April 2017

Page 1

APRIL 2017

Vol. XVIII No. 3 P.O. Box 997 Conrad, MT 59425-0997

Phone 406-271-5533 Fax 406-271-5727 website: tradersdispatch.com

Farm bill conference set

By NDSU Extension Service North Dakota producers will have an opportunity to learn about farm policy and issues related to the anticipated 2018 U.S. farm bill during a daylong conference April 12 at the Ramada Plaza Suites in Fargo. Producers will be able to engage with industry leaders, experts and others while considering novel farm policy ideas for the upcoming farm bill and the bill’s impact on agriculture in North Dakota and globally, according to Saleem Shaik, director of North Dakota State University’s Center for Agricultural Policy and Trade Studies. Shaik is helping organize the conference in cooperation with the state’s two U.S. senators, John Hoeven and Heidi Heitkamp, and its U.S. representative, Kevin Cramer. The conference will run from 8:30 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Topics that will be covered are: • Current issues with the farm bill’s commodities and crop insurance programs and whether they need to be modified or new programs should be developed • Conservation - resource and environmental concerns • Trade - status and impact of existing free-trade agreements and the possibility of additional multilateral trade agreements • How past and present U.S. agricultural policies may influence future policies The registration fee is $75 if paid by April 1 and $100 after that. Visit https://www.ag.ndsu.edu/capts/events to learn more about the conference or register.


Apr. 1-18, M . usser Bros Auction, Equipment & Truck, Online............................A7 Apr. 1-25, M . usser Bros Auction, Amos Equipment, Online..............................A7 Apr. 1-14., Kinsey Auctioneers & Real Estate, Farm Equipment, Online..........A2 Apr. 1-19., Kinsey Auctioneers & Real Estate, Farm Equipment, Online..........A2 Apr. 1-19., Kinsey Auctioneers & Real Estate, Farm Equipment, Online..........A2 Apr. 1-20., Kinsey Auctioneers & Real Estate, Farm Equipment, Online..........A2 Apr. 21., Pifer’s Auctioneers, Construction & Ag Equipment, Bowman, ND.....A8 Apr. 22., Burow’s Auction Service Inc, Albrecht Retiring, Fort Shaw................A9 Apr. 22, Kamerman Auction Co., Carter Estate, Toston...................................A19 Apr. 27., Pifer’s Auctioneers, Eisenbarth Farm Equipment, New England, ND....   .........................................................................................................................A13 Apr. 29, Rivers West Auction, Grant Estate, Potomac......................................A14 May 7, Smith Sales Co., Spring Fever, Miles City............................................A23 May 12-13., Western Horse & Mule Days & Consignment Auction, Rexford...A27 May 13, H . i Line Auction, John & Patti Wilke Ranch, Dodson..........................A28 May 20, C . ollins Auction Service, Consignment, Choteau...............................A56 May 20, H . i Line Auction, Darrell Doney, Double D Ranch Estate, Malta........A29 May 20, Weaver Auctions, Consignment, Drummond.....................................A33 June 3, Barnes Auction Service, Farm & Ranch, Dillon..................................A22


Apr. 19, Milk River Angus, Chinook.....................................................................A4 Apr. 27, Mangen Angus Ranch, Belle Fourche SD.............................................A6 May 4, Nelson Ranch, Glasgow.........................................................................A20

Sessions highlight increased property value

By University of Wyoming Extension Tips and techniques small-acreage landowners can use to improve property values and protect natural resources are featured at a Cheyenne workshop in April. “Habitat Restoration on Small Acreage” is 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesday, April 25, on the Laramie County Community College campus, said Kristina Hufford, University of Wyoming (UW) Extension specialist in restoration ecology. Topics include soil management, value of native plants, adapting large-scale seeding practices for small acreages, CONTINUED ON PAGE A2

E-MAIL: trader@3rivers.net OR tradersdispatch@yahoo.com

Invasive mussels can do a lot of damage to boats, boats props (like the one above) and irrigation equipment just to name a few things. They are also destroying the food supply of our native fish. The inset picture shows the size of the species in Montana.

Montana Nutrition Conference and Livestock Forum

The Montana State University College of Agriculture’s Department of Animal and Range Sciences and the Montana Feed Association will co-host the annual Montana Nutrition Conference and Livestock Forum on April 11-12 at the GranTree Inn in Bozeman. The theme for this year’s conference is “Foundation and Future.” Speakers will cover a wide variety of topics, including the cattle market outlook, managing cattle for gut health, vaccination programs and immune function, in addition to cow-calf management for return on investment and nutritional and management practices that minimize morbidity and mortality. A panel comprised of Montana ranchers will discuss best practices for health and marketing on Tuesday afternoon. The afternoon program will also feature a presentation from Tim DelCurto, MSU Nancy Cameron Endowed Chair in Range Beef Cattle Production. Tuesday evening will feature a program by Michele Payn from Cause Matters Corp., “Translating Farm to Food.”

Advertiser Index Page B1 Recipe Patch Page A44

The cost to attend both days of the conference is $150. Registration is available online at https://www.montana.edu/nutrition/. For more information and a detailed conference schedule, visit http://animalrangeextension. montana.edu/beef/.


Bulls of the Big Sky, Billings.......................................A26 Clay Creek Angus, Greybull, WY...................................A5 Connelly Angus, Valier.................................................A14 Dallas Polled Herefords, Canyon Creek........................A3 Double Tree Red Angus, Sand Coulee........................A12 Duncan Ranch Co, Joplin............................................A15 Dutton Hereford Ranch, Gold Creek...........................A11 Elk Park Angus, Columbia Falls..................................A30 Feddes Herefords, Manhattan.....................................A11 Geib Red Angus, Dagmar..............................................A4 Gunderson Herefords, Rudyard..................................A19 Hawks Angus, Galata...................................................A16 J Bar E Ranch, Plentywood.........................................A11 K & C Herefords, Deer Lodge......................................A11 L Bar W, Loyning & Walen Cattle Co., Absarokee......A11 Little Bitterroot Ranch, Hot Springs.............................A6 LRK Cattle Co., Lolo.....................................................A10 Mars Red Angus, Kinsey .............................................A18 McMurry Cattle, Billings...............................................A11 Praise the Lord Gelbvieh, Reserve...............................A2 R & R Cattle, Roy..........................................................A13 Rafter Ranch Inc., Wise River......................................A11 Rimrock Cattle Co, Kevin...............................................A3 Sidwell Ranch, Columbus............................................A11 Storey Herefords, Bozeman.........................................A15 Wichman Herefords, Moore.........................................A11


Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page A2

The deadline for advertising in the May issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be April 26th. Phone (406) 271-5533 or email: trader@3rivers.net or tradersdispatch@yahoo.com

For Sale at Private Treaty

~ ~ Performance Tested ~ ~

Gelbvieh Bulls

Satisfaction & Calving Ease Guaranteed

EPDs & Catalog information available

•  Black & Red (mostly black) • Polled Yearlings and Two Year Olds

Raising quality Gelbvieh genetics for 30 years Praise The Lord Gelbvieh Dale & Cindy Andersen


Reserve, MT Cell: 765-7836 or 765-7834

Sessions highlight increased property value CONTINUED FROM FRONT PAGE

managing livestock to preserve land value, weed management, and conservation tools for private land and areas of concern, such as riparian and wetland sites. The workshop is a collaboration between UW Extension and the Wyoming Reclamation and Restoration Center in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. “The workshop will provide tools for regional landowners who want to enjoy the outdoors and protect natural resources on their properties,” said Hufford, an associate professor in the Department of Ecosystem Science and Management in the college. For more information, contact Hufford at 307-766-5587.

This Month in History

April 11 The U.S. Submarine Force was officially established. (1900) April 12 By an Act of Congress, Puerto Rico becomes a U.S, territory. (1900) • Mount Washington Observatory records the highest surface wind ever measured, anywhere on earth--- 231 miles per hour! (See Big Wind Day) • Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin becomes the first person in space. (1961). April 14 President Abraham Lincoln is shot by John Wilkes Booth at Ford’s Theater in Washington, D.C. He died the next day. (1865) April 15 The Titanic hits an iceberg in the Northern Atlantic ocean and sinks. (1912) April 18 Paul Revere makes his famous ride from Charlestown to Lexington, Ma., shouting “the Red Coats are coming” as the American Revolutionary War begins. (1775) • The Great San Fransisco earthquake hits, killing 700 people. (1906) April 19 The Revolutionary War begins. (1775) • After a 51 day siege in Waco, Texas, the Branch Dividian compound goes up in flames, killing the cult members (1993) • Timothy McVeigh bombs the Federal Building in Oklahoma City, killing 168 people,and injuring hundreds more. (1995) April 20 Two teenage boys go on a shooting rampage in Columbine High school in Littleton, Colorado. One teacher and 12 students are killed. (1999) April 25 Delegates from 45 countries meet in San Fransisco to organize the United Nations. (1945) April 27 Senior citizens take note, the first Social Security checks were distributed on this day in 1937. April 29 Gideon Sundback of Hoboken, N.J. patents the zipper. (1913) April 30 The Vietnam War ends with the fall of Saigon (later renamed Ho Chi Minh City) (1975) ##### The average cow drinks from 30-50 gallons of water each day – about a bathtub’s worth.


April 2017 — Vol. XVIII No. 3 Published monthly by Trader’s Dispatch Inc., PO Box 997, Conrad, MT 59425-0997. Free on request to farmers, ranchers, heavy equipment owners and truckers in the Western United States. Non-qualifying in-state annual subscription fee is $15. Out-of-state nonqualifying U.S. annual subscription $25. Periodicals Postage Paid at Conrad, MT and at additional mailing offices.

Deadline for May issue WEDNESDAY, April 26. Postmaster: Send address changes to Trader’s Dispatch, PO Box 997, Conrad, MT 59425-0997 Jean Aaberg, production Geri Aaberg, circulation Chrissy Kolste, content organizer Kathy Peterson, Chrissy Kolste and Suzy Benzing, ad layout. Office Phone 406-271-5533 FAX 406-271-5727 e-mail: trader@3rivers.net www.tradersdispatch.com Notice: Advertisers purchase space and circulation only. All property rights to any advertisements produced for the advertiser by Trader’s Dispatch, using artwork or typography furnished or arranged by Trader’s Dispatch shall be the property of Trader’s Dispatch. No such ad or any part thereof may be reproduced or assigned without the consent of Trader’s Dispatch.

Horse owners - Are you ready for spring?

By Helene McKernan, Retired PSU Extension Educator Every spring I go through a ritual to prepare my pastures, horses and equipment for the prospect of riding and enjoying my horses during warmer weather. The first job to tackle is checking the perimeter fence-line of the pastures. Every fall my horses are confined to a smaller paddock or what horsemen call, a sacrifice area, and are kept off of my three electrified fenced pastures. This keeps my pastures from being destroyed by horses chopping up the sod while trying to find that last tasty green morsel that might survive the non-growing season. Since my pastures are not being utilized to confine horses I un-hook the electric fence to avoid upkeep and maintenance of the pasture fencing. I have discovered that during hunting season the deer are constantly running through and breaking the fence wire and winter storms bring down trees and branches that cause the fence to not work properly. Therefore, in the spring, before I can re-hook up the electricity to the fencing I will need to walk the line and check the fence posts for stability, remove any branches or fallen trees and repair any breaks in the wire and then reconnect the electricity. About one week later I repeat the process for I have found that deer and other wildlife have to re-learn about sharing the pastures with my horses and often those critters need a week or so to figure it out that…the fence will sting if they try to go through it. My horses are not returned to grazing in my pastures until May 1. This enables the pasture grasses a chance to get a firm growth start and also a time for horses to acclimate to a diet of rich grass feed. All winter long in the sacrifice area the horses have been eating dried forage, hay and grain supplements. The horse’s digestive system needs to be slowly introduced to this prospective rich grass feed. During the month of April I limit the time the horses have eating grass until they can endure long periods of grazing time. I begin by allowing the horses limited grazing time of ten or fifteen minutes for a few days while I control them with a halter and lead. The controlled grazing is increased by five-minute increments for the next two weeks. By the second week of April, I can turn the horses out for free grazing for about one hour at a time. Each day I increase that time by increments of ten minutes. At the beginning of May, I will have the horses acclimated to being able to tolerate at least four or five hour periods of grazing time. Then during the months of summer they can enjoy being in the pastures without me worrying about creating digestive problems. Spring is also the time for me to have the annual veterinary visit for inoculations and examination. This includes the negative Coggins testing that is often required for participation in horse show and other horse events. I vaccinate my horses for Tetanus, Equine Encephalomyelitis (Eastern, Western & Venezuelan), Rhinopneumonitis, Influenza, West Nile and Rabies. There are other recommended inoculations available, such as Potomac Horse Fever and Strangles and every horse owner needs to consult with their veterinarian and decide what inoculations are best and needed for their horse. With warmer days during spring and summer it is more likely that a daily search of the horse will result in finding ticks attached and feeding on the host horse. Ticks are prevalent in Central Pennsylvania and with the past mild winter they will be more abundant. Ticks can be found year round, but often are more common in warmer weather. Checking and/or brushing the coat of the horse will assist in quicker shedding and will assist in finding other types of parasitic or skin conditions. Farrier visits should be year round every six to eight weeks. Often horses that are heavily ridden are shod. When they are not ridden as much in the winter, owners tend to remove the shoes and let the horses go barefoot. Often the growth and health of the horse’s hoofs are semi-neglected during the winter months and with the prospect of heavier riding shoes will need to be placed back on the horse. Schedule a visit from your farrier to enable him ample time to fit your horse’s needs into his schedule. Remember that everyone else will also want to retain the farrier for the same purpose! My final jobs include spring barn cleaning and check of equipment. Sweep out hay chaff that has collected during the winter; remove cobwebs, dead insects, dirt and dust. Check barn walls for repairs. Spring is a good time to clean and condition the saddle and bridles checking for weak leather, buckles and snaps and cleaning saddle pads, horse blankets and any other equipment that could use a good scrubbing. If you have questions concerning information included in this article or on other horse related issues contact your local Extension Office.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page A3

POLLED HEREFORD YEARLING BULLS Outstanding sons of Churchill Outcross 1171Y ET and TH 411X719T Victor 109Z. Bred for calving ease, early maturity, pigmentation and temperament. Fertility tested. Delivery available

Dallas Polled Herefords Canyon Creek, MT 59633

(406) 368-2244 evenings, (406) 443-5110 weekdays

Flaman Rental & Sales 1-877-528-8467, Lattin & Sons, Power, Montana 1-406-278-3432, Lattin & Sons, Conrad, Montana

We Rent or Sell ALL Equipment! Give us a call TODAY!

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page A4

Avian influenza in Tennessee is reminder to remain diligent

GEIB RED ANGUS 4th Annual Private Treaty

Registered Red Angus Bull Sale

By K-State Research and Extension years ago. The spread of the highly contaThe discovery of avian influenza in a Tengious virus was thought to be caused by nessee commercial chicken breeding flock waterfowl in a farm pond, Beyer said. The recently is a reminder for Kansas poultry incident shut down movement of birds and producers and others to remain diligent in Gentle Dispositions several bird shows, including the chicken spotting the disease. Please call, text or email for more information. displays at the Kansas State Fair. More than 73,500 chickens in a southern 406-480-1148 During that same time, avian influenza county of Tennessee were euthanized after geibredangus@nemont.net www.geibredangus.com infected many other U.S. flocks, with major the H7 strain of Highly Pathogenic Avian losses experienced in Iowa. Some reports Influenza (HPAI) was found. All flocks indicate that as many as 40 million chickens within a six-mile radius of the farm are bewere euthanized because of the outbreak. ing tested and will not be transported until “This disease is a game of risks; you want they test negative for the virus, said state FARM ITEMS FOR SALE to decrease your risks,” Beyer said. “This and federal officials. is actually a pretty easy virus to beat if you Scott Beyer, a poultry specialist for know it’s there and you find it early.” K-State Research and Extension, said the There has never been a reported case of incident “seems to be a random infection as avian influenza affecting consumer meat. a result of birds migrating” along the path Beyer said one of the reasons for that is known as the Mississippi Flyway. because the biosecurity system in the United Kansas flocks likely are not at high risk MacDon R80 swather, reStates is strong: “All birds sent to processof being affected by the Tennessee incident built cutter bar, gone Ford 6000 diesel tractor...... through...............$14,500 ing are screened, and if there is any doubt, because the state is in a different flyway, ..............................$4250 they are not processed,” he said. Beyer said. But as birds mix this summer To assure safety of food, consumers are and return north later this year, there is a always encouraged to cook poultry and chance of future infection. other meat products to the recommended In any case, Beyer said poultry producers internal temperature. The U.S. Department and all people should continually be aware of Agriculture suggests an internal temof certain precautions to keep themselves, perature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit for all chickens and other avian species safe. Hydraulic wheel line mover Long Harrell 5 bottom poultry products. “One of the things that we need to do switch plow............$3750 with motor..............$1200 The risk of human infection due to avian is stay away from migratory waterfowl, 1993 Dodge 4x4 pickup, Cummins diesel, rebuilt transmisflu is considered low, though the strain especially when they congregate in farm sion, flatbed........................................................... $5000 found in Tennessee, H7, is one of those that ponds,” Beyer said, noting that the virus Vermeer 605K baler. Has been gone through.......... $4500 can infect humans. can be found in feces, which can then be Ford front end loader for tractor.................................. $900 Poultry producers or others in Kansas transferred to the rest of a farm on people’s Swather/canola roller. Like new................................... $700 BIRO 22 meat saw, 110V............................................ $375 who suspect birds are sick should immedishoes or by a dog carrying the virus. ately contact a veterinarian. Avoid handling The only known incident of avian influPhone (406) 835-2761 a dead bird to avoid infection. Suspect anienza in Kansas occurred a little under three mals should not be moved from farm to farm. st Additional information “Your Source for Bulls on the Hi-Line” 21Annual may be found on the website for the Kansas Department 1:00 p.m. • Lunch at noon of Agriculture’s Division of Animal Health, https://agriculture.ks.gov/divisionsprograms/division-of-animal-health. K‑State Research and Bear Paw Livestock • Chinook, Montana Extension is a short name Bull Sale Bulls can be viewed at Hould Feedlot in Malta. for the Kansas State UniverPerformance TesTed • ferTiliTy TesTed • UlTrasoUnded • free delivery wiThin 300 miles sity Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Baldridge Titan A139 S A V Resource 1441 RC BRuno 4605 Extension Service, a program designed to generate and distribute useful knowledge for the well‑being of Kansans. Supported by county, state, federal and Reference Reference Reference Sire private funds, the program Sire Sire 17 Sons Sell 12 Sons Sell has county Extension of8 Sons Sell fices, experiment fields, Sinclair Emulation XXP CAR Chinook 786 area Extension offices and regional research centers statewide. Its headquarters is on the K‑State campus in Manhattan. Sons of: GMRA Trilogy, Messmer Jericho, Brown JYJ Redemption, GMRA Stetson, Andras Fusion, Beckton Epic U368 KM and other sires.

Wednesday April 19, 2017

Reference Sire

Reference Sire

7 Sons Sell

3 Sons Sell


Bulls Sell

View videos at www.billpelton.com, and bid sale day by phone & live online at www.lmaacutions.com

— Milk River Bull Sale Consignors —

Bar C Angus


Bar 9 Ranch Clayton Hofeldt 406-945-0850 bar9ranch@gmail.com

Four Butte Cattle Co. Bryan Pike 406-788-5952 bpike4@hotmail.com

C Bar Angus • Bruce Christofferson 406-658-2131 Ross Christofferson rc516@mtintouch.net • 658-2153

DH Registered Angus Dale Hofeldt 406-357-3785

North Fork Angus Kade, Shane & Morgan Friede 406-357-2410 sfriede@hotmail.com

Complete Sale Information and Sale Book, Contact: Clayton Hofeldt • 406-945-0850

NDSU’s equestrian teams take top regional honors

By NDSU Extension Service North Dakota State University’s (NDSU) Western and hunt seat equestrian teams finished the 2016-17 season as high-point Zone 7 Region 3 teams. They received their titles by earning the most team points in the region during the season. Also, Rebecca Prasch, a member of the hunt seat team, was named the Zone 7 Region 3 Cacchione Cup Rider. She accumulated the most individual points throughout the season in open over fences and open flat events. As a result of these top finishes, the Western team is sending riders to the State University of New York at Oswego to compete against other high-point teams from throughout the U.S. on March 25-26. The hunt seat team sent a team to compete at Black Dog Farms in Marion, Indiana, on April 9. Prasch will travel to national competition in Lexington, Kentucky, on May 4-7 to compete against other cup riders from each region. Three riders from each team qualified individually to compete in these shows by placing first or second at regional competition at the University of Minnesota in February. Those who qualified and the events in which they placed were: Western • Madison Long, freshman, Rochester, Minnesota. - open reining • Megan Haugen, senior, Larimore - novice horsemanship • Amelia Nichols, senior, Fargo - beginner horsemanship Hunt Seat • Prasch, senior, Lino Lakes, Minnesota - open over fences and open flat • Kayla Young, junior, Plymouth, Minnesota - open over fences and open flat • Nick Scarberry, senior, Fargo, novice over fences “This year’s team has been outstanding,â€? says equestrian team coach Tara Swanson. “The athletes have been dedicated to being successful and have put in a tremendous amount of time and hard work to earn these high-point team awards. Each member of the team brings something unique to the table and makes the team better. I am excited to see each of the qualified members thrive in postseason competition.â€?

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page A5

We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.


1980 Ford Dump Truck Model L9000 tandem axle Detroit, 6V-92, 350 hp, Hendrickson Walking Beam suspension, 13 speed transmission, good 12 cubic yard dump box, good suspension, good transmission. Has bad motor...................................................... Asking $4000 1973 Mack DM 6115 Conveyor/Mixer Truck VIN# DM61154689, Mack 6 cylinder engine, 260 hp, 251,896 miles, 9987 hours, Challenge 9 yard mixer, Theam 39A aluminum maxiswing conveyor with remote, new belt, 150 gallon water tank, excellent tires... Asking $4500 1970 Garwood Pup/DumpTrailer VIN# 288140, tandem axle, 10 yard box, good tires.......... ........................................................................................................................... Asking $3000 1986 Dodge Cab & Chassis 3/4 ton, automatic............................................... Asking $1500

Call Chris Hafer at S&N Concrete, Anaconda, MT 406-490-4418


Vermilion E John Wayne Z049

DF High Prime 1752

BW 4.2 WW +75 YW +124 Milk +20

BW +2.5 WW +54 YW +96 Milk +23

Brennan Ten Fold 311

Grandsons of Sitz Madison 10477

BW -1.3 WW +62 YW +111 Milk +23

BW +4.2 WW +61 YW +109 Milk +18

Grandsons of SAV Bismarck 5682

Sons & Grandsons of RR Rito 707

BW +.3 WW +58 YW +97 Milk +22

BW +2.1 WW +26 YW +41 Milk +3

NE Ag Leadership Council elects new officers

By University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News The Nebraska Agricultural Leadership Council elected new officers and board members during its annual meeting on March 10. Newly elected officers include Chairman of the Board, Leland Poppe of North Platte; Vice Chair, Jarid Childears of North Platte; Secretary, Stephanie Liska of Wayne; and Treasurer, Brad Lubben of Eagle. Newly elected board members include: Gerald Clausen of Lincoln and Jerry Catlett of Bruning. Re-elected for a second three-year term were Cindi Allen of Ogallala, Bryan Barrett of Gering, Galen Frenzen of Fullerton, and Royce Schaneman of Denton. Board members also include: Eric Brown of Lincoln, Kelly Brunkhorst of Lincoln, Jim Farrell of Omaha, Carol Hudkins of Malcolm, Lori Pankoke of Lincoln, Pat Rasmussen of Geneva, William Rhea III of Arlington, Ray Ward of Kearney, Ed Woeppel of Firth, Kerry Glandt of Grand Island who serves as the President of the Nebraska LEAD Alumni Association, and Jill Brown of Lincoln who serves as the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources Liaison Representative. The Council’s president is Terry Hejny, who also serves as the Director of the Nebraska LEAD Program. The Nebraska LEAD Program includes men and women, currently active in production agriculture and agribusiness and is a two-year leadership development program under the direction of the Nebraska Agricultural Leadership Council in cooperation with the University of Nebraska’s Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources. For more information, or to request an application for Nebraska LEAD 37 which will begin in September of 2017, contact the Nebraska LEAD Program, 104 ACB, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68583-0940, call 402472-6810 or email sgerdes2@unl.edu. Applications are due June 15, 2017.

If + <38=5* 033/.2, +35 032, )**4 '3).*) (&770* :.7- 2&785&0 186(0.2, &2) 7-* &'.0 you’re looking for long, deep bodied cattle with natural muscling & the ability.7< 73 487 *;75& :*.,-7 32 <385 (&09*6 :* &5* 23: 3?*5.2, &7 to put extra weight on our calves we are now offering at


20 :3 $*&5 0) 8006 > $*&50.2, 8006 > &09.2, &6* *.+*5 8006 > *40&(*1*27 *.+*56 Two-Year-Old Bulls • 180 Yearling Bulls • 60 Calving Ease Heifer Bulls • 120 Replacement Heifers

Clay Creek King 59Y BW +3.1 WW +33 YW +58 Milk +17

Sons & Grandsons of Conneally Dublin 8223 BW +3.0 WW + 49 YW +101 Milk +30

Sires represented include:

!*51.0.32 3-2 "&<2* % > 5*22&2 *2 30) > % .32**5 ! *2 # > 0&< 5**/ .2, $ > .,- 5.1* !*51.0.32 .,-7 26:*5 $ > % .61&5/ > !*51.0.32 8'0.2 $ -.681

> 4:&5) > 84*5.35

!*51.0.32 &).632 > % &52&2 > .73

Jim & & Lori Lori French Jim French 3334 Rd. 14 • Greybull, Wyoming 82426 • 307-762-3541

$ # ! # $ www.claycreek.net • bulls@claycreek.net

""" # for $ ! # Email bulls@claycreek.net EPD’s & Pricing Information

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page A6


BULLS FOR SALE Performance tested for 45 years.

Pictures and video can be seen online at www.littlebitterrootranch.com

For updated pricing call (406) 741-2523

Little Bitterroot Ranch


T-1 steel, 18-ft. double drop oak deck, 22.5 radial rubber on aluminum wheels. Ideal for hauling Cat Challenger 65, 75, 85, 95 with rubber track.

Phone: (406) 799-6923

N.D. 4-H’ers win at Little International

By NDSU Extension Service bers: Kaitlyn Petersen, Jayden McDonald, County 4-H teams from across North Morgyn Miller and Shiloh Schmid Dakota brought home honors from judging • High individual - Peterson contests during the 91st annual Little InterTen teams competed in this division. national at North Dakota State University Junior Livestock Judging (NDSU). • First, Golden Valley County - team Little International, better known as members: Kyle Sarsland, Chance Manhart, Little I, is held every year in February. The Abby Hecker, Kaden Volk, Tenna Flemtwo-day event includes judging contests the ing, Kade Manhart, Ray Steiner, Kinzetta NDSU Collegiate FFA and NDSU Saddle Steiner and Dillon Manhart and Sirloin clubs organize for 4-H and FFA • Second, Adams County - team memyouth. Little I also has a livestock show. bers: Tom Buckmier, Kaden Schauer, Tatum This year’s judging contests attracted Fitch, Tate Nash and Mace Stuber many participants from North Dakota and • Third, Ransom County - team members: Minnesota. Jamie Geyer, Lindsey Galbreath, Paige Here are the top 4-H teams and individuZimprich, Gabe Lyons, Haley McLeod and als in each division: Olivia Nitschke Senior Livestock Judging • High individual - Rose Wendel, Dickey • First, Stark-Billings County - team County members: Marissa Tuhy, Sam Poland, Nineteen teams competed in this event. Taylor Downing, Morgan Nelson and Kyle Senior Crops Judging Kostelecky • First, Grand Forks County - team mem• Second, Adams County - team members: Thomas Schneibel, Rachel Juve and bers: Rebecca Knutson, Tucker Ellingson, Emily McHugo Beth Lien, Mac Stuber, Mac Buckmier and • High individual - Schneibel Zack Rickertsen One team and six individuals competed • Third, Burleigh County - team memin this event. Junior 4-H Crops Judging • First, Walsh County - team members: Conner Hodek, Zack Zikmund, Justin Klose, Owen Zikmund, Andrew Myrdal and Hannah Myrdal • Second, Mountrail County - team members: Andrew Haakenson, Dyson Odermann, Alyssa Haakenson, Colter Sanderson and Dylan Locken • Third, Grand Forks County - team members: Jennifer Schneibel, Ryan Juve and Josh Juve • High individual - Hodek Five teams competed in this division. Senior Hippology • First, Morton County 1 - team members: Morgan Henke, Ashley Goldade and Brooke Heidrich • Second, Kidder County - team members: Cheyenne Klein, Morgan Dutton and Kaden Strom • Third, Clay County 2 - team members: Breanna Brown, Grace Lech and Kirstin Kuntz • High individual - Dutton Fourteen teams competed in this event. Junior Hippology • First, Ward County - team members: Anne Schauer, Natalie Helfrich and Piper Sorenson • Second, Sargent County - team members: Christina Mathias, Kris Fuhrman and Karlie Shockley • Third, Morton County team members: Peyton Goldade, Ashton Boehm, Brynn Vega and Ruby Johnson Twenty-six teams competed in this event. ##### A typical dairy cow weighs 1400 pounds and consumes about 50 pounds of dry matter each day.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page A7


Musser’s Auction Center • 4350 Neibauer Rd • Billings, MT



13 Aulick 4866543; 48’, 3 axle 13 Timpte Grain; 50’, tri-axle, 77k gvwr 14 Timpte Grain; 50’, tri-axle, 77k gvwr 15 Delta Flatbed; 25’, 14k gvwr 14 Titan Flatbed; 26’, 20k gvwr


98 Ford F250; 5.4L gas, 4x4, c/c, 214k miles (poor)


15 OREION Reeper UTV; 4X4, 35 mi 12 Kubota RTV900XT UTV; 4x4, 717 hrs Honda Rancher Quad; non-runner


Hay Fork, Hoelscher 150; 15 bales Hay Rake, NH 216 Twin Hay Rake, 3 whl Hay Rake, OTMA 2 whl Hay Wagon, Pequea; 16’x9’ Mower, JD HX15; 15’ Mower, NH 451 Sickle; 9’ Rotary Cutter, Rhino Turbo 96; 8’ Swather, NH 2550; 14’ auger, dsl, 1913 hrs Swather, NH 1441 DiscBine; 15.5’ Swather, CIH 414; 14’ swing tongue Swather Header, Hesston 645H; 14’

89 JD 4755; mfwd, ps, 4138 hrs, 194 hp 83 JD 4650; mfwd, ps, 8382 hrs, 165 hp 68 JD 3020 Dsl; ps, hr reads 993, 65 hp AC 7080; partial ps, 215 hp 81 AC 7020; cab, 6 spd ps, 146 hp CIH 5230; 4/4 shift, 9256 hrs, 100 hp AC XT 190; partial ps, 104 hp, loader TILLAGE EQT 75 MF 235 Utility; 46 hp Ballast Box, JD HARVESTING EQT Band Sprayer; 12R Bale Spear, Worksaver; 3 pt Box Scraper, Frontier; 72” (2) Bale Wagons, NH 1037 Corrugator, Shopb’lt; 14’ Baler, NH 575; 14x18 Cultivator, Triple K; 21’ Baler, JD 567; rd, net Cultivator Ditcher; 2 bar Baler, JD 566; rd, net Corn Cultivator, JD 825; 6R30 Baler, CIH RS561; rd, net/twine Corn Cultivator, JD RM; 6R30 Chopper, JD 3950; 2R30 Disk, JD BWA; 14’ Disk, Case; 14’ Chopper, JD 3950; 6’ forage Ditch Closer; 9’ Combine, JD 7720; 2946 hrs PICKUPS Combine, MF 850; 24’ d/c, trl’r, 10’ p/u Ditch Closer, King; 9’ 11 Ford F350XL; non-runner, crew Ditcher, ArtsWay VH7ER; 3 pt, 7’ Combine Header, JD 635D; 35’ cab, 4x4, 6.7 dsl, auto, “bad motor” HydraFloat, transport Ditcher, Kirchner Trail 7’ 00 Ford F250XLT; crewcab, 4x4, 7.3L Combine Header, CIH 1010; 30’ d/c Grain Drill, JD 8300; 11’x6.5” spg dsl, 6 spd, 220k miles 09 Tiger Champion 4500; 4 cyl, C4 Grain Auger, WF MK100-61; swing- Grain Drill, IH 510; 12’x7” spg away, 10”x61’ Harrow, Chain Drag; 15’ auto, 8’8 bed Grain Auger, Sak’k; 8”x39’ 07 Peterbilt 379 Semi; Cmns ISX 525 hp, 13 spd, sleeper, 200k mi in-frame o/h, air 1.1m miles 04 Peterbilt 379 Semi; Cmns ISX 600 hp, 18 spd, sleeper, wet kit, air, 914k miles (ecm) 00 Peterbilt 379 Semi; C15 Cat (6NZ) 475 hp, 13 spd, 3rd axle, air, 1m miles, 500k smoh 94 IH 9200 Semi; Cat 3176-400 hp, 10 spd, air, 140k miles 99 Ford F550 Service “SD”; 4x4, 7.3 dsl, auto, 10’ fltbd, Miller Bobcat 250 welder, 16hp gas air compr, fuel tank/ pump, oxy/act, dually, 71k miles 92 IH 4900 Cargo; 23’curtain sides, tommy lift, Cmns DT466, auto, 265k mi 87 Freightliner FL112; 22’ Midland Unibody box, L10 Cmns, 9 spd, 320k mi

Level, JD 940; 12’ Planter, Monosem NG; 12R22 Planter, JD 1250 Corn; 6R30 Plow, JD 935 Switch; 5 btm Plow, IH 140; 3 btm Roller Harrow, JD 950; 16’ Seeder, Brillion SS10 Grass; 10’ Terracing Blade, Big Rhino; 8’ Vibra Shank, IH; 13’ 3 PT Sgl Ripper


Gen’l Field; 28’, wand, 200 gal, 3 pt Fimco ATV; 10’, wand, 60 gal, 12v Gen’l ATV; slide-in, 60 gal, 40”, 12v


Steel Water Tank; 17x8x5 2500 Gal fuel tank 300 Gal fuel tank & stand (6) 100 Gal fuel tanks (1) 150 Gal fuel tank 110 Gal tank, 12v

Tires: (5) 255/70R22.5; (3) 275/70R18; (4) 275/80R22.5; (4) 275/70R18; (4) 285/75R24.5; (4) 11R24.5; (1) 255/80R22.5; (1) 11R24.5; (4) 285/75R16 (3) Feeder tires New culvert 24’x12” Blk poly culvert 20’6x14” Steel culvert 14’x17” (2) Power poles 25’ 50 gal Shell Rotella 15w-40 oil Wood gates; 14’, 3’ Steel gates; 15’,14’,10’,8’ 300 Gal fuel tank, stand (2) 500 Gal fuel tank, stand Fuel tank stand (300/500gal)


JD 158 Loader; 7’ bkt, grpl Degelman 12-46/47 Dozer Blade; 12’ Kubota Loader Bucket; 95” 1 Pr: JD 380/90R46” rims, 10 hole 4 JD 18.4-42 rims, 10 hole MISC 1 Pr: JD Duals/rims 16.9-38 TM Skidsteer Wood Splitter; 30” 1 Pr: JD Duals/wheels 16.9-38, 9 hole 3 PT Cement Mixer 1 Pr: CIH 18.4-42 rims, 10 hole Muncie Wet Line 1 Pr: CIH 42x23 rims/wgts, 10 hole OS P/U Flatbed; 9’ 1 Pr: JD 7X24 adj rims, 8 hole Alum Truck Saddle Tool Box 1 Pr: JD sgl rib tires/rims, 7.50-16 Troy-Bilt Generator, 6000 w 1 Pr: JD sgl rib tires/rims, 6.00-16 Troy-Bilt Pressure Washer; 3000 psi 1 Pr: JD front wheel rims, 30”x15” 1 Pr: JD Baler gathering wheels 1 Pr: Hub extensions 17”, 10 hole Weed Burner; 125 gal LP, wand, trailer 1 Pr: JD hub extensions, 10”, 10 hole

1 Pr: JD hub extensions, 8”, 9 hole 1 Pr: JD hubs, fit 4440 3 Pr: JD Hubs, 10 hole 3 1/2” (2) JD center cast hubs (36) JD suitcase weights - 100#e (16) JD suitcase weights (3 Sets) JD weights, 50 series (3) JD Cat III hitches (1) FH Snow bkt; (1) FH manure hd


(75) Pipe socks (6) 6” Alum siphon tubes (30) 3” Alum siphon tubes (290) 2” Alum siphon tubes (175) 1 1/2” Alum siphon tubes (75) 2” Plastic siphon tubes


ProAir II Air Compressor, 175 psi PC Air compressor, 175 psi CM Metal bandsaw Cummins Fuel/Lube Oil Blender Mid-States Space Heater Dayton Pallet Jack; 5500 lbs, 48” Shop Crane; 2 ton, 75” hgt, casters (2) Shopsmith machines & attach Table Saw Bolt bin


JD Manure Spreader, Mdl H Manure Spreader; steel 4 wheel Steel wheel sickle mower

INSPECTIONS: Wed, April 12, 10AM-4PM • Sat, April 15, 10AM-1PM • Mon, April 17, 10AM-4PM • Tues, April 18, 10AM-4PM OR stop by at your convenience to look at this fine line of equipment. .


406 Canal Road • Twin Bridges, MT


2014 JD 7215R Tractor; mfwd, GreenStar Ready, cab, buddy seat, ac, heat, stereo, IVT shift, 480/80R50 duals (90%), 480/70R34 frt, 3 pt quick hitch, 540/1000 pto, o/s controls, 20 pc s/c wgts, heated mirrors, 1836 hrs, 215 hp, pwr train warranty, 2nd owner 2005 CIH MXU 110 Tractor; mfwd, 16 spd pwr shift, cab, ac, heat, sunroof, buddy seat, 18.4R38, 3 pt, 2 hydr, 540 pto, 3231 hrs, 115 hp. Sells w/ LX156 loader, 8’6 bkt, 5 tine grapple, joystick, 2nd owner 1998 CIH 8940 Tractor; mfwd, cab, ac, heat, stereo, 18 spd pwr shift, 480/80R42 duals, 16.9-28 frt, 3 pt, 4 hydr, 1000 pto, o/s controls, 22 pc s/c wgts, 9801 hrs, 230 hp


2012 MacDon M155 Swather; 13’ R85 rotary disc, conditioner, dual directional, cab, ac, heat, stereo, buddy seat, Cmns 155 hp, 605 ehrs/485 hdr hrs, 18.4-26 Titan torc-trac, 1 owner ProAg HD4SR Bale Skoop; 6 bale capacity, 3x4/4x4, 21.5L-16.5SL flotation tires, AutoAlign, hydr 2005 Vermeer R23A Twin Rake Walinga Agri-Vac 614 Deluxe; 1000 pto, suction pipe, discharge cyclone Snowco Grain Auger; 5”x32’, 5 hp elec motor 1 ph Welco 18000 Bale Fork, 8 bale capacity, 6’x6’ HLA Bale Fork, TE550A0600, 56”x45” WorkSaver UBS 1530 Bale Spear; 3 pt/bkt mnt

CIH 595 Manure Spreader; 14’ box, hydr end gate, tandem walking beam alxes, hydr, pto


2014 UM 225 Rolling Harrow; 22’,12” rolling dbl baskets, diag’l rd tooth, extend 4”x4” hitch, stack fold, 1 owner Chain Drag Harrow; 18’, 5/8” diam chain, evener Pepin Spike Tooth Harrow; 21’, 4 section, evener JD H1120 Disk; 14’ tandem, hydr, “older style” Case Plow; 4 bottom, 3 pt Field Sprayer; 30’ booms, 200 gal, 3 pt, pto pump 2008 Ezee-On 1400 Post Driver; 12” block, 3 pt, hydr

2014 JD 995 Reversible Plow; 7 btm, 24” mldbrds, 3 pt, safety lights, frt/rear gauge wheels, 1 owner, apx 500 acres 2008 Northstar 734 V-Ripper Subsoiler; 7 shanks, 24” spg, 12’, 3 pt JD 970 Roller Harrow; 24’, hydt stak fold, 16” rollers, danish tines Wilpac Land Roller Aerator; 16’x36” water fill, hydr end transport TRUCKS & TRAILERS Renn 550 Chisel Plow; 28’, 12” spacing, chsl pts, dual springs, hydr fold 2004 Featherlite Alum Stock Trailer; MF 720 Disk; 18’ tandem, 19”frt/22”r 20’, tandem axle, 14k gvwr, swing/ discs, adjustable gangs slider gate, divider gate w/slider, rubber mat, LT235/85R16

1974 Ford F700 Truck; 20’ box, 40” sides + cattle racks, hoist, 36 1-V8, 5/2 shift, 10.00x20, 82,015 miles 1972 Ford F250 Pickup Custom; 360-V8, 4 speed, 8’ box, 2 wd, 146,622 miles Factory Built Pipe Trailer; s/a

300 Gal Fuel Tank; hand pump, containment box, “Anderson Steel” (2) Hog Farrowing Crates Assorted Woven & Barb Wire; used PBL Fuel Pump; 110 v w/meter (3) New JD Disk Blades, 18.5” (4) New JD Disk Blades, 22” UTV & IMPLEMENTS 2016 Kawasaki Pro-FX Mule UTV, LE; (4) New Plow Shears 4x4, partial cab, windshield, manual 200 Gal Poly Tank; valve, flat btm, dump, 3424 miles, 2 yrs on warranty “water only” WorkSaver ATV Seeder; 12 v Agri-Injection Pump; 52 gph Scharen ATV Sprayer; 12 v, 25 gal, hand wand For info on the equipm’t, call


Montana Livestock Brand; L Lazy J, RH cattle, RT horses (2) 1000 Gal Fuel Tanks; hand pumps, “Anderson Steel”

KIRK AMOS, owner

(406) 925-2285

INSPECTIONS: Sat, April 15, 10AM-1PM • Mon, April 24, 10AM-1PM OR call Kirk to look at this fine line of equipment.


Billings, MT (406) 652-2266

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page A8


2005 Kenworth W900B Cat C15 ACERT 475 hp, 13 speed, 3:36 rears, low pro 22.5 tires, 36” sleeper......... $28,500 obo Call (406) 899-3072

Mature Palmer amaranth plant. Photo courtesy of Ross Recker, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Bugwood.org

Watch out for Palmer amaranth

An invasive species is on the move and may be headed for Montana. Palmer amaranth, a giant pigweed, is known to have spread to at least 28 states, including Minnesota and South Dakota, but has not yet been reported in Montana. To prevent its spread into Montana, landowners are encouraged to check their fields to ensure the invasive weed is not present. Palmer amaranth is spreading through contaminated seed, hay and feed purchases, and custom combining or other mobile farm equipment. It is native to the desert Southwest and northern Mexico and has spread throughout the southern, eastern and midwestern parts of United States. It was recently found as a contaminant in conservation plantings in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota and Ohio but is listed as a noxious weed only in Delaware, Minnesota and Ohio. It was a known contaminant in Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) seed mixes but pollinator, wildlife habitat and cover crop plantings may also been contaminated. Producers with recent conservation plantings should check their fields to ensure this invasive weed is not present. Identification Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri S. Watson) is one of number CONTINUED ON PAGE A9

Watch out for Palmer amaranth CONTINUED FROM PAGE A8

of pigweeds that are problem weeds in crops throughout the United States. Pigweeds are warm-season annuals, grow quickly and aggressively, compete well with crops, reproduce by seed, are frost sensitive and have a high percentage of hard seed. It has caused severe yield losses up to 91 percent in corn and 79 percent in soybeans. Palmer amaranth can grow to a height of 1 to 8 feet and has one reddish central stem that is smooth, relatively hairless, with many lateral branches. In comparison, redroot pigweed seedlings have pubescent or hairy stems and leaves. Palmer amaranth leaves are alternate and grow symmetrically around the stem, giving it a poinsettia appearance when viewed from above. Leaves are hairless, lance to diamond-shaped, 2 to 8 inches long and one half to 2.5 inches wide, with a prominent whitish vein on the leaf underside. The leaf petiole (stalk) is longer than the leaf itself. Seed heads on female Palmer amaranth plants can reach 3 feet long and have stiff, sharp bracts, giving them a prickly feel. It is a prolific seed producer, producing 100,000 to 500,000 small brown-black seeds that remain viable for up to five years. Impacts Palmer amaranth is aggressive, growing 2 to 3 inches per day, and has the potential to become a major agronomic problem in western states. In the Midwest, it emerges from May through September, forcing producers to manage it throughout the year. It can hybridize with other pigweeds, and its reproductive habits allows it to readily adapt to new environments and develop resistance to herbicides. It is already resistant to glyphosate and other commonly used crop herbicides. Anyone who used seed that may have originated from the South or Midwest should inspect and monitor plantings and destroy Palmer amaranth before seed set. This is especially true if the planting will be grown to maturity for fall grazing, pollinator or wildlife habitat enhancement. Montana Considerations Federal Seed Act law requires that all agricultural and vegetable seed sold in the United States has a label that includes: name and address of the seed

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page A9


1988 Chevrolet 1-ton, 4x4 pickup with Marflex 60-ft. sprayer, hydraulic booms, Outback GPS and Raven controller.............................................................................. $8500 for both or will sell separate Will consider other offers - Call (406) 788-3234 or 788-7141, Fairfield, MT


19,200 Installed

20,500 Installed



30’x36’x10’ Horse Barn w/8’Lean-to

30’x48’x16’ Drive Thru RV Stoarge

10’ Split Slider w/Windows 1–3’ Entry Door 3–4’x7’ Dutch Doors

- Soffit Optional

2–12’x14’ Garage Doors 1–3’ Entry Door Soffit/Wainscot Optional




Albrecht Retiring


Saturday, April 22, 2017 - 9:00 AM Preview & registration starting 8:00 AM #137 Old Fort Shaw Rd. Fort Shaw, MT For color pictures go to

www.burowsauction.com FARM EQUIPMENT:

970 Case Agri-King diesel tractor w/front end loader & grapple bucket w/forks 3 pt, 540 pto, International 504 50hp gas tractor w/front end loader, 3 pt, 540 pto International 4000 gas swather 2013 Kaufman 20-ft. gooseneck trailer – 17,000 lb w/winch 4’ beaver tail w/ ramps Diamond D 20-ft. gooseneck stock trailer 12,000lb

Danuser post hole auger 8” & 12” Post driver Land plane Ditch filler 3 pt Front angle blade Meyer ditcher John Deere 21-ft. disc Round bale feeders (2) Fuel tanks CONSIGNMENT - Ford 7000 tractor w/cab International grain truck 58,000 miles, 18-ft. box Sale subject to reserve bid

ROLLING STOCK: 1971 Cadillac Eldorado Convertible – rebuilt, original paint 1916 T Bucket Rat Rod nice Sale subject to reserve


Pope and Young mountsmountain lion rug, Rocky Mountain sheep head & Rocky Mountain goat head Original oils by Bob Kercher, Dave Maloney, Judy Kogel & Tom Sander Brass bell from Anaconda Co Coal/wood heating stove Antique spurs Calvary saddle bags Trade axe or tomahawk Stetson hat made for Browning mercantile Old gun digests Indian sprayer


(4) Sets of 10 corral panels Sprayer for 4x4 w/12v pump Portable fuel tank Fence posts Culverts


2013 Polaris side by side w/ snowplow, 800 EFI 90hrs 2013 Honda Rancher w/ plow Go Cart Camping equipment including: (3) Wall tents, coolers, camp stoves & lights (3) Ice houses Fishing poles Jiffy ice auger Cross country skis Snow shoes Archery Equipment including re-curve oven & forms, bow & arrow supplies Hi Standard 22 cal 9 shot revolver Revelation 22 bolt action rifle model 110M Ithaca 12 ga pump shotgun (2) Savage 300 Model 99 lever action Reloading equipment


Log splitter Craftsman 10” radial arm saw, 10” table saw, 6” joiner, router & bits Wood lathe Cherry picker Victor oxy/acy torch Power hand tools Airless paint sprayer Makita chop saw Flexible expanding roller system Air compressor Scaffolding 3 plank Craftsman rear tine tiller 14”


Studebaker covered wagonPete Cummings (used in MT cattle drive) Fish Bros Mountain wagon restoration started 8-ft. Disc International Big 6 mower Dump rake Bob sled John Deere mower Farm wagon Several sets of harness & lots of parts Training cart Wagon seats & parts Packing gear Large amount of tack including: 15) saddles – Simco Nickel show saddle w/tapaderos - Brown performance saddle w/silver inlay - (2) George Lawrence - Gopher Brand -1950’s Kids Saddle- spurs, scabbards, etc.

******* PLUS MUCH MORE ******* FOR INFORMATION CALL OR CLICK (406) 727-0930


TERMS: Cash or bankable check with picture I.D. Everything must be paid for day of sale and removed within 30 days. Items left after 30 days will be disposed of. EVERYTHING SOLD AS IS, WHERE IS. Statements made on the day of sale take precedence over printed material. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page A10

Deadline for advertising in the May 2017 issue is WEDNESDAY, April 26th.


Low & Moderate Birth Weight • Excellent Dispositions

LRK Cattle Co. • Lolo, Montana • (406) 207-0405


Introduces Hiline Pepto - Ranch, Cutting, Cow Horse, Rodeo Sire

15.3 HH big boned, sturdy, athletic, easy to train cow horse sire. AQHA Hiline Pepto is an

own son of #1 NCHA and NRCHA Junior Sire “One Time Pepto” (siring earners of nearly $12 million in NCHA and NRCHA). He is out of a daughter of Gray’s Starlight - Progeny Earnings over $250,000. He currently measures 15.3 hands as a 6-year-old. His ranchy and durable confirmation includes a perfectly conformed size 1 front hoof, sturdy bone, saddle-holding withers, deep girth, and easy trainability. Stud Fee $1000. Pasture Breeding includes mare care. Negative Uterine Culture required for mares. Phone Wylie Gustafson, Cross Three Quarter Horses, 527 Furlough Road, Conrad, MT (509) 595-3971 Facebook: @CrossThreeQuarterHorses

Watch out for Palmer amaranth CONTINUED FROM PAGE A9

labeler, lot number, germination rate and date, origin, percent of each component, percent weed seed and percent noxious weeds. However, seed labels list only those species that are considered noxious in the state where the seed is shipped from or sold. Palmer amaranth is not on Montana’s noxious weed list, so it would not be listed on seed labels. Seed that contains species on the Montana noxious weed list or seed that contains more than 2 percent weed seed cannot legally be sold in Montana. The “Laboratory Report of Analysis” from a seed lab lists noxious weed seeds, other crops seeds and weed seeds by species and number of seeds per pound. It should be available from vendors and gives information on all contaminant species in a mix. Since Palmer amaranth seed is visually indistinguishable from other Amaranthus species, if any pigweed seed is found, it will be listed only as Amaranth sp. A new DNA test recognized by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture differentiates Palmer amaranth from other amaranth species but is currently only available on a limited basis. Options for Preventing Spread of Palmer Amaranth · Use seed from reliable and trusted sources; purchase certified seed if possible since it is field inspected for weeds and other contaminates. · Read seed label carefully prior to purchase; check percent pure seed, inert matter, other crop, weed seed, test date, germination, hard or dormant seed, pure live seed (PLS) and origin. · Ask for the “Laboratory Report of Analysis” for your mix, or all individual species in the mix. Check species and amount (number of seeds/pound) of other crop seeds, weed seeds and noxious weed seeds. · If dealer won’t provide label or “Lab Report of Analysis,” consider other vendors or obtain analysis for all individual species and mix seed yourself. · Sample the purchased seed prior to planting; send in a sample and request a “Noxious Weed Only Seed Analysis” that includes amaranth species. Consult with the seed lab for the appropriate test, since prices vary based on noxious weed species. · If Amaranth species are listed under weed seeds, consider using a different species or a different vendor. · If mixes have been or will be planted, walk fields to ensure Palmer amaranth or other noxious weeds are not present. Use seedling and mature plant keys to identify species. · Since Palmer amaranth is resistant to many common CONTINUED ON PAGE A11

Montana Hereford Directory Anchor Polled Herefords 406-467-2880, Vaughn, MT

Banjo Ranch

406-425-1233, Molt, MT www.banjoranch.com

Bar Star Cattle

406-399-7811, Loma, MT www.barstarcattle.com

Bryan Barker

406-450-4361, Shelby, MT

Barker Herefords

406-450-9716, Shelby, MT

Bayers Hereford Ranch

406-684-5465, Twin Bridges, MT

Beery’s Land & Livestock Co 406-979-5720, Vida, MT www.beeryherefords.com

Marty Bennett

406-267-3232, Butte, MT

Bowen Ranch

406-633-5479, Molt, MT

Cherry Springs Ranch 406-425-1411, Bridger, MT

Churchill Cattle Co

First West Insurance

406-580-6421, Manhattan, MT www.churchillcattle.com

406-922-6044, Bozeman, MT www.1stwestinsurance.com

Cooper Hereford Ranch

Frank Herefords

406-285-6985, Willow Creek, MT www.cooperherefords.com

Curlew Cattle Co

406-287-9947, Whitehall, MT

Dallas Polled Herefords

406-368-2244, Canyon Creek, MT

Duncan Ranch Co

406-292-3503, Joplin, MT

Dutton Hereford Ranch

406-288-3330, Gold Creek, MT

Ehlke Herefords

406-266-4121, Townsend, MT www.ehlkeherefords.com

Elings Polled Herefords 406-278-3406, Conrad, MT

Feddes Herefords

Dan 406-570-1602, Manhattan, MT www.feddes.com

307-631-6012, Columbus, MT

K & C Herefords

406-240-9301, Deer Lodge, MT

K.L. Slagsvold Herefords 406-584-7571, Lindsay, MT

L Bar W Cattle Co

Fort Keogh Livestock Research

406-425-2484, Absarokee, MT

Garrison Ranches Inc

406-425-2484, Absarokee, MT

406-874-8200, Miles City, MT 406-835-2501, Glen, MT

Griffin Polled Herefords

Loyning Farms M/D Herefords

406-821-0247, Darby, MT

406-891-0973, Baker, MT www.facebook.com/MD-Herefords

Harper Herefords

McKechnie Hereford Ranch

Holden Herefords

McMurry Cattle

406-323-1686, Roundup, MT

406-432-2296, Shelby, MT

Rafter Ranch Inc

406-832-3219, Wise River, MT

Emily Shilling

406-322-8541, Columbus, MT

Sidwell Ranch

406-322-4425, Columbus, MT www.sidwell-land.com

Sparks Herefords

406-778-2320, Plevna, MT

Storey Hereford Ranch

406-580-8255, Bozeman, MT www.facebook.com/ Storey-Hereford-Ranch

Thomas Herefords

406-544-1536, Gold Creek, MT www.thomasherefords.com

406-450-1029, Valier, MT www.holdenherefords.com

406-254-1247, Billings, MT www.mcmurrycattle.com

Hultin Polled Herefords

Merrimac Cattle Co

406-323-1297, Roundup, MT


406-252-5196, Billings, MT

406-459-1691, Helena, MT www.hultinpolledherefords.com

J Bar E Ranch

406-735-4493, Geyser, MT

406-765-7068, Plentywood, MT

406-348-2345, Huntley, MT

JZ Livestock

Otis Ranch

406-360-3427, Hamilton, MT

406-223-4518, Emigrant, MT

Vandeberg Ranch WestFeeds LLC

Wichman Herefords

406-350-3123, Moore, MT www.wichmanherefords.com

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page A11

Watch out for Palmer amaranth



herbicides, pulling the entire plant prior to seed set is effective. Place the plant in a plastic bag while in the field, and then ferment, burn, or dispose of properly. · Scout fields for several years and use appropriate weed control to ensure Palmer amaranth or other noxious weeds are not introduced into Montana. ##### Did you know... The world’s smallest mammal is the bumblebee bat of Thailand, weighing less than a penny?

2011 Apache 1020 self propelled sprayer, 1000 gallon, 120” fixed axle, 6 speed powershift, Cummins, 100-ft. booms with 5 section control, 3 way T-Jet nozzles, 380/90 R 46 & 380/80 R 38 tires, Raven Envisio Pro monitor, Auto Boom, Accu Boom, Smart Trax Auto Steer, Prescription Top Dress $ Ready, 1350 hours, farmer owned, shedded. OFFER?.... Reduced to

1-406-460-5502 Text or Call, Chester, Montana


Montana Hereford Directory DUTTON HEREFORD RANCH

2-year old virgin Horned Hereford bulls for sale


Dean & Renee Dutton (406) 288-3330 or (406) 240-8014 drm3330@blackfoot.net

Modest birth, massive meat Our production sale is any time you want. We sell Hereford bulls and females by private treaty. Find out more at feddes.com. Better yet, visit the ranch.

Feddes Herefords www.feddes.com 2009 Churchill Road Manhattan, MT 59741 tfeddes@msn.com Marvin Tim 406.570.4771 Dan 406.570.1602

Yearling Bulls & Heifers

For Sale Private Treaty Cory & Keesha Dutton Deer Lodge, MT 406-240-9301 dutton.cory@gmail.com

Your Northern Montana source for quality Hereford bulls

J Bar E Ranch Plentywood, MT

Arvid Eggen - 406-765-7068 Lorrie Eggen - 406-765-8219 Jay-De Eggen - 406-671-7149


Added Genetic Balance Trait And Carcass Value ONLY THE BEST SELL Private Treaty Bull Sales

Fred & Doreen HP 406 254 1247 McMurry Cell 406 697 4040 2027 Iris Lane mcmurrycattle@gmail.com Billings, MT 59102 mcmurrycattle.com

Mountain Raised Herefords Since 1930 Registered Bulls Heifers

Commercial Calves Yearlings

by private treaty

Don, Liz and Yvonne Jones 64542 Hwy 43 Wise River, MT 59762 Phone (406) 832-3219

Yearling Hereford Bulls for Sale Private Treaty Wintered until end of April, Flexible Payment, Multi-Bull Discount


Genetic 2U Britisher 1415 AGA 18Y Standard 46Z WH 137Y Standard 333A ET AGA 2Y MO LE Domino 119A AGA 60H BO LE Domino 29B XTD 6T RST TMP 9A ET XTC 5C Total Recall ET 66A

Justin Wichman (406) 350-3123 www.wichmanherefords.com

Classic Genetics Bulls for Sale Private Treaty

Sire: THR Thor 1331Y (Thor’s sire is trait leader in BWT, WWT, YWT and SC) Richard and Becky Sidwell Richard: (406) 861-4426 Becky: (406) 670-4227 sidwell@sidwell-land.com LCC 002Bingo329 (DLF, HYF, IES) Sire: PHH PCC 812 TrueGrit002 Calving ease bull with vigorous calves

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page A12


New report highlights pig fertility research

By University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News Foundation. “USDA’s AFRI program, the Eleven research universities, including agency’s premier source of competitively the University of Nebraska­–Lincoln (UNL), RED ANGUS BULLS FOR SALE ~ PRIVATE TREATY awarded grants, generates the science that are calling for stronger federal support of keeps our farms healthy. But farmers need a the food and agricultural sciences through RED ANGUS 7T 7T DOUBLE TREE Bob Dige flood of research breakthroughs, and AFRI’s a new report, Retaking the Field—Strength202 East Hunter Rd. ~ Sand Coulee, MT 59472 limited budget only allows for a trickle.” ening the Science of Farm and Food Produc(406) 736-5602 - (406) 899-2733 (cell) - rdige@3rivers.net Ciobanu’s research highlighted in the tion. The report explores projects funded 14 Yearlings and 7 two-year old virgin bulls. report focuses on pig fertility. Ciobanu and by the USDA National Institute of Food A.I. Sons of these Nationally recognized sires his team found that sows expressing age and Agriculture’s (NIFA) Agriculture and Andras New Direction R240 Brown JYJ Redemption Y1394 at puberty early in life produce more litFood Research Initiative (AFRI) at each ters during their lifetime. They assume the institution, including research from Daniel same genes influence both traits. However, Ciobanu, associate professor in the Departcollecting age at puberty is tedious and ment of Animal Science. time consuming and not embraced by the The new Retaking the Field report— the Reg.#1461805 industry. Ciobanu’s laboratory analyzed the second in a series from the Supporters of The most exciting and heavily used bull in the breed Paternal grandson of the Angus Mytty in Focus bull problem through the lens of molecular and Agricultural Research (SoAR) Foundation LSF SAGA 1040Y Silveiras Mission Nexus 1378 statistical genetics and developed a practi— shows how scientists are solving some cal solution. of the thorniest questions in food production “DNA marker technology is fascinating,” despite the USDA’s limited research budget. Ciobanu said. “You can predict at day one, Even as the research budget for all federal with certain probabilities, which sows will agencies has climbed, USDA’s share has Reg.#1410853 have high fertility potential.” nearly been cut in half. Very stout son of Becton Epic 397K Big-topped performance bull The researchers examined the genome “The drought in federal funding of food Top A.I. Sires • Fertility Tested • Guaranteed • Free Delivery within 200 miles of hundreds of sows using 60,000 DNA and agricultural research still exists,” said markers to determine which genes and Thomas Grumbly, president of the SoAR markers are responsible for the onset of puberty. They then evaluated how early puberty and reproductive longevity could be predicted using a combination of DNA markers associated with the largest effects. Other research teams profiled in Retaking the Field come from Cornell University, Iowa State University, Kansas State University, Michigan State University, North Carolina Agricultural 74 Feet from Applicaaon and Technical University, 6 Feet from Applicaaon Dicamba Injury Ohio State University, PennNo Injury sylvania State University, Texas A&M University, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University and the University of California, Davis. The SoAR Foundation leads a non-partisan coalition representing more than 6 million farming families, 100,000 scientists, hundreds of colleges and universities as well as consumers, veterinarians, and others. SoAR educates stakeholders about the importance of food and agricultural research to feed America and the world and advocates for full funding of USDA’s Agriculture Food and Research Initiative (AFRI). SoAR supports inAMS + NIS creased federal investments to encourage top scientists to create agricultural solutions that improve public health, strengthen national security, and enhance U.S. New Phenoxy Tolerant Crops have demonstrated the real problem of “Off Target Movement” of dicamba and 2,4-D economic competitiveness. when applied with glyphosate AMS, NIS or AMS replacement adjuvants. To counteract this issue, the big chemical For more information companies are developing lower volaale formulaaons. They are not ready to go here in Montana when more and on Retaking the Field, visit more Pulse Crops are being planted. Not to worry--AgraSyst has the soluaon. Full Load Complete is HERE NOW http://supportagresearch. and READY to GO. Full Load Complete Replaces AMS and NIS plus it contains superior Drii Reducaon Technology org/retakingthefield/.

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Lice in cattle a problem

N.D. producers honored for ag contributions

By NDSU Extension Service North Dakota producers Myron Blumhagen and Mike Gartner were honored at the North Dakota Crop Improvement and Seed Association’s 65th annual conference in Bismarck. Blumhagen, of Drake, received the Distinguished Service Award for making significant contributions to agriculture at the local, county, state and regional level. He grows spring wheat, peas, soybeans, canola, alfalfa, lentils, chickpeas and flax. He also is president of the McHenry County Township Officers Association; a member of the North Central Research Extension Center Board of Visitors, McHenry County Ag Improvement Association, Drake Rural Fire District and McHenry County Water Resource District; a Spring Grove Township supervisor; and a delegate to the North Dakota Farmers Union convention. When not busy on his own farm, Blumhagen enjoys helping other farmers, hunting, fishing and spending time with his wife, Mary, and their sons, Eric and Ryan. Gartner received the Premier Seed Grower Award for his significant contributions to the certified seed industry. Gartner, of Mandan, owns Gartner Seed Farm and is known for his oat expertise. He has produced certified seed for more than 25 years and grows wheat, barley, oats, peas and durum. He has provided seed for local and state exhibitions. He also has been active in many organizations, including the Morton County Farm Bureau, Morton County Crop Improvement Association, North Dakota Crop Improvement and Seed Association, Northern Great Plains Research Station Focus Group and Morton County Rural Fire Department. Nominations are being sought for the Distinguished Service and Premier Seed Grower awards for 2018. A nomination form is available online at https://www.ndcropimprovement.org, or contact Toni at 701-231-8067 to nominate someone for these awards.

Deadline for advertising in the May 2017 issue is WEDNESDAY, April 26th.

MANURE SPREADER FOR HIRE I will load, haul and spread your piles. Call for rates and availability Phone (406) 868-2295

The Knerr Brothers invite you to check out our offering of

23 Yearling Charolais Bulls

Bulls are raised in real conditions, with unreal expectations. Offering sons of: Fargo, Bronson, and Travel Agent Inquiries or interested call us today for a sale flyer. Riley Knerr (406) 464-5211 Ryan Knerr (406) 464-2004 Roy, MT



By NDSU Extension Service Many North Dakota ranchers are faced with a continual lice infestation in their herd this winter, even though they have treated their cattle. “Some have even treated more than once and are still seeing the effects of lice in their livestock,” says Ashley Ueckert, a North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension Service agent in Golden Valley County. Unfortunately, lice populations are much more difficult to control than they were 10 years ago, according to Gerald Stokka, NDSU Extension veterinarian. “We cannot be sure of the reason for reduced lice control, but the possibility of resistance to our control products is certainly on the minds of our veterinary practitioners,” he says. “The effectiveness of the pioneer avermectin (macrocyclic lactone) products such as Ivermectin and Dectomax have led them to be used extensively. “With the development of the ‘pour on’ products, along with the generic products, the use increased, and in some cases, these products were used multiple times per year,” he adds. “So whether we are dealing with resistance in lice or less efficacy at the appropriate dose, the result is the same - a lack of control.” Here a few options Stokka and Ueckert recommend for helping curb the lice outbreaks: • Leave the cattle alone. In many cases, the best solution may be to just leave the cattle untreated. Lice populations will begin to decrease in activity rapidly as the weather warms. • Work with your veterinarian to determine the type of lice you are treating. The likely culprits are the biting lice. Biting lice feed on the dander and scurf on the cattle’s skin and are controlled more effectively with a topical treatment. In contrast, sucking lice feed on blood and serum from the animal and are controlled more effectively with an injectable product that gets into the blood. • Use injectable and topical treatment to control of both types of lice. “When looking at topical treatments to treat biting lice, it maybe in your best interest to look for a name-brand product and to use one with a higher-volume dosage,” Stokka suggests. “Biting lice will be controlled more effectively by the parasiticide if they come in contact with it; thus, the higher-dosage products will give you more coverage on the animal and more area for the lice to come in contact with the product.”

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page A13


Full Inventory, Photos & ONLINE BIDDING at: www.pifers.com

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2013 McCormick XTX165

2014 CAT Challenger WR9760 Hay Machine

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Brent 876 Grain Cart


SEMIS, TRAILERS & GRAIN TRUCK • 1994 Freightliner FLD120 Semi • 1983 Freightliner Truck • 2005 Corn Husker Semi Trailer • 1996 Jet Semi Trailer • (2) 1994 Wilson Roadbrut Flatbed Semi Trailer • Van Spray Trailer, 48 ft., (3x)1600 Gallon Tanks, BatchBoy- 3 in. Pump with Honda Electric Start and Mixing Cone • 2009 ABU Gooseneck Trailer, (3x)12000# Axles, Hay Racks, Tool Box • 1999 ABU Car Trailer •1975 Chevrolet C60 Truck

HAY & HARVEST EQUIPMENT • 2014 CAT Challenger WR9760 Hay Machine • 2008 New Holland 1800 Discbine • CAT Challenger Baler - Fully Automatic • 2001 Sitrex Magnum MK-12 V-Rake • 9 Wheel Rake • Brent 876 Grain Cart • 2008 Lexion F540 Flex Header • Honeybee SP42 Draper Header • 1996 MacDon Header • 1996 IH 1010 Combine Header • 1996 IH 1010 Combine Header • 2001 CAT Corn Header • 2004 Riteway Land Roller • Pro Grain Bagger • Pro Grain Extractor • 2014 Wheathart 13 x 94 Grain Auger • Westfield TFX 10x30 Grain Auger • REM 2100 Grain Vac • 2007 Buhler 480 Grain Cleaner

• 1997 Case IH 9330 Tractor - 8910 hrs. • 1996 Case IH 9380 Tractor - 7941 hrs. • 2013 McCormick XTX165 Tractor - 1027 hrs. • 2006 New Holland TV145 Bi-Directional Tractor & Loader - 6199 hrs. • 1999 New Holland TV-140 Tractor - 7000 hrs. • 2010 John Deere 1890 Air Drill with 1910 Cart • 2007 Nitro N2XP Sprayer • 1997 Summers Sprayer • IH 781 Corn Chopper • Case IH Hay Adaptor for Corn Chopper • Richardton Dump Wagon • John Deere Auto Steer • OutBack GPS Guidance System • Krause Tandem Disc • IH 32 ft. Disc • IH 1100 Sickle Mower • Farm King Allied 8420 Snowblower • Snowblower

LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT, TOOLS & SUPPLIES • 2004 Haybuster 2650 Bale Processor • (2) 2011 H&S Hay Feeder, 24 ft. • John Deere 216 Feeder Wagon, Parts • 2002 Valkota 307 Mixer Wagon, Scale • 2003 New Holland 195 Manure Spreader • Water Tanks • Livestock Water Tank • Fiber Glass Rectangular Water Tank • Micro Matic Cattle Waterers • Cattle Guards • Creep Feeders • Assorted Shop Tools • Miscellaneous Farm Supplies

CAT Challenger Baler

Del & Jessica Eisenbarth & Lon Del Eisenbarth

2010 JD 1890 Air Drill with 1910 Cart

This sale is managed by Pifer’s Auction Company, Kevin Pifer, ND #715. All statements made the day of the auction take precedence over all printed materials. The seller reserves the right to reject or accept all bids.



Andy Mrnak or Jim Sabe 701.523.7366 • www.pifers.com

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page A14


Roads - site work, Reserviors Dozers - Scrapers - Excavators - Dump Trucks - Belly Dumps Gravel For Sale Call (406) 264-5056 or 231-5619, Sun River, MT

Connelly Angus Ranch Genetics For the Long Run

Quality yearling Angus bulls for sale Home to 45 Elite Pathfinder cows! All bulls have been Zoetis i50K tested

Don & Wendy Connelly 406-279-3569 or 899-3826

Estate of Harry Grant - Potomac, MT Auction Date: Saturday, April, 29, 2017 ~ 10AM Auction Preview: Thursday and Friday, April 27 – 28, 2017 Auction Location: 1051 Curry Court, Potomac, Montana Directions: From HWY 200 on mile marker 16.5 just east of Culley’s Potomac country store take Potomac Road south 1 mile, turn right on Swanson Lane go 2.7 miles, turn left on Camas Road go 2/10 of a mile, turn left on Curry Court and go ½ mile auction site will be on left. Auction signs will be posted.

Auctioneers Note: Harry Grant passed in December of 2016, he and Lois retired in the Potomac Valley in the early 2000’s. Harry was an avid outdoorsman with many retirement hobbies. This sale will include more than 30 guns, machinery, power equipment, wood working and mechanics tools, antiques and collectables, fishing gear, modern furniture, Lois is selling all of her salon equipment as well, and household items. Lois is moving to Washington to live closer to her daughters and grandchildren. There will be select neighbor consignments accepted for this auction.

Please Visit www.riverswestauction.com for full details and sale bill.

VRI center pivots at NARC: Pencil in water savings

By Sue Roesler, Reporter for The Prairie Star Reprinted by permission of The Prairie Star New technologies in irrigation are revolutionizing the way producers - with access to irrigation water - grow their crops, use water more efficiently, and save on inputs, labor and time. “Producers in this region want to know more about this new center pivot irrigation technology – called variable rate irrigation (VRI) - and see the effects of water savings,” said Darrin Boss, animal scientist and superintendent at Montana State University’s Northern Ag Research Center near Havre. The center had been using flood irrigation from Beaver Creek and the stored water from the lower lake for its research on forages, commodity crops and soils. There is significant irrigation and producers who use irrigation in the region - whether it is from the Fresno Reservoir, down to the Milk River, all the way down to the Missouri and Yellowstone corridors. NARC put out competitive bids in 2014 for an irrigation business to install two high-tech center pivots for irrigation research. Severinsen Irrigation, LLC, near Fairfield, was the winning bid. “All the irrigation businesses really wanted to invest in Montana agriculture by taking part in the bidding process, and we appreciated that,” Boss said. Brett Severinsen, a certified pivot electrician and a certified pump technician, designed and installed the two Zimmatic pivots. Severinsen was excited about being a major part of future irrigation research. “We were excited about the project and the research NARC would do with the variable rate irrigation pivots identifying crops that use water efficiently to help Montana producers,” Severinsen said. In 2015, NARC began its first crop year with the pivots, first growing all corn for silage in an effort to clean up the fields from previous research projects. “We wanted to equalize the fields the first year, removing the residues from a whole variety of crops or grasses that had been managed differently and grown on the fields in previous years,” Boss said. He added the center has grown corn silage for more than 50 years. In the region, there are commodity crops, such as wheat and pulses that are grown. But even that first year, NARC researchers found there was a 20 percent increase in corn silage yields under the pivots than there was under flood irrigation. In addition, Boss and other researchers found their water budget for growing the corn silage dropped. “We felt we used less water and did it more efficiently,” he said. “We put as much water down as the crop needed for optimal yields, but no more.” With flood irrigation, water is run down the furrows, and there can be water buildup until the water is shut off. The first year was the pivot learning curve year for NARC. “It was a learning year for us – learning all about the pivots. The analogy I would use is ‘we wanted to kick the tires on the car as we drove it the first 100,000 miles,’” Boss said. The center’s researchers “needed to learn the software, all the programs involved and how to use the variable rate irrigation (VRI) pivots.” That first crop year, producers were very interested in the VRI pivots. A large number of them came out to hear about the pivots and the water use efficiency trials at 2015 field days. “Presentations about our center pivots and variable rate water application was the second most attended presentation at our field days, so there was a lot of interest,” Boss said. Boss attended a school on center pivot technology put on by Zimmatic, and explained about VRI “With VRI, every nozzle can be turned 100 percent on to 100 percent off,” he said. VRI technology allows producers to apply exactly the right amount of water to specific areas of their field − giving them full control to maximize yields and profitability. Each nozzle drops water in a 40-feet circle, and that nozzle can be set to different spray settings. “We use a FieldNET software program (field maps) that Zimmatic uses for their pivots,” he said. NARC wanted the VRI pivots not just for commodity production research, but for other research, as well. “Our goals for future irrigation research include looking CONTINUED ON PAGE A15

VRI center pivots at NARC: CONTINUED FROM PAGE A14

at soil health as well as ‘can we do more with less,’” Boss said. With NARC’s new soil health scientist, Maryse Bourgault, they can study plant root morphology. Bourgault, who is originally from Canada, but who worked previously in dryland agriculture in Australia, is interested in how roots impact production, and how we can breed for droughtadapted varieties. “It makes sense to look at roots with the pulses being grown in Montana and North Dakota these days,” Boss said. Cropping system agronomists at NARC want to study nutrients and plant uptake of nutrients. “We can actually see if there are root structures or plant relationships, whether it be under spring or winter wheat or other crops – root morphology – that does a better job of scavenging and mining nutrients,” Boss said. NARC can study both irrigated and dryland plots in the same field with VRI. Since the pivots have VRI technology, one plot in the field can be shut off to irrigation, while another plot still receives irrigated water. For example, NARC can evaluate winter wheat variety performance on dryland in the Havre, Montana, region by using VRI technology. “We have the ability to simulate dryland if we need to by simply shutting off the pivots,” he said, adding in the Havre region, rainfall is typically only 8 inches during the growing season. “In the plot next to the dryland simulation, we turn the water on and give it a 10 percent boost,” Boss said. “Now we can see if 10 percent more water improves root structures or if less water (dryland) is better or the same as irrigation for root morphology.” Does adding an inch more of water via VRI help growers do more or does taking away water help growers more? In 2016, NARC started study double-cropping under VRI pivots because of the short growing season in Havre. “By being able to put water on in late July and August when it doesn’t traditionally rain here through VRI pivots, can we double crop and get two crops with one growing season,” he explained. They planted field peas early and harvested the peas in mid-June, and hayed the pea forage. Then they sprayed to rid the field of volunteers, and planted German millet behind the peas. “It is a warm season crop that tends to like heat,” Boss said. They were only able to germinate the second crop because they had the VRI pivots and could add rainfall. “We grew a full season of millet after those peas, and once we had a killing frost in September, we swathed the millet into windrows,” he said. It was not only a cropping study but a livestock/cropping integration study. NARC brought in their calves in in October and let the calves swath graze the millet forage. “We actually took two annual forage crops off for the price of one, which is pretty attractive here because we have trouble germinating a second crop in the year without irrigation,” Boss said. In addition, the double cropping used two different types of crops, a broadleaf and a cereal, which helps break up the disease and insect cycles. “We can grow a variety of rotational crops here,” he added. For more on NARC irrigation and dryland research, see agresearch.montana.edu/narc/.

I’m broke

A little old lady answered a knock on the door one day, only to be confronted by a well-dressed young man carrying a vacuum cleaner. ‘Good morning,’ said the young man. ‘If I could take a couple of minutes of your time, I would like to demonstrate the very latest in high-powered vacuum cleaners.’ ‘Go away!’ said the old lady. “I’m broke and haven’t got any money!” and she proceeded to close the door. Quick as a flash, the young man wedged his foot in the door and pushed it wide open. “Don’t be too hasty!” he said. “Not until you have at least seen my demonstration.” And with that, he emptied a bucket of horse manure onto her hallway carpet. “Now, if this vacuum cleaner does not remove all traces of this horse manure from your carpet, Madam, I will personally eat the remainder.” The old lady stepped back and said, “Well let me get you a fork, ‘cause they cut off my electricity this morning!

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page A15

Deadline for advertising in the May 2017 issue is WEDNESDAY, April 26th.

Yearling Polled & Horned Hereford Bulls Performance Tested Select Now - We Will Deliver in Spring

Storey Hereford Ranch Bozeman, MT Chuck 406-580-8255 shr@storeyherefordranch.com

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page A16


1998 Kenworth T800 4 axle, 3406 Cat, 13 speed with 2001 Trail King 3 axle side dump trailer...................................... Package Only $71,250 Phone (406) 761-6785

Hawks Angus

30 Bulls Available for Private Treaty Check Out Individual Information on HAWKSANGUS.COM Feel free to give us a call

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Maximizing profits with poultry litter

By Agricultural Research Service A Mississippi-based Agricultural Research Service (ARS) researcher has learned that using poultry litter as fertilizer can help cotton growers in the Southeast maximize profits. Poultry litter (chicken manure, spilled feed, excess feathers, and other poultry-house materials) contains nitrogen and phosphorus – both important crop nutrients. Applying poultry litter to the soil also recycles some of the tons of litter generated annually by poultry operations throughout the United States, says Haile Tewolde, an ARS agronomist at Mississippi State. While more farmers are using poultry litter as fertilizer these days, there is little information about the amounts cotton growers should use to maximize profits. Tewolde and his colleagues applied poultry litter to cotton at seven different rates on two farms by scattering the litter with a commercial fertilizer spreader. They measured cotton lint yields for three years at one farm and five years at another. For comparison, they also measured yields where they applied standard rates of synthetic fertilizer. They factored in the costs for the litter and the market price of the cotton to determine optimal rates for earning a profit. The researchers found that the most profitable rate is not the same as the rates that produced the highest yields because of cotton’s current low cost. Maximum yields were achieved at 9,000 to 12,000 pounds of litter applied per acre. Yet, profits were highest at only 7,000 pounds applied per acre. The results give growers specific recommendations to avoid applying more litter than needed, which could pollute waterways. The results also highlight poultry litter’s capabilities as a fertilizer. For more information contact Dennis O’Brien (https:// www.ars.usda.gov/oc/about/#Dennis), ARS Office of Communications. The Agricultural Research Service is the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s chief scientific in-house research agency. Daily, ARS focuses on solutions to agricultural problems affecting America. Each dollar invested in agricultural research results in $17 of economic impact.

2380 US Highway 89 Fairfield, MT Toll Free: 800-572-4769 Fax: (406)467-3377 Email: treasure@3rivers.net Web Site: www.treasurestateseed.com


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Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page A17

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Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page A18

Bans on poultry product imports bear watching


By Mary Lou Peter, K-State Research and Extension Bans imposed by some countries on The U.S. exports about 18 percent of poultry products bear watching by all U.S. its annual poultry production, according Overseas Flat Racks and Shipping Containers www.boxesandbridges.com livestock producers, according to Kansas to the USDA Economic Research Service. State University agricultural economist Mexico, Canada, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Phone (406) 899-4104 Glynn Tonsor. Japan were the top five importers of U.S. In response to news of the presence poultry and eggs in 2016. of highly pathogenic H7 avian influenza Neither the low pathogenic nor high (HPAI) on a Tennessee commercial poulpathogenic forms of the disease poses a risk try farm, South Korea on March 6 banned to the food supply, according to the Tennesimports of all uncooked U.S. poultry and see statement. egg products. Depending on how long or widespread Taiwan imposed a ban on imports of such bans on U.S. or specific states’ poulpoultry-related products from Tennessee try imports last, however, poultry supplies and also imposed a ban on poultry meat could back up and potentially weigh on from Wisconsin on news that a flock there prices for chicken, as well as pork and beef, was confirmed with low pathogenic H5 Tonsor said. avian flu. Japan and Hong Kong have also “When one industry loses access to a imposed restrictions. foreign market, a portion of that volume The Tennessee state veterinarian’s office may be redirected to other foreign customconfirmed March 9 that a separate flock of ers yet usually results in larger domestic chickens at a commercial poultry operation consumption,” he said. tested positive for low pathogenic avian The net effect can lead to a chain reacinfluenza (LPAI). tion: Without the ability to export chicken meat to international markets, U.S. suppliers may be forced to lower prices in 12 Months order to move product off Interest of grocery-store shelves. Works in all cabs, without color discrimination And when chicken is cheap, many shoppers will opt E Z-Steer E Z-Pilot AutoPilot to save money instead of buying pork or beef which, in turn, affects the price of livestock in those markets. Tonsor noted that it’s helpful when some international buyers of U.S. meat products – in this case poultry – adopt regionalization restrictions rather than naField-IQ restrictions. Compatible tionwide “When an importing country elects to restrict products from a region rather than the U.S. entirely, the corresponding trade disruptions and, hence, marketprice effects are diluted as the national industry retains some of their originally expected trade access,” he said. Tonsor added that this regionalization aspect is particularly important in the case of the poultry industry as production in some bird flyways may be affected while operations in other flyways may experience no animal-health events. A G - S E R V I C E S Big Screen K‑State Research and & Big Data Extension is a short name triangleag.com 406-622-3887 for the Kansas State UniverStorage sity Agricultural Experiment PO Box 1476 : 2705 Front Street Fort Benton, MT 59442 Station and Cooperative Extension Service, a program designed to generate and distribute useful knowledge for the well‑being of Kansans. Supported by Manage county, state, federal and Guidance Lines: private funds, the program Name Lines! Improve has county Extension ofMove Lines! Crop Record fices, experiment fields, Copy Lines! Keeping area Extension offices and Delete Lines! regional research centers statewide. Its headquarters is on the K‑State campus in Manhattan.

Trimble TMX-2050



Do not toss yard waste over the horse fence

By Ann M. Swinker, PennState Extension Horse Specialist The weather is warming up and it is the time of year when people prefer yard work to house or barn work. Horse owners may not be aware that various yard waste “trimmings” can be toxic to horses and other livestock. In urban areas, neighboring homeowners toss yard vegetative plants over the fence, not realizing these can be deadly when consumed by horses. It is always a good idea to establish a good acquaintance with your neighbors and educate them to the toxic affect yard waste may have on horses and other livestock. During this time of year, the greatest risk can come from those who need a place to discard their yew bush trimmings. As little as ½ lb. of yew trimmings can be fatal when consumed by a horse. Death can occur within 24 hours, though occasionally death may be precluded by respiratory difficulty, shaking or muscle weakness. Unfortunately, there is no known antidote for yew poisoning. Other ornamental plants common to our landscape are the Rhododendrons and Azaleas. All parts of these plants, but especially the foliage, contain poison, and two or three leaves may produce a severe toxic reaction. Rhododendrons are more likely to retain green leaves year round than most other plants, and most toxicoses occur in the early spring, when other green forage is unavailable. Prevention is critical to assure that your horse stays healthy. As summer arrives and new plants begin growing, other plants with the potential to harm horses are also leafing out. For more info on plant toxicity, see the following web sites: • University of Pennsylvania (http://research.vet.upenn. edu/Default.aspx?alias=research.vet.upenn.edu/poisonousplants) • Cornell University (http://poisonousplants.ansci.cornell. edu) • Colorado State University (https://csuvth.colostate.edu/ poisonous_plants) • British Horse Society (http://www.bhs.org.uk/welfareand-care/free-leaflets) • West Virginia University (http://www.agriculture. wv.gov/divisions/comm/Documents/Publications%20 PDF%20ONLY/PoisonousPlants.pdf) • ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (http://www. aspca.org/pet-care/animal-poison-control) • Ohio State University (http://www.library.illinois.edu/ vex/toxic/comlist.htm) • eXtension Horse Quest (https://campus.extension.org/ enrol/index.php?id=5)

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page A19

Gunderson Herefords ~ Performance Tested ~ Polled & Horned 2-year old Hereford bulls for sale at the ranch Dale & Lanea Gunderson – Rudyard, Montana Phone 406-355-4212

Carter Estate

Saturday, April 22 * 10:00 AM Toston, MT Watch for signs

* Case 580 Super D, TLB * 1968 & 1967 Chevy 2T & 3T Trucks *1979 Chevy 3/4 T Pick up * 1996 Chevy Suburban *Farmall IH Model M Tractor

KAMERMAN AUCTION CO. www.wkauction.net

WES @ (406) 580-2202 • whkamerman@gmail.com



Honey production 2016

United States honey production in 2016 from producers with five or more colonies totaled 162 million pounds, up 3 percent from 2015. There were 2.78 million colonies from which honey was harvested in 2016, up 4 percent from 2015. Yield of honey harvested per colony averaged 58.3 pounds, down 1 percent from the 58.9 pounds in 2015. Colonies which produced honey in more than one State were counted in each State where the honey was produced. Therefore, at the United States level yield per colony may be understated, but total production would not be impacted. Colonies were not included if honey was not harvested. Producer honey stocks were 41.3 million pounds on December 15, 2016, down 2 percent from a year earlier. Stocks held by producers exclude those held under the commodity loan program. United States honey production in 2016 from producers with less than five colonies totaled 766 thousand pounds, up 6 percent from 2015. There were 24 thousand colonies from which honey was harvested in 2016, up 4 percent from 2015. The average yield was 31.9 pounds per colony in 2016, up 2 percent from the previous year. This yield is 26.4 pounds less than what was harvested per colony on operations with five or more colonies. United States honey prices decreased during 2016 to 207.5 cents per pound, down slightly from 208.3 cents per pound in 2015. United States and State level prices reflect the portions of honey sold through cooperatives, private, and retail channels. Prices for each color class are derived by weighting the quantities sold for each marketing channel. Prices for the 2015 crop reflect honey sold in 2015 and 2016. Some 2015 honey was sold in 2016, which caused some revisions to the 2015 honey prices. Price data was not collected for operations with less than five colonies.

*18’ Tandem Axle Car Hauler Trailer *Yamaha 350 4x4 Big Bear * Crestline Fishing Boat Shop & Woodworking Tools Lawn, Garden & Fencing Supplies Household & Misc

2013 New Holland T7 185 with loader $109,900 2012 Massey Ferguson 7624 CVT, 180 PTO..$134,900 New Holland TC45DA with loader.................... $19,900 Agco RT135 with loader................................... $64,900 Case IH Puma 210 tractor with loader............. $84,900 Bobcat CT335 38 hp, loader............................ $18,900 International 1256 with loader............................ $9500 David Brown 1212 3 pt., 540 PTO...................... $5900 David Brown 1200A tractor................................ $6500

USED PROCESSORS 2015 Bale King 5100 processor. $19,500 Vermeer BPX8000 with final cut...................... $15,500 Haybuster 2650 .............................................. $10,900 Highline CFR650 processor....................... COMING IN Highline 6000 ............................................ COMING IN

Bobcat T190 skid steer with tracks. $24,900

John Deere 280 skid steer, open cab..............$19,900

USED MISCELLANEOUS Ford F350 4WD, automatic, flatbed. $19,900 Matthews MC flail mower....................................$7900 John Deere Z445 rider, 54” deck........................$3200 Bad Boy rider, 48” deck.......................................$1500 John Deere 148 loader with grapple...................$5500 Kelly 3-pt. backhoe..............................................$3100 Danuser F7 3-pt. post hole auger, 9” & 12” bits... $1400 Flatbed trailer.........................................................$850 2013 Buhler Y7420 72” snowblower....................$1950 Frontier WC1105 wood chipper..........................$1500

- COMING IN Westfield MKX 13x84 auger


4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls

“Partners in Production”


Ken – 788-4588; Ed – 231-4254; Dwight – 231-4251; Emery – 868-7964

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page A20

Red & Black Simmental & Sim/Angus

Bull Sale May 4 • Glasgow Stockyards

Lunch at noon • Sale starts at 1 p.m. 40 Head Solid Head Solid Red 50 Black Head• 40 Black

15 Head Solid Red Composite yeARlINg BullS Thick – Meaty – Moderate Framed – Easy Calving A. I. Sires Represented

Black Angus – Rampage, Resource,Visionary, Payweight 1682, Tour of Duty Red Angus – HXC Conquest, Redemption, Andras Fusion Black Simmental – Catalyst Red Stabilizer – Cadillac, Big Gene Black Stabilizer – Prophet, Trinity,Yosemite This herd has produced the top rate-of-gain steer 8 of the last 9 years at the NE Montana Fair.

“Breeding Simmentals since 1969”

Nelson Ranch

Don Nelson

(406) 367-5261 • cell 263-5261 188 Nelson Rd. • Glasgow, MT 59230

Floyd Nelson, Jr.

(406) 228-2024 • cell 263-5251 PO Box 254 • Glasgow, MT 59230

MDS CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY Quality Karcher Pressure Washers Thousands below list price SAVE BIG

Ranch example shows Forage Risk Analyzer Tool at work

By James Sedman, consultant to the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics in the University of Wyoming College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and John Hewlett, farm and ranch management specialist in the department The Forage Risk Analyzer (FRA) tool Selecting the Analysis tab, net returns are from RightRisk.org is a spreadsheet-based reported on a per-year, per-acre, per-animal, application that helps users accurately evaluper-pound of available total digestible nutrients (TDN), per animal unit month (AUM), ate forage leases. Calculated values can be and per animal unit (AU) basis. Results in allocated to a single entity to help determine Table 1 show a total per acre cost of $43.19 the value of a forage resource, or divided and a total cost per animal of $107.97. between two or more parties based on their Risk Analysis contributions to the lease. The Galls can now analyze the risk asIn a previous installment, we highlighted sociated with this lease – the stocking rate a lease involving case study Goshen County – as the costs could rise considerably if they ranchers Hal and Merna Gall*. The Galls are not able to utilize the stalks for the full have an opportunity to lease a neighboring three months. property of 500 acres of cornstalks for their Using the risk analysis section of the tool, mature cows to graze. we select the user or supplier (in this case The inputs for the FRA tool are grouped the Gall Ranch) and the risk factor from the into land, livestock, housing, and stored feed list to analyze – AUMs per year. The Galls sections. Users can also enter associated believe the worst-case scenario for using labor and machinery/equipment costs for the stalks would be 400 and the best would each of the categories. The Galls assume the be 700 AUMs. initial cost of the lease at $30/acre ($15,000 After making the entries and clicking total), along with expenses for installing and the Run button, the FRA tool generates a removing electric fence, maintaining and probability distribution showing, based on providing stock water, and other minor costs their assumptions, the Galls have a 60 perfor managing the cattle. cent chance of incurring a cost greater than Analysis $35.90/AUM, a maximum cost of $41.60/ We will focus solely on the expenses asAUM, and a minimum cost of $26.10/ sociated with the cornstalk grazing for purAUM. poses of analysis. In the livestock section, *The Gall family and their operation are we input 200 head of cows in the market a case study example created to demonstrate livestock section with no changes or sales. RightRisk tools and their application. No One important feature of the FRA tool is identification with actual persons (living or it allows for changes in numbers and value deceased), places, or agricultural operation per head for listed livestock to account for is intended nor should be inferred. changes in total value of the livestock. The For more information breeding livestock category also accounts The Forage Risk Analyzer tool is just for factors like depreciation. one of many useful means available at Under the allocation tab of the tool, we RightRisk.org. Producers can complete inallocate all of the expenses to the Galls, as depth budget analysis on numerous levels, they are using this analysis to determine an examine their risk exposure, and compare accurate total cost of the lease. The total land strategies or changes in their businesses expenses, including fencing and providing with short- and long-term evaluations. Visit water, total $18,880. Total livestock expensRightRisk.org for online courses, presentaes, including moving, care, veterinary, and tions, and other risk management resources. other miscellaneous expenses, are $2,713.

MDS SUPPLY is central Montana’s source for Fillrite fuel pumps. We Also Have Available: 4 Fuel/Water/Fire/Air Hose Suction and Discharge 4 Black Pipe Fittings 4 Aluminum Camlocks 4 Stainless T-Bolt Clamps/Band Clamps 4 Brass Ball Valves 4 Cimtek Fuel Filters 4 Inline Air Filters, Regulators, and Lubricators 4 Fire and Garden Hose Fittings/Adapters 4 Air Compressor Parts and Oil 4 Grease and oil pumps 820 9th Street North, Great Falls, MT

406-453-5451 or 800-332-1816

Auctioneers Day

Day celebrated: April 15, 2017 Some of the planet’s biggest personalities, loudest voices and quickest talkers are celebrated on Auctioneers Day. It’s a time to remember that auctioneering is one of the world’s most ancient professions, having begun more than 2,000 years ago. In fact, the very first auction was held about 500 B.C. in Babylon. The late 17th century saw the establishment of the world’s oldest, still-practising auction

house, Stockholms Auktionsverk. America’s first president, one George Washington, was a big fan of scoring himself a hot deal via the mallet. Since the 1950s, the humble auction has expanded to include a plethora of financial institutions and marketplaces. These days, of course, there’s eBay. To celebrate, many auctioneers spend the day working as volunteers, often in local communities. They’re seen running charity events, using their skills and time to fundraise. Some even hold auctions in which the auctioneers themselves are put up for sale.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page A21

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page A22

UPCOMING AUCTION 17th Annual Spring

FARM and RANCH EQUIPMENT AUCTION June 3, 2017 • 10:00 A.M. Beaverhead County Fairgrounds Dillon, MT

Currently consigned for this Auction:

Items from two Estates, trucks, enclosed snowmobile trailer, 4010 John Deere tractor, much more! Be sure to look in the May issue of the Traders’ Dispatch for a complete listing!

Auction being conducted by


406-660-2792 or 406-660-2374 www.barnesauctionservice.com

Call Now and Book your Seed Today!!! ✽ Spring Wheat ✽ SY Soren (balance of high yield & protein) WB-9879CLP • WB 9668 WB 9411

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Certified AC Metcalfe • Trophy Champion

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✽ Other Items Available Upon Request ✽ We Buy Malt Barley, Wheat, Feed Barley, Feed Wheat & Feed Oats

Post Office Box 130 Three Forks, MT 59752

406-285-3269 www.circlesseeds.com

WestBred®, Improving Nature’s Grains and the Wheat design are trademarks of Monsanto Technology, LLC

Winter wheat: Winter kill?

Written collaboratively by Sara Berg, SDSU Extension Agronomy Field Specialist and Ruth Beck, SDSU Extension Agronomy Field Specialist snow indicating that the wheat had suffered Winter Kill Causes very little desiccation from winter winds. Adverse winter weather can result in This could be a positive indication that damage and even death to winter wheat in much of the winter wheat made it through South Dakota. the winter in good condition. However, as In the fall, winter wheat goes through the wheat loses its winter hardiness this a hardening process, which allows it to spring, it can still be at risk if temperatures withstand low temperatures during the fluctuate and become cold for an extended winter. Periods of extreme cold or rapid period, especially in fields without upright fluctuations in temperatures can still result residue to mitigate the fluctuations. in damage to the winter wheat. Winter There may also be areas in fields, such wheat plants are killed outright when their as low areas or south facing slopes that crowns die. are showing some winterkill. Some areas Snow cover on fields can insulate the in central South Dakota received rainfall wheat and mitigate cold and fluctuating in December. It may be too early to astemperatures. Lack of snow cover on fields increases the incidence of winterkill. Ice sess damage, if any, that resulted from the from rain could also result in problems, as “winter” rain. oxygen supply to dormant plants may be cut The “Bag Test” can help producers off due to water puddling and ice formation. evaluate winter wheat condition. Additionally, in fields with low residue, 1. Choose plants from different parts of multiple freeze/thaw cycles can cause soil the field. to heave, which can physically push plants 2. Brush away dry, loose soil from the up and out of the ground. row revealing green plant tissue. Fields planted late in the fall can be more 3. Dig out 4-6 plants with care using a vulnerable to winterkill, as plants do not spade, including up to three inches of soil have time to develop and harden off sufficontaining plant crown and roots. Green tissue and white crowns are signs of healthy ciently before winter. The degree of winter plants. hardening changes with time, fluctuating 4. Thaw at room temperature and wash temperatures, day length and other factors. off plants with cold water to remove soil. Prevention 5. Cut leaves about 1.5” above crown The key to protecting winter wheat is and roots just below crown. to keep the crown from dying. Sometimes 6. Rinse crowns with cool tap water. cold weather will kill leaves, but if the 7. Place crowns in plastic bag, inflate, crown survives, plants will recover. secure shut, and place in lit room, but not • Look at winter hardiness ratings and direct sunlight. yield data when purchasing seed. SDSU 8. After 5-7 days, crowns should show Extension’s Winter Wheat Variety Trial ½” or more of new growth. Results (http://igrow.org/agronomy/wheat/ 9. Plants not growing after 6 days are winter-wheat-variety-trial-results/) are an assumed dead. excellent local resource. This test can be helpful in providing • The recommended planting window for insight into the survival of your wheat winter wheat in South Dakota is September sample. However, it is only a snapshot of 10 to October 10. It is important that winter what happened within a small sample size wheat is planted early enough to allow for at the time of sampling. To truly understand good crown development and growth of 2-3 how your field faired over the winter, you tillers prior to a hard freeze. must wait until widespread dormancy • Plant into protective cover (such as covbreaks; this happens at soil temperatures of er crops or upright stubble). Snow trapped 39° F or above. If this has already occurred by stubble insulates wheat seedlings against in your fields, it may be most beneficial to cold temperatures and improves winter wait until the risk of a sustained hard freeze survival. Residue cover can also mitigate has passed and reassess your options. spring temperature fluctuations that may More Information result in winterkill. Keeping an eye on your crop from plant2016-17 Winter Wheat Conditions The fall of 2016 was conducive to timely ing to harvest is crucial for success. For planting and good fall growth of winter more information see the iGrow Wheat: wheat. Snow cover across South Dakota Best Management Practices for Wheat Produring the winter protected much of the duction (http://igrow.org/catalog/books/) or winter wheat crop. Warm temperatures in contact Ruth Beck (https://igrow.org/about/ late February resulted in loss of the snow authors/ruth-beck/) or Sara Berg (https:// cover. Green wheat appeared from under the igrow.org/about/authors/sara-berg/).

