Kiewit Lands KCT Project Worth $352M
Kiewit Infrastructure West Co. ... $352,498,080 New Kapalama Container Terminal Wharf and Dredging, Honolulu Harbor
Maui Kupuno Builders LLC dba Manu Builders LLC..................... 23,237,081
Nan Inc. .............................................. 75,527,000
Kamehameha Highway, Kamananui Road and Wilikina Drive Rehabilitation, Vicinity of Weed Circle to H-2
Nan Inc. ............................................... 30,867,340
Repair Building 503A, Fort Shafter
S&M Sakamoto Inc. .......................... 27,973,600
Women’s Community Correctional Center, Hookipa Makai Cottage Renovation
Hawaii State Veterans Home
Repair Building 502, Fort Shafter
Waipahu High School, New Classroom Building
Hensel Phelps Construction............. 22,455,000 S&M Sakamoto Inc. .............................4,059,000
1. Kiewit Infrastructure West Co. (1) ..................................... $352,498,080 2. Nan Inc. (3) .......................................................................... 114,736,624 3. S&M Sakamoto Inc. (2) ......................................................... 32,032,600 4. Maui Kupuno Builders LLC dba Manu Builders LLC (1) ....... 23,237,081 5. Hensel Phelps Construction (1) .............................................. 22,455,000 6. Healy Tibbitts Builders Inc. (1) .............................................. 16,729,460 7. Castaway Construction & Restoration LLC (1) ....................... 9,540,980 8. American Marine Corp. (1) ..................................................... 6,658,750 9. Prometheus Construction (2) .................................................... 4,376,405 10. Summit Construction Inc. (1) ................................................. 3,508,888
Information is summarized from the Contractors Awarded section of BIDService Weekly, compiled by Research Editor Alfonso R. Rivera. 8 | BUILDING INDUSTRY HAWAII | DECEMBER 2020
January.......................$1,072,379,035 February........................$175,816,281 March..............................$94,085,715 April...............................$197,160,199 May................................$180,918,628 June...............................$204,354,691 July................................$130,898,435 August.............................$82,776,738 September.......................$52,852,545 October..........................$598,136,369 TOTAL..........................$2,789,378,636
Sizing Up 2020
$32,032,600, with $27,973,600 of that amount for a new classroom building at Waipahu High School. October’s $598,136,369 awards total was the second-highest so far in 2020, trailing only January’s massive $1,072,379,035.
Nine government agencies handed out jobs to round out October’s impressive amount. In contrast, September delivered the year’s lowest so far, with only $52,852,545 in awards. Nan Inc. had landed three contracts in October worth $114,736,624. The two largest jobs for Nan involve military projects: $75,527,000 for work at the Hawaii State Veterans Home and $30,867,340 to repair Building 502 at Fort Shafter. S&M Sakamoto Inc. claimed two projects valued at a combined
The Department of Transportation awarded contracts valued at $403,216,588 in October, with the lion’s share of $352,498,080 going to Kiewit Infrastructure West Co. for wharf and dredging work at the new Kapalama Container Terminal in Honolulu Harbor. Adding in October’s total of $598,136,369 in contracts, the tally for 2020, with two months still to count, stands at $2,789,378,636. The 10-month total represents a 397 percent increase over the $560,736,375 awarded during the same timeframe in 2019.
Summit Construction Inc.....................3,508,888 Waimano Ridge, Hale C, Convert Former Dormitories into Office Space
Global Specialty Contractors Inc. ......1,331,637 Waimanalo Reservoir Miscellaneous Improvements
Paul’s Electrical Contracting LLC.......... 907,039 Reef Runway Taxiway Signage Improvements at Daniel K. Inouye International (DKI) Airport
Doonwood Engineering Inc. ................... 766,383 Operation and Maintenance of Wastewater Pump Stations, Equipment and Sump Pumps at DKI
MJ Construction Co. ............................... 742,000 Kaala Elementary School, Renovate 2 Relocated Trailers
Brian’s Contracting Inc. ..........................652,000 Farrington High School, Bldg. I and J, Railing Replacement
All Maintenance & Repair....................... 527,000 Kailua Intermediate School, Bldg. F, Stream Academy
MJ Construction Co. ............................... 410,000 Former Honolulu Airport Tower
Prometheus Construction...................... 194,000 Pali Highway, Shotcrete Lower Nuuanu
Contech Engineering Inc. .......................183,888 Demolition of Structures at Leahi Fire Control Station
A’s Mechanical & Builders Inc...............154,500 DOA King Street Facility, Human Resources Office, Replace Packaged Air Conditioning Unit