BMH Asks
BMH Asks: Management Companies Executives at four of Hawaii’s biggest management companies discuss how the coronavirus is affecting their employees and operations.
Neil Ross, Senior VP of Operations Associa Hawaii Neil Ross
How has the coronavirus changed your day-to-day operations? We are proud to say that so far the impact on our operations has been mainly behind the scenes with minimal impact to the services we provide our clients. For a long time, we have been setting up our systems to allow for flexibility and remote working. That has allowed the transition at this difficult time to be easier on our team.
What plans did you have in place for dealing with a major health event like this, and what changes have you instituted? Regardless of the type of emergency situation, be it a health emergency or hurricane, we have to remain flexible and ready to react as the situation and circumstances surrounding us develop. In the case of COVID-19, events change day by day, hour by hour, and
so adaptability is crucial. Our past experience with emergency management allowed us to be better prepared for this event, but each situation presents unique circumstances that we learn from and add to our future planning.
is here and ready to support our staff 24/7. We also provide wellness and mental health resources to our employees at all times, year-round, regardless of the situation.
Please describe technology you’re using to communicate with managers and owners.
Mike Hartley, President Hawaiiana Management
Associa Hawaii has a broad suite of software that we use for both internal and external communications. One of our best tools is TownSq, our fully integrated management software. TownSq allows us to communicate with boards, residents, tenants and even multiple associations at once. It also allows residents to communicate with one another and their board members, post concerns and questions, review their maintenance fee account and view documents.
Does your support of managers include emotional support for them as they deal with worried residents? Our dedicated human resources professionals and our leadership team
How has the coronavirus changed your day-to-day operations?
Mike Hartley
As an essential employer, we are open for business. We have had to adjust the way we do business, but we are still providing service and in some cases, more due to the unique challenges of responding to COVID-19 and keeping clients informed of resources that may be available to them.
What plans did you have in place for dealing with a major health event like this, and what
Bertrand Blay/