International Moment of Laughter Day

Date When Celebrated : Always April 14th International Moment of Laughter Day is a special day that will put a big smile on your face. The objective of this day is to get people to laugh, and to laugh more often. After all, “laughter is the best medicine”. Moment of Laughter Day is also known as National Moment of Laughter Day, and plain old Moment of Laughter Day. We don’t care whether you celebrate today as a local, national, or international day. What’s important is that you bring about laughter (and happiness) to those you come in contact with today. To celebrate this special day, simply tell

jokes or do funny things that cause people to laugh. A smile is not a good enough reaction. Successful participation in this day results in whole-hearted laughter. Origin of “Moment of Laughter Day”: Humorologist Izzy Gesell created Moment of Laughter Day to encourage people to laugh. It sure would be nice to meet the creator of this day in person, so we could share a laugh together. We found varying dates for this celebration, all in the month of April. But among them, April 14th is the day designated by the creator as International Moment of Laughter Day.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page A23

17th Spring Fever Auction Timed Online Machinery Auction Sunday May 07, 2017 Expecting Over 300 Items, Lots start closing at 1pm MST All items in Miles City, Montana Preview Dates Online Directions: From I-94 Take Exit 141 then go downhill one mile & look left. 406-234-7355 www.SmithSalesCo.com

This is a partial listing 37 days out from the sale date, this list will grow. Complete Descriptions Online at www.SmithSalesCo.net

In Person Preview Week: May 1-6th 9am - 5 pm www.SmithSalesCo.net

Mobile Housing

8 x 40 ft. Conex 2 bedroom mobile housing, Insulated, w/ heat, air conditioning, kitchen area & bathroom, shower, Vinyl siding

4 Tractors: Case 1070 w/ loader & 3 point, runs good; AC 200 w/ 3 point, runs good; 1956 JD 620 wide front, was running when parked; JD 4010 diesel w/ loader & grapple Pickups 2002 Dodge Ext cab 3/4 4x4 w/ cummins 2002 GMC ext. cab 1/2 ton 1998 Chevrolet 3500 crew cab, 4x4, 454 1986 Chevrolet M1008 Military truck 6.2 diesel. Th400, 208, 4.56 w/ lockers, clean body. 55k 1982 Jeep Truck J20 3/4 4x4 truck, 360 4 speed, runs, Rust free body Expecting 10+ more vehicles to be added. Service Trucks 2005 Ford F450 SD w/ 35’ Bucket & service bed, power stroke diesel, clean truck 1995 Chevrolet P30 Box Van; 1996 Ford F-450 w/ 10 ft. service bed, bad trans. 460 engine Gravel, Tank, Flatbed Trailers 2001 Wilson CF-900A 48 ft. Aluminum Spread Axle trailer, vin. 4WWBGB6B41N605456 1994 Wilson CF-900 48 ft. Aluminum Spread Axle trailer; 96"' wide; winches; 11R22.5 tires; Protech Aluminum gear boxes; pilot wheels; clean trailer, good floor; vin. 1W1BHA6B6RE307 1986 Beall Aluminum Tank Trailer Pup; 24 ft. 40,000 GVW; 2 axle; 3 compartment; 2140, 1040, 2140 gallon compartments; Spring ride; 11R22.5 rubber, last used to haul liquid livestock nutrients 1977 Fruehauf 5 compartment tank trailer, 1940, 940, 1440, 2440 gallon compartments, last used for liquid livestock nutrient delivery; 11R22.5 rubber, bud wheels; Holland landing gear; Spring ride; vin. OMY759701 Steel Vac Trailer, Details pending online Fruehauf 27 ft. Steel End Dump gravel, beets, silage trailer, Good steel construction w/ frame. Jobsite Trailer Wells Cargo 8 x 24 ft. bumper pull, t/a Cargo Trailer 32 ft. 2001 PACA Enclosed Cargo Trailer T/A, side entry door, shelving, nice shape **Conex Housing** Nice 8 x 40 2 bedroom mobile structure, very clean and ready for your location Small Acreage Implements & Misc. 3 pt. Ford 131 toolbar; Smaller Tandem disk; Nice Ditch puller; JD 3 bottom Switch plow; 3 pt. Spring tine harrow; 6 ft. Rotary Mower; 2 Fuel tanks w/ stands; F10 Loader w/ buckets; Older Manure spreader; Pipe Trailer w/ misc. pipe; Round bale feeder; 8 ft. galvanized tub; Oliver 12 ft. toolbar; JD 3 bottom spinner plow; JD 12 ft. disk; 2 – 3 piece roller harrows; more expected. Trench Compactor: Bomag BMP 851 Hatz Diesel, 2 - 12 inch rollers front & back, 234 hours, runs good. Motor Grader: 1999 John Deere 772CH motor grader, 8 speed power shift, front ripper, details & video online, vin. DW772CH572931 Collector / Project Cars 1969 Buick 225 2 door, 430 v8 ran when parked, been parked over 20 years. Good LS swap candidate. 1995 Pontiac Trans Am Good Body, not running, 1978 Chrysler New Yorker w/ Really clean body, 440 engine, Auto, interior is clean, been parked 10 years, To Consign Your Equipment 406-234-7355 Unreserved Consignments Only

** 125 + Unused Skid Steer Attachments Expected **

Offsite Item: 4 Sections of JD 9450 Redline Systems: hd walk threw pallet fork drills; 12 inch spacing; good shape, w/ 60" tines 5500lb; hd walk threw pallet fork 48" transports, buyer will have to pick tines 5500lb; standard pallet fork 48" tines them up in Jordan, MT 4000lb.; tree/post puller; 1 double tine bale spear; 6 3/8" thick solid qt plates; 2 receiver plate trailer spotters; 90" snow/ light material bucket; 84" snow/ light material bucket; 72" rock bucket; Premium 5500lb walk threw pallet fork with hydraulic fork shift 48" tines; 5500lb heavy duty pallet fork with tall brick guard 48" tines; 72" double brush grapple Stout Brand: Lowe Hyd Auger 1650 w/ 12" & 18" w/ skid steer quick attach; Lowe Hyd Auger 1650 w/ 9" & 12" & 18" w/ skid steer quick attach; Lowe Hyd Auger 750 w/ 9" & 12" w/ skid steer quick attach; Lowe Hyd Auger 750 w/ 9" & 12" w/ skid steer quick attach; Lowe Hyd Auger 750 w/ 12" w/ skid steer quick attach; Lowe Hyd Auger 750 w/ 9" & 12" & 15" w/ skid steer qa; Stout Brush Grapple 66-9 w/ skid steer quick attach; Stout Brush Grapple 72-8 w/ skid steer quick attach; Stout Brush Grapple HD72-4 close-tine w/ skid steer quick attach; Stout Grapple Bucket HD72-FB w/ skid steer quick attach; Stout Rock Bucket Grapple 72-3 w/ skid steer quick attach; Stout Rock Bucket/ Brush Grapple Combo HD72-3 Open-End w/ skid steer quick attach; Stout Rock Bucket/ Brush Grapple Combo HD72-3 Open-End w/ skid steer quick attach; Stout Material Bucket 84" w/ double-cut edge w/ skid steer quick attach; Stout Stump Bucket w/ skid steer quick attach; Stout Tree & Post Puller w/ skid steer quick attach; Stout Tree & Post Puller w/ skid steer quick attach; Stout Walk-Through Pallet Forks 48" w/ skid steer quick attach; Stout FullBack Pallet Forks 48" w/ skid steer quick attach; Stout Bale Spear-Round w/ skid steer quick attach; 4 Maxam 10-16.5 Skid Steer Tire 10-ply; 4 Maxam 12-16.5 Skid Steer Tires Expecting 80 additional items from Tomahawk Unused Items 80'' Heavy Duty Multi Drawer Tool Cabinet c/w: 12 drawers, 2xlarge doors, 2xsmall doors; 10FT 20 Drawer Heavy Duty Metal Work Bench with hanging peg board c/w 40'' high hanging peg board, stainless steel drawer panel, metal handles; 30FT X 65FT X 15FT Peak Ceiling Double Door Storage Building C/ W: commercial fabric, waterproof, UV and Fire Resistant, 12' x 12' drive through doors at two ends; 20FT X 30FT X 12FT Peak Ceiling Storage Shelter C/W: Commercial fabric, roll up door; 8FT X 10FT Twin Wall Green House; 8800 LB Heavy Duty Two Post Auto Lift; 3 PTO Heavy Duty backhoe attachment; 94'' Skid Steer Hydraulic Dozer Blade; 70'' 3 PTO Heavy Duty Flail Mower; 72'' Forklift Fork Extension; 20FT Heavy Duty Bi-Parting Wrought Iron Driveway Gate (to sell as one pair; 80'' 3 PTO Heavy Duty Rotary Tiller c/w: gear drive; Skid Steer Hydraulic Trencher; 50 Ton Hydraulic Shop Press; 75 Ton Hydraulic Shop Press; Heavy Duty Tire Changer, c/w: 110v 60 hz; Heavy Duty Wheel Balancer c/w: 110v 60 hz; 3 PTO Heavy Duty Wood Chipper C/W: fit 4070hp; 3 ton chain hoist; 12 Ton Pipe Bender; 48'' Farm Jack; 50 Ton Bottle Jack; 10 Ton Hydraulic Porta Power

300 Sticks of good 2 7/8ths pipe, 31 ft. each

Everything sells to the highest bidder. No reserves. Please read terms on our website for complete details. Thanks & Have Fun!

Bid Online @ www.SmithSalesCo.net Expecting over 125+ pieces of Unused Skid steer attachments 8 x 24 Mobile Office


s s c

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page A24

Nitrogen fertilizer feeds healthy soil

SPRING SEED VARIETIES Spring Wheat CLEARFIELD™ Spring Wheat Duclair* Vida* WB-Gunnison*

SY605CL* WB9879CLP *


AC Metcalfe

Hay Barleys

* Denotes Plant Variety Protection Variety

Yellow Pea Seed ALFALFA, GRASS, LENTILS & FORAGE CROPS also available (406) 567-2211 1-800-567-2217 Mike DeVries 567-3022

Formerly known as Barber Seed Service, Inc.

Denton, Montana 31/2 miles SW - Near Airport

By Iowa State University of Science and Technology Newly published research from Iowa State University (ISU) agronomists shows that the application of nitrogen fertilizer at optimum levels to corn and soybeans is required to maintain carbon in the soil, giving rise to a range of environmental and production benefits. In a study published recently in the peer-reviewed academy journal PLOS ONE, ISU agronomists showed nitrogen fertilizer can contribute to soil health and water quality by helping retain carbon. “Our data show that nitrogen fertilizer, when applied at a level that maximizes crop production, is critical to maintain soil carbon for sustainable agricultural systems,” said Michael Castellano, an associate professor of agronomy and co-author of the study. “In fact, I’d say it plays an essential role.” The researchers collected soil samples from four ISU research farms in 1999 and 2000 and then again 15 years later, after each site received regimented applications of nitrogen fertilizer. The sites included both continuous corn and rotated corn-soybean production systems. The results show nitrogen fertilizer helped build soil carbon content for the acres with only corn, while it was essential to maintain soil carbon content in the acres devoted to a corn-soybean rotation. Insufficient nitrogen fertilizer in both systems led to soil carbon losses. Hanna Poffenbarger, a graduate assistant in agronomy and lead author of the paper, said nitrogen fertilization leads to increased crop yields, which leaves greater amounts of crop residue on the soil after harvest. The crop residue feeds soil microbes and builds carbon in the soil as it decomposes, Poffenbarger said. “Soil carbon content is positively associated with crop yield, and it’s an important indicator of soil health,” she said. Soil carbon improves the ability of the soil to hold water, which reduces runoff and improves downstream water quality. Carbon also helps soil retain nutrients, including nitrates, Poffenbarger said. The study’s findings contradict some previous studies that examined the impact nitrogen fertilization has on soil carbon, Castellano said. That’s because the research team zeroed in on finding the optimal rate of nitrogen application to maximize crop production for each field without using excess fertilizer, a step that resulted in more precise results. He said the optimal application rate can vary depending on weather, geography and other soil variables. “You really have to understand the optimum nitrogen rate to gauge the effect it has in a field,” Castellano said. “Applying fertilizer to corn that is already well-supplied will not have the same impact on soil carbon content as a nitrogen application that boosts crop production.” The researchers received funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute for Food and Agriculture.

National High Five Day

Date When Celebrated : Third Saturday in April Gimme a high five. As a matter of fact, give everyone you see a High Five! The “High Five” is a celebratory slapping of hands atop raised arms. It’s been a standard for celebration of sporting victories, special event, competitions and many other activities for decades. It’s fun , and easy to celebrate this special day. Give a High Five to everyone you see. This includes friends, family, passersby, and total strangers. The more high fives you give, the better. BTW: It’s okay to give a “Low Five” today. But, only after you’ve given the “High Five”. Origin of “National High Five Day”: The creation of this special day dates back to 2002. It was created by college students at the University of Virginia. Those students were Conor Lastowka from San Diego, California, Sam Miotke of Corvallis, Oregon, and Wynn Walent of New York City. They celebrated with lemonade and a profusion of High Fives. The act of giving a “High Five”, dates back to 1977, when it was first used during a Basketball game. Their congratulatory gesture caught on rapidly, and has been popular ever since.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page A25


for any task on every property.






• Add a H120 Loader for $37.50/MONTH* • Add a 60D Mower for $28.00/MONTH* • Add a 260 Backhoe for $70.00/MONTH*



See more and GET A QUOTE at RDOEQUIPMENT.COM *Offer valid on new 1025R Compact Tractor purchases made between 2/1/207 and 5/1/2017. Subject to approved installment credit with John Deere Financial. 20% down payment may be required. Example: based on a purchase of $15,750 with $3,150 down payment, monthly payment of $150 at 0% APR for 84 months. Based on a purchase of an H120 Loader at $3,937.50 with $787.50 down payment, monthly payment of $37.50 at 0% APR for 84 months. Based on a purchase of a 60D mower deck at $2,940 with $588.00 down payment, monthly payment of $28.00 at 0% APR for 84 months. Based on a purchase of a 260 Backhoe at $7,350 with $1,470.00 down payment, monthly payment of $70.00 at 0% APR for 84 months. Taxes, freight, set up and delivery charges could increase the monthly payment. Price and model availability vary by dealer. Valid only at participating US dealers.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page A26



Bowhunter education scheduled for Flathead County

By Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks May 5 from 6:30-9 p.m.; Saturday, May 6 By state law, all first time bowhunters must from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. pass the bowhunter education course in order Go to our website • Kalispell 4: Thursday, July 6 and Friday to purchase an archery license in Montana. www.bullsofthebigsky.com July 7, 6:30-9 p.m.; Saturday July 8 from 9 Interested students must register online for bulls for sale a.m. to 1 p.m. (https://www.bowhunter-ed.com/montana/). Kalispell South (serving Bigfork, Somers, Follow links to Education, Hunter Education, and data on each one. and Lakeside areas) and View Schedule. • Tuesday, May 16, Thursday May 18 at The following Bowhunter Education coursCONTACT: Maureen Mai 208-267-2668 6:30-9 p.m.; Saturday, May 20, 8:30 a.m. to es have been scheduled around northwest 12:30 p.m. see online site for location and Montana. All students must register online. directions; Kalispell: Bowhunter Education courses Columbia Falls: for the Kalispell area will be held on the fol• Thursday, May 18 and Friday May 19, lowing schedules. The courses are conducted 6:30-9 p.m. at the North Valley Community at the Flathead Valley Trap Club site north of Center in Columbia Falls; Saturday May 20, Kalispell. Students must pick up a manual, 12-5:30 p.m.; contact is Dave Yeats (892pre-study directions, and course materials as 4527). directed on the online registration site. For Whitefish: more information call FWP at 752-5501, or • Thursday June 1 and Friday June 2, 6-9 lead instructor Roger Allick (257-8866). 1984 T&L Pivot, 2060-ft., 300 acre, 14 towers. Last 3 towers p.m.; Saturday June 3, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. • Kalispell 1: Tuesday, April 4 and Friday were replaced 7 years ago with new spans. 1080-ft. of 8” pipe, For more information call Ron Nail (862April 7 from 6:30-9 p.m.; Saturday, April 8 6 5/8ths the rest of the machine. 47-ft. over hang, includes all 4509). from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. drop tubes. Tires are 14.9 and 16.9. Kalispell Online Bowhunter Educa• Kalispell 2: Thursday, April 20, and Frition Opportunity: (Must register online day April 21, 6:30-9 p.m.; Saturday, April 22, Call Severinsen Irrigation for more information. after completing the online portion; must 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. (This is a Bowhunter EducaBrett (406) 590-5003 bring online certificate). Bowhunter Education class for students 11-17 years of age) tion students age 18 or older may take the • Kalispell 3: Thursday, May 4 and Friday bowhunter education field qualifier course online. Log on to: http://www.bowhuntered.com/mt/index.htm. This is a two-part process—this online course, completed on your own time and your own schedule, followed by Brandt’s new 15LP+ Field GrainBelt is the industry’s fastest 15” field belt delivering up to Brandt is offering customers a field day exercise led by special rebates on equipment 9,000 bu/hr. his revolutionary new design is capable of moving 2,500 bu/hr more than our standard throughout the year. certified Montana bowhunter 15LP model using the same engine. With a reduced-friction intake design and numerous other performance Visit thanksabillion.ca for details. education volunteer instrucenhancements like larger rollers and bearings, double lip seal intake with EZTRAK, increased reach, hopper tors. During the field day, capacity and fuel capacity, the 15LP+ GrainBelts give you the ultimate in performance and efficiency. students must demonstrate That’s Powerful Value. Delivered. that they possess the necessary knowledge and skills to become certified, and must 04 03 also pass the Montana Bowhunter Education test. You RUN LONGER IMPROVED The new 43 litre tank has must complete a field day TRACTION 72% more capacity than the within 365 days from the time The larger 6" drive roller 15LP GrainBelts. eliminates belt slippage. you successfully complete the online portion. 01 Kalispell Online Field EXTENDED Day 1: Online Bowhunter HOPPER Education field day: Saturday, Brandt’s new slender hopper is 10" longer to easily March 11, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. reach under grain bins. at the Flathead Valley Clay Target Club. Kalispell Online Field Day 2: Online Bowhunter Education field day: Saturday May 20, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Flathead Valley Clay Target Club. Kalispell Online Field Day 3: this will be offered if enough instructors can participate: it will be sometime in July…. The online course is available to anyone 18 years old 04 05 and older. Anyone 17 years MOVING MADE EASY EASY and younger is required to The 15LP+ is available with EZMOVE MAINTENANCE take the conventional classfeaturing joystick controlled hydraulic Easily change the drive roller steering to do the heavy lifting for you. room-based course of instrucwithout removing the belt. tion. However, anyone may use the online program as a resource to learn about bowhunting. Call FWP at 7525501 for more information. Bowhunter Education courses are offered in other northwest Montana commubrandt.ca 1-866-427-2638 nities. These schedules and dates will be announced as soon as they are available.



Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page A27

ALFALFA HAY FOR SALE 3x4x8 big squares • $125/ton (406) 350-2915 text or call • Winifred, MT

Western Horse and Mule Days Western Horse and Mule Days And Consignment Auction AndMay Consignment Auction 12 & 13, 2017

Horse or horse-related May 12 & 13,Items 2017Wanted Friday at Noon: We will be doing fieldItems demonstrations with Horse or horse-related Wanted horse-drawn equipment, round pen training, wagon rides, Friday at Noon: We will be doing field demonstrations with and packing classes. horse-drawn equipment, round pen training, wagon rides, Bake sale andclasses. food available. Free RV camping available (no and packing hook-ups). Vendors accepted. Consignments welcome! AucBake sale and food available. Free RV camping available (no tion by Mission Auction. Auctioneers: Jake Yoder, 274-8348; hook-ups). accepted. Consignments welcome! AucMatt Troyer,Vendors 745-4930. tion by Mission Auction. Auctioneers: Jake Yoder, 274-8348; Saturday morning, we will start selling consigned items. We Matt Troyer, 745-4930. hope to see a large selection of harnesses, saddles, wagons, Saturday morning, buggies, sleighs, etc. we will start selling consigned items. We hope to see a large selection of harnesses, saddles, wagons, buggies, sleighs, etc.

hosted in rexford, Mt, by hosted in rexford, Mt, by

164 Border Lane, Rexford, MT pioneercoach.mt@gmail.com 164 Border Lane, Rexford, MT www.pioneercoaches.com pioneercoach.mt@gmail.com www.pioneercoaches.com

Monroe yoder Monroe yoder 406-745-6555 406-745-6555

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page A28

The deadline for advertising for the May issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be April 26th.


Brillion Grass/Alfalfa seeder. Field ready. Call 406-537-2333 • Melville, MT

Understanding energy for more efficient agriculture

By Scott Weybright, WSU CAHNRS said. “Our bodies strip off electrons from the When you eat lunch, you might be thinkfood, which powers a process that creates ing about work but probably just are enjoychemical energy that allows us to function. ing the taste. John Peters is thinking about I want to figure out how those processes metabolism in the context of agriculture can be harnessed to form chemical bonds and energy. that can be used for energy compounds and Peters is the new director of the Institute fertilizers.” of Biological Chemistry (IBC) at WashingA native of Oklahoma, Peters looks at the ton State University (WSU) and a renowned molecular level of any life form that uses biochemist who wants to know how energy energy. That includes how plants process is produced at a fundamental level. nitrogen – a key component of fertilizer for “We oxidize what we eat for lunch,” he agriculture. “How plants use nitrogen is important for crop productivity,” he said. “If we can understand these processes at a fundamental level, strategies can be developed to potentially make growing crops more efficient and economical for farmers – which would have a big environmental impact, reducing fertilizer production and use. “Our goal is for people to take discoveries we make and apply them to help people all over the world,” he said. Peters comes to WSU from Montana State University where he led several research efforts, including the Biological Electron Transfer and Catalysis Energy Frontier Research Center. He remains director of that center while based in Pullman. “I was looking for a new challenge,” he said when asked why he came to WSU. “And the IBC has such a strong reputation, with strengths that complement the work I’m already doing.” The IBC was established at WSU in 1980 to do foundational research for understanding the biology and biochemistry of plants at the molecular level. “This is a unit that’s doing great work,” Peters said of the nearly 100 professors, researchers and graduate students affiliated with the center. “I’m here to continue to help develop opportunities for our scientists and promote the work of my colleagues, especially junior faculty and researchers. They’re our next generation of success.” ##### Farmers are more than twice as likely to die on the job as police officers and nearly four times as likely to be killed on the job as firefighters. ##### The first ‘cattle’ to be branded in the U.S. began when farmers in Connecticut were required to mark their pigs. ##### Contrary to common belief, goats do not eat tin cans or clothing.

Block and Bridle Club to honor Brand

By University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News his family, friends and past honorees will Douglas Brand of Seward will be recprecede the banquet at 5:30 p.m. ognized as the 2017 University of NeThe Block and Bridle Club is part of braska–Lincoln (UNL) Block and Bridle the Animal Science Department within Club honoree. the College of Agricultural Sciences and The Block and Bridle Club focuses on Natural Resources at UNL. building leaders in the livestock and meat industries. The award recognizes those who have contributed to Nebraska agriculture ##### through leadership, service, youth projects, Each person in America eats an average community activities and involvement with of 46 slices of pizza a year. the university. ##### Brand is the vice president of the Cows only have teeth on the bottom. agriculture lending division of Jones National Bank and Trust Co. in Seward. Beyond his professional role, he has established a long record of promoting animal agriculture in Nebraska through his leadership. Brand has served as a 4-H leader for 18 years and a member of the Seward County 4-H Foundation Board since its inception over a decade ago. He actively works with 4-H and FFA students, assisting with the selection of their livestock for fair projects. In addition, Brand has been a member of the Seward County Agricultural Society for 39 years, and currently serves as secretary of the board. He coordinates all programming for the Seward County Fair. Brand has also served on the Nebraska State Fair Board for 24 years. In 2009, he and his wife Gail, were the lead chair-couple for the Cattlemen’s Ball near Milford. Among the awards and recognitions Brand has received over the years are the Nebraska Fair Person of the Year Award and the National Heritage Award for service to fairs and expositions, which he received in 2013. In 2012 he was inducted in to the Nebraska Hall of Agricultural Achievement and in 2013 was inducted into the UNL Builders Association. Brand graduated from UNL in 1973 with a degree in animal science. As a student, he served as annual editor, treasurer and president of the Block and Bridle Club. He was also a member of Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity. Brand will be honored at the Block and Bridle Club Honoree Banquet on April 21 at 6 p.m. at the International Quilt Study Center and Museum, 1523 N. 33rd St., Lincoln. Tickets to the banquet, which will feature a prime rib dinner, are $25. Tickets can be purchased by contacting a Block and Bridle Officer or Andi Hallberg at andi.hallberg@unl.edu. A reception for Brand and

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page A29


John Deere 9400 (3) 10-ft. grain drills, 10” spacing, Acra points, rock guards and hitch. Phone (406) 466-5614, Choteau, MT


Covering Montana and Out-Of-State Fully insured (406) 799-8323

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page A30

FOR SALE Irrigation pipe 4”x40-ft. handline, center riser, ball and socket 41/2 quarter mile lines, 125 hp electric motor with Cornell 6H pump. Alfalfa/Grass 1st cutting, round net wrap bales. Call (406) 279-3461, Valier, MT

Elk Park Angus Selling - 20 purebred Black Angus bulls Low birthweight, easy to handle SEMEN TESTED

Columbia Falls, MT • (406) 212-4958

Spring plants - Poisonous to horses, dogs and cats

By PennState Extension parts are poisonous, but especially the seeds. Learn about the different kinds of ornaSymptoms: Vomiting, melena, icterus, inmental plants that can harm horses, dogs creased thirst, hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, and barn cats. Did you know that Tulip, bruising, coagulopathy, liver damage, liver hyacinth and daffodil bulbs can damage failure, death. a dog’s mouth and esophagus, leading to • Tomato Plant- Although it won’t prove drooling, vomiting, severe diarrhea and lethal for your pet, they can provide a good even abnormal heart rhythms? Asiatic and dose of discomfort. Symptoms: HypersaliJapanese lilies can cause severe kidney vation, inappetence, severe gastrointestinal failure in cats. Just one or two leaves can upset, diarrhea, drowsiness, Central nerves kill them. Be sure to keep bulbs out of reach system depression, confusion, behavioral before planting them. change, weakness, dilated pupils, slow Plants heart rate. • Rhododendron - Vomiting, diarrhea, • Tulip/Narcissus - It’s the bulb of the hypersalivation, weakness, coma, hypotulip and narcissus plants that have the tension, CNS depression, cardiovascular highest concentration of toxins. This means: collapse and death. if you have a dog that digs, be cautious. • Azalea - Vomiting, diarrhea, hyperSymptoms: Intense gastrointestinal irritasalivation, weakness, coma, hypotension, tion, drooling, loss of appetite, depression CNS depression, cardiovascular collapse of the central nervous system, convulsions and death. and cardiac abnormalities. • Crocus - Excessive salivation, abdomi• Lily-of-the-Valley - Causes excessive nal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, gastro-intessalivation, watery eyes, sweating, abdomitinal disorders, lack of appetite, tremors, nal pain, weakness, convulsions and death. convulsions, seizures. This plant is largely an ornamental plant, • Gladiola - Great in the garden, they are but may grow wild near old home sites. The more popularly used in floral arrangements– plant is highly toxic to all animals. since it is the corm (bulb) that is most toxic • Yew - The bark and leaves of this very to dogs and cats it may not present much of popular evergreen provided the basis for the a problem, Symptoms: Salivation, vomiting, cancer-treatment drug, paclitaxel–but gendrooling, lethargy, diarrhea. eral ingestion of any part of the tree (except • Hosta - This plant is toxic to both dogs the flesh of the berry) can be very dangerand cats— Symptoms: Vomiting, diarrhea, ous to animals. Horses have an especially depression. low tolerance to yew. Symptoms: Central • Morning Glory - Can cause hallucinanervous system effects such as trembling, tions– Symptoms: Gastrointestinal upset, incoordination, and difficulty breathing. It agitation, tremors, disorientation, ataxia, can also cause significant gastrointestinal anorexia, hallucinations. irritation and cardiac failure, which can • Oleander is pretty, and poisonous–can result in death. severely affects cats, dogs, and even horses. In Conclusion All parts contain a highly toxic cardiac When landscaping the stable area you glycoside and can cause a number of probmay be better off to just plant grass and plant lems. Symptoms: Colic, diarrhea (possibly the ornamentals at your home but then you bloody), sweating, incoordination, shallow/ have to watch the pets and children. difficult breathing, muscle tremors, recumReferences bence, and possibly death from cardiac To help make sure you know what is toxic failure. to your horses and pets, here are several • Ivy (California, Branching, Glacier, references with very long list of plants that Needlepoint, Sweetheart, English Ivy) can cause harm: Ivy foliage is more toxic than its berries. • ASPCA Horse Care (http://www.aspca. Symptoms: Vomiting, abdominal pain, org/pet-care/horse-care) hypersalivation, diarrhea. • Common Plants Causing Tox• Lilies - Are highly toxic to cats, even icity to Horses (http://pubs.ext. when very small portions are ingested. vt.edu/2907/2907-1398/2907-1398_pdf. Many types of lily (Tiger, Asian, Japanese pdf) Show, Easter, Stargazer, Casa Blanca) can • Poisonous Plants in Horse Pastures cause kidney failure in cats. Curiously, lilies (https://njaes.rutgers.edu/pubs/fs938/) are not toxic to dogs. Symptoms: Kidney • Poisonous Plants to Livestock (http:// failure. poisonousplants.ansci.cornell.edu/php/ • Sago Palm - A very popular landscapplants.php?action=display&ispecies=hor ing plant. They are apparently very tasty to ses) animals, and unfortunately highly toxic–all

Calories burned while riding horse

Below are estimates of calories burned per hour for a 150-pound person: Saddling, grooming and general riding for one hour = 238 calories. Riding at the walk for an hour = 175 calories. Riding at the trot for one hour = 450 calories (and a lot of pain in the rider’s posterior). Galloping for one hour = 550 calories (and an exhausted, lame horse). So how does this compare to other activities? Well, high-impact aerobics and mod-

erate bicycling at about 12-14 miles per hour can each burn approximately 50 calories per hour. General house cleaning can burn about 246 calories per hour, which is similar to general riding. Riders of smooth-gaited, well-trained horses do not expend as much energy as those who ride young, inexperienced horses or rough, bouncy horses. Mucking stalls (manure removal) is where you can really burn calories. Many horse owners replace gym memberships with this money-saving aerobic exercise.

##### Union Pacific Railroad’s museum is headquartered in Nebraska.

##### In Lehigh, NE it is against the law to sell doughnut holes

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017— Page A31

Loren Hawks, Distributor

2434 Whitlash Road - Chester, MT 59522 Cell phone 406-460-3810 Home phone 406-432-3810

Equip your drill with VW. Call today! Visit us at www.vwmfg.com

Prepare your drill for Spring seeding - Products Moving Fast! “The extra carbide on ridge of point eliminates dishing above the front carbide”...

“Really happy with the wear of the VW11FCC. Keeps full width until it is worn out and leaves a great field finish.”

Extra wear and great value! VW7CC - 2 carbides

Shown on VW14FB. Also shown on VW14FB is VW21DSF

VW11FC - 31/4” drill point

Shown on W14FB opener. Also fits other common openers.

“I really like the VW12FCC for both winter wheat and spring wheat crops. Excellent all-around drill point with fantastic wear.”

“This full carbide point has all of the carbide in the right areas”...

Doing all the work all of the time! VW10FC - full carbide Fits common openers.

VW12FC drill point shown

on VW14FB. Also fits other common openers - single shoot drill point.


2 widths - 4” & 5” Fits VW14FB and Flexi Stealth for double shoot Has 4 carbides on each side

“The improvements to the paired row attachment with the addition of extra carbide makes the value of the VW21DSF much greater than the competition.”

VW13FC 1.5”

slim spread. Fits VW14FB and other common openers

“This point gives plants room and space to grow with minimal soil disturbance.”

“Great penetration. Glad to finally find a carbide point to go on my AcraPlant boots on my John Deere drills.” VW2CC

Has two front carbides. Shown on JD opener.

Mud Scrapers for JD Drills also! VW17FS

Carbide mud scraper for Flexi-Coil. Many times life of original.

“Wish I would have put carbide scrapers on my Flexi-Coil drill much sooner. I haven’t had to adjust them since I put them on.”

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page A32

Old Cars Wanted

Looking to buy old cars, pickups and parts up to 1974.

Call Wayne Lugalia 406-214-5910 (cell) or 406-821-0300 (home)

##### The name “Nebraska” was created from a Native American phrase that meant “flat water,” referring to the state’s Platte River.

Trucks For Sale

2003 Freightliner FL80 Cat diesel, 9 speed, air conditioning, twin screw, spring suspension, 20-ft. frame behind cab, 80% tires.................................................................. $16,500

2007 International 4300 DT466, Allison automatic, twin screw, new 8.5-ft.x20-ft.x69” unibody grain box with grain and silage/beet gate. Nice truck........................................$57,500

2003 International 4400 DT 530, 300 hp, 10 speed, new box and hoist, 8.5-ft.x20-ft.x69”, with grain/silage combo gate, good tires........................................................ $43,500

2003 Kenworth T800 Cummins ISX, 10 speed, factory day cab, factory steerable pusher, double locker rear ends, wet kit, new brakes, 75% tires. Nice truck.........................$36,500

Please call 406-855-4465



Six earn Holling Family awards

By Haley Steinkuhler, IANR Media The Holling Family Awards for Teaching Excellence were presented to six teaching assistants and faculty members recently at the Nebraska East Union. The annual awards honor outstanding teaching in the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln (UNL). This year’s recipients are: Senior Faculty Teaching Excellence Awards: Dennis Ferraro, professor of practice in the School of Natural Resources; Roger Hoy, professor in the Department of Biological Systems Engineering; and Larkin Powell, professor in the School of Natural Resources. Junior Faculty Teaching Excellence Awards: Jenny Dauer, assistant professor in the School of Natural Resources; and Leah Sandall, assistant professor of practice in the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture. Teaching Assistant Teaching Excellence Award: Baymond Adams, teaching assistant in the School of Natural Resources. Ferraro is regarded by his students for his ability to apply what he teaches to the real world and for his enjoyable and engaging classroom environment. He provides opportunities for hands-on and interactive learning, which allows students to experience classroom concepts first-hand. Ferraro’s annual tropical ecosystems field trip to Puerto Rico provides students with a transformational learning experience. Hoy has served as a professor in the Department of Biological Systems Engineering and director of the Nebraska Tractor Test Laboratory for over a decade. At any point in time, Hoy employees 30-35 undergraduate students from the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources and the College of Engineering. Besides providing students with structured opportunities to apply classroom knowledge to real- world problems, Hoy develops strong mentoring relationships with his students, which in many cases continue beyond graduation. Powell’s students appreciate his great attitude in the classroom and the patience with which he works with each student. His ability to engage students with course material while also creating a fun classroom atmosphere makes him one of the most highly regarded professors in the School of Natural Resources. Powell has innovatively structured the natural resources study tour to merge scientific investigation and experience with the application of ecology and wildlife conversation in a unique part of the world. Dauer has been the dominant force behind developing the Science and Decision Making for a Complex World course. The course builds a science-informed foundation that challenges students to create their own decision-making matrix. Dauer serves as the coordinator for the team of instructors and learning assistance reaching over 400 students through four sections. Providing her carefully crafted materials and active learning methods as a base, Dauer offers both structure and freedom, empowering others to take a personal approach. Sandall serves as the distance education director with the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture. She uses the full scope of teaching and engagement that is possible for the online learner. Sandall’s online learning environment design blends video, animation, visuals, presentation, reading and instant feedback quizzing to keep the learner in an active role, underpinned by the learning outcomes. Adams has served as a teaching assistant for introductory ecology for the past five semesters, working closely with Professor Leon Higley. He has been instrumental in the creation of informal, out-of-class sessions aimed at helping students grasp class concepts, as well as giving them an opportunity to discuss broader applications and implications of science. The Holling Family award program for teaching excellence was made possible by a gift from the Holling family to honor their pioneer parents. John Holling was a 1912 electrical engineering graduate of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln and his brother, Gustave Holling, attended the College of Agriculture before farming the family’s land in the Wood River Area. ##### The Nebraska Sand Hills are the biggest grass-covered sand dunes in the Western Hemisphere. They cover about one-fourth of the state. Only the Sahara and the Arabian deserts have bigger areas of sand. ##### Nebraska, mistakenly called the “Great American Desert” by European Explorers, is one of the top farming areas in the world.

Agricultural research center field days

The public is invited to attend free annual field days across Montana to tour and learn about the people, places and projects involved with agricultural research at Montana State University’s College of Agriculture and Montana Agricultural Experiment Station or MAES. Five research stations across the state and a local Bozeman campus farm will each host a field day this summer. “Statewide field days are a longstanding tradition where we invite the public to tour our facilities, meet our faculty and staff and learn about trends and progress in agriculture research that hopefully makes a difference in their lives,” said Barry Jacobsen, associate director of MAES. “What’s most important about field days is that they serve as an opportunity for statewide producers, farmers, ranchers and agribusiness to share successes and challenges face-to-face with faculty scientists and learn about what the university is doing in response to those challenges and needs. It’s a chance for faculty and stakeholders to engage as an agricultural community and for the university to get feedback on what we need to be focusing on.” Field days include facility tours, explanations of research projects and results and a chance for citizens, producers, legislators and agribusiness representatives to speak with MSU scientists and Extension agents. Summer 2017 field days include: Northern Agricultural Research Center, Thursday, June 29: The field day begins at 4 p.m. with tours before and after dinner. The center is located about seven miles southwest of Havre, Montana on U.S. Highway 87. (406) 265-6115. The MSU Arthur H. Post Agronomy Farm , Thursday, July 7: The Post Farm will begin tours at 8:30 a.m. followed by lunch. The

Post Farm is located eight miles west of Bozeman, Montana on U.S. Highway 191. (406) 586-6819. Central Agricultural Research Center, Wednesday, July 12: The field day starts at 9 a.m. and includes a free lunch. The center is located 2.5 miles west of Moccasin, Montana on U.S. Highway 87. (406) 423-5421. Northwestern Agricultural Research Center, Thursday, July 13: The field day begins at 2 p.m., with dinner following the tour. NWARC is located near Creston, Montana on State Highway 35. (406) 755-4303. Eastern Agricultural Research Center, Wednesday, July 19: The field day begins at 9 a.m. The center is located one mile north of Sidney, Montana on State Highway 200. (406) 433-2208. Western Agricultural Research Center, Thursday, July 27: The field day starts at 4 p.m. with dinner at 5 p.m. and a tour following. WARC is located at 580 Quast Lane, Corvallis, Montana. (406) 961-3025. MAES comprises agricultural research of on and off-campus MSU faculty. The research centers are strategically located across Montana to allow research with different soil types, elevations, climate zones and landscapes, and a local advisory council guides the research at each station. The federal Hatch Act of 1887 authorized every national land-grant university to establish an agricultural experiment station, with research reflecting the university’s curriculum and state needs. The Smith-Lever Act authorized the Extension Service in 1914. MSU College of Agriculture, Montana Agricultural Experiment Station and MSU Extension have been cooperatively serving the land-grant mission and the Montana public for the past 100 years.

Miscellaneous Equipment

2013 New Holland L218 skid steer, cab with heat, 2 speed EH controls........... $24,700 New Holland LS180 skid steer, 2200#, new tires.............................................. $17,000 ScatTrac 1500 skid steer, diesel...... $10,500 Walinga 510 grain vac........................ $3900

1976 International 1586, 160 hp, cab, Ezee-On loader, 8501 hours........... . ........................................... $12,500

John Deere 3255 tractor with 265 MSL loader and grapple, 7900 hours.................................. $27,500

At Western Montana New Holland we sell parts for FORD tractors and other makes

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page A33

WHEEL LOADER FOR SALE 2011 John Deere 544K wheel loader, cab with a/c and heat, 3-yard bucket with JRB Quick Coupler, 3rd valve, 3437 hours. Excellent condition $92,500 obo Phone (815)-985-0677

Now a dealer for


bale processors and snow removal

Used Tractors

Ford TW25 MFWD, cab, 140 PTO hp, with Farmhand XL1140 loader............ ............................................... $16,000 New Holland Boomer 40, hydrostat, new loader............................. $16,000 1978 Ford 335 tractor with loader, diesel, 42 hp PTO, 6 speed, hydraulic side and top links............................. $7950 Fordson Major, 45 hp, diesel, loader..... .................................................. $4900 1976 International 1586 tractor, diesel, EzeeOn loader, 20.8-38 tires, 8501 hours, 160 hp, cab................. $12,500 John Deere A tractor, tricycle with front mounted post pounder.............. $2500 John Deere 60 gas, wide front axle, runs good.......................................... $3400 John Deere 3010 with loader, gas, 3 point.......................................... $6500 John Deere 4010 with Farmhand loader, diesel, Wheatland..................... $5500 Massey-Ferguson 1805 3208 Cat, duals, 4866 hours......................... $5900

IN STOCK New Snow Blowers, Front Snow Blades & Rear Blades

Roto-King RK-500 processor with skid steer mounts. Sale......... $7500

Case IH LB334 3x3 baler, 8000 bales, EXCELLENT........................... $85,000

Used Haying Equipment

New Holland 340R 3x4 baler, rotor cut.......................................$79,000 New Holland 282 baler, twine....$2900 New Holland BR7090 round baler, wide pickup, twine & net.....$29,000 New Holland BR780A round baler, twine only...............................$9500 John Deere 566 round baler, twine/ net..........................................$9800 Freeman 200 baler.....................$3500 New Holland 575 baler, very good, twine, quarter turn chute........$9500

New Holland 258 rake, hydraulic drive, rubber teeth..................$6900 New Holland 488 mower conditioner... ............................................$10,500 John Deere 955 swing tongue, mower flail conditioner, 14-ft. 9” cut...$9500 John Deere 936 11’6” cut disc, flail conditioner..........................$13,900 John Deere 820 mower conditioner..... ...............................................$9800 New Holland 1010 bale wagon..$2200 New Holland 144 inverter..........$3900

Western Montana New Holland 1-406-728-1996 • 1-877-728-1996

Wayne Miller, Manager - 406-369-0348

7719 Thornton Drive Missoula, MT

Nebraska LEAD 36 fellows travel to seminar

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page A34


Spring Wheat Varieties

* Certified Kelby AgriPro

* Certified Vida - MSU * Certified Duclair MSU Solid Stem

Peas & Oats

* Certified Otana Oats * Certified Dayton Green Peas * Certified Hampton Green Peas * MonTech 4193 - Yellows Certified * MonTech 4152 - Yellows Certified

* Certified WB-Gunnison, Westbred CSO


* Certified A.C. Metcalfe *Certified Hockett * Haybet (Common) - Hay Barley

Grass & AlfalfaVarieties On Hand Certified Seed Cleaning Plant

406-423-5600 FAX 406-423-5665 101 Indian Butte Road Moccasin, MT 59462

A family owned business since 1969 ~ 10 acres of parts!!!

DIETZ AUTO and TRUCK SALVAGE 1104 Bench Blvd., Billings, MT • 1-800-573-4389


4 Cat 4 Cummins 4 Detroit 4 Isuzu 4 Volvo

We are now a AG Parts Ltd distributor!! 12 - 4x8 fiberglass heated compost bins and/or worm farm. $500 per bin with lower liquid bins and stands. Will sell per or as a whole. Will consider possible trades.

Tempe 26-ft. van body, roll up rear door, heavy built, needs side door.


John Deere 8820 combine, for parts Dorman Dealer Large selection of car and truck lights, mirrors, and door handles.

1994 Dump Truck with 435 hp Cat, 50,000 miles since rebuild

2009 John Deere 568 baler for parts

We have a LARGE SELECTION of automotive transmissions and transfer cases!

Ford 4000 for parts; bad transmission

5 sets of semi trailer axles IN STOCK!!

Large selection of USED TIRES & WHEELS from 12 - 24.5’s *Inventory changing daily

Massey-Ferguson 4840 Just in for parts.

2000 New Holland BR7090 and 2002 Case International RBX561

Wanted Old Motorcycles and Racing Parts & Memorabilia.

Old flat track race posters.

9-ft. flatbed with tool boxes.

John Deere 644C for parts

By University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News Twenty nine Nebraska LEAD 36 fellows recently returned home after participating in a 10-day National Study/Travel Seminar conducted by the Nebraska LEAD Program, February 8-17, 2017. Terry Hejny, Director of the Nebraska LEAD Program served as group leader for the study/travel seminar to Kansas City, Washington, D.C. and Chicago. During the seminar, Nebraska LEAD Fellows met with political, business and government leaders. Highlights included visits to the Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank, Environmental Protection Agency offices in Kansas City and Chicago, the American Farm Bureau Federation, the Embassy of Argentina, the Pentagon, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the Chicago High School for Agricultural Sciences. LEAD Fellows also received briefings from representatives of the National Corn Growers Association, the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, the American Bankers Association, the National Pork Producers Council, the National Wheat Growers Association, the Brookings Institution and the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars. Also included in this years’ experience were briefings and factory tours of the John Deere operations in Moline, Illinois. A major objective of the study/travel seminar is to provide participants with the opportunity to meet leaders who help shape local, state, and national policy in agriculture and related areas and to create first-hand exposure to varied social and economic conditions/issues that exist in the United States. The mission of the Nebraska LEAD program is “to prepare and motivate men and women in agriculture for more effective leadership” and is designed to speed up the leadership process. Nebraska LEAD 36 Fellows by hometown are: Arthur: Ty Walker Broken Bow: Nate Bell Craig: Johnathan Hladik Deshler: Ellen Schmidt Fairfield: Thomas Kluver Fremont: Andy Langemeier Gibbon: Shane Bendfeldt, Kimberly Wilkens Gothenburg: Shane Terrell Gretna: Kelsey Vala Hay Springs: Joseph Dorshorst Holdrege: Chris McQuillan Johnson Lake: David Rowe Kearney: Dustin Knuth, Hannah Riddle, Ryan Stien Kennard: Jennifer Arp Lexington: Adam Smith Lincoln: Ben Blomendahl, Nate Blum, Nora Turner Loomis: Justin Trompke Martell: Alex McKiernan North Platte: Kyle Shepherd Omaha: Dustin Smith Stapleton: Robert Hecox Sutherland: Shelly Kelly Trumbull: Scott Bieck Waverly: Lori Paulsen The Nebraska LEAD Program includes men and women, currently active in production agriculture and agribusiness. The Nebraska LEAD Program is a two-year leadership development program under the direction of the Nebraska Agricultural Leadership Council and in cooperation with the University of Nebraska’s Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Program content, essential to leadership focuses on economics, government, human relations, communications, international trade, sociology, education, the arts, social-cultural understandings as well as agriculture. For more information, or to request an application for Nebraska LEAD 37, contact the Nebraska LEAD Program, 104 Ag Com Bldg, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68583-0940 or 402-472-6810. For more information about the selection process or to request an application, visit http://lead.unl.edu. The application deadline is June 15, 2017.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page A35

Laura Horgus joins forces with Mustang Heritage Foundation

Laura Horgus of Sweet Grass, Montana and the Mustang Heritage Foundation are working together to help America’s Mustangs find adoptive homes through a unique gentling program. Founded in 2001, the Mustang Heritage Foundation’s mission is to help promote the Bureau of Land Management’s National Wild Horse and Burro Program and increase the num-


ber of successful adoptions. Working with qualified, talented horse trainers, the Foundation has two primary training programs to gentle and train Mustangs to increase adoption rates – Extreme Mustang Makeover competitions and the Trainer Incentive Program. The Foundation has placed over 7,500 Mustangs into private care through its programs.

427 CID, 5+2 speed, 10 hole piloted wheels, 22.5 radial tires, 27,500 lbs - over CDL

Phone: (406) 799-6923

Photo by Becky Papa The Mustang Heritage Foundation is pleased to welcome Horgus as an approved trainer in the Trainer Incentive Program, or TIP. Horgus competed in last year’s Extreme Mustang Makeover event in Idaho and placed eighth in a field of almost 30 selected horse trainers. She adopted and gentled her first wild horse while still in high school and has been an advocate for the breed ever since. Horgus is a graduate of the University of Montana and lives with her husband in Sweet Grass on their family farm. An estimated 50,000 Mustangs are currently residing in Bureau of Land Management holding and adoption facilities, and research has shown that in today’s busy society, many perspective Mustang adopters do not have the available time to gentle a wild horse. TIP trainers help increase adoption success rates, giving the Mustangs a solid foundation in the early days of training and laying the groundwork for future success. Through the TIP program, approved trainers pick up a wild mustang or burro and begin the training process by gentling the animal. When mustangs or burros graduate from the TIP program and are put up for adoption, they have mastered many new skills. TIP-trained mustang and burros are halter-started, willing to have all four hooves picked up and are trained to load into and unload out of a trailer. Trainers receive funding from the Mustang Heritage Foundation and adopters pay a low $125 adoption fee – the minimum BLM adoption fee they would have paid if picking up an untouched mustang or burro. Mustangs and burros in the program are all ages and include both female and neutered male mustangs and burros. Adopters must meet minimum BLM requirements for adoption. To learn more about adoption guidelines, visit www.blm.gov. The Mustang Heritage Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) public, charitable, nonprofit organization dedicated to facilitating successful adoptions for America’s excess mustangs and burros. To learn more about the Mustang Heritage Foundation and its innovative Mustang programs, visit www.mustangheritagefoudnation.org or call (512) 869-3225. Horgus is eager to connect adopters with gentled mustangs. If you are interested in learning more about American Mustangs or how to adopt one, contact her at (406) 937-1111 or e-mail laurahorgus@yahoo.com.






12” PVC Gated Line Tee Regular Price $272.38

40% off Price $163.43

Call MVI at 406-248-4418

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 – Page A36

(R) = “Reconditioned”, CNT = “Cash No Trade”, “F.O.B. Customer”

Up to 5 years 0% INTEREST available on qualifying tractors With qualifying down payment or trade equity - o.a.c.


2010 CAT Challenger MT855C 36” tracks, 475 hp, 16x4 powershift, 59 gpm hydraulic pump with 5 remotes, deluxe cab, AUT Guidance ready, 20 front weights with bracket, 16 idler weights. #21839. (1)............................$231,500 1998 CAT Challenger 65E 310 engine hp, 30” tracks, deluxe cab, 10F/2R powershift transmission, 4 hydraulic remotes. #22152. (1)..............................$69,000


2015 John Deere 9570R Cummins QSX15 570 hp engine, 18/6 powershift transmission, 115 GPM dual hydraulic pumps, 5 hydraulic remotes, motor seal drain, Cat. 5 heavy duty draw bar, Command View III cab with active seat, XM radio, HID lighting, 2630 GS3 display, SF1 receiver, SF2 activation, ethernet switch, dual radar, Firestone IF800/70R38 radial tires, 4260 lbs. rear tire weights, 1980 lbs. suitcase weights, 400 gallon fuel tank, 90 gallon DEF tank, 175 hours. 5 year 2000 hour JD extended warranty applies. #21765. (2)..........................................$389,000 2016 John Deere 9520R 520 hp, 18/6 powershift transmission, 2630 GS3 display, SF1 receiver, SF2 AT activation, 4600 processor, ethernet switch, Command View III cab, leather interior, XM satellite, hi-flow hydraulic, five hydraulic remotes, case drain, Firestone tires, premium lighting, tow cable, 210 hours. #22026. (3)............................$371,000

(R) 2012 John Deere 9460R 442 engine hp., 18x6 powershift transmission, 5 hydraulic remotes with case drain, 800/70R38 dual tires, 6060 lbs. of tractor weights, deluxe Command View cab, leather seat, electric mirrors, deluxe radio, HID lighting, 7” color touch display, 1940 hours. #22035. (3).......... ..............................................$239,500

(R) 2016 John Deere 9420R 420 hp., 18/6 powershift transmission, 10” color touch display, 4600 processor server, Command View III cab, XM satellite, 13.5L FT4 engine, hi-flow hydraulic system, five remote cylinder, 1000 independent PTO, Cat. 4 drawbar, 710/70R42 168A8 R1W duals, 710/70R42D rears, premium lighting, ethernet switch R4, leather trim, RH/LH electric Rem adjustable mirrors, dual beam radar sensor, F/Business band antenna, large fuel water separator, motor seal drain, backup alarm, 5 hydraulic outlets, 865 hours. #22249. (1).................$315,500

2002 John Deere 9420 420 hp, 24F/6R QuadRange transmission, deluxe cab, active seat, differential lock, dual 800/70R38 tires, 2800# front weights, 4950# rear weights, 4 hydraulic remotes, recent engine work, 5335 hours. #21612 (1).............................$122,500 2008 John Deere 9330 375 hp, powershift, 710/70R42 duals, active seat, 4 remotes. Consignment. #17300. (1)..... ..............................................$159,000

2012 John Deere 7215R 215 hp, IVT transmission, 43 gpm hydraulic pump, (R) 2010 John Deere 8270R MFWD, 230 3 hydraulic remotes, triple link sushp, 189 PTO hp, IVT transmission, 5 pension, 420/90R30 front tires with hydraulic remotes, 42.5 gpm hydraulic fenders, 620/70R42 rear tires with pump, 118.5” rear axle, 380/90R534 1400 lbs. weights, XM satellite radio, R1W tires, 380/90R54 R1W rear tires, HID lighting, cold weather package, active seat, 2 pair 450# rear weights. H480 loader, bucket, 5-tine grapple #21098. (3) Was $175,000................. fork, joystick control. “Rental Return.” ................NOW $135,000 CNT/F.O.B. #17291. (3) Was $196,000................. ................NOW $149,000 CNT/F.O.B.

(R) 1997 John Deere 9300 360 engine hp., 24/6 Quad shift, 4 hydraulic remotes, dual 710/70R38 tires, true ground spead radar, 5710 hours. #21213. (4).. ................................................$69,500

1991 John Deere 8760 300 hp, 24 speed Power Sync, fresh underhaul, 20.8R38 duals, 10,279 hours. Consignment. #21342. (1)............................... $59,000

(R) 2010 John Deere 7930 180 PTO hp., MFWD, IVT transmission, 540/1000 PTO, Cat. III 3-point hitch, 43 gpm hydraulic pump, 4 hydraulic remotes, deluxe cab, JD active seat, 520/85R42 rear tires with 1400 lbs. weights, 420/90R30 front tires, triple link front suspension with fenders, JD 746 loader, joystick control, bucket, 5-tine grapple fork, 4905 hours. #22174. (1)........................................ $113,500

JOHN DEERE ROW CROP 100 hp. plus

(R) 2012 John Deere 8360R 360 hp. Intel power management, IVT, 60 gpm hydraulic pump, 4 hydraulics, premium CommandView II cab, AutoTrac ready, dual beam radar sensor, 1000 PTO, 3-pt., 710/70R42 rear dual tires, ILS front axle with 480/70R34 dual tires, fenders, HID lighting, wheel weights. 2225 hours. #14957. (4). Was $229,950 NOW $189,000 CNT/F.O.B.

(R) 2010 John Deere 8320R MFWD, 320 engine hp, 260 PTO hp, 16F/4R powershift, 1000 PTO, Cat. III 3 pt. hitch, 5 hydraulic remotes, 85cc (60gpm) hydraulic pump, 118.5” rear axle, 480/80R50 dual rear tires, 420/85R34 front tires with independent front suspension, deluxe cab, cold start package, premium radio, 1400 lbs weights on each rear axle. #21099. (3)........... ................NOW $149,500 CNT/F.O.B.

(R) 2013 John Deere 7230R 230 engine hp, 189 PTO hp, IVT transmission, 540/1000 PTO, Cat. III 3 pt hitch, dual rear tires: 520/42 @ 85%, triple link front axle with 420/30 front tires, 85cc hydraulic pump, 5 hydraulic remotes, premium cab, air, heat, AM-FM-Satellite stereo, HID lighting package, electric mirrors, business band antenna, foot throttle, 2465 lbs on each rear axle, cold weather start, JD H480 loader, bucket, 5-tine grapple. 1225 hours. “Rental Return”. #17281 (3)...........NOW $168,000 CNT/F.O.B.

(R) 2012 John Deere 7230R MFWD, 230 engine hp, 180 PTO hp, IVT transmission, 380/90R54 dual rear tires, 118.5” rear axle, triple link front suspension, 380/80R38 front tires, Cat. III 3 pt. hitch, 1000 PTO, 4 hydraulic remotes, 63cc hydraulic pump (43 gpm), premium cab with suspension, HID lighting, XM Satellite radio, cold start, 16 front weights, 450 lbs weights on each rear axle, 2115 hours. #21097. (3) Was $169,000............................... ................NOW $129,000 CNT/F.O.B.

Check Out Our WEBSITE:


406-228-2496 or 800-428-2496 Glasgow, MT (1) 406-765-1531 or 800-443-9447 Plentywood, MT (2) 406-485-2145 or 800-521-5800 Circle, MT (4) 406-787-6201 Culbertson, MT (3) Check out our website: www.fesmt.com

After Hours Sales:


(R) 2014 John Deere 7210R MFWD, 210 engine hp, 170 PTO hp, IVT transmission, deluxe cab with leather active seat & XM radio, electric mirrors, 540/1000 PTO, Cat. III 3-point hitch, 710/70R42 rear tires, 600/70R30 front tires with fenders & triple link suspension, 7” color display, 4100 processor, ethernet switch R4, 4 hydraulic remotes, 43 gpm hydraulic pump, cold weather package, 240 amp alternator, 1400 lbs. inside rear wheel weights, H480 loader, bucket, grapple fork, 410 hours. #21513. (3)............... $199,500

Glasgow: Mike Johnson, Salesman 406-263-2501; Alex Yeska, Salesman 406-942-0065; Wade Engstrom AMS/Commercial Sprayer Specialist 406-263-2498; Coel Stutheit 406-263-2494 Circle: Mike Haynie, Salesman, 406-939-5994; Ole Rolandson, Salesman, 406-974-2144; Don Wagner, Salesman, 406-230-1059 Culbertson: Mike Kjos, 406-489-7277; Luke Anderson, Salesman 406-478-3118 Plentywood: Jake Reynen, Salesman 406-480-3512

(R) 2012 John Deere 7200R MFWD, 200 engine hp, 165 PTO hp, IVT, 540/1000 PTO, Cat. III 3 pt. hitch, 118.5” rear axle, 480/80R50 dual rear tires, triple link front suspension, 380/80R38 front tires, 63cc hydraulic pump (43 gpm) with 4 hydraulic remotes, premium cab CVII with suspension, 7” color touch display, XM Satellite radio, HID lighting, cold weather start, 12 front weights, 900 lbs weights on rear axle, 1820 hours. #21096. (2)..................... ................NOW $127,500 CNT/F.O.B.

(R) 2004 John Deere 7920 MFWD 170 PTO hp, IVT transmmission, triple link front suspension, 540/1000 PTO, 3 pt. hitch, 3 function joystick loader control, 96” rear axle, 520/85R42 single rear wheels, 420/90R30 front tires with fenders, rear weights, deluxe cab with foot throttle, AM/FM radio/WB/CD, instructional seat, 746 loader, 8-ft. bucket with digging teeth, hood guard, 5-tine grapple, 5440 hours. “Rental Return.” #21069 (1). Was $98,000................... ..................NOW $82,000 CNT/F.O.B. 1997 John Deere 7610 MFWD, 120 PTO hp, powershift transmission, 540/1000 PTO, 3-point hitch, 3 hydraulics remotes, 18.4x38 rear tires, 14.9x30 front tires, cab with air and heat, JD 740 loader. #22341. (3)......... $47,500 2007 John Deere 7520 MFWD, 125 PTO hp, 20/20 PowrQuad transmission, 540/1000 PTO, 3-point hitch, 3 hydraulic remotes, deluxe cab, air ride seat, New Firestone 480/80R 38 rear tires with 900 lbs. weight, New Firestone 14.9x28 front tires, JD 741 loader, 3-function joystick. #22351. (3)........... .............................................. $69,500

“ATTENTION COLLECTORS” parts machine, Fordson 2WD tractor. #16003413..... ..................................$1500

2013 John Deere 6140D MFWD, 137 engine hp, 115 PTO hp, 9F/9R power reverser transmission, 540/1000 PTO, Cat. II, 3 point hitch, standard cab, air ride seat, heater, air conditioning, 3 hydraulic remotes, 18.4x38 rear tires with 4 weights per wheel, 14.9x24 front tires, JD H310 loader, 3 function joystick. 625 hours. #22299. (2).......... .............................................. $73,000 2013 John Deere 6140D MFWD, 137 engine hp, 115 PTO hp, 9F/9R power reverser transmission, 540/1000 PTO, Cat. II, 3 point hitch, 3 hydraulic remotes, cab with heat and air, air ride seat, 18.4x38 rear tires with 4 weights each, 14.9x24 front tires, JD H380 loader, 3 function joystick. #22345. (2).......................................... $66,500 2008 John Deere 7130 MFWD, 121 engine hp, 16/16 PowrQuad transmission, cab, air, heat, 540/1000 PTO, 2 rear hydraulic remotes, colder weather package, rear weights with JD 740 loader, bucket, 5-tine grapple fork, 3-function joystick control. #22323. (1).......................................... $65,500 2013 John Deere 6140M MFWD, 114 PTO hp, 140 engine hp, 24/4 PowrQuad transmission with left hand reverser, 540/1000 PTO, Cat 3N/2 - 3 pt hitch, 45ccm hydraulic pump, 3 deluxe hydraulic remotes, deluxe cab, air ride seat, mirrors, 460/85R42 rear tires, 420/85R28 front tires with fenders, JD H360 loader, bucket, 5-tine grapple fork. “Rental Return.” #21860. (4).......................................... $89,500

(R) 1989 John Deere 4455 MFWD, 142 PTO hp, powershift transmission, cab, air conditioning, heater, 3 hydraulic remotes, 540/1000 PTO, JD 280 loader, bucket, grapple fork, “Major Reconditioning”. #15083. (4).............. ......NOW $41,500 CNT/F.O.B. Dealer 1981 John Deere 4240 2WD tractor, 110 PTO hp, 540/1000 PTO, 3 point hitch, powershift transmission, cab with air and heat, JD 158 loader. #22327. (3).. .............................................. $26,000


2014 John Deere 5115M MFWD, 100 PTO hp, IT4 diesel engine, power reverser transmission, 540 PTO, Cat. 2 3-pt. hitch, triple mid & rear hydraulic remotes, deluxe cab with air ride seat, cornerpost exhaust, mirrors, cold start package, JD H260 loader. #17271. (4) Was $88,500...................................... ..................NOW $68,500 CNT/F.O.B. Used 2014 John Deere 5115M MFWD, 100 PTO hp, IT4 diesel engine, power reverser transmission, 540 PTO, Cat. 2 3-pt. hitch, triple mid & rear hydraulic remotes, deluxe cab with air ride seat, mirrors, cornerpost exhaust, cold start package, JD H260 loader. “Only 100 Hours”. #17272. (3). Was $88,500..... ..................NOW $68,500 CNT/F.O.B.

2015 John Deere 5055E FWA, 55 engine hp, 45 PTO hp, 9F/3R transmission, open station, 16.9-28 6PR R1 rear tires, 9.5-24 6PR R1 front tires, dual mid mount hydraulic valves, 10 hours. Factory warranty expires: 3/31/2018 #21398.(3). Was $33,500................... ..................NOW $29,500 CNT/F.O.B. 1983 John Deere 2550 2WD, cab, syncro, rear PTO 540/1000, 2 hydraulics with 245 loader. #22218. (2)......... $16,500

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 – Page A37

(R) = “Reconditioned”, CNT = “Cash No Trade”, F.O.B. Customer




Up to 5 years 0% INTEREST available With qualifying down payment or trade equity - o.a.c.

SPRAYERS NEW John Deere 6140D MFWD, 115 PTO hp, 140 engine hp, 24F/12R synchronized transmission, forward/ reverse shuttle, standard cab, air ride seat, 3 hydraulic remotes, 540/1000 PTO, Cat. II 3 point hitch, 18.4x38 rear tires with 8 weights, 14.9x24 front tires. #1042................................ .“Carryover Special” Save $12,000 2015 John Deere 6140D MFWD, 115 PTO hp, 140 engine hp, standard cab, air ride seat, 24F/12R synchronized transmission, 3 hydraulic remotes, 540/1000 PTO, Cat. II 3 point hitch, 18.4x38 rear tires with 8 rear weights, 14.9x24 front tires. #1048.... .“Carryover Special” Save $12,000 2015 John Deere 3046R MFWD, 37 PTO hp, 45 engine hp, E-Hydro transmission, deluxe cab, air ride seat, A/C, 540 rear PTO, 540 mid PTO, Cat. I 3 point hitch, rear hydraulic remote, 43x16-20 rear industrial tire, 27x8.515 front industrial tire, H165 loader. #8897. (1)........................ Save $9000

2015 John Deere 3038E MFWD, 30 PTO hp, 37 engine hp, hydrostatic transmission, 540 PTO, Cat. I 3 point hitch, 15-19.5 industrial tread rear tires, 25x8.50 industrial tread front tires, D160 loader. #8880 (2)............. ......“Carryover Special” Save $4000

2015 John Deere 1025R MFWD, 18 PTO hp, 24 engine hp, hydro transmission, 540 PTO, Cat I. 3 point, H120 loader, 260 backhoe, 26x12 rear tires, 18x8.5 front tires. #8791. (2)...................................................... ..... “Carryover Special” Save $4000


2015 Unverferth 1396 22” double-auger (green), 20x42WH/650/65x42 R-1W duals, walking tandem, 520 indicator, hydraulic jack kit. #21806. (1).... $72,500

2012 Brent 1394 Avalanche 1300 bushel capacity, walking tandem axles, tarp, scale, 250 hp minimum hp requirement. #17051. (1)................................ $72,500 2011 Unverferth 1115 1100 bushel, tarp, scale, 1000 PTO, 900/65R32 tires. #21982. (3)................................ $43,000

2014 Brandt 1020 1000 bushel, 20” unloading auger with directional spout, 1000 PTO, roll top tarp. #21382 (1).... $35,500 2006 Unverferth Avalanche 1084 1000 bushel, 1000 PTO, scale, tarp, 480/80R42 tires. #21801. (3)....................... $35,500

2001 Unverferth 7200 750 bushel with cover, 1000 PTO. #21775. (4).............. $17,950


2015 John Deere R4038 sprayer, radio, 9.0L Tier 4 engine, 380/90R46 tires, SS eductor, front fill, 120-ft. booms, 20” nozzle with fence row end nozzles, auto boom level, wheel slip control, boom air purge, HID field lighting, radar. #21471. (1). ....................CALL

2014 John Deere R4038 self-propelled, 3000 receiver, SF1 activation, JD section control, radio, 9.0L tier 4 engine, 420/80R46, SS eductor, 120-ft. booms, 15” nozzles, wheel slip control, boom air purge, Xenon HID field lighting. #17485. (4). Was $335,000................ ........................ NOW $294,500/F.O.B. 2014 John Deere 4940 340 hp, AWD, hydrostatic transmission, 120-ft. booms, 1200 gallon stainless steel tank, hydraulic tread adjust, 480/80R50 tires, BoomTrac Pro-5 leveling, hydraulic boom fold, SF1 activation, HID light package, independent suspension, chemical eductor, fence row nozzles, 1085 hours. #21981 (3)....... $268,000

2013 John Deere 4940 self-propelled, 480/80R50 tires, solution pump, SS eductor delivery system, 120-ft. booms, BoomTrac auto level system, wheel slip control, xenon HID field lights, radar speed sensor, row crop fenders. #21318 (1). Was $268,000... ............... NOW $216,750 CNT/F.O.B.

2012 John Deere 4940 120-ft., traction control, 20” nozzle spacing, halogen field lights, SS plumbing, row crop fenders, high flow solution pump, traction control, 380/105R50 tires, fence row nozzle right hand, stainless steel, eductor system, fence row nozzle left hand. #21498 (1). Was $250,000....... ................NOW $195,000 CNT/F.O.B.

(R) 2011 John Deere 4930 325 hp, 120ft. booms, 1200 gallon stainless steel tank, deluxe cab, GreenStar AutoTrac ready, 1930 hours. #21319 (1). Was $220,000..NOW $160,000 CNT/F.O.B.

(R) 2005 John Deere 4920 120-ft., stainless tank, guidance ready, traction control, 15” nozzle spacing, high flow solution pump, 480/80R50 tires, AutoTrac ready, Xenon HID field lighting, boom return to height, fence row nozzles, strainers, full boom breakaway, radar speed sensor, row crop fenders (4), wheel slip control, 3320 hours. #21600. (2). Was $112,500..... ..................NOW $97,000 CNT/F.O.B.

2015 Case IH Patriot 4440 120-ft., AIM PRO, PRO 700, AFS Accuguide, active suspension, hydrostatic transmission, infinite variable speed, full time 4WD, 650/65R38 flotation tires with fenders, 1200 gallon tank, front fill. #22349. (1)....................................... $327,500

2011 Apache AS1220 self-propelled, 100ft. booms, poly tank, 20” nozzle spacing, Raven Viper pro auto rate, boom height and section control, AutoTrac. #21310 (1). Was $170,000.................. ................ NOW $126,000 CNT/F.O.B. NEW Summers Ultimate 110-ft., 1650 gallon, chemical clean load system, nozzle bodies only, crossover plumbing package, hitch piece backstop, single electric end nozzle, 3 sensor UC5 Norac, New warranty remains. #10016. (3). WAS $70,000...............NOW $57,500

Enclosed trailer 3-1650 tanks, transfer pump, never been used. Consignment. (1)............................................. $9750


MagnaSpread fertilizer spreader, UHMW and stainless steel reduces corrosion issues and extends the life of the spreader, UHW Bearing Back keeps bearings clean, giving longer bearing life and fewer failures, Proprietary MagnaSpread system delivers a wider, flatter, more consistent pattern, Dual Rack and Pinion gate prevents jams, Overhead Spinner Motors are ABOVE the chemical resulting in extended motor life, Pull with a tractor - no need to maintain a dedicated chassis and power train, Variable rate technology or straight rate control, UHMW Comb Cover prevents streakking in the field, BBI Spreaders are “Option Rich” and can be customized to your specific application, Flotation tires and wide swath minimize compaction. (1)

“NEW” New Leader L3030G4 high capacity fertilizer spreader with 300 cu. ft. stainless steel hopper able to hold up to 10 ton of product. Spreads fertilizer at rates as low as low 50 lbs./acre to 1100 lbs/acre at a width of 105-ft. #11241. (1). Was $66,000.................. ..................NOW $46,000 CNT/F.O.B.

Ficklin CA13000 grain cart. #22023..$8500


New Brent 882 800 bushel, 1000 PTO, 20” corner auger, weather guard roll tarp, 410 scale package. #9620 (1).......... $47,500

Check Out Our WEBSITE:

6600 gallon , 3” pump. Consignment. (1).......................................... $15,000

2011 Frontier AP12A pallet fork, Vin# 1XFAP12KJD0000348, with 48” tines, fits 8000 series loader. “Brand New Never Used”. #22172. (4)......... $1950 2000 Frontier 48” pallet fork, fits 700 loaders. #22337. (3)............................ $800

2011 John Deere 4930 self-propelled, 480/80R 50 tires less load command, less SS eductor delivery, 120-ft. booms, less foam marker, wheel slip control, deluxe cab Greenstar-AutoTrac belly shield, Xenon HID field lighting, boom section straines, row crop fenders(4), wheel motor shields, engine starting aid, engine block heater, receiver, 2630 display, AutoTrac activation, section control, sprayer remote. #21855. (2). . ...............................................219,900

406-228-2496 or 800-428-2496 Glasgow, MT (1) 406-765-1531 or 800-443-9447 Plentywood, MT (2) 406-485-2145 or 800-521-5800 Circle, MT (4) 406-787-6201 Culbertson, MT (3)

2007 Case IH SRX-160 90-ft. suspended boom, auto boom height control, dual nozzle body, 1600 gallon tank. #21162. (3).......................NOW $25,500 CNT 2001 Spray-Air 3200 88-ft. pull type, 800 gallon tank, 20” nozzle spacing, chemical eductor. #21972. (3)..$5500

2013 New Leader L3030G4 high capacity fertilizer spreader with 300 cu. ft. hopper able to hold up to 10 ton of product. Spreads fertilizer @ rates as low as 50 lbs./acre to 1100 lbs./acre. Patented G4 variable rate broadcaster, TR1000 trailer. #11139. (1) Was $95,000........ ..................NOW $64,500 CNT/F.O.B.


VF 420/95 R50 dual tires & hubs for R4045 sprayer, 98% tread. #22240. (1)..$7500 480/89R50 tires & rims, came off John Deere 4930. #22195. (4).......... $9500


Check out our website: www.fesmt.com

After Hours Sales:


Glasgow: Mike Johnson, Salesman 406-263-2501; Alex Yeska, Salesman 406-942-0065; Wade Engstrom AMS/Commercial Sprayer Specialist 406-263-2498; Coel Stutheit 406-263-2494 Circle: Mike Haynie, Salesman, 406-939-5994; Ole Rolandson, Salesman, 406-974-2144; Don Wagner, Salesman, 406-230-1059 Culbertson: Mike Kjos, 406-489-7277; Luke Anderson, Salesman 406-478-3118 Plentywood: Jake Reynen, Salesman 406-480-3512

1986 John Deere 210C cab, 4WD. #22051. (1)............................................$25,000

“NEW” New Leader T1000 adjustable axle trailer, up to 10 ton capacity, @ 20 mph, works in conjunction with new or used New Leader applicators/spreader boxes built for John Deere 4900 Series sprayer chassis. #11141 (1). Was $31,750..... NOW $22,000 CNT/F.O.B.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 – Page A38

(R) = “Reconditioned”, CNT = “Cash No Trade”, “F.O.B. Customer” COMBINES

Up to 5 years 0% INTEREST available


With qualifying down payment or trade equity - o.a.c.

2015 John Deere S680STS premium cab, enhanced air suspension, HID lights, radio package, AutoTrac ready, 2630 display, 2WD, small wire concave, 7.9M unloading auger, 750/65R26, 650/85R38, final tier 4 engine, 110V coolant heater, powercast powered tailboard, engine hours 583, separator hours 409. #22057. (3)........ $388,000 2014 John Deere S680 13.5L tier 4 diesel engine, 473 hp, 3 speed Pro-Drive transmission, Greenstar 3 touch screen color display, AutoTrac ready, premium cab, heavy duty hi-torque laterial tilt fixed speed feeder house, extended wear thick skin Tri-Star rotor, 22.5” unloading auger, straw chopper with powercast tail board, 900/60R32 dual drive tires with 16” spacers, 28L26 steering tires, HID lights, engine hours 1555, separator hours 1025. #21973. (1).......................... $302,000 (R) 2013 John Deere S680 premium cab, standard lighting with extremity lights, 7” GS3 color touch screen, AutoTrac ready, Harvest monitor, Command Touch Pro-Drive transmission with Harvest Smart, extended wear TriStream rotor, 26-ft. high speed unloading auger, fine cut chopper, Firestone dual 650/85R38 drive tires, 620/75R26 steering tires, side hill performance package, 790 separator hours, 1090 engine hours. #21230 (2). WAS $345,000 THEN $336,500 NOW $327,500 (R) 2012 John Deere S680 Class 8, 473 hp, Pro-Drive transmission with Harvest Smart technology, premium cab & radio, HID lights, AutoTrac ready with Harvest monitor, GS3-2630 mounted on arm rest, heavy duty hi-torque fixed speed laterial tilt feederhouse, extended wear, thick skin Tri-Star rotor with extended wear concave bars, 26-ft. hi-speed unloading auger, wide spread fine cut straw chopper, 650/85R38 dual drive wheels, 750/65R26 steering tires, engine hours 850, threshing hours 675. #21661. (4)........ $279,500 (R) 2016 John Deere S670 Tier 4, 373 engine hp, 3 speed hydro, 300 bushel grain tank with folding cover, 26-ft. high speed unloading auger, premium cab, XM radio, electric mirrors, GS3 Touch Screen color display, AutoTrac ready, variable speed laterial tilt feederhouse, extended wear grain handling system, Firestone 520/85R42 dual drive tires, 750/65R steering tires, JD basic warranty expires 9/2/2017, JD Powertrain extended warranty expires 9/2/2018, engine hours 405, separator hours 290. #22252. (1).................. $325,000 (R) 2016 John Deere S670 Tier 4, 373 hp engine, 3 speed hydro, 300 bushel grain tank with folding cover, 26-ft. high speed unloading auger, premium cab, XM radio, electric mirrors, GS3 Touch Screen color display, AutoTrac ready, variable speed laterial tilt feederhouse, extended wear grain handling system, Firestone 520/85R42 dual drive tires, 750/65R26 steering tires, basic factory warranty expires 9/2/2017, JD Powertrain extended warranty expires 9/2/2018, engine hours 650, separator hours 460. #22253. (1)........ $317,500


(R) 2012 John Deere S670 premium cab, HID lighting, AutoTrac ready, 7” GS3 touch screen color display, 3 speed hydro, heavy duty thick skin rotors, heavy duty torque variable speed lateral tilt Contour Master feederhouse with reverser, 2 speed fine cut chopper, 800/70R38 drive tires with 6.5” spacers, 28L-26 rear tires, 26-ft. high output unloading auger, 1340 separator hours, 1890 engine hours. #13596. (4). Was $205,000.................................... ................NOW $159,000 CNT/F.O.B. 2012 John Deere S670 premium cab, HID lighting, AutoTrac ready, 7” GS3 Touch Screen display, 3 speed electric shift transmission, extended wear thick skin rotor, 350 bushel grain tank, 26-ft. unloading auger, fine cut straw chopper, 800/70R38 drive tires with 6.5” axle spacer, 28L-26 steering tires, threshing hours 1795, engine hours 2075. #22179. (1)................ $155,000 2012 John Deere S670 premium cab, HID lighting, AutoTrac ready, 7” GS3 Touch Screen color display, 3 speed hydro, heavy duty thick skin rotor, Contour Master feederhouse, 2 speed fine cut straw chopper, 520/85R42 dual drive tires, 28L-26 steering tires, 26-ft. high output unloading auger, engine hours 2000, threshing hours 1719. #22181. (1)........................................ $149,500 2011 John Deere 9870STS premium cab, general purpose chaffer, heavy duty final drive, 800/65R32, 110 volt coolant heater, Gold Key Experience, concave cover plate set, Goodyear tires. #22142. (4)................. $172,000 2010 John Deere 9770STS duals, chopper, laterial tilt feederhouse, Zenon lighting, Contour Master, heavy duty variable speed feederhouse, 3.15” header lift cyclinder, small wire concave, self leveling shoe, short tooth chaffer, 26-ft. unloading auger, chopper with power tailboard, 20.8-42 R1 drive tires, 2WD, 600/65R28 R1 steering tires, hydraulic fore & aft reel control, Greenstar display, sieve auto level. #22004. (4)................. $175,000

(R) 2010 John Deere 9770STS Premier cab, fixed speed heavy duty level land feedershouse, header high lift cylinders, 26-ft. unloading auger, 800/70R38 drive tires with 18” axle extensions, 28L-26 steering tires, feed accelerator slow down kit, straw chopper with tailboard spreader, 1510 separator hours, 1985 engine hours. #13639. (1).Was $160,000................ ................NOW $135,000 CNT/F.O.B.

(R) 2005 John Deere 9860STS deluxe cab, Dial-A-Speed header control, hydraulic fore & aft, in-cab draper control, Greenstar wiring harness, high torque variable speed Contour Master feederhouse, 22’5” unloading auger, fine cut wide spread straw chopper, 800/65R32 drive tires, 18.4R-26 steering tires, 1185 separator hours, 1570 engine hours. #13584. (2).................. ........................ NOW $119,500/F.O.B.

2004 John Deere 9760STS duals, yield monitor, lateral tilt feederhouse, Contour Master, heavy duty variable speed feeder house, header height resume, Green Star monitor touch set concave adjust, round bar concave, deep tooth chaffer, 22.5-ft. unloading auger, chopper with chaff spreader, 20.8-42 drive tires, 2WD, 28L-26-10PR, hydraulic fore & aft reel control, ATV and harnesses. #21862. (4).............. $99,000 2004 John Deere 9760STS chopper, yield monitor, lateral tilt feederhouse, Contour Master, heavy duty variable speed feeder house, header height & reel resume float, Greenstar less mapping with display, Touchset concave adjust, 22.5 high speed unloading auger, straw chopper with chaff spreader, 800/65R32 R1 drive tires, 17.4x26 R1 steering tires, service lights. 2245 engine hours, 1600 separator hours. #21911. (4)............................ $99,000 2004 John Deere 9760STS 2WD, chopper, yield monitor, lateral tilt feederhouse, Contour Master, heavy duty variable speed feederhouse, adjust rear heavy duty spindles, header height resume, sending and float, Green Star less mapping with display, 18.4x26 R1 steering tires, round bar concave, fine cut chopper with chaff spreader, hydraulic fore & aft reel control, 800/75R38 R1W drive tires, deep toothy chaffer, 21.5” unloading auger, Harvest Smart header control. #21891. (4)............................ $88,500

(R) 2004 John Deere 9760STS deluxe cab, 3-position header height control, Harvest DOC, Touchset concave adjustment, 22’5” high capacity unloading system, twin disk straw spreader, 18.4R-42 dual drive tires, 18.4R-26 steering tires, HID lighting, 2460 engine hours, 1869 separator hours. #13505. (4).NOW $71,000 CNT/F.O.B. 2008 John Deere 9670STS deluxe cab, header height sensing, fore & aft reel control, Greenstar monitor, 20.8R38 dual drive tires, 18.4x26 steering tires, level land fixed speed feederhouse, heavy duty header lift cylinders, 21’5” high speed unload auger, straw chopper with chaff spreader. #22038. (3)... ............................................ $155,000

2012 Case IH 8230 straw chopper with in cab spreader control, yield monitor, lateral tilt feederhouse, 520/85R42D drive tires, 600/65R28 steering tires, AutoGuidance NAV II, HID lighting, Magnacut deluxe, cross auger control, grain tank extension with cover, 1099 engine hours, 777 separator hours. #21354. (2). Was $263,000................ ................NOW $199,500 CNT/F.O.B.

Check Out Our WEBSITE:


1998 John Deere 930R 30-ft., slat reel, level land, heavy duty skid plates, DialA-Speed reel control. #14085. (4)........ ...................................................$5500 1992 John Deere 930R 30-ft., rigid header, 30-ft. slat reel. #14046. (2)..........$3750 1990 John Deere 930R 30-ft., batt reel. #13956. (1).................................$4995


(R) 2014 John Deere T670 premium cab, enhanced air suspension seat, standard lighting with header extremity lights, GS3 Touch Command center display, AutoTrac ready, 3-speed electric shift transmission, fixed speed lateral tilt feederhouse with heavy duty gathering chain, dual range cylinder, electric adjust cleaning shoe sieve adjust, 23-ft. unloading auger, xtra fine cut straw chopper, Michelin IF800/65R32 drive tires, 540/65R30 steering tires, interactive combine adjust, high capacity oil cooler, “ONLY” 115 separator hours, 205 engine hours. JD 5 year 3000 hour extended warranty remains, expires 7/31/19 or 3000 hours. #13617. (1). Was $299,950.NOW $255,000 CNT/F.O.B.

(R) 2012 John Deere T670 “Conventional”, premium cab, standard lighting, GS3 Touch display command center, AutoTrac ready, 3 speed electric shift transmission, fixed speed, level land feederhouse with heavy duty chain, dual range cylinder, electric adjust cleaning shoe, 23-ft. unloading auger, straw chopper, Michelin 800/65R32 drive tires, 480/80R26 steering tires, 325 separator hours, 440 engine hours. #13616. (4). Was $263,750..... ................NOW $229,000 CNT/F.O.B. (R) 2009 John Deere T670 small grain, yield monitor, lateral tilt feederhouse, Greenstar monitor less display, 800/65R32 drive tires, 480/80R26 steering tires, adjustable rear axle heavy duty spindles, Contour Master, 3 speed hydro, engine hours 1315, separator hours 825. #21821. (3)...... ............................................ $178,500


2013 John Deere 612C 12 row, 30” row, opposed knife stalk row, AutoTrac Rowsense sensors, non-Stackmaster. #14078. (4)..............................$59,950 (R) 2012 John Deere 612C 12 row, 30” spacing, oppesed knife stalk, AutoTrac rowsense sensors, “new” updated header frame installed. #14080. (2)..... ................................................$57,000 2007 John Deere 1293 12 row, 30” spacing, knife row units, Contour Master backshaft and harness, stubble lights, outer gather extensions. #22371. (4).... ................................................$33,900

1983 John Deere 8820 combine with 30.5x32 tires, chaff spreader. #13573. (4). Was $12,500................................ .....................NOW $7500 CNT/F.O.B.


(R) 2015 John Deere 645FD 45-ft., dual knife drive, poly tine pickup reel, crop convey auger, AWS air reel. #21381. (1)......................................... $102,500 2016 John Deere 640FD dual knife drive, poly tine pickup reel, reel tine flip over bundles, spare knife coarse tooth, crop convey auger. #22254. (1).......$87,550 2014 John Deere 640FD top auger, dual knife drive, poly tine pickup reel, one piece spare knife, crop convey auger. #22079. (3)..............................$83,200 2013 John Deere 640FD header height sensor, cut height skidshoe, reel flipover bundle, top auger. #22255. (1)..... ................................................$57,500 2011 John Deere 640FD 40-ft., pickup reel, crop conveyor auger header height sensing. #14153. (1)................$65,260 2014 John Deere 635F 35-ft., spare knife one piece. #21807. (2).............$39,950 (R) 2006 John Deere 635F 35-ft., pickup reel, composite fingers, high stone dam. #13897....................................$20,500 2004 John Deere 635F auger composite fingers, header height sensing & Contour sensor. #13879. (3)..........$14,500 1999 John Deere 930F 30-ft. header. #22350 (2)..................................$8500 1994 John Deere 930F 30-ft., integral air finger reel. #13961. (2)...............$5500

2014 MacDon FD75 45-ft., slow speed transport, upper cross auger. #21974. (1)............................................$77,000 (R) 2013 MacDon FD75 45-ft. flex draper, finger reel. #14112. (1)............$67,500 (R) 2012 MacDon FD70 45-ft., gauge wheels, no transport. #14110. (1)........ ................................................$64,500 2011 MacDon FD70 45-ft., pickup reel, slow speed transport, fits JD 70 series adapter. #14111. (1)................$69,000


2014 John Deere 615P 15-ft. with 179” BPU. #14148. (4).....................$29,750 2014 John Deere 615P header. #22250. (1)............................................$27,500

2014 John Deere 615P header. #22251. (1)............................................$24,500

406-228-2496 or 800-428-2496 Glasgow, MT (1) 406-765-1531 or 800-443-9447 Plentywood, MT (2) 406-485-2145 or 800-521-5800 Circle, MT (4) 406-787-6201 Culbertson, MT (3) Check out our website: www.fesmt.com

After Hours Sales:


2012 Unverferth AWS-36 all wheel steer. #21847. (3).................................$7000 2012 Unverferth wheel steer transport, field runner (green), 235/80x16 tires, no brakes. #22080. (2)................$5700 V-trailer 30-ft. combine trailer. #13973. (1)...............................................$2000

2010 Case IH 8120 small straw chopper, yield monitor, lateral tilt feederhouse, 900/60R32 drive tires, 480/70R30 steering tires, AccuGuide with NAV II controller, HID lighting, electric grain tank cover. #21355. (2)....................... ................NOW $145,500 CNT/F.O.B.

1990 John Deere 9600 2WD, singles, chopper, 30.5x32 fronts, 14.9x24 rears, 6 cylinder diesel, 260/253 hp, 20-ft. unloading auger, chaff spreader, Dial-A-Speed reel. #21734. (3)..$33,500 1990 John Deere 9600 2WD, singles, chopper, 20-ft. unloading auger. #21641. (2)..............................$25,900 1994 John Deere 9500 small grain, 2WD, singles, chaff spreader, high capacity lift cylinders, 20-ft. unloading auger, straw spreader, 24.5x32 12 ply low profile, 14.9x24 6 ply cleat, Dial-ASpeed header control, hydraulic fore/aft reel control, 235 hp engine, 2 seasons on cylinder bars and concaves, engine hours 2648, separator hours 1677. #22145. (4)..............................$35,000


Glasgow: Mike Johnson, Salesman 406-263-2501; Alex Yeska, Salesman 406-942-0065; Wade Engstrom AMS/Commercial Sprayer Specialist 406-263-2498; Coel Stutheit 406-263-2494 Circle: Mike Haynie, Salesman, 406-939-5994; Ole Rolandson, Salesman, 406-974-2144; Don Wagner, Salesman, 406-230-1059 Culbertson: Mike Kjos, 406-489-7277; Luke Anderson, Salesman 406-478-3118 Plentywood: Jake Reynen, Salesman 406-480-3512

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 – Page A39

(R) = “Reconditioned”, CNT = “Cash No Trade”, “F.O.B. Customer” SWATHERS


2014 John Deere 640D 40-ft., pickup reel, slow speed transport kit. #21363. (2).... ................................................$64,500 (R) 2014 John Deere 640D 40-ft., transportation kit. #22256. (1).........$59,500 2013 John Deere 640D 40-ft., poly tine pickup reel. #22347 (2)............$55,000 2012 John Deere 640D 40-ft., 4 poly tine pickup reel, slow speed road transport with lights. #21330. (3).............$48,750 (R) 2011 John Deere 640D 40-ft., pickup reel, road transport kit with lights. #14028. (4)..............................$53,000 (R) 2011 John Deere 640D with poly tine pickup reel, road transportation kit, full width skid shoes. #14150. (3)..$44,500 (R) 2014 John Deere 635D 35-ft., finger pickup reel, transportation kit. #14137. (3)............................................$64,500 (R) 2013 John Deere 635D 35-ft., pickup reel, transportation kit. #14042. (1)....... ................................................$56,500 2013 John Deere 635D 35-ft., pickup reel, transportation kit. #14040. (1)..$45,950 2013 John Deere 635D 35-ft., poly tine pickup reel. #22164. (1)...........$45,000 (R) 2012 John Deere 635D 35-ft., pickup reel, transportation package. #14075. (1)............................................$56,000 (R) 2011 John Deere 635D 35-ft., poly tine pickup reel, road transport with lights. #14001. (1)..............................$47,500 2011 John Deere 635D 35-ft., finger reel, transportation kit. #14052. (1)..$33,500 2011 John Deere 635D 35-ft. header, road transport with lights. #13981. (1)........... ......................................NOW $39,000 2011 John Deere 635D 35-ft., rental return, pickup reel, road transport kit, lights. #13979.(1).....................NOW $39,000 2010 John Deere 635D 35-ft., poly tine pickup reel, road transport with lights, cutterbar with full width skid shoes. #22006. (4)..............................$43,000 2010 John Deere 635D 35-ft. #22007. (4)............................................$43,000 2010 John Deere 635D 35-ft., poly tine pickup reel, cutter bar with full width skid shoes. #21799. (1)...........$36,000 2010 John Deere 635D 35-ft., finger reel, transportation kit. #14053. (3)............... ......................................NOW $35,500 2010 John Deere 635D 35-ft., pickup reel, transportation kit. #13962. (1)............... ......................................NOW $33,000 (R) 2010 John Deere 635D 35-ft., poly tine pickup reel, road transport with lights, cutterbar with full width skid shoes. #14115. (4)....................NOW $33,000 2009 John Deere 635D 35-ft., double sickle, gauge wheels, pickup reel, hydraulic fore & aft, single point hookup transportation system. #13894.............. ......................................NOW $34,250 2009 John Deere 635D 35-ft., transport with lights, poly tine pickup reel. #14104. (1)..................................NOW $34,250 2009 John Deere 635D 36-ft., pickup reel, transportation kit. #14012. (1)............... ......................................NOW $34,250 2007 John Deere 936D 36-ft., poly tine pickup reel, road transport with lights, cutterbar skid shoes, multi connection point hookup. #22163. (1)........$25,500 2007 John Deere 936D 36-ft., poly tine pickup reel, road transport with lights, cutterbar skid shoes, multi connection point hookup. #22162 (1)........$25,500 2006 John Deere 936D 36-ft., poly, pea auger, single point hookup, 2 new canvases. #22024. (2).............$29,500 (R) 2004 John Deere 936D 36-ft., pickup reel, transportation kit. #13891. (4)....... ................................................$24,500 2001 John Deere 936D 36-ft., poly tine pickup reel, Dial-A-Speed reel, road transport with lights. #21769. (4).......... ................................................$15,000

(R) 2000 John Deere 936D 36-ft., finger reel, gauge wheels, road transport. #21784. (4)..............................$25,000 2000 John Deere 936D with road transport with lights, poly tin pickup reel. #14022. (1)............................................$16,500 2000 John Deere 936D 36-ft., poly tine pickup reel, Dial-A-Speed control, fore and aft reel control, road transport with lights. #22300. (4)....................$15,425 2004 John Deere 930D 30-ft., poly tine pickup reel, gauge wheels, road transport with lights. #22339. (4).....$21,000 2009 Honey Bee 42-ft., with JD adapter, pickup reel, transport system. #14072. (3)..................................NOW $31,000 2007 Honey Bee 422 42-ft. draper header, pickup reel, transportation kit and John Deere adapter. #14073. ...................... ......................................NOW $29,500 2010 MacDon D60 40-ft., pickup reel, slow speed transport, JD 70 series adapter. #21050. (1)....................NOW $38,500 2003 MacDon 963 36-ft., pickup reel, transportation kit, 60 Series JD adapter. #13831. (3)....................NOW $17,000


2015 John Deere W235 self-propelled, 235 hp, Premium cab, AutoTrac ready, 520/85R38 drive tires, 16.5Lx16.1 steering tires, 500R 16-ft. rotary platform with V-10 steel conditioning roll. #21838. (1).......................... $180,000

2004 John Deere 956 mower conditioner, rotary tongue 1 3/8” hookup, urethane conditioner rolls, hydraulic tilt. #22029. (3).......................................... $18,500 2015 John Deere W150 18-ft. header with conditioner, 150 hp, 600-65R28 radial bar tires, hydraulic centerlink, reverser kit, external booster spring, light kit, engine fan baffle with 180A header, integrated AutoTrac. #21840. (3)........ ............................................ $135,500

(R) 2009 MacDon M200 16-ft. R80 rotary disc header with steel conditioner rollers, also with D60 25-ft. draper header, Cat 6.6L 213 hp engine. #21409. (1).. .............................................. $97,500


John Deere 0907PC Starfire 3000 receiver. #22229. (1)................................. $3430 John Deere 0900PC Starfire receiver, SF1. #17103. (1)................................. $1500


2016 John Deere 332E ROPS, cab enclosure with air conditioning, hand controls, EH controls, air ride seat, Hi-Flo, joystick, ride control, 2 speed, weights, beefy baby tires, 84” bucket, reversing fan. #22326. (3)........$58,500 2012 John Deere 326D 74 hp, 5 cylinder engine with reversing hand drive, EH joystick control, 2-speed transmission, self-leveling boom, cab, heater, air ride seat, radio, horn, mirror, power quick attachment, 1050 hours. #22206 (1).... ................................................$37,500


Highline CFR651 processor, 3 remote, top deflector, end curtain, Rental Return. #16978. (1)............... $23,500

2013 John Deere W110 self-propelled, bar 600-65R28 radial tires, hydraulic centerlink, external booster springs, engine fan baffle, auxiliary lift valve, training seat, knife/reel speed module with 160A header, engine hours 75, header 25 hours. #21873. (1).$130,500


2014 Salford I-2141 41-ft. Independent Series cultivator, 3 section, 7.5” spacing, 22”x13 wave on front two - 22”x8 wave on last 3 ranks on 1-5/8” coil shank, 8 bolt 305/70xR22.5 recap truck on main frame 28’-41’, Cat IV articulating implement hitch, 31 weights, axle pivot grease bank 3-section. #11219 (3). Was $99,500......... NOW 71,500 CNT/F.O.B.

“Rental Return” Summers 9J5004 50-ft. vertical tillage, super coulter, ideal for spring tillage, chops residue and slices through layers of soil, promoting root growth and opening soil to allow wet fields to dry. #21697. (1). Was $75,000. ...................NOW $49,000 CNT/F.O.B.

1996 John Deere 235 21-ft. disk, 3-section folding, 9” spacing. #22036. (3)..$5900

“NEW” Delta S3 36-ft. harrow cart, 5/8”x5” two-way flexible tines. #21834. (1)....... ................................................$14,000 “NEW” Delta S3 32-ft. harrow cart, 5/8”x5” two-way flexible tines. #21837. (1)....... ................................................$11,950 “NEW” Delta S3 24-ft. harrow cart, 5/8”x5” two-way flexible tines. #21836. (1)....... ................................................... $9950

2008 MacDon M200 16-ft. R80 rotary disc header, conditioner, Cat 6.6L 213 hp engine, 1950 hrs. #21408. (1)..$85,000

2014 John Deere 430D 30-ft. draper windrower header. #21820. (4)........... .............................................. $34,000

2013 General Implement HZ 2280 8-ft. skidsteer blade. #10398. (1)....... $3995

2014 Genim 6-ft. skidsteer tooth bucket. #10445....................................... $2100 2014 Genim 6-ft. skidsteer bucket. #10435. (1)............................................... $1350


2011 Brandt 4500HP 1000 PTO, double fold discharge auger. #22362. (4)....... .............................................. $20,000

2008 Rem 3700 high capacity, up to 10,000 bushels per hour load out capacity. #16977. (1). Was $19,995... ..................NOW $15,000 CNT/F.O.B.

