers during the works may be necessary. • Careful detailing of building services and fire protection measures is necessary. • The risk of interstitial condensation and associated limits on U-Values.

External wall insulation (EWI) solutions This typically involves fixing insulation with adhesives or mechanical fixing followed by a system build-up, often including glass reinforced mesh, and render layers or cladding such as timber. Advantages of external solutions: • There is no loss of floor space. • Disruption to occupiers is minimal.



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• Thermal performance, external appearance and property value are improved in one step. • Maintains the thermal mass of the building within the insulated envelope, which helps to stabilise internal temperature. Disadvantages of external solutions: • Planning permission may be needed. • Depending on the material selected, long-term maintenance of the cladding may be more expensive than the existing masonry. • Requires more skilled labour than the internal solution. • Typically more expensive than the internal solution. • The details for external cladding are more complex than internal lining.

C ladding materia ls If an EWI solution is preferred, the next decision is the cladding system. Usually there are three options – bricks, render and timber. All have their merits in different situations.

Perip heral products This is easily overlooked and requires research before adopting a particular upgrade solution. Problems can arise as designers develop the construction details. In some cases, the products ‘don’t exist’ or need to be adapted to suit. Examples include cost-effective window sill extensions, air brick extensions, meter box adjustments, ventilation components for highly insulated roofs, airtightness membranes and tapes.

Assoc iated work If not already done, desirable associated work includes: • draughtproofing of penetrations and loft hatches • replacement windows and doors • mechanically ventilated heat recovery system.

I nsul ated timber ov ercl addin g system

Timber’s unique features offer many benefits when used as cladding. Features


Timber cladding is readily available with chain-of-custody certification.

The timber comes from a well-managed, sustainable source, which can improve the environmental rating of any building.

Timber cladding can be made from a variety of softwood, hardwood and modified woods.

The designer has many options when considering the appearance, durability and weathering characteristics.

Different species respond in different ways to exposure to the weather.

Depending on the degree of exposure, the desired service life and the durability of the species, designers can select cladding that is either finished or unfinished. Finishes range from an ‘enhanced’ timber look to bright colours. In its unfinished form, cladding weathers to a ‘bleached’ appearance in a generally predictable way.

Timber cladding is relatively easy to work.

With competent supervision, the installation of cladding is a relatively low-skilled operation.

Timber cladding comes in many sizes and profiles.

Designers have a wide range of visual options in the choice of layout, profile, and dimensions of boards.

Timber is a light-weight material.

Adding insulated timber cladding generally has a negligible effect on the structure and foundations. Timber cladding panels may be suitable for prefabrication.

Timber cladding is relatively thin.

The total system thickness will be predominantly determined by the insulation thickness.

Timber cladding installation is a totally ‘dry process’.

There are no delays inherent in wet trades.

Wall insul ation materia ls The insulation material should, ideally, be fire resistant and suitable for installing between the battens. TRADA Technology recommends mineral wool particularly because it is easy to install between the battens (which might not be installed at the ‘ideal’ regular spacing needed for pre-cut solid materials).

The sequence of installation is: vertical timber battens fixed to the masonry 1st layer of insulation installed between vertical battens horizontal timber counter battens fixed to the vertical battens 2nd layer of insulation installed between counter battens breather membrane wrapped around building vertical timber cladding battens fixed to counter battens horizontal timber cladding fixed to cladding battens. The solution is intended for dwellings up to three storeys in height. It may be used in detached, semi-detached and terraced dwellings. The battens are specified in two layers because deep battens are difficult to install and because the double layer design minimises thermal bridging. The details are based on the existing building consisting of solid brick or stone walls with timber pitched roofs. The eaves and verge roof



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overhang will be sufficiently large or modifications will be included to extend the rafters and gable verge detail to accommodate the additional thickness of insulation and cladding. Designers should ensure their design takes account of the condition of the existing building, in particular to accommodate variable finishes and alignments. And they should assess the impact that improvements will have on ventilation and risk of condensation. The fire provisions for cladding in the building regulations require careful consideration in the context of the position and configuration of the existing dwelling(s). • Spread of fire – Depending on the space separation between buildings it may be necessary to specify an appropriate fire retardant treatment. Designers must ensure that the fire retardant and any preservative and finish are compatible. • Concealed spaces (cavities) – Cavity barriers are required to restrict the spread of fire within cavities. Because of the insulation and the regular spacing of the cladding battens as well as the installation of additional battens when needed, a conventional horizontal board cladding system comprises a series of shallow vertical cavities, separated by the cladding battens. The use of intumescent cavity barriers permits the cavity to have through ventilation ensuring the durability of the timber cladding.

Lewis Taylor Thermal Performance Consultant TRADA Technology

SUPPORTING S E R V I C E S TRADA Technology offers these thermal performance consultancy services: • Air leakage • Calculations of U-values, thermal bridging and condensation risk. Visit TRADA Technology’s related publications include: Insulated timber cladding for enhanced thermal performance and appearance for solid masonry dwellings This publication: • summarises recent statistics about the age and form of construction and the UK’s existing housing stock • focuses on those construction types that are ‘hard to treat’ – approximately one-third, most of which are uninsulated, single-skin masonry • describes a solution that offers a combined effect of improved thermal performance and appearance – attractive, insulated timber cladding • provides typical construction details and thermal performance data for the junctions with other walls, roofs, floors, windows and doors, and building services. Available exclusively (& free) to TRADA members from



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From tiny acorns Cheshire Oaks has grown Alasdair McGregor describes how a client’s insistence on FSC®-certified timber boosted the supply of ‘FSC’ glulam When, in 1894, Tom Spencer invested £300 in a business started by Michael Marks, little could the two entrepreneurs have dreamed how their Penny Bazaar partnership would develop. And if the two businessmen could see the latest M&S masterpiece which grew from that £300 ‘acorn’, Cheshire Oaks, they would be justly proud. The Marks and Spencer brand means quality, value, service, innovation and trust – key principles that have endured throughout the company’s FSC certified glulam roof structure. Photo: Simons Group

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long and distinguished history; principles which have driven the Cheshire Oaks development, close to Ellesmere Port in Cheshire. Cheshire Oaks has been hailed as the biggest greenest M&S, built using innovations that have pushed boundaries and taken major-development sustainability to a new level. Arguably, its most enduring achievement may be the engineering boundaries that have been redefined during its construction, particularly in the use of wood. From the outset, M&S insisted that only FSCcertified wood could be used in the project in line with its Plan A commitment. This presented a challenge for the development contractor, Simons Group, as the scheme involved a huge amount of engineered timber, not typically seen as an FSC-certified product. After meeting with BM TRADA Certification to clarify the criteria required under FSC Project Certification, Simons Group decided to take this route. Simons Group and their suppliers pressed ahead, working hard to meet M&S’s expectations and meet certification requirements, and in July 2012, as Cheshire Oaks approached completion, BM TRADA Certification awarded full FSC Project Certification (TT-PRO-003615: 2012). The certification covered wood used at every stage of construction – and there’s a lot of wood in Cheshire Oaks, of varying types and from a myriad of sources. The roof contains 1400m3 of glulam, Canadian Western red cedar graces the external cladding and the brise soleil, and certified wood forms the modular walling carcasses and laminated veneered lumber in the structural flooring. Then there’s all the general internal joinery timber, feature benches made from recycled oak sourced from the site clearance. Even bat and bird boxes dotted about the site

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Cheshire Oats near Ellesmere Port, Cheshire. Photo: Marks & Spencer

are made from recycled FSC-certified offcuts. Auditing was carried out at each key stage of the development. Cheshire Oaks claims to be the first retail building in the UK to have an entirely FSC structural frame, developed in conjunction with B&K Timber Structures, a departure from the traditional steel design which itself challenged the glulam market. The result? FSC-certified glulam is now more commonly available. The sweeping roof structure, comprising curved glulam beams each up to 15 metres in length and secured with gleaming steel bolts, is a wondrous creation, and its beauty belies its strength. In fire testing, glulam outperformed steel. All products used in the timber-frame structure were 3D modelled, to ensure the design was fully integrated before any manufacturing started, and to ensure minimum waste of materials. Ed Dixon, Sustainability Champion for Simons Group, said every single one of the glulam beams in the store fitted perfectly. ’No recuts, no shaving – they were pieced together perfectly- like a massive Meccano set,’ he said. ’It was built by hand by guys on a cherry-picker using a huge rubber hammer and oversized spanner. Physically, it was very demanding, labour-intensive, but the results speak for themselves.’

Of the many lessons learned along this eight-year journey, as far as ensuring the FSC certification processes were in place, Ed Dixon stressed the importance of engaging with sub-contractors early in the process to define and agree the objectives from the outset. Security monitoring carried out at the site gates ensured only bona fide materials came on site. 100% of waste has been diverted from landfill, with 87.5% of all waste segregated on site. In terms of sustainability, it would be easy to wax lyrical about Cheshire Oaks, with its 80,000 litre rainwater harvesting tank, green wall planting on car park elevations, biomass boiler and heat reclaim from refrigeration, and superinsulated breathable hemcrete and hemp insulation panels (another retail first), its electric car charging points and landscaping designed to attract wildlife – but why not find out for yourself?

Alasdair McGregor Technical Development Executive BM TRADA Certification

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Home-grown cross-laminated timber – pipe dream or realisti c proposition ? Peter Wilson thinks the question is ‘when’ not ‘whether’ In January 2011 Edinburgh Napier University’s Forest Products Research Institute embarked upon R&D aimed at bringing cross-laminated timber into commercial production in the UK using home-grown timber. The project arose from a visit by senior Scottish Government politicians to the site of the country’s first Housing Expo in August 2010; they discovered that many of the innovative products and construction systems employed to deliver low-energy homes came from overseas. In particular, the visible evidence of the cross-laminated timber, which four of the 55 houses were constructed from, prompted the question as to why this particular engineered timber product was not manufactured in Scotland from home-grown timber. The upshot? A directive from the Scottish Government to progress the research and development necessary to deliver the objective data upon which commercial investment decisions by industry might be made. And so a 20-month manufacturing and testing operation began in January 2011 with Scottish Government money augmented by resources already committed by Scottish Enterprise, Forestry Commission Scotland and the European Regional Development Fund to the Wood Products Innovation Gateway programme led by Edinburgh Napier University’s Forest Products Research Institute.

Competition Before anyone becomes too over-excited by the idea of the UK timber industry competing directly with the several large-scale mid-European cross-laminated timber manufacturers, it should be recognized that our forest resource is considerably smaller than those existing in Austria, southern Germany and Switzerland and that the levels of investment underpinning the impressive production facilities operated by heavyweights Binderholz, KLH, Metsä Wood, Mayr Melnhof Kaufmann and Stora Enso are not so easily matched in the UK. Realistically, while a home-grown product can undoubtedly find a place in the rapidly expanding UK market for cross-laminated timber, the more limited timber resource available will always ensure it can never fully substitute for the excellent engineered timber products we import from mainland Europe.

Initial fabrication of cross-laminated timber panels using UK grown timber. Photo: Institute for Sustainable Construction, Edinburgh Napier University

Edinburgh Napier University held a conference in October 2012 to disseminate the findings of the project to an invited audience of senior figures in the UK timber industry. Entitled Manufacturing cross-laminated timber from the UK forest resource, the conference programme addressed all the important issues, including the opportunity offered by more local manufacture of cross-laminated timber, the extent of the available resource, manufacturing issues, the results of extensive structural testing and the performance of the home-grown product, the prevailing and anticipated regulatory framework and the vital question of the potential market for home-grown cross-laminated timber. For some in the audience that day, much of the information presented undoubtedly came as a welcome surprise; for others – particularly those who had contributed to the project’s industry supply chain steering group – the results were simply confirmation that cross-laminated timber production in the UK using home-grown timber was eminently possible.

Resources in Scotland Underlying the economic case for domestic production is of course the opportunity to add considerable value to Scottish forest production and the potential to sustain the 13,200 mainly rural jobs currently supported by the industry. While only 17% of Scotland’s landmass is forested, the country contains the bulk of the UK’s plantation species, 62% of which



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Installation (left) and completed (right) cross-laminated timber wall in Visitor Centre at BRE Innovation Park, Ravenscraig. Photos: Kraft Architecture

is Sitka spruce. The standing volume of spruce felled in 2011 was 7.7 million m3, of which 33% went to construction, with the bulk of the rest going to lower value products such as fencing, pallets and packaging. Estimates, at that stage, of the volume of timber necessary to ensure a viable cross-laminated timber production facility range from 15,000 m3 to 70,000 m3. And with forest production forecasts for the next 25 years indicating even larger volumes of sawn wood available than the record 1.67 million m3 produced in 2011, it is reasonable to assume that sufficient resource exists now and into the future to support cross-laminated timber production in Scotland.

More research, development and testing is required in the areas of adhesive bond strength and fixing details, but the essential information is now in place for a potential manufacturer to take up the baton and upscale the work carried out date. This will of course require some serious decisions on the location and scale of any manufacturing facility as well as assurance that the volumes of timber necessary to achieve viable production levels can be readily and consistently obtained. Confidence in the extent of market share that can be secured is of course vital, a volatile question dependent to a large extent upon recovery in the construction sector.

Suitabil ity o f h ome- g rown timber

In the end it will come down to the level of investment required to establish a commercially viable cross-laminated timber manufacturing facility in the UK, so will it actually happen?

So having put the resource issue to bed, the next question often raised is whether the quality of UK grown timber is good enough for cross-laminated timber production? Some 95% of spruce sawn wood is graded as being of strength class C16 and tests at Edinburgh Napier University have shown that, when glued and hydraulically pressed into cross laminated panels, the final result is eminently capable of meeting the various European standards applying to this particular engineered timber product. The proof is in the pudding, however, and the remaining question as to whether a home-grown product can be suitable for use in commercial construction has been demonstrated in its use in the visitor centre built on the BRE Innovation Park at Ravenscraig near Motherwell. While not part of the Edinburgh Napier University project, the opportunity to provide material for the shear wall in the visitor centre coincided with the completion of the production run of panels intended for structural testing. Having achieved the highest possible BREEAM rating, the finished building provides an impressive showcase for the home-grown cross-laminated timber product.

N e xt steps So what is the next stage in bringing cross-laminated timber into commercial manufacture in the UK using timber from the country’s forest estate?

There are many good reasons why it is increasingly likely. Cross-laminated timber will unquestionably be in great demand when the construction industry picks up again, and the product can readily deliver the airtightness and thermal performance requirements set out in forthcoming changes to building regulations in England and Wales and to building standards in Scotland. Add to this the compatibility of its manufacturing process with building information modelling (BIM), the serious amounts of atmospheric carbon dioxide locked up in its solid, two-way spanning plate form, the ease and speed of construction and the minimum amounts of on-site waste generated and you begin to see why it is fast becoming the building material of choice amongst architects, engineers and contractors.

Peter Wilson Architect and Director of the Wood Studio research centre within Edinburgh Napier University’s Forest Products Research Institute

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DECKING: A BUILDER’S GUIDE It is the property owner’s responsibility to check whether planning or building consent is required before work starts. It is advisable to contact the local Planning Department if: • the deck platform is more than 300mm from the ground • the deck is visible within 20 metres of a highway • the deck is likely to exceed more than 50% of the property’s garden • the deck is in a conservation area, national park or attached to a listed building.

T imber Only use timber capable of giving a service life of at least 15 years. This means using wood that is naturally durable, like some hardwoods, or a softwood that has been treated to the right level for the job. Check the table to make sure the treated timber you are buying really is fit for the purpose. There are four different construction ‘Use Classes’, and if you get the wrong one you could be putting your reputation at risk. Boards will be available plain, or ribbed/grooved for better slip resistance in the wet.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Only wood treated to Use Class 4 levels of preservative protection should be used for posts embedded in the ground or concrete

T imber stren gt h cl ass All decks should be built with strength-graded timber. Strength class C16 is considered the minimum standard, with C24 recommended for heavy domestic or commercial structures. For hardwoods, D30 is the minimum strength class.

Metal f ix ings

Ground level decking. Photo: John Brash & Co Ltd

It is becoming increasingly popular for people to extend their living areas outdoors, into the garden. The commercial use of decking and walkways is also growing, with restaurants extending their dining areas and pubs providing smoking areas etc. One of the best ways to create ‘a room in the garden’ is by building a timber deck. Simple and quick to build, it requires less groundwork than masonry construction, particularly on sloping or rough sites, and can blend in well with existing landscape features. It is also relatively easy to provide for simple changes of level with ramps or steps, and to allow for future extensions. Timber decks can be attached to a property or freestanding. The complexity of build depends on the site and height from the ground. There are four basic decks: • ground level – built directly onto the ground • floating – raised less than 60cms • high level – raised more than 60cms • roof top – an area on an existing flat roof. For new properties, the National House-Building Council (NHBC) requires all decks to conform to Timber Decking Association (TDA) guidelines. The information given here is based on those guidelines.

Corrosion is the biggest threat to fixings used out of doors. Stainless steel, hot dipped galvanised, or high quality coated carbon steel fixings are best. Electroplated, brass, or uncoated steel fixings should not be used. Do not use aluminium either. Always use the same type of metal for fixings and connectors. Treated wood - fitness for purpose Based on BS EN 335:1 which defines the treatment ‘Use Class’ for different applications Treatment level Construction application Risk of failure Component examples Use Class 1 Internal Low First floor joists, rafters Use Class 2 Internal Low / Medium All roofing timbers, rafters and ground floor joists Use Class 3 External: out of ground Medium / High Cladding, fence rails, deck beams, joists and deck boards Use Class 4

External: in permanent High ground or water contact

Posts and ground level deck joists

Site preparation Clear all vegetation from under low level decks. If the under deck area is visible, lay weed-suppressing sheeting, held in place with clips or a layer of gravel.

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Construc tion prin c iples The diagram below shows the basic principles of deck construction.

Always fix grooved boards at the bottom of a groove, ensuring all fixings are flush with the surface, not depressed below it, to avoid water retention.

Deck boards are fixed to joists which are supported by beams attached to posts to create a raised deck. Wall plates (sometimes called ledger boards) are used to attach decks to a property, leaving a gap of at least 10mm to allow rainwater to drain away freely. Take care not to damage the property’s dpc. Post, beam and joist spacing varies depending on a number of factors. These include the size of the deck board being used, and the size and strength class of the framing materials. Some typical joist centres and spans are shown in the table below for softwood strength class C16.

I M PO RTA N T N OTE: Important note: When cross cutting or notching treated wood on site always brush the cut ends with an end grain preserver available from your timber supplier. This will ensure the wood continues to be fit for purpose and avoids invalidating the manufacturer’s guarantee.

Laying dec k boards Always build a slight fall into a decked surface. Lay grooved boards in the direction of fall. Plain deck boards may be laid in any direction. The space between boards should ideally be between 6mm and 8mm wide to allow the water to drain away quickly and stop dirt accumulating. If the boards are installed at a moisture content higher than they are likely to reach in use, the gap can be 5mm on the assumption that it will increase as the wood dries. Always locate abutting boards over a joist to which a 47mm batten has been attached for support. Fixing points need to be no closer than 15mm from board ends. Pre-drill fixing points to prevent splitting. Every time the board crosses a joist it should be attached with two fixing points positioned at the quarter points of the board.

When installing hardwood boards always use screws, and pre-drill every fixing point 2mm oversize. This allows for any seasonal movement in the wood that could cause screws to break under the tension. To improve grip, align boards, whether plain or grooved, at a right angle to the primary direction of travel. Consider using deck boards with enhanced grip strips for stairs, ramps and commercial decks. Occasional stiff brushing should be recommended to the client to reduce slipperiness.

De ck parapets or balustrades For decks raised less than 600mm from the ground, Building Regulations require parapets or balustrades to be at least 900mm high. For decks raised more than 600mm, balustrades must be 1100mm high. Spaces between individual components, like a baluster or rail, should never exceed 100mm wide. All newel posts should be capped to avoid water being absorbed into the grain.

SUPPORTING S E R V I C E S This article is an extract from the Choose & Use series of concise information sheets for builders’ merchants to distribute to their customers. TRADA, Wood for Good and Swedish Wood have joined forces to produce these sheets that are exclusively available to members of TRADA and Wood for Good. Visit to download Choose & Use sheets.

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T imber Industry Yearbook 2 013

Be sure the wood is fit for purpose Peter Kaczmar recognises the benefits of modified woods but reminds specifiers to insist on testing that is relevant to the application I have, on a number of previous occasions, written about the unfettered introduction of new developments into the timber sector and the apparent eagerness of the product manufacturer and consumer to develop and experiment with new products which arise. As a timber technologist I like to think I am receptive to innovation. Indeed, I am frequently impressed at the ingenuity of ideas that have transformed the timber industry from one of a traditionalist, antiquated character into one which can hold its own as an equal among other market sectors in a dynamic market. New ideas are vital for the survival of commercial concerns since they enable industry to change with changing times. However, there is an argument which flies in the face of this principle and one which adopts the view that too rapid a pace of change is as bad for industry as no change at all. I have found evidence in my role as a wood flooring consultant that has led me to agree with this latter view. Visits to a number of sites where thermally modified wood has been used as the floor covering have revealed some, shall we say, ‘unpredictable’ consequences. In two cases solid wood strip flooring Heat-treated ash floor in a retail environment showing fibre loss from earlywood tissue

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made from thermally modified ash and oak was used in public places subjected to high footfall. A third case had a multi-layered floor construction with a 4mm thermally treated oak wear layer, used in a domestic environment with low levels of footfall. In the highly trafficked cases the floor suffered from abnormal levels of fibre loss from the surface sometimes referred to as ‘fibre-chalking’ to the extent that the floor became heavily pitted after only a few months of service. In the case of the domestic environment fibre loss resulted in upstanding splinters at the surface which consequently became a hazard to anyone walking over the floor in bare feet. On the face of it the three locations had not much in common. But more detailed microscopic examination revealed that fibre loss occurred wherever the growth rings in the wood were disposed to the surface at a relatively shallow angle. In all three cases the anatomical structure of the species was ‘ring-porous’ which is to say that the individual growth rings were demarcated by a discrete zone of much larger diameter vessels or pores. The consequence of this arrangement was that, where the rings broke the surface of the boards, lines of weakness were created along the line of the pores resulting in the fracture and subsequent loss of tapered fragments of wood from the surface, after being subjected to repeated footfall. The significance of these case studies is that in circumstances where the same species are used as flooring but without thermal modification, this type of fibre loss is seldom, if ever, encountered. Thermally modified woods are usually produced by heating the wood to temperatures of 160oC–230oC for several hours to several days. Heating wood to these temperatures, and holding this temperature for these periods, alters the chemistry of a number of structural and non-structural polymers that make up the wood, which changes its properties. This can result in beneficial consequences such as improved dimensional stability, although in many thermal modification processes there is an overall reduction in density and strength. It is this reduction in strength that, on a microscopic level, can lead to the observed type of surface erosion. It would be short-sighted in the extreme to criticise the use of thermally modified woods given their beneficial characteristics of improved durability and stability in other applications. However, one must be mindful of the fact that not all innovations are necessarily suited to all types of end-uses and that sometimes over-zealous or aggressive promotion of proven technological innovations, without adequate research-based knowledge in a particular sector, may damage consumer confidence. An area of burgeoning growth in the sector is bamboo flooring. As a floor covering, bamboo has achieved great popularity on the back of its rapid growth and regeneration involving the rapid recovery of harvested plantations and the fact that it is a high-strength product with good stability in humid conditions. Together, these attributes appear to make it a good sustainable alternative to hardwood flooring.

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This is not to cast doubt on the adequacy of performance of new flooring products but merely to ask whether their introduction has been founded on the back of adequate empirical research and that testing is relevant to the product in question.

Heat treated oak flooring taken from a domestic environment showing splintering and surface detachment of fibres from surface.

Heat-treated oak wear layer showing breakage and detachment of surface fragments where annular rings intersect the surface.

The popularity of bamboo to the consumer is driven by factors of aesthetics and cost more than by its physical characteristics. However, this has not prevented manufacturers of bamboo flooring from exercising their imagination in developing new variants of their product in order to fill specialist and niche markets. Variants, such as strand-woven flooring consisting of reconstituted bamboo strands bonded together with a specially formulated adhesive or carbonised bamboo, have been developed and sold as some of the hardest and most resilient forms of flooring known. These products were not specifically developed for their hardness but came about in order to utilise more effectively an existing resource which would otherwise have gone to waste. But for a material used as a floor covering, how desirable a characteristic is hardness? Manufacturers rely on consumer perception that ‘hardness’ equates to ‘hard-wearing’ although this is not always the case. Often harder materials are more prone to wear on account of not being able to absorb certain types of hard body impact as well as softer ones which leads to the surface being damaged or scuffed more easily. Such developments can be driven by commercial considerations with perhaps not enough thought being given to their practical consequences. It often seems that manufacturers may be guilty of taking a leap into the dark when promoting innovations without the benefit of empirical research as a basis for their commercial claims. At TRADA Technology we are often approached by distributors to carry out studies of products which have already been released into the marketplace in order to help them make a stronger commercial case.

It should also be noted that it is important to test material that will actually be used for the manufacture of the product in question. There are a wide range of thermal modification processes and each will have a different impact on wood properties. In addition, the wood species, and the way in which it has been cut, may also have an important influence on the properties of the floor surface. It is only natural to want to exploit new developments to their maximum potential and there is nothing wrong in doing so. In most cases innovations are well researched to ensure that they fill a particular practical need. Some wood modification techniques have been shown to provide significant improvements to wood flooring and there is no reason that some thermal modification techniques cannot also provide similar improvements provided they are used with appropriate species. However, there are times when, having made it onto the commercial scene and having proven themselves in service, product innovations are then pushed into areas to which they are perhaps not as well suited, using their otherwise successful track record as a springboard. Manufacturers should be mindful that it is not always possible to ‘secondguess’ how a product will behave and respond to a given environment, even if it has been used successfully elsewhere. Any change in commercial direction must be backed by a programme of appropriate testing even though a product may already have a proven pedigree of use in an existing application.

Peter Kaczmar Technical Consultant TRADA Technology

SUPPORTING S E R V I C E S TRADA Technology has developed suites of tests tailored to specific products. These provide manufacturers with information about product performance in service, which they can use to market their products and reassure customers. Visit for this related publication: • Wood flooring - a professionals’ guide to installation Visit



Publications The best books on timber available from Telephone 01494 569 602 T R A DA P ubl ications Inno vati ve timber c onstru c tion : new ways to a ch ieve ener g y ef fic ien c y NEW! As thermal performance requirements have become harder and more expensive to achieve, all sectors of the construction industry need to consider building a thicker external envelope to provide space for insulation. This need is only going to increase as the industry moves towards the ‘zero carbon’ target in 2016. This book has been written to expand on information provided on some alternative forms of timber construction mentioned in Timber frame construction 5th edition. Four of the most common types of alternative timber walls and roofs are explored here, with over 30 drawings. These are structural insulated panels (SIPs), cross laminated timber, engineered stud and twin stud.

External solar shading with wood • deals with external screening devices, comparing nine types now in use • describe screening systems that are wholly or partially wood based • includes metal support systems and metal hardware necessary for operating louvers.

Timber frame construction 5t h edition d esig ni n g for hig h performance Updated in 2011 by Robin Lancashire and Lewis Taylor Timber frame construction is the definitive design guide for timber frame buildings. It incorporates latest requirements for Part L and increased performance. All drawings have been revised and guidance for both Eurocode 5 and BS5268 is now included. It is recommended by the UK Timber Frame Association. This edition reflects significant changes in regulations and best practice: • Insulation in external walls is increased. TRADA Technology recommends a service zone on the inside face to accommodate additional insulation and relocated services • Alternative forms of construction are described for external walls • Thermal performance of party walls is enhanced with cavity insulation • Eurocode 5 now referenced alongside BS5268 Timber frame construction is recognised as the only comprehensive guide to best practice in timber frame design. It is used as a key reference by specifiers and designers because it provides clear and accurate solutions to design challenges.

E xterna l solar sh ading with wood : a DESI GN guide f or AR CHI TE CT S NEW !

Con cise i ll ustrated g uide to timber c onne c tions NEW !

Patrick Hislop with Philip O’Leary

Peter Ross, Patrick Hislop, Hugh Mansfield-Williams, Adrian Young

Wood has been traditionally used for many forms of solar shading in the past, and because of its versality, ease of working, and easy maintenance, has an important role in the design of modern shading devices. One reason for using wood for screening is its attractive appearance, whether left to bleach naturally, or finished in any colour. Many forms of sun screening are now becoming an accepted feature in the visual appearance of many buildings, but their primary role will always be to moderate the effect of the sun’s rays on the internal environment of the building. ‘’TRADA Technology’s External solar shading with wood – a design guide for architects is a comprehensive and good looking guide with every clear drawings. I am sure it will help many architects to tackle the relevant issues for years to come’’ – Paul Kalkhoven, Senior Partner at Foster +Partners

Ever since man first created dwellings from tree trunks, the greatest challenge he faced was to devise a form of connection between the individual components which would result in a safe and stable structure. Even today, the connections remain the most critical aspect of timber design, and many contemporary structures exploit the connections for their role in the articulation of the assembly as well as their visual interest. This book illustrates: • the main structural forms for which timber is suitable • a range of the common connections used to assemble these forms • what these connections might look like • the structural design constraints that affect configuration and appearance • good detailing practice.

T imber Industry Yearbook 2 013

Books hop


Low ener g y timber frame bui lding s: des ign in g for hi gh performance

Timber in contemporary archite cture: a des i gner’s gu ide

Geoffrey C Pitts with Robin Lancashire

Peter Ross, Giles Downes & Andrew Lawrence

The energy consumption associated with buildings has consistently been estimated to be up to 50% of the total national consumption in industrialised countries and, of this proportion, residential buildings account for more than half. Low energy timber frame buildings covers the whole design process from site conditions and planning for better thermal performance to provision for alternative energy sources. It describes how to optimise the layout to achieve ‘low energy’ designs, together with guidance on envelope performance and details for ventilation, airsealing and insulation. This illustrated guide demonstrates how timber frame buildings can be designed and constructed cost effectively to be energy efficient. It shows how designers can also play a role in building use, providing end-users with a comprehensive operation manual. The design principles and construction details described apply to most mainstream building types up to seven storeys high. As well as low energy houses and flats, other residential buildings such as barracks, schools, hotels, hostels, or similar establishments used for accommodation are covered.

T imber brid g es Christopher Mettem Bridges built in timber are enjoying a significant revival, both for pedestrian and light traffic and increasingly for heavier loadings and longer spans. Timber’s high strength-to-weight ratio, combined with the ease and speed of construction inherent in the offsite prefabrication methods used, make a timber bridge a suitable option in many different scenarios. This handbook gives technical guidance on forms, materials, structural design and construction techniques suitable for both small and large timber bridges. For the first time Eurocode 5 Part 2 (BS EN 1995-2) provides an international standard for the construction of timber bridges, removing a potential obstacle for engineers where timber construction for bridges has not – in recent centuries at least – been usual. Clearly illustrated throughout, this guide explains how to make use of this oldest construction material in a modern context to create sustainable, aesthetically pleasing, practical and durable bridges. Worldwide examples include Tourand Creek Bridge, Canada; Toijala, Finland; Punt la Resgia, Switzerland; Pont de Crest, France; Almorere Pylon Bridge, the Netherlands.

Written by leading experts in timber architecture and engineering, Timber in contemporary architecture investigates materials, connections, applications, and celebrates innovation. The 18 inspirational case studies include: Visitor Centres at Savill Garden and Alnwick; Weald and Downland Museum; David Douglas Pavilion; Mossbourne Academy; Formby Pool; Kingsdale School; Haberdashers Hall; Ealing Bridge; The Globe Theatre; Carlisle Lane apartments; Sage concert hall.

Getting started with certification NEW! A new series of publications to help managers starting out on the certification route prepared by experts from across the BMTRADA Group: Ge t t i n g s t a r t e d w i t h . . . Ch ain o f custody certifi cation for f orest products This new, accessible guide to forest products certification will help you to get started with the chain of custody process by explaining what it is, how you can begin to implement it in your organisation and who can support you in this process. Ge t t i n g s t a r t e d w i t h … Factory production c ontrol f or construction produc t certi fi cation This guide explains the vital role that Factory Production Control plays in CE marking products for the construction industry in the European Union (EU). It also lists the key functions and contents of an FPC system. Ge t t i n g s t a r t e d w i t h … Energ y manag ement and I S O 5 0 0 0 1 : 2 0 1 1 certi fi cation This guide explains the requirements of the ISO 50001 Energy Management Systems Standard, and how to establish a system appropriate to your organisation’s needs. Ge t t i n g s t a r t e d w i t h … Sustainable palm oil certi f ication This guide will help you get to grips with the supply chain certification process: how it works, how to get started, supply chain models, the “E-Trace” system, use of RSPO Trademarks and rules on corporate claims and statements.



Green oak in c onstru c tion Peter Ross, Christopher Mettem, Andrew Holloway A highly illustrated guide to the use of green oak, written by an expert team. The authors describe the whole process of green oak in construction: the design, framing and enclosing of structures. They demonstrate how to achieve excellence in practice through a series of eleven inspirational case studies, featuring contemporary and historic structures: Stirling Castle roof; new roof to South Transept of York Minster; Darwin College, Cambridge; National Maritime Museum (cladding); Globe Theatre; The Downland Gridshell; Bedales School Olivier Theatre; Abingdon School Boathouse; Mill O’Braco (house); Ealing Bridge; Polesden Lacey Bridge. Comprehensive specifying information, design data and grading rules are also included for reference.

Manua l for t h e design o f timber buil din g stru ctures to E uro c ode 5 This manual and its accompanying CD provide qualified structural engineers with guidance on the structural design of single and medium-rise multi-storey buildings using common forms of structural timberwork. Structures designed in accordance with the Manual will normally comply with ‘BS EN 1995-1-1 Eurocode 5. Design of timber structures. General. Common rules and rules for buildings’, together with its National Annex and supporting codes and standards. The manual is primarily intended for carrying out simple calculations and focuses on the design of buildings within the UK. The accompanying CD provides valuable connection design software in addition to more extensive tables of material properties.

E x terna l timber claddin g Patrick Hislop External timber cladding is the definitive guide to timber cladding and design, and this second edition reflects significant growth and innovation in the market for cladding materials. Refined details and technical information in keeping with the regulatory framework are included on: environmental and certification aspects of cladding, prefinished cladding, modified timber, manufactured panels, updated advice on preservative treatments and surface protection.

Wood Inf ormation Sheets (WIS) UPDATED ! TRADA is updating the entire WIS series and will publish 14 titles in 2013. Wood Information Sheets are targeted documents providing concise information on a specific topic for designers and specifiers. There are approximately over 60 titles forming a comprehensive source of vital information and provide an invaluable guide on the use and properties of timber and its various uses within construction. Copies can be purchased as printed hard copies or electronic PDF documents via the online TRADA Bookshop. TRADA members can also download PDF versions for free.

timberWISE UPDATED! 14 Wood Information Sheets to be updated in 2013 timberWISE includes all Wood Information Sheets (WIS) published by TRADA for specifiers and designers in an easy to use electronic format on a CD ROM. It is easy to search across the full range by using keywords, or browse the range by title or category. Invaluable interpretation of the Building Regulations and codes and their impact on the timber industry is now included. You can find all the Construction Briefings and Technical Information Sheets from Chiltern International Fire in the Bonus content section now added to the timberWISE CD ROM annual subscription service. Subscribers receive 1-2 updates per year as new WIS and additional information are published.

S ave time wit h TRADA’s guides and tools Wood spec ies g uide N ow ava ilable f o r andro id! A mobile application for Iphone/ Ipod touch/Ipad, now also available for Android mobile devices. The Illustrated Wood Species Guide, now in app form, provides information on 140 common and lesser known species. Ideal for professionals using wood as a material for construction or furniture, you can search by a range of criteria including colour, texture, workability, movement, durability, environmental aspects, drying, density and treatability. • Filter search by species characteristic/use, enter keyword or list A-Z • View images for each species

T imber Industry Yearbook 2 013

• Send information to colleagues and clients • Access offline, from on site or in the office • Contact suppliers – app links to TRADA’s online Suppliers Directory For more information please visit

S pan tab les pack: E uro code 5 & BS 5268 calcu lations Also available separately, both editions of Span tables contain section sizes and spans for solid timber members in floors, ceilings and roofs (excluding trussed rafter roofs) for dwellings. The calculations apply to buildings up to three storeys in height above ground level. Span tables were originally included in the England and Wales Building Regulations, Approved Document A: Structure and subsequently revised by TRADA. Tables are included for domestic floor joists, ceiling joists and binders, and rafters and purlins supporting rafters for traditional pitched roofs. Calculations are also given for “canted” purlins supporting roof sheeting or cladding, and for flat roof joists. The tables cover softwood species and grade combinations which satisfy strength classes C16 and C24. This pack includes the 2nd edition with calculations to BS 5268 plus the new 3rd edition which conforms to the current British Standard supported by the British Standards Institution, BS EN 1995: Eurocode 5, which came into effect in April 2010.

timbersizer Pro E C 5 & timber c onne ctions Pro EC5 timberconnectionsPro EC5 is a design tool which calculates the resistance to lateral and axial loads of timber-to-timber and steel-to-timber connections made with nails, wood screws, bolts or dowels inserted at right-angles to the grain. Design loads are calculated to Eurocode 5. Coach screw connections for two-member joints are also included. Eurocode 5 timberconnectionsPro is available on a subscription basis only, with a reduction for both modules together. timbersizerPro EC5 is a time saving online tool for architects, builders, engineers and other construction professionals. It will help ensure their designs meet the requirements of Eurocode 5 (EC5), which replaced British Standard 5268 in April 2010.

Books hop


Based on TRADA calculations, timbersizer EC5 covers all domestic structural timber members: • Joists for domestic floors, ceilings or flat roofs • Binders supporting ceiling joists • Rafters • Purlins supporting rafters, sheeting or decking. timbersizerPro EC5 incorporates additional functionality for professional designers and generates custom reports in PDF format for records and Building Control purposes. Subscribers can further refine their design using advanced controls to adjust more parameters, for example: • The strength class • Bearing length • Breadth or cross section depth • Distributed imposed load • Concentrated imposed load.

BRITISH STANDARD S AND EURO C ODES All British, European and International Standards are available via the TRADA Bookshop, with new and amended standards being added all the time. TRADA members also receive a 10% discount on all British Standards. The complete range of Eurocodes and their National Annexes are available, plus a host of guides and books which compliment the standards and help customers in their use and application. Additional offers and discounts are also applied from time to time on individual standards and packs of books and standards combined. The publications team will happily add any standards not currently listed in the TRADA Bookshop on request.

BOOKS FR OM OTHE R PUBLI SHE R S Each month a host of books from other publishers are added to the TRADA Bookshop’s ever expanding list of titles. All books are discounted to TRADA members at varying rates. If there is ever a title required by a customer which cannot be located in the TRADA Bookshop the publications team will happily locate and add the publication. TRADA Bookshop offers a wide range of publications from RIBA, ICE Publishing, Institution of Structural Engineers, Taylor and Francis, Wiley and Fire Protection Association. The TRADA Bookshop is one-stop shop for all publications on timber and the wider field of construction in general, providing construction professionals with all the latest and upto-date information required.



Useful addresses and websites Timber and related organisations

Th e Bui l din g Centre 26 Store Street London WC1E 7BT t 0207 692 4000 t 0906 516 1136 (information and reference library – premium rate) t 0207 692 4040 (bookshop)

Buildin g R esear ch Establish ment – BRE Bucknalls Lane Watford Hertfordshire WD25 9XX t 01923 664000 e

A meri can Hardwood E x port Coun cil – A H E C

BM TRADA Certi fi cation Ltd

British S tandards I nstitution – BSI

3 St Michael’s Alley London EC3V 9DS t 0207 626 4111 f 0207 626 4222 e

Chiltern House Stocking Lane Hughenden Valley High Wycombe Buckinghamshire HP14 4ND t 01494 569700 f 01494 569701 e

389 Chiswick High Road London W4 4AL t 0208 996 9000 t 0208 996 9001 (Customer services) f 0208 996 7001 e

A meri can S o f twoods R epresenting the S out hern P ine Coun c il and S o f twood Ex port Coun c i l 33 Rosebery Road London N10 2LE t 020 8444 0885 e

A r ch ite ctural and S pe cia l ist D oor M anu fa cturers A sso c iation – ASDMA Burnside House 3 Coates Lane High Wycombe Bucks HP13 5EY t 01494 447370 f 01494 462094 e

B ritis h Woodworkin g Federation – BWF The Building Centre 26 Store Street London WC1E 7BT t 0844 209 2610 f 0844 209 2611 e

B ui lders Merc hants Federation – BMF 15 Soho Square London W1D 3HL t 0207 439 1753 f 0207 734 2766 e

Canada Wood UK PO Box 1 Farnborough Hants GU14 6WE t 01252 522545 f 01252 522546 e

Th e Carpenters ’ Company Carpenters’ Hall Throgmorton Avenue London EC2N 2JJ t 0207 588 7001 f 0207 382 1683 e

T imber Industry Yearbook 2 013

C h iltern I nternationa l Fire & Ch i ltern Dynami c s Stocking Lane Hughenden Valley High Wycombe Buckinghamshire HP14 4ND t 01494 569800 f 01494 564895 e

Conf ederation of Forest Industries ( UK) Ltd 59 George Street Edinburgh EH2 2JG t 0131 240 1410 f 0131 240 1411 e

F IR A Internationa l Ltd Maxwell Road Stevenage Hertfordshire SG1 2EW t 01438 777700 f 01438 777800 e

Forestry Commission Silvan House 231 Corstorphine Road Edinburgh EH12 7AT t 0131 334 0303 f 0131 314 6316 e

Forest S tewardsh ip Counc i l U K 11-13 Great Oak Street Llanidloes Powys SY18 6BU t 01686 413916 f 01686 412176 e


143 Gh ana Forestry Commission (T imber Industry De ve lopment D i vision) Unit 4, Granard Business Centre Bunns Lane, Mill Hill London NW7 2DZ t 0208 906 9560 f 0208 906 9570 e

Glued Laminated Timber Association – GLTA The Secretariat Chiltern House Stocking Lane Hughenden Valley High Wycombe Buckinghamshire HP14 4ND t 01494 565180 f 01494 565487 e

I nstitute o f Carpenters 32 High Street Wendover Bucks HP22 6EA t 0844 879 7696 f 01296 620981 e

M alaysian Timber Coun ci l – MT C 24 Old Queen Street London SW1H 9HP t 0207 222 8188 f 0207 222 8884 e

M aster Carvers Association Unit 2 15b Vandyke Road Leighton Buzzard Beds LU7 3HG t 01525 851594 e

Programme for th e E ndorsement of Forest Certif ication – PEFC U K Sheffield Business Parks Cooper Buildings Arundel Street Sheffield S1 2NS t 0114 307 2334 e

Property Care Association Lakeview Court Ermine Business Park Huntingdon Cambridgeshire PE29 6XR t 0844 375 4301 f 01480 417587 e

T imber De ckin g & Claddin g Association 5 Flemming Court Castleford West Yorkshire WF10 5HW t 01977 558147 e

T imber Packagin g & Pal l et Con federation – TIMC ON Q House Troon Way Business Centre Humberstone Lane Thurmaston Leicester LE4 9HA t 0116 274 7357 f 0116 274 7365 e

l inks

144 Timber Resear ch & De ve l opment A sso c iation – T R A DA Chiltern House Stocking Lane Hughenden Valley High Wycombe Buckinghamshire HP14 4ND t 01494 569600 f 01494 565487 e

Timber Trade Federation – T TF The Building Centre 26 Store Street London WC1E 7BT t 020 3205 0067 f 020 7291 5379 e

Trussed Ra f ter A ssoc iation – T RA The Building Centre 26 Store Street London WC1E 7BT e via website

U nited Kin gdom Forest P rodu c ts A sso c iation – U KF PA Office 14, John Player Building Stirling Enterprise Park Springbank Road Stirling FK7 7RP t 01786 449029 f 01786 473112 e

U K Timber Frame A ssoc iation The e-Centre Cooperage Way Business Village Alloa, Clackmannanshire FK10 3LP t 01259 272140 f 01259 272141 e

Wood Panel Industries Federation – WPIF

Buildin g R e gu l ations (N ort hern I rel and )

28 Market Place Grantham Lincolnshire NG31 6LR t 01476 563707 f 01476 579314 e building-regulations

Woodworking Machinery S uppliers Association – WMSA

En vironment Agen cy

Buildin g S tandards (Scot land )

Cliff Farm Plaistow Green Crich, Matlock Derbyshire DE4 5GX t 01629 530998 f 01629 530999 e

Greenpea ce

Wood Protection A ssociation

5c Flemming Court Castleford West Yorkshire WF10 5HW t 01977 558274 f 01977 558274 e

Wood T ec hnology Society A division of The Institute of Material s, Minera ls and Minin g 1 Carlton House Terrace London SW1Y 5DB t 020 7451 7300 f 020 7839 1702 e

Healt h and Saf ety Ex ecuti ve

Pl annin g P ortal (nationa l and l ocal) Programme f or t he Endorsement o f Forest Certi fication (PE FC )

Sustainabl e Forestry I nitiativ e (SFI)

Th e centra l point o f ex pertise f or timber procurement (CPET)

Th e Stationery Off i c e (Government publi cations )

Other websites

World W ide Fund f or N ature (WWF)

B ui ldin g Reg ulations (E ng land and Wal es)

WRAP (th e Waste and Resources Action Programme) buildingregulations

T imber Industry Yearbook 2 013

TRADA M embersh ip


Marketing benefits Sa les enq uiries from t he T R A DA website Every month the TRADA website receives around 31,000 visits and delivers 55,000 pages of supplier information from the Suppliers Directory. Did you know the Suppliers Directory can display your product brochures? This feature enables members to add product brochures to their company information in the Suppliers Directory. With this free service you can upload your brochures via our website. Because they are indexed by our search engine, they appear in relevant site search results - providing another way of finding potential customers. Online advertising opportunities are also exclusively available to members. If you are interested in raising your profile, please contact our media partner, Open Box on +44 (0)121 608 2300 HOW DO I USE THIS BENEFIT? You can easily maintain your own directory entries by visiting and following the ‘My Company Directory Listing’ link. For security reasons you will need an administrator’s password – if you do not have one then please contact our membership department. t +44 (0) 1494 569603 e If you prefer, we would be happy to update your record for you. Again, contact our membership department for details. If you are having any trouble uploading your brochures please email them to

Free entries in TRADA’ s T imber Industry Y earbook The TRADA Timber Industry Yearbook is an annual printed publication distributed free-ofcharge to 4,000 specifiers and manufacturers. Content includes editorial, reference material and a directory of suppliers. As well as receiving copies for your own use, you are also entitled to free entries in up to five product or service categories in the directory, with the opportunity to buy page advertising. HOW DO I USE THIS BENEFIT? You can easily maintain your own directory entries by visiting www.trada. and following the ‘My Company Yearbook Listing’ link. If you have identified an error in your entry or have any other query about your directory entry, please contact our membership department. t +44 (0) 1494 569603 e If you are interested in advertising in the Yearbook please contact our media partner, Open Box. t +44 (0) 121 6082300

U se the TRADA member lo go on your stationery As a member you are entitled to display the TRADA Member logo on your stationery, websites and marketing materials - subject to terms of use. HOW DO I USE THIS BENEFIT? To request the artwork go to or contact our membership department. t +44 (0) 1494 569603 e

TRADA Members hip


T echnical I nf ormation

More than 300 documents from a variety of publishers are now available in the online technical library for reference. HOW DO I USE THIS BENEFIT? Visit the ‘Technical information’ area of the website and select the ‘Library’ link, and then use the search facility to find the information you require. Alternatively follow the links provided to read the text of specific books.

Free expert telephone advice call +44 (0) 1494 569601

The TRADA telephone advisory line gives fast solutions to members’ technical questions and, if necessary, free access (excludes written advice) to TRADA Technology’s expert consultants, subject to a maximum of 30 minutes per enquiry. HOW DO I USE THIS BENEFIT? If you or your staff have a question you need answering quickly, then contact the helpline. t +44 (0) 1494 569601 between 09.00 and 17.00hrs Monday – Friday (an answerphone operates outside these times). Alternatively you can email us. e

D etail drawin gs Best practice details reproduced from a range of TRADA publications and presented here as an easy reference collection. These include External timber cladding, Timber decking and Timber frame construction 4th edition. Each drawing is provided in both JPEG and PDF format.

A cc ess t he latest TRADA tec hnical information on l ine The full text of the most recent TRADA publications is available online for free viewing, exclusively to TRADA members. Bestselling titles accessible online include Timber frame construction 5th Edition, Green oak in construction, Timber decking and External timber cladding.

HOW DO I USE THIS BENEFIT? Visit the ‘Technical information’ area of the website, select the ‘Detail Drawings’ link, then choose the category you require. You must be signed in as a member to download the detail drawings. If you have misplaced your login details please use the ‘forgotten your password?’ link on the login page.

T imber Industry Yearbook 2 013

TRADA M embersh ip


W ood information sheets Members can download all current TRADA Wood Information Sheets (WISs) free of charge from the TRADA website. HOW DO I USE THIS BENEFIT? Visit either the Library or the Bookshop areas of the website and use the search facility to locate the sheet you require. Additional printed copies are available at discounted members prices. Please contact our bookshop. t +44 (0) 1494 569602 e

Inspirationa l case studies and timber sol utions Case studies feature inspirational timber buildings selected for their quality in design and construction. Each study demonstrates why timber was selected and how the design works, including a comprehensive technical description and detail drawings. TRADA members’ involvement is highlighted, whether in the design or supply of materials. Timber Solutions focus on specific building elements and show how common design challenges have been successfully addressed in timber. HOW DO I USE THIS BENEFIT? Visit the ‘Case Studies’ area of the website for a list of all available case studies and Timber Solutions and follow the links for more information. You must be signed in as a member to download the case study documents, including the architectural detail drawings. If you have misplaced your login details please use the ‘forgotten your password?’ link on the login page. Contact Kathryn Macneil. t +44 (0) 1494 569603 e

U p to 50% dis count on books and Britis h S tandards TRADA members are entitled to discounts of 10% off all British Standards and up to 50% off TRADA publications and other publishers in the bookshop. We also offer bulk discounts on TRADA publications.

Dedi cated B ritis h Standards sec tion To ensure that everything is at your fingertips, we publish a list of regularly updated British Standards relevant to timber.

Customise TRADA books with your brand As well as bulk discounts we can create special branded editions of our recent bestsellers, or produce more customised editions for members’ own use. These make ideal sales promotion tools, corporate gifts or training materials. HOW DO I USE THIS BENEFIT? All our books and the most popular standards can be ordered online at Alternatively to discuss your requirements and place your order, contact our bookshop. t +44 (0) 1494 569602 e To discuss any bespoke use of TRADA information please contact Jacquie Shanahan. t +44 (0) 1494 569648 e

TRADA Members hip


Euro code 5 desi gn software The new online edition of timbersizer EC5 is a time-saving design tool for engineers, architects, builders and other construction professionals. It will help to ensure designs meet the requirements of Eurocode 5 (EC5), which replaced British Standard 5268, the code for timber structures, in 2010.

Construc tion brie fing sheets

Based on TRADA calculations, timbersizer EC5 covers all domestic structural timber members: • Joists for domestic floors, ceilings or flat roofs • Binders supporting ceiling joists • Rafters • Purlins supporting rafters, sheeting or decking.

These briefing sheets summarise the requirements of the main codes and regulations impacting construction. The briefings are regularly updated, with subjects including building regulations (England & Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland), as well as the main codes such as the Code for Sustainable Homes (CSH), Eurocode 5 and Construction (Design & Management) (CDM) regulations.

timberconnections EC5 calculates the load capacity of individual fasteners based on timber strength classes C16 or C24. You can calculate connection capacities with nails, screws, bolts, dowels and coach screws in two and three member combinations of timber and steel.

HOW DO I USE THIS BENEFIT? Each sheet can be downloaded in a PDF format by visiting the ‘Regulations & Codes’ area of the website and following the links.

timbersizer and timberconnections are free to all TRADA members.

timbersizerP ro and timber c onnec tions Pro This software is available on a subscription basis to members at a discounted rate. Subscribers can customise and tweak all design parameters with advanced controls to define specific timber sizes and unload values for strength classes in the range C14-D70. Both products generate custom reports in PDF format for records and Building Control purposes. These reports demonstrate where the design meets or fails to meet the requirements of Eurocode 5, and provide more detailed feedback for the user, including numerical strength stress comparisons of timber performance. HOW DO I USE THIS BENEFIT? Visit the ‘Technical information’ area of the website and select the ‘Design tools’ link. Each program can be accessed from this page. Users can access the online tool from a PC or MAC, whenever they choose. TRADA engineers maintain timbersizer EC5 to ensure it always reflects the latest version of Eurocode 5.

