Assisted Living.

There are a number of crucial considerations for safety and accessibility that should be considered when implementing assisted living features across your bathroom. Installing securely anchored grab bars near the toilet, shower and bath and ensuring they’re able to bear the appropriate weight you require, opting for non-slip flooring, edgeless showers, and fixtures with easy-to-access handles are all important considerations. Think about adjustable showerheads, accessible sinks, and even whether or not your existing lighting is adequate. If in doubt, always consult a licensed professional, who can assist you in adhering to current Australian Standards of Compliance.
When designing any bathroom intended for assisted living purposes, you can never have too much space! Wide doorways, not just at the entry point to the room, but also to the shower and toilet spaces, are crucial to accommodate mobility aids such as wheelchairs or walkers. And choosing materials and surfaces that are easy to clean in order to maintain a hygenic environment is another important factor for consideration.
Our extensive range of Assisted Living products offers support and stability for independent living. Products including grab rails, showers, taps and toilets are suitable for home bathrooms through to commercial applications. All of our Assisted Living products have been manufactured to meet the requirements of AS1428.1:2021 so whether it’s a home or commercial setting you can be assured you’re installing the highest quality products.
At raymor, we believe stylish, quality products shouldn’t cost the earth, and our Assisted Living range is no different. Many modern bathrooms have moved beyond the standard Chrome fixture, so we’ve designed our Assisted Living products to come in a stunning, soft and stylish Brushed Stainless Steel colour option to suit those more contemporary spaces. However, if you’re after the timeless and classic Chrome look, all our products are available in Polished Stainless Steel too!
Adjustable Polished Stainless Steel.
Product code 293026
Colour Polished Stainless Steel
WELS Rating 3.5 star 9.0L/min Reg. S18157
Function 3 function hand shower with push button operation
Configuration Inverted T, adjustable centre rail to LH, RH or centre
Inclusions Rail
Hand Shower with dual check valve
Slider with assistance arm
Wall elbow
Hose retainer
2m hose
Stainless steel fixing screws
Installation instructions
Also available Brushed
Stainless Steel 293025
Configuration Straight
Care Grab Rail Straight 300mm Polished Stainless Steel.
Care Grab Rail Straight 450mm Polished Stainless Steel.
Care Grab Rail Straight 600mm Polished Stainless Steel.
Care Grab Rail Straight 900mm Polished Stainless Steel.
Care Grab Rail Straight with Towel Rail 600mm Polished Stainless Steel.
Care Grab Rail 90 Degree 450 x 450mm Polished Stainless Steel.
Care Grab Rail 40 Degree LH 870 x 700mm Polished Stainless Steel
Care Grab Rail 40 Degree RH 870 x 700mm Polished Stainless Steel.
Care Shower Rail Inverted T Adjustable 1080 x 700mm Polished Stainless Steel.
Armada Care Basin Mixer Surgeon Lever Chrome. Projix Care Basin Mixer Extended Pin Lever Chrome.
Inclusions Basin Mixer 133359, Handle 133353, Hot
code 296544 Mixer: 133363 Handle: 181168
Inclusions Basin Mixer 133363, Handle 181168, Hot / Cold and Tepid Cold indicators, Installation instructions
available Black 296545
190392 Handle: 285868
Nickel 296546 Mixer: 203003 Handle: 285869
16 degree Angled Pin Lever suits 40mm Chrome. 36 degree Angled Pin Lever suits 35mm Chrome.
28 degree Angled Surgeon Lever suits
Before starting on your Assisted Living product journey, ask yourself whether or not you’re looking at a full bathroom renovation, or if you can get away with a less cost prohibitive retrofit of your existing bathroom space. Renovating an entire bathroom can be a substantial investment, involving expenses such as labour, materials, and permits. Retrofitting, on the other hand, involves incorporating specific products or modifications tailored to the individual’s needs, which can be a more budget-friendly option. This approach allows you to focus your resources on essential modifications, such as installing grab rails, adjustable showerheads, or a raised toilet seat, which directly address your accessibility requirements without overhauling the entire space. Moreover, retrofitting offers greater flexibility and speed in implementation compared to a full renovation. For a disabled or aging individual, especially those with mobility challenges, the need for accessible bathroom features may arise suddenly or become more pressing
over time. Retrofitting allows for swift adaptations to be made without the prolonged disruption that a comprehensive renovation might entail. Additionally, retrofitting can be customized to suit your immediate needs, providing targeted accessibility solutions that can enhance safety and independence in the bathroom without the complexity of redesigning the entire space. This approach enables you to maintain a level of comfort and functionality in your daily routine while addressing specific accessibility concerns efficiently and effectively.
However, this relies on you already having a bathroom layout with ample space to accommodate for mobility aids, shower seats and walls that have support beams in locations suitable to install grab rails. If your bathroom space is deemed unsuitable to have assisted living products safely installed in a way that deems them compliant with the requirements of AS1428.1:2021, a full bathroom renovation may be necessary.
Whilst all care has been taken to ensure that all details are correct at the time of print, we reserve the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies, or omissions. Tradelink excludes liability for any advice or information contained in this catalogue. Readers should rely on their own enquiries in making any decisions about any of the products in this catalogue.
Written measurements and line drawing measurements vary and should be verified. Variation in measurements exists due to manufacturing process, installation type and product differentiation.