Check Out Our WEBSITE:


406-228-2496 or 800-428-2496 Glasgow, MT (1) 406-765-1531 or 800-443-9447 Plentywood, MT (2) 406-485-2145 or 800-521-5800 Circle, MT (4) 406-787-6201 Culbertson, MT (3) Check out our website: www.fesmt.com

After Hours Sales:


2014 John Deere 425D 25-ft. draper header, single sickle, 6-bat plastic finger reel, steel end finger kit, LH & RH end swath deflector rods, 4 wheel header trailer. #21683. (3)..... $42,500 2007 John Deere 4995 V10 conditioners, lighting kit, 18.4x26 button tires with 995 header. #22363. (1)........ $69,000

Glasgow: Mike Johnson, Salesman 406-263-2501; Alex Yeska, Salesman 406-942-0065; Wade Engstrom AMS/Commercial Sprayer Specialist 406-263-2498; Coel Stutheit 406-263-2494 Circle: Mike Haynie, Salesman, 406-939-5994; Ole Rolandson, Salesman, 406-974-2144; Don Wagner, Salesman, 406-230-1059 Culbertson: Mike Kjos, 406-489-7277; Luke Anderson, Salesman 406-478-3118 Plentywood: Jake Reynen, Salesman 406-480-3512



Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 – Page A40

(R) = “Reconditioned”, CNT = “Cash No Trade”, F.O.B. Customer CONVENTIONAL DRILLS


Up to 5 years 0% INTEREST available With qualifying down payment or trade equity - o.a.c.


2015 John Deere 1835 SFP, 41-ft., 4x22” steel press wheels, smooth gauge wheel, 33x15.5 and 31x13.5, electric depth control, transport lowering, rock guards, single shoot, 33-15.5-16.5 flotation tires, 1” tip with roll pin knife, 2015 JD 1910-430 bu. tow between, 3 tank, 4 run stat double shoot, regular meter roller, auger hopper screen, Seed Star cart, 4WD, power beyond standard. #21881. (3).......... $183,500 2014 John Deere 1835 60-ft., 10” spacing, 4” steel press wheels, 1” carbide tip openers, single placement fertilizer openers, primary blockage, JD 1910550, 550 bushel 3-tank air cart, 3 season of USF less than 20,000 acres. #21874. (3).......................... $216,000

2002 John Deere 1820 53-ft., 10” spacing, double shoot, 550# openers on four ranks, 5.5x21” semi pneumatic press wheels, dual caster wheels on wings, double shoot air package for tow between cart, primary hoses blockage warning system with 1900 cart. #22346. (2).................... $45,000 2005 Bourgault 5710 54-ft. with 6550 trailing tank, 10” spacing, double shoot on shank, new meter boxes. #15514. (1)..............................................CALL

John Deere 9450 30-ft. drills, 7” spacing, Acra points, fertilizer box, transport. #16005362. (1)...................... $17,500


2005 John Deere 1895 30-ft., 10” spacing, double shoot, extended wear seed boot, dry fertilizer delivery tube, narrow gauge wheel, cast fertilizer closing wheel, double shoot air package for tow behind cart, primary hoses blockage warning system for seed & fertilizer, John Deere tow behind 1910 340 bushel tank. #22049. (4)..$99,000

2004 Bourgault 5710 35-ft. with 3225 cart, 10” spacing, single shoot. #22054. (2).......................................... $26,500

2014 John Deere 1835 50-ft., 10” spacing, 1” opener, 4”x22” steel packer with rock guards, SPF (single placement fertilizer opener). #21335 (3) Was $207,500...NOW $178,00 CNT/F.O.B.

2010 John Deere 1835-1910 41-ft. air hoe drill, 10” spacing, single shoot, 3x21 semi-pneumatic press wheels, smooth gauge wheels, primary hoses blockage warning system, dual main & wing caster wheels, 12.5L15, single shoot seed & separate fertilizer, dual fertilizer delivery tube, mechanical depth control with hydraulic down pressure with 1910 cart. #21441. (2). Was $125,000.................................... ..................NOW $90,000 CNT/F.O.B.

2006 Flexi-Coil 5500 70-ft. air hoe drill, 10” spacing, 550# trips, 1”x2” C shanks, flotation tires, double shoot air system, primary optical blockage on seed run, 3.5” steel packers wheels, Dutch low draft paired row carbide tips with 2002 Flexi-Coil 2340 tow behind variable rate meter drive, dual fan, 8” auger with air seeder hopper with 2007 NH SC430 leading cart, 430 bushel 3 compartment, variable rate drive metering system, 10-ft. auger, 18.4x28 R1 duals, dual fan. #15492. (1). Was $99,000.............................................. NOW “Make us a offer” CNT/F.O.B.

Concord 4012 40-ft., 12” spacing, single shoot with 2400 air cart. #21686 (4).. .............................................. $12,500

2007 John Deere 1835 50-ft., 12.5” spacing, single shoot, all run blockage, opener on rear three ranks & separate FTL disk, cast fertilizer closing wheel, narrow gauge wheel, 5.5x21” semipneumatic press wheels, anhydrous fertilizer delivery tube, dual main & wing caster wheels, 12.5L15, mechanical depth control with hydraulic down-pressure with 1910 cart. #21868. (4)........................................ $102,000 2007 John Deere 1835 12” spacing, 550 lb. trips, 5.5”x21” semi-pneumatic press wheels with rock guards and mud scrapers, all run seed blockage monitor, separate fertilizer placement banders, 1910 air seeder, 8” load upload auger, 6 run double shoot system with variable seed and fertilizer rate, open lid tank indicator. #22361. (4).... ............................................ $109,000

2015 John Deere 1830 51-ft., 10” spacing, single shoot, 3”x21” semi pneumatic press wheels, dual main and wing caster wheels, mechanical depth control, JD 1910-350 tow between air cart, primary hoses blockage system. #21872. (2).......................... $198,000 2010 John Deere 1830 61-ft., 10” spacing, heavy duty trips, 4” solid press wheels, 2010 JD 1910-350, 350 bushel tow behind cart, 28Lx26 cane & rice tires, Pattison TB2150, 2580 gallon liquid fertilizer tank. #21740. (4).... $143,000

60’ spreader boom fits Flexi-Coil tank. Consignment. (1)..................... $8500


2013 John Deere 1895 43-ft., separate fertilizer placement (SFP), smooth gauge wheels, cast fertilizer closing wheel, all run blockage, single shoot anhydrous delivery tube, 1910-550 tow behind air cart. #21514. (3)..$235,500

2004 John Deere 1895 40-ft., separate fertilizer placement (SFP), 10” spacing, extended wear seed boots, dry fertilizer, steel gauge wheel, 1910430 tow behind air cart, 6-run double shoot, 8” load-unload auger, variable rate seed & fertilizer delivery. #21076. (1). Was $122,500.............................. ............... NOW $105,500 CNT/F.O.B.

“Factory Updated” 2013 Bourgault 3710 “Drill updated to a Bourgault 3720 no-till disc drill”, 60-ft., 10” spacing, updated disc openers and mid row banders, 4.5” packer wheel, 591 monitor, blockage monitor, 6700ST tow behind 700 bushel, 4-tank metering package, dual fan, bag lift system, 650/75R34 tires. #15468. Was $295,000.............. ................NOW $222,000 CNT/F.O.B.

2012 Bourgault 3710 60-ft., 10” spacing, low dist. scraper, 2012 Bourgault L6550ST air seeder tank, double shoot, 10” deluxe unloading auger, MRBS, 4 tank metering, steel augers, 58’6” to 60’5” sprockets. #21061. (1).. ............................................ $230,000 “Factory Undated” 2011 Bourgault 3710 independent coulter disc drill, 10” spacing, mid-row banders, 4.5” semi-pneumatic packer wheels, narrow 3” cleaner wheel, double shoot, Bourgault 6550 tow behind 4-tank air cart. #21865. (2). ................ $120,000

1993 John Deere 7300 corn planter, 30” spacing, 6 row. #16005270... $12,500


2015 John Deere 260 backhoe, Cat. 1, 12” bucket. #21599. (1)............. $5700 “NEW” Frontier BU1060 round bale unroller, hydraulic actuation. #21005. (1)............................................. $1595

2016 John Deere 647 4-ft., Cat I, roto tiller. #21715. (2)............................... $3550 2004 John Deere 1895/1910 43-ft., 10” spacing, double shoot, smooth gauge wheels, extended wear seed boot, tow behind cart, dry fertilizer delivery tube, primary hose blockage warning system, cast fertilizer closing wheel. #21479. (4). Was $141,000................ ................. NOW $97,500 CNT/F.O.B.

2009 Bourgault 3710 60-ft., “No-Till” independent coulter disc, 10” spacing, mid-row banders, 4.5” semi-pneumatic packer wheels, narrow 3” cleaner wheel, double shoot, Bourgault 6550 tow behind 4-tank car. #15533. (1). Was $210,000.................................... ................NOW $141,000 CNT/F.O.B.

2008 King Kutter RC30 5-ft. rotary mower. #21526. (1)................................. $850

NEW 2016 John Deere 1890 60-ft., 10” spacing, 8 run single shoot system, all run blockage with 1910 550 bushel tow-behind cart. #21857. (3)..$313,600

2013 John Deere 1890 single shoot, 7.5” spacing, 90 degree openers with extended wear seed boots and smooth side gauge wheel, all running seed blockage monitor, 31x13.5-15 tires, John Deere 1910-270 bushel tow between air cart, two tank powered calibration system, variable seed & fertilizer rate control, 8” load and unload auger with cupped steel flighting & telescoping down spout, “only 5200 acres”. #21660 (3)............... $129,000

2012 John Deere 1890/1910 60-ft., 10” spacing, single shoot, all run blockage. #21869. (4).......................... $192,000



IN STOCK Fast, clean, tough and efficient. We’ve made the XL-78 to pick rocks faster, and with less dirt in the bucket. They’re tough farm hands that stand up to the rough and tumble world of rock picking and you can depend on them to get your rock picking jobs done quickly and easily. • The XL-78 has a picking width of seven feet. • Large bucket capacity. • The XL-78 dumps rocks 7 feet - plenty of height if you’re using a truck or trailer to haul rocks off the field. • Hydraulic reel drive • Heavy duty, high efficiency parallel drive gearbox.

Check Out Our WEBSITE:


406-228-2496 or 800-428-2496 Glasgow, MT (1) 406-765-1531 or 800-443-9447 Plentywood, MT (2) 406-485-2145 or 800-521-5800 Circle, MT (4) 406-787-6201 Culbertson, MT (3)

Check out our website: www.fesmt.com

2013 John Deere 1895/1910 43-ft. air disc drill, double shoot, smooth gauge wheel, all run blockage, cast fertilizer closing wheel, double shoot air package for tow behind cart, dual fertilizer delivery tube with 1910 430 bushel cart. #21423. (2). Was $204,000........ ................NOW $185,000 CNT/F.O.B.

(R) 2011 John Deere 1890 60-ft., 8 run single shoot, 7.5” spacing, primary blockage with 1910, 350 bushel tow behind cart, powered calibration, cane & rice tires, dual wheel caster beam, 10” auger, variable rate. #15455. (2).. ............................................ $179,500 2011 John Deere 1890 42-ft., single shoot air package, 7.5” spacing, 6-run double shoot, dual 31x13.5-15 hi flotation tires with 1910, 350 bushel tow between cart. #22241. (3).................. $131,000

After Hours Sales:

Glasgow: Mike Johnson, Salesman 406-263-2501; Alex Yeska, Salesman 406-942-0065; Wade Engstrom, AMS/Commercial Sprayer Specialist 406-263-2498; Coel Stutheit 406-263-2494 Circle: Mike Haynie, Salesman, 406-939-5994; Ole Rolandson, Salesman, 406-974-2144; Don Wagner, Salesman 406-230-1059 Culbertson: Mike Kjos, 406-489-7277; Luke Anderson, Salesman 406-478-3118 Plentywood: Jake Reynen, Salesman 406-480-3512

Mussel Alert and Boater Program Talks Set for North Central Montana

The Joint Mussel Response Team will host open houses in April at eight towns in north central Montana to discuss the upcoming watercraft inspection season, new regulations, and local boater program certification. The events will focus on Montana’s plan to detect, contain, and prevent the spread of invasive mussels and other aquatic invasive species. The open houses will run from 6-8 p.m., with a presentation beginning at 6:15 p.m. Local boaters can be certified after the presentation. Preregistration is not required. Here are the dates and locations: • April 10 – Chester, Liberty County Senior Center, 6th St. E., • April 12 – Havre, Great Northern Inn, 1345 1st St., • April 17 – Choteau, public library meeting room, 17 Main Ave. N., • April 18 – Conrad, Pondera County Shooting Sports Complex, 972 Granite St.

• April 20 – Fort Benton, city hall, 1204 Front St. Boaters who recreate primarily on Tiber and Canyon Ferry reservoirs may be eligible to participate in a local boater program to bypass recurring inspections at designated mussel containment zones at Tiber and Canyon Ferry reservoirs. While local boaters won’t be required decontaminate their vessels with hot water each time they leave Tiber or Canyon Ferry – they’ll still be required to stop at an inspection station where they’ll be expedited through after a brief interview. The program is designed to decrease volume at decontamination stations and allow a focus on boats traveling elsewhere. Prospective local boaters can get certified by attending an open house presentation. Motorized and non-motorized vessels like canoes, kayaks and paddleboards can participate in the local boater program. To complete the local boater program

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page A41

GRAVEL TRUCKS FOR SALE 1997 Peterbilt truck with NEW 15-ft. gravel box............... $35,000 2007 International 5900 dump truck, 16-ft. tub, low miles, hi lift endgate........................................................................ $60,000 Call (406) 279-3586 ext. 719 or 289-0135, Valier, MT

Rivers West Auction 2017 Calendar

Saturday, April 29 Potomac, MT - Estate of Harry Grant Saturday, May 13 Evaro, MT - Western Montana Spring Consignment Auction Saturday, May 20 Polson, MT - Duane Hunt farm and ranch retirement Saturday, June 3 Evaro, MT - Big Salmon Outfitters total liquidation Visit www.riverswestauction.com to view the full listing!

Jason Clinkenbeard • 406-239-3529 jason@riverswestauction.com Reed Tobol • 406-249-1767 reed@riverswestauction.com


Consumer Products


Up to 5 years 0% INTEREST available With qualifying down payment or trade equity - o.a.c.



NEW John Deere 850i green & yellow sport, 14” Bighorn tires, sport seat, Fox 2.0 Performance, Prerunner bumper, “Power Steering”. #8674. (1).Was $19,650.....NOW $13,000 CNT/F.O.B.

2011 John Deere 825i green & yellow, deluxe cab, cab heater, 12” Ancla tires, deluxe cargo box, rear OPS screen. #22239. (4)............................ $12,500 2010 John Deere 825i gas XUV, green & yellow, 12” tires, hi-performance sport SE, deluxe cargo box, power & protection package. #21833. (4)......... ................................................. $9100


(R) 2012 John Deere RSX850i green sport gator, 14” Maxxis Bighorn tires, bucket sport seat, sports package, 426 hour, 2985 miles. #16669 (1). Was $12,500.....NOW $10,000 CNT/F.O.B.

2005 John Deere 717A 48” deck with bagger & blower. #22048. (2)... $3900


2013 John Deere 825i green & yellow, 14” Bighorn tires, bench seat, deluxe cargo box, poly roof, power lift brush guard rear protection. #21619. (4)...... .............................................. $11,250

(R) 2008 John Deere 568 Megawide pickup, twine only, 1000 PTO, 31x13.5 8-ply tires, bale push bar, hydraulic pickup lift, slip clutch alert & speed sensor, balecount: 8610. #22021. (4).. .............................................. $19,500 2007 John Deere 568 Megawide pickup, twine & surface wrap, 1000 PTO, 21.5L-16.1 10-ply tires, bale push bar, hydraulic pickup lift, balecount: 12,169. #21779. (3)............................ $23,500 2015 John Deere 569 surface wrap, 1000 PTO, hydraulic pickup lift, bale push bar, 21.5L-16.1 tires. #21189. (1)....... .............................................. $47,000 2014 John Deere 569 Megawide pickup, twine and surface wrap, 1000 PTO, 21.5L-16.1 10 ply tires, bale push bar, hydraulic pickup. #21832. (3)..$39,600 2013 John Deere 569 1 3/8” 1000 rpm hookup, 21.5L-16.1 rim & tires, Megawide Plus pickup, pushbar, cover edge surface wrap, hydraulic pickup lift, variable core valve. #21670. (1)......... .............................................. $41,000 2013 John Deere 569 Megawide pickup, twine & surface wrap, 1000 PTO, bale push bar, 21.5L-16.1 10 ply tires, hydraulic pickup lift. #16211. (1). Was $41,000.....NOW $31,000 CNT/F.O.B. 2012 John Deere 568 surface wrap, 1000 PTO, 21.5L-16.1 10 ply tires, hydraulic lift Megawide pickup, pushbar. 14,150 bales. #21689. (1).................. $19,500 2011 John Deere 568 21.5L-16.1 10-ply tires, Megawide Plus pickup, pushbar, coveredge surface wrap, hydraulic pickup lift. #22030. (3)........... $28,500 2011 John Deere 568 surface wrap, Megawide Plus pickup with hydraulic lift, 21.5L-16.1 tires, pushbar. #22160. (1).......................................... $23,500

2010 John Deere 568 Megawide pickup, twine and surface wrap, Bale Trak monitor, hydraulic pickup lift, 21.5L16.1 tires, push bar, 9992 bale count. #21758. (4)............................ $32,500 2010 John Deere 568 1000 PTO, 21.5L16.1 10-ply tires, Megawide Plus pickup, hydraulic pickup, dual gauge wheels, bale pushbar, cover edge surface wrap system, 11735 total bales. #21664. (1).................. $30,800 (R) 2009 John Deere 568 Megawide pickup, twine & surface wrap, 1000 PTO, 5-ft., bale push bar, 21.5L-16.1 10 ply tires, hydraulic pickup lift slip clutch & speed sensor, 10,725 bales. #21037. (4). Was $31,000.................. ..................NOW $25,000 CNT/F.O.B. (R) 2009 John Deere 568 1000 PTO, 21.5L-16.1 10 ply tires, Megawide Plus hydraulic pickup, dual gauge wheels. #17503. (1). Was $32,000.................. .......................... NOW $22,750/F.O.B. 2008 John Deere 568 surface wrap, 1000 PTO, Megawide Plus pickup with hydraulic lift, 21.5-16.1 high flotation tires, 14,869 bales. #21763. (1).......... .............................................. $30,000

VERMEER 2011 Vermeer 605SM Megawide pickup, twine and surface wrap, 1000 PTO. #21744. (3) Was $19,950................... ..................NOW $18,950 CNT/F.O.B. NEW HOLLAND

2003 New Holland BR780 regular pickup, 1000 PTO, crop saver wheels, Bale Command twine wrap. #22047. (1).... ................................................. $6950

Check Out Our WEBSITE:


406-228-2496 or 800-428-2496 Glasgow, MT (1) 406-765-1531 or 800-443-9447 Plentywood, MT (2) 406-485-2145 or 800-521-5800 Circle, MT (4) 406-787-6201 Culbertson, MT (3)

2013 John Deere D170 26 hp., 54” deck. #21602. (1)............................... $1350

Check out our website: www.fesmt.com

After Hours Sales:

2012 John Deere 825i power steering, Ancla XT 12” tires, standard high back, deluxe cargo box. #21451. (4)..$9800

John Deere 265 hydro tractor with 46” mower. #21499. (1)..................... $750


Glasgow: Mike Johnson, Salesman 406-263-2501; Alex Yeska, Salesman 406-942-0065; Wade Engstrom AMS/Commercial Sprayer Specialist 406-263-2498; Coel Stutheit 406-263-2494 Circle: Mike Haynie, Salesman, 406-939-5994; Ole Rolandson, Salesman, 406-974-2144; Don Wagner, Salesman, 406-230-1059 Culbertson: Mike Kjos, 406-489-7277; Luke Anderson, Salesman 406-478-3118 Plentywood: Jake Reynen, Salesman 406-480-3512

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page A42

The deadline for advertising in the May issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be April 26th. Phone (406) 271-5533 or email: trader@3rivers.net

Selling Pounds... Producing Tons


•  Magnum Salt •  Magnum 7 •  Magnum 7-wet •  MagnaGraze II •  HybriForce3400 •  MydriForce 3420-wet •  Hi-Gest 360 •  Rugged •  AFX 457 •  AFX 429



•  HayKing II (Hybrid Sundangrass) *  Super Sugar (Sorghum Sundangrass) *  Mountain Valley (Pasture Blend) *  Saltlander Forage Grass Mis

Increase your yields! AgriGro is the leading manufacturer of prebiotic technology for plant nutrition •  Ignite S2 •  FoliarBlend •  Agri-Cal (Chelated Liquid Calcium) •  Ultra (OMRI certified)

.....and more! Creston Seed carries a complete variety of grass seed. Call for details!

Servicing the Hi-Line and NW Montana!

Tryg 406-261-8031

Lee 406-261-2190



Earl 406-949-5500

Regulator 2.0



application, boat owners will need the boat number, trailer plate number and the make, model and description of each boat they want to register. For nonmotorized watercraft, the make, model and description will suffice. An online local boaters’ training application will be available in early April. By getting into the do-ityourself “Clean, Drain and Dry” habit, Montana boaters and anglers can help prevent the risk of spreading destructive mussels and other aquatic invasive species, which are easily transported via water in boats or bait buckets. When boaters and anglers Clean, Drain and Dry their boat and equipment after every outing on the water, they guarantee they’re not transporting AIS. For more information visit Montana Mussel Response on Facebook.

Buying a cow

Next Generation Adjuvant For Herbicides

NanoRevolution 3.0™ for Herbicide is a proprietary adjuvant that is specifically engineered from the ground up which safely improves the performance efficiency of applied herbicide products. NanoRevolution 3.0 may prove beneficial when dealing with stubborn burn-down issues and off-label weed control.

Dealer for Dutch Openers

Come see us or call for more information!

Check us out for all your sprayer parts & supplies! Including hose, valves, fittings & more!

REGULATOR 2.0 is a carbon surfactant containing high amounts of energy and Oxygen. • Enhances herbicide burn down • Lowers pH of solution • Delivers molecular Oxygen • Safe and easy to use

Free Form’s Generation II liquid tank is the perfect solution for eliminating algae formation in water tanks. The UV light blocking black interior coupled with the light reflecting white exterior give the Generation II tank many advantages over conventional tanks. By reflecting the UV rays the exterior of the tank and it’s contents remain cool, this also prevents loss of strength that often caused black tanks to buckle when fastened to trucks.


Ag Wise, Inc.

“Your Crop Production Specialist”


Kremlin, Montana

Awhile after selling him a new pickup, an auto dealer called a farmer about buying a cow. The farmer said the cow would be, “about $500.” The dealer arrived at the farm to find the following hanging on the stall: Basic cow: $499.95 Extra stomachs: $79.25 Tow-tone exterior: $142.10 Deluxe dual horns: $59.25 Produce storage compartmnets: $126.50 4 spigot high-output drain system: $149.20 Heavy duty hay chopper: $189.60 Automatic fly swatter: $88.50 Genuine cowhide upholster: $179.90 Automatic fertilizer attachment: $339.40 4-by-4 tractor drive assembly: $884.16 Farmer adjustment: $300.00 Pre-delivery wash and comb: $69.80 Delivery: $35.75 Total price, including options: $3,143.36 ##### A cow chews her cud (regurgitated, partially digested food) for up to 8 hours each day.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page A43

The Coldest Spot in the Nation Has the Hottest Deals WHY PAY MORE?

2008 Ford F350 crew cab, dually, gas, 4x4. Cab/chassis or box, your choice

2016 Dodge Charger, all wheel drive, 16,000 miles

2012 Subaru Forester Only $9995!

36 month/100,000 mile engine warranty 2005 Ford F150 Lariat supercrew 4x4

2005 Ford F250 2WD, Power Stroke $5995

GORGEOUS – 2015 Ford Mustang

IN STOCK the Hard to Find 2016 Ford Explorer AWD Yes, We Do Sell For Less!!!! All Wheel Drive 2016 Lincoln MKX

2012 Toyota Camry

NEW 2016 Ford F250’s SAVE NOW ON EVERY 2016 IN STOCK! Several to choose from Our Prices WILL NOT be beat!!!!

2014 Ford Fusion – 4 to choose from 2014 Ford Edge Limited, all wheel drive

Something the entire family can enjoy 2015 Jayco with 4 bunk beds, queen bed. Like new, only 1/2 price 2015 Ford Expedition EL Platinum Immaculate Care!!!!

2011 Dodge Nitro, all wheel drive Like New at Used Prices! 2016 Transit Connect 6 passenger van

2010 RAM 2500 4x4, diesel

2012 Ram 1500 Laramie Limited Edition Everything including the Ram boxes

2014 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Only 31,000 miles, Special Rebelcon Package!!!


Cheap summer fun 1991 Ford Mustang convertible

Low miles – 2015 Ford Edge, all wheel drive. 2 to choose from 2012 Dodge 1500 Laramie 4x4 Hemi

2006 Dodge Ram 2500 4x4, diesel Low miles – 2015 Ford Fusion

2014 Jeep Patriot 4x4

2015 Ford Escape with only 18,000 miles, All Wheel Drive

2016 Ford Explorer AWD

2013 Ford F350 Lariat Crew Cab, Powerstroke, Automatic

2016 Ford F350 Platinum, Power Stroke, 4x4. LOADED!!! LOADED!!! LOADED!!!

2015 Forest River Tracer, 25-ft., slide

GREAT Selection of Ford F150’s crew cabs, supercabs, XLT’s, Lariats OUR PRICES WILL NOT BE BEAT!!!!

2016 Ford Taurus

Don’t Miss Another Summer! Plan Now! 2014 Ford Mustang Convertible

Northern Ford Northern Chrysler 2013 Ram 3500 ST crew cab, diesel, 4x4

Call 1-800-823-1234 or 1-406-873-5541 Cut Bank, MT See our used inventory at www.northernford.com


John Waller

David Kennedy 406-391-5661

Josh Waller 406-391-0602

Josh Larson 406-391-7056

Amelia Hall

Klay Sattler 406-590-2313





Toll-free 1-800-800-2299, local 406-873-2200 – 23 West Railway, Cut Bank, MT Website: www.northernchrysler.net E-mail: northernchryslerinc@yahoo.com

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page A44

Recipe Patch

Fresh Fudge

by Geri Chocolate Carrot Cake

Made in the Heart of South Dakota

Last run of the Season! We ship anywhere!

Chocolate, Chocolate Walnut, Chocolate Peanut Butter, Caramel Praline, Butterscotch, Chocolate Mint

Give Us A Call! • (701) 440-7700

1 package dark chocolate cake mix 4 ounces cream cheese, softened 1 package (3.9 ounces) instant chocolate pudding mix 1 cup 2% milk 3 large eggs 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 3 cups shredded carrots 1 cup chopped walnuts, toasted, divided 2 cans (16 ounces each) cream cheese frosting In a large bowl, combine the cake mix, cream cheese, pudding mix, milk, eggs and cinnamon; beat on low speed for 30 seconds. Beat on medium for 2 minutes. Stir in carrots and 1/2 cup walnuts. Pour into three greased and floured 8-in. round baking pans. Bake at 350° for 25-30 minutes or until a toothpick inserted near the center comes out clean. Cool for 10 minutes before removing from pans to wire racks to cool completely. Spread frosting between layers and over top and sides of cake. Sprinkle top with remaining walnuts. Store in the refrigerator.

Custom cut and molded to your specs

•  Full dimension rough cut lumber •  Custom sawing •  Custom molding •  Custom drying •  Beams •  Wood siding •  Log railing •  Driveway arches •  Bridge planks •  Fireplace mantels •  And much more..... 780 1st Rd. S - Vaughn, MT Call The Weaver Family (406) 788-7989 www.bigskysawmill.vpweb.com e-mail: bigskysawmill@gmail.com

Coconut Moons

1/2 cup butter, softened 3/4 cup sugar 3 eggs 1/2 cup orange juice 1-1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract 3 cups all-purpose flour

3 teaspoons baking powder 1-2/3 cups flaked coconut ICING: 2 cups confectioners’ sugar 1/4 cup 2% milk Assorted sprinkles of your choice Preheat oven to 350°. In a large bowl, cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in eggs, orange juice and vanilla. Combine flour and baking powder; gradually add to creamed mixture and mix well. Stir in coconut. Shape tablespoonfuls of dough into crescent shapes. Place 2 in. apart on ungreased baking sheets. Bake 8-10 minutes or until edges are lightly browned. Cool 1 minute before removing to wire racks to cool. In a small bowl, combine confectioners’ sugar and milk. Decorate.


DITCHRIDER - Valier, MT. Salary $37,066 and full benefits. Position operates canals and works with users to deliver irrigation water to the district. Must have personal vehicle. Must hold valid CDL or be able to obtain one. Agriculture, construction, or mechanical experience helpful. See full listing with details at mt.jobs.gov listing No. 01277427 or call (406) 279-3315 for application information.

Ask one of our many happy customers about our sales & service

411 North Main - Conrad, MT (406) 278-5915 Let us put you in a new camper to enjoy those leisure summer days.


We have a great selection of USED TRAILERS

2015 Shadow Cruiser 18-ft. bumper pull, small slide 2012 Cougar 33-ft. 5th wheel, 3 slides, bunks 2009 Sprinter 31-ft. bunk house, bumper pull 2008 Nash 22-ft. 2007 Jayco 25-ft, travel trailer with slide-out 2005 Salem 25-ft. bunkhouse bumper pull 1995 Terry 24-ft. 5th wheel small slide 1994 Itasca 32-ft. motorhome 1993 Wilderness 28-ft. 5th wheel 1992 Prowler 5th wheel 1988 Kit Road Ranger 23-ft. bumper pull

Authorized Dealer for

Used car dolly............................................................... $1200




We carry a full line of RV parts and supplies

Now selling PJ trailers Wide variety in stock

Easy Carrot Cake

1 cup all-purpose flour 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 cup packed brown sugar 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon ground allspice 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup vegetable oil 2 eggs 1-1/2 cups finely grated carrots FROSTING: 2 tablespoons butter, softened 2 ounces cream cheese, softened 1 cup confectioners’ sugar 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 to 4 teaspoons milk 2 tablespoons chopped walnuts, optional In a large bowl, combine the flour, sugars, baking soda, allspice and salt. Beat in vegetable oil. (Batter will be stiff.) Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Stir in carrots. Pour into a greased 8-in. square baking dish. Bake at 350° for 35-40 minutes or until a toothpick inserted near the center comes our clean. Cool on a wire rack. For frosting, in a small bowl, cream butter and cream cheese until smooth. Gradually beat in confectioners’ sugar and vanilla. Add enough milk to achieve spreading consistency. Spread over cake. Sprinkle with chopped walnuts if desired. Store, covered, in the refrigerator.

Carrot Casserole

2 pounds carrots, sliced 1/2 cup butter, divided 6 ounces process American cheese, cubed 1/4 teaspoon dill weed 1/2 cup crushed saltines (about 15 crackers) Place carrots in a saucepan and cover with water; bring to a boil. Reduce heat; cover and simmer until tender, about 10 minutes. Drain; place in a greased 1-1/2-qt. baking dish. In a small saucepan, melt 1/4 cup butter and cheese, stirring often. Stir in dill. Pour over the carrots. Toss the saltines and remaining butter; sprinkle over carrots. Bake, uncovered, at 350° for 25-30 minutes or until lightly browned and bubbly.

Jelly Bean Bark

1 tablespoon butter 1-1/4 pounds white candy coating, coarsely chopped 2 cups small jelly beans Line a 15x10x1-in. pan with foil; grease foil with butter. In a microwave, melt candy coating; stir until smooth. Spread into prepared pan. Top with jelly beans, pressing to adhere. Let stand until set. Cut or break bark into pieces. Store in an airtight container.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page A45




•  A 20% all-natural plant protein supplement. Ideal for overcoming nutritional stress associated with calving and the breeding period. • Contains chelated/organic trace minerals.




•  A 28% protein supplement using plant protein and NPN. Ideal for overcoming nutritional stress associated with calving and the breeding period. • Contains chelated/organic trace minerals. Maintain gut health and stability for profitability.

In Crystalyx

Bio-Mos® is derived from a specific strain of yeast and helps promote animal performance. Gastrointestinal (GI) health and integrity are essential for animal performance and Bio-Mos 'feeds the GI tract' and thus plays a critical role in animal nutrition and production.

Preg-check time is really profit-check time. That’s why it’s so important to keep your cows on CRYSTALYX®. Next to the bull himself, it’s the best way to ensure high reproductive efficiency. Because you can’t afford to wait and see. You need to be sure.

Taylor’s Farm Store Ben Taylor Valier

BTI Feeds

Call toll-free 1-866-279-3360 Store & Bulk Plant 406-279-3365 – Shop 406-279-3693 Cut Bank Highway - Valier - Highway 44 East

Farm Store toll-free 1-888-220-5547 — Local 406-434-5547 Bulk Plant toll-free 1-800-824-8366 — Local 406-434-5546 Chemical Warehouse 406-434-5253 — Store on Highway #2 in Shelby

Call toll-free 1-800-873-0336 — Local 406-873-4433 Highway 2 East, Across from railroad crossing, Cut Bank Bulk Plant toll-free 1-888-878-2812 — Local 406-873-2812


CattleMaster Series 12 Hydraulic Chute

Fiberglass & Steel


Stur-D round bale feeders


Open-Top Horse • Oval • Haysaver GRADE 5 & 8 BOLTS - NUTS - WASHERS 1/4” - 3/4”

3 lever hydraulic control:headgate, tailgate, and squeeze. Large inside dimensions: 65”x31”x94” Powerful 2 hp, 110 volt fully enclosed motor. Easy to remove, drop down kick pan. Adjustable neck extenders. Side exit door. Ratcheting backup bar. Durable, corrosionresistant powder coat finish.


Gates — Panels

Goulds Jet & Submersible Pump Water Systems Full Line of Calving & Branding Supplies

Call Gregg Schnee 1-800-824-8366 or local 434-5253 for DeKalb Roundup Ready

Canola & Alfalfa Seed

Spring Bolt & Nut Sale through April 30

Order special order ear tags and vaccines now

Bulk and case lot anti-freeze and RV anti-freeze Solve rodent problems with “Gladiator” Roller chain - Sprockets - Hubs

We make up hydraulic hoses in our Shelby & Valier stores

Nichols Sweeps

Conventional, Ultrawing, Klip Wing and conventional sweeps, spikes and drill shoes at Taylor’s Farm Store, Shelby

PROPANE Installations • Delivery • Inspections

Call 1-800-824-8366

Barb Wire

Available at Taylor Farm Store

15% off all gallons paint

Farmaster Round bale feeders Bunk feeders Gates — Panels Handling systems


* Lawn & Garden Soils * Hoses * Sprinklers * All other lawn & garden needs

Garden Seeds Flowers & Vegetables $.75 each

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page A46

April 2017


MT 59425 Visit our website at:Conrad, www.zomertrucks.com E-mail: zomer@3rivers.net S



2016 Peterbilt 379EXHD Cummins ISX, 18 speed, 550 hp, Platinum interior, 63” flat top, ONLY 50,000 miles!... $155,000

2006 Freightliner Columbia Detroit Series 60, 435/515 hp, 10 speed Eaton Ultrashift, recent overhaul, engine brake......... $38,500





2002 Kenworth T800 Cat C-15, 475 hp, 18 speed, heavy spec, lowboy ramps, wet kits.................... $58,000



2007 Kenworth W900L Cat C15, 550 hp, 18 speed,72” sleeper, VIT interior,...................................... $52,500




2-2012 Peterbilt 386 Cummins ISX, 13 speed, 63” sleeper, lockers engine brake.................................... $49,500



2007 Mack CHN613 Mack AC 460P, 460 hp, 18 speed, engine brake, 254,000 miles.................................. $38,500

2006 Volvo VNL64 Cummins ISX, 565 hp, 18 speed, lift axle, air ride, 48” sleeper...................................... $36,500

2007 Freightliner FLD12064SD MBE 4000 435 hp, 10 speed, air ride, engine brake, 48” flat top axle,air ride...................................... $37,500

2007 Kenworth T600 Cat C13, 430 hp, 10 speed Ultrashift, 237” wheelbase, perfect for a grain box..................... $36,500

2006 Western Star 14.0L Detriot, 13 speed, O/H with papers, headache rack, wet kit, 11R24.5............................... $37,500

2007 Freightliner Columbia daycab, Detroit 14.0L Series 60, 10 speed Ultrashift, engine brake, air ride,..... $35,000

Toll Free: 1-877-714-5944 Local: 406-278-5944 Fax: 406-278-3218

2007 Kenworth T600 C13 Cat, 430 hp, 10 speed Ultrashift, 589,000 miles, NEW drive tires, 72” sleeper, engine brake.................................... $37,500

2006 Western Star 4900EX Detroit 60, 14.0L, 515 hp, 13 speed, engine, 72” sleeper...................................... $35,000




2-2006 Freightliner Century Detroit 60, 14.0L, 515 hp, 10 speed Ultrashift, air ride............................................. $34,500

2006 International 9200i Cummins ISX, 475 hp, 10 speed, autoshift, engine brake, air ride....................... $29,500

2005 Kenworth T800 Cat C15, 475 hp, 10 speed, 62” sleeper, VIT interior....................................... $32,500

2006 Freightliner Columbia Detroit 60, 14.0L, 515 hp, 10 speed Ultrashift, 72” midroof sleeper......................... $26,500

2009 International Prostar Cummins ISX, 435 hp, 13 speed, engine brake, air ride.................................. $29,000

1996 Kenworth T800 Cummins N14, 435 hp, 15 speed, engine brake, tag axle............................................ $21,500

2000 Peterbilt 379 dump truck, Cat 3406E, 475 hp, 315,000 miles, 13 speed, 16-ft. box, pintle hitch...................... $55,000

2007 Freightliner Columbia MBE4000 450 hp, 10 speed Ultrashift, engine brake, 42” flat top sleeper................ $19,500

2006 Freightliner Columbia Detroit 60, 14.0L, 455 hp, autoshift, 20-ft. box, manual tarp, remote opener...................................... Just In

2007 Freightliner Columbia MBE4000 450 hp, 10 speed Ultrashift, engine brake, low miles................... $25,000

2006 Freightliner Century 429,000 miles, 14.0L Detroit, Autoshift, air ride, air slide 5th wheel............................ $29,500

6-2006 Sterling AT9500, MBE4000, 450 hp, 10 speed, engine brake, new paint, miles in the 4’s and 5’s........... Starting at $25,000

2007 International 7600 Cat C13, 9 speed, lift axle, 22-ft. box, hoist remote, electric tarp, silage/beet gate, only 175,000 miles.................................. $75,000


Peterbilt sleeper and cab, LED running light kits..........................................Call


1975 Ford F600 17-ft. box, stock racks, 361 gas engine, 5+2 transmission, spring ride.......................................... Just


Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page A47

Powersh ift & PTO!

2013 Versatile 350 Cummins QSX, 350 hp, 4x4, Powershift, 4 remote hydraulics, 1000 PTO, 462 hours................... $159,500

RENT ME 2000 & 1998 Transcraft flatbed, 48-ft. x102”, air ride, spread axle..... $11,500 2-1992 Fontaine flatbed, 48-ft.x96”, tandem spead axle, air ride..................$9500 2000 Fontaine flatbed, 48-ft.x102”, spring ride, sliding tandem axle ...... $11,500 1974 Trailmobile 45-ft.x96”, spring ride, tandem axle, ............................ Just In

1995 Lynwood tilt deck trailer, 37-ft.x102”, 20-ft. deck, hydraulic tilt, tri-axle, spring ride.............................................$8500 1999 NTE tilt trailer, 37-ft.x96”, tri-axle, spring ride................................$8500

1997 Caterpillar TH83 Cat 3054T, 109 hp, 4 speed, 41-ft. height reach, 8000 lbs. capacity............................ $27,500

1999 Freightliner FL112 single axle, Cat C-12, 9 speed, cruise, jakes, air ride, pintle hitch....................................... $17,500

2018 Jet sidedump, 47-ft.x102”, air ride, various axle configurations, electric tarp, tandem or tri-axle................. Call

2017 Timpte 50-ft.x96”x72” ag hopper, tri-axle, rear lift axle, air ride, LED lights........................................ $49,000 2015 Timpte 50-ft.x96”x72” ag hoppers, air ride, rear lift axle, extra flaps, .... $45,000

2001 CPS 42-ft. belly dump, tandem axle, spring ride .............................. $20,500 1998 CPS 42-ft. belly dump, spring ride........................................ $19,500 2011 CPS belly dump, 44-ft.x96”, spring ride, tri-axle, manual tarp...... $24,500

2017 Timpte 40-ft.x96”x72”, reverse traps, air ride, ag hoppers, sight windows, extra flaps........................................ $39,500

2013 Utility drop deck, 48-ft.x102”, tandem spread axle, air ride, two boxes........................................ $27,500

2007 Trail-Eze TE80HT 40-ton hydraulic tail drop deck, hydraulic winch................................ $29,500

2007 Load King HRGN lowboy, 53-ft.x102”, triaxle, air ride, 4 position ride height, moveable king pin, 55 ton............... $47,500

1998 R-Way belly dump, 43-ft.x96”, spring ride, manual tarp................... $23,500

2001 Felling end dump, 25-ft.x102”x48”, 20-ft. tub, high lift end gate, spring ride........................ $24,500

2011 Timpte 50-ft.x96”x66” air ride, tri-axle, rear lift axle, splash guards.$32,500

3-2016 Jet 40-ft.x96”x68”, sight windows, vented slopes, LED lights, spring ride...$28,500 & $29,500

1994 International 9400 Cummins N14, 350 hp, 9 speed, engine brake, air ride............................................. $16,500

1995 Alumafab flatbed pup, 20-ft.x96”, bulkhead, spring ride, metal deck.........$6500

2007 Freightliner Century Detroit 60, 14.0L, 455 hp, Ultrashift, wireless remote, manual tarp..............................................Call

1998 Eager Beaver flatbed pup, 34-ft.x102”, triaxle, spring ride, beavertail with 6-ft. ramps................................ $14,900

1989 Marquez pup, 41-ftx96”x64”, 20-ft. box, spring ride, hydraulic trap, manual tarp...............................................Call

1978 Custom Built end dump pup, 29-ft.6”, 16-ft. tongue, 12-ft. tub, spring ride.............................................$7500

1993 Load King & 1993 Load King pup spring ride, nice older set of trailers................... $29,000 as


2000 Castleton 42-ft.x102”x72”, ag hoppers, spring ride, pintle hitch....................................... $18,000

Converter Dolly 15-ft.x96”, tandem axle, spring ride, steel wheels..............$8500 2002 Freightliner FL70 Cat 3126, 275 hp, automatic, retarder brake, 15-ft. service body, beacon lights, spool racks...................................... $19,500

1995 Mickey beverage trailer, 35-ft.x96”, spring ride, pintle hitch, 10 roll-up doors on each side, rear roll-up door..................$7500

2000 Merritt hopper, 48-ft.x96”x68”, spring ride, manual tarps and traps, dual door rear trap........................................... $28,500


1980 Mack RL600L EG-350 350 hp, 15 speed, spring ride............................$6000 2004 Freightliner Columbia Detroit 60, 14.0L, 470 hp, 10 speed autoshift, wireless remote......................................... Call

April 2017

Conrad, MT 59425


• New Protech headache rack - IN STOCK • Several used headache racks and boxes IN STOCK • 23,000 Rockwell locking differential & 3.58 ratio on air suspension


Visit our website at: www.zomertrucks.com E-mail: zomer@3rivers.net

• Large inventory of truck and trailer suspension air bags • Call for your Fleetguard filter needs • Pro Tech full and 1/2 fenders in stock • 40-ft. straps, excellent for hauling round bales

Toll Free: 1-877-714-5944 Local: 406-278-5944 Fax: 406-278-3218

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page A48

New Holland Equipment

New Holland T-9 Series Tractors New Holland T9.645 Quad Tractor

IN STOCK - County “Lease Returns”

1- 2015 New Holland T6.175 145 hp, 215 hours, 16x16 auto shift, 3-pt., 540/1000 PTO, 42” tires, with loader and grapple...........................CALL! 2015 New Holland T7.210 165 hp, 210 hours, 18 speed full powershift, 3-pt., 540/1000 PTO’s, 42” tires, loaded with loader and grapple.............CALL! New Holland 33 Boomer 33 hp, diesel with loader...........................CALL! 2-2016 New Holland T6.165 230 hours, loader and grapple............CALL! 2-2016 New Holland T6.175 240 hours, loader and grapple............CALL!

New Holland Swathers

New Holland Guardian Sprayer

New Holland P4580

New Holland Combines

Air Cart

Zerbe Bros.


Glasgow, Montana

©2016 CNH Industrial America LLC. All rights reserved. New Holland is a trademark registered in the United States and many other countries, owned by or licensed to CNH Industrial N.V., its subsidaries or affiliates.


2000 Flexi-Coil System S67XL 120-ft. wheelboom, 1500 gallon tank, SP655 autorate, windscreens, #USF179....................................................$6500 2000 Flexi-Coil System 67XL 100-ft., 1500 gallon wheel boom, 18.4x26 tires, FlexControl Auto Rate, windscreens, double nozzles, rinse tank. #USF153.................................................$14,500

See More Online at


1998 Flexi-Coil System 67XLT twin tank, 130-ft., foam marker, hydraulic unfold, air inductor tips. #USF139.................................................$12,000 1998 Flexi-Coil System 67 110-ft., 1000 gallon, windscreens, wheel boom, FlexControl monitor. #USF151.................................................$10,000 1994 Flexi-Coil 65XL 120-ft., 1500 gallon, no Auto Rate. #USF173..........................................$6500 2009 New Holland S1070 134-ft. wheelboom, 1500 gallon tank, 480/80R38 tires, hydraulic fold, wash/ rinse #USNH60.......................................$20,000 2004 New Holland SF115 134-ft., 1500 gallon wheel boom, 18.4x26 tires, HMIC pump, FlexControl, dual nozzles, windscreen. #USNH00......$28,000

NEW HOLDOVER SPECIAL PRICE! NEW SUSPENDED BOOM SPRAYERS 2-2015 New Holland S1070 100-ft. suspended boom, 1600 gallon tank, 380/90R46 tires, LCTS monitor, windscreens, electronic agitation, Inductor tank, line strainers, L.P. wash, 4 ball valves, combo jet double bodies.

Regular: $67,625


New Holland SF115 100-ft. 1500 gallon, wheel boom, dual nozzles, hydraulic unfold, windscreen. #USNH35................................................$12,000

New Holland SF115 90-ft. suspended boom, 1000 gallon tank, windscreens, 3-ball valve. #USNH55................................................$28,000 2012 New Holland S1070 100-ft. suspended boom, 1600 gallon tank, 380/90R:46 tires, FlexControl auto rate, hydraulic pump. #USNH37......$43,000


2013 Case IH (MacDon) 2152 45-ft., double sickle, transport package, cross auger, finger reel. #UHCA20... $51,500 2010 Case IH 2162 40-ft. flex draper, poly cutterbar, transport package, cross auger, finger reel, New Holland adaptor, #UCCA17......................................................... $49,000 2010 MacDon FD70 45-ft. flex draper, double knife, cross auger, transport, NH adapter. #UHMD45......... $63,000 2011 MacDon FD70 45-ft. flex draper, double knife, transport, upper cross auger, poly skids, gauge rollers, JD adaptor. #UHMD46........................................... $69,000 2007 Honey Bee 94C 40-ft. draper header, pickup reel, CR New Holland adapter with gauge wheels and transport. #UCNH87......................................................... $25,000 2007 Honey Bee 94C 40-ft. draper header, pickup reel, CR New Holland adapter with gauge wheels and transport. #UCNH88......................................................... $25,000

Zerbe Bros. “Setting The Standard”

1-800-228-5393 – 406-228-4311 SALES: Mike Guttenberg - Tim Guttenberg - Travis Volk


2015 Apache AS1220 Plus II 1200 gallon 100-ft. boom, AutoSteer, AutoBoom, section control, 275 hp Cummins, 46” duals, Viper 4 AutoRate, 640 hours...............................................................Call

2008 Apache AS1010 1880 hours, 100-ft. boom, 1000 gallon tank, Envisio Pro monitor, Auto steer, AutoBoom, 215 hp Cummins diesel. #USAP30..... ................................................................$135,000 2008 Apache AS1010 1250 hours, 215 hp, Cummins, 1000 gallon, 100-ft. boom, 10 section E-Pro Raven, AutoBoom, 6 speed JCB. #USAP27.......$139,000


67 Years


Glasgow, MT

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page A49


Concord 4412 12” spacing with 3000 tow behind tank, hydraulic drive fan. #UDCN13.................$15,000 2002 Flexi-Coil 5000 45-ft., 550# trips, 9” spacing, 3” rubber packers, stealth boots, single shoot, 3450 tow between cart, dual fan, variable rate. #UDF249................................................$77,500 Flexi-Coil 5000 57-ft., 9” spacing, 550# trips, stealth bodies, 2320 tow between cart. #UDF237.$36,000 2000 Flexi-Coil 5000 57-ft. air drill, 9” spacing, 550 lb. trips, single shoot, 3450 tow between cart, variable cart, stealth bodies. #UDF246................$69,000 1999 Flexi-Coil 5000 57-ft., 12” spacing, double shoot, 4” VW spread, Goose shooter, 2340 tow between, variable rate drive, 5.5” rubber packers. #UDF244................................................$50,000 Flexi-Coil 5000 39-ft., 7” spacing, steel packers with 1720 tow between tank. #UDF243..........$25,000

2011 New Holland P2060 70-ft., 10” spacing, 550 trips, 41/2” steel packers, double shoot, P1070 tow behind cart, 580 bushel, variable rate... $119,000 2008 New Holland SD550 70-ft., 10” spacing, 550# trips, 41/2” steel packers, hi-flotation with SC430 tow between cart, 430 bushel, variable drive, duals. #UDNH28.........................................$89,000 New Holland SD550 60-ft. folding drill, 12” spacing, 5.90 x15 Concord packers, double shoot, variable rate with SC430 tow between tank, 430 bushel. #UDNH29................................................$69,000 2005 New Holland SD440 58-ft., 12” spacing, 550# trips, 51/2” rubber packers, 4350 tow between cart, double shoot. #UDNH25.........................$89,000 2004 New Holland SD440 58-ft., 12” spacing, 51/2” rubber packers, double shoot with SC430 tow between cart, dual fan, variable drive, 10” auger.. ..................................................................79,000


2015 Case 580 QuadTrac 1050 hours, high output hydraulics, 6 remotes, Autosteer, 36” tracks, luxury cab......................................................... JUST IN 2015 Case 580 QuadTrac 1350 hours, PTO, high output hydraulics, 6 remotes, Autosteer, 36” tracks, luxury cab.............................................. JUST IN 1980 Versatile 875 4WD, 20.8x38 tires, 280 hp, Cummins diesel, 4 hydraulics........................ JUST IN


1993 Agco/White 6195 MFD, 200 hp, Cummins diesel, 18 speed, Power Shift, 9600 hours, 3 point hitch, 1000 PTO, 42” rear tires........................................... $38,000 1951 Allis-Chalmers WD tractor, 540 PTO with loader...... ........................................................................... $2500 Deutz DX130 MFD tractor, 130 hp, mechanical transmission, 540 PTO, 3-point, 2 remotes................... $13,000

1997 John Deere 9400 4wd tractor, 3600 hours with 24 speed transmission, 710/70R38 tires, 425 hp.$90,000 1993 John Deere 8760 4wd tractor, 250 hp, 5400 hours, 12 speed transmission.................................... $45,000

2006 New Holland TC45DA MFD, 45 hp diesel, 3 point hitch, 540 PTO, R4 tires, hydro-drive, loader, soft cab, 1075 hours.......................................$19,500

USED COMBINES 2012 Seed Hawk 6012 60-ft., 12” spacing, twin wing openers, 500 bushel tow behind tank, Viper monitor. #USSH06................................................ Call 2011 New Holland T7.210 MFWD tractor, 1240 hours, 165 PTO hp, PowerShift, 3 point, 540/1000 PTOs, with 855TL New Holland loader with AutoSteer..... $98,000 2013 Case IH 8230 450 hp, 30” rotor, 350 bushel hopper, duals, long auger, chopper, Autosteer, 1243 engine/876 seperator hours. #UCCA15...... ...................................................................... Call 2009 Case IH 7120 1130 separator hours, Pro 600 monitor, chopper, rock trap, 900/60R32 tires. #UCCA16..................................................... Call

John Deere 230 28-ft. tandem disc with rock flex.... $5900 Harrell 3606 6 bottom switch plow, 3 pt. mount........ $5500 John Deere 787 tow between air cart, 7” auger...... $9500 Nutri-Placer 5252 40-ft. liquid fertilizer applicator with carbide points..................................................... $6000 2011 New Holland S1070, 100-ft. suspension boom, 1600 gallon tank, AutoBoom.................................... $45,000 2006 New Holland SF115 90-ft. suspended boom sprayer, 1500 gallon, SP655 auto rate.......................... $20,000 2004 New Holland SF115 134-ft. sprayer, 1500 gallon, 18.4x26 tires, HMIC pump, Flexi-Control Auto Rate, dual nozzles, windscreens.............................. $12,000 Flexicoli S67 XLT 104-ft. wheel boom sprayer......... $3000 1997 Flexi-Coil 5000 51-ft. air drill, 9” spacing, 550# trips, double shoot, 4” rubber packers, 3450 tow between cart, mechanical drive, 30.5x32 tires............... $40,000

2008 John Deere 1895 air disc drill, 10” spacing, double shoot, all run blockage, 1910 tow behind cart..$110,000 2013 New Holland CR8090 combine, 450 hp, 620 duals, deluxe cab, large touchscreen display, ASP, deluxe chopper, 350 bushel tank, long auger, Autosteer, 1109 engine/848 seperator hours.................................. Call 1990 New Holland TR86 combine, 30-ft. 971 header, double knife, batt reel, 2213 hours................................. $7000 2002 John Deere 9650STS combine, 2925 separator hours, 800/65R32 tires, chopper with 9360 header.... $87,000 1978 John Deere 7700 combine, diesel engine, 3631 hours with 224 head, non hydro................................... $4000 2013 Farm King 9-ft. side sickle mower, 540 PTO, hydraulic lift, skid shoes, extra parts................................. $6600 New Holland 116 16-ft. swing tongue, double sickle, 1000 PTO, pump......................................................... $4500 2009 New Holland 88C flex draper header, 36-ft., upper cross auger, transport, finger reel......................... Call 2006 MacDon 974 36-ft. front draper header, finger reel, transport, cross auger, John Deere adaptor... $19,000 MacDon 973 draper header with pickup reel, 39-ft., fits R-62 and R-65......................................................... $19,500 John Deere 1243 corn head, 12 row with Wemco trailer... .............................................................................. Call Alloway 10”x60-ft. swing away grain auger, 540 PTO, scissor lift, mechanical drive hopper......................... $3000 2012 Wheatheart 10” transfer auger, dual motor drive, low profile.................................................................. $1800 Crisafulli 16” pump, 4000 gpm................................. $4800

2011 SeedMaster 70-ft., 12” spacing, single side band, 5 section with SXG 550 bushel tank with 1545 Brandt conveyor................................... Call


2005 Case IH RBX562 twine and net wrap, wide pickup, 11000 bales, 1000 PTO drive..... $12,000 1999 Hesston 856T 5x6 bales, 75” wide pickup, bale kicker. #UHHS43..................................... $11,500

2009 New Holland BR7090 wide pickup, twine and net, float tires, #UHN136........................ $24,000 2011 New Holland BR7090 twine and net wrap, 1000 PTO, extra wide pickup, float tires, hydraulic ramp, #UHN141................................................ $24,500 2012 New Holland BR7090 extra wide pickup, floatation tires, 1000 PTO, #UHN139.............. $24,500 1999 New Holland 688 1000 PTO, twine tie, gathering wheels, Bale Command, #UHN140........... $8500 1994 Vermeer 605K round baler, 1000 PTO. #UHVM33.................................................. $7500


2013 New Holland L225 76 hp diesel, 2500 lb. lift, 2 speed, cab with heat and air conditioning, air seat, hydraulic coupler, performance package, heavy duty tires, 78” low pro bucket, 390 hours..$47,000 2005 New Holland LS180B 3 cylinder diesel, 63 hp, 2-speed hydro, mechanical control, cab with heat, 950 hours................................................$19,500

2008 New Holland CR9070 400 hp, 900/60R32 tires, with 40-ft. MacDon D60 header. #UCNH80......... ..............................................................JUST IN! 2005 New Holland CR960 Class 7, deluxe cab, 17” rotors, 900/60R32, front tires, 600/28 rears, #UCNH91...............................................$69,000 1993 New Holland TR96 combine with twin rotor, SN 554419, 3109 engine hours, well maintained, annual service repairs, 30-ft. 971 auger head. #UCNH28................................................$36,500


2010 Case WD 1203 windrower, 126 hp, diesel, 2 speed hydro, 18.4x26, 14L - 16.1 with 16-ft. HS auger header........................................... Just In 1996 Hesston 8100 2116 hours, 16-ft. and 25-ft, headers. #UWHS81................................$18,000 Hesston 810H 30-ft. draper header with pickup reel. #UWHS79..................................................$4500 New Holland 1431 disc mower, 13-ft., rubber conditioners, 2 point swivel hitch, 1000 PTO......$9500

Call or stop by and see us for all your equipment needs!

2008 New Holland TV145 PTO - both ends, 3 point hitch - engine end, loader, grapple fork, approximately 3000 hours............................................................... $71,000 Oliver 770 tractor, gas engine with Farmhand F11 loader.. ........................................................................... $3500 2010 Wallenstein GX920 3-point backhoe, 9.5-ft. digging depth, self-contained.......................................... $5500 2015 Danuser pallet fork with top tine grabber, for skid steer................................................................... $1900 1996 Freightliner truck, 425 hp, Cummins diesel, 10 speed transmission, 1100x24.5 tires, new seat......... $13,500 1996 Peterbilt service truck, Cummins N15, 10 speed, 22.5 tires, 800 gallon fuel tank................................ $32,000 1994 Donahue EXG60 swather trailer, 5th wheel, ramps, 9.50x16.5 tires................................................... $6000

Special Price on 2 holdover units

2012 Montana Keystone 5th wheel camper, 3 slides, many options, used 3 times...................................... $34,000 2014 Augusta “Flex” series camper, 32-ft., bumper pull with outside kitchen, loaded. Books $44,000.. $32,000


2011 Haybuster 2650 bale buster, hydraulic chute control, 1000 PTO drive, UHHY47..........$14,250 2009 Morris Pro-Ag 4D4SR bale scoop....... Just In Morris Hay Hiker 881 8 bale mover, auto bale turner, side rail kit, UHMO07.................................$9500

Bale Processors

Haybuster 2660 Haybuster 2665 short cut

Zerbe Bros. 406-228-4311

Zerbe Bros. Glasgow, Montana 406-228-4311 TOLL FREE 1-800-228-5393

Glasgow, Montana

www.zerbebrothers.com Email zerbesales@nemont.net SALES Mike Guttenberg Tim Guttenberg Travis Volk

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page A50

New Listing

Land Rollers • Disks Vertical Tillage Machines Manure Spreaders • Heavy Harrows QUALITY BRAND NAME IMPLEMENTS AT LOWER PRICES.

machinerydave@yahoo.ca • 403-580-6889

Quarterly hogs and pigs

United States inventory of all hogs and pigs on March 1, 2017 was 71.0 million head. This was up 4 percent from March 1, 2016, but down 1 percent from December 1, 2016. Breeding inventory, at 6.07 million head, was up 1 percent from last year, but down slightly from the previous quarter. Market hog inventory, at 64.9 million head, was up 4 percent from last year, but down 1 percent from last quarter. The December 2016-February 2017 pig crop, at 31.4 million head, was up 4 percent from 2016. Sows farrowing during this period totaled 3.01 million head, up 3 percent from 2016. The sows farrowed during this quarter represented 49 percent of the breeding herd. The average pigs saved per litter was a record high of 10.43 for the DecemberFebruary period, compared to 10.30 last year. Pigs saved per litter by size of operation ranged from 8.00 for operations with 1-99 hogs and pigs to 10.50 for operations with more than 5,000 hogs and pigs. United States hog producers intend to have 3.01 million sows farrow during the March-May 2017 quarter, up 1 percent from the actual farrowings during the same period in 2016, and up 5 percent from 2015. Intended farrowings for JuneAugust 2017, at 3.05 million sows, are down slightly from 2016, but up 1 percent from 2015. The total number of hogs under contract owned by operations with over 5,000 head, but raised by contractees, accounted for 48 percent of the total United States hog inventory, the same as previous year. All inventory and pig crop estimates for March 2016 through December 2016 were reviewed using final pig crop, official slaughter, death loss, and updated import and export data. The net revision made to the September 2016 all hogs and pigs inventory was 1.5 percent. A revision of 1.2 percent was made to the June-August 2016 pig crop. There were no revisions made to the December 2016 all hogs and pigs inventory.

The 2015

##### Did you know in 1878 the first telephone book made contained only 50 names. ##### She who cooks, never cleans !


Grant to increase awareness of federal ag programs

By Erin Strickland for MSU News Service Montana State University College of Agriculture has received a $99,896 grant from the USDA Farm Service Agency to increase education and awareness of FSA programs to new and non-traditional agricultural producers over the next year. Shannon Arnold, project director and an associate professor in MSU’s Division of Agricultural Education, will manage the grant. She said that many people don’t realize they may qualify for a low interest rate loan through the FSA. And, some FSA farm programs have recently been expanded, some are new or improved, and some are simply underutilized. Arnold and her colleagues want to change that. One particular goal of the project is to help young people understand opportunities for a future in agriculture, especially important considering that the average age of Montana’s farmers and ranchers is 58 years old, Arnold said. She hopes this yearlong outreach project will help to educate college students, organic farmers, specialty-crop growers, agricultural and extension educators and urban and rural youth. “We can help promote future informed agriculturalists,” she said. “We want to help create a more educated future generation of producers.” Also working on the project are Mac Burgess, assistant professor in MSU’s Department of Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology, and Dustin Perry, assistant professor of agricultural education. Burgess and Perry will develop and present workshops at agricultural conferences, such as the Montana Ag Educators conference and Young Ag Leaders conference. They also plan to go to 4-H clubs and farmers markets and visit Extension agents throughout the state to spread the word about these programs. In addition, this summer Burgess will teach a course that will incorporate information about FSA programs into his curriculum. To reach an even wider audience, Arnold and her colleagues are enlisting the help of a video production company to produce an engaging and informative promotional video designed for social media so people can quickly and easily understand what programs are available and if they are right for them. “Social media is so much a part of our culture these days,” Arnold said. “It’s also how people receive information, so FSA’s goal is to utilize it in addition to regular workshops to extend information to other audiences.” Understanding FSA loan programs will help promote financial security for producers, Arnold said. Because funds are available specifically to help small scale and specialty growers, as well as those committed to using best production practices, FSA loans help support responsible stewardship of the environment, she said. By providing access to credit, FSA’s Farm Loan Program offers opportunities to new and beginning producers; racial and ethnic minority producers and women producers; young people actively involved in agricultural youth organizations needing financial assistance for income-producing educational agricultural products; urban farmers and rooftop producers; and to operations using alternative farming methods, such as hydroponic, aeroponics, vertical farming and freight container farming, among others. Loans are also available to start, improve, expand, transition, market and strengthen family farming and ranching operations. The USDA grant aligns with her work at MSU, Arnold said, where she teaches students whose primary goal is to promote agricultural education, not necessarily as a teacher, but through leadership and communication in the field. Her students may someday work in sales or agricultural management, hold communications or public relations positions within agricultural associations, or they could be Extension agents, educating the agricultural community. This grant has allowed her to show her students the process required to achieve effective public outreach. “USDA Farm Service Agency is excited about MSU’s grant award and the opportunity to expand FSA’s customer base by reaching new producers in the Gallatin Valley and Montana,” said Amy Webbink, chief administrative officer who currently serves as the acting state executive director for FSA in Montana. “FSA looks forward to the work ahead supporting Montana agriculture.” ##### There are more cars in Southern California than there are cows in India. ##### In 21 states, Wal-Mart is the single largest employer.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page A51

Fraser’s Oil Inc. Inverness 406-292-3833 • Galata 406-432-2321 • Chester 406-759-5541

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Available in 50- and 100-gallon. Booms or boomless. 7 gallon/ minute electric pump or 4 hp. Honda gas engine. Adjustable Swing-Away control arm. Master shut-off. Left/right shut-off valves at booms. Liquid-filled gauge. Pressure regulator. TeeJet components. Full drain tank. Pickup Mount Sprayer 60-ft booms, hydraulic fold, rate controller. Ready to Go!

On-the-Farm Tire Service A complete line of tires for agricultural applications.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page A52

Your Montana Authorized Timpte Dealer

American Ag Series NEW 2017 Timpte hopper, 40-ft.x 66”x96”, ag hoppers, spring ride, FOB David City, Nebraska


Super Hopper Series Call for pricing on other models

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Tyrel and Tara Hendrickson - 406-759-5006 or 406-799-8576 717 Madison Ave., W. Chester, MT (near Liberty County Airport)

Specializing in Honey Bee Draper Headers

We stock a large variety of Honey Bee parts including rod weeder supplies.

Now selling Bourgault Tillage and Seeding Tools CALL US TODAY!

WE ARE YOUR LOCAL DEALER FOR... Honey Bee (header), REM (grain vac), Bourgault Tillage Tools, MAV Chopper, Flexxifinger, Crary (air reels), and BATCO. Also Now Available 1” and 2.5” air seeder hose 7” and 8” rubber/flexible grain vacuum hose UII and Hart Cart reel parts

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Grain stocks March 2017

Arizona Off-farm corn stocks in Arizona on March 1, 2017 were 2.64 million bushels, down 25 percent from March 1, 2016, according to the March 1 Agricultural Survey and March Grain Stocks Report conducted by the Mountain Regional Field Office of the National Agricultural Statistics Service, USDA. Off-farm all wheat stocks in Arizona on March 1, 2017 were 3.87 million bushels, down 13 percent from March 1, 2016. Off-farm barley stocks totaled 17,000 bushels, down 23 percent from last year. Other Arizona grain stocks were not published separately to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. Colorado All corn stocks in Colorado on March 1, 2017 were 68.96 million bushels, up 11 percent from March 1, 2016, according to the March 1 Agricultural Survey and March Grain Stocks Report conducted by the Mountain Regional Field Office of the National Agricultural Statistics Service, USDA. All corn stocks stored on farms amounted to 39.00 million bushels, up 18 percent from a year ago. All corn stored off farms amounted to 29.96 million bushels, up 3 percent from a year ago. Off-farm sorghum stocks were 3.42 million bushels, up from 3.33 million bushels stored on March 1, 2016. Off-farm oat stocks in Colorado were estimated at 39,000 bushels, down 66 percent from last year. All wheat stocks in Colorado on March 1, 2017 were 56.45 million bushels, up 35 percent from March 1, 2016. All wheat stocks stored on farms amounted to 13.50 million bushels, up 29 percent from a year ago. All wheat stored off farms amounted to 42.95 million bushels, up 37 percent from a year ago. Off-farm barley stocks totaled 8.06 million bushels, up 122 percent from last year. Other Colorado grain stocks were not published separately to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. Montana Off-farm corn stocks in Montana on March 1, 2017 were 109,000 bushels, up 98 percent from March 1, 2016, according to the March 1 Agricultural Survey and March Grain Stocks Report conducted by the Mountain Regional Field Office of the National Agricultural Statistics Service, USDA. All oat stocks in Montana were estimated at 768,000 bushels, up 30 percent from last year. On-farm oat stocks were 660,000 bushels, up 20 percent from a year ago. Oats stored off-farm were up 151 percent from last year to 108,000 bushels. Montana barley stocks in all positions on March 1, 2017 were 29.01 million bushels, up 18 percent from a year ago. Barley stored on farms was 17.00 million bushels, up 55 percent from last year. Off-farm barley storage was down 12 percent from a year ago to 12.01 million bushels. All wheat stocks in Montana on March 1, 2017 were 107.62 million bushels, up 14 percent from March 1, 2016. All wheat stocks stored on farms amounted to 72.00 million bushels, up 4 percent from a year ago. All wheat stored off farms amounted to 35.62 million bushels, up 42 percent from a year ago. Durum wheat stocks on March 1, 2017 were 13.40 million bushels, up 81 percent from a year ago. Durum wheat stocks stored on farms amounted to 11.00 million bushels, up 100 percent from a year ago. Durum wheat stored off farms amounted to 2.40 million bushels, up 27 percent from a year ago. Other Montana grain stocks were not published separately to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. New Mexico New Mexico grain stocks were not published separately to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. Utah Off-farm oat stocks in Utah on March 1, 2017 were 54,000 bushels, up 15 percent from March 1, 2016, according to the March 1 Agricultural Survey and March Grain Stocks Report conducted by the Mountain Regional Field Office of the National Agricultural Statistics Service, USDA. Off-farm all wheat stocks in Utah on March 1, 2017 were 4.12 million bushels, down 20 percent from March 1, 2016. Off-farm barley stocks totaled 255,000 bushels. Other Utah grain stocks were not published separately to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. Wyoming Wyoming off-farm barley stocks on March 1, 2017 were 6.13 million bushels, according to the March 1 Agricultural Survey and March Grain Stocks Report conducted by the Mountain Regional Field Office of the National Agricultural Statistics Service, USDA. Off-farm all wheat stocks in Wyoming on March 1, 2017 were 483,000 bushels, down 65 percent from March 1, 2016. Other Wyoming grain stocks were not published separately to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. CONTINUED ON PAGE A53

Grain stocks March 2017 CONTINUED FROM PAGE A52

United States Corn stocks in all positions on March 1, 2017 totaled 8.62 billion bushels, up 10 percent from March 1, 2016. Of the total stocks, 4.91 billion bushels were stored on farms, up 13 percent from a year earlier. Off-farm stocks, at 3.71 billion bushels, are up 6 percent from a year ago. The December 2016 - February 2017 indicated disappearance is 3.77 billion bushels, compared with 3.41 billion bushels during the same period last year. Grain sorghum stored in all positions on March 1, 2017 totaled 180 million bushels, down 11 percent from a year ago. On-farm stocks, at 21.3 million bushels, are down 15 percent from last March. Off-farm stocks, at 159 million bushels, are down 10 percent from a year earlier. The December 2016 - February 2017 indicated disappearance from all positions is 128 million bushels, 6 percent above the same period last year. Oats stored in all positions on March 1, 2017 totaled 63.2 million bushels, 16 percent below the stocks on March 1, 2016. Of the total stocks on hand, 22.3 million bushels were stored on farms, down 17 percent from a year ago. Off-farm stocks totaled 40.8 million bushels, down 16 percent from the previous year. Indicated disappearance during December 2016 - February 2017 totaled 12.3 million bushels, 64 percent above the same period a year ago. Barley stocks in all positions on March 1, 2017 totaled 147 million bushels, up 7 percent from March 1, 2016. On-farm stocks are estimated at 56.5 million bushels, 2 percent below a year ago. Off-farm stocks, at 90.3 million bushels, are 13 percent above March 2016. The December 2016 - February 2017 indicated disappearance totaled 45.7 million bushels, 7 percent above the same period a year earlier. All wheat stored in all positions on March 1, 2017 totaled 1.66 billion bushels, up 21 percent from a year ago. On-farm stocks are estimated at 350 million bushels, up 9 percent from last March. Off-farm stocks, at 1.31 billion bushels, are up 24 percent from a year ago. The December 2016 - February 2017 indicated disappearance is 422 million bushels, 13 percent above the same period a year earlier. Durum wheat stocks in all positions on March 1, 2017 totaled 52.8 million bushels, up 24 percent from a year ago. On-farm stocks, at 32.4 million bushels, are up 83 percent from March 1, 2016. Off-farm stocks totaled 20.4 million bushels, down 18 percent from a year ago. The December 2016 - February 2017 indicated disappearance of 20.1 million bushels is 12 percent above the same period a year earlier. Sunflower stocks in all positions on March 1, 2017 totaled 1.33 billion pounds, 27 percent above March 1, 2016. All stocks stored on farms totaled 584 million pounds and offfarm stocks totaled 745 million pounds. Stocks of oil type sunflower seed are 1.05 billion pounds; of this total, 488 million pounds are on-farm stocks and 564 million pounds are off-farm stocks. Non-oil sunflower stocks totaled 277 million pounds, with 96.0 million pounds stored on the farm and 181 million pounds stored off the farm. Soybeans stored in all positions on March 1, 2017 totaled 1.73 billion bushels, up 13 percent from March 1, 2016. Soybean stocks stored on farms are estimated at 669 million bushels, down 8 percent from a year ago. Off-farm stocks, at 1.07 billion bushels, are up 33 percent from last March. Indicated disappearance for the December 2016 - February 2017 quarter totaled 1.16 billion bushels, down 2 percent from the same period a year earlier.

You’re spending too much time on the computer if…

• You’ve never actually met any of your friends face-toface. • You get up during the night to use the bathroom, and can’t resist checking your email before going back to bed. • You email yourself notes instead of writing them on a piece of paper. • You enter an elevator and double-click the button for the floor you want. • Your website is more popular than you are. • You not only know what RAM is, you know how much of it your computer has. • You frequently byte off more than you can view. • You refer to breakfast, lunch, and dinner as breaks to upload. • The optician looks into your eyes and sees a screen saver. • You’ve forgotten what real paper feels like.

##### The “sixth sick sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick” is said to be the toughest tongue twister in the English language.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page A53

DRILLS FOR SALE John Deere 9400 drills, 40-ft. 12” spacing, full transport

Call 406-372-3253, Kremlin, Montana



Hoven’s New To You USED SPRAYERS

USED COMBINES Freightliner with F/S sprayer $27,900

New Holland TR98 combine. $32,900

Apache 1200 120-ft. sprayer............................$59,900 Ag Shield 1500 sprayer....................................$28,900 Brandt 85-ft. pull type sprayer.............................$3900

Gleaner N7 combine........................................... $3900 New Holland TR97 combine............................ $23,900


USED AIR DRILL & CONVENTIONAL DRILLS Flexi-Coil 5000 51-ft. air drill, 12” spacing Reduced To $29,900 John Deere 9450 50-ft. with 12” spacing. Will sell individually......................................................... $14,000

USED AUGERS 2013 Wheatheart 13x91 auger with hopper mover. $18,900 Farm King 8x61 belt drive auger......................... $2000 Westfield 13x91............................................... $19,500 Westfield MK 13x91 swing auger.................... $16,000 Westfield MK 13x71 auger............................... $18,900 Westfield MK 13x70, swing hopper.................... $7500 Ken – 788-4588; Ed – 231-4254; Dwight – 231-4251; Emery – 868-7964

2014 MacDon D65D 40-ft. header. $59,900 Gleaner 4200 pickup header............................ $14,900 MacDon D60D 30-ft. header............................. $36,000 MacDon D60S 35-ft. draper header.................. $31,000 MacDon 960 30-ft. with pickup reel.................. $17,900 MacDon 960 36-ft. draper header, pickup reel..$14,900 MacDon 920 14-ft. header................................ $14,000 Gleaner 15-ft. N-series pickup headers with Victory 7.. ........................................................................ $3500 30-ft. bat reel off 8570 header............................... $799

“Partners in Production”


4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls


Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page A54

PICKUPS FOR SALE 1983 Ford F250 4x4, 4-speed, diesel, turbo, low miles.

1971 Dodge Powerwagon 100 Series, 4 speed. Several 1973-1983 Chevrolet and GMC 1/2-ton and 3/4-ton 4x4 pickups. Will consider trades. Also 1970’s Internationals. (406) 214-5120, leave msg, Missoula, Montana

Scott Schmiedeke (406) 240-2572, Victor, MT

Henry Kallis (605) 639-1904, Spearfish, SD

See us on the web: www.tte-inc.com

2006 Cat 930G 7460 hours, enclosed cab with heat and air conditioning, ride control, 3 CY bucket, 48” loader forks, hydraulic coupler, auxiliary hydraulics, air ride seat, new tires, has been through shop, serviced, needs nothing. Located in Spearfish, SD................................................................... $82,500 2012 Case 850L 1090 hours, enclosed cab with heat and air conditioning, air ride seat, 6 way PAT blade, CELT XLT track system, front counter weight, 3 shank ripper, sweeps, complete rock guards, rear cab screen, serviced, nearly new, needs nothing. Located in Spearfish, SD......................................................... $92,500 2006 Deere 650J XLT 2660 hours, enclosed cab with heat and air conditioning, PAT blade, multi-shank ripper, air ride seat, undercarriage at 70%, serviced and ready to go. Located in Victor, MT..................................................................... $82,900 2013 Volvo MC135C skid steer, new and unused, 9 hours, enclosed cab with heat and air conditioning, hydraulic quick coupler, bucket float, ride control, Brawler solid flex never flat tires, 78” bucket, waste and recycling protection guard package, foot throttle, pattern changer, creep speed 74 hp, 3000 lb. operating load, 6000 lb. tip load. Located in Spearfish, SD..................... $51,500 2012 Volvo MC115C 620 hours, enclosed cab with heat and air conditioning, 76” bucket, quick coupler, auxiliary hydraulics, ride control, 2-speed travel, creep speed, good tires, 74 hp, 2600 pound operating load, 5300 pound tipping load limit. Machine is in very good condition, serviced and job site ready. Located in Victor, MT....................... $38,500 2002 Bobcat T-190 3100 hours, enclosed cab with heat, 90% undercarriage, hydraulic quick attach, auxiliary hydraulics. Machine is located in Victor, MT............. ...............................$18,900 2-2005 JCB 506C HL 3500 hours, 3-way steering, all wheel drive, Perkins engine, quick coupler, auxiliary hydraulics, frame tilt, foam filled tires, 6000 lb. lift capacity, 36-ft. reach, 24,000 lb. operating weight, very nice machine, serviced and job site ready. Located in Spearfish, SD & Victor, MT..................................... $33,900

MSU scientist earns recognition for his efforts to manage Montana’s noxious weeds A Montana State University research scientist who for nearly 30 years has worked to combat invasive weeds in Montana has been honored for his efforts. Jeff Littlefield, entomologist in MSU’s Department of Land Resources and Environmental Sciences in the College of Agriculture, has received the Barb Mullin Lifetime Achievement Award from the Montana Weed Control Association, or MWCA. The award recognizes an agency employee, official or private individual who has been active in the MWCA for at least 10 years, demonstrates leadership abilities and successfully deals with agencies and the public in the MWCA noxious weed effort. Littlefield is quarantine director of MSU’s Biological Containment Facility, where he researches the use of insects and mites as a biological way to control the spread of noxious weeds that threaten Montana’s environment. According to the MWCA, state-listed noxious weeds infest approximately 7.6 million acres of Montana land, with new and potentially devastating invaders ever present. In his role as director of the biocontainment facility Littlefield imports, rears and field tests biological control insects that might serve as natural enemies of noxious weeds. For new insect agents, he develops and submits risk assessments to the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, or APHIS, for the field release of potential agents. He also works to maintain the facility’s accreditation with APHIS and supports research efforts of other biological control researchers by providing quarantine space. Littlefield’s colleagues and Montana agency stakeholders nominated him for the award, citing in the nomination letter Littlefield’s “clear vision for the ecological sustainability of using insects to suppress weed populations. “This is most evident when the noxious weeds are on a scale that simply cannot be approached using herbicides, often on thousands of acres of range and wildlands,” the nomination states. “In other words, because of Dr. Littlefield, managers of private and publicly owned lands have the option of biological control to manage noxious weeds as part of an integrated pest management approach.” Littlefield’s research has led to the release of many potential biocontrol insect species that are impacting noxious weeds introduced from Europe and Eurasia that have taken over Montana’s landscapes, said Steve Siegelin, MSU Extension director for analysis, planning and evaluation, in the nomination letter. “As a result of his work, native species are returning and the landscape is more diversified,” Siegelin said. “His efforts epitomize outreach and engagement in a land-grant university. A need was identified; he has been actively involved in discovery, development and implementation strategies that are solving a problem facing land managers in Montana and throughout the region.” Littlefield serves on or leads a number of consortia groups that pool their resources for projects overseas, as well as task forces made up of state and regulatory personnel and local land managers that focus on the importation, release, establishment and monitoring of biological control insects that target noxious weeds in Montana and neighboring states. He also led the development of the Montana Action Plan for the Biological Control of Invasive Plants.

Littlefield’s colleagues call him the “goto person” for information on biological control of noxious weeds for Extension faculty, county weed coordinators, state and federal agency personnel and researchers who are interested in weed management but lack expertise in entomology. He has also shared his knowledge by training graduate students who have gone on to further biological control in Montana and by helping the Montana War on Weeds program develop an insectary at Whitehall High School for rearing and distributing new insect agents to combat Russian knapweed. “The department is so proud of Jeff and his accomplishments, which have made Montana a leader in biocontrol agent implementation for the region,” said Tracy Sterling, head of MSU’s Department of Land Resources and Environmental Sciences. “He implements these unique tools using his incredible knowledge base and the rich relationships he has built with practitioners across the state. This recognition is so very well deserved.” In the nomination letter, Dave Burch, state noxious weed coordinator and program manager in the Montana Department of Agriculture, called Littlefield “a true pioneer in the field of biological control programs for noxious weed management. “Montana would not be as successful in the management of noxious weeds if it were not for Jeff and his lifelong dedication and accomplishments in the world of biocontrol,” Burch said. Littlefield said he is honored to receive the award for a line of work in which results can take years to be seen, and that he didn’t do it alone. “I have found that with biological control it helps to be an optimist and look to the long-term, for any success may not be measured for decades,” Littlefield said. “Such awards give one pause to reflect on their career and life. I am resigned to the fact that in some cases I may never know how successful my efforts have been. “However, I feel and have felt very fortunate to have worked with a number of wonderful and dedicated people over the years -- those that I continue to work with today and those who sadly are no longer with us,” he added. “I feel in many ways that I am only a custodian of this award since I have relied on the advice, support and efforts of these people.” In January, Littlefield also received MSU’s Excellence in Outreach Award for his tireless service in managing noxious weeds around the state.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page A55

Prospective plantings

Montana highlights As of March 1, Montana growers intend to plant 120,000 acres of corn for all purposes in 2017, up 5,000 acres, or 4 percent from last year’s plantings, according to the March 1 Agricultural Survey conducted by the Mountain Regional Field Office of the National Agricultural Statistics Service, USDA. The area expected to be seeded to oats, at 55,000 acres, is down 5,000 acres from a year ago. Growers intend to plant 690,000 acres of barley in 2017, down 300,000 acres from last year’s actual plantings, and the lowest plantings since 1953. All wheat acreage is expected to total 5.19 million acres for 2017. Winter wheat seeded last fall for harvest in 2017 is estimated at 1.90 million acres, down 350,000 acres from the 2016 crop, and the lowest plantings since 2004. Growers intend to seed 690,000 acres of Durum wheat this year, down 90,000 acres from last year. Growers intend to seed 2.60 million acres of spring wheat this year, up 450,000 acres from last year. Hay producers in the State intend to harvest 2.60 million acres this year. This is down 50,000 acres from the acreage cut for hay in 2016. Montana canola producers intend to plant a record high 110,000 acres in 2017, up 48,000 acres from 2016. Flaxseed producers intend to plant 25,000 acres in 2017, down 4,000 acres from last year. The area planted to sugarbeets is expected to be down 600 acres from last year’s actual plantings to 45,000 acres. Dry edible bean acreage is expected to total 210,000 acres, up 104 percent from the 103,000 acres planted in 2016. All garbanzo beans (chickpeas) area planted is expected to total 198,000 acres, up 99,000 acres from 2016. Lentil acres planted for 2017 are expected to total 640,000 acres, up 120,000 acres from last year. All dry edible pea area planted is expected to total 460,000 acres, down 150,000 acres from last year. Austrian winter pea area planted is expected to total 15,000 acres, unchanged from 2016. US highlights Corn planted area for all purposes in 2017 is estimated at 90.0 million acres, down 4 percent or 4.0 million acres from last year. Compared with last year, planted acreage is expected to be down or unchanged in 38 of the 48 estimating States. Area seeded to oats for the 2017 crop year is estimated at 2.70 million acres, down 5 percent from 2016. If realized, United States planted area will be the second lowest on record. Producers intend to seed 2.55 million acres of barley for the 2017 crop year, down 17 percent from the previous year. If realized, seeded area for barley will be the lowest on record. All wheat planted area for 2017 is estimated at 46.1 million acres, down 8 percent from 2016. This represents the lowest total planted area for the United States since records began in 1919. The 2017 winter wheat planted area, at 32.7 million acres, is down 9 percent from last year but up 1 percent from the previous estimate. Of this total, about 23.8 million acres are Hard Red Winter, 5.53 million acres are Soft Red Winter, and 3.38 million acres are White Winter. Area planted to other spring wheat for 2017 is estimated at 11.3 million acres, down 3 percent from 2016. Of this total, about 10.6 million acres are Hard Red Spring wheat. The intended Durum planted area for 2017 is estimated at 2.00 million acres, down 17 percent from the previous year. Producers intend to harvest 52.8 million acres of all hay in 2017, down 1 percent from 2016. If realized, this will represent the lowest total hay harvested area since 1908. Canola producers intend to plant a record high 1.93 million acres in 2017, up 12 percent from 2016. Producers intend to plant 313,000 acres of flaxseed in 2017, down 61,000 acres, or 16 percent less than was planted in 2016. Area expected to be planted to sugarbeets for the 2017 crop year is estimated at 1.13 million acres, down 2 percent from 2016. Intended plantings are below the previous year in eight of the 11 estimating States. Area planted to dry beans in 2017 is expected to be 1.87 million acres, up 12 percent from the previous season. Expected area planted for all chickpeas is 498,000 acres, up 53 percent from last season. Small chickpeas, at 155,000 acres, is 36 percent above 2016, while large chickpeas, at 343,000 acres, increased 62 percent from the previous year. If realized, small, large, and all chickpea acreage will be a record high. Area planted to lentils for the 2017 crop year is expected to total 1.06 million acres, up 13 percent from 2016. If realized, planted area will be a record high. Area planted to dry edible peas for the 2017 crop year is CONTINUED ON PAGE A56

406-727-7153 “Partners in Production”

4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls


Ken – 788-4588; Ed – 231-4254; Dwight – 231-4251; Emery – 868-7964

USED AIR DRILL & CONVENTIONAL DRILLS Flexi-Coil 5000 51-ft. with 12” spacing.......................... John Deere 9450 50-ft. with 12” spacing......... $14,000 .................................................Reduced To $29,900

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page A56

Say you saw it in the Trader’s Dispatch

Watch for our consignment auction May 20, 2017 - 10:00 Choteau, MT Accepting consignments!!!

##### Number of Idaho Farms: 25,700. Land in Farms: 11.5 million acres. Average Farm Size: 454 acres. ##### ‘The deepest river gorge in the North American Continent is Idaho’s Hells Canyon - 7,900 feet deep. Yes, it’s deeper than the Grand Canyon. ##### Number of Nebraska Farms: 46,800, Average Farm Size: 972 acres, Total Farmland: 45.5 million acres.

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406-868-1492 Jack Clark P.O. Box 454 • Choteau, MT 59422

Deep dive into links between fish and their environment

By Chris Branam, Oregon State University Extension A new technique that enabled scientists to display large amounts of data related to fish migration on the North Umpqua River offers a deeper look into the links between migrating fish and their environment. A research team comprised of researchers in Oregon and California are calling the results of their method the “ichthyograph.” The ichthyographs are color-coded charts that depict stream flow, water temperatures and the timing of upstream migration of fishes using 20 years’ worth of fish counts at the Winchester Dam in southern Oregon. The team published its results in the journal PLOS ONE (http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal. pone.0168831). “An ichthyograph allows us to understand how multiple fishes use streams as upstream migration corridors,” said Ivan Arismendi, an aquatic ecologist at Oregon State University’s (OSU) College of Agricultural Sciences and collaborator on the project. “An analogy would be like knowing how drivers merge onto highways without crashing.” The ichthyographs show the general patterns in upstream migration of six fish species native to the Pacific Northwest – steelhead, sucker, chinook salmon, lamprey, cutthroat trout and coho salmon. A fish ladder was installed at the dam in 1945 with a viewing window to monitor the upstream passage of all fish past the dam. The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife monitored the ladder 24 hours a day from the fall of 1991 to the spring of 2015. Of particular interest to the researchers was an ichthyograph for the threatened coho salmon, which has declined in southern Oregon and northern California to a population of fewer than 10,000 reproducing adults. The researchers would like to see similar ichthyographs that could be used in rivers in Oregon and beyond to help fisheries managers track the timing and trends in fish migration. Knowing when the fish are migrating is critical for fisheries regulators when they set rules for commercial and recreational fishing. “It does not replace counting fish, but instead uses counting fish in an environmental context,” Arismendi said. The ichthyograph will be useful for fisheries managers as they assess the impacts of climate change or human-related activity such as water control and diversion, floodplain stabilization and road construction, said Rebecca L. Flitcroft, a scientist at the U.S. Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station and lead author of the study. “One of the critical challenges facing fisheries and land managers is assessing the ability of populations to persist in a changing climate,” Flitcroft said. “Climate change is likely to influence both streamflow and water temperature, thereby increasing the potential for physiological stress in fish populations, but climate change is one of many humanrelated disturbances that may cause changes in river flow and temperature.” They key life stages of fish, including spawning, are being altered by changes in regional climate patterns and human activities, so it is important to understand how fish respond to hydrologic conditions at different points in their life. The conditions they require at key life stages will help biologists and managers mitigate the effects of future climate change or management actions on aquatic systems. Flitcroft is a fish biologist with the USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station in Corvallis and holds a graduate faculty appointment in the Water Resources Graduate Program and Department of Fisheries and Wildlife at Oregon State. Collaborators on the project included Sarah L. Lewis and Mary V. Santelmann of the College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences at Oregon State; Rachel LovellFord of the Oregon Water Resources Department; Gordon Grant of the Pacific Northwest Research Station and Mohammad Safeeq of the Sierra Nevada Research Institute at the University of California, Merced. The research was funded by the USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station.

Prospective plantings CONTINUED FROM PAGE A55


expected to total 1.14 million acres, down 17 percent from last year’s record high planted area. Intended planted area for Austrian winter peas in 2017 is estimated at 26,000 acres, down 32 percent from 2016.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page B1

3V Distributing, Conrad ............................. C27 Abilene Machine Inc, Abilene KS .................A8 Action Toys, Billings ................................... C12 Affordable Construction Equipment, Billings & Bozeman ................................................... C3 Ag Diesel Performance, Inc. Wood, Mike Great Falls ......................................................... C42 Ag Trucks & Equipment, Great Falls .......... C49 Ag West Distributing Co., Great Falls ........ C36 Ag Wise, Kremlin ........................................A42 AgraSyst Dealers...............................A12, C45 American Manufacturing, Hogeland .......... C39 Basin Seed, LLC, Standford ........................ C4 Baumalight, Wallenstein ON Canada ........ C16 Bell Motor Co., Cut Bank ............................B28 Ben Taylor, Valier & Shelby .........................A45 Big Equipment Co., Havre ......................... C35 Big Horn Sainfoin Seed Co., Powell WY .....B24 Big Sky Equipment, Conrad .................. B6, B7 Big Sky Sawmill & Wood Products, Vaughn..A44 Big Sky Wholesale Seeds, Shelby .......C9, C24 Big Truck Sales, Lloyd Walker, Choteau..... C14 Billings Farm & Ranch Supply, Billings..C37, C50 Brandt Agricultural Products LTD................A26 BTI Feeds, Cut Bank ..................................A45 Buckley Auction ............................................B4 Burks Tractor, Twin Falls, Caldwell ID......... C21 Cascade Machine & Supply, Great Falls ... C48 Charles Moore, Inc. Miles City ................... C11 Chic Harbine Sales, Missoula.....................B15 Circle G Salvage, Walhalla, ND ..................B22 Circle S Seeds, of Montana, Three Forks ...A22 Clearview Seed, Denton .............................A24 Corder & Associates, Fort Benton ..............A50 Courtesy Ford, Conrad ...............................B11 Crazy Mountain Fabrication, Travis Klein, Big Timber ..................................................... C34 Creston Seed Sales, Kalispell ....................A42 Cut Bank Tire, Cut Bank ...............................B9 D & H Equipment, Bow Island AB Canada...A50 David J Heine & Associates, Kalispell ........B21 Dick Irvin Trucking, Shelby ..........................B22 Diesel Specialty Inc, Wood, Mike Great Falls ... ................................................................ C42 Dietz Auto & Truck Salvage, Billings ...........A34 Direct Ag Network, LLC Dan Thome, Billings ... ................................................................ C30


Doane Western of Montana, Bozeman.......A56 Dooley’s Diabolical Diesel, Great Falls ...... C37 Equipment Connection, Columbia Falls............ ........................................................ B16, B17 Equipment Plus, Inc, Billings ......................A53 Exchange Services, Inc, Whitefish ............ C40 F/S Manufacturing, West Fargo, ND ...........A15 Farm Equipment Sales, Glasgow, Plentywood, Culbertson, Circle........................................... .......................A36, A37, A38, A39, A40, A41 First State Bank, Shelby .............................B27 Fisher Metal Products, Fort Benton ........... C55 Fisher Truck & Equipment, Scobey ............ C15 Flaman Sales & Rental, Power ............ A3, A24 Fosse Insurance Agency, Great Falls ........ C36 Fraser’s Oil Inc., Inverness .........................A51 Frieling’s Agricultural Equipment, Great Falls ... .......................................A17, C17, C31, C51 Frontline Ag Solutions Dillon, Dillon............. C1 Frontline Ag Solutions, Choteau, Conrad, Cut Bank, Dillon, Lewistown, Havre, Chester, Great Falls, Belgrade, Livingston............ C5, C6, C7 Fuson Excavation & Trucking, Conrad ........B22 Gerber’s, Great Falls.................................. C40 Golden Harvest Seeds, Big Sandy ............ C22 Great Northern Ag, Plaza ND .....................B25 Greyn Fertilizer, Choteau, Dutton, Valier ... C33 H & H Spreading, Conrad .......................... C26 Havre Ford, Havre ....................................... C4 Heartland Seed Company, Moccasin .........A34 Hedman, Inc, Brett Hedman, Grass Range ...... ........................................................A21, C53 Helfert’s Helena Farm Supply, East HelenaB13 Henke Enterprises, SprayFlex, Chester ... C18 Highline Communications, Cut Bank ..........B14 Hoven Equipment Co., Great Falls....A19, A53, .....A55, B15, B21, C12, C14, C19, C44, C55 Huggy Bear’s Consignment, Cut Bank .........B3 I-State Truck Center, Missoula ................... C21 Jamieson Motors, Inc., Chinook ........B12, C18 Jim Nielsen Trucks & Parts, Butte .............. C37 Kevin’s Specialized Trucks & Equipment, Dickinson, ND ....................................................B18 Krogmann Mfg. ...........................................B10

Landmark, Billings ......................................B22 Lee’s Trapworks, LTD, Swift Current, CAN ..B20 Lewistown Honda, Lewistown.............. A50, B4 Lundberg Shop, LLC, Canyon Creek ......... C23 M & R Seed Cleaning, Watford City, ND .... C40 M & W Machine, Three Forks .....................B14 Maxwell Lumber, Lewistown ...................... C14 MDS Construction Supply, Great Falls .......A20 Meridian Seeds, Casselton ND ..................B12 MH Equipment & Truck Repair, Billings ..... C12 Midland Implement , Billings ...................... C16 Milk River Ag, Chinook ...............................B18 Montana Holster & Shoulder Rig, Norm Schertenlieb .............................................B18 Montana Metal Fabrications, Great Falls ....A44 Montana Mule Days, Whitehall ...................A35 Montana Post Driver, Gold Creek .................B4 Montana Quality Structures, Stevensville .....A9 Montana Seeds, Conrad............................ C25 Montana Shed Center, Great Falls ............ C53 Montana Valley Irrigation, Great Falls ............... ................................................A35, B27, C50 Motor Power, Great Falls ........................... C26 Mountain Equipment, Belgrade ..................B26 Mountain View Metal Works, Wilsall .......... C16 MT Tractors, Matt Pendergast, Stevensville ..B8 Musselshell Valley Equipment, Roundup .......... .............................. A32, C15, C39, C46, C47 New Holland of Belgrade, Belgrade ........... C13 New Homes of the Future, Billings .............B10 NM Machinery, Missoula ........................... C44 North Star Equipment, John Myers, Simms...B19 Northern Chrysler, Cut Bank ......................A43 Northern Ford, Cut Bank ............................A43 Northern Hydraulics, Great Falls ................A27 Northern Prairie Auto Sales, Wolf Point ......A55 Northern Seed, Conrad & Shelby .............. C48 Northwest Plastics, Libby .............................B2 Precision Truck & Trailer, Havre ................... C9 Price Truck & Equipment Sales, Missoula . C45 Pure Bliss Cycle Sales, Conrad ................... C2 Rainbow Irrigation & Equipment, Chinook ....B5 RDO Equipment, Kalispell, Missoula, Ronan ... ........................................................A25, C52

Reddig Equipment & Repair, Kalispell ......... C8 Rockwell Scales, Simms...............................B8 Roger Rader, Inc, Sun River .......................B10 Rydelle Enterprises, Marion Jones, Drummond ........................................................B15 Severinsen Irrigation, Fairfield ..................... C2 Shop Specialties, Ronan ........................... C10 Shortline Ag, Scobey .........................A30, C54 Signalness Farms, Watford City, ND ...........B27 Skierka Livestock Trucking, Pompeys Pillar B20 Sod Buster Sales, Polson ..................C38, C53 Specialty Tool & Attachment, Cody WY ..... C24 Springhill Auctioneers, Butte ........................B2 Steel Etc, Great Falls ................................ C56 Steinhatchee, Lance Nelson, Stevensville..B23 Stokes Fencing, Conrad .............................B20 Sullivan Brothers Construction, Conrad .... C34 Super SmartRooms/Superform ICF, Jerry Gangstad, Avon........................................A34, C23 Swains Spring Service, Great Falls ........... C30 T & T Farm Supply, LLC, Chester ...............A52 Taylor Farm Store, Shelby ..........................A45 Tiber Tractor Co., Chester ...........................B25 Tilleman Equipment Company, Havre ....... C29 TJ Equipment, Baer, Tim, Great Falls .........B20 Tom’s Shop, Grassrange............................ C54 Torgerson’s, Ethridge, Great Falls, Lewistown, Havre, Denton, Billings ............................ C32 Treasure State Seed, Fairfield ...........A16, C41 Tri County Implement, Sidney .......................B9 Triangle Ag Service, Fort Benton ................A18 Triple T Sales, Chinook ......................C42, C43 Truck Envy, Great Falls ...............................B20 TT&E Inc, Victor..........................................A54 Van Motors, Conrad ....................................B19 Vaughn Truck, Havre .................................. C20 VW Mfg, Loren Hawks, Chester .................A31 Wesco Trailer Sales, Conrad.......................A44 Western Montana New Holland, Missoula ..A33 Western Water Wells, Jack Clark, Choteau...A56 Wild Horse Seed, Havre ............................ C20 World Equipment, Idaho Falls, ID .............. C19 Yellowstone Tractor Co., Belgrade .....B24, C10 Zerbe Bros., Glasgow ........................ A48, A49 Zomer Truck, Conrad ........................................ ........................A46, A47, A52, C2, C22, C30


Stewart Busmann, Guiford Hereford Ranch and Jennifer Busmann for purchasing 3/4 interest in this great bull!!