Feedba ck We like to hear from our members and if you want to know any more about TRADA, have any feedback about membership, or suggestions for things you would like to see from TRADA, then please contact our membership department. t +44 (0) 1494 569603 e

T imber Industry Yearbook 2 013

How to use t his direc tory The directory has two sections:

A l ph abetica l l ist o f TRADA members All member companies are listed in alphabetical order with details of their address, phone, fax, and nature of business. When searching for a particular company please remember that they may have been listed under a forename or with the prefix ‘The’.e.g. The John Taylor Partnership may be listed under ‘The’, ‘John’ or ‘Taylor’ depending on company personal preference or theformat in which information was presented to TRADA.The alpha-numeric codes refer to categories in the Buyers’ Guide.

B uyers ’ g uide Member companies are included under their principal business activities in up to five Buyers’ guide categories. An index to the categories is found on page 182. Company contact details are included in the Alphabetical list of TRADA members.

TRADA Members


TRADA Members


0–9 2030 architects ltd

13b Angel Lane, Penrith, Cumbria CA11 7BP e: w: t: 01768 864224 f: 01768 863030 Ar2000


A & J Architects

The Old Chapel, Grove Park View Harrogate, North Yorkshire HG1 4BT e: w: t: 01423 507259 f: 01423 503718 Ar2000

A C Mauger & Son Ltd

La Rue Fondon, Airport Approach Road St Peter, Jersey JE3 7BF Channel Islands e: w: t: 01534 744281 f: 01534 746227 Bu3000, Ho3000, Ho4000

A C S Structures

35 Britannia Row, London N1 8QH e: w: t: 020 7704 6920 f: 020 7704 6946 Co9100, En2000

A C Timber Solutions Ltd

7 Lancaster Way Business Park Witchford, Ely, Cambridgeshire CB6 3NW e: w: t: 01353 666843 f: 05603 420889 Cd1000, Fl4000, Ha7000, Mo4500, Ti7600

A Is For Architect

2 St Thomas Mews, St Thomas Street Winchester, Hampshire SO23 9HG e: w: t: 01962 843677 Ar2000

A J Bunning Architect

Hatherland Mill, Lower Washfield Tiverton, Devon EX16 9PG e: t: 01398 351165 Ar2000, He1000

A J Laminated Beams Ltd

Red Fox Barn, Cross Green, Cockfield Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk IP30 0LG e: w: t: 01284 828184 f: 01284 828306 Bu6800, Gl2000, Oa1000, St9000, Ti2500

A L Project Services

17 Melrose Avenue Paisley, Renfrewshire PA2 9JA e: t: 01505 816486 f: 01505 359701 Co8800, En2000

A R C Engineers Ltd

FF05 City Mills, Peel Street Leeds, West Yorkshire LS27 8QL e: w: t: 0113 253 3904 f: 0871 714 6751 Co9100, En2000, Ti1200

A T K Partnership Ltd

33 Union Street, Greenock Renfrewshire PA16 8DN e: w: t: 01475 787797 f: 01475 727990 Co4000, Co9100, Co9200, En2000, Ti1200


Rivergate House, 70 Redcliff Street Bristol, Avon BS1 6LS e: w: t: 0117 923 2535 f: 0117 942 6689 Ar2000, Ar2500

Adams Joinery Limited

Unit 2, 30 Progress Road Leigh On Sea, Essex SS9 5LE e: w: t: 01702 512311 f: 01702 512 411 Jo1000, Jo4000, Jo5000, Sh4000, Wi2000

Addison Conservation + Design

Midlothian Innovation Centre Pentlandfield, Roslin, Midlothian EH25 9RE e: t: 0131 440 9037 f: 0131 440 9039

ADEPT Consulting (UK) Ltd

P.O. Box 57089, Limassol 3312 Cyprus e: t: 00 35 725 746 472 En2000

Riverside Court, Beaufort Park Way Chepstow, Monmouthshire NP16 5UH e: w: t: 01291 635522 f: 0117 337 6702 Co9100, Co9200, En2000

Aaron Evans Architects Ltd

Adept Consulting Engineers Ltd

A. J. Pericleous (Services) Ltd

3 Argyle Street, Pulteney Bridge Bath, Bath & North East Somerset BA2 4BA e: w: t: 01225 466234 f: 01225 444364 Ar2000

Abbeywood Estate

Abbeywood, Abbey Lane Delamere, Cheshire CW8 2HW e: t: 01606 888116 f: 01606 889477

ABIR Architects

1 Beta House, St Johns Road Hove, East Sussex BN3 2FX e: w: t: 01273 724384

ABN7 Architects

18 Ellington Street London, Islington N7 8PJ e: w: t: 020 7609 6348 Ar2000

Absolute Architecture

Crowsteps, Tydehams Newbury, Berkshire RG14 6JT e: w: t: 01635 528188

Absolute Consulting Engineers Ltd Lansdowne House, Penhill Road Great Ellingham, Norfolk NR17 1LS e: t: 01953 454641 f: 01953 453310 En2000

Accsys Technologies

Royal Albert House Sheet Street, Windsor SL4 1BE e: w: t: 01753 757500 f: 01753 854730 Mo0500

ADAC (Engineering Services) Ltd 9 Nellfield Road, Crieff, Perthshire PH7 3DU e: t: 01764 656097 f: 01764 656097 Ce2000, Co4000, Co9100, Co9200, En2000

Adam Power Associates

Church Farmhouse, The Green Banham, Norwich, Norfolk NR16 2HW e: w: t: 01953 887539 f: 01953 887479 En2000


1 Tanfield, Edinburgh EH3 5DA t: 0131 301 8600


Belvedere House, Pynes Hill Exeter, Devon EX2 5WS t: 01392 663200


225 Bath Street, Glasgow G2 4GZ t: 0141 222 6400


3rd Floor, 8 Princes Parade Princes Dock, Liverpool Merseyside L3 1QH t: 0151 331 8900


1 New York Street, Manchester M1 4HD t: 0161 601 1700

Park Square House, Park Square Pudsey, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS28 7RG e: w: t: 0113 239 4518 f: 0113 239 3825


ADM Projects

Stable Block, Bradbourne House New Road, East Malling, Kent ME19 6DZ t: 01723 221340

The Todhurst Coach House Stane Street, North Heath Pulborough, West Sussex RH20 1DJ e: w: t: 01798 873400 Ar2000

Adrian Greenmore & Son Ltd Rainbows End, Trunch Hill Denton, Harleston, Norfolk IP20 0AN e: w: t: 01986 788194 f: 01986 788807 Bu3000


AECOM House, 63-77 Victoria Street St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3ER e: w: t: 01727 535000 f: 01727 535099 Co4000, Co5000, Co9100, Co9200, En2000


Ground Floor, Grand Canal House Upper Grand Canal Street, Dublin Co. Fingal, Dublin 4, Republic of Ireland t: 00 353 1 238 3100


5th Floor, 2 City Walk Leeds LS11 9AR t: 0113 391 6800


3rd Floor, Portwall Place Portwall Lane, Bristol BS1 6NA t: 0117 901 7000


Beaufort House, 94/96 Newhall Street Birmingham B3 1PB t: 0121 262 1900


Lynnfield House, Church Street Altrincham, Cheshire WA14 4DZ t: 0161 927 8200



St Christopher House, George Cayley Drive York, North Yorkshire YO30 4XE t: 01904 694400


First Floor, One Trinity Gardens Quayside, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE1 2HF t: 0191 224 6500


The Johnson Building 77 Hatton Garden, London EC1N 8JS t: 020 7645 2000


Sunley House, 4 Bedford Park Croydon CR0 2AP t: 020 8639 3500


14 Queen Victoria Road, Coventry CV1 3PJ t: 024 7625 3300


24 Linenhall Street Belfast, County Antrim BT2 8BG t: 028 9060 7200


Churchill House Churchill Way, Cardiff CF10 2HH t: 029 2035 3400


6 Darnaway Street, Edinburgh EH3 6BG e: w: t: 0131 225 5116 Co9100, Co9200, En2000, Te4000, Ti1200


First Floor, Stonecross, Trumpington High Street, Cambridge CB2 9SU t: 01223 551800

9c Richmond Road Brighton, Sussex BN2 3RL e: t: 07860 490334


Aidan O’Connell & Associates Ltd

First Floor, 499 Union Street Aberdeen AB11 6DB t: 01224 597450


Saxon House, 27 Duke Street Chelmsford, Essex CM1 1HT t: 01245 771200

Lismard House,Timahoe Road Portlaoise, Co. Laois, Republic of Ireland e: t: 00 353 57 866 3244 En2000

T imber Industry Yearbook 2 013

Ain Designs Ltd

The Beeches, Defford Road Pershore, Worcestershire WR10 1JE e: t: 01386 553048

Air 3 Limited

Enterprise House, Beesons Yard Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire WD3 1DS e: w: t: 01923 274309 f: 01923 274349


100 St John Street, London EC1M 4EH e: w: t: 020 7250 7777 f: 020 7250 7555

Alan Baxter Partnership

The Clock Building, Pympes Court Busbridge Lane, Loose Maidstone, Kent ME15 0HZ e: w: t: 01622 744263 f: 01622 749270 En2000

Alan Grebot Design & Build 19 Tibbets Close, London SW19 6EF e: t: 020 8789 8615

Alan Higgs Architects

TRADA Members


Alsford Timber

80a Preston Road, Brighton East Sussex BN1 6AE e: w: t: 01273 554888 f: 01273 566118 De2000, Do2000, Md3000, Pa7500, Ti7500

Alsford Timber

Jct. Of Oakfield Lane & Lowfield Street Dartford, Kent DA1 2SN e: w: t: 01322 224401 f: 01322 289510 De2000, Do2000, Md3000, Pa7500, Ti7500

Alsford Timber

Administration & Support Centre Ness Road, Erith, Kent DA8 2LD e: w: t: 01322 333088 f: 01322 333058 De2000, Do2000, Md3000, Pa7500, Ti7500

Alsford Timber

Fencing Direct, Ness Road Erith, Kent DA8 2LD e: w: t: 01322 341198 f: 01322 349823 De2000, Do2000, Md3000, Pa7500, Ti7500

Alsford Timber

77 Ashmill Street, London NW1 6RA e: w: t: 020 7723 0075

Ness Road, Erith, Kent DA8 2LD e: w: t: 01322 333001 f: 01322 359517 De2000, Do2000, Md3000, Pa7500, Ti7500

Alex Murray Construction Ltd

Alsford Timber

Island Road, Stornoway, Isle Of Lewis HS1 2RD e: w: t: 01851 701675 f: 01851 701134 Bu3000, Co9300, Ho3000, Ti1500

Alexander Associates

The Old Vicarage, 10 Church Street Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire WD3 1BS e: w: t: 01923 897749 f: 01923 710020 En2000

Alistair Burroughs Design Partnership

4 Radnor Court, 256 Cowbridge Road East Cardiff CF5 1GZ e: w: t: 029 2064 7484 f: 029 2064 7499 En2000

Allen Gordon & Co

16 King Street, Perth, Tayside PH2 8JA e: w: t: 01738 639881 f: 01738 634761 Co9100, Co9200, En2000

19/20 Birch Road, Eastbourne East Sussex BN23 6PD e: w: t: 01323 416000 f: 01323 416042 De2000, Do2000, Md3000, Pa7500, Ti7500

Alsford Timber

Units 1 & 2, Diplocks Way Hailsham, East Sussex BN27 3JF e: w: t: 01323 843567 f: 01323 847396 De2000, Do2000, Md3000, Pa7500, Ti7500

Alsford Timber

Units 5 & 6, Nightingale Road Horsham, West Sussex RH12 2NW e: w: t: 01403 272872 f: 01403 272972 De2000, Do2000, Md3000, Pa7500, Ti7500

Alsford Timber

52 The Ridge, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 2AB e: w: t: 01424 443366 f: 01424 444802 De2000, Do2000, Md3000, Pa7500, Ti7500

Allford Hall Monaghan Morris

Alsford Timber

Allies and Morrison

Alsford Timber

Morelands, 5-23 Old Street, London EC1V 9HL e: w: t: 020 7251 5261 f: 020 7251 5123 Ar2000 85 Southwark Street, London SE1 0HX e: w: t: 020 7921 0100 f: 020 7921 0101 Ar2000

Allwood Buildings Ltd

Talewater Works,Talaton, Exeter, Devon EX5 2RT e: w: t: 01404 850977 f: 01404 850946 Bu6800, Ti2000, Ti2500, Ti2700

201 Vale Road, Tonbridge, Kent TN9 1SU e: w: t: 01732 770303 f: 01732 770404 De2000, Do2000, Md3000, Pa7500, Ti7500 141 South Undercliff Rye, East Sussex TN31 7HW e: w: t: 01797 222397 f: 01797 223525 De2000, Do2000, Md3000, Pa7500, Ti7500

Alsford Timber

Unit 2, Bellbrook Industrial Estate Bell Lane, Uckfield, East Sussex TN22 1QL e: w: t: 01825 762888 f: 01825 766846 De2000, Do2000, Md3000, Pa7500, Ti7500

Alsford Timber

King Street, Worthing, West Sussex BN14 7BW e: w: t: 01903 200154 f: 01903 823905 De2000, Do2000, Md3000, Pa7500, Ti7500

Alsford Timber

61 Portsmouth Road, Cobham, Surrey KT11 1JQ e: w: t: 01932 863468 f: 01932 860500 De2000, Do2000, Md3000, Pa7500, Ti7500

Alsford Timber

118 Park View Road, Welling, Kent DA16 1SJ e: w: t: 020 8301 1199 f: 020 8303 7687 De2000, Do2000, Md3000, Pa7500, Ti7500

Alsford Timber

Ruxley Roundabout, A20 Sidcup, Kent DA14 5AD e: w: t: 020 8300 4375 f: 020 8308 0664 De2000, Do2000, Md3000, Pa7500, Ti7500

Alsford Timber

St Mark’s Hill, Surbiton, Surrey KT6 4LJ e: w: t: 020 8399 4234 f: 020 8390 1182 De2000, Do2000, Md3000, Pa7500, Ti7500

Alsford Timber

Unit 5, Tannery Close Croydon Road Industrial Estate Elmers End, Beckenham, Kent BR3 4BY e: w: t: 020 8655 3939 f: 020 8655 3937 De2000, Do2000, Md3000, Pa7500, Ti7500

Alsford Timber

14 Sheen Lane, Mortlake, London SW14 8LW e: w: t: 020 8876 2257 f: 020 8878 9044 De2000, Do2000, Md3000, Pa7500, Ti7500

Alsford Timber

63/69 Heath Road Twickenham, Middlesex TW1 4AT e: w: t: 020 8892 2868 f: 020 8892 5474 De2000, Do2000, Md3000, Pa7500, Ti7500

Altham Oak and Carpentry

Altham Corn Mill, Burnley Road Altham, Accrington, Lancashire BB5 5UP e: w: t: 01282 771618 f: 01282 771618 Br2000, Fl3500, Ga3000, Oa1000, Ti2500

Altripan UK Ltd

Gloucester House, 35 Old Gloucester Road Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire HR9 5PB e: w: t: 0845 279 9992 f: 0845 279 9991 Md3000, Or3000, Pa7000, Pa7500, Pl1000


Unit 5, The Willows Business Centre 17 Willow Lane, Mitcham, Surrey CR4 4NX e: w: t: 020 8685 9685 f: 020 8646 5096

American Hardwood Export Council

3 St Michael’s Alley London EC3V 9DS e: w: t: 020 7626 4111 f: 020 7626 4222 As1000

American Softwoods

33 Rosebery Road, London N10 2LE e: w: t: 020 8444 0885 As1000, Do2000, Ti7700

Anderson and Glenn

Mill Tower, Kirton End Boston, Lincolnshire PE20 1NS e: w: t: 01205 724047 f: 01205 723792 Ar2000

Anderson Bell & Christie

382 Great Western Road Glasgow, Strathclyde G4 9HT e: w: t: 0141 339 1515 f: 0141 339 0505 Ar2000

Andrew Boakes Associates

10 Yeomans Drive, Aston, Herts SG2 7EJ e: t: 01438 880818 Ar2000

Andrew Davie Timber Frame Homes

Eastfield Business Park Newark Road South Glenrothes, Fife KY7 4NS e: t: 01592 774444 f: 01592 631631 Bu3000, Ho3000, Ti2000

Andrew Howard & Partners

15 Diamond Court, Opal Drive, Fox Milne Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire MK15 0DU e: w: t: 01908 690230 f: 01908 241391 Ar2500, Co4000, En2000

Andrew Page Oak

Orchard House, Chaucer Court, Ewelme Wallingford, Oxfordshire OX10 6HW e: w: t: 0333 666 9993 Bu3000, Fu3000, Ti1200, Ti1500

Andrew Waring Associates Ltd

The Old Brewery House, Portersbridge Street Romsey, Hampshire SO51 8DJ e: t: 01794 524447 f: 01794 515353 Co9100, Co9200, En2000

Andrews Associates

Andrews House, 128-130 Mitcham Road Croydon, Surrey CR0 3RJ e: t: 020 8680 5300 f: 020 8239 7300 En2000

Andrzej blonski architects

24 Links Yard, Spelman Street, London E1 5LX e: w: t: 020 7247 4999 f: 020 7247 7999 Ar2000, Ar2500

TRADA Members


Anne Thorne Architects Partnership

Industry, Adelaide Wharf 21 Whiston Road, London E2 8EX e: w: t: 020 7749 6931/2 Ar2000

Ansell & Bailey LLP Chartered Architects

4th Floor, 24 - 32 Stephenson Way Euston, London NW1 2HD e: w: t: 020 7387 0141 f: 020 7387 7460

Anson Timberworks Limited Integ Yard, Woodlands Business Park Rougham Industrial Est Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk IP30 9ND e: w: t: 01359 271392 Ti2000

Anthony Davies Associates Ltd 19 Quay Level Offices, St Peters Wharf Newcastle upon Tyne NE6 1TZ e: t: 0191 276 5209 f: 0191 276 5198 En2000

Anthony Fisher Associates 27 Claverton Road West Saltford, Bristol, Avon BS31 3AL e: t: 01225 872976 f: 01225 872976 En2000

Anthony R Wells Associates Heathfield, Gareth House Chislehurst, Kent BR7 6AF e: t: 020 8467 0232 f: 020 8467 7041

Anthony Swaine Architect

The Bastion Tower, 16 Pound Lane Canterbury, Kent CT1 2BZ e: w: t: 01227 462680 f: 01227 472743 Ar2000, He1000

Aptus Fastener Systems Ltd

Salterwood Drive, Denby Hall Business Park Denby, Derbyshire DE5 8JY e: w: t: 01773 740410 f: 01773 740417 Fa1000

Archibald Shaw LLP

One Little London, Chichester West Sussex PO19 1PP e: w: t: 01243 786471 f: 01243 779346 Co9100, Co9200, En2000, Ti1200

Archibald Shaw LLP

4 Toomers Wharf, Canal Walk Newbury, Berkshire RG14 1DY e: w: t: 01635 47369 f: 01635 521956 Co9100, En2000

Archi-Structure Ltd

Summerseat, Woodlands, Roundwood Road Baildon, Shipley, West Yorkshire BD17 6SP e: w: t: 01274 599747 f: 01274 599211 Co4000, En2000

Architectural Design Services Whatcombe Cottage, Long Bredy Dorchester, Dorset DT2 9HN e: t: 01308 482368 f: 01308 482103 Ar2500

Architectural Drawing Services 3 Thornville Place Leeds, West Yorkshire LS6 1JW e: t: 07852 315311 Ar2500

Architectural Services

Newcastle City Council, Civic Centre Barras Bridge, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE99 2BN e: w: t: 0191 232 8520 Lo1000

Architecture plb

St Thomas Street,Winchester Hampshire SO23 9HD e: w: t: 01962 842200 f: 01962 810962 Ar2000

Arnold Laver Timber World

Artchart > Architecture

Arnold Laver Timber World

Arthur Architects

Arnold Laver Timber World

Artisan Group UK

Pontefract Road ,Stourton Leeds, West Yorkshire LS10 1SW e: w: t: 01132 704 086 f: 01132 723 833 Jo2000, La4000, Pa7200, Pa7500, Ti7500 Bramall Lane, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S2 4RJ e: w: t: 0114 223 0300 f: 0114 250 9387 Jo2000, La4000, Pa7500, Pl1000, Ti7500 Olympic Sawmills, Oxclose Park Road North Sheffield, South Yorkshire S20 8GN e: w: t: 0114 276 4700 f: 0114 276 4701 Jo2000, Pa7500, Pl1000, Ti7500, Tr4000

Arnold Laver Timber World

Delynya House, 17a Bank Street Newquay, Cornwall TR7 1DH e: w: t: 01637 875222 f: 01637 874222 Ar2000 84 Manor Grove, Richmond, Surrey TW9 4QF e: w: t: 07765 956421 Ar2000, Ar2500, Co8800, En2000, He1000 38 Dare Road, Erdington Birmingham, West Midlands B23 6PD e: w: t: 0800 032 2899

Arun District Council

Little London Road, Sheffield South Yorkshire S8 0UH e: w: t: 0114 255 7341 f: 0114 292 3660 Bu1000, Jo2000, Pa7500, Pl1000, Ti7500

Engineering Services Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 5LF e: w: t: 01903 737816 f: 01903 716019 En2000, Lo1000, Su1000

Metro Building 53 Great Suffolk Street, London SE1 0DB e: w: t: 020 792 20500 f: 020 7922 0550 Ar2000

Arnold Laver Timber World



Arnold Laver Timber World

Architecture plb

The Powder Room, 69-71 Broad Street Teddington, Middlesex TW11 8QZ e: w: t: 020 8977 6999

Architype Limited

The Morocco Store 1b Leathermarket Street, London SE1 3JA e: w: t: 020 7403 2889 f: 020 7407 5283 Ar2000

Ardern Hodges Ltd

Unit A, 449 Holloway Road, London N7 6LJ e: w: t: 020 7263 3882 f: 020 7263 2333 Co9100, Co9200

Ardmore Construction Limited Byrne House, Jeffreys Road Enfield, Middlesex EN3 7UB e: w: t: 020 8344 0300 f: 020 8344 0377

Arete Architectural Services 24b The High Street Hunstanton, Norfolk PE36 5AF e: w: t: 01485 572028 f: 01485 601322

Arley Homes NW Limited

The Old Rectory, Rectory Lane Warrington, Cheshire WA2 8LE e: w: t: 01925 651155 f: 01925 653333 Ho3000

Arnold Laver Timber World

124 New Road, Rainham, Essex RM13 8RS e: w: t: 0845 002 2012 Jo2000, La4000, Pa7500, Pl1000, Ti7500

Basingstoke Road, Reading, Berkshire RG2 0QN e: w: t: 0118 975 1100 f: 0118 975 1900 Ti7500 Dudley Road, Oldbury, West Midlands B69 3DA e: w: t: 0121 552 7788 f: 0121 544 7186 Jo2000, La4000, Pa7500, Pl1000, Ti7500

Arnold Laver Timber World

Manningham Sawmills, Canal Road Bradford, West Yorkshire BD2 1AR e: w: t: 01274 732861 f: 01274 737060 Jo2000, La4000, Pa7500, Pl3000, Ti7500

Arnold Laver Timber World

Crowle Street, Hull, North Humberside HU9 1RH e: w: t: 01482 324525 f: 01482 216478 Jo2000, La4000, Pa7500, Pl1000, Ti7500

Arnold Laver Timber World

Firs Trading Estate, Oldington Lane Kidderminster, Worcestershire DY11 7QN e: w: t: 01562 66557 f: 01562 864557 Jo2000, La4000, Pa7500, Pl1000, Ti7500

Arnold Laver Timber World

Timber Terminal, Liverpool Road Cadishead, Manchester M44 5BZ e: w: t: 0161 777 9000 f: 0161 777 9007 Jo2000, La4000, Pa7500, Pl1000, Ti7500

Arnold Laver Timber World

Riverside Sawmills, Wagonway Road Hebburn, Tyne And Wear NE31 1SP e: w: t: 0191 428 6666 f: 0191 428 6622 Jo2000, La4000, Pa7500, Pl1000, Ti7500

Arrol & Snell Ltd

St Mary’s Hall, St Mary’s Court Shrewsbury, Shropshire SY1 1EG e: w: t: 01743 241111 f: 01743 241142 Ar2000, He1000, La9000, Su1000, Ti1200

Central Square, Forth Street Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear NE1 3PL e: w: t: 0191 261 6080 f: 0191 261 7879 En2000


13 Fitzroy Street, London W1T 4BQ e: w: t: 020 7636 1531 f: 020 7755 3666 En2000


4 Pierhead Street, Capital Waterside Cardiff, South Glamorgan CF10 4QP e: w: t: 029 2047 3727 f: 029 2047 2277 En2000

ARV Solutions

19 Canford Lane, Westbury on Trym Bristol, Avon BS9 3DQ e: w: t: 0117 959 2008 Co4500, Co9050

ASA Structures Limited

Ivor House, 39 Bath Road Swindon, Wiltshire SN1 4AS e: w: t: 01793 610563 f: 01793 514554 En2000

Ascot Timber Buildings Ltd

Unit 5, Fernhurst Business Park Fernhurst, Nr Haslemere, Surrey GU27 3HB e: w: t: 01428 654334 Bu6500

Ashbrooke Homes Ltd

8 Fivash Close, Taunton Somerset TA1 4YF e: t: 07789 772150 Bu3000

Ashley Pettit Architects

The Old Bakery, St James Place Victoria Road, Douglas, Isle Of Man IM2 4HD e: w: t: 01624 624307 f: 01624 628854

T imber Industry Yearbook 2 013

Ashwood Design Associates Limited

12a Clifford Court, Cooper Way Carlisle, Cumbria CA3 0JG e: w: t: 01228 510616 f: 01228 520861

Associated Architects

1 Severn Street Place The Mailbox, Birmingham B1 1SE e: w: t: 0121 233 6600 f: 0121 200 1564 Ar2000

Associated Structural Design River View Lodge, Ray Mead Road Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 8NJ e: w: t: 01628 639958 f: 01628 780320 En2000

Astec Projects Ltd

TRADA Members



200 Broomielaw, Glasgow, Lanarkshire G1 4RU e: w: t: 0141 220 2000 f: 0141 220 2001 Ar2000, Co5000, Co8800, En2000, Su2000


Dunedin House, Riverside, Columbia Drive Stockton-On-Tees, Cleveland TS17 6BJ e: w: t: 01642 525200 f: 01642 525201 En2000


Unit 7, St Asaph Business Park, Glascoed Road St Asaph, Denbighshire LL17 0LJ e: w: t: 01745 585351 f: 01745 583323 En2000


187-189 Kings Road Reading, Berkshire RG1 4EX e: w: t: 0118 958 1333 f: 0118 958 1337

Chilbrook, Oasis Business Park Eynsham, Witney, Oxfordshire OX29 4AH e: w: t: 01865 882828 f: 01865 883060 En2000

A-Tec Design


45 Lemon Street, Truro, Cornwall TR1 2NS e: w: t: 01872 277600 Ar2500


3100 Century Way, Thorpe Park Leeds, West Yorkshire LS15 8ZB e: w: t: 0113 306 6000 f: 0113 306 6002 Ar2000, Co4000, En1500, En2000, Su1000


The Axis, 10 Holliday Street Birmingham, West Midlands B1 1TF e: w: t: 0121 483 5000 f: 0121 483 5252 En2000


6 Wellbrook Court, Girton Road Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB3 0NA e: w: t: 01223 276002 f: 01223 277529 En2000


10 Canning Street, Edinburgh EH3 8EG e: w: t: 0131 221 5700 f: 0131 221 5751 En2000


Woodcote Grove, Ashley Road Epsom, Surrey KT18 5BW e: w: t: 01372 726140 f: 01372 740055 En2000


The Octagon, 2nd Floor, Pynes Hill Court Rydon Lane, Exeter, Devon EX2 5SP e: w: t: 01392 352900 f: 01392 352999 En2000

Chadwick House, Birchwood Park Warrington, Cheshire WA3 6AE e: w: t: 01925 238000 f: 01925 238500 En2000


Anglo St James House, 39a Southgate Street Winchester, Hampshire SO23 9EH e: w: t: 01962 858600 f: 01962 810296 En2000


Euston Tower, 286 Euston Road London NW1 3AT e: w: t: 020 7121 2000 f: 020 7121 2111 En2000


Longcross Court, 47 Newport Road Cardiff, South Glamorgan CF24 0AD e: w: t: 029 2048 5159 f: 029 2048 5138 Ce2000, Co4000, Co8800, Co9200, En2000

Atkinson Peck Ltd


B & K Structures

Peveril House, Alfreton Road Derby, Derbyshire DE21 4AG e: w: t: 01773 853400 f: 01773 857389 Gl2000, Lv1000, Ti1500, Ti2000

B A M Construct UK Ltd

Breakspear Park, Breakspear Way Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire HP2 4FL e: w: t: 01442 238300 f: 01442 238301 Ar2000, Bu3000, En1500, En2000

B D I Structural Solutions

Crossford Court, Dane Road Sale, Cheshire M33 7BZ e: w: t: 0161 969 3886 f: 0161 969 3884

B G Consulting Ltd

33/35 Bell Street, Reigate, Surrey RH2 7AW e: w: t: 01737 240241 f: 01737 240341 Co4000, En2000

Bailey Johnson Hayes

Grange House, John Dalton Street Manchester M2 6FW e: w: t: 0161 279 7777 f: 0161 236 3552 En2000

Bakkala Consulting Engineers

26 North Great George’s Street Dublin 1, Republic of Ireland e: w: t: 00 353 1 873 3804 f: 00 353 1 878 8473 En2000

Banbeck Engineering Partnership 109 Pembroke Road, Haverfordwest Pembrokeshire SA61 1LY e: t: 01437 765347 f: 01437 779012 Co4000, Co9100, En2000

Banbury Builders

2 Banbury Street, Watford, Herts WD18 0EX e: t: 01923 578828 f: 01923 578828

Watson House, 45 Waterloo Road Stockport, Cheshire SK1 3BJ e: w: t: 0161 480 2833 f: 0161 477 3959 En2000, Su1000

Baranski Allen Design

Austin Trueman Associates

Dagenham Road, Rush Green Romford, Essex RM7 0XU e: w: t: 01708 770139 f: 01708 770009

8 Spicer Street, St. Albans Hertfordshire AL3 4PQ e: w: t: 01727 858752 f: 01727 852376 Co4000, Co9100, Co9200, En2000

Avanti Architects

361-373 City Road, London EC1V 1AS e: w: t: 020 7278 3060 f: 020 7278 3366 Ar2000

5 Northbridge Street Robertsbridge, East Sussex TN32 5NY e: t: 01580 880664

Barking & Dagenham College

Barr Consulting (N.I.) LLP

16 Norwood Park, Belfast, Co Antrim BT4 2DY e: t: 028 9065 5916

Barry Emery

Flat 5, 4 Sydenham Road Cotham, Bristol, Avon BS6 5SH e: t: 07976 742277

Barry Honeysett Consulting Structural & Civil Engineers Bathurst House, Smythen Street Exeter, Devon EX1 1BN e: w: t: 01392 272510 f: 01392 272520 Co4000, Co9100, En2000, He1000

Barter Hill Partnership Limited Wynters Farm Barn, Magdalen Laver Ongar, Essex CM5 0EW e: w: t: 01279 430888 f: 01279 429007 Co9100, Co9200, En2000, Ti1200

Barton Willmore

Beansheaf Farmhouse, Bourne Close Calcot, Reading, Berkshire RG31 7BW e: w: t: 0118 943 0000 f: 0118 943 0001 Ar2000, Co5000, Co8800, La9000

Basi Construction Ltd

Unit 12, Riverside One, Sir Thomas Longley Road Medway City Estate, Rochester, Kent ME2 4DP e: w: t: 01634 723461 f: 01634 723462

Bath and North East Somerset Council

Building Control, Lewis House Manvers Street, Bath BA1 1JG e: w: t: 01225 477517 f: 01225 477637 Bu3500, Lo1000

Baxter, Andrew

Engineering Consultant Ltd, The Woodlands Edgehill, Banbury, Oxfordshire OX15 6DJ e: t: 01295 670485 f: 01295 670605 Co4000, Co8700, Co9200, En2000

Baynham Meikle Partnership 8 Meadow Road, Edgbaston Birmingham, West Midlands B17 8BU e: t: 0121 434 4100 f: 0121 434 4073 Co4000, Co5000, En2000, Te4000

BB Partnership Ltd

17 Remington Street, Islington, London N1 8DH e: w: t: 020 7336 8555 f: 020 7336 8777 Ar2000

BCL Timber Projects Ltd

The Old Byre, Oakley Farm Pound Lane, Hurst, Berkshire RG10 0RS e: w: t: 0118 934 4155 f: 0118 934 4188 Cd1000, Pa7200, Pa8700

BdR Civil & Structural Engineering Limited

The Old Engine House Goblands Farm Business Park Court Lane, Hadlow, Kent TN11 0DP e: w: t: 01732 851416 f: 01732 852200 Co4000, En2000, Ti1200

Beaumont Forest Products Limited The Crown Estate Yard, Blanes Lane Off Swinley Road, Ascot, Berkshire SL5 8AZ e: w: t: 01344 874137 f: 01344 874139 Fe3000, Md3000, Mo4500, Mo5000, St6000

TRADA Members


Beaumont Forest Products Limited 27 Victoria Street, High Wycombe Buckinghamshire HP11 2LT e: w: t: 01494 521421 f: 01494 522866 Cd1000, Fl4000, Pa7500, St2000, Ti7700

Beaumont Forest Products Limited Riverside Sawmill, Geddings Road Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire EN11 0NT e: w: t: 01992 460000 f: 01992 460020 De2000, En1000, Fl7000, Ti7500, Va0500

Beeby, Karl

15 Standedge, Wilnecote Tamworth, Staffordshire B77 4LB e: w: t: 01827 331366 f: 01827 265722 Ar2500, Bu3000, Co4000, Co8800, Fu3000

Bell & Sime Buildbase

Balunie Drive, Baluniefield Trading Estate Dundee, Tayside DD4 8XE e: w: t: 01382 730630 f: 01382 739639 Bu1000, Jo2000, Ti7500

Bell Munro Consulting

33 St Mary’s Green, Whickham Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear NE16 4DN e: w: t: 0191 420 0499 f: 0191 420 0498

Bench Architects

73 Corbar Road, Buxton, Derbyshire SK17 6RJ e: w: t: 01298 23991 Ar2000

Benchmark Timber Ltd

Prospect House, Crendon Street High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP13 6LA e: w: t: 01494 435144 f: 01494 980146 Cd1000, La7000, Ti0200, Ti7500, Ti7700

Benfield ATT Group Ltd

Unit 1 Symondscliffe Way Caldicot, Gwent NP26 5PW e: w: t: 01291 437050 f: 01291 423759 Bu6800, Co9100, St8000, Ti2000, Tr4000

Bengough Haddock International 25 Meadow Drive, Haughton Stafford, Staffordshire ST18 9HQ e: w: t: 01785 780329 f: 01785 780329 Co7500, Co7700, Co8000, Co8800

Bennetts Associates Limited 1 Rawstorne Place, London EC1V 7NL e: w: t: 020 7520 3300 f: 020 7520 3333 Ar2000


73 Poets Road, London N5 2SH e: w: t: 020 7359 4503 f: 020 7424 5572 Ar2000

Berman Guedes Stretton Architects 25 Cave Street, St Clement’s Oxford, Oxon OX4 1BA e: t: 01865 791728 f: 01865 791732

Betts Associates Limited

Blake, Gavin RIBA FRSA: Chartered Architect

Bolt Building Supplies Limited

The Studio, 35 Oakfield Sale, Cheshire M33 6NB e: t: 0161 973 4061 Ar2000

22 5th Avenue, Bluebridge Industrial Estate Colchester Road, Halstead, Essex CO9 2SZ e: w: t: 01787 477261 f: 01787 475680 Mo5000, St3000, Ti7500, Tr4000

Bland, Brown & Cole LLP

Bona Limited

121 Salusbury Road Queens Park, London NW6 6RG e: w: t: 020 7625 4411 f: 020 7625 0250 Ar2000, Co4000, Co5000, Te0500

Blenheim House Construction Ltd

BOND Architects

Bill Henderson Consulting Engineer Ltd

BLP Insurance

Border Craft Homes LLP

Old Marsh Farm Barns Welsh Road, Sealand, Flintshire CH5 2LY e: w: t: 01244 288178 f: 01244 288516 Co4000, Co5000, Co9200, En2000

BH & M

1 White Hart Lane, Barnes, London SW13 0RA e: w: t: 020 8878 4667 f: 020 8878 8907 Ar2000

Bickerdike Allen Partners

12 Carlingnose Way North Queensferry, Fife KY11 1EU e: w: t: 01383 419924 Co4000, Co9100, En2000, Ti1200

33a Bridge Street, Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 1UW e: w: t: 01223 313386 f: 01223 464233 Ar2000 The Old Bank House, 11-13 London Street Chertsey, Surrey KT16 8AP e: w: t: 01932 578700 f: 01932 578701 90 Fenchurch Street, London EC3M 4ST e: w: t: 020 7204 2424 f: 020 7929 1366 In2000, Wa1000

Blue Evolution

38 Victoria Place, Carlisle, Cumbria CA1 1EX e: t: 01228 521436 f: 01228 515579 En2000

Unit 1, Parkside Farm, Holyhead Road Albrighton, West Midlands WV7 3DA e: w: t: 0800 756 1271 Co5000, Co5500, Co8700, Co9200, En1000

Bird, Adrian

Blueprint (Dunbar) Ltd

Bingham Yates & Partners

Mallards, Rectory Lane, Bramshott Liphook, Hampshire GU30 7QZ e: t: 01428 722162 Ar2000

BJE Timberframes

2 Pen y Ffridd, Pontrobert Meifod, Powys SY22 6JW e: t: 07989 380206

Blackdown Buildings

Fourways Cross, Hemyock Cullompton, Devon EX15 3PF e: t: 01823 680546

Blackett-Ord Conservation Limited

33 Chapel Street, Appleby-in-Westmorland Cumbria CA16 6QR e: t: 017683 52572 f: 017683 52572 Ar2000, En2000

Blackwood Civil Engineering Limited

Dalmation House, Spott Road Dunbar, East Lothian EH42 1LE e: w: t: 01368 865961 f: 01368 864919 Co9100, En2000

BM TRADA Certification

Border Hardwood Ltd

Unit E17 & E18, Wem Industrial Estate Soulton Road, Wem, Shropshire SY4 5SD e: w: t: 01939 235550 f: 01939 235552 Ha7000, Sa7000, St6000, Ti0500, Ti7600

Border Oak Design & Construction Kingsland Saw Mills, Kingsland Leominster, Herefordshire HR6 9SF e: w: t: 01568 708733 f: 01568 702010 Ho3000, Ti2500

BM TRADA Group Ltd

Bowden Consulting Limited

Chiltern House, Stocking Lane Hughenden Valley, High Wycombe Buckinghamshire HP14 4ND e: w: t: 01494 569750 f: 01494 565487 Ce2000, Co4000, Re4000, Te3500


Blair Gratton Architects Ltd

Bob Black Construction Ltd

Ox Barn, Culkerton Tetbury, Gloucestershire GL8 8SS e: w: t: 01285 841407 Ar2000

Border House, Beaufront Park, Anick Road Hexham, Northumberland NE46 4TU e: w: t: 01434 606632 f: 01434 607962 Bu5000, Bu7000, Fl4000, Ho3000, Ti2000

Borneo Benar Sdn Bhd

9 The Green, Edlesborough Buckinghamshire LU6 2JF e: t: 01525 220542 f: 01525 220636 Bu3000, En2000

Blake Architects Ltd

The Lime Kiln, Portnablagh Dunfanaghy, Co Donegal, Republic of Ireland e: t: 00 353 74 910 0828 Ar2000, He1000

Chiltern House, Stocking Lane Hughenden Valley, High Wycombe Buckinghamshire HP14 4ND e: w: t: 01494 569700 f: 01494 569701 Ce2000, En3000, En5000

Envirograf House, Barfrestone Dover, Kent CT15 7JG e: w: t: 01304 842555 f: 01304 842666 Bu6800, Co1500, Do4500, Fl7000, Pa8000

29 York Street, Derby, Derbyshire DE1 1FZ e: w: t: 01332 340458 f: 01332 291771 Ar2000

6 Thornton Chase, Linford Wood Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire MK5 8PJ e: w: t: 01908 525150 f: 01908 311677 Ad1000, Co1500, Fl2500, La1000, Ma1500

20 Hemingford Rd, St Ives, Cambs PE27 5HG e: w: t: 07795 078271

Boddy, John, Timber Limited

Riverside Sawmills, Boroughbridge North Yorkshire, YO51 9LJ e: w: t: 01423 322370 f: 01423 324334 Fl3500, Ha7000, Sa6000, Sa7000, Ti7600

Beukenlaan 3 Lunteren NL 6741 KB, Netherlands e: w: t: 00 31 318 487 017 f: 00 31 318 487042 Bu3000, Co8000, Co9100, Ti1500 PO Box 961, Providenciales Turks & Caicos Islands, British West Indies e: w: t: 00 1 649 232 6666

Bowker Sadler Partnership Limited Hatherlow House, Hatherlow Romiley, Stockport, Cheshire SK6 3DY e: w: t: 0161 406 7333 f: 0161 406 7444 Ar2000

Boyle Consultants Ltd

Bourock Farm, Dunlop, East Ayrshire KA3 4DS e: t: 01560 484066 Ce2000, En2000


Hiltons Wharf, Norman Road Greenwich, London SE10 9QX e: w: t: 020 8293 5175 f: 020 8293 5746 Ar2000, Ar2500, Co8800, La9000, Su2000

Brazier Holt Partnership Ltd, The

8 Elm Court, Arden Street Stratford-Upon-Avon, Warwickshire CV37 6PA e: t: 01789 269111 f: 01789 295366 En2000

T imber Industry Yearbook 2 013

TRADA Members


Brendan Flynn Construction Ltd

Broughton Beatty Limited

Buildbase Ltd

Burdens Timber Ltd

Brett Consulting Limited

Brown & Carroll (London) Ltd

Buildbase Ltd

Burns Guthrie and Partners

Brian Evans Associates Ltd

Bruce, Cufley & Partners

Buildbase Ltd

Buro Happold Ltd

46 Watford Road Northwood, Middlesex HA6 3PL e: w: t: 01923 826040 f: 01923 835318 Bu3000, Ca0500, Ti1500

Caversham Bridge House, Waterman Place Reading, Berkshire RG1 8DN e: w: t: 0118 950 0761 f: 0118 959 7498 Co4000, Co5000, Co8800, En2000, En3000 Office 16, 81-82 Akeman Street Tring, Hertfordshire HP23 6AF e: t: 01442 825725 f: 01442 891716 Co9100, Co9200, En2000

Bridge Co Ltd

Grange School House Newton Stewart, Wigtownshire DG8 0BT e: t: 01671 830263

British Woodworking Federation The Building Centre 26 Store Street, London WC1E 7BT e: w: t: 0844 209 2610 f: 0844 209 2611 As1000, Co7000, Co9200

Broadoak Buildings

South Barn, Bacon End Dunmow, Essex CM6 1JW e: w: t: 01371 872994 Bu7000, Oa1000, Ti1200, Ti2500

Brooks Bros (London) Limited

Kingsbridge Wharf, Kingsbridge Road Barking, Essex IG11 0BD e: w: t: 020 8591 5300 f: 020 8594 7133 Do3000, Fl4000, Pa7500, Ti7600, Ti7700

Brooks Bros (Midlands) Ltd

Lenton Lane, Nottingham Nottinghamshire NG7 2PR e: w: t: 0115 931 1120 f: 0115 993 1151 De2000, Fl4000, Md3000, Sa7000, Ti7600

Brooks Bros (UK) Limited

Station House, 7-9 Station Road Newport Pagnell, Buckinghamshire MK16 0AG e: w: t: 01908 500888 f: 01908 500889 Co4000, Co9100, En2000, Su1000 The Brown & Carroll Works Honywood Road, Basildon, Essex SS14 3DT e: w: t: 01268 243850 f: 01268 243851 Jo1000, Jo4000 Suite V, Epsilon House Laser Quay, Culpeper Close Medway City Estate, Rochester, Kent ME2 4HU e: t: 01634 727633 f: 01634 727644 En2000

Bryceland Total Timber Solutions Ltd

11 Kelvin Road North Lenziemill Industrial Estate Cumbernauld, Glasgow G67 2BD e: w: t: 01236 738078 f: 01236 738215 Cd1000, De2000, Do2000, Fl4000, Ti7500

Bryden Wood Ltd

99 Charterhouse Street, London EC1M 6HR e: w: t: 020 7253 4772 f: 020 7253 4773

Bryn Roberts Workshops (Joinery Manufacturers) Ltd

Unit 3, Abbey Road North Wrexham Industrial Estate, Wrexham LL13 9RX e: t: 01978 661828 f: 01978 661553

BSF Timber Engineering Ltd 53/54 St Dunstans Street Canterbury, Kent CT2 8BS e: t: 01227 811079 f: 01227 478882 Co4000, Co8800, Co9100, En2000

BSW Timber Ltd

Carlisle Sawmill, Cargo Carlisle, Cumbria CA6 4BA e: w: t: 01228 674 221 f: 01228 673353 De2000, Fe2000, Pa5500, Sa6500, Sa8000

The Timber Yard, Off Runsell Lane Danbury, Chelmsford, Essex CM3 4PG e: w: t: 01245 221700 f: 01245 223121 Cd1000, De2000, Ki3000, La6000, Mo5000

BSW Timber Ltd

Brooks Bros (UK) Limited

Buckland Timber

The Causeway, Maldon, Essex CM9 4LJ e: w: t: 01621 877400 f: 01621 859054 Ce2000, Do2000, Fi4000, Ha2000, Mo0500

Brooks Bros (UK) Limited

1-3 Glebe Road, Gillibrands Skelmersdale, Lancashire WN8 9JP e: w: t: 01695 553700 f: 01695 553705 Fl3500, Ha7000, Md3000, Ti7600, Ti7700

Brooks Bros (UK) Limited

Queen Alexandra Business Park Pallion, Sunderland SR4 6UG e: w: t: 0191 567 9991 f: 0191 567 9992

Group Headquarters, East End Earlston, Berwickshire TD4 6JA e: w: t: 01896 849255 f: 01896 848080 282 Eastcote Avenue West Molesey, Surrey KT8 2EZ e: t: 07972 508505

Buckle Chamberlain Partnership Mill House, Llancayo Court Llancayo, Usk, Gwent NP15 1HY e: t: 01291 672264 f: 01291 671050 Ar2000

Buckley Gray Yeoman

Studio 4.04, The Tea Building 56 Shoreditch High Street, London E1 6JJ e: w: t: 020 7033 9913 f: 020 7033 9914 Ar2000

Cockerell Close Stevenage, Hertfordshire SG1 2NB e: w: t: 01438 369201 f: 01438 743258 Bu1000, Jo2000, Pa7500, Ti7500, Tr4000 Dixon Terrace, Polkemmet Garage Whitburn, Lothian EH47 0LH e: w: t: 01501 741316 f: 01501 744007 Bu1000, Jo2000, Pa7500, Ti7500, Tr4000 Ipsley Street, Redditch, Worcestershire B98 7AX e: w: t: 01527 67567 f: 01527 64564 Bu1000, Jo2000, Pa7500, Ti7500, Tr4000

Buildbase Ltd

British Rail New Yard, Gatwick Road Crawley, West Sussex RH10 9RE e: w: t: 0845 313 2185 f: 01293 518791 De2000, Ra2000, St5000, St6000, Ti7500 11a Calverley Park Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN1 2SJ e: w: t: 01892 526377 f: 01892 511979 Ar2000

Camden Mill, Lower Bristol Road Bath, Avon BA2 3DQ e: w: t: 01225 320600 f: 0870 787 4148 Co4000, Co9100, En2000, En3000, Re4000

Mandarin Court, Hambridge Road Newbury, Berkshire RG14 5SU e: w: t: 01635 573700 f: 01635 528278 Bu1000, Jo2000, Pa7500, Ti7500, Tr4000

Burrell Foley Fischer LLP

Buildbase Ltd

Burton, E O & Co Limited

Gemini One, 5520 John Smith Drive Oxford Business Park Cowley, Oxfordshire OX4 2LL e: w: t: 01865 871700 f: 01865 712662 Bu1000, Jo2000, Pa7500, Ti7500, Tr4000

Buildbase Ltd

Simpson Road, Bletchley Milton Keynes MK1 1BB e: w: t: 01908 644222 f: 01908 270243 Bu1000, Jo2000, Pa7500, Ti7500, Tr4000

Builders Merchants Federation 15 Soho Square, London W1D 3HL e: w: t: 020 7439 1753 f: 020 7734 2766 As1000

Building & Design Ltd

10 Stratfield Avenue Tadley, Hampshire RG26 3UD e: w: t: 07770 226095 Co4000, Co8800, En2000

Building Design Partnership Ltd 11 Ducie Street, PO Box 85 Piccadilly Basin, Manchester M60 3JA e: w: t: 0161 828 2200 f: 0161 832 2235 Ar2000

Building Envelope Evolution Ltd Lakeside House, Grove Lane Hinton, Wiltshire SN14 8HF e: w: t: 0117 937 3937 Ar2500, Co9200, Ti1500, Ti2000, Wi1000

Built Engineers Ltd

Block K, 175 Bermondsey Street London SE1 3UW e: w: t: 020 7403 7711 Ar2500, Co9100, Co9200, En2000, Te4000

Carlow House, Carlow Street, London NW1 7LH e: w: t: 020 7755 6868 f: 020 7383 0648 Ar2000 Thorndon Sawmills, The Avenue Brentwood, Essex CM13 3RZ e: w: t: 01277 260810 f: 01277 262823 De2000, Fl4000, Ma2500, Mo4500, Ti0500

Burwell Deakins Architects

Ground Floor, California Building Deals Gateway, London SE13 7SF e: w: t: 020 8305 6010 f: 020 8305 6020 Ar2000, Ed4000, En2000, Re4000

Butler Haig Associates

Unit 11, South Acomb, Bywell Stocksfield, Northumberland NE43 7AQ e: t: 01661 843677

BWB Consulting Ltd

15 Weller Street, London SE1 1QU e: w: t: 020 7234 9122 Co5000, En2000, Su1000

BWB Consulting Ltd

Whitehall Waterfront, 2 Riverside Way Leeds, West Yorkshire LS1 4EH e: w: t: 0113 233 8000 f: 0113 245 0654 Co5000, En2000, Su1000

BWB Consulting Ltd

5th Floor, Waterfront House, Station Street Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG2 3DQ e: w: t: 0115 924 1100 f: 0115 950 3966 Co5000, En2000, Su1000

BWB Consulting Ltd

Livery Place, 35 Livery Street Colmore Business District, Birmingham B3 2PB e: w: t: 0121 233 3322 f: 0121 233 3318 Co5000, En2000, Su1000

BWB Consulting Ltd

4th Floor Carver’s Warehouse 77 Dale Street, Manchester M1 2HG e: w: t: 0161 233 4260 f: 0870 922 3799 Co5000, En2000, Su1000

TRADA Members


Byrom Associates Ltd

The New Barn, Midfield Shipham Lane, Star, Somerset BS25 1PT e: w: t: 01934 844837


C & C Markides Estates Ltd

CAD Space Designs

33 Woodmansterne Road Streatham Vale, London SW16 5UU e: t: 07961 407067 f: 020 8679 9438

Calanpoint Contracts Ltd

52 Linford Street, London SW8 4UN e: w: t: 020 7627 4740 f: 020 7627 5091 Ca0500, Jo1000, Jo4000

Calders & Grandidge

34 Stasinou Street, Markides Rita Court 22 Flat 201, Strovolos 2003, Cyprus e: t: 00 357 22 378924 f: 00 357 22 378662 Co4000, Co8800, Co9300, En2000