Also want to thank Stewart for purchasing BPH CLHL1 KING DOM 502 the full brother to 401 and two daughters. Dam 102 has an average weight per day from date of birth to weaning weight of 2.8 pounds per day on three calves.

Semen is available on Bull 401 “My herd is small in animal numbers but big in producing pounds per day on the cow.”


(406) 788-3242

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page B2

HONEY EXTRACTOR FOR SALE Hubbard 80 frame, radial extractor, very good condition................................$1500

(307) 856-7669, Kinnear, WY

GRAIN DRILLS FOR SALE John Deere 8350 hoe drills, 7” space with Perry points, grain, fertilizer, and grass boxes. 20-ft.

(406) 399-1113 - Chinook, MT


1984 Omaha Standard

Grain Pup. Tires 75%.

$5000 or best offer

Call (406) 868-2814 Conrad, MT Leave Message

SEAMLESS POLY LINER 8-ft, 10-ft, 12-ft.


•  Dump trucks & belly dumps •  Wood floor trailers •  Manure spreaders •  Fertilizer hoppers •  Chutes

• QuickSilver Liners • Durapro Liners • HMW Liners

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Haul dirt, landscaping materials, clay, sand, manure, rock, grain, etc. ALSO Hot Asphalt Liners Available


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Now accepting consignments for North Central Montana Farm & Ranch Auction Call

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An increase in beef cows requires cropland

By Kris Ringwall, Beef Specialist, NDSU Extension Service Current industry thoughts would indicate 2,665,385 acres. In 2007, 3,434,036 acres that the beef cow herd is expanding, but the were enrolled in a conservation program. In question is, “Where?” 2012, only 2,163,579 acres were enrolled. As cattle numbers expand, one needs to These data suggest land use is fairly ponder where and then how. Ultimately, constant in the big picture, even though the cattle need land, and regardless of where acreage numbers certainly are not constant. one goes, land is a precious commodity. Individual producers will change land use, Competition is tough, and crop production but weather is the big determinant of what continues to dominate agriculture. So the actual success the producer will have. question that often H ow ev er, th e needs to be discussed livestock industry is, “Just where is the does exist and utilizes permanent pasforage base to expand ture and rangeland: cattle?” 10,418,885 acres in Although the excitement of the high 2007 and 10,247,184 value of cattle and acres in 2012. The crops has diminished, inventory of cows and the lingering effects heifers that calved of high crop prices was 956,502 in 2007 still have the potenand 899,558 in 2012. tial to pull land reLike total cropland, sources from cattle. A the changes appear as cattle number review fewer acres. The success of those acres is shows cyclical highs tied up in long-term and lows, generally practices. price-driven. Through Perhaps the spikes in increased crop time, 10 years generally was noted as the prices were an incentive for less forage and cycle length, but the exact number of years livestock production, but the real point is certainly has varied. to simply acknowledge current land use. Regardless, as cattle numbers go up Again, these numbers do not indicate a lot and down, what happens to the land base? of real differences, and one certainly would What happens as crop production expands question just how much the cow-calf indusand utilizes land that previously was used try can expand without a significant change for cattle? History will tell us, but the real in producer thoughts regarding long-term question for the beef industry is current land use. land use and the opportunity to graze on A change in land use, particularly from available land at a reasonable cost. crop production to cattle, may take a miniThe stocking capacity, the number of mum of two to three years, and maybe loncow-calf pairs various land eco-types can ger, to take advantage of known production support, does not cycle and essentially is set practices that enhance forage and pasture for the country as a whole. Thus, land use production by cattle. Changing from cattle is the driving factor, driven by how flexible to crop production can occur in one season. producers are in converting from one land So where are we at today, at least in use to another land use. North Dakota? In 2012, 69.1 percent of The beef business does not stand alone. North Dakota’s land was in cropland, 26.1 In some areas, beef cattle may be the percent was in permanent pasture or rangeprimary agricultural enterprise, but beef land, 4.1 percent was in farmsteads and .7 production is a subset of agriculture. A percent was in woodlands. These figures big-picture look of agriculture is necessary. are readily available from the Census of The 2012 Census of Agriculture (https:// Agriculture for any state; just click on the www.agcensus.usda.gov) reported North state-level data. Dakota’s land area at 44,160,640 acres. Let’s look at the bottom line. The 2012 The 2007 Census of Agriculture reported North Dakota inventory of cows and heif31,970 farms in North Dakota were farming 39,674,586 acres. Five years later, the ers that calved was 899,558 head. With 2012 report indicated 30,961 farms in North 10,247,184 acres as pasture, that is 11.4 Dakota were farming 39,262,613 acres. acres per cow-calf pair. The 2016 inventory That’s not a large difference. In terms is even higher, thus lowering the available of principal crops, the 2007 report noted pasture acres per cow-calf pair. 27,527,180 acres of cropland (22,035,717 Acres per cow-calf pair vary, depending acres harvested) and the 2012 report noted on location. However, cattle producers are 27,147,240 acres of cropland (23,469,816 going to have to find a way to use cropland acres harvested), an increase in harvested if much expansion for cows is going to acres but still not large differences. happen. The increase in beef cows requires Interestingly, in 2007, 812,533 acres of cropland. cropland were reported as being used for May you find all your ear tags. grazing. In 2012, 321,936 acres of cropland For more information, contact your local were reported as being used for grazing. NDSU Extension Service agent (https:// Another interesting note: Included in www.ag.ndsu.edu/extension/directory) the total crop acres was cover crops. In or Ringwall at the Dickinson Research 2007, 3,549,898 acres were idled for cover Extension Center, 1041 State Ave., Dickinson, ND 58601; 701-456-1103; or kris. crops or other soil improvement. In 2012, ringwall@ndsu.edu. cover crops and soil health accounted for ##### More than 25,000 farms grow more than 160 different commodities in Idaho. The top agriculture products include potatoes, alfalfa hay and wheat. The state has an extensive system of dams, reservoirs, canals and drainage ditches allowing water to be recycled and used in different ways. There are more than 3.2 million acres of irrigated land across Idaho.

##### All Thoroughbreds registered by the Jockey Club celebrate their birthdays on January 1st in the northern hemisphere, and August 1st in the southern hemisphere. This birth date keeps horses in age brackets for racing purposes. Breeders attempt to have foals born close to the beginning of the year, so that they are as large and strong as their racing peers.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page B3

HUGGY BEAR’S CONSIGNMENT & APPRAISAL Phone 406-873-4819, cell 229-0662, e-mail khbear59427@yahoo.com, Cut Bank, Montana

Website: www.huggybearsconsignments.com

“If You Want To Sell or Buy...Huggy Bear Is Your Guy”.


Moto-Ski 400 TS snowmobile. Tag #DealL0417. John Deere 9450 30-ft set of drills, 10” spacing, steel packers. Tag #ANF0417.... ..............................................................................................................$6500 Massey 35 25-ft. pull type windrower. Tag #Hug0417.................................$2500 NEW!! Wessex 4x6 pasture harrows. Tag #Hug0417..............................$170 ea. Farmhand 228 loader off John Deere 4010. Tag #ANF0417......................$3500 1984 Sun Craft 26-ft. motor home, Chevrolet 454 engine and running gear, sleeps 8, kitchen, Onan generator. Tag #JimP0417.........................................$8500 John Deere 840 loader. Like new, off John Deere 8100. Tag #ClintonB0417........ ...........................................................................................................$14,000 10-yard scraper. Tag #GlacierCol0417.........................................................$6500 John Deere 4630 2WD, 1000 PTO, duals, 7200 hr. Tag #LarryS0417.....$15,000 New!! Ezee-On trailer type post pounder with engine drive. Tag #Hug0417.......... ............................................................................................Preseason Price New!! Spike tooth harrow. Tag #Hug0417......................................................$350 New Tebben 10-ft. 3-point mower. Tag #Hug0417.....................Preseason Price New!! Danuser skid steer mounted hammer. Tag #Hug0417...Preseason Price 1000 gallon fuel tank, with electyric pump. Tag #LarryS0417......................$1500 1000 gallon fuel tank. Tag #LarryS0417........................................................$750 Smithy lathe. Tag #Ruth0417......................................................................$1700 Wesco 1310 10”x70-ft. swing away grain, hydraulic drive. Tag #Ruth0417..$3500 Westfield 8”x50-ft. PTO auger. Tag #Ruth0417...........................................$1700 1948 Dodge grain truck, Knapheide box. Tag #Ruth0417...........................$1900 Flexi-Coil 67XL sprayer with 120-ft. single boom, 1500 gallon main tank, inductor tank, 500 gallon auxiliary tank and wash tank, windscreens and double nozzles. Tag #Ruth0417.....................................................................$15,000 Michigan 290 scraper with 18-yard can, Cummins 855 engine with only 1391 hours on unit. Clark drivetrain, Allison automatic. Tag #DaveG0417..$35,000 (2) 22-ft. tip-tops for Knapheide box. Tag #StanW0417...........................$500 ea. International feed grinder, complete with PTO. Tag #Neal0417...................$400 2014 John Deere 9510 4WD tractor, 1000 PTO. Tag #Ralph0417. 2014 John Deere 9770S combine with header. Tag #Ralph0417. 1994 Top Kick truck with 18-ft. van box, 6-speed transmission. Tag #D&B0417.... ..............................................................................................................$8000 1991 Ford F700 truck with 24-ft. van body with tail lift, 427 gas engine, new radiator, 247,727 miles. Tag #D&B0417................................................... Call 1987 Ford F250 pickup with bed, parts pickup, new exhaust system, engine runs, transmission work done. Tag #D&B0417. Squeeze chute, good shape. #D&B0417........................................................ Call 20-ft. 4-horse bumper pull trailer. Tag #D&B0417........................................$6000 12x60-ft. trailer frame. Tag #D&B0417. 30-gallon stock tank. Tag #D&B0417 ............................................................. Call Pickup rack. Tag #D&B0417...........................................................................$275 Moormans pig feeder. Tag #D&B0417..........................................................$150 Partial pig feeder. Tag #D&B0417..................................................................$150 International 656 gas tractor, 540 PTO, no 3-point, 741 loader, 5302 hours, needs seat. Tag #D&B0417...................................................................... Call Ford 9N 3-point, 540 PTO, gas engine. Tag #D&B0417................................. Call Round bale feeders. Tag #D&B0417............................................................... Call 1989 Ford truck with 12-ft. van body, 7169 miles. Tag #D&B0417.................. Call 6-ft. 3-point hitch plow. Tag #D&B0417..........................................................$750 Pickup rack. Tag #D&B0417...........................................................................$350 Farmhand small bale clamp. Tag #D&B0417..............................................$1750 White pickup tool box. Tag #D&B0417..........................................................$150 L-shaped, 150 gallon fuel tank. Tag #D&B0417.............................................$150 2-500 gallon round fuel tanks. Tag # #D&B0417......................................$500 ea. Fuel stand for 500 gallon tank. Tag #D&B0417..............................................$100 John Deere 10-ft. pull type plow. Tag #D&B0417........................................... Call New Holland 426 small square baler with quarter turn bale chute. Makes 16x18 bales. Tag #D&B0417............................................................................... Call Winkel portable 12-ft. chute. Tag #D&B0417...............................................$1800 International 160 truck with 14-ft. box and hoist. Tag #D&B0417.................. Call International L160 truck with 16-ft. box and hoist, 4&2 speed transmission. Tag # #D&B0417............................................................................................. Call Chevrolet 60 truck with box and cattle rack, 4&2 speed transmission, 68,290 miles. Tag #D&B0417............................................................................... Call Series 16 truck with 14-ft. box and hoist. Tag #D&B0417............................... Call 1984 GMC truck without tail gate, gas engine, 5 speed transmission, 24-ft. van body. Tag # #D&B0417............................................................................. Call New Holland 910 swather with 14-ft. header with gear drive. Tag #D&B0417....... ................................................................................................................. Call John Deere 896A side delivery rake. Tag #D&B0417.................................$1000 New Holland 910 swather with 14-ft. header, gear drive. Tag #D&B0417...... Call New Holland 1048 2-wide bale wagon, 90 bale capacity. Tag #D&B0417..... Call 40-acres of hay ground for sale, near Great Falls, Montana. Tag #D&B0417. 1987 GMC truck with 427 gas engine, 24-ft. van body with tail lift. Tag #D&B0417. 1989 Ford with 12-ft. van body, 4-speed overdrive. Tag #D&B0417............... Call 1-ton box off Chevrolet pickup. Tag #D&B0417............................................... Call 1992 Kenworth truck, day cab, 20-ft. ITB box with hoist, ShurLok tarp, pink and white, 588,000 miles. Tag #JackW0417................................................... Call John Deere 610 30-ft. plow with Degelman harrows, 11/4” shanks. Tag #JackW0417............................................................................................ Call John Deere 8630 4WD tractor with 20.8x34 tires, 1000 PTO, 3 remotes, motor in good shape. Tag #JackW0417.............................................................. Call 2- 6-ft. spike tooth harrow with drawbar. Tag #JackW0417............................. Call John Deere 5020 tractor with 24.5x32 rear tires, SN 5010 32T 1801. Tag #JackW0417. Minn-Kota high lift rock picker, hydraulic drive. Tag #JackW0417...............$1500 1500 gallon fertilizer cart. Tag # #JackW0417.............................................$3500 John Deere LZB 32-ft. of drills, 4 8-ft. with fertilizer boxes, hitch. Tag #JackW0417............................................................................................ Call 2-John Deere 628 28-ft. plow with Noble mounted harrow. Tag #JackW0417....... ................................................................................................................. Call John Deere 10” spacing drill with fertilizer. Tag #JackW0417.


Gysler 36-ft. plow with Degelman mounted harrows and rod weeder. Tag #GaryS0117..........................................................................................$5000 Melroe 30-ft. plow. Tag #GaryS0117...........................................................$4000 Melroe 501 42-ft. plow, 1” shanks. Tag #DaveT0916 Gysler 36-ft. plow, 12-ft. center section, AM rodweeder, Degelman mounted harrow. Tag #GaryS0816............................................................................$5600 John Deere 1600 37-ft. plow. Tag #TL0816 John Deere 240F 28-ft. plow with extensions. Tag #TL0816 John Deere 610 40-ft. plow. Tag #BobP0616..............................................$7500


Cat D6 9U crawler, 12-ft. Holt dozer, cab, pony motor, tracks are tight. Tag #Alten1116 Grizzly 3-pt. backhoe. Tag #ANF1016.........................................................$3500 Melroe 811 skidsteer mounted backhoe. Tag #KenBert0916........................ $6500 Allis Chalmers 650 3-pt. backhoe attachment. Tag #Lyle0616...................$1500 Case 320 crawler/dozer, 551 hours on rebuilt, new engine, drives, tracks, 6-way blade. Tag #GaryH0916......................................................................$11,000 1999 Volvo Autocar crane with 110-ft. stinger, 6WD, only 9451 actual miles. Tag #DennyL0916.................................................................................... $155,000 12-ft. blade off of Cat 85 track tractor. Tag #Russ0516................................$6500 (2) Allis Chalmers graders. Tag #Jess0716............................$6000 for the pair Dresser dozer tractor. Tag #GeneM0916 NEW!! Danuser 48” pallet fork for skidsteer loader. Tag #Hug0516..............$890 Cat D4 dozer, pull start pony motor. Tag #MarvinC0217............................... $6000

Noble M 24-ft. of V-blades, 3 – 8-ft. Tag #JackW0417.................................... Call Renn 32-ft. plow with Flexi-Coil mounted harrow with 11/4” shanks. Tag #JackW0417............................................................................................ Call John Deere 1610 42-ft. plow, 11/4” shanks with Degelman mounted harrows. Tag #JackW0417............................................................................................ Call Cat D7 for parts. Tag #JackW0417. 5500-7500 bushel bins. Tag #JackW0417....................................................... Call Valmar 320 Fargo spreader mounted on 54 harrow cart, good shape. Tag #JackW0417. 2-John Deere LZB 10” spacing drills with steel packers. Tag #JackW0417... Call John Deerre 5010 tractor with 1000 PTO, 2 sets of remotes. Tag #JackW0417.... ................................................................................................................. Call John Deere 16-ft. plow. Tag #JackW0417...................................................... Call Model 75 45-ft. coil packer. Tag #JackW0417...........................................$10,000 18-ft. drawbar spike tooth harrow. Tag #JackW0417....................................... Call 4- 6-ft. mounted harrow. Tag #JackW0417...................................................... Call Degelman 6-ft. harrow. Tag #JackW0417....................................................... Call 3-John Deere LZB 8-ft. 12” spacing drills. Tag #JackW0417......................... Call 4–12-ft. 10” spacing drills with steel packers, manual lift. Tag #JackW0417... Call Flexi-Coil 5000 52-ft. 9” spacing air drill with 2320 tow behind air cart, updated loading auger. Tag #JackW0417. Flexi-Coil 65 80-ft. pull type sprayer with single nozzle, 1000 gallon tank, windscreens. Tag #JackW0417........................................................................ Call 1972 Ford F900 dump with with 10-yard. Tag #JackW0417........................... Call Case IH 1010 straight cut header. Tag #JackW0417...................................... Call International W9 tractor, 540 PTO, gas, Koyker loader, great auger tractor. Tag #JackW0417............................................................................................ Call International hydro, 3-point, PTO. Tag #JackW0417..................................... Call 1993 Versatile 876 (blue) tractor, 20.8x38 duals, weights, manual transmission, only 2438 hours, tractor is immaculate. Tag #JackW0417........................ Call Versatile 800 tractor with 18.4x38 tires, (2 new tires), manual transmission, 5953 hours. Tag #JackW0417. Tulsa 12-ft. flat bed with tail roll and winch. Tag #JackW0417........................ Call 14-ft. truck body. Tag #JackW0417.................................................................. Call Summers sprayer for parts. Tag #JackW0417. Mineral feeder. Tag #JackW0417.................................................................... Call Booms for Summers sprayer. Tag #JackW0417. 3-Spike tooth harrows. Tag #JackW0417.................................................$125 ea. Noble harrows. Tag #JackW0417. 18.4x26 tires, 24.5x32 lug tires, 18.4x38 tires. Tag #JackW0417................... Call Case IH 1680 combine, 30.5x32 tires, feeder chain is good. Tag #JackW0417. 1984 Ford F900 grain truck with 18-ft. box and hoist, ShurLok tarp, almost new tires, and real nice box. Tag #JackW0417................................................ Call 1987 Holiday Rambler 35-ft. RV, sleeps 6, has new awning, 70,000 miles. Tag #JackW0417. 1984 1-ton service pickup, 200 gallon fuel tank, 2WD, 4-speed manual transmission, 103,000 miles. Tag #JackW0417. John Deere 506 rotary mower, 3-point. Tag #JackW0417............................. Call Ford 8N tractor with 3-point, 540 PTO, Wagner loader. Tag #JackW0417...... Call Ford 8N tractor with 3-point, 540 PTO, Dearborn loader. The motor is shot. Tag #JackW0417............................................................................................ Call John Deere 5010 tractor, SN 50103T3340, 2 sets of remotes, 18.4x38 duals. Tag #JackW0417...................................................................................... Call GMC 7000 truck with 1500 gallon tank, 16-ft. flatbed, 5-speed manual, 114,363 miles. Tag #JackW0417............................................................................ Call Ford LN700 truck, red and white, 18-ft. box and hoist, ShurLok tarp, 5&2 speed transmission, 88,354 miles, nice, nice truck. Tag #JackW0417................ Call 2-1500 gallon storage tanks. Tag #JackW0417.............................................. Call Summers 60-ft. sprayer mounted on pickup. Sprayer has triple nozzles, 8 hp Honda motor. Tag #JackW0417................................................................ Call 1965 Ford F250 FWD pickup with 4 speed manual transmission. Tag #JackW0417. 1952 rockpicking truck with 12-ft. box and hoist. Tag #JackW0417................. Call 1984 Ford F250 pickup, 4 speed manual transmission, 2WD. Tag #JackW0417.. 1994 Dodge 3/4-ton pickup with Cummins diesel, Laramie SLT, 5 speed manual transmission, 270,000 miles. Tag #JackW0417........................................ Call 1970 Ford LN600 truck with 18-ft. box and hoist, ShurLok tarp, 4&2 speed, 83,500 miles. Tag #JackW0417................................................................ Call Feterl 7”x27-ft. grain auger with Wisconsin engine. Tag #JackW0417............ Call John Deere 410 tractor/loader/backhoe, 5238 hours. Tag #JackW0417........ Call 1970 Ford LN600 truck with 4&2 speed, good 16-ft. box and hoist, good ShurLok tarp, 44,800 miles. Tag #JackW0417. John Deere 335 27-ft. disc. Tag #RodC0417..............................................$8500 John Deere 610 25-ft. plow with mounted harrow and drag rod. Tag #RodC0417. 1976 Chevrolet C65 grain truck, 20-ft. box, Allison automatic transmission, drill fill, hydraulic lift tag, roll tarp. Tag #RodC0417......................................$6500 John Deere 4755 2WD tractor, 1000 PTO, no 3-point, 7278 hours. Tag #RodC0417........................................................................................$35,000 Hesston 6400 swather with 12-ft. auger header. Tag #BenD0417..............$5500 Case 530 tractor/loader/backhoe. Tag #BenD0417.....................................$7000 Belarus 822 FWD tractor, 81 PTO hp, 690 Leon loader, 3-point, 540 PTO, 5021 hours. Tag #BenD0417.......................................................................$10,000 2013 Magnum 260 MFD tractor, 3-point, duals, low hours. Tag #RogerW0417..... .........................................................................................................$115,000 Flexi-Coil 820 50-ft. plow, knock-on sweeps and mounted harrow. Tag #RogW0417. Hydraulic kit for grain cart. Tag #RoyB0417.................................................$2000 2016 PJ 22-ft. deckover trailer with Munster ramps. Tag #RoyB0417..........$6100 2011 Supreme 1200T vertical mixer, monitor, 2 side doors and rear commodity door, light kit, tandem axle, rubber extension, Digistar scale, nice big mixer. Tag #PostEq0417...............................................................................$48,000 Supreme 900T mixer, new augers, knives and liners, 1000 TPM PTO, 2 speed gear box, Digistar scale head, nice rebuilt wagon. Tag #PostEq0417.............. ...........................................................................................................$47,000


Melroe 210 Spra-Coupe 125 gallon tank, 31.5x13.5 tires. Tag #BrokenP0117.... ..............................................................................................................$6500 John Deere 4700 sprayer. Tag #ArtH0716...............................................$92,000 Flexi-Coil 67XL sprayer, 100-ft. booms, double nozzles. Tag #HerbK0516 Flexi-Coil 67XL 130-ft. field sprayer, windscreens, 1500 gallon tank, auxiliary tank, double TeeJet nozzles. Tag #Ruth0916....................................... $10,500 F/S sprayer mounted on 21/2 ton Kaiser Jeep, 80-ft. booms, 1000 gallon tank. Tag #GBrunner0516.................................................................................$22,000 Bourgault 1460 sprayer, 110-ft. booms. Tag #KeithD0716 John Deere 335 pickup sprayer, 35-ft. booms, QuickJet nozzles. Tag #Ruth0616............................................................................................$1250


1998 Freightliner FL80 truck with 6-bale mover, manual 10 speed transmission, 104,520 miles. Tag #BrokenP0117.....................................................$65,000 1989 GMC 7000 gravel truck, 5 speed/2speed, 47,116 miles. Tag #BrokenP0117..............................................................................................$8500 1969 Chevrolet C50 2-ton grain truck, 15-ft. box, hoist, 51,249 miles. Tag #RussB0916........................................................................................... $7500 1997 Ford F800 service truck, 8.3 Cummins, 9 speed, air brakes, 5000 lb crane, 246,000 miles. Tag #JasonA0916........................................................ $15,000 1980 International S1800 2-ton grain truck, 404 gas engine, 4 speed, stock rack, excellent tires. Tag #DickG1016....................................................$8500 1975 International 4200 Dynastar truck with 3000 gallon water tank mounted on truck. Tag #BrokenP0117.................................................................$9500 1978 Peterbilt truck, Cummins 855, Fuller 13 speed, 20-ft. box, hoist, 400,000 miles. RussB1116................................................................................ $33,000


2013 John Deere S690 combine, 1000 engine hours and 995 separator hours, Premier chopper. Tag #Grant0317 24-ft. pipe panels. Tag #Joe0317.............................................................$350 ea. Round bale feeders. Tag #Joe0317...............................................................$550 New Holland 1425 self-propelled baler, gas. Tag #GuyM0417...................$8000 1999 Valmar 2055 fargo spreader, was mounted on a 41-ft. plow. Tag #GaryW0317.........................................................................................$4500 New 8 hp semi-trash pump, flex end pipe complete with discharge hose. Tag #GaryW0317.........................................................................................$2500 Rhino DB150 3-pt. ditch bank mower, 5-ft. cut. Tag #GaryW0317..............$6000 John Deere 105 combine with 22-ft. header with cab. Tag #BDawson0317. New Wacker Neuson skid steer loader and other construction equipment available. 1993 New Holland 499 12-ft. pull type haybine, SN 539811. Tag #JohnDR0317.. ..............................................................................................................$6000 1996 Ford/New Holland 9030 bidirectional, 3-point, dual PTO cab end and 1000 PTO engine end, 4500 hours, grapple fork. Tag #RussB0317............$45,000 Allis-Chalmers 8030 2WD tractor, 3-point, dual PTO, AC 470 loader with bale spear. Needs clutch work. Tag #Suzzy0317..........................................$6500 MacDon D60 45-ft. header to fit S690. Tag #Grant0317. 14) 20-ft. corral panels. Tag #BrettP0317.................................................$325 ea. 18) 20-ft. corral panels with more uprights. Tag #BrettP0317..................$425 ea. John Deere 5020 2WD tractor, 1000 PTO in excellent shape. Tag #DougP0317.. ..............................................................................................................$7500 Allis-Chalmers 175 2WD tractor, 3-point, 540 PTO. Tag #DougP0317. 1981 John Deere 7720 combine with straw chopper, 24-ft. 224 straight cut headewr, 3134 hours. Tag #RonH0317.........................................................$8500 1981 John Deere 7700 combine with 224 24-ft. header, straw chopper, rebuilt feeder house, 3232 hours, good condition. Tag #RonH0317................$8000 2012 Case IH PS100 100-ft. suspended boom sprayer, 100-ft. booms, 1600 gallon tank, excellent shape. Tag #RonH0317........................................$37,000 1995 Concord 4012 40-ft. air seeder, 12” spacing with 3400 air cart, 5” carbide tips, good condition. Tag #RonH0317.................................................$29,000 2008 Summers 60-ft. suspended boon truck mounted sprayer, wind screens, AutoRate, hydraulic boom lift, 5000 gallon tank, 5 hp Honda motor. Tag #RonH0317...........................................................................................$7900 Melroe 36-ft. plow with 1 1/4” shanks. Tag #JoeK0317.................................$4500


John Deere 9450 30-ft. set 10” spacing drills, fertilizers, Erskine transport. Excellent. Tag #Miles0416............................................................................ $12,000 2) International 7100 14-ft. drills, 10” spacing. Tag #BKuka0116 Concord 4012 air seeder with 3400 Concord tank. Tag #JackT1216......$29,000 (3) John Deere double disc drills. Tag #SteveC1116 John Deere 1820/1900 45-ft. air drill and air cart, 7.5” spacing, additional meter rolls, recapped packers. Tag #RussB1116........................................... $65,000 Case IH PH-800 50-ft. air seeder, 10” spacing, rubber packer. Never been used, no air tank. Tag #Dave0716................................................................$40,000 John Deere 9450 drills, 12” spacing, fertilizer, steel packers, transport. Tag #ANF0516..........................................................................................$14,000 Flexi-Coil 5000 45-ft. air drill, 91/2” spacing, double shoot, 1720 tow behind tank. Tag #ArtH0516...................................................................................$45,000 Flexi-Coil 5000 60-ft. air seeder, 12” spacing, 3450 tow behind tank, variable rate, double shoot. Tag #ArtH0516.....................................................$49,000 Flexi-Coil 5712 57-ft. air seeder, 12” spacing, 2320 tow behind cart. Tag #HarveyK0416............................................................................................. $28,000 Victory 35-ft. air seeder, 14” spacing with 5” spreader (actually will spread 7” spacing), 2320 tow behind tank with auxiliary 3rd tank, rubber packers. Can be either single or double shoot. Tag #Rick0416....................................... $18,500 Hay Buster 40-ft. no-till drill, 12” spacing. Tag #Russ0514.......................$15,000 Case IH Concord 6012 ATX 60-ft. air seeder, 12” spacing, ADX 3360 tow between tank. Tag #BirchCreek0516......................................................$75,000 Case IH Concord 5010 50-ft. air seeder, 10” spacing, 3400 2-compartment tank, single shoot. Tag #Kyle0616...............................................................$35,000 Haybuster 32-ft. drills, for parts. Tag #Russ0516........................................$5000 1 set of (3) John Deere 1010 drills, 10” spacing, grain and fertilizer boxes, clean. Tag #Guy0416......................................................................................... $2500 (3) International 7100 drills, 10” spacing, semi-pneumatic packers. Tag #GeraldF0416 Flexi-Coil 39-ft. air seeder, 9” spacing, single shoot, steel packers, 2320 tow behind air tank. Tag #JoshB0217............................................................. $25,000


John Deere 1010 tractor, 3-pt., 540 PTO, power steering, loader is available. Tag #ANF0816.............................................................................................$6500 John Deere 8640 tractor, 1000 PTO, new tire. Tag #LyleF0316 Versatile 855 4WD tractor, new 340 hp motor, rebuilt transmission, new 20.8x38 tires. Tag #RileyD0916......................................................................... $35,000 Versatile 900 4WD tractor, 3 remotes, air conditioning works great, 18.4x38 tires, fair shape, 2800 hours on overhauled 903 engine. Tag #GeraldS0816..$9000 1979 Versatile 875 tractor, 20.8x38 duals 80%, 4 remotes, Cummins 855 motor, 7409 hours, in-frame overhaul 2000 hours ago, no spin front differental, R134 air conditioning. Tag #DaveS0414............................................$35,000 John Deere 8925R FWA tractor, 295 hp, 1000 PTO, 3-pt., 3280 hours. Tag #RussB1116...................................................................................... $175,000 Versatile 900 4WD tractor, Cummins 903 engine, (4) good tires and (4) fair tires. Tag #JerryS0716...................................................................................$8500 John Deere 9510R 4WD tractor, 5 banks of remotes, 1000 PTO, 800/70R tires, 1300 hours. Tag #Ralph0716 Versatile 500 4WD tractor, 504 Cummins engine, 1000 PTO. Engine needs repair. Tag #Jerry0316.....................................................................................$3500 Case 1200A 2WD tractor, 3-pt., 540 PTO, 1/2 cab, power steering, power drawbar, new 18.4x30 rear tires, 92 hours. Tag #RodB1215...............................$7500 Case 1030 tractor, hole in the block. Tag #Ruth0616....................................$750 Case 1030 tractor, 540 PTO, engine is stuck. Tag #BobC0616...................$2500 1975 John Deere 4630 FWA tractor, 150 hp, 3-pt., 1000 PTO, 2 remotes, 20.8x38 duals, 9000 hours, 158 loader. Tag #Aron0316....................$19,500 1983 Versatile 835 Series 3 tractor, 18.4x38 duals, 7898 hours. Lower engine work done. Tag #TL0816 Allis-Chalmers D21 2WD tractor, transmission runs good, Series 1, non-turbo engine. Tag #ANF0217............................................................................ $8500 International 340 tractor. Tag #Wayne0217................................................$3500 International FAA tractor, 540 PTO, saw blade. Tag #SteveF1016 International FC tractor, 540 PTO. Does not run. Tag #SteveF1016 1983 Versatile 1150 4WD tractor, 1150 KT engine, 30.5Lx32 tires 60-70%, set up to pull air seeder. Tag #Russ0616.................................................$45,000


9-ft. side-delivery rake. Tag #BobC0616........................................................$950 3 spear bale spear, fits bidirectional tractor. Tag #DonB1215 NEW H&S 1460 14-ft. wheel rake. Tag #Hug0316.....................Preseason Price International 9-ft. side-delivery rake. Tag #Pete0916


LandPride 1572 6-ft. rear blade, 3-point. Tag #BrokenP0117.......................$600 LandPride landscape rake. Tag #BrokenP0117............................................$700 20-ft. land roller, good shape. Tag #BrokenP0117.......................................$9500 Waldo 2500 lb lift off van truck. Tag #BirchC1216.......................................$2500 Frigidaire stainless steel refrigerator. Tag #Terra1016..................................$500 Stainless steel dishwasher. Tag #Terra1016..................................................$300 Magic Chef microwave oven. Tag #Terra1016...............................................$250 Maytag stainless steel stove and oven. Tag #Terra1016...............................$500 (39) 4-ft. perforated aeration tubes. Tag #DickS1016...............................$135 ea.

PJ Trailers For Sale Call HUGGY BEAR

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page B4

FAIRFIELD HAY FOR SALE Mixed, irrigated, fertilized, round bales. Call for price, delivered

Also available: Hay and grain hauling - statewide

(406) 870-9003 • Fairfield, MT


1995 Ford F250, 7.3 diesel with 5 speed, 4x4, parts pickup............................................................................ $800 Gehl 600 rockpicker.................................................. $1500 1974 W-W 2 horse tandem trailer.............................. $1500 Aluminum Gated Pipe: 20 x 30-ft. x 8”..............$2.00/foot 150 x 30-ft. x 6”............$1.75/foot Hastings 30x30-ft.x6” mainline pipe with riser every other piece................................................................$3.00/foot Call 406-539-2306, Harrison, Montana

MONTANA POST DRIVER •  Universal skid loader or excavator mount. •  Quick and easy on/off •  Low profile •  Full control of post while driving •  Plumb bob and depth gauge chain

Call for your local dealer!

See the video of these at work on our website com montanapostdriver.

Gold Creek, MT



1981 Versatile 855 tractor, 4x4, air conditioning, new tires, out of frame overhaul on engine, 4 remotes, nice shape. ............................................................................ $30,000 2003 Wilson aluminum stock trailer, 2 sliding compartment doors, good tires, excellent condition................. $20,000 2012 Ford F550 flatbed, 6.7 Power Stroke, crewcab, 109,000 miles..................................................... $30,000 1981 Chevy 3/4 ton pickup, 350 engine, 4 speed....... $850 McFarland 30-ft. drag harrow with tires.................... $3500 Aerway 12-ft. pasture harrow..................................... $875 Home made ditcher, 3 point........................................ $300 Miller 250TS wire feed welder, 3 phase...................... $800 Powder River used gates, 10-ft. to 16-ft...................CALL Eversman 4512 landplane, excellent shape..............CALL Windbreak boards 1” and 2”, various lengths...........CALL Phone (406) 264-5056, Sun River, MT

Certification helps WSU assist local farmers

By Scott Weybright, WSU CAHNRS H i s t o r i c Tw i n Vi s t a Ranch, part of Washington State University (WSU) agricultural extension, recently earned certified organic status. A high proportion of farms in the area are organic, so it made sense to convert Twin Vista, said Laura Lewis, director of WSU Jefferson County Extension. “Farms in this area are generally small, on average around 40 acres,” she said. “The more we can help them succeed and thrive, the better we all are. And this farm is perfect for providing that necessary support.” For example, many local farms are interested in growing organic quinoa, she said. Research by WSU professor Kevin Murphy is showing them the best varieties and management practices. “Quinoa can get a lot of weeds,” Lewis said. “His team discovered geese ate the weeds that grow alongside quinoa, but didn’t eat the crop itself. So it’s a fantastic organic solution to a potentially big headache for farmers.” Conserving, sharing heirloom varieties One goal for Twin Vista is to be a repository for heirloom breeds and varieties, such as rare “red poll” cattle and older varieties of cider apples, chickens, pears and more. So when farmers need them again, Twin Vista will be able to provide seeds or stock. The farm has partnered with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Plant Germplasm System and the Organic Seed Alliance to collect, store and grow these older or more difficult-tosource varieties. “We’re working to help preserve and conserve a variety of animal and plant species,” said Lewis. “And we can then make those available to farmers in the area.” Sharing successful, sustainable practices A working farm for more than 100 years, the 26-acre Twin Vista Ranch was donated to WSU three years ago by owner Lisa Painter with the understanding that it would be a public farm focused on sustainable practices, Lewis said. “We work closely with the small farms in the area,” she said. “We don’t want to CONTINUED ON PAGE B5

The deadline for phoning advertising for the May issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be April 26.

SPRAYER FOR SALE Flexi-Coil 65 sprayer, 90-ft. booms, auto rate, wind guards, 2-way nozzles, new pump last year. Get the same but 120ft. booms................................................. Both units $3000 Phone (406) 799-4614

TAG AXLE & TRIP HAMMER FOR SALE Like new air tag axle with frame and controls, 10:00x20 tires at 95%.....................................................$3500 Little Giant 50 lb. trip hammer. Completely rebuilt with new motor.......................................................$5000 Phone (406) 737-4341, Fort Benton/Geraldine area


Fits Cat D8H. Easy to retro-fit.

Phone (406) 450-4760


2014 New Holland T6.150 tractor, 100 PTO hp, shuttle and semi powershift transmission, 3-pt. hitch, dual speed PTO, self-leveling loader with bucket and grapple, very low hours. Tractor has transferable warranty remaining. Like new condition

Call (406) 278-3345 for more information

EQUIPMENT FOR SALE We have leased out the farm and have the following equipment available.

Subsoiler 7000 dual. 32-ft. plow with spikes. International 32-ft. disk. 1976 Ford 4x4 pickup. Ford New Holland 9030E bidirectional tractor. 1978 Peterbilt tandem with 20-ft. Knapheide box with 52” sides. 1969 Chevy C-60 2-ton truck with 15-ft. Knapheide box, 40” sides. 1984 Rawhide bumper pull horse trailer. Agco Hesston 7434 3x4 square baler (Serviced Annually). John Deere 8295R tractor with front wheel assist. 2000 John Deere 1820 AR 45-ft. hoe drill with 7.5” spacing, 1900 tow between cart, (270 bushels with a 120/150 split). Great for seeding alfalfa and grass too. 1996 John Deere 9600 grain combine, (Stored indoors with one season on new front tires), 930 straight cut header and 912 pickup header. (Well maintained). 2015 Reconditioner 300 by Ag Shield. (Rain in the forecast...speed up the hay drying by a day or two). Phone Russ Baker at 406-590-5933 and leave a message


We have auctions booked for 2017 but not yet dated. If you are planning an auction or appraisal for 2017 give us a call. We specialize in farm, ranch, industrial and business type auctions. We do it ALL from start to finish. Including advertising, setup and display work, auctioneering and clerking. We also do all types of appraisals in farm and ranch equipment and inventory, business properties, collectibles, etc. Remember - auctioneers make excellent appraisers as we see everything saleable being sold at our auctions. 55 years in the business. Phone (406) 450-2244, leave a message or call 278-5880.

Russian thistle populations resist glyphosate

By Chris Branam, Oregon State University Extension Researchers have confirmed what Oregon farmers have feared for nearly two years – some populations of Russian thistle in the northeastern part of the state have developed resistance to glyphosate, one of the most widely used herbicides in the United States. “This is not good news for growers,” said Judit Barroso, a weed scientist at Oregon State University (OSU). “This species is a serious threat to the sustainability of the wheat-summer fallow cropping systems of the inland Pacific Northwest. It is very often the predominant broad-leaved weed in many of the fields, and farmers rely extensively on glyphosate to control it.” The finding is published online (http://onlinelibrary.wiley. com/doi/10.1002/ps.4525/full#publication-history) in the journal Pest Management Science. Russian thistle, also known as a tumbleweed, causes serious crop production problems in dryland small-grain producing areas in the United States, costing farmers more than $50 million annually in control measures. Farmers in the arid region of northeastern Oregon rely on repeated applications of herbicides such as glyphosate to control Russian thistle. Glyphosate is the herbicide of choice for growers in the Pacific Northwest to control Russian thistle after harvest and in summer fallow. Ten years ago, a similar plant – kochia – became resistant to glyphosate in Kansas. Glyphosate-resistant kochia populations are new found in many other states. Now, Barroso is working with growers to delay the glyphosate resistance in Oregon by rotating different herbicides and using other weed control practices. “There needs to be an immediate transition to a more diversified approach for control of this troublesome weed species,” she said. Some of the reasons for poor post-harvest glyphosate effectiveness include dust, water stress, or generally poor growing conditions during application. However, reduced control may be the result of the evolution of glyphosate resistance in the species as well, Barroso said. Glyphosate is cheaper than other herbicide options and that has encouraged its repetitive use, she said, raising the likelihood of resistance. In the fall of 2015, farmers in northeast Oregon reported difficulties in controlling Russian thistle with glyphosate. The following February, OSU researchers randomly collected 10 Russian thistle populations on fallow fields in Umatilla, Morrow and Sherman counties. Lab testing of the samples showed that three of the collected populations in Morrow County were glyphosateresistant. Those three populations were likely treated with glyphosate much more often than the plants that were susceptible to the herbicide, Barroso said. Russian thistle breaks off the stem when it dies and moves with the wind. As a tumbleweed, it can spread seeds over long distances, which may allow the glyphosate resistance to spread very quickly. Each plant, growing without competition, produces more than 50,000 seeds. Barroso conducts research at the Columbia Basin Agricultural Research Center in Pendleton. The Agricultural Research Foundation of Oregon funded the research. The foundation is a private, non-profit corporation and an affiliate of OSU’s College of Agricultural Sciences. The board of directors is made up of representatives of numerous segments of Oregon’s agriculture industry.

Certification helps WSU assist local farmers

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page B5

NEW Massey-Ferguson Balers - IN STOCK

PRESEASON SALE! Substantial Discounts on Big Square Balers! NEW Windrowers - IN STOCK Massey Ferguson Hesston WR9860 windrower with 16-ft rotary header Call for more information on AgCo Pre-Season Incentives!

Rainbow Irrigation & Equipment, Inc. Phone: (406) 357-2211 - Email: rainbowsales@mtintouch.net Website: www.visitrainbow.com - Address: Box 700 Chinook, Montana Call Gary Shelton 406-680-2369 for any and all of your equipment needs!



All Used Round Balers


##### If your boots or shoes are stained with salt from trudging through winter streets, simple dip a cloth into white vinegar and wipe away the stain.

Other Equipment

Agco-Hesston 5200 30-ft. draper head, U2 pickup reel, single sickle, fits 9435 and WR Series.......... $15,000

Case IH RS561 round baler............................................ $9900 $4900 Case 8465 round baler, 5x6, 1000 PTO, twine only...................... $3500 Hesston 956 round baler, twine only.......................... $20,500 $10,000 2003 Hesston 956 round baler, autocycle, twine/mesh $20,900 $12,000 Hesston 856A 5x6 round baler.................................................... $4500 2011 Massey Ferguson 2856A 6500 bales, twine only............... ......................$27,700 $23,000 2011 Massey Ferguson 2856 twine/ mesh, real good machine with low bale count......... Coming In! New Holland BR780 round baler twine only, auto-tie................... ................... $15,500 $10,000

Deutz-Allis DX 7.10 2WD, 145 hp PTO, cab, dual PTO.....$13,900 $11,900

New Holland 1045 bale wagon........ $1800

DewEze Bale Beds Rolland Manufacturing round bale accumulator..............................Call


be competitive with them. We can try different techniques or plantings and let them know what is successful and what doesn’t work. It’s the traditional model of an extension farm, and we’re really lucky that Lisa donated it.” Lewis and her team host an annual tour that draws around 500 people to the farm. The WSU researchers share information – like weed-eating geese – and explain in small groups why a resource like Twin Vista Ranch is helpful.


2009 Massey Ferguson 2170 square baler, 3x4........................................... $67,800

Available in both Pivot & Parallel Squeeze. Call TODAY for more information!


Round Bale Bed 2001 Hesston 4760 square baler, 3x3.....Call

1990 Hesston 8200 cab, air conditioning, diesel, 14-ft. single sickle, wide conditioner................................Call

2 - WISHEK DISCS - Call to Rent!

* Synchronized Telescoping Arms * Extendable Arms * Joy Stick Control

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page B6

Big Sky Equipment Co.

Phone 406-278-3277 Sales Toll-free 1-800-332-7541 Kurt Christiaens 279-3486 home, 450-3277 cell FAX 1-406-278-7882 Gary Brown 278-3373 home, 788-9033 cell Conrad, Montana website: www.4newholland.com

Parts - After Hours Emergency 450-3227

GREAT VALUE ON ALL DRILLS IN STOCK 2015 Morris Contour II precision drill with 9450 tow between air cart, 60-ft. wide, 10” spacing, double shoot. Like new......... .................Let’s Deal

Service Corey Combs 271-5435 home, 781-7678 cell Gary Brown 278-3373 home, 788-9033 cell



Flexi-Coil 5500 fold back drill, 70ft., 12” spacing, 4.5” steel press wheels, 4350 tow between tank. Very nice condition. Let’s Deal!. Was $129,000............................ ...... HUGE SAVINGS! $109,900

Case IH Steiger 385, 55 gpm hydraulics, 4 remotes, powershift, 2200 hours. Excellent condition. Let’s Deal!..................................... ....................Was $159,500.....Now $156,900 Steiger 9150 4WD, L10 Cummins 300 hp, 12 speed powershift, 4 remotes, 520/85R38 duals @ 85%, recent reman front & rear axles. Includes EZ-Guide 250 with EZ-Steer. Good condition....................................Was $52,500 ...........Then $49,900.....NOW ONLY $42,900

Huge Discounts available on Hold-Over

New Holland P2060 air drill with P1060 cart, 70-ft., 12” spacing................. ... Call for Pricing


MacDon D60 45-ft. draper header with pickup reel, transport. Let’s Deal!............................................ ............................. Was $72,500.....NOW $67,900 MacDon D60 35-ft. draper header, double knife, triple delivery, pickup reel, transport................. $39,900 2007 New Holland 94C 36-ft. draper header, dual knife, pickup reel, transport...................... $39,900 2014 John Deere 640D draper header.Just Traded New Holland 2326 hay header with 2330BF adapter, rubber conditioners. Fits New Holland TV140 & TV145 bidirectional tractors..................... $12,500 Case IH 1015 pickup header, Swathmaster attachment......................................................... $10,900

2009 McCormick XTX165 with loader, powershift transmission, forward/reverse shuttle..... ...................................................Was $82,500 .......................Then $79,900.....Just $69,900 McCormick TTX190 MFD, Powershift transmission, forward/reverse shuttle, 540/1000 PTO, self-leveling loader.............................$73,900 Farmall 656 2WD, hydro transmission, 3-point hitch, 540 PTO, DuAl loader, bucket....$8995


1995 Case IH 1015 15-ft. pickup header, Victory New Holland TR75, Ford engine, hydro drive, attachment.................................................. $8995 good rubber, 960 22-ft. header with batt reel. Case IH 1015 15-ft. pickup header, Victory attachGood machine for only......................$16,995 ment............................................................ $6500 Case IH 1015-12 pickup header..................... $4900 International 810 13-ft. pickup header, Rake-up raking pickup. Very little use........................ $8995 New Holland 960 13-ft. pickup header with Sund attachment.................................................. $2995 New Holland 960 13-ft. pickup header less attachment............................................................ $1495 Massey 1859 13-ft. pickup head less attachment..... ...................................................................... $995

SuperBoom Skid Steers

2010 Case IH 7120 combine, yield and moisture, rock traps, duals, leather seat. Very nice condition...........................................Just Traded Case IH 1480 combine with 810 24-ft. header... ...........................................................$12,500

We Are Dealing on New Holland Super Boom Skidsteers Give us a Call!!

Several models and options available. Attachments include: trencher, post pounder, chisel, various post auger sizes, forks, blades, buckets, etc. Call for any skidsteer needs!

Huge inventory of pallet fork and bale spears in stock. Call now for SPECIAL LIQUIDATION pricing.

2009 John Deere 9870STS, well equipped, 2014 640D draper header. Very good condition...... ......................................................Let’s Deal!

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page B7

Big Sky Equipment Co. Phone 406-278-3277 Sales Toll-free 1-800-332-7541 Kurt Christiaens 279-3486 home, 450-3277 cell FAX 1-406-278-7882 Gary Brown 278-3373 home, 788-9033 cell Conrad, Montana website: www.4newholland.com

Parts - After Hours Emergency 450-3227

Service Corey Combs 271-5435 home, 781-7678 cell Gary Brown 278-3373 home, 788-9033 cell

APACHE SPRAYERS available s g n i v a s Fantastic w and used on all ne rs in stock raye Apache sp

2013 Apache AS1220 self-propelled, 1200 gallon tank, 100-ft. booms, 5 ball valves, Raven Viper Pro monitor with SmarTrax, auto-boom and accu-boom.............................. $169,900 2012 Apache AS1020 self-propelled, Top-Con X20 with RTK, Auto-Steer, Auto-Boom, 100ft. booms, 5 section control........... $159,900


2011 Apache AS1020 self-propelled, 42 inch crop clearance, 100-ft. boom, 5 ball valves, Raven Envizio monitor with Autosteer, Auto Boom and AccuBoom, inductor..... $156,500 2011 Apache 1020 self-propelled, 100-ft. booms, PowerGlide boom level, Auto-Steer, Envisio monitor, 5 section control..Let’s Deal


Flexi-Coil S67XL wheel boom, 100-ft. wheel boom, manual fold, 1500 gallon tank, Flextrol Auto Rate, windscreens, 2 ball valves, lug tires (U41287)....................Make us an Offer Flexi-Coil S67XL wheel boom, 120-ft. wheel boom, manual fold, 1500 gallon tank, FlexControl or Raven interface, TeeJet double nozzle 2012 MacDon M205 windrower, set-up with R85 bodies, inductor cone, hydro pump, 6 ball disc header, draper header ready, Outback GPS valves, foam marker, windscreens, 18.4x26 guidance, low hours. Let’s Deal!.......................... diamond tires (U21171).....Make us an Offer ......................... Was $112,500.....NOW $109,900 1993 New Holland 2550 windrower, full cab with air conditioning, choice of 14-ft. or 16-ft. header........ ................................................................. $19,900 2001 New Holland 1475 sickle mower conditioner, 16-ft. wide. Good condition......................... $9900 New Holland 1475 swing tongue mower conditioner, 14-ft. sickle head, rubber conditioner. Very clean. .......................................................... Just Traded 2002 John Deere 1600A mower conditioner, 16-ft. sickle header. Good condition..................... $9750 New Holland 688 round baler, net/twine......$11,900 Flexi-Coil S67XL suspended boom, 1600 galNew Holland 688 round baler, net/twine......$11,900 lon tank, 90-ft. booms, windscreens, lug tire, New Holland 688 round baler, net/twine......$11,900 Flextrol Auto Rate, foam marker, rinse tank... Case IH RBX563 round baler, net/twine, wide pick..........................................Now only $19,900 up............................................................. $22,900 2005 Flexi-Coil S67XL suspended, 1600 gal2004 Hesston 956 round baler, twine only, low bale lon, 90-ft. booms, windscreens, Auto Rate, count........................................................... $8995 SP655 controller................................$19,900 Vermeer R23 hydraulic driven rake. Good condition. .................................................................... $9900 2009 H&S BF14HC high-capacity wheel V-rake. Good condition............................................ Just Traded Swather transport trailer, sideways pull style.. $5250

2013 Apache AS720 self-propelled, 450 hours, Trimble 750 monitor, with Auto Guidance, EZ Boom, Raven Auto Boom, 90-ft. booms, 5 section, inductor, fence row nozzles. Very, very clean!......................................$137,500


FREE PICK UP & DELIVERY on all pre-season header repairs for combine and swather machines within 100 miles of Conrad, MT. To inquire or schedule please contact Corey at 800-332-7541


Compare to new at close to $100,000

2005 Trail-Eze 80HT drop deck equipment trailer with 2-stage hydraulic tail, 80,000 lb GVW, triple axle, hydraulic winch, slide outs widen to 13-ft., good rubber.................... Was $52,500.....Now $49,900

BALE PROCESSORS Now stocked with the industry leading

Highline CRF650 bale processors Call today for pricing

Bale King 880 bale processor.................$9500 Vermeer BPX7000 bale processor..........$8995

Virulent pathogen uses a genetic decoy to foil host’s immune defenses

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page B8


New Noble airseeder, 49-ft. can be downsized to 35-ft., mid-row fertilizer, 14” shanks with 7” spacing. 350 bushel tow behind cart. Hard surfaced sweeps 50%. Used 5 years since rebuilt like new at factory. New set of sweeps and various parts worth over $3000 goes with the drill... ............................................................................ $14,000 Call 406-974-2568 or 406-485-2540

Field-Right Rollers International 444 tractor, 4 cylinder, excellent running condition, comes with front mount, hydraulic angle post pounder............$5500

www.field-right.com Phone (844) 379-2210

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By Gail Wells, Oregon State University Extension line of defense, the soybean’s immune system A virulent plant-disease agent called Phyreleases protective proteins that block XEG. tophthora sojae knocks out resistance in its soy“But now we find that the pathogens strike bean host by sending out a “decoy” protein to back by releasing XEG-look-alikes that distract confuse the plant’s immune system, according to the XEG-blockers,” Tyler said. a study published today in the journal Science. The mechanism, he explained, resembles The newly uncovered mechanism may exdecoy flares released by aircraft to distract plain why the group of plant pathogens known heat-seeking missiles. The soybean’s immune as Phytophthora are so devastating to crops and system goes after the decoy protein, leaving the natural ecosystems worldwide, said Brett Tyler, real one free to do its damage. director of Oregon State University’s (OSU) “The decoys are actually the second mechaCenter for Genome Research and Biocomputing and a plant pathologist in the College of nism we discovered by which Phytophthora Agricultural Sciences. protects XEG,” said Yuanchao Wang of Nanjing “This discovery could open new approaches Agricultural University in China, who co-led the to controlling a wide diversity of destructive study with Tyler. “Two years ago we discovered plant pathogens, including fungi and bacteria,” that many plants can sense XEG to launch an said Tyler, professor in the botany and plant effective immune response, but the pathogen pathology department and co-leader of the produces proteins called effectors that block 17-member team of Chinese and American that immune response.” scientists. Most other Phytophthora species contain The study builds on 13 years of collaboration genes that encode both XEG and a look-alike between the Chinese and American research effector protein, Tyler said. The researchers teams to combat Phytophthora pathogens, which also discovered a similar decoy mechanism cause billions of dollars in agricultural losses operating in another Phytophthora species, P. each year. parasitica. Phytophthora, a genus with more than 160 To probe the mechanism further, Tyler’s species, are members of a group of fungus-like student Yufeng Wang developed CRISPR microorganisms called oomycetes. They are gene-editing technology to destroy the genes serious pests in many vegetable and tree crops that code for both the XEG and the decoy proworldwide. The Irish potato famine in the midtein. The altered Phytophthora didn’t infect the 19th century was caused by a Phytophthora soybeans. “That’s how we know that both these pathogen, P. infestans. Phytophthora also wreak proteins are essential to successful infection by havoc on trees and shrubs in native ecosystems; Phytophthora,” said Fang. P. ramorum is causing the ongoing outbreak of This one-two punch, Tyler said, may be the sudden oak death in Oregon and California. key to Phytophthora’s virulence in its many The study provides a vivid glimpse into hosts. the evolutionary arms race between Phytoph“P. sojae goes to extraordinary lengths to protect its XEG from the plant’s immune systhora species and their hosts. The researchers focused on P. sojae, which attacks soybeans, tem,” he said. “If we can find a way to block the and particularly on a critical protein called a pathogen’s XEG, we could protect many crops xyloendoglucanase, or XEG. from destruction by Phyophthora pathogens.” The XEG protein initiates infection by attackThe work was supported by funding from the Chinese government and by the United States ing the walls of plant cells, weakening the tissue Department of Agriculture’s National Institute and releasing sugars for the pathogen to feed of Food and Agriculture. on during the early hours of infection. In a first

MT Tractors Call (406) 370-6362 - Stevensville, MT Email: penderfarms@aol.com

John Deere 7700 MFWD, P/Q, 3 point.. .............................................$36,500 John Deere 7700 MFWD, P/S, 8000 hours....................................$35,000

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John Deere 7710 MFWD, 3-point, PQ, LHR, excellent tractor..........$39,500 or with new 740NSL loader/bucket/ grapple ................................$54,500

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1988 John Deere 4050 MFWD, 3 pt., PS, good tractor.........................$28,500

John Deere 4050 MFD, 3 point, P/S..... ............................................ $27,500


New Holland 8770 P/S, MFD, SS......... ............................................ $36,000

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Natural plant defense could help fight cancer, protect crops

By Seth Truscott, WSU CAHNRS A natural defense that helps plants ward off insect predators, discovered at Washington State University (WSU), could lead to better crops and new treatments for cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. Sachin Rustgi, adjunct assistant professor at the WSU Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, detailed the interaction of enzymes called proteases, and their inhibitors, along with the role they play in plant health and development, in the latest Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The discovery could pave the way for advances in medicine and agriculture. “By understanding this relationship, we can regulate it for our health and agricultural needs,” Rustgi said. “We can make enzymes available, or trap them when they’re not beneficial.” A fine balance As the building blocks of our bodies, proteins play important roles in plant and animal health. Special enzymes called proteases destroy proteins, and must be carefully controlled to avoid problems like disease and early aging. Rustgi explored the relationship between a protease called RD21 and its inhibitors, Serpin1 and WSCP, in plants. Predator defense “When they first start growing, young plants are quite vulnerable,” said Rustgi, who first set out to study seedling defense, working with colleagues at Grenoble Alpes University and Jean Monnet University in France. They found that when a seedling emerges from soil, inhibitors shut down and protease levels rise. When an insect tries to eat the plant, the protease attacks its digestive enzymes, causing the insect to seek a different meal. CONTINUED ON PAGE B9

Natural plant defense could help fight cancer, protect crop

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page B9


Proteases inhibitors also influence plant resistance to disease and drought. “Diseases that kill plants can be avoided by over-expressing these inhibitors,” said Rustgi. Proteases can also cause crops such as wheat, barley and corn to mature faster and avoid drought. Safer drugs for human diseases Better understanding of protease activity could also affect human health, Rustgi said. The discovery brings insights into cancer progression, and could lead to new therapies for cancer and other diseases. “These proteins are similar in structure in animals and plants,” he said. “Most medicines for cancer and aging diseases are protease inhibitors. Understanding of how these proteins interact could lead to artificial inhibitors, and ultimately, safer medicines.” Rustgi, currently at Clemson University, researched this natural defense system while working at WSU with co-author Diter von Wettstein, R.A. Nilan Distinguished Professor. Their project was supported in part by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture and the Life Sciences Discovery Fund, established by Washington’s Governor and Legislature to foster growth of life sciences.

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Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page B10


Case 9270, 4WD, 855 Cummins 335 hp, 12 speed powershift, good tires, 7500 hours. Auto steer available (406) 799-2996 or (406) 466-2796

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40-ton RGN trailer for hire to transport combines, tractors, sprayers, floaters, construction equipment, etc. Within Montana & surrounding states. We also have 48-ft. step deck trailers available. Insured & experienced. Call Roger or Larry at Roger Rader Inc., Sun River, MT 406-264-5475 (MC# 170263 US DOT# 128029)

1980’s Fiat-Allis 945B loader

7.5 yard rock bucket, Allison transmission, decent 29.5x29 tires, full cab & ROPS, good glass and heater, runs good, tight, only 8400 hours. Spare engine, tires, etc...................... $19,500

2001 Ford F350 XL

crew cab, 2WD dually, V10, automatic, 9-ft. utility body with ladder rack. Runs good, recent trans work, great contractors truck, new tires......................................... $7500 obo


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Grain truck or cattle truck: Which one should I load?

By Kris Ringwall, Beef Specialist, NDSU Extension Service rotation systems to improve soil health, The increase in beef cows requires utililower input costs, and significantly diversify zation of cropland. and integrate crop and livestock systems? Land use is embedded in long-term The center has implemented a five-year thinking and the individual desires of those crop rotational system that utilizes each crop involved in farming and ranching. Agrieach year by allocultural produccating 20 percent tion systems inof available acrecorporate land age to each crop. eco-types, along The cropping sewith associated quence used is as capital purchases follows: and investment in • Field A is equipment. Once planted to springthese systems are seeded sunflowers, the flowers are harimplemented, change is difficult to initiate. vested as a cash crop and cows graze the In addition, financial partners prefer the fall residue. well-trodden path in contrast to newer, • Field B is planted to fall-seeded hard unknown paths that have greater risk. Data red spring wheat, harvested the following from the 2012 U.S. agricultural census summer as a cash crop and then fall seeded (https://www.agcensus.usda.gov) tell us with winter triticale-hairy vetch. that within North Dakota, 69.1 percent • Field C is planted to fall-seeded tritica(27,147,240 acres) was in cropland, 26.1 le-hairy vetch and harvested as hay in early percent (10,247,184 acres) was in permasummer, followed by being seeded in June nent pasture or rangeland, 4.1 percent was in with a seven-species cover crop (sunflowfarmsteads and .7 percent was in woodlands. ers, everleaf oats, flex winter peas, hairy The 2012 North Dakota inventory of vetch, Winfred forage rapeseed, Ethiopian cows and heifers that calved was 899,558 cabbage and hunter leaf turnips). The cover head. With 10,247,184 acres as pasture, that crop is harvested (grazed) by yearling steers. is 11.4 acres per cow-calf pair. However, in • Field D is spring seeded with an 85-day southwestern North Dakota, if a producer corn variety and is harvested (grazed) by stocks early spring, cool-season pasture for yearling steers. one month at one acre per cow, summer • Field E is spring seeded with a field pasture at 2.5 acres per month per cow for pea and barley intercrop (Arvika peas and five months and winter forage at three acres Stockford barley) and also is harvested per cow, the producer needs 16.5 acres to (grazed) by the yearling steers. support the cow. Now Fields A and B remain as 40 perWith 899,558 cow-calf pairs, a land cent of the farm acreage, and every fifth base at 16.5 acres per cow would require year, they produce a cash crop of wheat 14,842,707 acres, which means 4,595,523 or sunflowers. Fields C, D and E make up acres of the total cropland must be utilized 60 percent of the farm acreage, and every for beef cows. The 2012 census reported fifth year, each field is harvested by grazing 2,172,738 acres were used for forage proyearling steers. duction, meaning 2,422,785 cropland acres Extended discussion associated with the were utilized indirectly to feed the cows, implementation of an aggressive integrated perhaps as fall aftermath grazing. crop and livestock system is needed and The 2016 North Dakota agricultural possible. The proposed system can improve statistics report 920,000 cows and heifers, soil health; add more diversity per acre; an increase since the 2012 census. Because establish crop rotations, including cover the 2012 census data would indicate most crops for more pounds of forage per acre; acres already are in use, little room seems and produce more biomass, grain, grass and to be available for more expansion unless hay. It also can add more pounds of beef per land use changes. acre, extend conventional marketing of beef Could that happen? Well, maybe. Soil from calves to yearlings and, in the end, add health and incorporation of livestock into more dollars per acre. management protocols can be a magical At the DREC, such a land change has union. added 708 pounds as a yearling steer to Research at the Dickinson Research Exthe previously marketed 567-pound fall tension Center (DREC), coordinated by vissteer calf. Think about it. Yes, we can add iting scholar Songul Senturklu and animal pounds of calf through the conversion of scientist Douglas Landblom, explored the forage to beef. concept of enhancing soil productivity using Ultimately, we have a choice: grain truck a multicrop rotation, along with integrator cattle truck. Which one should I load? ing beef cattle for grazing. Data collected May you find all your ear tags. show those acres currently utilized for crop For more information, contact your local production could be integrated across North NDSU Extension Service agent (https:// Dakota and similar areas by adding cattle www.ag.ndsu.edu/extension/directory) or for grazing. Ringwall at the Dickinson Research ExtenOf course, this means a significant shift sion Center, 1041 State Ave., Dickinson, ND in the crop rotation systems within the ag58601; 701-456-1103; or kris.ringwall@ ronomic industry. So, “what if?” What if ndsu.edu. agricultural producers implemented crop

Pecos Bill and Widow Maker

The mythical cowboy Pecos Bill rode a horse named Widow Maker. When Bill proposed to his girlfriend, Slue-foot Sue, she insisted on riding Bill’s horse. The jealous Widow Maker bucked Sue off his back, whereupon Sue bounced up and down for days, even bumping her head on the Moon during a failed attempt by Bill to lasso her. In some versions of the story, Sue eventually recovers but swears off Bill and cowboys in

general; in other, Bill shoots her to put her out of her misery. A version of the story is told in the 1948 Disney animated film Melody Time. In the Disney story, Sue lands on the Moon, rather than hitting her head on it. Having lost his beloved Sue, Bill goes to live among the coyotes, howling at the Moon in grief. The coyotes howl with him in sympathy–and have done so ever since.

Changes in the way gilts and sows are fed prompts need for training

By Mary Lou Peter, K-State Research and Extension housing, computerized feeding programs U.S. pork producers are transitioning will offer opportunities to really fine tune away from using individual gestation gestation feeding programs for sows.” crates and instead housing gilts and sows In one of the studies, gilts spent 10 weeks in groups, but the change poses challenges, in pre-training, two weeks in training, then including the ability to monitor feed conmoved into post-training when the animals sumption for each animal. To remedy that, were bred and moved into gestation. The producers increasingly have started using cooperator farm had six ESF feeding staelectronic sow feeding systems (ESF) in tions per pen. The researchers were looktheir farms. ing at patterns of feed intake and growth Even when sows or gilts are kept together of animals. in large groups, ESF systems allow animals “Training gilts how to use this system is to move into individual feeding stations one important so their nutritional needs are met at a time. Once a sow enters a station, the later, after they’ve been inseminated and go gate locks behind her and she is identified through gestation in the ESF pens,” said electronically by a transponder in her ear Goodband, who is a nutrition specialist with tag. The computer-controlled feeder disK-State Research and Extension. penses the specific amount of feed allotted The cooperator farm had implemented a for that animal. The sow may leave at any fairly simple feeding program for determintime, ending the dispensing of feed and ing the amount of feed to provide gestating unlocking the entrance for the next sow. sows and it worked well, he added. In the Kansas State University researchers study, gilts received 4.4 pounds of feed per along with K-State graduate students Lori day and sows received 5 pounds. Once gilts Thomas and Carine Vier conducted studand sows finished at a feeding station, they ies at a cooperator swine operation using walked through an alley and over a scale ESFs to look at feed efficiency by stage of where each animal was weighed. gestation and to examine the importance of One thing that surprised the researchers training gilts and sows to use such systems was that the sows and gilts did not eat their before they are bred and begin gestation. full feed allotment or gain much weight in The studies followed 300 gilts and 550 the first 10 days in the pen. After the first 10 sows. days, each sow and gilt generally consumed “To our knowledge, no one has ever her whole ration. looked at gestation feed efficiency by stage “We found significant changes in average of gestation, and we thought it would help daily weight gain following the initial 10 with determining nutrient requirements and days in the pen. Thereafter, females were feeding recommendations,” said K-State consistently eating and gaining for the reanimal science professor Bob Goodband. As the swine industry transitions to group CONTINUED ON PAGE B12

2004 Ford F350

Leather seats, running boards


2015 Ford F150

White exterior, cloth seats, back up camera, 9,000 miles


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Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page B11


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2002 Case IH STX 450, new Cummins QSX 15L @ 500 hp, 2 year/2000 hour warranty, 60% 900 metric tires, Outback S3 e-drive autosteer, powershift, full weight package.............................................................. $99,000 2001 Flexi-Coil 51-ft. airdrill, 12” spacing, 5.5” rubber packer wheels, 2320 air cart, single shoot, upgraded towers. Good shape........................................... $27,500 2008 New Holland 1070 100-ft. suspended boom sprayer. Good shape........................................................ $18,500 2006 John Deere 9760 STS combine, 1900 separator hours, new small wire concaves, new sieves, ATU 200 autosteer unit, TouchSet controls. Good shape. $80,000 2006 John Deere 936D header. Really good shape.......... ........................................................................... $22,500 Will make package deal for combine and header 1986 East 45-ft. aluminum hi-boy, (2) 4800 gallon black tanks................................................................... $15,000 2013 Sakundiak 8x45 auger with 38 hp Kohler. Hardly used...................................................................... $7500 1986 GMC Brigadier tandem grain truck, 20-ft. box/hoist, 855 Cummins..................................................... $17,500 1999 Ford F350 crew cab, long box, automatic, 4x4, 148,000 miles..................................................... $13,500 Located in Turner, Montana Contact (406) 357-8294

2011 Ford F150

White exterior, running boards, leather seats, back up camera, wood interior trim, 72,901 miles

2015 Ford F-250


White exterior, grill guard, running boards, Tonneau cover, leather, backup camera, 62,600 miles

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2009 Chevrolet Silverado 2500 HD


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Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page B12

Changes in the way gilts and sows are fed prompts need for training


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mainder of gestation,” said Thomas, the graduate student in charge of the study. “Our results, I think, share a very important message that even with a good training program, gilts and sows appear to struggle within those first few days of introduction into the gestation pen. It doesn’t take long before they become adjusted and are up to full feed but it is important for producers to be aware of this.” “The question we’re hoping to answer is, ‘Will these changes in initial feed intake affect subsequent reproductive performance?’” she said, adding that the research team is planning further studies this spring to look at nutrient requirements during gestation. “The take-home message,” Goodband said, “is that ESF systems provide great opportunities for modeling to determine the rate at which a sow adds lean muscle and fat that we can then tie back into a nutrition program on changing the of amount of feed and different nutrition levels.” “There is a lot of excitement on the data that has been generated and will continue

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to be generated from this system and many other similar systems,” he added. “Improving our knowledge of the pregnant sow and how to properly meet her nutrient requirements in gestation, have her enter into the farrowing house ready to farrow and successfully nurse a vigorous litter of piglets is a goal we hope to achieve.” The studies were supported by a U.S. Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture grant. A video of Goodband giving a presentation on this topic at K-State’s most recent Swine Day is available at https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=ftieoeLmxt0&featu re=youtu.be. Cooperative Extension Service, a program designed to generate and distribute useful knowledge for the well‑being of Kansans. Supported by county, state, federal and private funds, the program has county Extension offices, experiment fields, area Extension offices and regional research centers statewide. Its headquarters is on the K‑State campus in Manhattan.

ISU focused on vector-borne diseases such as Zika, West Nile

By Iowa State University of Science and Technology News Service Iowa State University (ISU) will take part in a new consortium aimed at producing research and training programs related to vector-borne diseases such as those transmitted by mosquitoes and ticks. The Upper Midwestern Center of Excellence in Vector Borne Diseases, funded by a $10 million grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, will provide new opportunities for collaboration and boost surveillance and prevention efforts regarding vector-borne disease, or illnesses spread by the bite of infected insects. The center will be led by personnel at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and also includes the University of Illinois, Michigan State University and the Minnesota Department of Health. Ryan Smith, an assistant professor of entomology and head of the ISU Medical Entomology Laboratory, will oversee Iowa State’s contribution to the center. Smith said the intensity of mosquito and tick activity throughout the Midwest makes the new center’s mission even more important. “The Regional Center of Excellence allows us to tackle bigger questions in vector-borne disease transmission in the Midwest,” Smith said. “By combining our resources and expertise, we can approach issues such as West Nile and Lyme disease without the limitations of state borders. We are very excited to be a part of this opportunity.” The new center will conduct research to improve the ability to predict disease emergence and optimize surveillance and disease detection efforts. The center also will create new opportunities for graduate-level training in vector-borne disease research and establish a national network of scientists at the state and local levels to better coordinate surveillance and outbreak response. Smith will focus on enhanced surveillance of West Nile Virus transmission and the presence of invasive Aedes mosquito species in Iowa. In addition, two other ISU faculty members will contribute to the center. Joel Coats, a Distinguished Professor of entomology, will work to discover new tools for controlling mosquito and tick populations, as well as prevent exposure to them. These efforts will focus on the development of new, natural repellents and insecticides. Bradley Blitvich, an associate professor of veterinary microbiology and preventative medicine, will work with the center to develop better diagnostic tools to detect antibodies associated with the Lyme disease pathogen in wildlife populations. ##### Did you know... The first cook book was written by the Greeks in 400 B.C?

Iowa State researcher joins effort to prevent online harassment

By Iowa State University of Science and Technology News Service The prevalence of online harassment is well documented. In the U.S. alone, approximately 140 million people were affected by online harassment, according to a 2014 Pew Research Center study. While it is something many people have experienced or witnessed, an Iowa State University (ISU) researcher says there’s a lot we don’t know about online harassment, which makes it difficult to effectively address the problem. That’s why Rey Junco, an associate professor in ISU’s School of Education, is part of a team of researchers working with Google Jigsaw to understand why people engage in online harassment, the personal and social costs and how best to intervene and prevent it from happening. Defining online harassment is part of the challenge. Junco says there are several different avenues to explore – cyberbullying, racial slurs or sexually-charged comments. It also happens in a variety of online venues – discussion forums, news websites, video games and social media sites. To study the problem, researchers also need to connect with people who don’t engage or have left social media because of harassment, but finding and reaching those people isn’t easy, Junco said. The team’s goal is to educate and influence harassment policies through research. Junco says too often schools, news organizations or police overreact to harassment issues and develop broad policies that do more harm than good. Media websites shutting down comment sections or universities trying to ban access to specific social media sites are just a couple of examples. “Harassment happens on a scale that makes it difficult for institutions to limit the forums and avenues where the harassment takes place,” Junco said. “A policy that bans negative comments about women does nothing to address the underlying issues that lead to the harassment. You also have to balance people’s rights of free speech.” Junco says the team also wants to dispel some of the myths or beliefs often associated with online harassment. The “online disinhibition effect” is commonly used as an explanation for why people bully or torment others online, he said. As the name suggests, people are less inhibited online and more likely to say something with a keyboard that they wouldn’t say in a face-to-face situation. But if that were true, Junco says everyone would engage in online harassment. As an example, he says most people can think of a time when they wanted to write or started to write an angry email, but after waiting a few minutes, they deleted the message. Junco also points out the potential positive effects of online disinhibition. He says it gives some people the courage to speak up against harassment and defend others. Encouraging people to speak up and intervene is the best way to deal with online harassment, Junco said. He would also like to see social media platforms take a bolder approach to dealing with harassment and harassment reporting. Crossing the line from private to public Junco’s contributions to the group focus specifically on sexting – what he says can be a normal expression of sexual identity and development. It becomes a problem when people share intimate images that were intended to be private. In some cases, it’s led to criminal charges and in other situations generated debate over what is considered inappropriate. Junco wants to understand why some people cross that line, and how empathy, impulsiveness and attitudes toward women may influence those actions. He says it’s almost exclusively teenage boys and men sharing these private images, and he thinks a lack of empathy may explain this behavior. “Men are not taught empathy, nor are they encouraged to share their feelings or show concern for others, because of sociocultural values and mores about how men should act,” Junco said. “Therefore, when there is an issue, like a breakup, they retaliate in a way that’s easy, instead of focusing on processing their negative emotions about the breakup.” Junco is still analyzing data from his study and hopes to publish the results by late 2017. ##### Did you know... Your stomach has to produce a new layer of mucus every two weeks, otherwise it will digest itself? ##### Did you know... Most of the vitamin C in fruits is in the skin?

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page B13


NEW LOAD OF KIOTI TRACTORS IN STOCK Kioti DK4510 with KL5510 loader, 4WD, manual transmission, PTO, 3 point, industrial tires, 4 year warranty. Kioti CK2510 with KL2510 loader, 4WD, hydrostatic transmission, PTO, 3 point, industrial tires, 6 year warranty. ON SALE............................$16,200 Kioti CK2610 with KL2610 loader, 4WD, hydrostatic transmission, PTO, 3 point, industrial tires, 6 year warranty. ON SALE............................$17,650 Kioti CK3510 with KL4010 loader, 4WD, hydrostatic transmission, PTO, 3 point, industrial tires, 6 year warranty. Kioti CK4010 with KL4010 loader, 4WD, hydrostatic transmission, PTO, 3 point, industrial tires, 6 year warranty.

Kioti PX9020

90 hp engine, PTO, synchronized transmission, deluxe cab, Catagory 2 3 point hitch, dual remotes, push button 4WD, 4 year warranty...CALL

Hardee heavy duty mowers IN STOCK

Great for Sage Brush 1072 6-ft. heavy duty..............$2695 1172 6-ft. extra heavy duty.....$3144

NEW Tebben Rotary Mowers

6-ft................................................$1495 5-ft......$1295 4-ft......$1200


Standard Duty and Heavy Duty 9” and 12” Augers


“Fully Restored” Oliver 60 Parade Ready! $4500


American Hay Master 500 series stack wagon....................................$7500 North Star 3 pt. wood chipper.....$1200 Oliver Super 55 tractor, complete engine rebuild............................$4500 John Deere 6600 combine, gas, pickup header..........................COMING IN Massey-Ferguson 510 combine with Perkins diesel........................ CALL Hesston 1014 14-ft. swather.......$2500 Hesston 1014 12-ft. swather................. .................................NEEDS WORK Hesston 565A round baler..........$8500 Hesston 560A round baler..........$4500 John Deere 535 net/twine...........$5500 New Holland 855 round baler.....$3850 1953 GMC pickup with retriever... $3500 Gehl grinder mixer.......................$2500 Disc 9-ft. pull-type, needs work... CALL Meyers ditcher.............................$2200


Massey Ferguson 1839 square baler. Just In.................................$18,900 New Holland 1499 diesel swather, 3850 hours, 12-ft. header.............$12,500 New Holland 1033 bale wagon... $5500

New Red Devil

6-ft. snow blower with QA skid steer mount.

In Stock $6250


BEN-SER SE63 63” snow blower with frame. Runs off rear PTO, fits 40-60 hp tractor................................$2500 Befco 5-ft. mower..........................$650 Mechron 2200 UTV 22 hp diesel engine, 4WD, steel dump box, HD UTV tires

Ford 3000 3 cylinder diesel, Select-oSpeed, good tires...PARTING OUT Oliver 1755, 77 & 1855.. FOR PARTS

Good Selection Of Spike Tooth Harrows-Starting At $150.00

Tarter Equipment


(3) 6-ft. rock rakes, 3-point.............$575 (3) 7-ft. rock rakes, 3-point.............$600 (3) spud plows...............................$185 Super Spear quick attach bale spear... .................................................$499


Zetor 3320 with loader.............$11,500 Massey-Ferguson T030.............$2500 Ford 4000 gas, loader, front blade, Select-O-Speed transmission.$3500 Ford 4000 gas, Select-O-Speed transmission, restored...................$3950 White 2-85 tractor, cab, 3 point, dual PTO.......................................$7500

8-ft. skid steer quick attach front blade. ...............................................$2500 New Eagle 7-ft. 3 point rear blade.$675 New Eagle 8-ft. 3 point rear blade.$725 New Front Mount QA bale spears for skid steer loader mount......... CALL Front Dozer Blade with manual adjust. Fits various models................$2500 Wagner loader for Ford 8N, 9N, and NAA. Complete with front pump & mounts...................................$1500 Dearborn loader for Ford 8N.........$750 White Cab to fit Oliver 55 Series tractor............................ MAKE OFFER

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East Helena, Montana

Serving HELENA and surrounding areas for 69 YEARS!


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Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page B14

The deadline for advertising for the May issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be April 26th.


1999 Freightliner FLD120, Detroit 12.7, 13 speed, 290” wheelbase, 900,000 miles.................................. $12,000 1999 Western 45-ft. hopper bottom flatbed trailer.... $7200 1991 Western hopper bottom flatbed A-train, 36-ft. & 20-ft.. ............................................................................ $16,000 John Deere 610 37-ft. chisel plow, harrows.............. $4500 John Deere 1610 31-ft. chisel plow........................... $2000 Call or text John Bays 406-220-2142, Wilsall, MT


2010 Honey Bee SP42 42-ft. draper header, upper cross auger, dual knife drive, air ride gauge wheels, end skid wheels, pickup reel, integrated transport, hydraulic knife tilt, v-guided canvas. Always stored in shed, fits any combine. Excellent condition, black in color.............. $20,000 2009 Honey Bee SP42 42-ft. draper header, upper cross auger, dual knife drive, air ride gauge wheels, end skid wheels, pickup reel, integrated transport, hydraulic knife tilt, v-guided canvas. Always stored in shed, fits any combine. Excellent condition, yellow in color............. $20,000 2004 Honey Bee SP42 42-ft. draper header, upper cross auger, dual knife drive, air ride gauge wheels, end skid wheels, pickup reel, integrated transport, hydraulic knife tilt. Always store in shed, fits any combine. Excellent condition, yellow in color........................................... $16,500 Call or text Adam for more details (406) 390-3048 Delivery available

M & W MACHINE 3 CNC Lathe Work with 81/2" spindle bore ✓ Irrigation Pump Repair ✓ Heavy Duty Industrial Machining and Repair ✓ Portable Line Boring ✓ Welding ✓ Large Lathe and Mill Work ✓ Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Machine Work

Largest Capacity CNC Cylinder Boring & Line Boring within 500 mile radius

1-855-285-0179 or 406-285-0179 Mark Oelke – Owner 20 W. Cedar • PO Box 788 • Three Forks, MT 59752 Visit us on the web at: www.mwmachine.net

Should I market 25.6 or 51.2 tons of beef?

By Kris Ringwall, Beef Specialist, NDSU Extension Service steer weight of 1,451 pounds, still were eatTwo bottom-line numbers illustrate the positive outcome of a choice. ing feed. (One steer was sold as a live steer The Dickinson Research Extension at 1,252 pounds, having arrived at 1,325 Center’s (DREC) steer calves born in May pounds and never adjusting to the feedlot.) 2015 weighed 25.6 tons late in the fall of The 69-day gain was 2.9 pounds per day, 2015. The center overwintered the steers, or 201 pounds. The feedlot reports would put them on summer grass and transferred indicate the steers need another 30 to 45 51.2 tons of beef to the feedlot late in the days before harvest. That will put the pen fall of 2016. at 128,121 pounds, an average of 1,582 Which one would you choose? pounds (just less than 64.1 tons of beef). Even more remarkable: The center did That is a lot of beef going from 3.7 tons not need the cows to of beef; it’s adding produce the second almost 60.4 tons in 25.6 tons. The cows, about 22 months. once again, were setSo, “what if?” What if agricultural producting the stage for the first 25.6 tons. ers implemented crop At the onset, marrotation systems to improve soil health, keting double the lower input costs, and pounds of beef by significantly diversify holding the weaned and integrate crop and livestock systems? calves over for summer grazing has to make The “what if” is very real. Producers canone ponder. Of course, expenses, markets and all operational changes need careful not jump into alternative approaches to pondering as well. But the fact still remains: agriculture simply, but producers can open Opportunities are available for beef producthe door for change. Back to the original pondering points: ers who take the path of change. Expenses, markets and all operational That path involves an extended discuschanges need to be addressed. Starting sion associated with the implementation of slow is good. an aggressive integrated crop and livestock The center is no different. The concept system. The system has the potential to started in the mid-’90s, when dollars were improve soil health, add more diversity tight and income low. More recently, the per acre, establish crop rotations (including integration of cover crops into cropping cover crops for more pounds of forage per rotations has taken root. acre), and produce more biomass, grain, The natural follow-up is grazing. Visitgrass and hay. The system also can add more pounds of beef per acre and extend ing scholar Songul Senturklu and animal conventional beef marketing from calves scientist Douglas Landblom are exploring to yearlings. the concept further. They’re enhancing soil The extra pounds for a beef operation are productivity by using a multicrop rotation critical. In the overall picture in May 2015, and integrating beef cattle for grazing. the center had 7,460 pounds of steer calves This final integration of beef cattle really on the ground, or just a little more than completes the change. As one’s mind goes 3.7 tons of beef, from 84 steer calves that back through time, the pieces of the puzzle averaged 88.8 pounds at birth. However, slowly move around and come together. the center’s mission is not to produce veal. Looking back, three big pieces are evident: The calves were summered and fall • First, as the equipment inventory was grazed with their mothers, and their weanlowered, the cows have done more of the harvesting. ing weight totaled 51,216 pounds (just more • Second, as the center switched from than 25.6 tons of beef). The 84 steers calves March-April calving to May-June calvaveraged 610 pounds at weaning, but the center no longer sells weaned calves. Ining, labor issues went away and expenses decreased. stead, it maintains the calves for a summer • Third, the increase in cropping diversity yearling forage program. allowed for more grazing options. The second year came to a close when Still, all the answers are not known the steers were gathered, processed and because each individual producer has to shipped to the feed yard. The center shipped examine the financial opportunities bal102,484 pounds of steers (just more than 51.2 tons of beef), or 82 steers that averaged anced with risk. But the opportunity to 1,250 pounds, on December 19. explore remains, and so does the potential After an uneventful trip, the next day to improve soil health, add diversity per (December 20), the steers weighed 97,690 acre, add pounds of forage per acre, add pounds, with an average weight of 1,191 pounds of beef per acre and, we hope, add pounds, and had an average shrink of 4.7 more dollars per acre. Pondering is good. percent. May you find all your ear tags. The steers are being fed at the James C. For more information, contact your local Hageman Sustainable Agriculture Research NDSU Extension Service agent (https:// and Extension Center (Department of www.ag.ndsu.edu/extension/directory) Animal Science, University of Wyoming) or Ringwall at the Dickinson Research at Lingle, Wyoming. As of February 20, Extension Center, 1041 State Ave., Dick117,550 pounds of steers (just less than 58.8 inson, ND 58601; 701-456-1103; or kris. tons of beef), or 81 steers with an average ringwall@ndsu.edu.

A bargain price?

Tom, a noted cheapskate, took the lowest bid he received for the job of painting the porch. When he told his wife that a guy would come around the next day and do the work for $35, she was incredulous. “What do you mean $35?” she said. “The porch goes across the whole front of our house, and the paint itself is going to cost more than $35!” But Tom wouldn’t budge. The next day, a fellow sauntered into the

yard, a can of paint in one hand and a brush in the other. After an hour, the couple heard him shout from the porch: “All done!” “How in the world could he be finished in such a short time?” the wife exclaimed. Even Tom had to wonder. As he stepped outside, he found out. “Easy job,” the painter announced, “but let me tell you something, it’s not a porch, it’s a Ferrari.”

But what about smut

By Jeremiah Vardiman, Agriculture Extension Educator, University of Wyoming Are you protecting grain crops from smut? Smuts are seed-borne, common fungal diseases that affect specific grass species, such as oats, barley, and wheat. These diseases are transmitted by seed, so smut is preventable by planting high-quality, certified seed, planting resistant varieties, and treating the seed with surface-active or systemic fungicides prior to planting. Even though our arid climate is usually a good fungal control option, smuts can still be a problem. Smuts are hostspecific because they are caused by different fungal species. The fungus Ustilago tritici infects wheat, triticale, and rye, while Ustilago nuda only infects barely. Ustilago nigra infects barley and oat causing false loose smut and loose smut respectively. Other grass species, such as sugar cane and corn, can also be subject to host-specific smut diseases. Prevention and/or control efforts are aided by understanding the biological lifecycle of smuts. Smut attacks the floral tissue; however, it infects the plant between germination and seedling emergence. The fungus grows internally within the plant until the boot stage (developmental stage of the plant where the inflorescence swells inside the sheath of the plant). It then invades the new embryos during flowering and converts the floral tissue into dark-brown smut spores. Cool, 60°F to 70°F, wet weather during the flowering stage heavily favors this infection. Once the inflorescence heads out (pushes out of the sheath), the spores are spread by wind to healthy neighboring plants where the spores infect the seeds. The pathogen then survives in the contaminated seed between crops, and the entire cycle starts again when the contaminated seeds germinate. Unfortunately, this pathogen goes undetected until the dark-brown smut head emerges from the sheath, which at this point is too late to prevent yield loss, and most times spread, of this disease. Yield loss is approximately equal to the percentage of smut heads found within the field. Since this is a seed-borne disease, management focuses on preventing the infection of plants between germination and seedling emergence. As with all pest management, utilizing multiple control options provides the best control; cultural and chemical control options are available for smut.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page B15

RYDELLE ENTERPRISES LLC 406-288-3883 Marion L. Jones – 406-544-4766, cell

• Sale and erection of Brock grain storage

• Sale and erection of grain legs, conveyors, and towers by Schlagel • Complete millwright and concrete service • Bin roof repairs or replacement

22,000 bushels storage at Sheridan, MT

• Projects completed in Montana, Idaho and Washington


Chic Harbine Sales 8360 Hwy 10 West Missoula, MT

2013 Western Star 4900FA dump truck, Detroit DD15 530 hp, 18 speed, 13,000 front, 46,000 rears, double differential locks, new Williamsen 16-ft. box, 518,173 miles, plumbed for a pup. Super clean truck .............................................$72,500

2009 Kenworth T800 heavy haul, Cummins ISX 525 hp, 18 speed, 248” wheelbase, 16,000 front, 46,000 rears with lockers, wet kit, 432,000 miles. Super nice truck.........$62,500

1998 MANAC 48-ft. step deck, triaxle, steel composition.........$12,500

406-549-1047 or 207-1946

2012 Freightliner Coronado 122 SD DD15 @ 530 hp, carb compliant, 18 speed, 46,000 lb. rears with double differential locks, engine brake, 13,300 lb. front, 505,022 miles, 210” wheelbase, super clean truck............ .............................................$49,500

2008 Peterbilt 367 16,000 lb. fronts, 46,000 lb. rears, double differential lockers, 18 speed, ISX, 550 hp, 230,000 miles, double power steering boxes, super nice truck...$67,500

2003 Kenworth T800, Cat C15 475 hp, 18 speed, 12,000 front, 46,000 rears with lockers. Nice truck.$39,500

2001 Kenworth T800B Cat 6NZ, 550 hp, 18 speed, 14,600 front, 46,000 rears with lockers, 246” wheelbase, two line wet kit, jakes and a retarder. .............................................$32,500

2012 CPS LBD42 42-ft. belly dump, 3 axle, rear axle lifts, 8 new tires, tarp, super clean trailer........ $35,500

Many other construction trucks & trailers available

2008 Peterbilt 367 dump truck, Cummins ISX 485 hp, 18 speed, 13,200 front, 46,000 rears with locker, new 2017 Renn highlift box, plumbed for a pup. Nice truck...................$69,500

2013 Western Star 4900FA Detroit DD15 530 hp, 18 speed, 13,000 front, 46,000 rears, double differential locks, 423,810 miles, super clean trucks....................................$49,500

1995 Wemco tri axle belly dumps, 42-ft., convertible gate windrow or cross gate dump. 2 available. Each.... .............................................$13,500

2009 Kenworth T800, Cat C15 550 hp, 18 speed, 300” wheelbase, air ride 13,200 front end, 46,000 rear with lockers. Super nice truck............ .............................................$48,500

2007 Peterbilt 379 sleeper truck, ISX, 500 hp, 12,000 lb. front, 40,000 lb. rears, 13 speed, Peterbilt low air leaf suspension, 250” wheelbase, 60” sleeper..................................$29,500

1993 Great Dane 48-ft. step deck, tandem axle, steel composition......... .............................................$11,500

Check out our website: www.chicharbineequipment.com

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 – Page B16

Your Factory Authorized Dealer

$2150 $7850


2017 PJ 18-ft. channel utility trailer heavy duty rear ramp, sides, spare wheel and tire, (2) 3500 lb axles. Also available: 16-ft......$3250 20-ft......$3450

2017 PJ 22-ft (16+6) gooseneck tilt trailer (2) 7000# axles. Also available: 3 axle.....$8800


2017 PJ 16-ft.x83” XL dump trailer scissor hoist, 15,000 lb GVW, ramps, spare tire. Also available: 3 axle...$10,550


2017 PJ 16-ft. carhauler trailer (2) 5200 lb axles, rear ramps, spare tire. Also available: 18-ft.....$3600 and 20-ft.....$3700


2017 PJ 30-ft. gooseneck with duals trailer (2) 12,000 lb axles, beavertail with monster ramps. Also available: 25-ft......$11,500 30-ft. lo-pro.....$12,600 34 ft.....$12,600 36-ft......$12,800


2017 PJ 20-ft. heavy duty deckover flatbed trailer 14,000 GVW, rear ramps, spare tire. Also available 22-ft......$5650 And 24-ft.....$5800


2017 PJ 20-ft. equipment trailer slide-in ramps, rear stabilizer jacks, 16” rubber, 14,000# GVW.


2017 PJ 22-ft. deckover trailer 19-ft. deck, 3-ft. beavertail with standup ramps, 14,000# GVW.

2017 PJ 20-ft. quick tilt trailer (2) 5200 lb axles, electric over hydraulic full tilt.




$4750 2017 PJ 20-ft. medium duty deckover flatbed trailer 10,000 lb GVW, rear ramps. Also available in 16-ft.



2017 PJ 14-ft. single axle utility trailer Heavy duty rear ramp gate, (1) 7000# axle, spare tire.

2017 PJ 13-ft. equipment tilt trailer single 7000 lb. axle, 83” wide, radial tires, LED lights. Also available: 16-ft......$4100




2017 PJ 20-ft. tilt trailer 16-ft. tilt, 4-ft. stationary, 14,000# GVW, radial rubber. Also have: 16-ft. + 6-ft. stationary tilt.....$6250 Also available: 3-axle


2017 PJ 14-ft. “Rollster” Roll-Off Dump Trailer Scissor hoist, 18,000 lb. Talon winch, (2) 7K axles. Eliminate job dumpster fees! In Stock: 14-ft. Bumper pull.....$7950 14-ft. Gooseneck.....$8850

2017 PJ 16-ft.x91” gooseneck deckover dump trailer (2) 7000 lb axles, 4-ft. removable sides.



2017 PJ 16-ft. x 83” 3 axle dump trailer (3) 7000 lb. axles, scissor hoist, bumper pull.


2017 PJ 10-ft x 77” Utility Trailer 4-ft. fold-up gate, 22” metal sides, pipe top. Also available: 12-ft. x 77”.....$2500

14-ft. x 83” “Rollster” Roll-Off Dump Bins 14-ft. long x 83” wide x 48” high, 10 gauge steel, tarp kit, rear barn doors. Leave one at each job site! $3500 each


2017 PJ 28-ft. gooseneck tilt trailer 22-ft. tilt, 6-ft. front stationary, winch plate, (2) 7000 lb axles, spare. Also available: 24-ft......$8900


2017 PJ 22-ft. powered full tilt (2) 7000# axles, spare tire, winch plate.


2017 PJ 34-ft. gooseneck with hydraulic tail trailer 32-ft. deck, 10-ft. hydraulic beavertail, (2) 12,000# axles. 2017 PJ 14-ft.x96” deckover dump trailer fold-down sides, 14,000# GVW, 16” rubber. Also available: gooseneck.....$8600



2017 PJ 22-ft. superwide trailer (2) 7000# axles, heavy duty drive-over fenders, 2-ft. tail, slide-in ramps, spare tire. 2017 PJ 14-ft. x 83” utility trailer rear ramp, 3500# axle, ATV ramps on front. Also available: 12-ft. x 77”.....$2050 12-ft. x 77” tandem axle....$2950 14-ft. tandem axle.....$3050

2017 PJ 14-ft. x 83” dump trailer tandem axle, 16” rubber, tarp. Also available: 14-ft. x 83” Lo-Pro dump trailer...$8150

Lots of inventory, best prices and more on the way!! Financing & Delivery Available


2017 PJ 20-ft. equipment trailer bumper pull, 14,000 lb. GVW, 18-ft. deck, 2-ft. beavertail with standup ramps. Also available: 18-ft......$4800


2017 PJ 16-ft.x10” I-Beam Deckover Dump Trailer fold-down sides, roll-over tarp, cold weather wiring, spare tire.


2017 PJ 16-ft. light duty deckover trailer (2) 3500# axles, spare tire.



2017 PJ 5-ft. x 10-ft. all steel utility trailer rear ramp gate, steel floor with D-rings.

2017 PJ 8-ft. x 60” single axle utility dump trailer (1) 5200# axle, 15” rubber. 2017 PJ 22-ft. Deckover Tilt Trailer 22-ft. deck, 8’6” wide, (2) 7000# axles, power up/ down hoist, 16” rubber, winch plate. Also available: 24-ft.

2017 PJ 20-ft. x 8” heavy duty deckover trailer with Monster ramps 4-ft. tail, 14,000# GVW. 2017 PJ 8-ft. x 60” utility trailer rear ramp, spare tire, 15” rubber. Also available 10-ft.x60”.....$1850 10-ft.x77”....$1875

$6150 $5700

2017 PJ 5 x 10-ft. tandem axle dump trailer (2) 5200# axles, tarp. 2017 PJ 10-ft.x78” medium duty dump trailer (2) 5200 lb. axles, tarp, spare tire



2017 PJ 14-ft. x 83” high side dump trailer scissor hoist, tarp, (2) 7000# axles, spare tire. Also available: Lo-Pro.....$8300 16-ft.........$9150

2017 PJ 25-ft. gooseneck trailer 20-ft. deck, 5-ft. beavertail with monster ramps, tandem 7000# axles, 16” rubber.


$7700 $4100


2017 PJ 34-ft. gooseneck trailer powertail, (2) 12,000 lb axles, 2 speed jacks, fir deck. Also available: 30-ft.....$13,800


2017 PJ 16-ft. x 83” landscape trailer 3500# GVW, 4-ft. expanded metal sideboards, front landscape box, rear ramp gate, spare tire. Also available: 14-ft.......$3100


2017 PJ 12-ft. x 83” dump trailer (2) 7000# axles, scissor hoist, spare, tarp.


2017 PJ 16-ft. x 83” bumper pull dump trailer (2) 7000# axles, scissor hoist, spare, tarp. Also available: Lo-Pro.....$8850

2017 PJ 16-ft tilt trailer Full tilt deck, (2) 7000 lb. axles, radial rubber.

For all pieces, log on to our website: www.equipment4u.biz

Erskine 8-ft. Snow Pusher skidsteer mount, bolt-on cutting edge.

$899 New Pallet Forks 48” heavy duty, quick attach

Equipment Connection, LLC 346 Sunrise Creek Loop; on Hwy 2 West, PO Box 958 Columbia Falls, MT 59912 email: sales@equipment4u.net


$500 ea.

2017 PJ 20-ft. Gooseneck Trailer (2) 7000# axles, straight deck slide-in rear ramps, spare tire.

$5700 2017 PJ 24-ft. Gooseneck Tilt (22+2) Trailer 22-ft. tilt + 2-ft. stationary, (2) 7000# axles, winch plate, spare tire.

New Erskine skidsteer snow plow blades In Stock: 6-ft....$2350, 7-ft....$2550, 8-ft....$2750

Erskine Skidsteer Hitch Makes moving trailers a cinch! Easy visibility!

Small Town Company with Big Connections


Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 – Page B17



2018 Cargo Mate 8 x 16-ft. tandem axle enclosed trailer 1-ft. extended height, side RV door, D-rings in floor, radial tires. Also available: Barn door.....$5650


2016 Trac Pac Yard King Landscape Trailer 16-ft.x81”, rear ramp gate, side ramp gate, powder coated, radial tires


2018 Cargo Mate 8.5 x 20-ft. tandem axle enclosed trailer rear ramp door, side RV door, 5200# axles, additional 1-ft. height, 80” rear door opening, spare tire, LED lights, radial tires, white. Also available: 8 x 22-ft.....$7450 8 x 24-ft......$7850


Genie 1930 scissor lift Non-marking hard tires, all electric, 424 hours, nice shape!





2018 Cargo Mate 7x14-ft. enclosed trailer rear ramp door, side RV door, radial tires, 3500 lb axles, LED lights, 6” extra height, D-rings in floor. Also available: 7x16....$5750

2008 JLG all terrain 26-ft. scissor lift Kubota gas/propane engine, 4x4, 850 hours, nice machine!

2016 Trac Pac RF11 1LP 2-place snowmobile trailers individual tilt, drive on/off front ramps, powder coated, LED lights. 3 available!


2018 Cargo Mate 6-ft.x12-ft. Single Axle Enclosed Trailer rear ramp door, side RV door, black/champagne color Sullivan 185 CFM air compressor John Deere diesel engine, (6) to choose from! Good machines!

2016 Trac Pac utility trailers gray powder coating, 15” radial tires. 5x10-ft......$1195 6x10-ft......$1195

$19,000 Genie GTH844 telescoping lift 8000# lift, 44-ft. reach, foam filled tires, great shape!

$7150 Each


2008 JLG 1930 scissor lift non-marking hard tires, all electric, 221 hours, nice shape!


$4150 $9400

2005 Reitnour 48-ft. Flatbed Trailer Big Bubba Series, 100,000 lb. rated, LED lights, 24.5 rubber on all aluminum wheels, (2) tool boxes, sliding winches, excellent shape!

$5800 2004 Caterpillar TH360B telescoping forklift 7000# lift, 36-ft. reach, auxiliary hydraulic to front, quick attach, new tires, 1600 hours, excellent shape! Used 2013 Snake River 24-ft. Gooseneck Trailer (2) 7000 lb axles, spare tire, 75% on tires, flip-up ramps with center pop-up.


2016 Circle D 20-ft. gooseneck livestock trailer bull package, rubber mats, spare tire. Also available: 24-ft.....$10,500 Ditch Witch RT10 Trencher Honda gas engine, 170 hours, clean machine!


$2700 each

2016 PJ 8-ft. x 60” Utility Trailer with Fire Set-up 150 gallon tank, 2” gas powered pump, hose reel.

2012 Fontaine 53-ft. 3-axle Step Deck Trailer air ride, (2) 48” side boxes, 13 fixed winches on each side, 90% rubber

2017 Cargo Mate 8.5-ft.x26-ft. 4 Place Snowmobile Trailer (2) 5200 lb. axles, rear ramp gate, front ramp, side RV door, (2) fuel doors, radial tires, helmet rack, LED lights



Genie S60 manlift 4x4, gas engine.


40-ft. Storage Container custom interior shelving, very nice condition!



2016 Circle D 6 x 17-ft. livestock trailer bumper pull, 7,000 GVW, slant wall, tack package, rubber floor mats, spare. Also available: 20-ft. and 24-ft.



2015 Volvo MC135C Skidsteer cab, air conditioning, heat, hydraulic quick attach, pilot-controls, 3000 lb. lift, radio, tire chains, wheel spacers, bucket w/bolt-on cutting edge, high-flow, includes high-flow 84” snowblower, hydraulic chute & deflector, new condition!



1994 GMC Daycab Truck 430 hp, Volvo engine, 8 speed transmission, pusher axle, headache rack, wet kit, 22.5 rubber.

Now your Globe Lowboy Trailers Dealer of Montana!

All trailers come with up to a 10 year structural warranty!

JLG 400S boom lift 40-ft. reach, 4x4, diesel engine, newer tires, 3125 hours, nice shape!

Kage 8-ft. skidsteer snow plow Used once!

Wacker WP 1550 Plate Compactor Honda gas engine. Good shape!

2016 Kubota SSV75HC skidsteer loader cab, heat, air conditioning, 72” lo-pro bucket, auxiliary hydraulic, hydraulic coupler, 300 1-owner hours, excellent condition!

$23,900 Each

$27,500 $83,900

$99,500 Caterpillar TH63 telescoping forklift 6000# lift, 36-ft. reach, 4900 hours, nice lift! Meteor 3-point snowblower 60 inches. Great shape!


JLG 400S telescoping lift 40-ft. reach, gas/propane, engine, 2889 hours, nice shape! (2) available.


2017 Globe 55-ton Lowboy with 4th Axle Flip Non ground-bearing, air ride, rear axle lift, 60” axle spacing, hydraulic flip axle, pony motor, Apitong full deck, front locking tool box behind neck, covered rear deck, front flip ramps, white powder coat, LED lights, outside aluminum wheels, 2 king pin settings and set up for front flip box, 22.5 radial rubber, 10 year warranty and IN STOCK!

2008 Terex Light Tower 6 KW Genset Kubota diesel engine, 3915 hours.

$800 $10,900 2002 Bobcat 322 mini excavator hydraulic thumb, front blade, good tracks, (2) buckets, 2568 hours.


1100 Gallon Galvanized Water Tank 13’8” long, 77” wide, 36” high, 2” outlet.

2016 Globe 50-ton sliding axle tilt trailer 3 axle, air-ride, hydraulic winch, Apitong deck, powder coated, LED lights, outside aluminum wheels.


2017 Globe 35-ton Detachable Lowboy Trailer Non ground-bearing, hydraulic detach, 24-ft. well front fender,22.5 rubber, outside aluminum wheels


2016 Globe 55-ton Lowboy Trailer Non-ground bearing, detachable neck, 24-ft. well, powder coated, LED lights, covered rear wheels, air ride with rear lift axle, 22.5 rubber with aluminum outside wheels, front tool box, Honda gas pony motor, wet line plumbing, 10 year structural warranty!


2017 Globe 25-ton tag trailer 3 axle, air-lift front axle, hydraulic rear ramps, 17.5 radial rubber, LED lights.

Trade-ins welcome • Delivery available • Best Prices

Equipment Connection, LLC 346 Sunrise Creek Loop; on Hwy 2 West, PO Box 958 Columbia Falls, MT 59912 email: sales@equipment4u.net

For all pieces, log on to our website: www.equipment4u.biz Schulte RDX 110 3-point Snowblower 110” wide, 5-paddle fan, hydraulic chute, 140-200 hp, tractor required. Great Shape!

Kubota B7610 Tractor 4x4, front end loader, 4-ft. hydraulic box scraper, turf tires & solid rear tires, 421 hours.


Small Town Company with Big Connections

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page B18

Say you saw it in the Trader’s Dispatch

Montana Holster & Shoulder Rig 44/45/357 500/460/454 1911’s Taurus Judge Great for Horseback Riding, Bowhunting, Backpacking, ATV riders Carry your gun with comfort • Fully lined • Premium American tanned leather Norm Schertenleib 406-965-2253 • Great Falls, MT www.montanaholster.com


2009 International 7700 C13 470 hp Cat, 13 speed, 14,000# front, 46,000# rear with double locker, 200” wheel base, Hendrickson Primaax air ride, sliding 5th wheel, all new 11R22.5 rubber, wet kit, full fenders, 169,000 total miles. One of a kind south California truck................................................................... $67,750 2014 Mauer steel trailer, 53-ft. x 102”, air ride spread axle with beaver tail and 3 ramps, 255x70x22.5 steel wheels, 1 tool box, hay sides.......................................... $28,500 2006 Great Dane 48-ft.x102” aluminum/steel combo, drop deck, spread axle, aluminum wheels. Nice, rust-free trailer.................................................................. $17,500 2006 Transcraft 48-ft.x102” steel drop deck, closed tandem, wood floor, Nice, rust-free trailer............... $16,500

For more information or other listings, please call Kevin’s Specialized Trucks & Equipment Sales at (701) 290-6637

Quality Seeds Developed to Excel in Northern Montana

* Alfalfa * Corn * Cover Crops * Grass

* Annual Forages * Canola * Soybeans

(406) 399-1113 - milkriverag.com Chinook, MT


Steiger: Turbo Tiger II, 3300, 1700, 2200, 1250, pre-1965. Versatile: 100, 118, 125, 300 Minneapois Moline: G1000 fwa, G900 fwd, 504 fwd, 604 fwd. Cockshutt fwd’s. John Deere 80, 830, 3020, 4020, 4320, 4520, 4620, 6030, 8020. Green Wagners. Allis Chalmers 210, 440, D21, 220. Oliver diesel tractors, running or not. International 826, 1026, 1206, 1456, 1468,1568, 4156, 4300. Rite 4x4 tractors. Big Buds. Also older front wheel drive or 4-wheel drive, running or not. Will pick up. Phone Nathan anytime (cell) 701-240-5737 or 1-800-735-5846

A lot happens around the kitchen table

By Kris Ringwall, Beef Specialist, NDSU Extension Service These maps are the foundation for the For years, the kitchen table has been the discussion, followed by the actual implecenter of planning for those in agriculture. mentation of the plan for a particular field. Conversations of the past, present and A review of the history and current needs are future surface around the table. Today, put on the table for discussion, followed by a the kitchen table may be in the warming consensus as to how to proceed. Essentially, shed, the barn, the seed-cleaning facilthe question is, “What does the center need ity, the shop or an available room slightly from the field to meet the dewarmer than outside. In some sired objective of the center?” cases, a meeting room, built Let’s tune in and re-visit last to accommodate the input week’s discussion as we foand planning for today’s agcused on the center’s Boehm ricultural enterprises, is the Research Farm at Richardton, designated center. N.D. The discussion started The point is, time must be with the 2016 cropping hisset aside to develop a plan, tory and proposed 2017 land which can be implemented usage intentions. The obvious successfully by including points were resolved quickly: The native individual opinions of those involved in pasture would be utilized for grazing apthe operation. Individual input is critical. proximately 53 cow-calf pairs starting in Without such input, the operation eventually early June and ending in late October. could be dispersed or, at best, the working Next was the allocation of a 98-acre field environment deteriorates, employee turnfor grazing by the 53 cow-calf pairs after over goes up and hard feelings develop. summer grazing. In 2016, these acres were All of these scenarios can be prevented seeded to German millet, piper sudangrass, with a good session around the kitchen medium red clover and common vetch as a table. The Dickinson Research Extension cover crop blend and produced 478 large Center is no different. As spring nears, the bales. After discussion, these acres would center personnel, like producers, initiate be split for grazing after Oct. 15, half to a summer planning. This is not a time of rest. 100-plus-day corn and half to a cover crop Cows start calving, equipment needs servicmix. A suggested blend of seven crops for ing and seed needs to be fetched, pushing this year was discussed and will be finalized winter out. at the next meeting. The center personnel, as well as the nuThe next discussion turned to 474 acres merous agricultural producers around the of cool-season pasture. This pasture was area, must sit down around the table because re-seeded to a cover crop blend, including the time for decisions is now. How are we buckwheat, German millet, radish, sungoing to get through another production flowers, crested wheatgrass and tall wheatyear with pounds of calves or bushels of grass, in 2016. The cool-season grass will grain to pay the bills? be rested this year to allow for the further Like many agricultural operations today, development of the crested wheatgrass and various production units are not contingent tall wheatgrass, pending any fall grazing on each other; in fact, 10 to 20 miles may developments. separate the various units, thus the need to The next field was 124 acres seeded to plan the movement of equipment, livestock German millet, piper sudangrass, medium and the many other pieces needed for farmred clover and common vetch as a cover ing and ranching. crop blend in 2016. The field yielded 377 The other day, while walking around the large round bales and will be seeded to shop, I pondered how many wrenches, nuts, a cover crop blend of Stockford barley, bolts, various chains, wire, metal pieces and berseem clover, crimson clover, forage pea other assorted hardware are needed to run and sorghum sudan for hay. Harvest timing a farm or ranch. Let us just say, “A lot.” and hauling of the 2017 hay crop also were And even when one thinks he or she has discussed, assuring that the various equipeverything, when you need a certain-sized ment and labor will be available. wrench, darned if you cannot find it. AnyThat is not all the fields, as two remain, way, all the pieces have to come together to and we will finish the plan in two weeks. make an agricultural operation work. Never underestimate the value of discussion For the center, each unit is discussed at the kitchen table. individually, with various options placed May you find all your ear tags. on the table. This past week, the first topic For more information, contact your local was a review of the land maps. The center’s NDSU Extension Service agent (https:// website (https://www.ag.ndsu.edu/dickinwww.ag.ndsu.edu/extension/directory) or sonrec) has a facilities tab providing access Ringwall at the Dickinson Research Extento the various sections of land by township sion Center, 1041 State Ave., Dickinson, ND and range. Field numbers and last year’s 58601; 701-456-1103; or kris.ringwall@ history are being incorporated into the maps ndsu.edu. for ease of discussion.

But what about smut CONTINUED FROM PAGE B15

The cultural option is planting clean seed that has not been contaminated with the fungal pathogen; however, this is easier said than done, although using certified seed provides a relatively smut-free source of seed. Identifying smut resistant varieties also provides excellent control, especially if it is certified seed. Fungicide seed treatments are another viable control option. Surface-active and systemic fungicide seed treatments give excellent disease control. There are also many fungicide options used in the seed treatment, and it is highly recommended

seed treatments be done by a commercial seed treater. There is no biological or mechanical control for smut; the best control option is combining certified seed with seed treatment. Some simple management practices within an operation’s control can mean the difference in normal yields and poor yields, which every bushel will matter this year with low crop prices. Remember, once the wheat, barley, and oat crop is planted, there is no option for preventing yield loss to smut.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page B19

Benzopyrene exposure linked to deficits in zebrafish

By Chris Branam, Oregon State University Extension A new study suggests that exposure to benzopyrene impairs adult learning in zebrafish, adding to mounting evidence that the chemical compound and others like it may cause intellectual and memory deficits in humans. “There was no doubt that exposure to even a low-level concentration of benzopyrene affected the learning and memory behaviors in the fish,” said Robert Tanguay, a molecular toxicologist in Oregon State University’s (OSU) College of Agricultural Sciences. “We detected neurotoxicity at chemical exposure levels that don’t produce other, more visible signs of toxicity such as body deformities.” The study is published in the journal Neurotoxicology and Teratology. The National Institutes of Health helped fund the research. Benzopyrene is a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, known as a PAH, which forms naturally as the result of almost any type of combustion, from a wood stove to an automobile engine, cigarette or a coal-fired power plant. Many PAHs are associated with air pollution, are known to be carcinogenic and are the subject of extensive research at OSU and elsewhere around the world. Zebrafish have been found in recent years to be an excellent model for biomedical research because they reproduce rapidly, and their embryonic genetics and biological systems bear many similarities to humans. The OSU researchers exposed zebrafish embryos to benzopyrene and then monitored their activities from larval stage to adult. They noted hyperactivity in zebrafish larvae and recorded learning and memory deficits in fish they raised to adulthood. The researchers tested learning and memory in adult zebrafish in experiments involving custom-built shuttleboxes. The boxes are designed to condition the fish to swim away from the blue-lighted side to avoid a mild electrical stimulation. The fish exposed to benzopyrene, upon being in the blue-lighted, or unsafe side, were slower to swim to the dark, CONTINUED ON PAGE B20

2012 GMC Sierra, 5.3L engine, leather seats, 38,000 miles...... ....................................$31,900

2015 Ford F250, heated leather seats, navigation, 46,000 miles...........................$38,950

2007 GMC Yukon XL Denali, leath- 2016 Featherlite 16-ft. aluminum stock trailer, aluminum floor..... er, navigation, 177,000 miles... ....................................$12,900 ....................................$15,950

2008 Chevrolet Silverado, spray-in bedliner, heated leather seats, 135,000 miles, super clean...... ..................................... Just In


2007 Buick Lucerne, 3.81 engine, 110,000 miles, leather....$8295


Chevrolet • Buick • GMC

We Buy, Sell, and Rent Equipment, Trucks, and Trailers Call us: 406-546-1743 Simms, Montana


2000 Peterbilt 379 550 Cat, 18 speed, 3:55’s, 24.5 rubber......... $35,000

2004 Kenworth T600 C15, 18 speed, steerable lift axle, 767,000 miles..... ........................... $29,500

1999 Mack, E7 engine, 13 speed, Camelback suspension......... $27,500

1978 Mack dump truck, Mack engine, walking beam suspension, 15-ft. box...................... $10,000

2007 Fontaine 55 ton lowboy........................... $49,500 1999 Freightliner Classis Cat 3406E, 18 speed, flat top sleeper.... $22,500

2012 Komatsu PC80, enclosed cab, hydraulic coupler, auxillary hydraulics, 2275 hours.......... $49,500

John Deere 630 disk, 22” disks, 9” spacing, excellent condition...... $11,000

1995 Western Star 4000 gallon water truck, Cummins N14, 18 speed, lockers....................... $19,500

2007 Ford F150, 4x4, cloth seats, 112,000 miles.............$15,900

2013 Chevrolet Silverado LTZ, leather, 46,000 miles...$32,900

1995 Doonan 56-ft. stepdeck, tandem axle..... $12,500

2001 Wabash van, quad axle........................ $6000

2006 New Holland TS100 MFWD, 100 hp, 540/1000 PTO, cab with heat/air conditioning, 3500 hours.......... $30,000

2001 Magnum 57 KW generator, 7800 hours, single phase or 3 phase.. .............................. $8500

2016 Chevrolet Impala LTZ, 3.6L V6 engine, leather seats, 12,000 miles...........................$25,995

2004 Kenworth T600 Cat C15, AutoShift, lift axle, 20-ft. Loadline box, remote for hoist and gate.... ........................... $59,500

2000 Tesmec TRS1000 trencher, 13-ft. trench bar, side discharge.... $59,500

Give us a call for all your Equipment, Truck and Trailer Needs!

(406) 546-1743

2015 Chevrolet Equinox LT, heated cloth seats, 15,000 miles......... ....................................$22,900

2011 Chevrolet Traverse LTZ, leather, 182,000 miles...........$9995

2006 Pontiac Grand Prix, 3.8L engine, leather seats..........$3295

2005 Buick LaCrosse, cloth seats, 122,000 miles................$5995

2007 GMC Sierra 1500 heated leather seats, 4x4, crew........... ......Just In, Call for more info

2009 Chevrolet Silverado 2500HD 6.61 engine, new tires, 145,000 miles.... Just In, Call for Price

2016 Buick Enclave, heated leather seats, 19,000 miles.....$39,995

2016 Chevrolet Traverse, leather seats, 17,000 miles.....$33,900

2013 Chevrolet Suburban LT, heated leather seats, DVD, 3rd row seats, 59,000 miles.....$36,995

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EVENINGS CALL: Bill VandenBos (406) 576-1230 • Ryan VanDyke (406) 788-7546 • Darren Beadle (406) 949-2923 EMAIL: vanmotorsinc@yahoo.com

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page B20


Rebuilt PA12 Cub for 60-ft. extended reach excavator in good condition.

Call (307) 330-8090 • Lander, WY


1978 Steiger PT225 4621 hours, recent major overhaul..... ............................................................................ $12,000 Riteway 8100 55-ft. heavy harrow, used very little..$16,000 For more info call Leo at 406-372-3182, cell 399-5709, Kremlin, MT

Truck Envy Polish and Paint

•  Aluminum polishing - Wheels, Tanks, Grills, Steps, etc. •  Collision and Paint •  Farm Equipment and Trailers •  Detailing Interior/Exterior

Phone (406) 403-8997, Great Falls, MT


John Deere 6420 4x4 tractor with 640 loader, 7300 hours, QuadRange transmission, left hand reverser, 1000/540 PTO, 3 pt. hitch, 110 hp..................................... $30,000 John Deere 6210 4x4 tractor with 640 loader, 4500 hours, QuadRange transmission, left hand reverser, 540 PTO, 3 pt. hitch, 80 hp................................................. $37,000 Bobcat S250 skid steer with 2 speed, 2400 hours. New tires, bucket and grapple.................................... $25,000 John Deere 4450 8000 hours, 15 speed powershift, 1000/540 PTO, 3 pt. hitch.................................. $34,000 John Deere 3150 with 260 loader and grapple, QuadRange transmission, 3 pt. hitch, 7500 hours...... $28,000 John Deere 5010 150 hp, Farmhand loader and grapple.. .............................................................................. $8500 John Deere 946 14-ft. MoCo, 1000 PTO, steel conditioners, field ready.................................................... $10,500 International 510 14-ft. swather, rubber conditioner, diesel.......................................................................... $4000 International 310 12-ft. swather............................... $2000 John Deere 535 round baler, monitor, double auto twine tie, bale kicker, guide wheels, belts are 60%........ $4500 John Deere 535 round baler, monitor, double auto twine tie, bale kicker, belts have one season on them... $4000 John Deere 530 round baler, monitor, twine tie, good condition...................................................................... $2700 John Deere 468 square baler, 14x18 bales, hydraulic tension, auto grease rebuilt knotter and bearings...... $5200 Case IH 8460 round baler, bale kicker, monitor, auto twine tie, guide wheels................................................... $3500 Case IH 8580 Big Square baler, 20,000 bales, 5000 bales on new knotter rebuild, needs work...................... $7500 New Holland 285 baler, 16x18 bales, hydraulic tension, excellent condition................................................. $4000 New Holland 1032 balewagon, excellent condition..$6000 John Deere 235 26-ft. disk, 9” spacing..................... $8500 John Deere 330 28-ft. disk, 11” spacing................... $5800 Degelman 20-ft. land roller with transport.............. $15,500 Steffen 15 bale accumulator..................................... $5000 Steffen 15 bale grapple............................................ $2500 Meyer ditcher............................................................ $2000 Shop made 24-ft. gooseneck trailer, tandem dually, no title.......................................................................... $2500

TJ Equipment Sales 406-590-3502

4930 10th Ave. South, Great Falls, MT 59405 tjequipmentsales@gmail.com

Benzopyrene exposure linked to deficits in zebrafish CONTINUED FROM PAGE B19

safe side, even when prodded by the mild shock. “Zebrafish are very intelligent and are able to make complex decisions,” said Tanguay, director of the Sinnhuber Aquatic Research Lab (http://ehsc.oregonstate.edu/sarl) at OSU. “We were conditioning the fish to make the correct decision to be on the safe side where they wouldn’t be punished. Some of the exposed fish never moved to the safe side.” In a related publication involving a chemical compound that isn’t a PAH but is also the subject of research worldwide, Tanguay concluded that bisphenol A, or BPA, weakens sperm function in adult zebrafish. Bisphenol A has gained attention in recent years due to its large-scale production and widespread use in plastic products. Humans are exposed to BPA in low concentrations when it leaches from food and drink containers, including baby bottles. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has deemed the chemical safe when used at the current levels occurring in food containers and packages. The zebrafish in this study were exposed to BPA at Wenzhou University during three different developmental stages, resulting in a reduction of sperm volume, density, motility and velocity. The results of the bisphenol A study, a collaboration with Wenzhou University in China, are consistent with reports of reduced sperm motility and sperm counts in adult mice or rats exposed to low concentrations of BPA during their development, Tanguay said. “We found a more profound effect on the sperm at a low BPA concentration rather than at a higher concentration,” Tanguay said. “That’s common in chemicals that disrupt endocrine systems. The next step is to explain the mechanism that leads to disruption.” ##### Before removing a bandage from your child’s skin, douse the area with baby oil. The baby oil will soak into the bandage and make it easy to remove without hurting them.


New Holland 116 swing tongue drive line gear box. Parts or whole. Also header for parts.

(406) 281-4490, Columbus, MT

TRACTOR FOR SALE 2015 Case IH Maxxum 140 with Case IH L755 loader, Deluxe Cab, Powerboost

Call 406-984-6257 • Southeast Montana


• 1972 John Deere 4620 tractor with 6193 hours. • 1975 John Deere 7520 tractor with 8000 hours. • 1975 John Deere 7700 diesel combine, 3520 hours. • 1962 Ford F700 truck, V8 engine, box and hoist. • 1962 GMC 4000 truck, V6 engine, box and hoist. • New Holland 7014 balewagon, tractor pull. Call Jerry at (406) 724-3387

Richland, MT



Covering Montana and out-of-state Licensed and insured.

Cell (406) 670-8306 Cell (406) 690-3766 Office (406) 875-2280

Gopher Traps by Lee’s TrapWorks • Easy to set • Easy to empty • Built-in stake is part of trap • Kills quickly • Very visible if painted bright color • Traps are sold unpainted, paint them your favorite color • Traps are currently $18 each Canadian and approximately $14 US at today’s exchange rate • Postage for package of 10 traps is around $38 Canadian • Check us out at www.leestrapworks.com Call 306-778-2083 evenings for more information or to order


New Holland bale wagons. Model 1032, 1033, 1036, or 1037.

Crossbreeding: It works for feral pigs

By Kris Ringwall, Beef Specialist, NDSU Extension Service productive and reproduce copiously. Crossbreeding, bringing together parents The domestic pig (Sus Scrofa) is capable that are distantly related but capable of of producing viable offspring when mated producing viable offspring, has increased to several subspecies. The vigor of the hybrid vigor within domestically raised offspring borders on aggressive and envilivestock. ronmentally destructive, so laws have been Extensive research has shown positive enacted to control feral and/or hybrid pigs. improvement for several production traits, In fact, several particularly surspecies of wildvival traits that life are protected are lowly herifrom hybridizatable. Interesttion with closely ingly, sometimes related subspeif one looks at cies because the what others are hybrids will, at intentionally or times, outperform not intentionally both parents and doing, one can actually lower the learn a lot. The population of the same is true about original parents. crossbreeding. This hybrid vigor The concept of is real and not something to be taken lightly. domesticated livestock mating with their In the canine world, dogs, coyotes and wild relatives is not new and generally not wolves can produce a hybrid that may have encouraged. The reason comes back to the a selective advantage over the original increased hybrid vigor of the offspring and parents. Florida is fearful of the potential their tendency to out-compete the parents. hybridization of pythons. Although one may In native environments, hybrid offspring not think of snakes as domesticated, they can be very detrimental, particularly when are, some more so than others. reproductive capacity increases. For exTwo snakes - the African rock python ample, feral pigs are a very real, current and major problem. They are aggressive, CONTINUED ON PAGE B22

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page B21

We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.


New Holland 688 round baler, twine only, 540 PTO.$8000 Omaha Standard flatbed, 78” x 108”.......................... $800 Call (617) 447-6587 • Power, MT • Please leave a message


We have investors looking for places to lease back. Wildlife resources a bonus.

(406) 393-2380


Zollinger named weed society Fellow

By NDSU Extension Service Rich Zollinger, the North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension Service’s weed specialist, has received the Weed Science Society of America’s highest honor. Zollinger, also a professor in NDSU’s Plant Sciences Department, was recognized with the society’s Fellow Award. He received it during the society’s annual meeting in Tucson, Arizona. “This award is a team effort award, and credit should be given to the many colleagues, graduate students, and technical and clerical staff who I have had the privilege of working with,” he says. Nominees for the award must have been active members of the society for at least 10 years. They also must have made substantial contributions in more than one of the following areas: professional publications; educational contributions other than publications; the development of improvements in weed science programs, practices and products; other professional contributions; service to society or regional conferences; and service to the profession outside of the society. At NDSU, Zollinger spends 90 percent of his time on Extension work and 10 percent on weed control research. As a result of his efforts, he has authored or co-authored more than 200 journal articles and Extension publications, including the annually updated “North Dakota Weed Control Guide,” and makes more than 100 presentations a year. In addition, he developed an internationally recognized adjuvant (substance that improves a pesticide’s performance), weed control chemical formulation and water quality research and testing program. Zollinger also has written more than 140 Section 18 herbicide registrations for minor-acreage crops. Section 18 registrations are exemptions from the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act that allow the unregistered use of a pesticide to address an emergency pest situation. He serves as the IR-4 (Interregional Research Project No. 4) liaison for North Dakota and has competed successfully with California and other states for more 100 IR-4 pesticide research projects. In his role as professor, he also mentors students. Zollinger grew up working with his brothers in a family farming operation with livestock and crop production farms in Utah, Idaho, Montana and British Columbia, Canada. He earned bachelor of science and master of science degrees from Utah State University and his doctorate in Weed Science from Michigan State University. He joined NDSU in 1990.

406-727-7153 “Partners in Production”

4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls


Ken – 788-4588; Ed – 231-4254; Dwight – 231-4251; Emery – 868-7964


Massey Ferguson 9635 with 9175 rotary head.$74,900 MacDon M100 35-ft. D60S............................... $69,900 MacDon 7000 with 30-ft. 960 header............... $27,900

2013 Massey 1375 15’3” cut............................ $26,900 2012 Massey 1375 pull type rotary.................. $23,500

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page B22

Say you saw it in the Trader’s Dispatch


18,000 to 20,000 bushel #1 irrigated combined corn $


Phone (406) 698-9271 or 696-0358, Joliet, Montana

MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Jersey heifer just fresh, milking good, gentle........... $2000 Angus Jersey heifer calf............................................ $200 International 966 diesel tractor................................ $4900 1/4 mile used pivot very good.............................. $32,000 Phone (406) 745-4400, Saint Ignatius, MT


8-ft. to 53-ft. Starting under $3000 delivered. www.boxesandbridges.com

Phone (406) 899-4104


Fire damaged or non-running tractors


Allis-Chalmers, John Deere, IHC, Moline, Massey-Ferguson or what have you got? NEED ALL MECHANICAL FRONTS. International 806, 1206, 1256, 1456; Allis Chalmers D21, pieces or parts; Minneapolis-Moline AT1400 or AT1600; Oliver 4WD’s

Phone Circle G Salvage

Robert Grube, 403 Emmerling Circle, Walhalla, ND 58282

Tractor and Combine Buyers

Phone 701-549-2737 or 701-265-2220 leave message Please send pictures to: E-mail: bomar@utma.com

Big Horn Farm: 36,600-acre farm in South Central Montana 30 miles East

of Billings on I-90. State of the art storage & headquarters. Owners have producing record yields of winter & spring wheat, corn, safflower, sunflowers & pulse crops. 120-130 day growing season & 13-14 inch rainfall. Investor potential. $18,000,000. Call Dick. Two SW Ranch, Haxby, MT: A strong grass Montana Ranch—500 head carry capacity. 17,823 total acres with 5,973 deeded. Great water spring fed reservoirs, 5 wells, pipelines to stock tanks. Two modest ranch homes, livestock corrals, numerous outbuildings, & good fences. $3,300,000 Call Scott. Comanche Flats Pasture & Farm: 1,720 acres twenty miles northwest of Billings, MT. 1,340-acre pasture divided into four units, two wells. 380 acres farm ground. Power. Great access. Priced at $946,000. Call Scott. Toluca Farm: 4,500 +/- acres total. 3,200 acres dryland farmed & 1,300 acres grass. Nice 3,600 sq. ft. brick home on cistern, 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, and a double garage. 35,000 bushel grain bin, 75’x120’ Quonset, 56’x60’ insulated shop, 24’x32’ outbuilding, two 120-ton fertilizer/grain storage hopper bins. $3,500,000. Call Tim Nessan. Broker has partial interest. Kurth Grazing Tract: North of Billings, MT, on Highway 87. 4,608 acres in one block. Wells & Razor Creek on the property. No improvements, can build your own setup. Lots of wildlife—deer, antelope, and some elk. 30 minutes to Billings. $1,950,000. Call Jake. Kurth Ranch: 450 acres of beautiful pine hills with sandstone bluffs. Solar well producing 30 gpm. 25 minutes to Billings on Hwy 87. Great home site. $450,000. Call Jake. Dick Grosskopf—406-860-1512 Scott R. Grosskopf—406-861-4558 Jake Korell—406-698-4600 Tim Nessan—406-860-0791 Members—Landmark of Billings, Inc. 406-248-3101 ~ MontanaRanches.com

Crossbreeding: It works for feral pigs CONTINUED FROM PAGE B21

nal sires or more sophisticated rotational (Python sebae) and the Burmese python breeding programs and allowed for the (Python molurus bivittatus) - keep making inclusion of new breeds on the maternal the news, primarily because of the fear they side. Crossbreeding works. may crossbreed. When confined to their Seedstock producers have improved their normal habitat, one in Sub-Saharan Africa genetics through selection for increased and the other in southern and Southeast production attained through selection for Asia, they do not cross. They fit their engrowth and other traits. The lowly heritable vironment. traits, however, still maintain the advantages Like beef producers who traveled the attained though heterosis. mountain passes and waterways, who also So why the point? In the genetic world, co-mingled different breeds and subsperemember that measureable and non-meacies of cattle, those who appreciate raising surable advantages are evident as diverse snakes worry the same may occur. Imagine genetics are crossed. That is simply fact, a snake the size of a Burmese python with but the concept of developing crossbreeding the aggressive nature of the African rock systems has taken second seat to selection, python. Not a good thing. potentially shrinking the tool chest. Fortunately, the actual crossing of these As new, cost-efficient beef systems are and most subspecies that result in viable, explored, a large tool chest is needed. Those reproductively sound offspring is very rare. early black baldy concepts were real as proBut the point is made: Hybrid vigor is real. ducers look to manage the right cows, cows Much effort was made in crossing American that are reproductively superior, biologibison with domestic cattle. Although not all cally efficient and wean calves that exceed the offspring are viable, enough viability the cows’ ability to grow. existed to create the Beefalo breed, or cattle Now is a good time to think about termiwith bison and cattle DNA. nal beef cattle systems. I could continue, but the concept of hyMay you find all your ear tags. brid vigor is accepted as real. And if not, For more information, contact your local then go try to herd some feral pigs. So, the NDSU Extension Service agent (https:// discussion of hybrid vigor certainly has a www.ag.ndsu.edu/extension/directory) or place for beef producers. The beef industry Ringwall at the Dickinson Research Extencan tone down the extremes of hybrid vigor sion Center, 1041 State Ave., Dickinson, ND and keep the good points: increased calf 58601; 701-456-1103; or kris.ringwall@ vigor that improves livability, increased ndsu.edu. reproductive potential and associated decreased costs. The premise of a good ANHYDROUS EQUIPMENT FOR SALE beef crossbreeding program was to keep the production (2) NH3 1450 double nurse tanks. Side by side on a P&H unit, the cow, smaller and trailer, 5th wheel steering with 14-ply tires. Valves and hoses up to date. Decals and safety equipment in place. refine costs to make the ................................................................... $12,000 each cow practical but produc(2) NH3 1450 single nurse tanks. Big valves with up to tive. The advantage came date hoses and fittings. Decals and safety equipment in with a terminal sire, or one place............................................................. $4200 each that would maintain all the (3) NH3 1000 single nurse tanks. Need hoses updated...... ........................................................................ $750 each pluses achieved with heteroMaxquip NH3 pump to go on your seeder. Great for accusis (the crossing of unrelated racy and minimal NH3 loss. Hydraulic drive complete with breeds), plus add unique pump, cooler, and valves. Can be set up for sectional traits associated with the control and variable rate application. $25,000 new......... selected breed of terminal ............................................................... Asking $12,000 sire. This was good. And the Phone (701) 263-5266 beef cattle breeding systems were expanded to handle more breeds. Programs maximized production through termi##### In a small town, farmers of the community had gotten together to discuss some important issues. About midway through the meeting, a wife of one of the farmers stood up and spoke her peace. When she was done, one of the old farmers stood up and said, “What does she know about anything? I would like to ask her if she knows how many toes a pig has?” Quick as a flash, the woman replied, “Take off your boots sir, and count them yourself!” ##### The Nebraska state soil is “Holdrege”. ##### The Nebraska state insect is the honeybee, the state motto is Equality Before the Law, and the goldenrod was declared the state flower on April 4, 1895.

50-Ton Crane

– Fork Lifts – – Winch Trucks – – Cherry Pickers – 24-Hour Service

DICK IRVIN TRUCKING 434-5583 – Shelby


2014 Buick LaCrosse with V6, automatic, heated leather. Loaded. 40,000 miles. VERY, VERY clean. Phone (406) 450-3647, Conrad, Montana

N.D. 4-H volunteers, century families honored

By NDSU Extension Service Gwen Roffler of Grassy Butte has been inducted into the North Dakota 4-H Hall of Fame. The North Dakota 4-H Foundation also recently honored three families as 4-H century families for 2016. “Volunteers are so important to the 4-H program in North Dakota,” says Tammy Meyer, chair of the foundation’s board. “They are the key to reaching the youth who are part of the North Dakota 4-H program, and the North Dakota 4-H Foundation is pleased to honor them.” Those inducted into the 4-H Hall of Fame have been involved in 4-H at the local, county or state level for at least 15 years beyond membership in the organization as a youth. 4-H has been a part of Roffler’s life for 63 years. She joined 4-H at age 9, and leadership in the organization always was one of her goals. She is serving her 52nd year as a leader of McKenzie County’s Sagebrush Wranglers 4-H Club. “4-H is a great organization for youth to grow; learn; gain life skills, self-confidence, work ethic; build careers and become responsible leaders and citizens,” Roffler says. “Learning and developing through the 4-H program are the top awards,” she adds. “They are not always in the form of trophies or champion ribbons. To me, seeing a member start out saying, ‘I can’t do that!’ and then learn enough to complete the project and say, ‘I can do that!’ is just one of the positives I find as an inspiration to continue my 4-H leadership.” She also says she is honored and humbled by this recognition. Seeing former 4-H’ers leading successful lives and careers and knowing 4-H played a big part in that development is very satisfying and fulfilling to her. Any family whose years as 4-H members, leaders and/or volunteers add up to 100 or more is eligible to be named a North Dakota 4-H century family. Those receiving that designation for 2016 are: • Benson/Jacobson family of Benson County, with a combined 135 years of service in 4-H • Ellingson/Schaff family of Morton County, with a combined 198 years of service in 4-H • Leier family of Emmons and Logan counties, with a combined 112 years of service in 4-H The Benson and Jacobson families of Maddock credit their involvement in state 4-H exchanges as one of their significant contributions to 4-H. The late Fred Jacobson started these exchanges. He and fellow 4-H leaders hosted 4-H families from Somerset County, Pennsylvania, in 1964. Since then, more than 600 Benson County 4-H’ers have hosted 4-H’ers from other states and traveled to 17 states. The Jacobson and Benson families also have been involved in six 4-H clubs in Benson County. The most recent is the Farm and Home Improvement 4-H Club. Six family members are enrolled in 4-H. Four generations of the Martin and Angie Schaff family of St. Anthony have been involved in 4-H as leaders, volunteers and supporters. All six of their children were involved in 4-H, and involvement continues through their grandchildren. Another of the ways they support 4-H is by providing a facility for local livestock judging workouts. Larry Leier of Hague has been involved in 4-H for 32 years, first as a member and now a leader. He was instrumental in developing and expanding the shooting sports program in Emmons County. Nancy Leier recently revived the crop judging program in Emmons County and served as a crop judging team coach. Many Leier family members also help with achievement day activities and county fundraisers. The individuals and families were honored at recognition ceremonies in Fargo in conjunction with the foundation’s annual meeting. The North Dakota 4-H Foundation is a nonprofit organization that secures private funds to provide educational opportunities for youth who are part of the North Dakota 4-H program. As part of its mission, the foundation recognizes individuals who make outstanding contributions to the 4-H program. ##### Horses can hiccup, which is a phenomenon also known as thumps. Whereas in humans a hiccup is heard in the throat, a horse’s hiccup starts near the diaphragm and creates an audible thump sound in the chest area, sometimes accompanied by a rhythmic jerk in the flank area. Hiccups are reported more often in endurance horses and reacehorses than run for prolonged periods of time. They are also known to be caused by an electrolyte imbalance, sometimes in conjunction with colic or diarrhea.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page B23

Steinhatchee Equipment Co. Inc. 406-777-1701 or 239-0942

www.steinhatcheeinc.com e-mail: nelsen889@aol.com

2006 & 1999 Skytrak 6036 telehandler, 6000 lb. 36ft. reach........................... ......$26,500 and $29,500

2007 Genie GTH-644, 4195 hours, 6000 lb, 44-ft. reach, crab steer, hydraulic leveling. Immaculate condition$32,500

1997 John Deere 7810, 6712 hours, 165 hp, PowrQuad transmission, Quick Hitch, duals, 2 SCV’s, super clean unit. $53,000........................... Reduced Price $49,000

2010 John Deere 6140D, 140 hp, 3100 hours, John Deere 673 loader, 2 SCV’s..............$49,500

2012 Cat 308DCR, 2500 hours, cab, heat, air conditioning, 57 hp, 18,000 lbs, undercarriage & tracks @ 80%.... $62,000

2012 Bobcat E42 mini excavator, 2213 hours, 18” bucket, QA side shift, 70% UC and tracks, keyless start, 2 speed, 9300 lb machine. $36,500........ Reduced Price $34,500

2006 Bobcat 430 ZHS mini excavator, 2400 hours, 8000 lb machine .$26,000

Cat skidsteer attach vibrating roller, like new condition.. ..............................$5500

2008 Komatsu WA250PZ-6, loader, 5900 hours, Q/A, 3/5 cu. yard AutoShift, ride control..... Coming In

2015 John Deere 6125M, 125 hp, 925 hours, John Deere H340 loader, APQ transmission with left hand reverser, 3 SCV’s, John Deere warranty 10/17..................$79,500

1996 John Deere 7700, 2012 Cat 312ELC, 2400 hours, 28” tracks, 36” 5090 hours, PowerShift bucket, thumb. One transmission, 3 SCV’s, owner.................$87,500 137 hp, front weights. Excellent condition.......... ...........................$42,000

1993 John Deere 6400, 7900 hours, MFWD, cab, air conditioning, 95 hp, rebuilt PowrQuad transmission. Local trade, nice....................$28,000

2009 Cat 930H, 4400 hrs, 3.5 yd hyd QA bucket, ride control, A/C. One owner.. ........................... $75,500

2012 Cat 272C skidsteer, 2840 hours, 2 speed, hydraulic quick attach, hi flow, A/C, heat, new tires. Excellent condition. ...........................$34,500

2 AVAILABLE 2014 Cat 272D, 1184/1500 hours, 3200 lb operating capacity, cab, 2 speed, hydraulic quick attach, air conditioning, new tires. Each...................$37,500

2010 John Deere 310J backhoe, 4x4, extend-ahoe, 1587 hours, cab, air conditioning, 2 lever control......................$34,500

2009 Case 580SM Series 3, 2600 hours, 4WD, extend-a-hoe, air conditioning, pilot controls, ride control, auxiliary hydraulics......................$46,500

Loaders available for all tractors Financing Available


2011 Cat 287CXPS, 2233 hours, cab, air conditioning, hi-flow, 2 speed, performance package, hydraulic quick couple, 84 hp, 3800 lb operating capacity. New undercarriage & tracks.....$39,750

2003 Cat 262 skidsteer, 2979 hours, 2500 lb operating capacity, pilot controls, new tires, excellent condition, 1 owner....$23,000

• 2000 Ingersol Rand SD70D Pro-Pac vibrating roller, smooth drum w/Padfoot shell kit, 2600 hours. • 2002 New Holland M860 telehandler, 10,000 lb, 55-ft. reach, 2500 hours • Cat 416B backhoe, 4x4, extend-a-hoe, 4x1 bucket

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page B24


John Deere 2010 tractor, gas, loader. Runs good................................................ $6400 obo Ditch Witch R60 4WD, front blades, digs 5-ft., new dirt chain..........................................$3000 Phone 406-403-2716 or 788-8509, Belt, MT

POLYURETHANE FOAM INSULATION Are your calving barns cold and drafty???


Homes, barns, quonsets, shops, etc. LeRoy Hanson Doug Morgan (406) 590-2874 (406) 590-8336 Choteau, Montana Choteau, Montana

SANFOIN & GRASS SEED FOR SALE MANSKA - Wheat Grass - $3.00/lb. MANIFEST - Wheat Grass - $3.00/lb.

• The Newest Seed Developed by Univ. of North Dakota • Very High Production • Excellent Germination • Out of Foundation Seed

DELANY SANFOIN SEED - $1.50/lb. • The Newest Seed Developed by Univ. of Montana & Univ. of Wyoming

SANFOIN and MANIFEST or MANSKA together make a great hay or pasture mix. Approx. 5 ton an acre

Office (307) 645-3130 or Cell (307) 202-0704 Clark, Wyoming • www.bighornsanfoin.com


Case IH RBX563 round baler, nice........................... $8500 New Holland 855 round baler................................... $1500 Hesston 6550 14-ft. swather.................................... $7500 14-ft. disc................................................................... $2500 King Kutter 5-ft. brush cutter...................................... $750 International 886 tractor, cab, front end loader, grapple, bale unroller on back, rebuilt engine last year, 6500 total hours..................................................................... $9500 2007 Polaris 500 side-by-side, enclosed cab, 677 hours... .............................................................................. $5500 2007 Arctic Cat 650 H1 ATV, 3800 miles................. $3500 John Deere Model 60 tractor................................... $3000 5 other antique tractors – McCormick Deering 830, Ferguson 35 diesel, Farmall M, (2) Case tractors 1978 Ford 1 ton dually flatbed.................................. $3000 All prices are “or best offer” – Call (406) 374-2728

New - Farm King Ezee-On 4490 Disc

Two strategies to mitigate Great Plains climate change impacts

By Robert Hearne, Associate Professor NDSU Department of Agribusiness and Applied Economics seminated across the region. New rules and At North Dakota State University institutional capacity need to be developed (NDSU), we respect the growing scientific to better utilize the resource to mitigate consensus that human-caused, global clifuture droughts, and interstate cooperation mate change will imply gradual increases in aquifer management should be fostered. in mean temperatures and more frequent It is possible to recharge an aquifer extreme climate events. Because we are fathrough injection wells and porous sand and miliar with cold winters in Fargo, the former rock. But new systems need to be developed may be appealing. But the latter, increased to transfer surface water to groundwater extreme climate events, should cause constorage during times of flooding. Certainly, cern. These events include drought and any effort to transfer Missouri River water floods. to aquifer storage will face legal challenges. Frankly, I teach my classes that develHowever, the need to better manage water oped countries should have the capacity to under the threat of extreme climate events withstand certain climate change impacts. will require efforts to overcome legal, instiNew drought-resistant crop varieties can tutional and technological problems, as well be developed for Great Plains farmers and as considerable infrastructure development. infrastructure can be developed to help cope Grain Storage with flooding. But with increased drought The policy prescription of grain storage and flooding, new water-storage strategies dates back at least to the biblical story of will need to be developed. Joseph, who prophesized seven years of Water Storage plenty followed by seven years of drought. The most important water reservoir in Grain storage in ancient Egypt was an obvithe Great Plains is the High Plains Aquifer, ous recommendation. which includes the Ogallala Aquifer and adInternational trade and grain storage are ditional smaller formations, and covers parts considered cost-effective strategies to proof eight states from Texas to South Dakota. vide food security, especially in light of the The most important surface-water storfailure of many expensive surface irrigation age system is the series of Missouri River projects across the globe. But grain storage mainstem dams developed under the Pickcapacity in the Great Plains has been chalSloan Missouri Basin Program. These lenged in recent years. are managed by the U.S. Army Corps of Certainly our capacity to store grain Engineers, under periodically revised rules to mitigate the impacts of seven years of that dedicate significant reservoir space to drought preceded by seven years of plenty interannual water storage. is questionable. New elevators and silos Aquifer storage has many geophysical need to be constructed. Given the politiadvantages. Aquifers are not subject to cal climate, the federal government is not evaporation. However, the institutional expected to return to large-scale grain puragencies and rules that manage the aquifer chases. Therefore, new financing strategies are problematic. The aquifer is a commonneed to be considered under private-sector pool resource, managed decentrally by leadership. numerous state and local agencies. This Denying human-caused climate change resource is threatened by the “tragedy of the may be convenient, and we may not accept commons,” which occurs when individual that greenhouse gas reduction is the only water users receive the benefit of pumping strategy to mitigate climate change impacts. water from the aquifer but may not interNew strategies need to be developed to nalize the impact of their use on the total alleviate extreme climate events before they depletion of the resource. become frequent. These strategies will inIrrigators need permits from state agenclude new technologies and infrastructure, cies to pump water from the aquifer. Still but they also will include new cooperation overpumping and groundwater depletion in water resource management and new have occurred. ways to finance interannual crop storage. Many state agencies and local water These strategies should include lessons management districts are making efforts learned and understood since the days of to conserve water in the aquifer. The most the pharaohs. effective of these efforts should be dis-

Precision ag makes farming more sustainable, profitable

*New* Farm King Ezee-On 4490 26.5-ft wide

disc, Stoneflex hangers, 410 WSS HD bearings, 24” blades, 9” spacing, notched front, plain rear

**$5200** Annual payment/O.A.C ($31,500 purchase price)

Yellowstone Tractor 5662 Kessler Rd. Belgrade, Montana 406-388-2423 The last best place to buy a tractor!



By University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News applied data. Software can then be used to Farmers have numerous sources of techcollect and analyze the information with the nology and data available to use in their goal to improve a crop production system. operations, but many producers struggle Luck’s extension work encompasses with what kind and how much technology site-specific management strategies; precithey need. sion agriculture technology use; and farm Understanding which technologies and management software training. datasets are important and how to best use In one project, for example, Luck and them is the focus of Joe Luck’s work as other members of the multidisciplinary Nebraska Extension precision agriculture UNL Precision Ag Research and Extension engineer. team are working with producers and local “To me, precision ag has become a catchand regional industry partners to examine all term, but basically it refers to hardware how one new technology— the multi-hybrid and software systems that improve knowlplanter—might benefit producers in the edge and decision support to make farming future. more manageable, sustainable and profitThis planter can plant at least two seed able,” said Luck, who also is an assistant varieties in one trip through a field or manprofessor of biological systems engineering. age various seed treatments from separate Precision agriculture hardware includes bulk tanks on the planter. Five corn and field application equipment and sensor platforms that control products and record asCONTINUED ON PAGE B25

Two strategies to mitigate Great Plains climate change impacts CONTINUED FROM PAGE B24

three soybean fields were planted this year on both dryland and irrigated land. While more than one year of data is needed, the project team believes that preliminary data from this first year will help build future studies. Results from the field sites will be distributed through Nebraska Extension. Luck also is developing instruments and tools that producers can use to collect information in their operations for improving crop input and water use efficiencies. In Nebraska, technology adoption ranges from those who don’t use technology at all to producers who use it extensively, he said. And, he added, “The technological needs of a producer farming 1,000 acres are very different from a producer farming 10,000 acres.” Luck estimates that over 50 percent of farmers engage in some form of agricultural technology. But, he cautions, while technology can be a useful management tool, farmers still need to make decisions. As part of his extension work, Luck conducts workshops and meetings to share information about precision ag with producers to improve their operations. “I really enjoy talking with people and helping them solve problems,” he said. Part of Luck’s research deals with “big data,” which is often defined as an ac-

cumulation of data that is too large and complex for processing by traditional database management tools. Universitybased research will be an important part of the larger discussion regarding big data applications in agriculture, he said. UNL is a founding member of the Agricultural Data Coalition (ADC), which is aimed at helping farmers better control, manage and maximize the value of the data they collect daily in their fields. “There have been extensive activities focused on agriculture data management platforms within the past couple of years, and we’re excited to be part of such advances in which the farmers’ needs are at the core of the platform development process with input from a variety of industry partners,” Luck said. “I think the development approach taken by the ADC will serve as an industry model for adding value to small and large farm operations with respect to agricultural data privacy, access and utilization.” Ultimately, Luck hopes all of his work will have an impact beyond Nebraska and will help corn and soybean producers feed the hungry worldwide. His research is funded by public and private organizations, including local commodity boards, industry groups and the United States Department of Agriculture.

##### The average square mile of land in Montana contains 1.4 elk, 1.4 pronghorn antelope, and 3.3 deer.

##### The moose, now numbering over 8,000 in Montana, was thought to be extinct in the Rockies south of Canada in the 1900s.

Wheatheart Grain Augers

In Stock

8x36 • 8x38 • 8x41 • 10x36

Hub, sprocket and pulley assortment for 40, 50, 60 chain and pulleys up to 16 inches.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page B25

FOR SALE: International S-1900 Tandem

Phone: (406) 799-6923

New Kunz rough cut mower

New Honda 4 and 51/2 hp 2” pumps. In stock: 132 and 152 gpm water pumps, 220 gpm chemical pump. 3” pumps at 275 gpm also on hand.

H 23-hp H  57” cut H  2” to 8” cutting height H  Four tire design for added support on rough ground

Posi Lock

New Honda Replacement Engines - IN STOCK 5-hp. to 24-hp. 1” - 3” pumps

gear and bearing pullers in stock.

Your SPRAYER HEADQUARTERS fittings and valves up to 3” - sprayer hose up to 3”

Flexilla 1/4”, 3/8” & 1/2” air hose 5/8” water hose All fittings available swivel & standard straight fittings. Hose splicers available as well.

Gysler - Melroe - Renn chisel plow parts We can ship to your farm or ranch

New GradeMaster Blade for gravel road maintenance. Potholes stay filled longer and washboarding is virually eliminated. Two forward-cutting blades mounted on a strong high-grade steel frame with runners and side pans require a minimum of 24-h.p., mounts to any 3-point hitch tractor. 8-ft. and 10-ft. units in stock.


We’re sure to have what you need.

TIBER TRACTOR CO. Phone 406-759-5188

20-ft. box, 96”x52” sides, grain gate, roll tarp. All new 22.5 radial tires and wheels, power up and down hoist. New beet gates included with Teflon floor. Never hauled fertilizer.

Chester, Montana

Various sizes of storage cases available. Great for misc. parts and fittings.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page B26

Washington ranks 12th in the nation in terms of total agricultural cash receipts, but is second only to California in the diversity of crops grown (about 230 different ones). ##### There are over 40,000 miles of rivers and streams and more than 8,000 lakes in Washington.


2012 John Deere 6125R Premium tractor, 1600 hours, IVT transmission wth 31 mph option, loaded with all options. No loader. Great baling or bale processor tractor.. ........................................................................... $92,000 2008 Vermeer BP 8000 bale processor. good condition..... ........................................................................... $12,500 1957 Ford truck, flatbed and hoist, runs, good condition.... .............................................................................. $1250 1977 Ford truck, 16-ft. flatbed and hoist, needs clutch, no title........................................................................... $750 Call (406) 450-1029, Holden Herefords, Valier, MT

3202 Big Horn Ave. Cody, WY



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Cat 938F 3 CY GP bucket, cab and heat, ride control...........$35,000


2009 Ammann 55” smooth drum compactor, cab and heat, 950 hours.............................$37,500

1986 Cat 936 wheel loader, 2.75 cubic yard bucket, quick attach, cab and heat.................$35,000 2000 Deere 650H 6-way blade, cab with heat and air conditioning, 50% undercarriage, one owner.. ......................................$36,000

John Deere 410G loader/backhoe, 4x4, extend-a-hoe, cab, ride control, powershift, 5200 hours.. ......................................$35,000 Komatsu WA450-1L wheel loader, 4.5 cubic yard bucket, good tires, cab and heat. Runs well!.. $22,500


2008 Gehl DL10H-55 telescoping forklift, 10,000# capacity, 55-ft. reach, outriggers, cab and heat, excellent tires, wide carriage, John Deere diesel, 5170 hours.. ......................................$49,500

2003 Komatsu FG40-7 straight mast forklift, 8000# capacity, side shift, new front tires, LPG, work lights, new paint. Very nice!...............................$16,000

2000 Case IH MX100 MFWD, 100 hp, cab, heat, air conditioning, excellent tires, 4900 hours, Koyker 565 loader.........$47,500 2004 Cat TH360B telescoping forklift, 7000# capacity, 44-ft. reach, wide carriage, outriggers, OROPS, 80% tires, 3950 hours. ......................................$36,500


TRAILERS Cedar Rapids 1524Y jaw crusher, skid mounted with 50 hp electric motor. Excellent condition...........$14,500

2000 Chevrolet 2500 standard cab, 5.7 liter gas, automatic transmission, tool box and 100 gallon fuel tank..................................$5250

1998 Midland 3 axle belly dump, spring suspension, good tires and brakes, good gate...$19,900

1994 Corn Belt Mfg tandem axle belly dump, single gate, good tires and brakes, excellent gate.. ......................................$10,500

Cat 633 elevating scraper, good chains, runs and operates well... ......................................$31,500




1988 AM General “deuce and a half”, big tires, diesel engine, 12-ft. bed with hoist.......$12,500

TRADES CONSIDERED 2014 Cat 259D tracked skid steer, cab with heat and air, newer tracks, 2 speed, hydraulic coupler, 2970 hours............$35,500

2009 Cat 315DL hydraulic excavator, hydraulic quick attach, hydaulic thumb, air conditioning, long stick, 6000 hours. Excellent........ ......................................$93,500 Komatsu excavator buckets, 200 and 300 size.........Call for Price

Steve Swan

Steve’s cell - 406-580-2937

across from Fremont Ford on Big Horn Ave.

Wheat varieties most planted in Montana in 2016

Montana State University’s Montana Agricultural Experiment Station, or MAES, developed the wheat varieties that Montana farmers planted more than any other variety for the 2016 crop year, according to the United States Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service Montana Field Office. The statistics show that 5.28 million acres of wheat were planted in Montana last year, making it the third-highest state for planted wheat acres in the country. MAES-developed spring and winter wheat varieties accounted for 2.3 million of those acres, or approximately $500 million of $1 billion of wheat sold by Montana farmers in 2016, according to MSU wheat breeding specialists. Some wheat varieties developed and licensed by MSU are sold by private companies. Montana exports 20 percent of agricultural products as foreign exports and 75 percent of its wheat to Asian markets, according to the USDA. “Wheat varieties developed at Montana State are consistently among the top-seeded varieties planted in the state,” said Charles Boyer, MSU vice president of agriculture. “This demonstrates that our Montana growers value the expertise of our faculty scientists in developing varieties that not only meet the production challenges they face, but also the quality consumers expect. MSU-developed wheat varieties bring enormous value to the Montana and global economies, and our breeding program is a vital part of that agricultural impact.” Montana producers planted 2.3 million acres of winter wheat for harvest in 2016. MAES-developed varieties Yellowstone, Judee and Warhorse were the top three winter wheats planted last year, with high-yielding Yellowstone accounting for 18.8 percent of the state’s planted acreage. Judee and Warhouse accounted for 18.1 and 10 percent of all winter wheat planted, respectively. Montana is ranked fourth for winter wheat planted acres in the U.S., according to the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service, Montana Field Office. Montana producers also planted 2.3 million acres of spring wheat for harvest in 2016, of which 18.8 percent was the MAES-developed Vida, a hard, red spring wheat. This is the sixth year in a row that Vida has been the state’s leading spring wheat variety planted. Montana is the secondlargest spring wheat producer in the country, according to the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service, Montana Field Office. Luther Talbert, MAES spring wheat breeder and professor of plant sciences and plant pathology, said MSU breeding specialists continue to work closely with the state’s producers to determine, and then meet, their needs for high-yielding, high-protein, pest-resistant varieties that are adapted to Montana’s climate. “The support and advice of wheat growers in Montana is much appreciated as we set priorities for the breeding program,” he said. “The goal is to develop varieties that help them be more profitable in their operations.” The Montana Agricultural Experiment Station and the MSU College of Agriculture Department of Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology host a world-renowned plant breeding program that emphasizes both traditional and molecular approaches in plant breeding and genetics that emphasizes high yields, pest resistance and high quality. More information about the breeding program is available at http:// plantsciences.montana.edu/. ##### It is illegal to have a sheep in the cab of your truck without a chaperone in MT. ##### Montana mountain goats will butt heads so hard their hooves fall off.

NIFA grant will boost efforts to edit wheat’s genetic code

By Pat Melgares, K-State Research and Extension 
Kansas State University has received $300,000 from the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) to conduct a gene-editing project on wheat varieties. Novel gene-editing technology — developed just in the past few years — allows researchers to selectively modify parts of the wheat’s genome so it can perform better in farmers’ fields. The funded project is part of the International Wheat Yield Partnership, aimed at unlocking genetic yield potential of wheat and increasing the world’s wheat production by as much as 50 percent in the next two decades. NIFA’s award is for the first year of work, and will total $1 million over three years. “We are in a good position to start editing genes that have a potential to improve wheat yield,” said Eduard Akhunov, associate professor of plant pathology and the principal investigator on this project. Akhunov and Harold Trick, a professor of plant pathology, will work with Oklahoma State University wheat geneticist and breeder Liuling Yan to create wheat lines with edited, yield-related genes. Kansas State University wheat breeders will evaluate edited genes in locally adapted wheat lines. Gene editing is a process of selectively modifying parts of wheat’s genetic code to improve its performance. The technology uses a short gene sequence called a guide RNA to direct an enzyme to specific genes in the huge wheat genome. The enzyme acts like a pair of molecular scissors to cut wheat DNA and introduce desired changes into the genetic code. “The speed and precision of editing offered by this technology will allow researchers to quickly analyze multiple genes,” said Akhunov, adding that Kansas State University researchers have worked with gene editing for wheat since 2014. “We have already selected a set of genes that have been (identified) in wheat or other crops,” Akhunov said. “We will be modifying those genes in wheat and will study the effect of gene editing on wheat yield.” Once a wheat variety’s genes have been edited, it can be crossed with regular wheat lines, resulting in a gene-edited wheat with native genes. “These wheat lines are considered non-transgenic,” Akhunov said. “In gene editing, we make a small correction in the genetic code of a native wheat gene; we don’t put a foreign gene in there.” He added that Kansas State University researchers have developed the needed molecular biology and other biological data that will be deposited into public repositories for others to use in research and breeding programs. “One of the big goals of this project is to assess the value of this new gene editing technology for breeding improved wheat varieties,” Akhunov said. “You have a new tool, and everybody talks about how great it is, but it’s not part of the regular breeding pipeline. So what we hope to do is to make it one of the new tools in the breeder’s toolbox for developing improved wheat varieties.” Also part of this project, Sarah Evanega, director of the Alliance for Science at Cornell University, will develop educational lessons to help students and researchers communicate effectively with the public about this and other innovative technologies for crop improvement. The three-year project began December 1. In addition to NIFA, the university’s work is supported by the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station, the Kansas Wheat Commission and the Kansas Wheat Improvement Center. K‑State Research and Extension is a short name for the Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service, a program designed to generate and distribute useful knowledge for the well‑being of Kansans. Supported by county, state, federal and private funds, the program has county Extension offices, experiment fields, area Extension offices and regional research centers statewide. Its headquarters is on the K‑State campus in Manhattan. ##### The Old West comes to life through the brush and sculpture of famed western artist Charlie Russell at the Charles M. Russell Museum Complex in Great Falls, MT.. The museum contains the world’s largest collection of Russell’s work, his original log-cabin studio and his Great Falls home. ##### Montana is home to seven Indian reservations.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page B27

The deadline for advertising in the May issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be April 26th. Phone (406) 271-5533 or email: trader@3rivers.net

SELL YOUR EQUIPMENT IN THIS SPACE!!! Call 406-271-5533 FAX 406-271-5727 Mail to: Trader’s Dispatch, Box 997, Conrad, MT 59425


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Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page B28

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CASNR course helps students make decisions using science

By University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News Should the amount of water used for irrigation be restricted in Nebraska? Should corn ethanol be used for transportation fuel? Does prairie dog habitat in Nebraska need to be conserved? Each of these questions is incredibly complex with no right answer. Your answer to these questions may depend on several factors such as where you live, your profession or your personal values. The role that science and values play in decision-making about complex issues is the focus of Science Literacy 101: Science and Decision-Making for a Complex World (SCIL 101). SCIL 101 is the foundational course for all students in the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources (CASNR) at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln (UNL). The course was offered for the first time this fall and has nearly 500 students currently enrolled. According to SCIL 101 lead instructor Jenny Dauer, an assistant professor in the School of Natural Resources, the course introduces students to the scientific, social, economic, political, cultural and ethical dimensions of current issues related to food, energy, water and landscape systems. The course will focus on different salient issues each semester and is unique in that it is designed to emphasize the interdependencies among disciplines. “A lot of the science knowledge we learn happens out of context of why we should truly care about it,” Dauer said. “In this course we use socioscientific issues as the background for students to practice systems-thinking and decision-making about difficult topics.” The driving force for the increased focus on science informing one’s decision-making process stems from the science literacy initiative launched by the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources in 2012. The goal of the initiative is to foster a scientifically-literate society capable of making informed decisions grounded in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)-informed analysis of complex, real-world challenges associated with food, fuel, water, landscape and people issues. Becoming a scientifically literate member of society begins with identifying and using scientific information as a student. In SCIL 101 students work together in small groups in a classroom setting. The groups are presented with a question that they are asked to discuss and engage in evidenceinformed decision-making. While the students may already have an opinion based on their life experiences, the focus of the course is helping students develop the skill set to explain and evaluate complex socioscientific issues using “systemsthinking” to distinguish the scientific information from values, ethics, culture, economics and politics surrounding the issue. The next step in the decision-making framework is for students to use scientific information to help understand the consequences of potential options for solving the problem. It’s not uncommon for students to change their mind about a certain issue after evaluating the question with a scienceinformed approach. “The class opened up my perspective on the subjects covered, and improved my decision-making ability,” said one SCIL 101 student. After practicing their decision-making skills early on in the course, in the final five weeks of the semester, teams of students are asked to pick a socioscientific issue that defines a great challenge that our society faces, evaluate solutions, and use consensus values and scientific information to make a case for the best solution to their complex socioscientific problem. Their findings are shared during a public poster session the Thursday before finals week. Along with Dauer, other SCIL 101 lecturers are Dennis Ferraro, Cory Forbes, Thomas Powers, Brandi Sigmon and Elizabeth VanWormer. Each year up to 20 graduate and undergraduate learning assistants facilitate active learning. For more information about SCIL 101 or if you’re interested in becoming an instructor or learning assistant, visit http://casnr.unl.edu/science-literacy-101 or contact Dauer at 402-318-7349 or jenny.dauer@unl.edu. ##### To live happily in the country one must have the soul of a poet, the mind of a philosopher, the simple needs of a hermit--and a good station wagon. ##### I’m a farm boy. If we need five people to haul in hay, we don’t take one and just work them to death. Lincoln Davis





2015 John Deere 946 mower/conditioner..............................$32,000 2011 John Deere 946 1000 PTO, steel conditioner, equal angle, 2-point hitch.......................................................................$21,500


John Deere 324K Loader

John Deere 50G Excavator


2003 John Deere 8220 225 hp, MFWD, 480/80R46 rears, rear wheel weights, 3 SCV’s, 840 loader, bucket, grapple, 7874 hours.........................$88,900 1985 John Deere 4650 tractor, cab, MFWD, PowerShift transmission, 540/1000 PTO, 10,331 hours.............................................$29,500 2004 John Deere 567 round baler, Megawide hydraulic pickup, net/ twine, 2002 bales...............................................................$23,500 Degelman 10-47/57 10-ft. hydraulic blade, front. Excellent.......$9900 John Deere 7700 combine, 224 header, 3500 hours, hydraulic driven, bat reel, hydrostatic drive, air conditioner, rear spreader......$5000 John Deere R450 windrower, 14.5-ft. header with Tri-Lobe conditioner, 1024 engine hours, 750 header hours...............................$95,000 1998 MacDon 9300 windrower, 14-ft. auger header, steel conditioner, Cummins diesel, 2998 hours.............................................$29,000 2015 Newhouse C-5000 square bale feeder.........................$45,900 2006 New Holland 1431 discbine mower conditioner, swing tongue, drawbar hitch, 13-ft. rubber conditioner, 1000 PTO..............$8500 800 bushel 2 compartment drill fill, new paint and tarp..........$7100

In Stock

New Haybuster

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SELF-PROPELLED WINDROWERS 4-2016 John Deere W-235 500-600 hours, 13-ft. 994 header with steel conditioner................................................................$134,900 ea. 2014 John Deere W-235 583 hours, 16-ft. 995 header with urethane conditioner 459 hours.....................................................$117,000 2014 John Deere W-235 716 hours, 13-ft. V10 steel conditioner........ ........................................................................................$129,900 2010 John Deere R450 1024 hours, 994 header, 14.5-ft. with tri-lobe conditioner, button tires, buddy seat, Greenstar ready........... Call 2010 John Deere R450 982 hours, 13-ft. 994 header, V10 steel conditioner......................................................................$106,400 2012 MacDon M155 13-ft. rotary with steel conditioner, 750 hours.... ..........................................................................................$87,000 2015 New Holland 160 speed rower with 12-ft. header, rubber conditioner, 282 hours............................................................$97,000 2010 New Holland 8040 12-ft. sickle header, rubber conditioner, 1710 hours.................................................................................$58,000 1986 New Holland 1496 with 12-ft. header..............................$5000 New Holland 1114 diesel, air, 14-ft. auger header...................$9500



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Case IH SBX550 16x18 small square bales, 540 PTO, hydraulic pickup, hydraulic tension...................................................................$9750 2-2016 John Deere L-340 3x4 square balers.............$120,000 each 2013 Massey Ferguson 2190 4x4 square baler...................$99,500 2014 New Holland BB340 3x4 baler, single axle, roller chute, color monitor, 8000 bales...........................................................$89,900 1998 New Holland 590 3x3 baler, 48,900 bales, with monitor, small 1000 and big 1000 PTO.....................................................$12,900


1995 Chevrolet K3500 4x4, automatic transmission, crew cab, dually long box, 6.5 liter diesel, 126,000 miles................................$6000 Danhauser 3 point post hole auger, 540 PTO, 8” & 12” heavy duty augers...................................................................................$3100 Farm King 840G snowblower, 3 point mount, 7-ft. width, 540 PTO, hydraulic chute......................................................................$3600 2006 Ford F350 Super Duty 4x4, automatic transmission, Powerstroke diesel, crew cab, long box, 143,000 miles.........................$15,000 2010 Frontier RT1270 rototiller, 3 point mount, 540 PTO.........$3600 New Higgobotham hay squeeze for John Deere 544 Series front end loaders...............................................................................$12,000 2009 Husqvarna YTH2454 riding mower, 54” deck, hydrostatic transmission, bagger, 218 hours..................................................$1800 Hyster 200E Perkins diesel, air brakes, 3 speed, with new Higgobotham hay squeeze.............................................................$30,000 NEW 2016 John Deere SB84H skid steer mount snowblower, high flow.......................................................................................$9500 2013 John Deere XUV 855D glass cab, heater, power dump, 1061 hours, 6880 miles...............................................................$14,500 2016 John Deere Z335E zero turn mower, hydrostatic transmission, 42” deck, bagger...................................................................$3650 John Deere 726 mulch finisher, 25-ft., new discs..................$29,900 2010 Kawasaki Teryx 750 LE winch, new tires, windshield......$8500 Kirchner 3 point mount, pivot track filler, four discs, approximately 22”...........................................................................................$600 2009 Parker 839 850 bushel grain cart, corner auger, flotation tires.. ...........................................................................................$31,900 2006 Polaris Sportsman 800 4-wheeler, 6000 miles...............$3600 ProAg 881 Hay Hiker 8 bale, nice shape..............................$14,500 Worksaver 6-ft. rear blade..........................................................$575 12-ft. pasture harrow....................................................................$900

Skid steer mount post pounder

3-2016 John Deere 569 net wrap and twine, 1000 PTO, flotation tires, hydraulic pickup, mega wide, approximately 5000 bales..$43,500 2015 John Deere 569 net and twine, 1000 PTO, hydraulic pickup, MegaWide, flotation tires, 6341 bales...............................$39,000 2013 John Deere 569 net and twine, 1000 PTO, hydarulic pickup, MegaWide flotation tires, 15,500 bales.............................$29,500 2010 John Deere 568 net/twine, 1000 PTO, hydraulic pickup lift, MegaWide, flotation tires, 24,300 bales.............................$25,000 1996 John Deere 566 twine only, 540 PTO, 21,041 bales........$5900




---New--Danuser Hammer



2015 John Deere 8270R MFWD, 6 selective control valves, ILS suspension, rear duals, Autotrac, Power Guard until 11-2020..... ........................................................................................$242,750 2016 John Deere 6195R cab tractor, MFWD, IVT transmission, ILS suspensipon, AutoTrac, Premium cab, 10” color display, 5 SCVs, front and rear weights, 593 hours, Factory Warranty until March 2018, Powerguard until March 2021............................$179,000 2-2016 John Deere 6155R cab, MFWD, Eco 24/24 transmission with left hand reverser, 10” color touch display, 4 SCV’s, cold weather package, deluxe lighting, 640R self-leveling loader/grapple, 60 month, 5000 hours Power Guard............................................ Call 2015 John Deere 8295R cab, MFWD, IVT transmission, 10” color touch display, 6 selective control valves, Premium LED light package, cold weather package and refrigerator, 60 month, 5000 hours Power Guard, 900 hours............................................................$252,000 2015 John Deere 6140M MFWD, cab, H-360 loader and grapple, left hand reverser, Power Quad Plus 24F/24R transmission, 540/1000 PTO, 3 selective control valves, premium light package, 700 hours...............................................................................$122,000 2015 John Deere 7230R MFWD, IVT transmission, 801 hours, rear duals, Autotrac, 540/1000 PTO, premium cab................$215,000 2015 John Deere 6175R MFWD, premium cab, 5 selective control valves, rear duals, 540/1000 PTO, 605 hours.................$164,750 2014 John Deere 7250R 780 hours, IVT transmission, triple link suspension, 10” color touch display, Command View 3 cab, final tier 4, 5 selective control valves, Cat 3 drawbar LED light package, refrigerator, cold weather package, Power Guard until 10/2019.... ........................................................................................$179,000 1997 John Deere 8400 MFWD, cab, PowerShift, 4 SCV’s, rear duals, front weights, rear weights, 9852 hours............................$55,000 Allis-Chalmers 7050 cab, 2WD, duals, 3 point, 2 SCVs, 156 hp, PTO.....................................................................................$7800 1986 Ford Versatile 276 loader and grapple, 10,682 hours..$25,900 2011 New Holland T6070 Plus MFWD, 121 PTO hp, 140 engine hp, 16 speed/reverser, 3 scv’s, 540-1000 PTO, 840TL loader, bucket grapple, 3133 hours..........................................................$69,000





John Deere 995 7 bottom plow with Sterling packer.............$13,900





John Deere 455 grain drill, 25-ft., 6” spacing, grass, grain and fertilizer boxes.................................................................................$35,500 John Deere 1590 No till drill, 15-ft. grass grain and fertilizer boxes, 75.” spacing.......................................................................$39,900 2015 John Deere 455 25-ft. grain drill, grass, grain & fertilizer boxes, 6” spacing.........................................................................$59,900 2003 John Deere 1890 air drill, 36-ft., 7.5” spacing, all run blockage, 1910 270 bushel tow between cart...................................$39,900

















Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 – Page C1






Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page C2

Your Montana Authorized Timpte Dealer

Scientists investigate Hawaiian tree deaths

By Agricultural Research Service A team of U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientists and their collaborators are pursuing a fungal killer that’s attacking Hawaii’s native ‘Ōhi’a trees. Fortunately, their American Ag Series efforts are already turning up important new leads and tools NEW 2017 Timpte hopper, 40-ft.x 66”x96”, ag hoppers, spring ride, FOB to counter the fungus, known scientifically as Ceratocystis Super Hopper Series David City, Nebraska fimbriata. Identified in 2014, C. fimbriata causes a vascular wilt Call for pricing on other models disease called “Rapid ‘Ōhi’a Death” (ROD) that’s killed hundreds of thousands of ‘Ōhi’a trees in forest and residen“Z” BEST IN “Z” BUSINESS tial areas. Affected areas include the Big Island of Hawaii’s Toll Free: 1-877-714-5944 South Hilo, Puna and Ka’ū districts, according to Lisa Keith, a Local: 406-278-5944 Visit our website at: www.zomertrucks.com E-mail: zomer@3rivers.net plant pathologist with USDA’s Agricultural Research Service Conrad, Montana (ARS) in Hilo, Hawaii. She is part of a rapidresponse research team that includes experts from the University of Hawaii, USDA Forest Service, U.S. Geological Survey, and Hawaii’s departments of agriculture and land and natural resources. Losing the ‘Ōhi’a poses a significant threat to Hawaii because of the critical ecological role the tree plays in the state’s native forests. This includes helping maintain watershed health and groundwater quality as well as providing habitat for rare and endangered species of plants, animals and insects. The tree also figures prominently in native Hawaiian culture. The team’s research includes: • Evidence that at least 609 So. Main, Conrad, MT two C. fimbriata species Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., cause ROD. Sat. 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. • Genetic studies to determine what made the fungus so lethal to the ‘Ōhi’a tree and when. • Development and use of molecular techniques to rapidly detect the RODSeverinsen Irrigation LLC causing species and distin2231 HWY 89 guish them from other types Fairfield, MT 59436 of the fungus – aiding efforts to accurately monitor the 406-467-3999 disease’s spread, distribution Brett’s Cell and severity. 406-590-5003 • Investigation of the role of wood-boring ambrosia beetles in the spread of the optional accessories shown fungus’ spores – and as targets for chemical control. The team’s efforts are already helping state officials, residents, property owners and others take action to safeguard Hawaii’s remaining ‘Ōhi’a tree population and preserve their ecological importance. For more information contact Jan500Suszkiw, ARS F powersports.honda.com PIONEER IS RECOMMENDED AND REACH ALL CONTROLS.Office PASSENGER SHOULD ALSO BE TALL of Communications. FEET FIRMLY ON THE FLOOR WHILE FIRMLY GRASPING THE HAND DRIVING SITUATION, AND PLEASE RESPECT THE ENVIRONMENT. The Agricultural Research KE Honda Motor Co., Ltd. ©2014 American Honda Motor Co., Inc. (6/14) Service is the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s chief scientific in-house research agency. Daily, ARS focuses 10216179– 4C on solutions to agricultural MY ’15 Key Model Product Admats Rnd 1 problems affecting America. 7.625” x 5.25” Each dollar invested in agMODEL: PIONEER 500 ricultural research results Category: SXS in $17 of economic impact. PAGE 1 June 18, 2014 11:33 AM


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Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 – Page C3

Billings, Montana Big Timber, Montana


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2005 Bobcat S130 Skidsteer Only 1650 hours, Installing new wheels and tires, 1300/2600 lb. lift capacity. Good tight machine!............................$17,900

2007 Genie 2668RT Scissor Lift Only 1300 hours, 4x4, diesel, 26-ft. platform height. Really good machine!.................................................................$18,500

2005 Cat TH560B Telehandler 3400 hours, 10,000 lb. capacity, 45-ft. reach, front stabilizers. Very good machine!...............................................$60,000

2010 Cat 226B3 Skidsteer Only 1380 hours, good tires, 1500/3000 lb. lift capacity. Good tight machine!.........................................................$23,500

2006 Gehl DL10L-55 Forklift Only 892 original hours! Just Like New! 10,000 lb/55-ft., forks and manbasket. Remote control to operate machine from the basket!....................................................................$78,000

2006 Genie 2668RT Scissor Lift Only 1700 hours, 4x4, diesel, 26-ft. platform height. Really good machine!.................................................................$17,500

2010 & 2011 Deere 320D Skidsteer Loaders 1300, 1400 and 1600 hours, cushion type no flat tires, cab with air conditioning, standard and high flow hydraulics. Good Clean Machines! (3 machines).......$26,000 to $28,000

2004 Cat CS433E smooth drum roller Only 1400 hours, 66” smooth drum, set up for gravel or asphalt. Very nice condition!..............................................$47,000

2007 SkyTrak 6036 Telescopic Forklift 4x4, 6000 lb/36-ft., only 2900 hours! Foam-filled tires too! Very nice and clean machine!........................................$33,333

2005 Cat TH460B Telescopic Forklift

1995 Case 1845C Skidsteer Great durable machine, one owner unit, very rare hydraulic quick coupler bucket!.......................................................$11,450

Skidsteer Buckets, Hay Spears & Grapples

66” buckets.................................................................. $500 72” buckets.................................................................. $600 84” high capacity bucket.......................................... $1000 Heavy Duty Hay Spears.............................................. $500

2009 Cat 420E Backhoe Only 3050 hours, 4x4, extend-a-hoe, cab with AC, auxiliary hydraulics. Nice clean unit!.........................................$58,000

2007 John Deere 310SJ Backhoe

4x4, 9000 lb/45-ft., only 2100 hours, good tires, front stabilizers.. 4x4, Extend-a-hoe, cab with air conditioning, only 3300 hours! Very nice backhoe..................................................$49,000 ...............................................................................$55,000

2007 John Deere 310SJ Backhoe 4x4, Extend-a-hoe, cab with air conditioning, only 2200 hours! Seat mounted controls! Very nice backhoe............$55,000


Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page C4


EZ Trail 710 grain cart with tarp (F50220). Brandt 10 x 70 swing hopper grain auger. Summers 500 gallon pickup sprayer with 5.5 hp, 60-ft. booms, Tiplift. 1998 Caterpillar 95E, 30” tracks, 8712 hours, 4 SCV, weights, 410 hp. 2007 John Deere 1830 50-ft. air hoe drill, 10” spacing, steel press wheels, 12 new tires on front of seeding tool, 1910 270 bushel tow between air cart. 2004 Freightliner tandem truck, 14 liter Detroit, 515 hp, 10 speed Autoshift, 19-ft.6” ITB box, remote endgate, new rear tires (5000 miles), 729,500 miles. Call home 406-627-2202 or cell 406-289-0018, Ledger, MT

##### In Egypt around 1500 B.C., a shaved head was considered the ultimate in feminine beauty. Egyptian women removed every hair from their heads with special gold tweezers and polished their scalps to a high sheen with buffing cloths. ##### Celery has negative calories! It takes more calories to eat a piece of celery than the celery has in it to begin with.

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2005 Ford F-350 Regular Cab Chassis-Cab 4WD, 106,880 miles, V8 6.0L turbo diesel, automatic, dual rear wheels, power steering, AM/FM stereo, driver & passenger air bag, tow hooks .........................$25,986

2004 Ford F-350 Crew Cab 4WD, 91,562 miles, V8 6.0L diesel, dual rear wheels, power steering, AM/FM stereo, driver & passenger air bag, tow hooks , Cannonball Dump/Bale Bed...................................$28,995

2014 Ford F-250 Extended Cab 4WD 115,301 miles, V-8 6.2 automatic, AM/FM stereo, air conditioning, driver & passenger air bag, tow hitch & hooks, Hydrabed........ ........................................................................$34,985

2004 Ford F-350 Extended Cab Chassis-Cab 4WD, 190,992 miles, V10 6.8L, 3rd & 4th passenger door, dual rear wheels, power steering, AM/FM stereo, driver & passenger air bag, tow hooks, Manual........ $19,995

2003 Ford F-350 Crew Cab 4WD 7.3 diesel.. $16,900

Rules approved for boats at Tiber and Canyon Ferry

By Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks Montana’s Fish and Wildlife Commission, in a special teleconference meeting, approved new rules for boaters at Canyon Ferry and Tiber reservoirs. The rules are part of Montana’s response to the discovery of invasive mussel larvae last fall in Tiber Reservoir and a suspected sample from Canyon Ferry Reservoir. Approved on March 22, the rules require boaters to launch and exit Tiber and Canyon Ferry reservoirs at designated boat ramps, unless they are officially certified as local boaters by Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks. “This will ensure that watercraft not in the local boater program will depart from the reservoirs at points where inspection and decontamination stations are located,” said Eileen Ryce, chief of Fisheries for FWP. The local boater program will allow watercraft owners to complete educational training on aquatic invasive species and sign an agreement with FWP pledging to only use the boat at either Tiber or Canyon Ferry reservoir. Local boaters would not be required to decontaminate their boat each time they leave Tiber or Canyon Ferry but they still must stop at inspection stations where they will be expedited through after a brief interview. Should a certified local boater want to use the watercraft at another waterbody, as part of the pledge, the boat owner would be required to get the watercraft decontaminated. Local boater training and certification will be available online beginning in mid-April. Prospective local boaters can also get certified by attending one of the Joint Mussel Response Team’s open houses that will focus on the effort to contain, detect and prevent the spread of invasive mussels and other aquatic invasive species. Containing the risk of spreading mussels from the reservoirs to other areas is a key component of the Joint Mussel Response Team’s implementation plan. When boaters transport water in their boats they can spread destructive mussel that are so small at the larvae stage they can only be seen under a microscope. To combat the spread of all aquatic invasive species, Montana officials urge boaters and anglers to Clean, Drain, Dry their watercraft, trailers and equipment when they leave the water as a guarantee that they’re not spreading invasive mussels. A cleaned, drained and dry boat also will make for a quick inspection.

Montana Range Days offers scholarships

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Feed Dealer

With an increasing commitment to rangeland education, the Montana Range Days program has announced that $3000 in college scholarships will again be offered in 2017. Three different $1000 scholarships will be given, including the “Bob & Donna Sitz Memorial Scholarship”, presented by the Sitz Family and the Sitz Angus Ranch of Harrison and Dillon, a “Montana Range Days Scholarship”, and the “Harold and Lillian Jensen Scholarship”. These scholarships are provided to assist young persons with an interest in Range Science. Since its beginning in 1977, Montana Range Days has grown to become the largest rangeland education event in the region, involving over 300 adults and youth for three days of on-the-ground training each June. Co-Sponsored by the Northern Ag Network and hosted by locations across the state, Montana Range Days has helped thousands of participants learn good range stewardship skills. Montana Range Days, Inc. is a non-profit educational foundation, with a permanent endowment fund that utilizes tax-deductible contributions and gifts to support range management education. Students planning to major in Range Science or a related field, are encouraged to apply for all three of the scholarships, by completing a simple one-page application form. An application form can be obtained by going to the Montana Range Days web site at www.montanarangedays.macdnet. org or by contacting: Jaime Nelson, MRD Scholarship Chariman, 1236 Hendrickson Road, Wilsall, MT 59086 Phone 406-578-2256 or e-mail jrobin_bln@yahoo.com Selection is based on the applicant’s involvement in range activities, leadership, academic achievement, and financial need. The deadline for application forms to be submitted is April 30. The winners will be announced publicly at a presentation on June 20th at the 2017 Montana Range Days in Red Lodge.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page C5

– – – – – – CONSIGNMENTS – – – – – –

Ford 4000 tractor, gas, 727 loader, 2100 hours, 5-ft. bucket, open station, 3 point, 540 PTO. Stock #53097....................................................$9375 (1) 1988 John Deere 2355 2WD utility tractor, 8F/4R syncro, 540 Rear PTO, open station, loader with bale spear. Stock #53703....................$11,800 (1) 2012 John Deere 6125R 31 MPH IVT, 3 speed PTO, Premium cab, electro hydraulics, no loader. Stock #56348.................................................$85,000 (1) 2008 John Deere 7430 Premium tractor, IVT, 741 self-level loader, grapple, 3 pt., electric shift PTO 3 SP, 4 SCVs. Stock #54741............. $103,995 (1) Ford New Holland TV140 bi-directional, loader, 5720 hours, new tines, grapple with bale forks. Stock #56753...................................... $55,000 (3) 1975 John Deere 4430 2WD tractor, cab, 16/6 Quad-Range, 3 SCVs, 540/1000 PTO, duals. Stock #56129.....................................$13,500 (15) 1986 Case IH 3394 EzeeOn 2100 loader/grapple, large 1000 PTO, 24-speed partial Power Shift, Cat 3 3 pt. Stock #56444..........................$17,500 (16) 2013 John Deere 6140R MFWD, cab, 20/20 AutoQuad, H360 loader/bucket, 3 SCVs, 540/1000. Stock #56153...................................$112,900 (16) 2004 John Deere 7820 20 speed PowerQuad, LHR, 3 SCVs, 1000/540 PTO, loader/bucket/grapple. Stock #56845.....................................$90,000 (16) John Deere GP74 74” bucket w/heavy duty grapple. Fits JD 500 Series loader carriers. Stock #53061.. ..............................................................$3500 (16) 2012 John Deere S670 combine, ProDrive transmission, TriStream rotor, fine cut chopper, 640D header. Stock #56906........................$304,350 (1) 1989 John Deere 9600 combine, 4296/3115 hrs. No header. Stock #55816..........................$22,000 (1) 1990 John Deere 9600 combine, excellent condition, always shedded. Stock #56958....$60,500 (1) 1994 Claas 108SL combine, 2WD, small grain, chopper, conventional clean combine in good shape, well-maintained. Stock #13189............$22,000 (2) 1987 John Deere 8820 combine, 30-ft. 230 header, bat reel, chopper and dual chaff spreader. Stock #15567.................................................$16,500 (3) 1998 Case IH 2388 combine, 3215/2500 hrs. Stock #55679...............................................$50,000 (14) 1999 John Deere 9610 combine, 3957/2870 hrs., 212 header, 20-ft. unload auger. Stock #54721..... ...........................................................$56,500 (16) 2008 John Deere 612C combine, 30” row spacing. Stock #57258.......................................$53,000 (1) 1998 John Deere 914 combine, new style Sund raking pickup, new PTO style driveline, single point connections. Stock #56904..................$10,975 (1) 1998 Honey Bee SP36 36-ft. draper header, bat reel, transport, adaptor frame for Claas combine, good shape. Stock #13190...........................$22,000 (2) 2012 John Deere 635D excellent shape, slow speed transport, poly tine pickup reel, dual drive sickle. Stock #54340.....................................$46,000 (15) Case IH 8455 round baler, twine only, makes 4x5 bales, gathering wheels. Stock #54286 $4500 (11) 2003 John Deere 457 round baler, 4x5 bales, 540 PTO, bale ramps. Stock #53546........$15,950 (16) Hesston 4910 4x4x8 big square baler. Stock #53963.................................................$45,000 (3) 2008 Massey 2190 big square baler, complete rebuild 10,000 bales ago, new tires, auto luber. Stock #56367.......................................$65,000 (3) New Holland 580 14x18 square baler, two strand. Stock #57143........................................$9500 (16) 1989 New Holland 1499 windrower, cab, 12-ft. platform, rubber/steel conditioner. Stock #56752........ ...........................................................$11,500 (16) 2012 John Deere 835 impeller conditioner, 2 pt hook-up, 31L-13.5 tires. Stock #53641.................. ...........................................................$22,000 (11)

2012 New Holland 57 side delivery rake, 6-ft. width, 540 PTO drive, used only once. Stock #56489...... ..............................................................$4850 (16) Haybuster 2620 round bale processor. Stock #17825...............................................$11,500 (12) Ford Dearborn Model 14-15 6-ft. sickle mower, 540 PTO, 3 pt. mount, new guards and sections. Stock #51728..................................................$1500 (16) John Deere 680 37-ft. chisel plow w/shank savers, FlexiCoil 3-bar mounted harrows. Stock #56905... .............................................................$19,450 (1) John Deere 1600 30-ft. plow, 12” spacing, 16” sweeps, 3-bar mounted harrows. Stock #56070.... ..............................................................$4900 (11) 1994 John Deere 965 on-land plow, 18” cut width, gauge wheels, double landslides. Stock #55107... ..............................................................$8950 (15) Eversman 4512 landplane, 12-ft. wide, 45-ft. long. Stock #55539........................................$4250 (16) 2011 Case IH 800 50-ft., 10” spacing, rubber packer wheel, SS, no cart. Stock #56487......$52,000 (11) 2006 John Deere 1820/1910 61-ft., 12” spacing, 4” steel press wheels, SS, 1910 TBT cart. Stock #56361...............................................$55,000 (12) 2005 Case IH ATX4012 40-ft., 12” spacing, low acres, 230 bushel cart, 1” dutch tips, varaiable rate cart, nice condition. Stock #53851.................. ...........................................................$49,500 (15) 2014 John Deere 1590 7.5” spacing box drill, like new, always shedded, less than 500 acres of use. Stock #57096.....................................$36,900 (16) 2011 John Deere 1770NT 16 row corn planter, 30” spacing, precision planting, E-sets. Stock #57257. ...........................................................$95,000 (14) 2008 New Holland SF216 pull-type sprayer, wheelboom, 1600 gallon tank, 134-ft. boom, foam marker, double nozzle body. Stock #54720...... $15,500 (16) 2009 Summers Ultimate pull-type sprayer, 100-ft. booms with windscreens, 1500 gallon tank. Stock #15568.................................................$30,000 (3) FlexiCoil 67XL suspended boom sprayer, 1500 gallon tank, 90-ft. booms, windscreens, rinse tank. Stock #56815.....................................$13,500 (11) 2007 Summers 1500 90-ft. pull-type sprayer, 1500 gallon tank. Stock #17842..................$26,000 (12) 2005 John Deere 4920 sprayer, 120-ft. booms, 20” spacing, eduction system, fenders, boom return to height. Stock #56362.....................$85,000 (12) 1995 Ford L9000 truck, 10 speed transmission, hyd. wet kit, 6000 gallon stainless tank. Stock #53460. .............................................................$42,250 (1) Danuser 8300-1 hydraulic drive post hole digger, bucket mount, 4” bit. Stock #53424.......$1500 (16) Kelly 56 3-pt. mount backhoe attachment, 24” bucket. Stock #51779...................................$6950 (16) Westfield W130-71 13”x71-ft. auger, 540 PTO drive, like new. Stock #52277........................$12,900 (2) Brandt 862 8”x62-ft. PTO grain auger, 10 turbo screw bottom. Stock #15261...................$1750 (3) Mayrath grain auger, PTO. Stock #15260.....$500 (3) Snapper 28” rear engine mower, 10 hp, 28” cut. Stock #54784........................................ $450 (14)) 2009 John Deere Z425 mower, 54” deck, low hours. Stock #53799..........................................$3000 (1) 2015 John Deere Z445 zero turn mower, 54” deck, 24 hp, V twin, bagger with PowerFlow. Stock #53267..................................................$6200 (16) John Deere 47 47” snowblower, fits JD X500 series mowers, weights and chains. Stock #56045.......... ..............................................................$1200 (15) John Deere 825i gator, glass doors for a deluxe cab. Stock #53197........................................$1950 (14) 2010 John Deere 48C powerflow system for JD Z425 to Z445 mower, 48” deck. Stock #40127....... ................................................................$700 (15) Dearborn 14-2 7-ft. sickle bar mower. Stock #56049. ................................................................$250 (16)


2015 John Deere 825i power dump box. Stock #56245......................................$13,900 (12) 2013 John Deere 825i deluxe cargo box, alloy wheels, power steering, roof & windshield, powerlift box. Stock #52963......$12,350 (11) 2013 John Deere 825i Stock #56493............... .....................................................$8200 (12) 2012 John Deere 825i green & yellow, steel 12” rims, bench seat, poly roof & winshield, 1575 hrs./8400 miles. Stock #56922.....$8995 (11) 2012 John Deere 825i glass cab, steel wheels, NO power steering, NO powerlift. Stock #56585...........................................$8500 (1) 2012 John Deere 825i 4WD, powerlift box, windshield, 3210 miles. Stock #56391.......... .......................................................$9900 (1) 2012 John Deere 825i green, bench seat, deluxe cargo box. Stock #50385.....$10,400 (1) 2011 John Deere 825i glass cab, bucket seats, power dump box, turn signals, front winch. Stock #53384............................$13,640 (14)

2013 John Deere 550 4WD, gas, bench seat. Stock #54177.................................$8100 (2) 2011 John Deere 825i 4WD, gas, all terrain tires, heavy duty front brush guard, half windshield. Stock #56798......................$8300 (2) 2011 John Deere 825i bench seat, Bighorn radial tires, deluxe cargo box. Stock #54276.... ....................................................$11,350 (1) 2010 John Deere 825i 4WD, powerlift box, steel wheels, front blade. Stock #56395........ ....................................................$11,000 (1) 2009 Arctic Cat Prowler 1000 2 speed transmission, cab kit, alloy rims, heater. Stock #57192.........................................$8250 (14) 2006 Yamaha YZF450 very nice bike. Stock #56018.........................................$3300 (14) 2012 Polaris XP800 6x6, roof, windshield. Stock #54301...............................$9000 (12) CALL US WITH YOUR EQUIPMENT NEEDS TODAY!!