194 London Road Boston, Lincolnshire PE21 7HJ e: w: t: 01205 358866 f: 01205 312400 Fe2000, Fe3000, Ga4000, Po1000, Pr1000

C A P Direct LLP

Seabridge House, 8 St Johns Road Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 9NP e: w: t: 0845 371 4106 Bu6800, Oa1000, Ti2000, Ti2500

C E Consultancy

2 Colliery Road, Bearpark Durham, County Durham DH7 7AT e: w: t: 0191 386 0751 f: 0191 386 0751 En2000, Ti1200

C F Anderson Timber Products Ltd 228 London Road, Marks Tey Colchester, Essex CO6 1HD e: w: t: 01206 211666 f: 01206 212450 Cd1000, Ki3000, Pa7500, Pa9400, So6000

C P Architects

110 George Street, Oban, Argyll PA34 5NT e: w: t: 01631 563177 f: 01631 563234 Ar2000

C P R (Construction Plans & Regulations) Ltd

Unit 15 Imex Technology Park Bellringer Road, Trentham Lakes South Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire ST4 8JF w: t: 01782 658929 f: 01782 646421

C W T Partnership

49 Back Lane, Rochford, Essex SS4 1AY e: w: t: 01702 540146 f: 01702 540193 En2000

C.A Poyiatjis

George Stylianou Street, No 4 Polis Chrysochous, Pafos, Cyprus e: t: 00 357 99 661917 f: 00 357 263 23086 En2000

C4Ci Ltd

2 Long Barn, Tufton Warren Whitchurch, Hampshire RG28 7RH e: w: t: 01256 892211 f: 01256 892211 Co4000, Co7700, Co8700, Co9200, En1000

CA Sustainable Architecture 83 Old Newtown Road Newbury, Berkshire RG14 7DE e: w: t: 01635 41688 f: 01635 41633 Ar2000

Canaway Fleming Architects Ltd Fifth Floor, The Dutch House 307-308 High Holborn, London WC1V 7LL e: w: t: 020 743 02262

Canham Consulting

The Old School, School Lane Thorpe St Andrew, Norwich, Norfolk NR7 0EP e: w: t: 01603 430650 f: 01603 430651 Co4000, Co9100, En2000, Su1000, Ti1200

Castell Estate Maintenance 5 Mountpleasant, Tremont Road Llandrindod Wells, Powys LD1 5BG e: t: 07980 736246

Castle Wood Floors

36 Lombard Road, Battersea, London SW11 3RP e: w: t: 020 7564 2315 f: 020 7564 2314 Fl4000, Fl5000

Catnic Limited

101 Point Road, Canvey Island, Essex SS8 7TJ e: t: 01268 696666 f: 01268 696724 Bu1000, Fe3000, Jo2000, Pr1000, Ro2000

Catnic, Pontypandy Industrial Estate Caerphilly CF83 3GL e: w: t: 029 2033 7900 f: 029 2086 7796 St8000

Caledonian Plywood Company

Capita Architecture

Cedar Studio Designs Limited

Caledonian Plywood Company

Capita Ruddle Wilkinson Ltd

Chadwicks (Mowbray Drive) Limited

Unit 16 Silver Court, Inter City Way Bramley, Leeds LS13 4LY e: w: t: 0113 236 1666 f: 0113 236 1661

Seafleet House, Port Of Tilbury Tilbury, Essex RM18 7SG e: w: t: 01375 850000 f: 01375 850001 Do1000, Do4500, Pa7000, Pa7500, Pl1000

Caledonian Plywood Company

1 Cardowan Park, Tannochside Park Uddingston, Glasgow G71 5PF e: w: t: 01698 811666 f: 01698 811166 Do1000, Do2500, Md3000, Pa7000, Pl1000

Cameron & Ross

15 Victoria Street Aberdeen, Grampian AB10 1XB e: w: t: 01224 642400 f: 01224 642406 Ce2000, Co4000, Co9100, Co9200, En2000

Campbell Jackson Architects Long Crichel House, Long Crichel Wimborne, Dorset BH21 5JU e: t: 01258 830250 Ar2000, Fu3000, He1000

Campbell of Doune Ltd

78 King Street, Crieff, Perthshire PH7 3HB e: t: 01764 655459 f: 01764 655689 Co4000, En2000

Campbell Reith Hill LLP

Friars Bridge Court 41-45 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 8NZ e: w: t: 020 7340 1700 f: 020 7340 1777 Co5000, Co8800, Co9100, En2000

Canadian High Commission

Macdonald House 1 Grosvenor Square, London W1X 0AB e: w: t: 020 7258 6664 f: 020 7258 6384 As1000, Co4000, Co5000, Co5500, Go2000

Canata & Seggie Chartered Architects

7 Union Street, Greenock Renfrewshire PA16 8JH e: w: t: 01475 784517 f: 01475 888344 Ar2000, Ar2500, Co4000, Co7000, Co8800

Canvey Wharf Co Limited, The

1 Procter Street, London WC1V 6DW e: w: t: 020 7492 0155 f: 020 7492 0205 Ar2000, Co4000, En1500, En2000, La9000 84 Lincoln Road Peterborough, Cambridgeshire PE1 2SW e: w: t: 01733 314314 f: 01733 314090 Ar2000

Capita Symonds Ltd

1 Procter Street, London WC1V 6DW e: w: t: 020 7492 0200 f: 020 7492 0201 Co4000, Co8800, Co9200, En2000, Su1000

Carillion Alawi LLC

PO Box 1436, Ruwi PC 112 Muscat, Sultanate of Oman e: w: t: 00 968 2461 6111 f: 00 968 2459 0893

Carmichael Consulting

Rosemary Cottage, Pound Lane Mannings Heath, Horsham West Sussex RH13 6JL e: w: t: 01403 252794

Carpenter Oak & Woodland

Hall Farm, Thickwood Lane Colerne, Chippenham, Wiltshire SN14 8BE e: w: t: 01225 743089 f: 01225 744100 Co9100, Re6000, Ti1200, Ti2000, Ti2500

Carpenter Oak & Woodland

The Framing Yard, Loch of Lintrathen Kirriemuir, Angus DD8 5JA e: w: t: 01575 560393 f: 01575 560295 Ti1500, Ti2000, Ti2500

Cartledge Timber Frame

42 Town Street, Old Malton Malton, North Yorkshire YO17 7HD e: t: 01653 693957 Ar2000

100 Mowbray Drive Blackpool, Lancashire FY3 7UN e: w: t: 01253 301253 f: 01253 302624 Bu1000, Fa1000, Jo2000, Pa7500, Ti7500

Chalk Hill Construction

23 Chantry View Road Guildford, Surrey GU1 3XW e: w: t: 01483 300230 f: 01483 511647 Bu3000, Ti1500

Champion, A W Limited

Curtis Road, Dorking, Surrey RH4 1EJ e: w: t: 01306 884418 f: 01306 889798 De2000, Mo4500, Mo5000, So6000, Ti7600

Champion, A W Limited

High Street, Claygate, Esher, Surrey KT10 0JW e: w: t: 01372 462407 f: 01372 468414 De2000, Mo4500, Mo5000, So6000, Ti7600

Champion, A W Limited

385 Leatherhead Road Chessington, Surrey KT9 2NQ e: w: t: 01372 847910 f: 01372 847911 De2000, Mo4500, Mo5000, So6000, Ti7600

Champion, A W Limited

Moorfield Road, Slyfield Industrial Estate Guildford, Surrey GU1 1RU e: w: t: 01483 510170 f: 01483 510171 De2000, Mo4500, Mo5000, So6000, Ti7600

Fairfield Enterprise Centre Lincoln Way, Fairfield Industrial Estate Louth, Lincolnshire LN11 0LS e: w: t: 01507 617799 f: 01507 617778 Bu6000, Ti1200, Ti1500, Ti2000

Champion, A W Limited

Cassella Architecture

Champion, A W Limited

Honahlee, Luddington Stratford Upon Avon, Warks CV37 9SJ e: t: 01789 750077

Fircroft Way Industrial Estate Edenbridge, Kent TN8 6EL e: w: t: 01732 864328 f: 01732 863690 De2000, Mo4500, Mo5000, So6000, Ti7600 109-123 Southlands Road Bromley, Kent BR2 9QX e: w: t: 020 8460 6655 f: 020 8313 0583 De2000, Mo4500, Mo5000, So6000, Ti7600

T imber Industry Yearbook 2 013

Champion, A W Limited

2 Hartfield Crescent Wimbledon, London SW19 3SD e: w: t: 020 8542 1606 f: 020 8540 7237 De2000, Mo4500, Mo5000, So6000, Ti7600

Champion, A W Limited

TRADA Members


City Building Glasgow LLP

Coleg Menai

Copford Sawmill

City of Bristol College

Colin D. Brooking Dip. Arch.

Copp Wilson Pettitt Moore

Collective Architecture

Cornwall College, Camborne

12 Edgefauld Avenue, Atlas Industrial Estate Springburn, Glasgow G21 4BB e: w: t: 0141 287 0800 f: 0141 287 0802

272 - 274 High Street, Sutton, Surrey SM1 1PG e: w: t: 020 8642 8291 f: 020 8770 9171 De2000, Mo4500, Mo5000, So6000, Ti7600

Ashley Down Centre, Ashley Down Road Ashley Down, Bristol BS7 9BU e: w: t: 0117 312 5000 Ed4000

Champion, A W Limited

Civil & Structural Partnership Ltd

Champion House, 207 Burlington Road New Malden, Surrey KT3 4NB e: w: t: 020 8949 1621 f: 020 8949 5232 De2000, Mo4500, Mo5000, So6000, Ti7600

Chappell and Lynn

54 Belmont Rise, Sutton, Surrey SM2 6EQ e: t: 020 8643 7600

Charnwood Fencing Ltd

Beveradge Lane, Bardon Hill Coalville, Leicestershire LE11 2RD e: w: t: 01530 835835 f: 01530 814545

Market House, Market Square 84-86 North Street, Bo’ness West Lothian EH51 9NE e: t: 01506 828008 f: 01506 828009 Ce2000, Co9100, En2000, Ti1200

Cladtek Limited

14 Broadbent Close, Rownhams Southampton, Hampshire SO16 8LQ e: t: 023 8074 0702

Clarke Matthews Ltd

Ffriddoedd Road, Bangor, Gwynedd LL57 2TP e: w: t: 01248 383329 f: 01248 370052 Ed4000 23 Ogilvie House, Stepney Causeway Limehouse, Middlesex E1 0JP e: t: 020 7790 0921 Su1000

26 Gallowgate, Glasgow, Lanarkshire G1 5AB e: w: t: 0141 552 3001 f: 0141 552 3008

Commercial and Industrial Services Isle of Wight Ltd The Old Slaughterhouse, Green Lane Ashey, Ryde, Isle of Wight PO33 4BB e: w: t: 01983 718294

Complete Design Partnership Ltd

16 Museum Place, Cardiff CF10 3BH e: w: t: 029 2025 3123 f: 029 2025 3133 Co7500, Co8800, Co9300, En2000, Ti1200

Charford Lodge, Rock Hill Bromsgrove, Worcestershire B61 7LH e: w: t: 01527 832307 f: 01527 832711 Co4000, Co9100, En2000

Chart House, Dencora Way Ashford, Kent TN23 4FH e: w: t: 01233 611123 f: 01233 645142

Clavedale Ltd

Concept Drawing Limited

Chase Joinery Solutions Ltd

Clifton Structural Timber Ltd

Chart Stables Ltd

Vicarage Farm, Hadley Road Enfield, Middlesex EN2 8LA e: w: t: 020 8362 9034 f: 020 8362 9022 Fu4000, Jo4000, St3000, Wi3000, Wi4000

Chedburn Dudley

Unit 1 Limpley Mill, Limpley Stoke Bath, Somerset BA12 7FJ e: w: t: 01225 859999 f: 01225 859343

Cheshire Mouldings

7 Normans Road, Sutton St. Helens, Merseyside WA9 4JQ e: w: t: 01744 811545 f: 01744 811475 De2000, St2000, St3000

Chick, J P & Partners

31 Malcolm Drive, Surbiton KT6 6QS e: w: t: 07500 787270 Brookfield, The Wern, Pool Quay Welshpool, Powys SY21 9LH e: w: t: 01938 590330 f: 01938 590151 Co9100, En2000

Coast & Country Architecture

9 Watermill Rd, Christchurch, Dorset BH23 2UA e: w: t: 07967 817753

Coda Studios

Hope Works, 25 Mowbray Street Sheffield, South Yorkshire S3 8EL e: w: t: 0114 275 9896 f: 0114 279 6004 Ar2000, Co4000, Co8800, He1000, Su1000

Coed Cymru

7 Museum Street, Ipswich, Suffolk IP1 1HQ e: w: t: 01473 280699 f: 01473 280701 Co4000, Co8800, En2000, Su1000

The Old Sawmill, Tregynon Newtown, Powys SY16 3PL e: w: t: 01686 650777 f: 01686 650696 Bu6800, Lo1000, Mo0500, Ti4000, Ti7600

Chiltern Dynamics

Coen Holdings Ltd

Stocking Lane, Hughenden Valley High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP14 4ND e: w: t: 01494 569800 f: 01494 564895 Co4000, Co8700, Te0500, Te3000, Te3500

Chiltern International Fire

Stocking Lane, Hughenden Valley High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP14 4ND e: w: t: 01494 569800 f: 01494 564895 Co4000, Co8700, Re4000, Te2000, Ar2500

Oranmore Industrial Estate, Deerpark Oranmore, Co Galway, Republic of Ireland t: 00 353 91 795400

Coillte Panel Products (UK) Ltd Persimmon House, Anchor Boulevard Crossways Business Park Dartford, Kent DA2 6QH e: w: t: 01322 424900 f: 01322 424920 Fi2000, Md2000, Pa7200, Pa8000

The Old Forge, Noxons Lane, Waddington Lincoln, Lincolnshire LN5 9QF e: w: t: 07908 931162 Co9100, Co9200

Concrete & Timber Services Limited

Abbey Road, Shepley Huddersfield, West Yorkshire HD8 8BX e: w: t: 01484 606416 f: 01484 608763 Br2000, De2000, St5000


Consulting Structural & Civil Engineers 1-5 Offord Street, London N1 1DH e: w: t: 020 7700 6666 f: 020 7700 6686 En2000

Constructional Timber (Manufacturers) Ltd

Dern Lane, Waldron Heathfield, East Sussex TN21 0PN e: w: t: 01435 813472 First Floor, Unit 7, Brook Business Centre Cowley Mill Road, Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 2FX e: t: 01895 231000 f: 01895 230044 En2000 Centre For The Built Environment Trevenson Road, Camborne, Cornwall TR15 3RD e: w: t: 01209 611611 ex3541 f: 01209 616135 Co5000, Co7000, Ed4000, En3000, Fu3000

Courtyard Designs Ltd

Hollywall Farm, Stoke Prior Leominster, Herefordshire HR6 0NF e: w: t: 01568 760540 f: 0872 110 8233 Bu6800, Ti1200, Ti1500, Ti2000

Cowan Architects Ltd

9-10 Old Stone Link, Ship Street East Grinstead, West Sussex RH19 4EF e: w: t: 01342 410242 f: 01342 313493 Ar2000

Cowan Consultancy Ltd

3 Turnberry House, The Links 4400 Parkway, Solent Business Park Fareham, Hampshire PO15 7FJ e: w: t: 01489 577488 f: 01489 579873 Ce2000, Co4000, Co9100, En2000, So1000

Cowley Timberwork

The Quarry, Grantham Road Waddington, Lincoln, Lincolnshire LN5 9NT e: w: t: 01522 720022 f: 01522 723681 Gl2000, St8000, St8500, St9000, Ti2000

Cowper Griffith Architects

15 High Street, Whittlesford Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB22 4LT e: w: t: 01223 835998 f: 01223 837327 Ar2000, Co4000

Albion Road, Carlton Industrial Estate Carlton, Barnsley, South Yorkshire S71 3HW e: w: t: 01226 727211 f: 01226 722198 Br2000, Gl1000, Gl2000, Lv1000, Ti2000

Cox Design and Planning

Container Conversions

Craig and Green Architects LLP

Appletree Cottage Lower Chase Road Swanmore, Southampton, Hampshire SO32 2PB e: t: 01489 893899

Cook Associates

1-2 Limes Place, Preston Street Faversham, Kent ME13 8PQ e: w: t: 01795 532834 f: 01795 535605 Ar2000, Co9100, En2000

Cooper Beal & Ross

33c Shaw Road, Heaton Moor Stockport, Cheshire SK4 4AG e: t: 0161 442 9770 f: 0161 442 9775 En2000

7 Atlas Works, Foundry Lane Earls Colne, Colchester, Essex CO6 2TE e: w: t: 01787 221375 111 Duke Street Barrow In Furness, Cumbria LA14 1XA e: w: t: 01229 820072 f: 01229 870392 Ar2000

Crendon Timber Engineering Glastonbury Branch Porchestall Drove Glastonbury, Somerset BA6 9LX e: w: t: 01458 836400 f: 01458 836440

TRADA Members


Crendon Timber Engineering Ltd Drakes Drive, Long Crendon Buckinghamshire HP18 9BA e: w: t: 01844 201020 f: 01844 201625 Gl2000, Ps1000, St8000, Ti2000, Tr4000

Crendon Timber Engineering Ltd Bristol Branch

Whitchurch Lane, Whitchurch, Bristol BS14 0BH e: w: t: 01275 832724 f: 01275 892593 Gl2000, Ti2000, Tr4000

Crendon Timber Engineering Ltd Castleford Branch Carr Wood Road, Glasshoughton Castleford, West Yorkshire WF10 4PS e: w: t: 01977 554220 f: 01977 513017

Crendon Timber Engineering Ltd Piddlehinton Branch Unit 23 Enterprise Park, Piddlehinton Dorchester, Dorset, DT2 7UA e: w: t: 01305 847110 f: 01305 847111

Crocketts Gates Limited

Crocketts Yard, Aylesbury Road, Askett Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire HP27 9LY e: w: t: 01844 342036 f: 01844 343509

Crocodile Timber Frames

Unit 62, Thornhill Road, South Marston Swindon, Wiltshire SN3 4TA e: w: t: 01793 821555 f: 01793 821666 Pa1000, St8000, Ti2000, Ti2500, Ti2700

Croft Structural Engineers

Clockshop Mews Rear of 60 Saxon Road, London SE25 5EH e: w: t: 020 868 44744 Co4000, Co9100, En2000, Ti1200

Crown Timber Plc

1 Wilkinson Road, Love Lane Industrial Estate Cirencester, Gloucestershire GL7 1WH e: w: t: 01285 646000 f: 01285 646020 St6000

Crucis Designs Limited

42 Victoria Drive, Leigh On Sea, Essex SS9 1SF e: w: t: 020 814 43964 Co9100, Co9200, En2000, Ti1200

CSK Architects

93A High Street, Eton Windsor, Berkshire SL4 6AF e: w: t: 01753 840519

CT architect

5 Siskin Gardens, Paddock Wood Tonbridge, Kent TN12 6XP e: t: 07506 072929 Ar2000

Cubby Construction Ltd Units H & L, Knights Drive Kingmoor Park Central Carlisle, Cumbria CA6 4SG e: w: t: 01228 521284

CUBE Architecture

D C Blayney Associates

David French Partnership

Cube Design Limited

D H Design North West Limited

David Grindley Architects

80 Barons Hill Avenue Linlithgow, West Lothian EH49 7JG e: t: 07803 934383 Ar2000 Unit 12 Headlands Business Park Salisbury Road, Ringwood Hampshire BH24 3PB e: w: t: 01425 481999

Cullinan Studio

Foundry, 5 Baldwin Terrace Islington, London N1 7RU e: w: t: 020 7704 1975 f: 020 7354 2739 Ar2000

Curtins Consulting Engineers

28 Lowther Street, Kendal, Cumbria LA9 4DH e: w: t: 01539 724823 f: 01539 733977 Co9100, En2000

Curtis Wood Architects Limited 20 Broadwick Street, London W1F 8HT e: w: t: 020 7684 1400 f: 0845 130 5949 Ar2000, Ar2500, Co4000, Fu3000


#110 - 1692 Atkinson Street Penticton, British Columbia V2A 6B5, Canada e: w: t: 00 1 250 754 1225 f: 00 1 250 490 8915 As1000, Ce1000, Co4000, Co5500, Co8700

Cygnum Ltd

Macroom, County Cork, Republic of Ireland e: w: t: 00 353 26 21100 f: 00 353 26 21199 Gl1000, Lv1000, St8500, Ti1500, Ti2000

Cygnum Ltd

Stowmarket Business Park, Ernest Nunn Road Stowmarket, Suffolk IP14 2ED e: w: t: 01449 771782 f: 01449 774009 Gl1000, Lv1000, St8500, Ti1500, Ti2000

CZWG Architects LLP

17 Bowling Green Lane, London EC1R 0QB e: w: t: 020 7253 2523 f: 020 7250 0594 Ar2000


D & D Construction (MM) Ltd

2 Stathern Road, Eastwell Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire LE14 4EN e: t: 07962 212371 f: 01949 860395

D & R W Design Partnership Ltd The Bungalow, Trevarren St. Columb, Cornwall TR9 6PH e: w: t: 01726 861006 Co4000, Co9100, En2000

Compass House, Vision Park, Chivers Way Histon, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB24 9AD e: w: t: 01223 257763 f: 01223 257800 Pells Byre, Hophouse Lane, Kirkby Lonsdale Carnforth, Lancashire LA6 2EH e: t: 01524 272138 f: 01524 272138 Ar2000

D Kelly Design

43 Guildford Street Luton, Bedfordshire LU1 2NQ e: w: t: 01582 708000 f: 01582 708014 7 Lissel Road, Simpson Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire MK6 3AX e: w: t: 01908 668919 f: 01908 673803 Ar2000

Queen Anne House, 111 High Street Fort William, Inverness-Shire PH33 6DG e: t: 01397 700999 f: 01397 700888 Ar2500

David I Burke Structural Design Ltd

D L H Design Associates 62 Ennerdale Drive Congleton, Cheshire CW12 4FL e: t: 01260 279243

Homefield, Chapel Lane, Crofthandy Redruth, Cornwall TR16 5JQ e: t: 07901 536080 Bu3000

D Stewart Toy Chartered Architects

David Mee Architect

29 High Street, Lanark, Lanarkshire ML11 7LU e: t: 01555 665761 Ar2000


18 Nethergate, Kinghorn, Fife KY3 9SY e: t: 07900 296975 f: 0872 115 0349

David Lanyon

3 Cameron Square Fort William, Invernesshire PH33 6AJ e: t: 01397 700332 f: 01397 700224 Ar2000

11 Greenfields Way Horsham, West Sussex RH12 4LF e: w: t: 01403 268959 En2000

David Mikhail Architects

Dannatt Johnson Architects

David Morley Architects

DAS Structures Ltd

David Narro Associates

Datum Limited

David Narro Associates

52c Borough High Street, London SE1 1XN e: w: t: 020 7357 7100 f: 020 7357 7200 Ar2000 Sunrise, Penhalvean Redruth, Cornwall TR16 6TQ e: t: 07779 112125 En2000 Datum House, Lagonda Road Cowpen Industrial Estate Billingham, Cleveland TS23 4JA e: w: t: 01642 562670 Bu6800, Fi4000, Ti2000, Tr4000, Wi1000

10 - 11 Clerkenwell Green, London EC1R ODP e: w: t: 020 7608 1505 f: 020 8616 4582 Ar2000 18 Hatton Place, London EC1N 8RU e: w: t: 020 7430 2444 f: 020 7430 2443 Ar2000 34-36 Argyle Place, Edinburgh, Lothian EH9 1JT e: w: t: 0131 229 5553 f: 0131 229 5090 Ce2000, Co9100, En2000 24 James Morrison Street, Glasgow G1 5PE e: w: t: 0141 552 6080 f: 0141 552 7418 Ce2000, Co9100, En2000

David Osborne Associates

1 Boulderclough Chapel, Sowerby Lane Halifax, West Yorkshire HX2 6JW e: t: 07711 290006

The White House, Churt Farnham, Surrey GU10 2JA e: w: t: 01428 713787 f: 01428 714298 En2000

David Attree

David Parker Architects Ltd

David Barfield Associates

David R Murray & Associates

David Dexter Associates

David Robert Ltd/Towertop Ltd

Dave Gowen Design Ltd

Pye Corner, Laurel Court Green End, Granborough, Buckingham Buckinghamshire MK18 3NT e: t: 01296 670497 f: 01296 670840 En2000, Su1000 Tylston Cottage, Tunbridge Lane Liphook, Hampshire GU30 7QA e: w: t: 01428 723325 Co9100, En1500, En2000 1-5 Vyner Street, London E2 9DG e: w: t: 020 7247 7172 f: 020 8983 6702

The Old Brewery Tap, 3 Shirburn Street Watlington, Oxfordshire OX49 5BU e: w: t: 01491 613066 f: 01491 614017 Ar2000, Ar2500, Co4000, He1000 150 St John’s Road Edinburgh, Lothian EH12 8AY e: w: t: 0131 334 0765 f: 0131 316 4540 Ce2000, Co9100, Co9200, En1500, En2000 Bristol House, Hexham Northumberland NE47 5LA e: t: 07976 260718

T imber Industry Yearbook 2 013

David Sheppard Architects

Cob Corner, Higher Keaton Ermington, Nr Ivybridge, Devon PL21 0LB e: w: t: 01752 698675 f: 01752 698558

Davis Langdon Schumann Smith

TRADA Members


Design and Maintain Ltd


Design Engine Architects Ltd

Donald McIntyre Design Ltd

21 Double Common Charmouth, Dorset DT6 6PT e: w:

Mid City Place, 71 High Holborn London WC1V 6QS e: w: smith t: 020 7061 7357

The Studios, Coker Close Winchester, Hampshire SO22 5FF e: w: t: 01962 890111 f: 01962 890222 Ar2000, La9000

Days Buildbase

Design Projects Partnership Ltd

Burrfields Road, Portsmouth Hampshire PO3 5NA e: w: t: 023 9266 2261 f: 023 9266 6497 Do3000, Do5000, Ti7500, Ti7600, Ti7700

Dearlove Architecture Limited

Unit C, Edward House Grange Business Park, Enderby Road Whetstone, Leicester, Leicestershire LE8 6EP e: w: t: 0116 278 3355 f: 0116 278 4151 Ar2000, Ar2500

De’Ath, Michael W MRICS 6 Manwood Avenue Canterbury Kent CT2 7AF e: t: 01227 464729

Deeside Timberframe Ltd

Broomhill Road, Spurryhillock Industrial Estate Stonehaven, Aberdeenshire AB39 2NH e: w: t: 01569 767123 f: 01569 767766 Co9100, Ti1200, Ti1500, Ti2000

Delta Build Ltd

4 Toldishal Rd, Great Maplestead Halstead, Essex CO9 2RD e: t: 01787 469857 Bu3000

Dempsey Dyer Ltd

Unit 11-13, Langthwaite Business Park South Kirkby, Pontefract West Yorkshire WF9 3AP e: w: t: 01977 649641 f: 01977 649517 Bu5000, Do2500, Wi2000, Wi3000, Wi4000

Dennis Goldsmith Architect 87 Cambridge Road, Girton Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB3 0PN e: t: 01223 276303 Ar2000

Department of Agriculture, Marine and Food

Agriculture House, 3 West Kildare Street Dublin 2, Republic of Ireland e: w: t: 00 353 1 607 2085 As1000, Go2000, Re4000

Derek Rhind Architect 3 Moss Side Road, Biggar South Lanarkshire ML12 6GF e: t: 01899 229253 Ar2000

Derix Laminated Timber

Dam 63, 41372, NiederkrĂźchten, Germany e: w: t: 00 49 2163 89880 f: 00 49 2163 898887 Br2000, Bu3000, Gl1000, Gl2000, Ma2500

Moonacre, Moonhills Lane, Beaulieu Brockenhurst, Hampshire SO42 7YW e: t: 01590 612616 f: 01590 612525 Co4000, Co8800

design STUDIO2 Ltd

Phoenix House, Unit 301 24 High Street, London E11 2AQ e: t: 0845 257 4296 f: 0871 789 4296

Designcell Architecture

1 Southernhay West, Exeter, Devon EX1 1JG e: t: 01392 434100 Ar2000, Ti1200 Broadford, Stansbatch Leominster, Herefordshire HR6 9LL e: w: t: 01544 267262 En2000

Donald Whitfield Practice Highlands, Pendoggett, St.Kew Bodmin, Cornwall PL30 3HH e: t: 01208 880035

Douglas Homes (South West) Ltd Bridge House, Bridge Road Kingswood, Bristol BS15 4FN t: 0117 910 9997 Ar2000

Dover Trussed Roof Co Limited

Ely House, The Postern, Brecon, Powys LD3 9DF e: w: t: 01874 610873 f: 01874 610873 Ar2000

Shelvin Manor, Shelvin Canterbury, Kent CT4 6RL e: w: t: 01303 844303 f: 01303 844342 Tr4000


Dryburgh Associates

Flat 4, 18 Trinity Street, London SE1 1DB e: w: t: 07876 506076 Ar2000


Studio 5, Homelands, Higher Union Road Kingsbridge, Devon TQ7 1EQ e: t: 01548 854226 En2000

Devon Timber Buildings Ltd

Causewayhead, Kennoway Leven, Fife KY8 5LB e: t: 01333 352735 f: 01333 352835

D-Tech Design Ltd

Office 9, Banbridge Business Centre 62 Scarva Road, Banbridge Co. Down BT32 3QD e: w: t: 028 4065 8130 f: 028 4062 0747 Ar2500, Co4000, Co9200, Ti1200

Unit 6, Marble Court Business Park Lymington Road, Torquay, Devon TQ1 4FB e: w: t: 01803 322560 Ti2000

Dualchas Building Design

Diamond Wood and Shaw Limited

Duffy Chartered Engineers

The Old School, Blaby Road, Enderby Leicester, Leicestershire LE19 4AR e: w: t: 0116 284 8989 f: 0116 284 8898 En2000

Dixon Hurst Kemp Limited Britannia House, 336 Kingsway Hove, East Sussex BN3 4LW e: w: t: 01273 421444 f: 01273 420008 Co4000, En2000

DJ Building Design

10 Violet Croft, Tipton West Midlands DY4 0DB e: w: t: 07748 981163 / 0121 5300787 Ar2500

DK Building Designs

22 Hullbridge Road Rayleigh, Essex SS6 9NZ e: w: t: 01268 655700

Duisdale Beag, Sleat, Isle Of Skye IV43 8QU e: w: t: 01471 833300 f: 01471 833322 Ar2000 Jocelyn House, Jocelyn Street Dundalk, Co. Louth, Republic of Ireland e: w: t: 00 353 42 935 1600 f: 00 353 42 935 1601 Co7000, Co8800, Co9100, Co9200, En2000

Duggan Morris Architects

Unit 7, Ground Floor 16-24 Underwood Street, London N1 7JQ e: w: t: 020 7566 7440 f: 020 7014 3119 Ar2000

Duncan Gayler Ltd

St Catherines House, The Grove Ventnor, Isle Of Wight PO38 1TB e: t: 01983 854762 f: 0560 1150 937 Ar2000

Dundas Building Company Design Office Bridgeness Road, Boness West Lothian EH51 3SQ e: t: 01506 823331 f: 01506 822590

DuPont Tyvek

Unit 29, Hither Green Trading Estate Clevedon, North Somerset BS21 6XU e: w: t: 01275 879770 f: 01275 879773 / 879033 Ti0500, Ti0800, Ti2700, Va0500

Dwell Architecture & Design Ltd

The Old Post Office, Lewes Road, Scaynes Hill Haywards Heath, West Sussex RH17 7PG e: w: t: 01444 831800 f: 01444 220499


265 Wilmslow Road, Manchester M14 5LN e: w: t: 0161 237 1500


E & M West

5 Balustrade, London Road Bath, Somerset BA1 6QA e: w: t: 01225 461284 En2000

E & P Building Design

The Gables, Field Walk, Mildenhall Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP28 7AH e: w: t: 01638 717379 f: 01638 714725 Ar2000, Co4000, Co7000, Co8800, Su2000

E A R Sheppard Consulting Civil & Structural Engineer Limited 5 Chiswick Place Eastbourne, Sussex BN21 4NH e: w: t: 01323 410478 f: 01323 412187 Ce2000, Co8800, Co9100, En2000, Ti1200

E A R Sheppard Consulting Civil & Structural Engineer Limited 33 Wellington Square Hastings, East Sussex TN34 1PN e: w: t: 01424 439825 f: 01424 435286 Ce2000, Co8800, Co9100, En2000, Ti1200

E K Drawing Service Ltd

23 Swinburne Avenue Broadstairs, Kent CT10 2DP e: t: 01843 860312 f: 01843 860312 Ar2500

E P T Partnership

Ty Cefn, Rectory Road, Canton, Cardiff CF5 1QL e: w: t: 029 2034 4966 f: 029 2034 4942 Ar2000

easi-edge Limited Safety Solutions Ollerton Road, Tuxford, Newark Nottinghamshire NG22 0PQ e: w: t: 01777 870901 f: 01777 872047 Co7000

East Anglian Timber Trade Association

2 Elm Tree Lane, Leavenheath Colchester, Essex CO6 4UL e: t: 01206 263261 f: 01206 263736

TRADA Members


East Lothian Council Community Housing & Property Management

Penston House, Macmerry Industrial Estate Macmerry, East Lothian EH33 1EX w: t: 01620 827773 f: 01620 827454 Lo1000

Eckersley O’Callaghan Structural Design

Kingsgate, 1 Bravingtons Walk, London N1 9AE e: w: t: 020 7354 5402

Ecochoice Certified Timbers

Trinity House, Cambridge Business Park Cowley Road, Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 0WZ e: w: t: 0845 638 1340 f: 0845 642 1340 Br2000, Cd1000, De2000, Ha7000, Mo0500

Eco-librium Solutions Ltd

Great Cauldham Farm Office, Cauldham Lane Capel-Le-Ferne, Folkestone, Kent CT18 7HQ e: w: t: 01303 851155 f: 01303 851156 Bu3000, Co4000, Ho3000

Ecospace Ltd

3 Iliffe Yard, Kennington, London SE17 3QA e: w: t: 020 7703 4004 f: 020 7708 4750

Ecowarm Ltd

King’s Dock Street Liverpool, Merseyside L1 8JS e: w: t: 0151 708 1400 f: 0151 708 1401

Ed Sharkey Associates

49 Meadow Rise, Barton under Needwood Burton upon Trent, Staffs DE13 8DT e: t: 01283 713124 f: 01283 713124

ed toovey architects

Studio 409, Royle Building 31 Wenlock Road, London N1 7SH e: w: t: 020 7490 1910 Ar2000

Edinburgh Structures

71 Tryst Park, Edinburgh, Midlothian EH10 7HB e: t: 0131 445 7655

Effects Too

Unit 89 Cannon Workshops, 5 Cannon Drive off Hertsmere Road, London E14 4AS e: w: t: 020 7515 8431 f: 020 7515 8432

Elders Consulting Engineers LLP 9 Park Crescent, Edinburgh EH16 7JD e: w: t: 0131 664 5176 f: 0131 664 5643 Co4000, En1500, En2000

Elite Systems GB Ltd

Bedford Street, Westgate Cleckheaton, West Yorkshire BD19 5EA e: w: t: 01274 873232 f: 01274 877779 Ti2000

Elliott – Off-Site Building Solutions Westland House, 9 Cliffe Park Way Morley, Leeds, Yorkshire LS27 0RY e: w: t: 01274 863221 f: 01274 861582 Bu3000

Elliott Wood Partnership LLP 241 The Broadway, London SW19 1SD e: w: t: 020 8544 0033 f: 020 8544 0066 Co4000, En2000

Ellis and Moore Consulting Engineers

9th Floor, Hill House Highgate Hill, London N19 5NA e: w: t: 020 7281 4821 f: 020 7263 6613 Co7000, En2000, He1000, Su1000, Ti1200

EM Computer Aided Design Service

45 Chestnut Crescent, Chudleigh Newton Abbot, Devon TQ13 0PT e: w: t: 01626 854822

Enfield Speciality Doors

Alexandra Road, Enfield, Middlesex EN3 7EH e: w: t: 020 8805 6662 f: 020 8443 1290 Do2000, Do2500, Do3000, Do4500, Do5000

Eng’ Zvi Eichbaum

English Brothers Bespoke Projects Limited

Salts Road, Walton Highway Wisbech, Cambridgeshire PE14 7DU e: t: 01945 427985

English Heritage Buildings LLP Coldharbour Farm Estate Woods Corner, East Sussex TN21 9LQ e: w: t: 01424 838643 f: 01424 838606 Bu3000, Bu6800, Ho3000, Ti2000

Ennerji Projects

High Meadow, Greenhill Avenue Lympstone, Devon EX8 5HW e: w: t: 0845 4739176 Ar2500

Environmental Coatings

Unit 1, 45 Hermitage Lane Mansfield, Nottinghamshire NG18 5HB e: w: t: 01623 634281 f: 01623 634282 Pa3000, Pa4000, Pr1000, Re6000, St1000

EPR Architects Ltd

30 Millbank, London SW1P 4DU e: w: t: 020 7932 7600 f: 020 7932 7601 Ar2000

ERW Joinery Ltd

Renovation House, Skippers Lane Middlesborough, North Yorkshire TS6 6HA e: w: t: 01642 456167 f: 01642 462708 Do2500, Do5000, Jo4000, Re6000, Wi2000

Essenden Design Ltd.

151, Seal Hollow Road Sevenoaks, Kent TN13 3SP e: t: 01732 455831

Estimators Limited

Gardale House, 118b Gatley Road Gatley, Stockport, Cheshire SK8 4AU e: w: t: 0161 286 8601 f: 0161 428 5788

Etchingham Morris Architecture Ltd

Bne Binjamin str 27, Herzlia 46362, Israel e: t: 00 9 729 9505304

The Studio, Rear of 43/45 High Street Ringwood, Hampshire BH24 1AD e: t: 01425 483155 f: 01425 483156

350 West Granton Road Edinburgh, Mid Lothian EH5 1QE e: w: t: 0131 559 4190 Ed4000

Engel Construction Limited


Edward Hunt & Co

Berkhamsted House, 121 High Street Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire HP4 2DJ e: t: 01442 865011 f: 01442 870148

3b Maltings Place Tower Bridge Road, London SE1 3JB e: w: t: 020 7089 5760

Eeko Design Ltd

Engineers HRW

Edinburgh’s Telford College

8 Wellington Gardens Falmouth, Cornwall TR11 3BB e: w: t: 07876 782098 Ar2000, Su1000

80 Linden Way, Woking, Ripley, Surrey GU23 6LP e: t: 07500 933011 f: 020 8090 6219 Bu3000

Engenuiti Limited

Unit 2, Blue Lion Place 237 Long Lane, London SE1 4PU e: w: t: 020 7407 9575 Co9100, En2000

Unit 2, 33 Waterson Street, London E2 8HT e: w: t: 020 7749 3929 f: 020 7749 3928 Bu3000, Co9100, Co9200, Gl2000, Pa8200


140 Old Street, London EC1V 9BJ e: w: t: 020 7251 6888 f: 020 7490 7973 Ce2000, Co9100, Co9200, En2000, Ti1200

Exterior Decking

Unit 5, Reed Industrial Estate, Plantation Road Amersham, Buckinghamshire HP6 7JU e: w: t: 01494 722204 Ca0500, De2000, Ha7000, La9000, Ti7600


Faber Technical Limited

Austin House, 43 Poole Road Bournemouth, Dorset BH4 9DN e: t: 01202 761370 f: 01202 765885 Ar2500, Co4000

Fabric Flare Limited

Gosford Road, Beccles, Suffolk NR34 9QP e: w: t: 01502 711211 f: 01502 711993 Co1700, Fi7000, Fl1000, Pa4000, Te2000

Factory Homes Ltd

799 Hedon Road, Hull, N Humberside HU9 5LU e: w: t: 01482 713826 f: 01482 225254


225 Bath Street, Glasgow, Lanarkshire G2 4GZ e: w: t: 0141 204 8800 f: 0141 204 8801 Co5000, Co8800, En2000, En3000


Clifton Heights, Triangle West Clifton, Bristol BS8 1EJ e: w: t: 0117 925 0259 f: 0844 381 4412 Co5000, Co9100, En2000


Westerton Of Craigie, Southampton Road Dundee, Tayside DD4 7PN e: w: t: 01382 453300 f: 0844 381 4412 Co4000, Co8800, Co9100, En2000

Farrow Walsh Consulting

The Warehouse, 1a Stamford Street Leicester, Leicestershire LE1 6NL e: w: t: 0116 2853773 f: 0116 2853778

Fasciato Architects Ltd

17 Stoney Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 6LG e: w: t: 01625 536622 f: 01625 444862 Ar2000

Fawcett Construction Ltd

Staplemead, Church Lane Rimpton, Yeovil, Somerset BA22 8AE e: w: t: 01935 850973 f: 01935 850702 Co9100, Co9200, Ho3000, Ti1500, Ti2000

FBN Architects LLP

Herbert House, 28 Herbert Street Glasgow, Lanarkshire G20 6NB e: w: t: 0141 337 1144 Ar2000

Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios

Bath Brewery, Toll Bridge Road, Bath BA1 7DE e: w: t: 01225 852545 f: 01225 852528 Ar2000

T imber Industry Yearbook 2 013

Felce & Guy Partnership

TRADA Members


Fleming Buildbase

Forbes Leslie Network

Frias-Robles Associates Ltd

Unit 6, Felnex Close Cross Green Industrial Estate Leeds, West Yorkshire LS9 0SR e: w: t: 01132 480 222 f: 01132 406 066 Jo4000

Fleming Buildbase

Forest Hill Design

Frontier Construction

Fereday Pollard Architects

Fleming Buildbase

73 Holland Road, Hove, East Sussex BN3 1LB e: w: t: 01273 736217 f: 01273 720979 Ar2000

Fenhardy Ltd

34-35 Great Sutton Street London EC1V 0DX e: w: t: 020 7253 0303 f: 020 7608 0118 Ar2000

Fidler Associates Ltd

31 Hillside Road Northwood, Middlesex HA6 1PY e: t: 01923 840482 f: 01923 840483 Co7000, Co8800, En2000, Su1000

Fife Joinery Manufacturing

Telford Road, Eastfield Industrial Estate Glenrothes, Fife KY7 4NX t: 01592 773181 f: 01592 773253

Finewood Marketing (UK) Ltd

The Byres, Wellingham Lane Ringmer, Lewes, East Sussex BN8 5SN e: w: t: 01273 729988 f: 01273 729933 Do2000, Ha7000, Mo4500, Ti0900, Ve1000

Finite Design

Brook House, Mint Street Godalming, Surrey GU7 1HE e: w: t: 01483 427747 f: 01483 427747 En2000

FIRA International Ltd

Maxwell Road, Stevenage Hertfordshire SG1 2EW e: w: t: 01438 777700 f: 01438 777800 As1000, Ce1000, Co5000, Co7500, Re4000

Firebrace, Andrew Partnership Stable Barn, Park End, Swaffham Bulbeck Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB5 ONA e: w: t: 01223 811572 f: 01223 812719 Co7000, Co9100, En2000

First Turn Cad

Unit 38, Innovation Centre Canterbury, Kent CT2 7FG e: w: t: 07977 117853 Ar2500

Five Oak Projects Ltd

2 Manor Farm Cottages, The Street Long Sutton, Hampshire RG29 1SS e: w: t: 07813 081202

Fleming Buildbase

Silverburn Place Bridge Of Don, Aberdeen AB23 8EG e: w: t: 01224 258200 f: 01224 825377 Bu1000, Jo2000, Ma2500, Ti7500

Wood Street, Grangemouth Stirlingshire FK3 8LH e: w: t: 01324 665444 f: 01324 485490 Ma2500, Ti7500 North Deeside Road, Banchory Kincardineshire AB31 5YR e: w: t: 01330 820118 f: 01330 820119 Bu1000, Jo2000, Ti7500

Studio 7, 19 Marine Crescent64 Glasgow G51 1HD e: w: t: 01292 267992 f: 01292 611652 Ce2000, Co9100, Co9200, En1500, En2000 3 Marsden Gate Farm, Marsden Gate Sowood, Halifax, West Yorkshire HX4 9LD e: w: t: 01422 311170 f: 01422 311170

Forest Service, DARD

Shore Street, Inverness IV1 1NY e: w: t: 01463 233013 f: 01463 220794 Bu1000, Jo2000, Ti7500

Dundonald House, Upper Newtownards Road County Antrim BT4 3SB e: w: t: 028 9052 4480 f: 028 9052 4570 Ti4000

Fleming Buildbase

Forests Forever

Fleming Buildbase - Doors & Windows

Forth Valley College

Crowness Crescent, Hatson Industrial Estate Kirkwall, Orkney KW15 1GJ e: w: t: 01856 875725 f: 01856 875735 Bu1000, Jo2000, Ti7500

Wood Street, Grangemouth Stirlingshire FK3 8LH e: w: t: 0870 240 3789 Jo2000

Fleming Buildings Limited

23 Auchinloch Road, Lenzie Glasgow, Strathclyde G66 5ET e: w: t: 0141 776 1181 f: 0141 775 1394 Bu3000, Bu6800, Ti2000

Fleming Homes Limited

Station Road, Duns, Berwickshire TD11 3HS e: w: t: 01361 883785 f: 01361 883898 Ti2000

Flight Timber Products Ltd

Earls Colne Business Park Earls Colne, Colchester, Essex CO6 2NS e: w: t: 01787 222336 f: 01787 222359 St9000, Ti1500, Ti2000, Ti2700, Tr4000

Flinders Design

12 Coronation Road, Worle Weston-Super-Mare, Avon BS22 6DT e: w: t: 01934 517786 Ar2500

Flooring Forensics

The Limes, The Street Crowmarsh Gibbon, Oxfordshire OX10 8HF e: w: t: 01491 598468 f: 0870 460 5901

FLUID Structural Engineers Second Floor, 21 St George’s Road London SE1 6ES e: w: t: 020 7820 7766 f: 020 7582 7848 Co4000, Co9100, Co9200, En2000

The Building Centre 26 Store Street, London WC1E 7BT e: w: t: 020 7839 1891 f: 020 7930 0094 Co5000, En4000 Grangemouth Road Falkirk, Stirlingshire FK2 9AD e: w: t: 01324 403000 Ed4000

Foster + Partners

Riverside, 22 Hester Road, London SW11 4AN e: w: t: 020 7738 0455 f: 020 7738 1107/08 Ar2000

183-185a Lower Blandford Road Poole, Dorset BH18 8DH e: w: t: 01202 657335 f: 01202 692250 Ar2500, Co4000, Su1000 Ty Gwyn, Nant Peris Caernarfon, Gwynedd LL55 4UE e: t: 07774 440799

Fulham Timber Merchants Ltd

Unit 9, Ellerslie Square Industrial Estate, London SW2 5DZ e: w: t: 020 7738 3268 f: 020 7737 7825 De2000, Fl4000, Ha7000, Pa7500, So6000

Fuller Designs Ltd

Woodcroft, Heath Road, Hessett Bury St.Edmunds, Suffolk IP30 9BJ e: w: t: 01359 270950 f: 01284 388092 Co9100, Ti1200

Furness Partnership Ltd

20 Britton Street, London EC1M 5TX e: w: t: 020 7490 4353 f: 020 7490 4354 Co9100, Co9200, En2000, Ti1200


G & S Specialist Timber

Unit 1.4, 1-5 Vyner Street, London E2 9DG e: w: t: 020 8983 3388

Snuff Mill Lane, Stainton Penrith, Cumbria CA11 0HA e: w: t: 01768 891440 f: 01768 890557 Sa6000, Sa7000, St6000, Ti7600, To0500

Foxx Limited

G A P Ltd

Frame UK

G B Design Services

Fourthspace Ltd

66-70 Park Hill Street Bolton, Lancashire BL1 4AR e: w: t: 01204 362300 f: 01204 399200 En2000 Jenson House, Cardrew Industrial Estate Redruth, Cornwall TR15 1SS e: w: t: 01209 310560 f: 01209 310561 Bu7000, Gl2000, Ti2000, Ti2700, Tr4000

Francis Bradshaw Partnership

Bank Chambers, 4-6 Church Street Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 1AU e: w: t: 01625 548551 f: 01625 548552 Co4000, Co8800, Co9100, Co9200, En2000

Frank Ward Consulting Engineers Limited

5 Ellenbrook Road, Boothstown Worsley, Manchester, Lancashire M28 1FX e: t: 0161 790 8805 f: 0161 790 7615

Franks & Lewin

Unit W121, Westminster Business Square 1-45 Durham Street, London SE11 5JH e: w: t: 020 7735 6455 f: 020 7820 9331 En2000

Doriel House, Halton Heath Trading Park Poole, Dorset BH16 6LE e: w: t: 01202 600900 f: 01202 601900 En2000 55 Burgh Road, Lerwick, Shetland ZE1 0HJ e: t: 01595 694382 f: 01595 694382

G C Robertson & Associates Ltd The Salt House, Tide Mill Way Woodbridge, Suffolk IP12 1BY e: w: t: 01394 384887 f: 01394 380739 Co9100, Co9200, En2000

G M L Construction Ltd

Orchard House, Westerhill Road Coxheath, Maidstone, Kent ME17 4DH e: w: t: 0845 685 8100 f: 01622 742701 Bu3000, Ed4000, Ho3000, Ti2000

G M Moore & Associates

Willow Cottage, Hankham Hall Road Hankham, Pevensey, East Sussex BN24 5AH e: w: t: 01323 888013 Ar2500, Co4000, Co8800, He1000, Ti1200

TRADA Members


G P Zachariades (O) Ltd

PO Box 5632 Manama ZZ1 1BN, Kingdom of Bahrain e: t: 00 973 1759 8800 f: 00 973 1759 8801 Bu3000, Ho3000

G R Architects

97 Lowther Street, Penrith, Cumbria CA11 7UW e: w: t: 01768 892148 Ar2000

G W P Architecture Ltd

Bracken House, 1 Lidgett Lane Leeds, West Yorkshire LS8 1PQ e: w: t: 0113 266 6044 f: 0113 268 1859

Gabriel Gheorghita Consulting Engineers Ltd

Alltwen, Penrhyndeudraeth Gwynedd LL48 6DL e: t: 01766 770562 f: 01766 770562

Galbraith, C K D

Reay House, 17 Old Edinburgh Road Inverness, Inverness-Shire IV2 3HF e: w: t: 01463 224343 f: 01463 243234 Su1000

Gang-Nail Systems Limited Christy Estate, Ivy Road Aldershot, Hampshire GU12 4XG e: w: t: 01252 334691 f: 01252 334562 Tr5000

Garden Trellis Co Ltd, The

Unit No 1 Brunel Road Gorse Lane Industrial Estate Clacton-On-Sea, Essex CO15 4LU e: w: t: 01255 688361 f: 01255 688362 De2000, Fe2000, Ga4000, Jo5000, La7000

Gareth Hoskins Architects

Studio 401, South Block 60/64 Osborne Street, Glasgow G1 5QH e: w: t: 0141 553 5800 Ar2000

Garner Southall Partnership Ashby House, Middleton Street Llandrindod Wells, Powys LD1 5ET e: w: t: 01597 824144 f: 01597 822556 Ar2000, Su1000

Gary Gabriel Associates

GB Electrical & Building Services Ltd

29-35 Portland Street Hereford, Hertfordshire HR4 9JE e: t: 01432 272188 f: 01432 354445 Bu3000


Horne Court Manor Farm Horne Court Hill, Horne, Surrey RH6 9LB e: w: t: 0800 096 5466 f: 01293 852468 Bu6800, Ti2000

Gemmell Hammond Ltd

Sir William Smith Road, Kirkton Industrial Estate Arbroath, Angus DD11 3RD e: t: 01241 878044 f: 01241 878046 Co4000, Co9100, En2000

Geraint Efans Pensaer

Yr Hen Ysgol, Brynrefail Caernarfon, Gwynedd LL55 3NR e: t: 01286 685483 Ar2000

Gerry Robb Architectural Design Services Bridgend, Bridgeview Road Aboyne, Aberdeenshire AB34 5HB e: t: 01339 886359 f: 01339 885280 Ar2000, Ar2500

G-frame Structures

York House, 140 High Town Road Luton, Beds LU3 0DJ e: w: t: 01582 967724 Bu3000, Bu8000, Gl1000, Gl2000

Ghana Forestry Commission

Achimota Forest (opp Gimpa), West Legon Po Box MB 434, Accra, Ghana e: w: t: 00 233 21221315 f: 00 233 21220818

Ghana Forestry Commission Timber Industry Development Division Po Box 738, Takoradi, Ghana e: w: t: 00 233 31 22924 / 24585 f: 00 233 31 22837 / 23339

Ghana Forestry Commission

Unit 4, Granard Business Centre Bunns Lane, Mill Hill, London NW7 2DZ e: w: t: 020 8906 9560 f: 020 8906 9570 As1000, Go2000, Pl1000, Ti0500, Va1000

Becket House, Vestry Road Sevenoaks, Kent TN14 5EL e: w: t: 01732 460142 f: 01732 459249 En2000

Gibbs & Dandy

Gary Gabriel Associates

Gibbs & Dandy

Kingston House, Blackbrook Park Avenue Taunton, Somerset TA1 2PX e: w: t: 01823 444900 f: 01823 444908 En2000

GB Consulting

86 Commercial End, Swaffham Bulbeck Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB25 0NE e: t: 01223 812464 Co4000

112 Richardshaw Lane, Pudsey West Yorkshire LS28 6BN e: w: t: 0113 255 6921 f: 0113 220 9128 Longwall Avenue, Queens Drive Industrial Estate Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG2 1LP e: w: t: 0115 986 5252 f: 0115 986 3868 Bu1000, Jo2000, Pa7500, Pr1000, Ti7500

Gibbs & Dandy

St Thomas Road, Leicester Leicestershire LE18 4TA e: w: t: 0116 278 2352 f: 0116 247 7122

Gibbs & Dandy

Unit 2, Elliott Road Bournemouth, Dorset BH11 8JW e: w: t: 01202 576311 f: 01202 572038

Gibbs & Dandy

65 Cheston Road , , Birmingham Warwickshire B7 5ED e: w: t: 0121 327 1991 f: 0121 327 7619

Gibbs & Dandy

Barkers Lane, Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 9RT e: w: t: 01234 244700 f: 01234 244800

Gibbs & Dandy

Farnborough Street Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 8AG e: w: t: 01252 541131 f: 01252 546234

Gibbs & Dandy

Chadwicks, 100 Mowbray Drive Blackpool, Lancashire FY3 7UN e: w: t: 01253 301253 f: 01253 302624

Gibbs & Dandy

Telford Place, Crawley, West Sussex RH10 1TE e: w: t: 01293 533133 f: 01293 515040

Gibbs & Dandy

Gunhills Lane, Doncaster South Yorkshire DN3 3EB e: w: t: 01302 834933 f: 01302 831665

Gibbs & Dandy

Great Western Road Dorchester, Dorset DT1 1RZ e: w: t: 01305 264401 f: 01305 269844

Gibbs & Dandy

Finmere Road, Eastbourne East Sussex BN22 8QJ e: w: t: 01323 725121 f: 01323 738879

Gibbs & Dandy

Newmarket Drive, Derby Derbyshire DE24 8SW e: w: t: 01332 757600 f: 01332 574264

Gibbs & Dandy

176 Widemarsh Street Hereford, Herefordshire HR4 9HN e: w: t: 01432 265544 f: 01432 352254

Gibbs & Dandy

11 Vulcan Way, St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 8TS e: w: t: 01480 224900 f: 01480 224924

Gibbs & Dandy

2 Nuffield Road, Huntingdon Cambridgeshire PE27 3LX e: w: t: 01480 499666 f: 01480 499677

Gibbs & Dandy

Unit 6-8, Woking, Surrey GU21 5LZ e: w: t: 01483 763661 f: 01483 726693

Gibbs & Dandy

Manor Mills, Huddersfield, Yorkshire HD1 3AW e: w: t: 01484 514360 f: 01484 430534

Gibbs & Dandy

Reading Road, Henley-on-Thames Oxfordshire RG9 1AS e: w: t: 01491 575757 f: 01491 574639

Gibbs & Dandy

Trowel House, Coronation Road High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP12 3RX e: w: t: 01494 521100 f: 01494 462418

Gibbs & Dandy

Telford Way, Kettering Northamptonshire NN16 8UN e: w: t: 01536 515155 f: 01536 516555

Gibbs & Dandy

Bryggen Road, Kings Lynn, Norfolk PE30 2HZ e: w: t: 01553 776666 f: 01553 769197

Gibbs & Dandy

226 Dallow Road, Luton LU1 1YB e: w: t: 01582 798798 f: 01582 798799

Gibbs & Dandy

462 Bath Road, Slough, Berkshire SL1 6BQ e: w: t: 01628 600743 f: 01628 600744

Gibbs & Dandy

Reform Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 8EQ e: w: t: 01628 777544 f: 01628 641950

Gibbs & Dandy

Crusader Close, Gillingham, Kent ME8 0QQ e: w: t: 01634 388241 f: 01634 379812

Gibbs & Dandy

St Thomas’s Road, Spalding Lincolnshire PE11 2XY e: w: t: 01775 725571 f: 01775 710297

Gibbs & Dandy

Albany Road, Market Harborough Leicestershire LE16 7QG e: w: t: 01858 465501 f: 01858 466202

Gibbs & Dandy

Park Road, Worthing West Sussex BN11 2AR e: w: t: 01903 237941 f: 01903 207611

Gibbs & Dandy

Dukeries Industrial Estate Worksop, Nottinghamshire S81 7DJ e: w: t: 01909 481241 f: 01909 501556

T imber Industry Yearbook 2 013

TRADA Members


Gibbs & Dandy

Griffen Design Ltd.