2016 John Deere 332E skidsteer, cab with air, foot controls, EH controls, joystick, 2 speed, beefy baby tires, 84” bucket. Stock #57129........ ...............................................................Call (3) 2015 John Deere 333E skidsteer, cab enclosure, air conditioning, wide rubber tracks, 84” bucket, cold start package. Stock #57130..........Call (3) 2016 John Deere 323E skidsteer, cab, heat, a/c, 20 hours. Stock #56102................ $54,000 (11) 2016 John Deere 320E skidsteer, 2 speed, self-leveling, beefy baby tires, 76” bucket, cold start package. Stock #55903........... $37,000 (3) 2016 John Deere 320E skidsteer, cab with air, hand controls, foot controls, 72” bucket, 3 sets of counterweights, cold start package. Stock #57127............................................ $43,000 (3) 2015 John Deere 26G mini-excavator, ROPS, rubber tracks, 18” bucket, hyd. thumb, straight blade. Stock #55824........................ $30,000 (3) Allis Chalmers HD21 dozer crawler. Stock #55913............................................. $7150 (12) 2016 John Deere KV22802 78” utility skid steer bucket. Stock #56522......................... $1200 (1) 2013 Case X post pounder, skid steer mount. Stock #53636................................... $6450 (11) John Deere 8” post hole auger bit. Stock #54206.. ........................................................... $499 (11) 2011 Bobcat GF66 66” wide root grapple for skidsteer. Stock #55070......................... $4750 (14) 2010 Erskine 84” hyd. angle snowblade, skid steer mount. Stock #56300.............. $2500 (15) 1994 Leon 1000 12-ft. blade, 4-way (hydraulic lift and angle), fits John Deere 8320 tractor, new cutting edges. Stock #56578........... $6500 (15) 2012 McFarland 42-ft. harrow cart, 16 bar harrow, hydraulic tri-fold. Stock #56848..... $16,000 (14) 2013 20-ft. gooseneck trailer only used a few times, like new. Stock #56592.......... $7000 (12) Flexi-Coil heavy harrow w/Gandy Orbit Air model 6232 seeder. Stock #56849.................. ......................................................$15,000 (3)

International Harvester 770 12-ft. disk, used very little. Stock #56861..................... $5500 (3) 1996 Gates Magnum 50 50-ft. heavy harrow, 20” tines. Stock #55301............................ $8600 (1) 2006 Riteway 8100 82-ft. harrow, hydraulic tyne adjust. Stock #56346....................... $23,500 (1) 1995 John Deere 3955 5 bottom plow. Stock #53543............................................. $6500 (15) Shaver TU-13-HD10 post pounder, new Honda engine. Stock #55228....................... $7500 (11) 2015 Frontier AB14G 4x8 bale spear, (2) 49” tines, (2) 28” tines. Stock #53035.... $1100 (16) 2015 Frontier AP13G global mount pallet forks. Stock #54626..................................... $1150 (1) Frontier AP12A 48” pallet forks. Stock #51097..... ........................................................... $1200 (3) Frontier AP12A global mount pallet forks. Stock #55210............................................. $2400 (12) 2012 Frontier AP12K rear blade. Stock #54623.... ........................................................... $1800 (1) 2015 Frontier RB2284 rear blade. Like new condition. Stock #54623............................. $1800 (1) 2000 King Kutter 5-ft. rotary cutter, 3-pt., 540 PTO. Stock #55850............................ $575 (15) Case 110E PTO manure spreader. Stock #56140.. ........................................................... $1900 (3) 2009 Frontier WC1205 wood chipper, 3-pt., 540 PTO. Stock #53971.......................... $4000 (16) 2011 homemade 18-ft. flat bed, bumper pull, pintle hitch. Stock #56109....................... $8750 (2) John Deere 1800 mower, display. Stock #13792... ........................................................... $1300 (1) John Deere ITC receiver. Stock #55854.$1100 (1) 2015 Frontier AY12G-72 4-in-1 72” bucket with global carrier. Stock #54709............... $2900 (1) 2015 John Deere H340 loader w/bucket & grapple. Stock #55897............................ $12,250 (1) 2005 Buhler Y180 rollermill, barely used, always shedded. Stock #56888..................... $3500 (1) Firestone set of 4, 380/105R50 tires. Stock #53091............................................. $8775 (11)

Online Auction April 12th Check out www.frontlineagsolutions.com for a full listing and description of auction items. www.frontlineagsolutions.com

1=Conrad: 888-397-6851 2=Cut Bank: 888-673-9310 3=Choteau: 888-728-9254

11=Lewistown: 800-823-3373 12=Havre: 800-621-5701 13=Chester: 406-759-5010

14=Great Falls: 888-760-2005 15=Belgrade: 866-282-3337 16=Livingston: 800-824-3932

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page C6



2014 John Deere W235 windrower, includes new 995 header. Stock #16677......... $152,000 (15) 2014 John Deere W235 windrower, 16-ft. rotary header, warranty through June 2019 or 1250 hours. Stock #52212.................. $132,000 (16) 2015 John Deere W150 windrower, turnkey GPS, 16-ft. hay header included. Stock #53587......... ..................................................... $128,700 (1) 2015 John Deere W150 windrower, HID lighting, turnkey GPS. Stock #53584......... $112,750 (1) 2014 John Deere W150 windrower, 600-65R28 drive wheels, 180A auger header. Stock #57048..................................................Call (1) 2014 John Deere W150 windrower, 16-ft. hay head. Stock #55576..................... $93,000 (11) 2013 John Deere W110 includes 35-ft. draper header. Stock #54558.................. $83,000 (14) 2012 John Deere R450 windrower, includes 995 header. Stock #51822................ $102,900 (15) 2012 John Deere D450 windrower, includes 635D w/triple delivery, turnkey GPS. Stock #53379....................................... $101,000 (11) 2011 John Deere D450 windrower, radio, aux. lighting, 290 hours. Stock #14045.. $82,500 (1) 2016 John Deere 946 windrower, like new, only cut about 100 acres, 1000 PTO, 16-ft. cut, rotary, V10 steel conditioner. Stock #57132............ ..................................................... $29,900 (15) 2012 MacDon M205 windrower, 16-ft. rotary head, Outback GPS. Stock #54510.................. ..................................................... $95,000 (12) 2012 MacDon M155 windrower, triple delivery, full AutoSteer, double knife drive, 35-ft. header. Stock #55535............................... $112,500 (1) 2008 MacDon M200 swather, 35-ft. draper header, ATU200 and Greenstar harness. Stock #52106......................................... $72,000 (14) 2005 MacDon 9352i windrower, 14-ft. hay header w/steel conditioner & 36-ft. draper header. Stock #55621............................... $64,000 (14) 2013 Hesston 1372 steel conditioner, 11-ft. cut width. Stock #56341..................... $20,750 (11) 1980 Hesston 6450 open station, 12-ft. head, gas, steel cond. Stock #50334........ $6950 (16) 2010 New Holland H8040 windrower, 12-ft. sickle, 1710 hr. Stock #55097............. $58,000 (11) New Holland 1114 windrower, 14-ft. header, gas engine. Stock #46104...................... $9619 (12) New Holland 1100 windrower, diesel, 21-ft. draper. Stock #47073............................. $9500 (16) 2016 John Deere 630 Hydro drive, 10-ft. cut mower conditioner, hydraulic tilt, 540 PTO, urethane conditioner. Stock #56827.. $26,000 (14) 2012 John Deere 835 mower conditioner, less than 2000 acres. Stock #53641.... $22,000 (11) John Deere 956 mower conditioner. Stock #56541.............................................. $7750 (3) John Deere 440D hyd. deck shift, transport. Stock #15391........................................... $57,500 (1) 2014 John Deere 440D hyd. deck shift, transport. Stock #53589................................. $57,500 (2) 2014 John Deere 440D hyd. deck shift, transport. Stock #53586................................. $55,000 (3) 2012 HoneyBee 30WS 30-ft. draper header Stock #55583............................... $17,000 (12)







2016 John Deere 569 netwrap only, Megawide pickup, hydraulic pickup. Stock #56741..................................$44,000 (14) 2015 John Deere 569 twine/net, 2181 bales. Stock #54165..........................$47,725 (1) 2015 John Deere 569, twine/net, MegaWide. Stock #56441..................$39,500 (11) 2014 John Deere 569 Premium, 1000 PTO, pushbar, wrap and twine, NO display. Stock #56999..........................$40,750 (1) 2014 John Deere 569 Premium features, 4500 bales, twine/net. Stock #52214......... ..............................................$42,000 (11) 2014 John Deere 569 1000 PTO, twine/net. Stock #54750........................$39,900 (12) 2014 John Deere 569, twine/net, MegaWide, 1000 PTO. Stock #55246.. $39,500 (1) 2013 John Deere 569 net wrap, hyd pickup lift. Stock #55177...................$37,800 (12) 2013 John Deere 569 MegaWide pickup, twine & surface wrap, 1000 PTO. Stock #56537..................................$33,900 (16) 2013 John Deere 569 MegaWide pickup, twine/net wrap, 1000 PTO. Stock #56538.. ..............................................$32,750 (16) 2010 John Deere 568 9818 bales, twine/net wrap. Stock #55647...............$33,000 (11) 2010 John Deere 568 MegaWide pickup, net wrap, 21.5L-16.1 10 tires. Stock #56287... ................................................$24,000 (1) 2009 John Deere 568, twine/net, slip clutch alert. Stock #54005..................$27,000 (1) 2008 John Deere 568, twine/net, 1000 PTO. Stock #54006..........................$25,500 (1) 2008 John Deere 568 MegaWide pickup, net wrap. Stock #53541...............$21,700 (15) 2007 John Deere 568 540 PTO, twine only. Stock #52514........................$20,750 (11) 2004 John Deere 567 540 PTO, twine only, hyd. pickup. Stock #54694.....$12,350 (11) John Deere 535 twine only, 1000 PTO. Stock #56378.....................................$5500 (11) 2012 Vermeer 605SM, twine/net, 21.5-16.1L tire. Stock #55603..................$25,800 (12) 2007 Hesston 5556, net wrap. Stock #54491..................................$12,000 (12) 2015 John Deere L340 3x4 sq baler, tandem axle. Stock #54581..............$115,000 (14) 2015 John Deere L340 3x4 sq baler, tandem axle. Stock #54582..............$115,000 (14) 2016 Massey Ferguson 2270 3x4 big square baler, like new, roller chute, bale drop sensor, tandem axle. Stock #56957.. ............................................$119,500 (15) 1998 New Holland 595 3x4 square baler, well maintained. Stock #54681.$18,250 (2)

2016 John Deere 9470RX, 30” tracks, PTO, turnkey GPS, warranty until, 2019 or 1500 hours. Stock #56547............................. $419,500 (14) 2015 John Deere 9470RT, 30” tracks, turnkey GPS, PTO, still under warranty. Stock #53018.. ................................................... $344,900 (15) 2016 John Deere 9470R IF tires, turnkey GPS, PTO, HID lights. Stock #56400... $317,500 (14) 2015 John Deere 6195R MFWD, Triple Link, IVT, PTO, premium cab w/suspension, Premium radio, 3 SCVs. Stock #57043.......... $174,500 (3) 2015 John Deere 6195M PowerQuad plus 20F/20R, left hand power reverseer, MFWD, PTO, Greenstar ready. Stock #57044................ ..................................................... $143,500 (1) 2016 John Deere 6175M AutoQuad plus 20F/20R, left hand power reverser, PTO, 3 SCVs, cold start package. Stock #57045................. Call (1) 2015 John Deere 6170M AutoQuad plus 20F/20R, left hand power reverser, PTO, deluxe cab, 3 SCVs. Stock #57046...........Call (1) 2016 John Deere 6155R IVT, MFWD, TLS, 5 SCVs, AutoTrac ready, Premium cab and lights, 640R loader. Stock #57042.........Call (3) 2003 John Deere 8320 Stock #56354..$98,900 (15) 1995 John Deere 8300 MFWD,PowerShift, 4 SCVs, large 1000 PTO, JD 840 loader. Stock #56868......................................... $54,500 (11) 2007 John Deere 7930 Greenstar ready. Stock #56451........................................... $99,500 (3) 1996 John Deere 7700 16 speed PowerQuad, MFWD, 540/1000, 2 SCVs, 740 SL loader/ bucket/grapple. Stock #57145...... $46,900 (15)


2014 John Deere Z960R 60” deck. Stock #56828...................................... $11,250 (12) 2014 John Deere Z930R, 54” deck. Stock #54506......................................... $9900 (12) 2013 John Deere Z930R 60” deck, suspended seat assembly. Stock #56829....... $9750 (12) 2013 John Deere Z665 60” high capacity mower deck, V-twin, hydrostatic zero turn. Stock #57133......................................... $3750 (16) 2008 John Deere Z245, 48” deck. Stock #55294........................................... $2275 (3) 2008 John Deere Z445 48” deck. Stock #57163......................................... $2700 (15) 2005 John Deere D130 23 hp, 48” deck, 6.5 bushel bagger, hydro. Stock #56907.............. ..................................................... $1300 (12) 2016 John Deere D140 48” mower, 22 hp. Stock #54319............................... $1999 (14) 2010 John Deere LA125 bagger. Stock #55883......................................... $1200 (14) Caroni FL1400 3pt rototiller, 57” wide, 540 PTO. Stock #55956................................... $990 (2) 2012 John Deere 647 rototiller, 540 PTO. Stock #51882......................................... $2275 (14)

Railroad Ties

$8.00/tie Sold in 16 tie bundles. We will load Available at Conrad, Cut Bank and Dillon locations


2014 Twinstar 2024-G2 24-ft. hydraulic V-rake Stock #56492............................. $15,000 (3) 2011 Allen 8803 29-ft. hydraulic driven basket rake. Stock #55995................... $21,500 (16) 2011 H&S BF14HC 14 wheel, hi-cap wheel rake, like new, low acres, hyd. fold. Stock #57125....................................... $12,250 (2) New Holland 1002 Small square bale wagon, 540 PTO. Stock #56086................ $3250 (1) Industrias 8 bale mover wagon. Stock #56676. .................................................... $4000 (12) 2002 Haybuster 2640 Stock #56040.$8750 (3)


1=Conrad: 888-397-6851 2=Cut Bank: 888-673-9310 3=Choteau: 888-728-9254

11=Lewistown: 800-823-3373 12=Havre: 800-621-5701 13=Chester: 406-759-5010

14=Great Falls: 888-760-2005 15=Belgrade: 866-282-3337 16=Livingston: 800-824-3932

1997 John Deere 6400 MFWD, open station, PowerQuad, LHR, cold start package, 540/1000 PTO, 2 SCVs. Stock #56816............. ..................................................... $27,900 (15) 2012 John Deere 6210R TLS, IVT, loader. Stock #55998......................................... $150,450 (1) 1980 John Deere 4840, 2WD, cab, PowerShift. Stock #55178............................... $21,500 (12) 2013 John Deere 6170M H380 loader, PowerQuad. Stock #55642.................... $99,500 (11) 2015 John Deere 6155R loader, IVT, Triple Link front suspension, GPS w/activation. Stock #55862....................................... $172,500 (11) 2013 John Deere 6150R H360 loader, 20 speed Auto Quad, Greenstar ready. Stock #56029...... ................................................... $118,500 (11) 2010 John Deere 7330 Standard 20 speed PowerQuad, PTO, 3 SCVs, 3 pt., 741 SL loader/ grapple. Stock #56542................. $77,500 (14) 2009 John Deere 7330 Premium, 20 sp AutoQuad, loader. Stock #56151...... $92,750 (11) 2012 John Deere 7200R MFWD w/TLS, IVT, 540/100 PTO, 4 SCVs, 3 pt., loader/grapple, dual 480/80R46 rear tires. Stock #56998.......... ..................................................... $143,000 (1) 2016 John Deere 6145M 16 speed PowerQuad, 540/1000 PTO, 640R loader w/grapple. Stock #56739....................................... $122,500 (14) 2016 John Deere 6145M 16 speed PowerQuad, 540/1000 PTO, 640R loader w/grapple. Stock #56740....................................... $122,500 (14) 2014 John Deere 6125R 24 speed AutoQuad, H340 loader. Stock #52593............ $97,000 (3) 2011 John Deere 6430 partial power shift, PTO, cab. Stock #56855.......................... $59,900 (3) 1986 John Deere 2950 97/85hp, MFWD, 8/4 Synchro, 2 SCVs, 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, loader/ grapple. Stock #57131................... $25,500 (1) 1999 Case IH 9380 Synchro, Case weights - front and rear, 700/65-38, Trelleborg duals, Trimble EZ Guide 250. Stock #53072......... $70,500 (1) 1996 Case IH 9380 4WD, cab, tires @90%. Stock #56271........................................... $52,200 (1) 2000 Case IH MX200 Powershift, rear duals. Stock #55872............................... $59,900 (15) 1992 Case IH 7120 Cab, MFWD, Powershift, 540/1000, 710 loader with bucket, grapple, 2 SCVs. Stock #56840.................... $34,900 (16) 2014 Case IH 165 CVT transmission, 4 electric SCVs, 3 point, 540/1000 PTO, L765 SL loader, bucket, grapple. Stock #56588... $126,500 (16) 2014 Case IH 165 CVT transmission, 4 electric SCVs, 3 point, 540/1000 PTO, L765 SL loader, bucket, grapple. Stock #56589... $126,500 (16) 2014 Case IH 165 CVT transmission, 4 electric SCVs, 3 point, 540/1000 PTO, L765 SL loader, bucket, grapple. Stock #56590... $125,000 (16) 2014 Case IH 165 CVT transmission, 4 electric SCVs, 3 point, 540/1000 PTO, L765 SL loader, bucket, grapple. Stock #56591... $126,500 (16) 1979 Case 2090 cab, 2WD, 540/1000, duals, Case 90 loader w/bale spear. Stock #56085..... ..................................................... $12,500 (15) 1998 Caterpillar CH45 240/200 hp, 32” tracks, cab, 16/9 PowerShift, 4 SCVs, NO 3 pt., 1000 PTO, axle spacers. Stock #57094.. $44,900 (1) 2006 Kubota L3130, Hydro trans, MFWD, loader/ bucket/bale spear, new engine w/less than 200 hrs.. Stock #57071......................... $16,875 (3) 2010 New Holland TV6070, MFWD, IVT, loader, grapple, PTO, 3 pt. Stock #53740.$103,500 (3) 1995 New Holland 8770 MFWD, loader/grapple, Powershift trans., duals. Stock #55656................. ..........................................................$47,150 (14) 2012 Massey 7622 Dyna VT, rear duals, loader. Stock #56156............................. $120,000 (14) Versatile 850 Synchro, duals. Stock #56854......... .......................................................... $9500 (3) 1979 Big Bud 450/10 4WD, cab, updated 855 Cummins engine, 450 hp. Stock #56510.......... ....................................................... $56,000 (1) 2015 John Deere 3046R MFWD, open station w/ air ride seat, hydro transmission, H165 loader. Stock #56850............................... $27,900 (16) 1946 Ford 2N 2WD, 23 hp, new rear tires. Stock #56037............................................ $2750 (14) 1981 Ford TW20 Syncro, MFWD, 3 pt., 2 SCVs, 135 PTO hp, loader. Stock #56983................... ..................................................... $17,500 (11)

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page C7






2016 John Deere R4045, 120-ft., 1200 gallon tank, NEW 480/80R50 tires, turnkey GPS. Stock #56383............................................$349,000 (14) 2016 John Deere R4045, 120-ft., boom leveling, traction control, full boom breakaway. Stock #55820............................................$346,550 (15) 2015 John Deere R4045, 120-ft., auto boom level, traction control, section control. Stock #52272..... ..........................................................$306,000 (3) 2015 John Deere R4038, 120-ft. booms, Premium cab, auto solution command system, Boomtrac leveling. Stock #55884......................$269,000 (1) 2015 John Deere R4038 100-ft. boom, turnkey GPS, auto solution command system, warranty through Feb. 2020. Stock #56047................$259,900 (15) 2015 John Deere R4038, 100-ft. boom, turnkey GPS, auto solution command system, warranty through Feb. 2020. Stock #56046...$258,900 (15) 2014 John Deere 4940, 120-ft., 380/105R50 tires, Boomtrac leveling, turnkey GPS. Stock #55889... ..........................................................$253,500 (1) 2013 John Deere 4940, 120-ft. booms, hyd. tread adjustment, traction control, Boomtrac leveling, turnkey GPS. Stock #53739..............$252,000 (3) 2012 John Deere 4940 1530 hrs., 120-ft. booms, 20” spacing, SS plumbing, hyd. thread adjust, 1500 gal. tank, Hi-Flo solution pump. Stock #57134...... ........................................................$215,500 (11) 2005 John Deere 4720 90-ft. 20” spacing, SS tank & booms, hyd. thread adjust, fence row nozzles, eductor, 5 section, foam marker. Stock #57184.... ............................................................$91,000 (1) 2005 John Deere 4720 90-ft. 20” spacing, Poly tank & booms, hyd. thread adjust, fence row nozzles, eductor, 5 section. Stock #57183........$88,500 (1) 2010 John Deere 4930, 120-ft. booms, 20” nozzle spacing, stainless tank, hyd. tread adjustment, 480/80R50 tires. Stock #53983.........$132,000 (1) 2013 John Deere 4830 100-ft., 20” boom trac 5, hydraulic tread adjust, Deluxe cab. Stock #56703.... ..........................................................$158,500 (1) 2009 John Deere 4830, 100-ft., 20” spacing, stainless tank, 420/80R46 tires. Stock #53380............ ........................................................$138,325 (12) 2013 Agco 7660, 90-ft., 20” spacing, 3 sensor boom leveling, 600 gallon. Stock #55822.$120,000 (14) 2013 Summers Ultimate NT, 100-ft. 20” spacing, 1650 gallon, rinse tank. Stock #56035.................. ..........................................................$28,000 (14) 2012 Summers Ultimate Greenstar controller. Stock #56853................................................$14,000 (3) 2009 Summers Ultimate 100-ft. booms, 1500 gallon tank. Stock #56852................................$7600 (3) 2001 Summers NT 110-ft. booms, Raven control, nice. Stock #56706.............................$11,500 (1) 2001 FlexiCoil 67XLT 1500 gallon, 90-ft. booms, Greenstar rate controller, new tires, new tank. Stock #56746.........................................$9500 (1) 2008 New Holland SF216 90-ft., 1600 gallon with 5 valve shut-off. Stock #56580.............$17,500 (14) 2013 NYB Powerfold 80 pickup sprayer, 500 gal. tank, triple nozzles w/tips, electric start. Stock #57253................................................$15,900 (1)


2016 John Deere 1830 61-ft, 10” spacing, all run blockage, 430 bushel TBT cart w/10” auger, 1” carbide points on Deere boots. Stock #56901...... ........................................................$195,000 (14) 2014 John Deere 1830 60-ft, 12” spacing, SS, all run blockage, 430 bushel TBT cart, 10” auger. Stock #57126..............................................$143,000 (2) 2015 John Deere 1830 61-ft., 10” spacing, SS, 4” press wheels, all run blockage, 430 bu. cart. Stock #56545............................................$179,500 (14) 2013 John Deere 1830 61-ft., 10” spacing, SS, 4” steel press wheels, primary blockage, 550 bu. cart. Stock #56115............................$146,000 (1) 2009 John Deere 1830 60-ft., 10” spacing, 350 bu. cart, variable rate, all run blockage Stock #51888. ..........................................................$123,750 (1) 2005 John Deere 1820 59-ft., 7.5” spacing, single shoot, TBT cart, all run blockage. Stock #56851.. ............................................................$40,000 (3) 1998 Bourgault 4250 40-ft., 10” spacing, SS, 250 bushel TBH cart, 8” auger, 1” carbide tips, steel press wheels. Stock #57186...............$22,500 (1) 2014 Case IH 800 70-ft. 12” spacing, SS, all run blockage,3430 cart. Stock #48059.. $152,500 (14) 2012 Case IH Precision 800 60-ft., 12” spacing, all run blockage, 430 bushel TBT cart, variable rate, 10” auger. Stock #56800.................$105,000 (14) 2009 Case IH ATX700, 70-ft., 12” spacing, single shoot drill, primary blockage, 1” points, 3430 cart. Stock #55385....................................$95,000 (14) 2009 Case IH 700 70-ft., 10” spacing, single shoot, 3430 TBT, duals, primary blockage. Stock #52199................................................$99,000 (1) 2002 FlexiCoil 5000 57-ft. 10” spacing, SS, 4” steel press wheels, 3 compartment 3450 TBT cart, 10” auger. Stock #57209...........................$37,500 (1) FlexiCoil 5000 34-ft. 10” spacing, SS, carbide tips, 230 bushel TBT cart. Stock #57123....$20,000 (1) 1997 Flexi-Coil 5000, 57-ft., 10” spacing, 340 bu cart, 1” carbide points. Stock #56246................... ..........................................................$24,500 (14) 2010 Morris Contour 1, 60-ft., 10” spacing, independent arm drill, 445 cart, primary blockage. Stock #55622............................................$119,900 (14) 2014 John Deere 1770NT 16 row, 30” planter. Stock #15211................................................$99,900 (1) 1991 John Deere 7200 Stock #56060..$15,000 (15)

Railroad Ties $8.00/tie

Sold in 16 tie bundles We will load Available at Conrad, Cut Bank and Dillon locations

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1=Conrad: 406-278-5531 2=Cut Bank: 406-873-5505 3=Choteau: 406-466-5741

11=Lewistown: 406-538-5433 12=Havre: 406-265-5518 13=Chester: 406-759-5010

14=Great Falls: 406-761-2005 15=Belgrade: 406-388-2100 16=Livingston: 406-222-3150


2015 John Deere S690 Hydro transmission, 3 point, 540 PTO, 607 engine/427 seperator hours Stock #55766..............................................$399,400 (1) 2015 John Deere S690, 555/427 hours. Stock #55763..............................................$336,900 (1) 2014 John Deere S690 827 engine hours. Stock #55791..............................................$298,900 (1) 2014 John Deere S690 Stock #55793.. $291,900 (1) 2016 John Deere S680 combine, PowerCast TB, power folding grain tank exts, 520/85R42 duals, 2630 w/SF1 activation & SF3000 rceiver. Stock #56412............................................$385,000 (14) 2015 John Deere S680 607 hrs. Stock #55766........ ..........................................................$332,900 (1) 2015 John Deere S680 403.3 hours. Stock #55760. ..........................................................$324,900 (1) 2014 John Deere S680 Stock #55776.. $300,500 (1) 2014 John Deere S680 700 hrs. Stock #55778........ ..........................................................$299,900 (1) 2014 John Deere S680 Contour Master, ProDrive, Goodyear Duals. Stock #56419......$297,500 (14) 2014 John Deere S680 600/877.8 hrs. Stock #55789..............................................$297,500 (1) 2014 John Deere S680 721/950 hrs. Stock #55782. ..........................................................$294,900 (1) 2014 John Deere S680 Stock #55774.. $293,900 (1) 2014 John Deere S680 604.2/1056 hrs. Stock #55784..............................................$285,500 (1) 2013 John Deere S680 Stock #55797.. $254,900 (1) 2012 John Deere S680 1048/653 hours, ProDrive transmission, Contour Master, Powercast tailboard. Stock #54026.......................$255,000 (11) 2012 John Deere S680 turnkey GPS system, ProDrive Trans., Contour Master, Powerfold grain tank covers. Stock #52047........................$246,000 (1) 2016 John Deere S670 turnkey GPS, Contour Master, Powercast tailboard. Stock #56413................. ........................................................$340,000 (14) 2015 John Deere S670 Contour Master, Powercast tailboard, ProDrive. Stock #51768..$303,000 (15) 2015 John Deere S670 640 engine hours, tristream extended wear rotor, manual adjust tailboard. Stock #56699....................................$281,759 (1) 2015 John Deere S670 644 engine hours, manual adjust tailboard, Premium cab, HID lights. Stock #56700..............................................$281,759 (1) 2015 John Deere S670, 461/338 hours. Stock #55737..............................................$294,900 (1) 2014 John Deere S670 Stock #55771.. $272,500 (1) 2014 John Deere S670 Stock #55773. $274,500 (1) 2014 John Deere S670 Contour Master, ProDrive., turnkey GPS, HID lights. Stock #53481................ ........................................................$284,000 (14) 2013 John Deere S670 combine, 1122/814 hrs., PowerCast TB, CM w/variable speed drive, Pro Drive, manual grain tanks exts. Stock #57238...... ................................................................ Call (14) 2013 John Deere S670 turnkey GPS, ProDrive trans., Contour Master, Powercast tailboard. Stock #52023............................................$263,000 (15) 2012 John Deere S670, 1050 eng/624 sep hrs. Stock #55197..................................$218,325 (11) 2009 John Deere 9870, Contour Master, powercast tailboard, duals. Stock #54984......... $152,000 (3) 2009 John Deere 9870, Contour Master, powercast tailboard, duals. Stock #54985........$152,000 (14)

2011 John Deere 9770 combine, 1953/1564 hrs., ext wear grain handling, PowerCast TB, NO header. Stock #56919...............................$145,000 (3) 2007 John Deere 9760 Touchset concave adjust, chopper w/chaff spreader, hydraulic fore and aft reel control. Stock #56681................$112,000 (1) 2004 John Deere 9660, One owner machine! Y/M monitor. Stock #54854......................$89,600 (15) 2004 John Deere 9660, twin disk spreader, chaff spreader, yield monitor. Stock #52892.$88,000 (2) 1999 John Deere 9610 combine, 4536/3150 hrs., chopper, hi-capacity, lift cylinder, 20-ft. unload auger. Stock #57252...............................$45,000 (3) 1998 John Deere 9610 combine, 4624/3249 hrs., chopper, 20-ft. unload auger, hyd. fore & aft reel control. Stock #57251.........................$45,000 (3) 2004 John Deere 9760 fixed feederhouse, chopper. Stock #50873..................................$104,000 (12) 2001 John Deere 9750STS Stock #54972.$67,500 (12) 2002 John Deere 9750 Big Top extensons, chopper, chaff spreader. Stock #51343...........$65,000 (12) 1998 John Deere 9610 930 rigid header. Stock #56479..............................................$47,500 (14) 1990 John Deere 9600 chopper, dual chaff spreader, 930 header w/batt reel. Stock #55695............. ..........................................................$39,900 (14) 1988 John Deere 8820 chopper, single disk spreader. Stock #56480..................................$9000 (14) 2008 Gleaner R65 10” touch screen, Garmin receiver. Stock #51254.............................$107,500 (14) 1996 Gleaner R62 combine, 27-ft. draper header, 27-ft. auger header, 2WD, singles, spreader. Stock #57190....................................$33,500 (14) 2013 John Deere 615P 15-ft. pickup header. Stock #51446..............................................$23,000 (14) 2015 John Deere 640D 40-ft. draper w/transport Stock #55767......................................$66,500 (1) 2014 John Deere 640D 40-ft. draper w/transport Stock #55794......................................$62,500 (1) 2013 John Deere 640D 40-ft. draper w/transport Stock #55798......................................$57,900 (1) 2012 John Deere 640D 40-ft. draper w/transport Stock #55803......................................$54,900 (1) 2011 John Deere 640D 40-ft. draper. Stock #55078. ..........................................................$49,500 (12) 2012 John Deere 635D 35-ft. draper w/transport Stock #55198....................................$42,500 (11) 2011 John Deere 635D pickup reel & transport Stock #51014....................................$40,500 (11) 2011 John Deere 635D pickup reel, new draper belts. Stock #46617..........................$40,500 (15) 2011 John Deere 635D dual zone float. Stock #47588..............................................$39,000 (11) 2007 John Deere 936D 36-ft. draper header, pickup reel. Stock #55017............................$25,000 (12) 2001 John Deere 936D 36-ft. draper w/transport Stock #54968....................................$21,000 (12) 2000 John Deere 936D 36-ft. draper w/transport Stock #54817....................................$19,700 (12) 2012 Honey Bee SP42 42-ft. draper w/transport. Stock #46823....................................$46,000 (12) 2011 Honey Bee SP42 42-ft. draper, pickup reel & transport. Stock #51012....................$44,518 (12) 2004 Honey Bee SP36 36-ft. draper w/transport Stock #54585......................................$14,750 (1) 2011 John Deere 612C corn header, 12 row, 30” spacing. Stock #43565......................$45,500 (11)


2005 Farm King 13”x70-ft. auger, swing hopper, low profile, hyd. swing. Stock #55233... $9500 (2) 2014 Harvest International H1082 10”x82-ft., swing away, hopper. Stock #54257. $12,500 (11) Brandt 1060 10”x60-ft. auger, hydraulic drive hopper, manual winch. Stock #54886...... $4800 (12) 2012 Buhler 13”x70-ft. auger. Stock #55356............ ........................................................ $13,000 (12) Buhler 13”x70-ft. auger. Stock #56295... $8500 (12) Sakundiak HD8-1800 8”x60-ft. auger. Stock #55150............................................... $4800 (12) 2005 Brandt 10”x60-ft. low profile swing hopper auger. Stock #55176.............................. $5200 (14) 1980 Buhler 10”x70-ft. hyd. drive, single auger in hopper, 540 PTO. Stock #55499........ $3250 (14) 1980 Westfield Backsaver 10”x70-ft. single auger in hopper, hyd. drive, 540 PTO. Stock #55500..... ........................................................... $3250 (14) 2012 Brandt 20” drive over graindeck with double tube option, hyd. deck, gas powered EZ mover. Stock #56401.................................... $14,500 (2)

Rem 2100 grain vac w/tubes. Stock #55245............ ........................................................... $9800 (12) 2005 Walinga 6614 Grain vac. Stock #56857.......... ............................................................. $5500 (3) 2010 Rem 3700 grain vac, 1000 PTO. Stock #51484............................................ $23,500 (12) 2009 Parker 839 850 bushel corner auger grain cart. Stock #51322............................ $27,000 (2) 2008 J&M 1150 grain cart, tarp & scale package. Stock #56028.................................. $38,000 (14) Degelman 800 800 bushel grain cart, large 1000 PTO, Shur-Lok tarp. Stock #56846.$19,500 (14) Kinze 640 600 bushel cart, tarp, 1000 PTO. Stock #56847............................................ $15,500 (14) 2008 Brandt 10X70, excellent shape, NO mover, manual winch. Stock #57189................ $8000(1) 2014 Brandt 7500 hp, standard set of hoses included. Stock #57124.............................. $22,500 (2)


Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page C8

Seeking Full Time Employee For An Irrigated Grain/Hay farm

Seeking a long term employee who has farm knowledge and can operate farming equipment on an irrigated grain and hay farming operation. Duties to include all aspects of irrigated grain and hay production (seeding, irrigating, harvesting, swathing, baling, truck driving etc.) Competitive hourly wage and housing available. Farm is located near Townsend, Montana.

Call 406-949-0208

1985 Clark Ranger 55C, Detroit 453 120 hp, 17.5x25 matched rubber, good bucket, 23,000 lb weight. Nice tight machine, runs excellent. Excellent 3 yard loader.................. $16,900


John Deere 410B, enc cab, 2WD. Good older backhoe......... ............................................................................... $14,000


Deere 450E dozer, for parts............................................. Call


1996 Cat 312, cab guard, long arm, hyd thumb, 36” dig bucket, good undercarriage, cat walks, 15,000 hours. Runs excellent. Going through shop....................................... $32,500 2005 Cat 307C................................................................. Call 2005 Deere 200CLC........................................................ Call Hitachi ZX160.................................................................. Call 2005 Hitachi ZX 135US 3500 hours, 36” dig bukcet, hydraulic link thumb, Q/C........................................................... Call Hitachi EX 30-2, hyd thumb and blade, 24” dig bucket, steel tracks, 5000+ hours. Fresher engine work, some pin and bushing work done. Work ready............................ $14,250 2005 Hitachi ZX35U 12” bucket, rubber tracks, a good operating machine.......................................................... $21,000 2005 Hitachi ZX35U 5000+ hours, new 24” bucket and used 12”, good tracks, nice tight boom, blade, rebuilt bucket pin, wedge coupler, excellent machine, job ready....... $21,000 Hitachi ZX120-3................................................... Please Call 2005 Hitachi ZX135US, 36” dig bucket, hyd link thumb, Q/C, 3500 hours...................................................... Please Call 2008 Deere 35D, heat, A/C, 24” bucket, 30” bucket, hyd thumb, newer tracks, 3300 hours................................ Please Call 2002 Kubota KX91-3, wedge coupler, 36” bucket, 24” bucket, hyd thumb, operates well...................................... $20,500


Deere 540B skidder, a good machine, 23.1 tires, winch and arch, nice clean skidder.............................................. Call Hurricana 20 saw head, accumulator arm, hyd tilt, low hours on saw motor rebuild, came off a 2520 Timber Jack, a very good head................................................................ $7250 Komatsu PC220LC-5 slide boom delimber, measures, cab, good undercarriage. Rougher, but came off a working job. .............................................................................. $14,000 Prentice 410B grapple and heel rack, continuous rotation. Also have boom, arm and cylinder available for additional price......................................................................... $6500 Timbco 2515 feller/buncher with bar saw, low hours on new engine, will go to work.......................................... $29,000 Timberjack 2520 feller/buncher, parts machine.............. Call Fire Tank & Trailer water tank trailer for fighting fires, 300 gallon fire system, suction and pressure system, small and large hoses, foam applicator, gas pump, works very well, includes trailer.......................................................... $5500


1978 Deere 770A, 14-ft. moldboard, snow wing, front lift group with hyd, cab with good glass and heat, grader runs and operates good....................................................... $19,900 Fiat Allis 76A or FG85, 14-ft. blade, Cummins engine, good tires. Good tight machine................................ Please Call 1973 Wabco 777B, Detroit 671, 14-ft. moldboard. Good older grader...................................................................... $9900


2005 Cat 252B................................................................. Call


New and used for heavy construction machinery rollers, buckets, cabs, forks, blades, brushrakes, thumbs, bucket teeth, tires, undercarriages.

##### According to Chinese acupuncture, there is a point on the head that you can press to control your appetite. It is located in the hollow just in front of the flap of the ear. ##### In a recent survey, Americans revealed that banana was their favorite smell.

2011 Hitachi ZX 120-3 Very quality machine, hyd. dual link thumb, 36” dig bucket, 20” pads, AC, heat.................. Call


1998 Genie Snorkel Lift, gas/propane, 4WD, pneumatic tires, telescopic 60-ft. reach, max horizontal reach 621, 5700 hours............................................................... Please Call JCB 506B telehandler, 4WD, crab steer, enc cab, 6000 lb lift. .............................................................................. $17,900 JLG 600A boom lift, propane, 60-ft. max platform height, 40-ft. reach, 1000 max weight capacity, tires 14-17.5.... $16,500 2001 JLG SkyTrak 8042 telehandler, 42-ft. reach, 8000 lb lift, Cummins diesel engine, enc cab, 3-way steer, 2400 hours............................................................Call for Price Lull 644 Highlander telescopic lift, John Deere engine, 4-way steer, 6000 lb, frame tilt, carriage tilt, 13.00x24 rubber in very good condition, runs excellent, low hours. Nice older lift.......................................................................... $13,900 Zoom Boom 8040-44 telescopic forklift, a nice older lift, 4x4x4 steer, 8000 lbs, Deere engine, Zoom Boom care lift, 44-ft. reach..................................................................... $19,000


1976 Cat 980B, good cab and interior, very good bucket, matched set of tires. This operates very well and is a very good 980B............................................................. $25,000 1981 Michigan 45C, EROPS, excellent tires, runs excellent.. ............................................................................... $15,900


Deere 250C, very clean truck, 8150 hours, good tires, new walking beam bushings, good brakes, good truck.$81,500 1990 Morooka MST1500, engine runs excellent, good power to both sides, lower hours, hyd are good, one new track. Good running 1500............................................... $12,000


Deutz F31.912, includes over center clutch, air compressor, starter. Starts and operates very well...................... $2500 (10) John Deere 4039D engine and power unit. Test ran very well. Comes complete including stand and radiator........... ........................................$2500 each or Buy 2 for $4000 (3) John Deere 4-239D engine power unit. Test ran very well. Comes complete including stand and radiator................... ........................................$2500 each or Buy 2 for $4000


1999 Ingersoll Rand SD175 smooth drum roller. Drum drive is bad, engine runs good...................................... $12,500 John Deere 760 elevating scraper, 531D engine, 23.5x25 rubber. Runs, operates as it should......................... $6500


Ford F700, gas, engine, 12 yard dump box, hyd up/down box, locking beam suspension, PTO works, tires are approximately 40% and hold air.......................................... $3950 1982 Freightliner Conventional for parts including: Cat 3406A with low miles, 15 speed, Rockwell differential, SQHD, hi/ low lockers, good components. Lots of miscellaneous on this old Freightliner.................................... For parts only 1980 International water truck, leaky tank, water system as shown, 13-speed, 400 Cummins, runs.................... $8000 Kenworth T800 with a HL 12-68 crane................ Please Call


Lowboy trailer, 16-ft. well, 24.5 rubber, flip over ramps, 8-ft., 6-ft. wide older trailer, still getting the job done........ $5000


View our entire inventory with pictures at www.reddigequipment.com

Reddig Equipment and Repair 406-755-7595 • 2866 Highway 2 East  •  Kalispell, MT

Initiative focused on strengthening Nebraska’s agricultural economy

By Haley Steinkuhler – IANR Media Low commodity prices paired with high costs of doing business have crop and livestock producers operating in a low profit-environment. To help manage operations during this challenging time, Nebraska Extension has launched a new initiative called Strengthening Nebraska’s Agricultural Economy (http://cropwatch.unl.edu/strengthening-nebraskas-agricultural-economy). The state department of agriculture estimates one in four jobs in the state is related to agriculture. In addition, Nebraska’s farms and ranches utilize over 90 percent of the state’s total land area. “We understand the importance of the agricultural economy to Nebraska, so we’ve created this initiative to help navigate this challenging time,” said Rick Rasby, associate dean of Nebraska Extension. “It’s about putting tools into the hands of producers to help them make critical decisions when faced with low commodity prices and high-input costs.” Through the initiative, Nebraska Extension specialists and educators from multiple disciplines are sharing researchbased information to help producers reduce input costs, increase efficiencies and improve profitability of farm and livestock operations. To finance day-to-day operating needs such as feed, fuel, labor, seed, fertilizer and other essential ag inputs, many producers rely on annual operating notes, which can be challenging to obtain in this economy. As part of the initiative, Nebraska Extension’s CropWatch website (http://cropwatch. unl.edu) features information for producers preparing for their renewal appointment with their lender. Costs for the coming year, a reasonable cash flow and spending for family living are all estimates that producers should be prepared to cover during their renewal appointment. Other CropWatch articles, which will be shared in coming months, feature options for changing crop production or farm management practices to find hidden cost savings or income potential. Analyzing inputs against the value of production can improve profit potential. Through the Strengthening Nebraska’s Agricultural Economy initiative, beef experts from Nebraska Extension have compiled a series of beef profit tips that outline management strategies for producers to consider that influence input costs. One of those tips is to purchase protein supplements after comparing options on a cost per pound of protein basis. “The objective of a good supplementation program should be to supply the required amount of protein rather than a specific amount of supplement. Therefore, when choosing among various supplements, a good strategy is to calculate the cost of each supplement on a cost per pound of crude protein, then purchase in the most economical way,” Nebraska Extension Educator Aaron Berger said. Many of the topics within the initiative have been featured in the Farm Financial Management webinar series by Nebraska Extension, the Department of Agricultural Economics at Nebraska and the state’s department of agriculture. The webinars focused on economic outlook, cost control, negotiating a lease, communicating with ag bankers and decision-making in an uncertain world. Those webinars are available at http://farm.unl.edu/farmfinances. There are a variety of places producers can find resources provided through this initiative. Educational materials will be featured on the Nebraska Extension CropWatch website (http://cropwatch.unl.edu/strengthening-nebraskas-agricultural-economy) and the beef site (http://beef.unl.edu). Additional interviews will be provided through Ag Almanac radio and Market Journal. Producers can find information related to the initiative on Twitter at #StrongNebAg. Despite today’s economic challenges, those at Nebraska Extension don’t want producers to feel discouraged. “Cattle and crop cycles aren’t new to the industry,” Rasby said. “We just came off higher-than-ever commodity prices and now that they’re lower, producers should know that Nebraska Extension is here to support them.” ##### Title 14, Section 1211, of the Code of Federal Regulations, implemented on July 16, 1969, makes it illegal for U. S. citizens to have any contact with extraterrestrials or their vehicles. ##### The electric chair was invented by a dentist

Wildlife Conservation Award and more

Fish, Wildlife & Parks seasonal employee Mike Schwitters of Choteau was recently honored by The Montana Chapter of The Wildlife Society with its Wildlife Conservation Award. Schwitters was recognized March 9 at the chapter’s annual banquet in Helena for his work to improve knowledge of avian wildlife at Freezout Lake Wildlife Management Area and other areas of North America. Schwitters contributions include improving knowledge of white geese (lesser snow and Ross’) and swan distribution and migration patterns in Montana and North America. The conservation award is presented annually to an individual or non-governmental organization for efforts to enhance wildlife conservation in Montana. Other awards went to Sam Milodragovich of Butte, who received the group’s Distinguished Service Award, for his past and present significant achievements in Montana wildlife conservation; and John Ashley of Kalispell, who was given the Bob Watts Communication Award, for his book, Glacier National Park After Dark: Sunset to Sunrise in a Beloved Montana Wilderness. Two other awards were given to Quentin Kujala of FWP for his work with the department to improve wildlife conservation; and Harold Picton of Bozeman (former Montana Fish & Game employee and professor at Montana State University), who received the Einarsen Lifetime Career Achievement Award. Founded in 1937, The Wildlife Society is an international non-profit professional association dedicated to excellence in wildlife stewardship through science and education.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page C9

The deadline for advertising in the May issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be April 26th. Phone (406) 271-5533 or email: trader@3rivers.net

BIG SKY LADAK ALFALFA NEW DRYLAND ALFALFA •  Certified Seed Available •  Higher Forage Yield •  More Drought Tolerance •  More Disease Resistance

Big Sky Wholesale Seeds, Inc. Box 852, Shelby, MT 59474 Phone 434-5011 FAX 406-434-5014

##### The farmer is the only man in our economy who buys everything at retail, sells everything at wholesale, and pays the freight both ways. John F. Kennedy ##### Americans, on average, eat 18 acres of pizza every day.

Mark Reinmuth 406-262-3842 Gary Reighard 406-879-9418

E-mail: bigskyseeds@3rivers.net Web site: www.bigskyseeds.com

Precision Truck & Trailer

Dealer For New


2027 Hwy 2 NW • Havre, MT 59501 • (406) 265-4563

Grain Trailers

Quality Used Trucks & Trailers • 888-453-4563 • FRONT DOOR DELIVERY AVAILABLE • $64,900

Trailers For Sale:

2016 Frontier 36-ft. Ag Hopper, pintle hitch................... $28,900 2005 Doonan 48-ft. drop deck....................................... $21,000 1996 Timpte 48-ft. super hopper, 4 hoppers.................. $25,900 1994 Trailmobile 48-ft. flatbed...................................... $10,500


C15, 475 hp, 13 speed, wet kit, new water pump & radiator

CAT 6NZ (214,000 on inframe), 550 hp, 25,000 on rebuilt 18 speed, 267” wheelbase, 90% on virgin tires, 8” stacks, refrigerator/microwave

2005 Kenworth T800B

Cummins ISX, 475 hp, 10 speed, 243” wheelbase, 5th wheel slider

was $36,900

2007 Freightliner Columbia Recon 450 hp MBN, 25,000 miles on overhaul, 10 speed, 242” wheelbase, new 24.5 rubber, super singles

00 $36,9

0 $55,00


1988 Western Star

3406B, 400 hp, 13 speed, spring suspension, headache rack.

2006 Freightliner FLD120 Classic MBE 4000, 450 hp, 13 speed, wet kit, new steer tires, Super Clean Truck!

FULLY LOADED! 2014 Ram 2500 Laramie Limited

6.4L Hemi, 4x4, leather, tonneau cover, bed liner, 5th wheel Turnover ball

1995 Kenworth T800B

3406B, 500 hp, 18 sp, winch, COZAD ramps


2007 Ford F550 Dually

6.0L Powerstroke, C&M truck bed, New Ranch Hand Grille guard, fresh motor, new injectors, EGR Delete kit, head studs.

2005 Kenworth T800

ISX Cummins, 475 hp, new 13 speed, flat top, 10 new virgin rubber


Tarps and hoppers use the same remote to make loading and unloading hassle free


2006 Freightliner Columbia 14L Detroit, 515 hp, 10 speed, all aluminum, new wheels and tires.



REDUCED TO $27,000! 2005 Freightliner Columbia Cat C13, 400 hp, 10 speed, 470,000 miles, engine brake, headache rack




MBN, 475 hp, 13 speed, pintle, auto lift & gate system, new rubber.




REDUCED TO $59,950! 2006 Freightliner Columbia

REDUCED TO $26,900

$28,900 2001 Kenworth W900L

We are your Dealer for Time To Go Electric

2006 Kenworth T800B



REDUCED TO $57,900! 2005 Kenworth T800B

1999 International 9200

Cummins ISX, 565 hp, 18 speed, 42” flat top, double lockers, 284” wheelbase, PTO, virgin rubber, 14,600 FA cap, 218,000 miles on inframe and new head


1999 Kenworth T800

Detroit 60 Series, 430 hp, 13 speed, 46,000 dual locking rears, wet kit, headache rack, new steer tires, double steel frame


2004 Sterling


Cat 3126, 300 hp, 8LL, Tuff Trac spring ride, new box, new paint, new push axle, new tarp with remote control gate & lift

1993 Kenworth T800

N14, 430 hp, new 18 speed, new paint, all new rubber, all aluminum


REDUCED TO $59,900! 2007 Peterbilt 379 Tri Drive

Cat C15, 550 hp, 18 speed, 295”wheelbase, 63” mid roof sleeper, 320,000 on inframe, 14,600 FA cap, all aluminum, keyless entry

N14 Cummins, 430 hp, 13 speed, spring suspension, 5th wheel slider, aluminum wheels, (2) 120 gallon tanks



2000 Peterbilt 378

3406E, 550 hp, 18 speed, winch, double lockers

see these units and more info at www.precisiontruckandtrailersales.com

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page C10

We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.




Circle D 28-ft. 5th wheel flatbed, tandem dual, 12,000 lb. axles. Less than 3000 miles. .............................................................$7500

Horse - right thigh • Cow - right hip


(406) 487-2122 or 783-8800 • Scobey, MT

Is your heater giving you problems?

Time to trade up to a Clean Burn. Get up to $1500 for your old heater.

SHOP SPECIALTIES •Ronan •Grass Range •Whitehall 1-888-676-5448

cleanburn@ronan.net • shopspecialities.com



Wallenstein GX720 3-pt. backhoe with 92” dig depth. .....................................................................$7900 Tarter 5-ft. rototiller, NEW..................................$2099 NEW Tytan 6” hydraulic wood chipper, 3-pt., PTO..$3199 DCT 30-ft. tandem gooseneck trailer with BT.....$9000 DCT 28-ft. tandem gooseneck trailer with BT.....$8800 Sure-Trac 7x14 dump trailer, 14,000 lb.............$6950

Farmtrack 360 DTC tractor, 39 hp, loader and backhoe............................................................$16,500 John Deere 4020 diesel, cab with loader, synchro..... ..................................................................$14,500 John Deere 4000 with cab, excellent, new tires... Call TYM T350 with cab and loader, excellent condition..... ..................................................................$24,000 TYM 503 tractor, 50 hp, loader, 810 hours, excellent condition....................................................$23,500 TYM 233 tractor, 23 hp, less than 50 hours, like new condition....................................................$12,995 Dual 325 loader, no welds, 5-ft. bucket..............$1995 King Kutter 6-ft. arena groomer. Like new.........$1695 Wide round bale carrier mounts, on 21-ft. flatbed.$1500 Mounts for Ezee-On loader, fits John Deere 4020.$750

** Wanted ** Your Consignments Turn that unwanted equipment/trucks into CA$H!

Special Discount!!

LS P7010.......$5451 annual payment OAC

5 YEAR Standard Warranty

LS P7040 CPS MFWD tractor, 97 hp, cab, power shuttle, SL loader.......... $7843 annual payment OAC

LS XR4155 55 hp, 4WD, shuttle loader............................................ ...... $353 monthly payment OAC

LS XU6168CPS MFWD tractor, 68 hp, cab, shuttle, SL loader............ ...... $5789 annual payment OAC

Special Discount!!

Special Discount!!

LS XR4150HC 50 hp, hydro, cab, loader. $411/month OAC

LS XG3032 32 hp, shuttle, loader... $230/month OAC LS XG3037H 37 hp, 4WD, hydroloader............................................ ...... $288 monthly payment OAC

LS Prices to low too advertise!! The last best place to buy a tractor! 5662 Kessler Rd. Belgrade, Montana 406-388-2423 www.yellowstonetractor.com yellowstonetractor@yahoo.com

Hi-Line Homesteader Eva Amundson, who now lives in Missoula, will celebrate her 106th birthday this month. Photo courtesy of DNRC.

Montana woman recalls a lifetime of progress on farm

Perseverance, determination, and good management were essential to survive the homesteader days, according to a Hi-Line homesteader. “We worked hard at everything,” said Eva Amundson, whose family homesteaded near Joplin, Montana “It was tough. You had to pull yourself up by the bootstraps and make do.” In 1911, Amundson’s family moved from Langdon, North Dakota, to Montana when she was an infant. She recalls the hard times on the farm, when money was scarce and farming practices were primitive. “Ever so many people starved to death out there,” said Amundson. “In those days, people didn’t know how to farm – it was a new country. My folks had a pair of oxen they farmed with and a couple of horses. We had a few cows, some chickens and that was it.” Amundson and her six siblings attended the West Bench School and Joplin High School. “My mother was insistent that we finish school,” Amundson said of her Norwegian mother. “I think a lot of people, who immigrated, or their families came from Norway, they realized how important education was.” Amundson graduated salutatorian of her high school class, but didn’t go to college like her siblings. Instead, she married her high school sweetheart, Leif, after graduation. Marriage after high school was common for women at that time, Amundson explained. “I realized women could contribute as much as men,” she said. “It’s like my mother out there harrowing; she was going to see that the boys were in Joplin going to school. It made all of us kids aware that we were all equal – women weren’t inferior.” Shortly after they married, the Amundsons purchased their family farm near Joplin for about $10 per acre. Together, they grew wheat and raised four daughters on the 320-acre dryland farm, where good water was scarce. “We had soda water at 150 feet,” explained Amundson. “This was okay for livestock, but you couldn’t use it for watering anything. It ruined the land if you put soda water on it.” Forward thinking and good conservation management enabled them to add land to the farm through the years. “Leif always had something new,” recalled Amundson. “We had the first electric light system. We had a bunch of batteries up in the attic; he wired the house for 32-volt … I remember he went to Kalispell to have a motor rewound so I had an electric washing machine.” The Amundsons were also one of the first to utilize strip farming practices, hail crop insurance, a threshing machine and a lug tractor with steel wheels. Amundson has seen a lifetime of progress, from oxen to tractors and barbed wire telephone service to cellular phones. “When you live this long, you have a lot of experiences,” she said. “It’s indescribable, when you stop to think about it … You can’t stop progress.” Amundson’s story is transcribed on the Montana Women & Agriculture Oral History Project Web site. Read more about Amundson and other Montana farm and ranch women at http://dnrc.mt.gov/divisions/cardd/conservation-districts/ oral-history-project/women-in-agriculture-stories.

##### Honey bees, scientifically also known as Apis mellifera, which mean “honeycarrying bee”, are environmentally friendly and are vital as pollinators.

##### To make one pound of honey, the bees in the colony must visit 2 million flowers, fly over 55,000 miles and will be the lifetime work of approximately 768 bees.

##### Life is short, and we do not have much time to gladden the hearts of those who travel with us, so be quick to love and make haste to be kind.

Charles Moore Inc. (Formerly C Moore Fab & Repair and Equipment Sales)

Shop (406) 232-0400 Cell (406) 951-1650 Home (406) 232-5831

855 Kinsey Road, Miles City, MT 59301

www.charlesmooreinc.com cmooreinc@midrivers.com

Custom Hay Hauling!

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page C11


Second cutting, nice hay, tested - 3x4 bales Third cutting hay, feeder hay - 3x4 bales Phone (406) 600-4146, Bozeman, MT

Charles Moore Inc.’s shop is taking appointments for heavy duty truck oil changes, truck frame stretching, truck tag axles. Also servicing any type of heavy duty trailers. Call 406-232-0400 and talk to Greg Blind.

Our hay trains can haul anywhere from 42 to 48 round bales. We have friendly drivers and reliable service. Please contact Charles at 406-232-0400 or 951-1650.

We Have Many Hay Trains For Sale

Custom Hauling Have loaders and tractors with Grab Tec grapple forks to bunch and load hay

Call us with the size of train you’re looking for. We’ll see what we can do!

170 bales of Grass/Alfalfa Hay Net wrapped, bales average 1400 lb.

272 bales of Oat/Pea Hay

400 ton of Grass/Alfalfa Hay

Net wrapped, bales weigh about 1450 lbs., 13% protein, low nitrates

340 bales of Oat Hay

Net wrapped, bales weigh about 1450 lbs., 8% protein, low nitrates

600 Ton of 2016 Grass/Alfalfa Hay Net wrapped, bales weigh 1330 to 1400 lbs.

250 bales of 2016 Wheat Hay put up green, net wrapped

250 ton of 2016 Grass/Alfalfa hay Net wrapped, bales weigh about 1400 lbs. This would make excellent cow hay!!

EQUIPMENT SALES: Our company sells a wide selection of new and used trucking, construction and farm equipment, as well as recreation. Whether you are looking for a backhoe, a loader, or a tractor, we can deliver. Other equipment we have to offer includes: trucks, trailers, haying equipment, trenchers, pay loaders, land levelers, grain handling equipment, boats and snowmobiles. A bit of everything.

Bradford Built Flatbeds

1979 Star grain trailer and 1966 Federal grain pup - this will make somebody a nice grain train for hauling grain from the field to the bin or elevator.

2005 Cornhusker hopper trailer, spread axle. This trailer has been pulled regularly and is ready to go!! Call for pricing and more information.

1991 Trailmobile 48-ft.x102” curtain trailer. Curtain and trailer are in good shape! Call for information!

Fabrication & Welding Services:

We provide commercial welding and iron repair services. Our staff works with all vehicles and machinery, including trucks and trailers. We can build anything you need out of iron.

We are now your dealer for

GrabTec grapple forks

2001 Wilson triple axle straight trailer, 53-ft.X102”, spring ride, floors are 80%, is gated for up to four compartments. This is a very nice straight trailer and a triple axle to boot!! Call Charles today!! 406-951-1650

1996 Wilson triple axle hopper. Good tires and brakes, pintle hook, good tarp. This is a trailer that we pull during harvest as a backup trailer and it is a nice trailer! It has been gone through and is ready to pull.

8-ft welding box, fits a dually pickup. Plenty of tool boxes!

2004 Gindy 4 axle flatbed hay trailer. Tires and brakes are in good shape, decking in good shape as well. Trailer has headache rack, just needs hay racks. Choose between flip-in/flip-out racks or stationary racks.

1998 Peterbilt 379 day cab, good tires and brakes. Nice clean day cab that would make a nice farm truck. Call for pricing and information.

1983 Ford 9000 tandem axle dump truck, 300 Cummins engine, 9 speed transmission, Timpte dump box.

Trucking Services:

Our drivers haul grain, hay, livestock and equipment across the country. We also use hoppers to carry bulk commodities.

YOUR DEALER FOR Truck Defender Grill Guards

Cat 14E motor grader, 14-ft. blade, scarifier, Cat engine, good tires. Nice older motor grader. Call for pricing!!

2-New Holland 1033 bale wagons.

2- 1985 Spartan belly dump trailers, large air tanks, hoppers and gates in good shape, tires and brakes in good shape. Comes with asphalt tarps. These trailers have been pulled and thoroughly gone through! Call for pricing!!

We now carry Call us for products available!

We can order guards for semis or pickups!


Reman engines

Visit us online: www.charlesmooreinc.com

1981 GMC single axle flatbed truck with 350 gas engine, 4 speed manual transmission, dual wheels. Flatbed is stationary. Nice truck for hauling things around the farm or ranch. Call for pricing.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page C12

Harper to lead Clean Plant Center Northwest

USED SPRAYERS Apache 1200 120-ft. sprayer............................$59,900 Freightliner with F/S sprayer...........................$27,900

Ag Shield 1500 sprayer....................................$28,900 Brandt 85-ft. pull type sprayer.............................$3900

406-727-7153 “Partners in Production”

4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls


Ken – 788-4588; Ed – 231-4254; Dwight – 231-4251; Emery – 868-7964

By Seth Truscott, WSU CAHNRS As new director of the Clean Plant Center Northwest, Scott Harper will help growers stop devastating crop viruses before they gain a foothold. “The front line of the battle against viruses is clean material,” said Harper, hired January 3, 2017, to run the Center (http://cpcnw.wsu.edu), located at Washington State University’s (WSU) Irrigated Agriculture Research and Extension Center (http://iarec.wsu.edu) in Prosser. A virologist and former scientist and regulator at New Zealand’s Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and the University of Florida’s Citrus Research and Education Center, he was hired following an international search that drew heavily on industry input. As director, his top priority is to grow the Northwest’s supply of virus-free fruit trees, vines and hops. “I’ve seen what happens when viruses and other pathogens aren’t controlled and get too far ahead,” Harper said. “Once viruses are in, it’s very difficult to slow them down.” Founded in 1961, the Clean Plant Center Northwest safeguards more than 1,800 fruit tree, grapevine and hop selections from viruses in insect-proof greenhouses. Last year, Center staff distributed more than 13,700 grapevine cuttings, 6,500 fruit tree buds, 1,800 hop cuttings, and dozens of grape and hop plants to nurseries and growers across the country. “Starting with clean material is key to rebuilding any crop,” said Harper. “Only then can you control viruses, by stopping the insects that transmit them and breeding tolerant cultivars. Those methods don’t work if diseases are already present.” Pathogens like Little Cherry Virus and Western X-disease phytoplasma hold the potential to devastate Northwest crops. “Little Cherry Virus is one of the most problematic and poorly understood organisms,” he said. “It ruins fruit quality and quantity, and it’s spreading.” In response, Harper plans to expand the Center’s diagnostic service, build its research arm and develop a clean plant database for growers. “I want to build the program into one of the best in the country,” he said. This winter, Harper will attend grower meetings throughout the state. Spring is when virus testing ramps up, and he encourages producers to share their plant health concerns with the Center. A partner with industry Harper would not have joined the Center without the involvement of Northwest tree fruit, grape and hop industries, said Scot Hulbert, chair of the Department of Plant Pathology at WSU. “Our goal was to find a strong scientist and effective manager who would partner with stakeholders to come up with solutions,” said Kate Woods, vice president of the Northwest Horticultural Council and search committee member. “Dr. Harper meets all of these qualifications, and with the Center’s role in providing quarantine services for imported plants, his regulatory experience is a valued bonus.” “The Center serves many different stakeholders,” added Rick Hamman, search committee member and viticulture manager for Hogue Ranches. “It requires strong coordination and management to be successful. Scott has good ideas, and is willing to collaborate for success.” “The Washington wine grape industry’s access to clean plants is one of the single most important contributors to successful growth,” said Vicky Scharlau, executive director of the Washington Association of Wine Grape Growers. “We welcome Scott’s expertise, and look forward to working with him to build a strong and sustainable program that serve the needs of quickly expanding acreage.” “As we move into an era of uncertain federal support, we look forward to exploring new approaches to funding to maintain a strong and effective clean stock program,” said Ann George, executive director of the Washington Hop Commission. “We appreciate Scott’s thoughtful approach and problem-solving attitude as we look for options to create long-term stability.” “This is a big job,” said Hulbert. “It’s really important to growers, and that makes it important to WSU.” ##### To easily clean a ceiling fan, spray glass cleaner or a mixture of half vinegar and half water on the inside of a pillowcase. Put the pillowcase over one arm of the fan then pull the pillowcase off while applying gentle pressure toward the floor. The pillowcase will wipe the top of the blade clean.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 – Page C13

Call Us Toll Free 1-800-247-1220


2015 New Holland Boomer 24, hydro, 50 hours, loader, 54” mid-deck mower. Like new, warranty...............................................$19,400 2014 New Holland TS6.140. New tractor with new loader.....................................$82,500 2004 New Holland TC30 FWA, 9x3 transmission, 430 hours, loader. Very nice..$17,100 1998 New Holland TV140 Please call for additional details!...............................$44,500


See us for all of your equipment needs NEW New Holland Compact Wheel Loaders

1996 Ford 9030 bidirectional, loaded cab end, engine end hydraulics, PTO, draw bar. Newer Loader!!!.............................$39,500 Ford 276 bidirectional, both ends loaded, loader, grapple...........................................$38,500 Ford 8000, cab, 3-pt., PTO, Farmhand loader... ..........................................................$8500 Ford 4000 2WD, Select-O-Speed, 3-pt., PTO.... ..........................................................$2500 John Deere 990, gear transmission, loader, industrial tires, 150 hours. Like new............. ...................................................... $17,400 2005 TYM T580, 12x12 shuttle, cab, heat, air conditioning, loader, 1050 hours....$24,500 White 2-85 2WD, cab, PTO, 3-pt., loader........... ..........................................................$9000 Yanmar 6010D compact tractor, 3-pt., PTO, Farmhand loader...............................$8400 Farmall H 2WD, loader............................$3500 Oliver 77 2WD, gas, loader.....................$2200


5900 Jackrabbit Lane, Belgrade, MT (406) 388-8500


2014 New Holland 560, net/twine, 3200 bales. Excellent........................................$38,800 2011 New Holland BR7090, net/twine, Bale Command, 6300 bales...................$32,700 2010 New Holland BR7090, net/twine, Bale Command, Xtra Sweep..................$27,500 2010 New Holland BR7090, net, 1000 PTO, Bale Command, Crop Special........$24,500 2006 New Holland BR780A, twine, Super Sweep, Bale Command, 2358 bales........... .......................................................$14,800 2005 New Holland BR780A, twine, Super Sweep, Bale Command, 13,348 bales........ .......................................................$11,500

2004 New Holland BR780, net/twine, Xtra Sweep, Bale Command.................$19,300 2004 New Holland BR780, twine, Super Sweep, Bale Command, 7700 bales...........$15,500 2003 New Holland BR780, net/twine, Bale Command, lace belts, 1000 PTO...$18,800 2012 Case IH RB564, net/twine, moisture kit, 10,000 bales....................................$31,900 2001 Vermeer 605XL, twine.................$14,100 John Deere 566, twine. Great condition.$7800



New Holland B Series compact wheel loaders pay their way on the jobsite with outstanding performance in a compact, maneuverable machine. the Universal Link design of the W50B TC and W80B TC offers a combination of increased versatility with increased operator comfort and control. The result? You get the job done more quickly and efficiently. Precised parallel forklift path eliminates the need for manual correction so operators can focus on load placement rather than load leveling.

2007 New Holland C190 track skidsteer, cab, heat, 2400 hours............................$31,500 2006 Bobcat S185, cab, heater, bucket, 3500 hours..............................................$18,500 John Deere 450 dozer, 6-way mechanical blade.................................................$9500 Snowblast AM self-propelled snowblower, blows 3000 tons per hour. Excellent!!.......... .......................................................$21,500 Buhler SB5200 skidsteer snowblower. Excellent....................................................$4800 Grouser steel tracks and spacers...........$3500

2014 New Holland H8080 swather, 416 disc head, 180 hours. Like new!!!....................... .........................................Call for Pricing! 2013 John Deere W110 swather, 140A sickle head, 600 hours. Very nice.............$97,200 New Holland 770HD 19-ft. disc header............ .......................... Call For Special Pricing! MacDon 940 15-ft. multi-crop header......$7700


New Holland 1411 10-ft. disc mower conditioner..............................................$10,500

New Holland 472 7-ft. sickle mower conditioner. Like new!!!......................................$12,500 2004 Case IH DCX131 13-ft. disc mower conditioner...........................................$14,500 Hesston 1014 14-ft. pivot tongue, 14-ft. sickle head..................................................$6400 2005 John Deere 535 11’6” disc mower conditioner, 7 disc...................................$13,400


2005 New Holland BW28 balewagon, 16x18 kit, very low hours. Like new....Please Call 2010 New Holland BB9060 3x3 big square baler, 15,000 bales.........................$65,400 1995 New Holland 580 16x18 square baler, quarter turn chute. Ready!.............$10,500


John Deere 7700 diesel combine, 24-ft. header, pickup head.......................................$7500 Ezee-On FLBS-330 14.5-ft. disc. Like new....... .......................................................$15,100 Brandt 4500 grain vac.............................$5500 Farm King Y810E 8x12 unloading auger, electric motor...........................................$2000 New Holland 7614 loader for TV tractor. Excellent!!...............................................$10,500 New Holland 260TL loader for compact tractor...................... Call For Special Pricing! Koyker 150 loader, mounts, bucket.........$3500 Bo Dozer 10-ft. 3-pt. push blade, hydraulic angle.................................................$3500 Worksaver 3 spear bale handler for round and square bales.......................................$750 30-ft. bumper pull hay trailer....................$2500 New Holland 6-ft. front mount snowblower. Like new...................................................$3800 Beltec heavy duty post hole auger..........$2800 Speeco 3-pt. post hole auger with bit........$975 General 720 post hole auger, 9” digging bit.$950 6-ft. box scraper. Like new!!!......................$650

New Holland 575 14x18 square baler. Excellent!!...............................................$14,500 H&S 12 wheel bi-fold high capacity wheel rake. ..........................................................$5500

Hustler bale feeders in stock! DewEze bale feeders in stock!


Walker mowers in stock along with Toro commercial and residential units.

Come see all of our equipment at www.newhollandofbelgrade.com

*For commercial use only. Customer participation subject to credit qualification and approval by CNH Industrial Capital America LLC. See your participating New Holland Dealer for details and eligibility requirements. Down payment may be required. Offer good through April 30, 2017. Not all customers or applicants may qualify for this rate or term. CNH Industrial Capital America LLC standard terms and conditions will apply. Taxes, freight, setup, delivery, additional options or attachments not included in suggested retail price. Offer subject to change or cancellation without notice. © 2017 CNH Industrial Capital America LLC. All rights reserved. New Holland Agriculture is a trademark registered in the United State and many other countries, owned by or licensed to CNH Industrial N.V., its subsidiaries or affiliates. CNH Industrial Capital and New Holland Construction are trademarks in the United States and many other countries, owned by or licensed to CNH Industrial N.V., its subsidiaries or affiliates.

Brandt 5200EX grain vac...................Just In

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page C14

~WANTED~ Hay to bale on shares. Call for custom baling Phone (406) 799-8323


2006 Haybuster 2650 very good condition.................... $10,600 2013 PJ bumper pull, 14,000# GVW, 22-ft. hydraulic full tilt trailer.. ...........................................................................$5600 Also other livestock and farm equipment. Phone (406) 538-5225, Lewistown, MT

Big Truck Sales For Your Truck & Equipment Needs

Phone Lloyd Walker, (406) 868-5977

Consignments Wanted Salesman for Frontline Ag Solutions


Accurate, full-dimension fir lumber. Custom orders of any size.

Corrals • Windbreak • Barns • Fences Beams • Siding • Decks • Bridges Gregg and Robin Maxwell, Maxwell Lumber Inc. 406-538-7877 Lewistown, Montana

Soil-to-skillet program

By Elin Kittelmann, Fallon/Carter County Extension Agent Bring a friend, your family or a co-worker This is an unlikely story. It’s a story about and join us for the 2017 Soil-to-Skillet Propants and small town Montana. It’s a story about music, chainsaws, and possibilities. It gram. This year’s program will be INSPIRING for small businesses, ENERGIZING is about entrepreneurship, working hard, and for rural communities & MOTIVATING for establishing a rural Foundation. It is about people to create healthier communities. Parpeople, the land, and how we need each other. ticipants will partake in a variety of hands-on It is a reminder that we can do BIG things in activities and enjoy Montana Made foods & small towns beverages. You will not want to miss it! Beaver Creek Brewery, Jim Devine and The Event will be held April 22nd 2017 Sandon Stinnett from 1:00-7:00 pm at the Fallon County Named for the small creek running through Fairground Exhibit Hall in Baker, Montana. Wibaux, Beaver Creek Brewery opened its We have a great program planned and we doors in summer 2008 with six beers on tap, hope that you can join us. Please RVSP by plus root beer. Since then, BCB has grown in popularity, becoming a regional destination Monday April 10th! Late registration may be for connoisseurs of beer, music and good accepted for an additional fee. There will be 4 renewal Units for Professional Development times. Beaver Creek Brewery will be offering Activities. beer tasting. Speakers and Topics Include: Dinner prepared by Claudia’s Mesa with Local Food & Fusion Cuisine- Claudia locally sourced ingredients Krevat, The Lentil Caravan Claudia’s Mesa is a destination for creativIn Claudia’s exuberant kitchen, two New ity, food and design, where Claudia brings American culinary movements come together: together her Latin-American/Caribbean local food sourcing and fusion cuisine. Local background and her new roots planted in food has always had global roots and it is by Montana’s soil. no means impossible to recreate dishes from This event will include a door prizes, distant lands with homegrown ingredients. hands-on workshops (Making Butter, DIY How Everyday People Can Become Tile Coaster, DIY Wool Drier Ball, Make Superheroes-Patti Armbrister, Hinsdale OutYour Own Bee Hotel and Seasoning meats) door Class and we will also be serving Montana Made Everyday people can become superheroes Foods from High Five Meat, Flathead Lake by changing some basic practices to improve Cheese, Beaver Creek Brewery Beer Bread and Tumblewood Teas. soil for our children and their future. Kids For a full schedule of this event or if you can also make a difference by learning how to have questions contact the Fallon/Carter grow food in school. Patti believes that local County Extension Office at (406)-778-7110 foods are important to everyone. Telling Your Story to Sell Your Product: or email falloncarter1@montana.edu. Preregistration is required by April 10th. The Sara Hollenbeck, High Five Meats fee for this event is $35.00 (an additional fee Learning from her experience of starting may be applied for late registrations). Please High Five Meats, Sara will share her direct may checks payable to Fallon-Carter County marketing techniques, marketing, regulations, Extension. Registration can be mailed to P.O. food safety and more. Box 850, Baker MT, 59313 or dropped off at Present Day Pioneering: Sarah Calhoun, Owner, Red Ants Pants, Director, Red Ants the Extension Office in the basement of the courthouse in Baker. Pants Foundation

Kiss Your Mate Day


Bobcat T190 with tracks............................................................. $24,900 John Deere 280 with open cab.................................................. $19,900

Date When Celebrated : Always April 28th Kiss Your Mate Day is a perfect chance to smooch with your partner, as if you need an opportunity to share a kiss or two with the one you love. With spring in the air, April is an appropriate time for Kiss Your Mate Day. Some people may ask “why do you need a holiday to kiss your mate?” Others say “every day should be Kiss Your Mate Day.” Unfortunately, researchers tell us that kissing, an important part of romance and intimacy, is the first thing to go in a relationship. If you don’t currently kiss your mate everyday, use today to re-establish kissing in your life. Ladies and Gentleman....... Do we need to tell you what the tradition is for this great

holiday? I didn’t think so. Now, get to it! Here are some Kiss Your Mate Day tips and rules: • There is no limit to the number of times you can kiss your mate today. • There is no limit to the number of kisses you can share today. • It is highly recommended that you limit your kisses to just one mate. • If you don’t have a mate, it’s alright to kiss someone who is not formally your mate.... Hey, you never know. This day may be a beginning....... • You can kiss your mate wherever you want (location/place). • You can kiss your mate wherever you want (anatomically speaking) • Giving candy or flowers is not required. But, we believe that those who do, will receive more kisses.

Fetal development, bacteria structures earn awards By University of Wyoming Extension

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page C15

We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.


John Deere 9870 1700 hours.................................................................................... $135,000 John Deere 9860 1400 hours.....................................................................................$110,000 John Deere 9860 2200 hours...................................................................................... $80,000 John Deere 9760 2400 hours...................................................................................... $75,000 John Deere 640D header............................................................................................ $42,000 John Deere 640D header............................................................................................ $40,000 John Deere 635D header............................................................................................ $30,000 John Deere 635D header............................................................................................ $30,000 John Deere 936D header............................................................................................ $22,000 MacDon 973 header with Gleaner adapter.................................................................. $13,000


Grant Bowman, center, was honored with the Early Career Research Award. Presenting the award were Frank Galey, dean of the College of Agriculture and Natural Sciences; Dorothy Yates, associate vice president for research; Laurie Nichols, UW president; Bret Hess, associate dean of research in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources and WAES director; and Peter Thorsness, head of the molecular biology department. Stephen Ford (not pictured) was the winner of the Outstanding Research Award.

The professor who established the Center for the Study of Fetal Programming in the University of Wyoming’s (UW) College of Agriculture and Natural Resources and an assistant professor attracting national attention for insights into the sub-cellular workings of bacteria have received research awards from the Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station (WAES). “This year’s award winners epitomize the quality, depth and breadth of research being conducted by our college’s fantastic faculty and students,” notes Bret Hess, associate dean of research in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources and WAES director. Stephen Ford, animal science professor and Rochelle Chair, reproductive biology, fetal programming, earned the Outstanding Research Award. Ford directs the internationally recognized Center for the Study of Fetal Programming at the University of Wyoming. “The dual mission of the research program is to delve deep into developmental biology and physiology for production of healthy, high-quality livestock and to benefit lifetime health and longevity of human babies, as well,” Hess said. Ford was on the four-member team that received the USDA’s Abraham Lincoln Honor Award in 2016. The award is that agency’s highest. Grant Bowman in the Department of Molecular Biology received the Early Career Research Award. His research, funded in part by the National Institutes of Health and National Science Foundation, focuses on a protein scaffold that creates microdomains in the cytoplasm of bacteria. Says Hess, “Dr. Bowman’s cutting-edge research is a good example of how science will continue to advance our understanding of protein biology.” Bowman joined the faculty in 2012. The award for top faculty story in Reflections, the college’s research magazine, went to Brian Mealor, associate professor in the Department of Plant Sciences and director of the Sheridan Research and Extension Center for “Cheatgrass: Developing a Wyoming strategy for a big (little) problem.” Slade Franklin of the Wyoming Department of Agriculture was co-author. The award for top student story in Reflections went to Jessica Windh of Reedley, California, an undergraduate student in rangeland ecology and watershed management. Her article is “Dead lambs aren’t the only loss: Counting the non-lethal cost of Wyoming livestock‒predator interactions.” Derek Scasta, assistant professor in ecosystem science and management, and Barton Stam, a UW Extension educator in Hot Springs County, were co-authors. WAES supporter Kurt “Cub” Feltner presented the inaugural Reflections student paper award in memory of his late wife, Lynn Feltner. Reflections is a publication of WAES, which operates four research and extension centers around the state. It supports fundamental and applied research relevant to agricultural, natural resource, and community issues affecting Wyoming, the West and beyond. For more information, contact Hess at 307-766-3667 or brethess@uwyo.edu. ##### Appropriately named the “Gem State,” Idaho produces 72 types of precious and semi-precious stones, some of which can be found nowhere else in the world.

Case IH 450 Quadtrac, new tracks, 7000 hours.........................................................$110,000 Case IH 450 Quadtrac, new tracks, 7000 hours.........................................................$110,000 Case IH 9230 PTO, 6500 hours................................................................................... $37,000 New Holland 9030 new tires, loader, 6500 hours........................................................ $25,000 New Holland 9030 new tires, loader, 6500 hours........................................................ $25,000 Case 2390....................................................................................................................... $8000 Case 1070 ...................................................................................................................... $7000 Case W14 4WD loader................................................................................................ $13,000 Flexi-Coil 5000 57-ft. air drill, new points, new hoses, like new.................................. $15,000 New Noble Seed-A-Vator 292 tank................................................................................ $7000


2005 Kenworth W900 new tires, 600,000 miles.......................................................... $35,000 2003 Kenworth T2000 new tires................................................................................. $12,000 2003 Freightliner M2106 300 hp, automatic, air ride, trailer puller............................. $25,000 2003 Dodge 1-ton........................................................................................................ $15,000 2007 Dodge 3/4-ton....................................................................................................... $23,000

FISHER TRUCK & EQUIPMENT (406) 939-0411 • Scobey, Montana

0% financing for up to 72 months, O.A.C.



Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page C16

Two ramps on Canyon Ferry for weekend boating

The deadline for advertising in the May issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be April 26th. Phone (406) 271-5533 or email: trader@3rivers.net

Distributed by:

The heart of the BAUMALIGHT Brush Fire system is the design of the rotor. Rows and rows of brush destroying teeth placed in Dual Staggered Spirals. Each tooth is carbide tipped and bolt on replaceable for easy servicing even in the field. The number and placement of these cutting teeth provides uncompromising mulching results of not only brush and trees but grass, vegetation and the occasional stone. Rows of teeth are mounted in staggered spirals delivering a fine mulch.

By Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks Boaters heading to Canyon Ferry Reservoir in early April will find two open ramps with decontamination stations. With ice still covering some of the reservoir, the boat ramp at the Silos on the southwestern part of the reservoir, and the Shannon Boat Ramp on the north end, will be open for use with decontamination stations set up on site. All other public boat ramps will be closed for the weekend. Decontamination simply cleans the boat by spraying the exterior and flushing the interior compartments with pressurized hot (120-140°F) water to remove and kill any AIS that may be on the watercraft. The limited access at Canyon Ferry Reservoir is part of Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks’ response to a water sample from last fall that was found to be suspect for the presence of aquatic invasive mussel larvae. Water samples from Tiber were found to be positive for the invasive mussel larvae. On Wednesday, the Montana Fish and Wildlife Commission approved rules requiring boaters on Canyon Ferry and Tiber reservoirs to launch and exit at designated boat ramps, unless they are officially certified as local boaters by FWP. The local boater program will allow watercraft owners to complete educational training on aquatic invasive species and sign an agreement with FWP pledging to only use the boat at either Tiber or Canyon Ferry reservoir. Local boaters would not be required to decontaminate their boat each time they leave Tiber or Canyon Ferry but they still must stop at inspection stations where they will be expedited through after a brief interview. Should a certified local boater want to use the watercraft at another waterbody, as part of the pledge, the boat owner would be required to get the watercraft decontaminated with hot water. Local boater training and certification will be available online beginning in mid-April. Prospective local boaters can also get certified by attending one of the Joint Mussel Response Team’s open houses that will focus on the effort to contain, detect and prevent the spread of invasive mussels CONTINUED ON PAGE C18


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Advance notice of: Closeouts • Sales • Special buys


Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page C17





Bale Mover

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Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page C18

We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.


Doug Henke ~ Chester, MT cell (406) 799-2616

eDrive Coming for John Deere & Case Sprayers!!

“NEW” Sprayflex 50-ft. Land Rollers Available!!!

• Floating Boom Design • Lightweight Aluminum Box Boom • Stainless Steel Tanks or Plastic • Many years of testing • Boom widths up to 150-ft. • Tank sizes - 1450, 1500, 2000, 3000 gallon

John Deere 4930 Sprayer • Electric Conversion getting closer to Testing!!!! • Check Website - www.esprayers.com for updates!


2009 John Deere 4930 - 120-ft. booms, 1200 gallon tank, auto steer, swath control, new John Deere hydros, new John Deere wheel motors, 4800 hours, very nice ...........................$99,900

Website - trucksprayers.com Henke Enterprises Inc. offers-

* Complete Spray Truck assembly * Truck Frame work * Hydraulic work * Welding of steel, aluminum, stainless steel * Machining - lathe work (18”x80”) and milling * Custom built wheels for floaters & etc. - Powder Coated * Crane truck work 50-ft. of height * Electronic testing and repairs * Over 20 years experience with Marflex-SprayFlex sprayers * All sprayers tested on our irrigated and dryland farm

Contact your authorized dealer

Henke Enterprises Inc., Doug Henke, Chester, MT


2009 John Deere 4930 **EDRIVE sprayer new electric drive conversion 120-ft. booms. ................................... $169,900 5 year drive warranty 2006 MARFLEX truck O LD 90-ft. booms, 1300 gallon S sprayer tank........................................................................ $24,900 2006 MARFLEX 90-ft. booms, 1250 gallon tank, 2003 Freightliner truck, 300 hp. ................................................. $29,900


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NADA PRICE: $48,125



NADA PRICE: $26,500



NADA PRICE: $34,225



NADA PRICE: $37,350



NADA PRICE: $41,125



NADA PRICE: $29,900



NADA PRICE: $41,825



NADA PRICE: $24,175

Tree growth model assists breeding for more wood

By Scott Weybright, WSU CAHNRS A meeting in a forest between a biologist and a mathematician could lead to thicker, faster growing trees. “Mathematicians like translating biological processes into numbers,” said Andrei Smertenko, assistant professor in Washington State University’s (WSU) Institute of Biological Chemistry. “I’m a biologist, and I want to help grow stronger, better trees.” Breeding trees is a time-consuming and imprecise field, with breeders relying on a few genetic markers and observations. It takes years before they see the traits they’re looking for in a young tree. To help speed things up, Smertenko and his WSU Department of Mathematics colleagues Vladyslav Oles and Alexander Panchenko have developed a new model that could help make tree breeding much easier. How hormones, genes impact growth The group met three years ago at a party in a forest and started talking about trees, Smertenko’s interest. That chance meeting eventually led to the model, which was recently published in the journal PLOS One under the title “Modeling hormonal control of cambium proliferation” (http://journals. plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0171927). “Radial growth, or thickness, is known to be controlled by many hormones,” Smertenko said. “But how each hormone contributes to the radial growth remains poorly understood. So the model simulates how interactions between hormones and key genes would impact radial growth.” Calculations require systematic evaluation of millions of different situations in the cells, he said. Basically, the model runs billions of simulations of genetic interactions to predict which trees are likely to make more or less wood as they grow. Model focuses on cambium The model focuses on understanding molecular processes in cambium, a type of stem cell that can sense availability of nutrients in soil and photosynthetic activity in shoots. Cambium integrates these signals with plant height to produce the required amount of wood each growth season, Smertenko said. “Wood is very expensive for a tree to produce, from a resource perspective,” he said. “Allocating too many resources to wood production would ultimately limit plant reproduction potential. And we can’t currently measure or study cambium in a living plant because it stops working as soon as we do anything to the plant. “So if we can’t observe the tissue directly, then making a mathematical model is the best solution we have so far,” he said. Cambium controls tree growth and, during the active season, it divides quickly. If you look at annual rings of a tree, the light part reflects higher cambium activity, as in spring, and the darker rings are periods of slow growth, as in winter. Model identifies breeding lines In a genetically diverse population of trees, breeders can use the information from the model to see which trees are more likely to generate more wood. “Some breeders may want skinnier trees, or thicker trees,” Smertenko said. “From a science point of view, our model can be used to identify different breeding lines with higher or lower wood production.” So far, the model only works on deciduous trees, like oak or poplar, and not on coniferous trees, like pine or fir, because the growth process is better understood in deciduous trees, Smertenko said.

Two ramps on Canyon Ferry CONTINUED FROM PAGE C16

and other aquatic invasive species. Additional open-houses events will be announced when dates and locations are secured. Containing the risk of spreading mussels from the reservoirs to other areas is a key component of the Joint Mussel Response Team’s implementation plan. When boaters transport water in their boats they can spread destructive mussel that are so small at the larvae stage they can only be seen under a microscope. To combat the spread of all aquatic invasive species, Montana officials urge boaters and anglers to Clean, Drain, Dry their watercraft, trailers and equipment when they leave the water as a guarantee that they’re not spreading invasive mussels. A cleaned, drained and dry boat also will make for a quick inspection.

How to build proteins in cereal crops

By Dale R. Clark, Ph. D., Director of Research for Northern Seed We have been getting a lot of questions around protein in cereal crops. I’ll touch on why protein is important to the milling industry and the key agronomic drivers of high protein. You can improve your protein levels with a few simple steps. Higher protein in hard red winter and hard red spring wheat usually mean a stronger wheat for the baking industry. The Hard Red Winter protein basis (that point at which there is no discount or premium) is usually around the 12.5% level and this can change depending on the level of the current harvest, especially in the Central Plains states. For hard red spring (also called DNS or Dark Northern Spring) the protein basis is 14%. The premium and discounts applied to HRS vary each year, depending on the protein level in the previous year’s crop. Nitrogen is the primary nutrient needed to produce higher levels of protein in a cereal crop, and Sulfur is the next most essential nutrient. For HRS it takes about 3 lbs of available N for every bushel produced to maintain the 14% protein level. The anticipated yield at planting time and the soil available N will determine the amount of N that is needed to be applied. For Sulfur, about 20-25 lbs of Sulfur should be applied in the form of Ammonium Sulfate. Elemental Sulfur can also be applied, but it takes about one year for this to break down into the available form, so if you use this form, you need to plan ahead. Another important aspect when trying to push protein content is when to apply the fertilizer. During heading through flowering is a good time to add N. The head size has already been determined and the N will build protein. You can use 28-0-0 or 32-0-0, but when using these products at more than 1 or 2 gallons per acre, you will need to use streamer bars or streamer nozzles. Do not flat fan high rates or you will experience sever leaf burn. Also, this should be timed ahead of a moisture event as the N needs to come into the plant through the roots. Other products such as Utilize, N-Demand, or CoRon could be flat fanned

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page C19

Advertising Deadline for the May issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be April 26th. Call (406) 271-5533 to place your ad.

Hoven’s New To You SQUARE BALERS

USED SWATHERS Massey Ferguson 9635 with 9175 rotary head. $74,900

New Holland BB960 3x4 square baler. $36,900 New Holland 275 14x18 with engine.................. $1500 Case IH LBX432 3x4 with cutter...................... $58,900 Case 531 14x18 baler....................................... $19,400 Massey-Fergurson 2170 3x4 square baler..... $69,900 Massey-Ferguson 2170 3x4, cutter................. $54,900

ROUND BALERS Massey Ferguson Hesston 2856A twine and net wrap. $29,900

MacDon M100 with 35-ft. D60S header........... $69,900 MacDon 7000 with 30-ft. 960 header............... $27,900 2013 Massey 1375 15’3” cut............................ $26,900 2012 Massey 1375 pull type rotary.................. $23,500

USED HAYING EQUIPMENT MacDon 1300 bale stacker. $14,900

Frontier WR1218C 18 wheel rake....................... $9500 Otma 3-point, 10 wheel rake................................. $950

2-Hesston 5556A with mesh wrap. Each......... $15,900 Case IH RBX562 with mesh wrap.................... $14,900 New Holland BR780 twine only.......................... $7900 New Holland BR780A twine only........................ $9900 New Holland 688 twine only................................ $9900 New Holland 664 twine only................................ $9600 Vermeer 605XL twine only.................................. $8900 Vermeer Super J twine only................................ $4900

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1376 hours*, 15,400 lb capacity, Nissan 6 cylinder gas motor, 2 speed automatic transmission, 229 inch mast height

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1184 hours*, Kubota 75 hp, hi flow, auxiliary outlet controls

2001 International Asphalt Patch Truck

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(2) 2005 Chevrolet C7500

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2010 Bobcat S250

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2500 hours*, Cummins turbo diesel *Hours and miles are advertised as shown on the hours/speedometer. Have no way of verifying true accuracy. All vehicles will be sold through Ram Tire Co. Inc., a licensed California motor dealer.

140,000 miles*, automatic transmission, air conditioning, ex-CA city


1998 Cat 45KW Genset.......... $11,750 2004 John Deere Progator........CALL

159 hours*, 187 KVA. Flexible Finance options available with seasonal payments, deferred payment plans, and no money down payment options with approved credit.* 50 month credit terms available on all units regardless of asset age.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page C20

HAY FOR SALE Alfalfa hay – second cutting Alfalfa/grass hay – first cutting Call (406) 279-3494 or 576-5147, Valier, MT area


Case IH 1680, very experienced. Good tires and engine, lots of new parts..........................................$12,500 obo 0 REDUCED $850 Call Gary (406) 868-7228, Great Falls, Montana

Vaughn Truck Sales

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New 2016 Maurer 53-ft. x 102” drop deck with beavertail, steel wheels........................$33,000 2018 Maurer 40-ft. w/pintle hitch, steel wheels, spring suspension................................$29,250

2012 Kenworth T800 ISX Cummins, 10 speed, lift axle...................................................... $52,500

2018 Maurer 24-ft. steel wheels, spring suspension.......................................................$18,500

2008 Chapparal step deck, 53-ft.x102”, rear axle slide..................................................... $24,500

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2012 Wilson 41-ft. ag hopper, 4 aluminum wheels, air ride.....................................$26,000

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1985 Farris aluminum pup trailer, 11-24.5 tires, Dayton wheels, turntable dolly.................$7000

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high rates or you will experience sever leaf burn. Also, this should be timed ahead of a moisture event as the N needs to come into the plant through the roots. Other products such as Utilize, NDemand, or CoRon could be flat fanned and some of the N in these products are also in the leaf of a plant. If interested in one of these products consult your crop advisor for more information. Varieties with the ability to make protein are probably the most important part of the equation. Plant breeders from both private and public institutions are constantly trying to improve their varieties for yield, disease resistance and other agronomic traits. While improving these traits they must always be vigilant to maintain the genetics that are necessary to produce the proper grain protein. In our test plots, WB 9669 has performed very well. In 3 years of testing, it has averaged almost 2 points higher protein than the plot average. Cereal Quality Labs, maintained by public and private institutions, continually test the new lines for not only the percent protein of the new lines, but also for the functionality of that protein for making bread. The other important groups are the soil scientists and agronomic advisers that continually monitor the various soil profiles and make fertilizer recommendations to the grower. Crop rotation can play a big part in protein levels of cereal crops. Crops such as Canola will pull a lot of sulfur out of the soil so one needs to add that back. Legumes can fix nitrogen through the symbiotic relationship if inoculants are applied with the seed at the time of planting. Much of this N is left for the next crop and would be available for producing protein. It is important to have a good soil test prior to planting to determine how much N is available from last year’s crop. The legumes may provide a source of free nitrogen, but the plant and the seed still need a certain level of N to produce not only the grain nitrogen but the growing plant. Legume crops seem to make the soils more mellow, increasing the water holding capacity of the crop, which not only will increase yield, but also stop some of the leaching of the N in times of excessive water. Proteins are made up of Amino Acids, Amino Acids contain N, and some contain S. So if you don’t have enough N and S, then proteins cannot be produced.

Scientists to help identify genes that control wheat yield

By Pat Melgares, K-State Research and Extension Kansas State University is among 19 groups that have joined forces to identify the genes that affect wheat yield. The National Institute for Food and Agriculture has awarded $10 million to fund the Wheat Coordinated Agricultural Project, or Wheat CAP, with the hope of answering some of the key questions about which genes most directly impact wheat production in the U.S. and around the world. “Once we identify these wheat genes, we can use them to characterize biological pathways that control wheat yield components,” said Eduard Akhunov, an associate professor of plant pathology and co-director of the Wheat CAP. NIFA’s funds will be managed by the University of California at Davis, which will then coordinate work among 19 U.S. breeding programs. “Our group will be developing genomic resources for wheat geneticists and breeders to move ahead with their individual projects,” Akhunov said, adding that Kansas State University is “uniquely qualified to use genome sequencing technologies to characterize wheat genome and identify factors involved in the regulation of gene expression.” The genes identified for impacting wheat yield will be deposited into public databases and used in breeding programs nationwide, Akhunov said. “The Kansas wheat breeding programs will not only benefit from identifying the gene that we have in our wheat breeding lines, but we can also get genetic material from other partners and use them in the development of improved varieties here in Kansas,” he said. NIFA is funding this project through its International Wheat Yield Partnership program, which has a goal of increasing the genetic yield potential and production of wheat by 50 percent in the next two decades. Kansas State University’s work, which begins in January, comes on the heels of another large project just completed at the university. Akhunov said his research team has been involved in recent years with the Triticeae Coordinated Agricultural Project – or TCAP – in which they developed the

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page C21

The deadline for advertising in the May issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be April 26th. Phone (406) 271-5533 or email: trader@3rivers.net

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2016 Case 721F wheel loader, 2610 hours, #UCE226..................................$116,000

Case 821F loader, 4236 hours. #UCE505......... ..................................................$120,000

2016 Case Farmall 75C 4WD, 293 hours. #UAG083....................................$32,000

Case 521F XR loader, 2998 hours. #UCE655... ....................................................$90,000

2015 Case IH 280 tractor, Powershift, 4557 hours. #UAG320..........................$83,000

1980 John Deere 4440 2WD, 8446 hours, #UJD874.....................................$18,000

Kubota M7060 tractor, 1255 hours. #UKT889.. ....................................................$28,500

Case 621F loader, 4241 hours, includes standard bucket. #UCE507..............$107,560

2016 Case IH WR2303 windrower, 1635 hours. #UWR31A...................................$65,000

Case 921F XR loader, 4751 hours. #UCE890... Kubota M5460 tractor, 5142 hours. #UKT53A.. ..................................................$120,000 ....................................................$19,500

Case 3330 sprayer, 374 hours. #UAG660......... ..................................................$192,000

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page C22

We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.

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p Oats Otana p Arvika Peas

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Grass - Alfalfa - Legumes


p Certified Agassiz p Certified Daytona (green pea) Other varieties on demand.


Pacific chorus frog can’t compete with traffic noise

By Chris Branam, Oregon State University Extension It’s a little frog with a big voice – and a big problem. The male Pacific chorus frog, known for its classic “ribbit” mating call heard across long distances, doesn’t adjust its call to compensate for nearby traffic noise that occurs at the same frequency, according to a study by Oregon State University (OSU) researchers. Frogs can change several aspects of their call structure, including duration, calls per minute, and frequency, and they can do this in response to high levels of noise, said Danielle Nelson, a doctoral student who led the study. “The frogs we studied kept calling at the same frequency and at the same time,” Nelson said. “We don’t think they can change. This is a serious problem for maintaining this frog’s populations in noisy traffic areas. The females orient to individual males through their calls. If they can’t find each other to mate, how is their population going to persist?” The study spotlights the intrusion of human-related noise on wildlife habitat, said Tiffany Garcia, an aquatic ecologist in the OSU College of Agricultural Sciences. Because frogs are less mobile than birds or bats, they may be more impacted by high levels of noise at breeding sites. “This is a ubiquitous little frog that you wouldn’t think would have problems calling. But it does,” Garcia said. “We’re seeing urban sprawl occurring around our big cities that is impacting wetland habitats. Human activity is impacting this frog’s ability to communicate.” The finding was published in the journal Ecology and Evolution. The researchers recommend adding noise barriers along highways to mitigate the traffic noise, ranging from concrete walls to hedges. The researchers set up recorders at 11 sites in Oregon’s Willamette Valley. The sites were chosen for their range of noise exposure, from relatively quiet wildlife refuges to some that were just off Interstate 5. They recorded the frogs from February to May at the peak time of the frog’s call – from 4 p.m. to midnight. The team also recorded about 100 individual frogs at all 11 sites. “Pacific chorus frogs call in the upper frequencies that overlap with road noise,” Nelson said. “Rush hour falls just about when chorus frogs are calling, so they are being interfered with there, as well.” At about two inches in length, the Pacific chorus frog, also known as the Pacific tree frog, is the smallest and most commonly heard frog in Oregon. The males often repeat their call many times in an effort to attract females for breeding. This calling stimulates other males to join in, and large concentrations of these frogs can be heard from far away. Pacific chorus frogs live in wetlands, meadows, woodlands and brushy areas and breed up to only a few months a year in shallow ponds, slow moving streams, seasonal pools, watering tanks and roadside ditches. Many of the 6,000-plus species of amphibians around the world are disappearing. About 30 percent of amphibian species worldwide are considered threatened, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature. “There are a lot of reasons why amphibians are declining and humans have a lot to do with them,” Garcia said. “We are changing the climate. We are forcing them out of their habitats, and we are changing their habitats at an unprecedented rate. Oregon is a hot spot for amphibians. We have a rich biodiversity of frogs and salamanders. We need to protect the ones that we have.”

Scientists to help identify genes that control wheat yield CONTINUED FROM PAGE C21

Dividend Extreme

Phone 406-378-2112 After hours: Roger Terry 406-378-3220

genetic resources and genomic tools necessary for studying the genetic basis of yield-related traits in wheat. That project wrapped up in November. “The work never stopped,” Akhunov said. “The project will slowly transition from the TCAP project to Wheat CAP. The objectives will be to use the resources developed at the previous stages toward this new challenge: identifying genes that control wheat yield components.” ##### Did you know... The average human produces 25,000 quarts of spit in a lifetime, enough to fill two swimming pools?

WAES friends, staff honored with awards, recognition

By University of Wyoming Extension Shiny belt buckles specially designed for friends of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station (WAES) and a first-time award lit up the ballroom at the University of Wyoming Conference Center in Laramie February 15. UW President Laurie Nichols and Pepper Jo Six, UW Foundation major gift officer, helped Bret Hess, associate dean of research in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources and WAES director, honor two people he said “went well beyond the call of duty to help us celebrate our 125th anniversary.” Friends of AES Recognized Leesa Zalesky and David Kruger were each presented a “Friend of AES” belt buckle. Zalesky helped care for Pistol and Pete, the WAES Haflinger draft horses that made appearances throughout the state in 2016, often pulling the college’s sheep wagon refurbished for the 125th celebration. She launched the pair into celebrity by creating their Facebook page, a factsheet, and traveling banner. Hess credits her for helping Pistol and Pete become “icons and exceptional ambassadors for WAES.” Kruger documented WAES history in the book 125 Years of the Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station. He viewed the project as part of his responsibilities as UW library liaison with the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources and attended WAES field days and other events to sign the book and share WAES history. Hess acknowledged Kruger as one of WAES’s “best ambassadors.” Kathleen Bertoncelj AES Staff Awards Presented Friends and supporters of a former WAES staff associate, led by former WAES director Steve Miller, made gifts to establish the Kathleen Bertoncelj WAES Staff Award. The inaugural award was presented to Rochelle Koltiska, Sheridan Research and Extension Center (ShREC) office associate, and Joanne Newcomb, administrative associate for WAES. Bertoncelj is a former senior office associate in the WAES. She worked at UW for 38 years, the last 16 in the WAES. Koltiska embodies the spirit of the award by providing outstanding service and commitment to the improvement of WAES and its endeavors, said Hess. He noted when she arrived she was tasked with building an efficiently running office in the midst of great transitions, which included multiple station directors and a change in structure of the ShREC. She has adapted procedures to meet the center’s expansion and has met the challenges of her own expanding roles, said Hess. “Our team has complete confidence in her ability to ensure every detail is attended to for any of our public events, as this is an area where she really shines,” he said. He also acknowledged her contributions are helping grow the ShREC internship program. Newcomb was praised for her professionalism and skill for anticipating needs. Newcomb ensures major programs and initiatives run smoothly and are efficient, effective, and highly professional, said Hess. He called her “the ultimate planner and organizer” and noted her ability to manage details. “Anybody who has had the pleasure of working with Joanne can rest assured every possible scenario has been thoroughly explored and adjustments made before any possible situation is encountered,” said Hess. He concluded, “When someone always knows your name and makes you feel as though you are friends, even when she works with hundreds of people, you know she is good at what she does.” Staff Years of Service, Careers Recognized • 5 years with WAES: Rochelle Koltiska, Joanne Newcomb. • 10 years with WAES: Kelly Greenwald, administrative associate at the James C. Hageman Sustainable Research and Extension Center (SAREC); Larry Miller, assistant farm manager at SAREC; Keith Schaefer, assistant farm manager at the Powell Research and Extension Center; and Travis Smith, assistant farm manager at the Laramie Research and Extension Center (LREC). • 20 years with WAES: Mike Moore, manager, Wyoming Seed Certification Service. WAES employees who retired in 2017 are Denny Hall, manager, Wyoming Seed Laboratory; Dale Hill, assistant farm manager, LREC; and David Perry, grants coordinator, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources.

##### Did you know... Recycling one glass jar saves enough energy to watch TV for three hours? ##### Did you know... Most lipstick contains fish scales?

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page C23


New Holland TR70 combine, Cat engine runs good, new rasp bars & concaves, new chains & belts, new feederhouse bearings & chains, new tires, feederhouse reverser, hydro, monitors, air, radio. Very nice combine...................................$4995

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Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page C24

Advertising Deadline for the May issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be April 26th. Wednesday BEFORE first Monday of each month.

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Native Dryland Items Mountain Brome Idaho Fescue Rough Fescue Sherman Big Bluegrass Sandberg Bluegrass Prairie Junegrass Basin Wildrye Streambank Wheatgrass Thickspike Wheatgrass Western Wheatgrass Bluebunch Wheatgrass Slender Wheatgrass Blue Grama Green Needlegrass Indian Ricegrass

du p n u o e R alf a v a eH Al f le Legumes W e ad y a i l a b R d av Alfalfa Sainfoin Se e Alsike Clover Red Clover Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover Cicer Milkvetch Birdsfoot Treefoil Black Medic

Tame Dryland Items Smooth Brome Meadow Brome Sheep Fescue Hard Fescue Paiute Orchardgrass Russian Wildrye Dahurian Wildrye Altai Wildrye Tall Wheatgrass Intermediate Wheatgrass Pubescent Wheatgrass A/C Saltlander Crested Wheatgrass Hycrest Crested Wheatgrass

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Common sense fencing for horses

By Ann M. Swinker, PennState Extension Horse Specialist Fencing can be constructed of poles, pipe, boards, plastic or wire. Or the fence can be a combination of these fencing materials. Regardless of where you keep your horse, always be alert for loose boards, nails and any projections that could cause injuries. The important thing is that the fence be visible to the horse to keep them from running through the fence. Horse’s normal behaviors can make “Horse keeping and fencing a real challenge.” Herd social pressures usually are to blame when horses challenge fences. Whether one horse is trying to escape another, or one is trying to get to the other—either way horses will get through the fence. If your horses are kept in a corral, paddock or pasture with a loafing shed shelter, it is important that the shelter and paddock have enough room for the number of horses living together. Horses are herd animals and they establish social orders. Dominant (boss) horses bite and attack those horses that are lower on the pecking order. Be sure to give horses enough room so the horses get out of the way and hopefully preventing injuries. If you have groups of horses sharing a fence line; then the best but most expensive fence is double fencing (horses cannot reach each other with a space between). If you have to use a shared fence lines then consider a strand of “hot wire” (electric fence) across the top of all shared fence lines. Weanlings and yearlings tend to be playful and rambunctious and need to be housed in the safest, strongest fences you have. Any wire fence should be smooth — not barbed wire. Barbed wire injures horses. Electric fences should have smooth wire or it can be plastic coated. There are some great products on the market such as polywire, ribbons etc. that can conduct electricity. Make sure you buy a system (charger) that is large enough to put out an electric charge that can power your fencing design. Then regularly check the fence-charger to be sure it works. Most electric charges have a light that shows when there is a break in the fence or if the circuit is incomplete. Remove overgrown weeds from fence lines. Check all fences regularly and keep wire fences tight. Most vets report wire cut from fences that were not on or loose wires that are in disrepair. Whatever your fence types make sure your fence is properly installed. The horse’s eyes are attracted by movement; this makes a fence more visible by attaching strips of cloth or plastic along the wire. This will help introduce a horse to a hot wire fence for the first time. Is your fence visible? Color is not a key factor in visibility to the horse, but brightness and contrast are. Where you place your fence also has a lot to do with how visible it will be to your horses. Remember that horses are far-sighted creatures which tend to look to the horizon. Placing a fence at the bottom of a hill, even if that’s the end of your property line, might be is an accident waiting to happen. The horse will fail to see the fence until he is through it. Shorten your property line by placing the fence along the top of the visible ridge will help to keep horses safe. Height - Install your fence at a height equal to the height of your horse’s eyes with his head up, about five feet or better. Draft horses need something higher taller and miniatures or ponies with less. Most State’s Laws recommend a fence at least six feet high for keeping stallions. Your gates and placement of them are just as important as the type of fencing used. Place your gates so that horses don’t get crowded when leading them in or out. Make gate opening large enough to get farm equipment through to work on the pastures. Fence off trees, power line guy wires, wet areas, streams, ponds or anything in which a horse can get in trouble. Avoid, using metal T-posts (metal stake posts). Horse can impaled themselves on a T-post. If you do use Tposts cover them with plastic caps on the tops to help avoid any danger. Regardless of the material used for the fence, be sure to fasten the fencing materials to the inside of the fence. When horses lean on your fence, the boards, pipes, or wire will be pushed against the posts rather than off them. Boards on the outsides of the posts might look nicer, but can be pushed off—and the horses can escape. Any fence type to be safe and reliable requires planning and proper instillation and may requires some professional help. ##### Did you knowAmericans eat 35,000 tons of pasta a year?

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page C25

MontanaSeeds.com montanaseeds@gmail.com

Rocky Mountain

Remont Sainfoin Alfalfa loses 1/4 to 1/3 of its digestible

Must Read This!

protein through bloat, lack of condensed tannins

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(Webster’s Dictionary)

Rocky Mountain Remont Early Bird Sale — $1.50 per pound Delaney — Price on request Reasons: Sainfoin • Legume • No Bloat • No Weevil • No Loss Protein • • • • • • • • • • •

Little Fertilizer Expense Cheap Weed Control Little or no gas Ease of production Low seed cost Early Stand Enhancement Highest Palatability Good Pollen Production Nectar produced at 60 #1 Honey producer Flexible harvest dates

Alfalfa • Legume • Bloat • Weevil problem • Losses of 1/4 - 1/3 Digestible Protein • Hefty Fertilizer Expense • Expensive Weed Control • Methane Gas (Bloat) • Complicated Production • High seed cost • Expensive stand replacement • Low palatability • No Pollen Production • Nectar produced at 90 • Poor honey producer • Short harvest window

Alfalfa isn’t Queen of Forages, it’s the problem child. Livestock, wildlife, and even honey bees prefer Sainfoin over other forages. Alfalfa dealers are desperately trying to get the condensed tannins in their alfalfa and use high pressure sales to convince you to grow alfalfa. Follow the money. Sainfoin is worth 25 to 50 percent more per ton than alfalfa as graze or hay. Without condensed tannins, 1/4 to 1/3 of alfalfas protein will pass through the animal undigested. Sainfoin leaves naturally contain tannins, allowing the protein to be digested instead of excreted. Growing best practices: • Sainfoin establishes itself without a cover crop. • Do not mix with other plants such as barley or wheat. 30 pounds per acre for dryland or 1 cutting, 40 pounds per acre for irrigated or multi-cuts. • Seed in fall or spring when moisture will be held to the seed. • Seed 3/4 of an inch deep or less. • Hay/graze when near full bloom.


Montana Seeds 168 Fairview Lane Conrad, MT 59425 www.MontanaSeeds.com


For more information, call Rollie Schlepp 406-788-9556 or Don Keil 406-278-9951

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page C26

What are Zebra Mussels and Why are they a Problem?


Case IH ADX 3360 3 compartment, variable rate cart, triple shoot with ATX3 6012 air drill with 3” carbide tips..................$40,000 or offer Flexi-Coil 5000 51-ft. with 2320 cart, 9” spacing, 1” carbide tips............. ................................................................................. $18,000 or offer (3) Wade Rain wheel lines, 5-ft. wheels, 1/4 mile each.........$3000 each (1) Unknown wheel line, 7-ft. wheels, 1/4 mile................................$3000 (15) 10”, 30-ft. main line with risers.................................................... Call Phone (406) 279-3586 ext 401 or 304, cell 289-0700, Valier, MT

Zebra mussels are small freshwater mollusks (1/4 to 11/2 inches long) named for the striped pattern of their shells.

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Native to Black and Caspian sea drainages in Eurasia Brought to North America in the ballast waters of trans-Atlantic freighters in the late 1980s Attach to underwater objects with their byssal threads Filter the water to remove planton that would otherwise provide food for fish and other aquatic life


Ten ways to irritate coworkers


Reheat garlic pizza in the office microwave. Use an outside voice inside, especially when discussing an adorable grand‘17 Kenworth T880 daughter ’s latest clever comments. daycab, Cummins Agree with the boss on 8 t u Blow O 00 T o C h o ,0 o everything. Everything! 8 s 3 e $ Price ISX15 500 hp, 3.73 FromEven ! if he says it’s raining outside and you’re looking rear end, 244” wheelout the window to a bright, base, tandem axles clear, cloudless sky. In group meetings, alwith lift axle, chrome ways ask for explanations, even if instructions are clear. bumper, heated powSneak up behind people and read over their shoulder er mirrors, power(8)win06 Volvos VNL64T, Cummins ISX ST 450 hp, Jake, 10 spd direct, air ride, 215"WB, stand up sleeper, for several minutessignature before dows, dual chrome exclearing you throat to letSt tanks,PW, Pwr mirrors, dual air ride seats, traction control, tilt & cruise, alum wheels, 80% Brakes!! 85% tires!! them know you’re there. haust. Stk# G167925. Set your cell phone ringtone to an obnoxious jingle .............Call for Info! and let it ring for several seconds before answering it. Call us, we’ll e-mail At least once a month, you 30 pictures go around to coworkers collecting for charities and fundraisers. Fill in everyone on every detail of your life, past and present. SAVE SAVE SALE PRICE Cough. Smack bubble Sale Price $9,000 $25,000 $16,000 $37,000 gum. Hum. Sigh. Clear SALE PRICE your Repeat dozens 0 $43,00throat. of times throughout the day. Forward dozens of cute kitten and puppy emails and videos to your coworkers’ inboxes every day.

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##### ‘10 Kenworth T800B Cummins ISX 475 hp, new daycab, 4.11 rear ends, ‘04your Peterbilt Catleather C15 475 HP ‘04 Peterbilt C15 window, 475 HP,CD Jake, 10 spd O.D., air ride, ‘04 Intl 9400i Cat C15 435 HP, Jake, 10 spd O.D., air ride, 213” If 213” wheelbase, tandem axles, dual fuel 379, tanks,Cat power player, car379, has 3.70 ratio, 250” WB, 63” Unibilt ta WB, 4.11 ratio, dual tanks, 51” hi rise pro sleeper, Prem int alum 3.70 ratio, 250” WB, 63” Unibilt tall sleeper, Am Class int, dual ‘06 Peterbilt 379 Cummins ISX 525 hp, 13 speed, 36” sleeper, 3.55 rear chrome bumper, power heated mirrors, full chrome gauges, block heater, seats, regularly a thin tanks, exhaust &apply air cleaners, alum w wheels, PW & PDL, air slide 5th wheel tanks, exhaust & air cleaners, alum wheels 80% Tires!! bumper, dual aluminum$34,000 fuel tanks, heated Meritor axles, power locks, full50% locking differentials. G275005.$53,000 ............... ends, 245” wheelbase, chrome 50% Brakes! Stk# TPN639T-1 STK# TP3954T-9 Brakes! Stk# Stk# TPN640T-1 layer of baby oil to the leathmirrors. Stk# G648498C....................................................... Call for Details! ................................................................................................Call Price! CALL WE’LL CALL US! WE’LL E-MAIL YOU 30 PICTURESer and CALL US! WE’LL E-MAIL for YOU 30 PICTURES let US! it dry. This E-MAIL will S E Call us, we’ll e-mail you 30 pictures Call us, we’ll e-mail you 30 pictures av IC e prevent your seats from drySALE PR 5 To $11,000 $48,000 se and cracking. Choo ing out From

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page C27

3-V Distributing, Inc.

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Lots of electric endgate/ hoist kits in stock. Be ready for seeding this spring! Lots of flatbeds in stock All different sizes

Call for an electric tarp quote for those cold winter days of hauling grain! We will be at the Montana Association of Counties and Roads March 27-30th in the Best Western Heritage Inn. Stop by and say Hi!

Rock Tamers Protect what you tow! Remember, we build hydraulic hoses and have a large selection of fittings for all your equipment needs!

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page C28

Common Lavina Hay Barley Seed 99% germ 1150 per hundred weight bin run Volume Discounts MT Seed Growers License #102251

Call Mike (406) 781-4594, Fort Benton, MT

1986 Kenworth 10 Yard Dump 400 Cummins, 13 speed, 2 speed rears, Hendrickson suspension, Jake, 50% tires and brakes, PS, steel frame, 12.5ft. Columbia dump.......$12,500 1997 Towmaster T40 20 ton trailer 50%, 17.5 tires, 24-ft.X102” wide, good deck, 50% brakes.. .......................................$8500

1989 Ford F800 5 Yard Dump 6 cyl. Ford diesel, PS, PB, 5 speed & 2 speed, 28K GVW, good tires........................$6500

1993 Ford F700 5 Yard Dump 190 hp, 5.9 Cummins, 5 speed and 2 speed, PS, PB, 28K GVW, 140,000 miles, New 11R22.5’s, double frame, 10-ft. dump bed....................$14,500 1994 GMC Topkick Grain Dump 3116 CAT diesel, 6 speed Eaton, PS, PB, 85% 22.5 tires, 16.5-ft. Knapheid dump, scissor hoist, needs floor, 30,000 GVW............................$11,500 1994 GMC Topkick Dump 3116 Cat diesel, 6 speed Eaton, AC, PS, PB, 60% 19.5 tires, 15.5-ft. steel grain dump, scissor hoist, hitch, 24L GVW... ....................................$12,500

1996 Ford F800 12V 5.9 Cummins, Allison, AC, AB, 72,000 miles, 26K GVW under CDL, 100 cfm rotary screw compressor, 15 gpm wet kit. Nice service truck with low, low miles, 90% 10R22.5’s........ ....................................$12,500 1996 Ford F800 12V 5.9 Cummins, 5 speed & 2 speed, AC, PS, PB, 26K GVW, Pacific service bed, 75 gallon slip tank with pump, trailer hookups, 80% 10R22.5’s, 191,000 miles. Clean, tight truck.............................$11,500 1994 Ford L8000 Service Truck 250 hp 8.3 Cummins, 7 speed Fuller, AB, PS, 75% 22.5 tires, 12-ft. bed, trailer hookups, nice clean truck...................$10,500

2001 Freightliner FL70 24-ft. flatbed, 26K GVW, 3126 Cat diesel, 6 speed manual, PB, PS, AC, cruise, 70% tires, runs and drives great...$10,500

406-381-3159 or 777-7057

In search of income

By Kris Ringwall, Beef Specialist, NDSU Extension Service the change and skip a year’s income, the In 2012, the Dickinson Research Excenter had to tread slowly. That meant selltension Center (DREC) switched to May ing portions of cattle and moving slowly as calving. fewer and fewer fall calves were sold and We continue to tread along that path. I say replaced with an inventory of yearling and “tread” because change always has a knob fat cattle. or two that needs adjustment. Currently, the center can retain ownership One of those knobs that need adjustin all cattle until ing is selling the they reach market calves, or searchweight as finished ing for income. cattle. What does The adjustment is the current inventiming and how tory look like? The different markets DREC cattle inreact to different ventory was 644 weights of cattle. head on January Either way, as a 24, 2017, includproducer shifts the ing 264 pregnant calving date, he or females and 17 she finds himself bulls. or herself in new, The 2016 calf unfamiliar terricrop is weaned: tory in regard to 119 steers, two marketing. bull claves and Fundamentally, 110 heifers. The change involves 2015 calf crop that a discussion with is not bred in the the banker becow herd includes cause the most im82 feedlot steers, portant part of any 16 spayed heifers beef operation is on feed and one income flow, and realizer, a poormost operations performing calf generally with no identifiare not self-funded. Changing the standard able explanations for the poor growth. The and historical income flow, particularly as center has 32 market cows on feed and, as borrowing obligations come due, sends up with many ranches, there always is an exflags, perhaps even a warning siren. Many ception. At the center, it’s one 2012 spayed good and bad ideas can be put to the test heifer there for company. when cash is flowing well, but when total If the center were a “traditional” cow-calf income dollars slow, everything slows. enterprise, the 119 weaned steer calves and Even for those producers who do not keep heifers, minus the herd replacements, would any records, a low checkbook balance or an be sold or ready to sell. But through time, overdraft makes for a quick discussion with the steer calves, as well as the heifers, have the banker, who might ask, “Just what are been held over to a yearling program. More you doing?” heifers also are retained to make up for a Twenty-five years ago, I took over the lowered cow inventory. The cow inventory reins as the director of the NDSU Dickinson was lowered when prices were high to keep Research Extension Center. The thought of cash flowing as more yearlings were kept. implementing new research ideas and sharThe income generators for the center are ing new educational opportunities was awenow finished steer and spayed heifer yearsome. But the administrative obligations lings at around 22 months. Market cows also were there. I found myself asking many and bulls are fed and marketed after the fall times, “Did we pay the bill last year?” If the rush. Essentially, May calving has altered answer was yes, the bill got paid; if no, the how the center fits into the beef marketing bill was set aside for discussion. world. The rush that seemed to be present Historical data have a tremendous influwithin the traditional paradigm of beef proence on present decisions. Spending patduction has transitioned to what appears to terns and associated income that trigger the be a slower-paced production system. spending after a successful production year The intensity still is present. But because generally follow a rigid pattern. Change the calves are still in the pens eating hay, to the historical pattern implies risk; risk we have more time to contemplate, to plan implies potential failure. Failure may mean and to adjust. the loss of the cattle operation. The take-home message for us is not to Change has real consequences, which underestimate the impact of change or rush is no different than payday for the average into change. Rather, do not deny change, person. Expenses and income always must but contemplate, through time, alternative reconcile on payday. management systems that help control cost Back to the DREC and income. After and put some more money in the cash-flow several decades of cash flow dependence stream. on the sale of fall calves, May calving and Cash is good. Do not give up looking! a shift to yearling production changed the Opportunities exist. income schedule. Fortunately, the center May you find all your ear tags. took several years to make the change, and For more information, contact your local for most producers, the same would be true. NDSU Extension Service agent (https:// Change is difficult, maybe impossible, www.ag.ndsu.edu/extension/directory) or to make all in one step. Since starting May Ringwall at the Dickinson Research Extencalving, the cattle and sale inventory at the sion Center, 1041 State Ave., Dickinson, ND DREC has shifted from a fall-based sale of 58601; 701-456-1103; or kris.ringwall@ calves to a February-based sale of finished ndsu.edu. yearling steers and spayed heifers. To make

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page C29




Valtra A95 FWA tractor, loader, grapple, 3-pt., PTO, 3 remotes, 4000 hours............................................................................................ Call 2002 Premier 2952 windrower, 1600 hours. Very clean used windrower. 14-ft. – 30-ft. headers available..................................................... Call 2011 Vermeer 605SM round baler, 1000 PTO, net wrap................. Call


Case IH 9180 tractor, 375 hp, 9000 hours......CHEAP HORSEPOWER

2014 MacDon M205 with 16-ft. rotary disc header. Local trade...... Call

IT IS AIR DRILL SEASON AND WE HAVE HAD A LOT OF TRADES IN THE LAST MONTH If you need a used drill, give us a call as we have drills coming and going almost daily this time of year. Bourgault, Morris, Flexi-Coil, Case, New Holland drills on hand.

Summers suspended boom sprayer, 90-ft., windscreens, Raven 450 monitor, triple nozzle bodies, hydraulic pump............................... Call

Go to www.tillemanequipment.com to see ALL of our inventory, more photos and special deals.

Case IH STX375, 375 hp, PTO. This would be a great grain cart tractor................................................................................................. Call

TILLEMAN Equipment Company 406-395-6777 • 4040 1st St. W. Havre, MT

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page C30

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MT ties to tuberculosis infected herd in SD

The Department of Livestock (DOL) is investigating ties to Montana cattle from a tuberculosis (TB) infected herd in South Dakota. Montana is focusing on three distinct groups of animals: Contact herds - herds that have shared pasture or fence line contact with the affected herd; Herds that have supplied animals to the affected herd; and Herds that have received animals from the affected herd. At this time, two Montana cattle herds that had contact with the South Dakota positive animals must undergo a tuberculosis test to confirm that the disease has not spread. Additional herds may be identified as the investigation progresses. The likelihood that Montana herds are infected is extremely low, however, the department is conducting a thorough investigation. “Following up on interstate movements after a detection of TB or other animal disease is a routine part of disease investigations,” said Tahnee Szymanski, Assistant State Veterinarian. “Our strong working relationship with South Dakota is critical in promptly identifying animal movements and protecting the state of Montana.” Bovine TB is caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium bovis. The disease causes granulomatous lesions inside the lymph nodes, lungs, liver, spleen, and skin of affected animals. The primary route of spread is aerosol transmission to other animals in close contact. The bacteria is also capable of infecting wildlife, such as deer, and people. The disease has an incubation period that can range from months to years and infected animals may show no clinical signs until later stages of infection, meaning healthy appearing cattle may be infected with the bacteria. Although TB is a zoonotic disease capable of infecting people, it is not a food safety threat, thanks to a robust meat inspection program and the pasteurization of milk for retail sale. ##### To make sour cream last longer, add white vinegar right after you open it. 1 teaspoon for a small container and 2 tablespoons for a large container.

Ag Equipment Agency

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page C31

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Only At Frieling Ag Only At Frieling Ag elddy! $189,000 Only At Frieling Ag i F ! eIaN! IN SRT d U $189,000 J Fiel dy! a Re

NEW 8 Ton Chandler Fertilizer Spreader, 2012 S670 John Deere, 600 Sep Hrs., JD S670, 1,281 Sep. Hydraulic Hrs., Contour Master, 2014 JD 6170R, Only 400 Hrs., Bucket w/ Ground 2012 Driven, Dual Spinners, Drive Chopper, CM, Variable Speed Feeder Grain Tank Ext., Well Taken Care Of Loader, 1-Owner, Very Nice

Buy Or Lease To Own: $3,754/Yr. OAC

Premium Cab, PowerCast Buy Or Lease To Own $31,033/Yr. O.A.C House, Buy Or Lease To Own $15,137/Yr. OAC NEW 8 Ton Chandler Fertilizer Spreader, (Optional), Clean!!! 2012 S670 Very, John Very Deere, 600 Sep Hrs., Ground Driven, Dual Spinners, Hydraulic Drive Chopper, CM, Variable Speed Feeder Buy Or Lease To Own: $3,754/Yr. OAC

House, Premium Cab, PowerCast (Optional), Very, Very Clean!!!

JD 640D Header, Pickup Reel, 40' Cutting 2006 T800 Kenworth, 48" Flat Top, C15, Width, Always Indoors, Only 2,000 Acres! 13 Spd.,Buy TagOrAxle, 18K OH$10,463/Yr. w/Papers OAC Lease ToOn Own Buy Or Lease To Own $13,358/Yr OAC 2006 T800 Kenworth, 48" Flat Top, C15, 13 Spd., Tag Axle, 18K On OH w/Papers Buy Or Lease To Own $13,358/Yr OAC

2013 JD 640 Flex Draper, Best Of Both Worlds, Nice Condition, Pickup Reel, 40' Cutting Width

John Deere 4940 Self Propelled Sprayer, Buy2014 Or Lease To Own $10,463/Yr. OAC 120' Boom, 1200 Stainless Steel Tank, AutoTrac, Auto Steer, Auto Height, StarFire 3000 Dome, Section Control, 1,500 John Deere 2014Only 4940 SelfHrs. Propelled Sprayer, $28,650/Yr OAC 120' Boom, 1200 Stainless Steel Tank, AutoTrac, Auto Steer, Auto Height, StarFire 3000 Dome, Section Control, Only 1,500 Hrs.

NEW Truck Mount Fertilizer Spreader, 2007

2012 JDPeterbilt, 4940 Sprayer, 1,000 Hrs., Auto, 120' Boom, 337 315 HP Allison NEW 12 Ton 480Fertilizer Tires, 1,200 Gal. Tank, Auto Trac, AutoAuto Steer Spreader, Flotation Tires, Steer, AutoOr Level, Loaded Buy Lease To Own: $17,457/Yr. OAC

NEW Fertilizer Spreader, Buy Or Truck LeaseMount To Own $37,039/Yr. OAC 2007 337 Peterbilt, 315 HP Allison Auto, NEW 12 Ton Fertilizer Spreader, Flotation Tires, Auto Steer

Buy Or Lease To Own: $17,457/Yr. OAC

JD R4038 Sprayer, 100' Boom, Only 400 2015Peterbilt Peterbilt Truck HP, Allison, 2006 379 Mount, EXHD,300 C-15, 18 Speed,2015 2012 Peterbilt 389 EXHD, ISX 550, 13 Hrs., 1,000 Gal. Tank, Auto Level, Auto Steer 2,000 Miles On Truck, New 12' Ton Box Platinum Interior, Wood Floors, Excellent Buy Spd, Sleeper, Miles On Fresh Or 70" Lease To Own0 $25,655/Yr. OAC O/H, 2 Buy Or Lease To Own $33,416/Yr. OAC Condition Year ISX Warranty, 650,000 Total Miles Buy Peterbilt Or Lease379 To Own $15,994/Yr OAC 2012 BuyPeterbilt Or Lease389 To Own $15,994/Yr MA 550, 13OAC 2006 EXHD, C-15, 18 Speed, EXHD, ISX O KE O/H, 2 Platinum Interior, Wood Floors, Excellent Spd, 70" Sleeper, 0 Miles On FF Fresh n E ! I Condition Year ISX R! Miles k Warranty, 650,000 Total c o Buy Or Lease To Own $15,994/Yr OAC Buy Or Lease To Own $15,994/Yr OAC t

S In k! c Sto

2010 Peterbilt Truck Mount, 300 HP, Allison Auto, 12-Ton Box, 395,000 Mi., Less Auto Steer

NEW 2660 Haybuster Bale$21,898/Yr. Processor,OAC Save Buy Or Lease To Own Your Hay Today!, 30% More Efficient, 2 Stage Bale Loader, Easy Adjust Slug Bars Buy2660 Or Lease To Own: $4,148/Yr. Save OAC NEW Haybuster Bale Processor, Your Hay Today!, 30% More Efficient, 2 Stage Bale Loader, Easy Adjust Slug Bars

2012 JD 4830 Sprayer, 100' Boom, 1,200 Hrs., 1,000 Gal.Maurer Tank, Auto Level Ag Hoppers, NEW 42'Steer, GrainAuto Trailer,

Make Offer - - Just In LED Lights,- -Aluminum Wheels,

Buy Or Lease To Own: $5,560/Yr. OAC

NEW Maurer 42' Grain Trailer, Ag Hoppers, LED Lights, Aluminum Wheels, Just In

Buy Or Lease To Own: $5,560/Yr. OAC Buy Or Lease To Own: $4,148/Yr. OAC WE DELIVER NATION WIDE $28,650/Yr OAC

WE DELIVER NATION WIDE 2014 JD S670, Contour Master, Premium Cab, Nice Tires, 860 Hrs.

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Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page C32


Annual Report Highlights Research Program

By Kaury Balcom, WSU CAHNRS The Washington State Wine Commission is pleased to share accomplishments from the first year of its amplified PICTURES AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST research program in the 2016 Research Annual Report. The overall focus for the program’s first year was to raise industry awareness of viticulture and enology research and its value to growers and winemakers in Washington State’s thriving wine industry. In addition to editorial outreach, industry was engaged in research through the inaugural WAVEWashington Advancements in Viticulture and Enology, a research seminar highlighting current research supported by the industry that was cosponsored by the Wine Com1998 Massey Ferguson 8780 combine 1600/2050 hours, duals, MAV chopper, 30-ft. Agco mission and Washington State University (WSU). A solid head, 13-ft. pickup head. Machine and heads in very good condition..................... $62,000 organizational foundation was laid for the Wine Research 2000 Case 8825 HP swather, 30-ft. grain head, double swath, 1988 hours, good condition.... Advisory Committee, the industry’s scientific review arm, ..........................................................................................................................$17,500 obo and the Wine Commission’s Research Committee. 1977 Chevrolet C65 grain truck, 366, Allison automatic, 17-ft. box, roll tarp, 44,000 miles, Other accomplishments include a redesigned website that very good condition..............................................................................................$9500 obo archives research reports and news; stakeholder outreach to nearly all statewide and regional wine associations; and Call (406) 899-7734 • Chester, MT administration of a comprehensive industry survey to gain input for research priorities. The amped up research program was guided by well-defined goals and objectives contained in a strategic research plan, a report developed for the Wine Commission with broad industry involvement. The am76em ai45kc plan will be the roadmap CASE IH RB565 PRESEASON SPECIAL for the research program for years to come. - ALL BALERS ARE THE SAME PRICE The wine industry has had a research partnership $35,500 AND YOU PICK THE BALER! with WSU for decades. That collaboration is even 0% FINANCING AVAILABLE O.A.C. 2014 CASE IH RB565 #704555, 2015 CASE IH RB565 #708402, more important today with 3844 B’s, 1000 PTO, READY TO GO REALLY NICE BALER the industry’s strengthened aj90jj an88su am76fq an51fr research program and its $7.4 million investment in the wine science center at WSU’s Tri-Cities campus. Investments in viticulture and enology research are a strategic imperative for ‘14 CASE IH RB565 #707352, 1000 ‘14 CASE IH RB565 #708469, 1000 2014 CASE IH RB565 #701071, 1000 2014 CASE IH RB565 #704530, the long-term growth of PTO, Only 4,850 Bales, CLEAN! PTO, 2700 Bales, LIKE NEW!!! PTO, 3550 Bales, PREMIUM BALER MONITOR, 1000 PTO, WIDE PICKUP Washington’s wine industry. New pests and diseases and changing climate are CASE IH 2152 PRESEASON SPECIAL: SALE PRICE - YOU PICK THE HEADER! ongoing challenges. The ultimate goal is to provide 0% FINANCING AVAILABLE O.A.C. 40’ HEADER $35,750; 45’ HEADER $37,750 growers and wineries with Washington State specific an88sw aj33my tools and technologies to make superior quality wines that compete on the global stage with the best wines in the world. Visit: www.washingtonwine.org/research/reports to download a copy of the annual report. Washington State Wine represents every licensed winery and wine grape 2012 CASE IH 2152 #704143, RIGID HEAD REEL TRANSPORT, NICE SHAPE 2008 CASE IH 2152 #701074, GOOD GRAIN HEAD, READY TO WORK grower in Washington State. an88sy an88ta an88td an46dg Guided by an appointed board, the mission of the WSW is to raise positive awareness and demand for Washington State wine through marketing and education while supporting viti2012 CASE IH 2152 #701091, PICK2008 CASE IH 2152 #701075, NICE 2012 CASE IH 2152 #701089, FORE/ 2012 CASE IH 2152 #701090, SK culture and enology research UP REEL RIGID HEAD CONDITION AFT, CASE ADAPTER KNIFE DRIVE HYD FORE/AFT to drive industry growth. an88tg an88th ah52ag aj33gu Funded almost entirely by the industry through assessments based on grape and wine sales, the WSW is a state government agency, established by the legislature in 1987. To learn more, 2012 CASE IH 2152 #704142, PICK 2013 CASE IH 2152 #704599, PICK 2012 CASE IH 2152 #701094, 700 2011 CASE IH 2152 #700932, GOOD visit www.washingtonwine. UP REEL w/TRANSPORT UP REEL RIGID HYD FORE/AFT hrs, HYD FORE/AFT SHAPE, 45’ TRANSPORT org.



Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page C33

2006 Terra Gator 8104 Soilection Air Max 2000 dry, 70-ft. boom, electric roll over tarp, Raven Smartrax easy steering, Falcon controller, 5730 hours................$59,500

2005 Case 4510 370 hp, auto, 70-ft. flex air bed, 4500 hours. 1995 Terragator 1844 3208T engine, Allison auto trans. ............... $78,000... $103,000 New Leader 3020 GT, Raven 660 controller, 7000 hours...................... $37,500

2002 International Silver Wheels Liquid auto, 1800 gallon, 65-ft. boom, Mark IV.4 G4 control, 4332 hours........... .................................. $42,500 2011 Case IH 4520 810 FlexAir, roll tarp, 2628 hours......... ................................ $138,000

2001 Case 3300 3-wheel, Cummins auto, flex-air system..............................$19,500

1960 Beard 10,000 gallon, single axle, 265 psi field storage............................ $32,000

1984 International DT 466 8 speed, Tyler 16 ton rear discharge tender with roll tarp..... .................................. $19,500

2007 Freightliner Willmar 16 ton/tiptops, Cat C13, autoshift, 495,000 miles...$58,500

4-wheel drive

2008 Terra Gator 8244 Cat, TerraShift, air flow, 70-ft. boom, 2900 hours..... $69,500

2004 Case IH FLX4010 automatic, 1800 gallon stainless steel liquid, 80-ft. boom, SCS660 controller, Raven cruiser, shows 7147 hours...... .................................. $63,000

SPECIAL PRICING! 2005 Peterbilt Stahly Cummins, Allison automatic, New Leader L3020 G4, monitor, New Leader controller, Starlink GPS, 4145 hours......................$78,000 2004 Terra Gator 8104 New leader 3020, G4 spinner......... .................................. $65,500

2007 Case 4520 3 bin, 70-ft. booms, autosteer, 5500 hours. .................................. $98,000 1450 gallon NH3 tanks and trailers............ From $3200 up

12,200 gallon NH3 tank on skid, 265 psi........... $28,000 (2) 6000 gallon propane tanks, 250 psi..$15,000 for the pair

1973 Trinity NH3 portable 18,000 gallon, self contained holding tank............$39,500

2010 TerraGator 8204, Cat, Terra Shift, Airmax Precision 2, twin bin, Falcon controller, 4000 hours..............$93,500

2012 Merritt semi tender with hydraulic belt conveyor, electric roll tarp................. $44,000 2010 Case Titan 3520 70-ft., SmarTrax, Viper PRO, 4953 hours ........................ $93,500

2002 Loral 400 Cummins, Air Max 1000, 4100 hours............ .................................. $63,000

2002 Case IH SPX4260 1200 gallon SS, 60/80-ft. boom, 15”/20” spacing, Aim Command system, 4890 hours...... .................................. $76,000


2006 Case FLX 4510 floater, Allison automatic, Cummins, FlexAir 810 box, Viper controller, autosteer, shedded every night, 7466 hours, runs great. ..........$88,000...........$104,00

1972 DalWorth 10,400 gallon NH3 transport, 265 psi, in test......................... $47,500

2000 Freightliner 18-ton sideshooter tender...$23,500

25 ton Willmar side discharge tender box..................................$18,500/bed

1997 Hart two hopper semi tender........................ $29,500

2004 Peterbilt Cummins, Allison auto, 1800 gallon stainless, 80-ft. boom, Raven controller, Raven autosteer, Raven section shutoff, 4270 hours $65,000

Waconia 10 ton blender with scale. $24,500

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2006 Peterbilt 387 Cat C13, 13 speed, 660,000 miles...$32,500

Wilmar 16 ton loadrunner box............................ $9000

2004 KBH 25-ton semi tender with back auger, self-contained......................... $32,500

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Wilmar 25-ton tender on spread axle trailer...... $38,500

1990 Ford L8000 Wilmar spreader, DJ controller........... .................................. $32,500

2004 Loral C15 Cat, automatic, Air Max 1000......... $93,000


1999 Loral Airmax 5 Cummins, 5700 hours, DJ controller.............................. $32,500

1991 Loral DT 466 automatic, Airmax 5.................... $15,500

2009 Willmar Wrangler 4550. .................................. $23,500 2010 Willmar Wrangler 4560. 1600 hours................ $25,500

2009 Merritt with hydraulic belt conveyor, electric tarp, 4 compartments............ $33,000

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page C34

If you have items you want advertised in the May 2017 issue THE VERY LATEST WE CAN ACCEPT THEM IS April 26th.


2004 Gehl 5640 skid steer, T-bar hand controls, 2-speed, 1900 hours.......... $17,500 2008 Toyota Camry 4 cylinder, 5-speed manual transmission, 175,000 one owner miles, 32 mpg......................................................................................... $4500 obo 2011 Subaru Forester 4 cylinder, 5-speed manual transmission, AWD, heated seats, sunroof, 45,000 miles, (has some hail damage)..................................... $9000 obo Call (406) 648-7077, Hinsdale, MT

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Job completed from start to finish - Call for price quote

Accessing agriculture’s big data

By David Saxowsky, Associate Professor NDSU Agribusiness and Applied Economics Department For several years, farmers have been using technology to measure yields, monitor plant growth, and adjust the application rates for seed, fertilizer and pesticides. These practices are accumulating massive amounts of data – also referred to as “big data.” But how might big data be managed? What information will be available to whom? Technology, for example, frequently fits the category of “private but available for a price.” How about images of a growing crop or a livestock herd? Is that information “private to me and not available to you?” Recently, it was suggested that perhaps the questions involving big data should be categorized as collecting the data, sharing or transferring the data, and using the data. The general question appears to be “who can do what” with respect to agriculture’s big data. Who can collect the data, who can transfer the data to whom and who can use the data? The answers are not clear. University professors are suggesting that federal laws (trademark, patent and copyright laws, for example) do not fully address the questions arising from the emergence of agricultural big data. They suggest that perhaps state trade secret laws could be applied. They also emphasize that property owners enter into agreements/ contracts with others before the information is shared by its owners. Another recent suggestion has been that state law (or perhaps federal law) be enacted limiting how often imagery data can be collected, shared and used. But how would such limitations ever be enforced? Images have been taken from space for decades. These images were not a concern in the past but are drawing more concern now that technology is providing extremely detailed images and more entities can afford to acquire the data. Various concerns have been suggested as to why big data needs to be controlled. One concern is that those with access to the data and information can have an advantage in the market over those who do not have such information. The first course in economics explained that one characteristic of perfect competition is full and free information. Without full and free information, negotiating power will be out of balance. Yes, contractually controlling information is one approach; regulatory control is another approach. Is the more realistic approach to do whatever is possible to assure everyone has access to the data? The National Agricultural Statistics Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has been collecting and publishing data for decades. The Economic Research Service of the USDA likewise has been analyzing that data and publishing results. This information helps everyone in agriculture understand the current state of the industry. Concerns have been expressed that the trend, for the past several decades, is less information available to the public, including producers. To counter that trend, there have been efforts to maintain transparency in the agricultural commodities sectors. Is a third alternative for agricultural big data to have government do its best to collect and publish the data? Note that this suggestion does not mention that government “analyze” the data. Perhaps the analysis of the data can be, or possibly should be, left for private entrepreneurs to develop services to perform analyses that are of value to others. However, big data is no longer a national issue. It is a global matter. A satellite that can provide a detailed scan of a North Dakota field can, just as easily, scan a field in France. A Brazilian firm that hires the service of a private satellite firm to scan Brazilian fields can, just as easily, pay to have U.S. fields scanned. USDA public information can be retrieved just as easily by a Kazakhstan livestock producer as a North Dakota rancher. This information is going to be public on a global scale. Does the U.S. taxpayer pay the full bill for global data that the USDA makes available to the world, for example? Do nations need to negotiate an agreement to share the cost of gathering global public agricultural information? Perhaps such negotiations already are occurring and I am not aware of such discussions. The information age is upon us. We have been in the computer age for nearly 35 years, but computers are just tools, no different than a tractor. How we use computer technology to gather, analyze and use information is no longer a question for the future; it is here today.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page C35


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SPRING TRADE UP EVENT!!! 2011 John Deere 7430 Premium 741 Loader & Grapple -2300 Hrs, IVT , 540/1000, 3 Pt, Dual Entry, Inching Pedal, Joystick, HID, Wheel Weights, Firestone 50%, Super Loaded, Very Clean! $120,000


1971 Big Bud HN250 6th Big Bud built, Cat 3406 320 hp, Fuller transmission, 36/5 Clark axles............................................................$39,500 Big Bud 360/30 400 HP, 3000 Hrs reman Cummins 855 Big Cam, PShift, 32/24.5 Duals 35%, New Injectors, New U-Joints, New Starter, Rebuilt Steering Column, Air Drill Hyd, Runs Very Good...................$79,500 1979 Big Bud 400/30 - Recent In Line Big Cam New Style 855 at 400HP, Twin Disc P-Shift, Clark 70,000# Axles, New Paint & Decals, 24.5/32 50%, Air Drill Hydraulics, Super Sharp! Just In!..................$95,000 Big Bud 450/50 - 500HP, New Inframe, New Rebulit 9 Speed P-Shift, New Total Wiring Upgrade, 800 Metric Tires - Duals - 60+%, Major Component Work Done, Nice Paint, Very clean...................$125,000 Big Bud 525/50 - Rebuilt 1150, 525 HP, Twin Disc P-Shift, Clark Axles 70,000#, Bridgestone Timber Grip Singles 30.5L-32 70%, 1” Frame, Appx 50,000# Dry, Diesel Heat System, 50-60,000 LB Hyd Winch Opt 12’ Degelman 6-way Hyd Blade $10,000 .....................$125,000 1979 Big Bud 525/50 1150 Cummins, 525 HP, Twin Disc 9 Sp P-Shift, 2000 Hrs Complete Engine Reuild, GY Triples 650-70R32 60%, Auto Trac, HID Lighting, Set Up for Air Drill, Return Line, Recent Major Component Work, Runs Great, Field Ready!.....................$125,000 1994 Cat 65C, 8717 Hrs, 1000 PTO, P-Shift, Relugged, 65% Tracks, Field Tested, Good Running Tractor! PRICE REDUCED!.....$45,000

SPECIAL OFFER - 2005 CASE IH STX 500 – 3480 Hrs, PShift, 800’s 60%, 4 Remotes, Tremble Auto, Sharp!.......... $139,500 2006 John Deere 9520 - 450HP, 7400 Hrs, Capable of 500HP, P-Shift, Auto Steer Ready, 800/42 Inside Rubber New, Outside Rubber 40%, Weight Package, Serviced Regularly, Local Trade, Clean!..............SALE $139,000 2000 John Deere 9300T - 6800 Hrs, Stnd 24 Spd, 30” track 30%, PTO, w/ John Deere Integrated Auto Steer, Nice Tractor................$69,000 1962 John Deere 2010 One Owner, 4000+ Original Hrs, Used Only to Pull Rake, Good Rubber, 540/1000 PTO and 3 Point..............$8,000 1976 John Deere 8430 - 2000 Hrs Rebuilt 50 Series Engine, EZEE On Loader/Grapple, 23.1/38 Singles, PTO, Quad Range, Diff Locks, 3 Remotes; Super Handy Ranch or Farm Tractor.....................$20,000 1979 New Holland 9682 6760 Hrs, Stnd, 710 Trelleborg 40%, Full Wt.. ...............................................................................................$59,500 1985 Steiger Cougar 1000 KR 1225 225 HP, P-Shift, Cummins, 1000 PTO, 50% Rubber, Service Records, Clean!.........................$29,500 1981 Steiger Cougar ST280 400 hp, rebuilt Spicer, rebuilt 855, repainted, air drill hyd., 20.8/38 65%, 7426 hrs, sharp.......................... $59,500 1982 Steiger Panther CP-1360 - 7138 Hrs, CAT 3406, Twin Disc 12 Sp, P-Shift, Like New 21.5/32 Rubber, 4 Remotes, JD Greenstar Ready, Pulled JD 1895 Air Seeder, One Owner, Stored Inside, Excellent Condition. Extra Clean!........................................................$59,500 1982 Steiger Tiger III 470 600 hp, Allison powershift, duals 30.5/32 60%, hydraulics for air drills, 6 remotes..........................................$75,000 Versatile 850 standard shift, Atom Jet, 20.8/38 duals 40% outside, repainted, 8735 hours............................................................$25,000 1985 Versatile 856, 8428 Hrs, P-Shift, PTO, 4 Remotes, 18.4/38 70%, Nice Cab, Great Find!...........................................................$45,000 Versatile 875 280 hp, 8000 Hrs, Standard, 20.8/38 Duals 50%, All New Hyd Pump, Alternator & Starter, Clutch, Very Gd Mech........$25,000 2013 Versatile 550 1250 Hrs, PShift, HD Axles, 800/38 85%, 6 ElectroHyd, 3/4” Return Line, F&R & Middle Weights, Vpas Auto Steer, Deluxe Cab, Very Clean ......................................................$249,000 2014 Versatile 2375 PTO, standard, 710x38 duals, weight package, AutoSteer available, 600 hours, super clean.......................$159,500 Versatile 950 - 350 HP, 11,000 Hrs, Standard, 32/24.5, Duals, 65%, All New Fuel Pump, Clutch, Injectors & Bearings, Runs Good...$19,500


Ezee-On chisel plow, good for fertilizer banding, 42-ft. 12” spacing, 14” sweeps with 160 tow behind tank.........................................$25,000 Farm King 4490 Demo, 28 Ft, 9” Sp, 24” Smth Front & Rear, Stone Flex Hangers, 410WSS Bearings, Clean unit...............................$49,500 Farm King 6650 NEW, 32.5 Ft, 9” Sp, 24” Smth Blades, 410WSS Superseal bearings, Stone Flex Hangers, Tire Upgrade...........$59,500

Farm King 4490 Low Houred Demo, 26.5 Ft, 9” Sp, Harrows, 24” Smooth, Stone Flex Hangers, 410WSS, Bearings, Dual Wheel Kit, 3 Bar Mounted Harrows, Floating Hitch... ...........................$39,500

Flexi-Coil 800 45-ft. plow, 12” sp, 16” sweeps, gd condition......$19,500 Ford 250 32-ft. tandem, 20.5-22.25 discs, scrapers, G Shape..$15,000 John Deere 1650 60 Ft, 12” Sp, New Style 8 Bolt Transport Hubs, Harrows .....................................................................................$25,000 2016 Mandako Roller - Unused Demo Unit, 50-ft., 42” Drum, 5/8” Wall, 3 Plex, Dual Axle, Float Hitch...............................................$45,000 Morris 8900 Magnum 60-ft. chisel plow, 12” sp, floating hitch, new tires............................................. Price Reduced $39,500 $25,000 Norwood Qwik-Till, 40 Ft High Speed Vertical Tillage w/Independent Shank Design, Maintenance Free Bearings & Bushings, 20” Smooth or 20” Notched Blades Hyd Lift Cage Rollers, High Flotation Tires, Independent Rubber Torsion Suspension, Vertical Hydraulic Jack, Runs at Speeds of 10-17 mph. Highly Comparable to Higher Priced Units! (Other sizes available)..............................................$119,500 Schafer Off Set Disk - 15 Ft, 7 Shank Ripper, 12” Sp, 1 Extra Shank, Cable Hitch.....$5500 AS IS, or Converted to Hydraulic Hitch $9000 Summers Super Coulter- 30-ft. Vertical Tillage, 12” Individually Mounted Straight and Waffle Blades, Rolling Baskets, Extra Blades Included, Very Good Condition.............................................................$49,500 2011 Summers Super Roller Fold Up - 45 Ft, 42”x9/16” Drum, 11R22.5 HD Truck Tires, 18,000 acres, Serviced, Field Ready, Great Condition!.......................................................................................$39,500 Wil-Rich 30-ft. chisel plow, 14” sweeps, Good Shape...................$9500

2001 Wishek 842NT 26 Ft, Like New 26” Discs, Gates Double Arm Harrows, Super HD ................................................. $35,000


2003 Spra-Coupe 4440 - 2125 Hrs, Perkins, Standard 5 Sp Trans, New Clutches 1948 Hrs, 80-ft. Bms, 400g Tnk, Tremble Auto Steer, New Tires, Tow Hitch, Extra Rear Tire & Rim, Stored Inside, Very Clean! MUST SEE TO APPRECIATE!.............................................$49,500

NEW 2014 Versatile SX240 Sprayer Deal! - 15 Hrs, 100-ft. Suspended Bm, 20” Sp 120-152” Manual Adjust Axle, Poly 1000 G Tank, SS Pump, Rate Controller, GPS Outback, NO DEF Great Buy!................................................ $185,000 2015 Versatile SX280 - 190 Hrs, 120-ft. Bm, 120-152” Manual Adjust Axle, Autoboom Ultraglide, Chem Eductor, Variable Rate, Outback GPS, NO DEF.....................................................................$265,000


1991 Case IH 9260 Low Houred! 3616 Hrs, Cummins 10.0L, PShift, 20.8R42 Duals 45%, 4 Remotes, Nice Cab, Four Wheel Steering, Could also be Great Dirt Work Tractor............. $42,900

Summers MFG 500 & 1994 L8000 Ford truck 60-ft. Susp Bms, 500g Summers Tnk, Hyd Lift, Manual Fold, Mid Mount Bms, Triple Nozzles, Raven, Mtd ‘94 L8000 Diesel, 8.3 Cummins, 10 Sp, 352,233 miles, No Rust, Good Condition......................................................$15,000 Leon 790 Loader - 8-ft. W/Forks & Valve, Came off Intl 660.........$7500 Rome Ripper - 15 Foot, 7 Shank Ripper, 12” Spacing, 1 Extra Shank, Cable Hitch.....$5500 AS IS, or Converted to Hydraulic Hitch $7500 Shulte Mower - 26-ft. Rotary, Big & Small PTO Yoke.................$19,500 1982 Int’l S1900 - IH466 Diesel Engine, Allison Automatic, 226,055 Miles, Ultracel 18x5, Tarp, Runs Good............................................$15,000

2013 Case IH 500HD 883 Hours, P-Shift, PTO, 701/70R42 Firestone 85%, Hi Flow Hyd, Luxury Air Ride Cab Leather, HID Lights, Front & Rear Weights, 4 Electronic Remotes w/ Case Drain, Diff Locks, Flashing Beacon, Ground Radar, Hi Cap Drawbar, Warranty 8 Years/8,000 Hrs, Fully Loaded, Super Clean!..............................................................$239,000



Flexi-Coil 5000 - 57-ft. 9” Sp, New Stealth Openers, S-Shoot, Rubber Packers, 5 Section, With 2320 TBH Very Clean....................$49,000 Flexi Coil 5000 & 2320 TBT 39 X 12, Paired Row Openers, DS, Rubber Packers, Extra Clean ...........................................................$45,000 2001 Flexi-Coil 5000 - 45-ft., 12” Sp Paired Row Openers, D-Shoot, Rubber Packers, New Hoses Seed Shanks, Local Farmer Trader, Clean....................................................................................$27,500 Flexi-Coil 5000 - 39-ft. 9” Sp, S-Shoot, 3 Section, Steel Packers With 2320 TBH Cart No Rust On Plenum, Good Auger...............$39,500 2001 Flexi-Coil 3450 – TBH - New Front Tires, Fan Drive Replaced, Local Trade, Clean................................................................$27,500 Great Plains Drill - 39.5-ft. 10” Sp, Steel Packers, TBT Tank....$15,000 2010 Morris Contour Drill Paralink 86 Ft, 12” Sp, SS, Hyd Opener & Packaging Pressure, Set Up for TBT, Good Condition........$119,500 2005 Morris 40-ft. 10” spacing, D-Shoot, spring cushion shanks, mid row banders, opt tanks.........................................................$25,000 Morris Maxim II 40-ft. 10” spacing, SS, 23” steel packers, with 7240 240 bushel tow between tank, Goodyear 23.1/26 tires, clean.....$30,000 SeedMaster CT-TXB 65X10, Hi Floatation, HD Casters, Auto Adjust Pack, Tire in Tire, Auto Zone Command, Raven Viper Pro, Sling Shot, Flip System, Load Cell, Blockage, Smart Hitch, Nova Ready, W/ TBH 780 Bu SeedMaster, DS, 520 BuDry & 260 Bu Liquid, Dual 710 Rubber, Work Lights, 10 Zone Sec Control, Load Cells, Variable Rate Ready, Viper Pro, Remote Lids, Conveyer Ld ..........$349,000 2011 SeedMaster Paralink 70 Ft, 10” Sp, Double Shoot, Set Up for Liquid or Dry, Opt Bourgault 6350 TBH, Dual Fan ($39,500)........$120,000 2007 SeedMaster 4412 - 44 Ft, 12” Sp, Agtron Blockage, On Board Liquid 2000g Tank, Work Switch, Set Up for Dry & Liquid, With TBH 3400 Concord 300 Bu Tank, Good condition......................$119,000 2013 SeedMaster 7012 New 70-Ft., 12” Spacing, Auto Packing, Lift Kit, Tire-In-Tire, 345 Bu. On-Board Seed Tank, Tank Scales, Canola Rollers, Raven Viper Pro, Heavy Duty Transport Package. We’ll Deal, Trades Welcome.................................................................$240,000 2013 Versatile ML950 Paralink Drill, 70 foot, 10” spacing, Appx 5000 Acres, Excellent Condition, Optional Versatile AC 600 TB Tank, Variable Rate, Like New!...........................................................$125,000


Case IH 7100 (3) drills, 14-ft., 12” spacing, steel packers, single hitch, good shape........................................................................$2000 ea. Case IH 7200 set of 3 hoe drills, 14-ft. x7” (42-ft. total) boxes good, steel packers, hitch and transport, fertilizer......................................$7500 International 6200 10.5-ft., 6” double disc, 13” disc size, 23” steel packers, good clean box, good shape.............................................$4500 John Deere 9350 (4) 10’ Foot, 14” Spacing, Fertilizer Compartment, Hitch & Transport, Extra Parts ................................................$7,500 John Deere 9400 (3) 10 Foot, 12” Spacing, 30 Ft Total, 25” x 3” Steel Packers, Single Shoot, Hitch & Transport, Boxes Good, Great Shape! .................................................................................$19,500 John Deere 9400 (3) 10-ft. 12” spacing, 30-ft. total, 25” x 3” steel packers, SS, hitch and transport, boxes good, great shape................$19,500 John Deere 9350 - (3) 10-ft. 10” Spacing, Fertilizer Compartment, Hitch & Transport, Good Mechanical Condition................................$7500

OTHER EQUIPMENT & TRUCKS 1990 Kenworth T600 Air Max 2000 Spreader Truck - CAT 3406, 400 HP, 13 Spd, Single Axle w/ Upgraded HD Rear End, New Floater Tires Front & back, Evzio Pro Raven Control System w/ Auto Rate Capability, GPS Light Bar, New Bearings & Rings, Runs Very Good, With Air Max 2000 70’ Booms, 2 Tank, 8 Ton, Automatic Roll Tarp, Individual Tubes, Very Accurate.......................$65,000 Cat D8H & Scraper - 270 Hp, Never Had A Blade, Undercarriage 75%, Crawler comes with #80 Scraper, 19.5 Yds, Bits Nearly New, Addl Springs, Excellent Condition.................................................$50,000 MRS 90LS Tractor & 14 Yd Paddle Scraper - 250 HP w/ Dozer Blade, Detroit 871, P-Shift, Used Recently......................................$22,500 12HD Degelman - 12-ft. Manual Angle, Hyd Lift, Came off JD 8630$4500 Degelman 12AT - 12-ft. 6-Way, off Big Bud 525/50, HD, Nice...$10,000 Degelman Blade - 12-ft. Manual Angle, Hyd Lift, Narrow Mount..$6000

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page C36


Grass Alfalfa Mix - 3x3 square bales.............$50/bale Grass Alfalfa Mix - round bales.....................$65/bale

Camelina oil could be feasible as source of commercial jet fuel

By Chris Branam, Oregon State University Extension “Farmers won’t grow it unless there is a The camelina plant, which shows promise market for it, and they don’t have a market for as a biofuel because of the oil contained in it unless refiners have a place to sell it,” Reits seeds, could become an economically feasible alternative to conventional jet fuel under imer said. “That’s the supply chain problem.” certain market conditions, according to a new The study published (http://www.sciOregon State University (OSU) analysis. encedirect.com/science/article/pii/ Years of research at OSU and other S1364032116311005) in the journal Renewuniversities has demonstrated that camelina able and Sustainable Energy Reviews. can be grown on marginal land and has The U.S. Air Force is already using campotential as a rotation crop with wheat, thus elina fuel in some of its aircraft. Reimer said preserving soil that would otherwise erode “substantial government intervention” would Fosse Insurance Agcy Inc I’ll work hard to protect Gary Fosse, Agent from fallow fields and providing a new be one way to create a market for camelina for 222 15th Street South your farm and auto. Great Falls, MT 59405 alternative market for farmers. use as a commercial aviation biofuel. Three Bus: 406-268-8888 Toll Free: 800-597-6446 Get to a better State . But the current low price of conventional alternatives include: Get State Farm. kerosene-based jet fuel makes it cost• 17 percent subsidy on camelina crop CALL ME TODAY. Insurance Agency Agcy Inc Fosse Fosse Insurance Inc. I’ll work hard to protect prohibitive for commercial airlines to use production; Gary Fosse, Agent Gary Fosse, 222 15th Street Agent South your farm and auto. camelina-based jet fuel, said Jeff Reimer, • 20 percent tax on conventional jet fuel; Great Falls, MT 59405 222 15th Street South Bus: 406-268-8888 Toll Free: 800-597-6446 Great Falls, MT 59405 Get to a better State . an economist in the College of Agricultural • A combination 9 percent subsidy on the Bus: 406-268-8888 Get State Farm. Sciences and the study’s lead author. alternative fuel and 9 percent tax on the conToll Free: 800-597-6446 CALL ME TODAY. Reimer’s regional economic model ventional fuel. accounts for key sectors of the camelina Camelina would also be a practical altersupply chain as an alternative jet fuel, using native if airline passengers voluntarily elect detailed data for the Pacific Northwest. He to pay more to travel if they perceive an enfound that a gallon of camelina-based jet vironmental benefit to using the oilseed, he State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, State Farm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL State Farm Fire and Casualty Company, State Farm General Insurance Company, Bloomington, IL State Farm Florida Insurance Company, Winter Haven, FL fuel would cost about 60 cents more than said, allowing airlines to use the proceeds to State Farm Lloyds, Dallas, TX 1201791 conventional jet fuel. offset the higher cost. “This case is unlikely to arise in the real world,” he State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, State Farm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL State Farm Fire and Casualty Company, State Farm General Insurance Company, Bloomington, IL said. State Farm Florida Insurance Company, Winter Haven, FL State Farm Lloyds, Dallas, TX 1201791 “This biofuel works 406-453-0010 brilliantly,” he said. “A number of airlines want to Montana Toll Free buy it. But we are in an era 1-800-452-0010 of very low oil prices. If the 4212 North Star Blvd. #4 Distributing Company Great Falls, Montana airlines are using millions of gallons of fuel per year, it ATV & BACKPACK would cost them too much to SPRAYERS switch.” Operators of commercial airports, including those in Portland and Seattle, have a strong interest in U.S.sourced biofuels, either for diversifying their fuel Bring in any competitor’s AD supplies or for perceived and we’ll match their price!! environmental reasons such as a reduction in net Go to www.agwestdist.com greenhouse gas emissions, to check out our he said. used sprayers and floaters One of the selling points Stop in and see what we have!! 3 - 3000 gallon tanks we have on sale! of camelina is that it can be a “home grown” source of fuel with very low production N IN STOW costs, Reimer said. But even OCK if the camelina is produced NEW Raven by local farms, its processing ™ Guidance might not occur within their region. New Low Price Of $1695 Or, he said, if the processing is done within the region, Call for Special Pricing ® the camelina could perhaps ✔ Touchscreen Display be sourced most efficiently ✔ On-Screen Guidance (Optional) from outside the region, such ✔ Detailed Datalogging ✔ Reports as from Canadian farmers, ✔ Controller Area Network (CAN) Technology thereby diluting the “home ✔ Profile ✔ Scout - Map field boundaries grown” nature of the energy or create in-depth field maps. Crop resource from the viewpoint ® of U.S. policymakers. Protection The Handler is “It might be cheaper to ✔ Guidance ✔ Boom Section Control System designed primarily produce both the camelina ✔ Boom Height Control ✔ One Package for direct induction and camelina-based aviation 15, 42 and 70 of chemical into fuel in Canada and import it gallon capacity sprayers. to the United States, he said. We carry all Parts & Filters “That wouldn’t benefit Amerfor self-propelled ican farmers or processors.” All Shapes Xiojuan Zheng, a doctoral sprayers and floater trucks and Sizes graduate of OSU who now Liquid Storage works for Dell Corp., coWe sell all AIM Command & SharpShooter parts Tanks authored the study. Complete Systems On Hand forJohn Deere and all other brands Excellent Selection The U.S. Department of On Hand Agriculture National Insti20-years experience... tute of Food and Agriculture 10,000 gallon poly fertilizer storage tanks on hand We service what we sell partially funded the research. Call 406-899-5534, Highwood, MT

Farming is hard work. Farming is hard work. ®



Field Batch Trailers

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Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page C37

Have you enjoyed an egg lately?

By Julie Garden-Robinson, Food and Nutrition Specialist, NDSU Extension Service When I was young, my family often purchased eggs from a local farmer. He knew that I really liked brown eggs. I think he enjoyed seeing me run to the door and open the cartons. I grinned broadly when the cartons were populated with brown eggs. I thought brown eggs tasted better in my favorite dish: scrambled eggs. A few weeks ago, my neighbor gave me a carton of eggs purchased from 10- and 11-year-old entrepreneurial brothers. They manage a small chicken coop with a flock of exotic chickens, with help from their parents, of course. I felt a wave of nostalgia when I opened the carton and noted that most of the eggs were brown. I wanted to meet the farmers and the chickens, so my 13-year-old daughter, husband, neighbor and I went out to the farm. We admired the fluffy chicks basking in the warmth of a heated pen. Brown, black, white and multicolored chickens clucked and hopped around in their protective enclosure nearby. The boy quickly climbed the ladder, opened the chicken coop door and collected five eggs. When I climbed up, I saw a large hen in the corner of the pen. She was not budging from her spot. I figured she was hovering over some eggs. The hen looked at me a little defiantly. Trust me: I didn’t pick her up and move her off the eggs. Her beak looked quite strong, and I was thinking I should have worn protective glasses. She hopped off the eggs as I descended the ladder. My daughter climbed up and excitedly announced, “Look, Mom. Four eggs!” Eggs are among nature’s most nutritious foods, with 6 grams of high-quality protein and 13 essential nutrients in one 70-calorie egg. The egg whites and egg yolks provide the protein. Eggs are among the few natural sources of vitamin D, which plays a role in building and maintaining our bones strength. Vitamin D also helps maintain the health of our immune system. Besides that, eggs are a fairly low-cost source of protein. You may have seen eggs labeled “high-omega.” The type of feed influences the nutritional makeup of the eggs. “High-omega” eggs are from chickens fed a diet that usually includes flax seeds, which provide omega-3 fatty acids. Many of us shortchange ourselves on omega-3 fats. Keep in mind that specialty eggs usually cost more. Some people choose to discard egg yolks because of the cholesterol content. If you toss the egg yolks, you are discarding 40 percent of the protein and many of the nutrients. The yellowish-gold yolks provide lutein and xeaxanthin, which are eye-healthy pigments. Lutein and xeaxanthin have been shown to reduce our risk for cataracts and macular degeneration, which can lead to vision loss. Several studies have shown that having eggs for breakfast can help tame our appetite and promote weight loss. The protein in eggs helps people feel satisfied. In a study reported in the International Journal of Obesity, eggs were linked to weight loss. The research participants consumed a calorie-controlled breakfast that included either a bagel or eggs. Those who consumed eggs reduced their body mass index, lost more weight and felt more energetic. Other researchers reported that having a turkey sausage and egg breakfast sandwich helped the female participants tame their appetites more than a low-protein pancake breakfast. Other researchers have shown that having an egg in the morning can push back hunger all day. Eggs are popular among athletes, and researchers have shown that having eggs after workouts can promote muscle repair and growth. What about those brown eggs that intrigued me as a kid? The only difference between brown eggs and white eggs is the color of the shells. The breed of chicken determines the shell color. For safety, the U.S. Department of Agriculture recommends that we store fresh eggs in the refrigerator at 40 F and that we cook eggs thoroughly. Eggs may contain salmonella bacteria transferred from the chicken to the egg. If you have a recipe that calls for raw eggs without a heating process, be sure to use pasteurized eggs. All this writing about eggs has made me hungry for a couple of scrambled eggs or maybe this easy-to-make onepan meal. CONTINUED ON PAGE C39

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8-ft. x 12-ft. all steel flatbed, tailgate, D-ring tie downs. Like new!

Mechanics Special

1998 Kenworth T2000 tractor, N 14 Cummins, 10 speed, Eaton rears, air ride suspension, 500,000 miles. Clean, sell whole or part-out!

Dump Trucks

1994 Ford L9000 tandem, diesel, orange 1991 GMC Top Kick single axle diesel, orange 1986 International 2575 single axle diesel, green 1984 Chevrolet C70 single axle, gas, white

Freightliner Truck

1997 tandem tractor, red

Chevrolet & GMC Trucks

1992 Chevrolet Kodiak single axle, diesel, chassis, white TRANSPORTATION AVAILABLE!

2006 Sterling single axle tractor, Mercedes power, 10 speed, air ride suspension, cruise, air conditioning, excellent rubber, very clean. Just from ABF freight dispersal

International Trucks

2001 4900 24-ft. Morgan box, white 2000 4900 chassis, white 1994 4900 tandem chassis, white 1993 4700 16-ft. scissor dump, white 1987 2575 tandem roll-off tractor, Pacific 1984 2575 tandem truck, white 1990 8300 tandem tractor, green

Semi Trailers

2000 Grate Dane 53-ft reefer unit, Western 1999 Hyundai 53-ft curtain side, Fed Ex 1996 Utility 46-ft. storage, white 1991 Kentucky 48-ft. tri-axle drop, United 1989 Utility 45-ft. storage, Urm

Currently wrecking 230 trucks. All shapes & sizes!

4-Storage van bodies 16-ft. through 24-ft., with or without lift gates. Very clean in and out

Special Equipment

Omaha 15-ft all steel grain box, double cylinder hoist Heil 14-ft. gravel box & hoist 2-Omaha 16-ft. flatbeds and hoists Bradford Built 7x11-ft. steel flatbed 18-ft. all steel flatbed with hoist, complete. Excellent! 4-16-ft. thru 24-ft. van bodies 2-Aluminum cab guards 3-Ridewell air lift non steer lift axles 3-Underbody hoist assemblies National 300B truck mounted, crane, complete. Excellent 2-Semi trailer slider suspensions 2-Dual acting wet kit assemblies 10-Aluminum under bed tool boxes

Sales lot located I-90 at Rocker Interchange

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page C38

Balewagons & Retriever

2002 New Holland 1089 bale wagon, 1197 hours, 8601 miles.......... .......................................................................................... $95,000

2004 New Holland 1095 self-propelled balewagon with new MilStak, hauls 15 3x3 or 10 3x4 bales..............................$95,000 3-New Holland 1069 gas............................... $40,000 to $47,500 New Holland 1069 gas, rebuilt, sharp, clean....................... CALL 2-New Holland 1068 diesel bale wagons...........$35,000-$40,000 New Holland 1079 bale wagon, coming in.......................$70,000 New Holland Super 1049 balewagon..............................$18,500 6-New Holland 1037 balewagons, rebuilt...... $18,000 to $25,000 New Holland 1033s rebuilt balewagons.............$10,500-$13,000 New Holland 1032 rebuilt.................................................$10,500 New Holland 1032 pull type.............................................$10,500 New Holland 1052 retriever bed.......................................... CALL New Holland 1052 retriever bed, 3 wide.............................$9500


2001 Hesston 8450 with 14-ft. header..............................$29,500 1999 New Holland HW320 with 14HS header, 3800 hours........ $32,500

Haying Equipment

4-Freeman 330 balers, 1 with Deutz, 3 hydraulic drive, 13” x 22” bale chamber..........................................................$6500 each Freeman 370 baler Deutz engine, 13” x 22” bale chamber........... ......................................................................................$15,000 2-Freeman 330SP balers, 13” x 22” bale chamber.....$10,000 ea. 2008 New Holland BB9080 3x4 square baler. 26,000 bales..$67,500 Frontier 10-wheel rake on cart, like new.............................$4500 New Holland 55, 56, 258, 259 & 260 rakes. Several to choose from.......................................................... From $600 to $4500

Fork Lift

Hyster 200H forklift with SunnyD squeeze.......................$32,000 Also available a Steffens bale clamp to go on forklift...........$4500


Massey-Ferguson 3525 MFWD, 4500 hours...................$18,500


New Holland 1051 retriever on 1974 GMC truck................$7500 Massey Ferguson 820 disk with hydraulic fold wings.........$6500

Used and New parts available for ALL models of New Holland balewagons

Sod Buster Sales Inc.

Farm Equipment Finding Service

33505 Gingras Springs Rd, Polson, MT 59860

406-883-2118 or 1-877-735-2108

Is an unmanned aerial vehicle for you?

By Cheryl J. Wachenheim, Professor NDSU Agribusiness and Applied Economics Department consider the technology because low comAlong with my agribusiness class, I modity prices require that producers find watched, in considerable awe, the beautiful more operation efficiencies, such as those video images of the fields and facilities of a this technology can help provide. local seed company as they were projected Assuming the second argument is correct, on the classroom screen. or to test whether it is correct, we advise The soundless video showed crystal-clear approaching the decision like any other footage taken from an unmanned aerial farm investment decision, from hiring a vehicle (UAV), also called a drone and, crop scouting service to purchasing new by the Federal Aviation Administration, an equipment. unmanned aerial system (UAS). The first step is to identify the need, that Two decades previously, my family reis, the problem. If the UAV is to provide ceived a knock on the door of our farmhouse additional or more detailed information, that in central Illinois. Our visitor had, for our information is of value to you (fills a need) purchase, an aerial view of our farmstead. if it improves your ability to make decisions. That photo proudly hung center stage in Coming up with examples of need is not the kitchen during our decade tenure on difficult: Does the emergence rate justify this farm. replanting the field? Am I applying too Reflecting back on that static, almostmuch herbicide or applying the right amount in-focus shot of our home while watching of nitrogen throughout the field? Can I do the video of farmland and facilities using without my retiring cowboy if I can find a today’s technology was like listening to the means to otherwise track and manage my chirp of multiple auto-start remotes at the cattle? end of the work day while remembering our The second step is to identify alternative traditional method of sending one of the solutions and compare their ability to help kids out to start the truck on a cold winter you make your operation more efficient. day. That UAV technology is here is not You also will need to decide whether to news. Nor is the potential of this technolpurchase or lease a UAV. The choice will ogy for our personal lives, businesses, farms depend on the net purchase cost, operation and ranches, and to improve monitoring and maintenance costs, the kit of tools you and sampling capabilities for researchers, need to meet your goals, and data analysis. public entities and others. In agriculture, a Once you know what owning a system will multitude of uses have been identified and cost, you can compare that to leased sysare being applied or undergoing empirical tems, with or without full-service, in-flight research. data analysis. It is said that most agricultural applicaFor those who want to solve problems tions for UAVs will fall under the realm of that do not require longer-term monitorprecision agriculture or safety. Throughout ing, such as identifying drainage structural the popular literature, we find references issues or determining locations for crop to the role of UAVs in achieving tasks that scouting, renting a UAV service may be the best fall under one or more of the four D’s: right option. dirty, dangerous, difficult or dull. One might This option avoids the cost associated more specifically define many of the direct with obtaining the UAS pilot certification applications to agriculture as falling under required under the FAA’s new Small UAS the categories of improving the efficiency Rule (Part 107). Visit https://www.faa.gov/ of tasks that ordinarily place high demands uas/ for details on the rule and certification on time and making possible those that requirements. Renting a UAV service also improve the efficiency of the use of our allows you to see what features and support resources, thereby also reducing costs. you need for a potential future purchase. Examples of the use of UAV direct visuMany UAS models are available, and als in precision agriculture include evalumore are being introduced commercially, ating planting success, crop scouting, and including fixed-wing, helicopter, and multilocating and counting livestock. The use copter, and battery- and fuel-operated. The of thermal imaging and other technolokey features are price, coverage range, flight gies also can help producers predict yield, time, weight capacity and multi-use ability. follow crop growth, identify weeds, and Other features that may be important, provide early warning of animal illness, depending on your intended use, including heat detection and timing of calving. In auto-drive and the ability to override it in addition, UAVs have been used to support favor of manual operation, crash avoidance and promote value-added services for such and return-to-home features, the ability to ventures as agricultural tourism. The list of view imagery during flight, thermal imagapplications will only grow. ing, hyperspectral and LIDAR (light detecWhile the evolution of this technology tion and ranging) capability, camera zoom and its application is fascinating to follow, and software capability. Some potential the question facing many farmers and ranchUAS purchasers will be comfortable relying ers is whether they should use the technolon a trusted sales professional, while others ogy and, if so, how to begin. will prefer to conduct research or rely on As an economist, the easy answer is that other traditional information sources for the adoption decision should be made based vendor and capability comparisons. on the expected return on investment. What is important is that the estimated return on investment be based on its value, not in generating data, but in facilitating management decisions that improve the efficiency and profitability of the operation or otherwise help producers meet their goals. While those goals are not all cost and revenue oriented, certainly these are top-of-mind considerations for the farmers and ranchers of today. When talking to producers about the decision, two general arguments arise. The first is that now is not a good time to invest in the technology because its value in increasing revenues per dollar spent is diminished by low commodity prices. The more common argument is that now is a good time to

Have you enjoyed an egg lately? CONTINUED FROM PAGE C37

Broccoli Cheese Frittata 3 c. chopped broccoli 1/4 c. diced carrots 1/4 c. water 8 eggs 1/4 c. nonfat milk 1/4 tsp. salt (or less to taste) 1/8 tsp. pepper 1/2 c. shredded cheddar cheese 1 Tbsp. chopped green onion Combine broccoli, carrots and water in a nonstick skillet. Cook over medium heat until tender, stirring occasionally to break up broccoli (about 10 minutes). Drain well and set aside. Beat eggs, milk, salt and pepper. Add cooked broccoli and carrots, cheese and green onion. Coat skillet with cooking spray and heat until hot. Pour in egg mixture and cook over low to medium heat until eggs are almost set, eight to 10 minutes. Remove from heat. Cover and let stand until eggs are completely set. Cut into wedges. Makes four servings. Each serving has 230 calories, 15 grams (g) fat, 18 g protein, 7 g carbohydrate, 2 g fiber and 420 milligrams sodium. ##### Timing has a lot to do with the success of a rain dance.

##### Lettin’ the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier than puttin’ it back in.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page C39

The deadline for advertising in the May issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be April 26th. Phone (406) 271-5533.

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Musselshell Valley Equipment ..............Roundup, 1-888-423-2605 Taylor’s True Value Farm Store................... Shelby, 1-888-220-5547 Tiber Tractor, Chester .........................................Chester, 759-5188 Torgerson, LLC..................................... Lewistown, 1-800-677-8795 Zerbe Bros................................................Glasgow, 1-800-228-5393


Ag Engineering...............................Kennewick, WA (509) 582-8900

A M Rod Weeders made by American Manufacturing Montana toll-free 1-800-345-2083 or 406-379-2676, Hogeland, MT



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Contact us at www.caseih.com/dealers/musselshellvalley or www.musselshellvalley.com

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page C40

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Pitching hay or doing homework, the choice is ours

By Kris Ringwall, Beef Specialist, NDSU Extension Service and calves seemed to like it. I remember Recent BeefTalk columns have caused keeping an eye out for the bull because he me to ponder more about the dynamics of was smaller than the cows. I remember a the beef business. dead calf, a conclusion based on the amount The answers seem at our fingertips, and location of bleeding. but the solutions are far off at times. The I remember never worrying about business of beef initiates within a very breeding cows because the bull seemed large, de-centralized base of independent to understand that. I producers. The model remember not worrying is good, but inherent about grass plants; each within the vastness of forkful was filled with environments the beef plenty of green stems. industry functions in, I never worried about change is slow. the cow manure bePerhaps that, too, is good. Imagine sitting cause that seemed rather by a glass pane, full trivial. I was clueless, of ideas, watching the but the cows and calves world go by, but with no had a good home and a way to open the door to good caregiver. go to the other side. The Have I changed? Yes. door may be there but is For the better? Yes. unnoticed. Each person The current challenge gets to decide. When for beef producers is asked to feed the world the dilemma of engagor watch the world, I ing the ever-demanding guess the choice is ours. need to experience the intensity of opAs a youngster, I fed cattle with a pitcherational data or sticking to pitching hay. This challenge is individual to each beef fork from a hayrack. I had no concept of the producer but collective to the beef industry. value of the feed, how much to feed, how The business of beef is knowledge based much was wasted or how heavy the cows on data. Data allow for the long-term soluwere. I didn’t know the value of the cow or profit when the calves were sold. tions within a complex production chain. I knew a truck would haul the calves What is the largest and heaviest chain that to the sale barn and there would be fewer holds a beef operation back? to feed. It made me happy. And life was As I sit and ponder the links to the chain, good. I had no documental evidence of some are small and some are large. Some good animal care. I just pitched until the are strong and some are weak. As the saycows and calves looked content or I got ing goes, a chain can only be as strong as tired, knowing I would be back tomorrow the weakest link. Therefore, in theory, the to pitch some more. identification of the weakest link should be Recently, I attended a good educational a notable effort. The challenge with the fix insurance session regarding options for rests with the justification of the problem ranchers and farmers. I could not help but and lack of data to fix it. ponder the significance of the records reUnfortunately, if the weight of the chain, once fixed, is too heavy, one only develops quired to provide the data for the examples new problems. Then the weight of the chain used. The data were not complicated, but must be lightened. A lighter chain has less numerous questions were asked to fill in strength, however. Maybe a heavy chain is all the blanks to run the estimate for the better. Maybe a lighter chain? The choice appropriate coverage. always has consequences: maybe progress Things have changed since the days of or not. pitching hay. The pondering thought was I guess these are just ponderings. And this: The business side of agriculture is not we end where we began. Imagine sitting simple. The requests for documentation and by a glass pane, full of ideas, watching the inputs are quite demanding, and to know world go by, but with no way to open the the financial success of the beef operation, door to go to the other side. The door may cattle producers need to keep records. be there but is unnoticed. Each person gets Likewise, to know cattle nutrition, cattle to decide. When asked to feed the world or producers look up the nutritional requirewatch the world, I guess the choice is ours. ments of cattle. To know cattle genetics, The bottom line: The beef industry is a cattle producers look up expected progeny very large industry and, as individual prodifferences (EPDs) and sample cattle DNA. To understand cattle response to disease, ducers, we have the opportunity to engage cattle producers submit tissue and fluids the complexity or pitch hay. I enjoyed pitchfor analysis of enzymes and other proteins. ing hay, but times have changed. To know how cattle reproduce, cattle May you find all your ear tags. producers learn and implement appropriFor more information, contact your local NDSU Extension Service agent (https:// ate synchronization methods. To know the www.ag.ndsu.edu/extension/directory) range plants, cattle producers seek a botaor Ringwall at the Dickinson Research nist for input. To know the environmental Extension Center, 1041 State Ave., Dickrequirements, cattle producers conference with professional engineers. I remember inson, ND 58601; 701-456-1103; or kris. pitching tons of slough weeds, and the cows ringwall@ndsu.edu.

New equipment speeds response to animal diseases

By Leslie Reed, University of Nebraska-Lincoln University Communication When scours, pink eye or respiratory disease strikes a cow-calf herd or feedlot pen, quick and accurate diagnosis of the culprit pathogen is key to containing the damage. A new instrument has enabled veterinarians at the Nebraska Veterinary Diagnostic Center at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) to identify potentially deadly bacteria in a matter of minutes – compared to the days it once took to identify pathogens via lab culture. The $250,000 instrument uses MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry, which stands for Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/ Ionization-Time of Flight. Purchased at the urging of the Nebraska Cattlemen and the Nebraska Veterinary Medial Association, the device will be a centerpiece of the new $44.7 million veterinary lab now under construction on the university’s East Campus. Approved by the Nebraska Legislature in 2012, the new diagnostic facility is expected to open June 1. Donors provided 10 percent of the facility cost; the rest will be paid with state bonds in the next 10 years. As a sign of the future and of the university’s commitment to the region’s livestock and animal health industries, the MALDI-TOF already is an integral part of the center’s diagnostic procedures. It is used to diagnose ailments in pets and zoo animals, as well as livestock. “The new MALDI-TOF in the Veterinary Diagnostic Center was purchased in order to provide our clients with new cutting-edge technology regarding identification of bacterial pathogens in a timely and accurate fashion,” said Alan Doster, director of the Veterinary Diagnostic Center. With an infectious disease, every day matters for the animal and the herd, said Dustin Loy, faculty supervisor of bacteriology in the laboratory. Some pathogens, such as E. coli and Salmonella, can cross over species to cause human illnesses. Others have become antibiotic resistant, making quick identification even more critical. The wrong medication not only is ineffective – it could foster even more antibiotic-resistant strains. “It makes our throughput faster and our capacity higher and we can get diagnoses faster,” Loy said. “Then we can treat faster and more appropriately, whether it’s choosing the right antibiotic or vaccine or some other intervention.” For example, a 2014 case in which a shiga toxin-producing E. coli strain was found in a Nebraska feedlot relied on quick action and diagnosis. After observing bloody diarrhea among the heifer calves in the affected pen, the feedlot crew treated the animals for a parasitic infection. One animal was euthanized after displaying neurological symptoms. An immediate necropsy enabled university veterinarians to identify the E. coli infection, which appeared to be the first report in cattle of disease associated with that strain of E. coli. Because that E. coli strain can cause human illness, the case led to a call for Nebraska veterinarians and livestock producers to watch for additional cases among cattle. “Although we did not have the MALDI for this case, this type of situation underscores the impact diagnostics can have on potential public health issues,” Loy said. “If we had had the MALDI, we would have been able to get the information to the veterinarian and the producer even faster.” Developed in Japan and awarded the Nobel Prize for chemistry in 2002, the MALDI-TOF technology previously was used mostly for research. Recent improvements in bioinformatics and software now allow it also to be used for clinical purposes. The instrument is becoming standard equipment in the top veterinary labs across the country. Loy said Nebraska is one of about 30 U.S. veterinary diagnostic laboratories that have the instrument. About 60 state and university animal diagnostic laboratories, including Nebraska’s, are part of the USDA’s National Animal Health Laboratory Network. When an animal becomes ill, veterinarians working with livestock producers, pet owners and even zoos submit samples from blood, stool, swabs, bedding or tissue for bacterial culture to the diagnostic center. The MALDI-TOF instrument requires a bacterial sample only the size of a tip of a toothpick. A matrix material is applied to the samples, which are inserted into the machine via a port. A laser heats the matrix, which causes a microexplosion that vaporizes the bacteria into ionized proteins. The proteins are identified by their mass and charge as they fly through a vacuum chamber and collide with a detector. Each species of bacterium has CONTINUED ON PAGE C42

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page C41


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There are alfalfas and there are alfalfas. Some do well in one climate or region and just can’t make it in another. That’s why Ladak’65 is so right for the dryland, intermountain grower. Ladak’65 proves a real winner, offers winterhardiness you probably can’t match with any other strain.

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Used Trucks and Equipment for sale Due to a change in operations, the owner has elected to reduce his inventory on this very well maintained and taken care of merchandise

1983 Freightliner cabover, 400 hp CAT motor, 13 speed Fuller transmission, tandem rear axle, new 11Rx24.5 tires front/ rear, engine overhauled, Knapheide 20-ft. box, 64” sides, hoist, drill fill with 6” auger. Very clean..$15,450

1983 Case 2390 row crop tractor, Cummins diesel engine dyno’s 185 hp, 3 speed powershift transmission, 3-pt. quick hitch, 1000 PTO, cab with all options, air ride seat, 2 hydraulic system, 10 front weights, new 20.8x38 rear tires, 14Lx16 front tires, bolt on dual with axle extensions, 4835 hours. Very good condition.........$9450

1979 John Deere 7100 Maxi-Merge 6 row 30” planter, plastic hoppers, insecticide, liquid fertilizer attachment, Keaton seed firmers, percussion meter system, electric control Dicky John system, seed cover, harrows. Excellent condition, well maintained. .................................$6250

1970 International Loadstar 1600, 345 V8, 5 speed with 2 speed heavy duty rear axle, 900x20 tires front/rear, excellent cab, 52,950 miles, Knapheide 16-ft. box H.S., rollup tarp, hoist. Very clean unit.......... .................................$6850

1973 John Deere 4230 diesel row crop tractor, sound guard cab with all options, all new trim replaced, new air ride seat, 3-pt., 540/1000 PTO, 3 hydraulics, 16.9x38 rear tires, duals, 10:00x16 8 ply front tires, 5700 hours on engine overhaul....$14,500

1980 John Deere 7100 Maxi-Merge 6 row 30” planter, plastic hoppers, insecticide, percussion meter system, Deere 200 control system, seed covers, harrow, new openers. Very well maintained.......... .................................$6250

1971 International Loadstar 1800, 392 V8, 5 speed with 4 speed auxiliary, new 10:00x20 tires, M&S rear, heavy duty tandem rear axle, new transmission, approximately 60,000 miles, Maxey 20-ft. box, 52” sides, hoist, twin cylinder. Very nice unit....... ..............................$11,750

1994 Fabco spinner plow, 4-18”, 3-pt. hitch, trash turners, shear bolt pins, Case bottoms, gauge wheels. Very good condition, in shed.............$6250

2004 Case IH 5400 mulch till grain drill, 15-ft., 7.5” spacing, 3-pt., double disk, press wheels, acre meter, liquid fertilizer attachment. Always under cover, looks like new.................$11,500

For a complete list of options call Dick Henry Sales Coordinator 406-322-5617

Melroe 115 Spra-Coupe, cab, blower, 60-ft. booms, foam marker, nozzles just upgraded, electric lift, 1159 hours........................ $3295 John Deere 1600 windrower, pull-type, 1000 rpm PTO, 16-ft. header, hay conditioner, 5 batt reel, hydraulic controls, 31x15.3x15 6 ply tires.......................... $1675 Eversman 2000 land plane, 3-pt., 20-ft. bowl, hydraulic lift wings, S-tine harrow attachment.................. $6850 Eversman 4512 land plane, pull-type, 12-ft. bowl, rubber tires on tail wheels, rubber tires front transport, hydraulic system, reinforced tail section..... $4450 Eversman 25D dirt scraper/ mover, rubber front tires, hydraulic control......... $850 Triple K field cultivator, 3-pt. hitch, 21”, hydraulic folding wings, S-tine............ $2950 John Deere 900 V-ripper, 9 shanks, gauge wheels, new 11Lx14 high flotation tires, new points on shanks..................... $2775 Stormont corrugator, 15ft., 22” centers, markers, points replaced........ $1850 John Deere 100 tool bar, 16ft., double spring cushion standards, hyraulic lift........ ................................. $1250 International 45 18-ft. vibra shank cultivator........ $1650 John Deere BWF 22-ft. tandem disk, hydraulic lift....... ................................. $1650 Myers HD-7 pull-type ditcher, hydraulic, rubber transport, new blades on wings & nose point............... $650 Custom built 7-ft. ditch filler, 3-pt., weights............. $525 Richardton 1673 12-ft. side dump box, hydraulic... $975 Windrow turner, 3 wheel, 3-pt............................. $375 John Deere #5 mower, 7-ft. cutter bar, hydraulic lift, PTO drive................... $675 John Deere 7100 planter, 30-ft. unit carrier, 4 rubber gauge wheels, hydraulic lift/markers/fold.......... $775 Custom built 3-pt. 2 unit round bale carrier...... $475

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page C42

We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.

New equipment speeds response to animal diseases CONTINUED FROM PAGE C41

its own mass spectrum “fingerprint.” A nearby computer screen reveals the peaks, intensity and size of the spectra. The instrument has the capacity to compare and match with 7,000 reference strains of bacteria, Loy said, with Nebraska scientists constantly adding more to the database. For example, Loy specializes in the study of pink eye and respiratory diseases found in calves. His undergraduate student, Kara Robbins, a pre-vet honors student from Brookings, South Dakota, is working to validate the method to identify a diverse collection of bacteria in the genus Moraxella, which cause pink eye, so that they can be accurately identified via MALDI-TOF. Doster explained that the laboratory previously needed two to four days to use fermentation or media growth methods to culture a large enough sample of bacteria to identify it and to determine its antibiotic sensitivity. Research now underway will develop methods to use the MALDI-TOF to determine which bacteria are more likely to be resistant to antibiotics or more pathogenic based on the specific proteins found in the individual bacteria. The instrument represents a significant change for bacteriologists such as Loy. “For me, professionally, it’s a paradigm change,” he said. “We’re moving from classic, test-tube biochemical testing and phenotyping to using a proteomics-based approach. It’s driven by computing capacity. This device can take large numbers of spectra and analyze them so quickly. The applications of this technology are just beginning.”


2015 Sundowner 3-horse slant with living quarters, never used. New: $28,995 .........Sell: $23,995

Ponderosa 6-ft.x16-ft. bumper pull ............................. $2695

2 horse bumper pull ..............$1400

20-ft. flatbed with removeable stock rack..................................$4995

2008 Circle D 20-ft. skid steer gooseneck trailer.............$3700



2008 Haulmark 8-ft.x24-ft. enclosed trailer, like new, 5200 lb. axles and cargo rear doors........................... $7500 20-ft. flatbed with 4-ft. beavertail and ramps, treadplate floor, triple axle, 7000 lb........$5500

2005 Circle D 24-ft. flatbed with beavertail, 2-7000 lb axles..... .....................................$3900

Your Local HydraBed Dealer

1989 Ford F250 super cab, flatbed, with Western snowplow.. .....................................$6500

Fastline 5-ft.x12-ft.............$1200

1992 Chevy 1 ton, 6.5 diesel with Hydra-dec................... $8900

2014 Kaufman tandem dual, 18ft. with 5-ft. beavertail, electric brakes, 10,000 lb. axle.... $6500

8x8 snowmobile trailer.........$500 2008 Fastline 7-ft.x12-ft. ATV trailer with ramps, loads from either side, good condition..... .....................................$1300

1993 Ford F250 regular cab, 70,000 miles, 460 engine, 5-speed, with snowplow........ .................................... $9500

Nissan forklift, 3000 lb., nice shape...........................$6700

Large Trailer Parts Inventory

• Axles • Springs • Lights • Fenders • Straps • Tie-downs • Bearings & seals • Jacks • Etc.

Skidsteer pallet forks 42” .......................................$555 48” .......................................$750

Edge high reach clipper skid steer mount tree shear for trees 8-10” in diameter......... $2100

Triple T Sales Contact Dave Taylor: 406-357-2166

Chinook, MT

Home Phone - 406-357-2162 Highway 2 West, Chinook, MT 1/2 miles west of Chinook

• TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT •

• TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT •

* Prices subject to stock on hand

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page C43



New Circle D 24-ft. gooseneck stock trailer with 2 sliding center gates, full bull package, 14-ply tires.......................................................................................................$10,995 New Circle D 20-ft. gooseneck stock trailers with sliding center gate. 14-ply tires. Bull Package..............................................................................................................$9995

New Hillsboro aluminum 7.5-ft. x 26-ft., 2 sliding center gates - front is adjustable large escape side door for 4-wheelers, 14 ply tires. .......................................$21,000 New Hillsboro aluminum 6.8-ft. x 20-ft., 1 sliding center gate............................$16,500

11 to choose from!

Stop in or call for more information!


(2) Diamond C 25-ft. partial tilt, (2) 7,000 lb. axles, tool box................................. $7395 Diamond C 24-ft. full tilt deck-over power tilt, (2) 7,000 lb. axles, tool box............ $8995 Hillsboro 23.5-ft. partial tilt.................................................................................... $7595


Diamond C 24-ft. full power tilt deck-over, (2) 7,000 lb. axles............................... $7995 Diamond C 22-ft. partial tilt.................................................................................... $5995 Hillsboro 21.5-ft. partial tilt.................................................................................... $6595

New LOOK Enclosed Trailers Excellent Selection On Hand


Diamond C 32-ft. tandem dual, 2 piece with folding beavertail, dual jacks, tool box, bridged frame, torque tube............................................................................. $11,895 Circle D 31-ft. (3) 7,000 lb./6 torsion axle, 3 piece folding beavertail, chain basket, dual jacks................................................................................................................... $9695 Diamond C 30-ft. (3) 7,000 lb. spring axle, 2 piece beavertail, bridged frame, tool box, dual jacks........................................................................................................... $9895 Circle D 29-ft. tandem dual, 3 piece beavertail, dual jacks, chain basket............. $9995 Diamond C 28-ft. tandem dual, 2 piece beavertail, dual jacks, tool box, bridged frame. . ...................................................................................................................... $10,595 Circle D 27-ft. tandem dual, 3 piece beavertail, dual jacks, chain basket............. $9695 Circle D 25-ft. (2) 7,000 lb. torsion axles, dual jacks, chain basket, 3 piece beavertail... . ......................................................................................................................... $7595

4x7’ Heavy Duty Trailer Mats Each.....$65

LOTS OF NEW BUMPER PULL UTILITY TRAILERS 5-ft. x 8-ft. to 83” x 14-ft. Prices Range from $1425 - $2295


Includes cylinder and hoses.


1-New Circle D 20-ft. gooseneck skid steer trailers, 80” wide, 7000# torsion axles, fold-over ramps, tread plate fenders, treated wood floor, radial tires........... $5995 1-New Circle D 18-ft. bumper pull, with 16” tires, 7000# axles, ramps...... . .......................... $4995 COMPANION™ 5th WHEEL RV HITCH

A hitch when you need it... A level bed when you don’t

Mounts to rails bolted under the bed, or attaches easily to B&W’s turnover ball gooseneck hitch. Easy adjustment of height & lateral positions.


2006 Wilson 8.5-ft. x 53-ft. drop deck trailers ............................$21,000

2000 Great Dane Model# GRFS248-80. 48-ft. x102” extends to 80-ft. 75,000 lb. GVWR tandem axle, sliding axles, spring suspension, 11x24.5 tires, tool box and ratchets...$12,500

2003 Ranco 40-ft. double gate, bottom dump trailer................................................ $17,500

Highboy 48-ft. Utility flatbed trailer........$11,900

Triple T Sales

G ll – steel flatbeds


3-point Bale Unroller


• TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT •



New Diamond C 14-ft. gooseneck...............$9495 New Diamond C 14-ft. bumper pull with tarp.$8495 New Diamond C 12-ft.x77” bumper pull with 5200 lb. axles.....................................................$5995 New Travalong 16-ft. gooseneck, triple axle........... ...............................................................$13,000 New Travalong 14-ft. gooseneck..............$10,895 New Travalong 14-ft. bumper pull................$9895

New Circle D pickup flatbeds


New 18’x83” heavy duty car hauler, wrap tongue, 6” channel frame, brakes on two axles, 7000 lb. axles................... $4495 New 18’x83” deluxe car hauler, wrap tongue, set back jack, brakes on two axles, ramps, 5200 lb. axles................... $4095

New Diamond C car haulers

3500, 5200 & 7000# axles

16-ft. 18-ft. & 20-ft. IN STOCK

Circle D flatbeds, gooseneck hitch plate, lights, headache rack, rear skirt. Black 7x7..................................................................$1450 71/2x81/2...........................................................$1450 71/2x9..............................................................$1520 8x9..................................................................$1850 8x11................................................................$2150

PRONGHORN UTILITY Stop in or call for more info.