Hadfield Cawkwell Davidson

Gibbs & Dandy

Griffiths, J

Haldane (UK) Ltd

65-71 Grove Vale, London Greater London SE22 8EQ e: w: t: 020 8299 4131 f: 020 8693 7000 Trowel House, Fitzherbert Road Portsmouth, Hampshire PO6 1RJ e: w: t: 023 9237 3121 f: 023 9221 0472

Gibbs & Dandy

Saint-Gobain House Binley Business Park, Coventry CV3 2TT e: w: t: 024 7643 8400 f: 024 7656 0617

Great Park Consultants

Little Fold, The Green Selsley, Stroud, Gloucestershire GL5 5LN e: t: 01452 75992

Green Landscapes

2 Knockhall Drive, Stromness, Orkney KW16 3EQ e: t: 07776 144776

Green Oak Carpentry Company Ltd, The

Langley Farm, Langley Rake, Liss, Hampshire GU33 7JW e: w: t: 01730 892049 f: 01730 895225 Br2000, Bu5000, Co9100, Re6000, Ti2500, Structural & Civil Consultants

7 South Parade, Northallerton North Yorkshire DL7 8SE e: w: t: 01609 779904 f: 01609 761552 Co9100, Co9200, He1000, Te4000, Ti1200

Greenfields Design Ltd

6 Osprey Bank, Fowlis Dundee, Angus DD2 5GE e: t: 01382 581586 En2000 Borthwen, Graig Las, High Street Nefyn, Pwllheli, Gwynedd LL53 6HD e: t: 01758 720507 Bu3000, Ho3000

GS Constructions (Borgue) Ltd

36 St Cuthbert Street, Borgue Kirkcudbright, Kirkcudbrightshire DG6 4HZ e: w: t: 01557 330239

Guardian Homes

Bouthwood Road Sowerby Woods Business Park, Park Road Barrow In Furness, Cumbria LA14 4QR e: w: t: 01229 820479 f: 01229 432155 Ti2000

Gumpp & Maier

Hauptstrasse 65, Binswangen Bavaria 86637, Germany e: w: t: 00 49 8272 998512 f: 00 49 8272 998552


H & H Building Solutions

52 Tavern Road, Hadfield Glossop, Derbyshire SK13 2RB e: t: 01457 860549 f: 01457 860549 Co9300, En2000, Su1000

2B Bank Street, Alloa Clackmannanshire FK10 1HP e: w: t: 01259 216500 f: 0870 123 1571 Ar2500, Co4000, Co9200

H B L Associates

Greenslade Restoration & Renovation

H G A (UK) Ltd

33b Shaw Road, Heaton Moor Stockport, Cheshire SK4 4AG e: t: 0161 432 9977 f: 0161 432 7979 En2000

Unit 3 Willow Tree Court, Brannam Cresent Roundswell, Barnstaple, Devon Ex31 3TD e: w: t: 01271 346465

Darach House, Stoneyfield Business Park Inverness, Inverness-Shire IV2 7PA e: w: t: 01463 221717 f: 01463 224275 Ce2000, Co4000, Co9100, Co9200, En2000

Greentram Software Pty Ltd

H M Chambers and Partners

Level 27, Rialto South Tower, 525 Collins Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000, Australia e: w: t: 00 61 3 9077 4757 So1000

41a Derby Road, Heanor, Derbyshire DE75 7QG e: t: 01773 718994 f: 01773 531293 Co4000, Co9200, En2000, Su1000

H M H Architects

Somerville Duffield Park Stoke Poges, Bucks SL2 4HY e: t: 07949 252059

26 Enterprise House, Kingsway, Team Valley Gateshead, Tyne And Wear NE11 0SR e: w: t: 0191 487 0062 f: 0191 482 6581 Ar2000

Greystone Technical Ltd

Haden Construction Ltd


Garreglwyd, Clydey, Llanfyrnach Pembrokeshire SA35 0AQ e: w: t: 01239 698363 Co4000, Co9100, Co9200, En2000, Ti1200

26 Kingfisher Drive, Hednesford Cannock, Staffordshire WS132 1LN e: t: 07966 094515 Bu3000

17 Broomgrove Road Sheffield, Yorkshire S10 2LZ e: w: t: 0114 266 8181

Blackwood Way, Bankhead Industrial Estate Glenrothes, Fife KY7 6JF e: w: t: 01592 775656 f: 01592 775757 Jo4000, Jo5000, St2000, St3000, Wo2000

Hall and Tawse Joinery Ltd

Harley Haddow

Suite 4-6, The Skypark 8 Elliot Place, Glasgow, Lanarkshire G3 8EP e: w: t: 0141 332 3031 f: 0141 332 5714 Ce2000, Co9100, Co9200, En1000, En2000

Harlow Bros Limited

Long Whatton, Loughborough Leicestershire LE12 5DE e: w: t: 01509 842561 f: 01509 843577 Pr1000, St6000, St8000, Ti2000, Ti7500

Granitehill Road, Northfield Aberdeen, Grampian AB16 7AW e: w: t: 01224 392714 f: 01224 685044 Do2500, Do5000, Jo4000, Jo5000, Wi2000

Harper Steele Associates LLP

Halsall Lloyd LLP

Harper, A J

Hammond Architectural Services Ltd

Harrington Design & Bloomfield Ltd

98 Duke Street, Liverpool L1 5AG e: w: t: 0151 708 8944 f: 0151 709 1737 Ar2000, Co8800, La9000

Melrose Court, Melrose Hall Cypress Drive, St Mellons, Cardiff CF3 0EG e: w: t: 029 2077 6900 f: 029 2079 9619 Ar2500, Co4000

Hampshire County Council

County Architect’s Department Three Minsters House, 76 High Street Winchester, Hampshire SO23 8UL t: 01962 847808 f: 01962 841326 Lo1000


7 Thorne Road, Doncaster South Yorkshire DN1 2HJ e: w: t: 01302 367496


S P5 -5b Skypark, 45 Finnieston Street Glasgow, Lanarkshire G3 8JU e: w: t: 0141 221 8084


Telford House, Fulbourn Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB21 5HB e: w: t: 01223 882000 f: 01223 881888 En2000


Marlborough House, High Street Kidlington, Oxfordshire OX5 2DN e: w: t: 01865 841893 f: 01865 841929 En2000

Hanson Plywood Limited

Drakes Industrial Estate, Shay Lane Ovenden, Halifax, West Yorkshire HX3 6RL e: w: t: 01422 330444 f: 01422 330706 Md1000, Or1000, Pa7000, Pa8800, Pl1000

Harley Haddow

8 Coates Crescent, Edinburgh, Lothian EH3 7BY e: w: t: 0131 226 3331 f: 0131 226 2563 Ce2000, Co9100, Co9200, En1000, En2000

197 Desborough Avenue High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP11 2TW e: t: 01494 525992 Su1000 56 Glendale, South Woodham Ferrers Chelmsford, Essex CM3 5TS e: t: 01245 322689 f: 01245 322689 En2000 6 The Old Flour Mill, Queen Street Emsworth, Hants PO10 7BT e: t: 01243 373855 f: 01243 373245 Ar2000, Ar2500, Co4000, Co8800, La9000

Harris Structural Consultancy Ltd Suite S7, The Waterside Centre North Street, Lewes, East Sussex BN7 2PE e: w: t: 01273 488338 f: 01273 488613 Co9100, Co9200, En2000

Harrison Architects + Designers Ltd 17 Chester Close Barnes Queens Ride, Barnes, London SW13 0JE e: w: t: 020 878 01021

Harrison Mutch, Chartered Architects

Oasis House, Amberley Green Gillingham Business Park Gillingham, Kent ME8 0NJ e: w: t: 01634 265940 f: 01634 265945 Ar2000

Harrison Sutton Partnership Little Priory Court, Fore Street Totnes Devon TQ9 5NJ e: w: t: 01803 865084 f: 01803 865114 Ar2000

Harrison Varma Limited

H V House, First Way Wembley, Middlesex HA9 0JD e: w: t: 020 8733 1580 f: 020 8733 1589 Do2500, Do5000, Fu4000, Jo4000, Jo5000

Harry Turnbull Ltd, Consulting Civil Engineer

10 Oliver Place, Hawick Scottish Borders TD9 9BG e: w: t: 01450 371177 f: 01450 371177 Ce2000, En2000

TRADA Members

164 Hartigan

Norman House, La Grande Route De St Martin St Saviour, Jersey JE2 7GR Channel Islands e: w: t: 01534 766655 f: 01534 766650 Co4000, Co5000, Co9100, Co9200, En2000

Harvey and Snowdon

Kingsbury Square, Wilton Salisbury, Wiltshire SP2 0BA e: t: 01722 744200 f: 01722 744402 Co9100, En2000

Harvey Hosie Partnership 19 Kings Meadow Garden Peebles, Peebleshire EH45 9LA e: w: t: 07860 777661 Bu3000, Ti1500

Havelock AHI WLL


Station Works, Bromfield Nr Ludlow, Shropshire SY8 2BT e: w: t: 01584 856439 f: 01584 856520 Do2500, Do4500, Do5000, Jo4000, Pa8700

Helen Lucas Architects

32 Argyle Place, Edinburgh, Lothian EH9 1JT e: w: t: 0131 478 8880 f: 0131 478 0079 Ar2000

Hendricks Lovell

Appin House, Stewarts Quay Printing House Lane, Hayes, Middlesex UB3 1AP e: w: t: 020 8573 8491 f: 020 8573 9182 Bu1000, Ti7500, Ti7700

Herbert H Drew & Son Ltd

PO Box 5100, Manama 5100, Bahrain e: w: t: 00 973 1783 2022 f: 00 973 1783 0738

11-15 Station Road New Milton, Hampshire BH25 6HN e: t: 01425 614546 f: 01425 620376 Bu3000, Ho3000

Hawkins Brown Architects

Heritage Oak Frames

60 Bastwick Street, London EC1V 3TN e: w: t: 020 7336 8030 f: 020 7336 8851 Ar2000

Haworth Tompkins Architects 5th Floor, Highgate Business Park 33 Greenwood Place, London NW5 1LB e: w: t: 020 7250 3225 f: 020 7250 3226 Ar2000

Hay & Co Buildbase

Freefield, Lerwick, Shetland ZE1 0NH e: w: t: 01595 693057 f: 01595 696037 Bu1000, Jo2000, Ti7500

Haydn E Williams Cyf

Gellidara, Penrhos Pwllheli, Gwynedd LL53 7HF e: t: 01758 614444 Co4000, En1000, Su1000

Hayhurst and Co.

26 Fournier Street, London E1 6QE e: w: t: 020 7247 7028 f: 020 7247 7029

Hayward Smart Architects

The Coach House, 3a New Street Shipston on Stour, Warwickshire CV36 4EW e: w: t: 01608 661000

Hazelwood Carpentry Contractors Limited

Unit 1, Business Development Centre Main Avenue, Treforest Industrial Estate Pontypridd, Mid Glamorgan CF37 5UR e: t: 01443 841717 f: 01443 841717 In3000

Hazle McCormack Young LLP Leap House, Frog Lane Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN1 1YT e: w: t: 01892 515311 f: 01892 515285 Ar2000

Woodmanton, Hope Under Dinmore Leominster, Herefordshire HR6 0PT e: w: t: 01568 611694 Ti2000

Heron Lake Homes

Gwylan, Ffestiniog Blaenau Ffestiniog, Gwynedd LL41 4PS e: w: t: 01766 762794 f: 01766 762770 Bu7000, Ho3000, Ti1500, Ti2000, Ti2500

Heyne Tillett Steel Ltd

Unit 2, Compton Courtyard 40 Compton Street, London EC1V 0BD e: w: t: 020 7870 8050 f: 020 7253 6331

Highlake Limited

4th Floor, Sutton House 156-158 Victoria House, London SW1E 5LB e: t: 020 7963 0989 f: 020 7821 1452 Md1000, Pa7000, Pa8800, Pl1000

Hills of Shoeburyness Ltd

17 Towerfield Road Shoeburyness, Essex SS3 9QL e: w: t: 01702 296321 f: 01702 297072 Do5000, Jo1000, Jo4000, Jo5000, Sh4000

Hockley & Dawson

The Great Barn, Smithbrook Barns Cranleigh, Surrey GU6 8LH e: w: t: 01483 548784 f: 01483 268765 Co4000, Co9100, En2000, Ti1200

Holbrook Timber Frame Ltd

Abergarw Trading Estate, Brynmenyn Bridgend, Mid Glamorgan CF32 9LW e: w: t: 01656 721700 f: 01656 725119 Ho3000

Holloway, Steven

6 Bank Square, High Street, Bidford On Avon Alcester, Warwickshire B50 4NL t: 01789 772816 f: 01789 490510

Home Group Ltd

2 Gosforth Park Way, Gosforth Business Park Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne & Wear NE12 8ET e: w: t: 0845 155 1234 f: 0191 290 7658 Ar2000, Ar2500, Ho4000

Home Office Prison Industries Clive House, 3rd Floor 70 Petty France, London SW1H 9EX e: t: 0300 047 5250

Hoopers Architects Limited 5 Cromwell Court, St Peters Street Ipswich, Suffolk IP1 1XG e: t: 01473 212646

Hopkins Architects Partnership LLP

27 Broadley Terrace, London NW1 6LG e: t: 020 7724 1751 f: 020 7723 0932 Ar2000

Hoppings Softwood Products Plc Timber Yard, Bones Lane Newchapel, Lingfield, Surrey RH7 6HR e: w: t: 01342 844408 f: 01342 844449 Cd1000, Fe3000, Md3000, So6000, St6000

Hoppings Softwood Products Plc The Woodyard, Epping Road Epping, Essex CM16 6TT e: w: t: 01992 578877 f: 01992 561385 Cd1000, Fe3000, Md3000, So6000, St6000


Southwood Lodge, Bristol BS8 3PR e: t: 07791 398294 Ar2000

Houghtons of York

Common Road, Dunnington York, North Yorkshire YO19 5PD e: w: t: 01904 489193 f: 01904 488730 Bu3000, He1000

Howard Cavanna Limited

9 Sherwood Park Road Sutton, Surrey SM1 2SQ e: t: 020 8642 6080 f: 020 8661 9746

Howard Joinery East Kent

38 Coombe Valley Road, Dover, Kent CT17 0EX e: w: t: 01304 246139 f: 01304 241454 Do2500, Jo4000, Jo5000, St3000, Wi2000


100 Princes Street, Kettering Northamptonshire NN16 8RR e: w: t: 01536 414966 f: 01536 416933 Co7000, Ed4000

Hudson Architects

9-10 Redwell Street, Norwich, Norfolk NR2 4SN e: w: t: 01603 766220

Hutton & Rostron Environmental Investigations Ltd Netley House, Gomshall Guildford, Surrey GU5 9QA e: w: t: 01483 203221 f: 01483 202911 Ar2500, Co4000, Co8500, En5000, Su1000

Huw Davies RIBA

Cilhaul, Ystrad Aeron Llanbedr Pont Steffan, Dyfed SA48 7QB e: t: 01570 471147 Ar2000

Hydrock Structures 1

7 Barossa Place, Redcliffe Bristol, Avon BS1 6SU e: w: t: 0117 945 9225 f: 0117 930 0692 Co9100, En2000


Ian J Potts Associates Ltd 70 Main Street, Hornby Lancaster, Lancashire LA2 8JT e: t: 01524 222233

Ian Moir Associates

29 Cluny Gardens, Edinburgh Midlothian EH10 6BH e: t: 07973 836498 Co9100, En2000

Ian Rodger Architects 1b Ruthrie Terrace, Aberdeen Aberdeenshire AB10 7JY e: w: t: 01224 313080

Ian Slater Architectural Design

The Old Saracens Head 7 Buttermarket, Thame, Oxfordshire OX9 3EW e: w: t: 01844 260860 f: 01844 217499 Ar2500

Inglis Badrashi Loddo

11 Wells Mews, London W1T 8HD e: w: t: 020 7580 8808 f: 020 7636 9951 Ar2000

Inkpen Downie Architecture & Design Ltd

2 Balkerne House, Balkerne Passage Colchester, Essex CO1 1PA e: w: t: 01206 577244 f: 01206 563377 Ar2000, Ar2500, Co4000, Co5000, He1000

Innovation Imperative

Studio 33, Great Western Studios 65 Alfred Road, London W2 5EU e: w: t: 07960 636714 Ar2000

Insulated Timber Frames Ltd

Matilda’s Planet, Unit 6, Kenfig Industrial Estate Margam, West Glamorgan SA13 2PE t: 07966 061033 Ti2000

T imber Industry Yearbook 2 013

Integral Engineering Design Tollbridge Studios, Tollbridge Road Bath, Avon BA1 7DE e: w: t: 01225 859657 En2000

International Decorative Surfaces West End Approach, Off Bruntcliffe Road Morley, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS27 0NB e: w: t: 0113 220 3900 f: 0113 220 3901 Fl4000, Fl5000, Ki3000, La4000, Md3000

International Decorative Surfaces

TRADA Members


International Plywood (Importers) Ltd

Innsworth Technology Park, Innsworth Lane Gloucester, Gloucestershire GL3 1DL e: w: t: 01452 731493 f: 01452 731497 Md1000, Or1000, Pa7000, Pl1000, Pl2000

International Timber

Haven Road, The Hythe Colchester, Essex CO2 8HU e: w: t: 01206 866822 f: 01206 878000 De2000, Ha2000, Ha7000

iWood Timber ltd

Unit 1C, Airfield Industrial Estate Hixon, Stafford Staffs ST18 0PF e: w: t: 01889 279018 f: 01889 271196 Be1000, Cd1000, Ha7000, Ma2500, Ti7600

J B Kind Limited

International Timber

Wigan Lane, Duxbury Chorley, Lancashire PR7 4BU e: w: t: 01257 246812 f: 01257 272884

Portal Place, Astron Business Park Hearthcote Road, Swadlincote Derbyshire DE11 9DW e: w: t: 01283 554197 f: 01283 554182 Do1000, Do2000, Do4500, Do5000

International Decorative Surfaces

International Timber

J C K Joinery

International Decorative Surfaces Unit 11, Euroway, Wood Close Quarrywood Industrial Estate Aylesford, Kent ME20 7UB e: w: t: 01622 711400 f: 01622 717770 Fl4000, Fl5000, Ki3000, La4000, Md3000

International Decorative Surfaces

London Road, Chesterton Newcastle Under Lyme, Staffordshire ST5 7PL e: w: t: 01782 717177 f: 01782 710110 Fl4000, Fl5000, Ki3000, La4000, Md3000

International Decorative Surfaces Unit 9, Euroway, Blagrove Swindon, Wiltshire SN5 8YW e: w: t: 01793 513181 f: 01793 513995 Fl4000, Fl5000, Ki3000, La4000, Md3000

International Decorative Surfaces Dukesway, Team Valley Trading Estate Gateshead, Tyne & Wear NE11 0PZ e: w: t: 0191 491 7000 f: 0191 491 7007 Fl4000, Fl5000, Ki3000, La4000, Md3000

International Decorative Surfaces Suite C, Chadwick House, Birchwood Park Warrington, Cheshire WA3 6AE e: w: t: 01925 852200 f: 01925 852999 Fl4000, Fl5000, Ki3000, La4000, Md3000

International Decorative Surfaces

Earls Road, Grangemouth, Stirlingshire FK3 8UU e: w: t: 01324 666000 f: 01324 666111 De2000, Ha2000, Ha7000, Ma2500, Pr1000

International Timber

Timber Terminal, King George Dock Hull, Humberside HU9 5QE t: 01482 713400/434 f: 01482 713442

International Timber

Parkend, Lydney, Gloucester Gloucestershire GL15 4JF e: w: t: 01594 566000 f: 01594 566001 Ha2000, Ha7000, Ti1000

International Timber

West Yard, Trafford Wharf Road, Trafford Park Manchester, Greater Manchester M17 1DJ e: w: t: 0161 848 2900 f: 0161 848 2901 Fl3000, Ha2000, Ma2500, Mo4500, Mo5000

International Timber

North Dock, Alexandra Dock Newport, Dyfed NP20 2WB e: w: t: 01633 244496 f: 01633 840382 Ti7500

Inverness College

3 Longman Road, Inverness, Highland IV1 1SA e: w: t: 01463 273000 f: 01463 711977 Ed4000

Ipos Ltd

17 Welcomes Road, Kenley, Surrey CR8 5HA e: t: 07968 040745 f: 020 8660 7700

Ipswich Timber Frame Ltd

Forest House, Unit 18 Woodford Trading Estate Southend Road, Woodford Green, Essex IG8 8HF e: w: t: 020 8550 8899 f: 020 8550 3918 Fl4000, Fl5000, Ki3000, La4000, Md3000

Unit 1 Anson Road Martlesham Heath Business Park Ipswich, Suffolk IP5 3RG e: w: t: 0845 5211 309 f: 01473 612096 Ti2000

International Decorative Surfaces

Isis Architecture Ltd

St David’s Way, Bermuda Park Nuneaton, Warwickshire CV10 7SD e: w: t: 024 7632 5031 f: 024 7632 6806 Fl4000, Fl5000, Ki3000, La4000, Md3000

43 Evan Street, Stonehaven Aberdeenshire AB39 2ET e: w: t: 01569 763579

Upper Woodinch, Dalguise Dunkeld, Perthshire PH8 0JU e: t: 01350 727535 En2000


The Potter Group, Queen Adelaide Ely, Cambridgeshire CB7 4UB e: w: t: 01353 645110 f: 01353 645112 Fl4000, Fl5000, Ki3000, La4000, Md3000 Caledonia Heights, Admiralty Park Rosyth, Fife KY11 2WW e: w: t: 01383 421120 f: 01383 421133 Fl4000, Fl5000, Ki3000, La4000, Md3000

Jake Maclean Associates

8 Heanor Street, Leicester Leicestershire LE1 4DD e: w: t: 0116 291 2288 f: 0116 291 2300 Do2500, Do4500, Do5000, Jo4000, Wi3000

J K C Timber Engineering

Treveth, Trevissome, Flushing Falmouth, Cornwall TR11 5TA e: t: 01326 373414 f: 01326 378946 En2000

J P Corry Group Limited

648 Springfield Road, Belfast County Antrim BT12 7EH e: w: t: 028 9024 3661 f: 028 9023 2123 Bu1000, Ti7500

J P Stone Limited

Milstead Manor Farm, Manor Road Milstead, Sittingbourne, Kent ME9 0SE e: w: t: 01795 830400 f: 01795 830411 Do1000, Do2500, Fu4000, Jo4000, La6000

J R L Consulting

5 Ransom Road, Woodbridge, Suffolk IP12 4JU e: w: t: 01394 389044 Bu3500, Co9200, En2000, Su1000

J R Roberts

269 Long Furrow, East Goscote Leicester, Leicestershire LE7 3ZL e: w: t: 0116 260 8873 / 07831 584334 Co9200

J Richardson Architectural Design Services

Bryn Afal, Pontrobert, Meifod, Powys SY22 6HT e: w: t: 01938 500899 f: 01938 500899 Ar2000

Jackson Building Centres Ltd

Pelham House, Canwick Road Lincoln, Lincolnshire LN5 8HG e: w: t: 01522 511115 f: 01522 560703 Bu1000, Pa7500, Ro2000, Ti7500, Tr4000

James Callander & Son Ltd

Abbotshaugh Sawmills, Abbots Road Bainsford, Falkirk FK2 7XU e: w: t: 01324 621563 f: 01324 634386 Fe3000, Pr1000, Sa6000, St6000, Ti7700

James Crane Ltd

Manor Farm, Main Road, Nether Broughton Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire LE14 3HB e: w: t: 01664 823209 f: 01664 823209 Ca0500, Co4000, Oa1000, Re6000, Ti2500

James Jones & Sons Ltd

Broomage Avenue, Larbert Stirlingshire FK5 4NQ e: w: t: 01324 562241 f: 01324 558755 Fe3000, Pa5500, Ra2000, St6000, St9000

James Latham plc

Topcliffe Close, Off Topcliffe Lane Capitol Park East, Tingley Leeds, West Yorkshire WF3 1DR e: w: t: 0113 387 0830 f: 0113 387 0855 Fl4000, Ha7000, Pa6200, Pa7000, Pa8500

James Latham plc

Chartwell Drive, Off West Avenue Wigston, Leicester, Leicestershire LE18 2FN e: w: t: 0116 288 9161 f: 0116 281 3806 De2000, Do1000, La4000, Md1000, Pa7500

TRADA Members


James Latham plc

Unit 6, Matrix Park, Talbot Road Fareham, Hampshire PO15 5AP e: w: t: 01329 854800 f: 01329 849585 Md1000, Pa7000, Pa8500, Pa8700, Pl1000

James Latham plc

Unit 3, Yorks Park, Blowers Green Road Dudley, West Midlands DY2 8UL e: w: t: 01384 234444 f: 01384 233121 Md3000, Pa7000, Pa9400, Pl2000, Ti0500

James Latham plc

Unit 2, Swallow Park, Finway Road Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire HP2 7QU e: w: t: 01442 849000 f: 01442 239287 Do1000, La4000, Md3000, Pa7000, Pl2000

James Latham plc

Unit 3, Swallow Park, Finway Road Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire HP2 7QU e: w: t: 01442 849100 f: 01442 267241 Do1000, Do4500, Or3000, Pa7500, Pa9400

James Latham plc

Badminton Road Trading Estate Yate, Bristol BS37 5JX e: w: t: 01454 315421 f: 01454 323488 Ha7000, La4000, Pa7000, Pl2000, So6000

James Latham plc

Pharos, Brittain Way, Eurocentral Motherwell, Lanarkshire ML1 4XJ e: w: t: 01698 838777 f: 01698 831452 Do1000, Fl4000, Md3000, Pa7000, Ti0500

James Latham plc

Unit 4 Dolphin Way, Purfleet, Essex RM19 1NZ e: w: t: 01708 869800 f: 01708 860900 Md3000, Pa8000, Pa8700, Pa9400, Pl1000

James Latham plc

Units 22/24 Purfleet Industrial Park, Juliette Way Aveley, South Ockendon, Essex RM15 4YD e: w: t: 01708 864477 f: 01708 862727 De2000, Fl4000, Ha7000, So6000, Ti0500

James Latham plc

Nest Road, Felling Industrial Estate Gateshead, Tyne And Wear NE10 0LU e: w: t: 0191 469 4211 f: 0191 469 2615 Do2500, Fl4000, Md3000, Or1000, Pl1000

James Lockyer Associates Ltd

4 Oakland Mews, Liskeard Business Park Liskeard, Cornwall PL14 3UX e: w: t: 01579 344771 f: 01579 344882 Co4000, Co5000, Co8800, Co9100, En2000

James Moore & Sons

4 Bluefield Mews, Longreach Close Whitstable, Kent CT5 4QN e: w: t: 01227 274156

Jampel Davison & Bell

210a Tufnell Park Road, London N7 0PZ e: w: t: 020 7272 0562 f: 020 7263 4005 Co9100, En2000

Jane Leadon & Co

40 Gortfad Road, Garvagh Coleraine, Co. Derry BT51 5BG e: t: 028 2955 8929 f: 028 2955 7769

Jane Wernick Associates

Unit 10d, Printing House Yard Hackney Road, London E2 7PR e: w: t: 020 7749 1066 f: 020 7749 1067

Jasper Vaughan Designer

13 Highland Avenue, Norwich, Norfolk NR2 3NP e: t: 01603 446027 Ar2000

Jay Ashall Associates

108, London Road, Holmes Chapel Crewe, Cheshire CW4 7BD e: w: t: 01477 534897 f: 01477 532175 Ar2000, He1000, Ti1200

JDA Building Consultants

Hayesdown, Withyham Road Groombridge, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN3 9QP e: t: 01892 864462

JDM Joinery Ltd

27 Selby Place, Stanley Industrial Estate Skelmersdale, West Lancashire WN8 8EF e: t: 01695 550952 f: 01695 559630 Fu4000, Jo4000, Jo5000, St3000, Wi2000

Jefcoate Anderson Architects Ltd 39 Warrender Park Road, Edinburgh EH9 1EU e: w: t: 0131 229 0001 Ar2000, Ar2500

Jenkins & Potter Limited

First Floor, 67-74 Saffron Hill, London EC1N 8QX e: w: t: 020 7242 8711 f: 020 7404 0742 Co4000, Co8800, Co9100, En2000, Re4000


12 Dowry Square, Hotwells Bristol, Avon BS8 4SH e: t: 0117 373 0804 f: 0117 373 0807

Jestico + Whiles

1 Cobourg Street, London NW1 2HP e: w: t: 020 7380 0382 Ar2000

Jewson Ltd

Antelope House, Burlesdon Road Southampton, Hampshire SO19 8BF w:

Jewson Ltd

Gibraltar Island Old Mill Business Park, Leeds LS10 1RJ w: t: 0113 270 2717

Jewson Ltd

Stevenson Road, Durranhill Trading Estate Carlisle, Cumbria CA1 3NX w: t: 01228 536401

Jewson Ltd

Jewson Ltd

Jewson Ltd

Jewson Ltd

Pinford Lane Industrial Estate Pinford Lane, Buckley, Clwyd CH7 3PL w: t: 01244 549720 Dereham Road, Hempton Fakenham, Norfolk NR21 7JX w: t: 01328 851451

Jewson Ltd

Kestrel Business Park, Kestral Way Sowton Industrial Estate, Exeter, Devon EX2 7LZ w: t: 01392 252251

Jewson Ltd

Canal Wharf, Canal Road, Hereford HR1 2EB w: t: 01432 272276

Jewson Ltd

Mill Place, 90 Bristol Road, Gloucester GL1 5SQ w: t: 01452 529871

Jewson Ltd

Pyewipe Road, Grimsby South Humberside DN31 2QN w: t: 01472 350205

Jewson Ltd

300 Price Street, Birkenhead Merseyside CH41 3PX w: t: 0151 647 7421

Jewson Ltd

Richmond Walk, Devonport Plymouth, Devon PL1 4LL w: t: 01752 562363

Jewson Ltd

Beaufort Road, Plasmarl Industrial Estate Morriston, Swansea, West Glamorgan SA6 8HQ w: t: 01792 791305

Jewson Ltd

London Road, Wheatley, Oxford OX33 1JE w: t: 01865 874141

Jewson Ltd

Cardinal Leisure Park Greyfriars Road, Ipswich, Suffolk IP1 1UP w: t: 0845 640 9331

Jewson Ltd

453 Queens Road, Sheffield South Yorkshire S2 4DR w: t: 0114 273 0251 f: 0114 272 6108

Jewson Ltd

468 Basingstoke Road Reading, Berkshire RG2 0QQ w: t: 0118 986 1992 f: 0118 975 0395

Jewson Ltd

Market Way, Canterbury, Kent CT2 7JJ w: t: 01227 763222 f: 01227 784378

Jewson Ltd

Farnham Trading Estate Farnham, Surrey GU9 9NS w: t: 01252 724224 f: 01252 733263

Jewson Ltd

Kiln House Lane Lytham St Annes, Lancashire FY8 3DT w: t: 01253 726831 f: 01253 722497

Lingfield Sawmills, Lingfield Way Yarm Road Industrial Estate, Darlington DL1 4PZ w: t: 01325 469447 f: 01325 361623 Challow Station, Faringdon Oxfordshire SN7 8NT e: w: t: 01367 718911 f: 01367 718814

Jewson Ltd

Isenhurst Sawmills, Cross In Hand Heathfield, East Sussex TN21 0UB w: t: 01435 864411 f: 01435 865377

Jewson Ltd

Arthurs Bridge Wharf, Horsell Woking, Surrey GU21 4NP w: t: 01483 715371 f: 01483 763680

Jewson Ltd

Deacon Road, Lincoln LN2 4LB w: t: 01522 521364 f: 01522 560454

Jewson Ltd

Clive Road, Redditch, Warwickshire B97 4DH w: t: 01527 63721 f: 01527 66456

Jewson Ltd

Greg Street, Reddish Stockport, Cheshire SK5 7NW w: t: 0161 480 2434 f: 0161 366 6601

Jewson Ltd

Holmbush Industrial Estate Manfield Way, St Austell, Cornwall PL25 3HQ w: t: 01726 73333 f: 01726 69245

Jewson Ltd

Narvik Way, Tyne Tunnel, Trading Estate North Shields, Tyne & Wear NE29 7XJ w: t: 0191 257 6221 f: 0191 257 6179

Jewson Ltd

Bridge House Wharf, Lea Road Waltham Abbey, Hertfordshire EN9 1AZ w: t: 01992 714000 f: 01992 788029

Jewson Ltd

Ilderton Wharf, Rollins Street Peckham, London SE15 1EP w: t: 020 7732 3551 f: 020 7358 1058

Jewson Ltd

Merchant House, Binley Business Park Coventry, West Midlands CV3 2TT w: t: 024 7643 8400 f: 024 7643 8401

Jewson Ltd

East Moors Road, Cardiff South Glamorgan CF24 5EE w: t: 029 2046 0511 f: 029 2048 7984

jhd Architects

Cottenden, Benenden, Stepneyford Lane Cranbrook Kent TN17 4BW e: w: t: 01580 243070 Ar2000

T imber Industry Yearbook 2 013

TRADA Members



Jojay Homes Ltd

Keillor Property Developments Ltd

Kestrel Timber Frame Ltd

Jock Gordon Design & Planning

Jonathan Braddick - RIBA Chartered Architect

Keith Baker Associates

Kevin Guilbert Associates

Woodhouse Farm, Hawkchurch Axminster, Devon EX13 5UF e: w: t: 01297 678138 En2000 30 Bornisketaig, Kilmuir Portree, Isle Of Skye IV51 9YS e: w: t: 01470 552392

John Bellman & Associates Ltd 9 Ferns Close, Addington Road South Croydon, Surrey CR2 8RG e: w: t: 020 8657 1663 Ar2500, En2000

John Broom Associates

Estate Office, PO Box 352 Worcester, Worcestershire WR8 9YG e: t: 01684 297748 f: 01886 821812 Ho3000

44a Waverley Road, Exmouth, Devon EX8 3HJ e: w: t: 01395 265768

Joseph Griggs & Co Limited

Bristol Road, Gloucester Gloucestershire GL1 5TD e: w: t: 01452 520346 f: 01452 300751 Cd1000, Co9100, Ti2000, Ti7500, Tr4000

Joyce Chanin Developments Ltd

2 Providence Place Lyme Regis, Dorset DT7 3NZ e: t: 01297 445324 f: 01297 444877

Chuan, Quarry Hill, Box Corsham, Wiltshire SN13 8LP e: w: t: 01225 744999

John Floydd & Associates

JR Building Ltd

36 High Street, Ashford, Kent TN24 8TE e: w: t: 01233 898430 f: 01233 629300

John Kershaw Chartered Surveyors

Raven House, 113 Fairfield Street Manchester M12 6EL e: w: t: 0161 273 2474 f: 0161 273 2476 Su1000

John McGill T/A Property Solutions 39 Alma Vale Road, Clifton, Bristol BS8 2HL e: t: 0117 973 3708 f: 0117 923 7603

John Naughton Associates Boults Green Farm, Vicarage Lane Betchton, Cheshire CW11 4TB e: t: 01270 759044

John Peden Associates

Askival, Glenmore Road, Oban, Argyll PA34 4PG e: t: 01631 570170 f: 01631 571099 Co9100, En2000

John Pryke and Partners

Warlies Park House, Upshire Waltham Abbey, Essex EN9 3SL e: w: t: 01992 788188 f: 01992 788313 Ar2000, Co4000, Co8800, En2000, Su1000

John Renshaw Architects

86 Constitution Street Edinburgh, Midlothian EH6 6RP e: t: 0131 555 2245 f: 0131 555 5526

John Verkaik

6 Broadfield Road, Folkestone, Kent CT20 2JT e: t: 01303 252182 Ar2000

Johnson, Francis & Partners Limited

Craven House, 16 High Street Bridlington, East Yorkshire YO16 4PT e: t: 01262 674043 f: 01262 677927 Ar2000

Long Lane Cottage, Arlingham Gloucestershire GL2 7JH e: w: t: 01452 741881 f: 01452 740392

4 Newstead Cottages Duns, Berwickshire TD11 3JU e: w: t: 07801 845991 Bu3000, Ho3000, La8000, La9000, Ti1500 Rhiwcenglau, Llanfair Harlech, Gwynedd LL46 2RR e: t: 01766 781358

Keith Peattie Associates

Suite 1, Cannon House 2 Bank Street, Ashford, Kent TN23 1BX e: w: t: 07740 472250 f: 01233 610922

Keith Roberts Projects Ltd 18A Carter Street, Uttoxeter Staffordshire ST14 8EU e: t: 01889 566299 f: 01889 566899

Keith Tomlinson Associates Beurenbergstrasse 6, Lorch Baden-W端rttemberg 73547, Germany e: t: 00 49 7172 911444

Kellow, R G Ltd

14 Caledon Road, Poole, Dorset BH14 9NN e: t: 01202 738293

8 Commercial Square Camborne, Cornwall TR14 8DZ e: w: t: 01209 712525 f: 01209 712526 Bu3000, Su1000, Su2000

Julian Owen Associates Architects

Kelvin Construction

Julia Sanders Consulting Ltd

276 Queens Road, Beeston Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG9 2BD e: w: t: 0115 922 9831 Ar2000, Co4000, En1000, Su1000


K L Reid Associates Limited

4 Glebefield, Longside, Aberdeenshire AB42 4TH e: t: 01779 821100 f: 01779 821100

K S Q Building Services

32 Manners Road, Southsea Portsmouth, Hampshire PO4 0BB e: w: t: 07775 675157 f: 023 9286 3469

Karlin Timber Frame (NE) Ltd

9 Maple Way, Aycliffe Industrial Park Newton Aycliffe, County Durham DL5 6BF e: w: t: 08453 454 277 f: 08453 454 299 Ti1500, Ti2000

Kay Pilsbury Architects Ltd Honeylands, Radwinter Saffron Walden, Essex CB10 2TJ e: w: t: 01799 599208 f: 01799 599965

KDS & Associates Ltd

101 The Blackfrairs Foundry 156 Blackfrairs Road, London SE1 8EN e: t: 020 7721 7091 f: 020 7721 7093 Ar2000

12 Barshaw Business Park Leycroft Road, Beaumont Leys Leicester, Leicestershire LE4 1ET e: w: t: 0116 232 3111 f: 0116 232 3110

Kendo Contracts Ltd

248 Bull Lane, Eccles, Aylesford, Kent ME20 7HF e: t: 07855 792477 Bu3000

Kenford Builders Ltd

Kenford House, 28 Cygnus Business Centre Dalmeyer Road, Willesden, London NW10 2XA e: w: t: 020 8830 4400 f: 020 8830 4300 Bu3000

Kent Flush Doors & Joinery Ltd

Neptune Business Estate, 12 Neptune Close Frindsbury, Rochester, Kent ME2 4LT e: w: t: 01634 712451 f: 01634 713272 Do2500, Do4500, Do5000, Jo4000, Ve3000

Keops Ltd

Five Oaks Farm, Sheriffs Lench Evesham, Worcestershire WR114SN e: w: t: 01386 861961 f: 01386 861961

Kerridge Commercial Systems 2a Herongate, Charnham Park Hungerford, Berkshire RG17 0YU e: w: t: 01488 662000 f: 01488 683858 Co4500, Co4650, In3000, So1000

Units 17-19, Spitfire Park Northfield Road, Market Deeping Peterborough, Cambridgeshire PE6 8GY e: w: t: 01773 306626 f: 01778 348924 The Annexe, Meadow Cottage 2 Sea View Road, Mundesley, Norfolk NR11 8DQ e: t: 01263 722989 Co4000, En2000, He1000, Ho3000

Key Joinery Ltd

Wilton House, Alfreton Road Derby, Derbyshire DE21 4AP e: w: t: 01332 331457 f: 01332 206434 Do2500, Jo4000, La6000, Pa7200, Ve3000

Kidlington Joinery

High Street, Islip Kidlington, Oxfordshire OX5 2RX e: w: t: 01865 374880 f: 01865 379246

Kier Moss Joinery

96 Leckhampton Road, Cheltenham Gloucestershire GL53 0BP e: w: t: 01242 222622 f: 01242 260265 Do4500, Fu4000, Jo5000, St3000, Wi2000

Kilbroney Timber Frame Ltd

Valley Business Park, 48 Newtown Road Rostrevor, Co Down BT34 3DA e: w: t: 028 4173 9077 f: 028 4173 9933 Ti1500

Kind & Co (Builders) Ltd

Bridge House, 530 High Road Leytonstone, London E11 3EQ e: w: t: 020 8539 6923 f: 020 8558 7566 Bu3000, Ho3000

Kingfisher Consulting

Barley Castle Yard, Market Street Hayfield, High Peak, Derbyshire SK22 2EP e: t: 01663 741312 f: 0870 131 4559 Co9100, En2000

Kingspan Timber Solutions

Eltisley Road, Great Gransden Sandy, Bedfordshire SG19 3AR e: w: t: 01767 676400 f: 01767 676444 Ho3000, St8500, Ti1200, Ti2000, Ti2700


7 - 9 Woodbridge Street, London EC1R 0LL e: w: t: 020 3031 8070 f: 020 7336 8152 Co9100, Co9200


Hadley, 3B The Mall St Albans, Hertfordshire AL2 2HT e: w: t: 01727 875571 Co4000, Co8500, Co9100, Co9200, Su1000


35 Brompton Road Knightsbridge, London SW3 1DE t: 020 3384 6848

TRADA Members


Knevitt Consulting

The Old Sunday School, Sladesbridge Wadebridge, Cornwall PL27 6JB e: w: t: 01208 815400 f: 01208 815409 Co9100, Co9200, En2000

Knox Bhavan Architects LLP 75 Bushey Hill Road, London SE5 8QQ e: w: t: 020 7701 3108 f: 020 7277 0751 Ar2000

Kronoply GmbH

Wittstocker Chaussee 1 D 16909, Heiligengrabe, Germany e: w: t: 00 49 33962 69740 f: 00 49 33962 69376 Fi2000, Md2000, Or2000, Pa9300

Kyle Smart Associates

The Barn, Butchers Wick, Sewell Dunstable, Bedfordshire LU6 1RP e: w: t: 01582 690222 f: 01582 690333


L & G Forest Products Ltd

Unit 3 Aerodrome Estate Detling, Maidstone, Kent ME14 3HU e: w: t: 01622 738246 f: 01622 738281

L B Structures

Trehailes, 17 Pencantol Frogpool, Truro, Cornwall TR4 8SQ e: w: t: 01872 865073

L F Webb & Partner

58 Broad Street, Lyme Regis, Dorset DT7 3QF e: w: t: 01297 442678 Co4000, Su1000

Laing O’Rourke PLC

Bridge Place, Anchor Boulevard Admirals Park, Dartford, Kent DA2 6SN e: w: t: 01322 296200 f: 01322 296262 Bu3000, Ho3000

Lance Adlam Chartered Architect 6 Salisbury Close, Princes Risborough Buckinghamshire HP27 0JF e: t: 01844 345423 f: 01844 345423 Ar2000

Langley Design

Unit 1 Priory Place, Murcott Lane Hankerton, Malmesbury, Wiltshire SN16 9JZ e: w: t: 01666 577422

Lawrenson Associates

The Globe, 142 Hardshaw Street St. Helens, Merseyside WA10 1JT e: w: t: 01744 733446 Co4000, En2000


Grange Court, Abingdon Science Park Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 3NB e: w: t: 01235 544500 f: 01235 544600 Bu3000


Beaufort Court, Beaufort Park, Woodlands Bradley Stoke, Bristol, Avon BS32 4ND e: w: t: 01454 626127 f: 01454 626150 Bu3000


Jellicoe House, Botleigh Grange Office Campus Grange Drive, Hedge End Southampton, Hampshire SO30 2AF e: w: t: 01489 790365 f: 01489 796091 Bu3000


12 The Crescent, Plymouth, Devon PL1 3AB e: w: t: 01752 671430 f: 01752 671873 Bu3000


Little Green Island

Le Hurel Cottage, Le Vallon St Martins, Guernsey GY4 6DQ, Guernsey e: t: 07781 423057

Liversedge Design Collective LLP 41 Amherst Road, Bexhill-On-Sea East Sussex TN40 1QN e: t: 01424 736086

Living Architects

14 Linen House 253 Kilburn Lane, London W10 4BQ e: w: t: 020 8962 6660 f: 020 8962 6661

Lloyd Christie

Greystones, Sudbrook Lane Petersham, Surrey TW10 7AT e: w: t: 020 8332 2229

Local Homes - Low Carbon Living 1, The Factory, Stephenson Avenue Beechdale Estate, Walsall West Midlands W2 7HF e: t: 01922 614 898 f: 01922 624396

Unit 4 Ashtree Court, Woodsy Close Cardiff Gate Business Park Cardiff, South Glamorgan CF23 8RW e: w: t: 029 2054 6260 f: 029 2054 9800 Bu3000

Local Woodshop

Leadon Timber Frame Ltd

The Forge, Innishannon Co Cork, Republic of Ireland e: t: 00 353 21 477 6677 f: 00 353 21 477 6063

79 Dunnamore Road Cookstown, Co. Tyrone BT80 9NX e: w: t: 028 8675 1521 f: 028 8675 2060

Len Bigg Partnership

Devoran House, 226 Inchbonnie Road South Woodham Ferrers, Essex CM3 5WU e: t: 01245 329902 f: 01245 329902 Co4000, Co9100, En2000

Limavady Building Suppliers Limited

Windyhill Retail Park, 16 Windyhill Road Limavady, County Londonderry BT49 0RA e: w: t: 028 7772 2141 f: 028 7772 2752

Limerick Institute of Technology School Of The Built Environment Limerick, Co Limerick, Republic of Ireland e: t: 00 353 61 208 208 Ed4000

Lincs Joinery Services Ltd

Unit 14 Witham Point Wavell Drive, Allenby Industrial Estate Lincoln, Lincolnshire LN3 4PL e: w: t: 01522 534369 f: 01522 527775 Ti1500

Lionel Gregory Limited Architects Unit J1 Fulcrum Business Park Vantage Way, Mannings Heath Poole, Dorset BH12 4NU e: w: t: 01202 723157 f: 01202 745464

27 Brunel Way, Minehead, Somerset TA24 5BY e: w: t: 01643 707397 Cd1000, Fl6500, Sa6000, So6000, Ti7700

Lochplace Ltd

Lockhart-Ball Associates

934 Garratt Lane, London SW17 0ND e: w: t: 020 8672 1056 f: 020 8767 9401 Ar2000, Co5000

Log Cabin UK Ltd

Cae Bychan, Bontgoch Aberystwyth, Dyfed SY24 5DP e: w: t: 01970 832328

Logwise Ltd

Unit 9, Taw Mill Business Park Howard Avenue, Barnstaple, Devon EX32 8QA e: w: t: 01271 325516 f: 01272 326425

London Building Design

1 Queens Avenue, London N20 0HZ e: t: 020 8445 0695

Long & Kentish Architects

27 Horsell Road, London N5 1XL e: w: t: 020 7607 5658 f: 020 7607 5621 Ar2000

Longworth Building Services

North Florida Road, Haydock Industrial Estate Haydock, St Helens, Merseyside WA11 9UB e: w: t: 0845 634 1370 f: 0845 634 1379 Bu3000

Lonza Wood Protection

Wheldon Road, Castleford West Yorkshire WF10 2JT e: w: t: 01977 714000 f: 01977 714001 Co8500, Fl1000, Pl3000, Pr1000, Ti7000

Lothian Estates

Lothian Estates Office Jedburgh, Roxburghshire TD8 6UF e: t: 01835 862201 f: 01835 863992

Louisiana-Pacific Corporation 414 Union St., Suite 2000 Nashville, Tennessee 37219 e: w: t: 00 1 615 986 5742

Lowe & Simpson Group Ltd

Vickers Close, Preston Farm Industrial Estate Stockton, Cleveland TS18 3TD e: w: t: 01642 677181 f: 01642 606458 Gl1000, St2000, St3000, Wo2000

Lowfield Timber Frames Ltd

Lowfield, Marton, Welshpool, Powys SY21 8JX e: w: t: 01743 892004 f: 01743 892003 Bu6800, Bu7000, St8500, Ti2000

Loyn & Co Architects

21 Victoria Road, Penarth Vale Of Glamorgan CF64 3EG e: w: t: 029 2071 1432


M & K Macleod

Kilmory Industrial Estate Lochgilphead, Argyll PA31 8RR e: sales@m& w: t: 01546 602989 f: 01546 603789 Bu3000, Ho3000

M D Griffiths BSc (Hons) MRICS Chartered Building Surveyor 5 Greenmount Road Darlington, Co Durham DL3 8EP e: t: 01325 284022

M D P Design Limited 43a Staveley Gardens Chiswick, London W4 2SA e: t: 020 8995 0731

M K A Architects Limited

Rosewood House, High Street Hadlow, Tonbridge, Kent TN11 0EF e: t: 01732 850995 Ar2000, Co4000, Su1000

M L Kubik & Son Ltd

Chartered Civil & Structural Engineers 17 Birchwood Drive, Ravenshead Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG15 9EE e: w: t: 01623 490330 f: 0870 836 2128 Co9100, En2000, Re4000

T imber Industry Yearbook 2 013

M M P Design Limited

1st Floor, Unit 6, Union Park Packet Boat Lane, Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 2GH e: t: 01895 430700 f: 01895 430550 En2000

M P R Projects (UK) Ltd

Furzie Field, High Wood Ringwood, Hampshire BH24 3LG e: t: 01425 483555 f: 01425 483777 Bu3000, Co4000, Co9200, Ho3000, Ti1500

M Price Limited

1 Haslemere Business Centre Lincoln Way, Enfield, Middlesex EN1 1DX e: w: t: 020 8443 4343 f: 020 8804 5383

M S R Building & Civil Engineering Design

1 Priory Way, Gowanbank Forfar, Angus DD8 2UP e: t: 01307 462353 f: 01307 462353 Ar2500, Co8800, En2000

M.Binladin Company

Binladin Woodwork Factory P O Box 958, Jeddah 21421, Saudi Arabia e: w: t: 00 966 2 620 0163 f: 00 966 2 620 9813 Jo4000, Jo5000

Maccreanor Lavington Ltd

19 -21 Nile Street, London N1 7LL e: w: t: 020 7336 7353 f: 020 7336 7655 Ar2000

Machined Timber Specialists

Unit 8, Block B, Bullford Business Campus Kilcoole, County Wicklow, Republic of Ireland e: w: t: 00 353 1 281 2106 f: 00 353 1 281 2112 Ce1000, Co8700, Co9100

Maciver Consultancy Services Limited

2a Steinish, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis HS2 0AA e: w: t: 01851 704703 f: 01851 705753 Co9100, En2000

Mackellar Schwerdt Architects

TRADA Members


Macmon Chartered Architects 113 St George’s Road, Glasgow G3 6JA e: w: t: 0141 332 7464 f: 0141 333 1081

Macoun Construction Ltd

49 Hotspur Street, Tynemouth NE30 4EN e: w: t: 0191 296 5849 f: 0191 296 5849

MacOwan Collett Consulting Engineers Ltd

Ianda House, 4 Mona Terrace Douglas, Isle Of Man IM1 3NA e: t: 01624 624738/624822 f: 01624 624243 Co4000, Co8800, En2000

Malachy Walsh and Partners

Park House, Mahon Technology Park Bessboro Road, Blackrock, Cork County Cork, Republic of Ireland e: w: t: 00 353 21 453 6400 f: 00 353 21 4536450

Malaysian Timber Council

24 Old Queen Street, London SW1H 9HP e: w: t: 020 7222 8188 f: 020 7222 8884 As1000, Do2500, Fl3500, Jo4000, Mo4500

Malcolm Fraser Architects

28 North Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1QG e: w: t: 0131 225 2585 f: 0131 226 1895 Ar2000

Malcolm Wright Partnership

31 Durngate Street, Dorchester, Dorset DT1 1JP e: t: 01305 260191 f: 01305 260956 En2000

Mandeville Joinery

Unit 3, Westhill Barns, Evershot Dorchester, Dorset DT2 0LD t: 01935 83861 f: 01935 83862

Mann Williams

7 Old King Street, Bath, Somerset BA1 2JW e: w: t: 01225 464419 f: 01225 448651

Manners, T & Sons Ltd

The Old Library, Albion Street Lewes, East Sussex BN7 2ND e: w: t: 01273 480608 f: 01273 480688 Ar2000, Co4000, Co8500, Co9300

Peel House, Dovecot Hill South Church Enterprise Park Bishop Auckland, County Durham DL14 6XW e: w: t: 01388 774030 f: 01388 774044 Do2500, Fu4000, Jo4000, Sh4000, Wi2000

MacLaren Roughton

Marcus Beale Architects

24 Ashford Road, Maidstone, Kent ME14 5BH e: w: t: 01622 690540 f: 01622 687036 Co4000, Co8800, Co9100, En2000

MacLennan Construction Limited 5 Ffordd Lynan, Penrhosgarnedd Bangor, Gwynedd LL57 2NR e: w: t: 01248 371622 f: 01248 362692

MacLeod Associates

19 Upper Carloway, Isle Of Lewis HS2 9AG e: t: 01851 643473 En2000

The Old Post Office, 1 Compton Road Wimbledon, London SW19 7QA e: w: t: 020 8946 4141 f: 020 8946 2299

Marshall, William J & Partners

Martin Noone Architect

McBeth Joinery

Mason Clark Associates

McCarthy, Rachel BSc MICE

136 Lower Georges Street Dun Laoghaire, Dublin, Republic of Ireland e: t: 00 353 1 284 1607 f: 00 353 1 284 2172 Ar2000 Unit E, Millshaw Business Living Global Avenue, Beeston, Leeds LS11 8PR e: w: t: 0113 277 9542 f: 0113 277 4738 Co4000, Co7000, Co9100, En2000, Su1000

Massie Reid Ltd

Leadside House, 62 Leadside Road Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire AB25 1 TW e: w: t: 01224 624749 f: 01224 624748

MAST Architects LLP

51 St Vincent Crescent Glasgow, Strathclyde G3 8NQ e: w: t: 0141 221 6834 f: 0141 221 8450 Ar2000, Ar2500, Ho4000

Materian Limited

2nd Floor, Brian Royd Mills Saddleworth Road, Greetland West Yorkshire HX4 8NF e: w: t: 01422 416573 Co8800, Co9100, Co9200, Ti1200, Ti1500

Materian Limited

New Lugg Villa, Llangunllo Knighton, Powys LD7 1SS e: w: t: 01902 560656 Co8800, Co9100, Co9200, Ti1200, Ti1500

Mathis Glulam Structures

161 Sandridge Road St. Albans, Hertfordshire, AL1 4AH e: w: t: 01727 751174 f: 0871 989 8305 Br2000, Bu3000, Gl1000, St8500, Ti2000

Maughan Reynolds Partnership 3 Gladstone Terrace Gateshead, Tyne And Wear NE8 4DY e: t: 0191 478 3355 f: 0191 490 0331 Co4000, Co9100, En2000

Maxel Contract Services Ltd

17 Haskeys Close, Derby, Derbyshire DE2 2TD e: t: 07973 479354

Maxwell and Company Architects & Designers Ltd

Larkfield, 23 Southside Road Inverness, Inverness-shire IV2 3BG e: w: t: 01463 711676 f: 01463 711696 Ar2000, Co4000, Co8800, Co9300, He1000

43 Palace Street Westminster, London SW1E 5HL e: w: t: 020 7222 2547 f: 020 7222 0073 Ar2000, Co4000, En2000

Maxxim Residential Design Ltd

Martin Haynes Architect Ltd

McAndrew Associates Ltd

1 Church Hill Road, Hooe Plymouth, Devon PL9 9SE e: t: 01752 405555

Princess House, Princess Way Swansea, Glamorgan SA1 3LW e: w: t: 01792 482483 f: 01792 482480

3 Newell Close, Aylesbury Buckinghamshire HP21 7FE e: w: t: 01296 398070

Cardiff Bay Workshops, 3 Brindley Road Cardiff, South Glamorgan CF11 8TX e: t: 029 2038 7676 f: 029 2038 7676 Do5000, Fu4000, Jo4000, St3000, Wi2000 8 Meadow Rise, North Waltham Basingstoke, Hampshire RG25 2SU e: t: 01256 398292 En2000

McCartney Associates

17 Bonny Street, London NW1 9PE e: w: t: 020 7485 3924 f: 020 7482 2741 Co9100, Co9200, En2000

McColl Associates

1 Meadowbank Place Edinburgh, Lothian EH8 7AW e: w: t: 0131 555 0721 f: 0131 555 0723 Co4000, Co9200, En2000, Ti1200

McCurdy & Co Ltd

Manor Farm, Stanford Dingley Reading, Berkshire RG7 6LS e: w: t: 0118 974 4866 f: 0118 974 4375 Co4000, Co8500, Re6000, Ti2500

McKay & Partners

6 Market Place, Selkirk, Selkirkshire TD7 4BT e: t: 01750 21726 f: 01750 22752 Co4000, Co9100, En2000, Su1000

McKenzie Willis

22 Carden Place, Aberdeen Aberdeenshire AB10 1UQ e: t: 01224 639111 En2000

McKinney Nicolson Associates Ltd 14 Balmyle Road, West Ferry Dundee, Angus DD5 1JJ e: w: t: 01382 770703 f: 01382 738842 Co9100, Co9200, En2000

MDR Associates

9 Holyrood Street, London SE1 2EL e: w: t: 020 7378 8789 f: 020 7378 8773 Ar2000, Co8800, Su1000

Meadowcroft Griffin Architects Studio 1a, Highgate Business Centre 33 Greenwood Place, London NW5 1LB e: t: 020 7485 0494 f: 020 7485 0254

Mel Williams Partnership

20 Ar Y Bryn, Pembrey, Burry Port Carmarthenshire SA16 0AX e: t: 01554 832169 f: 01554 833502 Co9100, En2000

Melingoed Ltd

Station Road, Newcastle Emlyn Carmarthenshire SA38 9BX e: w: t: 01239 711070 f: 01239 711645 Gl1000, Jo4000, Pa7500, Ti7600, Tr4000

TRADA Members


Merronbrook Ltd

Mid-Sussex Timber Co Limited

Merton College

Mike Parkes Associates

Hazeley Bottom, Hartley Wintney Hook, Hampshire RG27 8LU e: w: t: 01252 844747 f: 01252 845304 The Estates Bursary, Merton Street Oxford, Oxfordshire OX1 4JD e: t: 01865 276357 f: 01865 286493 Ed4000

Metclad Contracts Ltd

Hazelford Way, Newstead Village Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG15 0DG e: w: t: 01623 720032 f: 01623 721393

MFM Joinery Ltd

Keelagh, Ballyhaise County Cavan, Republic of Ireland e: w: t: 00 353 49 433 8023 f: 00 353 49 433 8767 Do2500, Jo4000, Ma2500, St3000, Wi2000

Michael Baigent Orla Kelly Limited Studios 62-64, The Market Building 191-195 High Street Brentford, Middlesex TW8 8LB e: w: t: 020 8568 4871 f: 020 8568 4775 En2000

Michael Barclay Partnership LLP Norman House, 105-109 Strand London WC2R 0AA e: w: t: 020 7240 1191 f: 020 7240 2241 Co4000, Co9100, En2000

Michael Drake Architects Ltd 83 Greenbank Road Greenbank, Bristol, Avon BS5 6HE e: w: t: 0117 951 2773 Ar2000

Michael Hadi Associates

Unit 3.1, 2-6 Northburgh Street London EC1V 0AY e: w: t: 020 7375 6340 f: 020 7250 1163 Co9100, En2000, Te4000, Ti1200

Michael John Harris Architect Armoury Studio, 19 Armoury Terrace Ebbw Vale, Blaenau Gwent NP23 6BD e: t: 01495 303035 f: 01495 303070

Michael Pooler Associates 310 Newchurch Road Bacup, Lancashire OL13 0UJ e: t: 01706 876195 f: 01706 879524 En2000

Michaelis Boyd Associates Ltd 108 Palace Gardens Terrace London W8 4RT e: w: t: 020 7221 1237 f: 020 7221 0130

Mid-Sussex Timber Co Limited

Station Road, Forest Row, East Sussex RH18 5EL e: w: t: 01342 822191 f: 01342 823052 Bu1000, Mo5000, Pa7500, Pr1000, Ti7500

College Road, Haywards Heath East Grinstead, West Sussex RH16 1QW e: w: t: 01444 413413 f: 01444 415779 54 Haden Park Road Cradley Heath, West Midlands B64 7HE t: 01384 562120 f: 01384 562120 Ar2000, Co4000, En2000

Milner Associates

129 Cumberland Road, Bristol BS1 6UY e: w: t: 0117 945 3208 f: 0117 929 3095 Co9200, Re4000, Te0500, Te3500, Te4000

Milton Architects Ltd

Old Stables Court, The Parade Marlborough, Wiltshire SN8 1NE e: w: t: 01672 514354


1 Bakersgate Courtyard, Ash Road Pirbright, Woking, Surrey GU24 0NJ e: t: 01483 233050 f: 01483 233055 En2000

MiTek Industries Limited

MiTek House, Grazebrook Industrial Park Peartree Lane, Dudley, West Midlands DY2 0XW e: w: t: 01384 451400 f: 01384 451411 So1000, St8000, Tr4000, Tr5000

Mitre Oak Ltd

Unit 4 Open Barn BC, Main Road Kempsey, Worcester, Worcestershire WR8 0EA e: w: t: 01905 828139

Mivan Limited

Newpark, Greystone Road Antrim, County Antrim BT41 2QN e: w: t: 028 9448 1000 f: 028 9446 6338 Bu3000, Do2500, Jo4000, Pa7200, Sh4000

Moelven UK Limited

Unit 1, Barton Farm, Chickenhall Lane Eastleigh, Eastleigh, Hampshire SO50 6RP e: w: t: 023 8061 6857 f: 023 8061 1984 Gl2000

Momentum Consulting Engineers 90 Walcot Street, Bath, Somerset BA1 5BG e: w: t: 01225 444194 Co9100, Co9200, En2000, Ti1200


Trafalgar Road, Newport, Isle of Wight PO30 1PS t: 01983 525111 f: 01983 520815 Jo2000, Sa6500, Ti2000, Ti7500, Tr4000

Morgan Carey Architects Limited The Goods Shed, Sandford Lane Wareham, Dorset BH20 4DX e: w: t: 01929 557878 f: 01929 554035 Ar2000

Morgan Timber

Knight Road, Rochester, Kent ME2 2BA e: w: t: 01634 290909 f: 01634 290800 De2000, Ha7000, Mo4500, Ti0800

Morph Structures

40 Bowling Green Lane, London EC1R 0NE e: w: t: 020 7415 7032 f: 020 7837 7612

Morphy Lawrence Ltd

Beech House, North Entrance Samundham, Suffolk IP17 1AP e: w: t: 01728 602338 07887 84172 Ar2000, Co4000, He1000, Su1000, Ti1200

Morrish & Partners

85a Whiting Street Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP33 1NX e: w: t: 01284 761444 f: 01284 750337 Co9100, En2000, Ti1200

Mott Butcher Partnership

P O Box 798, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 9DN e: w: t: 01403 219289 f: 01403 252488 En2000

Mourneview Design

N P S South West Limited

Venture House, 1 Capital Court Bittern Road, Sowton Industrial Estate Exeter, Devon EX2 7FW t: 01392 351000 f: 01392 351111 Ar2000, En1500, La9000, Su1000, Su2000

Nairn, Charles

Ballinloan of Dounie, Kirkmichael Blairgowrie, Perthshire PH10 7LU e: f: 01250 881295

Nationwide Property Solutions Ltd Suite 4, Headway Business Park Denby Dale Road, Wakefield West Yorkshire WF2 7AZ e: w: t: 01924 433066 Bu3000, Co4000, Co8800, Co9300, Te3000

NBJ (Midlands) Ltd

Airfield Park, Sibbertoft Road Husbands Bosworth, Lutterworth Leicestershire LE17 6JA e: w: t: 01858 880166 f: 01858 881196 Do2500, Do4500, Jo4000, Jo5000, Wi2000

8 Graceystown Road Banbridge, Down BT32 4EU Northern Ireland e: w: t: 07855 720840 Ar2500, Co9200, Ti1200


Moxey Associates

NDM (Metal Roofing & Cladding) Ltd

Three Winds, Crow Hill Ringwood, Hampshire BH24 3DE e: w: t: 01425 470800 Ar2000

MSM Consulting Engineers

12 Kings Court, Newmarket, Suffolk CB8 7SG e: t: 01638 665088 En2000

MTE (Leicester) Ltd

Angle House, Scudamore Road Leicester, Leicestershire LE3 1UQ e: w: t: 0116 2321 777 f: 0116 232 1888 Ti1200, Ti1500, Ti2000, Ti2700, Tr4000

Muir Timber Systems Ltd

Muir House, Belleknowes Industrial Estate Inverkeithing, Fife KY11 1HY e: w: t: 01383 416191 f: 01383 410193

Munro Associates

Charlton House, Drayton’s Passage Shoplatch, Shrewsbury, Shropshire SY1 1HF e: t: 01743 341438 f: 01743 341441 Ar2000, Ar2500, Co4000


N J McAnally & Associates Grace Yard, Eastern Avenue Ashford, Kent TN23 1LR e: t: 01233 638199 f: 01233 633770 Co4000, Co9100, Co9200, En2000

The Old Post Office, St Nicholas Street Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear NE1 1RH e: w: t: 0191 244 5542 f: 0191 232 5714 As1000, So1000

Unit 3, 89 Manor Farm Road Alperton, Middlesex HA0 1BA e: w: t: 020 8991 7310 f: 020 8991 7311 Bu3000

Neatwood Homes Ltd

Unit 6, Westwood Industrial Estate Pontrilas, Herefordshire HR2 0EL e: w: t: 01981 240860 f: 01981 240255 Bu6800, Ti1200, Ti2000

Neil Ferguson Chartered Architect 12 Skinidin, Dunvegan Isle of Skye, Highland IV55 8ZS e: t: 01470 510951 f: 01470 521223 Ar2000

Neilson Ltd

3 Belmont Park, Edinburgh, Lothian EH12 6JL e: t: 0131 337 3709

Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd The Quadrant, Eldergate Central Milton Keynes MK9 1EN w: t: 020 7557 8000

Newry & Mourne District Council Fulton Somerville Building Control Dept, O’Hagan House Monaghan Row, Newry BT35 8DJ e: w: t: 028 3031 3031 f: 028 3031 3020 Lo1000


N H B C Standards and Technical Davy Avenue, Knowlhill Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire MK5 8FP e: w: t: 0844 633 1000 f: 0844 633 0022 Wa1000

T imber Industry Yearbook 2 013

NHG Timber Limited

4 Eagle House, Cranleigh Close Sanderstead, Croydon, Surrey CR2 9LH e: w: t: 020 8651 4030 f: 020 8651 0913 De2000, Ha7000, Mo4500, Ti0500, Ti0800

Nicholas Hare Architects LLP 3 Barnsbury Square, London N1 1JL e: w: t: 020 7619 1670 f: 020 7619 1671 Ar2000, Co8800

Nick Kenchington Ltd

Drovers Cottage, Leigh Lane Colehill, Wimborne, Dorset BH21 2PS e: t: 01202 841682 Co9100, En2000

Nick Robinson Homes Ltd Manorfield, Lower Pennington Lane Lymington, Hampshire SO41 8AN e: w: t: 01590 678990

Nick Shipp Architects Pitt House, 20 Crescent Lane Bath, Wiltshire BA1 2PX e: w: t: 01225 312655 Ar2000

Nicks & Co (Timber) Ltd

Canada Wharf, Bristol Road Gloucester, Gloucestershire GL1 5TE e: w: t: 01452 300159 f: 01452 307682 De2000, Mo4500, Mo5000, Ti7700, Tr4000

Nicolas Tye Architects

TRADA Members


Norder Design Associates

Beech Lawn, Green Lane Belper, Derbyshire DE56 1BY e: w: t: 01773 824414 f: 01773 823305 Co7000, Co8800, Co9100, En2000, Ti1200

Nordic Construction UK Ltd

3000 Cathedral Hill, Guildford GU2 7YB e: w: t: 01483 246309 Ho3000

NW Structural Consultants Limited

Nordic Engineered Wood

Nordic Wood Limited


Norman Limited

Building 5, Unit 3 and 4 Sandwich Industrial Estate Sandwich, Kent CT13 9LY e: w: t: 01304 613298 f: 01304 619635 Gl2000, St8000, St8500, Ti2000

1100 avenue des Canadiens-de-Montréal Windsor Station - Suite 504 Montréal, Quebec H3B 2S2, Canada e: w: t: 00 1 514 871 8526 Abbey House, Wellington Way Brooklands Business Park Weybridge, Surrey KT13 0TT e: w: t: 01932 268440 f: 01932 325339 19 Commercial Buildings St Helier, Jersey JE1 1BU e: t: 01534 883388 f: 01534 883399 Cd1000, De2000, Ti0800, Ti7600, Ti7700

Norscot Joinery Limited

Bower Workshops, Bower Wick, Caithness KW1 4TL e: w: t: 01955 641303 f: 01955 641207 Bu5000, Do2500, Jo4000, Ti2000, Wi2000

Nortec Consulting Engineers Ltd

Noakes Building Services

North Devon DC Building Control Services

Noberne Doors Limited

Libraries & Learning Resources Information Resources, Holly Mount House 34 Clarendon Street, Nottingham Nottinghamshire NG1 5J e: t: 0115 848 2352 f: 0115 848 4230 Ed4000

Office 6-3-12, Alston House White Cross, Lancaster, Lancashire LA1 4XF e: w: t: 01524 844477 f: 01524 844477 Co4000, Co9100, Co9200, En2000

The Long Barn Studio, Limbersey Lane, Maulden Bedford, Bedfordshire MK45 2EA e: w: t: 01525 406677 f: 01525 406688 Ar2000 Ivy House Farm, Knockin Heath Oswestry, Shropshire SY10 8DT e: w: t: 01691 682633 f: 01691 682033

Nottingham Trent University Library

Reay House, 17 Old Edinburgh Road Inverness, Inverness-Shire IV2 3HF e: t: 01463 243399 f: 01463 243366 Ce2000, Co9200, En2000, Su2000, Ti1200

Building Control, Civic Centre Barnstaple, Devon EX31 1EA e: w: t: 01271 388400 f: 01271 388201

O F P Timber Framed Homes Ltd

O R M S Architecture Design

1 Pine Street, Clerkenwell, London EC1R 0JH e: w: t: 020 7833 8533 f: 020 7837 7575 Ar2000

Oak House Consultants Limited

Clematis, Sheviock, Torpoint, Cornwall PL11 3EL e: t: 020 7193 6298 f: 07006 078 912 Co4500, Co7000, Co7500, Co8700

Oakhouse Property Development LTD

14 Woodlands Avenue Wokingham, Berks RG41 3HL e: w: t: 0118 978 5444 f: 0118 978 5444

Oakleaf Building Surveyors

Suite D2, 42 Portman Road Reading, Berkshire RG30 1EA e: w: t: 0118 942 2196 f: 0118 919 5113 Su1000

Lupton Street, Hunslet Leeds, West Yorkshire LS10 2QP e: w: t: 0113 277 8577 f: 0113 277 2049 Do1000, Do2500, Do4000, Do4500, Do5000

North Wales Timber Frames Unit 3, Bron Y Berth, Penrhos Pwllheli , Gwynedd LL53 7HL e: t: 01758 711961 f: 01758 613368 Ti1500, Ti2000, Tr4000

O’Brien & Price Stroud Ltd

Noel Wright Architects Ltd

Northern Ireland Housing Exec Library

O’Donnell and Tuomey

The Old Coach House, Drayman’s Way Alton, Hampshire GU34 1AY e: w: t: 01420 542111 f: 01420 89056


Morayhill, Dalcross, Inverness Inverness-Shire IV1 7JQ e: w: t: 01463 792424 f: 01463 791764 Or2000


Station Road, Cowie, Stirlingshire FK7 7BQ e: w: t: 01786 812921 f: 01786 817143 Md2000, Pa7200, Pa8200, Pa8700, Pa9300

3 Ashweir Court, Abbey Mill Tintern, Monmouthshire NP16 6SE e: t: 01291 689343

The Housing Centre, 2 Adelaide Street Belfast, County Antrim BT2 8PB e: t: 028 9024 0588 f: 028 9031 8345

20a Camden Row, Dublin 8, Republic of Ireland e: w: t: 00 353 1 475 2500 f: 00 353 1 475 1479 Ar2000

Northumbria University Library

O’Dwyer, Nicholas Ltd

Library Building, Sandyford Road Newcastle Upon Tyne NE1 8ST e: t: 0191 227 4150

Nottage Joinery & Timber Merchants

Village Farm Industrial Estate Pyle, Bridgend, Mid Glamorgan CF33 6BJ e: w: t: 01656 745959 f: 01656 745083 Jo4000, Mo4500, Ti7500, Ti7600, To0500

Nutgrove Office, Nutgrove Avenue Dublin 14, Republic of Ireland e: w: t: 00 353 1 296 9000 f: 00 353 1 296 9001 Co4000, Co5000, En2000

Offset Architects

London House, 77 High Street Sevenoaks, Kent TN13 1LD e: w: t: 01732 452111 f: 01732 459829

Offsite Design Solutions Ltd

29 Car Bank Ave, Atherton Manchester, Gtr. Manchester M46 9NW e: t: 07850 880427

O’Keefe Scanlon Ltd

Rosemount House, Rosemount Avenue West Byfleet, Surrey KT14 6LB e: w: t: 01932 352111 f: 01932 353315 Ar2000

ONCE Civil & Structural Ltd

E15 South City Business Centre Whitestown Way, Tallaght Dublin 24, Republic of Ireland e: w: t: 00 353 1 405 7001 f: 00 353 1 405 7001 En2000, Ti1200

Oregon Timber Frame Ltd

Portland Buildings, Dunsdale Road Selkirk, Scottish Borders TD7 5EB e: w: t: 01750 724940 f: 01750 724968 Co9100, St8000, Ti0200, Ti0500, Ti2000

Oriel Design Consultancy

Oriel Design Consultancy, Solent House 1460 Solent Business Park, Whiteley Fareham, Hampshire PO15 7AF e: w: t: 01489 567765 f: 01489 565817 Bu3000, Co4000, Co8800, En2000

Original Box Sash Window Company, The

Unit 2, Merthyr Tydfil Industrial Park Pentrebach, Merthyr Tydfil CF48 4DR e: w: t: 01443 694500 f: 01443 691257

Original Box Sash Window Company, The

29/30 The Arches, Alma Road Windsor, Berkshire SL4 1QZ e: w: t: 01753 858196 f: 01753 857827 Jo4000, Wi2000, Wi3000

Orlestone Oak Ltd

Orlestone Sawmill, Nickley Wood Shadowhurst, Ashford, Kent TN26 1LZ e: w: t: 01233 732179 f: 01233 732241 Be1000, Fl3500, Oa1000, Sa7000, Wi3000


Fieldhouse Lane, Marlow Buckinghamshire SL7 1LS e: w: t: 01628 486644 f: 01628 476757 Cd1000, Fl1000, Pr1000, So1000, Ti7000

Outdoor Deck Company, The

Unit 6, Teddington Business Park Station Road, Teddington, Middlesex TW11 9BQ e: w: t: 020 8977 0820 f: 020 8977 0825 De2000, Ti0500, Ti0800, Ti7600, Ti7700

Outer Space Solutions Ltd 24, Beech Grove, Whitley Bay Tyne and Wear NE26 3PL e: w: t: 0191 252 6717

TRADA Members


Owens Galliver Architects LLP

Parsley, Edward Associates

Pembroke Design Ltd

Oxford City Council

Parsons Brinckerhoff Ltd

Pennine Timber Frame (UK) Ltd

10 High Street, Pangbourne Reading, Berkshire RG8 7AB e: w: t: 0118 984 1344 f: 0118 984 1389

Corporate Assets, The Town Hall St Aldates, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX1 1BX e: t: 01865 252781 Lo1000


P C Grindley

7 Fowlmere Road, Foxton Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB22 6RT e: t: 01223 520703 Ar2000

P M Mendes (International) Ltd 30 Leafield Way, Leafield Industrial Estate Corsham, Wiltshire SN13 9SW e: w: t: 01225 811411 f: 01225 812112

P S H Design

6 Gloucester Avenue, Nuthall Nottingham, Notts NG16 1AL e: w: t: 0115 927 1200

P Thomas Associates Ltd

9 School Close, Ickford Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire HP18 9JG e: w: t: 01844 339455 Co9200, Ti1500

P+HS Architects

The Old Station, Station Road Stokesley, North Yorkshire TS9 7AB e: w: t: 01642 712684 f: 01642 711766 Ar2000, Ar2500

Pacific European Timber Agency Ltd

White Cross, Lancaster, Lancashire LA1 4XQ e: w: t: 01524 382273 f: 01524 841068 De2000, Fl3000, Ha7000, Mo4500, Ti0500

Paper Project Architecture and Design Ltd

Unit 16, Rufus Business Centre Ravensbury Terrace, London SW18 4RL e: w: t: 020 8947 0420 f: 0870 487 3421 Ar2000

Par Louvre Systems Ltd A division of Caice Acoustic Air Movement Ltd. 3 Winnersh Fields, Gazelle Close Winnersh, Wokingham RG41 5QS e: w: t: 0844 847 5370 f: 0844 847 5371

Parkins, R G & Partners Ltd Meadowside, Shap Road Kendal, Cumbria LA9 6NY e: w: t: 01539 729393 f: 01539 740609 Co9100, En2000

West End Barn, The Street Rayne, Braintree, Essex CM77 6RY e: t: 01376 349929 f: 01376 349928 Ar2500, Co9100, Co9200, En2000

Queen Victoria House, Redland Hill Redland, Bristol BS6 6US e: w: t: 0117 933 9300 f: 0117 933 9250 Ar2000, Co4000, Co5000, Co9100, En2000


Diamond Point, Fleming Way Crawley, West Sussex RH10 9DP e: w: t: 01293 523372 Fa1000, To0500, To1000


Merchant House Binley Business Park, Coventry CV3 2TT e: w: t: 024 7643 8691 f: 024 7643 8425 Co9100, Sa6500, Tr4000

Paterson Consulting Engineers 10 Lyndoch Crescent, Glasgow G3 6EQ e: t: 0141 331 2010 f: 0141 331 2550

PatienceDesigns...Architecture 6 Jackson Mews, Immingham North East Lincolnshire DN40 2HQ e: t: 07505 889199 Ar2000

Paul Drinkall Associates Ltd 63 Avill, Hockley, Tamworth Staffordshire B77 5QF e: t: 01827 281547

Paul Newbould Planning & Building Design Services 78 Kings Avenue, Holland-On-Sea Clacton-On-Sea, Essex CO15 5EP e: t: 01255 814505 f: 01255 815482 Ar2500

Pavlovskis Lister Ltd

Unit 11, Yorkshire Way, West Moor Park Armthorpe, Doncaster, South Yorkshire DN3 3FB e: w: t: 01302 302328 f: 01302 302959 Co9100, Co9200, En2000, Ti1200


Unit 2 The Mead Business Centre 176 - 178 Berkhamstead Road Chesham, Bucks HP5 3EE e: w: t: 01494 771224

Peak Construction

Maliro Hse Les Banques, Half Way St Sampsons GY2 4BF, Guernsey e: w: t: 014812 48045


Sheffield Technology Parks, Cooper Buildings Arundel Street, Sheffield S1 2NS e: w: t: 0114 307 2334 En4000, En5000

5-7 Picton Place, Haverfordwest SA61 2LE e: w: t: 01437 764135 f: 01437 764471 Ar2000, Co4000, Co8800, Su1000, Su2000 Birch House, Doctor Fold Lane Heywood, Lancashire OL10 2QE e: w: t: 01706 361876 f: 01706 621213 Bu6000, Bu7000, Ho3000, Ti1500, Ti2000

Penoyre & Prasad LLP

28 - 42 Banner Street, London EC1Y 8QE e: w: t: 020 7250 3477 f: 020 7250 0844 Ar2000


10 Stryd Y Plas, Caernarfon, Gwynedd LL55 1RR e: w: t: 01286 662900 f: 01286 662902 Ar2000


Pentagon House, Rue Des Pres Trading Estate St Saviour, Jersey JE2 7QT, Channel Islands t: 01534 888000

Perspective Joinery and Construction

7 Havelock Terrace, Lutton Ivybridge, Devon PL21 9SP e: w: t: 01752 837494 / 07917 725795

Petch & Fermaud Architects 31 Windmill Street, London W1T 2JN e: t: 020 7637 8064

Peter Dann Limited

Newton House, Cambridge Road Barton, Cambridge CB23 7WJ e: w: t: 01223 264688 f: 01223 264680 Co4000, Co8800, En2000, Ho4000, Ti1200

Peter Hyatt Associates Ltd 86 Hillsboro Road, Bognor Regis West Sussex PO21 2DY e: t: 01243 840770 f: 01243 840771

Peter Lodge Consulting Engineer Slack House, Slack Bottom, Heptonstall Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire HX7 7EZ e: w: t: 01422 843281 Co4000, Co9100, Co9200, En2000, Su1000

Peter Ronan & Associates

12 Penns Wood Drive Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands B76 1HZ e: t: 0121 240 3245 f: 0121 240 3245 En2000

Peter Taylor & Partners Ltd

Trinity House, Cambridge Business Park Cowley Road, Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 0WZ e: w: t: 01223 393521 f: 01223 897949 En2000

Philip Hawkey Architectural Design Windy Ridge, Crown Road, Whitemoor St Austell, Cornwall PL26 7XH e: w: t: 01726 824948 Ar2500, Co4000, Su1000

Pinelog Ltd

Riverside Business Park Bakewell, Derbyshire DE45 1GS e: w: t: 01629 814481 f: 01629 814634 Bu3000, Bu6000, Bu6800

PJStructures Ltd

11 Wainwright Close Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset BS22 7QS e: w: t: 07557 787351 En2000

Place Architecture

26 Westgate, Lincoln, Lincolnshire LN1 3BD e: t: 01522 546362 f: 01522 545597

PlanArch Associates

Apartment 9, Marnock House Kingswood Road, Kent TN2 4XP e: t: 01892 537582 Ar2000, Ar2500, Bu3000, Co8800, En2000

Plandescil Ltd

Connaught Road Attleborough, Norfolk NR17 2BW e: w: t: 01953 452001 f: 01953 456955 Co5000, En2000

Planned Approach

Larkhill Cottage, College Farm Wendlebury, Bicester, Oxfordshire OX25 2PR e: t: 01869 249746 Ar2500

Plastering Contractors Stanmore Ltd

Stanmore House, Gyproc Business Park Church Manorway, Erith, Kent DA8 1DE e: w: t: 01322 446446

Platts T/A RA & CE Platt Ltd Miners Park, Miners Road Llay Industrial Estate North Llay, Wrexham LL12 0PJ e: w: t: 01978 854666 f: 01978 854664 Re1000

Playdale Playground Equipment

Haverthwaite, Ulverston, Cumbria LA12 8AE e: w: t: 01539 531561 f: 01539 531539 Pg1000

Plywood & Timber Centres

Unit A1 Ashmount Business Park Upper Fforest Way, Swansea Enterprise Park Swansea, West Glamorgan SA6 8QR e: w: t: 01792 790471 f: 01792 704479 Ti7500

Pollard Architectural

5 Barras Street, Liskeard, Cornwall PL14 6AD e: w: t: 01579 347361 Ar2500, Co4000, Co9100, Su1000, Ti1200

T imber Industry Yearbook 2 013

Pollard Thomas Edwards architects Diespeker Wharf 38 Graham Street, London N1 8JX e: w: t: 020 7336 7777 f: 020 7336 0770 Ar2000

Portland Consulting Engineers 10 Bankside, The Watermark Gateshead, Tyne And Wear NE11 9SY e: w: t: 0191 461 9770 f: 0191 460 3028 En2000

Poyntell Limited

Slaney Place, Headcorn Road Staplehurst, Kent TN12 0DT e: w: t: 01580 892902

Practical Structures Ltd

344 Castlereagh Road Belfast, Co Antrim BT5 6AE e: w: t: 028 9028 3060 Co4000, En2000


Birthwaite Business Park, Huddersfield Road Darton, Barnsley, South Yorkshire S75 5JS e: w: t: 0844 209 0008 f: 01226 388808 Do4500, Do5000, Wi2000, Wi3000, Wi4000

Premier Guarantee

Haymarket Court, Hinson Street Birkenhead, Merseyside CH41 5BX e: w: t: 0151 650 4343

Price & Myers

30 Newman Street, London W1T 1LT e: w: t: 020 7631 5128 f: 020 7462 1390 Co4000, En2000

Price Lilford Ltd

39 Forty Acres Road, Canterbury, Kent CT2 7HL e: w: t: 01227 760810 Su1000

Primary Timber Frame

The Factory, Resolven Neath, West Glamorgan SA11 4HN e: w: t: 01639 711472 f: 01639 710873 Ca0500, Ho3000, Ti1500, Ti2000, Ti2500

Prime Meridian

Sutherland House 5-6 Argyll Street, London W1F 7TE e: w: t: 020 7494 3522 Ar2000, En2000

Pringle Richards Sharratt Architects

Studio 2.01, Canterbury Court, Kennington Park 1 Brixton Road, London SW9 6DE e: w: t: 020 7793 2843 f: 020 7793 2829 Ar2000


16 Kew Foot Road, Richmond, London TW9 2SS e: w: t: 020 8940 4159 Co9100, En2000

TRADA Members


Probyn Miers

Hamilton House, 1 Temple Avenue Temple, London EC4Y 0HA e: w: t: 020 7583 2244 Ar2000

Proctor and Matthews Ltd

7 Blue Lion Place 237 Long Lane, London SE1 4PU e: w: t: 020 7378 6695 f: 020 7378 1372 Ar2000

Project 5 Architecture 8 Waterson Street London E2 8HL t: 020 7739 9131

Project 5 Architecture

2a High Street, Barley Royston, Hertfordshire SG8 8HZ e: w: t: 01763 848428 f: 01763 849072 Ar2000

PRP Architects LLP

Ferry Works, Summer Road Thames Ditton, Surrey KT7 0QJ e: w: t: 020 8339 3600 f: 020 8339 3636 Ar2000, Co5000, Co8800, La9000, Re4000

PWA Chartered Building Surveyors 3 Horsham Gates, North Street Horsham, West Sussex RH13 5PJ e: w: t: 01403 251926 f: 01403 275819 Ar2500, Co4000, Co9300, En1500, Su1000

PWP Architects

61 South Street, Havant, Hampshire PO9 1BZ e: w: t: 023 9248 2494 f: 023 9248 1152


Q T F Quality Timber Frame Limited 36a Finnard Road, Rathfriland Newry, County Down BT34 5BL e: w: t: 028 4063 2494 f: 028 4063 2495 Ti2000

Quadrant Harmon Consulting Ltd Morley House 320 Regent Street, London W1B 3BD e: w: t: 020 7637 2770 f: 020 7436 7823 En2000

Qualtrough, J & Co Limited

Hope Street, Castletown, Isle of Man IM9 1AN e: w: t: 01624 822581 f: 01624 823383 Bu1000, Pr1000, St6000, Ti7500


128 Lower Addiscombe Road Croydon, Surrey CR0 6AE e: t: 020 8239 7061 f: 020 8239 7063


R A Design

The Guildhall, Street an pol St Ives, Cornwall TR26 2DS e: t: 01736 796111

R Elliott Associates Ltd

Dennett House, Brighton Road Sway, Lymington, Hampshire SO41 6EB e: w: t: 01590 683176 f: 01590 683533

R J Freeman Limited

50 Hamilton Road, Brighton East Sussex RH19 3HU e: t: 07775 828399 Ti1500

R P Winstone Ltd

Hilltop, Evenjobb, Presteigne, Powys LD8 2SG e: t: 01547 560252 f: 01547 560409 Co9200

R.J. Richards Design & Draw Ltd 109 Trenance Road St. Austell, Cornwall PL25 5AW e: t: 07979 833256 En2000, Ti1200


3rd Floor, Halsbury House, Chancellor Court 21 The Calls, Leeds LS2 7EH t: 0113 204 2880



60 Newman Street, London W1T 3DA e: w: t: 020 7631 5291 f: 020 7323 4645 Co4000, Co9100, Co9200, En1500, En2000

Ramsay and Chalmers

Chattan Mews Offices 18 Chattan Place, Aberdeen AB10 6RD e: w: t: 01224 560700 f: 01224 560701 Ce2000, Co9100, En2000, Ti1200

Rawcliffe Associates Ltd

The Paddocks, Follifoot Harrogate, North Yorkshire HG3 1EA e: t: 01423 879808 f: 01423 879525 Co9100, En2000

Raymond Simpson Associates Limited

7 Mid Stocket Road Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire AB15 5JL e: t: 01224 636707

RB Doors & Joinery Ltd

Unit A2 Larkfield Trading Estate New Hythe Lane, Larkfield, Kent ME20 6SW e: w: t: 01622 792015 f: 01622 882035 Jo4000

re:FORM Studio

The Old Bakery Studio, Blewitts Wharf Malpas Road, Truro, Cornwall TR1 1QH e: t: 07971 187077

Red Architects

Christchurch House, 30 Waterloo Street Victoria Square, Birmingham B2 5TJ t: 0121 230 1650

Tata Steel Projects, Meridan House The Crescent, York, North Yorkshire YO24 1AW e: t: 01904 454673


Red Squirrel Architects Ltd

20 Nicholas Street, Chester, Cheshire CH1 2NX t: 01244 311855


3rd Floor, Kings Court, 2-4 Exchange Street St Mary’s Gate, Manchester M2 7HA e: w: t: 0161 827 1890 Co4000, Co9100, Co9200, En1500, En2000


Unit 2, 32 Devonshire Road Forest Hill, London SE23 3SR e: t: 020 8699 6766

Redman and Sutherland Architects Main Street, Scalloway, Shetland ZE1 0TR e: t: 01595 880885 f: 01595 880155

Redstone, Bryan

Carlton House, Ringwood Road Woodlands, Southampton SO40 7HT t: 023 8081 7500

195 Exeter Road, Exmouth, Devon EX8 3DX e: t: 01395 269807 Co9100, Co9200, En2000


Reiach and Hall Architects


Rembrand Timber Limited

40 Queen Square, Bristol, Avon BS1 4QP e: w: t: 0117 929 5200 f: 0117 929 5239 Co4000, Co9100, Co9200, En1500, En2000 Twenty, Station Road, Cambridge CB1 2JD e: w: t: 01223 369220 f: 01223 356215 Co4000, Co9100, Co9200, En2000


6 Bells Brae, Edinburgh EH4 3BJ e: w: t: 0131 550 4070 f: 0131 550 4099 Co4000, Co9100, Co9200, En2000, En3000

6 Darnaway Street, Edinburgh, Lothian EH3 6BG e: w: t: 0131 225 8444 f: 0131 225 5079 Ar2000 Shielhill Wood, Tealing Dundee, TaysideDD4 0PW e: w: t: 01382 323200 f: 01382 323222 Cd1000, Do3000, Pa7000, Ti7700, Wi1000

Renata Murnaghan

15, Whitton Road, Terenure Dublin 6, Republic of Ireland e: t: 00 353 1 490 3441 Ar2000, Co5000

TRADA Members


Rennie and Kirkwood Ltd

The Square, 95 Morrison Street Glasgow, Lanarkshire G5 8BE e: t: 0141 429 2810 f: 0141 420 3728

Renovate.Com Ltd

1 Rackham Mews, London SW16 6BE e: t: 07834 546719

Rhys Llwyd Davies - Architect | Pensaer

Swyddfa Heulwen, 29 Y Stryd Fawr Y Bala, Gwynedd LL23 7AG e: t: 01678 521450 Ar2000

Riach Partnership Ltd

200 Bath Street, Glasgow, Lanarkshire G2 4HG e: w: t: 0141 353 1230

Riches Hawley Mikhail Architects 10-11 Clerkenwell Green, London EC1R 0DP e: w: t: 020 7250 1052 Ar2000

Rivington Street Studio

23 Curtain Road, Shoreditch, London EC2A 3LT e: w: t: 020 7739 8945 f: 020 7729 4098 Ar2000

RMP Architect

Rose Lea, Low Biggins Kirkby Lonsdale, Cumbria LA6 2DH e: t: 01524 271638


West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset BH15 1HZ e: w: t: 01202 663251 f: 01202 663343 As1000, Co8800, En2000

Rob Hilton Architecture 2 Park View, Wotton Lane Lympstone, Devon EX8 5LY e: w: t: 01395 224829 Ar2000, Ti1200

Robbins Consulting Engineers Ltd 66-68 Commercial Street, Mountain Ash Rhondda Cynon Taff CF45 3PW e: w: t: 01443 479731 f: 01443 479583 Co9100, Co9200, En2000, Ti1200

Robert E Fry & Associates Ltd 45 Bridgeman Terrace Wigan, Lancashire WN1 1TT e: t: 01942 826020 f: 01942 230816 Ar2500, Co4000, En2000

Robert Millerchip Designs Limited

The Studio, Hackwell Street, Napton on the Hill Southam, Warwickshire CV47 8LY e: t: 01926 813312

Robert Price (Builders’ Merchants) Ltd

Park Road, Abergavenny, Gwent NP7 5PF e: w: t: 01873 858585 f: 01873 856854

Robert Price (Builders’ Merchants) Ltd

Forest Road, Taffs Well Cardiff, South Glamorgan CF15 7YE e: w: t: 029 2081 1681 f: 029 2081 3605 De2000, Jo2000, Ro2000, St8000, Ti7500

Robert Rowett Architectural Services

2b Old Amenity Building, Restormel Estate Liddicoat Road, Lostwithiel, Cornwall PL22 0HG e: w: t: 01208 873323 f: 01208 873407 Ar2000, Ar2500, Co4000, Co7000, Ti1200

Robert Stone Associates

Consulting Civil & Structural Engineers Eleven Mile Lane, Suton Wymondham, Norfolk NR18 9JL e: w: t: 01953 601800 f: 01953 601594 Co4000, Co8800, Co9100, En2000, Su1000

Robert Tucker Associates The Market House High Street, Tring, Herts HP23 4AB e: w: t: 01442 891411

Robert Wynter & Partners Ltd

Abinger House, Surrey Hills Business Park Wotton, Dorking, Surrey RH5 6QT e: w: t: 01306 879875 f: 01306 741799 En2000

Robertson Slater Partnership ltd. 9th floor, Salvesen Tower, Blaikies Quay Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire AB11 5PW e: t: 01224 574300

Robertson Timber Engineering Limited

10 Perimeter Road, Pinefield, Elgin IV30 6AE e: w: t: 01343 549786 f: 01343 552546 Ti1200, Ti2000, Ti2500

Robertson Timber Engineering Limited

Robertson House, Castle Business Park Stirling, Stirlingshire FK9 4TZ e: w: t: 01786 431600 f: 01786 436070 Ti1200, Ti2000, Ti2500

Rodgers Leask Ltd

Role Mill, 49 Canal Street Derby, Derbyshire DE1 2RJ e: w: t: 01332 285000 f: 01332 291728 Co4000, Co5000, En2000

Roe Timber Frame Ltd

Enterprise Road, Westwood Indusrial Estate Margate, Kent CT9 4JA e: w: t: 01843 232888 f: 01843 232233

Roger Casey Associates Limited Ty Mansel, 6 Mansel Street Carmarthen, Carmathenshire SA31 1PX e: w: t: 01267 222646 f: 01267 221377 Co4000, Co9100, Co9200, En2000, Ti1200

Roger Haydock & Co Limited

Russwood Ltd

Roger Haydock & Co Limited

Ryland, D A

Mersey View Road, Halebank Widnes, Cheshire WA8 8LN e: w: t: 0151 425 6900 f: 0151 425 6905 Do2500, Fu4000, Sa6500, Ti7500, Wi2000 Greenend Timber Yard Whitchurch, Shropshire SY13 1AP e: w: t: 01948 662327 f: 01948 666359 De2000, Pa7500, Pr1000, Sa6500, Ti7500

Roger Paling Joiners

Church Street, Hull, East Yorkshire HU9 1DU e: w: t: 01482 223633 f: 01482 586199 Do4500, Do5000, Jo4000, Jo5000, Ti2500

Ronseal Limited

Thorncliffe Park, Chapeltown Sheffield, South Yorkshire S35 2YP e: w: t: 0114 246 7171 f: 0114 257 0853 Co1500, Fl2500, Pr1000, St1000, Va1000

Rotafix (Northern) Limited

Rotafix House, Abercrave Swansea, West Glamorgan SA9 1UR e: w: t: 01639 730481 f: 01639 730858 Ad1000, Fa1000, Re3000, Re4000, Re6000

Roughan & O’Donovan

Arena House, Arena Road Sandyford, Dublin 18, Republic of Ireland e: w: t: 00 353 1 294 0800 f: 00 353 1 294 0820

Rowan Timber Supplies (Scotland) Ltd

Main Street, Plains, Lanarkshire ML6 7SH e: w: t: 01236 814000 f: 01236 814001 Jo4000, Pa7500, St9000, Ti7500, Wi2000

Royal School of Military Engineering

Professional Engineering Wing Brompton Barracks, Chatham, Kent ME4 4UG t: 01634 822322 f: 01634 822362 Ed4000


Noble House, Capital Drive, Linford Wood Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire MK14 6QP e: w: t: 01908 669898 f: 01908 669899 Ar2000, Co5000, En1500, En2000, La9000

Rushby Brewster Associates Ltd The Town House, St George’s Square Bishops Waltham, Southampton Hampshire SO32 1AF e: w: t: 01489 890004 f: 01489 890005 Ce2000, Co9200, En2000

Rushmoor Engineering Services Sandy Farm Business Centre The Sands, Farnham, Surrey GU10 1PX e: w: t: 01252 782366 Co9100, Co9200, En2000, Ti1200

Russell-Hughes Cyf

56 Bridge Street, Llangefni, Anglesey LL77 7HH e: w: t: 01248 722333 f: 01248 750600

Station Sawmill Newtonmore, Highland PH20 1AR e: w: t: 01540 673648 f: 01540 673661 Cd1000, De2000, Fl4000, Pa4000, Ti7500 17 Bell Meadow, Hingham Norwich, Norfolk NR9 4HT e: t: 01953 853040 Co4000, Co9100, En2000


S & P Architects

9 Weekday Cross, The Lace Market Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG1 2GB e: w: t: 020 7831 8877 f: 0115 947 5955

S & P Architects

MacKintosh House 5 Blythswood Square, Glasgow G2 4AD e: w: t: 0141 225 8399 f: 0141 225 6271

S & P Architects

St. James’s Building 79 Oxford Street, Manchester M1 6FQ e: w: t: 0161 200 1890 f: 0161 200 1899

S & P Architects

The Cornerhouse 91-93 Farringdon Road, London EC1M 3LN e: w: t: 020 783 18877 f: 020 7831 4477 Ar2000

S C E G Limited

1st Floor, 30 Thomas Hand Street Skerries, Co Dublin, Republic of Ireland e: t: 00 353 1 849 0999 Co4000, Co9100, Co9200, En2000

S H Construcciones S.L.