Contact Dave Taylor: 406-357-2166

Chinook, MT

Home Phone - 406-357-2162 Highway 2 West, Chinook, MT 1/2 miles west of Chinook


Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page C44


John Deere 4430 tractor with loader, hay spear, bucket, fire damage (cab), repairable or parts................ Best Offer Call (406) 741-2501, Hot Springs, MT

ALFALFA SEED FOR SALE Certified Wrangler - Certified Shaw - Ladak

Call Ernie Johnson 406-357-4182 or cell: 262-3081 or 262-3809

ASV4520 skidsteer

$6500 For Sale: Custom lumber, wooden toys and signs at coniferwoodcreations.com For Sale: Consigned used logging equipment and Caterpillar manuals. See website

Check out our website www.nm-machinery.com for pictures and prices or email Neil at neil.marjerrison@gmail.com • Phone 406-544-2940, Missoula, MT


Phone: (406) 799-6923

350 Cummins Big Cam engine, Jake brake, air brakes, power steering, air conditioning, Hendrix suspension, new bushings, 11x22.5 radials, low boy hoist 4000 series, power up and down, auxiliary drill filler. Clean truck, runs excellently

CONSIGNMENTS Ag Shield 12-52-3 roller..............................................................$50,000 Batco 20-120 conveyor................................................................$65,900 Versatile 575 tractor with 650 hours..........................................$300,000 Versatile 400 tractor, powershift................................................$150,000 Massey-Ferguson 1805 tractor, no PTO.......................................$8000 Case IH 2188 combine, 1015 pickup header...............................$42,500 Massey-Ferguson 8570 combine, 24-ft. header, pickup header..$39,000 John Deere 7700 combine.............................................................$7500 White 9720 combine with 30-ft. auger header.............................$10,000 New Holland 94C 42-ft. double sickle pickup reel.......................$34,500 New Holland 971 header with Rake-Up pickup attachment..........$6000 MacDon 9352i with 972 header..................................................$45,000 New Holland H8080 swather, 419 and 30-ft. header.................$100,000 Spra-Coupe 4440 with 80-ft. boom.............................................$47,000 Bourgault 950 sprayer, 100-ft. boom, 1000 gallon tank.................$8000 Flexi-Coil 67XL sprayer, 1500 gallon tank, 120-ft. booms.............$8000 Hardi SM50 pickup sprayer............................................................$2500 Case 800 70-ft. x 12” spacing air drill..........................................$80,000 Morris Maxum 49-ft. air seeder, 10” spacing, double shoot, 7300 tow behind tank..............................................................................$19,500 Great Plains 293 45-ft. air seeder with 12” spacing....................$13,000 Great Plains 283-62 air seeder, 45-ft. x 10” spacing......................$9000 Melroe 36-ft., 12” spacing drills......................................................$4500 Bourgault 7200 harrow, 5/8” tines...............................................$52,000 John Deere 230 disc......................................................................$6000 Oliver 271 24-ft. disc......................................................................$5900 Renn 505 chisel plow......................................................................$5000 Gysler 28-ft. duckfoot.....................................................................$2500 Case IH RBX562 round baler, twine/net.........................................$8900 Gehl 800 chopper...........................................................................$4200 1996 Eagle tandem dually pintle hitch flatbed, 6-ft. beavertail.......$6000 Buhler C8080 rear blade, 3 way hydraulic.....................................$1500 DCT car trailer, new deck...............................................................$1500 House 3-pt. dirt scoop......................................................................$400



4181 North Park Trail Great Falls “Partners in Production”

Ken – 788-4588; Ed – 231-4254; Dwight – 231-4251; Emery – 868-7964

Nebraska Hall of Agricultural Achievement honored new members

By University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News Eugene’s leadership contributions extend The Nebraska Hall of Agricultural to all corners of Nebraska’s agricultural Achievement honored Robert Andersen and industry. He served 12 years on Senator Eugene Glock at a banquet on March 16 in Bob Kerrey’s staff as the Senator’s State the Great Plains Room of the Nebraska East Agriculture Representative; six years on the Union in Lincoln. Board of Directors of Agriculture Builders Formed in 1916, the Nebraska Hall of of Nebraska; and on numerous University Agricultural Achievement is dedicated to of Nebraska (NU) advisory committees. He preserving and improving Nebraska agriculcurrently serves on NU President Bound’s ture. Each year, the group recognizes at least Advisory Council. He also served in a leadone honoree and inducts new members. ership role for the Ag 40 Group that was As president of the Nebraska Cooperainstrumental in establishing IANR. tive Council for 42 years, Robert Andersen A few of Glock’s honors include the spent his professional career making contriNebraska Agribusiness Club Service to butions to Nebraska’s agriculture industry Agriculture Award; Knights of Ak-Sarand its natural resources. He effectively Ben Agricultural Achievement Award; mentored cooperatives statewide by asNebraska Crop Improvement Association sisting with their organization, leadership, Premier Seed Grower Award; University education and financial stewardship. He of Nebraska CASNR Alumni Achievement also was an effective leader at the national Award; Nebraska Chapter of the American level, serving as a director of the National Society of Farm Managers Distinguished Council of Farmer Cooperatives for more Service Award; and Nebraska Rural Radio than 20 years. Association KRVN Service to Agriculture A 1972 graduate of the University of Award. Nebraska–Lincoln (UNL), Andersen has NHAA will also welcome new members been a strong supporter of the University at the banquet. New members are nomiand the Institute of Agriculture and Natural nated by a fellow member of the hall for Resources. He helped establish $130,000 their significant contributions to the state’s in scholarships that have been awarded to agriculture industry. 170 students and helped establish the UniThis year’s new NHAA members, listed versity’s professor of agricultural and rural by hometown are: cooperatives tenure-track position. • BRIDGEPORT: Nick Lapaseotes, A few of Andersen’s honors include the farmer, feedyard and cow-calf operator Nebraska Corn Board Elevator Industry • CHADRON: Connee Quinn, rancher, Award; the Nebraska Ag Relations Council retired Elanco Animal Health sales rep Ag Relations Award; the Nebraska Rural • COLUMBUS: Debora Hamernik, inRadio Association Service to Agriculture terim associate vice chancellor for research, Award and the Nebraska Agri-Business associate dean of the Agricultural Research Club Public Service to Agriculture Award. Division, associate director of Agricultural Eugene Glock is a lifelong native of ButExperiment Station, professor of animal ler County, Nebraska. He raises corn and science, University of Nebraska–Lincoln; soybeans, primarily for seed production, on James Hellbusch, owner and operator, the family farm near Rising City. Adopting DuoLift progressive soil and water conservation • KEARNEY: Anne Marie Bosshamer, practices has always been a high priority executive director, Nebraska Beef Council for him. Glock is recognized as a leader in • LINCOLN: Dean Eisenhauer, emeritus water conservation. professor, biological systems engineering, Glock was instrumental in establishing University of Nebraska­–Lincoln; Galen Erthe Nebraska Soybean Association and ickson, Nebraska Cattle Industry Professor served as its first president in 1973. He was of Animal Science, beef feedlot nutrition also a founding member of the Nebraska specialist, University of Nebraska­­­­–Lincoln Soybean Development Board that admin• PAXTON: Mark Spurgin, owner, Spuristers the soybean check-off program and gin Inc. served in that capacity for 15 years. His • SHELTON: Randy Gangwish, owner leadership in the soybean industry extended and operator, Gangwish Seed Farms to the national level where he served nine • YORK: Gary Zoubek, retired educator, years on the American Soybean AssociaNebraska Extension tion Board and seven of those years on the executive committee.

Epicrop Technologies announces $3.2 million Series A-2 Equity raise

By University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News Epicrop Technologies Inc., a company “We believe Dr. Mackenzie’s research co-founded by University of Nebraskamay represent the most important breakLincoln (UNL) Ralph and Alice Raikes through in crop breeding technology of Professor Sally Mackenzie, announced it this era. We’re pleased to support the comhas closed a $3.2 million Series A-2 financmercialization of this research at Epicrop ing round. The funding will be used to furand look forward to the impact it will have ther develop its epigenetic technology that for global agriculture,” said Jeff Raikes creates large increases in yield and stress of North Forty Ventures and lead investolerance in crops. Epicrop is a Nebraska tor. Other investors include Tech Accel, Innovation Campus partner and is based in Nelnet, Speedway Properties and Allen & Lincoln, Nebraska. Company. “The pressure is on all of us in agriculture The startup is pioneering the use of epito deliver higher performing plants in the genetics in agriculture, a type of biological face of challenges like climate change and information that involves changes in gene increasing global demand,” said Mackenzie, expression but does not change a plant’s who is also the inventor and lead investigaDNA or add genes. In field and greenhouse tor of the revolutionary technology. “This trials, epigenetically improved plants – soytechnology is a critical step forward in adbeans, tomatoes, sorghum and Arabidopsis CONTINUED ON PAGE C46 dressing those problems head on.”

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page C45


(80) 30-ft. sticks of 6” Wade Rain mainline • (1) new pipe trailer (30) 40-ft. sticks of 3” center riser • (30) 40-ft. sticks of 3” end riser Phone (406) 799-5200, Hobson, Montana

Hungarian partridge have already paired up for the upcoming breeding season.

Price T8005ruck & Equipment H . 10 W - M , MT wy

(406) 543-0382


(800) 779-3660


Signs of early spring

By Bruce Auchly, FWP Region 4 Information Officer Birds. Those bits of feather, flesh and bones that sing and call forth are among our first signs of spring, even in March’s moodiness. Doesn’t matter if you hunt them in the fall, look for them with longing in the spring, or don’t care to know a robin from a red-tail; they are here and doing their thing. Over-wintering birds are sitting on eggs or getting ready to mate even through this leonine month of wind, cold and snow. A friend on the prairie had seen her covey of Hungarian partridge dwindle in numbers recently until just a couple of birds flushed the other day. Although weather and predators certainly take a toll on birds that winter here, what she probably saw was a male and a female partridge paired up for the upcoming breeding season. Already, male pheasants are crowing, advertising for females, though the peak of breeding won’t happen till early May. Eagles and owls are sitting on eggs now and Canada geese will begin nesting by late March. Come the end of the month, Western meadowlarks will be everywhere, or so it will seem. But eagles, pheasants and meadowlarks are headliner species. On the prairie stage now, the small Hungarian, or Gray, partridge, gets second billing. Huns, like pheasants, are an introduced species. Though found in all except Montana’s forested, mountainous habitats, they persist mostly in pheasant and sharp-tailed grouse range. The farmed prairie. “You generally don’t find them west of the Divide,” said John Weigand, retired Fish, Wildlife and Parks wildlife biologist and expert on Huns. CONTINUED ON PAGE C48


1992 Freightliner FL70 55-ft. bucket truck, 5.9 Cummins, automatic, jib..............$15,000

2000 Ford F550 4x4, bucket truck, V10, automatic, generator...............................$12,500

1994 Ford F450 service truck, diesel, 5 speed, 11-ft. box, 6000 lb Auto Crane, IR hydraulic compressor, 225 Lincoln welder.................$17,500

1999 Ford F450 utility truck, 7.3, 6 speed, 4x4........$12,500

1990 Wiggins 8000 lb. rough terrain forklift............................... $9000 Ditch Witch 400SX cable plow with trencher............................ $5000 Ditch Witch 350SX cable plow.................................................. $5000 8-ft. quick attach grapple bucket................................................ $2500 1999 Ford F550 4x4 flatbed, V10, automatic......................... $10,000 2000 Ford F550 4WD, service truck, 7.3 diesel, 6 speed, 11-ft. box, IRT030 compressor, outriggers, PTO, set up for crane....... $15,000 1999 Ford F450 4x4, snowplow, 7.3 automatic, 11-ft. utility bed......... ............................................................................................ $15,000 1994 Ford F600 service truck, diesel, 5+2 speed, 6200# IMT crane, compressor, hydraulic outriggers........................................ $12,500 1985 Ford F700 4x4 service truck, IMT 5000 lb. crane, underhood air compressor, outriggers........................................................ $15,000 1985 Ford F600 service truck, diesel, 5/2 speed, 8000 lb. Auto Crane, compressor.............................................................. $11,000 1996 Chevrolet Kodiak Cat diesel, 6 speed automatic, utility bed, outriggers .............................................................................. $8500 1989 International 41-ft. bucket truck, diesel, automatic....... $10,000 1981 International 4x4 dump truck, low miles....................... $12,500 16-ft. flatbed dump with hoist..................................................... $3500 1986 Ford F800 National 228 37-ft. crane 14-ft. dump bed... $10,000 1999 Ford 550 diesel, automatic, flatbed with lift gate.............. $9000 1996 Ford F350, V8, automatic, 13-ft. flatbed, 5000 lb crane, outriggers........................................................................................ $8000 1988 Internatonal 1800 2-ton diesel 4x4 flatbed...................... $9000 1987 Ford F800 4x4, wildfire truck, diesel, 6 speed, 1000 gallon tank, rear spray water cannon, hose reel...........................................$15,000 1989 Ford F450 utility truck, 11-ft. bed, 460 hp, automatic....... $2500 1979 GMC chip truck................................................................. $6500 1991 GMC TopKick 44-ft. bucket, Cat 3116 automatic, 13-ft. box....... ............................................................................................... $9000 1981 International S1800 4x4 flatbed, 14,000 lb knuckle boom........ ............................................................................................ $12,500

1995 International 4800 4x4, cab and chassis, DT 466, automatic, front winch.....$19,000

1992 Ford F800 service truck, diesel, 8 speed, 14.7-ft. box, 7500# IMT crane, hydraulic compressor, ZR8 225 amp welder.........................$19,000

1999 Ford F550 4x4, crew cab, utility, V10 automatic...$12,500

1992 International 4900 service truck, 11-ft. utility box, 5000 lb. crane, 225 amp Miller welder, Ingersoll air compressor...............................$20,000

1995 Ford F800 bucket truck, Cummins, 6 speed, 50-ft. reach, double bucket..$12,500

1998 Interstate 20-ton tilt bed trailer, 23-ft. x 8-ft. 6”...$12,500

1996 International 4900 DT466 engine, 10 speed................ $10,000 1995 International 4900 466, 5 speed, 18-ft. flatbed dump......$12,500 12-ft. flatbed, 3200 lb. IMT crane, air compressor...................... $5000 125-185 CFM air compressors.....................................$4000 - $6000 1999 Haulin 31-ft. flatbed (expands to 34-ft.), telescopic hitch and air brakes. Good for round bales ............................................. $10,000 12-ton 22-ft. tilt bed trailer.......................................................... $6500 (11) 20-ton 24-ft. tilt bed trailers.................................$7500 - $12,500 1-ton utility beds, starting at...................................................... $1000 2 ton dump boxes, each............................................................ $1000 2013 Terex light plant................................................................ $5000 Miller 250-400 amp diesel welder................................$1500 - $4500 Buckets for skid steer loaders........................................................Call Forklift forks...................................................................................Call Cat IT28 quick-tach forks.......................................................... $2500 16” to 36” augers...........................................................$750 to $1750 Versatile 35-ft. bucket attachment............................................. $3000 (4) Goodyear 1200x20 unused traction tires.............................. $800 (6) Goodyear 1200xR20 unused traction tires.......................... $1200 (4) General 1200x20 unused highway tires................................ $800

Check us out on the web!


AMS replacement, water condiioner and Fully Loaded Surfactant Blend perfect for glyphosate, 2,4-D, dicamba tank mix applicaions.

And Now Introducing. . . Cado MAX TM is the first adjuvant to provide both Drift Reduction and Volatility Reduction Technology. Critical technology due to the increasing acreage of phenoxy sensitive pulse crop. Just put it in the tank and it reduces off target movement. No waiting for new low volatile formulations—use with any existing 2,4-D DMA, Dicamba, or glyphosate formulation alone or tank mixed. Then add Full Load TM + Cado Max.TM Full Load TM for the efficacy you want and Cado MAX TM for the drift and volatility reduction you need. *Make sure to read and follow all label requirments

Full Load TM for users who need performance all of the time. CadoMAX TM for user who need “Off Target” reduction technology some of the time.

For Purchase, Contact: NGS--(406)567.2532, HiLine Havre--(406)265.2294, Taylor Aviation--(406)622.5682 To learn more about Full Load or CadoMAX or other great AgraSyst Products, visit our website at www.agrasyst.com

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page C46

Epicrop Technologies announces $3.2 million Series A-2 Equity raise


2012 Case IH Steiger 400HD tractor, 400 hp, powershift transmission, high capacity hydraulics, PTO, luxury cab, HID lights, 710/70R42 duals, 1940 hours. Very clean, local Southern Alberta tractor........................... $177,000 2013 Case IH 8230 combine, C/W 3016 header, duals, HD planetary, extended wear package, mega-fine cut chopper, 120 blades, 750 separator hours. Financing available. 33% DWP 2% on unpaid balance........... $225,200 MacDon D65S 40-ft. draper also available......................... ...............................................Call for details and price 1999 Flexi-Coil 820 50-ft. chisel plow, 12” spacing, 650 lb trips, knock on sweeps, 4 bar mounted harrows, doubled arms on 6-ft., hydraulic line to the rear of the plow. Super clean, this chisel has seen very little use and is a one owner implement......................................... $37,200 NEW 2016 Case IH Steiger 620Q quad track, PTO, auto guidance, 36” track, HID light package, full weight package, twin flow hydraulics, luxury cab, etc. Fully loaded, new tractor warranty. Never been used........... $435,000 2013 Case IH Steiger 500HD, 710R42 duals, PTO, full GPS receiver included, Pro 700 monitor, high capacity hydraulic pump, 900 hours............................... $225,000

Phone (406) 470-0321


– show increased yields and stress tolerance. Epicrop has received 2 Phase 1 competitive SBIR grants and is partnering with several seed industry leaders to begin improving current elite commercial varieties. “We’re very excited to have previous and new investors on board who appreciate the game changing potential of this technology,” said Michael Fromm, chief executive of Epicrop Technologies. “Their support will help Epicrop accelerate its programs demonstrating the enormous potential of epigenetics to increase yields and stress tolerance in a variety of crops.” “Increasing yield and stress tolerance are key goals of most seed companies. Epicrop’s method has the potential to provide these traits by adding epigenetic information directly to the seeds of commercial varieties without adding any genetic material.

The unique features of this method readily fit into traditional commercial breeding and seed production methods to facilitate company adoption of this system,” said Fromm. About Epicrop Epicrop Technologies, Inc. (http://www. epicrop.com) is a seed technology company based in Lincoln, Nebraska and Nebraska Innovation Campus Partner. Epicrop’s epigenetic technology platform utilizes conventional plant breeding techniques and cutting edge molecular markers to create and select plants with enhanced yield and vigor characteristics. ##### Did you know... Brandy is from the Dutch brandewijn, meaning burnt or distilled wine?



PREMIUM model equipped with Mesh and twine wrap, 82” wide, 5 bar pickup with rubber mounted tines. In cab density system, endless belts, roller windguard, 1000 RPM, Duak castering wheels. DEMO unit with full warranty AND 2.9% finance for 5 years O.A.C. ................................................. .......................................................................... MVE Special Price Only $44,989

126 hp turbo diesel, 2 speed transmission, hydraulic header tilt and float, cab and rear axle suspension. Big comfortable cab with air, seat and trainer seat. Header is 16-ft. dual sickle model with hydraulic drive. Retails for over $158,000. ...................... Demo Special just $99,890 Includes Full Warranty and 2.9% finance for 5 years O.A.C. Please call for details.

1-888-423-2605 or 406-323-2605 418 Main, Roundup, MT

ProAg BONUS Cash Just Announced! Buy Between february 1 and april 30, 2017 and SAVE $1,000 on a New ProAG 1400 or a New ProAG 900!

Hay Hiker 1400 ~ move more bales faster ~ handles 14- 5x6 bales

2017 ProAg 1400 Hay Hiker Suggested Retail: $41,188 MVE Discount: -$8,375 ProAg Coupon: -$1,000

Final Price: $31,813

April 30, 2017 April 30, 2017

Bring this coupon with you when you purchase a New Hay Hiker

Hay Hiker 900 ~ move more bales faster ~ handles 8- 5x6 bales

Financing Available 2017 ProAg 900 Hay Hiker Suggested Retail: $28,792 MVE Discount: -$5,895 ProAg Coupon: -$1,000

Final Price: $21,897


1-888-423-2605 or 406-323-2605 418 Main, Roundup, MT

##### Babe Ruth wore a cabbage leaf under his cap to keep his head cool. He changed it every two innings. ##### Leonardo Da Vinci invented scissors.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page C47

##### The first Fords had engines made by Dodge. ##### It is physically impossible for you to lick your own elbow.

PASTURE WANTED Looking for summer grass for 50-100 pair. Prefer central Montana - will look at anything Have references. Phone (406) 462-5445

418 Main, Roundup, MT 1-888-423-2605 or 406-323-2605 John Albert - cell 406-860-6932, home 406-947-2203, Guy Maberry - cell 406-350-1167, home 406-538-3634

The Little Dealer With The BIG Promise.

Contact us at www.caseih.com/dealers/musselshellvalley or www.musselshellvalley.com




Nice clean unit with MFWD, suspension cab, deluxe air seat, cold weather package, HD battery, 16x16 semi P/S transmission, Class 4 MFWD, 29 GPM CCLS hydraulic ystem, 3 remote valves, 540/1000 PTO, 3 mid-mount valves and joystick for loader. Front fenders, instructor seat, rear wiper and BIG outside mirrors. Loader is Case IH L765 w/95” HD bucket and 4 tine 2 cylinder bucket. ONLY 757 hours and factory warranty. Really nice lease return unit. Books for $101,656................................... ..................................................... MVE Price $99,447


Tractor with Case IH L765 loader/grapple. Super clean Lease Return unit with MFD, Class 4 axle, 16x16 semi P/S, Power Shuttle transmission, heavy duty 3 pt., CCLS hydraulic system, 3 remotes, 540/1000 PTO, front fenders, cold weather package, Rimguard in rear tires. ONLY 1767 hours. Books for $87,758....... ............................ PRICED TO SELL AT $77,543


Tractor w/L765 loader. Extra nice LEASE return unit. MFWD, 18x6 P/S transmission, power reverser, 3 mid mount valves for loader with joystick, block and transmission heaters, front fenders amd Rimguard in rear tires. Loader equipped with HD 95” bucket with grapple. Only 748 hours on this nice clean unit. Book says $132,678...... MVE price only $126,448


New trade-in unit. Very clean and well cared for, comes with MFWD, 16x16 P/S Power Shuttle transmission, Class IV front axle, CCLS 29 GPM hydraulics, cold weather package. Equipped with Case IH L755 self-level loader with 4 tine 2 cylinder grapple. Nice unit. Just 1359 hours and .................................................. ........................................ Priced to sell at $78,398


MFWD tractor with JUST 3049 hours. Good, clean unit with 16 speed, semi P/S transmission, POWER shuttle, 2 remotes, 2 speed, PTO, 3 point hitch. Comes with Case IH 505 loader/grapple with one lever joystick. New batteries, serviced and ready to go. ................................... MVE Price Just $44,957

2014 CASE IH WD1203

Extra nice trade-in with ONLY 286 engine hours. 126 hp turbo diesel (No DEF), 2 speed hydrostatic drive, hydraulic header tilt and header reverser, suspended cab and rear axle, big quiet spacious cab with air conditioning. Includes HD 182 header with 18-ft. dual sickles, 108” adjustable steel conditioner. Get in early on this one-of-a-kind SUPER NICE unit. Books for $96,203 ...... ...................................... MVE Price JUST $91,423



5x6 with wide pickup, mesh wrap, hydraulic pickup lift and flotation tires. Extra nice, one owner baler that’s been reconditioned and ready to go. 9169 bales. Book says $29,140 .......................

MVE Price $25,125

Premium version that includes mesh and twine wrap, wide pickup w/HD rubber mounted teeth, variable pressure bale chamber and high density bales. Comes with full warranty. ONLY 2322 bales and ............ PRICED TO SELL AT $39,877

Save over $4000!


Really nice 18-ft. New Holland header. Fits all New Holland hydraulic driven windrowers and Case IH units built by New Holland. Retails for over $36,000 new. .............................................. ...........................................MVE Price just $19,798

The Little Dealer With The BIG Promise. WISHEK OFFSET DISC

Real nice 12-ft. model 612 Wishek disc. It’s all straight and has very few acres on a new set of disc blades. Local trade .............. .........................................................................Just $6996


Very nice 18-ft. sickle header. This unit has NEW rubber conditioner rolls, (customer kept steel rolls). Really clean unit. Fits all New Holland hydraulic driven windrowers and Case IH units built by New Holland ................................................$18,875


Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page C48

~~ WANTED ~~

Used 1/4 mile wheelines with movers. Call (406) 264-5056, Sun River, MT

##### To keep melons from molding, rub them with a teaspoonful of undiluted vinegar every few days as they begin to ripen.

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401 4th Avenue South • Great Falls, MT 59405

406-453-8100 TRACTOR PARTS











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Harvest Parts

Making melons safer with steam

By Agricultural Research Service Steam can more effectively combat E. coli, Salmonella, and Listeria on cantaloupes than traditional removal methods. That’s the finding of an Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientist in Pennsylvania. Dike Ukuku and his colleagues at the ARS Food Safety and Intervention Technologies Unit in Wyndmoor has demonstrated that a relatively inexpensive steam cleaner designed to remove wallpaper and clean outdoor grills can rid cantaloupes of E. coli, Salmonella, and Listeria more effectively than existing washes and chlorine treatments. The ARS study involved submerging cantaloupes in a bath inoculated with E. coli, Salmonella and Listeria strains. After drying and refrigeration, the cantaloupes were cleaned with a commercially available power steamer. The technique produced sufficient heat to kill surface pathogens but not enough heat to damage the fruits. Pathogen levels on the surfaces of the steam-treated melons were generally 1,000 times lower than those on untreated melons. Pathogens on cut-up pieces of the cantaloupes were reduced beyond detection. Pathogen levels on steam-treated cantaloupes were about 100 times lower than those found on cantaloupes sanitized with chlorine. Processors and distributors could apply steam when cantaloupes are put into washers or as they are moved on conveyor belts during processing, Ukuku says. The technique also may effectively sanitize watermelons, honeydews, cucumbers and baby carrots. The new technology could reduce the number of foodborne disease outbreaks from contaminated produce, which annually cause nearly one million illnesses and more than 100 deaths. For more information contact Dennis O’Brien, ARS Office of Communications. The Agricultural Research Service is the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s chief scientific in-house research agency. Daily, ARS focuses on solutions to agricultural problems affecting America. Each dollar invested in agricultural research results in $17 of economic impact.

Signs of early spring CONTINUED FROM PAGE C45

The reddish and gray birds eat cereal grains, grass materials and (hooray) dandelions, depending on the season. Throw in insects in summer and fall, and we’ve got a party. The birds pick a mate in February so Huns seen by March 1 are typically male-female pairs. “A snowstorm might bring a covey back together,” Weigand said. “As soon as it melts the pairs will go off again.” Peak of nesting starts the third week of May with an average 14 eggs per nest. Hatching peaks June 19-25. But these are just numbers, worthy of an actuary’s table. To get a sense now of Huns and early spring, take a drive on a gravel road cutting through farmland. Remember that the birds remain close to grain or fallow during every month of the year. Next, look for stubble fields bordered with weedy patches or woody cover, like in a caragana row or a rose hedgerow. “They will use woody cover by day for protection from avian predators,” Weigand said. “At night, they roost on open ground.” Also, they need a minimum 3 percent idle land in their territory, Weigand said: “Not grain or pasture but spots like machinery storage areas that have grown into weeds. Or abandoned farmsteads. When you’re out of idle areas, you’re out of Huns.” Then, be quiet. Male partridge call to females much like pheasants, but not as loud. Listen for a croak, followed by a raspy cackle as if he knows a secret about the spring prairie that we don’t. After the female selects her mate, she, not he, protects their territory from other females. So, the bird who has spent the winter shuttling between cover and a stubble field, searching for waste grain, warily watching for predators, now has his female partner looking out for him. Maybe he does know something about life that we don’t. ##### A person may not be seen in public without a smile on their face in Pocatello, Idaho.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page C49


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Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page C50

WANTED SUMMER PASTURE Needed for 100 cow/calf pairs for 2017

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The late Pauline Webb tells stories of her life as an early Montana rancher. Photo courtesy of DNRC.

Townsend woman wore many hats in ranch life

Cabin with 40 acres in the Little Belt Mountains. Hunter’s, fisherman’s, skier’s, recreationalist’s paradise. Not often will you find a property with this many acres and all the amenities in one neat bundle. Bordered on two sides by National Forest for thousands of acres of hunting and fishing access. Elk, moose, deer, lion, grouse and two fishing streams close by, rainbow, brown and brook trout. Very close to ski resort. Hundreds of miles of groomed snowmobile trails and cross country ski trails. This property is secluded, peaceful, quiet, five miles off highway on county and forest service gravel road. +Orforty acres consisting of a one acre home site and +orthirty nine acres timber. Two wells with water rights and a spring. Electricity, fiber optics telephone and high speed internet............................................................... $326,000

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mines and she taught in country schools until ranching opportunities arose. First, they herded cattle for the local stock association and Forest Service. “We moved up into a cabin from May to November. We stayed up in this one-room cabin – for a girl who’d been in town all her life, it was very different,” Webb recalled. “We rode every day, we salted and moved cattle. We fixed watering troughs, cut brush and made trails.” The Webbs then began milking cows and managing a neighbor’s ranch, which they later purchased and named the 54 Ranch. The Webbs raised Herefords and black baldy cattle, as well as grew irrigated crops on their ranch, all while raising two sons and a daughter. “God gave us some land, and he wanted us to take care of it because it’s our livelihood – that’s where our food comes from, our existence,” said Webb of the bond with the land and ranching culture. “Our water is so very, very important. We have to take care of these things.” Women play many roles on a ranch, and Webb said her role was to support her husband. “I’ve always liked the leadership of a man, but it takes a strong woman to stand behind a man to encourage him to go on,” she said. “Anything I could do, I would do for my husband. When he needed a calf pulled and nobody was available, I would put on my coat and go out and help him. It just takes a good woman behind a good man to make things work.” Sadly, Webb passed away in November 2016, but her story is transcribed on the Montana Women & Agriculture Oral History Project Web site. Read more about Webb and other Montana farm and ranch women at http://dnrc.mt.gov/divisions/ cardd/conservation-districts/ oral-history-project/womenin-agriculture-stories. valleyICON.com

Pauline Webb wore many hats during her 96 years of life, wearing whatever hat fit the role she lived. “You do wear many hats, especially if you live a full life,” said Webb in a 2014 interview with Denise Thompson, Broadwater Conservation District administrator, as part of the Montana Women and Agriculture, Oral History Project. “I did a lot of things – I became a cattlewoman, I taught some, I worked in a grocery store, I worked in an antique shop. The fact is, I wore a lot of hats.” Born in 1920, Webb spent her childhood in the small town of Brockton, Iowa. She graduated from Brockton High School in 1938 and soon after received her teaching certificate. In Spring 1940, Webb met a Montana cowboy who had traveled to Iowa to visit his grandmother. They married at Christmastime 1940, and Webb left Iowa for Montana. “I lost my school (teaching job), and I came to Montana, this beautiful, beautiful state,” said Webb during the interview. “In those days, if a teacher was married in Iowa, she didn’t get to teach school. But, you could be married and teach in Montana.” In the early years of their marriage, Webb’s husband, Earl, worked in the nearby

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##### Add a teaspoon of white vinegar to any gelatin recipe in the hot summer months to keep Jell-O salads and desserts firm.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page C51

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Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page C52

HAY FOR SALE St. Ignatius, MT

* Oat Pea Barley - 1625 lb. bales - $60 per bale Tests: Nitrate - 0.053

Pro. - 10.9

RFV - 98

* Haylage (silage) 45% moisture

individual wrap plastic - 2000 lb. bales (approximately 1200 lb. dry material)

Call - Ben @ (406) 546-7952; Luke @ (406) 214-8298; Austin @ (406) 552-9636


4X4, “V” plow in front, new rebuilt 350 Cummins (never run). Complete with snow plow and new clutch assemblies Phone: (406) 799-6923

Wendy Fauque was awarded Toole County Conservationist of the year. Dick Steinbacher (left) presented the plaque to Wendy who has been operating her farm for 5 years along with her husband Korey. They are commonly known for their insurance business, KW Insurance, but their first-hand knowledge of the day to day tasks of farming is what sets them apart. The operation is a dryland farm, and Wendy has diversified the operation and adopted conservation methods in the process. The crops include the typical small grains – Barley, Spring Wheat, Winter Wheat, but also Oat Hay, Peas, Dryland Canola as well as cover crops. Wendy and Korey maintain a cow herd and have been able to graze the cover crops as well as grass pastures that serve to manage seep prone areas. They have done some variety comparisons, utilize zone soil sampling and variable rate fertilizer application which minimizes loss potential and benefits production – a win for both conservation and profit. Hosting farm tours, they are fantastic at sharing what they have learned along the way and giving back to neighbours and the AG community in general. They are consistently on the cutting edge of technology with both agronomic X602680 C022838 and conservation advancements, and have a willingness to learn and grow as operators. They ‘talk the talk’ and ‘walk the walk’ as they put into practice some of the principles that will improve the health of their soil and sustainability of their land. It is for these reasons that Wendy was chosen as the Toole County Conservationist 2015 MCFARLANE MFG HARROW Retail $8,500 2015 H & S MFG HAY MACHINE Retail $8,285 of the Year for 2016.


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“What happened?” asked the hospital visitor to the heavily bandaged man sitting up in bed. “Well, I went down to Margate at the weekend and decided to take a ride on the roller coaster. As we came up to the top of the highest loop, I noticed a little sign by the side of the track. I tried to read it but it was very small and I couldn’t make it out.” “I was so curious that I decided to go round again, but we went by so quickly that I couldn’t see what the sign said.” “By now, I was determined to read that sign so I went round a third time. As we reached the top, I stood up in the car to get a better view” “And did you manage to see what the sign said this time?” asked the visitor. “Yes.” “What did it say?” “Don’t stand up in the car!”

Analyzing disease mutations using online cattle genomes Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page C53

By Agricultural Research Service Thanks to U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientists, a genomic database of U.S. beef cattle is now available online. The complete genomes of 96 bulls representing different U.S. cattle breeds were sequenced by researchers at the Agricultural Research Service’s (ARS) U.S. Meat Animal Research Center (USMARC) in Clay Center, Nebraska. The breeds include Angus, Brangus and Hereford. The publicly accessible information helps scientists identify those traits that breeders and ranchers value, according to USMARC microbiologist Michael Heaton. Heaton and his colleagues started building the panel in the 1990s and recently completed the genomic profiles of the bulls. In a recent study, Heaton used the online data to analyze a gene associated with brisket disease (pulmonary hypertension), which can cause heart failure in cattle. The data helped identify a mutation. The discovery is important because cattle in feed yards are dying from brisket disease. The disease, which results from elevated pulmonary arterial pressure, is caused by a lack of oxygen and was commonly thought to occur in cattle raised at altitudes of 5,000 feet or higher. The study found the disease is also occurring at normal and intermediate altitudes. A gene analysis normally takes three months and costs about $3,000. With the new online tool, it only takes three hours and is free. In addition to analyzing gene mutations influencing disease, the panel of genomic profiles also helps in the evaluation of genes affecting production traits such as growth and reproduction. The sequence is accessible at https://www.ars.usda.gov/ plains-area/clay-center-ne/marc/wgs/main/. For more information contact Sandra Avant (https://www. ars.usda.gov/oc/about/), ARS Office of Communications. The Agricultural Research Service is the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s chief scientific in-house research agency. Daily, ARS focuses on solutions to agricultural problems affecting America. Each dollar invested in agricultural research results in $17 of economic impact.

##### In Elizabethan England, the spoon was so novel and prized that people carried their own folding spoons to banquets.

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Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page C54

MONTANA BRAND FOR SALE Cattle - r ght h p Horses - r ght shou der

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cab hea er w nch bumpers e ec r c w ndows p-ou w ndsh e d w per rad o power s eer ng nc udes 80 ga on Po ar s sprayer w h booms used w ce $13 500 (406) 250-0687 - Terry, Montana

Para e squeeze

P vo squeeze

DewEze 3 pt. bale unroller On Sale! nS o k ck tock InSSto In ck to S In Stock In

Meridian 1260 RT Bulk Seed Tender Meridian 1260 RT Bulk Seed Tender Meridian Meridian 1260 1260 RT RT Bulk Bulk Seed SeedTender Tender Meridian 1260 RT Bulk Seed Tender Meridian Meridian 1260 1260 RT RT Bulk Bulk Seed SeedTender Tender Meridian 1260 RT Bulk Seed Tender

S C m m m T m m Six,210 210cu. cu.ft.ft.Compartments Compartments(totaling (totalingaamassive massive1260 1260cu. cu.ft.) ft.) •• Six, • The Thebest, best,most mostefficient efficient design todeliver delivermultiple multiplevarieties varietiesofofproducts products ck • design to to A Sw C w S In • to Six, 210 cu. ft. Compartments (totaling a massive 1260 cu. ft.) to their destinations In Stock their destinations •M Six, 210 cu. ft. 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can engine runisindependently unloading into a the pit discharge Power Pack(gas (gas andhydraulic hydraulic pump) Triple Axlewith with AirConveyor RideSuspension Suspension • Articulating (170º) Swing is equipped with a 10” tube and 5,000 bu/hr Power and && Triple Air Ride of the Pack hopper; canengine runautomatically independently for pump) unloading into aAxle • Meridian’s Six, 210 cu. ft.pitCompartments (totaling aand massive 1260 cu.over ft.) flowing ONLY ONE ••• Conveyor folds/unfolds with the push of a button, allowing for effortless precise positioning of the Under bin/main belt is a 24” flat belt that only runs after the discharge conveyor has started to prevent patented 12” cross cleated belt, offering capacities up to This model has a full function wireless remote • Electric Roll Tarp cover • Rear Working Light and includes optional Under bin/main isfunction aautomatically 24” flat belt that only runs after the Tarp discharge conveyor has started to prevent overoptional flowing ••discharge Conveyor folds/unfolds with the push of a Roll button, allowing for effortless and precise positioning of the This model has abelt full remote • Electric cover •Ride Rear Working Light and includes of the can run for into aaAxle pit bu/hr • 5,000 The efficient design to deliver multiple varieties of products Power Pack (gas and wireless hydraulic pump) &best, Triple with Air Suspension of the hopper; 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canengine run independently for unloading into a(170º) pit ONLY ONE Meridian’s patented 12” belt, capacities up to ONLY ONE • •This model has a belt full function remote • runs Electric cover •cross Rear cleated Working Lightoffering and includes optional Under bin/main a When 24” wireless flat beltYou that only after the discharge conveyor has started to prevent over flowing Buy ThRoll sTarp Tender •Power This model has a engine fullisfunction wireless remote • Electric Roll Tarp cover •Ride RearSuspension Working and includes optional m Light C 5,000 bu/hr Pack (gas and hydraulic pump) & Triple Axle with Air Vouchers good on any Meridian product of the hopper; can engine run independently for unloading into a pit Power Pack (gas and hydraulic pump) & Triple Axle with ONE Air Ride Suspension ONLY purchase over $10,000 (one voucher ONLY ONE When You Buy This Tender . . . •• Conveyor folds/unfolds automatically with the push of a button, allowing for effortless and precise positioning of theper This model has a full function wireless remote • Electric Roll Tarp cover • Rear Working includes optional item). Light Call forand details discharge Power Pack (gas engine and hydraulic pump) & Triple Axle withONE Air Ride Suspension ONLY ONLY ONE • Under MER bin/main belt is a 24”wflat belt that D AN AUGER HP only EF Kruns after the discharge w conveyor m hasMstarted to M prevent over flowing Vouchers Meridian product of for unloading into a pit SALE m the hopper; can w run & independently m RETA good on any over $10,000 (one voucher per ONLY ONE When Buy This Tender .muffler, . Working . purchase 7" x33' 33'model MERIDIAN AUGER with 23.5You HP EFI Kohler engine, coldcover weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electricoptional clutch, 7" MERIDIAN with 23.5 HP EFI Kohler engine, cold weather Meridian Mover, electric clutch, • xThis has a AUGER full function wireless remote • Electric Roll Tarp • Rear Light and includes MER D AN AUGER w HP EF K w m M M item). Call for details SALE $14,000 plumbed for bin sweep & more .....................................................................................RETAIL $16,800 plumbed bin sweep &&more .....................................................................................RETAIL Power Pack (gas hydraulic pump) & Triple Axle with Air Ride Suspension m for w engine m and RETA $16,800 SALE SALE$14,000 7" x 33' MERIDIAN AUGER with 23.5 HP EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, 7” x 39’ MERIDIAN AUGER with 23.5 HP EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, 7”7"xx39’ with engine, Mover, electric clutch, MER DD AN AUGERS w 23.5 HPEFI EFKohler K m M M 33'MERIDIAN MERIDIAN AUGER with 23.5HP EFI engine,cold coldweather weathermuffler, muffler,Meridian Meridian Mover, electric clutch, MER ANAUGER AUGER HP EF KKohler w M M SALE $14,000 plumbed for bin sweep &&more morew .....................................................................................RETAIL SALE $14,850 plumbed for bin sweep ......................................................................................RETAIL $17,285 plumbed & ......................................................................................RETAIL $17,285 SALE SALE &m RETA $16,800 SALE $14,000 plumbed forbin binsweep sweep &&more more .....................................................................................RETAIL $16,800 m33' for w AUGER m with RETA SALE$14,850 ONLY ONEmuffler, 7" MERIDIAN 23.5 HP EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, 7” xxxxx33’ 39’ MERIDIAN AUGER 23.5 EFI Kohler engine, cold weather Meridian Mover, electric clutch, 8” 33’ MERIDIAN AUGERS with 26.5HP HP EFI Kohler muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, 7" 33'MERIDIAN MERIDIAN AUGERwith Mover, electric clutch, 7” 33’ MERIDIAN AUGER with 23.5 HP EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, 8” x AUGERS with 26.5 HP EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, MER D AN AUGERS w HP EF K w m M M 7” x 39’ MERIDIAN AUGER 23.5 HP EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, MER Dbox, ANlight AUGER w......................................................................................RETAIL HP EF K w m M M SALE SALE $14,000 plumbed for bin sweep &&package, more .....................................................................................RETAIL $16,800 $14,850 plumbed for sweep & more SALE $14,500 reversing gear shovel kit& &more.....................................................RETAIL more.....................................................RETAIL $17,314 SALE $14,000 for bin sweep more .....................................................................................RETAIL reversing gear box, package, shovel $17,314 plumbed forbin bin sweep & more .................................................................................RETAIL $16,800 SALE $14,000 SALE m& w kit &m RETA $17,285 SALE$14,500 $14,850 plumbed for bin sweep ......................................................................................RETAIL $17,285SALE wlight & more m with RETA SALE 7" xxxm33’ 33' MERIDIAN AUGER 23.5 HP EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, 7” 39’ MERIDIAN AUGER with 23.5 HP EFI Kohler muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, 8” x MERIDIAN AUGERS with 26.5 engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, 8” 39’ MERIDIAN AUGERS with 26.5 HP EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, 39’ MERIDIAN HP Mover, electric clutch, 7" x 33' AUGER muffler, Meridian 8” x 39’ MERIDIAN AUGERS 26.5 HP EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, 7” x 39’ MERIDIAN AUGER with 23.5 EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, D AN AUGERS w HP EF KK wweather m M M 8” x 33’MER MERIDIAN AUGERS with 26.5 HP& EFI Kohler engine, muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, $14,000 plumbed for bin sweep &&package, more .....................................................................................RETAIL SALE $14,850 plumbed for bin sweep more ......................................................................................RETAIL $17,285 MER Dbox, ANplumbed AUGERS w HP m M $16,800 M SALE SALE $14,500 reversing gear box, light shovel kit more.....................................................RETAIL $17,314 SALE $15,500 reversing gear plumbed for bin sweep, light package, shovelcold kit&&w more..............RETAIL ..............RETAIL $18,563 $14,850 bin sweep more ......................................................................................RETAIL $17,285 SALE $14,000 plumbed for .....................................................................................RETAIL $16,800 $15,500 reversing box, for bin sweep, package, shovel kit more $18,563 SALE &EF RETA plumbed for bin sweep more .................................................................................RETAIL $17,285 SALE $14,850 $14,500 reversinggear gear box, light&&package, shovel kitlight &m $17,314SALE &more.....................................................RETAIL m RETA SALE 7” xxx39’ 39’ MERIDIAN AUGER 23.5 HP EFI cold muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, 8” 33’ MERIDIAN AUGERS with 26.5 HP EFI Kohler muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, 7" 33'MERIDIAN MERIDIAN AUGERwwith HP Mover, electric clutch, 7” 33’ MERIDIAN AUGER with 23.5 EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, 8” AUGERS 26.5 HP EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, 8” 39’ MERIDIAN AUGERS with 26.5 HP EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, 8” 33’ MERIDIAN AUGERS with 26.5 HP EFIKohler Kohlerengine, engine, coldweather weather muffler, Meridian 7”x 39’ MERIDIAN AUGER 23.5 HP EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, 8” xxxxx 39’ MERIDIAN AUGERS with 26.5 HP EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, MER D AN AUGER EF K w m E K S m 8” 33’ MERIDIAN AUGERS with 26.5 HP EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, x 39’ MERIDIAN muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, SALE $14,850 plumbed for bin sweep & more ......................................................................................RETAIL $17,285 SALE $14,500 reversing gear box, light package, shovel kit & more.....................................................RETAIL $17,314 $16,800 SALE $14,000 for bin sweep & more .....................................................................................RETAIL SALE $15,500 reversing gear box, plumbed forw bin sweep, package, shovel kit &wmore ..............RETAIL $18,563 SALE $15,000 reversing gear light shovel kit &EF more.................................................... RETAIL $17,809 Dbox, AN AUGERS HP K m M M SALE plumbed for bin sweep &package, more .................................................................................RETAIL $16,800 SALE $14,000 $14,500 reversingMER gear box, light package, shovel kitlight &more.................................................... more.....................................................RETAIL $17,314 $14,850 plumbed for bin sweep & more $17,285 $15,000 reversing gear box, light package, shovel kit &light RETAIL $17,809 SALE FABTEC RETA $15,500 gear box, plumbed for......................................................................................RETAIL bin sweep, package, shovel kit & more ..............RETAIL $18,563 reversing box, light package, shovel kit & more ................................................RETAIL $17,314 SALE $14,500 8” x 33’ MERIDIAN AUGERS with 26.5 HP EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, m with wHP & m muffler, RETA SALE 8” 39’ MERIDIAN AUGERS with 26.5 HP EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, HP 39’ MERIDIAN Mover, clutch, 8” xxxxxx39’ 39’ MERIDIAN AUGERS 26.5 EFI Kohler engine, cold weather Meridian Mover, electric clutch, 8” 39’ AUGER with 26.5 EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, E-Kay Scissor lift mover, electric clutch, 7” 39’ MERIDIAN AUGER with 23.5 EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, electric clutch, 8” 33’ MERIDIAN AUGERS with 26.5 HP EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, 8” x MERIDIAN AUGER 26.5 EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, E-Kay Scissor lift mover, electric clutch, MER D AN AUGER w HP EF K w m M M 39’MERIDIAN MERIDIAN muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, 8” xx 39’ AUGERS 26.5 HP EFI Kohler engine, weather muffler,RETAIL Meridian Mover, electric clutch, SALE $14,500 reversing gear box, light package, shovel kit & more.....................................................RETAIL $17,314 SALE $15,500 reversing gear plumbed for bin sweep, light package, shovel kit more $18,563 $14,850 plumbed for bin sweep & more $17,285 reversing gear box, light package, shovel kit $17,809 SALE $15,000 SALE $17,000 11 gallon gas tank, FABTEC 360 degree electric operated sprout ............................... RETAIL $19,822 $15,500 reversing gear box, plumbed forwith bin sweep, light package, shovelcold kit &&w more..............RETAIL ..............RETAIL $18,563 MER Dbox, AN AUGERS w......................................................................................RETAIL HP K m M M $14,500 light package, shovel kit& &more.................................................... more.....................................................RETAIL $17,314 plumbed for bin sweep &package, more .................................................................................RETAIL $17,285 SALE $14,850 SALE $17,000 11 gallon gas tank, FABTEC 360 degree electric operated sprout ............................... RETAIL $19,822 SALE &EF m RETA SALE $15,000 reversing gear box, light shovel kit & more.................................................... RETAIL $17,809 reversing gear box, plumbed for bin sweep, light package, shovel kit & moremuffler, ..........RETAIL $18,563 SALE $15,500 7" 33' MERIDIAN AUGER 23.5 HP EFI Kohler engine, cold Mover, electric clutch, 8” 39’ MERIDIAN AUGERS with 26.5 HP EFI Kohler engine, cold weather Meridian Mover, electric clutch, 8” 39’ MERIDIAN AUGERS with 26.5 HP weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, 8” 33’ AUGERS with 26.5 HP EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, 8” xxxxxxxxx39’ MERIDIAN AUGER with 26.5 EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, E-Kay liftMover, mover, electric clutch, &Kohler m RETA SALE 8” 46’ MERIDIAN AUGER with 26.5 HP EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, 8” 39’ AUGERS with 26.5 HP EFI Kohler engine, coldweather weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, MERIDIAN 33’ MERIDIAN muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, 8” 46’ MERIDIAN AUGER 26.5 HP EFI engine, cold muffler, Meridian electric clutch, MER Dbox, AN AUGER w HP V w mcold M ..............RETAIL M Scissor 8” x 39’ MERIDIAN with 26.5 EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, E-Kay Scissor lift mover, electric clutch, SALE $14,000 plumbed for bin sweep & more .....................................................................................RETAIL $16,800 SALE $15,500 reversing gear plumbed for bin sweep, light package, shovel kit & more $18,563 SALE $15,000 reversing gear box, light package, shovel kit & more.................................................... RETAIL $17,809 8” x 39’ MERIDIAN AUGERS with 23.5 HP EFI Kohler engine, weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, SALE $14,500 reversing gear box, light package, shovel kit & more.....................................................RETAIL $17,314 $17,000 11 gallon gas tank, FABTEC 360 electric operated sprout RETAIL $19,822 SALE $15,695 reversing gear light package, shovel kit &&more.................................................... more.................................................... RETAIL $18,175 SALE $15,000 reversing light package, shovel kit more.................................................... RETAIL $17,809 $15,500 gear box, plumbed for bin sweep, light shovel............................... kit w & more ..............RETAIL $18,563 reversing gear box, light package, shovel kit & RETAIL $18,175 SALE RETA Dbox, AN AUGER w degree HP EF Kpackage, m M M SALE reversing box, light package, shovel kit & more ................................................RETAIL $17,314 SALE $14,500 SALE$15,695 $17,000 11 gallonMER gas FABTEC 360 degree electric operated sprout ............................... RETAIL $19,822 reversing geartank, box,AUGER light package, shovel kit & more ................................................RETAIL $17,809 SALE $15,000 7” 39’MERIDIAN MERIDIAN AUGER 23.5 HP EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, clutch, 8” 39’ AUGERS with 26.5 HP EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, 8” 39’ AUGER with 26.5 Kohler engine, cold muffler, E-Kay Scissor lift mover, electric clutch, 8” 39’ MERIDIAN AUGERS with 26.5 HP EFI Kohler engine, coldweather weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, 8” 46’ AUGER 26.5 HP EFI engine, cold muffler, Meridian electric clutch, 8” xxxxxx53’ 53’ MERIDIAN with 31 HPEFI Vanguard, coldM weather Meridian Mover, electric clutch, reversing gear &Kohler m RETA SALE 8”xxxx 39’ MERIDIAN with 26.5 EFI Kohler engine, coldweather weather muffler, E-Kay Scissor liftMover, mover, clutch, 39’ MERIDIAN muffler, Meridian Mover, electric 8” MERIDIAN AUGER with 31 HP Vanguard, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, reversing gear MER D AN AUGER w26.5 HP K mmuffler, 8” 39’ MERIDIAN AUGERS with 26.5 HP EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, 46’ MERIDIAN AUGER with HP EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, $14,850 plumbed for bin sweep & more ......................................................................................RETAIL $17,285 SALE $15,000 reversing gear box, light package, shovel kit & more.................................................... RETAIL $17,809 SALE $17,000 11 gallon gas tank, FABTEC 360 degree electric operated sprout ............................... RETAIL $19,822 $15,500 reversing gear box, plumbed for bin sweep, light package, shovel kit weather & more ..............RETAIL $18,563 SALE $15,695 reversing gear box, light package, shovel kit & more.................................................... RETAIL $18,175 SALE $16,500 box................................................................................................................................RETAIL $19,500 8” xgallon 46’ MERIDIAN AUGER with 26.5 HP EFI Kohler engine, cold muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, SALE $17,000 11 gas tank, FABTEC 360 degree electric operated sprout ............................... RETAIL $19,822 SALE $15,000 reversing gear box, light package, shovel kit & more.................................................... $17,809 SALE $16,500 box................................................................................................................................RETAIL $19,500 RETA $15,695 gearDbox, light package, shovel kit &light more.................................................... RETAIL$18,563 $18,175 SALE MER AN AUGER w HP V w m M M reversing box, plumbed for bin sweep, package, shovel kit & more ..........RETAIL SALE $15,500 8” 33’ AUGERS with 26.5 HP EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, 8” x 39’ MERIDIAN AUGER with 26.5 EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, E-Kay Scissor lift mover, electric clutch, reversing gear box,AUGER light package, shovel kit & Kohler more ................................................RETAIL $18,175 SALE $15,695 8” xxx 46’ MERIDIAN AUGER with 26.5 HP EFI engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, 8” x10” 39’ AUGERS with 26.5 HP EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, 8” x10” 53’ MERIDIAN with 31 HP Vanguard, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, reversing gear (2) x 39’ MERIDIAN AUGER with 35 HP Kohler, Meridian mover, spring belt tensioner, electric clutch, reversible 8” 46’ MERIDIAN AUGER with 26.5 HP EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, 39’ MERIDIAN AUGER with 26.5 EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, E-Kay Scissor lift mover, electric RETA SALE (2) x 39’ MERIDIAN AUGER with 35 HP Kohler, Meridian mover, spring belt tensioner, electric clutch, reversible MER D ANlight AUGER wwith HPVanguard, Kkit Mcold weather m muffler, 53’ MERIDIAN AUGER with 31 HP Meridian Mover, electric clutch, reversing gear 8” x 53’MERIDIAN 39’ MERIDIAN AUGERS 23.5 HP Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, SALE $14,500 reversing gear box, light package, shovel kit & more.....................................................RETAIL $17,314 SALE $17,000 11 gallon gas tank, 360 degree operated sprout ............................... RETAIL $19,822 SALE $15,695 reversing gear box, package, shovel kit RETAIL $18,175 SALE $15,000 reversing gear box, light package, shovel & more.................................................... RETAIL $17,809 SALE $16,500 box................................................................................................................................RETAIL $19,500 SALE $16,500 gear box........................................................................................................................RETAIL $19,000 SALE $15,695 reversing gear box,FABTEC light package, shovel kit &EFI & more.................................................... more.................................................... RETAIL $18,175 8”x AUGER with 31 HPelectric Vanguard, weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric reversing $17,000 11 gallon gas FABTEC 360 degree electric operated sprout ............................... $19,822clutch, SALE $16,500 gear box........................................................................................................................RETAIL $19,000 SALE RETA $16,500 box................................................................................................................................RETAIL $19,500 MERtank, D AN AUGER w31 HP Mcold mcold reversing gear box, light package, shovel kitKEFI &Kohler more ................................................RETAIL $17,809 SALE $15,000 8” 39’ MERIDIAN AUGERS with 26.5 HP Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, 8” xx10” AUGER 26.5 HP EFI engine, weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, 8” 53’ AUGER with HP Vanguard, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, reversing gear 8” x 39’ MERIDIAN with 26.5 EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, E-Kay Scissor lift mover, electric clutch, gear box ....................................................................................................................RETAIL $19,500 SALE $16,500 (2) xMERIDIAN 39’ MERIDIAN AUGER with 35 HP Kohler, Meridian mover, spring belt tensioner, electric clutch, reversible 10" x46’ 46' MERIDIAN AUGER with 35 HP Kohler, Meridian mover, spring belttensioner, tensioner, electric clutch, reversible gear xxx10” 53’ MERIDIAN AUGER with 31 HP Vanguard, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, reversing gear 8” 46’ MERIDIAN AUGER with 26.5 HP EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, 10" 46' MERIDIAN AUGER with 35 HP Kohler, Meridian mover, spring belt electric clutch, reversible gear RETA SALE (2) x 39’ MERIDIAN AUGER with 35 HP Kohler, Meridian mover, spring belt tensioner, electric clutch, reversible USED SALE $15,500 reversing gear box, plumbed for bin sweep, light package, shovel kit & more ..............RETAIL $18,563 SALE $15,695 reversing gear box, light package, shovel kit & more.................................................... RETAIL $18,175 SALE $16,500 box................................................................................................................................RETAIL $19,500 8” xgallon 46’ AUGER with 26.5 Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, SALE $17,000 11 gas tank, FABTEC 360 degree electric operated sprout ............................... RETAIL $19,822 SALE $16,500 gear box........................................................................................................................RETAIL $19,000 SALE $17,700 box................................................................................................................................ RETAIL $20,300 $16,500 box................................................................................................................................RETAIL $19,500 SALE $15,695 reversing gear box, light package, shovel kitEFI & more.................................................... RETAIL $18,175 SALE $17,700 box................................................................................................................................ RETAIL $20,300 10” 39’MERIDIAN MERIDIAN AUGER with 35 HP HP Kohler, Meridian springPbelt tensioner, electric clutch, reversible SALE $16,500 gearxbox........................................................................................................................RETAIL $19,000 MER D AUGER W HP K mover, E weather mMover, w w Aclutch, MER DAN AN AUGER w HP KEFI MMeridian mmuffler, reversing gear box, light package, shovel kitM & more ................................................RETAIL $18,175 SALE $15,695 8” 39’ MERIDIAN AUGERS with 26.5 HP Kohler engine, cold muffler, Meridian Mover, electric 8” xxx10” 53’ MERIDIAN AUGER with 31with HP Vanguard, cold weather Meridian electric clutch, reversing gear (2) xxMERIDIAN 39’ MERIDIAN AUGER 35 HP Kohler, mover, spring belt tensioner, electric clutch, reversible 8” 46’ MERIDIAN AUGER with 26.5 HP EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, 10" 46' MERIDIAN AUGER with 35 HP Kohler, Meridian mover, spring belt tensioner, electric clutch, reversible gear gear box ....................................................................................................................RETAIL $19,000 SALE $16,500 (2) 10” 39’ MERIDIAN AUGER with 35 HP Kohler, Meridian mover, spring belt tensioner, electric clutch, reversible m RETA SALE USED 8” x 53’ AUGER with 31 HP Vanguard, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, reversing gear 10" x53’MERIDIAN 46' MERIDIAN AUGER with31 35 HP HP Vanguard, Kohler, Meridian mover, spring belt tensioner, electric clutch,clutch, reversible gear USED RETA SALE $15,000 reversing gear box, box, light light package, shovel kit & & more.................................................... more.................................................... RETAIL $17,809 SALE $16,500 box................................................................................................................................RETAIL $19,500 $16,500 gear box........................................................................................................................RETAIL $19,000 SALE $15,695 reversing gear package, shovel kit RETAIL $18,175 SALE $17,700 box................................................................................................................................ RETAIL $20,300 8”x AUGER with cold muffler, Meridian Mover, electric reversing SALE $16,500 gear box........................................................................................................................RETAIL $19,000 box......................................................................................................................... RETA 8" 39' MERIDIAN AUGER, Wheatheart Mover, 27 HPweather Kohler Engine, Plumbed w/hydraulic binclutch, sweep, Anti-ice SALEreversible $17,700 box................................................................................................................................ RETAILelectric $20,300 10” 46’ MERIDIAN AUGER with 35EFI HPSKohler Kohler, Meridian spring belt tensioner, 8" xxx39' MERIDIAN AUGER, Mover, 27 HP Kohler bin sweep, Anti-ice MER D AN AUGER AUGER WWheatheart Sw HPmover, K Engine, E Plumbed Ntensioner, w w/hydraulic 8” x 39’ MERIDIAN with 26.5 engine, cold weather muffler, E-Kay Scissor lift mover, electric clutch, gear box ....................................................................................................................RETAIL $19,500 SALE $16,500 (2) 10” x 39’ MERIDIAN AUGER with 35 HP Kohler, Meridian mover, spring belt electric clutch, reversible 10" x 46' MERIDIAN AUGER with 35 HP Kohler, Meridian mover, spring belt tensioner, electric clutch, reversible gear muffler kit ...................................................................................................................... RETAIL $11,100 SALE $10,000 8” x 53’ MERIDIAN AUGER with 31 HP Vanguard, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, reversing gear muffler kit ...................................................................................................................... RETAIL $11,100 SALE $10,000 10" xbox 46'....................................................................................................................RETAIL MERIDIAN AUGER withw35 HP Kohler, Meridian mover, spring belt tensioner, electric clutch,SALE reversible gear USED MER DFABTEC AN AUGER HP K operated M sprout m ............................... gear $20,300 SALE $17,700 RETA SALE $17,000 11 gallon gas tank, 360 degree electric RETAIL $19,822 SALE $16,500 gear box........................................................................................................................RETAIL $19,000 USED SALE $17,700 box................................................................................................................................ RETAIL $20,300 $16,500 box................................................................................................................................RETAIL $19,500 box................................................................................................................................ RETAIL $20,300 SALEreversible $17,700 10” MERIDIAN AUGER with 35 HP Kohler, Meridian spring belt tensioner, electric 8" x x39'39’ MERIDIAN AUGER, Wheatheart Mover, 27 HP Engine, Plumbed w/hydraulic bin clutch, sweep, Anti-ice SALE RETA 8" MERIDIAN AUGER, Wheatheart Super Sweep, 25Kohler HPmover, Kohler Engine, New tube/ flight ................................. 8" MERIDIAN AUGER, Wheatheart Super Sweep, 25 HP Kohler Engine, New tube/ flight ................................. 8"xxxx39' 39' MERIDIAN AUGER, Wheatheart Mover, HP Kohler Engine, w/hydraulic binFSALE sweep, Anti-ice SAKUND AK EAUGER Z HP K EE27Meridian EPlumbed Kmuffler, m Felectric A wgear 8” 46’ MERIDIAN AUGER with 26.5 Kohler engine, cold weather Meridian Mover, electric clutch, 10" 46' AUGER with 35 HP35 Kohler, Meridian mover, spring belt tensioner, clutch, reversible muffler kitxMERIDIAN ...................................................................................................................... RETAIL $11,100 $10,000 SAKUND AK E ZM M HP KEFI m Stensioner, B mSw T reversible S$10,000 gear box ....................................................................................................................RETAIL $19,000 SALE $16,500 (2) 10” 39’ MERIDIAN with HP Kohler, mover, spring belt electric clutch, USED ...................................................................................................................................... RETAIL $11,500 SALE $10,500 MER D AN AUGER w HP K M m muffler kit ...................................................................................................................... RETAIL $11,100 SALE ...................................................................................................................................... RETAIL $11,500 SALE $10,500 USED w F T S B Sw RETA SALE$17,700 $15,695 reversing gear box, light package, shovel kitMover, & more.................................................... RETAIL$20,300 $18,175 SALE box................................................................................................................................ RETAIL $16,500 gear box........................................................................................................................RETAIL $19,000 RETA SALE 8" 39' MERIDIAN AUGER, Wheatheart 27 HP Kohler Engine, Plumbed w/hydraulic bin sweep, Anti-ice 8" xx39' MERIDIAN AUGER, Wheatheart Super Sweep, 25 electric HP Kohler Engine, New tube/ flight ................................. SALEreversible RETA 10” 46’ MERIDIAN AUGER withM 35HP HP Kohler, Meridian mover, spring belt tensioner, electric clutch, 8" 39' MERIDIAN AUGER, Wheatheart Mover, 27 HP Kohler Engine, w/hydraulic binFab sweep, Anti-ice 10" SAKUNDIAK, E-ZMover, Mover, 40 HP Kohler Engine, clutch, E-Kay Slim Fit,Bin (makes 10" Auger fit where... 8" xxxxxx53’ 39' MERIDIAN AUGER, Wheatheart Super 25 HP Kohler New tube/ flight ................................. 10" SAKUNDIAK, E-Z 40 Kohler Engine, electric clutch, E-Kay Slim Fit, (makes 10" Auger where 10’ 46’ SAKUNDIAK, E-Z Mover, 38 HP Kohler Engine, electric clutch, plumbed for Sweep, Tecfit$10,500 Spout, SAKUND AK W HPSweep, Kcold E Nspring w PEngine, FPlumbed SALE muffler kit ...................................................................................................................... RETAIL $11,100 $10,000 8” MERIDIAN AUGER with 3135 HP Vanguard, muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, reversing gear SAKUND AK HP KSpout, EBin N wweather SALE 10" 46' MERIDIAN AUGER with HP mover, belt tensioner, electric clutch, reversible gear USED muffler kit ...................................................................................................................... RETAIL $11,100 $10,000 ...................................................................................................................................... RETAIL $11,500 SALE gear box ....................................................................................................................RETAIL $20,300 SALE $17,700 $17,500 an 8"xauger auger wouldgo), go), FabTec Tec SweepMeridian ...................................................... RETAIL $19,000 SALE $17,500 an 8" would Fab Spout, Bin Kohler, Sweep ...................................................... RETAIL $19,000 USED ...................................................................................................................................... RETAIL $11,500 $10,500 ..........................................................................................................................RETAIL $19,000 SALE $13,500 $16,500 box................................................................................................................................RETAIL $19,500 SAKUND AK HP K E N w SALE SALE $17,700 box................................................................................................................................ RETAIL $20,300 8" xxx 39' MERIDIAN AUGER, Wheatheart Mover, 27 HP25 Kohler Engine, Plumbed w/hydraulic bin sweep, Anti-ice 8" MERIDIAN AUGER, Wheatheart Super Sweep, HP Kohler Engine, New tube/ flight ................................. 8" 39' MERIDIAN AUGER, Wheatheart Super Sweep, 25 HP Kohler Engine, New tube/ flight ................................. 10" SAKUNDIAK, E-Z Mover, 40 HP Kohler Engine, electric clutch, E-Kay Slim Fit, (makes 10" Auger fit where 8" x 53' SAKUNDIAK, Wheatheart Mover, 27 HP Kohler Engine, New Poly Flighting ...........................SALE $10,000 MER D AN AUGER W M HP K E P m w w A 8" xx10” 53' SAKUNDIAK, Wheatheart Mover, 27Kohler HP Kohler Engine, New Poly Flighting ...........................SALE 8” 46’ SAKUNDIAK, 25E-Z HPMover, Kohler Engine, Like New ........................................................................ SALE $5,995 muffler kit ...................................................................................................................... RETAIL $11,100 SALE $10,000 10" x 39' SAKUNDIAK, 40 HP Engine, electric clutch, E-Kay Slim Fit, (makes 10" Auger fit where (2) x 39’ MERIDIAN AUGER with 35 HP Kohler, Meridian mover, spring belt tensioner, electric clutch, reversible ...................................................................................................................................... RETAIL $11,500 SALE $10,500 SAKUND AK HP R E P m B Sw SALE SALE $17,500 an 8" auger would go), Fab Tec Spout, Bin Sweep ...................................................... RETAIL $19,000 m RETA SALE USED ...................................................................................................................................... RETAIL $11,500 $10,500 8" 46' SAKUNDIAK, 25 HP Kohler Engine, LikeNew New ...........................................................................SALE $5,995 SALE $16,500 $17,500 anxx8" auger would go), Fab Tec Spout, Bin Sweep ...................................................... RETAIL $19,000 SALE gear box........................................................................................................................RETAIL $19,000 46' SAKUNDIAK, 25 HP Kohler Engine, Like ...........................................................................SALE $5,995 8" MERIDIAN AUGER, Wheatheart Super 25 HP Kohler Engine, New flight ................................. 8" 39' MERIDIAN AUGER, Wheatheart Mover, 27 HP Kohler Engine, Plumbed w/hydraulic bin sweep, Anti-ice 10" SAKUNDIAK, E-Z Mover, 40 HP Engine, electric clutch, Fit, (makes 10" Auger fit where 8" x xxx39' 53' SAKUNDIAK, Wheatheart Mover, 27 HPSweep, Engine, Poly Flighting ...........................SALE $10,000 MKohler P for SNew anda dE-Kay Fea uwtube/ es MER D AN AUGER W SKohler HP KNew E E-Kay NSlim 10" 39' SAKUNDIAK, E-Z Mover, 40 HP electric clutch, Slim Fit, (makes 10" Auger fit where Op ons 10’ 46’ SAKUNDIAK, E-Z Mover, 38 HP Kohler Engine, clutch, plumbed for Bin Sweep, Fab Tec Spout, ... 7" x8" SAKUNDIAK, 24 HP Robin Engine, Plumbed Bin Sweep......................................................SALE $5,995 8" xxx33' 53' SAKUNDIAK, Wheatheart Mover, 27 HPSw Kohler Engine, Poly Flighting ...........................SALE $10,000 10" 46' MERIDIAN AUGER with 35 HP Kohler, Meridian mover, spring belt tensioner, electric clutch, reversible gear muffler kit ...................................................................................................................... RETAIL $11,100 SALE ...................................................................................................................................... RETAIL $11,500 SALE $10,500 $17,500 an auger would go), Fab Tec Spout, Bin Sweep ...................................................... RETAIL $19,000 P w SALE $17,500 an 8" auger would go), Fab Tec Spout, Bin Sweep ...................................................... RETAIL $19,000 G G RETA SALE M P ..........................................................................................................................RETAIL $19,000 $13,500 8"box................................................................................................................................ x 46' SAKUNDIAK, 25 HP Kohler Engine, Like New ...........................................................................SALE $5,995 SALE $17,700 RETAIL $20,300 8" x 46' SAKUNDIAK, 25 HP Kohler Engine, Like New ...........................................................................SALE $5,995 G 1,768 buHP Multi Purpose Standard Features 39' MERIDIAN AUGER, Wheatheart Super 25 HP Kohler Engine, New tube/ flight 10" E-ZHP Mover, 40 HP Kohler Engine, electric clutch, E-Kay Slim...........................SALE Fit, (makes 10" Auger where Options 8" Wheatheart Mover, 27 Kohler Engine, New Poly Flighting 1,768 bu Multi Purpose P ................................. B fit$10,000 Standard Features Options 8” 46’ SAKUNDIAK, 25 Kohler Engine, Like New SALE $5,995 8" xxx 53' 53' SAKUNDIAK, SAKUNDIAK, Wheatheart Mover, 27 HP Kohler Engine, New Poly Flighting ...........................SALE $10,000 MSweep, P ........................................................................ SAKUND AK E Z M HP K E E K S m F m A w M B coated • Powder Powder coatedinterior interiorand and SALE $17,500 an would go), Fab Tec Spout,Engine, Bin Sweep ...................................................... RETAIL $19,000 USED Grain Guard aeration ...................................................................................................................................... RETAIL $11,500 SALE $10,500 3,265 bu Multi Purpose 7"8" x auger 33' SAKUNDIAK, SAKUNDIAK, 24 HP HP Robin Plumbed Bin •Sweep......................................................SALE $5,995 M wGuard m aeration 3,265 bu Multi Purpose 8" 25 Like ...........................................................................SALE $5,995 SALE w F T Kohler S Engine, B Sw RETA••Grain GNew Mfor mGrain 8" xxx46' 46' SAKUNDIAK, 25 HP Kohler Engine, Like New ...........................................................................SALE $5,995 exterior (ext.only onlyon onGrain 39' MERIDIAN Wheatheart Mover, 27 HP Kohler Engine, Plumbed w/hydraulic sweep, Anti-ice exterior (ext. bu Multi Purpose Pokebin hole Bin$10,000 Standard Features Options 8"8" x 53' SAKUNDIAK, Wheatheart Mover, 27Kohler HP Kohler Engine, New Poly Flighting ...........................SALE SAUGER, MPLY 4,120 bu Multi Purpose ••Poke hole ••Bin ladders 10" 39' SAKUNDIAK, E-Z Mover, 401,768 HP electric E-Kay Slim Fit, (makes 10" Auger fitladders where 4,120 bu Multi Purpose 1,768 buHP Multi Purpose Max Bins) Standard 7" xxx33' SAKUNDIAK, HP Robin Plumbed for Sweep......................................................SALE $5,995 Options SAKUND AK 24 W MEngine, EBin Nclutch, w P FFeatures GKEngine, M Max Bins) muffler kit ...................................................................................................................... RETAIL $11,100 SALE $10,000 • Powder coated interior and 7" 33' SAKUNDIAK, 24 HP Robin Engine, Plumbed for Bin Sweep......................................................SALE $5,995 • Manway (bottom) Guard aeration M 3,265 bu Multi Purpose SALE $17,500 would go),25 Fab Spout, Bin Sweep ...................................................... RETAIL $19,000 • •Grain Manway (bottom) 3,265 bu GrainMax 22” spring loaded remote Powder coated interior and 8"anx 8" 46'auger SAKUNDIAK, HPTec Kohler Engine, Like New ...........................................................................SALE $5,995 3,265 bu GrainMax Grain Guard aeration •••22” spring loaded remote BEST 3,265 bu Multi Purpose exterior (ext. only on Grain HOPPER BPurpose NS SAKUNDTHE AK HPWheatheart K E4,120 N w SALE • Ladder cages SIMPLY 1,768 bu Multi Standard Features 8" x 39' MERIDIAN AUGER, Super Sweep, 25 HP Kohler Engine, New tube/ flight ................................. • Poke hole • Bin ladders S R & Options Ladder cages lid (top) SIMPLY exterior (ext. only on Grain bu Multi Purpose 1,768 Multi Purpose Features Options 8" x 53' SAKUNDIAK, Wheatheart Mover, 27bu HP Kohler Engine, New Poly Flighting ...........................SALE lidStandard (top) 4,120 buMulti GrainMax • Manhole Poke hole • Bin$10,000 ladders Bins) 4,120 GrainMax 4,120 bu Purpose •••Max Powder coated interior and (roof) NbuSMulti OCK •••Manway (bottom) V w GGuard Telescopic ladder Max Bins) Grain aeration ...................................................................................................................................... RETAIL $11,500 SALE $10,500 bu Purpose (roof) SAKUNDTHE AK BEST! HP R E 3,265 P m B •Sw SALE Powder coated interior and Telescopic ladder 3,265 buMulti GrainMax Grain Guard aeration 22” spring loaded remote 3,265 bu Purpose •Manhole Manway (bottom) HOPPER BINS THE BEST! 8" x 46' SAKUNDIAK, 25 HP Kohler Engine, Like New ...........................................................................SALE $5,995 exterior (ext. only on Grain HOPPER BINS Skid foundations 3,265 bu GrainMax Rack pinion slide gate 22” spring loaded remote cages SIMPLY exterior (ext. only on Grain bu Multi Poke hole •• Bin Standard Features ••••Ladder Skid •••Rack &&pinion slide gate Options lid (top) 4,120 bu Multi Purpose SPurpose B electric w NOW m foundations Poke hole Binfitladders ladders 10" x 39' SAKUNDIAK, E-Z Mover, 401,768 HP Kohler Engine, clutch, E-Kay Slim Fit, (makes 10" Auger where Ladder cages 4,120 buSTOCK GrainMax SIMPLY 1,768 bu Multi Purpose 4,120 Max Bins) Standard Features Options IN • 24” clearance under gate lid (top) View Glasses Max Bins) Powder coated interior and Manhole (roof) INPlumbed STOCK 7" SAKUNDIAK, 24 HP Engine, for Bin ••Sweep......................................................SALE $5,995 24” clearance under gate 4,120 bu GrainMax GrainMax Manway (bottom) Glasses Telescopic ladder •••••View Grain Guard aeration 3,265 bu Multi Purpose SALE $17,500 an x8"33' auger would go), Fab TecRobin Spout, Bin Sweep ...................................................... RETAIL $19,000 Manway (bottom) 3,265 bu •••exterior 22” spring loaded remote Powder coated interior and Manhole (roof) THE BEST! Telescopic ladder • Grain Guard aeration HOPPER BINS 3,265 bu Multi Purpose 3,265 bu GrainMax 22” spring loaded remote (ext. only on Grain • Skid foundations • Rack & pinion slide gate THE BEST! • Ladder cages SIMPLY Steel Binsprices prices are&down! down! NOW thebest best timeto to buy! • •Poke hole • Bin ladders HOPPER BINS lid (top) exterior (ext.Flighting only ongate Grain Ladder cages 4,120 bubuHP Multi Purpose SIMPLY Steel Bins are NOW isis the time buy! 1,768 Multi Purpose Standard Features Skid foundations • Rack pinion slide Options 8" x 53' SAKUNDIAK, Wheatheart Mover, 27 Kohler Engine, New Poly ...........................SALE $10,000 4,120 bu GrainMax lid (top) • Poke hole • Bin ladders Max Bins) INbuSTOCK 24” clearance under gate 4,120 Purpose •HOR 4,120 buMulti GrainMax Glasses Manhole (roof) ZONTAL Manway (bottom) Telescopic ladder Max Bins) Powder coated interior and •••••View Manhole (roof) IN 24”spring clearance under gate View Glasses Telescopic ladder 3,265 buSTOCK GrainMax Grain Guard aeration ••••22” loaded remote THE 3,265 bu Multi Purpose Manway (bottom) HOPPER BINS HOR ZONTAL 8" x 46' SAKUNDIAK, 25BEST! HP Kohler Engine, Like New ...........................................................................SALE $5,995 THE BEST! Skid foundations 3,265 bu GrainMax HOPPER BINS •••lid Rack &&down! pinion slide gate 22” spring loaded remote ••••Ladder cages SIMPLY exterior (ext. only on Steel Bins prices are NOW isGrain the best time to buy! Skid foundations Rack pinion slide DOUBLE WALL (top) Poke hole • Bin ladders Ladder cages SIMPLY 4,120IN buSTOCK GrainMax 4,120 bu Multi Purpose Steel are down! NOWgate is the best time Glasses to buy! • 24” clearance under gate lid (top) HORIZONTAL • View Max Bins) • Manhole (roof) 7" x 33' SAKUNDIAK, 24 HP Robin Engine, Plumbed forBins Bin prices Sweep......................................................SALE $5,995 & 4,120 GrainMax INbu STOCK HORIZONTAL • 24” clearance under gate • Telescopic ladder • View Glasses • Manway (bottom) SUPER OR Manhole (roof) THE BEST! HORIZONTAL • Telescopic ladder HOPPER BINS 3,265 bu GrainMax 22” are spring loaded remote HORIZONTAL Gbuy!on • •Skid foundations • Rack & pinion slide gate THE BEST! 1,768HOPPER DOUBLE WALL Steel Bins prices NOW is time BINS WALL Ladder cages SIMPLY Multi Purpose Steel BinsDOUBLE prices are down! NOWgate is the the best best time to toOptions buy! Standard Features Skid foundations Rack & down! pinion slide lid (top) STRENGTH INbuSTOCK 2,000 & 5,000 • •24” clearance under gate 4,120 bu GrainMax HORIZONTAL • View Glasses NGlasses STOCK 2,000 & (roof) 5,000 Powder coated interior and SUPERIOR Manhole IN STOCK 24” clearance under gate ••SUPERIOR Telescopic ladder •• View Grain Guard aeration bu Multi Purpose HORIZONTAL HORIZONTAL Gallon THE BEST! 3,265HOPPER Gallon BINS HORIZONTAL DOUBLE WALL exterior (ext. only onisGrain Steel Bins prices are&down! NOW the best••time tofoundations buy!• Bin ladders Skid •STRENGTH. Rack pinion slide Poke hole DOUBLE WALL 4,120 bu MultiSteel Purpose Bins prices are down! NOWgate is the best time to buy! STRENGTH. IN STOCK 2,000 & 5,000 HORIZONTAL Max Bins) IN STOCK IN STOCK •SUPERIOR 24” clearance under gate HORIZONTAL • View Glasses 2,000 & 5,000 • Manway (bottom) HORIZONTAL Gallon 3,265 bu GrainMax DOUBLE • 22” spring WALL loaded remote SUPERIOR HORIZONTAL Gallon • Ladder cages DOUBLE WALL SIMPLY Steel Bins are down! NOW is the best time buy! m w U M m prices m DEF m m STRENGTH. lid (top) 2,000 && 5,000 4,120 bu GrainMax INtoSTOCK HORIZONTAL STRENGTH. 2,000 5,000 • Manhole INGallon STOCK HOR ZONTAL C o d R S(roof) • SUPERIOR Telescopic ladder SUPERIOR HORIZONTAL THE BEST! Gallon HOPPER BINS HOR ZONTAL DOUBLE WALL Ultra Max 990 gallon tank, 50 ft. hose, 40 gallon per minute pump, 110 gallon DEF system, aluminum wheels • Skid foundations • Rack & pinion slide gate STRENGTH. Ultra Max 990 gallon tank, 50 ft. hose, 40 gallon per minute pump, 110 gallon DEF system, aluminum DOUBLE WALL m S M G mIN STOCK p wheels STRENGTH. 2,000 & 5,000 IN STOCK • 24” clearance under gate IN STOCK HORIZONTAL Call fordetails...................................................................................................Retail $18,995 ............. Sale $16,995 View Glasses SUPERIOR &m $16,995 Call $18,995 Sale mum o HORIZONTAL $2 000 g nfor odetails...................................................................................................Retail w d omp o oo bo DEFmax m •............. m w Gallon SUPER OR G on Ultra Max 990 gallon tank, 50 ft. hose, 40 gallon per minute pump, 110 gallon DEF system, aluminum wheels DOUBLE WALL Bins prices are down! NOW the best time to buy! Service Max 990 Gallon tank, 50 Steel hose, 40 gallon per isminute minute pump, triple wheels axle, STRENGTH. CLEARANCE CUltraoMax d Max R gallon Service -- 990 tank, ft.ft.perhose, 40 gallon per pump, triple axle, - 99033gallon tank, Gallon 50 ft. hose, 40 50 gallon minute pump, 110 DEF system, INaluminum STOCK STRENGTH 2,000 & 5,000 Call for details...................................................................................................Retail $18,995 ............. Sale $16,995 (maximum of $2,000) N STOCK generator, welder, air compressor, tool box, 55 gallon DEF system, aluminum wheels On TH S ONE N STOCK FUEL TRA LER Reduced o $28 995 SUPERIOR generator, welder, air compressor, tool box, 55 gallon DEF system, aluminum wheels Call for details...................................................................................................Retail $18,995 ............. Sale $16,995 Gallon Ultra Max -- 990 tank, 50 ft. hose, 40 gallon minute pump, 110 gallon DEF system, aluminum wheels CLEARANCE $29,995 Call for details............................................................................................ Retail $38,085..... Service Max 3gallon - 990 Gallon tank, 50 ft.per hose, 40 gallon per minute pump, triple$29,995 axle, CLEARANCE Call for details............................................................................................ Retail $38,085..... Ultra Max 990 gallon tank, 50 ft. hose, 40 gallon per minute pump, 110 gallon DEF system, aluminum wheels STRENGTH. Service Max 3 ONE, - air 990IN-STOCK Gallon tank, 50 TRAILER.................Reduced ft. hose, 40gallon gallonDEF per system, minute ............. pump, triplewheels axle, IN STOCK Call for details...................................................................................................Retail $18,995 Sale THIS FUEL to $28,995 generator, welder, compressor, tool box,• 55HORIZONTAL aluminum Call forOn details...................................................................................................Retail $18,995 ............. Sale $16,995 $16,995 406 6-487-2216 1-888-255-4790 HORIZONTAL generator, welder, air 50 compressor, tool perbox, 55pump, gallon DEF system, aluminum wheels Ultra Max - 990 gallon ft. hose,tank, 40 gallon minute 110 gallon DEF system, aluminum wheels CLEARANCE $29,995 Call for details............................................................................................ Retail $38,085..... DOUBLE WALL Service Max 33 -- tank, 990 ft. 40 gallon per minute pump, triple axle, Service Max 990 Gallon Gallon tank, 50 50 ft. hose, hose, 40 gallon per minute pump, triple axle, CLEARANCE $29,995 Callfor fordetails...................................................................................................Retail details............................................................................................ Retail $38,085..... ema sa es@sho neag com S M G m m p 2,000 & 5,000 Call $18,995 ............. Sale $16,995 (maximum ofaluminum $2,000) wheels generator, welder, air tool box, 55 gallon DEF system, 406 -487-2216 • 1-888-255-4790 1-888-255-4790 generator, welder, air compressor, compressor, tool box, 55SUPERIOR gallon com DEF system, aluminum wheels 406 66w-487-2216 ebs eoowww neag g n for details............................................................................................ o w d omp o bo• sho DEF mCLEARANCE mGallon m $29,995 w Call Retail $38,085..... Service Max - - 990 Gallon tank, ft.ft.perhose, 40 gallon per minute pump, triple axle, Ultra - 99033gallon tank, 50 ft. hose, 40 50 gallon minuteSTRENGTH. pump, 110 gallon DEF system, aluminum wheels CLEARANCE $29,995 Call details............................................................................................ Retail $38,085..... email: sales@shortlineag.com Service Max 990 Gallon tank, 50 hose, 40 gallon per minute pump, triple axle, email: sales@shortlineag.com CLEARANCE C for oMax d R o x 1177 • Scobey Mon ana 59263 Bo IN STOCK THIS ONE, IN-STOCK FUEL TRAILER.................Reduced toaluminum $28,995 generator, welder, tool box, 55 wheels Call forOn details...................................................................................................Retail $18,995 Sale $16,995 406 6w -487-2216 ••1-888-255-4790 w ebsite: www.shortlineag.com generator, welder, air air compressor, compressor, tool box, 55 gallon gallon DEF DEF system, system, ............. aluminum wheels ebsite: www.shortlineag.com 406 6 -487-2216 1-888-255-4790 CLEARANCE $29,995 Call Retail $38,085..... email: sales@shortlineag.com CLEARANCE $29,995 Callfor fordetails............................................................................................ details............................................................................................ Retail $38,085..... Service Max 3 - 990 Gallon tank, 50 ft. hose, 40 gallon per minute pump, triple axle, Bo o x 1177 • Scobey, Montana 59263 o6xemail: 1177 •sales@shortlineag.com Scobey, Montana 59263 Bo 406 •• 1-888-255-4790 generator, welder, air compressor, toolwww.shortlineag.com box, 55 gallon DEF system, aluminum wheels w ebsite: 406 6w-487-2216 -487-2216 1-888-255-4790 ebsite: www.shortlineag.com Call for details............................................................................................ Retail $38,085..... Bo ooxemail: 1177 •sales@shortlineag.com Scobey, 59263 Service Max 3 - 990 Gallon tank, 50 ft. hose,Montana 40 gallon per minute CLEARANCE pump, triple$29,995 axle, email: sales@shortlineag.com Bo x 1177 • Scobey, Montana 406 6 -487-2216 • 1-888-255-4790 w ebsite: www.shortlineag.com generator, welder, air compressor, tool box, 55 gallon 59263 DEF system, aluminum wheels ebsite: www.shortlineag.com 406 6w-487-2216 • 1-888-255-4790 Call for details............................................................................................ $38,085..... CLEARANCE $29,995 ooemail: xemail: •• Scobey, 59263 Bo Bo x 1177 1177sales@shortlineag.com Scobey, Montana MontanaRetail 59263 sales@shortlineag.com

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Scoring cows helps cattle management

By Kris Ringwall, Beef Specialist, NDSU Extension Service udders. With time, the heifers will mature slowly and each udder will do the same. I already could see in those lower-scoring heifers the beginning of a challenge. A bigger point: Had I not written down the udder scores, I would have no record of those heifers. The udder score may become important if the feed supply changes and the center has a need to reduce cow numbers. As difficult as selling a pregnant cow is, cows with potential problematic udders would be candidates for the market cow list. While I reviewed the udders, I also noticed the variation in the quantity and quality of the cows’ hair coat to combat the cold and The concept of scoring various traits for harsh winter. Some first-calf heifers had cattle is common. good, solid hair coats and some did not. I Recently, I had the opportunity to udder regret not scoring the hair coat because hair score a set of 82 first-calf heifers after they condition is an indication of animal health. weaned their calves. The process was not Efforts at finding comfort and lowering very difficult. stress directly relate to how a cow or calf The new Beef Improvement Federation is clothed to meet the demands of the enviGuidelines (http://tinyurl.com/BIFGuideronment. Obviously, hair in cold climates lines) provide ample explanations and diais important. Now is the time to observe grams as to how to score the udder suspenthe hair coat. sion and teat size: “Udder and teat quality I made repeated trips to the pickup to try are among the most important functional to warm up while doing the udder scores; traits of beef females. Udder suspension however, the cows did not seem to mind. and teat size scores are numerical values They simply ate and eventually laid down. that reflect differences in udder and teat In northern climates, we all can appreciquality. Udder suspension scores are subjecate those days when everything is covered tive assessments of udder support and range with frost. from 9 (very tight) to 1 (very pendulous). Well-fed cattle produce a lot of heat, Teat size scores are subjective assessments particularly when fed high-roughage of teat length and circumference and range feedstuffs. As the weather gets colder, the from 9 (very small) to 1 (very large).” frost eventually will settle on their backs, As with all subjective scores, the person and those well-insulated cows will look doing the scoring will vary the range of like walking frost balls. The body is wellscores, but generally, the recording of the protected from the devastating cold that can relative difference within the trait being confront us all. evaluated is noteworthy. The Dickinson Inside, underneath that winter hair coat, Research Extension Center (DREC) has is a very warm, comfortable cow that renot evaluated cows regularly for pendulous ally is not stressed by the cold. She does udders and large teats, which shorten the not need to depend on constant eating, but productive life of a cow. rather, eats what she needs and returns to However, the switch to May calving lima protected, comfortable spot on the range ited chute and ease of pen accessibility, and and quietly ruminates and waits for the large, pendulous udders and teats that were warm days of spring. difficult for a newborn calf to nurse are not Contrast that to thin, poor-conditioned acceptable. Generally, the calf will nurse a cattle that have not developed a good hair quarter or two and the un-nursed quarters coat. They are not comfortable; they are dry up or become problematic. stressed and they are forced to eat more feed As with any scoring system, begin by to maintain their body temperature. looking at your cattle to see differences. Well, I should have scored the hair. Data As I walked through the young cows, I saw not recorded are knowledge left behind. udders were good today. However, I saw Now would be a good time to look at your some that caused me to ponder just how cattle and evaluate hair coats. Add those long they will hold up. with poor hair coats to the list of potential After the initial walk-through and behigh-input cattle to sell if the need arises. coming comfortable with the amount of Even more important would be to body variation present in the heifers, I scored condition score the cows and sort the thinthem. The average score was 8 for udder ner cows off for some extra feed. Keep suspension and 7.8 for teat size, perhaps warm. typical of young cows weaning their first May you find all your ear tags. calves. Nine heifers had the makings of a For more information, contact your local pendulous udder (score 7), three heifers had NDSU Extension Service agent (https:// significantly larger teats (score 6) and 14 www.ag.ndsu.edu/extension/directory) heifers had large teats (score 7). or Ringwall at the Dickinson Research So what does this mean? A point: If one Extension Center, 1041 State Ave., Dickdoes not record the scores today, the answer inson, ND 58601; 701-456-1103; or kris. never will be known. ringwall@ndsu.edu. Today, all the first-calf heifers had sound ##### Remove old bumper stickers with lighter fluid Soak stickers for a few minutes then gently remove with a razor blade

##### A broom is the quickest way to clean snow from a car You can cut the handle down on the broom and store it in the trunk

Certified seed dealers must meet requirements By NDSU Extension Service

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page C55

We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.

FUEL STORAGE ~ FUEL CONTAINMENT ~ FUEL SYSTEMS All products meet EPA/SPCC agriculture standards

CALL FISHER METAL PRODUCTS for information and pricing on: Vertical Fuel Tanks 4000 to 10,000 gallons Horizontal Fuel Tanks from 500 to 6000 gallons ALL TANKS are UL 142 Certified –– DOUBLE WALL TANKS meet SPCC Secondary Containment Rules

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Tier 1 and Tier 2 spcc compliance plans available at no charge! Professionally engineered plans are needed for systems over 10,000 gallons

Meets all NRCS-EQUIP standards and specifications

As the seed sales season gears up in earnest, the North Dakota State Seed Department reminds retailers they must meet minimum requirements to handle bulk certified seed. “The Seed Department has received a number of calls from seed facility managers regarding the requirements to legally sell bulk certified seed at their facilities,” says Steve Sebesta, North Dakota State Seed Department deputy seed commissioner. “In some cases, those facilities already sell common seed of branded products such as corn or soybeans that are not typically certified.” Sebesta adds, “While these facilities usually do a good job of meeting the requirements to properly sell those types of products, they are often unaware that handling certified seed has its own set of requirements and they may not simply add certified seed to their product line without some planning.” In order to handle and sell certified seed, retailers must be inspected and approved by the North Dakota State Seed Department. Bulk retailers must meet certain minimum requirements for equipment and management practices to ensure compliance with state seed certification regulations, state seed laws and the Federal Seed Act. A permit is required to operate as a certified seed bulk retail facility in North Dakota. Permits are issued on an annual basis following an inspection by a Seed Department inspector. Facility managers are under agreement to handle all seed and records according to certification rules and regulations. In general, the agreement covers specific practices relating to handling bulk certified seed, record retention and compliance with state and federal seed laws, including Plant Variety Protection. Specific requirements for facility management can be found on the North Dakota State Seed Department website at http://www.ndseed.com. Equipment requirements, although minimal, are in place to maintain the genetic and mechanical purity of the seed lot. Approved hopper bins must be equipped with bottom access ports or inside ladders to permit access for cleaning and annual regulatory sampling of seed that is offered for sale. Bins holding certified seed must be labeled properly with kind, variety, class and lot number. All handling equipment, conveying equipment and bins must be cleaned thoroughly before any lot of certified seed is conveyed and stored at the facility. Augers must be reversible to facilitate cleaning between lots and varieties. To ensure product purity, the number of physical moves is limited. Bulk certified seed may be moved only twice after final certification has been completed; the second move is to the farmer. A completed bulk certificate must be issued for each load of bulk certified seed at the time of delivery to the farmer. That certificate constitutes the legal label required by state and federal seed laws. Approved bulk certified seed facilities must maintain complete and accurate records for three years for all seed sold. A representative 2-pound sample of each seed lot sold by the facility must be retained for one year from the date of final disposition of the lot. Samples must be identified by kind, variety, class and lot number. “The North Dakota State Seed Department promotes the use of high-quality certified seed,” says Sebesta. “And we believe retail facilities that offer certified seed to their customers play an important role in providing the best quality seed, with the newest genetics, to farmers. Seed retailers interested in adding certified seed to their product line are encouraged to contact the North Dakota State Department at 701-231-5400 to learn more about the process of becoming an approved certified seed-handling facility.

H 12-ft. H 16-ft. H 14-ft. H 18-ft. H 20-ft. Other sizes also available

Fisher Metal Products 622-5233

Fort Benton



Massey Ferguson 9635 with 9175 rotary head.$74,900 MacDon M100 35-ft. D60S............................... $69,900 MacDon 7000 with 30-ft. 960 header............... $27,900

2013 Massey 1375 15’3” cut............................ $26,900 2012 Massey 1375 pull type rotary.................. $23,500

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2017 — Page C56

Call Jim Filipowicz 1 800-334-5964


(406) 761-4848

After Hours (406) 791-6712 RAILROAD FLAT CARS

2-6000 gallon Poly Tanks

For Bridges


For Non Potable Water Storage


Fax (406) 791-6708

Steel Department & Salvage Yard Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Salvage Yard – 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Saturday


Great for grain storage

#2 Railroad ties - $1000 each

Overseas Containers For Sale 20-ft. 40-ft. & 53-ft.

#1 Railroad ties - $16 each

Cincinnati 6S12 Shear

Overseas Flats - 8’x40’


Call for pricing

8”x.188 FBE Surplus Pipe

Used Electric Motors & Boxes

USED SUCKER ROD: 3/4”, 7/8” & 1”- 25-ft. lengths

New 12” - 48” Steel Culvert

Good for Corner Posts

Used 2 /8”, 2 /8”, 31/2” & 41/2” drill pipe 3


Leather Gloves 5” channel construction on bottom with 3” channel on top 10-, 12-, 14- & 16-ft. available

Domestic A500 Grade B 6”x.250 well casing, 20-ft. lengths....

Great for bridges

42-ft. lengths

3/4” capacity

(8) 2 left Hobart meat saws

In Stock

Now Buying

Automotive & Heavy Industrial Batteries

NEW 20-ft. Containers

✗✗✗ Fencing Supplies ✗✗✗

New 12” - 30” Poly Culvert

Patty-O-Matic & Hollymatic

NEW Rebar


3/8” & 1/2” - 20-ft. lengths


Sand & Slag Abrasives

Culvert Grade Pipe 22” - $15.00/ft.

4” x .250 wall surplus pipe - In Stock Random lengths

Great for corrals

11/4”, 11/2”, 13/4”, 17/8” & 2” O.D.


All approximately 20-ft. & 24-ft. lengths

Various sizes available – CALL

Chicago Heights Steel Fence Posts – All made in America

51/2’ & 6’ T1.33#


42”x .865 wall

Tubing • Pipe • Angle Iron • Plate

Round Tubing

Used 5-ft. Guard Rail Posts

(2) Hobart M802 dough mixers 80 qt. capacity

and Combines

Round steel post caps 31/2” & 27/8”

We Buy Old Farm Tractors


16.5 CAL tie wire $4.95/Roll

13-ft. 6” and 26-ft. Lengths Available


New Red Brand and CF&I Class I Barb Wire ] Sucker Rod Hangers ]

12” Standard Black & Galvanized Guard Rails

8”x4”x5/16”sq., & 6”x2”x1/4”sq. More Sizes Coming In. CALL!




Call Fred, Dick, or Joe


1408 52nd Street North  •  Great Falls, MT 59405 (406) 761-4848


& beams IN STOCK

• Stainless Steel Sheets • Flat Bar • Pipe, Fittings


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