3-D, Blq 1-C, Paseo Maritimo 31, Valdelagrana El Puerto De Santa Maria 11500, Spain e: w: t: 00 34 956 560 447 Bu3000, Co8800, Co9100, En2000, Ho3000

S K M Europe Ltd

2nd Floor, Unit 16, Cirencester Office Park Tetbury Road, Cirencester Gloucestershire GL7 6JJ w: t: 01285 813 000 f: 01285 650479 En2000

S K M Europe Ltd

Onesixty, 160 Dundee Street Edinburgh, Midlothian EH11 1DQ e: w: t: 0131 222 3530 f: 0131 222 3531 En2000, En3000

S M B C Urban Design

Municipal Buildings, Barrs Road Cradley Heath, West Midlands B64 7JX e: w: t: 0121 569 4527 f: 0121 569 4547 Ar2000, Ar2500, En2000, La9000, Lo1000

T imber Industry Yearbook 2 013

S M S Timber Frame

Unit 3, Near Bank, Shelley Huddersfield, West Yorkshire HD8 8LT e: w: t: 01484 609900 f: 01484 600366 Ti1200

S P L Structural Designs

Cairn House, Meaver Road Mullion, Helston, Cornwall TR12 7DP e: t: 01326 240366 f: 01326 240366 En2000

S R Timber

TRADA Members


Sarum Hardwood Structures Limited

Unit 1b, Chilbolton Down Farm Stockbridge, Hampshire SO20 6BU e: w: t: 01264 811600 f: 01264 810600 Br2000, De2000, St6000

Sauerlaender Spanplatten GmbH & Co. KG

P.O Box 55 53, Arnsberg 5980 5, Germany e: w: t: 00 49 29 318760 f: 00 49 29 31876118

Wetherby Road, Osmaston Industrial Estate Derby, Walsall DE24 8HL e: w: t: 01543 370084 f: 01543 361972 Ro2000, Sa8000, Ti0800

SCD Architecture and Interiors

Safety Cases Ltd

School of Civil Engineering and Surveying, University Of Portsmouth

19 Darling House, Clevedon Road Twickenham, Middlesex TW1 2TU e: t: 07850 480118 f: 0870 336146

Saint-Gobain Building Distribution plc

Saint-Gobain House, Binley Business Park Coventry, West Midlands CV3 2TT e: w: t: 024 7656 0700 f: 024 7656 0705

Samuely, F J & Partners

Celtic House, 33 John’s Mews London WC1N 2NS e: w: t: 020 7404 4041 f: 020 7242 2450 Co4000, En2000

Sanan, Emile K

26 Sandown Lane, Wavertree Liverpool, Merseyside L15 8HY e: t: 0151 281 2422

Sanders Consulting

Kestrel Court, Harbour Road Portishead, Bristol, Avon BS20 7AN e: t: 01275 390413

Sands Consultants

Hems Court, Longbrook Street Exeter, Devon EX4 6AP e: w: t: 01392 421600 f: 01392 422891 Co9100, En2000

Sandwood Consultants

York House, 9 York Place Knaresborough, North Yorkshire HG5 0AD e: w: t: 01423 799955 Co4000, Co9100, En2000

Sandy Fraser Associates

3a Grey Street, Tayport, Fife DD6 9JF e: f: 01382 553988 Co4000, Co7000, Co8800, Co9100, En2000

Sanei Hopkins Architects Ltd 1Q Leroy House 436 Essex Road, London N1 3QP e: w: t: 020 7704 1901 f: 020 7704 9048

Ground floor Flat 27 Albion Road, Brighton BN2 9NP e: w: t: 07815 913058

Portland Building, Portland Street Portsmouth, Hants PO1 3AH e: w: t: 023 9284 2523 f: 023 9284 29113

Scotframe Timber Engineering Limited

6 Grayshill Road, Westfield Cumbernauld G68 9HQ e: w: t: 01236 861200 f: 01236 861201 Co9100, En2000, Ti0900, Ti2000, Ti2700

Scotframe Timber Engineering Limited

Units 3.1 & 3.8, Discovery House Gemini Crescent, Dundee DD2 1SW e: w: t: 01382 561772 f: 01382 568182 Co9100, En2000, Ti0900, Ti2000, Ti2700

Scotframe Timber Engineering Limited

Darach House Stoneyfield Business Park, Inverness IV2 7PA e: w: t: 01463 717328 f: 01463 717196 Co9100, En2000, Ti0900, Ti2000, Ti2700

Scotframe Timber Engineering Limited

Inverurie Business Park, Souterford Avenue Inverurie, Aberdeenshire AB51 0ZJ e: w: t: 01467 624440 f: 01467 624255 Co9100, En2000, Ti0900, Ti2000, Ti2700

Scott Architects

36 Gibson Square, London N1 0RB e: w: t: 020 7704 0619

Scott White and Hookins

Fountain House, 26 St Johns Street Bedford, Bedfordshire MK42 0AQ e: w: t: 01234 213111 f: 01234 213333 Bu3500, Co4000, Co7000, Co9200, En2000

Scott White and Hookins

Harman House, Andover Road Winchester, Hampshire SO23 7BS e: w: t: 01962 844855 f: 01962 841328 Bu3500, Co4000, Co7000, En2000

Scott White and Hookins

Seven Oaks Joinery

Scottish Government Building Standards Division

SH Structures Limited

London House, 42 West Street Carshalton, Surrey SM5 2PR e: w: t: 020 8773 3131 f: 020 8773 2605 Bu3500, Co4000, Co7000, En2000, Su1000

Denholm House, Livingston West Lothian EH54 6GA e: w: t: 01506 600400 f: 01506 600 401 Go2000

Scotts of Thrapston Limited

Unit 2, Millands Road Industrial Estate Neath, West Glamorgan SA11 1NJ e: w: t: 01639 620240 f: 01639 642008 Co9100, Jo4000, Ti1200, Ti2000, Tr4000 Moxon Way, Moor Lane Trading Estate Sherburn-in-Elmet, North Yorkshire LS24 9HL e: w: t: 01977 681931 f: 01977 681930 Br2000, Bu8000, St9000

Sharvatt Woolwich Ltd

Bridge Street, Thrapston Kettering, Northamptonshire NN14 4LR e: w: t: 01832 732366 f: 01832 733703 Bu6800, Do2500, Jo4000, Tr4000, Wi2000

Sharvatt Business Centre Keats Road, Crabtree Manorway South Belvedere, Kent DA17 6BP e: w: t: 020 8312 1902 f: 020 8312 1905 Cd1000, Mo5000, Pa7500, So6000, Ti7500

Screedflo Ltd

Shepherd Gilmour

SEA Design Group

Shepherd Gilmour

Unit 8, West Station Business Park Spital Road, Maldon, Essex CM9 6FF e: w: t: 01621 874781 f: 01621 854608 13D Princes Drive, Kenilworth Warwickshire CV8 2FD e: t: 01926 864440

Sealmaster Limited

Suite G1, Ebor Court Skinner Street, Leeds LS1 4ND e: w: t: 0113 245 1393 f: 0113 245 0807 Tower Court, 42 Tower Street Leicester LE1 6WT e: w: t: 0116 233 7676 f: 0116 233 7677

Brewery Road, Pampisford Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB2 4HG e: w: t: 01223 832851 f: 01223 837215 Do4000, Pa4000, Pa8000, Te2000

Shepherd Gilmour

Seddon Property Services Ltd

10a Mostyn Avenue, Craig-y-Don Llandudno, Conwy LL30 1YS e: w: t: 01492 879069 f: 01492 879778

PO Box 3279, Oldfield House, Galveston Grove Fenton, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire ST4 9JA e: w: t: 01782 598000 f: 01782 598101

Selco Builders Warehouse

2 Queens Drive, Kings Norton Business Centre Kings Norton, Birmingham B30 3HH e: w: t: 0121 415 7270 f: 0121 415 7294

Self-Build-Pro (Chartered Surveyors)

Belmont Business Centre, Brook Lane Endon, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire ST9 9EZ e: w: t: 01782 503322 Co8800, Co9100, En1000, Ti1200, Ti1500

Senior Architectural Systems Limited

Eland Road, Denaby Main Doncaster, South Yorkshire DN12 4HA e: w: t: 01709 772600 f: 01709 772601 Do2500, Wi1000, Wi2000, Wi4000

Setsquare Staging Limited

Unit 17 Willow Lane Business Park 1 - 11 Willow Lane, Mitcham, Surrey CR4 4NA e: w: t: 020 8687 7400 f: 020 8687 7419 Fu4000

One Victoria Square, Birmingham B1 1BD e: w: t: 0121 616 0250 f: 0121 616 0555

Shepherd Gilmour

Shepherd Gilmour

Castlefield House 29 Ellesmere Street, Manchester M15 4LZ e: w: t: 0161 837 1500 f: 0161 837 1549 En2000

Shepherd Gilmour

4 Cherry Orchard, Ryecroft Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire ST5 2UB e: w: t: 01782 625376 f: 01782 712265

Shepherd Gilmour

6 Station Road, Rickmansworth Hertfordshire WD3 1QZ e: w: t: 01923 777070 f: 01923 896332

Shere Consulting Ltd

Unit River Court, Albert Drive Woking, Surrey GU21 5RP e: t: 01483 732100

Shropshire Timber Frames Limited Unit 7J, Centurion Business Park Kendal Road, Shrewsbury, Shropshire SY1 4EH e: w: t: 01743 442500 Ti2000

TRADA Members


Sid Bourne Independent Inspections

56 Loxley Avenue, Shirley, Solihull West Midlands, Warwickshire B90 2QL e: w: t: 0121 434 3300 f: 0121 434 3300

Silva Timber Products Limited

Unit 4, Albright Road, Widnes, Cheshire WA8 8FY e: w: t: 0151 495 3111 f: 0151 495 2255 Cd1000, De2000, Ro2000, Ti0200, Ti7500

Silvatec Design Ltd

Second Floor Suite, Building 1, Grosvenor Court Hipley Street, Old Woking, Surrey GU22 9LL e: w: t: 01483 769518 f: 01483 770863 Co9100, Co9200, Ti1200

Simnat PLC


3 Clachamish, Edinbane Portree, Isle of Skye IV51 9NY e: t: 01470 582252

Sloan Structural Solutions Ltd 12 George Street, Perth PH1 5JR e: t: 01738 561697

Slorach Wood Architects

The Station Master’s Office South Queensferry, West Lothian EH30 9JP e: w: t: 0131 319 1260 f: 0131 319 1239

Slowikowski Blackshaw

The Maltings, East Tyndall Street Cardiff Bay, Cardiff, South Glamorgan CF24 5EA e: t: 029 2045 1331

39 Hatton Garden, London EC1N 8EH e: t: 020 7832 1440

Smartply Europe Ltd

Simpson (York) Limited

Smith Foster Ltd

PO Box 289, 10 Hassacarr Close Chessingham Park, Dunnington, York YO19 5YL e: w: t: 01904 562400 f: 01904 562462 Bu3000

Simpson (York) Limited

Belview, Slieverue, Waterford, Republic of Ireland t: 00 353 51 851 233 f: 00 353 51 851 130 Suite 8, Branksome Park House Branksome Business Park Bourne Valley Road, Poole, Dorset BH12 1ED e: w: t: 01202 540888 f: 01202 540044 En2000

Joiners Shop, Common Road Dunnington, York, North Yorkshire YO19 5PD e: w: t: 01904 481604 f: 01904 751251 Bu3000

Smiths Gore

Simpson Associates Consulting Engineers LLP

Snows Timber

8 Friday Street, Henley-On-Thames Oxfordshire RG9 1AH e: w: t: 01491 576221 f: 01494 410129 En2000

Simpson Strong-Tie

Winchester Road, Cardinal Point Tamworth, Staffordshire B78 3HG e: w: t: 01827 255600 f: 01827 255616 Fa1000, Gl2000, St8000, Ti2700

Sinclair Johnston & Partners Limited

93 Great Suffolk Street, London SE1 0BX e: w: t: 020 7593 1900 f: 020 7593 1910 Co9100, En2000

Sioo Wood Protection

Lemon Villas, Truro, Cornwall TR1 2NU e: w: t: 01872 274646 f: 01872 222180 Ar2000, Su1000 Penton Sawmills, Newbury Lane Penton Mewsey, Andover, Hampshire SP11 0SP e: w: t: 01264 735371 f: 01264 735524 Cd1000, De2000, Fl6500, Mo5000, Pa7500

Snows Timber

Holbeache Sawmills, Oak Lane Kingswinford, West Midlands DY6 7JS e: w: t: 01384 279211 f: 01384 279645 Cd1000, De2000, Fl6500, Mo5000, Pa7500

Snows Timber

The Pollards, Porchestall Drove Glastonbury, Somerset BA6 9LX e: w: t: 01458 836400 f: 01458 836411 Cd1000, De2000, Fl6500, Mo5000, Pa7500

Snows Timber

Arods Industrivag 19 SE-42243 Hisings Backa, Goteborg e: w: t: 00 46 707 424262 / 07788 542859 Co1500

Sherwood Sawmills, Fullwood Industrial Estate Fullwood Road South, Huthwaite Sutton In Ashfield, Nottinghamshire NG17 2JZ e: w: t: 01623 513108 f: 01623 440272 Cd1000, De2000, Fl6500, Mo5000, Pa7500

Sir Robert McAlpine Ltd

Solid Structures (UK) Limited

Technical Information Division Eaton Court, Maylands Avenue Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire HP2 7TR e: w: t: 01442 412820 f: 01442 230024 Bu3000, En2000

The Brewery, Hook Norton Banbury, Oxfordshire OX15 5NY e: w: t: 0845 241 4705 Co9100, Co9200, En2000, Ti1200

Somerset Carpenters Limited

Unit 3b, Bath Bridge Business Park Bath Road, Bridgwater, Somerset TA6 4SZ e: w: t: 01278 425710 f: 01278 446667


Orchard Building, Hewitts Road Chelsfield, Orpington Kent BR6 7QL e: w: t: 01959 533778 f: 01959 532544 Do4500, Jo4000, Jo5000, Wi2000, Wi3000

South Eastern Carpentry Ltd Heritage House, Yalding Hill Yalding, Kent ME18 6AL e: w: t: 01622 813421 f: 01622 815297


Stephen Davy Peter Smith Architects Ltd

Fanshaw House Fanshaw Street, London N1 6HX e: w: t: 020 7739 2020 f: 020 7739 2021 Ar2000

Stephen Hyde Limited

22 Winchester Road, Bromley, Kent BR2 0PZ e: w: t: 020 8402 9630 En2000

Stafford Barton Broadhembury, Devon EX14 3LU e: w: t: 01404 841130 f: 01404 841107 Bu3000, En3000, Ho3000, Ti1500

Sterry, Nigel F

Space4 Limited

Steve Coleman (Timber Erectors) Ltd

Tameside Drive Castle Bromwich, Birmingham B35 7AG e: w: t: 0121 748 8383 f: 0121 776 7369 Bu6800, Bu7000, St8000, St8500, Ti2000

Specialist Services (Chingford)

121 Cavendish Road, Chingford, London E4 9NG t: 020 8531 0262 f: 020 8531 0262

Springfield Engineering Consultants

37 St Stephens Road, Cold Norton Chelmsford, Essex CM3 6JE e: t: 01621 828707 f: 01621 828707 Co4000, En2000

Squire and Partners

77 Wicklow Street, London WC1X 9JY e: w: t: 020 7278 5555

Staffordshire County Council; Design Consultancy

No. 1 Staffordshire Place Stafford, Staffordshire ST16 2LP e: w: t: 01785 277595 f: 01785 277727 Ar2000, Co4000, En2000, Lo1000, Su2000

Stanley Fyffe Associates

67 Gloucester Street Pimlico, London SW1V 4DZ e: t: 08453 700 744 f: 08453 700 745 En2000, Ti1200

Steer, Gerald RIBA

Close Gate House, 47 High Street Salisbury, Wiltshire SP1 2PB e: t: 01722 331559 f: 01722 410609 Ar2000

Steer, P J

478 Duffield Road, Allestree Derby, Derbyshire DE22 2DJ e: t: 01332 558989 f: 01332 558989

Steico UK Ltd

1st Floor, New Barnes Mill, Cottonmill Lane St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 2HA e: w: t: 01727 515120 f: 01727 836392 Fi2000, Gl1000, Lv1000, Pa8800, St9000

48 Spinney Hill Drive Loughborough, Leicestershire LE11 3LD e: t: 01509 264265 f: 01509 264265 Ar2000

11 Christie Close, Broxbourne, Herts EN10 7RB e: w: t: 01992 443920 f: 01992 443920 Bu3000, Ca0500, Gl2000, Ti1500, Ti2500

Steve Eastland Design Ltd

Hope House, Kerswell, Devon EX15 1RR e: t: 01884 266437 Ar2000

Steve Gilman Design Ltd

South Grange, 28 High Street Bassingham, Lincolnshire LN5 9EY e: t: 01522 788000 f: 01522 788000 Ar2500, En2000

Stevenson Calam Associates 102 Station Parade Harrogate, North Yorkshire HG1 1HQ e: t: 01423 530999 f: 01423 520028 Co9100, Co9200, En2000

Stewart & Harris Ltd

1st Floor, 9 Frederick Road, Edgbaston Birmingham, West Midlands B15 1JD e: w: t: 0121 454 4413 f: 0121 454 1834 En2000

Stewart Associates

The Studio, 9 Waterside Street Largs, Ayrshire KA30 9LN e: w: t: 01475 670033 f: 01475 673103

Stewart Milne Timber Systems Peregrine House, Mosscroft Avenue Westhill Business Park, Westhill Aberdeenshire AB32 6JQ e: w: t: 01224 747000 f: 01224 747499 Ti2000

Stewart Milne Timber Systems

Falcon House, Curbridge Park Downs Road, Witney, Oxfordshire OX29 7WJ e: w: t: 01865 303900 f: 01865 303999 Ti2000

Stewart Morris Partnership Ltd 193 Charles Street, Leicester Leicestershire LE1 1LA e: t: 0116 254 6922

T imber Industry Yearbook 2 013

Stirling Maynard

Stirling House, Rightwell, Bretton Peterborough, Cambridgeshire PE3 8DJ e: w: t: 01733 262319 f: 01733 331527 Co8800, Co9100, En2000, Ti1200

Stonewood Timber Frames Limited Kaileys Barn, Parkin Lane, Sourhall Todmorden, Lancashire OL14 7JF e: w: t: 01706 810101 Ti1500, Ti2000

Stour Valley Technical Services Ltd Bourne Business Centre, Bourne House Milbourne Street, Carlisle, Cumbria CA2 5XF e: t: 01228 812059

Stour Valley Technical Services Ltd Basepoint Business Centre, Metcalf Way Crawley, West Sussex RH11 7XX e: t: 01293 859199

Stour Valley Technical Services Ltd Hudson House, 8 Albany Street Edinburgh, Lothian EH1 3QB e: t: 0131 344 0215

Stour Valley Technical Services Ltd Basepoint Business Centre, Isidore Road Bromsgrove, Worcestershire B60 3ET e: w: t: 01527 549119 Co9100

Stour Valley Technical Services Ltd Quorum 16, Balliol Business Park East Benton Lane, Newcastle-upon-tyne Tyne And Wear NE12 8BX e: t: 0191 244 9504

Stour Valley Technical Services Ltd Basepoint Business Centre Yeoford Way, Marsh Barton Trading Estate Exeter, Devon EX2 8LB e: t: 01392 458053 f: 0121 226 8714

Stourhead (Western) Estate

Estate Office, Gasper Mill Stourton, Warminster, Wiltshire BA12 6PU e: w: t: 01747 840643 f: 01747 841107 Cd1000, De2000, Ha7000, So6000, Ti4000

Straight Up Timber Frame Ltd

Ribblesdale House, 14 Ribblesdale House Preston, Lancashire PR1 3NA e: w: t: 01772 824644 Ar2500, Co4000, Co9100, Co9200, Ti1200

Strategic Team Group

Strategic Business Centre Blue Ridge Park, Thunderhead Ridge Glasshoughton, Yorkshire WF10 4UA e: w: t: 01977 555550 f: 01977 555509

Street Design Limited

Unit 47, Hayhill Industrial Estate Barrow Upon Soar, Loughborough Leicestershire LE12 8LD e: w: t: 01509 815335 f: 01509 815332 Ga3000, Pg1000, St5000

TRADA Members



4 Metro House, Northgate Chichester, West Sussex PO19 1BE e: w: t: 01243 790075 Bu8000, Ho3000, Ti2000


1 Josef Streif St, Weinsheim 54595, Germany e: w: t: 00 49 6551 12455 f: 00 49 6551 12220 Bu8000, Ho3000, Ti2000

Stride Treglown Ltd

Promenade House, The Promenade Clifton Down, Bristol BS8 3NE e: w: t: 0117 974 3271 f: 0117 974 5207 Ar2000, Co8800, En3000, La9000, Su1000

Stringer Builders

Structural Engineering Services Ltd The Coast Guard Station, Queens Promenade Ramsey, Isle Of Man IM8 1ES e: t: 01624 819300

Structural Solutions

Gladstone House, Main Road Broughton, Chester, Cheshire CH4 0NR e: w: t: 01244 526020

Structural Solutions

The Chapel House, 11a Alexandra Park Redland, Montpelier, Bristol, Avon BS6 6QB e: w: t: 0117 924 5014 f: 0117 924 5207 Ce2000, Co9100, Co9200, En2000

Structural Timber Design Solutions LLP

3 Longcroft lane Welwyn Garden City, Herts AL8 6EB e: w: t: 07976 969388

21 Langley Road Trowbridge, Wiltshire BA14 0LL e: w: t: 01225 342837 f: 0117 9517 215 Co4000, Co9200, Ti1200

Stroud Associates

StructureMode Ltd

Harkstead Hall, Harkstead Ipswich, Suffolk IP9 1DB e: t: 01473 893981 f: 01473 893983


8a Peacock Yard, Iliffe Street, London SE17 3LH e: w: t: 020 7701 5714 f: 020 7701 1886 Co4000, Co9100, En2000, Ti1200

Unit 9, Beech Avenue Business Park Beech Avenue, Harrogate North Yorkshire HG2 8DS e: w: t: 01423 545662 f: 0871 918 8479

Sturgis Associates LLP

Structural and Civil Design

Summerfield, F

Midway House, 564 Brighton Road South Croydon, Surrey CR2 6AW e: w: t: 020 8668 0884 f: 020 8668 0887

Structural and Technical Systems Ltd

96 Green Lane, Buxton, Derbyshire SK17 9DJ e: t: 01298 71761 Co4000, Co9100, Su1000

Structural Building Solutions (SBS) Ltd

20 Perseverance Works, 38 Kingsland Road Shoreditch, London E2 8DD e: w: t: 020 7613 2500 f: 020 7613 3455 216 Heaton Moor Road, Heaton Moor Stockport, Cheshire SK4 4DU e: w: t: 0161 443 1881 f: 0161 431 0786 En2000

Super Structures Associates Limited

25 River Way, Twickenham, Middlesex TW2 5JP e: w: t: 020 8914 8896 En2000

Building 5, Units 3&4 Sandwich Industrial estate Sandwich, Kent CT13 9LY e: w: t: 01373 473529 f: 01304 619635 Co9100, En2000

Susan Walker Architects

Structural Design & Draughting Ltd

Brunel Way, Dartford, Kent DA1 5FW e: w: t: 01322 629555

Unit G2, Warrington Business Park Long Lane, Warrington, Cheshire WA2 8TX e: t: 01925 655495 f: 01925 414059

Structural Design Associates Ltd 1A Oaktree Business Park, Cadley Hill Road Swadlincote, Derbyshire DE11 9DJ e: w: t: 01283 551111 f: 01283 551119 Co4000, Co9100, En2000, He1000, Ti1200

Structural Design Solutions Ltd 39 Grosvenor Avenue, Alsager Stoke-On-Trent, Staffordshire ST7 2BZ e: w: t: 01270 878924 f: 01270 878924 Co4000, Co9100, En2000, Ti1200

15 Cromwell Road, London SW7 2JB e: w: t: 020 7584 9020 f: 020 7584 7039 Ar2000


Sustain the Future Ltd

13 Woodlands Avenue, Kirkcudbright Dumfries and Galloway DG6 4BP e: w: t: 07951 030077

Sutherland Architects Ltd

10 Cleaver Park, Malone Road Belfast, Co Antrim BT9 5HX e: t: 028 9020 2010 f: 028 9020 2010


18 The Havens, Ransomes Europark Ipswich, Suffolk IP3 9SJ e: w: t: 01473 276900 f: 01473 276911 Bu6000, Bu6800, Ho3000, Ti2000

Swift Timber Homes Limited

2 Etherley Bank, High Etherley Bishop Auckland, County Durham DL14 0LG e: w: t: 01388 835222 f: 01388 835444 Ti2000

Swiss Timber Frame

9 Cresswell Close, Pinchbeck Spalding, Lincolnshire PE11 3TY e: t: 01775 722552 Ti1200, Ti1500

Sydenhams Timber Engineering 45/47 Ashley Road, Boscombe Bournemouth, Dorset BH1 4LG e: w: t: 01202 303585 f: 01202 302634 Ti2000

Sydenhams Timber Engineering

Forest Road, Newport, Isle of Wight PO30 5QW e: w: t: 01983 535187 f: 01983 532321 Ti2000, Tr4000

Sylva Group

Unit 4, Southill Business Park Cornbury Park, Charlbury, Oxfordshire OX7 3EW e: w: t: 01608 811543 Co4000, Co7500, En2000, Te3500, Ti1200


394 Hull Road, Woodmansey Beverley, East Yorkshire HU17 0RU e: w: t: 01482 864664 f: 01482 864664


T & G Limited

Les Ruettes, La Grande Route de St Jean St John, Jersey JE3 4FN, Channel Islands e: w: t: 01534 867070 f: 01534 867060 En2000

T F S Design Ltd

PO Box 112, Heywood, Lancashire OL10 9AA e: t: 01706 659551 f: 01706 645729 Ar2500, Bu3000, Co9100, Ho3000, Ti1200

T J Crump Oakwrights Ltd

The Lakes, Swainshill Hereford, Herefordshire HR4 7PU e: w: t: 01432 353353 f: 01432 357733 Bu5000, Ho3000, Oa1000, Ti2000, Ti2500

T R P Consulting Ltd

The Landmark, 21 Back Turner Street Manchester, Lancashire M4 1FR e: w: t: 0161 839 9113 f: 0161 839 9114 Co5000, Co9200, En2000

TRADA Members


T W P Consulting Structural & Civil Engineers Bradninch Hall, Castle Street Exeter, Devon EX4 3PL e: w: t: 01392 276046 f: 01392 430853 Co9100, Co9200, En2000, Ti1200

T Z G Partnership

Orchard House, 114-118 Cherry Orchard Road Croydon CR0 6BA e: w: t: 020 8681 2137 f: 020 8667 1328 En2000

T/E/S/S atelier d’ingenierie

7 Cite Paradis, Paris 75010 e: w: t: 00 33 170 365 816 f: 00 33 170 365 801 En2000

T2 architects

The Studio, 12 Nuns Road Winchester, Hampshire SO23 7EF e: w: t: 01962 856255 Ar2000

TALL Engineers Ltd

Unit 12d Piano House 9 Brighton Terrace, London SW9 8DJ e: w: t: 020 7733 6837 f: 020 7733 7000 Co4000, Co9100, Co9200, En2000, Ti1200

Tandy, Fred Structural Engineers 9 Cannock Drive, Heaton Mersey Stockport, Cheshire SK4 3JB e: t: 0161 432 4416 f: 0161 442 1283 Co9200, En2000

Taylor Made Joinery Interiors Limited

Manor Wood, Ipswich Road Bildeston, Ipswich, Suffolk IP7 7BH e: w: t: 01449 740518 f: 01449 741386 Bu5000, Do5000, Jo4000, Jo5000, Ve3000

Taylor, Patel

Teknos (UK) Limited

Teknos Scotland, Nettlehill Road Houston Industrial Estate Livingston, West Lothian EH54 5DL e: w: t: 01506 436222 f: 01506 448826

Teknos (UK) Limited

Unit E1 Heath Farm, Banbury Road Swerford, Oxfordshire OX7 4BN e: w: t: 01608 683494 f: 01608 683487 Co1500, Fi6000, La1000, Pa3000, Va1000

Teknos (UK) Limited

Teknos Ireland, Fortwilliam Industrial Estate Dargan Crescent, Belfast, Co Antrim BT3 9JP e: w: t: 028 9096 0670 f: 028 9096 0974

Terence Fidler Partnership Ltd 65 High Street, Kings Langley Hertfordshire WD4 9HU e: t: 01923 291554 f: 01923 291553 Co8800, En2000

Terence O’Rourke Ltd

Everdene House, Deansleigh Road Bournemouth, Dorset BH7 7DU e: w: t: 01202 421142 f: 01202 430055 Ar2000, Co5000, La9000

The Barn Partnership Ltd

Woodclose Cottage, Carbinswood Lane Woolhampton, Reading, Berkshire RG7 5TS e: w: t: 0118 971 4400 f: 0118 971 3446

The Barn Partnership Professional Services Ltd

Woodclose, Carbinswood Lane Woolhampton, Reading, Berks RG7 5TS t: 0118 971 4400

The Budgen Partnership

56 Lisson Street, London NW1 5DF e: w: t: 020 7224 8887 f: 020 7224 8883

48 Rawstorne Street Islington, London EC1V 7ND e: w: t: 020 7278 2323 f: 020 7278 6242 Ar2000, La9000

The Engineering Design Bureau Ltd

Team Consultants Limited

The Facility

Hangar 269a, Mount Murray Jurby Industrial Estate Jurby, Isle of Man IM7 3BD e: w: t: 01624 898597 Bu3000

Techniker Ltd

13-19 Vine Hill, London EC1R 5DW e: w: t: 020 7360 4300 f: 020 7360 4301 Co9100, En2000

Ted Fletcher Architects Ltd

Kendal House, Murley Moss Oxenholme Road, Kendal, Cumbria LA9 7RL e: t: 01539 722658 f: 01539 726196 Ar2000

Channel House (1st Floor Right), Channel Street Galashiels, Selkirkshire TD1 1BA e: w: t: 01896 756501 The Studio, 55 Leroy Street, London SE1 4SN e: t: 020 7740 3214

The Keen Partnership

The Courtyard, Edinburgh Road Reading, Berkshire RG30 2UA e: chriskeen@keen t: 0118 951 0855

The Macmillan Scott Practice

11, Lansdowne Road, Alton, Hants GU34 2HB e: t: 01420 549233

The McFarlane Partnership

22A Lordship Park, London N16 5UD e: w: t: 020 8800 1479 f: 020 8809 0628

The Mighty Oak Timber Frame Company

Old Forge House, High Street, Ticehurst Nr Wadhurst, East Sussex TN5 7AS e: w: t: 01580 236125 f: 01580 236125 Co9100, He1000, Ho3000, Ti1200, Ti1500

The Morton Partnership Limited

Leonardo House, 11 Market Place Halesworth, Suffolk IP19 8BA e: w: t: 01986 875651 f: 01986 875085 Co9200, Su1000

The Morton Partnership Limited Old Timber Yard House, 55 The Timber Yard Drysdale Street, London N1 6ND e: w: t: 020 7324 7270 f: 020 7729 1196 Co9100

The Reclaimed Flooring Co Ltd

6a Waterloo Works, Stockport, Cheshire SK1 3BU e: w: t: 0845 371 6131 Fl4000, Fl7000

The Stable Company

Outgang Lane, Osbaldwick York, North Yorkshire YO19 5UP e: w: t: 01904 430630 f: 01904 430363 Bu4000, Bu6800, Do2500, Ti2000, Wi2000

The Timber Frame Consultancy Chilton, South Street Mayfield, East Sussex TN20 6BY e: w: t: 01435 874815 Co4000, Co9200, Ho3000, Ti1200, Ti1500

Themos Demetriou, Civil Engineer PO Box 22627, Nicosia 1523, Cyprus e: t: 00 357 22 760544 f: 00 357 22 757554

Thomas Armstrong (Timber) Limited

Workington Road, Flimby Maryport, Cumbria CA15 8RY e: w: t: 01900 68226 f: 01900 870800 Gl2000, Pa1000, Pa5700, Ti2000, Tr4000

Thomas Consulting

Church House, New Church Road Wellington, Telford, Shropshire TF1 1JX e: w: t: 01952 253464 f: 01952 641639 Co9100, En2000


86 Epsom Road, Guildford, Surrey GU1 2BX e: w: t: 01483 565886 f: 01483 506882 Co4000, Co7000, En2000, En3000, Su1000

Thompson, Richard (Joinery) Limited

South Back Lane, Tollerton York, North Yorkshire YO61 1PU e: t: 01347 838387 f: 01347 838943

Thorogood Timber plc

Colchester Road, Ardleigh Colchester, Essex CO7 7PQ e: w: t: 01206 233100 f: 01206 233115 Cd1000, Fl4000, Mo4500, Ti7600, Ti7700

Tillman & Tsoukkas Consulting Structural Engineers

8 The Broadway, Wimbledon, London SW19 1RF e: w: t: 020 8944 7575 f: 020 8944 7676 Co4000, En2000

Tim Bayman Architecture

1 West Annandale Street, Edinburgh Midlothian EH7 4JT e: w: t: 07773 710498 Ar2000

Tim Kelly Consulting Engineers

Newtown, Hollywood County Wicklow, Republic of Ireland e: t: 00 353 45 833001 Ce2000, Co4000, Co9100, Co9200, En2000

Tim Ronalds Architects 4 Nile Street, London N1 7RF e: w: t: 020 7490 7704 Ar2000

Tim Venables Limited

4 Crescent Road, Rowley Park Stafford, Staffordshire ST17 9AW t: 07710 954045 f: 01785 247561

Timber & Plywood Services Ltd

Phoenix Mill, 107 Fergusile Paisley, Renfrewshire PA1 2UZ e: w: t: 0141 561 0311/2 f: 0141 561 0313 De2000, Fe3000, Ma2500, Sa6500, Ti7500

Timber Decking Association 5 Flemming Court, Castleford West Yorkshire WF10 5HW e: w: t: 01977 558147 As1000, Co9200

Timber Design Services

9 Hamilton Street, Dublin 8 Republic of Ireland e: t: 00 353 1 411 3522 Co9100, Co9200, En2000, Ti1500

Timber Direct

Elgar Road, Reading, Berkshire RG2 0BU e: w: t: 0118 975 1666 f: 0118 931 3913 Jo2000, Jo3000, So6000, St2000, Ti0800

Timber Frame Excel

Unit 6, The Willows, Curload Stoke St Gregory, Taunton, Somerset TA3 6JD e: w: t: 01823 698515 Ca0500, Ti1200, Ti1500, Ti2000, Ti2500

Timber Frame It (SE) Ltd

3 Napier House, Elva Way Bexhill-On-Sea, East Sussex TN39 5BF e: w: t: 01424 213400 f: 01424 213400 Ti2000

Timber Frame Management Ltd

Unit 10 Denney Road, Hardwick Industrial Estate King’s Lynn, Norfolk PE30 4HG e: w: t: 01553 692771 f: 01553 661411 Bu6800, St8000, Ti2000

T imber Industry Yearbook 2 013

Timber Kit Solutions Limited

Long Lane, Telford, Shropshire TF6 6HA e: w: t: 01952 770990 Ti2000, Tr4000

Timber Marketing Services T/A Wood Concepts

23 Town Centre Mall, Swords Co Dublin, Republic of Ireland e: t: 00 353 1 840 8388 f: 00 353 1 840 8377 De2000, Do2000, Fl3000, Pl1000, Ti0800

Timber Product Construction Moorswood, Brightley Road Okehampton, Devon EX20 1RH e: t: 01837 52177

Timber Technology Services

33 Ellesmere Avenue, North Circular Road Dublin 7, Republic of Ireland e: t: 00 353 87 673 8038

TRADA Members


Timbersource Limited

Timbmet Timbmet Depot - Basildon

Travers Bell Architects

Timbertech Consultancy Services Ltd

Timeless Wood Windows

Travis Perkins plc Midland Region

Timbmet Timbmet Depot - Poole

Timoleon Ltd

Marston Park, Tytherington Frome, Somerset BA11 5BS e: w: t: 01373 469905 f: 01373 469902 Ti0200, Ti0500, Ti0800, Ti7600, Ti7700

12 St Leonards Gardens Hove, East Sussex BN3 4QB e: w: t: 01273 414353 f: 01273 415886

Unit 4, Lion Works Industrial Estate 543 Wallisdown Road, Wallisdown Poole, Dorset BH12 5AD e: w: www. t: 01202 531926 f: 01202 537918 Fl4000, Ki3000, Ma2500, Pa7000, Ti0200

Timbmet Glasgow Sales

235 Bogamoor Road Shieldhall, Glasgow G51 4SH e: w: t: 0141 440 6600 f: 0141 445 5736 De2000, Fl4000, Mo4500, Pa7000, Ti0200

Timbmet Timbmet Depot - Stonehouse Severn Plywood, 14 Gloucester Road Stonehouse, Gloucestershire GL10 2PB e: w: t: 01453 826886 f: 01453 828029

Timbmet Timbmet Depot - Larkfield

Units E1/E2, Larkfield Trading Estate New Hythe Lane, Larkfield, Kent ME20 6SW e: w: t: 01622 718980 f: 01622 719040 De2000, Fl4000, Mo4500, Pa7000, Ti0200

Timbmet Timbmet Depot - Saltash

13-14 Tamar View Industrial Estate Saltash, Cornwall PL12 6LD e: w: t: 01752 841333 f: 01752 848122


Timber Trade Federation

The Building Centre 26 Store Street, London WC1E 7BT e: w: t: 020 3205 0067 f: 020 7291 5379 As1000


Unit 5.2.1, The Leathermarket 11-13 Weston Street, London SE1 3ER e: w: t: 020 3176 4864 f: 020 3176 4866 Co9100, Co9200, En2000

Timberframe Engineering Services Ltd

4 Cross Rd, Alcester, Warks B49 5EX e: t: 0121 286 7747

B1 & B2 The Nore, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate Hovefields Avenue, Basildon, Essex SS13 1EB e: w: t: 0845 604 6800 f: 0845 606 2638 Unit 10, Havenbury Industrial Estate Station Road, Dorking RH4 1ES e: w: t: 01306 888228 Jo4000 18 Apple Lane, Sidmouth Road Exeter, Devon EX2 5GL e: w: t: 01392 363605 f: 01392 364871 En1000, En1500

Tom Watkins Carpentry Ltd

Forum 3 Solent Business Park Whiteley, Fareham, Hants PO15 7FH e: w: t: 01489 611626 Cd1000

Tomasz Kmiecik

1A Brownhill Rd, London, Lewisham SE6 2HG e: t: 07782 527848

Tooley & Foster Partnership, The

e: w: t: 01865 860350/1 f: 0800 085 9860/3748

Travis Perkins plc

Oxford House, 35 Cobham Road Ferndown Industrial Estate Wimborne, Dorset BH21 7PF w: t: 01202 863444 f: 01202 863438 De2000, Mo5000, St6000, Ti7500, Ti7700

Travis Perkins plc

Devonshire Road, Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 2BJ w: t: 01223 355484 f: 01223 467154 De2000, Mo5000, St6000, Ti7500, Ti7700

Travis Perkins plc

Southbank House Black Prince Road, London SE1 7SJ e: w: t: 020 7089 2190 f: 020 7089 2199 Co4000, Co9100, En2000

Tower Doors Ltd

107 Coltness Lane Glasgow, Lanarkshire G33 4DR e: w: t: 0141 774 6162 f: 0141 774 6163 Do2500, Do4500, Do5000

Townsend Farm, Pulham Dorchester, Dorset DT2 7DX e: w: t: 01300 345220 f: 01300 345814 Bu6800, Cd1000, Fe3000, Oa1000, Ti2000

Timbmet General Sales

South Western Region, Emery Road Brislington, Bristol BS4 5PR w: t: 0117 977 9541 f: 0117 977 7205 De2000, Mo5000, St6000, Ti7500, Ti7700

Tottenham & Bennett

Timbmet Timbmet Depot - Milton Keynes

Unit 2, Manor Place, Manor Way Borehamwood, Hertfordshire WD6 1WG e: w: t: 020 8238 6930 f: 020 8953 5781 Fl4000, Ki3000, Ma2500, Pa7000, Ti0200

Travis Perkins plc

Travis Perkins plc East & Herts Area Head Office

Towers Associates

Timbmet Timbmet Depot - Borehamwood

Harvey Reeves Road, Northampton Northamptonshire NN5 5JR w: t: 01604 752333 De2000, Mo5000, St6000, Ti7500, Ti7700

Warwick House, 116 Palmerston Road Buckhurst Hill, Essex IG9 5LQ e: w: t: 020 8504 9711 f: 020 8506 1779 Ar2000

Kemp House, Chawley Park Cumnor Hill, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX2 9PH e: w: t: 01865 862223 f: 01865 864367 De2000, Fl4000, Mo4500, Pa7000, Ti0200

Unit 9b Deans Road, Old Wolverton Milton Keynes MK12 5NA e: w: t: 01908 313877 f: 01908 311703

Design Studio - The Big Barn Trendrennen Farm, Treen, St. Leven Penzance, Cornwall TR19 6LH e: t: 01736 811251 Ar2000, Ar2500, Co9200, Ho3000, Ti1200

Harefield Oil Terminal Harvil Road, Harefield, Middlesex UB9 6JL e: t: 01895 812822 f: 01895 814664

Townsend Timber

Townshend Landscape Architects Ltd

3a Zetland House 5-25 Scrutton Street, London EC2A 4HJ e: w: t: 020 7729 9333 f: 020 7729 9300 Ar2000, La9000

TRADA Technology Ltd

Stocking Lane, Hughenden Valley High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP14 4ND e: w: t: 01494 569600 f: 01494 565487 Co9200, Re4000, Te3500, Te4000

Navigation Road, Chelmsford, Essex CM2 6HX w: t: 01245 490000 f: 01245 359 055 De2000, Mo5000, St6000, Ti7500, Ti7700 Middlebrook Way Holt Road, Cromer, Norfolk NR27 9JR w: t: 01263 511244 f: 01263 515316 De2000, Mo5000, St6000, Ti7500, Ti7700

Travis Perkins plc

Woodbridge Road, Guildford, Surrey GU1 1EH w: t: 01483 562 821 f: 01483 532006 De2000, Mo5000, St6000, Ti7500, Ti7700

Travis Perkins plc

Bentinck Dock, Kings Lynn, Norfolk PE30 2HB w: t: 01553 760561 f: 01553 769059 De2000, Mo5000, St6000, Ti7500, Ti7700

Travis Perkins plc

Lodge Way House, Lodge Way Harlestone Road, Northampton Northamptonshire NN5 7UG e: w: t: 01604 752424 f: 01604 589262 De2000, Mo5000, St6000, Ti7500, Ti7700

Travis Perkins plc

Harvey Reeves Road, Northampton Northamptonshire NN5 5JR w: t: 01604 752333 f: 01604 750062 De2000, Mo5000, St6000, Ti7500, Ti7700

Travis Perkins plc

Forstal Road, Aylesford, Kent ME20 7AG w: t: 01622 710111 f: 01622 715692 De2000, Mo5000, St6000, Ti7500, Ti7700

TRADA Members


Travis Perkins plc

Sutton Sidings, Windmill Street Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 7PD w: t: 01625 426262 f: 01625 617889 De2000, Mo5000, St6000, Ti7500, Ti7700

Travis Perkins plc

Baltic Wharf, Boyn Valley Road Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 4EE w: t: 01628 770577 f: 01628 625919 De2000, Mo5000, St6000, Ti7500, Ti7700

Travis Perkins plc

Mill Lane, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 5RF w: t: 01635 45791 f: 01635 43581 De2000, Mo5000, St6000, Ti7500, Ti7700

Travis Perkins plc

Wood Street, Shrewsbury, Shropshire SY1 2PP w: t: 01743 235191 f: 01743 357332 De2000, Mo5000, St6000, Ti7500, Ti7700

Travis Perkins plc

2 Somers Road, Rugby, Warwickshire CV22 7DD w: t: 01788 542171 f: 01788 542112 De2000, Mo5000, St6000, Ti7500, Ti7700

Travis Perkins plc

Happaway Road, Barton Torquay, Devon TQ2 8ES w: t: 01803 326531 f: 01803 314448 De2000, Mo5000, St6000, Ti7500, Ti7700

Travis Perkins plc

Pier Road, Littlehampton West Sussex BN17 5BB w: t: 01903 713071 f: 01903 721257 De2000, Mo5000, St6000, Ti7500, Ti7700

Travis Perkins plc

Unit A, Mill Street, Twyfford Road Eastleigh, Hampshire SO50 4EZ w: t: 023 8061 2781 f: 023 8061 1379 De2000, Mo5000, St6000, Ti7500, Ti7700

Trevor Derby Associates

Tweed Nuttall Warburton

Chapel House, City Road Chester, Cheshire CH1 3AE e: w: t: 01244 310388 f: 01244 325643 Ar2000

Tymba Ltd

Tamar Mill, Dorset Farm Boyton, Cornwall PL15 9RF e: w: t: 01566 775100 f: 01566 779331 Ho3000, Ti1200, Ti1500, Ti2000, Tr4000


United Kingdom Forest Products Association Office 14, John Player Building Stirling Enterprise Park Springbank Road, Stirling FK7 7RP e: w: t: 01786 449029 f: 01786 473112 As1000


62 - 68 Greystone Road Antrim, County Antrim BT41 1NU e: w: t: 0845 555 2000 St8000, Ti2000

University of Manchester

Joule Library, Sackville Street, Po Box 88 Manchester, Greater Manchester M60 1QD e: t: 0161 236 3311 f: 0161 228 7040 Ed4000, Re4000

University of Manchester

The John Ryland University Library Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PP t: 0161 275 3748 f: 0161 275 3759

Urban Front Ltd

van Heyningen and Haward Architects

Burghley Yard, 106 Burghley Road London NW5 1AL e: w: t: 020 7482 4454 f: 020 7284 0632 Ar2000, Co4000, Co8500, Co9300, He1000

Vascroft Contractors Ltd

Vascroft Estate, 861 Coronation Road Park Royal, London NW10 7PT e: w: t: 020 8963 3400 f: 020 8963 3401 Bu5000, Do4500, Jo4000, Jo5000, Sh4000

Vector Foiltec

1-5 Vyner Street, London E2 9DG e: w: t: 00 44 20 8821 2900 f: 00 44 20 8821 2901

Venturer Pte Ltd

96A Club Street, 069464, Singapore e: w: t: 00 65 6487 6448 f: 00 65 6487 7871 Bu3000, Ce1000, Co9100, Co9200, Ti1500

Versineer Ltd

Puyssichou 24300 Lussas et Nontronneau, France e: t: 00 33 553 567 259

Vicaima Doors

Drakes Way Business Centre Marlowe Avenue, Greenbridge Industrial Estate Swindon, Wiltshire SN3 3JF e: w: t: 01793 532333 f: 01793 530193 Do2500, Do4500, Do5000, Jo4000, Pa8700

Vickers Timber Co Limited

Essex Works, Tallon Road Hutton Industrial Estate Brentwood, Essex CM13 1TG e: w: t: 01277 211557 f: 01277 263570 De2000, Do3000, Fe3000, Fi4000, Pa7500

Unit 4, Chesham Business Park 33 Townsend Road, Chesham Buckinghamshire HP5 2AA e: w: t: 01494 778787 f: 01494 778784 Do2000, Do2500

Vida Wood UK Limited

1 Stanhope Square Holsworthy, Devon EX22 6DR e: w: t: 01409 253013 Ar2000, Ar2500, Co4000, Su1000


Sterling Court, Norton Road Stevenage, Hertfordshire SG1 2JY e: w: t: 01438 316331 f: 01438 722035 Ar2000

Trussed Rafter Association


Vincent Timber Ltd

Belton Park, Londonthorpe Road Grantham, Lincolnshire NG31 9SJ e: w: t: 01476 564433 f: 01476 578555 Bu5000, Jo5000

Vision Development

2 Colchester Road, White Colne Colchester, Essex CO6 2PN e: w: t: 01787 224700 Co4000, Co7000, Co8800, Co9100, En2000

Trewin Design Partnership

Building Centre 26 Store Street, London WC1E 7BT e: w: t: 020 3205 0032 f: 020 7291 5379 As1000, Tr4000

Turner Timber Frames Ltd

5C Wyke Street, Hedon Road Kingston Upon Hull, East Yorkshire HU9 1PA e: w: t: 01482 218945 f: 01482 218946 Oa1000, Ti1500, Ti2000, Ti2500, Tr4000

Beechill House, Beechill Road Belfast, County Antrim BT8 7RP w: t: 028 9070 5111 f: 028 9079 5651 En2000

Vale Garden Houses Ltd

Valerie Hinde RIBA

The Studio, 2 High Bank, River Petworth, West Sussex GU28 9AX e: w: t: 01798 860912 Ar2000

Union House, 117 High Street Billericay, Essex CM12 9AH e: w: t: 01277 632525 f: 01277 630909

Vincent & Gorbing Associates

8 Montgomery Street, Sparkbrook Birmingham, West Midlands B11 1DU e: w: t: 0121 772 5511 f: 0121 766 6002 Cd1000, De2000, Ha7000, Mo0500, St6000 Concept Studio Unit 2, Hambridge Lane Newbury, Berkshire RG14 5TU e: w: t: 01635 523271/07747842252 f: 01635 521524 Bu3000, Bu6000, Ti1200, Ti1500, Ti2000


340 High Street, Dorking, Surrey RH4 1QX e: w: t: 01306 881012 f: 01306 881190 En2000


The Forge, Little Mount Sion Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN1 1YS e: w: t: 01892 521841 f: 01892 533149 En2000


W F Brown Associates Limited The Old Hayloft, Pucknall Farm Dores Lane, Braishfield Romsey, Hampshire SO51 0QJ e: w: t: 01794 368241 f: 01794 368991 Co4000, Co9100, En2000

W M Design & Architecture Ltd

Pier House, St Georges Road Menai Bridge, Anglesey LL59 5EY e: w: t: 01248 717230 f: 01248 714930 Ar2500, Co4000, Co9300, Ho3000, Su1000

W S P Group

Three White Rose Office Park Millshaw Park Lane, Leeds LS11 0DL e: w: t: 0113 395 6200 f: 0113 395 6201 Co4000, Co5000, Co7000, Co9100, En2000

W S P Group

Colston 33, Colston Avenue, Bristol BS1 4UA w: t: 0117 930 2000 f: 0117 929 4624 Co4000, Co5000, Co9100, En1500, En2000

Wain Morehead Architects Limited

NSC Campus, Mahon, Cork, Republic of Ireland e: w: t: 00 353 21 230 7150 f: 00 353 21 230 7150 Ar2000, Co8800, En1000, Ti1200

Waind Gohil Architects

27 Bulwer Street, London W12 8AR e: w: t: 020 8735 5367 Ar2000

Waldeck Engineering

Kesteven Business Centre, 2 Kesteven Street Sleaford, Lincolnshire NG34 7DT e: w: t: 01529 298055 f: 01529 414844 Co4000, Co5000, Co9100, En2000, En3000

Wales Forest Business Partnership Unit 6, Dyfi Eco Park Machynlleth, Powys SY20 8AX e: w: t: 0845 456 0342 f: 01654 700050

Walker Brothers (Timber Frames) Ltd

3 Duchess Avenue, Kingmoor Park North Carlisle, Cumbria CA6 4SN e: w: t: 01228 674191 f: 01228 674273 Bu3000, Bu6800, Ho3000, Jo1000, Ti2000

T imber Industry Yearbook 2 013

TRADA Members


Walker Newton Architecture

Wessex Structural Services Ltd

Wilson Design Associates

WoodTrend Limited

Walker Simpson Architects

Western Timber Association

Winchester Hardwood Flooring

Worcestershire County Council

151 Babbacombe Road, Babbacombe Torquay, Devon TQ1 3SU e: t: 01803 323344 f: 01803 322419 Ar2500

33 Piccadilly, Manchester, Lancashire M1 1LQ e: w: t: 0161 228 7406 f: 0161 228 7046 Ar2000, Co4000, Co8800, Fu3000, Re4000

Wallace Stone LLP

The Steading, Dowan Road Baldernock, Glasgow G62 6HA e: w: t: 0141 955 0995 f: 0141 955 4540

Wallace, A M

190 Salisbury Road, Totton Southampton, Hampshire SO40 3LQ e: t: 023 8086 7860 f: 023 8086 7860 Co9200, En2000, Ti1200 Marnsway, Pitmore Lane Sway, Lymington, Hants SO41 6BW t: 01590 682054


Unit 9, Mill Hill Industrial Estate, Quarry Lane Enderby, Leicester, Leicestershire LE19 4AU e: w: t: 0116 284 9670 f: 0116 284 9679 Bu3000, Ti2000

Westlea Housing Association

4-5 Norman Way, Ruardean Gloucestershire GL17 9YP e: t: 01594 544398

Methuen Park, Chippenham, Wiltshire SN14 0GU e: w: t: 01249 465465 f: 01249 461136 Ho4000

Walters and Cohen Limited

Westmuckett Hawkes Ltd

2 Wilkin Street, London NW5 3NL e: t: 020 7428 9751 f: 020 7428 9752 Ar2000

Wardnovel Ltd

Brynderwen, Llangeitho Tregaron, Ceredigion SY25 6QQ e: t: 01974 821680 f: 01974 821680

Watford Timber Co Limited

Olds Approach, Tolpits Lane Watford, Hertfordshire WD18 9RE e: w: t: 01923 711888 f: 01923 711675 Do3000, Md3000, Mo4500, Mo5000, Pa7500

Watkinson & Cosgrave

Linton House, 39-51 Highgate Road London NW5 1RT e: t: 020 7485 6016 f: 020 7284 4058 Co4000, Co7000, En2000, Su1000

Watson Hallam

Burlington House, 369 Wellingborough Road Northampton, Northamptonshire NN1 4EU e: w: t: 01604 230823 En2000

Waugh Thistleton Architects 74 Paul Street, London EC2A 4NA e: w: t: 020 7613 5727 f: 020 7613 5749 Ar2000

Webb Yates Engineers Ltd.

23-24 Smithfield Street, London EC1A 9LF e: w: t: 020 7489 0900 En2000

Wedeman Consulting Ltd

Botley Mills, Mill Hill, Botley Southampton, Hampshire SO30 2GB e: w: t: 01489 795594

Wentworth Garden Rooms Limited 9 Percy Business Park, Rounds Green Road Oldbury, West Midlands B69 2RD e: w: t: 0121 544 2342 f: 0121 270 2366

8 & 9 College Street York, North Yorkshire YO1 7JF e: w: t: 01904 632250 Co9100, En2000

Westructure Timber Frame Ltd Hems Court, Longbrook Street Exeter, Devon EX4 6AP e: w: t: 01392 411211 f: 01392 411211

Westwind Oak Buildings Ltd

Unit 1, Laurel Farm, Streamcross Lower Claverham, Bristol, Avon BS49 4PZ e: w: t: 01934 877317 f: 01934 877567 Bu5000, Ho3000, Oa1000, Ti2000, Ti2500

White Design Associates Ltd

The Proving House, 21 Sevier Street Bristol, Avon BS2 9LB e: w: t: 0117 954 7333 Ar2000, Co5000, Co8800, Ed4000, La9000

White Wood Management

48 Northfield Road Okehampton, Devon EX20 1BA e: w: t: 01837 52011/07974 21716 Ce1000, Co5500, Co9200, La8000, Te4000

Wiehag Timber Construction

Linzer Strasse 24, Altheim A - 4950, Austria e: w: t: 07757 813278 f: 00 43 7723 465 232 Bu8000, Gl2000, Lv1000, Pa8200, St8000

William Keniry

Unit C, Youghal Business Park, Park Mountain Youghal, County Cork, Republic of Ireland e: t: 00 353 24 20 733 f: 00 353 24 20 733 Co4000, Co8500, Co9100, Fu3000

Williams Homes (Bala) Ltd

Unit 19, Enterprise Park Bala, Gwynedd LL23 7NL e: t: 01678 521781 f: 01678 521635

13 Hightown Road, Glengormley Newtownabbey, County Antrim BT36 7TZ e: t: 028 9087 9090 f: 028 9087 9091 Ar2000 The Foundry, London Road, Kingsworthy Winchester, Hampshire SO23 7QA e: w: t: 01962 888577 f: 01962 888578 Fl3000, Fl3500, Fl4000

Wiszniewski Thomson Architects 1/1 Gayfield Place Edinburgh, Midlothian EH7 4AB e: w: t: 0131 556 9966

Wolf Passive Homes (IOM) Ltd 11 Hope Street, Douglas Isle Of Man IM1 1AQ e: t: 07624 491633

Wolf Systems Ltd

Shilton Industrial Estate, Bulkington Road Shilton, Coventry, West Midlands CV7 9QL e: w: t: 024 7660 2303 f: 024 7660 2243 St8000, Ti1200, Tr4000, Tr5000

Wood Architecture & Building 67 Main Road, St Lawrence Bay Southminster, Essex CM0 7NA e: w: t: 01621 778955

Wood Consultancy, The

Po Box 9, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 6YQ e: t: 01252 522545 f: 01252 522546

Wood Panel Industries Federation Autumn Park Business Centre, Dysart Road Grantham, Lincolnshire NG31 7EU e: w: t: 01476 512381 f: 01476 575683 As1000, Md2000, Or2000, Pa7200, Pa9300

Wood Protection Association 5C Flemming Court, Castleford West Yorkshire WF10 5HW e: w: t: 01977 558274 f: 01977 558274 As1000, Co8500, Fl1000, Pr1000

Wood Shop Limited, The

15 Spinney Way, Needingworth St Ives, Cambridgeshire PE27 4SR e: w: t: 01480 469367 f: 01480 469366 Ce1000, Co8700, Co9200, En5000, In3000

Woodfellas Carpentry and Joinery Ltd

65 Alvechurch Rd, West Heath B31 3JW e: w: t: 07968 580147

Woodscape Ltd

1 Sett End Road West Shadsworth Business Park Blackburn, Lancashire BB1 2QJ e: w: t: 01254 685185 f: 01254 671237 Br2000, Ha7000, St5000, Ti0900, Wo2000

25 Beethoven Street, London W10 4LG e: w: t: 020 7460 5000 f: 0870 123 6339 Cd1000, De2000, Fe3000, Fl4000, Ha7000 Property Services Department County Hall, Spetchley Road Worcester, Worcestershire WR5 2NP e: w: t: 01905 765928 f: 01905 766498 Lo1000

Wren & Bell

11 Chester Street, Edinburgh Midlothian EH3 7RF e: w: t: 0131 225 5904 f: 0131 220 1362 Co5000, Co7500, Co9100, En2000, En5000

Wright Associates

6 Crown Terrace, Aberdeen Aberdeenshire AB11 6HE e: w: t: 01224 212555 f: 01224 213749 Co4000, Co9100, En2000

Wurth UK Ltd

1 Centurion Way, Erith, Kent DA18 4AE e: w: t: 0870 598 7841 f: 0870 598 7842 Ad1000, Fa1000, Ta0500, To1000

Wyatt & Watts

39 Lammas Street, Carmarthen Carmarthenshire SA31 3AL e: t: 01267 234294 f: 01267 236328 Co4000, Co9100, En2000

Wyatt Carruthers Jebb

Thames Mews, Portsmouth Road Esher, Surrey KT10 9AD e: w: t: 01372 466118 f: 01372 466476/448 Co4000, Co7000, Ed4000, En2000, Su1000



99 Woodlands Ave, Poole, Dorset BH15 4EG e: w: t: 01202 665387

Xulon Panel Products Ltd

22 Tally Road, Limpsfield Chart Oxted, Surrey RH8 0TG e: t: 01883 730707 f: 01883 717100


Yeoman Ltd

Suite 6, 5 Kings Mount Ramparts Business Park Berwick Upon Tweed Northumberland TD15 1TQ e: t: 01289 303960 f: 01289 303961 Ar2500, Co4000, Co8800, Co9300, Su1000

Buyers’ guide


B uyers ’ g uide index


Adhesives, Manufacturers & Suppliers Ad1000 Architect Ar2000 Architectural Technologist Ar2500 Associations, Federations & Institutions As1000 Auctioneers and Valuers Au1000

184 184 184 185 185


Beams Be1000 185 Bridges, Manufacturers & Suppliers Br2000 185 Builders Merchants Bu1000 185 Building Contractors Bu3000 185 Building Control Services Bu3500 185 185 Buildings, Agricutural: Manufacturers & Suppliers Bu4000 Bu5000 Buildings, Conservatories: Manufacturers & Suppliers 185 Buildings, Log Cabins: Manufacturers & Suppliers Bu6000 185 Bu6500 Buildings, Portable: Manufacturers & Suppliers 185 Bu6800 Buildings, Sectional Timber: Manufacturers & Suppliers 186 Buildings, Sheds: Manufacturers & Suppliers Bu7000 186 Buildings, Timber Hybrid Systems Bu8000 186


Carpenters Ca0500 Calibration Equipment Services Ca1000 Cladding Cd1000 Certification and Sustainable Sourcing Advisors Ce1000 Certification Bodies Ce2000 Coating Manufacturers Co1500 Coatings Flame Retardant Co1700 Consultants, Building Co4000 Consultants, Business Co4500 Consultants, Communications Co4600 Consultants, Computer Co4650 Consultants, Environmental Co5000 Consultants, Forestry Co5500 Consultants, Interior Design & Furniture Co6500 Consultants, Health & Safety Co7000 Consultants, Management Co7500 Consultants, Market Research Co7700 Consultants, Overseas Development Co8000 Consultants, Preservation Co8500 Consultants, Product Co8700 Consultants, Project Management Co8800 Consultants, Quality Assurance Co9000 Consultants, Recruitment Co9050 Consultants, Timber Engineering Co9100 Consultants, Timber, Technical Co9200 Contract Management Co9300


Decking De2000 Door Blanks Do1000 Door Distributors/Importers Do2000 Door Manufacturers Do2500 Door Merchants Do3000 Door Seals Do4000 Doors, Fire Resisting Do4500 Doors, Non-standard Do5000

186 186 186 186 186 186 186 186 187 187 187 187 187 187 187 187 187 187 187 187 187 187 188 188 188 189

189 189 189 189 189 189 189 189


Educational Establishment Ed4000 Energy Efficiency Products & Services En1000 Engineering Services, Mechanical En1500 Engineers, Civil/Structural En2000 Environmental Assessment En3000 Environmental Campaigners En4000 Environmental Certification Services En5000 Estate Agents Es1000


Fastenings & Fixings for Timber Fa1000 Fencing Manufacturers Fe2000 Fencing Material Suppliers Fe3000 Fibre Building Board, Manufacturers Fi2000 Fibre Building Board, Merchants Fi4000 Finishing Equipment Fi6000 Fire Detection & Prevention Equipment Fi7000 Flame Retard Impregnation Services Fl1000 Floor Sealants Fl2500 Flooring, Hardwood: Agents/Importers Fl3000 Flooring, Hardwood: Manufacturers Fl3500 Flooring, Hardwood: Suppliers & Merchants Fl4000 Flooring, Laminate: Manufacturers Fl4500 Flooring, Laminate: Suppliers & Merchants Fl5000 Flooring, Softwood: Agents/Suppliers Fl6300 Flooring, Softwood: Manufacturers Fl6500 Flooring, Softwood: Suppliers & Merchants Fl7000 Forestry Contractors Fo2000 Furniture Designers Fu3000 Furniture Manufacturers Fu4000


Garden Furniture Manufacturers & Suppliers Ga3000 Gates Ga4000 Glued Laminated Timber (Glulam) Manufacturers Gl1000 Glued Laminted Timber (Glulam) Suppliers & Merchants Gl2000 Government Department Go2000


Handles, Wooden Ha2000 Hardwood, Environmentally Certified Ha7000 Heritage & Conservation Services He1000 House Builders Ho3000 Housing Association Ho4000 Health and Safety Equiptment Hs1000


Insurance Agents/Brokers In2000 Internet Services In3000

189 190 190 190 191 191 191 191

191 191 191 191 191 191 191 191 191 191 191 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192

192 192 192 192 192

192 192 192 192 192 192

192 192

T imber Industry Yearbook 2 013


Joiners Joinery Distributors /Merchants Jo2000 Joinery Importers Jo3000 Joinery Manufacturers Jo4000 Joinery, Architectural Jo5000 Jo1000


Kiln Manufacturers and Equipment Ki2000 Kitchen Worktops Ki3000


Lacquer Manufacturers & Suppliers La1000 Laminates, Worktop La4000 Laminating Services (for Panel Products) La6000 Landscape Architectural Supplies La7000 Landscape Contractors La8000 Landscape Designer La9000 Local Authority Departments Lo1000 Louvres, External Lo2000 Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL) Lv1000


Machinery, Grinding & Polishing Ma1100 Machinery Manufacturers and Suppliers Ma1500 Machining Services Ma2500 MDF Agents and Importers Md1000 MDF Manufacturers Md2000 MDF Suppliers & Merchants Md3000 Modified Wood Manufacturers & Suppliers Mo0500 Mouldings, Hardwood: Manufacturers & Suppliers Mo4500 Mouldings, Softwood: Manufacturers & Suppliers M05000


Oak Trusses Oa1000 OSB, Agents & Importers Or1000 Oriented Strand Board Manufacturers Or2000 Oriented Strand Board Merchants Or3000

Buyers’ guide


193 193 193 193 193

193 193

193 193 193 193 193 193 193 193 193

193 193 193 193 193 193 194 194 194

194 194 194 194


Packing Case /Box Manufacturers & Suppliers Paints Pa3000 Pa4000 Paints, Flame Retardant Pallet & Packaging Materials Suppliers Pa5500 Pallet Manufacturers and Suppliers Pa5700 Panel Cutting Services Pa6200 Panel Products Agents/Importers Pa7000 Panel Products Manufacturers Pa7200 Panel Products Merchants and Suppliers Pa7500 Panels, Edge Glued Pa7700 Panels, Flame Retardant Pa8000 Panels, Laminated Pa8200 Panels, Plastic/Melamine Faced Pa8500 Panels, Veneered Pa8700 Particleboard Agents/Importers Pa8800 Particleboard Manufacturers Pa9300 Particleboard Melamine Faced Pa9400 Particleboard Moisture Resistant Pa9600 Partition Manufacturers & Suppliers Pa9800 Playground Equipment Manufacturers & Suppliers Pg1000 Plywood & Blockboard Agents/Importers Pl1000 Plywood & Blockboard, Decorative Pl2000 Plywood & Blockboard, Flame Retardant Pl3000 Plywood & Blockboard Manufacturers Pl4000 Pole Suppliers Po1000 Preservation/Treatment Services Pr1000 Priming Services Pr4000 Parallel Strand Lumber (PSL) Ps1000



Railway Sleepers Reclaimed Timber Suppliers Re1000 Remedial Treatment Services Re3000 Research and Development Services Re4000 Restoration Specialists Re6000 Roofing Material Suppliers Ro2000



Sawmills, British Timber Sa6000 Sawmills, General Sa6500 Sawmills, Hardwood Sa7000 Sawmills, Softwood Sa8000 Scaffold Boards Sc1000 Shopfitters Sh4000 Software So1000 Softwood, Enviromentally Certified So6000 Stain Manufacturers & Suppliers St1000 Stair Components St2000 Staircases St3000 Street Furniture, Timber St5000 Strength Graded Timber St6000 Structural Components Manufacturers & Suppliers St8000 SIPS Manufacturers & Suppliers St8500 Structural Timber Composite Material Manufacturers & Suppliers St9000 Surveyors, Building Su1000 Surveyors, Quantity Su2000

194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 195 195 195 195 195 195 195 195 195 195 195 195 195 195 195

195 195 195 195 195 195

195 195 195 195 195 195 195 195 195 195 196 196 196 196 196 196 196 196


Testing Services, Acoustic Te0500 Testing Services, Fire Te2000 Testing Services, Mechanical Te3000 Testing Services, Product Te3500 Testing Services, Structural Te4000 Testing services, Thermal Te5000 Timber Agents/Importers, General Ti0200 Timber Agents/Importers, Hardwood Ti0500 Timber Agents/Importers, Softwood Ti0800 Timber Components Agents/Importers Ti0900 Timber Drying Services Ti1000 Timber Frame Design Services Ti1200 Timber Frame Site Erection Services Ti1500 Timber Frame Manufacturers Ti2000 Timber Frame, Carpentry Framed Structures Ti2500 Timber Frame, Ancillary Components Ti2700 Timber Frame, Lifts for Ti2800 Timber Growers Ti4000 Timber Impregnation Plant Suppliers Ti7000 Timber Merchants, General Ti7500 Timber Merchants, Hardwood Specialist Ti7600 Timber Merchants, Softwood Specialist Ti7700 Tools, Power To0500 Tool Suppliers & Servicing To1000 Trussed Rafter Manufacturers & Suppliers Tr4000 Trussed Rafter Manufacturing Equipment Tr5000


Vapour Permeable Membranes Va0500 Varnish Manufacturers & Suppliers Va1000 Veener Agents/Importers/Distributors Ve1000 Veneering Services Ve3000


Warranty Bodies Wa1000 Window Agents/Importers/Distributors Wi1000 Window Manufacturers Wi2000 Windows, Hardwood Wi3000 Windows, Softwood Wi4000 Woodturning Services Wo2000

197 197 197 197 197 197 197 197 197 197 197 197 197 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 199 199 199 199 199 199

199 199 199 199

199 199 199 199 199 199

Buyers’ guide


Adhesives, Manufacturers & Suppliers Ad1000

– Bona Limited – Rotafix (Northern) Limited – Wurth UK Ltd

Architect Ar2000

– 2030 architects ltd – A & J Architects – A Is For Architect – A J Bunning Architect – A W W – Aaron Evans Architects Ltd – ABN7 Architects – ADM Projects – Allford Hall Monaghan Morris – Allies and Morrison – Anderson and Glenn – Anderson Bell & Christie – Andrew Boakes Associates – andrzej blonski architects – Anne Thorne Architects Partnership – Anthony Swaine Architect – Architecture plb – Architype Limited – Arrol & Snell Ltd – Artchart > Architecture – Arthur Architects – Associated Architects – Atkins – Avanti Architects – B A M Construct UK Ltd – Barton Willmore – BB Partnership Ltd – Bench Architects – Bennetts Associates Limited – bere:architects – BH & M – Bickerdike Allen Partners – Bird, Adrian – Blackett-Ord Conservation Limited – Blair Gratton Architects Ltd – Blake Architects Ltd – Blake, Gavin RIBA FRSA: Chartered Architect – Bland, Brown & Cole LLP – BOND Architects – Bowker Sadler Partnership Limited – bptw – Buckle Chamberlain Partnership – Buckley Gray Yeoman – Building Design Partnership Ltd – Burns Guthrie and Partners – Burrell Foley Fischer LLP – Burwell Deakins Architects – C P Architects – CA Sustainable Architecture – Campbell Jackson Architects – Canata & Seggie Chartered Architects – Capita Architecture – Capita Ruddle Wilkinson Ltd – Cedar Studio Designs Limited – Coda Studios – Cook Associates – Cowan Architects Ltd – Cowper Griffith Architects – Craig and Green Architects LLP – CT architect – CUBE Architecture – Cullinan Studio – Curtis Wood Architects Limited – CZWG Architects LLP – D H Design North West Limited – D Stewart Toy Chartered Architects – Dannatt Johnson Architects – David Grindley Architects – David Mee Architect – David Mikhail Architects – David Morley Architects – David Parker Architects Ltd – Dearlove Architecture Limited – Dennis Goldsmith Architect

– Derek Rhind Architect – Design Engine Architects Ltd – Designcell Architecture – DESIGN-CUBED LTD – domus-AR – Douglas Homes (South West) Ltd – Dualchas Building Design – Duggan Morris Architects – Duncan Gayler Ltd – E & P Building Design – E P T Partnership – ed toovey architects – Eeko Design Ltd – EPR Architects Ltd – Fasciato Architects Ltd – FBN Architects LLP – Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios – Felce & Guy Partnership – Fereday Pollard Architects – Foster + Partners – G R Architects – Gareth Hoskins Architects – Garner Southall Partnership – Geraint Efans Pensaer – Gerry Robb Architectural Design Services – H M H Architects – Halsall Lloyd LLP – Harrington Design & Bloomfield Ltd – Harrison Mutch, Chartered Architects – Harrison Sutton Partnership – Hawkins Brown Architects – Haworth Tompkins Architects – Hazle McCormack Young LLP – Helen Lucas Architects – Home Group Ltd – Hopkins Architects Partnership LLP – HORTH – Huw Davies RIBA – Inglis Badrashi Loddo – Inkpen Downie Architecture & Design Ltd – Innovation Imperative – J Richardson Architectural Design Services – Jasper Vaughan Designer – Jay Ashall Associates – Jefcoate Anderson Architects Ltd – Jestico + Whiles – jhd Architects – John Pryke and Partners – John Verkaik – Johnson, Francis & Partners Limited – Julian Owen Associates Architects – KDS & Associates Ltd – Knox Bhavan Architects LLP – Lance Adlam Chartered Architect – Lockhart-Ball Associates – Long & Kentish Architects – M K A Architects Limited – Maccreanor Lavington Ltd – Mackellar Schwerdt Architects – Malcolm Fraser Architects – Marshall, William J & Partners – Martin Noone Architect – MAST Architects LLP – Maxwell and Company Architects & Designers Ltd – MDR Associates – Michael Drake Architects Ltd – Mike Parkes Associates – Morgan Carey Architects Limited – Morphy Lawrence Ltd – Moxey Associates – Munro Associates – N P S South West Limited – Neil Ferguson Chartered Architect – Nicholas Hare Architects LLP – Nick Shipp Architects – Nicolas Tye Architects – O R M S Architecture Design – O’Donnell and Tuomey – O’Keefe Scanlon Ltd – P C Grindley – P+HS Architects – Paper Project Architecture and Design Ltd – Parsons Brinckerhoff Ltd – PatienceDesigns...Architecture – Pembroke Design Ltd

– Penoyre & Prasad LLP – Pensel – PlanArch Associates – Pollard Thomas Edwards architects – Prime Meridian – Pringle Richards Sharratt Architects – Probyn Miers – Proctor and Matthews Ltd – Project 5 Architecture – PRP Architects LLP – Reiach and Hall Architects – Renata Murnaghan – Rhys Llwyd Davies - Architect | Pensaer – Riches Hawley Mikhail Architects – Rivington Street Studio – Rob Hilton Architecture – Robert Rowett Architectural Services – RPS – S & P Architects – S M B C Urban Design – Smiths Gore – Staffordshire County Council; Design Consultancy – Steer, Gerald RIBA – Stephen Davy Peter Smith Architects Ltd – Sterry, Nigel F – Steve Eastland Design Ltd – Stride Treglown Ltd – Susan Walker Architects – T2 architects – Taylor, Patel – Ted Fletcher Architects Ltd – Terence O’Rourke Ltd – Tim Bayman Architecture – Tim Ronalds Architects – Tooley & Foster Partnership, The – Townshend Landscape Architects Ltd – Travers Bell Architects – Trewin Design Partnership – Tweed Nuttall Warburton – Valerie Hinde RIBA – van Heyningen and Haward Architects – Vincent & Gorbing Associates – Wain Morehead Architects Limited – Waind Gohil Architects – Walker Simpson Architects – Walters and Cohen Limited – Waugh Thistleton Architects – White Design Associates Ltd – Wilson Design Associates

Architectural Technologist Ar2500

– A W W – Andrew Howard & Partners – andrzej blonski architects – Architectural Design Services – Architectural Drawing Services – Arthur Architects – A-Tec Design – Beeby, Karl – bptw – Building Envelope Evolution Ltd – Built Engineers Ltd – Canata & Seggie Chartered Architects – Chris Saunders Associates Limited – Curtis Wood Architects Limited – D Kelly Design – David Parker Architects Ltd – Dearlove Architecture Limited – DJ Building Design – D-Tech Design Ltd – E K Drawing Service Ltd – Ennerji Projects – Faber Technical Limited – First Turn Cad – Flinders Design – Frias-Robles Associates Ltd – G M Moore & Associates – Gerry Robb Architectural Design Services – Greenfields Design Ltd – Hammond Architectural Services Ltd – Harrington Design & Bloomfield Ltd – Home Group Ltd

T imber Industry Yearbook 2 013

– Hutton & Rostron Environmental Investigations Ltd – Ian Slater Architectural Design – Inkpen Downie Architecture & Design Ltd – Jefcoate Anderson Architects Ltd – John Bellman & Associates Ltd – M S R Building & Civil Engineering Design – MAST Architects LLP – Mourneview Design – Munro Associates – P+HS Architects – Parsley, Edward Associates – Paul Newbould Planning & Building Design Services – Philip Hawkey Architectural Design – PlanArch Associates – Planned Approach – Pollard Architectural – PWA Chartered Building Surveyors – Robert E Fry & Associates Ltd – Robert Rowett Architectural Services – S M B C Urban Design – Steve Gilman Design Ltd – Straight Up Timber Frame Ltd – T F S Design Ltd – Travers Bell Architects – Trewin Design Partnership – W M Design & Architecture Ltd – Walker Newton Architecture – Yeoman Ltd

Associations, Federations & Institutions As1000

– American Hardwood Export Council – American Softwoods

– British Woodworking Federation – Builders Merchants Federation – Canadian High Commission – CWC / Wood WORKS! BC – Department of Agriculture, Marine and Food – FIRA International Ltd – Ghana Forestry Commission – Malaysian Timber Council – NBS – RNLI – Timber Decking Association – Timber Trade Federation – Trussed Rafter Association – United Kingdom Forest Products Association – Wood Panel Industries Federation – Wood Protection Association

Beams Be1000

– iWood Timber ltd – Orlestone Oak Ltd

Buyers’ guide


Bridges, Manufacturers & Suppliers Br2000

– Altham Oak and Carpentry – Concrete & Timber Services Limited – Constructional Timber (Manufacturers) Ltd – Derix Laminated Timber – Ecochoice Certified Timbers – Green Oak Carpentry Company Ltd, The – Mathis Glulam Structures – Sarum Hardwood Structures Limited – SH Structures Limited – Woodscape Ltd

Builders Merchants Bu1000

– Arnold Laver Timber World – Bell & Sime Buildbase – Buildbase Ltd – Canvey Wharf Co Limited, The – Chadwicks (Mowbray Drive) Limited – Fleming Buildbase – Gibbs & Dandy – Hay & Co Buildbase – Hendricks Lovell – J P Corry Group Limited – Jackson Building Centres Ltd – Mid-Sussex Timber Co Limited – Qualtrough, J & Co Limited

Building Contractors Bu3000

– A C Mauger & Son Ltd – Adrian Greenmore & Son Ltd – Alex Murray Construction Ltd – Andrew Davie Timber Frame Homes – Andrew Page Oak – Ashbrooke Homes Ltd – B A M Construct UK Ltd – Beeby, Karl – Blackwood Civil Engineering Limited – Borneo Benar Sdn Bhd – Brendan Flynn Construction Ltd – Chalk Hill Construction – David Lanyon – Delta Build Ltd – Derix Laminated Timber – Eco-librium Solutions Ltd – Elliott – Off-Site Building Solutions – Engel Construction Limited – English Heritage Buildings LLP – EURBAN – Fleming Buildings Limited – G M L Construction Ltd – G P Zachariades (O) Ltd – GB Electrical & Building Services Ltd – G-frame Structures – Griffiths, J – Haden Construction Ltd – Harvey Hosie Partnership – Herbert H Drew & Son Ltd – Houghtons of York – Keillor Property Developments Ltd – Kellow, R G Ltd – Kendo Contracts Ltd – Kenford Builders Ltd – Kind & Co (Builders) Ltd – Laing O’Rourke PLC – Leadbitter – Longworth Building Services – M & K Macleod – M P R Projects (UK) Ltd – Mathis Glulam Structures – Mivan Limited – Nationwide Property Solutions Ltd – NDM (Metal Roofing & Cladding) Ltd – Oriel Design Consultancy – Pinelog Ltd – PlanArch Associates – S H Construcciones S.L. – Simpson (York) Limited

– Sir Robert McAlpine Ltd – Soutra – Steve Coleman (Timber Erectors) Ltd – T F S Design Ltd – Team Consultants Limited – Venturer Pte Ltd – Vision Development – Walker Brothers (Timber Frames) Ltd – Westframe

Building Control Services Bu3500

– Bath and North East Somerset Council – J R L Consulting – Scott White and Hookins

Buildings, Agricutural: Manufacturers & Suppliers Bu4000

– The Stable Company

Buildings, Conservatories: Manufacturers & Suppliers Bu5000

– Border Craft Homes LLP – Dempsey Dyer Ltd – Green Oak Carpentry Company Ltd, The – Norscot Joinery Limited – T J Crump Oakwrights Ltd – Taylor Made Joinery Interiors Limited – Vale Garden Houses Ltd – Vascroft Contractors Ltd – Westwind Oak Buildings Ltd

Buildings, Log Cabins: Manufacturers & Suppliers Bu6000

– Cartledge Timber Frame – Pennine Timber Frame (UK) Ltd – Pinelog Ltd – Svenskhomes – Vision Development

Buildings, Portable: Manufacturers & Suppliers Bu6500

– Ascot Timber Buildings Ltd

Buyers’ guide


Buildings, Sectional Timber: Manufacturers & Suppliers Bu6800

– A J Laminated Beams Ltd – Allwood Buildings Ltd – Benfield ATT Group Ltd – BMM – C A P Direct LLP – Coed Cymru – Courtyard Designs Ltd – Datum Limited – English Heritage Buildings LLP – Fleming Buildings Limited – Gembuild – Lowfield Timber Frames Ltd – Neatwood Homes Ltd – Pinelog Ltd – Scotts of Thrapston Limited – Space4 Limited – Svenskhomes – The Stable Company – Timber Frame Management Ltd – Townsend Timber – Walker Brothers (Timber Frames) Ltd

Buildings, Sheds: Manufacturers & Suppliers Bu7000

– Border Craft Homes LLP – Broadoak Buildings – Frame UK – Heron Lake Homes – Lowfield Timber Frames Ltd – Pennine Timber Frame (UK) Ltd – Space4 Limited

Buildings, Timber Hybrid Systems Bu8000

– G-frame Structures – SH Structures Limited – STREIF – Wiehag Timber Construction

Carpenters Ca0500

– Brendan Flynn Construction Ltd – Calanpoint Contracts Ltd – Exterior Decking – James Crane Ltd – Primary Timber Frame – Steve Coleman (Timber Erectors) Ltd – Timber Frame Excel

Cladding Suppliers

– Tom Watkins Carpentry Ltd – Townsend Timber – Vincent Timber Ltd – WoodTrend Limited

Certification & Sustainable Sourcing Advisors Ce1000

– CWC / Wood WORKS! BC – FIRA International Ltd – Machined Timber Specialists – Venturer Pte Ltd – White Wood Management – Wood Shop Limited, The

Certification Bodies Ce2000

– ADAC (Engineering Services) Ltd – BM TRADA Certification – BM TRADA Group Ltd – Boyle Consultants Ltd – Brooks Bros (UK) Limited – Cameron & Ross – Civil & Structural Partnership Ltd – Cowan Consultancy Ltd – David Narro Associates – David R Murray & Associates – E A R Sheppard Consulting Civil & Structural Engineer Limited – Evolve – Forbes Leslie Network – H G A (UK) Ltd – Harley Haddow – Harry Turnbull Ltd, Consulting Civil Engineer – Nortec Consulting Engineers Ltd – Ramsay and Chalmers – Rushby Brewster Associates Ltd – Structural Solutions – Tim Kelly Consulting Engineers

Coating Manufacturers Co1500

– BMM – Bona Limited – Ronseal Limited – Sioo Wood Protection – Teknos (UK) Limited

Coatings Flame Retardant Co1700

– Fabric Flare Limited

Consultants, Building Co4000


– A C Timber Solutions Ltd – BCL Timber Projects Ltd – Beaumont Forest Products Limited – Benchmark Timber Ltd – Brooks Bros (UK) Limited – Bryceland Total Timber Solutions Ltd – C F Anderson Timber Products Ltd – Ecochoice Certified Timbers – Hoppings Softwood Products Plc – iWood Timber ltd – Joseph Griggs & Co Limited – Local Woodshop – Norman Limited – Osmose – Rembrand Timber Limited – Russwood Ltd – Sharvatt Woolwich Ltd – Silva Timber Products Limited – Snows Timber – Stourhead (Western) Estate – Thorogood Timber plc

– A T K Partnership Ltd – ADAC (Engineering Services) Ltd – AECOM – Andrew Howard & Partners – Archi-Structure Ltd

– Atkins – Austin Trueman Associates – B G Consulting Ltd – Banbeck Engineering Partnership – Barry Honeysett Consulting Structural & Civil Engineers – Baxter, Andrew – Baynham Meikle Partnership – BdR Civil & Structural Engineering Limited – Beeby, Karl – Betts Associates Limited – Bickerdike Allen Partners – Bill Henderson Consulting Engineer Ltd – BM TRADA Group Ltd – Brett Consulting Limited – Broughton Beatty Limited – BSF Timber Engineering Ltd – Building & Design Ltd – Buro Happold Ltd – C & C Markides Estates Ltd – C4Ci Ltd – Cameron & Ross – Campbell of Doune Ltd – Canadian High Commission – Canata & Seggie Chartered Architects – Canham Consulting – Capita Architecture – Capita Symonds Ltd – Chick, J P & Partners – Chiltern Dynamics – Chiltern International Fire – Coda Studios – Complete Design Partnership Ltd – Cowan Consultancy Ltd – Cowper Griffith Architects – Croft Structural Engineers – Curtis Wood Architects Limited – CWC / Wood WORKS! BC – D & R W Design Partnership Ltd – David Parker Architects Ltd – Design Projects Partnership Ltd – Dixon Hurst Kemp Limited – D-Tech Design Ltd – E & P Building Design – Eco-librium Solutions Ltd – Elders Consulting Engineers LLP – Elliott Wood Partnership LLP – Faber Technical Limited – FAIRHURST – FLUID Structural Engineers – Francis Bradshaw Partnership – Frias-Robles Associates Ltd – G M Moore & Associates – GB Consulting – Gemmell Hammond Ltd – Greenfields Design Ltd – Greystone Technical Ltd – H G A (UK) Ltd – H M Chambers and Partners – Hammond Architectural Services Ltd – Harrington Design & Bloomfield Ltd – Hartigan – Haydn E Williams Cyf – Hockley & Dawson – Hutton & Rostron Environmental Investigations Ltd – Inkpen Downie Architecture & Design Ltd – James Crane Ltd – James Lockyer Associates Ltd – Jenkins & Potter Limited – John Pryke and Partners – Julian Owen Associates Architects – Kevin Guilbert Associates – KMASS – L F Webb & Partner – Lawrenson Associates – Len Bigg Partnership – M K A Architects Limited – M P R Projects (UK) Ltd – Mackellar Schwerdt Architects – MacLaren Roughton – MacOwan Collett Consulting Engineers Ltd – Marshall, William J & Partners – Mason Clark Associates – Maughan Reynolds Partnership – Maxwell and Company Architects & Designers Ltd – McColl Associates

T imber Industry Yearbook 2 013

– McCurdy & Co Ltd – McKay & Partners – Michael Barclay Partnership LLP – Mike Parkes Associates – Morphy Lawrence Ltd – Munro Associates – N J McAnally & Associates – Nationwide Property Solutions Ltd – NW Structural Consultants Limited – O’Dwyer, Nicholas Ltd – Oriel Design Consultancy – Parsons Brinckerhoff Ltd – Pembroke Design Ltd – Peter Dann Limited – Peter Lodge Consulting Engineer – Philip Hawkey Architectural Design – Pollard Architectural – Practical Structures Ltd – Price & Myers – PWA Chartered Building Surveyors – Ramboll – Robert E Fry & Associates Ltd – Robert Rowett Architectural Services – Robert Stone Associates – Rodgers Leask Ltd – Roger Casey Associates Limited – Ryland, D A – S C E G Limited – Samuely, F J & Partners – Sandwood Consultants – Sandy Fraser Associates – Scott White and Hookins – Springfield Engineering Consultants – Staffordshire County Council; Design Consultancy – Straight Up Timber Frame Ltd – Structural and Technical Systems Ltd – Structural Design Associates Ltd – Structural Design Solutions Ltd – Structural Timber Design Solutions LLP – StructureMode Ltd – Sylva Group – TALL Engineers Ltd – The Timber Frame Consultancy – Thomasons – Tillman & Tsoukkas Consulting Structural Engineers – Tim Kelly Consulting Engineers – Tottenham & Bennett – Trevor Derby Associates – Trewin Design Partnership – van Heyningen and Haward Architects – W F Brown Associates Limited – W M Design & Architecture Ltd – W S P Group – Waldeck Engineering – Walker Simpson Architects – Watkinson & Cosgrave – William Keniry – Wright Associates – Wyatt & Watts – Wyatt Carruthers Jebb – Yeoman Ltd

Consultants, Business Co4500

– ARV Solutions – Kerridge Commercial Systems – Oak House Consultants Limited

Consultants, Computer Co4650

– Kerridge Commercial Systems

Consultants, Environmental Co5000

– AECOM – Atkins – Barton Willmore – Baynham Meikle Partnership – Betts Associates Limited

Buyers’ guide


– Bickerdike Allen Partners – Blue Evolution – Brett Consulting Limited – BWB Consulting Ltd – Campbell Reith Hill LLP – Canadian High Commission – Cornwall College, Camborne – FAIRHURST – FIRA International Ltd – Forests Forever – Hartigan – Inkpen Downie Architecture & Design Ltd – James Lockyer Associates Ltd – Lockhart-Ball Associates – O’Dwyer, Nicholas Ltd – Parsons Brinckerhoff Ltd – Plandescil Ltd – PRP Architects LLP – Renata Murnaghan – Rodgers Leask Ltd – RPS – T R P Consulting Ltd – Terence O’Rourke Ltd – W S P Group – Waldeck Engineering – White Design Associates Ltd – Wren & Bell

Consultants, Forestry Co5500

– Blue Evolution – Canadian High Commission – CWC / Wood WORKS! BC – White Wood Management

Consultants, Health & Safety Co7000

– British Woodworking Federation – Canata & Seggie Chartered Architects – Cornwall College, Camborne – Duffy Chartered Engineers – E & P Building Design – easi-edge Limited Safety Solutions – Ellis and Moore Consulting Engineers – Fidler Associates Ltd – Firebrace, Andrew Partnership – HSCS Ltd – Mason Clark Associates – Norder Design Associates – Oak House Consultants Limited – Robert Rowett Architectural Services – Sandy Fraser Associates – Scott White and Hookins – Thomasons – Trevor Derby Associates – W S P Group – Watkinson & Cosgrave – Wyatt Carruthers Jebb

Consultants, Management Co7500

– Bengough Haddock International – Clarke Matthews Ltd – FIRA International Ltd – Oak House Consultants Limited – Sylva Group – Wren & Bell

Consultants, Market Research Co7700

– Bengough Haddock International – C4Ci Ltd

Consultants, Overseas Development Co8000

– Bengough Haddock International – Borneo Benar Sdn Bhd

Consultants, Preservation Co8500

– Hutton & Rostron Environmental Investigations Ltd – KMASS – Lonza Wood Protection – Mackellar Schwerdt Architects – McCurdy & Co Ltd – van Heyningen and Haward Architects – William Keniry – Wood Protection Association

Consultants, Product Co8700

– Baxter, Andrew – Blue Evolution – C4Ci Ltd – Chiltern Dynamics – Chiltern International Fire – CWC / Wood WORKS! BC – Machined Timber Specialists – Oak House Consultants Limited – Wood Shop Limited, The

Consultants, Project Management Co8800

– A L Project Services – Arthur Architects – Atkins – Barton Willmore – Beeby, Karl – Bengough Haddock International – bptw – Brett Consulting Limited – BSF Timber Engineering Ltd – Building & Design Ltd – C & C Markides Estates Ltd – Campbell Reith Hill LLP – Canata & Seggie Chartered Architects – Capita Symonds Ltd – Chick, J P & Partners – Clarke Matthews Ltd – Coda Studios – Design Projects Partnership Ltd – Duffy Chartered Engineers – E & P Building Design – E A R Sheppard Consulting Civil & Structural Engineer Limited – FAIRHURST – Fidler Associates Ltd – Francis Bradshaw Partnership – G M Moore & Associates – Halsall Lloyd LLP – Harrington Design & Bloomfield Ltd – James Lockyer Associates Ltd – Jenkins & Potter Limited – John Pryke and Partners – M S R Building & Civil Engineering Design

Buyers’ guide


– MacLaren Roughton – MacOwan Collett Consulting Engineers Ltd – Materian Limited – Maxwell and Company Architects & Designers Ltd – MDR Associates – Nationwide Property Solutions Ltd – Nicholas Hare Architects LLP – Norder Design Associates – Oriel Design Consultancy – Pembroke Design Ltd – Peter Dann Limited – PlanArch Associates – PRP Architects LLP – RNLI – Robert Stone Associates – S H Construcciones S.L. – Sandy Fraser Associates – Self-Build-Pro (Chartered Surveyors) – Stirling Maynard – Stride Treglown Ltd – Terence Fidler Partnership Ltd – Trevor Derby Associates – Wain Morehead Architects Limited – Walker Simpson Architects – White Design Associates Ltd – Yeoman Ltd

Consultants, Recruitment Co9050

ARV Solutions

Consultants, Timber Engineering Co9100

– A C S Structures – A R C Engineers Ltd – A T K Partnership Ltd – ADAC (Engineering Services) Ltd – ADEPT Consulting (UK) Ltd – AECOM – AED – Allen Gordon & Co – Andrew Waring Associates Ltd – Archibald Shaw LLP – Ardern Hodges Ltd – Austin Trueman Associates – Banbeck Engineering Partnership – Barry Honeysett Consulting Structural & Civil Engineers – Barter Hill Partnership Limited – Benfield ATT Group Ltd – Bill Henderson Consulting Engineer Ltd – Blueprint (Dunbar) Ltd – Borneo Benar Sdn Bhd – Brian Evans Associates Ltd – Broughton Beatty Limited – BSF Timber Engineering Ltd – Built Engineers Ltd – Buro Happold Ltd – Cameron & Ross – Campbell Reith Hill LLP – Canham Consulting – Carpenter Oak & Woodland – Civil & Structural Partnership Ltd – Clifton Structural Timber Ltd – Complete Design Partnership Ltd

– Concept Drawing Limited – Cook Associates – Cowan Consultancy Ltd – Croft Structural Engineers – Crucis Designs Limited – Curtins Consulting Engineers – D & R W Design Partnership Ltd – David Barfield Associates – David Narro Associates – David R Murray & Associates – Deeside Timberframe Ltd – Duffy Chartered Engineers – E A R Sheppard Consulting Civil & Structural Engineer Limited – Engineers HRW – EURBAN – Evolve – FAIRHURST – Fawcett Construction Ltd – Firebrace, Andrew Partnership – FLUID Structural Engineers – Forbes Leslie Network – Francis Bradshaw Partnership – Fuller Designs Ltd – Furness Partnership Ltd – G C Robertson & Associates Ltd – Gemmell Hammond Ltd – Green Oak Carpentry Company Ltd, The –, Structural & Civil Consultants – Greystone Technical Ltd – H G A (UK) Ltd – Harley Haddow – Harris Structural Consultancy Ltd – Hartigan – Harvey and Snowdon – Hockley & Dawson – Hydrock Structures 1 – Ian Moir Associates – James Lockyer Associates Ltd – Jampel Davison & Bell – Jenkins & Potter Limited – John Peden Associates – Joseph Griggs & Co Limited – Kingfisher Consulting – KLH UK – KMASS – Knevitt Consulting – Len Bigg Partnership – M L Kubik & Son Ltd – Machined Timber Specialists – Maciver Consultancy Services Limited – MacLaren Roughton – Mason Clark Associates – Materian Limited – Maughan Reynolds Partnership – McCartney Associates – McKay & Partners – McKinney Nicolson Associates Ltd – Mel Williams Partnership – Michael Barclay Partnership LLP – Michael Hadi Associates – Momentum Consulting Engineers – Morrish & Partners – N J McAnally & Associates – Nick Kenchington Ltd – Norder Design Associates – NW Structural Consultants Limited – Oregon Timber Frame Ltd – Parkins, R G & Partners Ltd – Parsley, Edward Associates – Parsons Brinckerhoff Ltd – Pasquill – Pavlovskis Lister Ltd – Peter Lodge Consulting Engineer – Pollard Architectural – Pringuer-James – Ramboll – Ramsay and Chalmers – Rawcliffe Associates Ltd – Redstone, Bryan – Robbins Consulting Engineers Ltd – Robert Stone Associates – Roger Casey Associates Limited – Rushmoor Engineering Services – Ryland, D A – S C E G Limited

– S H Construcciones S.L. – Sands Consultants – Sandwood Consultants – Sandy Fraser Associates – Scotframe Timber Engineering Limited – Self-Build-Pro (Chartered Surveyors) – Seven Oaks Joinery – Silvatec Design Ltd – Sinclair Johnston & Partners Limited – Solid Structures (UK) Limited – Stevenson Calam Associates – Stirling Maynard – Stour Valley Technical Services Ltd – Straight Up Timber Frame Ltd – Structural and Technical Systems Ltd – Structural Building Solutions (SBS) Ltd – Structural Design Associates Ltd – Structural Design Solutions Ltd – Structural Solutions – StructureMode Ltd – T F S Design Ltd – T W P Consulting Structural & Civil Engineers – TALL Engineers Ltd – Techniker Ltd – The Mighty Oak Timber Frame Company – The Morton Partnership Limited – Thomas Consulting – Tim Kelly Consulting Engineers – Timber Design Services – TimberFirst – Tottenham & Bennett – Trevor Derby Associates – Venturer Pte Ltd – W F Brown Associates Limited – W S P Group – Waldeck Engineering – Westmuckett Hawkes Ltd – William Keniry – Wren & Bell – Wright Associates – Wyatt & Watts

Consultants, Timber, Technical Co9200

– A T K Partnership Ltd – ADAC (Engineering Services) Ltd – ADEPT Consulting (UK) Ltd – AECOM – AED – Allen Gordon & Co – Andrew Waring Associates Ltd – Archibald Shaw LLP – Ardern Hodges Ltd – Atkins – Austin Trueman Associates – Barter Hill Partnership Limited – Baxter, Andrew – Betts Associates Limited – Blue Evolution – Brian Evans Associates Ltd – British Woodworking Federation – Brody Forbes Limited – Building Envelope Evolution Ltd – Built Engineers Ltd – C4Ci Ltd – Cameron & Ross – Capita Symonds Ltd – Concept Drawing Limited – Crucis Designs Limited – David R Murray & Associates – D-Tech Design Ltd – Duffy Chartered Engineers – EURBAN – Evolve – Fawcett Construction Ltd – FLUID Structural Engineers – Forbes Leslie Network – Francis Bradshaw Partnership – Furness Partnership Ltd – G C Robertson & Associates Ltd –, Structural & Civil Consultants – Greenfields Design Ltd – Greystone Technical Ltd

T imber Industry Yearbook 2 013

Buyers’ guide


– H G A (UK) Ltd – H M Chambers and Partners – Harley Haddow – Harris Structural Consultancy Ltd – Hartigan – J R L Consulting – J R Roberts – KLH UK – KMASS – Knevitt Consulting – M P R Projects (UK) Ltd – Materian Limited – McCartney Associates – McColl Associates – McKinney Nicolson Associates Ltd – Milner Associates – Momentum Consulting Engineers – Mourneview Design – N J McAnally & Associates – Nortec Consulting Engineers Ltd – NW Structural Consultants Limited – P Thomas Associates Ltd – Parsley, Edward Associates – Pavlovskis Lister Ltd – Peter Lodge Consulting Engineer – R P Winstone Ltd – Ramboll – Redstone, Bryan – Robbins Consulting Engineers Ltd – Roger Casey Associates Limited – Rushby Brewster Associates Ltd – Rushmoor Engineering Services – S C E G Limited – Scott White and Hookins – Silvatec Design Ltd – Solid Structures (UK) Limited – Stevenson Calam Associates – Straight Up Timber Frame Ltd – Structural Solutions – Structural Timber Design Solutions LLP – T R P Consulting Ltd – T W P Consulting Structural & Civil Engineers – TALL Engineers Ltd – Tandy, Fred Structural Engineers – The Morton Partnership Limited – The Timber Frame Consultancy – Tim Kelly Consulting Engineers – Timber Decking Association – Timber Design Services – TimberFirst – TRADA Technology Ltd – Travers Bell Architects – Venturer Pte Ltd – Wessex Structural Services Ltd – White Wood Management – Wood Shop Limited, The

– Champion, A W Limited – Cheshire Mouldings – Concrete & Timber Services Limited – Ecochoice Certified Timbers – Exterior Decking – Fulham Timber Merchants Ltd – Garden Trellis Co Ltd, The – International Timber – James Latham plc – Morgan Timber – NHG Timber Limited – Nicks & Co (Timber) Ltd – Norman Limited – Outdoor Deck Company, The – Pacific European Timber Agency Ltd – Robert Price (Builders’ Merchants) Ltd – Roger Haydock & Co Limited – Russwood Ltd – Sarum Hardwood Structures Limited – Silva Timber Products Limited – Snows Timber – Stourhead (Western) Estate – Timber & Plywood Services Ltd – Timber Marketing Services T/A Wood Concepts – Timbmet – Travis Perkins plc – Vickers Timber Co Limited – Vincent Timber Ltd – WoodTrend Limited

Contract Management

– Caledonian Plywood Company – Dempsey Dyer Ltd – Enfield Speciality Doors – ERW Joinery Ltd – Hall and Tawse Joinery Ltd – Harrison Varma Limited – Hazlin – Howard Joinery East Kent – J C K Joinery – J P Stone Limited – James Latham plc – Kent Flush Doors & Joinery Ltd – Key Joinery Ltd – Malaysian Timber Council – Manners, T & Sons Ltd – MFM Joinery Ltd – Mivan Limited – NBJ (Midlands) Ltd – Noberne Doors Limited – Norscot Joinery Limited – Roger Haydock & Co Limited – Scotts of Thrapston Limited – Senior Architectural Systems Limited – The Stable Company – Tower Doors Ltd – Urban Front Ltd – Vicaima Doors


– Alex Murray Construction Ltd – C & C Markides Estates Ltd – Clarke Matthews Ltd – H & H Building Solutions – Mackellar Schwerdt Architects – Maxwell and Company Architects & Designers Ltd – Nationwide Property Solutions Ltd – PWA Chartered Building Surveyors – van Heyningen and Haward Architects – W M Design & Architecture Ltd – Yeoman Ltd

Decking De2000

– Alsford Timber – Beaumont Forest Products Limited – Brooks Bros (Midlands) Ltd – Brooks Bros (UK) Limited – Bryceland Total Timber Solutions Ltd – BSW Timber Ltd – Burdens Timber Ltd – Burton, E O & Co Limited

Door Blanks Do1000

– Caledonian Plywood Company – J B Kind Limited – J P Stone Limited – James Latham plc – Noberne Doors Limited

Door Distributors/Importers Do2000

– Alsford Timber – American Softwoods – Brooks Bros (UK) Limited – Bryceland Total Timber Solutions Ltd – Enfield Speciality Doors – Finewood Marketing (UK) Ltd – J B Kind Limited – Timber Marketing Services T/A Wood Concepts – Urban Front Ltd

Door Manufacturers Do2500

Door Merchants Do3000

– Brooks Bros (London) Limited – Days Buildbase – Enfield Speciality Doors – Rembrand Timber Limited – Vickers Timber Co Limited – Watford Timber Co Limited

Door Seals Do4000

– Noberne Doors Limited – Sealmaster Limited

Doors, Fire Resisting Do4500

– BMM – Caledonian Plywood Company – Enfield Speciality Doors – Hazlin – J B Kind Limited – J C K Joinery – James Latham plc – Kent Flush Doors & Joinery Ltd – Kier Moss Joinery – NBJ (Midlands) Ltd – Noberne Doors Limited – Premdor – Roger Paling Joiners – Soundcraft – Tower Doors Ltd – Vascroft Contractors Ltd – Vicaima Doors

Doors, Non-standard Do5000

– Days Buildbase – Enfield Speciality Doors – ERW Joinery Ltd – Hall and Tawse Joinery Ltd – Harrison Varma Limited – Hazlin – Hills of Shoeburyness Ltd – J B Kind Limited – J C K Joinery – Kent Flush Doors & Joinery Ltd – McBeth Joinery – Noberne Doors Limited – Premdor – Roger Paling Joiners – Taylor Made Joinery Interiors Limited – Tower Doors Ltd – Vicaima Doors

Educational Establishment Ed4000

– Burwell Deakins Architects – City of Bristol College – Coleg Menai – Cornwall College, Camborne – Edinburgh’s Telford College – Forth Valley College – G M L Construction Ltd – HSCS Ltd – Inverness College – Limerick Institute of Technology – Merton College – Nottingham Trent University Library – Royal School of Military Engineering – University of Manchester – White Design Associates Ltd – Wyatt Carruthers Jebb

Buyers’ guide


Energy Efficiency Products & Services En1000

– Beaumont Forest Products Limited – Blue Evolution – C4Ci Ltd – Harley Haddow – Haydn E Williams Cyf – Julian Owen Associates Architects – Self-Build-Pro (Chartered Surveyors) – Timoleon Ltd – Wain Morehead Architects Limited

Engineering Services, Mechanical En1500

– Atkins – B A M Construct UK Ltd – Capita Architecture – David Barfield Associates – David R Murray & Associates – Elders Consulting Engineers LLP – Forbes Leslie Network – N P S South West Limited – PWA Chartered Building Surveyors – Ramboll – RPS – Timoleon Ltd – W S P Group

Engineers, Civil/Structural En2000

– A C S Structures – A L Project Services – A R C Engineers Ltd – A T K Partnership Ltd – A. J. Pericleous (Services) Ltd – Absolute Consulting Engineers Ltd – ADAC (Engineering Services) Ltd – Adam Power Associates – ADEPT Consulting (UK) Ltd – AECOM – AED – Aidan O’Connell & Associates Ltd – Alan Baxter Partnership – Alexander Associates – Alistair Burroughs Design Partnership – Allen Gordon & Co – Andrew Howard & Partners – Andrew Waring Associates Ltd – Andrews Associates – Anthony Davies Associates Ltd – Anthony Fisher Associates – Archibald Shaw LLP – Archi-Structure Ltd – Arthur Architects – Arun District Council – Arup – ASA Structures Limited – Associated Structural Design – Atkins – Atkinson Peck Ltd – Austin Trueman Associates – B A M Construct UK Ltd – B G Consulting Ltd – Bailey Johnson Hayes – Bakkala Consulting Engineers – Banbeck Engineering Partnership – Barry Honeysett Consulting Structural & Civil Engineers – Barter Hill Partnership Limited – Baxter, Andrew – Baynham Meikle Partnership – BdR Civil & Structural Engineering Limited – Betts Associates Limited – Bill Henderson Consulting Engineer Ltd – Bingham Yates & Partners – Blackett-Ord Conservation Limited – Blackwood Civil Engineering Limited – Blueprint (Dunbar) Ltd – Boyle Consultants Ltd – Brazier Holt Partnership Ltd, The – Brett Consulting Limited

– Brian Evans Associates Ltd – Brody Forbes Limited – Broughton Beatty Limited – Bruce, Cufley & Partners – BSF Timber Engineering Ltd – Building & Design Ltd – Built Engineers Ltd – Buro Happold Ltd – Burwell Deakins Architects – BWB Consulting Ltd – C & C Markides Estates Ltd – C E Consultancy – C W T Partnership – C.A Poyiatjis – Cameron & Ross – Campbell of Doune Ltd – Campbell Reith Hill LLP – Canham Consulting – Capita Architecture – Capita Symonds Ltd – Chick, J P & Partners – Civil & Structural Partnership Ltd – Clarke Matthews Ltd – Clifton Structural Timber Ltd – Complete Design Partnership Ltd – Conisbee – Cook Associates – Cooper Beal & Ross – Copp Wilson Pettitt Moore – Cowan Consultancy Ltd – Croft Structural Engineers – Crucis Designs Limited – Curtins Consulting Engineers – D & R W Design Partnership Ltd – Dale-Consulting – DAS Structures Ltd – David Attree – David Barfield Associates – David Narro Associates – David Osborne Associates – David R Murray & Associates – Design-Life – Diamond Wood and Shaw Limited – Dixon Hurst Kemp Limited – Donald McIntyre Design Ltd – Duffy Chartered Engineers – E & M West – E A R Sheppard Consulting Civil & Structural Engineer Limited – Elders Consulting Engineers LLP – Elliott Wood Partnership LLP – Ellis and Moore Consulting Engineers – Engineers HRW – Evolve – FAIRHURST – Fidler Associates Ltd – Finite Design – Firebrace, Andrew Partnership – FLUID Structural Engineers – Forbes Leslie Network – Foxx Limited – Francis Bradshaw Partnership – Franks & Lewin – Furness Partnership Ltd – G A P Ltd – G C Robertson & Associates Ltd – Gary Gabriel Associates – Gemmell Hammond Ltd – Greystone Technical Ltd – Griffen Design Ltd. – H & H Building Solutions – H B L Associates – H G A (UK) Ltd – H M Chambers and Partners – Hannah-Reed – Harley Haddow – Harper, A J – Harris Structural Consultancy Ltd – Harry Turnbull Ltd, Consulting Civil Engineer – Hartigan – Harvey and Snowdon – Hockley & Dawson – Hydrock Structures 1 – Ian Moir Associates – Integral Engineering Design – J K C Timber Engineering

– J R L Consulting – Jake Maclean Associates – James Lockyer Associates Ltd – Jampel Davison & Bell – Jenkins & Potter Limited – JJO – John Bellman & Associates Ltd – John Peden Associates – John Pryke and Partners – Kevin Guilbert Associates – Kingfisher Consulting – Knevitt Consulting – Lawrenson Associates – Len Bigg Partnership – M L Kubik & Son Ltd – M M P Design Limited – M S R Building & Civil Engineering Design – Maciver Consultancy Services Limited – MacLaren Roughton – MacLeod Associates – MacOwan Collett Consulting Engineers Ltd – Malcolm Wright Partnership – Marshall, William J & Partners – Mason Clark Associates – Maughan Reynolds Partnership – McCarthy, Rachel BSc MICE – McCartney Associates – McColl Associates – McKay & Partners – McKenzie Willis – McKinney Nicolson Associates Ltd – Mel Williams Partnership – Michael Baigent Orla Kelly Limited – Michael Barclay Partnership LLP – Michael Hadi Associates – Michael Pooler Associates – Mike Parkes Associates – Mitchell-Horton – Momentum Consulting Engineers – Morrish & Partners – Mott Butcher Partnership – MSM Consulting Engineers – N J McAnally & Associates – Nick Kenchington Ltd – Norder Design Associates – Nortec Consulting Engineers Ltd – NW Structural Consultants Limited – O’Dwyer, Nicholas Ltd – ONCE Civil & Structural Ltd – Oriel Design Consultancy – Parkins, R G & Partners Ltd – Parsley, Edward Associates – Parsons Brinckerhoff Ltd – Pavlovskis Lister Ltd – Peter Dann Limited – Peter Lodge Consulting Engineer – Peter Ronan & Associates – Peter Taylor & Partners Ltd – PJStructures Ltd – PlanArch Associates – Plandescil Ltd – Portland Consulting Engineers – Practical Structures Ltd – Price & Myers – Prime Meridian – Pringuer-James – Quadrant Harmon Consulting Ltd – R.J. Richards Design & Draw Ltd – Ramboll – Ramsay and Chalmers – Rawcliffe Associates Ltd – Redstone, Bryan – RNLI – Robbins Consulting Engineers Ltd – Robert E Fry & Associates Ltd – Robert Stone Associates – Robert Wynter & Partners Ltd – Rodgers Leask Ltd – Roger Casey Associates Limited – RPS – Rushby Brewster Associates Ltd – Rushmoor Engineering Services – Ryland, D A – S C E G Limited – S H Construcciones S.L.

T imber Industry Yearbook 2 013

– S K M Europe Ltd – S M B C Urban Design – S P L Structural Designs – Samuely, F J & Partners – Sands Consultants – Sandwood Consultants – Sandy Fraser Associates – Scotframe Timber Engineering Limited – Scott White and Hookins – Shepherd Gilmour – Simpson Associates Consulting Engineers LLP – Sinclair Johnston & Partners Limited – Sir Robert McAlpine Ltd – Smith Foster Ltd – Solid Structures (UK) Limited – Springfield Engineering Consultants – Staffordshire County Council; Design Consultancy – Stanley Fyffe Associates – Stephen Hyde Limited – Steve Gilman Design Ltd – Stevenson Calam Associates – Stewart & Harris Ltd – Stirling Maynard – Structural Building Solutions (SBS) Ltd – Structural Design Associates Ltd – Structural Design Solutions Ltd – Structural Solutions – StructureMode Ltd – Summerfield, F – Super Structures Associates Limited – Sylva Group – T & G Limited – T R P Consulting Ltd – T W P Consulting Structural & Civil Engineers – T Z G Partnership – T/E/S/S atelier d’ingenierie – TALL Engineers Ltd – Tandy, Fred Structural Engineers – Techniker Ltd – Terence Fidler Partnership Ltd – Thomas Consulting – Thomasons – Tillman & Tsoukkas Consulting Structural Engineers – Tim Kelly Consulting Engineers – Timber Design Services – TimberFirst – Tottenham & Bennett – Trevor Derby Associates – URS – vkhp-consulting – W F Brown Associates Limited – W S P Group – Waldeck Engineering – Watkinson & Cosgrave – Watson Hallam – Webb Yates Engineers Ltd. – Wessex Structural Services Ltd – Westmuckett Hawkes Ltd – Wren & Bell – Wright Associates – Wyatt & Watts – Wyatt Carruthers Jebb

Environmental Assessment En3000

– BM TRADA Certification – Brett Consulting Limited – Buro Happold Ltd – Cornwall College, Camborne – FAIRHURST – Ramboll – S K M Europe Ltd – Soutra – Stride Treglown Ltd – Thomasons – Waldeck Engineering

Buyers’ guide


Environmental Campaigners En4000

Flame Retard Impregnation Services Fl1000

– Forests Forever – PEFC UK Ltd

Environmental Certification Services En5000

– BM TRADA Certification – Hutton & Rostron Environmental Investigations Ltd – PEFC UK Ltd – Wood Shop Limited, The – Wren & Bell

Fastenings & Fixings for Timber Fa1000

– Aptus Fastener Systems Ltd – Chadwicks (Mowbray Drive) Limited – Paslode – Rotafix (Northern) Limited – Simpson Strong-Tie – Wurth UK Ltd

Fencing Manufacturers Fe2000

– BSW Timber Ltd – Calders & Grandidge – Garden Trellis Co Ltd, The

– Fabric Flare Limited – Lonza Wood Protection – Osmose – Wood Protection Association

Floor Sealants Fl2500

Fencing Material Suppliers Fe3000

– Beaumont Forest Products Limited – Calders & Grandidge – Canvey Wharf Co Limited, The – Hoppings Softwood Products Plc – James Callander & Son Ltd – James Jones & Sons Ltd – Timber & Plywood Services Ltd – Townsend Timber – Vickers Timber Co Limited – WoodTrend Limited

Fibre Building Board, Manufacturers Fi2000

– Coillte Panel Products (UK) Ltd – Kronoply GmbH – Steico UK Ltd

Fibre Building Board, Merchants Fi4000

– Brooks Bros (UK) Limited – Datum Limited – Vickers Timber Co Limited

Finishing Equipment Fi6000

– Teknos (UK) Limited

Fire Detection & Prevention Equipment Fi7000

– Fabric Flare Limited

– Bona Limited – Ronseal Limited

Flooring, Hardwood: Agents/Importers Fl3000

– International Timber – Pacific European Timber Agency Ltd – Timber Marketing Services T/A Wood Concepts – Winchester Hardwood Flooring

Flooring, Hardwood: Manufacturers Fl3500

– Altham Oak and Carpentry – Boddy, John, Timber Limited – Brooks Bros (UK) Limited – Malaysian Timber Council – Orlestone Oak Ltd – Winchester Hardwood Flooring

Buyers’ guide


Flooring, Hardwood: Suppliers & Merchants Fl4000

– A C Timber Solutions Ltd – Beaumont Forest Products Limited – Border Craft Homes LLP – Brooks Bros (London) Limited – Brooks Bros (Midlands) Ltd – Bryceland Total Timber Solutions Ltd – Burton, E O & Co Limited – Castle Wood Floors – Fulham Timber Merchants Ltd – International Decorative Surfaces – James Latham plc – Russwood Ltd – The Reclaimed Flooring Co Ltd – Thorogood Timber plc – Timbmet – Winchester Hardwood Flooring – WoodTrend Limited

Glued Laminated Timber (Glulam) Manufacturers Gl1000

– Constructional Timber (Manufacturers) Ltd – Cygnum Ltd – Derix Laminated Timber – G-frame Structures – Lowe & Simpson Group Ltd – Mathis Glulam Structures – Melingoed Ltd – Steico UK Ltd

Glued Laminted Timber (Glulam) Suppliers & Merchants Gl2000

– Local Woodshop – Snows Timber

– A J Laminated Beams Ltd – B & K Structures – Constructional Timber (Manufacturers) Ltd – Cowley Timberwork – Crendon Timber Engineering Ltd – Crendon Timber Engineering Ltd - Bristol Branch – Derix Laminated Timber – EURBAN – Frame UK – G-frame Structures – Moelven UK Limited – O F P Timber Framed Homes Ltd – Simpson Strong-Tie – Steve Coleman (Timber Erectors) Ltd – Thomas Armstrong (Timber) Limited – Wiehag Timber Construction

Flooring, Softwood: Suppliers & Merchants

Government Department

– Beaumont Forest Products Limited – BMM – The Reclaimed Flooring Co Ltd

– Canadian High Commission – Department of Agriculture, Marine and Food – Ghana Forestry Commission – Scottish Government Building Standards Division

Flooring, Laminate: Suppliers & Merchants Fl5000

– Castle Wood Floors – International Decorative Surfaces

Flooring, Softwood: Manufacturers Fl6500


Furniture Designers Fu3000

– Andrew Page Oak – Beeby, Karl – Campbell Jackson Architects – Cornwall College, Camborne – Curtis Wood Architects Limited – Walker Simpson Architects – William Keniry


Handles, Wooden Ha2000

– Brooks Bros (UK) Limited – International Timber

Hardwood, Environmentally Certified Ha7000


– A C Timber Solutions Ltd – Boddy, John, Timber Limited – Border Hardwood Ltd – Brooks Bros (UK) Limited – Ecochoice Certified Timbers – Exterior Decking – Finewood Marketing (UK) Ltd – Fulham Timber Merchants Ltd – International Timber – iWood Timber ltd – James Latham plc – Morgan Timber – NHG Timber Limited – Pacific European Timber Agency Ltd – Stourhead (Western) Estate – Vincent Timber Ltd – Woodscape Ltd – WoodTrend Limited

– Altham Oak and Carpentry – Street Design Limited

Heritage & Conservation Services

Furniture Manufacturers Fu4000

– Chase Joinery Solutions Ltd – Harrison Varma Limited – J P Stone Limited – JDM Joinery Ltd – Kier Moss Joinery – Manners, T & Sons Ltd – McBeth Joinery – Roger Haydock & Co Limited – Setsquare Staging Limited

Garden Furniture Manufacturers & Suppliers

Gates Ga4000

– Calders & Grandidge – Garden Trellis Co Ltd, The


– A J Bunning Architect – Anthony Swaine Architect – Arrol & Snell Ltd – Arthur Architects – Barry Honeysett Consulting Structural & Civil Engineers – BOND Architects – Campbell Jackson Architects

– Coda Studios – David Parker Architects Ltd – Ellis and Moore Consulting Engineers – G M Moore & Associates –, Structural & Civil Consultants – Houghtons of York – Inkpen Downie Architecture & Design Ltd – Jay Ashall Associates – Kevin Guilbert Associates – Maxwell and Company Architects & Designers Ltd – Morphy Lawrence Ltd – Structural Design Associates Ltd – The Mighty Oak Timber Frame Company – van Heyningen and Haward Architects

House Builders Ho3000

– A C Mauger & Son Ltd – Alex Murray Construction Ltd – Andrew Davie Timber Frame Homes – Arley Homes NW Limited – Border Craft Homes LLP – Border Oak Design & Construction – Eco-librium Solutions Ltd – English Heritage Buildings LLP – Fawcett Construction Ltd – G M L Construction Ltd – G P Zachariades (O) Ltd – Griffiths, J – Herbert H Drew & Son Ltd – Heron Lake Homes – Holbrook Timber Frame Ltd – Jojay Homes Ltd – Keillor Property Developments Ltd – Kevin Guilbert Associates – Kind & Co (Builders) Ltd – Kingspan Timber Solutions Limited – Laing O’Rourke PLC – M & K Macleod – M P R Projects (UK) Ltd – Nordic Construction UK Ltd – Pennine Timber Frame (UK) Ltd – Primary Timber Frame – S H Construcciones S.L. – Soutra – STREIF – Svenskhomes – T F S Design Ltd – T J Crump Oakwrights Ltd – The Mighty Oak Timber Frame Company – The Timber Frame Consultancy – Travers Bell Architects – Tymba Ltd – W M Design & Architecture Ltd – Walker Brothers (Timber Frames) Ltd – Westwind Oak Buildings Ltd

Housing Association Ho4000

– A C Mauger & Son Ltd – Home Group Ltd – MAST Architects LLP – Peter Dann Limited – Westlea Housing Association

Insurance Agents/Brokers In2000

– BLP Insurance

Internet Services In3000

– Hazelwood Carpentry Contractors Limited – Kerridge Commercial Systems – Wood Shop Limited, The

T imber Industry Yearbook 2 013

Joiners Jo1000

– Adams Joinery Limited – Brown & Carroll (London) Ltd – Calanpoint Contracts Ltd – Hills of Shoeburyness Ltd – Walker Brothers (Timber Frames) Ltd

Joinery Distributors/Merchants Jo2000

– Arnold Laver Timber World – Bell & Sime Buildbase – Buildbase Ltd – Canvey Wharf Co Limited, The – Chadwicks (Mowbray Drive) Limited – Fleming Buildbase – Fleming Buildbase - Doors & Windows – Gibbs & Dandy – Hay & Co Buildbase – Moreys – Robert Price (Builders’ Merchants) Ltd – Timber Direct

Joinery Importers Jo3000

– Timber Direct

Joinery Manufacturers

Buyers’ guide


– Howard Joinery East Kent – JDM Joinery Ltd – Kier Moss Joinery – M.Binladin Company – NBJ (Midlands) Ltd – Roger Paling Joiners – Soundcraft – Taylor Made Joinery Interiors Limited – Vale Garden Houses Ltd – Vascroft Contractors Ltd

Kitchen Worktops Ki3000

Joinery, Architectural Jo5000

– Adams Joinery Limited – Garden Trellis Co Ltd, The – Haldane (UK) Ltd – Hall and Tawse Joinery Ltd – Harrison Varma Limited – Hills of Shoeburyness Ltd


– Architectural Services – Arun District Council – Bath and North East Somerset Council – Coed Cymru – East Lothian Council – Hampshire County Council – Newry & Mourne District Council – Oxford City Council – S M B C Urban Design – Staffordshire County Council; Design Consultancy – Worcestershire County Council

– Brooks Bros (UK) Limited – C F Anderson Timber Products Ltd – International Decorative Surfaces – Timbmet

Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL)

Lacquer Manufacturers & Suppliers

– B & K Structures – Constructional Timber (Manufacturers) Ltd – Cygnum Ltd – Steico UK Ltd – Wiehag Timber Construction


– Bona Limited – Teknos (UK) Limited

Laminates, Worktop


Machinery Manufacturers and Suppliers Ma1500


– Bona Limited

– Arnold Laver Timber World – International Decorative Surfaces – James Latham plc

Machining Services


– Adams Joinery Limited – Brown & Carroll (London) Ltd – Calanpoint Contracts Ltd – Chase Joinery Solutions Ltd – ERW Joinery Ltd – Fenhardy Ltd – Haldane (UK) Ltd – Hall and Tawse Joinery Ltd – Harrison Varma Limited – Hazlin – Hills of Shoeburyness Ltd – Howard Joinery East Kent – J C K Joinery – J P Stone Limited – JDM Joinery Ltd – Kent Flush Doors & Joinery Ltd – Key Joinery Ltd – M.Binladin Company – Malaysian Timber Council – Manners, T & Sons Ltd – McBeth Joinery – Melingoed Ltd – MFM Joinery Ltd – Mivan Limited – NBJ (Midlands) Ltd – Norscot Joinery Limited – Nottage Joinery & Timber Merchants – Original Box Sash Window Company, The – RB Doors & Joinery Ltd – Roger Paling Joiners – Rowan Timber Supplies (Scotland) Ltd – Scotts of Thrapston Limited – Seven Oaks Joinery – Soundcraft – Taylor Made Joinery Interiors Limited – Timeless Wood Windows – Vascroft Contractors Ltd – Vicaima Doors

Local Authority Departments

Laminating Services (for Panel Products) La6000

– Brooks Bros (UK) Limited – J P Stone Limited – Key Joinery Ltd

Landscape Architectural Supplies La7000

– Benchmark Timber Ltd – Garden Trellis Co Ltd, The

Landscape Contractors La8000

– Keillor Property Developments Ltd – White Wood Management

Landscape Designer La9000

– Arrol & Snell Ltd – Barton Willmore – bptw – Capita Architecture – Design Engine Architects Ltd – Exterior Decking – Halsall Lloyd LLP – Harrington Design & Bloomfield Ltd – Keillor Property Developments Ltd – N P S South West Limited – PRP Architects LLP – RPS – S M B C Urban Design – Stride Treglown Ltd – Taylor, Patel – Terence O’Rourke Ltd – Townshend Landscape Architects Ltd – White Design Associates Ltd


– Burton, E O & Co Limited – Derix Laminated Timber – Fleming Buildbase – International Timber – iWood Timber ltd – MFM Joinery Ltd – Timber & Plywood Services Ltd – Timbmet

MDF Agents and Importers Md1000

– Hanson Plywood Limited – Highlake Limited – International Plywood (Importers) Ltd – James Latham plc

MDF Manufacturers Md2000

– Coillte Panel Products (UK) Ltd – Kronoply GmbH – Norbord – Wood Panel Industries Federation

MDF Suppliers & Merchants Md3000

– Alsford Timber – Altripan UK Ltd – Beaumont Forest Products Limited – Brooks Bros (Midlands) Ltd – Brooks Bros (UK) Limited – Caledonian Plywood Company – Hoppings Softwood Products Plc – International Decorative Surfaces – James Latham plc – Watford Timber Co Limited

Buyers’ guide


Modified Wood Manufacturers & Suppliers

OSB, Agents & Importers

Panel Products Manufacturers

– Accsys Technologies – Brooks Bros (UK) Limited – Coed Cymru – Ecochoice Certified Timbers – Vincent Timber Ltd

– Hanson Plywood Limited – International Plywood (Importers) Ltd – James Latham plc

– Arnold Laver Timber World – BCL Timber Projects Ltd – Coillte Panel Products (UK) Ltd – Key Joinery Ltd – Mivan Limited – Norbord – Wood Panel Industries Federation


Mouldings, Hardwood: Manufacturers & Suppliers Mo4500

– A C Timber Solutions Ltd – Beaumont Forest Products Limited – Burton, E O & Co Limited – Champion, A W Limited – Finewood Marketing (UK) Ltd – International Timber – Malaysian Timber Council – Morgan Timber – NHG Timber Limited – Nicks & Co (Timber) Ltd – Nottage Joinery & Timber Merchants – Pacific European Timber Agency Ltd – Thorogood Timber plc – Timbmet – Watford Timber Co Limited

Mouldings, Softwood: Manufacturers & Suppliers M05000


Oriented Strand Board Manufacturers Or2000

– Kronoply GmbH – Norbord – Wood Panel Industries Federation

Oriented Strand Board Merchants Or3000

– Altripan UK Ltd – James Latham plc

Packing Case/Box Manufacturers & Suppliers Pa1000

– Crocodile Timber Frames – Thomas Armstrong (Timber) Limited

Paints Pa3000

– Environmental Coatings – Teknos (UK) Limited

Paints, Flame Retardant Pa4000

– Environmental Coatings – Fabric Flare Limited – Russwood Ltd – Sealmaster Limited


Panel Products Merchants and Suppliers Pa7500

– Alsford Timber – Altripan UK Ltd – Arnold Laver Timber World – Beaumont Forest Products Limited – Brooks Bros (London) Limited – Buildbase Ltd – C F Anderson Timber Products Ltd – Caledonian Plywood Company – Chadwicks (Mowbray Drive) Limited – Fulham Timber Merchants Ltd – Gibbs & Dandy – Jackson Building Centres Ltd – James Latham plc – Melingoed Ltd – Mid-Sussex Timber Co Limited – Roger Haydock & Co Limited – Rowan Timber Supplies (Scotland) Ltd – Sharvatt Woolwich Ltd – Snows Timber – Vickers Timber Co Limited – Watford Timber Co Limited

Panels, Flame Retardant Pa8000

Pallet & Packaging Materials Suppliers Pa5500

– BSW Timber Ltd – James Jones & Sons Ltd

Pallet Manufacturers and Suppliers Pa5700 – Beaumont Forest Products Limited – Bolt Building Supplies Limited – Brooks Bros (UK) Limited – Champion, A W Limited – International Timber – Mid-Sussex Timber Co Limited – Nicks & Co (Timber) Ltd – Sharvatt Woolwich Ltd – Snows Timber – Travis Perkins plc – Watford Timber Co Limited

Oak Trusses Oa1000

– A J Laminated Beams Ltd – Altham Oak and Carpentry – Broadoak Buildings – C A P Direct LLP – James Crane Ltd – Orlestone Oak Ltd – T J Crump Oakwrights Ltd – Townsend Timber – Turner Timber Frames Ltd – Westwind Oak Buildings Ltd

– Thomas Armstrong (Timber) Limited

Panel Cutting Services Pa6200

– James Latham plc

Panel Products Agents/Importers Pa7000

– Altripan UK Ltd – Caledonian Plywood Company – Hanson Plywood Limited – Highlake Limited – International Plywood (Importers) Ltd – James Latham plc – Rembrand Timber Limited – Timbmet

– BMM – Coillte Panel Products (UK) Ltd – James Latham plc – Sealmaster Limited

Panels, Laminated Pa8200

– EURBAN – Norbord – Wiehag Timber Construction

Panels, Plastic/Melamine Faced Pa8500

– James Latham plc

T imber Industry Yearbook 2 013

Panels, Veneered Pa8700

– BCL Timber Projects Ltd – Hazlin – James Latham plc – Norbord – Vicaima Doors

Particleboard Agents/Importers Pa8800

– Hanson Plywood Limited – Highlake Limited – Steico UK Ltd

Buyers’ guide


– Lonza Wood Protection – Mid-Sussex Timber Co Limited – Osmose – Qualtrough, J & Co Limited – Roger Haydock & Co Limited – Ronseal Limited – Wood Protection Association

Parallel Strand Lumber (PSL) Ps1000

– Crendon Timber Engineering Ltd

Railway Sleepers Ra2000

Particleboard Manufacturers

– Burdens Timber Ltd – James Jones & Sons Ltd

– Kronoply GmbH – Norbord – Wood Panel Industries Federation

Reclaimed Timber Suppliers


Particleboard Melamine Faced Pa9400

– C F Anderson Timber Products Ltd – James Latham plc

Playground Equipment Manufacturers & Suppliers


– Platts T/A RA & CE Platt Ltd

Remedial Treatment Services Re3000

– Rotafix (Northern) Limited

Research and Development Services



– Playdale Playground Equipment – Street Design Limited

– BM TRADA Group Ltd – Buro Happold Ltd – Burwell Deakins Architects – Chiltern International Fire – Department of Agriculture, Marine and Food – FIRA International Ltd – Jenkins & Potter Limited – M L Kubik & Son Ltd – Milner Associates – PRP Architects LLP – Rotafix (Northern) Limited – TRADA Technology Ltd – University of Manchester – Walker Simpson Architects

Plywood & Blockboard Agents/Importers Pl1000

– Altripan UK Ltd – Arnold Laver Timber World – Caledonian Plywood Company – Ghana Forestry Commission – Hanson Plywood Limited – Highlake Limited – International Plywood (Importers) Ltd – James Latham plc – Timber Marketing Services T/A Wood Concepts

Plywood & Blockboard, Decorative Pl2000

– International Plywood (Importers) Ltd – James Latham plc

Plywood & Blockboard, Flame Retardant

Restoration Specialists Re6000

– Carpenter Oak & Woodland – Environmental Coatings – ERW Joinery Ltd – Green Oak Carpentry Company Ltd, The – James Crane Ltd – McCurdy & Co Ltd – Rotafix (Northern) Limited


– Arnold Laver Timber World – Lonza Wood Protection


– Calders & Grandidge

Preservation/Treatment Services

Sawmills, British Timber



– Calders & Grandidge – Canvey Wharf Co Limited, The – Environmental Coatings – Gibbs & Dandy – Harlow Bros Limited – International Timber – James Callander & Son Ltd

– Boddy, John, Timber Limited – G & S Specialist Timber – James Callander & Son Ltd – Local Woodshop



– BSW Timber Ltd – Moreys – Pasquill – Roger Haydock & Co Limited – Timber & Plywood Services Ltd

Sawmills, Hardwood Sa7000

– Boddy, John, Timber Limited – Border Hardwood Ltd – Brooks Bros (Midlands) Ltd – G & S Specialist Timber – Orlestone Oak Ltd

Sawmills, Softwood Sa8000

– BSW Timber Ltd – S R Timber

Shopfitters Sh4000

– Adams Joinery Limited – Hills of Shoeburyness Ltd – Manners, T & Sons Ltd – Mivan Limited – Vascroft Contractors Ltd

Software So1000

– Cowan Consultancy Ltd – Greentram Software Pty Ltd – Kerridge Commercial Systems – MiTek Industries Limited – NBS – Osmose

Softwood, Enviromentally Certified So6000

– C F Anderson Timber Products Ltd – Champion, A W Limited – Fulham Timber Merchants Ltd – Hoppings Softwood Products Plc – James Latham plc – Local Woodshop – Sharvatt Woolwich Ltd – Stourhead (Western) Estate – Timber Direct

Stain Manufacturers & Suppliers St1000

Roofing Material Suppliers – Canvey Wharf Co Limited, The – Jackson Building Centres Ltd – Robert Price (Builders’ Merchants) Ltd – S R Timber – Silva Timber Products Limited

Pole Suppliers

Sawmills, General

– Environmental Coatings – Ronseal Limited

Stair Components St2000

– Beaumont Forest Products Limited – Cheshire Mouldings – Haldane (UK) Ltd – Lowe & Simpson Group Ltd – Timber Direct

Buyers’ guide

196 Staircases St3000

– Bolt Building Supplies Limited – Chase Joinery Solutions Ltd – Cheshire Mouldings – Haldane (UK) Ltd – Howard Joinery East Kent – JDM Joinery Ltd – Kier Moss Joinery – Lowe & Simpson Group Ltd – McBeth Joinery – MFM Joinery Ltd

Structural Components Manufacturers & Suppliers St8000

Structural Timber Composite Material Manufacturers & Suppliers St9000

– A J Laminated Beams Ltd – Cowley Timberwork – Flight Timber Products Ltd – James Jones & Sons Ltd – Rowan Timber Supplies (Scotland) Ltd – SH Structures Limited – Steico UK Ltd

Surveyors, Building Su1000

Street Furniture, Timber St5000

– Burdens Timber Ltd – Concrete & Timber Services Limited – Street Design Limited – Woodscape Ltd

Strength Graded Timber St6000

– Beaumont Forest Products Limited – Border Hardwood Ltd – Burdens Timber Ltd – Crown Timber Plc – G & S Specialist Timber – Harlow Bros Limited – Hoppings Softwood Products Plc – James Callander & Son Ltd – James Jones & Sons Ltd – Qualtrough, J & Co Limited – Sarum Hardwood Structures Limited – Travis Perkins plc – Vincent Timber Ltd

– Benfield ATT Group Ltd – Catnic Limited – Cowley Timberwork – Crendon Timber Engineering Ltd – Crocodile Timber Frames – Harlow Bros Limited – MiTek Industries Limited – O F P Timber Framed Homes Ltd – Oregon Timber Frame Ltd – Robert Price (Builders’ Merchants) Ltd – Simpson Strong-Tie – Space4 Limited – Timber Frame Management Ltd – Unitek – Wiehag Timber Construction – Wolf Systems Ltd

SIPS Manufacturers & Suppliers St8500

– Cowley Timberwork – Cygnum Ltd – Kingspan Timber Solutions Limited – Lowfield Timber Frames Ltd – Mathis Glulam Structures – O F P Timber Framed Homes Ltd – Space4 Limited

– Arrol & Snell Ltd – Arun District Council – Atkins – Atkinson Peck Ltd – Broughton Beatty Limited – BWB Consulting Ltd – Canham Consulting – Capita Symonds Ltd – Chick, J P & Partners – Coda Studios – Colin D. Brooking Dip. Arch. – David Attree – Eeko Design Ltd – Ellis and Moore Consulting Engineers – Fidler Associates Ltd – Frias-Robles Associates Ltd – Galbraith, C K D – Garner Southall Partnership – H & H Building Solutions – H M Chambers and Partners – Harper Steele Associates LLP – Haydn E Williams Cyf – Hutton & Rostron Environmental Investigations Ltd – J R L Consulting – John Kershaw Chartered Surveyors – John Pryke and Partners – Julian Owen Associates Architects – Kellow, R G Ltd – KMASS – L F Webb & Partner – M K A Architects Limited – Mason Clark Associates – McKay & Partners – MDR Associates – Morphy Lawrence Ltd – N P S South West Limited – Oakleaf Building Surveyors – Pembroke Design Ltd – Peter Lodge Consulting Engineer – Philip Hawkey Architectural Design – Pollard Architectural – Price Lilford Ltd – PWA Chartered Building Surveyors – Robert Stone Associates – Scott White and Hookins – Smiths Gore – Stride Treglown Ltd – Structural and Technical Systems Ltd – The Morton Partnership Limited – Thomasons – Trewin Design Partnership – W M Design & Architecture Ltd – Watkinson & Cosgrave – Wyatt Carruthers Jebb – Yeoman Ltd

Surveyors, Quantity Su2000

– Atkins – bptw – E & P Building Design – Kellow, R G Ltd – N P S South West Limited – Nortec Consulting Engineers Ltd – Pembroke Design Ltd – Staffordshire County Council; Design Consultancy

T imber Industry Yearbook 2 013

Buyers’ guide


Testing Services, Acoustic

Timber Components Agents/Importers

– Bickerdike Allen Partners – Chiltern Dynamics – Milner Associates

– Finewood Marketing (UK) Ltd – Scotframe Timber Engineering Limited – Woodscape Ltd

Testing Services, Fire

Timber Drying Services

– Chiltern International Fire – Fabric Flare Limited – Sealmaster Limited

– International Timber



Testing Services, Mechanical Te3000

– Chiltern Dynamics – Nationwide Property Solutions Ltd

Testing Services, Product Te3500

– BM TRADA Group Ltd – Chiltern Dynamics – Milner Associates – Sylva Group – TRADA Technology Ltd

Testing Services, Structural Te4000

– AED – Baynham Meikle Partnership – Built Engineers Ltd –, Structural & Civil Consultants – Michael Hadi Associates – Milner Associates – TRADA Technology Ltd – White Wood Management

Timber Agents/Importers, General Ti0200

– Benchmark Timber Ltd – Oregon Timber Frame Ltd – Silva Timber Products Limited – Timbersource Limited – Timbmet

Timber Agents/Importers, Hardwood Ti0500

– Border Hardwood Ltd – Burton, E O & Co Limited – DuPont Tyvek – Ghana Forestry Commission – James Latham plc – NHG Timber Limited – Oregon Timber Frame Ltd – Outdoor Deck Company, The – Pacific European Timber Agency Ltd – Timbersource Limited

Timber Agents/Importers, Softwood Ti0800

– DuPont Tyvek – Morgan Timber – NHG Timber Limited – Norman Limited – Outdoor Deck Company, The – S R Timber – Timber Direct – Timber Marketing Services T/A Wood Concepts – Timbersource Limited



Timber Frame Design Services Ti1200

– A R C Engineers Ltd – A T K Partnership Ltd – AED – Andrew Page Oak – Archibald Shaw LLP – Arrol & Snell Ltd – Barter Hill Partnership Limited – BdR Civil & Structural Engineering Limited – Bill Henderson Consulting Engineer Ltd – Broadoak Buildings – C E Consultancy – Canham Consulting – Carpenter Oak & Woodland – Cartledge Timber Frame – Civil & Structural Partnership Ltd – Clarke Matthews Ltd – Courtyard Designs Ltd – Croft Structural Engineers – Crucis Designs Limited – Deeside Timberframe Ltd – domus-AR – D-Tech Design Ltd – E A R Sheppard Consulting Civil & Structural Engineer Limited – Ellis and Moore Consulting Engineers – Evolve – Fuller Designs Ltd – Furness Partnership Ltd – G M Moore & Associates –, Structural & Civil Consultants – Greystone Technical Ltd – Hockley & Dawson – Jay Ashall Associates – Kingspan Timber Solutions Limited – Materian Limited – McColl Associates – Michael Hadi Associates – Momentum Consulting Engineers – Morphy Lawrence Ltd – Morrish & Partners – Mourneview Design – MTE (Leicester) Ltd – Neatwood Homes Ltd – Norder Design Associates – Nortec Consulting Engineers Ltd – ONCE Civil & Structural Ltd – Pavlovskis Lister Ltd – Peter Dann Limited – Pollard Architectural – R.J. Richards Design & Draw Ltd – Ramsay and Chalmers – Rob Hilton Architecture – Robbins Consulting Engineers Ltd – Robert Rowett Architectural Services – Robertson Timber Engineering Limited – Roger Casey Associates Limited – Rushmoor Engineering Services – S M S Timber Frame – Self-Build-Pro (Chartered Surveyors) – Seven Oaks Joinery – Silvatec Design Ltd – Solid Structures (UK) Limited – Stanley Fyffe Associates – Stirling Maynard – Straight Up Timber Frame Ltd – Structural Design Associates Ltd – Structural Design Solutions Ltd – Structural Timber Design Solutions LLP – StructureMode Ltd

– Swiss Timber Frame – Sylva Group – T F S Design Ltd – T W P Consulting Structural & Civil Engineers – TALL Engineers Ltd – The Mighty Oak Timber Frame Company – The Timber Frame Consultancy – Timber Frame Excel – Travers Bell Architects – Tymba Ltd – Vision Development – Wain Morehead Architects Limited – Wessex Structural Services Ltd – Wolf Systems Ltd

Timber Frame Site Erection Services Ti1500

– Alex Murray Construction Ltd – Andrew Page Oak – B & K Structures – Borneo Benar Sdn Bhd – Brendan Flynn Construction Ltd – Building Envelope Evolution Ltd – Carpenter Oak & Woodland – Cartledge Timber Frame – Chalk Hill Construction – Courtyard Designs Ltd – Cygnum Ltd – Deeside Timberframe Ltd – Fawcett Construction Ltd – Flight Timber Products Ltd – Harvey Hosie Partnership – Heron Lake Homes – Karlin Timber Frame (NE) Ltd – Keillor Property Developments Ltd – Kilbroney Timber Frame Ltd – Lincs Joinery Services Ltd – M P R Projects (UK) Ltd – Materian Limited – MTE (Leicester) Ltd – North Wales Timber Frames – P Thomas Associates Ltd – Pennine Timber Frame (UK) Ltd – Primary Timber Frame – R J Freeman Limited – Self-Build-Pro (Chartered Surveyors) – Soutra – Steve Coleman (Timber Erectors) Ltd – Stonewood Timber Frames Limited – Swiss Timber Frame – The Mighty Oak Timber Frame Company – The Timber Frame Consultancy – Timber Design Services – Timber Frame Excel – Turner Timber Frames Ltd – Tymba Ltd – Venturer Pte Ltd – Vision Development

Buyers’ guide


Timber Frame Manufacturers Ti2000

– Sydenhams Timber Engineering – T J Crump Oakwrights Ltd – The Stable Company – Thomas Armstrong (Timber) Limited – Timber Frame Excel – Timber Frame It (SE) Ltd – Timber Frame Management Ltd – Timber Kit Solutions Limited – Townsend Timber – Turner Timber Frames Ltd – Tymba Ltd – Unitek – Vision Development – Walker Brothers (Timber Frames) Ltd – Westframe – Westwind Oak Buildings Ltd

Timber Impregnation Plant Suppliers Ti7000

– Lonza Wood Protection – Osmose

Timber Merchants, General Ti7500

Timber Frame, Carpentry Framed Structures Ti2500

– Allwood Buildings Ltd – Andrew Davie Timber Frame Homes – Anson Timberworks Limited – B & K Structures – Benfield ATT Group Ltd – Border Craft Homes LLP – Building Envelope Evolution Ltd – C A P Direct LLP – Carpenter Oak & Woodland – Cartledge Timber Frame – Constructional Timber (Manufacturers) Ltd – Courtyard Designs Ltd – Cowley Timberwork – Crendon Timber Engineering Ltd – Crendon Timber Engineering Ltd - Bristol Branch – Crocodile Timber Frames – Cygnum Ltd – Datum Limited – Deeside Timberframe Ltd – Devon Timber Buildings Ltd – Elite Systems GB Ltd – English Heritage Buildings LLP – Fawcett Construction Ltd – Fleming Buildings Limited – Fleming Homes Limited – Flight Timber Products Ltd – Frame UK – G M L Construction Ltd – Gembuild – Guardian Homes – Harlow Bros Limited – Heritage Oak Frames – Heron Lake Homes – Insulated Timber Frames Ltd – Ipswich Timber Frame Ltd – Joseph Griggs & Co Limited – Karlin Timber Frame (NE) Ltd – Kingspan Timber Solutions Limited – Lowfield Timber Frames Ltd – Mathis Glulam Structures – Moreys – MTE (Leicester) Ltd – Neatwood Homes Ltd – Norscot Joinery Limited – North Wales Timber Frames – O F P Timber Framed Homes Ltd – Oregon Timber Frame Ltd – Pennine Timber Frame (UK) Ltd – Primary Timber Frame – Q T F Quality Timber Frame Limited – Robertson Timber Engineering Limited – Scotframe Timber Engineering Limited – Seven Oaks Joinery – Shropshire Timber Frames Limited – Space4 Limited – Stewart Milne Timber Systems – Stonewood Timber Frames Limited – STREIF – Svenskhomes – Swift Timber Homes Limited

– A J Laminated Beams Ltd – Allwood Buildings Ltd – Altham Oak and Carpentry – Border Oak Design & Construction – Broadoak Buildings – C A P Direct LLP – Carpenter Oak & Woodland – Crocodile Timber Frames – Green Oak Carpentry Company Ltd, The – Heron Lake Homes – James Crane Ltd – McCurdy & Co Ltd – Primary Timber Frame – Robertson Timber Engineering Limited – Roger Paling Joiners – Steve Coleman (Timber Erectors) Ltd – T J Crump Oakwrights Ltd – Timber Frame Excel – Turner Timber Frames Ltd – Westwind Oak Buildings Ltd

Timber Frame, Ancillary Components Ti2700

– Allwood Buildings Ltd – Crocodile Timber Frames – DuPont Tyvek – Flight Timber Products Ltd – Frame UK – Kingspan Timber Solutions Limited – MTE (Leicester) Ltd – Scotframe Timber Engineering Limited – Simpson Strong-Tie

Timber Growers Ti4000

– Coed Cymru – Forest Service, DARD – Stourhead (Western) Estate

– Alsford Timber – Arnold Laver Timber World – Beaumont Forest Products Limited – Bell & Sime Buildbase – Benchmark Timber Ltd – Bolt Building Supplies Limited – Bryceland Total Timber Solutions Ltd – Buildbase Ltd – Burdens Timber Ltd – Chadwicks (Mowbray Drive) Limited – Days Buildbase – Fleming Buildbase – Gibbs & Dandy – Harlow Bros Limited – Hay & Co Buildbase – Hendricks Lovell – International Timber – J P Corry Group Limited – Jackson Building Centres Ltd – Joseph Griggs & Co Limited – Mid-Sussex Timber Co Limited – Moreys – Nottage Joinery & Timber Merchants – Plywood & Timber Centres – Qualtrough, J & Co Limited – Robert Price (Builders’ Merchants) Ltd – Roger Haydock & Co Limited – Rowan Timber Supplies (Scotland) Ltd – Russwood Ltd

T imber Industry Yearbook 2 013

Buyers’ guide


Tool Suppliers & Servicing

Veneering Services

– Paslode – Wurth UK Ltd

– Kent Flush Doors & Joinery Ltd – Key Joinery Ltd – Taylor Made Joinery Interiors Limited


Trussed Rafter Manufacturers & Suppliers Tr4000


Warranty Bodies Wa1000

– BLP Insurance – NHBC

Window Agents/Importers/Distributors Wi1000

– Building Envelope Evolution Ltd – Datum Limited – Rembrand Timber Limited – Senior Architectural Systems Limited

– Sharvatt Woolwich Ltd – Silva Timber Products Limited – Timber & Plywood Services Ltd – Travis Perkins plc

Timber Merchants, Hardwood Specialist Ti7600

– A C Timber Solutions Ltd – Boddy, John, Timber Limited – Border Hardwood Ltd – Brooks Bros (London) Limited – Brooks Bros (Midlands) Ltd – Brooks Bros (UK) Limited – Champion, A W Limited – Coed Cymru – Days Buildbase – Exterior Decking – G & S Specialist Timber – iWood Timber ltd – Melingoed Ltd – Norman Limited – Nottage Joinery & Timber Merchants – Outdoor Deck Company, The – Thorogood Timber plc – Timbersource Limited

Timber Merchants, Softwood Specialist Ti7700

– American Softwoods – Beaumont Forest Products Limited – Benchmark Timber Ltd – Brooks Bros (London) Limited – Brooks Bros (UK) Limited – Days Buildbase – Hendricks Lovell – James Callander & Son Ltd – Local Woodshop – Nicks & Co (Timber) Ltd – Norman Limited – Outdoor Deck Company, The – Rembrand Timber Limited – Thorogood Timber plc – Timbersource Limited – Travis Perkins plc

Tools, Power To0500

– G & S Specialist Timber – Nottage Joinery & Timber Merchants – Paslode – Wurth

Window Manufacturers Wi2000 – Arnold Laver Timber World – Benfield ATT Group Ltd – Bolt Building Supplies Limited – Buildbase Ltd – Crendon Timber Engineering Ltd – Crendon Timber Engineering Ltd - Bristol Branch – Datum Limited – Dover Trussed Roof Co Limited – Flight Timber Products Ltd – Frame UK – Jackson Building Centres Ltd – Joseph Griggs & Co Limited – Melingoed Ltd – MiTek Industries Limited – Moreys – MTE (Leicester) Ltd – Nicks & Co (Timber) Ltd – North Wales Timber Frames – Pasquill – Scotts of Thrapston Limited – Seven Oaks Joinery – Sydenhams Timber Engineering – Thomas Armstrong (Timber) Limited – Timber Kit Solutions Limited – Trussed Rafter Association – Turner Timber Frames Ltd – Tymba Ltd – Wolf Systems Ltd

Trussed Rafter Manufacturing Equipment Tr5000

– Gang-Nail Systems Limited – MiTek Industries Limited – Wolf Systems Ltd

Vapour Permeable Membranes Va0500

– Beaumont Forest Products Limited – DuPont Tyvek

Varnish Manufacturers & Suppliers Va1000

– Ghana Forestry Commission – Ronseal Limited – Teknos (UK) Limited

Veener Agents/Importers/Distributors Ve1000

– Finewood Marketing (UK) Ltd

– Adams Joinery Limited – Dempsey Dyer Ltd – ERW Joinery Ltd – Hall and Tawse Joinery Ltd – Howard Joinery East Kent – JDM Joinery Ltd – Kier Moss Joinery – Manners, T & Sons Ltd – McBeth Joinery – MFM Joinery Ltd – NBJ (Midlands) Ltd – Norscot Joinery Limited – Original Box Sash Window Company, The – Premdor – Roger Haydock & Co Limited – Rowan Timber Supplies (Scotland) Ltd – Scotts of Thrapston Limited – Senior Architectural Systems Limited – Soundcraft – The Stable Company

Windows, Hardwood Wi3000

– Chase Joinery Solutions Ltd – Dempsey Dyer Ltd – J C K Joinery – Original Box Sash Window Company, The – Orlestone Oak Ltd – Premdor – Soundcraft

Windows, Softwood Wi4000

– Chase Joinery Solutions Ltd – Dempsey Dyer Ltd – Premdor – Senior Architectural Systems Limited

Woodturning Services Wo2000

– Haldane (UK) Ltd – Lowe & Simpson Group Ltd – Woodscape Ltd

Adv ertisers’ I nde x


List o f adv ertisers A W Champion


Glulam Solutions Ltd


QTD Co Ltd (Quality Timber Decking)


R A & C E Platt Ltd

Accoya Technologies



Adam Power Associates


Harlow Bros


Rotafix Ltd

Advanced Timbercraft Ltd


HECO-Schrauben GmbH & Co


Rubio Monocoat Belgium

HGA Group


Sauerland Spanplatte GmbH



American Softwoods


Aptus Fastener Systems Ltd


ARC Engineers Ltd Balcas Kildare Ltd BASF PLC Benfield ATT Group Ltd

80 14 72



Sealmaster Ltd


Internatinal Timber

136 74

Senior Architectural Systems Ltd


Shropshire Timber Frames Ltd



Sioo Wood Protection AB



Spotnails Ltd






ISO-Chemie ITW Construction Ltd - Paslode

Stairways Ltd


Border Merchant Systems


James Latham Plc


Stanley Bostitch UK


BPC Building Products Ltd


John Watson Joinery



Brooks Bros


KDB Insulation


Stora Enso Timber UK Ltd


James Callender & Son Ltd

40 132

Scot Frame


Inside Back Cover


Scotts of Thrapston Ltd

Howarth Windows and Doors

58, 185, 186, 187, 188, 199




Outside Back Cover

BEA Fastening Systems Ltd

118, 132, 194

Houghtons of York



B&K Structures

Hoppings Softwood Products


56 100



Kerridge Commercial Systems





Kilbroney Timber Frame Ltd


The Reclaimed Flooring Co Ltd

134 118

C4Ci Canducci UK Ltd - Color Estates Ltd Coillte Panel Products UK Constructional Timber (Manufacturers) Ltd

34 124 04 30, 196



Tilly Panels

Leadon Timber Frame Ltd


Timber Frame Manangement


Timber Loving Care


Malaysian Timber Council


Timber Trade Federation


Creffields Timber & Boards Ltd




MBM Speciality Forest Products

Danzer UK


McCurdy & Co

Dempsey Dyer Ltd


Meerdink (UK) Ltd


Dynalyse AB


Easi-Edge Ltd


Eco Building Systems


Ecological Building Systems UK Ltd Ecosse Doors Ltd Enfield Speciality Doors English Heritage Buildings


Lonza Wood Protection (Arch Timber)

Crocketts Gates

Distinction Doors



48 112 56 106 Inside Front Cover




Travis Perkins Plc


Tyvek - DuPont


UK Building Systems Ltd - Trelleborg


Vandecasteele Houtimport



Vastern Timber Co Ltd


Moelven UK Ltd


Venables Brothers Ltd


Morgan Timber




Mott Butcher Partnership


Vision Development

Muir Group PLC


Wardell (LongLengths)



Murray Timber Group


Wiehag Timber Construction


26, 27

Neatwood Homes Ltd


Wijma UK Ltd


198 83



NFP Europe Ltd - Albertani

Escocia Doors & Windows


NHG Timber Ltd

Excel Industries


Exterior Decking



Wolf Passive Homes (OM) Ltd



Woodbridge Timber




Woodfellas Carpentry & Joinery Ltd

OHRA Regalanlagen GmbH


WoodTrend Ltd


74 118,132,136

Fabric Flare


P&Q International PLC


Wurth UK Ltd


Frame UK


Progressive Solutions International - Epicor


YBS Insulation



Young Black IS Ltd



Youngs Doors Ltd


G-Frame Structures Ghana Forestry Commission

128 98

Promat UK Ltd Prowood Ltd

T imber Industry Yearbook 2 013

Se c tion Headin g


Section Headin g


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